,;TIEE JOURNAL:";! PENCIL NOTES. Ended the white hat season. Delightful the weather andjthe roads over the left - '. To he married Hon Jas. Buchanan, and Mud. Polk, widow of the late President. . . Unusual. A terrific thunder storm passed over this place oa Tuesday morning ah out 1 o'clock. Left town 'Scratch j.y It's said that on his ar rival in. Philadelphia, there was an 'orful' rise in th cassinett market. 'Startlin wfr'--the redoubtable 'Eob, of brick nd mortar notoriety, ha got to work! That's right Roberta put 'em through. -'-.' . All right. Some of the papers are describing a new counterfeit bank note as having for its vig nette female, with a rale In her lap." Indignant, very the Lumber City 'counter fcopper' at soma remarks in our last paper. Ile'd b.-tterholdhis wind..It wen'tpay to spend itonus. Enterprising Jlrm Merrell A Carter. They hare one of the most citcusive Copper, Tin, and Sheet-iron waro establishments in this section of the state. Tall the trees in Wisconsin It takes two men and a boy to look to the. top of them. One. looks till he gets tired, and another cominenoes where he left off. : ' Expensive amttscmeiit -An article in the Dub lin University Magaiine states that the present war with Russia costs England and her Allies a Quarter of a million sterling -per day. . A sound pumpltn. R. F. Ward has in his pos session a pumpkin of most enormous size, weigh ing 105 pounds. ' It was raised on the farm of Mr. Wm. Tate, and is emphatically -some puckii-.s!' . Going- to write a hook our friend U. J. Jones of Hollidaysburg. It is to be a history of the Juni ata Valley, and we'ean safely testify, in advance, that it will be well written and interesting. U. J. is just the roan.to do it. .. Important imwt. It is said 'that there arc alarm ing symptoms of an increase in the royal family of Louis Napoleon. The latest intelligence is that the Empress was 'doing writ,' which will be in teresting to mothers general'y. Tte Pacific Railroad. -,-VieUarn from the St. Louis Xews thai preparations are making for the opening of the Pacific Railroad to Jefferson City It is understood that the road will be ready for opening on the first of the coming month. Snnbury andErie Railroad. A contract for the completion of eighty-two miles of the Snnbury and. Erie Railroad, has been awarded to Messrs. Ring, Brown & Co., of Erie ; Patton &. Gossler, of Lancaster ; and Struthers'A Co.. of Warren. Tttmored F. M.' Bell, the gentlemanly Tost Mas ter at Tyrone, to make room for J. B. Stewart. Mr. Ball was one of the very few appointed by Campbell, who was capable of discharging the du ties of tho office. Wo can't imagine why he has been removed. Go-jd definition. A young disciple of ..Esjulap-1 ius, in Curwonsville. who by the way. is a pretty clever fellow, and who took a glorius 'one horse jubilee', over fbe result of the election in Clarion, defines DciD-orasy" to be stcC to the ticXef V . That's it. to a fraction. Xothing reinarhthle.- ;Sorrell-top' says, we '-ought. to he licked-and he knows somebody that would like to do it.' Well, so do we know soine: body that wmld xike' to. but, like 'Sorroll-top,' they know better than to try it Perhaps some of them would like to 'Pope' us, as they did poor old Mr7 Conklin. -A ,rieh.xlicl. The last Borgia" undertakes-to make capital for Judge Kane, out of the 'achieve ment of his son I) r. Kane, who has just returned from a voyao to the Arctic regions. It's a kind fargumeut that mijht hi 'directed to an order of intelligence about as high, as a groundhog or Berkshire pig. . Where' li mi im ? They have a baby in Boav rr county which is only three years of age. weighs njer one,, hundred, noun J 3, and i3 three feet two inches in height. . He measures forty-four inches around " the chest nnd twenty-seven .around the thigh, -ttllivvhaad is twenty-four inches in circura riee. Almost as bigas Ward's'pumpkin. - Vnihhf' hint:t those who are indebted to us. could conveniently 'pay up,' it would enable us to ry our . debts And tuy enough for ourself and bands to eat this winter. A dollar and a half here, and another there, soon raakas a pretty large sum. and we hep our friends will see the propriety of 'helping ns a--trifle.' If they want us to send thetn. a good paper, they tnnst enable us to -live well.' A man is never in a more happy mood than after eating a good dinner. Something to remember. It our merchants nod business men', who are receiving large supplies of new goods, Ac. desire to sell them, and realize their money in a short time, they must advertise. Lei the people know what you've got. and. when they "want an article, they'll always know where i-a get it. .Besides, they know that men who ad vertise are.' liberal, and will sell at lower rates than a poor miserable devil who id afraid of a penny. It's a sood sign, . Don't hi it. Our friend Billy Gilbert, don't Jike to be called a Know-Nothing. Xcw converts never do at' first, but never mind, Billy, yon'Il toon get uaod to it. The cat's out of the bag, now. co there's no use in denying it' You know you teere. at that meeting Billy, don't you mind the Bible lying on the counter, and two or three other little' things, with what was said to you, and that you dut'tel leave until the truing adjourned.- Ah, Billy, you're a sly one! Shotting affair. We learn that a difficulty oc curred at a corn husking, in .Chest townshipj on Wednesday last,', in which, .'our friend Aaron jPearce was shot in the shoulder. A young man panicd Davis, and a young Pennington, got into a squabble, when Davis pulled out a pistol and shot 'at Pennington, but ..missed binj and shot Mr. Pearce; who was taking no part in the matter whatever:1 ' It -was , an unfortunate oecurrance.- . Mr., Pearce is still living, ' though dangerously wounded. The corn husking was on the farm of Ir. James Cnrry. -1 1 - ... Convenient arrangement. Vo have heard ft de scription of a najv mods of sending lumber to"1 the river, in operation at tho extensive mill of Irwin A"Hyman,at Snow Shoe, that for ingenuity aid. ccyivsnienee,- ejieeis anything of the kind that has v er come tinder ourobservation. It consists of a trangh, one mile and ft quarter in length, from the mill to the rivera in which the boards,' pUnk, Ac, are thrown, and carried by water, at railroad speed, to the rafting ground, where they are drop ped, for piling up and rafting. They have bad it in operation for some time, and find it well adapt-' ed to the purpose, saving them hundreds of dol lars that would, otherwise, have to be expended ia hauling.- It in worth going to seer'' ' ' ' ' ELECTION .OI' CANAL CCOIMISS'R. Official JReturns. -m c I'd" COUNTIES. S o 2 g g S " X" Q "o M Oh'-' .H r- u , : "a g : Adams 1784 1G79, Allegheny C740 5877 2357 239 Armstrong 133 2149 121 14 Beaver 1334 1090 581 130 Bedford 1677 1791 Bi'rks C918 82G1 131 Blair Hoj' 2392 1 Brjdford 247j' 417S, Bucks ..'.. 5328! 41231 3 12 Butler 2182; 2-382 120 Cambria 2063 r 1437 Carbon 1187 519 2S1 Centre 1851 2033 Cluster 4460 468 Clarion . 2154 1508 j Clearfield 1409 1013 Clinton 931! 99C 10 Columbia 1736; 984! Crawford 2015 2u9lj 791 Cumberland 2399 20G0 1 Dauphin 2031 3021 .. -1 13, Delaware . 1487 16S2 12' ' 2'J, Elk 350 236 14 Erie 1G98 2113 471 15j Fayette . '. ! 2620 - 2312 12 j Franklin 2411 28GO 3 Fulton 822,- 609 Greene 1997 1393 4 Huntingdon 1196; 1920 Indiana C67l 2315 GSG! Jetll-rson 1039' 1013 Juniata 837, 1023. 20 Lancaster 5099 5301 j Laurence 854j H97i 635 Lebanon ' 18G5 ' 22"X5J ' Lehigh 3394! 20331 2 Luzerne " 3957 3571 "2 21 Lvcoming 2266 2034 2' M'Kean 205 j 455; j Mercer 1G35 18U8, 563 Mifflin 13101 1382. Monroe I 1327; 531 j Montgomery I 5207, 3)73 4 66 Montour 920; 438 j Northampton 3738j 2113 NorlhumbcrFd 193 101l 751f Perry 1332, 1539! Phila. citv nnd countv 28284 25770 20t 170 Pike " CU 64 8, Potter 436 G34 50, Schnvlkill 5012, 1775 20S2 Snyder 819 1C90 27 Somerset 1181 2050 Sullivan 317 292 6, Snsriehanni 1579 2101' 29. . i Tioga .1381 1723 lOO'.V f Union J ; 793, 1C00! 15( Venango 1501 1468j 57j H'arren 717 958 122. Washington . '3182 3211 173 29 Wavne 1591 1420 I Westmoreland S547 3200, 45; Wyoming 529 794 York &383 4591 i 1612SJ 15359 7063 4041 4 62 il988 42 133 RECAPITCLATIOX. For Arnold 1'lumer, Dcm. " Thomas Nicholson, Fusion, 161.28) 15J,39 10 921 Plnmer over Nicholson, For Williamson, Kep. " Clever, American; ' ' M irt In"; A ta Krm " Henderson, Whig, Plumers' minority, 7063 401F -571 '2JH0 13,945 32 i The Kazok-stroi" Max. This remarkuble indivi iual has recently been forced into re newed notoriety, by reason of a charge madj against bim that he was n member of t!ic Fro.e Love Leagnc. This 'imputation lib indignant ly denies in the following characteristic letter to tho X. Y.. Express :'lt is asserted in an article ,in Tuesday's Express, that I belong to an association of Free Lovers, which-meets in the Dowry. I positively deny tlie truth, of such an assertion. It is true, I Lelong to an association of respectable lidies and gent'.e meu who- meet to inve&tigato the phenomena of Spiritualism ; but to my knpwlexlge, not one of thorn is tinctured in thy least with the free love mania. As fcr myself, instead of a Fice Lover,' 1 :im a 'bound lover,' having baen joined in wedlock some twenty years; and as yet I have had no pissional attraction strong enough to sever th s cord which binds me to the atEnity of my youth. I have never yet be.ni aLla to tind an more of the same sort.' IIz.vht Sumi, Razor-strop Man. JlDCE B.vRKtTT. Wc clip tliii following ac count .of Mr.' Barrett's election from the ''Honesd-ile Democrat." . Mr. George Ii. BanvU's .mjon'ty for Presi dent Jude is in the neighborhood of 3.000. lie was the regular nouiiu ited candidate. His competitor was Mr. Thomas S- Bell, a volun teer. In Carbon county Mr. Bell was suppor ted by the whigsand know nothings. In Mon roe county Mr. Barrett received the votes of the whigs and know nothings, and was oppos-' ed by a considerable split from the Democrat ic party." In Pike county the whigs and know nothings went in for Mr. Bell, and had some Democratic help. In Wayne count', most of the whigs and know nothings voted for. Mr, Barrett, though a small portion of them,, in conipanv with some of thi Democrats, "went for Mr. Bell. ' ." . More Fobkigx Outrages. On the 17th instant, a body of armed Irishmen tore down the bridges, on the Brantford Kail Head, and would not permit the cars to pass and on the 18th, at a ward election in the city of Balti more the foreigners and a band of native row dies attempted to drive the Americans from the polls. All this is a matter of course these aliens, many of whom are fresh from the pris ons of Europe,- have been flattered and tickled up by the locofoco press, until they really be lieve tho country was made for them and since they were shielded and justified by these demagogues, for murdering peaceable and un offending citizens in cold blood at Louisville, they defy all law, and burn, destroy aud mur der, as though "natives to the manor born," bad no claim on life or property. Dallas for the Presidexct. Tlvo Wash ington correspondent of the Xew York Times gays "the friends of Hon Gkobge M. Dallas for the Presidency are moving steadily, si lently and cautiously, in his behalf; and al ready the movement is far more : formidable than th friends of rival candidates suppose. r Prudent and skillful politicians are laying the wires in each section of the Union ; and every measure calculated to s?curo success, which can bo initialed t this early day, is being availed of. JUe "friends of Mr., Buchanan, however, have taken the alarm,, and are en deavoring to get him home again, early as possible, to command his own ; forces in person.." , ; . ; ' Sportimq Women. A match game of bil liards for $3000 is to be played in Xew Or leans soon, between two Creole , ladies of the "first respectability." These women are said to have fcw eqnals at the game, even among gentlemen., in the United Stales. Eauly Sleigiii.no. The citizens' of Shrews bury, York county, Pa., and that vicinity,, en joyed tlw rare spirt of sleighi ng on Suturda',, it being pronounced by those engaged in it as , most excellent. ' ' Well Again. We are glad to announce that Dr. A. M. Hills has entirely recovered from his recent illnes3, and is again at his post, ready and willing to serve all those who desire to have teeth extracted, inserted, plugg ed, filed, cleansed, or 'repaired.' Those having business with him. will find l int at his office adjoining his store opposite Hemphill's Hotel. MA KRIE D, On the 25th inst.. by Uev. A. M. Karnetz, Mr. Kverett Hall, of Clinton- county Pa., to . Miss Elsie lloss of Curwensville, this county. I LATENT SAISACIE CUTTEKS. S. OAUTH'S improved Snusngo Cutters and Staffers, for salo by MERRELL & CAUTF.lt. Oct. 31, '55. ' STRAY 3IAUE.-Ca.nie to the rcsidenoo of the undersigned living in Knox township, an Iron-grey mare, about six years old, having sadi die marks upon her. and one eyo not sound Tho owner is hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, other wise sho will be disposed of according to law. Oct. 31, ISoj, 3t. L. J. CATJICAUT. STRAYED OR STOLES. A dark grey mare rising five years old belonging to the Rubssriber, d isappeared from the field of HnMiY Waple, on the night of the 2lst of October. - As the inare was bought in Jfl'erson County it is sup posed she ha been taken in that direction. A liberal reward will be paid for her recovcrv. J CROWTilER. Tyrone City, October 31, 1855. 3t. . I'LE OF COURT. WHEREAS, The ith Section of the Act of the 14th of April, A. I. 1855, requires the Court of Quarter Sessions, by their Rules to fix a time at which applications for Licences shall bo hoard, and at which all persons making objections' shall tilo be beard. Therefore, the Court .fixes tho THIRD day of each Term, at 3 o'clock, P. M., of said day, for the hearing aforesaid. And they direct this Knlo to be entered on the Rules of Court, and published in the several news papers of the County for three weeks. By order of tl)o Court. Certified froni the llecorda. WILLIAM PORTE tt, Clerl ofQ'i irt?r S-ts:ont of 'Jlearfdd Co. Clearfield. Oct. 31, 1855. 3t. LE AR FIELD INSTITUTE Tho next term of this Institution will commence on the ltKh of November, 1355. All person." wishing to fit themselves for TcACir ep.s. or other avocations in life, will here receive ! every desired facility nnd attention. A thorough 1 ' 1 . . I .1 A f .......... i T n w. 1 1 f I lin.a ffii'nn tt tcruis lower than any other similar Institution in the. tato. ' " Papnts at a distance can obtain boarding for their sons or daughters under the humediato care of the Principal, whore they will receive rare ad vantages, w ith all the cinir.irts aud pictures of a home; and their morals will bo carefully guarded. The rates of tuition per quarter lire : Primary English, S.2 50; II igh English, $5.00; Classics. S3.00. Mathematics, above Algebra. 33; French, Drawing- and Painting. S5 each. W. A. CAMPBELL. pmxciPAL, Further information, and Catalogues of the In stitute, ean be had bv addressing Oct. 31, '55. J Clearfield, Pa. H O! FOR THE TEMPLE OF HONOR ! ; 11 A D I X tr M: G IR K' t, TLN, COPPJ:?, & SHE ET-IF.O?! W ABE . . pliip5l)iirgt ';pn. . IlllAl'IX i- M'OtlRlv have-ju.'t opened an exten sive Tin, Vi)i r, i.y tih'rt-lroii Ware ZLintifartit ry, where they arc at all times prepared to supply customers wi'-h every conceivable article from the smallest Coffee pot spout to tho longest pipe ima ginable. They will do both a . WllOLESALE & RETAIL business, and will at all times have on hand a targe assortment of ready-made ware. HOUSE S V O U T I X G '?.ono to order, on the shortest notice, and put np in a neat, gubctantial manner. STOVES, STOVE-PIPE, $ KETTELS, of tvjry variety kept constantly on hand. They will furnish to order any of the following Cook Stoves, via : Tho William Pcun. Queen of the We-t. tho Atlantic, and Cook-Complete.' all of hih are suitable for bo'-l wool and coal. Ainorg the Parlor Stoves will be found the "Lady Washington." the "Excelsior." 'Home Parlor,'. Ac. Produce of all kinds takc!i ia exchange for .roods. , A. A. UK A MX. JXO. 1). MCI UK. October 24, lt)55.-tf - ' ': ("t AUTIOX. All persons ore hereby cautioned J against lnedling in any way with a certain bay liorss, now in possession of Vm. tf. Porter, of I'enn township, as the said Horse is the property of the subscriber. : . AAS. MOOKE. October 17, 1855. St. - ' T O U H N EVHA3I BLACKS. II ITn WAN 9 TED: Tbo subscriber wants agool Ulack ttnith. to work in his shop at Grahnmton. to whom tho highest wages will be paid. Ap plv iminedi iitely. HEJOil" AIYEUS Grahauiton Oct. II, 1855. St. JAXTED, EIGHT SCHOOL TEACII- LltS. Jeaehers within:' to apply for schools in the District composed of Pike Township wiil please to meet tho Board of Directors at the house of Isao Dloom Esq., in Curwennville on Saturday tha 10th of Novojuber next at 10 o.clock A. M.. at which time the Sueriutendantisexpect ed to be present to examine teachers and give cer tificates.. Come along. . Py order of the Board. JOHN NORMS Sect'y. Pike Township, Oct. 17, 1855. rOOD'S ORNAMENTAL I HO X W O K K S Riige Avenne, PHILADELPHIA. The attention of the publio is invited to the ex tensive mannfectory and ware-room of the subscri ber, who is prepared to furnish, at the shortest no tice. IRON HAILING; of every description, for CEMETRIES, TUBLIC & PRIVATE EUILD INGS, Also, VERANDAHS, BALCONIES, FOUNTAINS., SETTEES, CHAIRS, ; ' LIONS, DOGS, Ac, Ac, ic, Ac, 1 ' and other Ornamental Iron Work of a decorative character, all of which is executed with the express view of plensing the tasto, while they combine all requisites of beauty and substantial construction: Purchasers may rely on having all articles care fully boxed and shipped to their place of destina tion. A book of designs will bo sent to those who wish to make a selection.- RORERT WOOD. . Ridge Avenuo below Spirng Crarrden St.;- Oct. 6, '55.-3m. . Philadelphia. I EXCHANGE INS PRANCE COMPAN V, li No. 11, Merchants' Exchange,' PHILADELPHIA. . This Company, with an ample Capital, well se cured, is prepared to effect Insurances in Clear field, and adjoining Counties, on terms as liberal as consistent with the cafetv of the Company. jno. Mcdowell, Jr.. Oet. 3, lSoa-l . . Secretary. CUUTION. All person indebted to the sub scribers for BLACKSM THING, are hereby notified not to pay any such accounts to JACOB HERE, the late Blacksmith, as we had him hired by the month, and all accounts are to be settled by us. J. P NELSON A CO. Grahamton, Oct. 3, 1855. . D RIED CHERRIES for sale, at the store of ct. ft.J - A. M. HILLS. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Estate of JohnGrahim, Sr.. dee'd Whereas Letters of Administration upon' the Estate of John Gra ham. Sr., late of Bradford township Clearfield co. dec'dV havu.hoen granted to, ihe subscribers. Ail persons knowing theuiselves endebted to said Es tate, are requested to make immediate pnyment, and those having claims against said Estate, will present them properly authenticated. The books are left in the hands of John Graham. Jr., for settlement. JOHM GRAHAM, Jr., Ajtr J. P. NELSON, Admr' Clearfield, Sept. 2'J, 1S55. INSTATE olFjOlTN MTQUILLAnT K--I CEASED : Letters of Admiuistra tiouhaving been granted to the undersigned on the estate of John McQuillatn late of llurn.si lo township, de ceased, notice is hereby given to all who have ac tounta against said estate to present them duly authenticated for settlement, and all who know themselves indebted to the estate will come for ward and settle their e-jconnLi immediately. -' iSliAEL RORABAl'GIl,: A m'r, . Clearfiold, Sept. 19, 1S55. Ct. RPHAN'S COURT SALE. Under an or der of the Orphan's Court of Clearfield Coun ty, th?re will be exposed at public sale, on Wed nesday, October loth. A. 1. 16oo. at 2 o'clock. P. M., at the house of Joseph Peters, in the borough of Curwensville, tho following premisos, late the estate of John Scott, dee'd. viz : A house and lot, situate in the Borough of Cur wensville, Clearfield County, at tho south east corner of State aud Thompson streets, coutiiniug in fi out onsaid State ptrect, fifty feet., and extend ing in depth, of that width, along said 'Ihompson street, one hundred and eighty feet to an alley. Terms 10 per cent to be paid ou day of sale, and the balance on cootiriuation. L. JACKSON CKANS. Adtu'r I). P.. X. Sept 12,1855. - I71RESII OYSTERS CHARLES GREAFF, . would inform his friends and the pnblic that he is prepared to supply the wants of those Mho give him a call, at his one door South of Hemphill's Hotel, where he serves up rBssn otsiep.?, saktines, ctieese, and refreshment generally. No pains will be spa red to accommodate his customerj. Aug. 2-t. IEW GOODS: The undersigned Las juit re ceived a large assortment ol WWW U ut his store in KA II Til A US. which he offers for sale cheep for cah or country produce. F. P. I1UKXTHALL. September 5. 1S55. VALUABLE PROPERTV 1'OR SAI.F. . I desire to sell my property in Tyrone City, LMair Co. Pa., commonly known as the Tyrone City Hotel. Comprising as follows: One large three story brick house; Sixiy feet, two fronts, and finished off in complete style. A large and extensive stable, aa excellent wash house and other necessary out-buildings. There is also, on the same Lots, one frame house, with oiit-buiUingsnttaclied, now renting for one hun dred and thirty dollars per annum. The whole s'.ands upou three valuable Lots as in the. plof of said town, and affords several very eligible loca tions for store, olfices, Ac, tc. The whole will bo sold on reasonable terms. And to any person, tic siiicg aa investment, or speculation, now is the chance. Private reasons cause me to sell this val uable property, which is every day increasing ia value' Inquire of Caleb Guyer, or the subscriber J. L. STEWART. Tyrone City, Sept. 19, IflSS.-tf. ' IALL AND WINTI-JK UUUV. J tie suo ' -i?eril-r h just received a largo and well ao- j lected stocK of r t4 i- - of idmost every description suitable to the season, which he is selling off at extremely lowprices. Ho respectfully invites the attention of all who wish to buy good Goods at tho lowest prices, to call at the sigti of tho "GHSAPEST'COOSS.": Country produce of almost every diseription ta ken at market prices in exchange for goods.. lersons wishing to purchase and receive a f;dr equivalent for their money, will do well o givx. hua a call. Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Mnrkct street, and call an I bo convinced tha.t there is truth in the words thereon inscribed. ' . WM. F. IRWIN. September 5, 1S55 "cVfEW HOTEL: Tho old 'Si-.tmiNC. IIousk,' at i NtiW . WASHINGTON, has been re-opened and re-fitted by the undcrsign- cd. who respectfully solicits a share of publio pat ronage. He is well provided with house on and good stablinsr. and intends keeping a Temperance House, at which ho will alwavs endeavor to make his guests fad at boin-e. " JOHN SIIETTEll. August 1. 15j. tf. NlVriRM. MER'SELL & CARTER, wouid inform the public, that they have just opened au extensive COPPER, TIN AND SnEET-lRON WARE On L'econd Street in tlie bcroujh of C h E All F IE LD, where they are prepared to furnish at reduced pri ces, evcrj-variety of articles in their line. ; Steel, Bar-iron, nails, stoves of every variety. Ploughs and tanning utensils. 'pumps of every de scription, etove pipe, patent sausage cutters, fun nel? and self scaling cans kept constantly on hand. AH orders for eastings for Flour Mills, Saw Mills Ac, will be thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. EOUSI SPOSTIBS Ml TB ORDER: They nro also prepared to receive every variety of articles on commission, at a low percentage. O. B. MERRELL. L. It. CARTER. Clearfield. Sept. 19, 1S55 ly. NOTICE : As I am about leaving the County, tho books, notes and accounts of the late firm of D. AV. Robbins A Co. are placed in the hands oj Thomas McCracken one of the firm, and Thomas Henry Esq. for collection, all persons will please come forward and save costs. Also the accounts and notes of Robbins A Men dcnhall are left with Thetnas Henry Esq. for col lection. D. W. ROBDINS. September 25, 1855. : . MICHAEL CONLEY begs leave to inform the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity that he Is now diggiug coal at the bank of Robert Owens, half a mile east of town, where lie will have on hands, all winter, a lot of first rate coal,' which he will sell at the low rate of FOUR CENTS PER BUSHEL at the bank. : - - Orders for coal can be had at Kratzers Store. Clearfield, Sept. 2t5, 1S55. PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell at the residence of John Graham. Sr..- dee'd. in Bradford township en Monday the loth day of October. HORSES, WAGONS.COWS, HOGS, FUR NITURE, and other personal property. : - JOHN (i KAM AM, Jr., I J P. NELSOX, J Clearfield, 26th IS55. 3t. AdirCf. v A large assortment just re ceived and opened Ly v R. MOSSOP.-. A new stock just received at Aug, 22.1 MOsSOPTS-f? Cfirt'ri-S5i ,iew 8ck just received at 2ii&iJL2i5 Jeft.5. W. F. lUWlN ,t tliyyoorfsy Aug22. IMPORTANT TOTIOPSEKEEPERS aso FR V IT G ROW E RS.--A i IH'J il'S PAT eat Air-Si1! 'itl'-Sealiiijr Cans Jare., for Pressrving FrfH rui:t &c. Thts invention. for which a patent has been obtained,' commends it self to tho attention of Housekeepers ar., others, on account of its great simplicity, and the effectu al manner In which it accomplished a very desi rable and useful objoet ' Ths cans and jais arc constructed with a chan nel around the mouth, nerr the top, into which the cover fits loosely. This channel is tilled with a very adhesive cement, prepared for the purpose and allowed to harden. In order to seal the ves sel hcrr.-.ctica'.ly. it it nu'tf ntc. f s ny fof.r-.-U .V cover s'tghl! y. and press it into ylae?. It may bo opened with as much ease as it is closed, by slight ly warming the top. The ordinjiry tin caus. used for the s.ima pnrposa for which this is intended, rnnnot be closed, usis well known without the rid of a tinnsr; are difficult to opcu, aud are generally so much injured iu opening as to be .useless for future service. By this' simple contrivance, the process of hcr mctical sealing is plaeed conveniently within the reach of every individual; and fruit, vegetables and butter (if properly prepared) may be kept, with their natural fl ivor unimpaired, (or an in definite length of time. For salo by MERRELL A CARTER. Clearfield, Sept. 19, 1855 tf. rETIIEM A TRIAL: SILVER'S PLASTIC VAIXTS: munm'Trn UUi, These Paints wiil stand any climate, without crack or blister, and harden by exposure: thus making in lime an enamel of Stone, protecting Wood from decay, and Iron and oher metals from rust and corrosion. They differ essentially from the so-called Mineral Paints of the day, which are principally Ochres, and Clays, and arc entirely worthless. SILVER'S Plastic Paints are purely METALL IC, containing no Aluuiiu or Clay. They are levigated finely, mix readily with Lin seed Oil. (without the trouble of grinding aud flow under the brush asl'ieilp ns the best White Load, and excel all others in body or covering properties, one pound of which will cover 8S much surface a.s two pounds of White l-ad, redlining tho cost two-thirds. '1 here arc six distinct colors., vit : Olive. I Li ht Irowa,. i Liiri-t Choecla'e. All equally valuable as a preservative, and par ticularly udtiptcd to painting the outside of . BUILDINGS. FENCES, STEAMBOATS, CARS, TIN AND IRON WORKS. IiK.Mi:Mi;:;n .' Ejposrtr,'. hardens au-l increases Ihe dumb lily of these P.tXTS. DIRECTIOXSMir with pure Unseed Oil, at ' tUicl'y a-t pastille, at the Pjiut it t'te ln-ttinzr or protrctiuv Ijoly, 'in I lUi u I simp' y the medium, or agent in spret lin it FRENCH A lUCHAItD- Gk.VEHAI. WlIOI.KSAI.K AtiKNTS. Ii. 7. corr.er Tcn'h c . I .Varkei Streets, PHILADZLPHIA. For sale. Wholesale and Retail, Dry nnd Ground in Oil, by Sam'i. Berlix, Tyrone City, Pa. Dealer in Dru:rs. Medicines Paints. Oils. Brushes, Window Glass. Ac " Aug. 15, '55. jVLrM7001)S ! NEW "GOODS ! At the ll Old Corner Store of the undersigned al C U S V E N S V I L L S He has jast receive 1 the largest and best assort ment of Summer and Fall Goods ever brought to Clearfield; consisting of Dry Goodi: Hardware. Queepswnre. Goceries, Co fectionaries, Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes. Carpeting. Oil : Cloih, Ac. Cloths, Ciissimeres. Linen-. Muslins. Do Laines. '" ' - Prints. Dress Silks. Ponnets. Shawls. Mi'.ititiUSj Fiingesj Fancy Toilet articles. La ces. Embroideries, and an endless variety of other article.1! too numerous to mention, all of which he offers at the lowest prices and on the easiest terms. Aug. I. IS55. J. i II. D. r AT. TON. CAiilNET ., MAKING. Ihe uidcraigued would respectfully inform the public, that he has taken the old stand Opposite, the Mclhotlist Church, known as M O It Iv O.W VS SHOP, where be keeps constantly on baud and uianufuo-tnrc-' to order, every variety of Household ar.u Kitchen ' ' ;: fmimE,-: such as Tables. Buroaus, Safes, StaiiJs Cupbonrd, Sofas. Bedsteads. Ac, of every si vie and vaiietv. JOSHUA JOHNSON. Clearfield. Pa,, Aug. ISjj... . TV'OTICE The piibseriber respoetfully informs ,the citizens of Clearfield county, that he has rentid his Tannery to John McGaughey. whom he can recommend to his customers as attentive and obliging. He also respectfully requests all persons to cnuio forward and settle their accounts ns ho is desirous of closing up his busiues-'. Hides txken on old accounts. JOHN McPiiERSON. Aug. S, 1655. The undersigned respectfully announces thut he has rented the T A N N ER Y of John Mcl'hcrson, where lie will keep on hand a t;ood a.-'sortmeut of all kinds of leather, and hopes by strict attention to meet a share of public patrou ag.'. Leather exchacd, or c.ish puidfer hides JOHN' Mc'.i AUGUEY, Aug. 8,-lS;.:. 3i:!.f 1'JTYDRAULfC IIA7T, The subsciibers beg XJL leave to inform the pub'ic that they have purchase! the 'patent right of W. A B- Douglass' Improved Premium. , . IfMttMt Ml,. for forcing water up hi LI, for the Countu-s of Jef ferson. Clearfield. Clarion. Crawford and Venango. They warrant the action of the Machine one year, (when there is sufluient water to carry it.) if ordinary attention is pai l to it. Tho -Ram"' is a simple and effective' machine for forcing water to any required distance or ole vation. . It is perfectly applicable where IS inches of fall can be had. tho the greater tho fall appli ed the more powerful the operation of the machino: Any quantity of certificates can bo obtained tes ifying the superiority of this machine over every other instrument for foreing water to a given ele vation. - " . ' Letters addressed to the subscribers at Curwens ville, Clearfield Co.. Pa. win be promptlv attowd cd to. - : CLARK Jfc CUNNINGHAM.. August 15, 355.-0mo. EW FIRM . HARTSHORN A M'CRACKEN have just received a new and splendid assort ment of goods at their storo in - lumber citv. : r They invito tho publio to give them a eall, and feel assured they will be able to render entire sat isfaction. Lumber. Hides, Rags, Grain, and all other kinds of produce taken in excange. . BENJ. HAKTiilOnX; . , thos. Mccracken. . Aug. 1, 1S55. T K W A R R I V A L. The undersigned has just received a large stock of - adapted to the season, consisting of DRV GOODS, GROCERIES. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE. CONFECTION ARIES. SAILS, HOLLOW-WARE, CEDER-WARE, Ac, Ac. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Grahamton, Aug. 22, 1S53. - . -. A T-.f,., utifiil ami n-x.ll ai.1.A " V QVVV Rp ted assortment just receiv ed and for sabs by Sept. 5, W. F. IRW IN. r-VTfTC -sasl A larS assortment just rc- U OOP SM celved at very low pnecg Sdpt. S. W. F. IRWIN. " F IRE-PROOF P AIN'T, .for sale at June H, R. MOSSOP: tr x. r tw ' Occvlis'8 and AurisU. Deafness and Ear DitAise Ka.iira'lf CitreA. Dr. Le Bnr.vjf 'offers' to"" those sufft-Vlng- from Deafness his INFALLIBLE AURAL REMEDIES, which have been 'successful in nearly 3,000 ctsea of con!" l ined deafness. These remedies cojupris different courses for disciss of the internal, mid dle and external car, nd have iu-en pronounced by -those celebrated aurists, Drs. Cramer,' of Ber lin, Hard, and Delan, of Paris. Curtis. Pflcher and Vearsly of lndon. as being the MOST WONDER FUL and EFFECTUAL ever applied for diseases of the internal nn4 middle car. l'r. LeB., WAR RANTS A CURE in every case where the ear is perfect ia formation. Ho has eighteen certificates of cures from thosa who had been DEAF AND DUMB, sr.d whose hearing is now completely res tored find arc now enabtoJ to learn the language. The names of 2.700 persons who have been cured by Dr. I.cB., may be seep on Kpylicstion. Pa tients, by sending a description of the case, can have remedies sent to' any part of the United States. In c:isj of 'mucus accumulations In the Eusla chain Tube nnd .Tympanum, inflammation cf the mucus niet.ibrane, nervous affections, diseases of the membrane tympaui, called "the drum," or when the disease can be traced to the effects of fe ver? or C'lds. the use. of quinine or mercurial medicines, gatherings intheears in children. Ac.,' this tren'ment STANDS PREEMINENT." When the auditory is dry and scaly, with little or n accretion ; when tbe dcafness is accompanied witu noi-c in thc-ear. liko failing water, chirping of insects, ringing of brl's. rustling of leaves, contin ual pulsations, and discharge of matter, or when in stooping, a sci s ttion is felt as if a rush of blood to the head had taken place ; when tho .hearing is less aecutc iu dull, cloudy weather, Or when a cold has beeu taken, this method of treating the disease is infallible.. Dr. Duft.in is the only Ociulist in the United Stales who practices tho new painless, and suc cessful method in treating all the diseases to which tiic eye is subject Where every other means have t'Vilcd to afl'ord relief, he asks from such a fair and impartial trial. ' . . ' TEST I MO XV. The undersigned practition cis in medicine in the city of New York, having had frequent occasion to witness the practice of Drs. LeBrunn Riid Diifton, in diseases of the Ear and Eye. laying aside all professional jealousy, freely admit, that the course pursued by them in treating diseases of these delicate organs, from the tmp trntli-le l .tufce.s atten-iiiiftit, is well worth the attention of our professional brethren throughout the United States, feeling assured as we do, that Aural Surgery has not met with that attention which its importance demands. Their system of treating diseases of the middle and internal Ear, by " Mrdicul Yttp'ir.t,"1 particularly in chronic or complicated cases, forms a new era in the practice of Aural Surgery; such cases yielding in almost 'V-'ry int a we to this neic and pnirerfnl agent. This practice fills up a void nhicb has lonz been felt by the general practitioner, enabling nim to. rope sitrres fully trith every ease where perfect formation exists. ' In diseases of the Eyo. they seldom require resort to the operation. As skillf'il Aurists and Oculists, enthusiastically devoted to their profession, we cordially recom mend them to such as may require their aid Signed, V. D. MOTT, M. D. ' WILLIS MORTON. M. D. ' C. A. DEVELIN, M D. HORACE WYATT, M. D. JAS. B.FRANCIS, M. D. New York. August 1J, 1SI9. Students wishing to perfect themselves in this branch of medical science, will find an opportu-; nity of j'dning the class at the Ear and Eye In firmary of Dr. Delacy LeBrunn. Union Place. Cliniqucs every Tuesday and Friday afternooc, from 1 till o'clock, during Medical College terms. TERMS 5 consultation fee; ?I0 fee to be paid when the hearing is restored to its original acutcness, or when a watch cku be heard to beat at a distance of IS feet from cither ear. Address Drs. LeBRUNN A DUFTON, Union Pla-co. New York City. - - '" '. " ' N. B. A treatise on the nature and treatment, of Deafness and Disease of the Ear, with the treat ment of the Deaf and Dum price, one dollar. Money letters must be registered by the Postmcster. Registered letters only are at our rish ; please bear this in mind. Correspondent must ejtc.'att pottage for return an-tirers. the uric' postage lo.ic rejitirtng pre-pay-men! of tetter. Aug. 1, 1S55. . . nniiE scientific American el-- JSL EVENXH YEAB Splendid Engraving; and Prizes. The Eleventh Annual Volume of this uscfu! publication commences on the 17th day of September nest. The Scientific American is an' Illustrated Periodical. de oted chiefly to the pro nmlg ition of information relating to the various Mechanic and Chctnic Arts. Industrial Manufac tures. Agriculture. Patents, Inventions, Engineer ing. Millwoik. nnd all interests which the light of PRACTICAL SCIENCE is calculated to advance. Reports of L. S; Patents granted are also pub- lishel every week, including Ofiioial Copies of all PATENT CLAIMS, together with news and infor forruation upon thousands o Other subjects. The Contributors to the is cien life Amtriejji are auiong the most Ea:sEXT Ssicntilic and practical men of the rimes. The Editorial Department is universally acknowledged to be conducted with" (treat Ability, and to be d istinguished. not only for the excellence and truthfulness of its dissus sions, but for iho fearlessness with which erior is combated, aud false theories are exploded. ' Mechanics, Inventors. Engineers, Chemists. Man ufacturers, Agriculturists, aud people or evert rHWESSiox in" Liv&, will find the Scientific Ameri e in to be of great valoe in their respective call jugs. Its counsels and suggestions will save them . Hundreds of Dollars annually, besides affording tacm a continual source of knowledge, the experi ence of which is beyond pecuniary estimate. The Scientific American is published onee a week; every number contains dght large quarto pages, forming aetur.liy a comtdete nnd splendid volume, ;iiat '. i viiiz nirxnRiin hit. GIXAL EXGRA I'lXGS. Tifims. Sitigle Subscriptions. $2 a year, SI for n . . .i. . t-: .. : . . f..- .A..ka f . 1 ...... c ,j txi-jii, .1 e. a 1 1 v 1 - ' v ... . ...... ,, . ' For further Club rates and statement of the four teen largo Cash Pnizts. ofifcred by the publishers, see S American. Specimen copies sont Grants. .. Southern, Western aud Canada money, or PpsV Office Stamps, taken at par tor subscriptions.. -..MUM & CO., : ! Aug. 22. . i?3 I alton St., Keir York. . Tirn?!rn's 1IH117IVP nnw,v. JL-fl- of thw Mogasin: will contain H octavo" pa ges in double columns, each year thus comprising nearly two thousand pages of the choicest Miscel l.invous Literature of : the day. Every number will contain numerous Pictorial Illustralioas,. ac curate Plates of the Fashions, a copious Chroni- ' 1 1 VJ 1 1 V .1 .11, 'n. ..... a.v.b v the important Books of the Month. The Volumes' commence with the numbers for Joe and De- tE2iRKB ; Mtt t-ubscriptions may commence wiiu ary Number. : . '-.. ... . . i... i.. :-. r AF.kMS. lue magaiiue way u uukiuiu Booksellers. Periodical Agents and Postmasters, aud tho Publishers, at "3.u0 a year," or 23 cents number. The sftmi-annua! volumes, neatly bound u,k a m u.i.l nt ticn lf1lnri ftarh- And musiin Sit X. IV'. tl. H.W J .-. - .ww - ' . covers are furnished to those who wish in i ,hav . their back numbers wniforiuly bound, at 35 cents each. Nine volumes are already bouna. ' ,The pubiishers will supply specimen number gratuitously to .agents and postmasters, and will Make liberal arrangements with them for circula ting th Magazine." They will also supply clubs of two persons., at Five Dollars a year, or five per sons at Ten Dollars, Clergymen supplied at Two Dollars a' year, f'.-t t -'- - 1 The Magaiine weighs over seven and not prer eight ounces. . The postage upon each number, which must be paid quarterly in advance,- i three cents. ' ' t . x ' r.'-.". " '" -' ' The pub'ishers wbuid g-ive notice that they have no agents for whose contracts they are responsible Those ordering the 5lagainc' fwa ugM or deal ers, must look to -thorn for The supply of the work. Franklin Square, t. r. July It, 1S. - r. IClLtRD MOSSOP. has ust received1 and opened general assortment of Hardware and Ctttlery. - Aug. 22. . , , - - -r . . . . . . v- -. - - - -ar AriTf' ir riir a -rr. lm Ant nf ht-L, jLj net worked Gloves, at 10 cents pair worti , 2octs at Mossop's cheap eash store.. Jnr 13, '5. " " J ' .lib .1.1 J-. JL M... " , -r -r TT -XT IT Tt TT"f "V