Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, October 08, 1855, Image 1

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BY H. , li L'CHEIl. S WOOPE.
'VOL. 2.-M 11.-T0TAL, G3.
ma--' ' ! c i a i
-"niM-qir ,rir1)..i.i u-i..j.ii i, -- -n. . ii i j i ji i n ,., , n ,, iVrniu. m m i "' '
'.:oi-r.y,-. -.: -.- . - - .v,:. . . . . - .-.-:-;.., ...i: . , . --..i; .. a t !: FREE. AS TIIE WIND. AND AMEKICAN TO THE COKE. - ,;" ' ,. .'."." '.' ' . " .' , "' v- !.-,; r. f' . t -,- j ..i
i , ; j ; ' " : .-. - - ' '"." '.''-'' "' ' ' ' ; 1 ' "' . . ;,-
ClcaficH. Pa., M-tay, "ct. 8. 13S
Of Beaver , County.
V: r Of Elk County.';
Of McKen County.
. f oa' iUBRir i .j. i
.-- F.' WAUD,- S ir
. Or Crearflold BurougH '-
.! -!" T&KASUREK. f. r
Jj-fHILIP ANTE5,., (
OfLavrence Township. ..
;.; . bobert; michaelvI
Of Burnkide Townabip.
talentine' iievener,
' Of Huston Township.
: jmm!: WPP! i.
Let every American J who desires the - sue
ceM of his i.rincipies, GO EAULV TO-TIIE
POLLS, an1 remain tbcra uutil cverv AmcriT
can rot is polled. Challenge eTery vote that
roudo not know to be correct, and above, all,
A Meeting at Gosh k. A 1arge"and excel
lent American Meeting was held in Goshen.
on Wednesday evening, and - the citizens of
that township seem determined to teach the
Locofoco party and its Catholic allies a lesson
they will remember. Thej arc sound Ameri-J
ci!is,and ar determined that ' Americans-'
shall rule America."
"Mektiso at Glem Hopjt-r-Pn Thursday evT
ening tha " Americans rat Glen Hope held a
large and enthueiasti -meeting.- After the
public Ynecting, the members of the 'Council
met in J. C. FatchihV Store, and we wore
most agreeably surprised to see among them
our old Democratic frieud Wm." T. Gilbsrt.
Billy must bo "sound on the goose question!"
The Americas Meetings. Notwithstanding
tha inclemency of the weather, the Amer.cm
'meetings held in different parts of the county,
have been large and enthusiastic The mass
es seem to be fully arroused', and determined
to route" the Locofoco party ', with its foroign
cohort,' "horse, foot, and dragoon," on next
Tuesday Their battle cry is "GOD, AND
William A. Williams. It will be seen by
reffcreiice to the proceedings of the American
Conference at Ridgeway, that William A.'
WjlilAMS of 3IcKean County, has been nomi
nated as our Candidate for Assembly., Mr.
Williams is a native of McKeau county, a good
man, f'1 gnjnya the respect and confidence
of all his fellow citizens. He is a sound Amer
ican, opposed to the Nebraska Swindle, and in
favor of its restitution" . H will,'pf course, be
triumpantly elected Hi ? t; r-'--
The MAyvvRE., The Catholic "orgin"
would make, its readers belieye, if. possible,
tbet-B-. F.-Licas, by some "mamtuyre," was
thrown overboard' and MfSortHFRYakenup
for the Senate In his stead. We have already
stated that Mr. Ltcxs only received the major
ity of the" votes of the Order in Jetierson and
Clearfield, while-. Mr, Soituer "carried the cn
tire vote .of the tour n maining counties. Mr.
Souther was therefore the regular nominee of
the Order, and will le run throughout thDis
trict as its candidate. When Mr. Lucas receiv
ed the vote f this --County, we' hoisted his
nanie , to our' mast head as our candidate for
Senator, "subject to the action of the o:ktr couh
ffeiTandV tt stood tbere,.,with that line under
it, until we received "the" re turns from 'the etlw
r eounties,' when Mr. Socther tnrned out to
be the" candidate,' whlcht, fact 'we announced
and hoisted bis name,' as we w ere bound to di
Ja, this -onslsted the whol-j "manoeavrej" mid
if Jim Campbell's Caitulic iaoL wants to defeat
Mr. Southerjn ihi District, he'll bare to batcli
a better scheme t han "such . cock and buTl
Ail Ah C 0 !H 51 :SS ! 0 M EH , ;j
A1,1 meeting. of thj American, .Republican
an! Whig St te Committees wa? held at Har
risburg1 on Thursday evening last, at which
the three candid ites. then 'Mm ; the ; field", were
withdrawn, with their consent and the consert
of their friends, and THOMAS NICHOLSON,'
o!;Beaver county, nominated . as the L"niofi
candidate of the parties opposed to the Na
tional Administration. Peter,- Martin, Esq.,
was there, and gave his cordial nssent : to the
arrangement; and by;. his course created a
most' favorable impression upon, gentleman,
from all parts of ths State ; ah impression that';
will secure for him higher honors tlun that of
Canal Commfssjotirr.;.' - ;
' The 'following letter from Mr. Martin to
Mr. Todd, shows the cheerfulness with which
he yielded hia claims to promote a union of all
opposed to the Pierce Administration.
? n rrisirrg, Thursday, Sept. 27, '55. .,
Hox. Samuel Tonn,' i - ' .
i ! . Cliairmm American Commilttx.
: Dear Sir : With the view and for tho pur
pose of enabling your committee on behalf of
the American Party, to agree upon a candi
datvho will unite all fhe cletneuts opposed
to t'.:e Piice policy and Administration, I
give my 3ec!ination into . '6nr, haiids, and am
willing to abide br vour decision. . , . ., ,
!T Truly. YuVs,t ' PETER MARTIN
Thomas Nicholson, is a native of the north
ern part of Lancaster county.. . ; i. ..
I iicmc tIo jmi to Beaver county,
and for a number of years lollowed the occu
pation of school teacher, for which he held a
high reputation, and was employed in the high
er branches, ne was . from a drmocrfic fa
mily, and holding fast to the true principles
of that faith, as tnght by its e-trly founders.
hH was elected a Representative to the Legis
lature for sover-tl years, where ha was one of
its most efficient an i us ful m mV'rs. H- was
always found the firm and zealous advoc ite of
economy and reforms in all the departments
of government, and particularly on the Public
Works, where he is abort to be called to carry
out those measures, end wher tht?y are so
greatly needed. Hu is now Cashier of the State
Treasury iin l-r Cl. SlifVr.''. the State Treasu
rer. ' He served also 'in - tint capacity under
Judge Bihks. ' ne is a friend of .ennomy and
reform, and as his whol.; course in the legisla
ture proved ,and a'ways advocated measures
which had the reduction ofth state debt nnd
rpeal of stah fixation as their -objects He
was the author of the bill to prevent the nse of
the jiilsf. the state -to imprison fugitive
slaves for the benefit of thir m isters; and in
his course as a legislator, was always . found
the aide advocate of wise, prudent and patriot
ic measures. . lie will be elected by a largt'
mijority. He is justly entitled to- the sup
port of the people, "is worthy 'of their confi
dence4 and can defeat the Catholic nominee.
Let every t true American and every Protest
ant rally :around him J ami carry l.im trium
phantly into power, that be m y drive from
the Commonwealth the horde of thieves and
robbers who have plundered it for halt a cen
tury. , '..,, ',..'. ., .. ; V.. ' ' - . '
As announced, in our last issue, the letter,
published in the Catholic. ';'orgin," purporting
toTbe , Avri(ten7 It VAif ktie .IF.vFNr.R,.is
N O T "T R U E Read th followiug 'man
Iy letter from. Mr. Hi:ve.ner, written at Ridge-,
way, fwhere .'he. has een'attending Court, and
then'say what you think of a paper that would
publish S U C II A L ETTEB! for the
purpose of defeating thu. American Ticket!
Tho letter Is on file in our office, and can be
seoti by any one who doubts its auf hehticilV ;
'i .. J .-. --' i Riwjewat, Oct. 'JM,-1855. I
' ' Messrs.'
Li'. U
Tha action ot the American Par
ty ii nominating me for the office County An-ititur,-jvas
taken without .'any knowledge of
mine whatever.; - But since I have been nomi
nated and consider''! worthy j the confidence
of tiiejiiiatyv I do not feel at liberty, to de
cline th nomination so generously bestowed",
neither have I done so, nor wilt I do so. .
prononnee. it to' be-an unqnalified; act, and
th.it it wan done without eitl.ermy.consetit or
know ledge r , , i -1 . . a V. HE .VE N E R J.
' Witness, AV. "W? Browk.'1: "'-il '"'
.. -'.I.- , - . ! it. ' . ' 5
BaosE Jail. Philip. Chambers1 in jail for
the murder of Htrtmau who .was found drojsn
eti in the Sinnmhuuin2,: broke jiil ion - Frl-
-As tn- I'jtter" published -irr-the- Clearfield
Republican; dated 17tb Sept.V l8.w,H)iVrport
tu have Wen written by me. . f unhesitatingly
Oa Tuesday, Fellow Citizens, we will le cal
led upon to discharge the roost sacred duty, of
American freemen, and it Weorues us calmly
and carefully to consider the consequences to
follow our course).' and 'he reasons that guide
us to a preper conclusion. This is a w-ar of
principle, and not of men. rAnd what are the
principles of the opponents of the American
party? . We fear they have discarded all con
nection with principle, but of one thing we
may rest assured that they "are down upon"
Americcnism. 8ud in this what do they de
clare? Why that 'Americans should not rule
America;' that 'it is the policy of our Govern
ment to bestow its offices,' civil and military,
upon foreigners, to Ihe ezoJusion of our oxcncil
izensi that 'the present Naturalization Laws
are not inducements held out to politicians
for the commission of frtud;' that .'the for
eigner who has just been Unded on our shores,
belched from the prisons and alms-houses of
Europe, with uo knowledge of our institutions,
r Liberty iltelf, is fit and just Ike man to de
termine the Future of our own great Republic;
that 'the Call olic population, ruled by the Tope
if Pome, temporally and spiritually, notwith
standinr their baldslrokt for power, arc notdaa
fcCiOUs hut a Ideating, to America;'. that .'the
Foje and CcthoJc church is the safest and best
friei of Jlcpubticanism;' that 'American labor
an i A merican lnstitntio is s.'iou.-i no be fostered
and protected;' that 'reform isnot needed, but,i
as in days gone by,, bri- ery ; and i corruption
should stalk. almid-daj, the State and peo- ,
jde'i money be common property for a set ol
political koumlsS-' . . . .
i But they go further than this. They in-
dorse the present imbecile Administration j
--w t - f
wiih it NelTHskn iniq'aity, and Ivauaaa frauds! j
Thcyr susitAin lhat iufamous -Judge-John K- .
Kane, in taking awav the liberty of a free cit- j
izen of this Commonwealth, because he would j
no s ear to a lie ! They indorse the appoint- j
ment of James Campbell, a Roman Catholic, j
to the highest Cabinet office iH pursuance of a
corrupt bargain wiih Arch Bishop Uughes, by
which Frank Pierce received the vote-of the
Roman Catholic Church! hey indorse, in
our ou-n, cowiiy, the proscription of Proicstant
Minis ers of the Gospel, because they set proper
to till iheir Qirn peculiar political vpiuioiisl
They ! sustain an iunibent in office who,
can swallow these things then vote the ticket
ot iho opponents of the American Party. .
the compromise caxdidats for
' ' canal commissioner:
Harribbcro, Sept. 29. The State Com
mittees of the Whig, American, and 'Republi
can' parties, -which, on the 27tU iust., jointly
nominated Thomas 1 Nich'dson. of Beaver, as
a candidate for Canal Commissioner, and witn
drawiag the names of Messrs. Martin and Will
iamson, have to day issued the following ad
dress to the people of the State: ' '.
To the , People of ' Pennsylvania : The Whig
party, the Republican party, and the Ameri
can p.krty having each nominated a candidate
for the office of Canal Cynynissioner, it . be
comes apparent that such a division of the el
ements of opposition tostherNational Admin
istration and its Nebraska fraud would inevit
ably lead to the election of. Arnold Plumer,
the Pxo-Slavery Nebraska candidate.1 In view
of these .facts, . a meeting of our respective
Central Committees of said parties, 'was held
at Harrisi urg. on Thursday he 27th of Sep
temlH:r, 1855, and their nominees having de
clined and leen ' withdrawn, Thomas; Niclud
son, of Bea-er'Uint,rTv-as nominated as the
candi late of the ' said parties, for the purpose
of concentrating the votes of the Ant-,Nebras-ka
party on one man, arid he is hereby earn
estly recommended to' all the lovers of freedom
in Pennsylvania, at a capable, honest, and
true-hearted man, whd is worthy of the srp
poit and confidence ;f the, people, i ; ;
-' By order of the Committees.
Signed, , . . -John A. Fisher,
Chairman of Whig State Committee. '
Chairman of the American State Committee of
. Thirteen. , - , ' ' ,.' 1
-..:! :: - ' i- . , ; .. David WiLxoTr,r;.
' Chairman of Republican State Committee
" The, Sen ate. The last "orgin" undertakes
to say that Mr. Souther, our) candidate for
Senate, - is "trot only 'an inveterate Whig, but a
Bostonian Federalist. .We do'not. know what
Mr. SoirrHEB's p4itic may have tiecn previ
ous to his becoming a member of the Ameri
can Party; m r du we caro but 'We have been
informed, upon "good authorityi that he form
erly edited a Democratic paper in Elk county !
If that made him a. Federalist, then we have
no doubt . he Iielonged to the party.,. But it
matters little to us, what mayJUave been his
political antecedents, so long as we know him
to be' in1 honest,,'' trustworthy man, who Iras
sworn to support the principlesof the Ameri
can Party.:' In this we have every guarantee
t.at is"required,;and he wiil receive ihe votes
of every true American,' and b rriuraphMtly
Would J'on . administer a severe rebuke to
the corrupt and d-.sic;ning politicians, who
have sold out the offices of the county for ten
years to come, to men who would do the most
to advance the interests of said politicians?
vote the American ticket.
Would you establish American principles
in this your own blood-bought lan-tt vote
the American ticket,- :
Would you see the liherty of spech, of the
press, and the right to worship God under
your own vine and fig-tree, preserved? vote
the American ticket. .
Would you prevent the repetition of the
bloody riots of Louisville, perpetrated by arm
ed foreigners and Catholics ? vote the Amer
ican ticket.
Would you oppose the progress of political
Roruar'sm, in subverting our glorious institu
tions, and subjecting our beloved government
to the spiritual power of thoPope. of Ronia2-r-vote
the American ticket. . .
Would you preserve our Common School
system, and retaiu the BiM iti our 'publi
schools ?t vote the American -ticket.' ;
Would you desire to saa those myriads of
foreign paupers and criminals, which are now
day by Ly landed upon our shores, sent back,
whence they cime? then vote the' American
ticket. . f ." ' -- -
.Would you have the interests of the county
cared for, your taxes diminished, the publie
houor vindicated, the morals and reputations
of your youths preserved then by H means.
tax-payers of Clearfield county, wo call upon
These are important questions, and should
riot be passed ijver lightly or carelessly. Ev-
i - - - -o -
ery American, be h L
shouM weigh thcni well, a
Deinocrat or Whig.
na cast ins vote ac-
cordingly. Those questions., fellow-citizens.
again we say are all-important to you, and to
every one who loves his native land. But they
are denounced and cried down hy every would-
I be Democratic paper iu the. country. They
j publicly and openly declare their opposition
to Americans. They hive, as a party, in this
county,' and ' throughout the whole country,
j sold their birth-right to Catholics and foreign-
ers. , They are putting forth every etlort to
secure the votes of aliens and Rotri:'Jiis:.s.
They trample upon American sentiments, and
principles, and men; and some of them upon
Aiuericiri laws. ' This is now theensein Kaj
sas, and permitted by a Democratic Adminis
tration ! Will you as freemen, any longer suf
fer these things so to be f Will we, as Amer
icans, see the liest offices in our country filled
by foreigners, and we nothing more than heic
ers of wood, and drawers of water t Will vou
see our institutions desecrated, and your
selves placed at the bidding of the power of
Rome J
A Last Strong Error.T. On Tuesday we
fight the battle that gives us a glorious victo
ry. , -That day decides whether the people or
demagogues shall rule. -We have no fear of
the result, brother Americans, but it js a duty
you owe to your country aod your party that
every exertion should be made. That we
have the numerical strength to succeed every
member of our party knows, aid this feeling
raav induce some of our friends to thik "there
isvnough without me I'll stay at home, I am
busy or unwell.' Renieiuber that a dozen n
each election district acting on 'such an idea
may give the victory to our opponents. Every
man must votf. The opposition will not leave
a stone unturned and will not hesitate to em
ploy every artifice to defeat us. The true way
to goto the polls is to feel the importance of
every ro.'e. Examine your tickets for your
self. See there is no deception in them.
Lwok at every one of them, and be sure they
are right. Go early and vote early, but do not
go away as soon as you have voted. . Your
country neds your services this dav. Go to
work, roll up your sleeves, and hungry or tir
ed do your best for Aniurica. .. See that no il
legal votes are allowed.1 Watch the ballot
box guard it it is the Ark of your liberty
Keep it pirre and let it speak the verdict of the
people. ', Let America and Americans be your
watchword. Remember the wiles and intrig
ues of Popery the blasting effects of Foreign
Influence. : The Foreign and . Catholic ,.Popu
lation of Clearfield County held the bnlance of
power between, the. ohl-line iMiig and Democratic
AGAINST YOU. . Keep in ' view, the", Polar
Star of our party and a glorious victory will
crown your cttorts. . " , ; ; ,; , , , ;
l. Bisnor Hlgues ,at VUK.-r-The following
from tlie Bloomvillc',' Delaware County M-rror',
tells its own story. It is time for Americans to
be awake when Archbishop Ilflghes and hi
agents take the field f Read (!) : .., "1; ,
." "Not DisAProisTED Ocr Hat orr jvst bp:
low oor Ears. The Roman Catholic Post
nrtster General, 'James Campiiell. hasremoved
us from the Post Office in Bloomville, and ap
pointed Walter Hill, a i.oman CVWtV Scotch
man, in our place. We know no reason' for
our removal other than because at all time",
and on all occasions, we denounce Roman Ca
tholic principles as dangerous to the causo of
Liberty and the welfare of the American
..ii fjv ti'sik:1 .
uan an sane ..... uc,.r V
iugton or Gen. J.ckson would have united
with any association or oraer not purely Am- v
erican? Would either have entered into any
political league when secrecy was enjoined, if
he had not approved of the principle of secre
cy in political associations? From my knowl
edge of the character of Washington, the sac-
w'. C . , I. n.,t l,i nnlitrr litilf.! U'lttl
bis ferved patriotism, and his preference fr f
everything American, I cannot doubt; for one -
moment. if he were now living he would cheer-.
, ... . .
fullv sanction the principles of the American-
,x . ,, ... , , ,
Order. From my personal and familiar knowl-
Us-: of the principles of Gen. Jackson, I am
confident that wero he living to counteract the
policy of European potentates and statesnen, i,
to throw upon ort shores theirrefuse popula-
tion of convicts and paupers, to pervert our
ballot-boxes and populate our poor-houses, he '
would most cordiallv "sanction .and inculcate ,!
the irinciples of the-American Order. Are;
not secret caucusses coutinualiy held hy the j
political leaders ot both parties in Congress 7 ;
'0, yes,' it wiR be answered' very true ! but i
there is a necessity for this. W e have to tae
care of our parties, to form plans for the peo-
to carrv out. And if we aid not make.
platform for them, thev would not know how ,
to vote upon important subjects." This ex-j
plains much of the opjK.sition to the present j
movement of the people. The action of the
American Order is only the pulsation of the j
American heart, which forces liberty thro' the
veins of the masses, and will cause them to r-
claim that power and influence which the arts !
, , "'. ,;.. ;.'. l.l t !
of demagogues and assumptions oj 'party ieaa- j
t' have appropriated to them.olvhs, ud gen-
erally allowed the people to cast their votes irt f
,,,..!,:, "with tlH.ireau.Mis decisions. whelh- !
er secret or open, .Should the American move-,
ment succeed," a it mast if our liberties are to
has iKfn raised by the anti-American party in
the South, for no other purpose than to alarm
their fears, and strangle the American fceling.
IlAve not tlie two D irties for years past char-
ged ea.h other with being idendified with Ab-
olitionists, as it suited party interests? The
Americin Order have given their platform to
the world. I perceive, by the intelligence of
the d iy that one of the oldest Democratic
statesman, the standard-bearer of the party,"
General Cass, has approved the platform of
the American rder, as proclaimed to ins
world by the Convention at Philadelphia.
Uxite ako Coxqter. ThS movement made
at Harri3U,irg last week, by which it
agreed to withdraw the several candidates .j
placed in nomination by the Whig, theRepub- j
lican and the American parties, baa met with ,
a very general response of- approval ajd it is ;
required only tfrat- the snm spirit should go- ;
vcrn in the. action of .the people at the polls,
to secure the signal drTeat and overthrow ofj
Locotocoim at the , coming eiecuon. a cor-
rrspoiiueiri. ! i.:iu unity iuif i. mitiuj jium
j . r i... r -r . . , " r i
West , Chester, under date of the 23th ult..
gives utterance to the following sound aud
sensible suggestions: . . ..
'I perceive that the Old' Lino .Whigs, in a
patriotic spirit, have azreed to support the
1. i.,:ian.ii,4' m int mwri tv nmila who feel 1
l. ,V.., " " ' .' I.. , ... ,. .....
. i ii k ..' ..; n bring about that concert of action which la,.-.-'
seated m power, will have to yield that power, t . .
which has been used in directing the people to "tul to .ucces., and we ,sh bo, in . no dan,7
carry out their edicts, prepared in 'caucus and er haT..g Locofoco Igislure iuflicted.
rl limed bv conventions. The cry of alolilion i uPon ua next winter." hat sy; our WkJg.
. ,
Assemblv ticket formed bv the American par- . . ; '-..
,. . ti , ." . . .i.,. A conversation took place a few da's
tv. That is right. In union there is strength. ; . - , '
, , " . r not a thousand miles from this place. oT wh.i;!;
As long as the North is divided into factions. , . . , - - - -i
. c, , ,,. , .u . .', the following is tlie purport, , r- . ,. ,
the Slave-holding Democracy North will trl- ; . ' .- .. ' , :'' . '
, . ,r .. . - ,, Mr. W., who is not a K. N.. but w.o votes
umph. Let us have Lnion-a Lnion: of all t!u.ir ticket aud sympathizes with th.-mt -ing,
opposed to the infamous repeal of the Misson- ; ,n the company of Sundry' friends, wi :'h:sVt
ri Compromise. . .,,- . . . j very strongly by them," who fxpresscdi thfM-
. Y, here hopj to see the Republicans of the ' sunrise that a man of his intelligence aud lib-:
City drop their ticket and fall into the eoppert
... -.,.- .i v , i j
of the American, It ;,sf Anti-Nebraska, and
thaf is enough for the times.; If honest coup-
them forever. (t:r. m;x w' ','. ry-f".
A spirit of self-sacrifice , an!, magnanimous
fusion against the Slave-breeding and Union-
T. . i . , . - .
saving Democracy is what is needed and ne-.;
cessary. The Pierce Democracy can be over-
thrown trlumphahtlv if its opponents will only
unite. I ohcy and pi inc pie demand it ..
; AxoTiitR Roman. Cathoi.ic tE.oOTED.4-An,
Irishman named Connelly, a bigoted, vindic
tive, prosciiptivt. Roman Catholic, who' was
sometime since discharged from a position be
had long held in the Daupihn County Prison
hasjieen appointed by . His Holiness James
Campbell, to a Clerk -ship in the l'ost Office
Department at'Washingtohl .'CoxxELty's vio-
and indecent abuse qf Americons and Protes-
tints rendered him odious in this community,"
and hence his discharges It. is just such worth-
. - . .... , ,. ....
lee foreigners as t his febow Connelly ,-who re-
gard tha. Pope as superior to the Constitution,
i hit Cam pliell is crowding into the Post
Office1 Department to the, exclusion tof.; native
lrn American citizens. He will make a first
ii...:n...i.:' n .
rate , , '
CamplH-ll desigus to employ him in that capa-
city. - Americans! if yo would overthrow
the pk-sont ''Roman'; Catholic dynasty,- you
must commence the' work at'oacc? "Xet nvery,
man who loves his country vot the American
cils prevail, the Republican, of your city will nied that men; were persecuted oi) accomtvirfV
not run their ticket. If they do, and thereby : tkeir religion by K. N's. , If.any one. he .id-.
, . . ' .... , A r .-h owned an allegiance or obedience to the Pope'
elect the Locofoco ticket, a load of odium will whjcb WM pmoant to thc .nuance ortfk:
rest upon the selfish leaders, which'will spot , dience which he owed to the laws of the' ITui
I U " II f P I I P 0 ? V I? Tl IT P
'H Jl M 1 C A -A - t H A-f -ft K A 2- L
i At meeting oi me i rewiifflisoi tnecroun-i -
ty Central Committees of the American PiM-ry.'i
in and for the counties of Clearfield, Elk and. :
MeKean, for the purpose of nominating a Cm- i
didate for Rtpresentafive, held t Ridgeway;...
on Tuesdsy, the 2d inst., jiresent, E. S. Dn- i
J ' , ..
. ,
e .
R. C. n tnslow Chairman; ' and r. B. Backu
, ... ,
Secretarv. Mr. winslow nominated If. A.--
' - -
William A. Williams of McKean.T - A '
On the 'first ballot each candidate' reee'vedf I
one vote, when, on proceediug to the second
ballot' Mp- WHam A. Williams of McKea.,
county,., unanimously nominated. .' I I-.,
G.' B. Backcs Secy.
UitiTEi AcTtoi Neeped. Unitei actioJ oj:'.
those who are opposed to Locofocoisni haviagv
r u I -1 . i .K - .. . .. ,
6 r r
th 8ame niD houW tmed by them in.,
the respective counties' of the state, in suj,.
Port of onc d th Mmo tick- In ra,'of:
the aunties the opposition to the-: Locofocor
P"rt-r is d'"ided into th two, or ,
thrce different tickets, thus indirecllycmtrib-,
to the election of Locofoco by a minor-
il-v Tote- Thia shoul,i not b.In: every com-
tv in which more than one -opposition ticket .
- rt
h" bcen rmed union should be effect :
II l wor,e thatl foll'' J absolute -mad. .,
for the Whi& Republicans and American, :.-;
fritter away taelr strength an l aid L.orutvf -
ism. Let each make the requisite K.jific .
and exercise the proper oneiliatory apiri:, o,
'v"" r'u puiiwurMnMj . , e
hint t( " n WH. I t.t
c'n- Tao opponent, of the Locioco paVt.v
j ar gy in the majority iu the State.aud c art .
... : i l t ! m' j ii- i
, havo nW"ty in the next Legi.Uture, if tUy i
j w' act "ely, patriotically and unselii 1,
Will they do it J -
Push ox the Americas , Collkx. Ar.teri
cans! Brethren I let us keep in viev tfcp, gr,et
original aad distinctive object of. the. Arneri-.
cau Order, and march ahead. . .While we do.t
this we are irrcsistable,; and a ictory m anre to .
crown our efforts. First of all. let us si-e to it
that America is ruled by Americons!. Afivr,"
this primary object is secured, we can . advan-'
UgeiusIv s,.ttic other and sabordinate matter.-'
At trcsent we mxitit svoi(1 (lidc isjUe!. AmJ lf,ht
only foT t,)C great 1)rincil.,cs of our org.uizt.
tionprinciples Ue.r .to every, patriotic A-.
mvvicln heartt aad which whun rightlv tiudcr."
9toodf wiH.be sure to triumph lv.,:; . .'. " T
' " .
R0MA!I Catholic Tsstihoxt i fav(
vor or ,
Americanism. "Can any jood . come out of
Nazareth 1 " This question, happily, bas bet -n
solved in our very midst " Wapole," the
telligent and. interesting Washington cprre-,
spondent of the Repository, aud Wh:j , wrt-t
fhn 1 u f nf Qnnlamlu. a K.f ....... .1.... .
eraiuy suonia support a party which pers--cuT.
ted men for their leligion, or made religb n
jn hhy W!tJ. R tt ,f fltness or unfitne,, forpo-
Htical officers, i W. defendetl himself aryl de-.
ted &tates.:be thought the Americans right in,
; holding him. unfit to be supported forany otMc.
i under the constitution:' His friends hooted'
at the idea that any on-shonld be surpost
to oweany suW61tTTenc-oo-rhe
; asked if he supposed thafuncn men a G U.,
! J.y naming American Catholics o wed anch
I obedience or .were any worse citizen, tor beii-c
Catholics 7 ';;;; '" y'- ;-' Vi. "
j '., Jn, the midst, of tlie conversation . Mr, , IT.,,
came in and joined in thj conversation. censu
ring, of course, the American!, aud acc4iirjg
them of religious persecution.' Mr. W. tht-n
asked Mr. H. if he justifl-d the Pop in pro
hibiting Protestants from" havTpg a cHspel apT
worshiping (iol fnTlieTr pwn. way, jn RonijT
To which Mr. Ilreplied that b dfd!bec!viia
the Pope having both the temporal and sj.frit-
nal power in RomeJ liad a perfect right to pro-
hiliit any other than the Catholic form ofwor
ship.) But said Mr.. W., suppose-the Pope
should happen to i obt.i;bothtbe -tewporat
and spiritual power in the United States, woult
hj have ihe right, and be justified in prohibit -
ng any ther than the Catholic form of wor-
ship here t - t i'.'A I .r.-.lt. c si
. Mr- A--That's an absurd question, because
ucn aininjr cin never iase place-)! i
t Mr, W. No inatter if ft C'not; I .wish ar.
aonew answer. io my..quesiicp- -i,r-;fs ..:.f-j
:!Mr. II. Then I will answr ; most andmibf
ed he would haTe the rifhCito prohibits and
J". ?fi -FW!?.?1!!.!
" V. W.entiemcn; thiaansVer.' from '
; Catholic, and an American,, Calbuliabi "is
iy-srvrati l-'J.r -
- i ,- o !-. ' I . . ' --.
.i vA.ir.vja -j