Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, October 17, 1855, Image 3
Hell THE JOURNAL PENCIL -VOTES. Ended the political excitement." Slightly lid -Suva" last Tuesday, Siei the Hon. Lynn Boyd, of Kent-sky. Chilly the weather and the election returns. In a fix the man that broke the "staff of life." Still prevailing the yellow fever in Leuisiana. Abating the fever in Norfolk and Portsmouth. Pleasant the election returns to the Demo crats. ' i'Vocou Brown'i kicking inula . It performs admirably. Qirfei the election in this place. The effect of the "Jug Law." Extensive the potato rot in Wisconsin. It cant beat Clearfield. Winterish the weather last week. Enowcd on 1'riday and Saturday. propitious the weather on Saturday evenirg, for the Catholic Jubilee. Awful'. The mortality, in Norfolk alone, has now reached two thousand ! Ntatty executed job work, of every variety, at thisofiee. Give us a trial. j Delightful the sensation produced by thcnew3 thatyou're liok'd like blazes. Comfortable buffalo robes,, over coats, coal fires, and hot whiskey punch. Hippy 'sorrel-top.' lie's in his element. Wc Lopo he wont bust his -'gartker !" Very rich the pcrfurmar.ee of ;sorrel-top' at the Catholic Jubilee on Saturday night. Long the faces of some of our American f liends. Checr up boys better luck next time. Dead the Hon- Samuel 1). Hubbard, Post Mas tor General under President I illumrc. Jn JViutkiugtou Santa Anua. as the gttcit of Gen. Armstrong, the present Mexican Minister. Elected Tom STica. Coroner. Having nothing else, wc suppose well be allowed to 'crow' over that. Accident. A little son of Mr. Shircy. down tin; river; was run over by a horse on Saturday, and J badly injured. An eclipe. A total eclipse of the moon will take place on Thursday the 20, ist. visible in orth and South America. Coming fast the "melancholy days' Green things are fading, moscjectoes are dead ripe, and chesnuts are coming to town. A itetc 'production ' It is said Grace Green wood is about to 'produce' a second edition of tho 'Little- Pi!griia'T bound iu linen. Ussiest those type we bought to print a glori ous victory with this fall. If our neighbors down town want them, they are at their service. ' ' Something to crote over the election cf Tola diea, to the very high, powerful, and responsible t Eeo of "Coroner. " Tom's 'a sour.d egg.' lit men the two carpenters working in the street opposite our office. They're 'sumo pump kins." the one with the white hat especially iW" arrival ai J. & II. D. Triton's Store in Curwonsviile. Call ted ace what is said to bo 'be largest andbost assortment of goods ever brought to Clearfiold. ZTnuecesxxry. Seme body in Philadelphia L.-u feet us a -Ticket'' for 'Salt River.' Our frioiais need cot trouble themee'ves. us we got a -F:eu rs3"oa Tucsljy. High. Jenkins says that the "drift"' of a speak er remarks fao heard the other night were high-, tr thanany snowbank he ever saw. Probably the fcpeaicr was -some.'' Alupud the proposed amendment to the Con stitution of Connecticut, reoulriug that every , vo ter must be able to read, by an overwhelming ma. joslty of the people.. I'cr' zii.i our sa V p'.ioa 1 ist an 1 j b work. uem along v.e nre room ur a ic, iuuio oi iae soit. V'e suspect 2Cewu:fcn Tdd'.s. wid the a get the red shirt this year. IiiPiit male much -old scr::tcb-bdi:r:.i. Sciarmpting ths meeting at Ca.-wei.rii!!.: t!u r.ight before the election. He'd be'.icr have siuid ax homo watching fr mackerel. IS'evt. The Pope is seCering from an incurable disease, and it is said LouU Napoleon has his eye upon the Papal chair for his Cousin, Lucion I-ona- parte, who is to be made a Cardinal. Short crop. There is ashort corn eroji ia France, aud it i3 proposed to adopt free trade, so as to rea der importations less onerous. Franco will prove a great market for bread-stuffs this year. Wanted some -buck wheat" for our Salt Rive trip. A little fresh butter would be ea.iily ac ceptable. Wiil some of our happy Demoaratio friends furnish it at the highest price for cash ? Illuminated ilonircal. on the r.igbt of th r? 4:h icst., in honor of the victory at Sebr.t ope! f ive columns of the "Montreal Herald,' are occurs.--! ia describing the transparencies used on iLat occa sion. Won't do it fotnc of the opposition want us to hollow -enough." No sir-eel That's not in your breeches. You may knook us down, but we'll get up again, and we'll give you, next fa'.!, a harder fight than ever. The Stat Fair. The j'rojcos!s of the s.ds Vd tickets for the four days exhibifian of the late State Fair amounted to over SV-'O'b The expen ses, however, incurred, will fall but little siurt of this amount. Improper. Mr. Mason the American Minister at Paaris attended the Te. Heuni in honor of the eap ure of fcbastopol. though the Ministers of all tothor .neutral powers were absent. Mr. Mason ought to have aeted with similar propriety. ThcJZlertion in Kansas. Tho Missourianshave been holding their usual ficticious election in Kan sas, pursuant to an act of the ficticious Legislature. They have polled a heavy vote for their o wn can didate, Whitfield, for Congress. The Free State party did not vote. - - ' ' An improvement. louaray Itobbins is fitting up an oyster saloon across the way, where he will furnish, during the winter, bivalves of the very first quality. Tommy i3 an enterprising man. and deaerv'es to be encouraged, lie will oon provide food for both mind and stomach. ' Jtibihe int Brady. The Locofoco Anti-jng-law-ites had a grand jubilee in Brady on Saturday nigni, ai wmcn lae i.uinersourg l-.seulapius de- liverod himielf. "Sam" and the "Raftsman'e Jour- i trict of Columbia, vice Jud:re Cranch, deccas naP.wer burned in effigy. The procession drew Mr- IL lias scl ve1 Con?tcs8-, and was, .- j.-u,- ....t-i.-yt.x, ' . r. .A dnrino- IV.lk's administration, the representa- " v u uuuuio jjie uuiiusiw juvng s xioiei, wnen Cant. n , . " . 4 , A .- r , uo u-t. .uiei inarsnati. supplied the entire crowd with whiskey ! Asplen - did performance J ' - . CLEAEF1ELD CO. GENEiiAL ELECTION RETURKS 1855. OFFICIAL. I C. Com. iJ .Senate DI3T21ICT. Clearfield Borough, Curwensville " Brady Township, Bradford Bell " Burnside " Beccaria Botrgs tc te tC Chest Covington Decatur . Ferguson Fox Girard Goshen Huston Jordan Karthaus . Knox Lawrence M;rris Pike - Pcnn Union Woodward tt tt tt ci tt it tt tt tt ft C7- Americans in Italics. Democrats in lismnn. I w.vi For the Raftsman's Journal. Coiiiio:; Schools. The County Super! fc! .'1 der,t vill meet, the School.Directors and P-i.l.-c.iuts (or teaching as lollows : Cm wcus. i!;e Borough and Piks Township, on Friday IlUii, 1 o'clocU, P. M.. at the sc!io! iionsein Cunv;jis ville. Cartimns, Goshen, Girard avid Covir.g ton, will meet 'at th - scho-l house, n-:;r Preneliville at the turnpike i w.d.oii Suturd.iy. 1 o'clock, P. M. 0:1 th 2,Uh. Oa :4u::d,iy 22 I, j at Lutliersluirg sehool house, vi A. M. i: ; Tuesday. 23 1. at LumherviUe, 1 o clock P. M. trli Vrednesday, 21th, at Kylortown. 10 , o'clock, A. M. On'rnd.iy, 20th, :it Gleuiioj.v?, : at 1 o'clock, P. M. S.turdy, 27th, at rv Va8!sinstyn 1 o'clock. On Tiuirs 1 .iy.2-itli, at the Town Ilall, in Clearfield, at 1 o'clock, P. Jf. j All applicants lor t.u-hing are desirod to; come l'orward at. tlie public exaininatio js, that the Directors and Citizens may see, hear. ;;:;u . know their qualilicAtions. Teachers w'.-.o hoi 1 , temporary eertificutes of last year, will com-.' ; lor ward and 'nave their certiiic.ites roue wed. j It is honed they have improved,' and v.!!! : conn Letter prepared, and will obtain a big.,- 1 cr grado of cettiiieate than tiiey did last ytv.r. ' Tiiere are many teachers employed lro;n nec.s- ; sity, because better arcs not to bo found. Cer tificates will be given according to tjualiiic tions, and none need expect hi.ii.T than U:ey merit. Tcaeliers who hav; nt improved, will have their certificates male lower in rr.ide fr.o Iojil' as ttuv inanifeat no interest in their v - " 5 - liiprovecient and their pupils) uut .ortbl-'ss. ami will be cast oil' as wv.t itil the: are ach. it to t A teacher who understands only the simple Eu.zlish branches imperfeetly, and wid not . study to improve himself so as to impart j knowledge to bis pupils in a way they can mi- j derstamt, is unht to teaeli una govern n sc'm.i ; 1 and s'sor.id be reiected bv every !i-tra o rectors that Pave t!ie good of the coinmirnty at heart, and wisi: the chiUren taught cor rectly in their first lesions of ortliej-rapliy, spelling and readi::?. Errors once m.nl? and est iblisiiod, are li.trd to correct, t'n'-t ini I roasiotis are 1:1 o: lust I n;--. and :f cliiidrcn -re t -.u-l.t err-.us, it is douid-a li".."r to orrcct them, llenee it iV.'.oWa th.-.t a gi.id t. aehcr is wi rth douldj that of a j -our oa.- : for uliat is once do'.ie, is w(-':' d.eu, vA m t lot to the pupils. Citizens are invited to attend all public e x a m i : 1 a t i o 1 1 3 . Teachers may expect a thorough examina tion on all tl.a branches Ihey jind'es-j to teach, and I hope will ome prepared IV-r it. A. T. SCiiiiVVri, C-,nv-'v Zn-cn.i:.',.kn: (fVlcr-iVJl, Pa. "Oiri.r CatT.mss.'" thtrtny Fern writes is i'ollov, s in the Sat. I-lvta.itvt Fust : Here is a '.TUn.arv scliool ; what a ht of liti'.a ra;r.L-e-l r.rchii.s are crow din r in 3;pse 1 step i'l'H'.ie'lv Ri.ioti, them ni ? thav take their placas in swats terraced o'i on.' fttve an other so that oae'd Kttlo face is' disthietirely vi .-'.do. Wh-at a pretty siht '. an 1 liow natuiv lvts to ca:nieiisatj ! sending beauty i th hovoK deioriuiiy to the hall. Thero's a l.-t.y. nw, i:i that ragged j ickc-t who is a study for an artist. See "his" bread, ample -forehead : mark how his dark eye glows ; and that little tiirl at bis side, whoso e,'aes:rat curls dn-'ip so gracefully over her soft (ringed cy,. and dim pled shots! lavs. And that dmam-child in yon der corner, with Idns-voined, transpariiul tem p'es. wliosa spiritual eyes, even new. c 1:1 see that fadeless saor to which bright antr-'ls beclc v.i hint- Deal gently with Iiim 'te is passing away ! Here comes the teacher, brisk, angular and sharp voiced. Jloavon pity Cue children ! I already experience a mental shiver. Now she comes up and says (apcdog'..-tically to my new satin cloak) "you see, madam, these are only poor children." The loading creature! Lucky for her that I am cot "A n omn.ittee." Can't her dull eyes recognize God's image in linsev-woolsev ? Can site see no genius writ- tan in yonder broad forehead? Z'.'o poetry slumbering in yonder sweet eyes ? Did '-"ran!-: -lin. Clay and Webster study their alphabet in silk ami velvet ? She ought to be promoted to the dignity of toe-nail polisher to Queen Victoria ! Now she hands me a book in which visiters' names are inscribed ; and requests me to writ mine. Oertitnly. OJrs. .joan .Smiths there it is. Hope she likes it as well as I do ! Ar.cu3ts;iop IIcgues En"ior.i.- Pri-sip-nt Pikuce. During a recent speech in Canadi this Copisli prelate endorsed Franklin I'ierco an.i his administration : '-The distinguished individual who now oc cupies the position of Chief Magistrate of tlie American nation is worthy of the office he fills. He had the honor of knowing, him, and he was proud to say there was no ground i'or reproach against liim, or against the party with whom he acts." TnK TUFFEHrHT Kis'ns or ice. Professor Agjssiz tims describes the difTerent kinds of ice: First, he says, is that produced by the freezings of th surface of the water and sr.c enssive lavers of water beneath it a lamina ted, schistose mass. Into this bubbles from. the bottom of the pond were frequently fro zen. Glacier ice is formed like puduingstone, compact masses being cemented together, so that when a large lump ot glacier ice is ex posed to the heat of the sun it will crumble in pieces. Icebergs can be determined to be driven from glaciers, and not.to bo the frozen surface of the oean, by - their conglomerate composition. . e" - . '. - - C3p'ITon'. Gr.o. W. Hopkins, of Virginia, has been annotated Chief Justice of the. Cir cuit Gonrt of the United States, for the Dis- r , . t , i .,, j ; , I tive of our government at Portugal, :u.d is i now Qp .f thg j,,,! Gf the Superior Court j f the state of Virginia.' The influence of Mr. Wise is to he seen in this appointment. Assembly f D. Att'y.j! SherW. . t - t ii I ii i'-g- i - M I . ids II? Z i 6 : 'Y. Ii.! -4.. " S S' : ? J s S PS S ? I -g i. 5- 5 - i s ! S l! i E. U lb x !q s S -!! 5 .. .x-i ife 52 CO 57 57,, 57, C- uS -.(2 t2 tTl , 44. 4o. 6j , u-i 4t' 27m 40! 26' t 40. .2.; 3ii 2b' i ' 39, 2,, Cf. 2Dr 41, 28 ' 177:' '30 172'. 27 175 I 25: 175'; 28 177; 23 lo. . lb; SO St) 1 79:1 ' 3li 78-1 30. 80. 32: 7CV S3 81! 28; 75; 10 i 'f : 35: 82 j 41 78jf -41!, 80.! 34',.. 82! j . 41; 83:: 41; 80: j "42j 128', 73:1 1291 77 , 120 : 77i , 127; 79; 127;: . 82. . 131) . 2 ! 13lj 94' "7'' 951 SO1' , :t.V So : H' ..28 13; ; SliL 9S 2o 0 311 35 ; 37j 3t-5 .49 5 -85; !.v 8Sj . 35 . 2v ,34; 12,; ; 33; '77i ' SC i 80 85:1 80; SO;; 43 Sgr , 80; 3S. j , 80 3b; 8:,. 20! 57'! 21! 51 i 22; ;51; 14 SOW 22 49' . 20, . 30. 24;; 2o 28' 37 29' S3 ; 8 ' 3u' ;- 151 .' 5o' ! 29 1 38 . 22J 2J. i 29, 27 51.. 29. 48i 25 .49., 20; SO- 50 29, 47j , 2j, .29. 5t 2 i -1 Hi Si 2.1 4 lii I 1 j I . 2 j.. I . 171 2! ! 17! 17 ! 15:. 20; j 10 2l! 1G! 21 7h-S -'J ,. l i4ii 17j 34-1 17i SS!! 181- Hi .33, 17, CO 2; ItJ 33; 40 I C2 37; Si! 39i 33! 40; i 32: 40;! 33, 40; jj 3oj 9: 39; -Hi 40; : ' li; 40 ! 9 89'! 12; 40! 1 7, 38, . I 20i 43. i 21 42;: 22 42 ! 2l! 42; Id- 41:.2J 40, j, 2.v 84 117(1 83 ! 141 88 i 147 : 87j 145! 94? 138 ; : : i 1, HG 80, 28 110'i SS! II:'.: 83'. 111 ; 38 1 109, i 42' 109. r S3r 109; b i 40: TC,' 97 11 75; 92 75! 95 7l! 52:i 08 7o ! 77; -92' 2,1 i4 71; 53 I 71: 50 7i . 53! 71. . 52 j" 70 ' 50 1 75, -.51; 1; i2 I 12; 34 ! 12 31 ' .12; 83 ! . 10; 81 ; 11 35 : 10 ! 1 H; I ' n .50 I 50- SS I 51: 40 ! 51! 40.; 49 41: 43. HO 9 ; ol 1013:14 ;:) 'lt55;i352 lr011C;'8 9S0 131 1 1..71 1387 "9b5l2tit), . . . . 1 Jt ... i T.,....o Tl!,rT. InrttM-iiilnnt IVinrif.rat. Iial A2 votes. iena!)l maiiieu i;:us . rf.u.ivs MAiiRii:i),;. r-nrcuihcr 27. ult., bv J. W. Wright. ::is curia twi; to J-iIj"? -'.i. if InTkll towr.iiiip oa 2d Jii.ne.hv Davi.I Tt'Il l!s'p. ! I.J Mr Vi'iMI 't Kilii'!,i:. to yiAj.-.aAt'.r.TTE J'.IU- i Win lit.!:, all if Ii-'Iiana county P. Or. .In' V '-s! ,;.V 'he same. I'.fr. V,":r.i io ?iiss Jisr. 1 lura:", fdl if Pciiu town i .-n r. :cr ' "ft, by f ae s.nn iss Lofisi l.AT.i:r.:' E:.us. t t-,vn.d-.! f-f Bell C-n Fuuday cvemr., wo i ,di ms... !:',-..i.Ir. !., Xr. Niv s Pi.;-t.s;., to ' uss II.-im'v. al! of ibis k-onregh. C.u;.. Ti U'TION.-All r..'V?.,nr. ar? ii-:re!.y cau::one-. , against mcilii.g in any wav wuu v -o-sr-ain j I' IV Iwse. novf in y.ii-isessio-.i ci ,u. s?. i t n ? .l i.ors-i is ti. or:-.". r- 1 ,.. : ' r. J-;-""- ;eer 1 , yOril'SSYa t T:i: Ti Ai IJLACKllTdWAa- ?uV.ser:bar win's a .tj-m 1 blaek- to. . o v? .'.on (irs iMit.in. M wiu.r.- no;' .1. - hi,;. Vi : H b" ti-l. A iiKX' -p!v lminec:- i MVi::s a'c!y. ;7;;p . i ten -:-.hers bt ;: - r l!.- P Pbi.m J T SCHOOL TEACH . . . 1 f v. 1 liiitn-; to s.ppiy Jor .3 i T 1 '. 1 of Pi'v" To-,vnV.ip v. i i 1 illli- - ! of I'-ir? :rp, in Car ;-mi!).t r'.'.vt ; 'jyieiae'rn "I ac te3v-her3 ; ' is ai the Q:;;TiIie en ! I i.e!e."k . I V- e 1 1 , be t i o c: 1. ieet y. Pike ToT.-n.-a . 1 -;.". out:-'.? O-.'-.'AiliNTAL IKON iV 'J 21 K 5 . l V a,:i", . I? ii I. A . . ;h- er.tior. of tlio pul.iia is iuvPed to fun cy I wa.e-rr.or..- of the subcri larniah. at the s..'j".-t est. ia f i-vorv ct.:t:;iU.n, for nat.ufccUiry i ; re; I - 1 ' : 1 .t c p ;p ntal:;s rfThh.-, pi 1 l.. Ae.. 'ron Work of . 1 - r-xr- a !i t'le e : : :-,s- I.. t i" 'J .-..try : V r:.l . i. S (1 h-iving ah i'n ir pl.t -. '- s -a.-: ";rn. ' 'y i.;:,i-a r. K.'iafn COMPAQ , ... , - - ' T" f T X Jj i-- j il ' .. . , - . , , , .-.. is fmv it tnv. wtut an Mnniu wnuat. -et .- :,i-oa. is p.iviare-l f eueet 1 ni' ' c'..!. ! r:d a-!;o:ri.Tr Ooi-.r.tic-. en terms hs liberal .: '.'v',i!t tb -suVrv of be Oilman. ' dXO. Me!))WELT.. dr.. Or. i Ser;-!'l n il. rio:;. '. i' TOT . k ' ! r,-- inde'.t: MPTHINV I to the sno .re hert-br to .i.,.t,'.:'ii id biiii iiin-d r. 01: ' -; : " by'; 1 nor io pay nay sir.-h ;,-o: . t'ae ate i t i1 'h, . a i Pl.o-ksiiii'ii. as we lurtti are to !. se'iiou i-.f t. p r.Sf.N : ex. r,.- Crr.'ar.tiit.-.n, Oct. IS.V'v V .SALIL The undersigned will sell rr rl li e .lon:ie ot aohn t.-r inam. . r.. m.i n n lira 'Co-1 township on ?d nalay ihe lat lav of . PCil- XlTCltC. and o:h -r vor?o:i.al i-ropcvty. ,!)MN';!tAHAM.Jr.. A ffj aep.rti: 2;:h iy. St. 1 AUTiON 'Vy'not to pureba? ail "prsons :ire beicby notified, . or liave anything to do with a certain no, p. uatou -!.-; i-ui 1 mi od i.v -io.-coh Fe-ei?. and Mase Raily. in favor o. 3iov'i-l Labo ird. as the undersigned has received no cmisideration for (he pa:nt. a-ed will not pay i unless eotnpei'cd by law. .I'J.IiPii PL f Li-... Curwensville. fcpt. 2o, l.?55. t. lint1 WOTICK : As 1 am about leaving the (Vanity. I'll the books. :iotnnd accounts of tho late f.rm of D. W. ltobbin .'cCo. are placed in the hands .p Thomas McCracken one of the firm, an 1 Thomas Henry Esq. for collection, all persons will please come'forward and save costs. Al-o the accounts ar.d notes of Robbins & -ien-det hall are left with Thomas Henry Esq. for col lection. D.-W. lt-.C!tlN?. September 2a. 183a. milNISTUATOUS' NOTICE Grorg:' V.r. JihfiV. Sr.'t list tte. Whereas, Lotter of Administration upon the Estate of H corse . ltheem. Sr.. larc of Clearfield, dc-eased. have been granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those bavins claims cr, demands n ."a wist the Ks'a'e of the said deceased, will inase kooMn the same, without dcla v. to the underpinn ed. 1.Y1HA KilFKM. Adm'x. ilVJX W. KilEEM. Jr., Adm'r. I iPThe undersigned having taken the Shop oc cupied bv his hue rather, respectfully announce to the public rh;it he will continue to manufacture SADDLES, BRIDLES, HAR2VESS, V-V . and solicits a continuance or tbo liberal patronage heretofore extended " GEO. V. ItllLErd. Jr. Clearfield, August 2s. -i A beautiful and well sc'iee- JMa,li'A rijp ted u.soruneut just receiv ed snd for sale by Sept. a, AT. F. I it WIN. :. r- . -zt) A large assortment just tc .-I'jlCCo qIj eeivcd'at very low prices by'"''pSdpt..i - - w. F. 1RV"1N5 ? "IF.D CIIEURIE: fur sale, at the store of A. M. 11 n.LS. ? TCt.'S. i ACDN A good lot of Ilaius and shoulders ri, Lirs.2. - W. F. TVK'S. : Treasurer. Co. Com.; j Auditor. Coroner, jj il I! to a o ? II fc, '!! 5 ! 3 I G2 "CO f"53. " ci"; 32, 27;, 37: 25,! 8i 170- 30 171 : 22, W. 311 fclii j 82 I 42 8lij 11! 75M 129! 75 U 70! 30; .95' SO ! j SO ! " 38' So I '40' di : 8i'v 85 ! 3. 49 j . 201 50.: 34j 20 88,!. 48,: 29. 48 I 2 ! .- I ! 1 19 ' 10! 19 ! 34 I 14; 83;! llM 11! 7:i ' 39J! 33' 39' I i! 12' 39 ! 41 M 21! 41:! 140 I 85! 148-i 35, 107H 37j 111 ! -97'! 72j 9H,: 10 ; -vl 73 51 j CO! 34' ' 12' ' 31 j - j 40 49; 4i; . I CC 1 232""ri061 1305 ;10i2 1397r,' 323. -GC; j 1 ' leave to inform the citizen? of .'fc3 ClearucM ana vieiuity tnat n 'iyiurr cu.i.1 a; tlio bank of ilobcrt Ower.H. laiio ej:st of ton n. where ho will have -on wiuler. a lot of lirt rato coal, wl-ien no .-ell ift the low rate of at tLfV-mk. . - . -Oi'-ltrj f.r coal can t o hi C:t,.r.1v!d. Sept. 2. lia at Mrr.ti.er5 Storo. A 1 TIM S T 11 ATO II S2l : '.'so'.t.l G,-t t.-it. -SV- V NOTICE. IZstt!? ,,, h e re as 1 ,t ! rs c-f A d : a i n : r a t i: a upon Use i.sate 01 .101:11 im h: ia. Sr.. Pi"? of i'-a-ifonl township ('iearfiebi cc. I iU;e u. i , : , t-ue. j ; m; 1 ; 1 ,.,.,. .ri'-iut.sd () the subsoin-vrs. Ali 4 l:-:...win i'heruelvus t n iebted to sai l E i .- rcp'.',;'e i t. make immediate- payment. ,s.- Ii -.i v i n c'oiin-" e.f.iusi- said K state, will ' ;h' :i! ; j .ipe.ly aalhvntieated. H.hs are left ia the hands of John OraLam. r.. i a ) r-l ;:'A:iAM. Jr., ) V. Cle '-.-!; S the subscriber, a boy to fif- V V t a ui e; uo;;e. tvi.-n vears ot ae. t- toarn toe i.i. !..:! ornamental painting M be m.Tif ininmdiatidv. J UN T.i'MjTfdAN. I.). i-.3"); St. 'A' an 1 c: i".r luak .i ; 10a ...o irCeld. 'Vfj; or Jim: ;smjitillan, bl:- 'KA.-'-;:i. : !.euer- of Adininistra tior.b nviii .sis ranted to the un l"r-i.jr.e 1 on the t-stu "!,:!!:;, . 1 Uuri!ide township. e oi de- !. i;iei.v ? hereby sHon to all v.ha have ae- a :!'-', c-r.il c ..to present thorn da'y :.'!.-.: -Ct'oi- sc-Ultiiicnt. and all who know .... i,....,bted to the will coaio for- ia I i jiiI a thoir aseonnis itmnediately. . I K AK; il' aiiAUAUviil, A lm'r, :r;':e'd. S?n:. ia. -.).. et. .1 .-. v. he Ors :i be c ":- r i! j;:so o t I' liT SAId'. T'nder an or- :.-iu's Court of Cleariield Coun at pablie sale, on V,"ed h. A. 15. Hj5. at 2 o'clock, P. .ay. e ,;t h P ;cis. in tn-r-uoron iu I e i'.'. lowing premises, lab; the :.-. de'd. vi:-: : . i;aa- ia the Thorough of Co -' ; t ..ur.ty. at the souiii . cast i Thompson streets, eo-.t-ui:;: 'iea trite Mil i 1 out aa - in d - :-et. fifty f !?b. ab.u.4 t ihtv fe-.- et. am. ex'eii i s t: 1 j ijotujiSn - to a:: a!Iy. d" r e j 1 1 . r .aid ca lay ot sale. .1 the bal rr. eiTi:iriii--;tioa. cuA.MS.:AdmV i. 11. n AC . 1.-... ; i ir.r. i-i v.rtp:.ic-i i mi 1 is iViav.ds and the public th: o su-e'dy the wants of those who 1 ' Lira a, call. tit i:Is . t. r x - li ij.fr So-ath of Hemphill's Hotel, when ' serves up AT - r - r- , --. - - f"-T!7 . i .m l r: red t... li i rro.dunentJ generally No pains will be sp.v aconimo la'c Lis customers. Aag. 2s). ?.!.: .'illitliSLL d CASTS!?, would tta the public, thatthoy have just opened an 1 xtensivo c..'i-p:-:u. : 0.1 ; AND sni'ET-TUON TVAHE 'f.?a - ' r , ' i'-" ' f V rf 1 t'ae birou -h oi l d," c 1j 72 A Jl where Cacy are prepared to furnish at reduced pn c s. cverv variety el" articles ia their Hue. S.ecL'lie.r-iron. mii'.s. stoves of every variety. Ploa rh:i a -id t inning u cn-.dls. pumps of every sen pttoii, s'ove pipe. lie and s.::f seaiini .'."lit t .usage cutlers, tun cans kept constantly on A'.I orders for eastings for Eiou.r xvliiis, ir-a 7-ViV.i ,tcwill be thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. lithi timilh iiil 10 Mil. I hey are also prepared to receive every variety of articles on commission, at a low pereenieirc. L. ii. CAtlTEIi. CIe--5eld, Sept. 10. 1355 ly. TpIPOT VXT TO TIOUSEKEEPEKS and 1 FRUIT OKOVEllS. AKTHLT-VJ ?AT eti AV-'-'i'.Th lf-Seali'-tj Can Jcs, f-Jr Presar . 1". Fr SA I raiJE, fcc. This invention for which a patent has been obtained, commends it self to the attention of Housekeepers and others, on account of it 5rre.1t simplicity, and the effectu al manner in wbio'u it accomplished a very desi rable and useful object. The cans aud jars are constructed with a chan nel nnmrd the mouth, ncrr the t ip. into whi"b the fr:vu atsb. ..'.ady, This eharnel is filled with a verv adhesive cctaeut. prepared for the purpose and allowed to harden. In order to seal the ves sel hermetically, it in on!( .is.cee.i'1-ry to h.t-U the. rarer sUhOa. and vress it itit ntacr. '- It may bo opened with as much ease as it isclosed, by slight ly wiirmiii;; the top. The ordinary tin cans, used idr tbo siiir.e numose for- which this is intended. cannot be closed, nsis well known without the aid of a. tincsr:-nre difficult to open, and are generally so much injured in opening as to be useless for tuture service. - 1 tt tlw xitiiTilo contrivance, tho process of her n,iiii.i tpalin'i is nlaeed conveniently w ithin the reach of every individual; and fruit, vegetables and butter (if properly prepared) may be kcjd. with their natural flavor unimpaired, tor an in definite length of time. For sale by ,,',' MEltllELL & CARTER;, , Clearfield. Sept. 19. lr" tf.- i , -TEW tOODS: Tho undersigned bna justrc-. ceived a large assortment of . ; !ifa 'swa jn i at his store in . KA U TJIA US, which he offers for sale cheap for cash or country produce., " - F. P.; HU11XTI1ALU Scptertber 6, 1355. ' " ' " FiiiE-ru-ocr v. Jirtfe It tT. for ssrlo at. P.. Mt350T"iB. VALUA15LK PPvOPKKTY i'O SAIdk G XS. j. itoiirc K s'Si mv property in-, a vroii? i it Blair Oo. I'a., c-oiumon!jr known as the ayroi;e Citv Hotel. Comprising as follows: " One large tlirce story brick house, Mxiy teet. two fronts, and finished off in complete stylo. A lar"o ami extensive statue, an exeeiienl wash house nu'l other neecssarj out-buiI(Iin3. There is also, on the cims Lots. one-frni Louse, with out-buildin?3a:.aelicd, ut-w roiijin.' for oi-.e Lun Iroii ar.d "ihirtv dollars per annaui. The whole stiinrU jinon three rnluablu Lots as in the plot of said town, and a fiords several very eligible Joc-;i-tious for store, cfiiees. Ac., ic. The whule will be sold on reasonable terms. And to any person, de siring an investment, or speculation, now is the . - . e.,ll 'VJi rol. chauce. 1 rivaie rcasoca c;iu;f vable projierty, whieh is every day increnstac in value; Inquire cf Caleb (luver. or tlio subscriber 1 J. 1. STEWART. Tyrone City.'Sept. 19, 3ji.-tf. FALL AN O WINTnil GOODS. The sub-stiib'-r l as ju?t received a large and well se- ted stock of '11 VI til nf !,i,nnt pvhv descrintion suitable to the season. which he is selling off at extremely low prices, lie resptetfullv biviti-s tho attention ot ali wno wish fnm.T m-ir.ri CuvU .it the lowest prices, to call at " ""J f . the srgn vt the CHEAPEST t Country pro laco of alnmt every diseriptiou fa lcon nt market nriees in en-hanse for aoods. . Persons wishing to purehase. and receive a fair equivalent for their money, will 'do well to give hiin a call. ' itenieuiber tbo sign of tbo CHEAPEST G(OI.S. on M.iikct street, and eall and bo convinced that there 13 truth in the words thereon inscribed. VxM. '. 1KWIN. September 5, 1855 C5TOVES, STOVL'S. 2"0 STOVES C03S", 3 ItOO;-, HALL, CHUECH, STOIliS, &c To the citizens td ClearGchl The subscriber, re spectfully irform them that he can sell them 'HATHAWAY COOK STOVES. With I'iv' mi- Furniture complete, tit t-te loir- priee of $20 00, delivered at Tyrone Station. War -a-tcS. ia orcvv ; a-rticirar. F. i . Fit AN C I SC CP. rSTIIIE .TCN'IATA CfK S.U)Vi; 20 of these JL ius'lr eelebrated Stoves jnst reeeived. This Stove is sanerseedir the Hathaway toner- sot!S who want a stve that wiil burn a 1 ng stiek. ai-.d eom-i at a lower nrico. This Stove is beav t. bites- thick, and w ill bo warranted cqn.il to any Ccoking Stove 10 use. I his . love w nl take a tn.-o s't. k. Delivered at a vrone J-taimu tor 2-s .-asm eoinrdc-te with l'i: c. 'i in .vvl Hallow waro. . j-UAXCiscr TLS .ft. tove : wantii.1' Hoom, Parlor, atd 9-plato c.in 't tlieni at a vory lo'.v rate. ).y , tat::;x wbe?Ler it is for Parlor. Setting-room. Hi- v.-but si 7.0 Mi.-k Ta use. Ae.. renuttinff us the amour-t of :-aiue. and v.o wi',1 deliver the Ktove in '.p.'od eoTidition at the l.e.vi-i froi of obare-e F- own It. Jt. -'.at:oii. t. FKANClr:CCS i vr rrroVK-s. from via to--S.r.. warranted to ir i.iiTir-.iftifin. or returned a t m v exriense, (iciivercl nt Tyrone. F. G i ANCi-Cb: "57)M:1.0?w ST'lVES, from --" io very large v;n.ttt,. Smvi-.. from 2J. 25. 2d. 2. and .HI. at -a.S:b ST. and si. F. C . Fit ANCiSCUS. . Lewiston, Sept. 12- l'-a. rrvlri" m:vistows-. stove wake F. taAMift;i.N.-ii?f. LUMiiWi taken in exchange A! delivered at Tyrone. F. i'P.ANCISCCS. QOannO i EKT Ot IC, w Jlii.-Vi0 ed deiivtrcd at Tyrone stai navable in Cash on delivery, by addressing - - v. -. P'tAXCISCUS. LV 'IBFlt, wint- 12. LV..',.j Leuistown. l'a. and i:ti:. 2 i ier r- v, T-T7-7 q T w v 1 Cc-rjlia'.s a."-d Av.'is'c. tr Bi- rrg lltiJieatf ! Ci-re l. Dr L'-: i'':rx: oners to tbe-s n? Tl...?.'ob:.s IN FAI.LT ;.'!,:". A I" HAL i tvi from .1VES, wliioi have bvicn of conftrinc'l !ea vesitr.l ia uear.V ...i.ia! cases firmed deafness, these remedies er:ut.c did'erent courses lor lt? : ies ot tto mcrm. miu ,.n. t-.i ..-fr;-!, il cjir. isr.d L'ive been i-ronouui-cd 1.-- t!,n-:-- i-.-i.a ruts I :.;-.r:-?. Dis. Cramer, of Per if,, i f:.i-;l. ami 1 Man. of i'.nis. Cnrt'N. Piljher and Veai--!y of Lmdon. as being the M-.biT V. jNu3-.it-F!"t. PiFFLCTC AL over app'io.i f-.-v dlsesses of !!,o i;ier;if:l ud raid lie ear. Ur. LeK.. V IiANT A CCbK in every easa where the car i porfeetin formation. !!ebas ds.htjeu eerHaeatys of cures from tho' v,-!o had been f'lOAF AXt l-'CJ.' V: ar.d whte bearimr is row eompleiely re- torcd tl'.Ui ate now o:::; ,t.'.i iu iiaui i.iir '--."ri' --s-- he nan:.-s of 2. 7. HI periuii vno Lave Deea cureu vi'r. LoF.. r-.av t-e fe-m on gj-o'tealion. Pa 1 tit-r.t ds, bv ierdirga description f !e case, can have rei dios sent to any p: ri o: atts. . In eae of r.meits aecnmulat ions 111 tne i-.ti'f'a- cbain Tu'.e and Tyiup.tnum, ir.n uiniiatHni f t ;e mucus nn-mbrai-.c. ntrv.'Us a.i- e'.i ui--, ui.-ca.--.- cn the nienibraiie tympfi.i. called the drum." or n t. '-.i-i dU.-as eaa be trace I to tho elseeis ot le- vera or corns, too usf- 01 ion or iner. nrtal !!". 'u-me-. !rfl .tCilil-TS lu lii. I ill ill -iiiMii-u. "- this 'trea'tuent ST VNi'S P:!EFM I NENT. When the pu iit'.rv is dry ar.d sea.'y. with little or no secreaoi. ; when the "de nines is accompanied wit noise in the ear. like falling water, chirping ot insects, ringing of bells, rustling of leaves, contin ual pulsations." and discharge of matter, or when ii stooping, ac:;slt:on is felt as if a rush of blood to the head had t.iken place; when the hearing is less aceuto in dull, cloudy weather, or when a cold ,Ar. been taken, this method of treating the disease in i i t'.-i'lt!1'. . , Pr. Lufwn is the only Oeeulist in too United State who practices the new painless, and sua eessful method in treating all the diseases to which the eye is subject Vi here every other means havo fniled to afford relief, ho asks from such a fair and impartial trial. TESTIMONY- Ibe undersigned practition ers in medicine in the city of New York, having bad frequent occasion to'witnrss tho practice of i.irs. EelJrunn and Ibifton. in diseases of the Eur and Eye. layirg aside, all professional jealousy, freely admit, that the course pursued by them in trcaiinj diseases of these delicate organs, from the HMnr-fllded snecessfittendiiH . is well worth the attention of our professional brethren throughout the United States, feeling assured as we do. that . .. ..t. .. :.. ..l :o.,. p.. Aural Surgery hf? not met witn tnat atienuoii whieh its 'Importance demands. Their system of treatir" diseases of the middle and internal Ear. l,v T,r.,.lr.-:f Ytir-nrs." rartieul arly in chrome or comoiieated eases, forras'a new era in the practice cf Aural Surgery ; such cases yielding m almost rr-ry in-" I nice to this ne:c mi !,", f I azmt. This practice fills up a void which has long been folt by the trenoral practitioner, enabling h.m to cope, 'snreessfully Kith every ewe where perfect formation exists. . In diseases of the Eye. they seldom require t resort to tlio operation. . . As skillful Aurists and Oculists, ent nusiasucally devoted to their profession, we cordially rwota, wend them to such as mxy Tequire their aid Si-ned. V. 1). MOTT. JL 1. . V lELl. JM ..l". -'i- -' C. A. LEVFL1X. M I. HORACK YVYATT. M. . .IAS. 1. Fit AX CIS, I. I). New York. August 10. IS 19. Students wishing to perfect CneraseUes ill this branch of medical science, will End an opportu nity of joininz the class at the Ear and Eye In firmary of lr. L'clacy Lel'.runn. Cuion Place. Clinioues every Tuesday and Friday alternooc, fr.aii 1 till 3 o'clock, during Medical College terras. TERMS 5 consultation fee; S10 tee to be paid when tho hearing is restored to its original acnteness. or when a watch can be heard to beat at a distance of Its feet from ear- Address Drs. LbBHI' ia l r -i v , mi Place. New York City. -. . j treatise on the nature and treatment of 'Deafness and Disease of the Ear. with tho treat ment of the Deaf and Dum price". ne ..ollar. Ioncv letters must be registered by th P.tstniosrer. ' Registered letters only are at our ris'i ; please bear this in mind.. , 1 Crirrcxw.i-ienl must evcloxe pa-:tige for rrturn v'r-er.'the "'" poxi'-g 'fate rfiptiritlg pre-pay W.U G t li tierf. -. . . Aug- 1, ISjj. 4 v 1VE TflEM A TRIALS SILVER'S "- . P LA S TIC P-A I IV TSt . CtlSP, 181103 PR3TECTIVK: ,- WBXmm &?lBBrPB00P.-) Those Paints will stand any climate, without : crack or blister, and harden oy exposure, u., making in time an enamel of fctone, protecting WoiA irom decay, and Iroq and ohcr metals fmm rust and corrosion. They differ essentially from . the so-called Miueral Paints of toe day, which are . j.riueipally Oehrcs, and Clays, and are ecureij r worthies. T SILVEiVS ITastie Taints are purely METAL- - it', containing no Almuia or Clay. . .. They are levigated finely, mix readily with Lin- j seed Oil, (without the trouble of griudicg.Y and iiow under tlie brusli as ireelp as tne dcsi nmw . Lead, and excel all others iu body or covcrinjf , . properties, one pound of which will cover as much surface as two iioundsof White Ia?a I, reducing the ust two-thirds." There are six distiuct rolora, vn: , Olire, I LiiitLrcwa, 1 Ligi.$ CACcola'o, . Liaa:-:, Dark - Do. J Deep Bo. : t All equally valuable fts 11 preservative, and par- -' tieularly adaptej to painting the outside of- ' LCILPINCIS, FENCES, STEAMBOATS. CARS, ;. TIN AND IU0X WOliKS. -Rkm!:mbkr ! Expostire hardens aud tncreases - ihs du rab.liiy o f these JSf- TS. D J fl t'CTIO X,3li.r irith pure Linrel Oil, a thUl-h; r?t poxitl'le, ox the I'atnt is the lasting or protect hi n l-O'fy, out the oil simp'y the tnnHum, . or aztU in fjr'ndtns it. FflENCH A' niCIIAKDS fiCXEKAL WllOLESAI.B AGENTS. TT X7. corner Tenth and T-Tarket Street!, " P 11 1 1 A D EL PHIA, For sale. AVholesale and lletail. Pry and Ground in Oil. by Sav 1- Berux, lyrons Ciy, l'a. Dealer in Drugs, lleclieine Paints, Oils. Brushes, Window Glass." A-e " Aug. la, 'j j. tr-TiMv o."winlKPtV fliiniK! t tbo j V " 1,1, T . . V 4 ' . ' . . , X... ' - Old Corner Store of the uudercigned at .;- C-- - . - ti f. r T T T T" o ci i ! a ki , 1 I xi Ju . . ILo lias just received the largest and best assort- laau of Summer and 1 all Goods ever l;rouglit to Ciearfie'.d; consisting of Lrv (I oods. Hardware. Quecnsware, Gojeries, Cou . feeUoiiaries. Hats and Cans. iooU cad Shoes. Carpeting. Oil ' Cloth. Ae. " Cloths, Casiiiicrcs, Linens. Muslins. De Laines. prims. Dress Silks, Bonnets. Shawls. Mnmiiius. i iamres. Fancy Toilet articles. La ces. Embroideries, and an endless variety of other articles too numei oas to mention, all of whieh ho otters at the lowest irieos ami on the easiest terms. Aug. 1, L-Oa. J. & 11. LK l-.VItU.N. jHAPINET MAuIMf. The undersigned J would res pectiuiiy lulorm tne puojic. mat no h:-.s taken the old stand oppoit the Methodist '."hareh. known as X O 11 11 o W 'S SHOP, whrre he kaefs constatdly on hand and manufac tures to order, cery variety of liousehold aud Kite Leu such as Tables, lltueaus. .afes, tHands Cupboards, . sofa. Bedsteads, ic. of cverv style and variety. j(.suca johnson. ; CierrnoULPa., Aug. 15j3. .T()TJCK The subscriber resj.ectfuUy informs 1 the citizens of Clearfield county, that he has rented his Tannery to Johu Mc'laughcy. whom he can recommend to" his customers as attentive and obliging. Jiciilso respectfal.'y requests all persons tocoiae iJi-v.ai-il and suitle tueir aecoants ns.nc is ... 1 - 1 .! ... . lTt.l.,a lolrntl 'ies-roes ot lo.-ntg up nu n-. ni.no " on old accounts. - J HIX MoPlIEH&ON- AUg. t; ljj. - The undersigned respceU'ully announces that ho has rcn'ed the T A a a E !l V - of John McPherson. where he will keep on hand a. ;n,i 1 n-.-oi tmciit of all kinds of leather, and hooes by strict attention to meet a share of public patron--"'o Leather exchanged, or cash pai l for hides. . ,V1IN j.Ic iAC'JHI'Y Ai.z- S.13..:. Cmn. S "K VDli ll'LIC HAM. The subscribers beg IJL lcuve io inform the publi- that they have tattvhase l the patent right of Vv. i li. Douglass' impraved Premium f'fv Tt. 5ji - -JJ- ? - v f-S ii- 'S-j 2j--jJlL,-y r-. V. rf vi.-4sk "i-!1.. i - -."ij for f iieir.g waiter up bill, for the Counties of Jcf fe: '.- ui. Clearfield. Clarion. Crawford and Venango, 'ihev warrant the action of the Machine one , .l-.: .r.r.T.. . 1 T W vr ir iwiiea inere is susa-ieu.- v.... water it.! if ordinarv attenfun is pail to it. '! I: - '-'tanr' is a simple and effective machine for forcing water to any required distiiu.ee or ele- il'- iier U ilU H:n.,l ... t--i, v. w . it is perfectly itr.plieable where IS inches m be ha 1. tho' the greater the fall appli- V.'.iioU. of fall can raare powerful the operation of the machine. nv ouantitv of eertilicates can fco obtained tcs- ic : ifvin -g tne superiority of this machine over every other instrument for" f.Tc;ng water to a given ele vation. ' Letters addressed to the subscribers at Curwens ville. Clearfield Co.. Pa. will be promptly attend ed to. CLARK 1 CUXX1XGHAM. August 15, lafi.-Smo. TVTEW FI1-M. 1IARTS1I0RX & M'CRACKEN L have just received a new and splendid assort ment of goods at their store in LUMPER CITY. They invite the public to give them a call, rnd feci as'sured they will bo able to rtsnder entire sat-irfa.-tion. Lumber. Hides, Rags. Grain, and all other kinds of produce taken in jux t iibs. Mccracken. Aug. 1, Hia. rVT M W A U K I V A L. The undersigned has just received a large stock of adapted to the season, consisting of DRY MOWS, CROCERIES. QUEENSWARE, II A 11 ! AY AliE. C' N FECTIOX ARIES, AILS. HOLLOW-WARE, . . CEDER-WARE. , , . , . , 4c.. tc. JAMES B. GRAHAM: . Graham ton, Aug. 22, ISiv. - . ' LEItiTEl7lTXNSTTT I'TE. Tho next t rm of this Institution will ccraaacnca on , tho :ld of September, l&oa. - All persons wishing to fit themselves far Teach- ; ers. or other avocations in life, will here receive, every desired facility and attention. A thorough Classiepl and Mercantile course is hero given, on ' terms lower tf.an any other similar Institution, in the State- . . ',.,,-' Parents at a distance can obtain boarding for their sons or daughters under the immediate care of the Principal, where they wiil receive rare d- : vantn-cs. with all the comfort- and pleasures o. m,i-0!Tid their morals will be care.illy guarded. - TS-e rate of tuition per quarter aro: Primary r.nr';h Out High j;nglish. S0.00; Classics. ?5.(?0. :.'ta'thcinatic3, above ALgcbra. ?3; French, Draw ing, and Painting' j.cach Further inforniation can ne had by addressing W A CAMPRELL, pniscirAm : Apr..f'55.J -Clearfield, Pa. , WANTED A YOUXG MAN to Lire by tins f month. Cool wnges will be given to sui-. tabic hand. Apply to . . VM. IRVIN, Curwensville. July 11. 135. ; '- ' ' A la?ge assortment just re ceived and opened by ' R. M.0SSOI. A new stock jast received at iJUlgfjjfRiESij Aug- 22. ttr UTrtl AKD MOSSOP. has 'HA R 61,Va &j Jast received and opened (rencral ass scrtment of Hardware and Cutlery. Aug. 22. - t . stock iust rciTfl 'Aug. 22. If L I it- li il ir a? '.ii ' i 1! it it I S 1 i ) i II