I il m film m ill 'a St f- r i1 SI 1 ; r ; . :r i-j 5. n JI2 k - 3 .3 5 ft! i " HI I. hi i WRITTEN AT 31 Y MOTHER'S GRAVE. BT CCOBGE D. PRESTICE. . The trembling dew-drops fall Upon the shuttng flowers ; like oals at rest 1 The stars shine glorieusly : and all ' Save me, arc blest. Mother, I love thy grave ! The violet, with its blossoms blue ami mild. Wares o'er thy head; when shall it wave Above thy child? Tis sweet flower, yet must V Its bright leaves to the coming tempest bow ; Dear mother, 'tis thine emblem ; dust is on thy brow. And I could iovo to die ; To leave untasted life's dark, bitter streams By thee, as erst in childhood. lj And share thy dreams. And I must linger here, To stain the plumnge of my sinless years. And mourn the hopes" to childhood dear With bitter tears. Ay, I must linger here. A lonely branch ujon a wither 'd tree. Whose last frail leaf, untimely sere. Went down with thec . Oft from life's wither'd bower, In still communion with the past. I turn, And mow on thee, the only flower In memory's urn. An.l wliin the eveninz pale nA like a mourner, on the dim. blue wave, I stray to hear the night-winds wail Around thy grave. Where is thy spirit flown ? I gaie above thy look is imaged there ; I listen and thy gentle tone -Is on the air. O, come, while here I press My brow upon thy grave ; and. in those mild And thrilling tones of tenderness, Bless, bless thy child '. Ya bless thv weening: child ; Ami n'r thine urn relizion's holiest shrine O. give his spirit, undented. To blend with thine. From the New York Tribune The Happy Typo. a T.Arrl icmwr is a natural cift, the tie- stability of which cannot Le questioned; but wUnm lft we meet with a spirit so thorough- lvsaturated with good nature that no disap- j pointment, no poverty, no deprivation, or combination of adverse circumstances can break it down or overcome its geniality. But vesterday morning a man made his appearance before Justice Lrcnnan who seemed to have a perfect fountain of undiluted contentment somewhere in his composition which no de pressing inflaeaees of care or accident has been able to exh?-ist or adulterate a typo, a niodorn edition of Mark Tapely ?. human barrel of jolliness without hoops on. lie was arrested for bv."5 intoxicated. He gave his name as Gettyphat Take, and said he was a printer .and hailed from "The Gem of Sci ence" office. He is a short man, of a beer cask figure, and a face as rubicund as if he slept in a room with red curtains. His an swers to the questions of the authoiites show ed his contentment under all shades of fortune. The Justice being also in a genial humor, was .inclined to banter the disciple of Ben Frank lin, and accordingly addressed him as follows : Judge Veil, Mr. Take, it seems you have thrown aside the -'composing stick," and gone to getting drunk for a living. I am a traid you are a "bad case," and stand in need of "correctinz." I think I shall send you to "quod." These technicalities, which were uttered in a sort of you-see-I-know-your-trade-as-well-as-you-do-sir, seemed to give Mr. Take that as surance which printers seldom lack, but of which the solemnities of a Police Court might temporarily have deprived him, and he an swered : Prisoner Well, at any rate, I'm glad we've no "galleys" in this country, or I suppose you'd put mo there, and well "leaded,, at that. But bless yon, sir, going to jail's nothing ; the last time I was there I tamed a rat and taught him to chew tobacco, besides inventing three new steps for a fancy hornpipe it's a good deal better than setting "solid minion," more than three quarters figure work, and getting only '-price and a half" for it. Lord bless yon, Squire, I'd a great deal rather go to jail tea days than not. I've got sick of work just now, and I'll have a chance to get the bile of! my stomach. Judge you seem to take it easy ; how do you propose to employ your time thi trip. Prisoner Well, Corporal, I'm undecided whether I'll learn to whistle the opera of the ''Bohemian Girl," practise standing on my head, or undertake to acquire the elegant ac complishment of balancing straws on my nose; if I could catch a cat IM teach her to play on the fiddle, if I thought the strings wouldn't remind her unpleasantly of intestinal discords, after her felino body had been nine times' slain. Judge Mr. Tanc you soem particularly happy under the circumstances ; have you got a wife ? Prisoner Xoiow, Lieutenant. I. had one, but she run off with a bow legged cobbler; I was so glad about it that I sent her her dresses and quit claim deed of her person, which I signed in capital letters ; she left me one boy, but ho was a "foul copy," not a bit like me ; I bound hrm 'prentice to the type sticking trade, but the first day he quarreled with the regular 'devil," knocked over the ''bank," pulled a fbrra" offthe'imposing stone" and "pied five columns ;" he dropped the "shooting stick" into the "alligator press," and in the evening he and another iiopetul boy were caught re hearsing a broadsword combat with a couple of "column rules," the foreman "battered" him with the "mallet," and when be got home to me he had a "fancy head," if there ever was one Clerk Where is he now ? Prisoner He ran away with a circus, and the last timo I saw him he was in ihe middle of a saw-dust ring trying to tie his legs in a bow knot round his neck. I've been jollier since than ever before. . , Judge You seem to be always so. , Prisoner---So I am ; I laughed when ray father turned me out of doors at eleven years old, laughed when I broke my arm, made fun ny faces at the docter while he was setting it ; the happiest day I ever spent was one time when I hadn't but one shirt and a pair of pants to put on had spent all my moiwy, and gone hungry forty hours. I never was really uu- happy bnt once in my life, anl that was when I fell down stairs, fractured my collar bone, and skinned my leg so badly, I could n t get down on my knees to thank God I hadn't bro ken my neck. The Judge relented and let Mr. Tako go, and -that rotund individual left the room try ing to whistle, and sing at the sime time, and also dance an independant jig with each leg to a. different tune. It takes a down east man to as qucs- ... - . At. ... tions; but once in a wuiie one oi iueui his mitch. Jouathan overtook a gentleman who was traveling on horseback notwithstand ing the di-alvautago of having lost a leg. His curiosity was awakened, as he rode along side of him. to know how he chanced to meet with such a misfortune. Been in the army, I guess V said the anxious inquirer. 'Never was in the army in my lite,' the traveler remarked. 'Fit a duel, p'raps V 'Xever fought a duel, sir.' 'IJorse throwed you off, I guess, or something of that are sort?' 'No, Sir; nothing of that kind.' Jonathan tri ed various dodges, but all to no effect ; and at last, almost out of i atieuce with himself as well as with the gcntleman,whose patience was very commendable, he determined on a direct inquiry as to the nature of the accident by which the gentleman had come to lose his leg. 'I will tell you,' replied the traveler, 'on con dition that you will promise not to ask rue an other question.' 'Agreed, agreed!' exclaimed the eager listener ; 'agreed!' 'Well, sir,' re marked the gentleman, 'it was bill off'." 'Bitt off!' cried Jonathan. 'Wa'll, I declare; I sho'd just like to Know what on urih bill il off f Jonathan was no m iv inquisitive, and no more taken aback, than the inquiring English man, who had been betrayed into the presump tion of asking a gentleman with whom he was traveling, if he wa a sinule ma.i I 'No, I am not, Sir.' 'Oh, I beg yonr pardou-a married ma:;! 'JNo, Mr. i am not. 'rray, excuse me; I perceive von are a widower.' 'No, I am not a widower.' Ti.o inquisitor was nonplused 2s ot a single man, nor a married man, nor a widower : 'Prav, what nw.v von be, if I mav Le so bold as to ask ' 'It is none of your busi cess ; hut if you are very anxions to know am a divorce I man, Sir V DJT "Bell Iv.intu Abroad ' tells a great ma ny very good stories, some that she heard otl: er people telj. as we'd as those the evidentlv mail:." tor tiif occasion. Jiere is one ot t:;e former. A traveled gent is spreading himself "I had a eoo'.i one - a ca; it d follow indee a man of" infinite gennis: had he stooped to books, I have little question bnt that lie would have at once been rei-or. i.ed. I 'j-ot him at a bargain, lie cooKed once as an experiment impelled uy ins wonderful genius, Empress Maria's favorite monkev, and had to fir for hi life; and thi j proves how nearly our aflectious areallicdtoourdigestiveorgans. The Empress was so delighted with the disli that she never rest ed untilshe discovered of what itwascompos;d. The Bible.you know, speaks of men witho't bow els. Well, as I w;s saying, I was surprised at my house one day by a party of distinguished diners, who came purposely to try my cuisine. There was not an article in to speak of in the house. Barbetti looked puzzled for a second, but only a sccoiki. Manj m? if I knew half the time what I was eating. U e had a dinner superb, wonderful dinner and in the midst of our raptures at its conclusion, we bejrged Barbetti to ;rive us the real biil of fare. My dear Sir, a little wine, if vou please. It con sisted of a Cincinuatti ham, my favorite point er, a pol-parrot, six Kittens, ana lour rats, tne last done iip in sugared pasfrv as a dessert." "What beca-ne of him ?" "Died. True to his character, died trying the effect on himself of an ordinary New York dinner died in horrible agonv." EPO;)0 of our legislatures has won a distinc tion during the last winter sessions for an ave rage of intellectual weakness which will ren der it memoraM,. for many years to come. I rise for information,' said one ol the dul lest of the members. 'I am very glad to hoar it,r said one who was leaning over the bar ; lor no man wants it more than yourself.' Another member rose to speak on the bill to abolish capital punishments, aud commenc ed by saying, 'Mr. Speaker, the generality of mankind in general are disposed to exercise oppression on the generality of mankind in general.' You had better stop,' said one, who was sitting near enough to pull hiui by the coat tail ; you had better stop ; you are coming out at the same hole you went in at. C"AYas.hington Irving relates "a beautiful instance of the quick and generous impulses to which the French arc prone, in the case of a cavalier, in the hottest of the actions at Waterloo, charging furiously upon a British officer, but perceiving in the moment of assault that his adversary had lost his sword arm, drooped the point of his sabre, and courteous ly rode on. Peace be with that generous war rior, whatever were his fate! If he went down in the storm of battle, with the foundering fortunes of his chieftain, may the turf of Wa. terloo grow green above his grave and happi er far would be the fate of such a spirit, to sit amidst the tempest, unconscious of defeat, than to tirvive, and mourn over the blighted laurels of his country." The oriental correspondent of a con temporary, writing from the scene of war of the allied army in Europe, speaks of the 'mis- erable system of the British Government, bv. which a large majority of the officers are se lected because they happen to lie members of the British aristocracy uneducated for sol diers and totally without anj- experience as such, and whose only qualifications are their accidental birth and unearned wealth; and adds i "One cannot but exclaim, 'West Point forever! long life and prosperity to this A nirican institution which knows no birth and no wealth, and where merit alone advances the man ," ., - - . ' ' lTI.Tr:iI & BENDER, wonld respectfully 3f inform the citizens of Clearfield, and public generally that they have entered into co-partner- shiD iu tho ' .... -.-T-r. , i prvc j?rrcrn;cp and keep constantly on hands, and manufacture order, at toe lowest prices, every nneiy vi furniture, confuting ol Dining, Breakfusf, and Centre Tables, Sewing, Writing, and ash-stand, mahogany, and Common Bed-s'.eads ; Slahogony and Cane-bottomed Chairs. Bureaus. Sofas. Lounges, Ac. ic. Coffins made and lunerals attended on the snort- cft notice, witu a neat uearsc, ana appropriate aceompariyinents. . ' Jtousc fainting done on me suoriesc notice. Shot) aud Ware-rooms, same as formerly occupi ed by John liulich, mearly opposite the '.lew Store,' Ciearneia. i a .mi.i uh.hh, Jlay 22, 'S5.-!j. 1AXIEL BKXEK. K T AM) SHOC STORE ; (iUAllAM'S HOW. CLEARFIELD, PA. The subscriber would inform the public that he has just opened an entire new stock of Boots and Shoes, in Graham's Row, one door east of the Jour nal Office. Every variety of Ladies" and Ger.tlomens daiters, LaccU 15oots, rumps, congress i; is, Childrcns' Shoes, Ac, Ac. Boots and Shoes made to order. C. S. BLACK. Aug. 1, 1855. TEW BOOKS! ISEW BOOKS! i haw a alow, ciearneta. ra. The undersigned bess leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he has just received a large and well selected stocK consisting of all the latest publications: SCHOOL BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS. STATIONA RY, and FANCY ARTICLES. lie also has on hand a large and beautiful stoc- o CO X F ECT IO N A RIES , which he invites the public to call and examine. Store nearly oppo.-ite the Journal Office. May 10. lSjj.-ly.l THOMAS BOBBINS. PUURRAII FOR KANSAS ! The Blood 8. Il Red IJanncr floats in triumph on the -Old Cor nrr Store."' where A. M. Hills Las just opened the cheapest and most sidcndid assortment of i.inls, ever displayed befre this community, and exactly adapted totiieir many :i;d various nccessiiics. HATS. CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES. BONNETTS. CAS- SIMEUES. CLOTHS. DRESS JO'HS. TOIL ET ARTICLES. DE BANKS, PRINTS. iS LOVES. HARDWARE. STOXKand Q U E E X S W A It E, : ROC lilt I ES, with f.mcv articles a I infinitum. Clciirliold, June 20, lS.Vj. A. M. HILLS. AM TEL HEREIN' J-niata St., Tyrone City, Pa. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DREGS. CHEMICALS. MEDICINES. PAINT OILS. DYE STUFFS. WINDOW OLASS, VIAL. rEKl'l'MEKY. Ac. Ac. IIa i2 just opened nn extensive as.-ortmcnt of these nrti'dos.l'hysieians will find it to their aivnn t.-.gt to give him a call, and examine his Stock be furc ordering from the Eastern Cities; and C'iun trv Merchants can ulso bo aecousuioda-'cd with all ill" Essences. Tinctures. Patent Medicines. Ac. M'lfOLESAf.i; and RETAIL. t foirr.t y.Vcw I JrIIe hopes bv si.iet attention to busiuc-'s.an a desire to nlense. to merit a share of liubiic nat ronagc. (April 2-". JSw riVIE tiOOIJ INTENT IfOTEE, A CUitVEZTJVlLLE, PA. The Subscriber would inform his friends and th public that he has just refitted and re-furnished his house and is prciiarcdto render evcrv attention to the tr.:velliii" community. i 1 i - oar contains liquors of the first quality, and hi; taulc will always be supplied with the best in market. lie respectfully solicits his friends and others to give him a call. . WM. R. FLEMMINtf August 1, ISoo. ai I'SIC EESSONS : Miss Ci tti.k proposes Tkkjis: i?10. per quarter of 3 lessons l'or further particulars enquire at the rc;Mene of J CI arfield July 11, 1H53 .-:;(. A K. WRICIIT, MEKOMANT. ax; EXTEN . SI YE DEALEUIN U' MHElt, Second Street, one :''or smith of Ii is residence. Clearfield. Pa. Clearfield. March U. 1S53. JOHN RUSSELL & CO., TAXXERS AXD CURRIERS, Pciinuille, C!e:ir field Co., Pa.. Keep constantly on ham! an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Cash paid for hides. July.. TVOTIC'E: All persons knowing thcruselvse L indebted to the firm of Mossoi'A Pottakff, will call and settle their accounts immediately, as the books must be closed at once. MOSSOP & POTTARFF. Clearfield, June 13, OI1N TROUT.MAN. House. Sign and Orna mental Painter. Glazier, Chair imiker and Paper Hanger, offer? his services to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Shop on JI iriet St.. just bt foir tin' Foim Inj. CHAIRS. LOUXGES. SOFAS. ROCKIXG- CHAIRS, OTTOMAXS. ic, kept constantly on hand anil made to order, equal iu beauty to any that can be obtained from the East, and more durable in material. Aug. 1, lSv.. T TYRONE CITY HOTELHUGHES A 1RVIN, would respectfully inform the public that they have very greatly improved their House, and are now able to afford the travelling public, the most comfortable accommodations. Their bar is furnished with the very best liquors, and the luxuries of the Philadelphia market are to be found on their table. They respectfully invite their numerous friends in Clearfield to give them a call. August 1 .1S55. CAUTION: All persons are hereby notified not to meddle or interfere in any manner, with the following property, on the premises of the sub scribers in Girard township, vis: Two yoke of oxen, and three setts truck wagons, which have been in the use of Charles and A. J. Cuinuiings, as the said property belongs exclusively to the under signed. SMITHS A KUSG. Girard Township July 11, 1835.-4t. I ADIES' DHESS GOODS a large and beautiful JLi assortment, for sale cheap by June 27, 55.J A. M. HILLS. CLOCKS of every variety and price, from OS hours to I t days, for sale by 1 .1 1. 11 ' " - 1 4 -.r T T T T T A. M HILLS IT ADIES' Handkerchiefs. JLi June 13. 'jo.J all Linnen." for sale by K. MOSSOP. BLACKBERRY BRANDY", for the euro of Chol era Morbus. Dysentary and all other diseases of tho stomach and bowels, for salo by B, Mossop BOOTS A SHOES. A large and splendid assort ment of Ladies', Gentlemen' und Childrens' Boots and Shoes for sale at Mossop's. Jn. 13. aflONFECTION ARIES a Hertle the sUelest"- ae- V- sortment this Borough ever could boast of, at June z, 'oj.) A. M. HILLS. MUSLIN, at 5 cents per yard, at Mossop's cheap cash store. . June 13, '65. MANTILLAS A large lot of Ladies' aud Chil dren's Mantillas for sale at Mossop's Cheap Cash Store. ....... June 1.1. '55. T ADIES' GLOVES. A very large lot of black jH-A net worked Gloves, at 10 cents a pair worth 2octs at Mossop's cheap cash store. Jn. 13, '55. . C LOCKS. Eight day; thirty hour Clocks for sule at Mos.op'sStore. and Jn. alarm 13. TtiTACKEREL, HERRING and CODFISH, at th 4-tJL store of fjn. lsq W, r. IRWIX. 4 sr. o izs. 1. TYEONE CITY, lias just opened a large and splendid assortment of . . NEW GOODS, WHOLESALE A.NU 11 ET Alii, Of every description and quality, which he is selling off at the lowest prices ever known in this region of Country, DRY-GOODS. HARD frQUEEXSWAKE, HATS iV CAPS. BOOTS .V SHOKS. GROCERIES iV COXFECTIOXARIES, AT CITY I'KICES. He invites his Clearfield friends to give hiui a call, and exchange their ra-gs. lumber, shingles, and every variety of produce, for the chkapkst and best goods, to be had west of Philadelphia. Feb. 21, 13d.). ly. Jl it STARTLING ANXOUXCEMENT- LATEST A2SIVAL. TROH T3E EAST. RR. AYELCII, has just returned from the City with a n?w and splendid assortment of Watches. Jewelry, and Silver-ware the largest. jest and cheancstevcr brought into Clcartield con sisting of hunting and open-faced gold and silver watches, gold loukets. gold chains, gold Pens, rings, breast-pins, spectacles, silver forks, bracelets, sleeve buttons, cull pins.' car rings, fte., c., c. M atches and jewelry repaired on the snortest notice. IJune r, 'os. TVEW ARRIVAL ! A large and cheap assort 1 ment of Sprine and Summer tJoods, just re ceived and for Hale on the lowest terms at the store of RICHARD MOSSOP, DEY-GCODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS "V7AEE, BOOI3 & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, BOXXE TS, S HA IVTsS, CONFECTION ARIES, FISU, TOBACCO. STATIONARY, HQfKOS, and a little of everything. All of which will be sold at lower prices than ev er before offered in Clearfield. R. MOSSOP. Clearfield June 13, 1S55. 13EAL ESTATE FOR SALE By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Clear field county, the subscriber offers at private sale the following described valuable real estate, the property of .Martha Jane Welch, a minor daughter of James Welch, late of Pike township, in said county, dee'd., viz : all that certain tract or piece oT land situate in Pike township, Clearfield coun ty. containing 132 acres more or less, bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the South. AY est and North bv lauds of Daniel Bailey, and on the East by lands of Benjamin Carr. About acres being cleared and under good cultivation, and about acres of good timber bind. JOSIA1I R. READ, Guardian. . May .10. V5-ts. Lawrence tp. REMOVAL : The undersigned begs leave in lor in his friends that he has removed his to BOOT A?ID SE03 STOKE, from "Shaw's Row," to his new building, opposite t!ic Office of James Wrigly. and two doors south of the Office G. It. Barrett Esq. He still keeps constantly on hands, every varie ty of Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps. Ac. Men's fancy shoes and gaiters, with an excellent assort ment of heavy work, nil adapted to the various wnut.of the people of Clearfield. He hopes his friends will call at his NEW STORE, and ex amine his Stock. Boots anil Shoes made to order, and mending done as heretofore ISAAC JOilNSTCN. Clearfield, June L'7, 1S5.". TEW RESTAURANT AND ICE CREAM form the I tdies an 1 gentlemen of Clearfield, that he has taken the commodious house south of Hemphill's Hotel, where he designs keeping Ice cream, Lemonade, Cakes. Cciifcotionaries. Ac. He will ;.!.- keep on hands a supply of Oysters aud all other kinds of i"eliv?lii'ir 's. in the saloon lie has formerly oecuoicd. in Hie i,.... :..-.-r:t of Hemphill's Hotel. " CHARLES GREAFF. Clearfield, May 2, livij. AVID S. PLOT.NER Ilcspcctfully informs his old friends and the public, that he has obta incd the services of a good Cutter and work man as a foreman in tho tailoring business, and he is now prepared to attend to any orders in his Line of work on the most accommodating terms. and short notice, und will have clothing on hand nt all times, suh as d res coats, frock coats, vests, aud pantaloons of their own manufacture, ami good material at the lowest prices. With a wish to ac coinni'i late, he solicits a share of patronage. New Yt'asbingtoii. May t. 1S.V VIEW FIRM. A. & J. P.Mvmx having taken 1 to themselves the Store formerly owued by Jno. Patchin it Sons, take pleasure in informing their friends, and the public generally, that they have just received from the city a splendid assort ment of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware. Queens ware. Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, and everything else usually kept in a country store. Pcrsous wishing to buy cheap and good Goods, should not forget that they tre determined not to be undersold by any store in the county. AVe invite one and all to come and examine our stock for themselves, as wo charge no thing for so dointr. AARON PATCHIN. Nov. 1, '54.-tf. JACKSON PATCHIN. LA CKSI I T J 1 1 N (J . The subscriber would inform the public that he has taken the Black smith Shop formerly occupied by George Orr. on the corner of Third and Main streets, in the bor oujrh of Clearfield where he carries on the business iu all its various branches. JACOB SHUNKWElLEIt. June 6, 1S55.-1 y IJIHLIPSRURG HOTEL: The subscriber would inform his friends in Clearfield, and the public generally that he has enlarged and refitted his house, and is now enabled to compete suecess fullly with any Hotel in the country. No pains will'bc spared to render his guests comfortable. His taldc shall always be supplied with the best the market can afford, and his charges moderate. He respectfully invites his friends and others to give hiii a call. DAVID JOHNSTON. Piiilipsburg Jan. 31,1855. 1 y. TYRONE LIVERY STABLE. The sub scriber, having removed his Livery Stable from CurwcnsviPe to Tyrone City, begs leave to his friends and the public, that he is at all times prepared to supply them with Horses, carriages, buggies, and other vehicles on hire, at tho most reasonable terms. Inquire at the '-City Hotel." JAMES CROWTHER. Tyrone, January 31, lS55.-t5mo. TTAVE YOU SEEN SAM? The subscriber "Liwould inform his old friends and the public generally, that he still continues to keep a house of entertainment in New Washington where those who call with hini will receive every attention, and bo made comfortable. Biood stabling, and every other convenience for horses on the premises. DAVID S. PLOTNEIt. New Washington, Jan. 31, 1855. B1 t-nt-w. lif-JjAtAES. A superior article o Bercge Delaines iu dress patterns, at 25 cents per yard, never sold in this county before for less than 50 cents at RICHARD MOSSOP'S. June 13. '55. CHEAP CLOTHING. A largo lot of Cheap Clo thing, Men's and Boys, for sale cheap, by Juno 13, '55. IUCHARD MOSSOP. BLACKBERRY BRANDY. A the Dysentarv, for sale bv . certain euro for June 13, '55. RICHARD MOSSOP. A Large assortment of Stone waro at the store of XI- June 13. . W. F. IRWIN. GENTLEMEN'S FANCY" BOOTS A SHOES: An unapproachble stock for sale by June 27, '55. A. M. HILLS. ADIES GAITERS assorted colors that can't be beat in quality or price for Rale by Juno 27, '55. A. M. HILLS. HATS of the latest styles, and most approved quality, received, and for sale by June 27, '55. A. M. HILLS. MISSES' FLATS, trimmed and untriinmed, a beautiful articlo for sale at the store of June 27, '55. A. M HILLS. BACON A good lot of Hams and Shoulders a Jane 20.1 W. F. IRVTIN'S. BOKER, BROTHERS & JONES, Nob. 153 & 160. Market Street. PHILADELPHIA; Importers and manufacturers of City and EASTERN MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. Also, every variety of French and English Shoe Lastings, Patent Leather, Kid and Calf-skins, Shoe Laces, Gallons, Bindings, c, suitable for manufacturers. Also, Foreign and Domestic Straw and Silk Bon nets, Leghorn, Panama, and I'alm-Lear ilats, English, French, and American artificial Flowers, Oil Silk, Straw Trimmings, Ac, Ac. Having removed to our new Store, No. 158 & 100 Market Street, below 5th. South Side, up stairs, we invite your attention to our large and varied Stock of Straw (ioods, Boots and Shoes, which wc arc preparing for the approaching Fall Sales. All our (ioods being exclusively ot our own di rnct Imiwrtation and Manufacture, we feel confi dent that our facilities are such that we can offer you inducements as regards variety and prices ot Goods, unsurpassed by any house iu the conntry. BOKEK, BKOJ.llfc.KS A" JOliS, Nov. 8, 1834.-ly. Philadelphia. B1 ROOK. TYSON & REHN Wholesale Iry Good's Store. No. U5. Market Street. Philadel phia. Aug. I, 185.-ly. riOOD NEWS! Wholesale Store opened in where anybody who wants VJ1 Tyrone City. cheap goods can purchase. The subscriber has just opened a large and well selected stock ot uoods in T V R O N E CITY, Corner of Logan and Juniata Sts. He has on hands and will constantly keep a largo stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, Queensware Drugs, PROVISIONS f all kinds, consisting of Potatoes, Bacon, Fruit. Beans. Flour, Wheat. Corn meal. Ac, Ac. MS, &C. im.i m And ho hereby gives notice that he will sell his goods as low as they can be purchased in any town or county this side of Philadelphia, and will take Boards. Shingles, or even money in exchange. July 4. '5a. F. M. BELL. Gi OINU IT ALONE. The undersigned hav (T ing taken to himself the store formerly owu ed by Patchin fc Swan, takes pleasure in informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just received from the city a splendid assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware. Groceries, Confectionarics, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and every thing else usually kept in a country store. Persons wishing to buy cheap and good Goods should not forget that he is determined not to be undersold by r any store inthc county. His motto is ' a nimble penny rathe than a slow six pence " .SC PATCHIN. Glen Hope, July 5, 1S54. J. KELSON & CO., JSIurris Torrnstin. Clearfield Co., Pa., Would respectfully inform the citizens of that vi cinity that they keep constantly on hand a large assortmevt ot Dry Goods. H'trd-Ware. Qneeiisfrire. Grnrrries Confei-tioairi(x. Hats V Cap. Boots A- Shoe, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which they are determined to sell fow for cash, country produce, or lumber. August 1, ls.)5. TTIXCIIANGE HOTEL, PHIUPSRURC. fli The subscriber, thaukful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuan'b of the lib eral patronage bestowed upon his Jlonse by the Public He is prepared to accommodate water men, editors, drovers, and all others who mav call with him, in the very best manner. He also purposes io run a line of Hacks from Tviv u I '!'arficl J. for the accommodation of tho travelling public J. G. BUNK. Philpsburg. March 11. 1S55.-U". N JEW -MILL At theOld Pioneer Mills on the Moshannon, in Morris township. The sub riber has just completed a large new Grist Mill. which is in successful operation. Grain of all kinds bouzht, stored, and sold on commission. Dec. 27Vl. HENRY' GROE. PPLICAXTS FOR ROUXTY LANDS Jr. Under the late act of Congress, will find the subscriber fully prepared, with blanks, forms, tc. to assist them in procuring their Warrants. office two floors cast of Journal Otlice, up stairs. Mar. 0.). II. BUC1IEK SWOOPE. AMES B. GRAHAM Merchant and extensive dealers in lumber, urauampton, r. .. near field county. Pa. May 2!, '54-ly. PItOFESSI O N A L BARRETT & LARRIMER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, bavins entered into copartnership in the practice of their profession, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to their care in Clearfield coun ty G. H. BAH RETT. J. II. LARIMER. Clearfield. July 1, lS55.-ly. II. BUCIIER SWOOPE. ATTORNEY AT LAW Clkarfielp, Pa Two doors East of Journal office. L p stairs. Dec. 1. 185J. JACKSON CRANS, ATTORNEY AT LAW' CLEAP. FIELD, PA. Offico adjoining his residence, on Second St. August 1, 1855. J AMES RIDDLE CORDON, A TTORXEY AT LAW CLEARFIELD, PA. Office in the room adjoining:, on the East, the Drug Store, of Dr. 11. Lorrain. He may be con suited in French and Gtrmati. August 1, 1855.-ly. W. A. WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Office nearly opposite the Court House. August 1, 1S55. J. B. M'ENALLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CLEARFIELD, PA. Practices in Clearfield aud adjoining counties. Office nearly opposite Judge Wright's store. August 1, 1S55. E.s- DUNDY, ATTORXEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD. PA. Office in the room adjoining on tho West, the Store of Wm. I. Irwin. August I, 1S55. JOHN II. MULLEN, PIIYSICIAX, Freiirhville, Clearfield County, Pa., Having rented the property and situation of Dr. F. Hoops, tenders his professional services to the citizens of Frcnchvillc, and vicinity. Office, one door cast of Lute's store, Frenehvillo. May 22, '55.-0in. D' ,R. B. F. AKLEY, l'UYSICIAX, . ; GrautmptoH, Clearfield County. Pa., , tenders his professional services to the inhabitants of Grahampton and surrounding country he can. at all times be found at his Office, directly oppo site , Mr. J. B. Graham's store, when not profes. 8ionaIIy engaged. Apl-25. A. M. HILLS, D. D. S. Office adjoin; ing his Store, Clearfield, Pa. Artifi cial Teeth, from one to a full set, moun ted in the most approved modern style. . Filling, Filing, and Cleaning done with care and neatness. Teeth extracted with all the care and dispatch modern science can furnish. ' Dit. HILLS, can always bo found at his office, as he is now devoting hia whole attention to his prefwrnon. . - . -(June 2, '55., . B AILY & BROTHER, No. 292 Chestnut Street, r nlL AilliLr Kl A, Hare now pen a large assortment of th Newest Styles and colors of Rich English Velvet, . " " Tapestry, -' : ' Ingrain, . New Styles ' Ingrain CARPET1NGS, OF THEIR OWN IMPORT ATIOS, JUST LANDED. Also. a full assortment of Super and Medium quality AMERICAN CARPETINGS, Many of which being their own manufacture can be recommended as - ... - Good Carpeting for a Low Price.' FLOOR OIL CLOTHS CAXTON MATTINC V of erery width and quality. BAILY&BB0THEB, IMPORTERS It AXCPACTrRKRS " Of CARPKT!Ni No. 2:2 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. August 1, lSoo.-ly. CONRAD A WALTON, 235 Market Street. PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in IRON, NAILS, 4-c, $c. They respectfully invite the people of Clear' field, to continue their favors. Aug. 1, 1855.-ly. , OUST VERNOX HOUSE, No. 59, North Second Street. PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned having taken the old well' knowu house, which has been renovated an4 re modeled throngbout, repectfully solicits his CIar field frienda to gire hhu a call on their visits tc the city. The furniture is all new, and has been selected with care from Henkles well known establishment in Chestnut Street, and is of tho latest and mos; fashionable style. The location for Merchants and others ctmir;- to the city is convenient,-being m the cei.ir- i business. . L. UAUlttli. Aug. 1, lS55.-ly. . Proprietor H ARRIS, ORBISON & CO., WHOLESALE DSUGGK.S, No. 25!t, Market St., North side between (:h 7tb, Philadelphia. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pat ent Medicine!, Surgical instruments. Jirugiist s Glassware, Window Glass, Paints, Oils. Dyes. Pei fumery, &o.. Ac. JOHN HARRIS, 31. iV J!.. 15. UKlilM. Aug. 1, '55.-1 j J. SUAUSWOOD. RUSSELL & SCIIOTT, l?os. 138 Market St.. 5 Kerch ant Et . PHILADELPHIA. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, c-c. They respectfully invite their Cleafield fri-n to give them a call. .Jan. n. ;..-! . II OOD & CO Extensive Drv-goods Dealer? 1&7. Market St., Philadelphia, keep eoii; .tt- Iy on hand a large, splendid, a ml cheap stu. : .-i" the most fashionable and elegant goods. Th ;. ie vitc country Merchants to call and examim- ie splendid assortment, before purchasing elsew hc.i-. August 1, ljj.-Iy. w 7TLLIAM' S. 1IANSELL A SON. Man.! ; turers aud Importers of Saddlery, tizA . i; dlery Hardware. No. 2S Market Street. ELiiab phia. Saddles. Bridles. Harness. Trunks. Wl Saddle Bags, Bridle Filling. Bits, Stirrups. L'u.-kic Carpet Bags, cct. I Aug. 1. '55.-1 y B EIDLEMAN & HAY WARD Wholesale Cr rs. Tea Deale 273. Market : No -trcet, Philadelphia. D. BKIDEL.MA.N, A. HAY WARD. Aug.l,lS55.-Iy.J 4 T. LANE A CO. Wholesale Clothing Storv No. 571. Market Street. Kvrv variety "i" ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable sty!- constantly on hand. Aug. I. 55-ly ll North Wr.- Tkf ter Street. Philadelphia. Dealers in Carpet chain, Yarn, Manilla aud Hemp Lopes. Lcd-conls, Clothes lines, Ac, Ac. Aug I. lS5'..-ly. ISAAC M. ASHTON Hat Store. No. 172 Market St., Philadelphia. Hats. Caps. I'urs. Ac., of every variety, and the best quality always on hand. " Aug. I. IS5.i.-ly- GEORCE W. COLLADAY, Conveyar.cor and Land Agent, No. 3. Goldsmith's Hall. Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all besir.c.--entrusted to his care. "i 155.-1. c ALEB COPE A CO, No. 183. Market St.. :'! deli-hia. Dealers iu Linens. AVhite Goods. ' siery. rrench. Lnglish and dcrman M.K homis. I -ccs, Gloves, Bolting Cloths, Ac. Aug. I. '5..-iy. IJAUL & TAYLOR Ko. 255 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, Have always on hand, at their Wholesale Wi -house, a large assortment of the Newest Style of BOOT. SHOE. AND STRAW GOODS. BOTH FOREfGX AXI DOMESTIC All their goods being of their own direct Im portation and Manufacture, tbey are enabled ta offer superior inducements to Merchants laying iu their stock. WM. W. PAUL, N. G. TAYLOR. Dec. 1. 1854. ly. VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE, No. 72 North Second Street, (oppu site. the. Mount Vernon House.) Pphiladelphia. GoId,Lever Watches, full jewelled, IS K. case. Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepine, do.; Quarticr; Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons. Silver Desert do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and; Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do.: together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb. Guard and Fob Chains. AH goods warranted to. be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner. Also, Masonic Marks, Tins, Ac, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwiso, will be punctually attended to. His motto is: '-Small Profits and Quick Salct ' Philadelphia, April 25, 155. Rusnmv & co.. 243 Market Street, PHILADEIPHIAt Importers and Dealers in Earthen-Ware, China. Glass, and Queens Ware, Opposite the Bed Lion Hotel. Philadelphia. .y J. Y. ItUSHTON, J. C. HOPKINS. Nov. 8, '54. -I y. ROBT. STILS0N. K OONS, II EI LM AX & CO., iNO. 1 U7 JNUltlll TJtlKD ST.. ' PhiLadkli-bia WHOLESALE DEALERS In Foreign and Domestic Dry Good. Fifth Door below Race. CHARLES KOONS, ' AMOS G. HE1LMAN. Philadelphia, May 16, 1855,-ly - JOWLL & CO., . : 176 Market Street, , . . PHIL A D ELPHIA; - Wholesale Dealers is Hats, Caps, Fur. between 5th and 8th St., Philadelphia. Jan. 17, 1S55. - - 4 " . MARTIN, JIORRELL & CO., , -'(Late OLIVER MARTIN A CO1.) Importers and Dealers in HOSIERY, TRIM M.VtfS.COMa. BRUSHES, FANCY" GOODS, . No. 24 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. M T. MARTIN. CHAS. H. 11AM1UCK, - DAM'L J. MOltRELL, G. R. PEDDLE, Doc 5 '54 SANDRSON It. MARTIN. T71RIS-MUTH & BROTHER, WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS, No. 105 N- Third Street, fire doors below Rae, Nov. 20, "S4.-ly.j . - ... I .PmuADiirtni v - - ' . ..... . . . .-- II