THE JOURNAL Correspondence of the Journal. Philadelphia, September 8, 1355. We are at last assailed on all sided by the note of preparation for the contest nest month. Tbe Administration, or old Locofoeo partr -"have eoae out with their State Ticket for the "city and a, miserable farce they have made of it. Oa the whole ticket there is not one name that would add any lustre to our Legislative halls, or reflect the slightest credit on the in telligence of our citizens ia tbeir choice of re presentatives; and if there was any probability of their election, it would be a disgrace to let icir names stand in nomination. But, faith in the integrity of this Gibraltar of the Amer ican party, will not let our friends at a distance suppose we are sleeping here. Xo indeed. "Still water runs deep," and our unfortunate President will receive another grand rebuke for infairous proceedings, within the next fire "weeks. "Sam" is not dead, but has both his eyes wide open, and in silence is observing 'what is going on around him, and when he speaks, his thunder tones will startle even the "uutcrrificd Democracy." Riot and bloodshed appear to be the compo nent part ef Locofoco organization and mis irule, and to e a able the rowdy portion of our city more fully to have their wn way, a base attempt is being iaadc to reduce the police force, under the guise of "reducing the expen ses of the city;" and foremost in this work of 'reform," stands a representative of the old district of Jfoyaracnsing, (which has ever been uoted for its firm allegiance to Liquor-stUing, Locofoco rIe aud rowdyism) who ffiYer loses n opportunity to cast censure on the head of our police force the Mayor. Ouly three days since a so-called Democratic meeting ended in a riot and murder, and disturbances have char acterized all their gatherings. When shall we be freed from the tyranny of such masters ? The Liquor League and Foreign Party are joining hands to overthrow the mighty Sam.' Sleeting have been held to combine interests and provide for unity of action between tiieni. 0 Democracy! hast thou come to this? Shaiue that such a fate should e'er be thine. This ca tering for foreign influence, and courting the debased drunkard and supporting him in his appetites, is too degrading a position for any honorable man to occupy, and serves to exhib it in a iroper light the miserable shifts, our fallen administration is resorting to, to prop up a thoro'ly rotten structure. The overwhel ming defeat in Vermont of this faction, shows that light is breaking in on us from the East, and ere long even benighted Missouri will feel the vivifying influence of its rays. Intelligence has reached here of the nomina tion of an occupant of Moyamensing Prison for Canal Coturnisioner by the Republican con- vention in Pittsburg. This sounds rather strange, yet lor policy, it may be well, but the question will be evaded. Is Passmore "Will iamson qualified for the duties of the office? I Lao not. He is generally considered a smart, energetic young man, and thoro'ly opposed to Pieree, Atehinson, Stringfellow & Co., so that there may be a pretty strong vote for him, but if Ex-Gov. Keeder run ia opposition the chan ces aro doubtful. A week or ten days will how some further light on the matter. The distressing news still continues to reach its daily of the devastation of the Yellow fever st Xorfolfc and Portsmouth, Va. It really j seems as if nothing but absolute abandonment of both cities will abate the disease. Most lib-1 cral as our citizens have been, still the call is for more assistance. Are there not some of ' your men of wealth, who can aid us ? Can you j not undertake to raise a contribution, for the suffering ? Such a scene as is now witnessed at Norfolk has not been presented to the eye in our country before, and as Liethreu we are bound to extend our aid. Cannot Clearfield end something? The Treasurer of the Fund, in this city, is Tho's Webster, Esq., who will care for any amount of money scut him. The Produce of the West is fast pouring in upon us. Flour is arriving hero on the Penn. i. R. at the rate of about 3,000 barrels a day. One day this week the receipts at Xew l'ork were over 10,000 bbls. Is there any wonder Jthat Flour u deeliniug? Sale have been made ficro as loiv as SC-75, tho' the average price is about $8. By letters and conversations with Western men here, wo continue to receive the most glowing accounts from the harvest thro' iOUt the West, and yesterday a Merchant from Iowa told me that never wcro the prospects for heir State so encouraging as they are now, every one seems full of life and business; and In a word they were doing well. Olivkr. P. S. The Supreme Court has this day refused to grant the Habeas Corpus asked for by Pass more Williamson. It must be left, therefore, for the People to decide the question, and seal the fale of every judge upon that Bench. O. Adjourned Colbt". The following cases were disposed of at the adjourned court, which commenced Monday, Sept. 3d. John Tatchin vs Josiah Larbourn. An ac tion J Ejectment. Verdict for defendant. Isaac Chambers vs Greenwood Bell. An Appeal. Settled. " J. Mooro vs Thcmas Martin. An action to recover the value of a ten dollar note paid by Uefcniant to plaintilf. Verdict for pl'fl for ten dollars'. 1 Robert Smith vs David Sharp. Appeal. Verdict for pi 'fT for 11. Thomas MahaSy and David Woods vs Tho mas Woods and Johu Woods. An action of Ejectment. Verdict for pl'ffs for the land claimed in the writ. " George B. Galer vs John Fox. The llorse cisc settled. ' Conrad Frederick vs Henry Goe. Appeal. In this ease the plaintiff took a non-suit after the trial was concluded. Philip Antes vsWm.Bigler and G.L. Reed. An action for the continuance of a Nuisance. Verdict for plaintifTfor $200 damages. The other cases on the list, Ivctnty-tuo in number, were continued in a batch. The ar gument list was also continued- The Aiglst Ellctioss. The complete re turns of the elections have been received, and the following is a summary of the results; Governors Elected. North Carolina. Bragg, Dem., (holds over.) Kentucky Charles S. Morehead, K. X., 4000 majority. Alabama John A. Winston, Dem., 12,000 majority. Tennessee Andrew Johnston, Dem., 2000 majority. Texas Edward M. Pease, Dem., say 5000. Legislatures. North Carolina Democratic (holds over.) Kentucky Know Nothing. Alabama Democratic. Tonnessee Very close probably Nnow Nothing majority. Texas Democrat. Congressional Delegates. In North Carolina and Texas there is the same number of Democrats as in the last Con gress. In Kentucky, one less; in Tennessee, onemore; in Alabama, one more if we include two KnowNothing Democrats, or one less if we exclude them. One of these (Wm. R. Smith) was a member of the last Congress. These five States sent six members to the last Congress, who voted against the Nebras ka Bill, viz: Messrs. Hogg, Cullum.Etheridge, and Taylor, of Tennessee ,- aud Messrs. Rogers and Puryear, of Norli Carolina. All these except Rogers, were candidates for re-election. Pnryear from North Carolins, and Ethcridge from Tennessee, have been elected. TERMS. The .TocrtSAt, Is published every Wednesday, at One Dollar avi Fiftv Cents per annuel in advance, or Two Dollars within the year. Advertisements inserted at fifty cents per square, for the first, and twenty-five cents for each addi tional insertion. A liberal deduction made to those who advertise, by the quarter, or year. The 'Terms' will be strictly adhered to. No paper discontinued without payment of ar rearages, unless at the option ot the publisher. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. Under an or der of the Orphan's Court of Clearfield Coun ty, there will He expired at public sale, on Wed nesday. October 10th. A. D. ISjj, at 2 o'clock, 1. M., at the housa of Joseph Peters, in the borough of Curwcnsviile. the following premises, late the estate of John Scott, dee'd, viz : A house and lot. situate in the Borough of Cur wensville, Clearfield County, at the south east corner of State and Thompson streets, containing in f i out onsaid State street, fifty feet, and extend ing in depth, of that width, along said Thompson street, one hundred and eighty feet to an alley. Tehms 10 per cent to be paid on day of sale, and the balance on confirmation. L. JACKSON CHANS. Adro'r 1). E. X. Sept 12, 13oj. STOVES, STOVES. 200 STOVES CO0X, EOOJ, HALL, CilUUCK, SXOSr.S. ftc. To the citizens of Clearfield The subscriber re spectfully inform them that he can sell them 7f.l TIIA WA 1' COOK S TO VES. With ripe an 'I Furniture co mplrte . nl the loir" price of Ji30 00, delivered at Tyrone Station. ZTV Wa -raited in e;oy lavt'cu'a-. F. G. FRAM.lSCCS. rpilE JlXIAir"c7TriTSTOVI-:S 20 of these. A justly celebrated Stoves just received. This Stove is superceding the Hathaw ay to per sons who want a stove that will burn a long stick, and coines at n lower price. This Stove is heavy, plates thick, and will be w.irraritc I coual to any Cooking Stove in use. This ctovo will take a 23 inch stick. Delivered at Tyrona Station for "52o cash, complete with Pipe. Tin and 11 j'.low ware, r. g. fbanciscus. IJERSONS wanting Room. Parlor, and 9-platc Stoves can get them at a very low rate, by stating whether it is for Parlor. Setting-room, &c, (fating what size stick you use. Ac, remitting us the amount of same, and wo will deliver the Stove in good condition at the Lcwistown It. It. Station, free of charge F. G, FRANC 1SCUS C100K STOVES, from 15 to S.r"7. warrantad to J give satisfaction, or returned at my expense, delivered at Tvrone. F. G. FRANCTSCL'S. PARLOR STOVES, from j to S3, very large Boom ' - S'l to 5a. Nine-Plate Stoves, from 21. 2'). 21. 2". and 30, at 53, S. 57, S3 and 59. F. U. FRANITSCUS. Lewistown, Sept. 12, 1355. T WARE HOUSE. F. :. Fit A NClsCCS. Agent. All kinds of good LU Mil lilt taken in exchange delivered at Tyrone. F. G. FRANCISCl'S. OAAfVnfi 1-"KET OP E l.uBEK, want OVLf AUv ed delivered at Tyrone station. pavafcle m vasa on delivery, iv nuuressnig F. G, FRANCISCL'S. Sept. J 2, I3."0.j 1 a? wis town. Pa. AlUVEirS MA t; AZIN E. Each number of the Magazine will contain lit octavo pa "cs in double columns, each year thus comprising nearly two thousand pages of the choicest .Miscel laneous Literature uf the day. Every number will contain numerous Pictorial Illustrations, ac curate Plates o: the Fashions, a oopioin Chroni cle of Current Events, and impartial Notices of the important Books of the Month. The Volumes commence with the numbers for JrxE and Jk ckukkk ; but Subicrijitior.s may commence with any Number. Tkkds. The magazine may ba obtained of Eeoksellers, Periodical Agents and Postmasters, and the Publishers, at 5:'.00 a year, or 2i cents a number. The snmi-annual volumes, neatly bound in cloth, are sold at two dollars each, and muslin covers aro furnished to those who wish to have their back numbers uniformly bound, at 2j cents each. Nine volumes aro already bound. The publishers will supply specimen numbers grs.tuitvu.-ily to agents and postmaster?, and will make liberal arrangements with them for circula ting the Magazine. They will also supply clubs of two persons, at Five Dollars a year, or five per nors at Ten Dollars. Clergymen supplied at Two Dollar a year.. The Magazine weighs over seven anl not over eiffht ounces. The postage upon each number, which must be paid quarterly in advance, is three ecu ts. The publishers wouid give notiee that they have no agents for whose contracts they are responsible. Those ordering the Magazine from agents or deal ers, must look to them for the supply of the work. Franklin Square, N. V. July IS, ISjj. TTOTICE is hereby given to all persons not to 11 interfere or meddle with one bay marc and colt, an 1 one black horse, now in poscssin of T. W . llorton of Poggs township, as the same belongs to inc. Ho having them on hire only, and to be re turned to me when eallcd for. Sept. o.-:U. JAMES FORREST. IS EW GOODS -The undersigned has just re ceived a large assortment of ,?1 .?X i'r v!fv (Tl at his store in KA R TIIA US, which he offers for sale cheap for cash or country produce. . E P. HURXTHALL. September 5, 1S55. 1 LL AND WINTER GOODS.-The sub- scribT has just received a large and well se lected stock of a: Tr if m i? r? ir ".!. i f f,rt r a I4 i V of almost every description suitable to the season, which he is selling off at extremely low prices. lie respectfully invites the attention of atl who wisn to buy good Goods at tho lowest prices, to call at the sigu of the "CHEAPEST GOODS," Country produce of almost every discription ta ken at market prices in exchange for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair equivalent for their money, will do well to give him a call. Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market street, and call and be convinced that there is truth in the words thereon inscribed. WM. F.IRWIN. September 5, IMS. 4 HARVEST HOME. There will be an American Harvest Home held near New Wasnington, oa WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26Tn. Speakers from a distance will Le in attend ence. Extensive preparations are makinsr for the accommodation of Delegetions from all parts of the County. 15r oedek or tiie Committee. jj . . T-rg--? large assortment jusi re-J.-LjG Q Q p' S ccived at very low prices Dy papu 3. .r. Ill" U. j---i5 A new stock just received at fcRIESiJPt-l ".f.lliWUS - . t. .-p i 4 11 1 y2iijWARf ted assortment just receiv ed and for sale by Sept. 5. V. F. IRWIN. b OUTS Jk SHOES. A large and splendid assort- M Gurnet ot Lauies , ItentJetnens , and Children Boots i Shoes for sale at W. F. Irwin's Sept. 5, 4 DMINISTRATOKS' NOTICE. George 1. jr. n .'teem, ."..' Estate. Whereas, Letters of Administration upon the Estate of George V". Rheem. i?r., late of Clearfield, deceased, have been granted to tho subscribers. All persons indebted to tho said Estate arc requested to make immedi ate paj'ment. and those having claims or demands against the Estate of the said deceased, will make known the same, without delay, to the undersign ed. LYDIA RHKEM. AJm'i. GEO. W. 1UIEEM, Jr., Adui'r. "3 The undersigned having taken the Shop oc cupied by his late Father, respectfully announces to the public that be will continue to manufacture SA D D LES, D R ID L ES, HA RXESS, fre., and solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended. G EO. W. P.11EEM. Jr. Clearfield, August 25, lSj.i. I7!UESIIOVS TERS 1 CHARLES G REAFF. would inform his friends and the' public that he is prepared to supply tho wants of those who give him a call, at his one door outh of Hemphill's Hotel, where he serves up FES S3 0Tr2EE,S, EASLINE3, CZIEE3E, and ri'freshment.i generally N pains will be spa red to accommodate his customers. Aug. COUNLTV TKLASniKR.-TUK under signed bejs leave to announce to his frieuds that he will run as au Ixiiependent Candiuati-: for tlio cilice if County Treasurer, at the coming election. " HENRY STONE. Clearfield August 15. 13")i. N ,T K W A It R I V A E. Tho undersigned has just received a large stock of adapted to the season, consisting of 1RV GOODS. GROCERIES. OUEEXSWARE, HAUi J'.V A R E. CON r EOT 1 ON A R I ES. NAILS. HOLLOW-WARE, CEDER-WARE. C J.VMES E. GRAHAM. Grahaintou, Aug. 22. looj. CEEAIIFIELD INSTITETE. Tho next term of this Institution will commence on thj.'M of Scptrmher. iS'iii. All persons wishing to fit themselves for Teach eks, or other avocations in life, will liere receive every desired facility and attention. A thorough and Mercantile course is here given, on terms lower than any other similar Institution in the State. Parent.-; at a distance can obtain boarding for their sous or daughters under the immediate caro of the where they will receive rare ad vantages, wish all the comforts and pleasures of a homeland their morals will be carefully guarded. The rates of tuition per quarter arc: Primary English, SJ. oil; High English, i-o.Ou; Classics. 5c. 00. Mathematics, above Algebra, i'-; French. Draw ing, and Painting. ?.") each. Further information can Lc had by addressing W. A. CAMPJJELL. principal. Apr. 1, Cleurfiel.f, Pa. HVDllAPfdC HAM. The subscribers beg leave to inform the public that they have purchased the patent right ot v . 4 1. iouglasj improved Premium for forcing water up hill, for the Counties of Jef ferson. Clearfield, Clarion, Crawford and Venango. Thoy warrant the action of the Machine one year, (when there is sufficient water to carry it.) if ordinary attention is paid to it. The 'Ram" is a simple and effective machine for forcing water lo any required distance or ele vation, it is perfectly applicable where IS inches of fall can be had. tho' the greater the fall appli ed the more powerful the operation of the machine. Any quantity of certificates can be obtained tes ityiug the superiority of this machine over every other instrument for forcing water to a given ele vation. Letters addressed to the subscribers at Curwens viile, Clearfield Co.. Pa. will be promptly attend ed to. CLARK & CUNNINGHAM. August 15, 1 ijC'.-Omu. G 1VE THEM A TRIAL: SILVER'S P L A H TIC P A I X T ti : CHAP. ffiffiUl PiTICiiVI. FIRE-PROOF. These Paints will stand any climate, without crack or blister, and harden by exposure; thus making in time an enamel of Stone, protecting Wood from decay, and Iron and other metals from rust and corrosion. They differ essentially from the so-called Mineral Paints of tho day, which ore principally Ochres, and Clays, and are entirely worthless. SILVER'S riasiic Paints are purely METAL 7C containing no Alumin or Clay. They are levigated finely, mix readily with Lin seed Oil, (without the trouble of grinding. and flow under the brush as freelp as the best White Lead, and excel all others in body or covering properties, one pound of which will cover as much surface as two pounds of White Lead, reducing the cost two-thirds. There are six distinct uolors, viz : Olive, I Light Brown, i Light Chocolate, Elack, Dark Do. J Deep Do. All equally valuable ns a preservative, and par ticularly adapted to painting the outside of BUILDINGS, FENCES, STEAMBOATS, CARS, TIN AND IRON WORKS. Kkmembeu ! Exposurt hardens aud increases the durability of these P.iATS. DIRECTIONS Mix with pure Unseed Oil, as thickly as possible, as the Paint in the. lasting or protecting body, aiul the, oil simply the tit' ft'itm, or asreut il spreading it. FRENCH & RICHARDS General Wholesale Agents, N. W. corner Tenth and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. For sale, Wholesale and Retail, Dry and Ground in Oil, by Sam'l Berlix, Tyrone City, Pa. Dealer in Drugs. Medicines. Paints, Oils, Brushes, Window Glass, Ac Aug. 15, '55. Y7"AIVTEI) A YOUNG MAN to hire by the T ? month. Good wages will be given to a sui table hand. Apply to WM. IRVIN, Curwcnsviile. July 11, 1355. Aug. 22. ff D rH i2'Ji a new ik yttRlES0 Aug. 22 A new stock just received at .mussui"b. F IRE-PROOF PAINT, for sale at JuMlVM R. MOSSOP 3. (irn r, 7 - ujtm' A large assortment just re jLjjO O D SjJ ceived and opened by R. MOSSOP. jVEW" GOODSl-.'i;W GOODS! At the 1 Old Corner Store of the undersigned at " CUBE3S7I1 LI. He has just received the largest and best assort ment of Nimmer and Fall Goods ever brought to Clearfield; consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Qaeensware, Goceries, Con fciuionaries, Hats and Caps, Boots ana fcnocs, Carpeting, Oil Cloth, Ac. Cloth.?, Cassimcrcs, Linens, Muslins- D Laines, Prints. Dress Jilks, Bonnets, Shawls, Mantillas, Fringes, Fancy Toilet articles, La ecs. Embroideries, and an endless variety of other articles too numerous to mention, all of which he offers at the lowest prices ami on the easiest terms. Aug. 1, 1S55. 11. I. PAXTON. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Veniitioui Expaiuit and Fieri Farias, issued out of tho Court of Common Tleas of Clear field connty, and to nio dirested. will bo j to PUDLIC SALE, at the Court House, in tho bor ough of Clearfield, on Momiirtf, lite X7th of iScpl em ber, 1855, the following described property, vix : ALL the right,title and interest of John C Miles k Co., in and to a certain Lot of land, situated in Chest township, Clearfiold Co , Pa., commencing 16 fc-ct in front of the house, at a stake, and running south CO feet to a stake ; then 160 feet east to a Btake; then CO feet north to a stake ; aud then west 160 feet to the place of beginning containing about of an acre, having thereon erected a two stnry Plank House, and bounded by lands of Wm. Westons. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John C Miles A Co. ALSO one other Lot of land situated in the same township, Clearfield Co., Pa., laj ing west of Ashcroft's Run, and fronting a township road, Containing of an aere. more or less, being GO feet front and ISO feet deep, bounded by lands of Wm. Westons. having erected thereon a store house and a plank barn, unfinished, being the same lots purchased by Def'ts. of Wm. Westons. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John C Miles 4 Co. ALSO, by virtue of a writ of Lfviri Farias, all that two story Plank House or buuilding sit uate in the township of IVdd. in county of Clear field, about one milo west of Luinborville, in said township, on land now occupied by Win. Reed, bounded ou the north by lands of W. & J. Moore, on the East by lands of John McCraekcn and on tho west by lands of John Henry, and Hockenbu ry. iu the township aforesaid containing in front 4ii foot, and in depth 27 feet being two stories high with lot or piece of ground and curtilage apperti nant to said building. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of W m. Reed. ALSO, all defendant's interest of. in and to all tboso two certain lots of land situate in the Borough of Clearfield, Clearfield Co., Pa., bound ed on the north by Market street, on the east by hit No. lA'J. on (ho south by an aJlcy, and on the west by lot No. 12 i said lot being known in the plot of said borough as lots Nos. lo-S mid 142, each extending in front on M ukct street 50 feet, and in depth 172 to an alley, having thereon erected a two story frame house and a store house, a good frame stable, ami other out-buildings, and the lots bem" in a high state of cultivation. Seized and takeu in execution and to he sold as the property of David Wintcrnit A LO. all Defendant's right, title and interest J.- in ami to 100 acres and 40 perches of Land titu i'e in Bell township. Clearfield county, bound ed as follows, by land of E. L. Miller on the South east, heirs of El'isha Motton the west, Moses Miller on the nnrtnwcst, and G.L. Reed on the north east, having erected thereon a. Log house, Log b.irn and about 40 acres cleared. Seized and ta ken iu execution and to be sold as the property of James O. Bcatty. A1.C. a cor'ain l.ol of Land situate in ths town of New Washington. Clearfield county, con taining one-fourth of an acre, being (id feet front by 20." feet deep, bounded n.s follows, on the Sou'.h by Sihool house lot. ou the West by street, on the north and oast by lands of Joseph McMurray, hav ing tbercon erected a Plank house, and lot enclos ed with a fence. Seiied and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Edward Harri son WILLIAM "POWELL. Fherijj'. Sheriff's Office, Clearfield, Aug. 15, 1855. rfUIE SCIENTIFIC 'AMERICAN.-EL JL jSVEtfTH YEAR. Splendid Engra7iips at l Prizes. The Eleventh Annual Volume of this useful publication commences on tho 17th day of September next. The Scientific American is ail Illustrated Periolieal. devoted chiefly to the pro mulgation of information relating to the various Mechanic and Chemic Arts, Industrial Manufac ture. Agriculture Patents, Inventions, Engineer in". MilTwork, and all interests which the light of PRACTICAL SCIENCE is calculated to advance. Reports of U. S. Patusts granted arc also pub lished every week, including Offi cial Copies of all PATENT CLAIMS, together with news and infor fonnatiou upon tioacands of other s-a'bjectg. The Contributors to tho Scientific American, aro among the most Eminent Ssicntilio and practical mnn .f the times. The Editorial Department is universally acknowledged to bo conducted with reat Ability, and to be distinguisnea. not only for the excellence an. I trutniuiness oi us uiscus- , ... . 1 1.. 1 . . ...... . w ; 1 1, ... 1 . 1 . . . ,--.. I. sions. but lor mo lunricwuws " .nn.uv. jo combated, and false theories aro exploded. Mechanics. Inventors. Engineers, i, nemists, .uan- ufacturers, Agriculturists, ana people ok kvmm PIIOFI'.SSIO 1 LIFE. W ill UIIU le oraviiin cut to bo of great valuo in their respective call ings. Its counsels and suggestions will save them Hundreds of Dollars annually, besides affording them a continual source of knowledge, the experi ence of which is beyoud pecuniary estimate. 'The Scientific American ispuOlisueu once a w etK, everv nuuioer contains iijui is0 r-"" formin" actually a complete ami ppienani volume, illustrated with. SEE ERAL 11UX D RED ORI- j GIXA L EXCtUA i.v (tS. Tri'MS. Simrle Subscriptions, 5ayear, M lor C months. Five copies, for 6 months, 54; 1 year AS. For further Club rates and statement ot tuelour- i teen large Cash Phizes, offered by the publishers. see c American, r-pecimen copies seni irruria. Southern. Western and Canada money, or l ost- I Office Stamps, taken at par tor subscriptions. Lettecs should be directed (post paw; to MUITN & CO., Aug. 22. 123 Fulton St., Nev York. TVEW HOTEL: The old 'Skkuiso Hocse, ot 1 NEW WASHINGTON, has been re-opened and re-fitted by the undersign ed, who respectfully solicits a share of public pat ronage. .... , , He is well provided witn nouso room ami goon stabling, and intends keeping a Temperance House, at which ho will always endeavor to make his "uests feel at home. JOHN SHETTEU. August 1, 1S55. tf. TVEAV HUM.-HA1C1S11UK.. & .u v,n.-jYi., 11 have just received a new and splendid assort ment of goods at their store in LUMBER CITY. ti,.v ;n.-;tu iho miblift to srive them a call, and 1 11 V J i .1 , . v " ----- " -- o . feci assured they will be able to render entire sat isfaction. Lumber. Hides, nags, urain. kiiu an other kinds of produce taken in excango. BF.NJ. HARTSHORN, THOS. McCRACKEN. Aug. 1, 1855. E STRAY ! Came to tho residence of the sub scriber in Lawrence township, on tno mn inst . a bay mare, about ten or iwene jears om, with a bad cut on the hip. The owner is hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay h.-ir-rps. and take her away, otherwiso sho will be disposed of according to law. , Lawrence tp., Aug. 1, 1855.-3t. "TSEGISTER'S NOTICES. Notice is here- XV by given, that the tollowing accounts nave been examined and passed by me, and remain filed of record in this office for the inspection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and all others in any other way interested, and will be presented to the next Or phans' Court of Clearfield County, to be held at the Court House in the Borough of Clearfield, on Tuesday, the 18th day of September, next, for confirmation and allowance: The account of John Curry, Executor of James Curry, deceased. The account of Win. Fullerton. Administrator of John Fnllerton, dee d. WM. PORTER, Aug. 22.J Jlfg. -m- ir? icois mnat. hounfifiiT selection, and of X the latest styles, for sale at the cheap store of June 27, '55. J a. .m. iuc. CAB1.ET MAKINli. Tho undersigned would respectfully iuforia tho public, that be has taken tLs o'.d stand opposite ill Methodist Church, knowu as JlORBOff'S SHOP, wher ho keeps cutis taasJy on hand auid manufac tures to order, every variety of Household and vumrmiz, each as Tables, Bureaus, Safes, Stands Cupboards, Sofas, Bediteals. Ac, of every style and variety. JOSHUA JOHNSON. Clearfield, Ta., Aug. 1S55. , TVOTICK-The subscriber respectfully informs il the citizens of Clearfield county, that bo has rented his T.muery to John MeGaaghcy. cvboui he can recoiuineud to bis customers as atteutivo and obliging, lie also respectfully rcquesL all persons to come forward and settle their accounts as be is desirous of el-jsing up his business. Ilids taken on old accounts. JOHN M.PHERSON. Aug. S, 1S55. The undersigned respectfully announces thai ho has rented the T A NXER Y of John McPberson, where he will keep on hand a good assortment of all kinds of leather, and Lopes by strict attention to mccta share of public patron age. Leather exchanged, nr cash paid for hides JOHN McGAUGHEV. Aug. S,'1S55. 3roo. OlUtT PROCLAMATION, WHEREAS The Honorable JAMES BURNSIDE. Esq., President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the tweoty-lil'ti Judicial District, composed of tJie counties of Clearfield, Centre aud Clinton and the Honorable RICHARD SHAW and JOHN P. liOYT, Associate Judges of Clearfield county, have ; issued their precept bearing date tho TWEN TY FIFTH day of Ma me directed, for the holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan Court. Court of Quarter Sessions. Court of Oyer aud Terminer, aud Court of General Jail Delivery, at Clearfield, in and for Clearfiold county, on tho THIRD MONDAY of .SEPTEMBER i.c.t. be ing eth 17th day of the month. NOTICE IS, THEREFORE. HEREBY GIVEN, To the Corouor, Justice of the Peace, and Consta bles, in and for the sail county of Clearfield, to appear in their own proper persons with their Roils, Records, Inquisitions. Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their ofii 'cs, and in their behalf, pertain to be done, and Jurors and Witnesses aro requested to be then and there attending, and not to depart without leave, at their peril. GIVEN under my Land, at Clearfield, this 1st da3-of Aug., in the year of our Lord one thous and eight hundred aud fifty-live ,an 1 the eighti eth vear of American Independence. WILLIAM POWELL, Sh'ff. T.1IAL LI"T TOIL SEPTEI1BEB 135. John Patchcn, vs. Josiah Limhivnn. Robert Wallace vs. Josf-ph Loan. Isaac Chambers vs. sJrcouwoo 1 Bell. Thos. Mays, vs. Ja-.-ob Henry A David Kephart. Jacob Snyder, Jr. vs Fred. Higgins & A. Pitts. Cram fc Perlcy vs Smith .t Poivcll. Robert Smith, vs. David Sharp. II. Philips, vs. Daniel Kephart. et. al. Henry Pennington, vs. G. Tozcr A' Jno. Tagart. Thos. Mahaffey. et. al. vs. Thos. A Jno. Woods. Samuel Caldwell vs Manning Slevenson. Crawford Gallahcr, vs. MLdiai.-ls Jk White. William Perry vs William Iddings. C!eu lo V Rcnaud vs John Nodicr. G. 1). Lanich, vs. Mordcaai Shirk C. G. Renaud, vs. John B. Nodier, ct. al. G. B. (iaier, vs. John Fox. Moses Norris, vs. Clark Brown James-Curlcy, vs. James Gunsalus. Franeeif McCoy vs Washington Watson. Isaac Thompson vs Isaac Dunlap. T. B. Davis vs Jas. MoCracken. W. Scott, ct al. Geo. W. Carter, vs. Snyder & Large. Jas. Fry fc Dan'l. Fulkcrson, vs. Robt. Potter. Conrad Frcduck, vs. Henry Groc. J. A J Hagerty, vs. Abraham Byers. Jas. McCraekcn, vs. Jos. .t Uiram Straw, ot. al. Wm. Bloom, vs. Jas. M. Kelly. Geo. W. Gill. vs. Thos. Holt. Alexander Etinis, vs. Andrew Davis. Samuel Miles, vs. David Dressier. M. Ouiglcy, vs. James M. Leonard, et. al. Same, vs. EverLurt Rahorn J. M. Leonard, use J. Leonard, vs. M. (Juiglcy. Peter Dickinson, vs. Voguls A Brothers. Kelley k Dickcrson. vs. H. B. Miller. D. Mirchel & Mahafioy vs S J. Tozer, et al. J. B. Torbet ct al vs Alexander Caldwell. George Ross vs Samuel Clark Eenj. Hartshorn vs S. A. J. Widetuirs. Jesse How vs. Abraham A John Goss. Cuminings & Mahaffev vs Daniel Gorman. A. P. Ormand vs Willi uu Bloom. Jos. W. Smith, vs. H. L. Hall A M"m. Ilousler. Hardman Philips ys Daniel Kephart. A. Folhucr. use R. Follmer vs Peter Lamm, J. A G. H. Stiuer vf Robert ti ramus. Montelius, Ten Eyck A Co. vs Gilbert Tozcr R. Corbin A Brother vs F. P. liurxihal A Bro. GRAND JUK0S3 rOIt Jonathan Spackman, J(hii Russell, James 11- Turner, William Wise. George Barger, Daniel Moore, John Dale. John Metchley, Jacob Irvin, E. D. Patterson, Thomas Dougherty, Mitchell Shupp, Uni. Wilson, David Baird, John Ourns, Adain Gearhart, A. W. Heath. Johu Troutman, Isaac Hess, John B Kvlar, Elias Rishcl, Zack McNaul, Robert 11 n p. tor, Algernon Holdcn, SEPT. TEB.3I, 13 "5. Farmer, Girard. Tanner. Penn. Farmer, Buggs. ' Ferguson. ' Bratiford. ' Karthaus. " Bradford. Mason. Bell. Farmer, Lawrenec. Blacksmith. Huston. Farmer, Penn. Farmer, Girard, Farmer. Boggs. Carpenter, Clearfield Farmer, Pike. " Bradfor I. " Fox. Chairmakcr.ClearfieM. Farmer, Boggs. ' Morris. ' Brady, l'ike. " Jordan. Chest. TBAYER3E JUFtOES, SEPT TESM, 1855. Girard. Penn. Clearfield. Curwcnsviile. Bradv. Abraham Kylar, Farmer, Joseph Davis, Joseph iioon, Win. P. Chambers. Jackson Horn, Shoemaker, Chairmakcr. Farmer, W. W. Douglass, David Lit., Iron Founder, Merchant, Sawyer, Farmer, Clearfield. Tiko. Burnside. Karthaus. Bradford. Bcccaria. Huston. Bcccaria. Morris. Clearfield. Penn. Clearfield. Decatur Bradford. Woodward. Bradford Penn. Chest. ii Curwensville. Girard. Fox. Brady, Jordan. Pike. Huston. Burnside. Clearfield. Ferguson. Karthaus. Morrfs Woodward. Decatur. Lawrence. Bell. Lawrence. Jordan. Morris. Covington. Burnside. A. M. Hills. Win. Cathcart, llobert Ross, ieoriro W. King, William Silikev. Abraham Hoover, Andrew Sholf, nhen Bundv, Jeremiah Cooper, George Hoover, Christian Pottarff. D. S. Sharp. Merchant, Carpenter, Shoemaker, Farmer, saac Johnston, John Shaw, David Crowcll, Jacob Gintcr, Wm. Graham, Jr.. James Johnston, Aaron Pearcc, Simon Rorabaugh, Daniel Jordan, riastercr, Farmer, Alexander Murray, Christ Nulph, James A. Woods. John G. Glasgow, G. B. Caldwell. Philip ilevener, Reuben Neiman, Robert Mitchell, Jacob Koozer, J. C. McCloskey, Henry Groe, Wm. Henderson, George Shultz, Milton McBridc, James MrGhce, Robert Porter, Enoch Wiso. Henry Narehood, Brice Conaway, Lemuel Byers, Saddler, Gentleman, Farmer, Lumberman, Farmer, " r: - " Zsi BICII ARD MOSSOP. has fH AR DW p ff-A just received and opened a general assortment of Hardware apd Cutlery. Aug 22. E Occnlisls and AurisM.' Deaf Mess and Ear Discuses ELadieatlf CtrdK Dr. La lRrvy offers to those cuflVricg from TcafuessbU INFALLIBLE AURAL REMEDIES, which have been successful in nearly S,G0ticas of ctLiirmol deafness. Thes reaiodic eorapru- ditTcrcnt courses tor diseases of the iuternal. mid dle iud external ear, and have been pronoiineod by those celtTStd suiristsL Drs. Cramer, of Bcr lin, llard. and Dclan, of Pari, Curtis. Pilebr and Yeas-sly of Iondon. as being the MO.ST WONDEli FUL and EFFECTUAL wer Jypltcd for dieasc of the internal .ind middle ear. Or. LeR, H'A ' RANTS A CERE in every case wdvre the eax ia perfect in formation. He has eighteen eertifcaies of cures from tbose who ha.4. Lcoa LEAP AND DEMlt, an4 whose hearing is now compli-Jcly res tored and are now enabled V lo&rn the taaguage.' The names of 2.703 per.ns wh have bevii cared by Dr. LcB., may ito seen eu application, l'a ticnb?, by sending a description of the ease, can have remedies aent to any part of the I'joitea States. in case of muens accirmulatkius in the Eusta chaia Tulw and Tympanum, inflammation of Ui inuens membrane, ucrvous affections, disease f the membrane tympn-ui, called -the drum," or when the disease can be traced 1 the effects offe rers or colds, the use of quinine or mercurial medicines, gatherings in the cars in children. Jk-c, this treatment .STANDS PREEMINENT. When the auditory is dry and scaly, with little or no seeretiou; when the deafness is a3conipanied with noise in the car. like failing water, chirpiu of insects, ringing of bells, rustling of leaves, contin ual pulsations, and discharge of matter, or when in stooping, aseasatiou is feit as if rush of blood to the head had taken place; when the hearing is less accutc in dull, cloudy weather, or when a cold Iras been taken, this method of treating the disease iufulliJit'c. Dr. Duftou is the only Occulist in tho United States who practices the now painless, and suc cessful method in treating all the disease to which the eye is subject Wheio every other means have failed to afford relief, he asks from such fair and impartial trial. TESTIMOXY. The undersigned practition ers in medicine ia (he city of New Y'ork, having had frequent occasion to witness the practice of Drs. IcBrumi and Duftoa. in diseases of tha Ear and Eye. laying aside all profession! jealousy, freely admit, that (he course pursued by them in treating diseases of these delicate organs, from th UMpar;:iltled siteec.'ix iUtrniij it, ueJl worth th atti ntion of our profcssioiiiil brethren throughout the United States, feeling assured as we dot that Aural Surgery has not met with thit attention which its importance demands. Their system of treating diseases of the middle and internal Ear, by ' Mciical IVwM." particularly in chronic or complicated cases, forms a new era in the practies of Aural Surgery ; such cases yielding in almost rvrry instance- to this Hem nn-i jmirerftil azent. This practice fills un a void ubit h has long been felt by the general practitioner, enabling him to eP successfully u-ith every rise where perfect formation esists. In diseases of the Eye, they seldom rcrjuire to resort to the operation. As skillful Aurisis and Oculists, enthusiastically devoted to their profession, we cordially recom mend them to such as may require their aid Signed, V. D. MOTT. M. D. WILLIS MORTON. M. D. C. A. DEVELIN, M D. HORACE V. YATT, M. D. J AS. B. FR ANCIS. M. D. New York. August 13. 1-U!). Students wi.-bing to perfect themselves in this branch of medical science, will find an opportu nity of joining the class at the Ear and Eye In firmary of Dr. Dclacy IeBrunn. Union Place. Cliniqurs every Tuesday and Friday afternoon, from 1 till : o'clock, during Medical College terms. TERMS 5 i consultation foe; SIO fee to ba paid when the hearing is restored to its original acii'cncss, or when a watch can he heard to beat at a distance of IS feet from either ear. Address Drs. LkBRINN A Dl'FTON, Union Placa. New York City. N. B. A treatise on the nature and treatment of Deafness and Disease of the Ear, with the treat ment of the Deaf and 1'um price, one dollar. I'v Money letters must be registered by the Postmoster. Registered letters only arc at our rish ; please bear this in mind. Correspondent must rneJose postage for ret'irn answer, the- tieic jost'igc law rejriirtng pre-pay-mtnt of letters. Aug. 1, 1Sj5. A L LOU'S PICTORIAL AM) DKAW-INO-KOOAI COMPANION. late glea s i.'. 's riCTorUAL. This paper presents, in the most elcg iiit and available form, a weekly literary me lange of the notable events of tho day. Its col umns are devoted to original tale, sketches and poems, by the best American authors, ami tho cre.imof the domestic and foreign news: the whole well spiced with wit and hnnior. Each paper is beautifully illustrated with numerous accurate en graving", by eminent artist' of notable objects, current events in ail parts of the world, and of men ami manners, altogether making a paper entirely original in this count ry. Its pages contain views of every populous city i:sthc known world, of all buildings of note in the eastern or wostern hemis phere, of all the principal .ships and steamers of th? navy and merchant service, with fine and ac curate portraits of every noted character in th world, bo'h male and female. Tkkms : invariably in advance, 1 subscrehcr. one year. .-';; -! do., one year, 10; Id do., one yr. S20. Any person sending us lt subscribers at the last rate, shall receive 17th copy gratis. i","Ono copy of Tim Flfg u our Union- and ono poiv of Ili'.'on'i 7''. together. ?4 ver. Published every Saturday by M. M. BALLoU, Corner of Trcmont L Bloouifiehl Streets. Sept a. Boston, Mass. BOOT AM) SHOE STOKE; GRAHAM'S ROW, CLEARFIELD, PA. The subscriber would inform the public that h has just opened an entire new stock of Boots and Shoes, in Graham's Row, one door cast of the Jour nal Office. Every variety of La lies and Gcntlemens'Gaitcrs. l.accrt Knots, I'uiups. congress uoois, t'hildrons" Shoes. Ac. Ac. Boots end Shoes made to order. C. P. BLACK. Ang. 1, ISjj. tveav books: SEW HOOKS ! l f haw's low, Clearfield, Pa. The undersigned begs leave to infortn his friends and the public generally that he has just received a large and well folceted stock 'tfr-jntA ,1.if'tk.iCt consisting ot all the latest publications: SCHOOL BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS. STATIONA RY, and V AN.CY ARTICLES. He also has ou hand a lnrgc and beautiful stock p COXFECTIOX.1RIES,' which he invites the publi-3 to call and examine. Store nearly opposite tho .lounvii jbuc May 16,lSjj.-ly. THOMAS BOBBINS. C ULICII & IlENNER, would respeotfully Jf inform the citucus cf Clearfield,, aud publio . generally that they have entered into co-partner- Sb'P CABIXET MAKIXO RUSIXESS, and keep constantly on hands, and manufacture to order, at the lowest prices, every variety of furniture, consisting of Dining, Breakfast, aud Centre Tables, Soring, Writing, and Wash-Stands, Mahogany, and Common Beds'. 'eads ; Mahogony and Cane-bottomed Chairs. Bureaus, Sol'as. Lounges, Ac., Ac, CofSns made and funerals. attended ou tho short, est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate -aceonipanvmcuts. - House Painting done on the shortest notice. Shop and Ware-rooms, same as formerly occupi ed by JohnGulioh,nicariyoppositeth'JewStore,4 Clearfield. Pa JOHN G ULICII. - May 22, ' '55.-1 y. DANIEL BENNER. OOTS A SHOES. A largo and splendid assort ment of Ladies', Gcntlemens' and Cbildrens Boots and Shoes for sale at Mossop's. jJn. 13. CLOCKS. Eijht day, thirty hour and alarm Clocks for sale at Mossop's Store. Jn. 13. ACKEKEL, HERRING and CODFISH, at tha ; M storeef jn. IS - . ; t: i. t' k ' it i 1 1 z3