1 m J0L:::1 j:0.vl-i :io$i".:w ;:-. ' '-r: - '- ' - '-'- i -'' h ' ...-'. ,. --'.;',' ' '"' , .'. '.',' .. -'J. . .V' - - Y.".' .VVY- '-';"':' ; .,.'- -?L V V'-- -""f . :j: - ; : COIE: ACT TAIIH ME. DrviviKs. Tj' -'-:' ' ' ll-:Y'"'. ' '" - -- ""' '''-V"' ' ' -,.; f .-7--?-- :i .: 2 c-- - :-i - ' ,KAPTS3IAN'.S JOURJt'Al.. .1 ,.?:'' J-liijjm. Publisher. '-" j Perr anntjrn, nnable in advenes.) ' SI ?0 . '-ff paid srithln-lWyVir-.-i "-f- "- 2 00"; ! No-paper dissoctinvel tntili all attciik.g',-3 aid paid.iT. 1 :'' -.::..!;." i;.'-. ' --'-7 ; ; t:A failure lo notify a disj-TOtiuuanr at ihr expi-i ration, cf the. term subscribed for, will-bo cuaiider Vd a new engagsa:ut, ; ...;., -;. . . - , .. a on 11 -.-.it : QXJC.BV ONE. ; ..:,0nc by oat! tUe sa.Dda are flowing, . One tr oris the :nouiotiia fall; ? i: ..Some art coming, somo are gvlc, . .. do not. strive to grasp them all. - .- One by one thy duties wait the'e, . . f iJ.-.--iLct thy wbolo strcnjjtb go to eu-jU, .; ( Let no futuro drc.nnsojiife thec,, Leurn thou first -r-hat thc.ecan lach. ";o I' Vy on (bright splits frorn Il-iaven) . . . - Joy 0 are pout Ibi o here bjlow; . - , Tke fheiii readily -lalitn jgivoi, " . ." Ready too tJ lot them go. ' , r On by no hy gricie shfill xaov Vuec, J-;o liotTcar ilu aruicd bund; '. , ' " Oi'.o vt III faut aj ctbfcidgivet ihoc, " 1 ''" ' ' SLadows paiirg tiroag'u t!it lur.d.' ' . . Do not Vck at IjVs loa.rrow; , :f , . fee bjr Kaaibf aob jacricat's pajuj , God viil help tLe'e f(r ip-iu'jirovir, i!vciv.div bs -In C2.;ii.' . . ' . .1 . T . . , T . . - . . i . ' . . . v - ,,' Jtrry. honr Cxnt fios?ts .o slowly . ( ,- .. - Has ita t.isk to do or b.':r; , r .- X-uciiii?uj the crown, uJ 1 If tl.ou ct cacl, goui . 1 Vim yri. Jo net lir.or with rcgrottitig. r for H.-a.ag ko'M d'spni ! r.I-or, tea ibuly for-jctiiog, ., Look t'fo oijr!y bt-youd. 'Jlonr. are goldca linha.-tioa'a token. . Jissoiiing itc-avea;. b. o:!a by jjdj Tako ilieu;, list.f.Lc ca.-.in be -ibrtku , :. .Eru. tio. j-'Mjriniagc to doae. . j !; r IIo i' 1-? Yr'orJs. txiBr r u-n i ! r an f? S'.ti: i,Af:v:,biv ;niE i.ifi: f--n .f. jv. -,r . r r;r. jk s -. ;' , ! ia y. t.i i.eeu eorn- uia:ir t. ol t ;r. e.5 -t iJj-.-.rf us would ever have been alive on of th' three ; b'.;t whr.-ti!-r j it si o.rtri? t j fright, or to exe-.-ss;vo smoko caused by many pieces of artillery, E-rrive ; -.re did. ' Ot; the platforms, too,, our wj-rk as not quite sj di:T:ent as might be imagined V t T'- , . ., '.M'..-t : .1-..-' .'r:- ' . t - . s r.l..,uj tiiese .o.ic L a:. .-) .-C. j .;e . -k- . ' . '. i 1 ...'2,- . i .' -iiiu jjs v. e .i;ij.cj..3d, u:cv iiii ?i. uc , j ,j be'ter-skelter, m l the reader ntiy jud.e c! their cotrrijV by the fact that nt of v.-r v 700 men ki'dVd by na. ,ordy forty had v:v-m u in front, the rest being bayoneted as they ran. . And beyond all other pieces of good .fortune wa3 the r.erv Voting ont of the tlrc?, w!c' was the s.T'. triionvi; oi commatiuant of the :.rt. ,' I h-id ohsei ved this; man (' OTiSpicuous for a tri-coiored scarf he wt-re.) vp.j-n ciry one of the walls as we stormed them, and run; LT.c very first among. the fugitive-.-. lie Lasl . the. key of the gates; and 5r. liis tremor, t.s he ar oied the !!ic-B.??rl3 portal, left ti Tr!jyl7vr.t:r.';-i'in; th dopr, whicli X seizyd. '.vVn tl e dr.im.ds were overcome-' Knuty Guss then or-.ene-i theni cue byori-', our tfoopf entired, and the victorious standard of ray courtry f!o?.tei 'or. ih'e walls of . .- .-. ' ..;' i t Allyehur!.,. f .-- ; , ; - : I- . .." : .- WLcn the .general, aecompajiijd by his staff, entered tkd ,f ?f. Ifne of fbrf iCcat'irL'. 'the brave old .nsaa rals?i me from 'the . dead . .rhinoceros on which I was soatt;j, .knd'ij: iac to Lis breast. iiM the exctterairt v.tueii'nsu come i ,.-a.,iiu iia-ijo.iie-i u. .-; ,-.. -rn6 ; through 'thefatigue.f arid perils of -that j - Up tUy. cviiuc,.-.fives thousand meaV'.tliatr j&if &!' d aj fallCd' all.of 'a 1 sadden, and I.wept standar U .flipping' in tft.e' tdr. tL'eir long line of iike a ehihiupctt his shoulder. . porishe-t jaek-l;.,oU gleaming, in the sun-";ight. rromoticEj in ont army,- goe3 unlt'ckily by seniority; nor is it in the powerrrf the ieneral-in-cinef to" advance a Cajsar, if he finds hlrn in lhe capacity of a-subaltern: my reward for the above exploit was, therefore, not very rich. ITis excellency hsd a favorite ' horn suuT-box for, though exalted in Nation he was in his habits most simple) :-ol this, ;aid about a yuir ter of an onnc of high-dried WtIsa which he alwavs took, he made me a present, saying, in front of the line; -"'Accept this, Mr. Gahagan, as "a. token, of respect from the first, to, the braTest officer ia tho amy. -.' oJ ... :j. ? ; iii " Calculating the-snufF to be 'worth' a hurf'pen ny, I shdnl'aay that lbnrpse-i was about thp yi.lae.of thiB gift; but it has at lea-it this good effect it serves to convince: any;. person. whi doubts my story, ttat the-facts aro really true. I hay a left at the office of my pubir'sher along ,with the extract from tb? JJengaillurkarUj. ar.d any body may txamiao both by applying in Lha coanling-houfe -of 'Mr.' Cunningham. 1 That once popular expression, or proveib, " Are yon r.p to snuf! t. arose out of the above circum tstsnce; for the otketrs of my. corps, none, of wtonfj'cxcept mysellj had reutuivd on the Btorming party, used to twit me abo;:f this inodeet rf yard for my labors. , I ever nritl j -when they: want i mo to Etorta a fort ugci'l shall know, be tt?r. " ' -:.;i tr "; "Vrell, immediate' after tho capfurevof thjs important fortress, Terron, who had beeu tho life and soul of -Scindiair s army, came in to us, with'hii family and trea-nre-, and was psssed . T16 mnjor ertair.ly t'Scred to loavu an eld fqaff-bo.v et Mr. Cuunibuu'a ofjoe ; bat it. cor.- j ris, which touched at ' SC. 1 lei 'ena- on usass tained iv extract frotu a newspaper, a.sd u.)C4 r.ut ' ", . . . . T- q:t rr-v th.-.t Lo ki:Ui Lc, stomvd frow Aetata U l.ngland., - In company x"o!x:'a eritrenehmanti tt tba'iotg? of A ':yy'jnr:: -vifh f! ;e.-fhf r frico.-i o-!-.srd'bfl .'niff.rriid over to the .Prsrh settlements at Cbanderna-1 gnr. BiHHviuien took his command, rrn-.l raii!Bt CfirA ve'tiowrcsvc'I.. 'Th'u niomin? of th? "lllr ScpC' liWr ' four. d us Kjion tLu'j.LiIas of f)cl!U.' ;Im was a bu ruins tot day ad ; r,-i werr slf rvfrosbins ourselrcH after th morning's miro;!),; yvlieri I, who was on the advanced j-- iltet n'on'jj with O'GawltT of. to .'kiVi! drigQoas, ..was made' aware of tb cnertjy:,i;i;igliborhood ia a very slngul.tr iitanher1- O'G'avvlcr and I wore s anted under a litUo ' canopy of horse-r!6ths, which y-yi had formed to shelter , from , the ; toierabio heat of the suu, and rere dtsoi:ssin with great delight a few Manilla oheroots, anl a stone jar of the niost bX'iu'iSiitQ', ,'cool, weak, refreshing, sangarcc. Vfe had Vocn playing cards the night before, and O'Gawlcr bad lost to me seven hundred rupees. ',1 emptied the last of the sang.iree into the two pint tumblers .out of wbicli; we were drinking, and holding iulne up, said, "Here's bettor lucl; fb. yoii next timO'Gawleri"; : ; ' ;'. ;' As I Kpoke the'so words whisli'! a 'canu'oa bail cut the. tumbler clean out of my hind.cind XV.tnpcd into ' poor O'Gav.ler's stomach. It sol 1 led i com i. nd cf course. iTd-vc "got my 'sjvi.ii J:t;r.d;-? 'J rup-iCF.1' jiieli' ure-tke unct'rta;:it?.'!s of war! .'- ;-, j 'To sir?? on ir.y s?lt e and ray! f.coutK'jnents j lo rnor.r.t nr.' Aar-iV qlutrrr to drink of: ' v.hai O'Ciwler :o'f -L.Vi '.Eangaree and j to gau.c.T to the general, was a work ol a mo- ! tnent. I tos.ad urn as comfort 1! le at t-Hm. s If l.'c were .;t his own Iiotisq in London. ' 'G?cerul;J d-ud I, as soon' as I got it; to his j . paf-ini3hs (or tent), "yo:i must leave your j lurch if you wntt to fibt the enmy." 1 irT' ue t ii.ii. iiMii.i. .nr. vi :iu..--r,in, T.ic er.e- i ....... -1.. .t.i . . . I other hide of the river." 'I can oniy teii your excellency, at the en- ! enev's "-una win nardiv c ir! - hvo- mi!e t pti i r thut G -vr O-rt-r.l-'r :, r, -,..,: j , ' ..-' : " 1 . ..IU: is"it so?" saidiscdi.hcv, riiJne, j and bvin7 dwn the drrm-stiek of arrillel j chiek,. -G,nt:om-,n, remember tv,t thev I ot i. u ror-o arc upon i;s., ana ioi;vv; ii;e; Each aid-d-.i-Ctiiiijf curled from table and -seis?d his cocked hat ; etch British heart lv.;t rt tt:. O.MM. nf!!i.i ,.nii. .nn. "lrI. inountod our horses end g.diore 1 sv.iftlv alt : i j the brave' old general; J tke last n . train, ur-n lav famoui L: timrer . -: j "rf ."ctl t trtr." th f'-h,.v were T.r.cf :v i.ih'.in' three i.tl'eS "cf 'our c.tr.'p, j .1 In for ,md from ;a;k"i-d, a i-ilice;; ia ii.e . dr;-.nee to which we j rr. f.n'.Tr..l ir?'Ir t .7-1-. 1 rT k ..-.t.,-1 1 ops ti,.. hole liss'lmpO:-! f : t i : ' -A ih th : enorrtr, tin 1 the ots I'r'ppr-'Stjnt the hundred are! twor.ty pieces of-.artilI;r3: -ahicTi d-iTc-iided .his line... lie; vras, . moreover, cn-t-ei.cfcM ;' a::l.a wide ti-orr.is in his front gave mm nn rv.ia.ir: -;rr. .. His ei.celJetcv for a nivment !!', and then sai j, tiiraing round to or. ; td iiis aid jb-de-carnp, 'Order:n Mfjor-Generf.i Tinkler tvn i the etvel-v. -' ' 1 1 rc, uojs your ex iaear. l!:3 ades-d-canap, t.urpri.-e.d -for ..tiro enei:iy had perceived cs, !!.' tho c-$n:r4h-ball n-erc ivmg ar.oitt ss th 'arf 'pent witn nts iot't in a iiission. sma tiio a. u. u. I sbr ii "." J his shon Id -rs and irallnriprl ii'tjy. ! ' . r i . ; ! Iii five mls-.-.tes we heard t!ie trumpet'-' in -onr camp, anddrt twenty more the greater part of t; And. now. we arq here,-" said Jl :ijor-G.ei;U-.i;! Sir Thopbilns Tinkler, ;'"ahat next ?" - .! "Oil J it," said the cbmty'atjdf-tn'-Cr-? , ciiar'ge: nothing like ch'argiiig ga!- charge lopi ng-g.uns-rascaliy black scouudtels-charge, charge f"; and then tuning- to me, (perhaps he was glad to change the conversation,) he said, r'Lioutenant Gahagati, Vou'will slayj vrith mcV 'And well for. him. I did, for, I do .not hesitate to' say,' that the battler's gu'ned ly me. I do hot mean to insult theL reader by pretending that any personal exertions of mine turned the day,- that I killed, for instance, a regiment of -cavalry, or swallowed a battery of guns, such jiluisrl. tales wottld 'disgrace both the hearer "and the teller. ' I, as is well known, never say a single word, which --no.tJeer)roved, and hate moro: than all other vices the absurd sin of egotism ;.- I simply mean that liiy advice to the general, at a quarter, .pitst two o'clock in the; alteruoon of that day, won tins great UL tiinph ibr the British' ariay;.: .' so; rt.'.i-. v.: Gleig, Mil'end Thorn'.harp. .ill 'told' the. talc of '.this .'war, though" somc-boVthey have. emit ted ail mertioa cf thejiero of.it. Gen. Lake, lor Ths victory of that day,becanie LordLako11, t Lt svra rc o, . Ii asw are e '. an d Vivo fe rsoot U : Was the rea,t conqueror of La$warec ? I can lay my haaJ upon my. heart, and. say . that !;was. , If auy proof is Wanting of the factj let me give it at bnce'l.and from the highest hiilitry testi mony in the world, I : mean .jtbat of . tlie LmPEROK iCAPOiSOS. -' :'' - r e 2 - Ia the month d'.M3rch;'1817, I was pa'assn. g;r on l oarl the Prinee Regent, Captain Ilar- ots "to 'the illmstrions exile of I.orii v'oo l, who received iii m was Av-alking; aliut in n.Rauk?(u Urcsa ftud.-a j 15'rgre br6ad-LMr;iti4 srraw-'fcat, wittj-trenornl i.'rV.nthf.Iun. Count ' T-UiJCaso.'?'." .h.r.d ,' Ms "sen manucl, th.-n a. litt'u.. boy,- v.J;, I uijj doja not recollect me, but -JVU6-, uiivcffbclctis, played with ray sword-khut 'and thj taels of my HoKfclan bobts-dnrin-'tltP-who'la of.'our' in terview with his Iinj'Oiial Sltije'sty. " Our jxan'ies.wero read out (ni a pretty accent by the way !) by Q'';ie) al 'uonthoion, and the i Ecperer, as each was proiiounced, made a bo'.v to the owner of it. but did not vouchsafe a word. At liast'Moptholori 'cam to nnnb. The Emperor looked , mo -atonco in the faceio"ok liis hands out cf his pockets, put them .-behind his bae'ki'! and coming up to me smiling, pro liounccd the following words i . '. ' , ' .. . i cissife, Deiju, Dceg, J-'(t9ghnr,t., , . I blushed, arid taking oil", my ha6 with a bow said "iVrc, e'es! tnoi." - ' "' " 'uPi::b!cu ! je Ic saqais bieii,,,: nw'uVj the Km peroi j' bidding out his siujjjs', iiKa v.sez tor's, -Major f"- I took p..lirj?e iiheUvhieh, 'W:;ii the honor-of 'fp6k1n to' so rtn f.'mati, ..: 1. i i.e. t .in:. i.- Ul he ; iiiiie. a U2.;:.v:,su i iu- tka fvily. words : Sir, yu-U ai c -Uhov,"!; yuu (!' in her vie nsfin: :i our third lr-; h 2'r. tbi C1iitf-Jv-Ba- t-jUion, f jiv.it Godfrey' Oin.m,- w:;s in my in&.i ori-me U-iu.tsa.i. is true, lie and my i cov.ntrvmen in vonr .Mm-j.'fT 5 service i.tnou i un:lef.the green flag in the breach .vf -Unrg - It .was tlie on. time, us your. 41. -jesty knows,, tnat Irisnuiou : .. .1 ".'...': v . .(..,. :., .. -Lr-.r- i..!,....i.iiuv-u -.n 1-- i... -. ...... . , 7r.;.':t (b king as if he won Id say '! Jo;.r ca-.!-.r, I-I ijc ar.a-7-;:i.-'j- ' t-. i. weu; j. ' ' ' 1 ovy- ; v ht'r .vas a Count, etil 01 T.-i , (;,.. ,' r ;l in r:ev ::;; :-:.'- v- ' -: -. . ' . ., ...- 1 .. ; i ., - J-dies of nrnai-lwotUy Ci-cka .IvH- no. Thev wet e ail d, ad Lor.-- the Ga"- -pan m-rk -Crft vr.i i - i j 4-V-y" 1liU: je vw.ts (ioriao ia:i .eree, one c:est vr-i . h; d're:-!:; lis n.'i fo:-t , ii i'.itfC i C'.S i enVok S G l.'t iti.3. ivii l;lUS;t. litlO thtit Monsieur jSin?-T t'ie t-attia ct ;i;olUi aa rtti :y C-. -i i T r.r at-'.-K'. t.. --i'-f .o Ii'--:. tifi'ir c.i'.Kr.;-. r.j lis CAvrhy, placing t..:n,.in. front, of Ilolkur'i ;tt(ei': s. Gi i ' 1 ('.'! :u: ia-.-yia.. T. fcs lo; c-5"r": -Ut V. tT.OT.T'S t".t.lt s with his r.nre. id.-re been e.-.'-f.rs, w;.-.: -."ts,". ui;. I -".t i"-.r t'i'3 c:;.'aui:-g-.of tc grm it; z j to .a 1 1 2V:--:-'V ( It tor '.The'' Lord L',.:ev.i.::ii.ti grer.. v.:..i:e..ueu .ng..i.i. .o. jiii:.e;.: :-rv the facue-iM pott"M.-;i int--i tyhlcit he-had br-j'tght h:i. troors. lie v.T.a forY.yirag on. the spot,' Wnd word 1 ir.f.dlibly have done;so end the l-ss of his army' would have beeu the ruin of the JV Italia Cvinnany -a:.d the rain of the English Kt India Company wot: Id have estatdhd.uil niy cm; ire (bah it was cv ri-'public. then ! J Sn the V.r-hZ ; but that tiie man before ni.' T.I v't ct! An'.' G oi I'a ''G.'T.gan, v,-a.v riding at "the Vide of General Lake.""' hU-TZh.Arr.z (tvnli aa recant of despair nnd fu-i?:)--hy-f'. tix rl;r7f- a V;vtl" '..I-rtj-iliLU ; (bviiiitiantl -,.4 Cuaii-!cf. m-ir. z.i' f .ai.ii.- Wliat will yna .It was fate. Gaha- d period c fib simile, or ratii- j ., ... . t- .i.-i.t . . it siau-ruier (tor i w jji:e...i;'. iiau nui- ;.iaiu ' .. .r.;t: . ': . .... , . .. .o mar.. or ar.-j cneniy;, a ir'se-i a1 retn-av- . , ; ' ' ''. a;'..' V;--; i;2.',W 1 Dou't' vou "seeU-A. ! v.:)j.Cv.:. tr. ivtr.f was ordered fdotrtvpn know that I it was a' feint on the part of Ca:).i-un to draw dI,lk-.;r.-tVon Ui imprezuabjo a'lrenchavats i ! Don't von know that th'i-norant Indian fell ! into the snare, and Inning froin behind thtf cd- Vrn-fof "hit grins, came dovtn with Ills cavalry "! on:the:id'a;iW in nursuit of, Lakh aud Iu. dra-1! jrabns? - 'Then it was that the .-Eusdish turned upon him ;. the hardy children of the' - north swept iiowu' his feeble ; horsemen, .boro ' thcin back to .their guns,,v hich were useless, enter ed! Holkar's 'entrenchments . along with hi3 troops,- sabered the artilletVmen'at their piec csfand woVthe'battle'of Dollil u- ;.J;" ',';.,'; .: As the, Emperor spoke, his pale cheek glow ed red, his eyes flashed fire, :hisi deep clear voice rung 'as of old,, wberi he pointed put the enemy from beneath tlie, bhailow of the Pyra mids,; or. rallied Jua regiment to the charge upon the 'death-strewn plain of Wagramvr . I have had many a proud moment in my life,' but never :suc.h a proud one as this; I would readi ly pardon the word "coward,'' as applied to me by.Montho.lon, in consideration. of the. tes timony which his master bore in my favor.' ; ;:: 'Mijorjt'lsn'r.Vthe L'rnpeior to me in corx-la-sioD; iv by Jm 1 1 not such a man as you'in my se'rVk e'1 I would Lave t!mad,a yo'tt'a Prineer.nd a,3L;rsh-aj :, and iiere.be foil .into a reveire, of whkdi I knew and respected the purport.' - He was flanking, doubtless, that I might have, re- J trieved his fortunes, and indeed I have very little donfct that I .night." . ; . : ; ' . ' ' Very- soon after, coffee was brought by Mon sieur 2Jlarchand, Napoleon's valet-de-chambre, and after partaking of that beverage and talk- ing upon -the polities of ihi day, -;tln?-Empcrt:-r S my witlidrewj leaving vac deeply;; frapressad by the condescension. .ho .bad shewn j a. the. re mirkabJe,iiit,erviev, -. t. i; . I-'- r -. i 8 ...i. v .' 1 ' 2 ,i -,:; ". v .-! -c .-' ' v r:;i.i' -int. srj-AiVrAXO'TOK-.TUT:, ftiu nx y, j ' J have. vejTik-re 'lor -sc-yi'ii'.oriths, ato:r with' iny't yDu'n'Tnon 1 Cabr.M t;d in the hur ry and. bustle ( f w;r d ;'y '6'U";Vur"d.van-l in the IplirleVf'r sixteen hours cut of the hcn-. ty.-four, with severe wtiiu-ls, and Seven' rnhsk-iil-b:;IIs in my l'uly it iny' hj imagined Unit j have U; l iuiie ttinvl'to tliiuTc about the jub-j lication of my memoirs. Inter -;rw : Juei;Jffi es in the midst of fighting.be hanged to wri-. ing! as ihapoet says; and I never would have, bothered myself with a pen, had iot common gratitude incited me to throw oil few pages. The publisher and editor of ."The ,Xew Monthly-Magazine" dittle know what servie.es has been done to me by that miseellany. . - :t .j -Along with Oraa's troops, iwlio hare of. late been" beleaguering this place, there was a young Milesian gentleman jrr." TOone O'Conner Em mtt Fitzgerald Sheeny; by name, a law" stu dent, and 'member of Gray's Inn,' ftfid what he called Bay .(?A of Trinity College, Dublin. Mr. Sheeny was with the (Ju-n's people not in a Ttrilittirv crre.eitv, brit is renresentutive of an j-.nji. t;e; ; y- ri.-ti; to v.hi, rae:)J; he on i'if.s of the 1 -. , .v'.vjx pi; :t!!l. i.vce.i T tor ii-J.i. a-v ! of thi d.i ty, a eerpk- -vh .':..::: j ne proprik-vor r in ,v joiir.a.. 1:1 juesiio;:, oe ; . , , . . . , . . . I iuoir u show in Oraa's camp as only -a Chris-ii- general o;'."5er, ov at the very ler.fct a co!o- f reginV.-nf, can afT.'l'io he:p-rpi'- ! ' : h finjous sorti:; 'wh:th vrc Tnadc upon the - t- ?.' -third. I was of eoi;rr;? nhiorrg the fore most i'i t' ;; deal :.'r-,- and f. ;-:ci,terl-' !:.y vv. hicii it v i as ;;.e.vea... .. ;. . ,1.-- . .. .. i.. ,-,, j;. rtke court ot a sws,: .nn jor-peu-Jit-u v..:;t;.i .;.v. c:---d "l - j f! o.-;- .- i-vVj-y if-''"'.-" 1 V? ;-?lt,:? c..p...-c. red j.i ii,e i-m. j hti of vours-J-bolted ; - but -one n:an remained, ar.d my l'v'iov. 3 v.erc on the point of- cutting - i-w. ...... . .. .. . .. ehio. when I arrived In fro rbsrn ttuie t-T:o::g. o prevent the c.tr strophe . Revirg before me rti i: a i v idv. 1 iti -Ofttrjae of -civ:t:e;i a"wh;l ., f-- . 1 e.iid l-rr.ss ouit'ns . ' . ...-; . ; ' . 1 . i. 1 I fcousir. t ivconii d -.i a n:ur ol u: plant eu-'e a co;:"irymar., - v,-. ' ' . i:.t erp." .e 1 lu .i.:vcd :z.vd li-Cfojw .the., unhappy yonrg ig all that he could to i.iducethe. I :-i:ia was say J cbapel.-chn.rtes to give up,t'...dr. intention. ; of slat'.ghtcnrtg .him ; ' but it is Verv tittle It.iely the.t l;is rprorestationa wxmld' hive hr.d anv ef-; feet npo'n thm.hvl I r.c'i iiipppaVed in theroom, and kiiorited fd the rufnarL'to h'edd'-their he.nd.; "Seeing a gene'rpd'orii-eer l-rfore them (Idiayt; the honor lo hold that ran!; '. i n In e' ' se?.vicr "of his Catholic Majesty),' and inereowr one six feel four in height, and armed tvitli that tend IjI j "cuim'di! Vword, so eallo.-!, because it is five feet los)'which is .'so we'd known among tuo Su-i,:.:..-. ;;t'i;ie I'veg.h.say, thi.3 figure, the Arllows retu'odyeX'jiaitr.isjg'-VVoi t;)ii lucsc, h&xijlroij'; and ao on, i clearly proving (by their Arb:-fls) that thiy w;null, if fhey dar- ' iu.m.dvt ' vktim wliora I-httd ;r. i thus rcset;e.i rrom i:i;.r;t:ry.' r.'A p,jr snour- ,.'1 f liciri-i r tl.:.m ti-: -. .'.rviv! !:tt the : - " . . , e , ' - -. i---- - apaninen'rV -Eac'i'mensv.lkl! sher.thing his sombrero, obeyed",' siid quitted the "caidmariila. was : then. th;:l'Mr:;Sheenremi!ed fo bie UiC paruou.ai.s t,a Hi--!''t'2.i:!;'':-1.a" cd ; r.nd, iidori.:ii.g me at thsime time, tlt. l fuoiiy.iu JIngland who would lI o- me.dartti;a reiase, and Diet Ins most intimate friend tho Lugllsh milUihsador would; move heaven and -earth to revenge- bis fall e lit ! directed my attention to a porUnatitfpaa- bly well fiiled j "which ho hoped would . satLsfy the cupidity Vf my troops.' I said, though with much regre, that I most subject his peiTiOii to a search; and hence 'arose 'the'J circ'rrin'siahee which has called for what I fearyou will c6n suler a somewhat tedious explanation. I found upon Mr. Shceny.'s person three sovereigns in English money (which I have to this day,)aud singularly en-ongh a copy of "The New Month ly Magazine"- for March, which contained my: article. It was a toss-up whether I should let the poor young man be shot or. no, but this lit tle circumstance saved his life; ft he gratified :. -vanity of authorship induced. ano to accept his portmanteau and valuables, and to' allow the poor wretch to go free.. I put the Magazine in my coat -imcket, and left him and the podesta. i.-?'fi5:How Uo-you get along with your arith metic?" asked a father ef bis little ioy. -i :' I've ciphered through addition, partition, subtraction; distraction-abomination, justifica tion,' hallucination, d.irnation, amputation cre- atlon and- adod ion. " He'd do for tn engi-: neer oii ii "Short Line Railroad." " tXTT.'A liian down in Lynn, Mass., it is .said, made so many pairs of shoes, in one .day, that 1dm tw days to count them.., Ue was a-email one, out not iuat i TiiC one up ju New : Hampshire, who built, so tnany miles of Stone 'Aval! in one-- tfaythat - ft? took hinr all 'ght V.rd nexf diy 'pet librae.' '-. - ; f . -, -.e-.ih r;-.e 5- r:-l h'ttd iVs-'d Mae:uley before", but'as" Von have V'tsJ my de;i.r,-i- f.sr..as 1 el-iiv-.s to toe out wai-d Lusk of th soul, ur thv.vcrs nnd grreotypisf s have doi.e tT.tir work as well h they. usually do. ' The c-ngr'avlis that yc j tj it the- best c-lli .i'tut, vf.iils vikii, n:r.y be. ?n-r f'id-.'K;fL 1 y.iirrAs-. f'.?r . n.-r ir..t rv.' i( ! " f how he looks wlit-n he . sits to have hi pietrire taken", which is . vrierally very QifYe.reiji fr'o'm' the way any body looks ;at;any other,. lime.-' Teople seem to forget, in "taking 1 likenesses,; that the featr? of tlfe: face are nothing but an alphabet.and thafa' ury, dead' map f a person's face gives no more idea how one looks than the simple presentation of 'an' al phabet shows w hat there is in a poem. '-' Macautey's whole physique gives you' flio.; imi-ression of great strength and ' stamina of coiistitutio'n.'''1- lie has thekiixl of frameShicb we tia!ly ' imagine ii peculiarlv English: s;..oi t, :s0ntJ;uTd rMlydinit: ' Thert Is, sou'it 'thing hearty1 in' alf I.is:d'eme-);r.ttK-r.s:V ' if j $?,'-ie.U".H ' -;.iAV.i V,!rT:Vr.' V. ;:.-V' ?T)e;t.-:s in v;;u 11111 i'oi:m.i .ro.iiiia V.;ee, ;"ep ,... ihe. .!: :-:t. !;;i.-h we to.-ii'ys"' conceive being '. m .re" ';.; '"ion ih" Efd-itid t. Ahic.'iv",";'." As t'1" i.rs e :..' .r. UTte his C riling iliAbis lo'su 1; . e-.vs V! i..ro;.giy.t!:e k,l:.u 1 v i.-f iijformed inwities o! afh'.i'ilsf.; :i n: ; t v.:;c'-"n'.:r.ti:i mcmorv:' one 0: li.'i r.i';n ' In- -u . s'' il 'io. IO or.ee read: and he h-.s r;:i 'all 'sL':!s r ":..'a tha'tVan he 'thought of,'' in all 'laiicu.-es A! getith-iiK-.n tohl i.;e he 'ebuld reps -: t .;".!! the 2Vivgfite 1 lior:tii:re, hanging bhids. l.tt speeches ami dying confessions while ' Ids kiiowb.--'g-V Af ' ?Tf!ton ds" sq: acute, 'f ha if' lis ;''-eii:- ..- ;1.:'.:te-l''eitt '! 'Jf '-e's!.:v?:eeT: V.. ' r':';-h h- )-"' -rVd : ;.;'.!y from his memory 'n;'';-....;-,;,i;..b',vV.':'i!V.', ..-,,.'..'-?Vv V "-" Itin a:,l Gr,,!c el.tes, rnd to much of ' the lit.raf.tro of t-. :.rut C e... l!"-d .itr.vo l-en reonir-! to uA-o'a menu. 'order, Jor ::.. :fect i-.rr.f-- .-tter oouid Lave bo-'n ?-r.t f : " ? " : the'r "':'-?. there? ";.i"-'e::n::gh of rrel tried In " fc crr.f ontt ion 'to 1 lv- se t. r.r st rici! 'cry?ti!li :t:on Iwltr-'i'i,' them. ' c" ' ' '" ' ' Mncnr.lv is al-ritt Hft'-.r lie has rimVr' TsUr-:! ried; y-ct tnoro'.vr-o-ltnrdi-taltab: ' cvi-'lene?! in t1u br e a? h ; a rs i d"f, r j mc t ?': t!e -:h'TriisT;c"r-clJwii! v.-hoTH V, e vas'!?rs!'"und ? tfir.t'thv no-ei-tl part ia r.ot'-WA'tring iu bis c ir.fovri'af ieo. o:na vt;-v"-c-:.' tiror vo..t-1 i-irr; 5 eon: to think O tiite ? r-:-ncb c 'their i gifted tincle as. yotrmi'it i.ive. dono h:el he beet: yoivrs "Jr.e -.uley Is- celebrated 'as a controversialist; and, l"ke Coleridge, Carivle, and hlmosteverv ! . . ... , , - O'M'-win o-ujovs t:ns reputation, he bus -tcme-, j ., 1 , t.imes bepif ae'nsed o not altr.wjn-Tpeoj- lotherr ,. . .. , r 1 . 'I an ohiectionepw-i'Hlv; lo tbos:; wao wis! fen , . ; . ,2 . ' ' . ,! t-.di-:; out t-. I gl-eiflv pre;.r to hear, it won id I . - . . . . :! provc none to mft. I uv-itt sur,' however 'that ; t . -, y "bty-managed, ' There -veioj-'It should 'thiu'e..; fcolno twenty or thirty :ats- the' breakfast "table.!: and tLa conVpr-jntin foi ne t it?c!f ; into :-li!tl--!-eddies of two or thrYfe'ardur&l the t ih!e;iuv. I 'end: then-swe'iing otrt in a gr i.t --b.ty't.f geniere:' dis ours?. Uarri? 7i?f: .J"i?;V:?e.- -1;''' :'-'"' '- '. A. Chi T.iix:v -The t! 1. Stt:yvona f rceattiic." corner cf Thirteenth; '!re .1' jy.tr a-.m:': - , i Ti-ir.-l ve!-!-:: X.vVr-r'r : t- r v.- -i 1 ! i I. i , L . 'Uiil . j a or two iiurea yenns 1 ?t'll: 1:1,. 'IT-? r 1 ml, borue fruu'snd r,i;:r cr.t .i'.s fror. ana bravo arms I the : wersyorm.'.Y!:::! mighty chjges it ha j- j vr AvhicK : itrs: wore a iot witnet.d.srncenrnlijaUcd .ofthei ;bi(piln? ftovh or whiei it Wl3 whose thee was (mi j-iiica, t eoyeruur, at-a jt.itane,e irotn ..t.ic.i Clt ! WtiitCSt .'o iroam.- c-d wor.Td.Le reached ty.Jiie crov in- metri po-e M. the advancing tide.o.-puha,,.:, i;;LS j .;xkni. lst.::ll exist... ;!;i .,' -r- r long iince swept oVer jtand, ; only.!ands ; . , o,ilU ,Exist(.llCe cannot be generated from i;ow.u:.a mark to show, where pnecthe lc:y h-cxiatence; 61 ,omei3ung-cannot! -be jro was. The .piali.t and (jmctresideuce on which u(l from aiothing? vdl h; - c . i t.ptjce-lpokedbave.KsapKarod;. . The, ,chil-; .;;hereSMa thercanatst be ani-6VK-Exi9TEXT dren.that t-ported . beneath, ,ts, shade, havei; .wuoi3;iufink3 ivndt eternal, and U ihe , Anther grown up and died, and. their .children, a:td:, f au gnite.,xiStencie8 ed .:,,r, ;-.r. I . children children Lave followed them. , The ; ,Tb3t tvet.Existent mast, of necessity;: posr Ind)an has passed cwayi the torrent has, fallen; ; finae Lore; Wisdom, and Power, ant is the., tocsin of .war has .sounded, and peace -. wccall God. oi :S i i eu ue. u v u -ui e.wauu. ,v , feeble and dependent colonies Lave become a !; mighty republic. Yet the ofdjtroe still blos- i -ffffl ..".r" ,,auv i ni-'!"il-rtuv Jpug avenucs and splendid mansions of a ,vast V'rP !aT1,l rejching oat )?l&hhH;? Tia.n.' ' - - : - , y-,--!? -: --:; I-.,,-; ...j Ixpepexdexce U'c like independence.-- Te like to hear a man express-It s honest con-' ....... . n.v iiA.,.;Pl,ni. . . l . V . .1 : .. , i .. viction on any and every Subject on -which he j1 , - I A.Vi- i.AHn ? A.L . - I ' T- - ,1 T mere echo of Some le.idin rolitieian. sorac i allstinguvshed divine 'or sin'iie Tirewel Ciianci- i' 'in. is of such a character as not toVlieve ia er whose relgio'us .sentinien'ts are tlie 'senli- ,1 a life after death, he must neodsalsodisbolieva menis of y.lhuvchr-Lis politicabviews a faa the existence of any '.internal,, spiritual .and simiU of his patrj-pran-who . listens with ji ;ceksti.tl p'riucipjaL';, , Oi 'this charactej arc they -open uioiithud .glaring. eyes, to those,. whom i, who Jive immeresed in mere lusts, :ih- conse accideutj; has .; elevated.' iKjcuniariiy,. a -little quence of living totbewcrldandthefleshespe-above- himself not daring to uttor an opinion ) dally where the desire 'is. 'sunk" in .filthy ara which does not fully coincide with that com'- 2 tfee '- f.-: C. 1200.- T ii: "-.;. :1 r ' - ing from such a source, may find- appropriate " '" :'A'- "'w ' '' ' ":; --" spheres in this -world? fcnr the moral and Intel- j, tt'Tf is-tntich 'easier Uf discern error tbsn lecfatirpirdifion Vf fne community :Ti'i1 'nctj 'greatly Tmjirdvel by ntthing"hei'lre:'tof dd or m.. r--' i ' ' ''" ; ! ' ' V6"- - I '-- v.:- -. "-: . :"1 - 1x7 1 11 n i! xp v. Oh-J-l-.-J v- bt lei-j.y;"'v-s' fritnI rather ici.au iw. !owvvr the twJ'i.m:.y bavi: .ba.bc-l our lot. When "the rjsc-!y.iiI d IiLks " tlTeet un " havo Wirri its -- Let the eobt bai!Rf.-carl be tivqirtj ai.d f..r"- j -..-.... -.5!,f- -- - : - - . ------- 1 -i-rt Vff ..-; T lffl;p is only ideal. !-' Tr:.' .-ir'. T'efoUeYi are Mf ssiturs unknown. "For vk'a Kcilv-.-i-e evtjy !:cSrt: i unrval, ; 7! is s--rr?r'.f:?!:2r tii:S.'Ur.d at the Core of bjs okc. ': K U-'-K t u.-: b. h5py wtcn momenta of pleasure ii.v;- 1 mi:jM to our prepuce ttie dearest and . . , .bv-t. -, .- ; r ... ; ' -. ; & lor ;7i.' r.ii!.-i a'a-srs bc.iLs t- mo-? bBve,1'y incr- ' - .-ure. - v- . -'' - ' . ' "' V.'litu.bui; ii J --o.-nl-iil jte!p th sirinyi of Uh let urt be. h-7y, whrn m!rtents of moeting lriiig those !imi:r ji.i who ilinmine our eye; And though F6My: pefedfane;;, ebake a bell Bt tha . '. gractinsre 'i . -. ' 1 v ' . t;-. , Ho ii dalless. i f fouls who fgrorpr. is wise. -. t. Let tb Isub'er of Joy echo over onr bosoms.- -J A? (he hiitu ofthe Lee o'er the mid-summer fl-: ??, 7 - -". , For the honey w' fiappi:fs eoraes' from lo's 1 n .'bi'.iav -T-r.i",.' . . A;1 is fumd in the hive of those exouisitc hoars. j-XJ.sn- h vf c; bpy vrbnn ri:ctnt-t:ts of pleasur 1 j jl.-ve lit e.i.t b c.r prvirance the dearoct acd i'orthe nul.se aiui;y be its ti enest hefiTcnly me- , -i;te. . b'v? ?-!.' -cod - - 1 t bre?c . tv:!I sr.;cri the strin: Ia1 uj rter.d r-d .''.int. t?- fid anl too weary, -,;-AV-yfM Ihe 'kiii'.l '.ii. -and the mirth-lighted . ,- ' '.' tuo1; i ' I . i r e neari. like the tree, mut be Tearfully dreary, 'Where the robin cf hope w:l! not-warble awhile. Let us s iy nt in pride, ih.at we can? not for others, And i:ve in our vrcal:h liko an ox rn bis stall; vIi the commcn c of lov? with?, otirl sisters and . . Lroibcrs,:. , .. . . : . ' llclps'lVpaytur great debt lo the Tathcr of Ail. i - .. . i i ;..-!. I ':. -i vi . ' 4'!k'U ici rs if hurpy vihenij-.cjacnts.cf pleasur ... IT ivy H curd,! (o our vre"C!:ce the' dearest and 7 - , -. .. .. . - . ... .I'vlf ?he pu';;.' over. bfaU j"ilh more ht.c.er.ly tsea- .sure. , "... "" Whrr. love cud jrovrbwill STecp the' Strings cf - ". -. ; the-trotst. . . -! Elizi Cooi-. lv iii give yon tv.o or thi'-s good rules which j m-jy help you. ia .becoiae liaj pier than you ! v.:td,l ie ivUhovit knokvvng.theui; but, as'ta be- . i..,'." ".ft, . v, r-n v-1. ;! .-:i -..." ... . f., i; :,v,.n . '.2.'. . '.,.: , . . "" " '.", ' 2 - V; " xiie ui';-.: is. ."try yoi.r iesi to mssa ouierfl h vppy.," --"'I never vras hatriy. said :f certain khi---u'd. I becan to take pleasure in the wel- .... , r t--' . c'-.... ft..,., lr..tl... dak tit d.y, I hiive Lad ciuvkine in my heart. ',' ...My second ride i.s, . ."Be cqVteut with liitie." Thvio ait many good rcasm for. this rule.-r-We d-aerve but little; v. e .require but -little; on.tM i- im r. IT!., wtih tl.f.r r.f iW..1 -V' " , ' i i ""V ' ' -V." than great ire.tj'.ii't-s and troupe, tuc-rev.itli." , -; ' . , , Two r.V:i were determined to oe ncn, but they ", '. '. J , ' ' t r,;.se up ii:sniear.s lal.is deaires, while tlto . ,. , , - , - 2 - , '- . " oiiicr ui I h;s I, es to bring down his desires to , . ' Tr: his ::".-.:). fi ti,.t- r''MV "'ft.s the one who cov- , , ' , ' !. -' " , -, , , ,te,L.miit-..: w:ss ;u.vavs repining, while iL.e who de h-ed be.t ittik ivas abvays contented, "h,:: ' ! 2:I thJid roe;7--"Look cn flie sunny side e .Look vp w.l-h hc-i eful eyes .... ". TI."-uc!i id !l:rr;si.seem forlbni; " The r - ?r.t J.i? tb-night w:H-rt3e " '.- Ari.n'rD-iHiKTijv.' mom. r k .- t: - Tin? :3dppjn2 laicatv.I'-Kdilaig tat,n?tdtlae leaping lisa, tejl us.tLat happice: i.s not cou fincd to place, : ' God in his goodness has spread it abroad the earth, in the : air and in ihe-waters;-' Two hged women lived ia tlie I'sain-e cottage; one was always teanng:a storm, ! I n-r.d tl .i nt !;er wjaa iiltTit-eH lookinp for j-nnsliiiir. I'gi'.ted up with joy. SSaEff ;A2aOU21IlJfI5.-:v , wif-dom and.Po.werl aro .not Jabstract -qnalities, bait belong to person Gon is X rEa- ! soi. 3 One infinity cannot produce: another, there j UannKt be;more than one infinity... ' ..! T - i, !lEd does : produce finities ad for existence rwithout activity is a contradiction. : '-;: ci ;!..- .v;.'i ..-il To say there is moro than rono infinite, per- son, is to say there is a plurality of infinities. is an absurdity. '"' DF-stAt or - a Life1 after DEArn. vj"hn ?o Br.d tntth; the; former trios n "th eurfaee i- readily perceived thebitterrepoin d-pth whenCe-not everr one en cull her forth. -3-;.:-'- ! 'r reel ?-; i - ! ii