Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, September 26, 1855, Image 3

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    .? aAt 9.- T
4i m& tjf&& i U
9 -U
Coming' the election.;. -' " - ' '
Left totcn. Ex-Goy., Bigler. '
Dull our scissors and exchanges., ' .
Quiet our town since court is over. V:'r
Commenced thQ State Fair, at Harrisburg, yes--i
terday. i y;:i ." ' -.:.,.,',
Comes off the Harvest Home at New Washing-
ton, today. . -. v ,,v, .. -, ' '
Cool the nights. Fires are begining L to feci
comfortable. , . .. . .', ; .,
Out of dale white hats and linen eoats. Their
glory has departed. - ; "--' ''''. "
Interesting the court proceedings in another
column. Head them. ' ' ' ' -. ' ' -".F; 1
Busy out fanners, seeding
W are always a
little late in Clearfield. Y
Dotit forgrt it to be assessed in time. Let ev
ery man see to.it at once S.
.(Jen. A.L Hills is dangcromlyTill. It is
feared he will not recover. ; : '.'
Turned Mormon ono of the United States offi
eers in Utah. lie has two wives.
Scared the Locofocos.' ' They are almost read
to give up the ship. The rooster lias lost his spur:
Gone to the fair a number of onr,citizens, this
week. Our town looks us dull as a '.Junker meet
ing.' . ' ' 1 ' ' .-
Going it th Hards and Softs inXcw York.
The "battle, the shells'1 is raging vc itb terrible
Iary-' ', :. : :.' : ' ",.'
Saw Sam the people of thisregion, on Wednes
day night last. , lie exhibited himself most glori
ously. . ' ;' .' '' ;' . ." '
Numerous the hew subscribers Ave booked -.on
Court week.' ' We Jiave still room for a few more of
the same sort. ..') ): i s ) : ' ; 'r: - -
Mdd the Ex-Coy's toadies atthe lampooning he
got on Wednesday night. , His cdat of many eol
ors''.got badlyrent.1,-' . ,, , '"-'
Rich to see tho barber and sorrell-toppei shoe
maker playing ball for a 'quarter a game. They
are jovial companions. .....
Wooly. Tec New York Liberty Party, has nnnv-li-.aicd
Fred Douglats. a nigger, for Secretary of
State. Tliat's .aft tie too strong.
Jailor lost attempting to defend poor Pierce.
The man who tries it earns all he gets in a Post
Office Clerkship. It's a Herculean task.
In demand overcoats and hot whiskey pnn.-h.
"What will lovers of the latter article do afier .X'tf!
first of October? Make it on their own hook?'
Hurried our paper this week. Wo had to got
it out earlier ' than usual in order to attend the
Harvest Home, which will account for any defects.
Rotting the potatoes in this country. Every
body is complaining that it is with out a paralell.
It is owing in all probability, to so rau'eh v.tt
weather. ' ' - ' '
The. Fair President Pierce is to be at the State i
Fair today. He may expect to be viwcd by our ;
hardy Pennsylvaniiir a good deal in tho. light Jof.
a sick monkey.
'Hard pressed'' the I.ocofoco party. So said
the Ex-tJovemor, and he ought to know. We. .
think they will be pressod" a little harder about j
the second Tuesday of Oetober.
Yonud the pocket book of Mr. Evans, adver
tised last wock. It was promptly brought to this
ofjivf, containing the 10 lost and all the papers.
Who says there is no use in advertising?
Vnmiv to see the ;-or;rin' sav in ono colnmn
that knownothingism is only a new name for Whig
gery, and in another, call upon tho Old line Whigs
to assist them to elect "their ticket. Con.?itent
'Anntlier candidate-. James Bloom Sr.. is a ean
didate for .Sheriff. . Wc didnt know it until we
-w him -eafch fit3,'in last week's -orgin.' He is
at -Urady Democrat,' and of course desirous of ser
ving hjs country. ' ' '
Important. If there is any person in this neigh
borhood that wants to supply a small family with
fresh butter at a good price; -'the j-ear round," let
them apply-at this office. Ve want to get into
That kind of a speculation'.-- - -
Rentemlrs thaVthc election takes place on tho
Oth. and that if you are not assessed ten dnys be
fore, yon will loose your vote. Let the officers of
the various Councils, sec that'their members are
all assessed in proper time. ,
Cheering the news from flic different Ameri
can Councils in the County. They have made a
bold brake in Brady", the last place wc expected
It. Locofoeoism in this county may as well hang
its harp on the willowv Its days ajc numbered.
Itiithwiinlie tho Railroad Meeting last Week.
It"s bound to go ahead. One or two of our citi
zens came down with the -rocks' must gracefully,
and if the rost will --foJlow suit," the project is no
longer doubtful. '.Down with the 'dust,' andshc'Ii
"up break"; and go ahead.-, ,
' Hypocrisy. -The Pennsylvania Democrrtic Stale
Central Committee, in their address just issued,
eulogize the memories of Webster and Clay. When
these illustrious Statesmen- were yet alive, who j
were moro willing to trail ncc them than this same i
Pennsylvania Democracy '.
Coal for sale. By refforence to another column,
it will bo 6een that Michael Conley, is prepared to
furnish coal a$ 4 cts per bushel.. We have no
doubt this will bo good news to our citizens who
Avero imposed upon last year, by a miserable crea
ture who would ''skin flea for the hide aad tal
Jow.'" ' . . ..;'
A mite rail e dough-face the pew Governor of
"Kansas. He says he regards tlieTCansas Legisla
ture, made up as if" is of Missouri bullies and ruf
fians, as legal arid its acts binding Tho Admin
istration have found a pliant toolM last, Avho will
eonsumate the villainies of Stringfellow, Atchison,
nd their gnerri,ll companions.
JnftrnoH sermon. A gentleman informs tho
editor of ihc Richmond American that on the day
set Apart for fasting and prayer, a Catholic Priest
in Petersburg, uttered sentiments similar to those
uttered in Richmond, that the pestilence now ra
ging in Norjolk and Portsmouth, was a judgement
from God upon those places for sustaining Ameri
can principles at the last election. -, :
. Arrested. A young man, named Ciiamler3vwas
lodged in jail last week,' charged with murder Tt
appears that tbo body of a man named Hartman
was found floating in , the' Sinnamahontng, and
that Chambers had previously throatcned to kill
him. When the body was fonnd Chambers waa
arrestedjBiid brought to jail. We desire to say as
little as possible on the eubject, .as it ia wrong to
prcjidicc the publics mind in such matters lest tho
prisoner b adjudged guilty beforehe is proven to
hve committed the crime. '- ' '-
f-A 11 eat n KABi.:i'M an . A corr. irrJ;;i;t of tiie
'JKctitncLu tjtttlesntan gives the following bkelclf
of an oiil citizen living in PuIa.skikM'tinfy, na
med Elijah Denny, Avho is perhap ti.e oldest
man in Kentucky :
'lie will be one hundred and eighteen years
of age on the ll'th of September, and is as ac
tive nsany man sit forty. lie works daily up
on a farm, and throughout his Avhv.de life lie
has been an early riser. -He informed the
writer that he had never drank but one cup of
Coflee, and that was in the year 1848.' He ser
Ted seven years in the Avar of the revolution,
and Avas Avounded at the siege of Charleston ;
he was alao at the siege of Savannah, and in
the battle of Eutaw Springs, lie Avas also
present at the battles of Camden, King's
Mountain and Monk's Corner. He served
under Colonel Horry and Col. Marion, and
I was an eye Avitncss of the sufferings and dath
. of Colonel Isaac Hayne, of South Carolina,
an early victim ol the revolution. He is very
sprightly and active, and would be taken at
any time, to be a man of middle age. He is a
strict memberof the Baptist church, and rides
six -miles to every regular meeting of his
church. lie has four sons and five daughters
all living the eldest being now in his se-venty-eiffhtii,
and the roundest in his fiftv-
first year Such is a brief sketch oJ'.this ;tge i
soldier and republican, who is, perhaps, theVf
only, surviving soldier of Francis Marion, !
! Sumpter and Horry." . ' " , '. ' ""' I
; "Fakmkbs' Ilinn School." The Trustees j
.of the Farmers' High School, who met in our j
oorougn on the ll'th inst., luive located tins
Institution on the !anl ottered by Gen. James
Irvix, in Centre County.' Gen.. Irviri is to
gi're the Institution tAvo hundred acfos f land,
and the pre-emption right to two hundred
acres more, at sixty dollars per acre, within
five years. The citizens of Centre and Hunt
ingdon comities have, guarantied to-the Trus-
" tees the sum of ten teotjs.i'id tUdlajs- to be
; paid when needed for buiTJ'irig," ece." Tiiis lo- !
cation is in NitUtny ..Valley, Cehfre connty i .
and about twenty-one -miles from (lie l'cnn- r
: sylvania Railroad at Spruce Creek,
r i. -..,
j mitteo to procure a LVincip
I r.,r !,. !..;;.. i
tion reported in favor of Chakiks B. Thko, - respeeuuny imorm
i tju-i iiii j i " . i i. j- : tin-citizens of Clearfieid Borough 'and vicinity
of Philadelphia, and were instructed to inform!nJ -stri,uger8 wh uiav tarryhere until their
hltn of his selection. ' , , iai-j grow long, that he has tented the basement
A New Swixm.K. The rogues are not yet
at their wits end. ' The Cleveland,- Ohio, pa
pers chronicle a recent case, which "is worthy
the neralship of Vidocij or Dick Turpin.
A person accused a fejiov traveii-.'r of picking
his pockets on the cars. Upon t hp arrival of
vlie train at Cleveland a bogus police eilioer
arrested hini and took him to a .police court
room, also bogus, where his examination' was
deferred until the next morning. 'upon his de
positing a hundred dollars as S'lc.a.rity .for his
appearance The money was, ol course, a
u..-ji loss.
; Use of Aliens. Mr. J. U. Cluy selected a
Kentucky gentleman to -carry a mo-ta mes
sage to Mr. Prentice. This jrentieman un
: willing to disfranchise himself,' declined to
; act in the matter;, whereupon the pgncy for
bringing into cofnbat (reorg V. Prentice
i and the sn of Henry Clay wus appropriately
! coniiititted to .Myjor Lewin.iki, who, we infer
.; from this circumstance, and lrom his name, ii
i au Eurojeau refuge.
rX7CoL. A. K. Corxyx, wt! regret to learn,
died in Bloomfield, I'crrv countv. on the 4th
inst., after a lingering illness. Ilia health for
some time past had been seriouslv impaired.
, though he cherished the hope that by abando
j ning his paofession ami enjoying proper ex
; eruise,aud' jvc.reation he might regain it, but
! in this he Aas uisapo!n!cd. He was a man of
i fine abilities.
j The Amkhicans of Miflis Covstt' liad a
! grand popular demonstratior. at L;-wistewn rs
I centty. Jjarge iiumh.'rs of; ihj pjopVe Weiv
' present and eloipient speeches were made by
; Gen. Win. II. Irwin and Hon. John Wiiiian
' son. A full ticket has been nominated head
; ed by JohuPurcell for Assembly. The Whigs
; and Lot ofecos have amalgamated upon a "fu
sion" ticket.. ;.,,-,
Cheap Potatoks. A correspondent in Elk
hart Co., Indiana, writes that he and his neigh
bors planted an uunsu il quantity of -potatoes
this season, the result of which is that they do
iu,t know what to do with their heavy crops.
They are selling thero nominally for fifteen
cents per bushel, but they have no markets
sufiicicut to take up one-half the crop.
T7The next Lord Mayor, of London, by se
niority as alderman, Avill be a Jew, and the
first Jew that has rilled the cilice. David Sol
omons is of the cordwainers ward, and a liber
al Hebrew. There may be some opposition
to him, , hut none jjs anticipated'. ,
i Hon. James Eichaxax. It is confidently
j asserted in Washington, that Mr. Buchanan on
! retiring from bis ministerial career, Avill be
i immedately married to the widow of the late
President Polk.
The Jours at. is published e-ery Wednesday,
atOsB Oor.t-A i ami Fiktv Cents per annum in
advance, or Two IKillars within the year.
Advertisements inserted at fifty cents per square,
for the first, and twenty-live cents for each addi
tional insertion. A lii-eral deduction made to
those who advcrtie by the qnartor. or year.
The Terms' will be stri,;t!y adhered to. '
No paper-discontinued' without payment of ar
rearages, unless at the option ot the publisher.
Hon". J.'.;rF.s Brn.vsmn. - - Eellcfonte.
Hon'. RiriTU'.ri Sn.vw. - - - Clearfield. "
Hov. John IV Hoitt. - - - LumbeT City,
; ' niOTIIONATORY: 4e. 0 .
William Poi'.tku.- - '- - Clcai-Geld.
SHERIFF: -William
Powell. - - Clearfield.
Waiu, Clearfield.
H f:Trv
Stosk, ' Clearfield.
SAAlfEL SonOTF, - - - - OlCnllopO.
Robkiit Ross, - - - - Curwcnsvillo.
Ro'ikkt Mkhaffev, - - -. - - Rower.
Robert J. Wallah, - - Clearfield.
Jonx McPhebso.v, Clearfield.
L Jacksos CnANS. Esq. - - Clearfieid.
Tnnt. Ross, Esq.- - - - Curwensville.
W SennnJ. - - - - - JOIiriC.
C. Kn.T7.F,n.
J. H. Sea'LEK-
On the 22nd inst... Williah Powell, only son of
Levis K. and Hcllen J. McCullough, agwi 1 year.
3 months and 24 days. .
In Bradford township, on the Sth inst., TnoitAS,
aged 13 years 4 months and 6 days, and on tho
liali, Jons P., aged 9 years and 12 days. on3 of
Jwejih Winery. . .
JM'KLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell
ui. ilia resiacnce or donu uranaiu, cr;, im i
.1 . - 1 I - 1 . T 1 L J .. I
in Bradford township on Monday the Kth dav of ,
October. lIOUSKri, WA60N.C0WS. HOG S, FCR-
X1TURE, and other' personal property.
.JOUXURAIlAM, Jr., ) jv,v '
Clearfield, 25th 1355. 3t.
CAUTION : All persons are hereby notified,,
not to purchase or have anything to do with, a
certain note, dated Sept. 12th 1855, for 55a, sign
ed by Jo?eph Peters, and Moses Baily, in favor of ;
David Laboard. as the undersigned hag received
no consideration for the same, and will not pay it
unless compelled by law. JOSEPH PETERS.
Curwensville, Sept. 23, 1S55.
TVTOTJCE : As I am about leaving the County.
J.1 thtt books, notes and accounts of the Lite firm
of D. W. Robbins AOo. are placed iu the hands oj
Thomas McCraekcn one of tho firm, and Thomas
llenryEsii.forcoIIeotion.all persona ATill please'
come forward and save costs.
Also the acoounts and notes of Robbins fc Men- j
uenhsll arc left with Themas Henry Esq. for eol- '
leciion. D. W. RuBBIXS. t
September 21, 1555:- " I
Mien t i.'i 1'iivr i.'v h..
ieave to inform the ci.iaens of I
Clea, field and vicinity that he .
is uu-.t diggiug co.a at the bank of Robert Owens, j
half a mile cast of town, where he will .have on,
hacds, all winter, a lot of first rate coal.
i - .). i. ,
" !
will sell at the low rate of
io'je cs:srs PsnuuiiisL
at the bnr.k'. .' ; . i.
t 'rders for coal enn be had at Kratzers Store,
t.'lcarfcld. Sept. 2i). 1S55.
J. ot'Jokn Graham, Sr-Jcc'd Whereas Letters
of Adniiiiisiraiion upon the Estate of .John Or:i
haiu. Sr., late of Bradford township Clearfield co.
ti'jc'd, have been granted t- . th subsaribers. All
persons knowing themselves endebtod to s.iid E-;-taie,
arc reijoeytcd. lo in.'.ke imuiediato. payment,
nad luese h.iviug claims against said Esiale, will
present them properly authentieatied. ....
'J ho books are left in the hands of John Graham,
Jr., for settlement. ; '.-.
. J. P. NEbSOX,
Clearfield, Sept. 21. ISO;.. '
kltAlli A.AU il.VIii MUlM.Ui !-X'
of lle'im hill's Hotel, and hones that bv strict at-
ter.tion to business, he may receive a share of the
public patronage. ;
i ones is liar I, tlio Uarijcr is 2oor,
lie requests his friends not to pass his door;
For it' their hair should need a trimming,
Just cail on him, he is :ti ways willing
Never rough but always ready.
He shaves for a tip and cuts hair for a levy.
Not only so if that won't do.
He'll biush"your h:i. coats old and new :
He does the thing ail ut to smicn.'
And when done lie lonks f)r the Oash '.
'Jo conclude, he opens tli? door.
" The (lent steps out. and the scene is o'er.
Clearfield, Sept. 2-i, lW-l
dere 1 t met for parade ln -Saturdiiv. f cr t
r.'Ui ;it J. o'chick P. M. Each member will provide
hlir.si -it 'wis h iivo rounds of blaiik cartriage. Ry
-rderof the Captain. -Ii. V. RHEEAi.
Scpt.11. Firxt Seesrt.
7"A."i'EI), by the subscriber, a boy from fif
teen to ci-'hi'ceu year f a re. to lesii-n the
trade of houe.' sign, and ornamental painting
a:;d chtiirni-.king. "
A'-pli.'tition should be made lmmediattly
Titoi TMAN.
Cloiirfiold. Sept. 10, TSo5, Tt.
VOTICF.:-The unders-ij-ned hereby no'ifv all
X th OS.: Iki ure iiidviited t't them upon book
Hc-ouiitor otherwise, tha; tho books and papers of
tiie firui have been placed in the bauds of Thomas
Hk.m:v Fsq.. of Ferguson township, for collection.
Those knowing themselves indebted to us will
eull upon him at once, and settle their accounts.
0. W. ROIJiHNS Co.
LniiihorviMo. Sept. 10, l.Si.).
UlA ( : saiiiers of Adininistra tiou having
or-n prantedto the uAdcrsigued on the estate of
John Mc'uillam late of I!uriside township, de
cetised. iuiti?e is hureby given to all who have ac
touiits n-'.-tinst said estate to present them duly
aufheniicatod for settlement, and all who know
themselves indebted to the estate will come for
wur l,mid settle their accounts immediately.
Clenrfield, Sept. IS), 1S.". ot.
Jr dcr 'f tho t)rphan's Court of Clcarlield Coun
ty, there will be exposed at public s.tle, , on Wed
nesday. October Hub. A. '!. lrfij. at 2 o'clock, P.
M.. at the house of Joseph Peters, in the boroujrh
of Curwensville. the following premises, lae the
estate, of John Scott, dee'd. viz :
A house and lot. situate in the I!orongh of Cur
wonilIe. Clearfield County, at tho south cast
corner of State and Thompson streets, containing
iu fiont on said State street, fifty feet, and extend
ing in depth, of that width, along said Thompson
street, one hundred and eighty feet to an alley.
Teums 10 per cent to he paid on day of sale,
and the balance on confirmation.
L. JACKSON" CHANS. Adnj r D. B. X.
Sept 12,105.
11 inform the public, that they have just opened
au extensive
On Lecond Street ia tiie borough of
r t." j r? 7. t 7.' r. 71
""J"1 , . , ' , , .
where they are prepared to furnish at reduced pri-
ces, every variety ol articles 111 tJieirline.
Steel. iar-iron. nails, stoves of every variety,
Ploughs and farming utensils, pumps of every de
scription, r'ove pipe, patent sausage cutters, fun
neU and self sealing cans kept, constantly on
All orders for eastings for Flour Mills, Saw
Mills Ac, will be thankfully received and prompt
ly attended to.
fflsi mm una mi
'Ihey are also prepared to receive every variety
of articles on commission, at a low percentage.
"., L. R. CARTER.
Clearfield, Sept. 19, 1855 ly. .
1'IU'IT lillOWEU.S. A.UXiiuR'S PAT
e.it Ali-Tih S .If-iealing Caa3 aid Jars, for
Prcserviig .Frsh Fruits, &c. This invention for
which a patent has been obtained, commends it
self to tho attent ion of Housekeepers and others,
on account of its great simplicity, and the effectu
al manner iuwhieh it accomplished a very desi
rable and useful object.
The cans and jars arc constructed with a chan
nel around the mouth, nerr the top, into which
the cover fits loosely. This channel is filled with
a very adhesive cement, prepared for the purpose
and allowed to harlen. in order to seal jno
sel hermetically, it is on'y ti'.eersary to heat
cover xltvhtlu. au I urets it. into v'aet. It m i.V
opened with as much case as it is closed, by slight
ly warming the top. The ordinary tin caus. used
for the same p.urposo for which this is intended,
cannot, be closed, as is well known without the aid
of ft tinnsr; are difi.icult to open, and are generally
so much injured iu opening as to be useless for
future service. '''. ' ' ' '
By this simple contrivance, the process of hcr-ineti-jaf
sealing is placed conveniently within the
reach of every individual; and fruit, vegetables
and butter lif properly prepared) may be kept,
with their natural flavor unimpaired, tor an in
definite length of time. For sale by -
' Clenrlield,. Sept. 19, 155 tf. ' " . ' -
""ADrES' O LOVES. A very large lot of black
1-i net worked Oloyes. at 10 cents a pair worth
25cts at Mossop'ff cheap cash stored Jn,13, '55i
i -tm.'i desire to sell mv nronertv iu
Tyrone City,
Ulair Co. Pa., commonly, known as the Trroue
City Hotel.- Comprisinz as follows :
One large three 6tory brick house, Sixty feet, j
two fronts, and finished off in complete stylo. A :
large and extensive stable, an excelleut wash j
house and other, necessary out-buildings. There i
is also, on tho same Lots, one frame house, with
..tA..:il: i.- L i r 1 1
dr73 Vf? , i ' n0Wrem,KS UTJwIrack or blister, and harden by exposure; thu
urea ana thirty dollars per annum. The whole r w- .- i r .I.i.
stands upon three valuable Lots as in the plot of
said town, and affords seA'eral very eligible loca-
tions for store, offices. Jtc, &o. The whole will bo
sold on reasonable terms. And to any person, de
siring an investment, or speculation, now is the
chance. Private reasons cause me to sell this val
uable property, which is every day increasing ia
.value. Inquire of Caleb Guyer, or the subscriber.
Tyrone City, Sept. 19, lSOa.-tf.
TVTEW GOODS: The undersigned has just re
JL ceived a lare assortment of
mm mmt
. at his store in
wbIh Le offc forsalc cheap for ; wh or cAnntry
-'I'"1""" a,, xaoa.
. , T ,,.r. , ,.
u .i.ui ii i.t i La vioui9i jnesuo-
sciib- r has just received a larso and well se
lected stock of
cii almost every-description suitable to the season. .)
which he is scliing oft' at extremely low prues. He ,!
respectfully invites the attention of all who wish 1
to buy good Woods at the lowest prices,, to. call at
the sign of the
Country produce of almost every discription ta- j
ken at market prises in exchange for goods. i
I ersons wishing to purchase, and receive a J.iir
i equivalent for thtir-money, will do well to givo ;
him a call.
; Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS.
! on Market street, and call and bo convinced that
j there is truth in ths words thereon inscribed,
j , . . :.; " WM. F. IRWIN, -.
i September 5, 1S55 ' '"
3 HOC., HALL, C.TIUP..C3I, F.TOSK?, .'ec. -To
the citizens of Clearfield The subscriber re
spectfully inform them th.it he can sell them
JIA Til. 1 TT.4 r COOK S TO VES. ;
; With. I'ipe and Enmittr complete, at the lorn
I price of S00 OO, delivered at Tyrono Station.
i I'lT 7u-r ranted ir. evevjf rartica'ar.
JL. ju'Iy celebrated J-'toA'cs jast reeeived.
I This tovc is supc-rseeJing the Hathawav to per
sons who want a stove that will burn a long stick,
and comes at a lower price This
tove is heavy, i
I plates thick, and will be warranted equal to any
Citokir Stove in 'bse.' This .'-love will take a tIS
i inch sti'jk. Olivere l at Tyrone Station for !?2j
i ca-ii. complete with Pipe. Tin and Hollow ware.
I PERSONS wanting Room, Parlor, and 0-p!ate
Staves can get them at a very low rule, by
i stating whether it is for Parlor. Setting-room, c,
: .-Kiting what size stick you use. Ac., remitting us
j the amount of same, and we will deliver the Stove
1 in cood condition at the Lewi.-town K. R. Station,
; fro
frac of charge. F. Cr. FRAXCISC-Ud
IK);: ST'M'KS. from 51- to wan anta l to
give satisfaction, or returned at my expense.
delivered at Tyrone. . F. O. 1-RAXi. lr-t i .
ltL0R S'iOVLS, from 5..,. to .H, very large.
Room ' ' $" to Sj. '
Nine-Plate Stove?, from 2t. 2. '". 2s. and "P. at
Si, 5i5. 7. AS and SO. F. 0
Jcwi-t'iwn, Sept. f2, ISjj.-
riAiii: lkutstowx stove waue-
All kin-is of good TA'MBE.
delivered at T A" rone. F.
t.-ikeu in exchanj
1 UAnfin i rA:T OP IA'.UKEK, want
OUVf.UUl? ed delivered at Tyrone station.
payable in Cash 6u delivery, bv addressing
Sept. 12. ISao.J Lewistown, Pa.
1. 11". ta,
Ext lit. V herons.
nf Administration upon the Estate of Ocorge W .
Rheeiu, Sr., late cf Clearfield, deceased, have been
granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted .
to the said Estate are requested to make immeui--,
ate payment, and those having claims or demands
ngainst the Estate of the said deceased, will make
known the same, without delay, to the undersign
ed. " LYI'IA RIIKEM. Adm'x. .
GEO. W. R1IEEM, Jr., Adra'r.
I tTThe undersigned having taken the Shop oc
cupied by his late Father, respectfully announces .
to the public that he will continue to manufacture
and solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage
heretofore extended OEO. W. RHEEM, Jr.
. Clearfield, August 23, 1S55.
i: w
Avould inform his friends and the public that
he is prepared tt supply the Avants of those who
give him a call, at his ..-.-: " ..
one door South of Hemphill's Hotel, where he
sen-es up
and refresh rncutJ generally No pains w ill be spa
red to accommodate his customers. Aug. 2'J.
! that he
j for t0
will run
oDice of
s an IjinErE.vDEXT . CAxmoiTE
Couutv Treasurer, at the coming
election.. HENRY STONE. .
Clearfield August 15, 1354.
HARPER'S MAGAZINE. Each number i
of the Magazina will contain 141 octavo pa- ;
, ges in double columns, each year thus comprising .
. nearly two thousand pages of the choicest Miscct- j
; laneous' Jjitcrarure of the day. Every number !
; will contain numerous Pictorial Illustrations, ac
' curate Plates of the Fashions.' a copious Chroni
1 cle of Current Events, and impartial Notices of
i the important Books of the Month. ' The Volumes
' commence with the numbers for Ji-ne and He-
CEMbi:it; but Subseriptious may commence with
any Numbor.' '
1 Terms. The magazine may be obtained of
Booksellers, Periodical Agents and Postmasters,
! and the Publishers, at Sj.00 a year, or 25 ceuts a
; number. The semi-nnnua! volumes, neatly bound
in cloth, are sold at two dollars each, and muslin
i covers aro furnished to those who wish to have
their back numbers uniformly bound, at 25 cents
I each. Nine volumes aro already bound. "
Tho publishers will supply specimen numbers
; gratuitously to agents and postmasters, and will
! make liberal arrangements with them for circula
! ting the Magazine, They will also supply clubs
; of two persons. t Five Dollars a year, or five pcr
; sons at Ten Dollars. Clergymen supplied at Two
, Dollars a year. ''.'..'.""""
The Magazine weighs over seven and not over
eight ounces. The postage upon each number,
which must be paid quarterly in advance, ia three
ecu's. -
" The publlsherswouid give notice that they have
( no agents for whose contracts they are responsible,
i Those ordering the Magazine from agents or deal
ers, must look to them for the supply of the work.
Franklin Square, N. Y". July la, 1S55.
TVOTICE ia hereby given to all persons not to
J-1 interfere or meddle with one bay mare and
eolt, and one black horse, now in possessinof T. W.
Horton of Foggs township, as the same belongs to
me. He having them on hire only, and to be re-
tnrnA.1 IA itp ffhcri fialled For. -- V
i !
A large assortment iust re-
GO O 1)&mJ ceived ut very low prices
by SJpt
6.J ' W. P. IRWIN
A beautiful and well selec
ted assortment just receiv-
d and for sale by
Sept. 5, W. F. IRWIN,
r L A S T 1 c
P A T 2i
il W i II
These Taints will stand any climate, without
makin; in tuno an
enamel of Stone, protecting '
Wood from decay, and Iron and oher metals from
rust and corrosion. They differ essentially from
the so-enllcd Mineral Paints of the day, which are
principally Ochres, and Clays, and are entirely .
SILVER'S Plastic Paints ara purely METAL- ,
IC, containing no Alnmin or Clay. . ,
They are levigated finely, mix readily with Lin- :
seed Oil. (without the trouble of grinding. and ;
flow under tho brush as frcelp as the Vest White -Lead,
and excel all others in body or covering
properties, ono pound of which will cover as much '
surface as two pounds of White Lead, reducing the
cost two-thirds. There nrcrix distinct colors, viz :
i Olive, j Light Brown, i Light Chocolate, j
Elck, I Da4-k Do. I Deep Do.
All equally valuable as a preservative, and par- ;
ticu'.arly adapted to painting the outside of :
REMEKtii-n ! Exposure Zrdcns and increases
the diirabu'Uy of these J'.iiXTS. .
DIRECTIONS Mix with-purr Unseed Oil, a .
U:ickhi as possible, as the Paint is the lasting or
protect i ntr Itcjy, an-l the oil simply the medium, j
or agent in xpreajti'-! tt. " ;
"" in.i;ii.a U'holbs.vle Acbnts.
. IT. 7. coruer Tenth and Slarket Stree,
For sale, Wholesale and Retail. Dry and Ground
in Oil, by . Sam'l Bi:uLix. Tyrone City. J'a. .
Dealer in Drugs, lcdieincs Paints. Oils, Brushes,
Window Glass, :c " Aug. 1, 'ij.
Xl U.d C
orner Store of the undersigned at
C V 2 -.V S IT S V I L L E .
He has just received the largest and best cssort-
ment of Summer and iail Uood3 eA-er brought to
Clearfield; consisting of
Dry Goods, Hardware. Queensware, Gocerics, Con-:-
fectionaries, Hats ami Caps. Boots
I aivl Shoes, Carpeting. Oil ,
Cloth, Ac.
j , Cloths, Cassimeres,
! . , Linens, Muslins, ie Laines, .
r' Prints. liv?3 Silks, Roneels. Shawls.
' Mantillas. Fringes, Fanct Toilet articles. La-
cos. Embroideries, and an endless variety of other
articles too numerous tQ.iiiC.atioii. all of which he
' offers at the lowest prices and on the ca-iiest terms
Aug. 1, is.,5. li.-l). PATTON.
AIJISKT .MAKING. Tho undersigned
would respectfully inform the public, that he
has taken tho old stnnd opposite, the Methodist
Church, known as
31 o 11 R o w ' s s 11 o r,
where he keeps constantly on hand and manufac
ture? to order, every variety of Household and
su"h as Tables, Rureaus. Safes, Stands Cupboards,
Sofas, Redsteads, ic, of every stylo and variety.
Clearfield, Pa.. Aug. 1355.
IVTOTICE The subscriber respectfully informs
lAl the citizens of Clearfield county, that he ha
rented his Tannery to John MoGaughey, whom ho
can recomm:iid to his customers as attentive or.d
obliging. He also respecffelly requests all persons
to come forward and settle their account as he is
desirous of closing up his business. Hides taken
on old accounts. ' JOHN MePHERSON.
Aug. S. lxo.
Tho undersigned respectfully aunounces that Lc
h:is rented the - . -
T A X N K U V i
of John McPherson. where he will keep on hand a
good assortment of all kinds of leather, and hopes
by strict attenti in to meet a share of public patron- i
ae. Leather exchanged, or ca-h paid for hides !
Aiis. S. 1S5.". .!i.io.
DltAULIC RA3I. The subscribers beg
leave to inform the public that (hey have
purchased the patent right of W. & 13. Douglass
Improved Premium
W3i If?-''if F- A
lit -t
f.r forcing water up bill, for the Counties of Jef
ferson. Clearfield. Clarion. Crawford and Venango.
They warrant the action of the Machine one
year, (when there is sufficient water to carry
it.) if ordinary attention is pai l -to" it.
The ' Ran
anil eticciive macuine
for forcing water to any required distance or elo- j
ration. It is perfectly applicable where IS inches '
ot fall ean be ha 1 tuo tno greater tne lan appu-
ed the more powerful the lor-cration of the niachiue. 1
Any quantity ot eertmcates can be oDtainea ies- ,
iiymg tuo su jci toriijf vi iuic iuwuiuc i t-i ttij
other instrument fur forciug water to a given elc--ation.
Letters addressed to the subscribers at Curwens
ville, Clearfield Co.. Pa. will be promptly attend
August 15, 1S05. 6mo.
1 aI have just received a new and splendid assort
ment of goods at their store in
They invito the public to give them a call, and
feel assured they will bo able to render entire sat
isfaction. Lumber. Hides, Rags, Grain, and all
other kinds of produce taken iu e.vcange.
Aug. 1, 1S55.
.TV" K W A R R I V AL.-The undersigned has
i.1 just received a largo stock of
Sl S. U XM'J-
adapted to the season, consisting 01
&a.. Ac.
Grahaniton, Aug. 22, 1S55.
term of xhis Institution will commence on
tha 3d of September,
All persons wishing to fit themselves for TEAcn
rno nr other avocations in life, will here reeoive
x.Dr lnsiril fai iiitv and attention, A thorough
J . . . -, . . :
Classical auu -'lercamue couiie is ueic jum, uu current eveuia iu aw j.ai ui " v vi, m
teims lower than any other similar Institution in j and manners, altogether making a paper entirely
tho State. ' I original in this country. Its pages oontain views
Parents at a distance can. obtain boarding for ' of every populous city in the known world, of all
their sotu or daughters under the immediate care j buildings of note in the eastern or western bemis
of the Principal, where they will receive rare ad- I phcre, of all the principal ships and steamers of
vant-i-'es. with all the comforts and pleasures of a j the navy and men-hant service, with fine and o-home-"
and their morals will bo carefully guarded, curate portraits of every noted character in th
Th rates of tuition per quarter are: i'nmary
English, 2.50; U igh Lugliffh, S.OO; Classics, 5d.0U.
Matheuiatics, atiovo Aigcora, i; irencn, Draw
ins, and Painting. 95 each. '
Further information can be had by addressing '
W. A. CAM PRE LL, piukcipal,
Apr. 4, ;55. ; r Clearjicld,Fa.
1 fTANTED -A YOUNG MAN to hire by the
T month. Good wages will He given to a sui
table hand. Aprdy to -
- WM. IRVIX, Curwensville. ..
July 11, 1855. . ' ' ' '
A largo usortment just re-
f-Ki06 D SiJ e'A'eiI and opened by
nea by
Aug. 22. " K-
f7D e-r- A new sto
tMmKSj Aug. 22.J
A new stock just received at
T---t RICH AKD MOSSt)l, hss
fLil, U VA Rfc just received and openej a
eeneral assortment of Hardware and Cutlery. "
Aug. 22. - - . -
r r L i- -r'!IS A new stork just received at
41UES Spt.5, W. F, IRWIN'S
Occulists and Anru'.s.
Deaf nets awl Ear Diseases Radically CuritT""
ln. Lb Bbvsj btTcrs to those ufferin5!"froni
which have been successful in nearly 3,000 oase
of confirmed dcafnesn. These remedies oomprit
by those celebrated aurists. Drs. Cramer, of Ber
Iin, ltard, and Uelan, of fan. Curtis. Filcher and
Ycarsly of London, as being tho MOST WONHEK-
tlL and tt t ht I U A L ever applied for diseases
of the internal and middle ear. lr. LeR, WAR
RANTS A CURE in every case where the ear ia
perfect in formation., lie has eighteen certificates
of cures from those who had been HEAP AND
HUM it. and whose hearing is now completely res
tored and are now enabled to learn the language.
The names of 2.700 persons fbo have been cured
by Ir. LeB., may be seen on application. Pa
tients, by "ending a description of the case, can
have remedies ecnt to any part of tho United
In case of mucus accumulations in the Eusta-
chain Tube and Tympanum, inflsuimation of th
mucus membrane, nervous affections, diseases of
the membrane tympani, called "tho drum," or
when the disease ean be traced to tho effects of fe
vers or colds, the use of quinine or mercurial
medicines. Catherines in the cars in children. Ac,
this treatment STANDS' PREEMINENT. When
the auditory is dry ami scaly, with little or 110
secretion ; when the deafness is accompanied with
noise in the esr. like falling water, ehirpiug of
insects, ringing of bolls, rustling of leaves, contin
ual pulsations, and discharge of matter, or when
in stooping, a sensition is felt as if a rush of blood
to the head had taken place ; when the hearing
is less aecute in dull, cloudy weather, or when a
cold has been taken, this method of treating th
disease 1 iiifullihje. ' ' r
lr. Dufton is the only Ooculist in the Pelted
States who practices tho new painless, and Pui
cessful method in treating all the dUeasesto which
the eye-is subject here every other mean
have failed to afford relief, he asks from such
fair nrd impartial trial. w - - - -j
TESTIMONY. Tho undersigned practition
ers in medicine in the city of New York, having
had frequent occasion to witness the' practice of '- '
lrs. LeltrUTiiv and . Pufton. in diseases of th Eur ;
and' Eye, -laying aside all professional jealousy,
freely admit, that the courso pursued by them fil - -'
lrcn:inr diseases of these delicate organs, from th :
uttptiruileled sttcctms attend iig it, is woll worth th
attention of our professional brethren thronghoul ' ''
the T'nitod Slates, feeling assnred as w do. that '
Aural Surgery has not met with that attention ...
which its importauce demands. Their system of .
treating diseases of the middle and internal Ear, :
by ' Mudteitl Vnporx'-" particularly in chronic or ut
complicated cases, forms a new era in the practic
of Aural Surgery; such cases yielding ia almost
every 1 nst.inre to this netr end potr-erful affent.-.i
This practice tills up a void which has long bean .
felt by the general practitioucr, enabling him t
cope sitrcestfnly -with every rise where perfeck '''
formation exist. ! .
In diseases of tho Eye, they seldom require t
resort to the operation. ' " '
As skillful Aurists and Oculists, enthusiastically -.
devoted to tiicir profei-sion.- we cordially rccoiu-.
mend iht m to such. as may require their aid
Signed, V. 1. MoTT. M. Tt.
0. A. DEYF.LIN. M I).
j Xew York, August 10. ISt'J.
Studen's ishiug to perfect themselves in this
1 branch rf medical science, will find an opportw- .
I nity of joining the. class at the Earand Eye In- :
j Sirmary of Dr. l'clacy Lel'runn. Union Tlace.
('liniqne? every Tuesday and Friday afternoor, '
from 1 till X o'clock, during Medical College term 9. ...
-TERMS SO consultatiou fee; S10 fee to b
paid when thf hearing is restored ta its original -;
acqtencss. or Avhen a watch can be heard to beat
i atadistaace of IS foct from either ear.
! Address Drs. Lv.ERU.NN" & DUFTON, Tnion
I Place. New-York City.- " "! -
I N. B. A treatise on tbe nature and treatment
1 of Deafuess and l'ise.tse of the Ear. with the treat
j ment of the Deaf and Dum price, one dollar.
Money letters must bo registered by th
Postmoster. Registered letters only are at our
rish ; please bear this in mind.
Correspondents must enclose postage for return
ansnwrx, the ncic postage lair reairing pre-pay . ...
meat of letters.
' Aug. 1. 1X05.
'rami: scientific
j A VENT ix YEAR Spleadii EngrtTirf-a
' ail Prizes. Tho Eleventh Annual Volume of this
i useful publication commences on tho 17th day of
' September r.ext. The Scientific American is an
j Illustrated Periodical, devoted chiefly to the pro
' mulg ition Of information relating to the various
! Mectianic and Chemic Arte, Industrial Manufac
: tures. Agriculture, Patents, Inventions. Engincer
' ing, Millwoik. and all interests which the light of
! PRACTICAL SCIENCE is calculated to advance.
Reports ol" U. S. Patents granted are also pub
p.p p-p
tmioa u
lished every week, lnclu-ttng omciai copies 01 all
CLAIM.?, together witn news ana mtor-
upon thousands ol otier subjects.
The Gonl;ibl..ors to tha Scientific American ar.
nmon? the most Ewtxknt Ssientific and praetical
men of the tijueg Tbe Editorial Department is
universally acknowledged to he conducted with
Great Ability, and to be distinguished, not only .
for the excellence and truthfulness of its discus-.,
sions. but fur the fearlessness with which error is
combated, ami false theories are exploded. :
Mechanics. Inveutors. Engineers, Chemists. Man- .
ufacturcrs. Agriculturists, and ptorLB ok evert
I raoFESSioS l. like, will find the Scientific Ameri
i can. to be of great value in tb?ir respective eall
j ings. Its counsels and suggestions will save them
I Hundreds of Dollars, annually, besides affording
! them a continual source of knowledge, th experi
ence of which is beyond pecuniary estimate.
The Scientijic American is published once a week;
j every number contains eight large quarto pages,
i forming actually a comnlete and splendid voluuio,
I illustrated svnhSEVEKAL HUNDRED OKI-'
Terms. Single Subscriptions. ?2ayear, SI for
: 6 months. Five copies, for 6 months, S4; I year S.
, por further Club rates and statement of the four
: teen large Cash Prizes, offered by the publishers
: see S American, fipeeiinen copies sent Graria.
Southern, Western and Canada money, or I'ost-
Ofiice Stamps, taken at par tor subscriptions.
Lcttees should be directed (post paid) to .
Aug. 22. 128 Fulton St., New York. .
so.'s ricToniAL. This paper presents, in the most
elegant ami available form, a weekly literary nie-
!..., ... r ,i.A ,t..i.i r.. .w.t r a. .1 t.. ..!
mans are aevoiea to original tale, saeicfics ana
poems, by the best American authors, and tho
cream of tiie domestie and foreign news; the vhoU
well spiced with wit and humor. Each paper is
beautifully illustrated with numerous accurate en-
I graving.
by eminent artists-ot notable objects,
t . i ...r.l.nl.l n .1 ,, m M
worm, uotn maie una icuiiiiv.
Tekms : invariably in advance, 1 subscreber. on
year, 53; 4 do., one year. lu ; iu uo, ono yr.
Anv person sending us 16 subscribors at'tho
rate, "shall receive 17th copy gratis. ' '
L'"i)ne copy of The Fiag of our Union, and on
copv of liidton's 1'ieturiaJ, together, S4 a year.
Published every Saturday by M. M. B ALLOC,
Corner of Tremout k. Rlooro field Streeta, .
Sopt 5. Eostou, Mass.
IVTKV HOTEL : Tho old 'Skuring HotaE,' at
hag been re-opened and re-fitted by th undersign
ed, who respectfully solicits a share of public , pat
ronage. - - '
He is well provided with house room and good
stabling, and intends keeping a Temperance House,
at which he will always endeavor to make his
guests feel at home. JOHN SlIETTER.
August 1, 1S55. tf. ..
a most beautiful selection" and of
X the laUM styles, for sale at the cheap store of
June :
'jo.l X. M. U1LLS.
June IS, '55
for tale t
i I