Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 06, 1855, Image 4

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! I
- k
3 Si
,-ti ...-.-i . ... ir)TVA'S.WEDDLG.
Hnrrafa-iliurrak! the day is comt :
ilisi I:oti'S to be niafricd; t ' i
" vChid ar tfp, and dat e a iae'; -..'
. i-v Fcr,inrry..Ieng she's tarried -. -.-
firiair eUt de wired? hoe-cake, too
: I- - o Da srurnno and de cream. : , ; .: .
: ,.An.' don't tercet d wedding-cake, '
-' v On wbk-h ds darkies dream..- -- ' ; : 1
Solo! Per we v. ill dance "and exr.z away
j?:dl Cuontx. Hurrah rhurrfh I hurrah? hurrah !
'',$3.'9.-rArJ on the baa? play S3 giiy "
,Ik-V C crv.' !;-.. Le.'ba ! ha, ha, ha. La ! .
'u?.k-t-7l?!I Casceun'd iicj like every thin- :
Full C.;j.II urraht.huii'ali ! h'asrail !. ". ....'
- --.crroRrs. .""
" .; Hurra.! ! hunkh ?'de Jar in cornel A?"..'"
Oh ! d'sna's dc finest gal dat eboryoa did see.
And dr vt is i tiuic she frotrcl shecps' eyes at me;
But dataa pV2.ar..l gor. 'ftr.d. dispoor dark's for
' " : .ik9u. " ' . ". "'. '?"..
Alas! t.via-.k-a-i.'y- '"''.' ' ' .
.-'i9.?v.' mi'ilhtr 1 on -,
You, Po'mnffeTeb tack dat feaeca!'
Soih -
Jvt fcc-iTda darker dar! shut up dat raonff!
Whato wei v.H yc-:. my Eina dear my ..ecus
'from de Sonif. .' ....' .-
Put come. i-tu !-ni,jb sad strg. daccaar.d huj.iT.
For Li::'. dat.iiaivL-tiae
i. v! ' 7 riu--t-' T Vote?
la Lo3?insFIt.l(l Took of t!id Iievo::tion
tbero is a picture cf a hoss.that vas erected
on3 hundtvl".tad 'Cfiein yc-irs ugo, and" wL5Lh
V43 afor.e'timo t:e hd qv.artors of tJ-rn.
Y.iihil3n. .' It :j situated v.r:.v tl.o nig'i
2r!cl. oT?r tho lli-rk-ui Rirer, -'iud. thajh
rel-y wiiLln lb? city !ui:, ii Htvrouuded W
loreis and deU.s- -ivi::g it r. wild ai.l r :r..l
:l'2Ci. 'Tbv srour.d is Lcantlfully inipr.rred.
'the gjiduj laid out v.-i::i Uto, and evrytiiag
around tbe'estai-.lirfiinent bears t'ao marks of
reiineri?s;rt and wciULr .
On ti !:U:orrcal-jpot lives- a veiierable vo-m-n,
vL-jj "i.:l:.ry Las' b-ou varird the
-csanres iu the ccu'Ury'a progress bave urtii
raj,--' Jfxd-tc jr::V-?l, is a h'tito cf rrori-
Jcuee. Ilboic iud. Iler -daiAea nanu v.v.s
5! la 3 Uo .ven.
ca; to thi e'ry soon! tte
'year-irrti, au.l ia JSOi w.a married, .to; -dou-"si-nr
Jutner, a n ative of France; H't then troto
ti- UoodyMaaacre of. St.. D-iuatO" 'Thyy
did tot live long together from inceinpatiluli-i,-n:;r,
or s-ame other c.i:m. lie soon
afi era-arch dU-L leavrni l:er lhre? millioa. of
Yrar.ciki Trauc-?. ' ' , '. :
. She llequenMy visits Trance, alwtv? Y.viug
iir a styb 'ccmmer.sr.ratt? with her huihand-s
"fretettlcs's nd wealth. h-3 moved in the
' highest circles, both' iu this conrdry and ia
F races, of that ihay, end received the court
nu homage of the most distinguished men of
the times.'"' Sue suhse-int-ntly married Aaron
Jiarr, som e wh crchthoa 1 1 he year-1313; but th ey
"too, soon separated.". After his death she lived
in seclusion at her stately -residence: m tuis
Inland with the exception of. occdMioal-visits
-rShe-v3S there - s.on" nller Lovdi Napcleop
became Errj-erbr,' and was at the Tuillerj'-s
the occasl'oa of a great hall, where the Lmpvr
or recognised her as the widow of his old
"friend .(which one tradition does not state.)
A friend of mine visited Madame Jumel, a few
days 2go.and this has brought freshly to iny
recolleciiouthe romantic iucidents of her che
quered career. ' ".
. Her rcsidenco i described asj an earthly
paradise minus th nereis.
Everything that'url can achieve., or taste de
aire, or tuenf-y .procure, may be found, there.
Costl'p'air.tings and among th.-:a a g-Tuune
Rubeuhs article? of. verm, presents of noble
and distirjuished persons, and autographs ?nd
everything that is ccusi acred rare and costly,
and enrioutt, ni.iy he' seen -in lavish profits! -.-n.
l:iir..Tu?;idl::.:Jo'l'.:c'lif- of a rec!u?e..--Sh
kn.vs nothing of, or will have nothing to
rlo whh hr 'neighbors around Fort Yvashirig
t h, ''wit's verjy few exceptions. Even the hoys
have a judicious fear of her. aud trouble nei
ther her orchards sor her'flowsr gardens, iir r
ALy.tkitig lb 't is liers.. ,
K-very e-.'f-ning a cam Is firsd off on her pro -raises
to v. irn intruder?. Very few persons
ever solicit perr.i'.ssloa to view hur grounds,
aid cu!y a lay ora.l :iif.,?i: ty cf thiie ever h ive
thei'petit'on-t;raoa 1 ; - - - :
"This' c'd Itdy, T..ow''isey?T.:y: eight; yc?rXy;
ftgj, lus .one1 '.-tcha:!,-. and that- is -for gatbsr
inr'hrdv.nd her . refugees'. ' froni ! Europe'.'. - .Rhn
ii alwav's t-kUa-k .case of a flock cf theb, and
t a raake rhT-ri'v.Sffnt. wnever a good .'tftTts.i
cIau comoo :'k':;g, the "gels Lira the instrument
villi vch-lH; iV Kibt 'fonnTaraWd'iai tins vy 4
she hjtiki'cp a. pleasant. Land of music wLieli
entertains her by their repbatci perform arc -is.
.-. ' - '. ...... . - '
4. ,ry. Lurch jird, th'a -greit- revivalist, once
passing naar a furnace w'uh a theological j.u
jil, stopped and ga?ed Jnto tha white heat ci
the- melted ireu. , Said he, in his deej,- sclamu,
rauaieal voice:' l'-D!yMU witti to huc-.v liovf
hot'hvll is? I'll tell , ycu.: lieu is to much
hotter thuthat fieiy ltirrace. that r.py-055."a
teiug who could live, iu hell should jump into
it, he wuld fi-cezoto dcAtH in five1 luinntes." '::
. i r 1 .- -
; .p?-. Verdict dedivered at Kdme, Oa., in the
c'-e cf Abel Johnson. . 'Thomas' Camv-f'cu;
'W'e'thegtsry chozen and soajiie, agree, that
tom kar.; ron cust pV abe gonsing . the. full
amo"!:t of 23 iive'scnf tlwtjhe pkueiif "pay.
' over the won h wart of whiskey, for the benefit
of'thejury. aud hts wjirbe' rooled 6hi?t;''"
Cr-The loilowmg, worked out by a bh:c
anged, U given as flii aiutfiniftic of love':' '
After introduetioa, 4 coEipiiments make ne
blnsh; 8 blushes raake one tender look; 1 ten
der.looxs'make 1 ranibio b;- moonlight; 2 ram-1
bles'inake one proposal; '2 proposals (I lo pa)
make's ond.Yredair.gi 1 ; : .1 :.A
rr"Therc is a woman in Cincinnati, says the
Times, who-keeps a grocery, attends faithfully
ton Lit 'pair of; twins, 'does1 her.: own hofiSe
work, and yet finds' time, to -give her.lazy. lins-batnia-stjtmdihj-asbioliiJfe.
or fOuiV timus
. . : ,
, -
r -: Au.3Q0tf9 eta. Pbyeician. ;
- The lite-': Dr. CSapmau, of : Philadclpljiai
mourned "by iiiauy wL'o "till iaugli at Lis yt n )
more, hns left behind 1dm a hiernory tbat v. !U
hi- traaSiiltted thr'oi-.jli successive .-ric-ratifnsi
Ilia wit was enrtal his skill. It was hard to
say wbieli did. his iatiens the jilost' good, mid
as ho always gave his best oil bnlii at the aatau
time, -they: probably helped ecF-'-tber. J us
as it happened when one pf hUj.'ntknts.rCTOit-j
ed at a monstrous dose of physic,' and said :
At this ii r a geutlhh.ei! !" ; - ' .
V, Oh, s.:;l the" DeoJ or .'ti for orA
rivn !:J . : i
And a rood Iat:rh ia often ns -oo l di a iaed-i
j;h,o'. Vitii liiiri th-4 j'.er.'saniry wasrs.evi-Ui.i
as the opportunity. e:i o ;v'?yrf!'i it woul I
come out Ci' Li;a. lie. .waa, .walklf.'dn the"
afreet, and a. baker's cart, driven i''.uiot:.dj-,
about to. run Lira !own. Thc'ba'r reined
suddenly, audjut in-time to-spaK.-Jll.e Doci: r.
who took 'off his hitt, and bowing j.o:elyj Ox
eUiaied, "Yuu ary the lest t-rnLiaan in lon.'
At the grout g-th?rin ii Thij "d: lhjA ,oi'
the 'iledical S-eiety ;cf tho Unit .1 State.-. -tL-'
literary and distingniihed Dr. Fr.ir.e5s and lr.
.Ci.tp;uan rat, as t!r.'y had'dne .;' tho-.;i-.snd
times benrs, having ,-bee.ri- fiiaadi for -half a
century. ' At a la; ao dinacr par;-, a pennon-;
little Kr. I-Lana, .pr-jiujuiiy; that those.. ge.ii:e
iLfu were str.vag ii, taid to Dr. rraae'i,. "Let
rne introduce you to L'r. Chapu;-.:;, the ha l
of yur pvolVbbiun; in l:n"rl"?.-leph: a-"'' ' 'It ? C -ioo
:uucl fwr I.h'. Cuiau:i: v-I;-.) r.-N. rt . l:
Dr. Fraiicis. l.'i ;ine. ia:ro iu'ce y...ii i . I?r.
!Ias:u, the iuil of uur pr d'ej-s-ion : ia rhih.del
i Li.t.'" Lit Me 2'l.tun lot tim lions aloi-e alter
thai.' " '.. ' ; . .'
Very much against his will, the doctor was
mad' a vestrrm ,tn in the parish church, aud
uue. or his datlci was to pats the jdaio ior -coi.tr;
Union 'v.t the raorrdrg cervi-ce. '!!.
sj:.tcl it avIUi great, ,--iiteneiS and Lcccii;:i.g
gravity to tho ge'mkman ' at- the h?ad of the
pew nearest the'eh v.
kvd',-w!.o wua not !:. os.-,1
to c;i:.i.jihi;te. The l'aiti.lul collector, lathing'
diluted, heid the piste before.hha, ai:d bowed,
at if he wcull urge hlia to think the m.dtar
o-:jv ani givj so.Wiifig, a-11 11 "" s .m.-ih?:. .
f.r:l refused t" go en till he had seen hi s'.k':
on the piaie. Iu this '.vay he proceeded down
the a i?!-?, victimizing every 'man til! he came
to the p'-w neero?l tha door, where sat an aged
colored woman. To l is surprise she laid down
a "piece'-pf gt;l.l. .le.i'rii!e." said th.-e adoa
i!iod Doctor, '-you must he a Gaae.f tiigger!'
Th-. y never troubled the elector to go around
with' the plate after that. ' ,
Dr. Cluprnan was a delegvte to the conven
tion of the churcli, which v.-as to hell' its au
nua! v.'Saioa at .Pittsburg. i;Party.- sjarit ran
high, and the member, both clerical and lay,
beir.g iuea of like, passiyns. witu other iae:i,
became more excited and violent in' word an.l
tone than was becoming so .reverendand grave
a ho ly. Vrhen things had- gone on at this
rate for two days, aud were nothing bettered,
but rather grew worse, one of the most vener
able members arose and said, thai , he thought
these scenes were highly indecoras, tspechdfj'
as they were enacted in the presence of God;
whose servefjts we jirofess to be." Dr. Chap:
inaa for the lirst time now stood up, and with
a peculiar twisting of his words, and the pro
found attention' of the whole convention, ic
marked: "Mr. President, I think so too. It
is too bad. The members out hot to go on o.
Bat I do not feed the fcrcd of that-left rehif tk.
Tho go?.tlcT.ian,rav:-? -we
::ht not to coi.-di.ct
iu thl manner iu the pj-cfee-nee f .viod.' Iov,
sir, to viv c rtsln hr.o-v'e b.:e, lie has not been
ia this nh.ee tlaca we came togct'.r.-- .... i'
'i he rehsike- wr.- R'o;-jufk pertiner.t'. thet.
priests ri
v. ess of tl
;1 ivw;k
oifl the 1.-U.-.1
:v..-ntioa was conducted with d j-
coruni tc its close!
fy "He v.-or a flashy waistca-it on the; night
when Hrst we met. with a flaming -pair "f
whisker's and impeiiAl of' jet. His air had. all
the haughtiness, hk voice the manly kT;-i cf a
gentlemen . worth"' Lu"y' Ihx. Vaaud dulj iis, ;:J!
I.iVG-.vn. - 1 saw, him but a-ra nient, but rot-
th!r!:3 I f ee him nowl HritV; a ve!-y l; :il;y S. ;.i -t-coat,
;ar4".R. hearer. 0:1 l.ij hrev:;; A:ut" ince
:::re.! n I ??.-wthr. hrcw-r'iiH'hy 'tile was 'there,
hlui, a slsccking l4uyiiti ya3 iaa. i,.t.;.nd , iii.it-
ted vrf.i his hair Ile'wVe a briftkvithi-a : M
'baf the 'change was.Jl complete, and he. yras
ilsnkvd bv conrd5llv,'who Bidrolied' him up
the bkve't.'I t-r.v. him but a :.'..-;';t, luatinka
I see hiiii'.'i:cw, charg-.-d 1 y these- worthy olii
eefs with kicking up a rowl r - ; : . 'I'.v'.f .-
; - . J ' .: -
: A Sahob's llLnoioN.-rA-t u judicial ; inves
tigation r-.t Bakkliva a wifr.e.-s. a sailor, vw
asked what 1 is religion was. His reply was.
'1-m bloved if I know. ? -: ''"'
' 'Are you a CatuoMc" asked tho examiner.
. 'Oh, no,' n as the responej 'Eni d ' id sure
I'm not that, for I hall; "(he Pope like hk;k-sj
niid 1 delights in the steaks on lVSlsy. 1 -. . !
K oars' cClaughter.' The judges' declared'he
v,ai a-ProtesUnt. ; - : ' : ' .-.-.a
'f-ri;A'i.' At a railway u'unu, an old lady
said to a very ponipctily-' looking' gentjeman
who was t-'ikin-k' about' siea;u c,oju ui u'ni'jation,
-'Pray, sir, what is stef ta i". -'Steam,
ma'am, is, ah! stehm is--ehh ah!
stkuii is: steam!! "
- r. -
k 1 ':"k'! ""' t ,'J.
t : tell ye," sail AJ
nj bv ' 'but Steam
" ;' - "1'
jl'knew that chap couldn
' rough-looking fellow standing
is a bucket of water in a tremedous pcrspira-
tb.n ' .... :: .. ' ...i . N
-.,!' -'.".-'. 1 --" :- '-'
. A GoiiHOJf Casu. 'Doctor.' sai l amaii to a
physfi-iafti 'my daughter had V fit this'm'orri
iug cud continued half an hour without knowl
edge or understanding."' 1 .. k k
t-Uli, replied the doctor , 'never mind thatk
manv people continue so all there lives.', ,-iC i
, ,C-. - S
''Coi'STtitPEiTs. Girls with hollow cheeks
and 'full bosoms. Sncb kind of, things . never
catae together naturally-'.: Make a.', note, ud
don't- mistoke eotton for plumpness ' "
' i.:. a.'... -si' -i"0
mi p o u r a :n t to'hek c ii a n t s i
M atcfa'ctob v.- Tb 6 'subscriber having iccrca?td
hid facilities rof'raan'tfactortag ware, is no-.r pre
pared tof'aeaiih all who tday favor bhu with their
Orders. ''J'Die t?:t !i,: 6esl ii'ortptfu ate er.iyZeyc-L
and superior i'.rlicUs o f slm k XCi'M IroV (ho goud
gualitv cf Lis AVares. lie can refer told? iar;-c nuru-lk-r'cfVr.'ston:ciSdn'Ck'arHW"ntTdjoriiifcg-eoun-tins,
vl'o hnv purchased fr?w lm fVr many year?
rt:i.ih S'tXM.rs: PIPU t!waya or. h.mrl. -'
f'-rrj "twr prti?' U if?rt:' t-r.'or? if tfiwt'th
fitetnr'f mrrek'fm.iare tro";le-itl f rare.
Pr!ee liots furnished Vis :-p.r.t-paid appli-iatien. :
- I A" MAN" G14.i;i;iiT, No. 1 0 -Market t..
, JaiiM,ij. k a .-latmbr.rg,-Fa. ,
.xotVTYEKro.noiiirc? ::.vrth
."Xf JL .joand Fiiladcli-liiai.; 'ihe UJuk-r.s!g:ie.l
h::.i!i leased the ahuvc v. cli kjiow.u.-llottsc,. v. Lich
hits beenv'it EXovATSJ) , a: u Lu-
i'i-T. bns-r pntd i. i'-r '.her
The ferr.iiqro i- '.i-w.r.':id
iiith care i'n.ui Hankies v. tli k.
.!)t!C! el -itor.
k-M :;-.,!r.-tnd
dn 4;kcs;ftfrte.,-:;ral. is: of 'the i:it3tjjn.d 'To:c
t.:.-,hi.:;;L!: r'yh'. - - . - -
Jhn l.w.a.!ii-ft.r- J.kTehar.ta others vjuv.v
to t.h-xtj.y ' ii .coevealeui, -Uiag- iu the eiuvwt
, idls hli ia Giearfield are. respectfully: 6e!
elled fo-givAU!4i a call. i'.- ..-i .' v.-1-.'
: . i I . . Lv hii '1 . .
- -Aux. r. .;.:i. - ; n. Frorvieu.r.
:--r- - : - - t;
: ;;u M l'A . l 4io.vrc paraj.Ji. -t
.an e.e.-;L!;.-.
C-I ic..:l'..uau. ---a :s ti..-rc-t v.iii. c;
ar 'HUt'jl'! v sv.-lt tin g iat :-r Jc ;tc
."t. .'r. it iii.-iv i-e ii.k'.'Ji iiv 5.o nsost ut,.jat
1 ariVc-i s..it3-,.bfc:3g pure .vo-;t:Ule iiyri-.u.
....ii-:t.ku teor.ti:-f.ta iiircie;it-t ,witi:out curing;
. $vhd tsUie .-;.tl. ve iapj'Hisd iVc-a v!i r
ihe luvuvV rv.tuiaiiii. ::A y.-.- in'-'ei.'? .'','.. J ';. f
.Miiu(rf ! : aJ-' . h ' -" "'
"V-lrt'j..r 1 1 , iri; .'
TVGXiCih -All thea who have acvcuntu v;;:!!
l'x thr iii-uv vf T. II. J:'s;i.Tv:J.i. 0,...r here
I.v 1 io u:-: 1' -...i Uv'ilk hiM':-
tiiltIy. .-r- ike !.) kS v. P.I he j-h.c j j . hi. lanh
;:::-turi.i;-iivri!i.msi!;. The U,vk.; rcia
iho !).-Jh;Lm;l' J.:;ks invr: i Cu.. at Lhi.id liii;-.
lk.i 1 i'.iU.-.. JL'vctiubcr .
TaTEV' ATI"' LVAL. A., i -1AM k..' h a -j j ;: d
'rvt-.ri.e i kem tl.c ha.-t v.hh a 'krj- il eit
is. .V.-"d.::-.rs. -eea j k j, i u:auui:g--
if he:') for cavh, at his pcorc. two
vloori e::
J onriial'elf!
Fa d-iona-.lc taih.riiig still ' d' v.i to ' r,r lor.
r:"n;ire'-s and '.i.-"-a! di. ' '
Ite5rr-i.- the abiic to rive bhu a en 11
1 e
amine lis .. pt
T r hMriiil.!.",
Ail ir.for-t hh? f
Ih'TPL. The srhsiriber Would
:lo;;'!s a:-;d the -.a' He c:-aer.diy.
4ii- I i e.ilt 'rr :a .n -v. J .! -s'iia. i: i:
at .ill times rcniy and nilliag If. '?r.ter'"-in "ta.;--ger
and traveliUr-;.1 JHs bar s.-vked vfii'a th';
tan lifiuors. atitl bis table wiil always be tf.j'p'iWd
wi h cno luxniiM of the market.
i :.;;. ai'u! I u vast i'av-is. he '-lioh? n farth:
:.sie cfl--a-J.'h- i:i-rotia'."?.
" r:i. .t. niiMi'iiikr..
Clesrfit-id, .'ur.,? ia. l-l-iy.
i e::tr.- iljf.clta aout . Si -r iiii.-; A n no u . euicn ';
mlIAT the Isrsb ehe.'iTct, and e-t ewrwvl
JH of lood. ever bru .lit into C!".-ar.d I eir.rtr.
1-avo -inst arrivt.. d are -fr?red "r unle. '!t the
Xfiv i l . : i t ' !fi"' s:ih..M;5.i y. l,.-rf t a'-- ' .In'-r.'r
fthec-. Clearlk-ld. Va. N- r M re h"f a.' meiv'
britii.vt, mvl xt- the fame i'iate n ehvftp?r ?"t ''1
t-r.o js est;! ( iter-1 t thn cf.!;:aet.v-. -.ey S'-i".-,
ail 'been F.-le-.fe l with a-vl-w to theW!.Tts r.t; r-
co(s?ities of tha'people of .this parti -alar loea'.i'y.
after lo:; e.vperieix-e. aud intimate ae.ttiaat.tnt.'e,
wi.h tbei? b-.ish'.e.s con-c -tier:".' - - - !
liry Coeds of cvery!va, iety. Prc-OoMi. Clo'h?..
Casfincrei. and Clothing:- j.-oors ami ."rhoe.-!. JP'ts
and Caps.' 'ler.neti and Shawls, together 'with a
large :md s!eii !i 1 ' assortiaent of .uecn?'.vare,
ilardvare am.1 tir!ecr.-s. . .. '.,
-, JJefying all eoaiietilion, they golieit their friends1
and tile public to afite ibeui a call and onmint
their stoek. MOi.vJP & P0TTAK1-F.
June 12. lSah ly... . ;' ... - ; -
-SL- 1 doctor's otliec"and bot af pilv ait rsaie.situa
ated in FrenchviNe'. cast of Lutz's ftore, formerly
owned by Ilr. F. CanfielJ. For further jiai tieu
lari inquire of LMVI LL'TZ.
X. 15 Drugs. Ac, will be gald with the ofheo.
r Freirchviflc. December 27, lSil.
nor.r.s vi t: D;:.';.ti's iv J)ri'--x, t iirnncals,
y:1.- No p.' ISS-Mar'act, a ..lerebant Mro.t.
' 3an, 17,; 'aa.' .v Philadelphia.
- IltVIX. would respeeifully i.ifortn b pti!Vio
that. they .hayo veryjrreatly iintuovod their Jloa 'e.
and ..ai e i.o;v ahlc lj aC.a'd the iravtlii -g pMi.
;ko uo.:t e,."t:il'oi-tahU. ae-ot, mod i t an?, 'iheir bar
ii ij!.:.did i:h tho VLiy i.eat liquors, and Le
la.x.rfies of 'the ih. ilsatlj.Lia markri are lo be
u a;id .oh tutir ti-.ble. . iliey ..vc..-.-.iec-tf utly invite
thyii; iiumv-ivu kien h in Clearfield to ive t'.iaii
a e-k -, -. . :. Ai'-u;i '.ih.-i..
1 subscriber v.ouli rfin atfu'uy inf.jiai pub
lic, that he has ju.?i opetvd an '.uiir ! n.!v.- td--k-of
boots ami shoos, ia .Creheui's l-.ow, one -dear ea't
of the Journal liliiee-. Clearfield, i'a.
.livery vua iijty of had ios and tier, tloiacn's gaiters,
laced boots, pump.0, ccagrtiw bootx. child re n shoes
ic.; eheap lor cash: tilo' hopes to tcssIvc a
libera! s-hare tf patronage. ix-oU and shoe? l-i.'i te
to td-it.-. ' ' 1 "'' -.: ' C- S. li-AtK.
: .;-Au'g. -HV, Isik
. . . . J . 1 . -.. . t t " . ; . . . , :
kttUii-N V. itl':-lkT()A'c CU., IjU'tlnThkd
; . .... .. . . -. , - 1 . . .
tj-- ill -8-ur .n?atv:ire-;'V..iii!:a. i
kd.; Ilk 'Mt.:lr: L-:.. c:,i;ffdte lied Lioiiatole'.PLii-
.uivdiLhV ''. . -r .T.-Y..lUUTO.7
. .. . . ' J. .LiOi'iClFS.
! kov. k, '0i.-ly. hd.ti ...ik'kl. rf'iiLeCUk
; ... . 1 i- Tr.;.... ...
hV.l'OrCI'Ell rdH.T.'k. 1M0R1U TOV.'NJ-dJI-V-tl".'-ei.2iA;.Fi-liD
f.iCXTY. -The-. f.-M riWer
3:c5 -sM-.r.s'.-. Ttly h band, at hit-- Tr.il!'-. Inmbrr.of
ai! jEFev;-v4.i.V rtijii.d .-iv.'.?.' .PliYerlr.:t lath arid
1.P4:-i.-eJ - on txf-jkisait o'? notK'e. ' 'f if-- mill?
k-wrnn.ot anytime l.ui'.:; the sea-cm' having a'
l.evr rl'av.inTJRpply of v-n'er - ' '
All iiiifls !' prciit':e t'd;en iaexehauge far lum
ber. ?.n;l the r.?:h never ref'od. '' ' ' ' ' " " '
J1EN ? t T:t.)F.
1-kpteinler 20; l?31.-l.y; ' ' - Kyleriown, P.
pJEW P Il M . 'i II E T T.I A X A ' 11 0"1.;' " ," rk.ts'e
tign j.nd . Crn.tmental Pa i n t .;r si k zief s:
Chair k..htis, ar.d Paper'. Jlar.gu. oli'er. tii-irer.
vi-'' to -tl.-e- fjt;sen - of ' f'lf-rtTiicM .tr.'-C vr-im;y,
t: 1 :: 1. w-i : . . 1 : : . -I 1 - - -
r-un:r t.i ... :i . ii.-T- . i.. j-'z. cr..!Jiv xae ruiiirtn .. .
; 1 hovkt-eri fijristnr.tly'r.n ban 2. aiid 'make to or
der evai-y variety of halvr. 7.ra:k'?l r'-ofas. oi. A?
Chair?, f'-n-l "nff.s mj:de'fp.ai In bp'-.afy'to r.::y 'that
fcaa be obtained , frt.ia she Cry. and more 'du-;Vi.!o'
in woikfaaus'iiin and nrueriah -
'.- - k JOHX TkHUTMA'xi. '
Jai.e IE ?:-E ly.
tlOOD IXlllXlT HOTEL; u. j f l , ;a nneci"
j JL' ;'Curwcnsv'd!e, Pa. Le .f-luk-ct ".her" woui-I Tin-'
farrJ' l;ii fi.if i:.'..- an X t.lic pubrv. iiial'lle 'lia's just re-ilf.V'-l
ar.d;ix'-l'nrni.-;he-h Jds' Louie r.n'd k pry-.-ared
to 'reader every atkotiori to tho travelling c.-m'mn-"
.' .. ..." ....
iiis lar contains liquors ol tiiu nis; quality,' ant
hk,taUe, vrEd ,Dv.7ypplie'-h'firn;CoC-;bcsM
laarhet, " ; V :. p :.. -. ,:!t
--He re.-poeuieEy. ijhv.iU.iik irieuds. and others .1
rivo hiuL a calk . k V.'M. Ii, FLiiMMkk.
to .
V.'M. E, FLd.Mrdl.XU,:; i
P. CCTLLR, Attorney.. ud. C'JatiVibrt
Eav. Cjearlie-k Xr wiipttUeud l'Uhi'ullyti
sional l)iiwi;'-ss oinrasteit to his case., i
March, 7
'K AMF-i k- IkkUIAM Mercimiit jrr.d extensive
d-oabors i.i ' lumlKrGr:diampton, P.-C. Clear
frid county. Pa. " ' May 2J, ' jl-ly.
i -k . -...... i ; . . - - ' -tf.
YiiVEktY of tho best" quality j""st. receive 1.
, arid f or salo at: W. i luwi.'. Cheap Store-.
June lk,'5E ... '.. ..-;:....':-----:.; ----:'
PEACE., GurwentvUle, Pa ' Offi-o oppor-it- tho
'Go?d.lntnHviE"k , -, IJuue. ir.oDi.vt
JL- fIt AMEKICA ! The 'Cheap Corxsr- Tii-
cmpjtat! we take "tbls, method ot lntorming tnc
nnMialH irenera!, and thu eifizcns x f t'urCrinsTitle
and-vicinity in particnUr. that wftharrt retired.
onr usual larre ana vama selection vr. j. uu 'ami
inler-(.iolx fcnited to the waut of cvtjv.. uas,'
v.oi-jau atud child iu .thacosimeuUy: Ai:i,;.tvoi
lii.vo n'J hcrltatiea iu 'say Sag, tkut purchasers will,
find it srrcatly' to their a-Uvviitago to c;dl and cxaui-
i;:e cur stet-l: before puriha;.a,igeh--ewb--:e. .
Oar coi::;?!?. : fart, vi i.a-.;?es-. i-res-
G-ls ia.ifct!t Ttti-iefy: laalras --h, 'r:.ic. fancy.
fills. Tuik tii3rkrt flaits.-b;A-jk ai:d f:;r.e.y
Ahaca5! plain -amr'rluid.ingbanis: 'Slant'lvster
ai.d i t-isjc-stia Uiny-.bAni., Jal.i.a. of. every -tyl.
a:id'p;aiitT. jvt prices ranging fpua up if lit-J.
P?.vk, t-lue, andrbrowu ireHch- and. Iliilidr
cfeil.'s."' j'.Uin blsv-k i;o. Vh'n .and liiey, ca.sahuvrci.
t.dach. i'lue. brown su'J gra':u snttinti.-.--
v bi-.-K-s. pickii'-j-. li a ane I'.-.-n. r?i ? n'.' ttwel!rg.;bo-
isi-wetintf Rii'lT.c -r i ".-! ciota. v, wmir sn-ji
p !::er ar.'t ioiatri.K;r. ai.'i.e: vt :cuov.
t-.i--os ol all tto.-e
t-:ti:.irf n. ;:g';-tbo r
r v.-.i i h. jl-i? I'.x'ruaest oj.
ii.;,. v hvir a.-! thei. ; j '
"i-Kj t-ys .rii
. li.-r'th-o, i.iai.
i -v
Oo-iar at-r willow v.-
;ru. vol r; t rorni?.- &., an.
- A Inr-jo a-'br'tr;eti oi i- r : -a t-5Vfi nes
7.Ui '( i.i. J'nn.rish Y.'-Ii.'P.V. 1 l:."n:t- i-n:-.. '
ruiheti - and U': f sv.etir.: -vw Crltan liiid
: .t uiaiKcc3. eii'udaoi aid cidi-r Vinegar, Aa.
'isiivaii 1 l aaov di-iW. sivV aud U'.oahl
c: . A i I ,;: .'LUi . i.t ";i- s... :a pa: -.v',i'
. :t i -:i'l: al.th - Ji' C-! r -' ' i ;
- ; ?'.vn r; f;:'.-iM.':h ,
,..-!TAi- V.-.-'r-tr..-
irv?S'OJA i'tO:V i
ih,--par:nort.'itr). htrel . K-re cic ftr
tiT-:; :;::! .u.liSCIiS. KU'l l!C Hwiii:t; t-U :i..-.'-t -!, :p
: : '." :
- I t.-j iha -f .-.a v tit Call ; -U :T
or IhoTv.ni LVivo rt: p'ea:-'ne oi
" -;-i.rr.u.i--v X?.5fber Ur 1
. '.he elii-:;;--
I ; v of a rt !:!-: t. u-Sl-
f--i ; d
".iV-ii:.'a--d n-t'TaVi.-
: .-i-.joLrri'iQ :-. .o r.rAiiv :-;nr.;:
Vl.-j : ..i ... .' l.i., : i-- 1 ;
. een
:. '.-' ! 11. Y.---- n, 'V;.: ti.i- h vk-
.1 hv mui;:' 1 ro-fv.ii hfvvsn:? jihnM ot "J oir
.-.i.-t to da..
-. 2 seam.
t:. .i
j. ih
'i ho tiiiii;
a, i--;.j.'.er -i'.
iil hen
'. ;.
iter be e:iii.ir -u- I by '
V. ho W ill C-.-lleet .
t-raitam. r.i l'.-rn:.'V
' (-.?. r.Ei i 'V
r ii ill.
Crabain5tOTt. I'-ov- r;
l-sii ;' c-r.';a-'--v''-" ...a
r i i . . i. . ; .' - - - ' - i
f nVl 11 A31 E-r 3 J EOATUIING kC-k
J2. ; lie ; :-:ti.'tl:: !:mfora: Ui" -: -- 1 -- -:
-; a j jtvl vow 'let- i i i-?o;e i!e-.v . 1 !- ;- o; ' .:
-' onth tr-ul of :..?- :-' . Ch-atikld. i'a.. J.!i:oh
i-.ehai furt'h'ted ; & 1 i'-1'.. '-y i-i the vlC-i. t-om-o
)c- te.-.ti.nerlbVtt'-i i-ecaoisr. ia-:; ; a of tr.iv -: - ' i
; T:t:i: tut i.osr-.ers. : " .
I; :.- eiia; .- wi-H "4i l ' n-'-'- rt l' a a I M : !. . . cua
,lil; ,1 hflki ik---.- : i.d- oiooi.y n-sj.i.:-:--
;. .- --.ir .hi :.',v - ..g fovu-g-i- v-'i"'- " ''.V !:--'.v
1 .. i i-',--- ::. ;:; a. :.-'v, .v :.-,.';
Jrlv 1
SC. 1 r.n'ifs I'h.eh.-Tiirh.'-li.-p
in '.'i:-. w.'i?vi
j:carl onnnsi '.hudVi Obte
a! wa'rv fi-t.-x.. r. i. 1
.lacon. hlrt:-e! ;.hvays rv a ly
i-3 s-oi t' i'.:-: eftr.v.a-
cii. All
kitrd VTiVtMk ;!! i-.-' ..iv.;-- at u
modi. dutith-Tiaasj-.er. iii-e-ah.eh.g us.u yl.; ;if
shortest iiollee.'aud on Jallure to renlerl ler satis
faetiun the uirrnT - rcra n-d .-
-. AH kinds of. gratn taken" in exchange for v.vrh
and the i notify r..it refused
. .- 7
Curweii. jile, Dee. 0, IB.
JLl A'XD VOL"H M0M1Y. by having you lii'a
insured in the -u.-quehanua- Mutual insurance
Company of llarri-burg. l'a.
'- - " CnArnn'Ki' MAKer2d, 13I
Any person eaa have Iheir otvu life insured or
that of a friend, from one do iiinety years. Per
sons of 111 years of a 40'.' vav ? i 02 per 10. year
ly. At .' 0 c-ii- '-:.f'r k-r it.-." ( yearly for lite.
The rh'.li i( ;aii'.:Ufj-.Mlf 1 in 0 -ii.u-T.-:e i? $2:0,
.i$-thu...ge ci
Dr. It. V.
o ye..S( ! r
10). is
Ch-ariield. id-
iical I's-
amines'. . . ,
A':v i::: jrm.a'i-.-.a ir.a v ohlaiae-l f.'om
1.-. h:.A
teeraher-: let.-
a PEi:iLIt kink tiTOkik-
15 m, Lave jot r-ji?.recd Irom the
f.iiiire l.i .v stu.-k of v 0' j.'..-. r.hi-h tht:y
Uy .i;h
. li'.T for tale
i'i! she vrv lo'.ik-.-it t.Tii-..-. i-t il o- vi I
e?-e.mic-d 1 v'A. M. Hill
1 the M;;i.s!j
k of "v'-.U has
HJr.-cO.' (Tearf.el.1.' Pa. T
been .-'l-.a-Ud v.'IJh 'e.-.t
clte'ai-er akortmcr.t vas r.
ti,i lViiiit fvl ; ' ""' i-
.-. '; ): 1 a Ti . iir ex
rrr br-:--i;t into ' 'Icar-
Tlit-y -lofy all compfetitiint. and invito the. j uo
lie local! and. e:r:riiinb .th'vl.r gobus. Every ."..i'li
e!e ii ci.--"'fvl.v5 t.tvr,' i-.t'td ss ehfap. if not ea'eapcr
than -eau be -i-urehused the .v here. - t
" ' It; SlIAT.." ". --
.-. : - ' ' ;' ; -a. b..::i;.":-
Jane Ik ' '- ik''. ' ! ' T
-- . '- ' -. : " , - .- ;
"COIkU IT .AktElE.'Uke Ui.di-i'.ed ha-
i.-c taKiu to Iii.;,--.l.loc . i i.'iaei iy j v.- ;;-
el by I'atchin 'A i-tt-uu. ;akc.-.i,k.ui:a in iiik-i;ii.g
h'i frk-2. .kai.d the pal. la ,g'.v.-.:r:-il;..'. E;a.:.;i.e-hj
.uvi.reciiv.il kvmai.e'cky n ,,. h-n k . ai.i;c.
t-f Di v vodc.. HaVd v.-.i re. li;ar.:Ar:.
Cai'-'. ' a;-.'t c i-.y iliig else usuai-
ly ji pi hi a.ai
cheap i'U.i goi
u oh i :.i v alor--. - i'ei som- vr.shiiiir to buy
o l l.ieu.Is j-Uouiu not. forge; liia". he
is detariainli ;-'-; )Tj be t'.iidr.'.-M by. any sc-re jn
in the e.li!iv: 1 I lis'moiio is aiiii'r.le penny rath
or thtvasloW fix-'e::ao:' ' "
-i " ,5. C. I'ATCHIX.
.'Ulen ironei'Jaiv P.' .". ;
. :.-. . f vrr r-!t: '
"B'AMTlt? BIDl!.!? --i OIUTtMVA Uorney ' fit l.a'w.
tp .lists rei-.-'-vrd l.iVrfn.e to the tooin aij'dnihg'in
-die East, the l.'iUg .'tbve of Dr. H. E.irai;:. and will
,k ore hi" whole after-Hon tri ihc praetiee cf Eij
t i-..feFVion. lie msy-be eoc'-jitlfcd i.i. I'renrh and
'CerMuH. " "'Jaiie l'J. !5E-ly. '
H" "pciiER-R.w'opiiJ ::' r " '' .15ki!
; ; r.lTroRyrY- A T. KAVi:
-';''' 'Ctn.'.r.rit:!.'.); Pa.;
. - Two tjoV. Hast t.f Jo'ru'.-zl ohs. E n stair?. .
. Do?-, i . if. - - " ; : r- ;
E. B.RT7, viT.r YwELiMSOX. TA.Y-
E R A Cob, V':io!.klau P;..tkt.r.s j- ''"
. .. -.. .-i
Xo. :7.-'.Ma:kr.f .Sfrtc. bet-woeit t?eft-n'l i.Td 1 hiid'
S.t" : l-'li-U. .! rl i ..: - t . -y 1 i.-- ' til :i n ' 1 7: :;,;:i, '. .
.l.'i ASiiTON.-iiai Htore. Sxl i7-2-
ilArkfct St.;' niiladelphia. Hats. Cn-roi.' Furs;
A.., M-evorvl variety, actthb best, quniitv a; wave
on hand. : '-.: ftcav lo. . t.Iy. i".
: a Ei. -i.i U.4t: ;i
VftEORUE.-YV.. tCOEEADAY,. Coni eviwer
"OT and 'hand A heir.- ,No.kE''G'tldf.niith,K. Mail
Mir.-lONo.'i.iv i.4ii is-nutn-H, tin:i.
-)' ; - , '.. :
Phiia.lelid.ia. will fai
enti'itstrti to-hi3 care
'.June 27: lt54-.-
.S DEXl)Yr-tu.rney-atTLa-Tr Clearfield Ta..;
will attend hi-'t'ilnlly. to aJi uiofessiont..; bn-
sinens fEtrt.sted to bis p.lie.' "" pJuud 1.1. 'ol.-j .
E. MeEXAELY Attorney at Law.. C.
'rrarly ispt 3!:? f tiC. A'.VijjUt's stereo rt'le-r?r
held. Pa.v-r-i-a4j.ti8ea in ClearGehi- and , adjoiuk g
oountios.;-.... . -..art . i I i
13,''64:-iy. . .
-SIIE'AP CLOTHING. A laro lot; ofAiheap' Cle
thing, Men's and Doys. for tal eheap, bv '
zJv ia..'vt.t . v, .... ;Idu0P A.PuTTAkb'F.
BLACKUERlvYPRANDY. A certain cure for
'the Dvsentarr for salft by
June I3.""51 " ' .M'WP A IHTTlRFf ..
ff- V. E A T ?d i i A -;r A 1 1 i
- : " , .
i.... .s eve. ' :. ....
.- 1' : r; ..." . . :;. v
: -- '.: '. in ;i ' ' -:.:! ' h'-
f.h-r.i he?-il? i
3- Ked BannPr Boats in triumph on the "Old Cor
ner jVorc-Whcve A- M. .IIiLi.b has jast opened the
cheapest cr.d bios silendid"'essortraent of (loodi,
cter'ttisplaycd before tbi commauity, and exactly
;j'np.tcvl tg iheir many and various neecitiea.- :
'l-vvfi-j4 variety of llat.?, Caps, lioanets. I'Oot?,
f htS-'i'loibSv Casfiuic res. and alt 'other klrrds of
.dry-jcoud Sbat arc unapproaebaU...lj- any other
xiraii a r articles, either in te:iuty of style, quality.
or r rhe. ' '
- 'Ali cu eSceiient a-futc!cut pf Groceries, Hard
.va;v. ?ljzi aui .yue.ciii':vars, with fancy - arthilcs
a I ih-fi nilt: til.- ' '
Ha'deftete competition. -iind invites-All persons to
give Liu a eaii UiO Qui Corner which hastru
fv li-ei-inc ft a 'llaznrf' if Clearfield.
Fvey'atTfd-n wi'l be 'show ti to 'err-tonirr!-- itad
visi'ors.faud ;ao' fairis will ha , ?j;irod itn -ud .all
siuiliiig av. ay, loaded with his beautiful aud valua
ble -oo'd3. never surpassed iu Clearflold." -
;a. iiili.s.; ,
thsarfioM, June 13, 1?5 1-1 y. - - '
i , a. ...'i
si;T ?;rii er has i
ot. i; c Tt-O07" r-f a.'mnsf every itesenp-
tivv.suitabJ.! to the sK 3h, Mbieii he is seising - ok.
iit'e.irtm.!v Jom-. ri.-es.. rejeetfi'.!.v. evpes
tac atuntioni.f fdl 'a ho Wi-di h buy g.-cd tloM? at
ibe lowest prieis. t j ca'I'aS ths.MU.ri o:Hhc N.-heip-.
est t.iods.:' V .-" : i .
Country p.vdaee rf ala:tt every Yliscrl-lieu ti
lt on at market jt'te- - ia ex-ih.uv.r-; ff'r k"'1.'. ',
j'ersous wi.-hi'tg to perahase. and receive a fair
nVu-:jeat t-f thair uiouevj wiil d- well to give
!.:.!-:: " - 1 "' "''
.. tiUw.ser-.tha- si:pi .( the CviiiAiVi-' .vvp.
on-i::rhet s':v :v. aud va;i and be i-uivi.uee.1 thai
ti.eiv-is !a:h P.: ;h'a v.-cr-.k 1 h or L ; i:" i " r:cr il.r .1 . - .-
.JuT.e traj..J
v. : i. r. nav'iN'.
a. imr-.R d. s." tt?i;e-r.c.yn-
U-r :U t;,rt-.- lUearfield. l'al - Arlii-
'nXZr, cia'l Xee t hi f oir. ..i;e to a full cel. i:ivun-.
1--.1 in themo-'t approved 'iao..em ftyle. .
'iliir.-, i'sikg. and Cleaning uene-'tiiih eiire
ar.'! a'.-;:i:jL s. ;
Tc-.ih iXH'Aot'e-l v;hh till iLn .care-.-i.nd upa'el;
iii.-o T! s :ir:,-:.-.ui A..:.i h. . ' ,-.'-. I
PH. lit!.!.-- ta:i.iilv.-:;y:i 1 : . f ;::nd ar.hl-S ...:.
ft-i'41.. is u,w d'evotf.'his whel'l-TiteiiM'-n It his
pi-Hosiion. ".i--..: ' !f-Kn Uf'jiiv
1:r.: C0
jlkL. X
13.- ijoi.th
hl'xth M-.i!a 'clrnn. i ';o s"Jrrjer- uas
' T';i!n c!r!in.
ra-'-oT-i'v.eKlarfed and liied -ni-iiifc l:o;u-o. and . is
r..i-.v .:.. 1-lai .a. uotuvc'.e it'.-.:e.-..:l'uJ:y.
v.'i.a av v'3- J
i :!.!; :;:,::. i.t ; : . : ' : o CI ! 7 . ''-Hi; r. u are '.em Fort-
able ; i.d -.veil vemibtttxt. ftr.d -lti table furiibd.ed
.VfiJ. ilie.ksi i;..;h. :.tukek. lie riS; eeti'ai'y stdi
( :r- ... iaroo .l:eie - his '.'leauicld frier-da y aivc
1 dm u e ;11 v!. :n they visit the city.
jACuu t. ia;:$:..
Jure ly- ": C " '
r.V. Filial. :7A1'Tv:: A llll'I'U-. wcu.-a
irifona the-pn'Mle iL.- they i.-'rve yu.t ep"i:ca
a 1,-x'y aiid s 'ii.ii n a as.-, .jiaaeai o: v.aocici ej;j
a'vi:!-'..ax lie eld 5:r.r.'l '; Ik i. P.vrraii. ati.ur-V.-.-:
t thrtr r!ere rr.ny ha fiv.n h .-.Itsost
every .h;r.- r.-ltptct to t'-.- Trrntr and r.i e.-S:i.i-:s of
C ,ue . (.r,),, cf r:i;j re'.-n. rrc-r-jo.T. e.. i.s.
Ce. :';. tlove. Oioth?. Casiim'-s-e?. CiJUiuu. liats.
Car s, bet-is. c'-hoea. tv'., :e-., et ih a, (:.,iy i.ed
a;. klr.-..L-.iiL pti.-ef. ; ; : : ' .. .- .
Ahca s-jdanviii atrtia.t,; af Jiard.sara, ueins-v.vj-o
ad.tk-v--:i''.-. ...
" ?''; I .-:;-; adl rer-oj-5 to giva thsm a 'esil. 1;'--!-
.. - V'I t'-ev v. ill bruh-lt- la render rsli-J satis-IkiV-r,
' '' - -Hv t. PAT TtO.-
. . : - : - ! F .- A . IIIl'PFli.'
;r.rwcr!?v5-le..JRne l.V isil-ly. . ;- - a-:
.- ...... . ! ::' . . '... -.
Itv '
i-.-i .Vi-i- -i- lie i.jjite-.A s-v?a. i-i -.J.---.
Ca.iir:-i-5. X't-Us.s, 'iTlm'juitgs. Ac. r-.-.vntt.V
1; .:: 1 ' V the.Hubr-vriber. v.hich-ha will 1' or
ardor, hi the mt f --h;-Tiabl-? m ! d-a-
c i
r-M.-ri ! an i "fits' warrar-fed ' charge trsaow
iit'i Lis thenp :t:;d bcutlil'cl g mas. J -
: lie v, r aid "iii.'ona thu trade ia t h-i fioid. that he
Ui'jc adiri. t.iis; for. Devere's Condor, and
',Jiyl,."'-.'r-i ....
June 27. IS-r-I.
p.r;t?sHLL-a cim-f axnkus a cr-hnr-
J l-'.HS. Prn-asviile. Cramri;in Hills. ClearlieM
L'Oi. l'a.- ken constimtly 011 hand 11a excellent as
sortment of leather, which they otlcr for s.iC at the
lowest cash prices. Cah paid lor hides.
July lor leOl.
HAklti. 1IAET1 A C ."Wi:'!i.r.ALr: Dr; :gi.sts,
Xo. 2"'1.'. Market r-'treeT -Xcrth' fide between
sixth and sevemh. Philadelphia. Drugs. Aro.U-
eir;es, i.'kcmiculs. P.itent MerlicinoR. SurgieftP In-
tn:rocnts. Druggist's jla.-s-.rnre. . V tndow t.Jnss,
Paiats. Oils, l'yes. Pei fuuieiy. Ae.. Ae.
Jul IX HAllltl?, M. D.
- J. flIAPvV'O0D,
' Jarela. 17a!-!e. : :
I ' i k ; k - I i A R T 1 1 i i X A, MoCKACk
LaV. ';i-p-:-.l a Uvw ar.i iplen-iid' s
cf i.v S i'e.w;v vaihi.y. at .t!ie old
i EX;
SJ1 .i.0
-.aa 1 el
held y.o.
f- 1
I;f. eiiw
V . i-!.-i..lik A-Lumbor cUv. Clear
. Ik. -. ' :'-. .' - '
i. viM 1 ". -! r-ii'i j to Vlfe them a caV. 'ar.n
ro i t '.::' will i-l-':.:i: ta ret.der tntir; rat-
iig"S. rrntn. aa.t fai
other hinds ox i rade.ee taken iu e.cL?-r cii.
; ; -;' i;E.J.' ilAiad-EO
- AMgut; 9, 13: i.. ... Tll'iS.
77 T0;D A CO Eilcr.iiva Dry-goo Is IK-ah. ;s..o
S Ji 'I7, Mitket .-t., ri.li.vltii.bi i. k'-k, c.staal-!-
ii L:ii;d ii :-!rto.' ti:-lend id. 1 ii.au srook of
tli '.'most fash idnable and elegant' go.) ts. They in-
ite country Merchants to call and examine their
sriendid assortment, before pureh using elsewhere.
.:Jane 15, I!-)v. ' ;'.;...
.i , , r
" IE:Ei.;E DF-LAIXH?. A . .superior arficio o
Eerege Delaines in. U rets pi: terns.' at 2") vtats
f.tr'r vard. tcver sold in this comity' befpr'c f r Ess
ihan 50 cents, at . M-k-f.Ol' A ly0TL'Af.IT'.
5 Ji:f:'f llh-'M ' ' ' . ' - ' ' ' "."..
otr:-Q -neai-ry opposite the Court House,
ihearilcld' Po.." will attend. faithfully to nil business
e.Mi'usiud to. his eare. ,, , .- ,. . . , -.
' . .Time -1 ".'kv'E I y -j - :
"if ,' Ii. E.Vi.lI;MEil A'.iorar y .-and Counsellor ' at
a .!,;!--.- Ofilce witii John It. Cuttic,. E,:q.-, next
door to Dr. IE korroic's -Dreg ikore, Ck-arfield.
I'a-. : .'j,'-!. r . I Mayji, Wyr
g.' N R A l A ' W Ak'f OX. Hard v-ars
?tcl-e, Ho'.
y 2:
V Market kA cet.' Philadclphi.
lrov. Xaits. Ac., of every Rescript iofc'.
i JilT.e lo LSI I 1 v. -' .0 - "':;.:-! i1-''. . . -f
:r,..; -h-t k..-.... . , ,,,
g'-i E-JlOtE J. YilEAVEP- A CO.. Xo. 19 Xonh V.'a
VH tor Street,' Phiiadclphia. Dealers! in" Carpet
chain. Yarn. Manilla and Hemp llopos. Eed-eords.
(-Tunc 15. 13a:-!y.
1 U i-aol:.; Salts,:-justr roi't'iv.evl -at the Cheap
Mfo'ra of-
..iMOtisOP.-Jc POTT Altl'F.
iUO,l...'il. ..
Y.'holnside Gror
JL7eer's. Toil Dealers, and
Coiamis'iion Merchants,
yd.' 2-7,1, ilA'rket Street. Philadelphia. "' :
'-!-""' -:-': ;' -:'' J - D. Ulifl'llLMAX, ' .
" ' - ' ; ' " ' hA. IIAYWAHD.- ' ;
kJuaa 15. 15ad-lv. :' - ' ' j-v'-'k-- .-'i : - ,"
---: - : -k ; 0- : :
Q'i Barrels Xc-w Orlaus .-Sugar, at- sixpence per
rwV? .pound., for aaie tbo Cheat) Store of
..' .:- "', -".v'-i . A-m
r - ; r T OTo TOZ. . . , r ,..,u
: 2-& tW'Vr
,1 -June U.lU : '( ; : h ' -
lit the Cheap fitor.
, AV. F. IRV.'IX. .
Jauc'pi.;;iaA ";,',V". ".'"
cf Coffee, jest received r.Tit lor; sale
at tho New Se-jre Of A. -i. I11LLJ.
June I !. '01. -:' ' ' ' ;---'
JVVJVM of best quality, for sale, at the Sign
of the I-'a Jai?. l'noo 5.. ju
Prioo 5:5.50 per thousand!
,l June 27 IS5-J.
1I0P-F,XSAC!K. Hobensaek-s
Worm Syrwp and Liver Pills for ala by
,!nn 13. ,"l.
Mty P.- POTT Alt WV H.
J ; noi zsz cnetnas Street.
Have bow open a large assortment cf the 2?wet
'' J- tTles and colors of ' -
. . O -dlicn Englisli Velvet,
, "r Tapestry,- , -
- - - ' " ' - Iugra5n, - 1
. . Ne-w EtTiCi'i" Inyraia v -
Cj R P 11 T I N ti K
'L.1XDED. -Also.afull
assortment of Saner ard Modiihuqaalitr
: Many cf which being ,Ueir.-owa mannfartire,
eau bo recommended as . ... , ,
Goxi Carpctinzs : for'a Low Price. v"
of every width and quality. . .
'--'-JTo. f t Chesnut -StrostPIillaielpiila..
4,; l.S..-r-tim:.- - : !: " - .
4 ' ' 1. OWENS,- -"-. - t v
. : . i. .
Has jast opened a lur.ie and splendid
r - ' O? vav Vf i?.riTitiri .trl t,T.w.
which: ha is '-k9g off 'ai the ktrest prices fever
kli-V.vn iu this region of Conatxv,
DRY-GOODS.. H AVlr & tifrjZE Ar"ir.-1Lr,
Giiucmin; ,v c.oxi'Kfjno.wiRws.
;.lie invites his Clearfield friends to fdve him
a call, uud seh,.2 their rags; lumber, sL ingles,
'ai.d ever; variety' o'f produce, for tlio ci;kap:bt
af.t'besCgoods. to he had wt't-f Philadelphia'.'
i b. 2h l;-3.-dy.;, v - : k : -
5IlILlPSlJCltG HOTEL:-! The subscriber
JL would Inform his friends in Clearfield, and tho
puhik generaiiy that he lu;6 enlarged and refitted
hi.-? h jiise, aud is now enabled, to coaipete saoee-s-fulh'y
n'ith any 'IwtcTln the country. Xo paics
will bet.r;re I Teivler his gfi;s eemforfh'.e.
liis tal-le.ihall il-y;b: MippUed with the hetl
iLe market can afford, a?rl hi.-charges moderate.
11c resT.ccltV.l'.v invites his frienils amtofheni to
give hiai a eali.: ; . . : : L'A VI i)l JuUXsTON.
I'hilii sbv.rg Jan. 31.1j.j. 1 y.
rB-ivtto;?i: t.Tvrnv st a i? F.Th tt kl
JL .srrifcer.lhavuiT "removed his l.iverV Stablo
from Cur.veiis. ilio to Tyroiid City, begs leave to
ids fVIer.ds ar:d the nubile, that he is at all timet
i,ff.n:!-(i! i -wj.rttv tiicni with Horses, carriages.
i i - - t - - - - - o, .
ouai'05, and c-ihe? vehicles on hire, at the m!t,
reasoahle teria.
Iaouiro at the '-City Hotel."
Tyrone, Jsn-ar.ry Sl,'lsa5.-Siuo.
i.:er torin of this l usuiutioii will Commencooc
Monday. April 23d. -ILe locality of this Institu
tion. i. i.eal'.i.ful. pleasant, red I ;tired. Persons,
male or fe'thle: :drjirina; to pur-ue a classical,
tuiitheiaalioal, or irregular course, -w ill find every
f.ieiii'y for improvement. t
Fia ihc-r pari tuuiars obtained bv adiiesiitv
'Ker. JOHN Mi")Ur:. 1'rhiriyZ!. '
. rltr.hUl.'aj.-it. , .Ncmin' Mill's, Pa.;
Al'L : TA Y LO il .-
Er:;vo alrrny.-- on hjC-J. at their YYholcinle AVarc
" house, a large assortment of
the Newest Stvtc of
BOOT. ?li'i:. AXD ..SiilAW GOODS. - -liOTJl
.All their goods beitg of their mm dlietl Im
portation and Manufacture, they are enabled Is
iitkr superior iadacciuouts to 2Ic rchants laying in
w?.r. yr. pate.
Dee-.l. 1-J. lv.
ARTE,, MORllEEL & CO., - .
Ininorters and Dealers in HOSIERY. TRIM
'."JiXdS. CU-M115. ItHl .-11E.S, FANCY COODrf. Ar.
' llo. 21 Worth Faurth Street, Philadelphia.
M. T. MAU I IX. . C1IAS. II- IIAMltlCK, '
-,:i. 5,-k.. -, SASir.?pa. a, martin.
YE Alt. Only
those who read tho serial so promptly issued every
week by Edckens, with thoughtful appreciation,
know how to prize it. - -Household Words"' is a
modern journal for the people. -devoted to common
subjects, uncommonly treated, vxeellcnt in style,
in (-cuius, in manner, and wonderfully fertile in
subject. Th? pieces are the ribt lensth; they
ehibii wonderful variety and ro attuned to a
harmonious key and remarkable unity of ctfeot.
For the mor.ev. there is not the equal of "House
hold Words"' 'for a family journal. Pleasant to
nes, useful knowledge, graceful anecdotes, charm
ing essays, alternate in its p3.-. 11 is not p.l
way convenient-to secure a eopy of the weekly
issue on the arrival of n steamer; in order to enjoy
regularly this delightful work, vc ndvisoonr rea
ders to possess tbciuselveiof the l uidjomu month
!v !-ehn'ii'of MoEliath ' A Iker. v. bo bring out
."Household Words'' with commeKdablj pucctnAii
ty; u.l Xe--,York., Frqieriak I'.nker. S.i Wusuia--'k)
shoot is the Poke a' aire at. JJoiot Tr-jtts-
,-..-.'". '. ' - ' ' ' - ' : '
i 'he articles, loth iirrtyie and thought, are far
-ssiuerior to the trash that occupies the pages of.n
launy of cur popular magazines. -ivfio. littt
The alovo aro but-a fetf extracts from numerous
tic aices of 4'uo pre.-s lately revived. These, who
v. i.d; household Words will receive it monthly by
mail upon remitting the subscription price. Sp
ime numbers sect on receipt of five red postago
i s- Mcl:LpkATli A BAKER. Publisher-,
Aug. 2.1. 17 Spruce. ct , Xotv. York.
. . . ; '. 1. i . . i i
"5 E:i(VAl..-r-El'IvLii, uuiii.i.i & jueb.s.
Jt "ft,- Xo, IaS A, It) j M '.ilEtT fTKi.KT, PlflCAnKLl-lita.
Ja:poVter and Manufacturers of Ci'fy lz"Um
jr.,,.-;? 2SIHJTS aU-i SHOES, a'.'o tM!ry Yurbelvaf
1'rc.H h said E'g!iJh'hpc l-aatiags, F-Ktcnt Leutk
"or, Kidan-1 'Calf t ins. Fhee Laees, Galkns..' Bind
ings. AakCc'.l suimble. for manufacturers. ' -
Also. Foreign and Domestic iraw and Siik bon
nets. Lt-ghornv-Paaaiua and Tahn Leaf Hats Eng
ltsk. Frcu.cn. and Ameticau Artit ial Flovrers. Oil
-Silk'. Straw 'frlatmings, A.', c., c.-'
; Haying removed-. to oat new' &torc,'Ko. 168 & 160
Market street, iitlow ath, outh ide. up stairs, we
Invite year attention fo ohrlarc 6ud varied STuck
of .Straw. t.k.ds. Poets' end Shoes; which we
preparing for the approaching Pall Sales.
Ail our Goods being exclusively of our own'di
r"ct. Importation and Manuiaeuir. wo teed confi
dent' that our facilities arc tueh that we can offer
you indueemeats as 'regards variety and price of
Goods, unsurmitsod bv ar.v liouso in iuc connrj .
: '-flOKEP.,' ifitOTHEUS A JOXES,
- Xov.S. 1S5E-Ty : : '- ri,tlatltlp4tia.
DiTiltiiES I'UH HIUE. The snbscribers would
inform those who desire to bo accommodated with
Horses -or busies on reasonublo terms. thAvVtbcy
- 1 . . 1 ... . l - -.
can Kl.vavs oe oo.aiaeu n n j(.iit.iirvi t lutiftw-
Lle 'or the Good Ii.teut Kott-l.in t. urwcnsville. ..
Curvrcnsvine, Jan. 21, ls5a.-Giao. .;: i . . r
AVE YOE SKKN SAM The subscriber
would inform iis old, frieuds ardtho pubiie
generally, lhat ha still..coiitiuues to keep a houso
of entertairment in Xew Waieington, where Uioso
who cull with 'him Will receive every attention,
and be mate comfort abie'..-' - ...;
-- GoJ stablin:;..an'l every atlier-convcnier.ee for
horses on the premises. - DAVID S. PLOTXEB.
New V."ashiHgton. Jan. SI, 1S55. ' :--
, .-. .. ; ,., :
-nfILLlAM. S. ."lLAXSELL.it fOX,. Manufao
" V ' tnrers and Importers of Saddlery, and Sad
diery Hardware. Xo. 2o Market Street. Dbiladel
phia. Saddles. Eridles. Harness. Trunks.-AN hips,
PaiUicEags. Bridle Filling. Bits. Stirrups. Buckle,
Carpet Bags, ct -k I5- ,4-1-T-' '
gTS APT I O X : A 1 1 persons arc hereby cautioned
j against purchasiug.-or in any way meddling
with a-l-MborM wgn aula pair of bob sled
now, ia the psum of P- k '. Jt
r. Srptemct' 20. :,-.'' "'" ' .
,V CO. Wholesale Clothing Stors,
iii Xo.
i7i . VarV.t Mreot. tiTerT.TanoT
" . . . ., ir " Ll. w.l
tndy madoCloth.nff, men,
4Je l.-'A4ly..
jreel..; t a Srk'-
,--i-'t !
k- "'i,
n n