Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 27, 1855, Image 3

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', , X
heft town tho medicine man ii
Soda fountain a.1 Charley Watsons.
It good arrangement. Y
Arrived come 'of the Shanghais' from Mari
etta. They'll soon bo all home.
Erroneous the impression tnat we have not
material to do Job W ork ai this office.' ; Call and
try us.
Xumeron j locusts down about Karthaus. It
is said the hogs in that neighborhood arc get
ting fat upon them. ; : , ' ; 1 :
Abundant the supply of cattle in Xew York
The batchers have reduced the price of beef three
cents per pound
Dead Jim Myers, the clown. He was kiUod
while performing on the slack rope, laat week, at
Oeneva, New York.
SensMi and Patriotic: At a recent meeting of
the citizens of Oswego, it was resolved that tho
Fourth of Joly aist go on." :
Plentv 4 ' pinch-beck' jewelry, and caugh loz
enges, since the Jew'a sale on Saturday
ll tfchva are hxving a tall time.'
Thc lit-
Broke ont in a new place. Thomas Robbing has
jait opened a large stock of books and eonfeetiona
ries in Shaw"s Row. over the way.: Give him a call.
Orful the quantity of white hats yisiblodn our
street. Squigglos thinks that some of them must
rest easy, owing to the mellowness of the pump
kins underneath. .
Eathnsimtic the recent American meetings in
Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore. They
endorsed the Platform of the National Council, as
published by 03 last week.
A soniul egg the new barber over the way. He
can beat anything, shaving that has been in this
neighborhood lately, the -celebratad 'close shaver1
of Clearfield, not excepted. ( ' ' ;. .'.'.,'
Anther nam In Sew York,., the Know-Somo-
tilnrfl have been named Chocktaws." The New
- 0- .- . .
York News .says that most of the Scwarditcs in
that State belong to that order.'.
A'ten'ee 'of mutUrffi ,iatst cure Is recorded,
a IjvIv about to "whip. up',' some egga for
sponge cake, who whipped tho baby and sung
U'att's cradle hymn to the eggs- .''
St Hi increasing tho number f candidates for
Sheriff. What a pity tha.t more than one can't fill
the offiee. These Democrats are very anxious to
serve their eountry, and get paid for it.
Ballooning' Ah teronaut who ascended at Ad
rian, Michigan, on the 11th instant, alighted in
Red Dank township, Clarion county,! Pa., on the
sinio day, having traveled 350 miles in four hours.
All right yet the crops in our county. For a
wonder, wc havo'nt hjrard a word of the ' fly,' or
any thing else that tends to destroy all the grain.
Every thing gives promise of an abundant harvest
Edify some of tho biped specimens lately ar
rived from the East.Squigglcs thinks its not right
to remove the tail of a quadruped from its proper
jyositivn to the upper lip. . He's down on lagcr
bcer strainers. ' :. ' : : ' '.";'.
GooJV?- F- Irwin's Cigars. ; Wc puffed them
laat week at his expense, and we priff thom now at
our own. Who else wants their regalias tried ?
Send them along, and if they are worth puffing
we'll do it up to nature.
Hitched at last. The editors of the llarrisburg
Union and Telegraph have got at last where they
oiifht to have been lone aw in court. Miller
having prosecuted Zeiglcr for libel. We . hope
they'll have a good time. '
Amusing to see the ladies about town holding
onto their fc;o.id-bxiu:mcd nats.cn a windy day,
like griiu doath to a deceased Ethiopean. They
carry straw enough on their heads, to feed all tho
cattle in the cohnfy.' from this until harvest.
Delitiows that Pine-Apple, from Ccn. A. M.
Hills. Ey the way. Ashley, who is one of tho clev
erest felloww's in town, has just returned from the
city with tho best selected stock stock of goods we
have seen for a long time. Call and sec them.
Tlir, Fourth. "Wc understand tho different Sab
hath Schools will unite, and celebrate the Fourth
nt Liberty Sprinc The citizens arc all invited to
attend. We are sorry that our community did
not eet un a ccneral celebration, wortiry of tho
Having a gool tint tho barometers and ther
mometers in this climate' It gives one a good idea
of the ups' and ' downs' of life. One hour warm,
the next cold; a few moments sunshine and a few
moments storm, with every other conceivable va
riation. . ' . ' '
Jli-kt. A -Boston paper states that stomach
pumps aro in use at all the railroad depots,, to
clear the passengers of any alcohol they may have
in then. This-is to save the Toads from liability
under the liqnor law, for transporting the pro
hibited article. .,
In town another patent medicino agent las
week. Wanted us to advertise his ? infa.Uiblo.pana
cca' for ' all the ills that flesh is heir to,' but
eould'nt come it. When the Jonrnai can t bo sus
tained without speculating on the ' health "and
life of the community, it may go down.
In Jati Horace Greeley,' for two days in Pa
ris. ' He was arrested as ; one of the Directors of
the New York Crystal Palace, for a statue that had
been lost: :IIe refused to give bail, and was lock
ed up in the prison of, Cliche for two days, when
he was brought before a magistrate, and the ease
dismissed. ' y:rvc: ,, s- .- .-
.ViW u'iri rights John W Shinn, of Mount
Holly, N. J.; the possessor of a wifoarid three chil
dren, rcecntly rah'away with a young lady named
Brick, aged about sixteen years.-,.hinn was ap
prehended and lodged in jail, and the young lady,
who by the way, is a bad brick, has been restored
to her guardian. ' '' ' " ...i-i-' -
A WolfHr. Roland Livergood, killod a gi
gantic wolf, in Oosben. last week'." Wo saw the
head,' of the Vaste.an from its size,' and the ap
pearance jeC- tho-tasksvihe: must, have ;bepn a
stronger. Our hunters have been playing smash
with tha varmints'.' . laicly.. ' If . they kocp on
thc'yMl exhaust the treasury.'- : V
D'yethini. so t 'filucss. he's about half right
. rittetlrrCentrilentocfut. , . ... ,.iu ...
Humphl-iSorry we can't return the compliment
but, unfortunately, it'sa well ascertained fact that
ynn have no ioit'at a.rVAnyting pitc you,.BilJy?
Yoa had better "procure a finotoothedoinb, as soft
ncadsjliko yours1, are always thickly inhabited.
Celebration at-Lumber-Cityy- on the-Fourth.
XVe understand that they are making extensire
preparations, and that there will be a largo turn
out. Thos who have no opportunity of hearing
the'DeClaration tcwd'al- home-Vu'that day; "'can
visit Lumber City,' where wc can youch' for their
being hospitubly received and kiridly cared for.
Tub Kartii's King. The Boston correspon
dent of the New Y"ork Tribune says:
.. "In one of my letters I gave you some ac
count of the Earth's King, discovered or rath
er identified by Lieut. Jones of the Navy as
I called him. I have since learned that the
fortunato finder of our planet's ornament is
not a Lieutenant but a Chaplain. He is the
Reverend George Jones, I believe certainly
he is the Reverend Jones. He was formerly a
clergyman at Annapolis, Md., and was appoin
ted a Chaplin in the expedition to Japan. Ey
the advice of some scientific friends he devo
ted himself during the voyage to observations
in the Zodiacal Light, a phenomenon of the
natural Victory of the Heavens which has puz
zled astronomers for a long while and of which
the only theory previous to tint of jr. Jones
was the unsatisfactory one that the Light as
a ring around the sun between the earth's orbit
and the orbit of Mars. By a series of ol sol va
tions carefully made, morning and evening,
for two or three years, in all the latitudes tra
versed on the voyage to and from Japan, Mr,
Jones has come to the conclusion, supported
by a chain ol, apparently irresistible reasoning,
that the zodiacal light is a ring around tne
earth inside of the moon's orbit, and probably
in the same piano with that orbit. It is not so
dense as the ring of Saturn apparently, though
on that point, as well as on its breadth, thick
ness and exact distance from the earth, it is
not possible at present to form a reliable
Among other queer things that have sprung
out of the National Baby show, is an "enter
prize" the like of which, if sucsesfnlly carried
out, the world will never have seen before.
Several gentleman it seems, have associated
together and subscribed $100,000 to be expen
ded in getting together a "Congress of Na
tions." that is to s;iv. livinjr specimens, male
and female, of every nation on the habitable
globe, all in their native costume, except when
they are nnlt. Great caTe will be used in se
lecting the finest specimens, and wlion conve
nient, preference will be given to such persons
as play upon some instruments of music.
Such a sfudyw-JW of course never before brought
under tho eye of mortal man. The Congress
of Nations will necessarily include all the va
rious triles of Indians in the world Esojuc
maux, Japanese. Laplanders, Persians, Cir
casians, Turks' Arabs, Hotentots, Bushmen,
Cailirs, all the Asiatics, kcl, he. Some 18
months or more may be required to make the
entire collection, but interesting portions ol it,
it is thought, can be obtained at a much earli
er period. Kew Yvrk Exyress.
1X5"" Political parties in this countrv, says
the New l'ork Courier, seem now to be of all
sorts, names and sizes, and he must be very
d.iflicult to please who cannot find a banner un
der which to enrol himself. Among the pres
ent political organizations, are, the "Ameri
cans," or Know-Nothing, which has just con
structed a platform at Philadelphia. The
" Northern and Western Americans," who se
ceded from the above. The "Democratic Par
ty, '? in favor -of Pierce & Co. The " Demo
cratic Partv," opposed to Pierce iv Co. the
Whig Party." The " Know-Somethings,"
who recently assembled at Cleveland, and are
opposed to Slavery. The " Say-Nothings,"
opposed to the "Know-iNotlimgs. 7 the" Abo
litionists." The " Southern Party," recently
started in Georgia. Tho " t nends or tem
perance,". ana the " Opponents 01 a i'roinhii
ory Liquor Law Bill." There are many other
smaller organizations, but the above, wc be
lieve, show the front ranks of political parties,
as they now stand.
Gavazzi is Comixo. In compliance with a
special invitation of many influential and dis
tinguished members ot tne American party,
our worthy friend, Alexander Gavazzi, has
consented to visit once more the L uitedbtates.
and lecture in all the most important cities in
the Union. His arrivavl in New York will be
about the 5th of September next, and 'before
that time wc shall be enabled to publish the
address sent to him bv bis American friends
and admirers, giving an account of" the ar
rangements made by the proper committee.
We learn that efforts are b-ing made to secure
Castle Garden, or the Academy ot .uusic, in
order to give tho Reformer of Italy a dignified
reception.. Ills first lecture will be "JJiiienctt
fir the .imcricans. ' and 111 lnsiournev through
the L uion. Gavazzi will le necnmnanieu i
an old distinguished member ot tho Amcri
ran startr. whose name has already occupied
an honorable pi ice in tho national literary
world. K. Y. Crusader."
Stamped: or "Old Lixkrs.'" The number
of original democrats in all parts of the coun
trv who are sovcrins their connection wit 11
the pseudo-democracy, i3 a theme of tiewspa
nor comment every where. The latest nota
bilities who have come out from the foul party
are Col. Wm. II. Polk, brother of ex-Presi
dent Polk, who is announced as the Ameri
can candidate for Congress in one of the dis
tricts of Tennessee, and Major Andrew Jack-
sov Donelson, private Secretary to President
Jackson, his adopted son anil successor at tin
Hermitage, who has recently come lefore the
nubile and renounced and rejected the Pierce
democracy as spurious aud unworthy of adhe
rence. Such as these are the immediate rep
resentatives of the "old hero," into whom it
was his prido and joy to instil principles of
mire democracy: and their desertion 01 a rot
ten cause will serve to show to what " corrup
tion modem democracy has fallen.
A Woman to be ih m. The notorious IIfn-
riktta IlOBtxsos, convicted in tho Kensealor
County Court, N. Y., of the murder of 1 mio-
thv Lanisran. is to be hung on the third of
August next. At the conclusion of her sen
tence, when the Judge commended her soul
to God's mercv, she told him he had better
pray for his own soul, declaring she. was the
. . . ...
victim of it political conspiracy aviucu was cal
culated to cruh a man. . She was about to
speak further, when her counsel desired her
to remain muet. W lion about to leave tne
court room, she solemnly exclaimed, 'Jndgo
IIvrris. mav the Judge ot Judges be vour
.Tndffo Considerable excitement was mani
fested by the spectators.
Cool Dkcidkdly Cool! The Gern ans of
New York, who recently held a meeting-in
that city, on Sunday, denounced the American
organization as a resurrection of the dry
bonfis of the Tories of the Revolution." The
Village Record justly remarks :
" When we hear Germans applying the epi
thet of ' tory' to Americans, wo think ot tho
iteiinns who were hired by King George to
assist him to' subdue his refractory sn meets,
in the Colonies, and wonder lrsome.of those
same Germans may not be the unworthy ae-
.jcpnd ants of those identical mercenary. Hes
sian soldiers who pillaged the goods and burnt
the homes of our ancestors. -
Tn e tans is Arms. The Tribune says the
Germans in tho Sixteenth Ward, in Brooklyn,
r fArminT . militarv organization for the
Tuirnosc of armed resist ance to the Prohibit dry
Linnor Law. which takes effect on the Fourth
of Jnlv. Thev are. norhans not aware how-
dangerous a game this will prove to the
ties that undertake to play it. They
doubtless receive due attention f rom tho
gist rated in Brooklyn Ions' before their
comes to execution.' ...
will ma-plau
j.'Ct of which originated at a public meeting
recently held at Columbus, Georgia, is hearti
ly supported by most of leading Democratic
presses of the South. The New Orleans Del
ta, in the course ol a long article on the sub
ject, says :
The signs of the times are too significant to
allow of mistake or misapprehension.' and a few
persons doubt but that the organization of a South
ern party on the Georgia platform, or on some
simibir platform, must bo the reult. Within the
last few months the idea of suclf a party has been
gaining ground rapidly, and many of our ablest
men regard it as a necessary measure for self
defence." The South Carolina papers all hail the move
ment with peculiar joy. Several Southern
whig journals also seem disposed to favor the
movement. A proposition to patronise here
after no Massachusetts goods, to lay an em
bargo on the importation ol such into South
ern States, etc., is likewise heartily responded
to all through the South, many newspapers
being apparently very eager to punish Massa
chusetts. Tht-re are, however, a large body
of men in the South who are not at all dis
posed to join a sectional party, and if the
North should retaliate, the South will find it
a losing game. Sun.
From the Frinrelvn 'rJ Extra.
Fire at Prixcktox. At about 1 o'clock on
Thursday morning, the Machine Shop Foun
dry, office of the "Princeton Press," and the
brck dwelling adjoining, were all destroyed
by lire. How the tire originated is not known;
when discovered the foundrv was on fire the
engines were not long in coming on the ground,
but various hindrances prevented them from
getting to work speedily. In the mean time
the lire had made sufficient progress to baflle
all elicits to subdue it. Eight printing press
es (old and new) were destroyed. Ihere was
not a vestago of the printing oiliee left. We
aro indebted to the kindness of i!;c McrCc?
County Mirror ofhee, fr printing tins slip.
All the business connected with these depart
ments will be nessess.irily delayed for a Jew
days, we hope not long. Our thanks are due
to tho i ire Department for their zeal and en
ergy, and to many citizens lor various acts ol
Movement for this Presidency. We are
enabled to inform the Albany Argus that a pri
vate niectang of oilieials holding place under
the' Administration, has been held in this city
within a few days, at which it was resolved
thateverv means should be used to promote the
candidacy of the Hon. William L. Marcy for
the Presidency; at the next .National Demo
cratic Convention. In copying this informa
tion into its colums, we especially desire that
the Argus shall not omit to mention that con
trary to the universal expectation among. the
Democrats, this private meeting of Mr. Mar-
cy's friends passed no revolution again it Know
Kodiingi.sin, and took no steps whatever to
bring about "a union of the party." e know
that tiie Argus will express its deep regret at
these cirumstaiices. A. 1. Aeivs.
Attempt to Raise a Chain Used in Revo
lutionary Times. Mr. Bishop, owner of Bish
op's Floating Derrick, yesterday, at West
Point, commenced the undertaking ol raising
the massive chain which under orders from
Washington, in 177S, we think, was made its
'weight being live hundred tons and strung
across the Hudson at West Point to intercept
the passage of British vessels about that place.
The chain was broken at each side a few years
after it was put up, and has remained undis
turbed since, though one or two of its massive
links were for years on exhibition at the late
Albany Museum. .The depth of the river at
the point where it lies is 12 ) feet. "Mr. Bish
op has sounded it, and satisfied himself that
he can raise it. .dlbany jirgns, J urn-1). r -'
The Wnirj Party not Dead. A man bv the
name of Gillis, as we learn from the Dayton
Ex;rcss, lately brought suit against some gen
tleman in Dayton, Ohio, for buggy lure. 1 be
defendants were tho Whig Central Committee
in Montgomery county in 18-3:5 and 1834, and
the conveyances were for. the use of that party.
All of the defendants iim-io default except one
(Mr. Smith Davidson.) who nppcarcu and filed
a motion to nsmiss in? suit on the ground
that the H?u'r Party was the proper defendant
that the s lid party was dead, and no admin
istrator had been appointed, rlie court held
that the " i big party-' was not dead, or, at
least, that tho evidence oliered was insuflicient
to show the fact.
A DiSTiscrxsHED Visiter. Edmund Lafay
ette, grandson of the Marquis Ue Lafayette,
so distinguished as the brave anil generous
champion of American Independence, has
been spending a lew days -with fhe Iu I onts,
in De!eware, who were the early friends cf the
General. In company with a few f riends, he
has visited all the places of interest in tho vi
cinity; one of his earliest visits ' being to the
scone of the battle at Chadd's Ford, in which
his ancestor first shed his blood in our cause.
The very spot upon which - the General was
standing when ho was wounded, was pointed
out by some of the old residents. Mr. Lafay
ette is about twenty-eight years of age, of fine
countenance and engaging manners.
Hoots. Tho Korlh. JJimriam, having asser
ted that the fashionable ladies of Philadelphia
aro reviving the old absurd custom of "wear
ing hoops in the bottom of their dresses," the
Worcester Trauxn iit adds the following:
"Very Well! If the ladies desire, to be nii'sr
taken lor barrels, let them; but we caution (mr
dames against the fashion. A woman is not an
original package,' and if slio insists upon aj
pearing hooped up, she must do it prepared lor
an examination bv the proper authorities, for
nothing in the shape of a barrel escapes such
scrutiny in this State, however it 111av.be in
Pennsylvania. '
Ax Important Movemknt. A movement
of solne importance has just been commenced
m r orth Carolina, and is soon to bo submitted
to the Legislature of that State. It proposes
nrst, to render legal the institution ot mar-
ringe among the slaves j second, to preserve
sacred the lelations. between parents and their
young children ; and third, to repeal the laws
prohibiting the education of slaves.
Comixo Election's. The States of Ala
ham a, Arkansas, f own "Kentucky, Missouri
and. Texas hold their .elections on' the first
Mondav in August:'- Tennessee"' on the first
1 hursdav, and A orth Carlma on the second
Thursday of the same month. On the second
Moudav-in September the election iu Maine
occurs, and that of Vermont on the first Tues
day of the samo month.
&y Hon. J. M. Botts, in a speech recently
delivered at Richmond, v a., as we learn from
the Pinny J'ox.', expressed himself decidedly
in favor ot so modnying the admission ot per
sons into thek. j T . 1 arty, as to embrace all mo
tive born Catholics,. who acknowledge no alle
glance to the temporal supremacy of the Pope
CP" The Schenectady Morning Star states
that a man named John Gilchrist, on Monday
.attempted to poison his brother's lamily in
I Johnstown, bv putting arsetiic in a collee mill
jNine members ot the lamily were aangerousiy
lll, but hy prompt and skillful treatment, are
likely to recover: Iho man is m la-u. .
WEi)SKsnv. June 27.
rer bbl 11.00
per bush. 2.70
" " 1.75
" " 1 .f.O
" .so '
At Ilarrisburg. on the 20th in?t, by tho Hev.
Mr. Kobinson. Mr. S ami -et, Mitchkli.. of Clearfield,
to Miss Mauy A. Lov, of Ilarrisburg'.
On the 21, inst.,by the Kev. i. M. Cooper, Mr.
Jamks JirKSTo.N to Miss Mauia Asm Kays, both
of this etiunty.
CAUTION. Those interested are hereby noti
fied that the subscribers purchased about three
weeks ago. two-thirds of all the grain in tho
ground on the farm of the widow ISargcr. in Brad
ford township, that being the share of the tenant
Joseph Powell, consisting of wheat, rye. oats, corn
and hay. All persons are cautioned not to meddle
with the satno. WM. ALBERT i DKUtf. .
Woo Hand, June 27, lS55.-Xt.
EM0VAL: Tho undersigned bcirs leave to
inform his friends that he has removed his
from "Shaw:g Row," to his new building, opposite
the Office of James Wrigly. and two doors south of
theUmcetj. 11. Uarbett, l-sq. -
He still keeps constantly on hands, every varie
ty 6i Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps, -Ac. Men's
fancy shoes and gaiters, with an excellent assort
ment ot heavy work, all - adapted -to the various
wants of the people of Clearfield. Ho hopes his
friends will call at his SEW- ST011E, and ex
amine his tStouk.
L'oots antkfhopg made to order, and mending
done as heretoforo. ISAAC JOIIXftTCN.
C'ieartield-Juno 27, 1355.
11 The undersigned begs lcavo to inform his
t'ricn:ls in Clearfield, and the public generally that
he ha m:ile arrangements to receive and keep
constantly on hand all tue new, ana reccui pub
lications which he will sell !t Publisher s prices.
lb: alfo has on hand a large and beautiful stock
of miscellaneous books, mid corfeclionarie. at his
.!orc in '-Miaw slioiv, nearly posiic tne .Juiirni,;
Ofl'ice. which ho invites thc'l'ublic toe;ill kiv! ex
May 1G, 13.":.-!y. -:
LAldE.S (iArTIiK assured color.- that can't
be beat in ouality or price for sale by
Jane 27, '55. A. M. 111LT.S.
C.i:NTLi:MEN'.S FANCY lintfr & PllOES:
71 An umipproachble stock for sale by
June 27, .. A. M. HILLS.-
"ATS of the latest stvlcs.
and most approved
JLjL tiu:lity, received, and for i(i6 by
June 27, 'oa.J
A. M. HlbbS.
iKH' FCATS, trimmed and untrimmed,
a beautiful article for sale at the store of
June 27, '55. J A. M. HILUS.
W ADTES' D'dESS C,(01S a targe and beautiful
Jii assortment, for sale chenp by .
June 27, '55. ' A. M. HILLS.
T5K -SI,S a most beautiful selection, and ct
. .1 1 . . r
the latest styles. lor saie ai tne cneap siore ui
June 27, '65 A. M. HILLS.
g1LVTKS of every variety and price, from
hours to 14 days, for sulo by
Juno 27, '50. 1
rmXEECT ION ARIES a -Jeetle the. slickest" as
J sortniord this Porouith ever conhl boast of, at
June 27, '55.)
cei l! A V TTOUSK. Hroko out of the stablo of
John Alcorn, in Heaver township, Jefferson
fonntv. l'a on the 25th of May last, a bay horse
about 10 or 101 hands hiirh. with littlo or 110 white.
iibout him. a mark on one of his fore less occasion
ed by breakintr through tho ice. He trots and
racks well, and is about 9 years old Any person
flndir'r him. and brinsimr him to me. or sending
me word by mail, shall bo well paid for the sanio
Address JOHX ALOOllX,
True A mm cm. Armagh, Indiana Co. Pa
JEW UAliilEU: The undcrsisncd respect
fully tfl'ershis services to the citizensof Clear
field and vicinity, wlncn snoma ue receive cn
courageiiiVnt sufficient, hj intends to locate per
T.ii nln flu. T,it f;isbion;ible stvte.
He nipy always be found at the snop ot Hainan
Mi!lor, in Shaw's Low.
Cle-irfield Jun 2U, 4t.
aTIHlt.VII Foil KASAN! llie lilooa
S Red Ihinnor float? in triumph on the 'Old Cur-
Fore." where A. M. Hills has 111st opened the
cheapest and most splendid assortment of Goods,
ever displayed before this community, and exactly
idapfc'l totncir many anu vnrious necessities.
F.verv variety of Hats, Caps. Bonnets. Boots
Sh.es. Clot's. C:ts.--imeres, and all other Kincis.oi
Irj'-zoo Is. that arc unapproachable by any othcj
dmiiar articles. Cither in boaaty of style, fjuality.
or price. ."'-.-
Mso an excellent assortment oi iroceries. jmr-i
iv:ire. tonc and Uucensware. wun iancy arueies
ltd in flint rm.
Ho defies competition, and invite' nil persons to
give him a call at the --O'd t'orixr.'' which has tru
ly become the -liazarr ot . icaritem.
i.verv attention will te snown ro cusioinerf nni
visitors, and no piuns wul be spared w semi aa
smiling away, loaded with his beautUul and valua
ble goods, never surpassed m i,iearucii.
A. lU. lllL..
Clearfield, June 20, 1? jo.. '
JVOTICi: : The undersigned having been ap
41 pointed Sea'cr cf Weights and .Measures, m
and for the County of Clearfield, gives notice that
those having business with him, can have it atten
ded to bv calling at his residence iu the borough
of Clearfield. ' ".
May 22, '5o.-it .Scaler of Weight ,wlMer.
BLACKSMITH IN'O The subscriber would
inform the public that he h.is taken the Black
smith Shop formerly occupied by George Orr. on
the corncr-ef Thuil and Main etrcets, in the bor
ough of Clearfield where he carries 011 the business
11 all its various branches.
June C. lS5'i-ly. ; , .
A. M. HILLS, 1). 1). S. Office a.ljoin-
iXr . cial Teeth, from one to a full set, moun
ted in tho most apYroved modern stylo.- .' :' :t T
Filling, Filing, and . Cleaning done with care
and neat ncss.
Teeth extracted with all tho earo and dispatch
modern science can furnish. . ,
Hit. HILLS, can always be found at his tiffiee,
as he is now devoting his whole attention to his
profession. ' ' June 20, '55.
TVKW GOODS! NKW fiOODS ! At the old
1 1 -Corner Store, of the undersiued, at Curwens-
ville. Ho has just received tho largest and best
assortment of Spring ami Summer Goods over
brought to Clearfield. . Call and seo. :
Juno 13, 1855 H. 1. FATTEN .
4 Large assortment of Stono ware at tho store of
IX. Juno 18. -''-- -.''' W. F. IKAVIN.
1TOTICE : All persons knowing themselves
indebted to the firm,of Mosbop A Pottaf.ff,
wilT call and settle their accounts immediately, aa
the books must be closed at once.
Clearfield,' June 13, 1S55. : .
toro of"; Tin. 18 . W.F. IKW1N.
A CON A good lot of . Hams and Shoulders at
June 20 j , W. F. IUWIJi'S.
Timt.kr Laxi. l?y -virtue of an crier of the Or
phans' Court of Clearfied county, at May Term.
1MO, taore imh c exposvu i puunvs s.u v. :u mi
town of ,'cw Washii';jct'ii, n Saturday the 7h ily
of .Tnlv. 1S55, nt I o chx-k 1". 31. ot sum 'lay, ail
that tine grist 11:11!. Jnmbering- etabli;tmn nt, and
laud connected therewith, containing in all shout
::U0 aces, tho property of Jonathan l'carco. Ice d..
. 4 ? .,1 1 1 ..... . 1
situate in Chest townsmp. v.icai..eiu uuumj. vunu-
cd as follows. vi : by lands ot Joscpu iue-uurraj,
Aaron Pierce, Thomas Mehaffey, David Woods and
others, which prexaiscs were valued and approved
under a writ of partition, granted at Dec. Icrm.
18j4, and the hcirsof said Jonuthan Pearce. doe d..
having refuel to take the same at the valuation,
this order of sale was made. ' '.
The property is situate. upon Chc.t Crcci in a
populous neighborhood.. and in an cxecllant loca
tion for lnmbering tc. The land is heavily tim
bered with excellent white pine and oak timber.
J-'evcral houseo. stables.. and other outbuildings up
on the premises. , "
Tr.nvs of j?ai.k. Ten per cent of the whole pur
chase money to bo paid in cash when the property
U Btvieken down. One third of the remainder to
heirs of said deceased. One third ef the t.aian:c
cash when the snlc is eontinned hy .the Court and
the remiinder in two equal annual payments
thereafter, with interest, to ho secured upon the
premises, by judenjentbond and nioitgag
Possesion of the prcuiist
to be given at tho con-
firmation of the sale.
. 3!y the. Court,
. , ... , " WAI.
Jon's r.on A.r,.T c.n. Trustee.
May ."SO. l.iri.
rOKTEK, Cieik
n 0'ilor of the Orphwns- Court tf Llear-
tield county, the subscriber offers at private sale
thn f.ilIowinL' de-.-rihed valuablo real estate, the
projiett v of Martha Jane Welch, a minor daughter
of James Welch, bite of Pike township, ia said
county, dee'd., viz t ail that certain tract or piece
of land situate in Pike township, olearuidd coun
c-jrirmnmsr l.2 aercR more or iws. notumcu ami
,11 .1
devpril.fd ns hil'ows. to wit : Un the tout 11. vvest
nn-1 Vnrtli liv Ismil-mf Urtniel L:llIcV. Olid On H1C
East by lands of Penjimin Carr."
... . . 1 1 i .......
Ahotit iieres lelli2 Cluarctl anu unut r e"
nl(ir:itinn. ami iibout acre ot good timber
md. Jt'tlAll K. lit At, imardi.m,
May 30, '55-ts. Lawrence tp.
1 In the Court of I (.i:ur."n
Pleas of thoConnty of CIe:i r-
Cuiu.sToriiKK Siiokf
) lie id of i'eb., IS .'- Ii'o
Subpoena to perpetu-ito Testimony
And rniv t wit.: V aV 2i.Sf. lo55. tho Cuiilt. Oil
motion of J. Bidillo ordon, r.s.- attorney l r re-
it,.r in thn nbovc c:ise. nnvoliit James Jl. Jv.'irri-
m it. h.so.. examiner iu tiuxe .ui- kjuui-j
sides. ttc,t:
;d. i' Jiiii-i-., i roiiiy
Kniho i hr-r'ebv aiven that I have appointed
Thnrsdnv June 2-th. A. 1. !Sj5, between the hou.s
of ten o'clock A. M. and six P. M. i f said day as
th time for attending to the dutiee ot said ap
pointment at my olhee in the borough of Clearfield,
when and where all persons interested may Httend
f thev see proper. J Ar. 11. ii.mvi:ur.r
May .30, 1S-X.
The copartnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned in tho chair making, and
painting business, has this day been dissolved oy
mutual consent.
The business will be earned on. as lieTetolore.
by JohuTroutman.atthcold stand, in whose hands
remain ail the books and papers of the firm.
imiv Timt T((V
. - ROBEKT KuWE. '
Clearfield. June fi, lS-j5.-4t.
CALL AND SET l hK. 111c suwcnwr nc
in determined to collect, or at least settle up
ill his accounts this spring, hereby noiines an
those indebted to him thai if they desire to save
costs and trouble They uau ueuer .n.euu me
matter immediately. jauuu uiiiaiejv.
Ourwcnsvillc, May lw, leoj.-jt.
CAUTION. All persons aro hereby notified
not to lift, cash, or meddle with a certain note
for s 120, given by me to .Miss 1. harlotte iauaey,
dated about the 20th or 27th of February, 1855, as
I have received 1:0 consideration tor the same, ana
will not pay it unless compelled by law.
Brady tp., May 30, lS35-::t
li ed. Letters testamentary on the
, Deceas
estate of
James McGhec, late of Bell township, deceased,
have been granted to the subscribers. All persons
knowing thcmsclvs indebted to said estate nre here
by notified toiaftko immediate settlement, aud those
having claims will present them duly autheniioa
ted to our attorney, L. Jackson Crans, Clearfield,
or to cither of the subscribers.
May 30, '5-ut.
EJ). Letters of Administration, cuvi tr-t r-iii(-iiio
anne.ro, on the estate of John Scott late of
Ecrguson township, deceased, have been granted
to the undersigned. Those indebted to the estate
aro notified. to make immediate, settlement. anJ
those having claims will present them, duly au
thenticated, to
Jlay 30, "55-Gt . Adm'r.
pkjTOTICE. Letter? if Administration have been
LS rranted to the undersigned on tho Estate of
Joseph M Craken. late of Bell township, deceased.
All persons havig claims against the estate will
present, thom duly . authenticated for settlement,
and thosa: indebted to tho estate will; make imme
diate payment. ABTHl'it BELL,
Bell tp., May 30, lfw. -------- Adm'r.
JTSTIl AY Came to the residence of the sub
'J scriher. in AVoodward township, a black Steer,
wi.h three white feet, supposed U bo about three
years old this spring, on or about the first ot Uoto-
bcr IsjL iho. owner is renuestea to come auu
p.ovc property, pay charges, and take it away. tr
Otherwise It will be disposed of nowrdins' to law..
JUM-.l-u i lMUd.
Woodward tp. May 30, 18A5-H. .
DISSOLUTION Ol y.Xlll .LJtiiii .
The partnership heretofore existing between
Flemming & Foster, as Proprietors of the Stage
Line from Clearfield to Clarion, has been dissolved,
and the business will hereafter be conducted by
the undersigned alone. . ' : ;
r . Y .. Vt . X ii-..U.Ul.'.'.
Curwonsvillo May 30.4355. . . . , -
!?. JOHN II. jlIULLEN, Having rented
tlio rrnncrtv and situation of -Hr G. F. Hoops.
tenders his professional services to the citizens of
Freneh illc, and vicinity. Offico, one door eac-t of
Lutz's stote, Irenchville. l-uay, 2, aj.-out.
CAUTION. Notice is hereby given to nil who
mav find themselves in account with Montoli
us, TenEyck & Co., to come and settle tho same
without any '-delay; and save cost, as we intend
closing up our business. ; .
- . ll'.l. ii.L.tu.--, . ll-.A 11 uk. & vo.
Curwcusvillc, May 22, ls.55.-lt. ';';
LACEBERBY BRANDY, for the euro cf Chol
era Morbus. Dvsentary-and.-a.il other diseases
of the stomach and bowels, fur sale by R. Mossop
("i LOCKS. Ivight day, thirty hour
J Clocks for sale at Mossop's Store.
' ftnd alarm
I'SLIN, at 5 cents per yard, at Mossop '3 cheap
cash store.
June 13. J55.
FIRE-PROOF PAINT, for sale at
JunolV55 It. MOSSOP'S.
MANTILLAS A large lot of Ladies' and Chil
dren's Mantillas for sale nt. Mossop's Cheap
Cash Store.
June 13, '55.
T . ADIF.S' CLOVES. A very
large lot of black
JLi net worked 1 loves, at 10 cents a pair worth
25cts at Mos9tp"s choap cash store. Jn. IS, '55.
BUOTS A SHOES. A iargo ana splendid assort
ment of Ladies', Gentlemcns' and Children?'
i.ient of Lailies'
Boots and Shoes for sale at Mossop's.
be secured upon the premises by bond ana mort
gage, the interest payable annually to Marbard
Wager late widow of Jina. Pearce. curing life,
.!' -it tier ,1oipiv. the nrineir rd to be psid to the
S T A II T L ING A Oi t V ?i S l. M 1. A 1 :
KB. WELCH, has just returned fromthe City
with a new and pK'i:iid a,-oi taunt d'
Watches. Jewelry, and Jsilver-waw the birgwt,
jest anil cheapest ever brought into Clear liclJ-con-sis'ingof
hunting aud vpcu-t.tccd gild and e'dver
watehes. gold lockets, g'.-ld chains, go! J Per..?, lliigs,
breast-pins, spectacles, silver furks. bracelets, sleeve
buttons, cntl pins, ear riu. Ac ic, Ac.
: Watches and jewelry repaired on the shortest
notice. lJuno, so.
VKW AltlllVAL ! A large and cheap assort
i. 1 mcnt of Iprinir and Summer lloodv-. just re
ceived a)d for sale 011 the lowest terms at the !oro
and a little of everything,
i All of which will be sold at lower prices than ev
er before offered in Clearfield. 11. MOSjMiP,
Clearucld. Jnne IX IS.)5. : -
IIKHIPP'S SALf: By virtue ef a writ of
3 Testatum Vanditioni Euas i.-.-ued out of tho
Court of Common I'leas of Centre county, And to
me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale, :it tho
Court House in the Uoroug.lt f Clearfield on Wed
nesday tho 4ch day of July, 17oi, ut 10 o'clock A.
M . tho following prop"! ty ; . T "
AM the right title, interest and claim of Jonas
Pownell in and to a certain lit. of ground situate
jit the junction of the Kvlcr & .Mile.-djurg Bonds in
Morris township. Clearfield county, bounded by
lands of the iulis of John Brcwn-A hitmen Ilughis,
containing one norer, uioio or h-j-i, wilh a log llouso
and frame kitchen, and 'a-tilack-r.iith shop eiectel
thereon. Seized and t:!Vn in oxcmtion ar.d to be
sold as the property of Jonas Powmdl.
June 0.' 1S55: ' -
In the Crphats' Court of Clearfield County.
In the. liuitter of t''i-Et iff of Arph El'ii.dce'd. '
XI now. May 21. l.VV n motion of L. Jack-
son Cmns, Esq.. Attorney for accountant J.H. ,
Larrimer. Esq., was appointed an Auditor to report
distribution of funds in the hands of Arthur Bell,"
Administrator of tb estate of Aseph Bull, dee'd.
AH persona interested aro hereby, notified that
the subscriber will attend to his duties under the "
above appointment on Tuesday July 10th. IhdS. at i
10 o'clock, A. M., at his ofiico in the Borough of
Clearfield. J. H. LAlUtlMEK, Auditor.
. Clearfield. June 5, 1S."5.
"jV"0'JTC3i. The subscriber , would infirm tho'
L pubh' ;. th at the well known horse IXHU
BENDEXT UAIHILK." may be found at all times
at Pierces Mills, in Chest township. Terms made
known at the stand. JOHN WAOEK.
Chest. May 30. 13-r.t. " . '
f Ef. Tho undersigned, wants a good Journey
man Blacksmith, nt Umhampton. to whom ho will :
irive good wages aud constant emplovnient.
June C 155 -ft. -
TOI1X TROl'TMAN, House, Sign and Orua
inental Painter. Glazier, Chair maker and ;
Paper Hanger, offers his service to the citizens of .,
Ck-arfield and vicinity; Shop on Market St., just
below the i oundry.
' He keeps constantly on hand, and makes to or
der every variety of Chairs, Iouugcs, Sofas. Ac, Ac
Chairs, and Sofas made equal in beauty to any that
can be obtained from the City, and more durable
in workmanship and matciial. . -
juii uiuiiia.
Juno, 20. 1S55. 1
11 SALOON. The subscriber begs lcavo to in
form the ladies and gentlemen of Clearfield, that
ho has taken tho commodious house south pi
Hemphill s Hotel, where he designs keeping ' Ice- -cream,
Lemonade, Cakes. Cenfectionarics. Ac.
He will also keep on hands a supply ot Uysters
and all other kinds of refreshments, in the Saloon
ho has formerly occupied, in the basement of
Hemphill's Hotel. CUAKLES GKEAFF. :
Clearfield, May 2, 1355. .
ifAN'TEO A good Blacksmith, at Lick Kun ;
VAU. five miles btlow Clearfield. A good
Shop, furnishad with two Eres, tools, and all the
other convenicneies, and well situated to obtain :
custom, is in readiness, and wants an occupant.
May 2. '53. Clearfield, P,i v '
DAVIDS. I'LOTNIJ Kcspcctfullyirforuw
his old friends and tne public, that he has
obtained the services of a good Cutter anil work- .,
man as a foreman iu tho tailoring business, and
he is now prepared to attend to any orders in his
Line of work on the mo!t accommodating terms.and
short notice, and will have clothing ou hand at all
times, such as tlress coats, frock coats, vests, and
Pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good
material at the lowest prices. .With a wish to ac-.
commodate, he solicits a share of patronage.
. -New Washington. May 9, 1S55.
AMU EL DEHIIN, pf.ai.kk in Drugs, Modi-,
ines, Paints. Oils. Spices. Window Glass, i-
fi!.', Hyc Stuns, Pcrfnmenes, Aiconoi, xsurniag
Fluid. Patent Medicines. Ac., Ac, .. ; -i .t
"ITaving just opened an extensive assortment itf
these articles. Physicians will find it to their ad-van r
tage to give him a call, and examine his Stock be-,
fore ordering from the Easteren Cities; and Ckain
try Merchants can also be accommodated with all
the Essences. Tincture, l'atcnt Medicines,, Aa ...
1 1' Hi) L1C FA hH 11114I RETAIL, "t Imrrst price 1.
L-'T lie bopos by stiict attention to business, and r
a de-ire to please to merit a share of public pat
ronage. . April 25, 1s5j ,.
TAlt. IJ. F. AKLKV tenders his professional.
.1 services to the iahabitauts of GrahamUm and
surroun din ; country he can t all times be found
at his Office, directly opposite Mr. J. B. Grahanrs
st .rc, when not professionally engaged. I Apr. 25..
VKF'S P a 1VA A..M) f.JXl t.
j. STOKE, No. 72 North Sfccosn Street, oij-.
site, th" M'vii I'ernnil House.) Ppbiladelphia. ,
Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled. 1H K. ouc?.
Silver Lever do . do.; Silver Lepine, do-.; fiuartier;
Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons,
Silver Desert Jo. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and '
Gold Cas?; Gold Pens and Silver do.: together
with a variety of fine -Gold Jewelry. Gold Curb,
Guard and l ob Chairs. All goods warranted to
be as represented. -Watches and Jewelry, rvpairi
ed ire the best manner, '. : . -.
A!si, Masonic Marks, Bins, if , male to order.
' N. B1. All orders sent by mail or otherwise,
will bo punctually attended to. : " ' :
His motto is: '"Small rrofitsar.l Quick Sales "
Philadelphia. April 25, I S55.
Just received., a large and splendid assortment of
cir3 ot almost every description, sa
season, and selling off at very low prices. Ladies,
Gentlcacn. and every person wishing to Luy go!
at the very toirnst jnicr, are rt-fcdfutly tnvio! to
call and examine for themselves. .
Produce of all kinds received in exchange for
gOO-lS. HiV.I.lHIU.lX
iUiy 22. d55. . ; . ...... - .- , : - ; -
BEREGE DELAINES A fuperlor article o
Bvrcge lH laines iu dress patterns at 2j cents
per yard, never sold in this county before for less
than 50 cents, at B.ICHARD MOSS0l'S.
Junolik'aa . I -- . ' : :..:' ,;..--''-t
J WlinLK.SXLB l'E.VLERS IX Hat. Cap, t a rs.Ac,
No. 176 Market Street, between 5th and 6th Sts.,
Philadelphia. Jan. 17, w.-nt.
IALEB'CoPE A CG. No. i vJ; -Marset M., 1 nua
' fit It l)l ito.ilers in Li nensJ White Goods, Ho
siery. French. English and German Silk Goods, La
ces, Glove.. Bolting Cloths, Ac. Jnno 15,51-ly.
f liAVJvfc 1 c , Z
Juno 13, '55. RICHARD iMSSOP,
(11 BAP Clf n UING. A large lot of Cheap Clo-
jr." ;
k SI
: 1
i t