Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 18, 1855, Image 3

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    u u
High the mercury, and the pricoof old batter.
How to male money advertise in the Journal.
Rich that slipper suit. "By gum," it was no
'go. .
- Early. They are lururaflng on ripe peaches in
Tirginia.. .
Low the river, and the atato of our finances
just now.
How to be happy subscribe for the Journal, and
pay for it in advance.
Just received a lot of new novels at the Clear
field Book Store in Shaw's Row. Call and see them.
Slightly dilapidated Black Sam'8 unmentiona
bles, and our potato 'patch,' since the hogs were in
Where are Xhcy ? the men who were going to
make the Tyrone and Erie Railroad a year ago ?
'Echo answers, where?
'Strong a hog's appetite for potatoes, and the
batter we got the other day at sixteen cents a
. pound.
-Ax wort our farmers, getting in their hay. The
'grain will soon be ready to cat, and promises an
abundant harvest.
Grand humbug the 'hog law,' or the officers
whose duty it is to enforce it, and we don't know
exactly which. .
Dead. The venerable English Admiral Boxer,
died of cholera on shipboard at Balaklava, on the
2d of June, after a short illness.
. Increasing the candidates for county offices
among our Locofoco friends. They have an ardent
desiro to serve their country.
Grand the pyrotechnical display on tho hill on
Saturday evening by some of the youngsters.
Their Roman candles looked well.
Coming down. At Stcubenville, Ohio, wheat
has declined from two dollars and fifty cents to
one dollar and eighty cents per bushel.
Scarce eggs at a shilling a dozen, and items
this warm weather. Won't somebody knock some
body down, or kick up a mass somehow?
Tall timothy. Mr. Rheams, cut timothy on his
farm on Lick Run Hill, last week, measuring five
feet six inches in length Who can beat it?
Thanks to our young friend R. J. Wallace,
for a bowl of delicious raspberries, Robert is a
sound egg, and never fails to remember his friends.
Going away. We will bo absent from home
for some days. Those who have business with us
can have it attended to by calling at the printing
The difference. Some sharp follow says the dif
ference between girls and lemons, id that the latter
get most of their squeezing in the dog days, and
the former dont.
'Speciled beauties." We are indebted to Gen.
A. M. Hills for a plate fine trout, for which he
will accept our sincere thanks. The General never
forgets his friends.
Election iu Louisville, Ky. Mr. Alexander Du
vall, the American candidate, was elected Traas
urer of the city of Louisville, Ky., on Saturday
last, by a vote almost unanimous.
Delightful writing items with tho porspiration
streaming from every pore, your inkstand plug
ged up with flies, and tho mercury going up at
the speed of abont 2.40 on a plank road !
Fix it up. We hope those of our subscribers
who are going to discontinue or take the next vol
ume, will let us know at once, that we may com
mence on the first of August with clean books.
Left fount our friend Walton of tho firm of
Conrad and Walton, who has bean paying us a
visit for some days past. We are sorry ho's gone
and hope to hear from him when he gets to the
IV'ic Post Office. We are glad to announce that
the Cloarficld Eridgo Post Office has boon re-established.
Esquire Sloan has been appointed. Our
Eubs2ribcrs there will now recceivo their papers
Talk a'lout it. Wc understand tho Americans
up Chest Creek, are talking about holding an
American Harvest Home sometime in August.
We think it decidedly a good idea, and have no
donbt Clearfield and Curwensvillo, would send a
large delegation.
Wholesome alteration. The law of Libel, i"1
Connecticut, was materially modified by an act of
the recent Legislature, by which the defendant
may show the intention with which he made tho
publication, and the plaintiff must prove malice
before he can recover damage
Attempted Poisoning. Four negroes have been
committed to jail, in Wythevillc, Va., for attempt
ing to poi3on the family of Mrs. John B. George.
Arsenic was administered in coffee and bread, but
In such large quantities as to cause vomiting
which, probably saved their lives.
Testimonial. We learn that the students of tho
Clearfield Institute at tho close of their ses.-ion, as
& testimonial of their regard, presented to their
Principal, Mr. Campbell, a fine whito hat, the re
ceipt of which he acknowledged in an appropri
ate manner. Wo have not room for tho proccdinge
- at length.
A Tunnel under Niagara River. It i3 propos
ed to dig a tunnel for a railroad track under tho
Niagara at Black Rock, near Buffalo, N. Y. Its
length will bo 2400 feet, descent of grade on each
side 75 leot per mile, cost S 500,000. Tho river is
20 feet deep at tho proposed locality, and its bed
of solid limestone.
Outrageous. If the accounts wo have been re
ceiving lattterly from Now Washington be true,
the conduct of two or throo locofocosthcro towards
8 clergyman, is outrageous and detestable in the
highest degree. We are only awaiting full par
ticulars, upon good authority, to show them up in
the manner they deserve.
A floral curiosity. There si now to bo seon at
Savannah, Georgia, an aloe tree, otherwiso called a
oentury plant twenty-six foethigh, and containing
more than a thousand buds, all cf which are ready
to bloom- This remarkable tree is a native pro
duct of Wimington Island. Of its history, the first
fifty years of its existence we are not inform cd.
Since 1804, when it was transplanted upon the
Island, it has been thriving, tho admiration of all,
en the farm of Colonel Hunter.
Appointment. We learn that Major General
Watson, has appointed our young friond D. G.
Nevling, one of his aids with the rank of Major.
We most cheerfully congratnlato tho gallant Ma
jor, and feel assured that he will not be the last
at his post when the clarion note of war sounds
upon the breeze. A more clever, whole soulcd
felittw never lived, and wo can assure General
Watson, that he could not have mado a more for
tunate seltction. Lon;? lire the gallant Major.
Indianapolis, July 13. The largest State
Convention ever held in Indiana has just ad
journed. Tho number inattond.ir.ee has been
variously estimated at from ten to twenty thou
sand. Unbounded enthusiasm and the inoct
perfect harmony have prevailed.
The Platform cf last year was tmanimouidy
re-adopted, with the addition of a specific
plank, which asserta that Slavery is sectional
and Freedom alcrie national.
Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts, rarvle an
eloquent and forcible speech, which was most
vehemently applauded.
Judge Morton. H. S. Lane, Messrs. Colfax,
Ilalloway, Mace, Jocelyn, and 8? nut or 1 1 avian,
of Iowa, are to speak this evening.
All the speeches thus far made- are of the
true stamp, fully and forcibly opposed to Sla
very extension.
Ona County sent by railroad a delegation of
sixteen hundred.
Concord, N. II., July 11. The strong nnti
Slavery resolutions oflcied by Mr. Tapp.an,
last wjk,were passed by the House this ".coin
ing after an exciting debate. The Legislature
adjourns to-day.
Among the numerous measures of a politi
cal character, the most prominent of the acts
are as follows: The remodeling of tho Judi
ciary and the consequent change of all the
Judges; re-districting the Stute Senatorial
Districts; the passage of a Prohibitory Law,
and a general removal, by address, cf the
Democratic Sheriffs, Judges and .Registers of
Probate, and other iiicumbviuts of olliee filled
by executive appointment.
Cincinnati, July 14. The United States
Commissioner, to-d.iy, in the case of enlisting
troops for the Crimea, held Consul Howecraff
in the sum of 2000, Messrs. Turnbull and
Hamilton in $1000 each, an J Captain Paahner
on his owu roeojrnlzance, to appear before the
United States Court to anriver the chtrg-".
Captain McKay, the spent of the British Gov
ernment, was too sick to nppi-ar before the
Commissioner, and his friends gave the re
quired security for him.
Detroit, July 14. Tho case of Galbner, on
trial for violating the liquor law, was decided
to-day, Ly a verdict of not guilty, the jury de
ciding that the sale of imported liquor in any
quantity is not unlawful.
Poughkrepsie, July 14. The Barbick lager
beer case has been carried to the Supreme
Court, and will be argued at Brooklyn, on
Tuesday next.
Washington, July 14. Mr. Wheeler, the
American Minister to Central America, is now
in this City. lie returns to hia post by the
next steamer.
"Sam's" Oricix and IIistohy. One of the
speakers at a recent American meeting in
Kentucky, said that "Sam" was an immacu
late conception, lie was born inPhila&o'phia
on the 4th of July 177(5. He was lorn talking.
IILs first words are found in the Declaration of
Independence, which shook the thrones of
Europe to their center. King George, while
lie was young, undertook to whip him Invjause
he was "sassy." With the help of G-?orgj
Washington he licked tho King's forces, and
took as much land as he wanted. -Sam" mar
ried an American woman named Constitution,
and has had by her thirty-one sons and daugh
ters, all of whom are now living, and occupy
ing lands from the Atlantic to the Pacific
ocean. Constitution has five or six young
ones still at the breast. Sam's family, how
ever, are peculiar. They all focd, fatten, and
thrive upon Constitution's republican milk,
and obey their mother. Sam protects his fam
ily by throwing around them .a proat lbg,
flittering with stars and red with the blood of
the martyrs of liberty. "Sam"' and his family
arc now the greatest people 071 the face of the
earth. They are known "and respected by ev
ery nation in tbe world.
Old Hickory a Prohibitionist. Tbe weil
kr.own temperance lecturer, General C.vuv,
says, that Neat, 1)-w is not tho origiu.itor of
tho Prohibitory Law, authorizing the seizure
and destruction of liquor in thi country.
The honor or imprecation should be heapx-.l
upon another head no less a one than that of
General Asi.uirw Jacksox, who, as Preside it
of the United States " took the responsibility-
to approve a law of Congress which authori
zed, empowered and commanded all the 17. S.
ojUceri to sc'za, confiscate, ar.d destroy, with
out heneft of jury or right of appeal, all
'14 I llVU .KilUt 1, II llklK.i 111 hju J i i -t t 11.: '.
pae'tf'" or not, or whether domestic or im
ported, if found upon Indian terrtf'.-ry ; an 1
that tyrannical, oppressive, unconstitutional,
abominable law," pissed ly a Peraocrai ie
Congress, and approved by a Democratic Presi
dent, is still in full force in those United
" Great is Humbug, and Baejeim is its
Prc.fi.'' New York correspondents notice a
new humbug of Barnum, which, appealing to
the vanity of the female sex, cannot fail to pay.
The American Museum is to be metamorphos
ed into a vast daguerrean saloon, fi!lc-i with
the portraits of the most beautiful women in
the land. Each visitor is, on leaving tho mu
seum, to deposit a ballot, containing the
numbers of the ten portraits he daerns the
most handsome in the collection live thou
sand dollars in premiums are to bo divided
amongst thos'j having tho largest vote, their
portraits in oil are to be taken, and forwarded
to Paris, where a volume of steel plate en
gravings of the beauties of the world is to be
issued. Barnnrn will make money by the op
eration for tho world delights in being hum
bugged, and one Barnum is necessary for its
"CP" Fruits of all kinds (says Mr. Fred. J.
Cope, an intelligent citizen of V"estniorcland
county,) can be kept perfectly sound and
fresh by .a very simple process. It is thij :
Gather the fruit carefully, and put it into
suitable vessels thoso of glass are preferred,
as the fruit can be vi without opening them.
For the smaller kind3, such as cherries, cur
rants, raspberries, blackberries, eic, comma::
bottles with large necks, will do. Fill the
vessels and then irurnerso them in warm water,
np to the mouth or opening ; letting them re
main twelve or fifteen minutes; thcu cork
them tightly, melt wax or rosin over the top of
the cork, and when cool, put them away in
a dry cellar, or soma other cool place where
they will not freeze. Peaches, plums, apri
cots, nectarines, &c, &c, are kept in this way
quite fresh, a whole year.
A Great Compliment. At the Dorchester
celebration on the 4th inst., Col. Aspiuwall,
late U. S. Consul to London, and an oCicer in
the war of 1312, who lost his arm in the ser
vice, stated in his speech that the lato Duke of
Wellington, (no mean authority) styled the
march of Gen. Winfield Scott through Mexico
"tha military miracle of the age." :
TLe Sultan of Turkey is expectod to vis:' Paris in
'August to meet '."acei Vie tori and l'r'rce Alter.
VCT" The Pope has had the opinions of the
dignitaries of tbo Church about the dogma of
the Immaculate Conception published. Wo
see that Cardinal Diej.enI.ioch, Archbishop of
Breslan, and many German Bishops, dissented
from the views of the majority. Archbishop
Sibour of Paris belongs likewise to the non
contcnts; but all the southern and western
Bishops recommended the enunciation of the
new dogma. Xol cr.e cf 'ho Irish, Italian,
Spanish or Irish-American Bishops is found
among the non-coi.tects. They formed an
overwhelming majority against the protest cf
some few German and French Bishops.
Singular CotxciBKsc s. ThcEomney (Va.)
Intelligencer, speaking cf the murder of Orn
dorli by McDonald, a fjw weeks ago, in Ilari
shire county, relates a strange coincidence.
3IcDen:iil was . robbing Loekraillor's house
when Orndorff came up, and he shot him for
fear of being detected.
Fifty yei'rs ago McDonald's grandfather,
near tlio identical spot, was rolbing the house
of a Mr. L;'. ton, when Lupton's three little
children come upon him, and for fear cf de
tection, he murdered, as lie supposed, all of
them, but fortunately one lived to testily
against him, and ho wa hung.
American Gkatitudk. During the admin
istration of Sir Robert Walpoie, the transpor
tation of Convicts to this country proved a
very great grieveaace. Dr. Fkanuxin wrote
to fho Minister the thanks of the colonics for
the maternal care cf Britain to the country,
strongly manifested in this instance ! and as a
satisfactory proof oi" American gratitude, sent
him a collection of J2?i!ir.sr"k. which he ad
vised him to have introduced into his Majes
ty's gardens at Kew, in order that they might
propagate and increase assuring him that
tiiey would be as beneficial in his Majesty's
Englioh dominions, as th
an an
t Irish
fOid o'i v.-v.re u America! Thus it would ap
pear that in tho eves of Franklin, the transpor
tation to this country cf cam-ids and f.iupsrs,
was considered as crying an evil as it is at the
present day.
I'aoscHii tion. Talk about proscription, and
then look at tho course cf President Fierce.
Man after nmn falls before his arm, simply be
cause he would exercise i:!:? rights as a free
man because he would veto as ho pleased
and entertain the views he felt. Talk about
the toleration in Cuthouc.s, and point to the in
stance. V.'e know a young man who lived in
Freemat. Ohio, who dared to write an article
for the F re era on t Jir.irnrl holding up to scorn
tho holy (?) (--'her of that place, who had com
mitted a brutal ass iult and battery on a tvomnu.
This young man was a clerk in a large stove
where all the Catholics and Irish dealt, a-:d
Mr. Priest marched to tho proprietors, 'l
them he must b j discharged or loose their cus
tom and off goes his head. This is only one
instance out of many. Americans, do you not
feel your nation and your people insulted?
The evil must and will be put down.
The Bini.E ti t out or a Wayland School.
A low weeks sinco several of the scholars
(Roman Catholics) in one of the Waylar.d
(Middlesex cour.ty) schools, refused to read,
as had been the custom, from the scriptures.
They of course acted from directions outside
the school. The teacher (a female) insisted
upon tho system and discipline of her charge
being carried on. The matter was taken iu
hand by the School Committee, a majority of
whom two to one sided upon the Roman
Catholic side of the question, and accordingly
the Bible was banished. The people of the dis
trict aie indignert at the action of the Com
mittee, and a rumor is now current that, un
less anticipated, they will be invited to vacate
their posts. Boston Bee.
Prices in ("a i.iroi n ia . Rents hava fallen
in California, two-thirds in one year, and wa
ges almost in proportion. Servant women can
get ?S) to $-V per mouth, according to capa
city and worth. Three dollars per dozen is
even now the standard price for washing.
A good dwelling house, lathed and plastered,
car. new be had, with every convenience for a
family, at ?C0 a month. The range may be
from $2 to iVl" per month ; or small tene
ments aisd ! edging i-:n-ms fur the poor at even
offer rates.
CJ" It is sUtw-I ia t'.e London Tim a that
an additional step towards the establishment
ofelectrie comnrir.ioatio-i between America
and Europe h about to bo ct 'beted in tho course
of a few weeks. The submarine telegraph ca
ble to connect Cape Breton island with New
foundland ia in course of shipment on boaid
the Scr ih L.Drxy.inK at Greenwich, England,
a:M in less th in two months the line is expect
ed to l.o in operation, 'lho length of the ca
ble is 71r.;iies, weighing -J 00 tou, audit con
tains three conducting wires.
A Pi. -.Tir Conceit. Commend us to child
ren for pvoltv fHticms and .ems of thought.
The Portland Transcript, relates the following:
"One of on i respondents hns a bright li tie
girl just learning to t"ik, who is destined to bo
a poetess. Some of her r.refty sayir.g3 we have
already chronicled. Here ia the last: A bobo
link came and sang on a trey near the window.
She was much delighted, and asked "What
makes he sing so sweet, mother? Do he eat
j!oiccrs I'7
Case of Dr. Beai.e.. Wc learn from the
Pnilade'phii pepers that the judges of the Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania are unable to
agree in the case cf Dr. Eeale, on tho writ of
error asking for a new trial ; that two of their
number are for ellirming the proceedings of
the court, below, one for amending the record
in some way, and the other two for a reversal.
If" this be true, not lung further will be done
in ths mn!t"r until August next, when the
Judges meet at Bedford.
Loss or Life in Tub; Crimita. The Paris
Presse quotes Lord Grcv's estimate of tho loss
of life, putting it at 40t,000 men in alt, 2-jO,-000
on the side of tho Russians and 2-30,000 on
the side of the Allies. It then give3 the Turk
ish loss as 12 leaving, by a vcrv simple
process of la-hsu-action, 120,000 for "England
and France 5C,fOO for tho former, and H0,00)
for the latter, are the conclusions of this esti
mate of slaufr'ater.
An Important Land Question Decided. It
has been decided at the General Land Office
that, under the oth section of the bounty land
act of March id, lS53,bind warrants issued un
der that act can be located on any of the pub
lic lands, which are subject to entry at private
sale either at minimum or lower graduated
prices at t'l time such warrant or warrants may
b: presenile I for location. Lands directed to be
sold for the benefit of Indians are not so lo
catable. A Locofcco Editor says that "the re
spectable portion ol tho Know Nothing party
have lost all control of the Order." But how
can there bo a ''respectable portion of the
Know-Xothiiig party," if, as the Locofoco pa
pers assert, ali the members of that party are
"midnight assassins," "traitors," "liars,"
" sneaks," and " perjured wretches?"
i -1 1 i .
' KF" The Birmingham (England) Mercury
says an elephant, one hundred and twenty
years old, is to bo shot in that town, ia con
sequence of its extreme age and physical weak-
Advise to a Young Kan in want of a Wifo.
If you ray friend would have a wifo
To cheer these gloomy hour? of life,
First look for one thats young and fair
Void of all foolish prfdo and care,
Watoh Low her lci.-uro hoars sue spends;
And i: wii.k wise aad viriuaus iriunda.
iiuch an one nseriu approbation :
liui if she proves spit-lire and duco
Vv'iU destroy year peace with jansa
Unnumbered. J. P.
Philirsbur, July 11, l30r
How Long Wii.t it Last ? How long will the
American party last? As long as there is patriot
ism ia our land. as long- us an American heart
beets for iis country. as Rag as our j coplo ra'lj'
avonnl h:iiae, priiioiple, rcpuldiosiiteiiij as long
as tho stars and Btripes can catch tlio eye ai.d
thrill the foul. ;ls lon,t a3 tho memory "of the
great, the heroic and good of our fathers is cher
ished. as long a3 thcro is an enemy tc our insti
tutions ip ihe land. F.3 Ions a' Komrni-ni, leav
ing rcl'rfivn and entering polities, etteniptc to
join CLureh and Stale, nn-f poison both. as len;;
as politicians insult the cuirm;r.a foii.se. ihe riirbti;,
th sentiments of the people. as long as oiliee
se;ker?, like fiawtos aai v:;uipirc3, hover about to
plunder the public tre:Lury and pervert dnty and
rervieo into peculation. as long ns the wonts of
Washington have a rcsticg plaeo in our minds.
so iorjj will the Arsoricon'pnrty last. Tut that
tljv. a us CDC cf the fixed fucft.
'A V'asni.vg to America An AwnracAK3 ''
51 Us Anna Kl'.a Carroll, cf Maryland, has commen
ced tho publication of a book "in tho 37cw York
Crusader, under the tiflo of "A Warning to Amcr
and Americans." MU Crrroll is ccimeVed with
tlvj chl honered Carroll furaily of Maryland.
In introducing her book to the public, Mi3
C. respectfully alluded to her Itoiuan Cathcli; an
costors, and givoa her reasons for entering upon
the work of ahire'.nn;; the public on boh a! f of hor
country and tho Protestant religion, tho doJi
catesto Jh3 President of the American party, to
vhcia she e.ij-s :
"Yon then en n permit tho delicate band of wo
man to assistin tho culture cf tho vico an J thooiivo.
which nourishes only or. tha soil of freedom ; aud
to resist thu attempt row industriously b6mg made
to FUpp.'aat tho J.iurcl by tho cypres" the sn-mUm
ana hickory by tho pahu trco and ihittira wood
Z.J' A- despatch from Wa-Liagioa City says that
Mr. Coio. Chaif Clerk ia the Pension Olaco, it is
beliorcd. will receive the appoiri'ioont of t'oia-niU.-;oncr
of 1'cn; ions, in place of Judge Valdo,
who was iuspeatod ef cntcrt.uaisg American senti
ments. Mr. Ccle is u foreigner The Aduiir-istra-tivn
is ilifosissicg from offi.-e every man who will
not rhatt.o haj nuithcr connection or sym
pathy with the American movement. In a little
more than a year, tho people will rcaMate, v.tid
diimss troia thc-tr pie.-ent stations suca recreants
Pierce, i'orr-cv
co., iid place at tbe head cf
auam uoue.it ;.na r.itnoii: Awericns. non who
.5t!bi,riba t rr.d v. ill c::i ry into oi'eet the doctrine,
thai "Aucri-.ar.j should govern America."
I : p o r a n t 1 n i r i o x .
dell of importance, has
-A frliIC7jC
is, been lulh
of a good
(July 2d , oy
M. Lkan. U. S. JuCm, in V.
eass of tho Uoek Island IJridgc, whieh bridges tho
river, for the Chicago and itooh iilani Railroad.
The bridge" ho says, was not tu bo considered as
an obstruction to the nnTigation of the river, for,
that railroads had become highw ays in something
of the :iuio scu?c a rivers : neither could oco ba suf
fered to become a permanent obstruction to the oth
er but each must yield something to tho other ac
cording to the demands of the public convenience
ar.d the necessities of commerce Under this dc
euien ulaicst any navigable river nay now be
briigoi by railroads.
I'aptist Statistics. Frora the July number of
the American Baptist Memorial, we gather. tho i'ol
lowing statistics respecting the condition ct that
church ia the year loot: In Alabama there were
'M Baptist associations, congregations, 310 or
dained ministers; 4lf0 baptisms took place during
the yr.ar, and tho aggregate number of members
was -f. . r'.2. In Indiana, tho Memorial" statistics
give "ii associations. 4M congregations. 219orJain
od minister?, 22.447 members, and 2:03 baptisms
during the year, but tbe returns are incomplete.
Over ui) associations, in addition to those iccla
ded in tho table, have not been heard from for
AMiTtioAN- Nominations. Tho American party
in Phihi'lehlbia have mado the following nomina
tions for tho fall campaign : For Sheriff Wn. IP
Kern; Register of Wills Wm. P. 2olton ; Cletk
Orphan's Court Wm. F. Small; Senator it. M.
I- cu.- i; Aj:ciuV.y Wm. Moran. K. S. Ketlstitko. It.
21. Waite, J. Aicx. Simpson, Wm. P. Ilamm. Par
mar Pum. Jno. A Fisher. Chao. Cline. I). Ii. Dri
ly, Hcray I'inwechtcr, Joseph Hoffman. E: J. Mor
ris. (. It. Smith. Jacob Dock, and John Simc.
!? A vetcm editor cxpresoca the opinion, pos
sibly without having examined the futjeef siii.:oi
ently, that a wailing babe IT months old a dog
howling nesr the windows a cat in the alloy a
colored --cranadc rt a rhanty over the woy a to'oth--ache
a white swolUng the devil whistling an c.v-te;.-perar.e-"a3
evertarc ia rocras below and a wife
di-ctcrclngon tbo right;. c i' woman end the tyranny
a. are not particularly proraotivc of tloep.
b-.,-;;a eh:. tr:o. which beir.in to show sveii-
of Jocay, was chopped down last Thursday,
en the far
i. x. Loz?.?r in tac southern rart
cf (Vuipl-ell Co., Kentucky, when the tkclotoa of
a woiar.n. with a little dried, shrivelled heh ad
hoiir. to the benoe. was found in tho cleft of the
t-cc. about 20 feet fro.-n the ground. The discov
ery cavrc I a grei.t so- t,a'.iea throughout the ueigii-b-ahecdt
but no one remembered of any pcrsoa
having been missed or disappearing from there
f.r many years.
La Fiuun nu ilEaiMr.sr. .During the raill:;iry
procession on the 4:h in iow York, tho spectators
weic i..tcic.-.ed by the uausua! right cf a youns
girl luareLir-g with tbo Gurde L-if'tf:''.:. a French
corps, dressed in colcr3 ccrrefpor.ding to their
uaiutrm. hhc was tho crphan d.trjrhler of ds-cea.-ci
comrade adopted by tho regiment. Upon
fuck an incident as tide was ba?ei ihe well known
Opera of tho -Child of tho JlogiaKiit."
" The American Physicians in the Itussian
army service, tinec the breaking out of tho war.
h.tvo been unfortunate. Of the live, two have
died, a third was lying sick at tho last accounh',
and tho fourth has applied for his discharge.
Sevora! others, however, have recently arrived ct
St. Petersburg!!, and oabred their services to tho
To get ri.'l cf company Mrs. Smith resorts
to an original idea. The morr.eut they ret seated,
she p:is-ea pround a bowl of hnif-madc lemonade.
The etrcct of this i, an early attack cf ' pnin in
tlie side." and nn intense dc?ire to reach homo sud
tbe paregoric bottle Ingenious woman that Mi3.
Heavy Stohm in ti:e 3IorxTAir:s. A violent
storm occurred on Tuesday in tho mountains be
tween Cumberland and "Wheeling, by which con
siderable damage is sail to have bona rlono to the
Lltiaioro and Ohio itaiiroad. The rain is said to
have fallen in torrents, and to have been heavier
than for several years.
2f A candidate for roodical honors having
thrown himself almost into a fever frczn his inca
pacity to answer the quertious. was asked by one
of tho professors: Jiow would you sweat a pa
tient for the ihcumatirm?' he replied, " I would
scad him here to be examined."
Tub Fanaticism of Slavery. In the Missouri
legislature, Mr. Doniphan, "Whig prosontei a me
morial praying that the publication of abolition
dcniiueiits bo mado a penitentiary oifenco. The
rc as,o nwas that ho vantad to be elected to the
Saip TiJinETt. An exchange paper calculates
that to furnish timber pnfrcient to coustruet a sin
gle seventy-four gun ship requires tho matarcd
crop of forty-four acres of wood land, or two thou
sand two hundred full grown trees.
The less a man needs money, the more ho
worships it. Misers are always people with small
appetites and no children.
U7 The unclaimed dividends in the Bank of
L'ci'lad, amount to 1, Mo, 01. -4 17e. lid.
Ae-juitted Jacob Schlega.1. tried last week in
PLila 'c'phia for the u.urler cf his who. Thcro
was but little doubt among the jury of the pris
oner's guilt, but they did not thii.k tho testimony
warranted a e.'7viction.
having enter.- ! into eopartr.ei -hip in the prce'ice
cf their profession, wiii fasiLfudy utt; La to oil
busiuess entrusted' to their case ia C!cerf:-:j cut
ty. i. P.. liAFRSTT,
J. it. LAiilJIUIS,
Cleariicl.1, July 13, lc55.-ly.
(IlAVlMi Aall IIAIii miVlSti S.i-
k3 h ON. llt.-r.ry W. Siaith, rccpcctiully ialnuc
the citizens of Clearfield Porongh an I vicir.ity
and strangers who may tarry here un-il their
hoards grow long, that ho r.ow occupies tbo Shop
foriaeily used by "N'nihen ilillor, ml hopes that
Hy s'riet attonu' n ti busiucs.'. ho taay ru.-civo a
share cf tho public pjtrouago.
Times is hard, the jJarbcr ic pocr,
lie reqa'.rt- his fiioti h- r.ot to pass his door,
For it their hair should reed a trimming.
Just call on him, ho i - a.1 ivay? willing.
Novfr rough but al ways ready,
lie shnv. for a Cp and cuts hair for a levy.
Isot only :o, if that won't tio,
lio'll brush your ha'.s, co.it, o! 1 and new .
Jfo does the thing nil up to smash.
And when done ho look? lor the Cash !
To conclude, ho opens the doer,
The Gcr.t stcp3 out. and the ecouo is o'er.
July IS. 155.!
T A !S T i 1 1 ) A YOUM-i MAN to biro by the
? " month. Oood v.vg-s will bo given to a sui
table hand. Applv to
i "V.'M IRVIX. Curwcnsville.
Julv 11, lS.j.V
7 T('VH! : ;.I;ss Cr-n
JL1M. to resume tcr mslructi or. ? in m:sic.
Teh ms : :li). per quarter of 3; lessor,3
For further particular.-: enquire at tlic resiJence
Of J. L. CcTTt-P. FSi;
ClcarhelJ July 11, ISai -3t
p1AMTItN: Ail persons arc hereby rotiCeo
Huot to meldle or intorfero in any manner. v, i:h
the follawing propciiy, 011 the premises of the sub-
scri-icrs jn . irara t;wr.s;:i', vis: i wo ok oi
oxen, and tLiee set!. true!-: w igon.-. which have been
hi the u.-o of Charies and A. J. CummiBjr., as tlie
sail property belon-r.: exclusivv-iv tc tho under
signed. " SMFi'Jl:' .- KIKO.
siirard Township July 11. lia.-lt.
ro.urnAS's corrrr salm.-iiousf. a::u
L? LOT i: CLl;AKl'Ji.jJ. L nder an orJer of
the Oi. hr.n's Court
iearfieli county, there
will be exposed to I'u'. lie Sale, by ar.cti'n. at the
Court House, iu Cleariield on Mond ly itie .M hiy
cf S"ptca;ber, li55 at lo'c!ck. b" ';.., all th.,se
eerf 1 in protaises late the Kft.ttc '"':"' 15c v. F. ; . U' t's
Jec'i. i;r.d i.nv tho property cf bis minor chil
Ji'cn, i eh:g lot No. 22, iu tao t--wn plot ot Cioar
t'eld. P'ourdcvl wet by Front atreet. north by
Lc.cn -t ptreef. cast by an alley, south by I t No 21.
uaviiig a Ou t
er outbuihlir
ury iriiuie house, a stable and oth-
, wit a v.e'l ,.e.. tueie.j;i.
xi.t;. . nail e;;.-u. at e'.m ir;ij a l i e, o.'te.
r.;iu the bal. ueo in oric year thereaiier, with in
terect. I!y orJer of tho Court,
Y.M. rORTF.I;. Ci l.
F. P. HIUIXTIIAL. Guardian of mi
nor thihircd of F. ii. Letts.
Clearfield. July 11, 1S5j.
,fiOOD Y S ! 'Wholesale Store opened in
"Of Tyrone City, where anybody who wnnts
cheap goods can purchase. The sabseribcr has just
opeuod a large and well ielcete.l stock of tloods ia
Tyruiie City en the ccrrier of Jur.iata and Logan
streetc. opposite the Cou'.ral Hotel.
Ilis stock consist- of lry-goo Crcccries. Hats,
Caps, Lioots, Shoes, Clothing. Hardware. Oueens
warc. Drugs. Provisions of all kinds, such as Pota
toes, li.icon. Fruit. Itcans, Flour, "Wheat, Corumcal,
ie., Also, Oats, Corn, Kye. ic.
And ho hereby gives notice tho.t he v. i'l sell his
goods ac lv ai they can be j urchaseJ ir. any iowu
or couuvy tbiasidc of Philadelphia, and will take
Hoard.'?. Shingles, or even unnc-y in excl:aRgo.
July 4, :a.V ' I Jl. BLL.
C1 Al'TlO.V Those interested arc hereby noti
J tied that the subscribers urchased about three
weeks ago. two-thirls of all the grain in the
ground on the farm of tho widow Larger, in Brad
ford township, that being the share of the tenant
Joseph Powell, consisting of wheat, rye. oats, corn
and hay. All persons aro cautioned not to meddle
with the stimo. Y7.M. ALBERT & BKOS.
Wooilmd, Juno 27, l?o5.-St.
P ESTATE FOIl SAL U. By virtue
jL of ar. order of the Orphans' Court of Clear
field county, the subscriber offer: at private sale
the following described valuable real estate, the
property of Martha Jane Welch, a minor daughter
of James Welch, late of Pike township, in said
county, doe'd., viz : all that certain tract or piece
of laud siLuate in Pike township, Clearfield coun
ty, coni.rir.ing 1.12 ceres more or less, bounded and
described as f dows. .o wit : On the South, West
ar.d Ni.r'.h by Pint's of Daaicl Bailey, ami cn the
i-hist ' y lands of Benjamin Carr.
About acre? being cleared and under g-".cl
May 3
:u, and ;!bout acres cf Rood timber
JUSIAii 11. ItlLAlh Guardian.
TJi;V CCORS! KEW KURDS'. At the old
Corner Store, of the uncrsig;cl, tt Cttrwcn-?-i'!!c'.
II o he? juct received the largest and best
r.. oiimoiu of SpiLig ani Suruiatr Goods ever
brought t Clearficli. Call and sec.
Jn:.o lib DJeo.l 11. 1) PATTEN.
F LAC Mli-'lITrilK U .The subscril. or wot: 1 .1
Su3 iiiictia tl-c public that I.ohas tl:en the 1'lc.ck
iioirh Shop formerly occupied by George Orr. on
tbe cr-rncc cf Third and Main street, in the br
curh of Cl .rfi-cM where he carries on the bucirscss
in all itsv.'rious branches.
.Tt'ne 6, 1Sj5.-1j
ITMl" AiY Ft)!!. RASSAH ! 'inn J I.,,.,!
S.J1 hod Par.r.cr fl'jat-; in triuu't h on the Old Cor-
71.' r St-ji-f,'' where A. M. lltr.us has just opened the
cheapest r.r l iao.- t splendid as sortment of GoJs,
ever e.i ;p!:tye 1 lere ihi.s community, and exactly
Td.vf.tu! to their many and various necessities.
.',ery vrriety of il.tts. Caps, Bonnets. Boots.
Shoes. Cloths, Cnssimcrcs, and all other kinds of
ury-gootL', that arc unaj proachablo by any othej
simiiar art;, leg, cither in beauty of stylo, quality,
or price.
AI o an excellent aiorliiiont of Groceries, Hard
ware, Stone and Qucenswaru, with fancy articles
nd i iilntL
Ho dcliec, coiape'itivr.. "a ! invites all per.ons to
rive him a call ft tho O.' t Ccr-'cr," which has tru
ly become tho 'Bazarr of Clearfield.
Every afontion will be rhown to customers and
vi:i!"rs. and no pain will be spared to send all
Sinilifg ."sway, loaded with his beautiful ar4 valua
ble goodc, never eurpRcscd ia CioarfiebJ
CleailielJ, June 2a. 1?55.
1 'i The un lor. i rnC'l begs leave to ir.li.nn his
iVic i.ds ia Cicanlo'.d, an l the public generally thai
ho has raadc arraitgeuients to receive ar.d" keep
cotjst-inily cn hand all the tow, and recent pub-licatio-s
which ho w ill Sell at PubMshcr's prieee.
He ai-o has on hand a largo and beautiful block
cf mi!cli.ncous books, sad confectionarics, at his
Store in "ciiatv'sliow, nearly opposite tho Journal
Ohlice, which he invites the Public to call ami es
May V lS-vS.-ly.
"fl E'lDVAL : Tho undersigiied begs leave to
JL inform his frieials that he ha? removed his
from "Shaw's How," to his new builJirg. opposite
the Oi'iice cf James Wiiily. and two doors south of
tho Ofiee G. It. Bakue rr. lUq.
He still keeps constantly or. hanJc, every varie
ty of Lali-os slippers, gaiters, pumps. Men's
fancy shoe? :rrl gaiters, with an cxecilect r..-sort-laont
of heavy work, ill auaptcd to the various
wants of tho people of CiearGeM. Ie hot-es his
friends will sail at his NEW STORE, I'.nd ex
amine his Stock.
Boots and Shoos mado to order, and mending
done as heretofore. ISAAC JOHNSTON.
Clearfield, Juno 27, lSj5.
CLOCKS of every variety and price, from og
hours to 11 days, for sale by
Juno 27, '55. J A M HILLS
A M HILLS. 1. 1. S- Or.cc aJjoin-
' .l,f;,.t,I Vn Artlfi-
i : 1; ,1 . 1 j 1 . vn ... . .. - "
cial Teeth, f nun one to a full Set, moun
ted in the most approved mfiern style.
Filling. Filic;
and Cloauing done with caro
and Jieat!:osS.
Teeth extracted with ell tho care and dispatch
modern science can furnish.
Put. 1UI.I.S. can always bo foun t at his oGco,
he is now ilcvoting his whole attention to his
prc viou. . . Juno 20, '55.
rJO T ICE. Lotierscf Admiiiiitrotion have been
5 jrrart'ed tw the ut.der.' igacJ vu tho Estate of
Joseph M'Orahcn. late of Bell t awn --Lip, deceased.
All pcisi.ns having claims ugaiast the estate will
prcs; t:t t'-ieit duly auther.ricntcd for sctth-meiit,
and those iitdtbtcd to the estate will make imme
diate payment. AKT11FK BELL,
Boll tp.. May 80. Aim r.
A 'J he partnir.-hi; heretofore esistir.g between
1 kmiidr.g ft Foster, us Proprietors of the Stago
Lir e from Clearfield to Clark a, has Loco tlLsoi ved,
at. I the Lu. ii.ess will hereafter be conducted by
the ui. Jeisigi;cd alone.
Cunvc!i.-i ill- -"Icy 30, 1S55
T:i. JOriJV 11. ."ill' EL EN, Having rented
JL the property and situation of Hr.G. F. Hoops,
tenders his profesch.nal services to the citizens of
Frenchvillc, and .vicinity. Crire,
one door cast 01
L u t z ' .- s t o t e F r e n c 1 1 v i 1 1 o .
iiiibiunjL dm &l mil
ly T A R T L 1 1 C, A N N O U N C E 1 E N T
rj It V.'ELCIl has just returned from tho City
with a new ait. I sj.Iei.Jid assortment cf
Watches, -Jewelry, and Silvcr-warc the largest;
et-t ai.dca'-iij'c t over brought ir.to Clearfield con
tistii g ei huuiit.g and opoii-faced gold and .-ilver
watches, g ! i ioekci., gold chains. gwM Pons. ring.
I rcait-pii.f. spec: telos silver forks, bracelets, slccvo
fcuttoiis. cuh'i ins, ear rings, ia . Ac, Ac.
Watches and jewelry rej aire j cu tho shortest
notice. Jure f,
JE VV Ailta VAL 1 A large and cheap assort
1 mer.t of opting ami Summer Goods, just re
ceive I atij for s i' on ho lowest terms at the storo
rjii-GGOBS, Cl-'Of itIES, Q-g-EENS-WASS.
l0C''fS & oiiC'f.S, HATS CLY3,
riS't, Tor.Arco, STATION AUT, t.IfH'RO?,
and a little cf everything.
All cf which will be sol J ut Ijwtr prices than ev
er before otferc 1 in OlearAeld. R. MOSSOP
Cicatii.ll. Jnr.e i:J: l-'o&.
TiE"i TitOVTMAN, House, Fign ar.d l iua
a i.n-nttil Pasn'tr. 'Hazier. Chair maker ani
Paper Ha: ger. vil'ers ilis service to the citizens of
Ckcr'P 1 t aal vi.-inity; Shop on Market St., just
below the Feut: iry.
lie keeps cotutur.tiy on hand, and makes to or
der every ar'tety ei C hairs, Lounges. Solas, Ac, Ac
Chairs, ani Sofas made 1 0 ual in beauty to r r:y that
can be obtained from the City, cud more darabla
in woikmamthip anl material.
June, 2.. 1555.
1a cd. Letters testamentary on the estate cf
.James Mc'.lhec, late of Bell township, deceasod,
have boon granted to the subscribers. All persona
knowing thcmselv3 indebted to sail estate arehero
ly noticed tomake immediate settlement, and thoso
ha; ir.g claims will present them duly authentica
ted to our attorney, L. Jackson Crans, Clearfield,
cr to either of tho subscribers.
May oC, "Se-Ct. Executors.
A I'D. Letters of Admiuislration, cum testa
:n. ii'-t in'crr-. cn the estate cf John Scott lato cf
Ferguson township, deceased, liavo been granted
to the undersigned. Those indebted to the estate
are notified tu make immediate settlement, and
thoso having chiims will present them, duly au
thenticated, to
May 'To-Ot Adui'r.
SAMl'EL liERLIIS, lealkr in Brugs.Mc li
cines, Paints, Cils. Sj.iees. Window Glass, Vi
nls. Bye Stuffs. Perfumeries. Alcohol. Burning
Fluid. Patent Medicines, Ac, Ac ,
Having just opened an extensive assortment cf
these articles. Physicians will find it to their advan
tage to give him a call, and examine his Stock be
fore ordering from the Eastercn Cities; and Coun
try Merchants can also be accommodated with all
the Lssences. Tinctures. Patent Medicines, Ac.,
Vir')l.i:ALK i KKTA1 L, ,.t tc:-t prias.
L-Hc hopes by strict attention to business, and
r. ticsiro to please, to merit a share of public pat
ronage I April 25, 1855.
TI.. li. t'. AKLLV tenders his professional
' service? to the inhabitants of t.'ruhaiuton and
surrounding country ho enn-at all times be found
at his 0 flic a, directly epposito Mr. J. ii. Graham j
store, when net professionally cngagoJ. Apr. 25
Sf 'E B'EALER IN LLMBER, Second Street,
one door south of his residence, Clearfield,
Ci.-ttrficl.l, March 14, 1S55.
Wi!.l.i:SAnS 1EALEES IS Hits, C Purs, ScCt
No. 1T0 .Maihct Street, between ith and 6th St.,
PLihvhlpiiii. Jan. 17, '51 .-6m.
TfTO iTCE: All persons knowing themselves
1 ''S in jcbied to tne iirm of Mo .sor A Pottauff.
will call and settle their accounts immediately, aj
the books mast be closed at oree.
MObSOi' & laJ x X Axir k .
ClearHcIJ, Juno 13, 1855.
C10NFECT10NAKIES a "ttctle the slides"- E9
J sortmont this Borough over cculd boast of, a4
June '11 , '55.)
T'JOTS A SHOE.-". A large and splendid assort-JL-Ji
niortcf Ladies', (ientteinons and Childrcns
Boots and Shoes for snle at Moswp's. Jn. 13.
BLACELEKBY 15 HAN BY, for the cure cf Chol
era Morbus. Bysentary and all other diseases
of the stomach arid bowels, for salo by H Mossop
C BLOCKS. Eight day, thirty hour and alarm'
J Clocks for sale at Mo'Hop's Storo. " Ja. 13.
TlTL'SLUs, at 5 cents per yari. r.t Mossop 's cheap
J.1JL ep.h store. Juno 13, '55.
CAMILLAS A large h.t of Ladies" an! Chil-iJk-
dron's Mantillas for sale at Mossop's Che?p .
Cash Store Juno 13, '55.
T ABIES' GLOVES. A very large lot of black
J-J not worked O loves, at 10 certs a pair worth
23cts at Mossop's cheap cash storo. jJn. 13, '55.
lit store of jn. Is. W. ?. IRWIN.
S" ABIES GAITERS arsortcd colors that can;t
JLi bo beat in quality or piicc lor salo by
June -'7, 55. A. M. HILLS. .
An cn&pp roachble stjck for salo by
June 27, '55 A. M. HILLS.
J'TATS cf the latest rtylcs, and most approved
Ii (puahty, received, nnd for sole by
June 27, "55. J
IS'IES FLATS. trirambd and untrimmcd,
ili. a beautiful article for salo at the storo of .
o une
55.1 A. M. HILLS.
T ADTES' lUiESS (;C0BS a lare and Iseaatiful
Jli xsfortincnt. for sale cheap by
June 27, oj.j . A.M. HILLS.
"jrjAKASOLS a most bcRutiful pclection, and of
JL the latest styles, for f alo at tho cheap store of
Juno 27, '55 - A. M. HILLS. '
T71IRE-PKOOF PAINT, lor salo at
V June 13, '5-i U. MOSSOP'S.
t; :
f- i
1. ft ;
Is -
Is ?