1 i 9.M : 11 ikil 4 4:: S 1 ! A3 1 " in I i M" f -ft., s m ill? ' 'i i .5 3 I? PI h ) i t I 'V! 'U ill i? i -U ill j i it 1 i i4 ? rATTT tTTT Nr. - '- - 8wet fcabbatb. of the year . 1 ' L -' 1 Whtte evening stps-deeaV-i-Thy parting stpmetninkT-lla 'Irteal from the world awayl us ia thy silent flpwefs "'; "Tr8 ad.L but sweet, to dwell, ' ' ' '"Where falling leaves and dooping flower -Ji- Around me breathe farewell. ' -ir'.u.1 . t. : av r: j L Along thy sunset ikies - ; . ; . . - i i -j-iTheir glorie laeU-ia shade,--r ; . t.And, like th things we fondly prize, : . . : .-' Seem lovelier as .they- fade.- , .' .. A deep anl eriffison streak ; ' "'.'Thy dying leaved disclose ; ;..'-' f"l " At on Consu'njption's waning cheek, . ! . p-Iid rain, blootns the rose. :' Thy scene each vision faring tf beauty iadeer;" ' -t -Of fair and arly faded things, ' ' -:'t Too eqnisita to stayj- - I fjbya that come no more ; . . ' Of flowers whose bloom la fled; ,jOf farewells wept upon the shore; . .Of friends esUanzed or dad; .. r t T - Of ft.!r that now may seem, ' - To -irsemories tearful eye. ''.'. '"'The variijhed beaufy of a dream, . , : O'er which' we gie nd sigh. , ; -' " - Seal Wuett aaliU Pe jra i:9 liiismixs'. The following .-article from the Mark Lane, (Eng.y.Espresss Vforthy the pejusul f A merican..irners, . - is..: -! ' . . . ; A great fcrmideration with the agricultu rist Should j to -imt the variety t be son to the condition ' aad .fertility of the soil. A rich -soil should be sowed with a short strawed variety -a poor soil with a free-growing long strawed sort: , The easorr.- of sowing should agai decid aa to the vaiiety,-1,. White wheat should not be sown late in the 'season, or on. e-y irich soils.' ;The,iredvheai 'ii better adapt ed for late seasons atrd Tich soils. . The straw of the'.red wheat' tat'es up more; siliea or flinty nature : than .-the, white variety, 'hence -that brigfitness on" the Mraw'bf red wheat; this, of itseUpstiie great ; cius,'.ol .its , cpiajurative safely from thafc- destrnctiTe'parasite,: mildew that black!' fDUS plant so .fn-queTitlj . found growing upon the stalks of the wheat plant and preventing its' further progress by taking all juicea deaigneJ for thesupiortx)f the wheat to promote its own developeraent.' '.; .; Hiving' thus jhbrtly: 'give'n .somo general outlines with the view of directing to a pro per choice of wheat iforisee.d. .Ilwi!l now oSVr: a remark or two upon its preparation for szei. I- has become' a fettled c nvic ipn in try own mind, that ma in wheat is- mainly derivable from the smutty particlessown along with' the grain, and by which it becomes tainted or impregnated.-'. It is also-derived from or propa gated by 'sniut deposited in the soil, .f rom any. previous crop,- such as blacks in- oats,- c- : I have proof of this taint cansing'smut in more cases than one. - The. great thing then is, to destroy the power, or influence of this smutty dasUjlrtbJs can bi Aon without injury to the graiw all the better. "'Much loss has often ensae-i from the. incautious" use ", of arsenic, ("whit mercury V) - and sulphate of -copper, ("blue vitriol."') The more stra;ile the reme dy, itetTjetual, them cure -desirable, an! the greater the necessity for its adoption. Fre- quen! vashih3 in clear running streams of wa-1 ter is etfectual ; strong dressing with hot lime is fcrToctual." These are" sifuple appliances swimming in a brine, made oi'salt and water, has the two-fold effect and advantage of des troying. Iha Amuti ;ani 'fl'uAting:oTalL impuri-; tias, deeds' of weeds; cc,; A4 ... - ' There are..i.nnnmerable specifics put forth for dressing seed-wheat, many of which, no doubti are ' good a:ijl . proper ; and where any. one of them-bas- been- adopted : and practiced with decided succais Ii 'would 1 btl'.p olicy to discoiit'inue its use..;- My. own practice: is very simple and easily effected. In the even ing 5riorto the next day's drilling, as much wheat as may be required -is shot into a heap and weft damped with water ; t is left for' a few minutes "to imbibe . the watsr, and then freely; and profusely dusted over with quick lime .such dusting continued as it is repeat edly turned over.' Tha 'heap is then rounded up, and left till rmoraing, when it is put in sacks" ready for drilling. Should the d prove "unfavorable,, the 'heap, is spread thinly over tha floor, and in tins state it will keep for ari indefinite period'; I presume it is quite soperfluous to : intimate . that all : seed corn should be free from weeds ; a good and clean ly rarmer would most thoroughly ; repudiate the idea of -sowing seeds -tf wecdsl " I, hower. er, beg more attention to' this point-' Never make use of seed wheat containing other: seeds. It is said that weeds prevalent in one' district, will not grow in another; don't try it. I know' that the pernicious weed called ' (oldings," or -Gules, .has been thus introduced info a district where, tiUj lately," it was; "unknown. Weeds will" become habituated in any soil thereipref avoid; them as, yout would -a : pesti- lence," If, by ' some nriforeseenor actidental cause a Tarmer. be induced to maka choice of a sample of wheat containing seeds, he should use every means to dean it' This may -be' pretty nearly effected by winnowing or swim. ming7in a strong briny mixture". ' ' L ' Tni Wjr e s Commas pme sts. The Cincin nat ii Nonpareil gives .the following as a" correct version for the use of all doubtinr husbands: 1. Thou shalth3ve'n6 other w'ifethan me;' 2. -.Thou shalt -not take into the-house any beautiful brazen image of a servant gfr!, to bow down'to her, and to serve her; for i am a-jealous wife, visiting,-&c. ' : -i Z. Thou shalt not take the name of thy" wife tn vain. ' ai ',".... ..t ;r. ' -; 4. Eemernber thy w;fo and keep her respec- table 7 . . ; .:: ,. ,-. ,.;.v. 5. Honor thy wife's father and mother. ; ' .6. Thou shalt not fret.' 1 ' ' r r-1 ' 7.. Thou shalt not find fault with thy dinner 8. ;Thoa shalt not chew tobacco.1 I ' i " i. r U. 9. Thou shalt not be behind thy neighbor. lOl.'Tbou shalt not' visit the tavern: thou halt not covet the tavern keeper's ram, nor M brandy, nor his gin, nor his whisKey,.' no bis wine, nor anything that is behind the . bar. 1 1 . Thou shalt 'not visit the Inllwrd ' hall neither. forworshippingin. . the dance, jsor heaps of ffiosey that lie qs the tabler; ; ' '; ' Andftne", J2th cemmandraent is, ' thoia 'shalt j -rr : - Approach of Autumn." - " ; Soon as the harvest is past the naked field".- remind us thatwe. are on the turn, of the .sea son ih4 red: and yellow leaf are.-; already ma--king their ajSpeai'ance on'the' forest trees, and soon the voice of the katy-did and glow-worm will usher in Ihe'autuninal evening.-Ilow short the time seems since : -Spring was with us," so swiftlr do the seasons pass. . The years of- hu man life have ever aptly been compared to the degrees of longitude wbich shorten as we ap proach the iales. The ardent youth thinks the years of.fearful length until he attains maturi ty j then they seein shorter and increase with everv subsequent period of life, until he ex- claims'wjth Job -'My days are swifter than a weeter s shuttle." TIio' the seasons are fleet ing, and with theni the days of our years are passing away, it is not the part of wisdom to repine,, but to enjoy with gratitude the baunj ties of Provideuce, and by active industry and kind offices to show that we have not lived in vain;-:;; - ; i, : :' I'.- .. 'Let r.s then be up and doing,: v With a heart for any fate-; Still achieving, still pursuing, -" Learn to labor and to wait." ' ' :': Autumn is the most delightful season,, teem ing with the full fruition of the year the har vests are gathered," the fruits are ripe, and plenty abounds it infuses a southing and tran quilizing influence bverthe mmd, and; dispo ses to contemplation and gratitude.. - Why : Do.v't he do it ? When a.' farmer knows that a gite is better, and, fts a time and labor-sav ing fi at'ure, cheaper than a set of bars and posts, and -without calling a carpenter, he ean himself make one, .Why do,Ct he do it ? , AVhen he1 has no other fastenings to his gates and barn, doors than r a stone rolled agaist thein and in a single- eveniiig, after supper, is able' to make a betttr ' one, Why don't he do it t .... '.'... ' -r.(:j . t'iOr when he sees the boards dropping from bis barns and ont-biiildings, and like heaps ol rubbish lying in piles abo'utthe premises, and need bailing on again, Why don't he do it ? ' ; Or if he is afraid of the expense of . nails,, anA ! al-nri prririT nn tlio maxim of Dr. .... . - - ' - J .1 - 1 . I r ranKIin, to "save ine pence, ami ine pouuus will take care of themselves,5 -and ho- knows that the same.Dr. Frankiin also s.ifrr,' that 'many men are penny .wise and pound foolish,' and he is not caref ul to think of the precept contained in the latter, Why don't he do it t'- If it is a s.iving of nearly half the manure of a farm's stock, by keeping them shut up in the yardsj instead of running at large through most of the winter, Why Con t he doit t ' .If he knows that many -of his fields woulj be greatly improved by ditching a:.d by the re moval of large stumps and stones, Why don't hi do ill ' ' .';':. . " ..'' ' .''.-.'.' 1 .- .-' - Mrs. Partiagtcn. and. the Babies. .We publish as appropriata to the tccasion of the apjtroachins B tby Show, the homily of ths veritable Mrs. Partington on the -littk ririMjts.'?.. The old lady speaks -n power of wisdom "Were thosa three driblets born at a birth i" asked Mrs. Turlington at the ba by show, as she looked at the three fit chil dren on the plarform. Col. Wtod blandly in formed her they were not.: 1 declare,", said she, 'I should like to know how. they were brought : np, for they - are so heavy they couldn't have been brought up by hand it must h ive been don by a , steam engine !" The Coloceriurorm.'d'h"eV thaf.they b id beeu brought up by a railroad train, Where are the qu idrupeds ."' said Mrs. P. looking for the qiia tra.in. "They have not ' come yet," was the reply. They will be here to-morrow." The old lady" looked at her informant critically; And how do you know so well,", said 4 she, when they will come ? These things are" not as'we say, but babies are born just as it plea ses God. They can't bo born by order, any how." .She,was inforniud that they were co ming the next day-.by . railrojd, and not to be born next diy, as she evidently thought.. She gave an extended ,"oh-h-h!" liks a cypher laid o'it (o ). and turned her atention: to tlt 'e singular babies on the platforms.' Dear crea tures," said she, tapping her - box gently, "what a great pity it is that these little beau tiful babies should; grow up to be very ? com mon looking men and . women.", , She gazed upon the parents c-f the children and sighed as she spoka, but Ler reflection was interrupted by a joggle of her elbow which nent her sou AT box rolPng upon the floor'.. "A ' large 'gentfe iiian put his foot upon ,it to stop it, and .the crushed pljer luache seot Rp a fragrant, cjoud s a: Bneezy ovation to the 9cene.:- -Ik: was ex pelled from tne hll shortly afterwar is for tea sing one of the ftbpys with ;'a stick,' after irytking on? of the babies cy by nutking faces at it. ,- .. , -: . t , A Fix A farmer had occasion to send his man. who by the way wns'a j-jlfy TWchin'am, to-'au'eih-boring towb for a barrel of molasses1. The wea h er being warm and the road rough, and tho, dri ver.; moreover, driving rather fast the moiassea took a notion to 'work, ' as it is geucrally Called But wo will let hiiu tell bis story in his own words: "Tell I gomed along and I gomed along, till I got to de top " of the hill vat stands at the top of de black4mit s shop, and den I looks 'around bebipd my pung hole.. . Tbiuks I, I . vill sthop dat to. I sthops de oart. and scorches de oxon mit a grabble rock and trore der pung hole in ah tight ash neb er vos, mit a lightvood knot and gomed along again till I got to where de forks ov de road cross each oder mit the meeting house and I looks around pe. hind my pack agin and the sthuff vos "all run ober mit de barrel agin- O, says L I viil fix you now, an I picks up a ehook bit all my mrgbt.'and -de ting flew out mit a noise like acanon, and knocked me down flat pff.de road. mit my pack' and seart de cart and itrunned away mit de oxen,, an proke eberyting in pieces and I am gomed home mit my. self but da cart is runnin to de tyful.;' iJj-' - 1E7"A gjntleman finding his servant intoxi cated, 'said- ' j ' ' , ' f What! drunk again, Sara 1 I scolded you for being drnnk - last night; and here you are drunV again.' ' : - l ."-' :. iTo, massa,' repiied Sam . 'iam!drwtk, 'same Jmnlr. iwm ' ' , ""- -'..' .-. - - ' . 1 f l'LICH 4-BiJJiER, would respectfa'.ly j .4 V- .itform the citiErcf, Clearfitrld,lind pobiie "enerally that they rave enierea into co-parmcs- ahip io - the i- -i -i I CABINET MAKING BUSINESS, nd keep constantly on. ba.odd. aQ4 manufacture to order, at m towest prices, -every varicij v furniture, consisting of -j ,;, L -.n: Dining j- Breakfast, aud Centre Tables, Sewing rr J I ' i. OJ...J. ' Writing, and. Wash-Siands, Tah.oganj','aud f - 1 Common Be i-s tad ; .' , .. Mahogony and Cane-bottomcd Chair?, pureaiis, Sofas.-t-oongea. Ac, ic. . Ctjfina made and funerals attended on'the short est notice, with a neat beirse, aud , appropriate J aceompanyments. , . ,. -House Painting done on the shortest notice. . Shop and Wre-rooms. same as formerly occupij ed by John Gulich, mearly opposite the 'Jea Store, Clearfield. Pa , ; JOHN GULrCH." May" 22, -55.-1 y. -..DAXIEL,BEN'Et... BOOT AND SHOE STORE; . GRAHAM'S ROW,. CLEARFIELD, PA. ' The subscriber would inform the public that he hns iust ooened an entire new stock of Boots and Shoes, in Graham's Hew, one door eastof thoJour nal Oniee. . - - Eve,ry variety of Ladies'. and Gentlemens' Gaiters, ;. Laced Boots. Pumps. Congress Boots, Childrens' Sboes.'Ac, &c. " ." : Boots and Shoes' made to order. C. g. BLACK -Aug. 1, 1355. (r7:-r-.r ;, .TJi. TVJEW BOOKS! SEW hooks: haw'i Row, Clea: fiel-T, Pa.' ' " The undersigned besrs leave to inferra his frierids and the public generally Xhat he ha just. -received a larje and well selected stocV f . . ' ; consisting'of all tLe latest publications :,. -. , - . SCHOOL, HOOKS, BLANlv BOOKS STAT ION A PvY, and I'ASCY ARTICLES. ; U U : He also ."has on hand a large and beautiful stock o CONFECTIONERIES,' which he invites the pui.H-i'jto call and examine. , -Store nearly opposite xa Journal Office. May 16. I55a.-iy. : , THOMAS KOBBINS, ir rRRAII FOR KANSAS ! The Blood Red Banner float's in triumph on the O d C or ner Stare.'" where A. M. Hi LLS-has just opened the cheapest and most splendid assortment of Goods, ever.displayed before this eommunrtyi and exactly adapted to their many and '-various necessities. hats: Capsboots', siioks. bonnetts, cas simcues. cloths. ikess goob-s. toil et articles. 1e lanes, puixts.- U LOVES. HARDWARE, STONE and ;. QUEENSWAUL GROCERIES,,. with fancy articles a i infinitum. . , ; -Clearfield. Juue 2i,- 1S55:-.: A. M. HILLS. ' i aruta S;.; Tyrias City.-pa-?. . v uolesale and lictail L'caler in DRUirS. CHEMICALS; MKDTCINES, PAINTS, OILS. 1YE STUFFS. WINDOW GLASS, VIALS, PERFUMERY, Ac, Ac. .Having just opened an extensive assortment of these articles Physicians will find it to their advan tage to give him stall, 'and examine his Stock be fore ordering from 'iho.Eastcrn. Cities; and Coun try Merchants can also be accommodated with all the Fssences. "Tinctures.- Patent Medicines. Ac. WH-:jLliiALE.-t HE TAIL. at. h,vst price. I He bones by strict attention to business. and .1 desiro to please, to merit a share of public pat ronage.: ' . .". - April 25, lSj- THE GOOD INTENT HOTEL, .'-,... . '. ; cjWEviLLi:, pa.. .;, The Subscriber would inform Lis fi iends and the public that he has jus: refitted and re-fur'uished his house and is prcparedfo render every attention to the travelling comniUniry. " ' His bsr contains liquors of the first 'quality, and l : . . I ' :n i - V - ; , -. i . i. . , uis iiiic will uiwas uc 5iipp.i;a nun me oust in market. He rcspectfutly ioliiits his friends and others to give him a call. WM. IV. ELLMMjXG." ' A ugust 1.1 855. - . :. . . . Ml'SIC LES.SOXS: Miss Cuttle proposes to resume. her instructions in music. r . . ' Terms; SIU. per quarter of 34 lesson;';' ?," For further parti-.-ui;irs enquire at. thc-rcEidence of J. L. Cttlr Esq: - , ; rClcarSe!d -Ju!y 11, 1S55 -3t. . . : ; . , A.K. WRIGHT. MERCHANT, and-EXTEN- SIVE DEALER IN LUMBER. SecoudStreet, one door south of bis residence, Clearfield,-Pa, : m I Clearfield, March 11..J555. - ' J' OH.N RUSSELL & '0., . , -.. . TANNEIIS AND CURRIERS. ' : ' -.'jx.t' iv." ; Verttuill', Clearfield Co.. Pa.. Keep constantly on hand an excellent" assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest casb prices.'-' Hides taken in exchange, n. July lo. ISoi. , . - TVOTICE : All persons knowing theuieei v.ae 11 indebted fo the firm of Mossoi A Porr.utFF, will call and settle their accounts immediately, as the books must be closed at once. ; '.-"'.,. ii- -I' - Mi-i MOSSOp A POTTAUFF.V. ; Clearfield, June 13, 1855. - ' . . 'ijOIlN TROr.T.UANHoue, Sign and Oma-. a mental Painter, ( lazier. Chair maker and Paper Hanger, offers .his derviees Jo '-.the citizens-of Clearfield and vicinity. ... y .'. , , . ''Shop on Mnjtl SlLj-i-it Id ok- the Vonnlry. . CHAIRS. LOtTXGES. SOFAS. ROCJtlNG- t CHAIRS, OTTOMANS, W. kept constantly on hand aid made to order.' o'n'aa! in hi .,ni- tU:t nnr. c. '.i. East, and' more durable in .material. :-Aug. 1, 1S5j.. rpYRONE CITY IIOTEL. IUGnES A J. IUVIX. would respectfully inform the public that they have verygveatly improved their House, and are now able to afford the travelling public, tee most comfortable accommodations. .Their bar is furnished with the very best liquors, ujid the luxuries of the Philadelphia market tire to be found on their table. Thev respectfully invite their numerous friends iu Clearfield to give them ca!N ..-,v . i.. August 1,1855, : CAUTION: All persons, ara hereby notified uot to medJl.e or interfere in any manner, with the followiug property, vu the "premises of.thc sub scribers in Girard township, viz: Two 'yoke of oxen, and three setts' truck" wagons, which have been in the use 61" Charles and A. J. Cumuiiugs, as the eai l property belongs exclusively to the under signed, . SMITHS A KING. . iirard Township July 1 lS5.".-lt.,, ." , -. 5 A DIES' DRESS GO)l)S a Urge and beautiful Ai assortment, for sale cheap by ' ' ,v Jane J7,-55.J ' ; A. M. HILLS. ' CLOCKS of every variety and price,. from n hours to 14 days, for sale bv ' - i Juire 7. '55.1 - - - a."M HILLS rADlES' Handkerchiefs, all Linnen. for sale by, " " "-' I - ' It--M'JSSOt. .i Bf.ACKBEURY BRANDY, for the cure of Choi-' era Morbus. Dysentary and all other diseases of the stomach and bowels, for sale by R Mossop BXTS A SHOES. A large and splendid assort ment of Ladies', Gentlemens' and Childrens' Loots and Shoes for sale at Mossop 's. ' (Jn.1.3 - (ONTECTION-ARIES a .lict as- J sortment this Rorou-h ever could boast of. at June 27,-65,) j u--. - . . A. M. HILLS. M USLIN, at a cents per yard, at Mossop's cheap cash store. ... : June 13. '55.-- MAMILLAS A large lot of Ladies' aud Chil dren s Mantillas for sale at Mossop's Cheap Cash store.:. -; ,-. . -., ,r ,-, : June Id '55. ADiES' GLOVES A very large lot ofbiack net worked Gloves, at 10 cents a pair worth 2acts at Mossop's cheap cash store. '. JJn. 13, 'ji. : MACKEREL, HERRING and CODFISH t tha store of ;jn. 18.1 .. W. T, IRWIN. Ti2S'TEi8ht d8y-' thir-T '"'""i' "d alarm ; v ' " " " OWiC.NS, -- i3jtv7S.CI iliiS just pponei a large a&4 sp'.oadiJ .assortiucnt .-XEw ;goods, .wholes a lk asi ket.aij. i Oi e'Ve.y desiri-'it! cLVLf, which he' is seMiftg-ifr'tr"th1wtst -prices ever known in this'region f Country : DKV-nOVS: fTARn bQTTETZNFWARE. -a HATS A- CAPS. B tOTS & VH'tTZS. GiiuCERlKS tr en. vpwrn NAMES,:. ; ' He iDvitesIbis jClearf ildi frknLs. to) gio .hisd a call, aiid. exchange iheir ri, ltnlexJ shingles, and every variety of produce.-for the ohkpkst and best gooda."to be ha I west of, rhiladelpbia, ; Feb. 21, 1855 ij- -i ; V .' ; ' STAB TLl Tiii AX N O U X C KM E X T j XAiE-T" AlijuIVAt. T&X& T3.Z EAST. ? R .Ri WELCH, has just returned from the City with a. -new. and' snk-ndid assortment of Vatche. Jewelry, and Silverware the; lai-gest. jest and cheapest ever brought into Clearfield -insisting of limiting and open-f.iced gold and silver watches, gold lockets, gold caaiUs.'gvH Pens, rinsrs.; breast-piBS. spe-Jtaclcs. silver fork Lra'.-el;s. slceya buttons, duff iiins; .ear rings, itc., Ac 4c; ; i ' Watches and jewelry repaired on the fihortest notiae. ' ' '- Jone ft,- '55.: - EW All RIVAL S Alanretindcbcap assort ment of, Spring and Summer joods. just re- eiveil t!Utl for snle on tho lowest -terms at the store of RICHARD M0SSOP. .:. ! - ' - .lr:K ,'itY-G ODi, Ga30 2EIE3. QUBS-WdSS,- l EDOl & itOD-:; HIT:- CAPS,' ' f. c , : - BONNETS. SIIAUrrj. j; -..i.U - CONFECTIONARIES, ,t PISH,' TOnVCOO, STATIONART. MQt-noS. -' ' 1 ''. ,jt ' li t and a little of everythiuir. ! ; "- All of which will be sold at lower prices tha ev er before offered in Clearfield. K.f MOSSOP. : Clearfield June 13, IS55." t : - ' ' :, ' -.. IJEAL ESTATE I'0 11 S A L V. .By ' virtue a, -of an -order of the Orphans' - Courh of Cleur fiei.d county, the subscriber ofl'trs at private sale the following described valnullo real estate, tho property of Martha Jane Welch, a minor daughter of James Weie'n, Jatc of Pike -towrtshijA "id s'lid county, dee'd.; viz : all that certain : tr.iL-t or piece of land situate in Pike township. Clearfield coun ty, containing 132 acres"inore or less, bounded an-1 describ d as follows, to wit : On the' South, West and North bv lauds of IXaniel B ulcjv and ou the East by lands 6f iScujamin Carr ; ..'.' " . : , , About aires 1i-ing cleared' and under" good cultivation, and about: acr."s of 'oo"i timber land. ' JOSIAH P., READ, Guardian. May 30. 55-tJ. ' ' '' . i '. , Lawrence tp. ', RE3IOVAI: The undoi'signed beu;s leave to inform hi friends that he has removed his . ,, .. . looi tnosfioas,, ,'' .' ' ? Jrom "Shaw's Row," to his ncw buIMing. opposite 'he "flice of James Wriglv. and two doors south of the Olfi ie li. R. iARETrr Esq.'. - He still keeps cont-tntlv ou hands, every varie ty of Laiies sii;:pers.. ffaiters. .-puulps. Ac. Mcn's- faiicy ilioes and gaiters, with an oxeellcnt assort ment of heavy work, all adapted to the various wants vf the peoole of Clearfield: He -hopes his friends will evil at his NEW STORE, and ox aiuiue his Sb)3k. ' - "' ' Hoots an 1 Sboes maiti to order, and -mending doiio aa herjtofare. - - ISAAC JOIIXSTCN. . Clearfield, June 27, 1555. JEW RESTAURANT AND . ICE CREAM form the ladies a ud gentlemen of Clearricld. that be has taken the commodious' hoa3' south 'or Hemphill's Hotel, whero he designs keeping Ice cream. Lemonade. Cakes- Ccnfec:inries. Ac He will also keep on han is a supply of Ovsters fan I all ether kindsof .rsfrcslioienii. in. tho Saloon lie h;is 'formerly occupied, in tho basement of J2etr.T,hi!l's llo x-t CHARLES OUEAFF. r -Clearfield. Mav 2, 1. ; ii if'i'. : i i r J AVI O S. PLOTN EH Respectfully informs ' MiF hisobl friends and the public that he- h.-s bta incd the services of a good Cutter nd work man as a firemn iu r ihe ' t riVorin busi.iess.' and he is now prepared to tutor.d to any orders in bis Line of work on the most aeeommo'latin torms and 'lort noti ce, and will h lve cto'tiinj on Hand at all times, such as dress coits. frK-kco it. vests, and pantaloons of their own manuf.icrure, 'and good material at the Iowc?t prices - With a wish to ac commodate, he solicits a share of patronage, , ., . $ New Washington. May a. lc55. ' ' JEW FIR.tf A. A; J. Patchis 'having taken to- tbeiuselves the Store formerly' owned by Juo. Patehin A Sons, take pleasure in informing their friends, and the- publi a generally, that they have just received from the city a splendid assori-ment-ttf 1'ry txoo-ia. Groceries. Hardware. Ouecus-" ware: Hats. Caps, Pools. Shoes, ar.d every thingelso u:-u:il)y kept in a country store-. -Persons wishing to buy cheap and irood Goods., should not forget that they -redetermined not to ba undersold by anystore in tbe county1 We invite onc-aiid all to come and exiimineour stock for themselves as wo charge no thing for so doing. . .-AAUOX PAi'CtilN. -. Nov. 1'51-tf. : ' JACXSON PATCH IN. LACKSMITIIING. The subscriber would iLform the public that !u hst;iken-the lilauk- S-milh tshop formerly'. oocuicd by George . Orr. on t'.ie corner of Third ami Main streets, in. the bor 4b of Clearfield where hj carries on the busiucss iu ail its various branches , JACOR SIIL'XKWEILER. .' June 5, tSfij'.-ly - - ' - IlILIPSBl'UG HOTEL: The subscriber would inform his friends in Clearfield, and the IV1 S"? that h has enlarged and, refitted riiis bouse, ancl is now enaoicjl to compete sue css- fullly with any Hotel in " t!ic country. No pains will bd spared to render his guests comfortable. , -. His table shall always be supplied with the best the market can afford, and his charges moderate. ' He respectfuily invites his. friends and other to give him a call. iA YiU. JOilNSIOX. philipsburg Jan. 81,1855.. I y.--' ; ; t " , . ; mVKONE LIVEHV STABLE. The sab- '. A scriber, having removed his Livery table from Curwensville to IVrouo Citv. bs leave to bis irieaaa anu ine puoiic,- mat lie is at an times prepared to supply them with Horsas. c irri iges. buggies, and other vehicles on hire, at the most reasonable terms. - Inquire nt the -City Hotel." - - - JAMES CROWTHER. Tyrone, January 31, lS.")5.-!imo. - - - . HAVE. YOU SEEN. SA.mV The subscriber wuuuiieform bis old friends and tho public generally, tnat ne still continues to keep a house of entertainment in New Washington where fthose who call with bun will receive-., every attention and be mad comfortable. '- - t';s. i .' w . ' tiood sibling, and every other convenience for horses on the premises. DAVID S.' PLOTNEK.1 - New Washington, Jan. 31, 1855. j TEREGE DELAINES. A superior article : o J Delaines in dresil nattprna at m?rt onnfu i JLM Rerege Delaines in dress patterns, at 25 cents per yard, never fsqld in this county 4efor for les than.. "it) cents at -RICH A lib MOSSOP'S June J.j.: '55. I. HEAP CLOTHING. A large lot of Cheap Clo- 's and Roys, for sale cheap, bv June 13, '55. -rilUliAriU MOSfcUl. BLACKBERRY ERANDY. A cerUinxiure. for tho Dysentary, for sale by Junel.V'55. . . RIcnARD MOSSOP. ! A Large assortment of Stone wsre at the store of June 13. 1 - - - - w. P. IKWIN. '. GENTLEMEN'S FANCY ROOTS A SHOES: An unapproachble stock for sale hr -v June 27, '5j.j i , A. M.'HILLS. ' t ADIES OAITE2-S assorted colors that can't - oe Deat in quality or price for sale bv June 27, 'oi.J A. M. HILLS. HATS of the latest styles, and most approved quality, received, and for sale by : - - . . June H, u. v. l A. M- HILLS. MISSES' FuA'IS. trimmed and untrimmed, a beautiful article for sale at tha ft.. june zi, oo. y . - . . . .- A, M. HILLS. BACON A tr W of . Hams and Should Xnnm m . - ; fB Wf Af era BOKLK, BltoTftliKts JOES, --- t, i f 0'.; : P ii I i A u E L P ii I A ;l -.dt Ai ;i ! Importers and manufacturers of City and ' ' ' i EASTERN MA1E E00T5 AND-SHOES.' " Also.'-every S-ariety of French' arid English Shoe - 'Lasiings, l'atent Leather, Kid and Calf-skins,' " :i i i hoo Ijaces; Gallous. Biidings, ie.',: ! -i suitable for manufacturers ',;i .. .;i;t .; i Also, rprsiga and 1'omcstio Straw, and. Silk. Bon-., . uets, Leghorn. Panama. aid Palm.Loaf Hats, , Ln'slisb. I'rei-.oh. and American .artificial 5 1 Flowers. Oil Silk, Straw Trimmits, X i II " - : . ' ;-r -1c.-, fc. ': "' Having Temoved to out hew tore, "S6. 158 A. ISO M:u kef street, below 5tb, e-outh: Sideup-staira. we iuvite your-attoution to our large and varied Stock of Straw Goods,' Loots and'LSboea. 'which we are preparing for the approachiug FaJlule? . -,: All our .G.Kds being exclusively cf our own di-T'-ct JmpurUjou and .Manufacture, we. feci confi dent 'that our facilities arc such tb;:t ?c c'aii ' ffct you inducements as regards variet-y ar.d jTu--i ot Goods, unsurpassed bv anr honcln tliV coTiiitryJ ' .. ; liOKLR, LROfHERS A JONES. ' ! ; Nov. 8, lS5i.-ly. .-! ! i -. -i . 1Jh:i. U 'p&ia: -. . , i , . . . i , i i . , . . i .i -. TTXiRK.. TYSON A REHN V.iiolcsaV l rv B Good's Store, No. 1-13, M.nUotUcjt, rLL!.i.ici- phia.' L r lesals ''tnr6 i oael in y.-in Clry, whero anybody, who wanls eaeap g'jods can purchase.- The subscriber has j-.st (opened a lar'e and well selected stock of Goods in . li;T V R O X E C 1 T V Ci nar 7,n .'ii juia-a ?ta. Ho has on tianJs and will constantly keep- a l-'rgo i sto-jk of h ry Goods, Groceries, Hats,' Caps ." Pools, SLccs, Cio'hinz, Hardware, Quziitsnurs Druzs, , , ; .p;ji,Q.xjji;ipt .vs.;. of all kinds, consisting. of. . , ; Potatoes. Racen. Fruit. Deans. Flocr, Wheat, ;, . Cocn mc-al. Ac..Ac. , , . r Arid ho hereby iivea liotiee that he will sell his goo Js as low :as they can ba purchased ia any town or county this side of Philadelphia, aud iUt3s Hoards, shiiictcs, or even money in cxcii.ine.' I'--July. f !5v.j .. ,. r,,M. LXLL. GOING IT ALONE. Iho uudersigned hav ing taken to himself the store formerly own-r ed by Patchin A Swan, takes pleasure in informing h's friends and the public general! v.- that l;o has t just received from the city a splendid assortment of Ory Goo Is. Hardware; yueenswarc. .vroccries, ; Confccliomirit-s,. il?ts aud Caps. Roots , i : .f. ,.-.,...! and. Shoes, , ... , . and .every -.h log eisc usually kept in a country store.. .Prs:iis wishing to buy chetip ' and good Goods si' o'ujj r.6t forget that he is dcteriuinod not to eTindfcrsold by rally store inthc county. His mot.b is -a nimnle penny rathe than a slow six-pen---w " ' .SO PAT CHIN. Glen-Hope, July 5. 1S5I. - I t p. n ei-son & co.. f tw ' . .tutrix Tfuvntthi p. p. Clear fi-Li Co.. Pd.' Would respestfullv inform the citizens of that vi cinity ' that' they keep constantly on hand a large assortment of ' t ' ' Dry Goo II trJ-IVurr. Q:teen'"yrr.(Trar'rit$,' . CaiiFertioiiarits. 'Hjt iV Cays, Boots i- Sltors, and all other . articles usually kept in a country store, which they are 'determined ta sell low tor cash, couittry prdne. or lumber. - ' ; '' Au 'ust 1.1S;"5. . '' - - . EXCHANGE IIOTEL. PIIILIPSBUKG- The subscriber, thankful for. past favors, would respectfully 'solicit a continuance of the lib eral patronage bestowed upon his Houso by the Public He. is prepared to ; accommodate water men, edifors.'fl rovers; and all others who may call with "bim. in tho very best mRnc.r.: 1 ' '' .- ; I lo also purposes to run -n lino of Hacks frm Tyrone tu Clearfield, for tho accommodation of the tr.-ivellintx piiblio.. ., J. ti P.L'NX.-. , Phi.'psburg. March. IE 1355.-tf. v. . .. '..'. . . "TEW MILL At theOld Pioneer MilN on the J.1 Moshannon, ;in -''Morris township. The-sub sjribcr has just. completed a larjo. new Grist Mill whHh is .in sncccssfu! operation. Grain of all kin-Is bouxht.' stored, and sold on commission. ... Dee. 27. "-54;. ' HENRY GROE.; VPPLICANTS FOll BOUNTY LANDS Ender the late act of Congress, will find, the subscriber fully prepared. 'with M'mks. forms, Ac..' to assist them in proimrinjr their Warrants. , .llflice two doors eMst-of Journal Office. p stairs, Mar. 2,- 55.1 j '- 1 1L PIFCHER SWOOPE. i TMES Rl GRAHAM Merchant snd 'extensive dealers. in' lumber. , Gruhampton. P. O.. Clear Tn! i vunty. lva, ' " .- May 25.' '54-ly. ' :V ft OFESSIONA L'1. B VRKETT ft'LARRIftEII,' ; :-' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ' 'i h tving entered into eopartaershij in the-practi.-v of their prfitespion. will inirhfulty attend to all bus: 110 J3 entrus:e J to their oare in ClearBnid conn tv. -. . . . . ... , G.. R, UARKETT, . , . . ' . ' J, U LAL1IMER. .. Clearfield. July 1-?,' 1S55.-1 y. HBUCII EH SWOOP E. ATTORNEY AT LAW: r ? ;' CLKARFiT-.i.n, Pa. Two doors Ea.st of Journal office. Up stairs. Dec. 1. JS.i J. T JACXSON CTtANS, LV A TTOKNEY AT LAW ' ' CLEARFIELD, PA. Offictf adjoining his residence, on Second St. Aurust 1 . 1 6S3. AMES BIDDLE ;ORl)0, ATTORNEY' AT LAW,' C L E A R F .1 E L D , P A . Offire in the room adjoining, on the East, tho Drug- Store, of lr. H Lorrain. He may be con sulted in French and G'rrnan, August 1. 18)5. It. W; r; a. WALLACE. A TT. )R NEY A T LA 1 1. ' .,. CLE AX?IEL 3, P A. OEco Vtc-rly f.pposito tha Court'Jlouse. August l.! B55. " JC M'ENALLY. s ' : ..- . . ': ATTORNEY AT LAW. . .......CLlAiiyiSLD, PA- l'raaticcs iu Citfrirfieli ncd adjoining counties. jOfiice n.irly opposite Jud.s Wright's store. ,- August I, H55. ' ; . 3 !;i7' DUNIiY. : ' ; . ... ' M-J ATTORNEY AT LAW. CLE A-iIjiiJ, PA.. - . OrlivM in the- room adjoininar on tho West, the i ,'.e w u' r . 1 . V. 'OU. 1. -. Ii t 111. August I. 1S35. t ! .a fOUN II. MULLEN. 1 1 PHYSICIAN, ' 10 rr i'lRe.- CUarftdd '3oHHty, P.i., Having rented the property aud situation of Dr. Y. Hoops, tenders his proft-ssiona! services to tbe citizens of Frjnebviiie, and vicinity.- Office, one door cast of Lute's store, Freuehville.t , May 22, !55.-in. , . - , . ... DR. B, F. AKLEY, ' . . . , ; PHYSIC TAN, . r ' i GrahsmptoH, Clearfield County. Pa.,' .. ... tenders las professional services to the inhabitants of Grahampton and surrounding country he can at all times be found at his Office, directly .oppo site Mr.' J. B. Graham s store, when not proles, sionally engaged. ApE 25. A. M. HILLS, D. 1). S. Office- adjoin- .VRisi ine nis ntore, vieaineia.. ra. Artifi. LtLiir cial Teeth, from eae to a full set, moun ted in the most approved modern style.,, ,'...,. j . Filling, Filing, and Cleaning' done with care and neatness. ' .- - . -i-1 -. . - Teeth extracted with all the eare and dispatch modern science can furnish. i.i 4. ;.: DR. HILLS, ean always be found at his office, he is now kis wWa(a aUontlon to hit IAILY is BROTIiKrr, - - A-9 r i fie-'Xi ... I P Have now op en a large assortuiect of -Tv - Strlcs ami coders of - i'4 it i i.' ; 2Icw Styles Tti-5ivrT.vi; v ,1 UAIUVJiT l U,. OF THEIR 0 1 1 "X. I MP ' 7. T. . 2 0Zl ' J ' i "'rzzixpffci J : - Al soi.ft f u 11 ssor ftn en t of SwfV r ' Vr -Sir v? ' ;j AMERICAN CAlirETIiA ,'.,. Many. of which being, their owi. ; j t.i , . , . ip;in be recomniendel us ' "J : Uoo'i Carpeting for a I-o.c fYiei.'' FLOOR OIL CLOTH S i .fe . OA N I 'S M A i ! v ;fs. . " i of every width and quA2i?-T, , . , -3 i , BAIL? & 3 E,0 1 il '.t . rxpor.TStisr a MANTFACTrntns tr i.-.r yo. 2.2 Chesnnt Street,- Phi-!', i' i. -5 -,r August J, lS55.-ly. . ,.,,.. . CONRAD & WALTON, TT- r i; .-v;;r 2ii &a:f; fttre-t,- - PHILADELPHIA: - I jn porters jindfcakTs ia ': :m ; ? j ,t3 JIlUA? Jy-jlLz, $c., tjv. ' They respectfully invite the peop! cf Oar field, to continue thsir favors. t Aug. 1, 135.-ly: - !!.' J i r ., ifOUNT vEitxox iioTsEf ItJL -"Ho. S9,'Voth I-e.oid 't ee5. r . PHIL ADSLPHI A. :. . - Tho -uodersicncdi havlu taken th. f'd. wt i.-. known house, which has been rcnovarcd mA i, .modeled throughout, respectfully solicits his Cl-sar-' field friends-to give him a eaii on their v:ti t'? the city.,.. ;i. .,. tl ti.5- :-.i . . . The furniiuro U all UcW. and hes been select with caro frm iier.kies W&11 kr.own .uLii.l.wem in Chestnut . Stnr; and js 0f tj,0 jatMt aiK( fashionable Styl.; ,,,.,;.v ,. ... .... TLe location for Merchants and others coming tothocifj is eouvoniont, beiiiij in tbe centre ! OUS1UCS3. I. U BARK El .V Aug. 1, lS55.-ly. Prfiprie-cj H AIIIUS, OHBISON &. CO., fi ...... :'rl0LS3A2.fi DfiUOC-I ;. , No. 259, Market St., North side betwoeo S h j. Phil idelphia. Drugs, Medicines. Cbeiuio-i : I . cht Medicines. Surgical Instruments.' i'ru"7'.-. Glassware, j Window GLiss. i.-iiins..jl. J.y ua. Tor fumery, Ac Ap. ' JOHN LtAiU.iS. v. l- t : - " - "'" "';? 11. orcison; ' t.Auj. 1, '55.-1 j. J. SHARSWOOD. RUSSELL SCIIOTT, ' ' Ncs. 133 Satket St.. 5 Tlercha- ?: . , ; . PHILADELPHIA V Importers and Wholeaa'.o Dealers in' DRUGS, CHEAIltLiLH, $v. : They respectfully invite' theif Cleafiel-1 rr-i-v?-t'o give them a call. . . .. iit t . JJan. 17. ' TTTOOD A-CO Lx-;enive Dry-ooi Ltnl.i i JL: IS. Market St., J'hiiadeipuia, k jcp un. jui ly on hand a large, splendid, and cut-up the most fashionable and elegant goo Is. ' vile country Merchants to cull auu exaiu..; splendid assortment, .before purcbi.tUg ei..-..Le:C August I, l-55.-ly. V7TLLIAM S. HANSELL A N)N. ..Man..fv l 1 turers and Importers of sad d'tery. ai. i .-uc diery llarlware. No. 2i Maiket Sirett. t-lji.ac. phi.' - Saddles. Pridlas. Harness'. Trunks. W"h:pt Sadile Rags.'Pridle Filling, Lita. Stirrups. iMiukto Carpet Rags, ect. I Aug. 1, 'ii. 1 v. B KfDLEMAN A HAY WARJ M fcols-.l r ers. Tea Dealers, and kMiimis.-:on MeruiiA.-.i, riTo. 273, ilarket S'.reoi, I'hiladeipbia. ' D. RtrDELMAN. . A u g.l , 1 S53.-ly . J A. n AY WARD. A T.: LANE A CO Wh olcfai CloH-lag ''?: No. 171. Market Stret. ; Evtry van-.? ready made Clothing, in th most fhiocab! constantly on haul. ... , ... t u. I.. - 1 EORGE J, WEAVER A No. IS So. t JT .tor Street, . Philadelphia, Dealers Li-- ...... chain. Yarn, Manilla and ileuip l.oj.ta ;.-i- -. . Clothes-lines, Ac, Ac. . "l-ug l.,'s;.-.-. ISAAC M. ASItTOX. Hat Store. No Market St.. Philadelphia. Hats. Ctr.s. 1 Ac. of every variety, and the best quality a'w On baud.... -.- , t.-.c, . : JAug. I. iS.;5. l.v GEOTtGE W.. COLL AD AY, Conveyance! and Land Agent," No.-3. Gtdtlstnith's La.; Phil.-lelphia. will faithfully attend to all bu:L:-. entrusted to his caro.. . lAuz. 1, 1355.-1. - - - t. t ; 1 1.1; ' : ,i 1 I 1ALEB COPK k CONV 1 S3. Market St.. Il - delhia. ltealors in Linens. While r,o.:s. .!.. siery. French. Enslisb and German ?i k Goo-Js .1 ; - ecu, Glove. Rbltin Cloth. 'A 1. l Au,;. ' 13.VUL & tayloil' . I - ' 255 ITarlet St.e?t,' ' " " PHILADELPHIA. Hav always on band.' at their WLolesaV Wr house, a large assortment or ; -f: " the Newest Style of - . -, i ROOT, SHOE. AND S'iRAW GOOj-s . ; HDTii foreign and domestic " All their, goods being of their tin dir-.-' im portation and Manufacture., they are euabiu i oSer superior iuducciuentd to. Merchants, layii-i thoir stock. WM. w. paul; . ,- N. U. TAYLOR. " Doc. 1. 1354. fy. A VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEW STORE, No. "2Ncrth Sbcos Street. El.l.Y sitxttc Mount Yeritoii .s,).PpLii!adc!pti. Gold Lever Watches, full ie welled. IS ii. c oilver Lever do.: do,; Silver Lepine, do,: Ouartitr; ttold Spectacles, Silver do.: Silver Table fcr.mirs. Silver Desert do.; Silver Tea do. ; Gld Pets aJ.d Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do.: togU:-i with a variety of finer Gold Jewelry. Geld Curb. Goard and Fob Chains.-LA!1 goods warranted in be as represented. .Watches and Jewelry, repair, ed in the host manner."" " Also, Masonic Marks". Phis, Ae.1 made to'orJer. -..X.JI. All orders sent . by mail, or otherwise.. will be punctually attended to-. . . His motto is: -Small Profits and Quick Sales " Philadelphia, April 25, 1855. KUSIITOX & CO., 24 Market Str.e. ''PHILADELPHIA;' Importers and Dealers in Earthcn-AVara, China. " ' - - -...lilass. and Queens Ware. - Opposite the Red Lion Hotel. Philadelphia. J. Y. RUSHTON, J. C. HOPKINS. , , Nov. 3. 5t.-ly. ROBT. STILSON. KOOXS, II EI L.MAX & CO.. No. 107 50RTU THIRD ST.. "' -PniLAOELrciil WHOLESALE LEALEE.3 " In Foreign and Domeatie Dry Goods. . . : ,. Fifth Door below Race. i -..!.,. -t CHARLES KOONS, ' AMOS O. ILE1LMAN. , Philadelphia, May 16, lS55.-ly. '. COWLL ft CO.. . .: "T . . 176 Marhtt Street, , ' PHILADELPHIA; Wholesalk Dealers ix Hats, Caps, Fur. $c, between 5th and 6th St., Philadelphia. Jan. 17, 1355.: MARTIN, MORRELL & CO.. - fLate OLIVER MARTIN A CO.) Importers and Dealers in HOSIERY. TRIM MINGS. COMBS. BRUSHES. FANCY GOODS, Aa. ' No. 24 North Fourth Stree FMladel hia M.' T: MARTIN, CHAS. HI IIAMRICK, DAM'L J. MOR&ELL, O. R. PEDDLE, i:Dec.5fi'54. SANDRSOX R..MARTIX-.' RISMCTH ft BROTIIER, : v" .1.,:.- r .WHOLESALE -" tobjscc& dealers,' No. 10d N.-Third RtreVf"- -ors below Raee. '' jTawa 2.;'i. iiy .5erv2,v'..fr-J"-"-'J ' ftwWrV 1 'r-- n n II jfawaa