Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 30, 1855, Image 3

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    call the attention of our readers to
tbe card of Kooss IIzixxax it Co , io 107
North Third Street, in another cclnmc. Thev
ars clever arid accommodating gentleman, arid
those who buy from them may rely rpon being
well treated. We advise onr merchants when
they visit lb.2 city to give them a cull.
,XTThe attention of our citizens is called
to the card of Thomas K033IX3, In another
eolumn, who ha3 on hands a large stock of
LCWkn i interesting book.
' feV"Tho3 indebted to J.AC03 Detrick; of
Curvrcnsviile, ara respectfully requested .to
call aud settla their accounts. Jacob's bound
to hive the ruoiny, cr buat his suspenders. .
Our citizens and merchants who de
airs to parch ise jev.-vlry and silver ware,
sLouid not fail to embrace the earliest oppor
tunity lo visit Avisr's cheap "watch and Jew
elry store'' opposite the Mount Vernon House,
Philadelphia. They wii! find hint' a ger.tle
raan ia every particular, and so have their
wai.ts so-ppiied at a lower price than at any
other establishment. . ' VV c.ia confidently rec
ce mend r.ha to oar readers.
We call the attention "f bnr readers to
tho caiI uf J. B. Wisd-a-i, inci.otLtrccuur.iii,
Mr. AYing, has had a groat eler.i of experience
in timber Wi, and is possessed c much re
liable ir-forujatiou in regard to our own coun
ty. Thoao having business in his line, can
not entrust it to better hands.
E7 C!ear:1eid county is without a Drug
ore, or might 03 "well be, and our country
rotrc'iaats w ho w ish to purchase such articles,
are compelled to or send to Philadelphia.
AYe call the attention of our readers to tho ad
vei !iit'ta?nt iu another column of Mr. Sahiti.
Behli, who has opened a largo and splendid
establishment at Tyvore.. When you go over
there give him a call'.
tTTh- gen-eral complaint about 'hard times'
saould i:ili.c3 r.s t j iiecauiio-is, and endeavor
to p'irclwb? ch j.'p and substantial goods. Those
nereh'jnfs v.dio have this otjject in view, when
laving in their stock.wrd dowel! to call at Pact
ic Taylobs .Vl-oles-do St, ibce r.d Straw,
j j s Warehouse, N o.2-3 Market St., Phli'.i.'
CC7 Those desiring to go into the Daguer
reotype business, c.ui purchase a firs? rate apa
ratus by applying c D. IS. Moore. See card.
CJ"Wat2r-nen, a 1 1 othf rs who find it noces
iiry to st02 in r.'ufli'Se.i;-, will see by ref-frer-ce
io c.arl in anoLuer column, that J. G.
Kcss, of I'm "t''::'i. ' -c Erchjng," is pre
I sre-I to ic;:.!:n l.ie the:".. Gio him a call
y Thos-;
: rv .:z'
; .ri!!:!g ti sell luml-:r, or jiar-
.s i o i troo-i lerma,
re iecom-
a j
o ca.. ii l.
C! lion. A. iv.
SeC Carl. i
:o-:nd vrect.
f our ref iers who so frequently
to vl-it i'erc:!", wiii find it pro- i
l. le iic.l; end i-.i.chase goo Is from F. 31.- orrfl's- s:!;l -"ter. As a c jrise-pience, the
" ! cot'titry is now p: e.lnio.-.t a destitute condition
. i i:i r.-g ird to the neceslai ies of life. Our les-
T . , s-"n. thoug!; a severe one, will not, we hope,
?-is.'!.s tarouga I hi.ipsurg, s,"In:; pi;. withoiit its l.eueli-i al results. Our low riv-t:r-ee
rtgo, ive had .cfo.sion to stoit with David tr and .hard times,' furnish the most striking
. frsmv, w:- iceii.s t;:e ! n;uf.si)urg Hotel,' i
t :. 1 n must sj
we never s.t down to a bet
ter ttbi-. or m:;t with a more gentlemanly, ac-c-.iumoi.it
!t!2 Iridfr l. V.' :;d; ise. ail onr
Jf.'eTids who are fond of g'.;d accomniod stion
to tcp ivith '.vp-t-c .To':i.sion. . See i.eticc.
clitnt friondj who de-
airs to lay in a i:rst rate stock of Drugs and j
Chemical, an I ta btiv from a first rate firm.
' . . - t
sul.l c.i!l IZ1 Market. .St., on th-eir next vi
. . I
Jo tli -a Cay, ut RvsFLt fe Scuott's.
rCIt freijuentiy happens that when our peo- i
f'a are returning the K.nt they find the. j
"S'.sg'j full, and ar-3 compelisi to walk or lb; t
OTcr at i rone. 1 isesw diMC-itici wul now lie j
obviat-vl fince Jvsits Ckowthee has opened !
his new Livery -enabie, wLere horse? av.d bug
r:.'is miv l.e had at &1! limes on reasonable terms.
lU7rh.it ClearJieM merchant is not acquain
ted with Jim. Davo.ir.aTi-, aod where will you
Cn 1 a better fellow ? II i in.iy always be found i
at the corner of 21 . P. ice, Philadelphia, rea
dy to supply Lis friends w ith a first rate arti
cJe of Tobacco ar.l Cig ars. See Card.
J" .Merchants and others desiring to pur
ch'.r; TIa ar.d Sh-?et Iron ware, vill Cr.d escl
leril terms alf.jr de l by Lyman GilqEt, at his
Tr-, .i. r. -v" in Aff. .1.
-.UJieSJie 1 KlUi, i'-, JllU" ""i"!
Jlarrisburs, Pcur-'a. Trice liids furnished on j j,.-V;tiIs, and that always increases in intensi
pplicatioa, fost-paid.:- See advertisement. j ty with t!:e .r.hincement of the community in
- ' i . I wealth and civilization. As many grow rich,
v- is-,id the ''Xix-Wei'ers" were about i at ill more must of necessity grow poorer; not.
?-v Washhgtcr. at ti.3 late Election: Vi,-
, :
1 .T. i know how that may be, but we uo Know
t'-.i. D. S. Pi.oixi.it ke-psOTie of the best Teis;-jt-i'Jijce
IU teis ii the three counties. .Give
.rui u call. See car 1 iu another col'imn.
TT?The best catured, .clvvcrest pair of fel
i".vi i'. the ' W.ld C at dtslriet," Fl-m5:txg &
Poire, hx-.i opened n Livery Stable in Cur
weasvilie, zui are j-Tt-paretl to accommodate
tae public with all sui ts of Vehicles, &c, on
reason ible term. Viz l-t Good Intent. - ;
IIT-Tle jonstraction cf the Railroad to Ty
rone, wo i! I e.nble our citizens to d ake tlieir
purcUnses at the liTyron Ciry Dr:tg Storff,"
with greater facility. liut as this consmua-
tlin sodevontly to be wished' has notyetcoiue
to passi.otir friend Saur l. Beflii has very prop- I
crly takeu tLs. d fncnlties of acces. into-cor,-
sidcr-ztionj and red'icedtheprofitsonhioodH
It is a)v eiiphatiaRy ihe best and cheapest
I)rnrSt,ra tloe cOunttT"t:aM and see. . ..
VCTSj n card in another .colucu?' the nnmar
ous friends cf E. L. Barhftt, will observe that
h? has" char.i-1 'hjs Iloiiac, and may pow be
fouodjd 73 Market htrec-t, Phii'a. . Enoch is a
c'ver fellowj his aTargejumbaFbf frienvfsTn
Cl-iili Cc.ir;T, ,ai.d o ighf .to do well, t We
feiV-fti-'y!iBdfc!rt aiicce?s, nd ard gi 'd to
he i'vntS a 3rm. Go ana e iimw
The Cincinnati Times, in epeakfng of the
above quotation, which has always been attrib
uted to Gen. Washington, s-.iys:
Tut non-j but Americans on guard at night,'
that is to say when peculiar danger threatens,
trust cone but Americans with the power in
dispensable to self-preservation. This order
cf General Washington is dated July 7, 1775,
at Cambridge headquarters, and reads thus :
"For the future, uo man shall be appointed
to these stations (sentinels at the outposts)
who is not a native of this country."- .
Thus the order was a standing one, not spe
cial, which makes the case the stronger.
The followiug extracts from the original Or
der Rook, lell by the late General Hand, who
was the Adjutant , General of .the American
Army at the close of tbe Revolution, will con
firm the statement of that paper: .
-CamisdiiG2 HiAKQUARTERS, July 7, 1773.
By his Excellency, George Washington Gen
eral Orders, (Parole, Dorchester;' Counter
sign, Exeter.') The General has great reasou,
and is disp'cased with the negligence and in
attention of those officers who have placed, as
sentries at the outpost, men, with whoso char
acters they are unacquainted. He, therefore,
orders that, in future, no man shall b:.t ap
pointed to these stations, who is not a native
1' this country; this ordar is to be considered
a standing one, and the officers are to pay
obedience to it at their peril.
"Pox, Adjutant General of the Day."
"Hf:adqi:art.rs, Vallay 1'orRt, March 17,
1773. General Orders. One hundred chosen
moii aro to be annexed lo the Guard of the
Coii:m and ,-r-ia-Chief, for the purpose of fonn
ing a corps, to b j instructed in the manoeuvres
necessary t; be introduced into the army, and
serve as mod -Is tor the execution of them. As
tho General s Guard iscoinpog -i of Virginians,
the hur. ired u.-..ll.s will betaken Irom the troops
of the other States. Dttrripiiott of the Men.
Height, from 5 feet 8 to o feet 10 inches ; age
fVoiu 2 ) to 30 years; robust constitutions; well
limbed and formed lor activity; and men of es
tablished character tW sobriety and fidelity.
They rtsr Amekicaxs coax."
Tho '-hard times," ot wiiich we have heard
arid read so much, ar; now upon us, and n
mistake. In our lifo we hava never before
iived in a community, any pirt of which was
ti:retened with want. Wlut is now knocking
at the doors of our citizens, in almost every
part vi tue St.ite? Not poverty, or want of
tnvjjiey, for we do not know of a single beggar,
or one who is not able to to p ly lor w hat he
needs, hut actual want of the every -dy neces
saries of Iie. wiiich cannot be had, lor any
price, because tiiey are not in the country.
There is not, in Little llock.ahairelof tlour,
a V.t.thel of me.il, or a pound of coffee or sugar
for sde. Flour would go oil rapidly here at
Sit barrel, and corn meal at S'-i a bushel; su
gar and fo!fee would sell for any priee. There
is the greatest scarcity of every ariicle of pro
v:sion or family groceries. We d- not know
what our penph- will do. Perhaps some of
our mercharits or somebody else. i:r-iy lit up
wigons and haul supplies horn White River.
Yc it now of i:o othiT -h:mce to live.
Jt is uow cttnC4,lei by thu mast skeplical,
that the Arkansas river will not answer the
puivoses of a r. ivig i':;le stream. Here we are,
i nearly at the first of M iv, and the river too low
for nivigiiion. The planters have not yet
s'n'pped their r.ro:s of list year. The merch
ants are in the s tine condition. The peoide
, . - , t? . ' j- t
d.or to starvation. i::e State of Arkansas
rcniliv r;"!;i 'n:iiifrh of b":':.1 atnl in-.it l'-ir
home consiiiuptiou; tmt the drought -f list
voar c;it t5,e5r crops short ; the endirration of
iiu's vear nukes tin suppiicn dependent on
ana convincing arguments in lavor oi a con-
nectioii with the worM, !v means o! railroads.
I.i:tU Kick Uaze;ie, Jpril 27.
Clh A: f.rsTo;;s ant Owusclvis Dismrss
a i i'tivATio.N. -We hear much of distress and
priviiti jn uuw-a-days, and no one. doubts that
tliev exist, peril ips to a greater degree than
i fw-rmoriv; but t'uere i a c use at the bottom of-
tins wiiich explains why it is so, and shows that
nsian-Li'S i.icreese oi ppui.itii,
! 1
III tll 1 Tlii
!:i ir'ier ii. coin i, ii in-.-v cnosj tt
j live as their loret ithers did, be almost wholly
i free from the trials and barls'uips of former
! d i' s. A irntL-m.ui in West'ield, M iss., lite
! v- remaiked that when he was a y ung man
(thirty-six ye irs ago.) lie worked eight days,
choppiiii woo l, for two plain cotton shirts.
II.- "Vf:iK."l sik il is (mi' siv V 'rl? ti!" rbHi nt
tw.cnly.firc cents per day, wiiich was the price
oi theeb'th per y;inl; and two days for making
them. Now, the- sune kind of labor would
command a dollar a day; and a similar kind of
cloth cir be purchased ior tight or ten cents
per yard. The poorest laborer now can pur
chase a shirt rea ly m ule with tiie produce of
one day's labor; L;;t the shirt and home-spun
that suited llion would not suit now. :
The food eaten then would be scorned now;
the liir titure then thought good enough for
the parlors would not now suit the kitchen.
So with everything eise. It must lie so, as so
cie'y prog.vss'es. We hive nofflfng to. say
agiizist it, except to' recommend a littl-s less
cu.'rr extravagance; liut we make these re
marks to show that our own more extravagant
desires, .and uot any failure in the supplies of
, .,,! .tl,. .Il.tr... Ih ,l m,.r
pi. i.-W s. .k auai.v o.i comparauae.y wun ueir
richer neighbors. Tins is tne penaltv that the
t sv.st, .a rld inmost nn.
oa its inha bitants. .V. Y. I'olice Gjtzeiie.
V."oa.v j; JUc.iiTS. The Legislature! of Wis-C'-'iiSih
has roceuily. passed a law . relative tt
the rights of m n t ied women. It is is follows
''Any ;n irried woman whose husband, cither
lvoiii drunkenness, profligacy or from any oth
er cause, shall neglect or refuse to provide
lor her support, or for the sup'ijrt and educa
tion of her children, shall have the right in
her own name to transact business and to re
ceive and collect her own earnings aiid the
4Mrninrs of her minor children, and apply the
s.trne for. her own support-and the support and
education of such chiidreu, free from the coif-
trol and i-jlerferehce of her husband or any
iterson cliiminc the same, cr claiming to be
I released iron! the same by or' through herhus;
eith"r of the c luVes ih Vhis'
;,ct .3 cntitlin-- t!i? s ifriO't-woman to sr.c in
her uante exiets fit jtoint of fact.' then tlte; is
sue upon this idea shall be tried and tletfcr-
inir.ed by the jury trying the caso -with the
K7" Tho lig tent'? of William H. Van
Wagner, 'tho -Poughkce'psie Blacksmith"jand
temperance lecturer,'' was 'set on flrc'on' the
Bel-Air Commons, near Baltimore, a week or
two Mnce, and before it was discovered, was
nearly conauiaed. During th ccr;f'i5:on,- the
canvass not destroyed by lire was cut to pieces
vritii kTVes, ' -
Tue Expected Great Comet: The nenii
hent astronomer, Mx. Babinet, member ot the
F rench Academy of Science, gives some very
interesting details relative Jo the return of
that great comet, whose periodical course Is
computed by the most celebrated observer at
three hundred years.
Our cyclical records show that it was obser
ved in the year 104, 392, GS2, 975, -again in
12o4,and the next time in 15:36, always de
scribed as shining with the most extraordina
ry brilliancy. Most of the Eu.opean astrono
mers had agreed in announcing tho return of
this comet in 1318; but it has hitherto failed
to appear. In fact, it is not so easy or simple
a matter to compute those vast cyclical peri
ods as some superficial persous, , who do not
look beyond the day of the year ic which they
live, may imagine.
We are, however, assured by Mr. Babinet,
that, up to this moment, this beautif ul star "is
living on its brilliant reputation;" ao that Sir
John Ilerschel himself was wrong when he
despaired of its reappearance, and put crape
on his telescope ! We are now informed that
acelebrated and accurate computer Mr. Bom
me, of Middleburg with a patience and de
votedness truly German, has gone over all
previous calculations, and made a new esti
mate of the seperate and combined actioi.s of
all the planets upon this comet of three hun
dred years: and he has discovered that it is
not hist to us," but only retarded in ifs motion.
The result of this severe labor gives the arri
val of this rare and renowned visiter in August,
1858, wiih an uncertainty of two years, more
or less; so that between 1836 and 18G0 those
who are then living may hope to see the great
luminary which in loo'j caused Charles V. to
The following, on clergymen chew ing tobac
co, we clip from the New York Tribune :
Squirting tob ceo juice is emphatically not
apostolic. We read of the primitive teachers
of Christianity doing coarse, hard work, but
we never hear of their forgetting good man
ners. Indeed, Bishop Hooker emphatically
calls St. Paul a gentleman. But imagine the
Apostle taking a quid out of his mouth and
then expectorating a shower of nasty saliva,
befare lie began his famous oration ! And is it
less improper for the preacher of the Gospel
uow-a-d.iys to chew and sjiit 1 Figure him at
a Conference where he rises to enforce with
oratoricil generaliz jtions the great interests
of the Church and humanity, and prefacing
his discourse by spitting out the nastiest of
poisons ! Shame on such clerical uncleauli
ness ! It may benefit felons and rowdies but
gentlemen and Christians never !
Important Enterprise. Both branches of
the California Legislature have pissed a bill,
which will probably be signed by the Gover
nor, appropriating $100,000 to construct a
wagon road from Sacramento to the eastern
boundary of the State, by the way of Johnson's
Cut-Off. We learn f rom the San Francisco
Ilcrall that this is the most rug-red and diffi
cult portion of the road from Salt Lake to
Sacramento. The Herald sjysthat ns soon as
the wagon road shall be cons tructcd, some of
the California stage owners and express men
will start a line of stages to Carsou Valley,
and so on to Salt L ike.
Choleka at Mejipiiis. There were twenty
seven deaths at Memhhis, (Tenn..) for the
week ending on the 12th, of which seventeen
were of cholera. The secretary of the board
of health says' in his repot t :
This fell disease (cholera) made a sudden
outbrcik in tise upper portion of the city
about the first of the week, and proved fatal
in almost even case.
ny The contractors on the Allegheny Val
ley (Pa.) Railroad hive recommenced the op
erations for the season, and considerable pro
gress will be made this summer.
Willis Hester, the negro sie iler was ex
ecuted at Pitisboro,' N. C, on the 4th. A
petition w is sent to the Governor for his par
don, but 12. HI citizens of Orange county re
nioustrated, against it. As Hester stole negroes
to sell ug iin, the Abolitionists have uo par
ticular call tit mourn histiuieh end.
IIcn. James Uurnside. - - Eellefocte.
ilov. Richard Shaw. - - - ClenrOeld.
llox. Juii.v 1. Hovt. - - - Lumber City.
VTillia5I Portcr. ... - ClesrSeld. .
AVilliam PowF.M.. - - . - Clearfield.
P.. F. Ward, Clearfield.
Hexri- Stone. Clearfield.
.Samuel Scjtoff, - .- - , Glen lfcpc.
Robert Ross, - -. - - - , Curweusvillo.
Robert Mkhaffev. - - - - Power.
Robe:'.t J. Wallack, - - Clearfield.
John LIcT'ieuso.v, Clearfield:
L. Jacksos Chans. Esq. - - Clearfield.
Tnos. Ross, Esq. - - CurweosvilJn.
G eo. W. Scuorr. - -- - - Jeffries.
C. Kratzex:. Clearfitdd.
J. II. Sevler. - - '- - - - Luthersburg.
Arri.-cl and Departure o' the I&;ls at the
CIea:flell rcsC5i;e.
Tvkonk Mail: Leaves everr day, Sunday cx
ccpted. at 7 o'clock. A. M.
Arrives at 6 P. M J
KaiiTriArs: Leaves Cleafireld, Friday atS A.M.
Arrives, Saturday at 6 P. M. ...
Smith's Mills. Lcnvs Clearfield, Friday at 6
A.M. , ... .
iritAnAMTOs: Leaves Saturday at 9 A. M
Arrives same day at 4 P. M.
WjKDSF.snav. May 30.
. . . , . ,
1 -1.-9 I
Flour, per bbl
Wheat, net bash.
Rye, '-.
. Corn, " "
Oats '
' ; 1 .60
"JVOTICE. The subscriber would Inform the
J.1 public, that the well known horse '-INDEPENDENT
BADGER," may be found at all times
at Pierces Mills. In Chest township. Terms made
known at the stand. . JOHN WAGER.
Chest, May 30, 1835-5 1. ' . ' . .
(CAUTION. All persons nre hereby notified
J not to lift, cash, or meddle with a certaia note"
for $120. given by me to Miss Charlotte Faudey,
dated abovt the 25tli or 27th of February, 1855, as
I have received no considoratioa for the bame'aud
will not pay it unless compelled by law. . i
Brady to,, May 33, lS55-3t
ed. Letters testamentary on the estate -of
Jnnie McOhce. late of Bell township, deceased.,
have been granted to the subscribers. All persons
knowing themselra indebted to aaid estate are here
by notified toinake immediate settlement, apd those
having claims will preacat them duly authentica
ted to our attorney, L. Jackson Crass, Clearfield,
or to cither of the subscribers.
: - - : -C. .: : : JAMES McGlTEE, V
May 30. '55-3t. . .,. Executors. '.
ED. Loiters of Administration, turn trsta
metila a initio, on the estate of Ji.hn Scott Ute of
Ferguson township, deceased, have been granted
to the undersigned. Those indebted to the estate
are notified to make immediate settlement, and
those having claims will present them, duly au
thenticated, to -
May 30, ,?5S-St' ' - - . Adm'r.
NOTICE. Lcttersof Administration have been
granted to the undersigned on - the Ettate of
Joseph M Craken, late of Lell township, deceased.
All persons havinr claims against the estate will
present them duly authenticated for settlement,
and those indebted to the estate will make imaie
diate payment. . AllTII I'R RELL.
RcU tp.i May 30,.f-a3. Adm'r.
r . '. -r.
E . STRAY Cnmc to the residence of the Fub
I scriber. in Woodward township.'a black'Stccr,
wi.h three white feet, supposed to bo about three
years old this spring, on or about the first of Octo
ber 1854. The ownur is requested to come and
p. ovc property, pay charges, and take it awy,'r
otherwise It will be dis-r.osed of according to law.
Woodward tp, May 30, l?5r-tt
'J'be partnership heretofore xisMng between
Flemmir.g t Foster, as Propiictors of the Stage
Line lrcm Llearue'd to Clarn n, has been disaoivej,
and the business will" hereafter be conducted by
the undersigned alone.
Curwensville May SO, 1950.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of CJear
ricld county, the subscriber oiTtrs at private sale
the following described valuable real estate, the
property of Martha Jane VTelch, a minor daughter
of Janics Welch, late of Tike township, in said
county, di-u'd.. viz : all that certain tract or piece
of land situate in Pike township. Clearfield coun
ty, containing 132 acres more or less, bounded and
deseribi d as follows, to wit : Ou the South, West
and North bv lands of Daniel Bailey, and on the
Last by lands of 'Benjamin Carr.
About acres being cleared and under s-ood
cultivation, aud about acres of good timber
lanJ. JOSIAH R. READ. Guardian.
May 30. r5j-ts. .- Lawrence tp.
TVruEiurK Suoff ) In the Court of Common
vs. VPic:isoftheCoutityof Olear-
CimisTiAS fcuoFr. J held oi tcb., ldoj. No. 11.
Sul.pojua to perpetuate Testimony.
And now, to wit : May 21st.' ISSa. the Court, cn
motion of J. Kid-lie viordon. Esq.. attorney for re
lator ia the above case, appoint James 11. l.arri
uier, Esq., Exaiidnvr to take the testimony ou both
sides. Attest :
WM. PORTER. Proth'y.
Xoi"i.;e is hereby given taat I have appointed
Thursday June -ith, A. D. 1S55. between the houis
of ten o'clock A. M. and six P. M. of said day as
the t'Die for attending to th-s dutife of said ap
pointment at my ofli?e in tliu borough of Clearfield,
when and where all persons intercjte-1 mav attend
if they sec proper. JAS. II. LAR1UMER,
May 3'J, laio. Exominer.
fcUP;IANS' COURT - SALE. Valc aisle
Tim I n Las i. By virtue of an order of the Or
phan;' Court of (,'learfied county, at May Term,
16jo. there will be expoied to public sale, at the
town of rcw IVa-hington, oa Saturday the thday
of July, 1S.')5. at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day, nil
that line grist mill, lumbering establishment, and
land connected therewith, containing in all about
3IIU acres, the property of Jonathan l'enrco. dea'd.
si'ua'e in Chest township. Clearfield county, bound
cd as follows, viz : bv lands of Joseph MeMurray,
Aaron I icrce. Thomas MebafiVy, David Woods and
orhers, whieh premises were valued and appraised
under a writ of partition, granted at Dee. Term,
lo-l. and the heirs of said .louothan l'earco, dec d..
having refused to take the fame at the valuation,
this oruer of sale w ag made.
i lie property is situate upon driest Creek in a
populous neighborhood, and in an excel lant loca
tion fr lumber iu:r Ac. The land is heavily tim
bered wiili excellent white p:ne and oac timber
Sevoral housee, stables, and other outbuildings up
on the premises.
Terms of .Sale. Teu per cent of the whole pur
chase moiii-v to le paid in c:ish when the property
is stricken down. One third of tho remainder to
be secured upon the premises by bond and mort
gage, the interest payable ani.ujliy to Marbard
Wager late widow of Jona. Pearce. during life.
ncd at her deecatc, the principal to be paid to the
heirs of s-aid lc:eaced. Ono third of the balance
csh when the sale is confirmed by tbe Court and
tho remainder in two equal annual payments
thereafter, with interest, to be secured upon the
premises, by judgment bond and niortcage.
Possession of the premises to bo given at the con-
fcrmation ot the sale.
Bv the Court,
" " WM. rORTER, Clerk.
Ton.v Ro:: ABAI GH, Trustee.
May SO. 1Sj5.
-' -a dered to meet for parade and Inspection, on
Saturday, Juue 16th. at 10 o'clock, A. M.. in sum
mer uniform., with arms and equipments in good
ontcr taca member providing tiuu.scit with live
rounds of blaLk cartridge. J'vordcr of the Cap
tain. ' ' ' t- W. It'll ELM. Jr.,
May 22, '33. ., Orderly Srrgcant.
TOST Sometime last Fall, .in Houston Towa
J ship, under peculiar cltcumstar.ccs a Sixty
dollar Road Order, dated 'May 15th. IS34, and
numbered 23D, payablo to Valeutinc Hevcncr and
Win. F. Green. Whoever finds, and returns said
Order to' the subscriber, will be reasonably rcward
el. - WM. F. GREEN.
May 22: lS55.-3t. ; . .
DR. JOHN II ."" M V LLEN, Having rented
the property and situation of Dr.G. F. Hoop3.
tvnders bis professional services to the citizens Cf
Frenchviiie, and vieiniiy. Office, one door east of
Lutz's stote, Frcnchvillo. May, 22. '55.-un.
GAUTION. Notice is hereby given to all who
may find themselves in account with Monteli
us. 'l eiiLytk Co., to c-me st.d settle the sauio
without any delay, and save cast, us we intend
closing up our business.
Curwenavillc, May 22, ltfoj.-lt.
AT. KCIIRY VER, PnvsiriAx. maybe found
at his resiJense.'oa Cleartild t'reek, (on the
well know-ji Samuel Ardry place) when not profes
sionally engaged. May. 22, T5j.-3t.
jTOTICE : The undersigned having been ap-'
J l pointed Sealer of Weights and Measures, in
and for the County of Clearfield, gives notice that
those having business wiih him. can have it atten
ded to by calling at his jesidence in the borough
of, Clearfield. - -. .
May 22, '55 -It Healer of Weight and Mw;-
of Administration on the estate of Evi Smith..
Beoearia tp., Clearfield co.. Pa., deccaccd. having
been granted to the undersigned, all persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make pay
ment, and those having claims. Against the same,
will present them duly authenticated for settle
ment, on Saturday the 0lh of June, 1655, at the
house of Joseph M- Smith, in Reccaria townslnp
22, 1855.-3t. Adm'r.
IIOUND On a Raft at the foot of the falls, a
red morocco Pocket Rook, containing some
receipts, papers, a lock of hair, Ac. and appears
to bo the property of a. Sanauol or William Irvin.
The owner e an have it by eaillag at this office and
paving for this ad vertifeuicat. . . .
May 22, 1855.
U Lien &' BENNER,' would respectfully
VJT inform ibp citisena of Clearfield, and public
Sftnerally that they fcave ehlered inte oi-parlacr-iip
. In the Cabinet ,Mkjog . tmsineS3,,ftud keep
constantly on bandstand manufsetnre to order. fcV
the lowest priaes, every variety of funiitoro. con
Bigting of -Liiuing. . i'roakfast-. a.nd Centre Table;
Sewing. Writing and Wash-5lni; Mafaogonjr and
Common Ecdsieads; Mahogony and Caue-bottom-ed
Chair?, Eroanr Sofa. Lounge &o., Ac.
Coffins made aud funerals atteuded ou the short
est, notice, with a neat hearse, aud appropriate
Shop and Ware-rooms, same as formerly occupi
ed by John Gulich, mearly opposite the 'Jew Store.'
Clearfield. Pa JOHN UULICII.
May 22, ;53 -!y. DANIEL RENNER.
Just received, a large and pplcndid assortment of
Goons of almost every description, suitable for the
season, and selling off at yery low prices. Ladie.
Gentlemen, and every person wishing to buy goods
at tho. vrry owrst fricr. nre respectfully invited to
call and examine for themselves. .
Produce of all kinds. received in echange for
goods. WM. F.IRWIN.
May 22, 1655.
' No. 107 NORTH THIRD ST..
' .'-,'-' ' Put LADSLFllll.
In Foio-'ja and Domeaiie Dry Cooda.
Fifth Door below Race. -
' ' amos H. iieilman;
Philadelphia. May 16 13:5.-ly. - -
dersigned begs leave ta ' inform his frienels in
Clenrficld, and tho public generally that be has
made arrangements to receive and keep constantly
on hand all the new, and recent publications,
which he will sell at Publisher's prices.
He alo bus on hand a large and beautiful stock
of miscellaneous books, at the store of M. A.
FraLk. Esq., which he invites the Public to call
and cxiniine. THOMAS ROBBINS.
May 10, lS55.-ly.
ing determined to collect, or at least settle up
nil his accounts this spring, hereby !oins U1
thoEC indebted to him that-if they desire to save
cost and trouble they had better' attend to the
matter immediately. " JACOB DETKICK.
Curwensville. Mny: 16, 1S55. 3t.
, . ; 1--, . . .-
I f The partnership heretofore existing between
Thomas J. and David Moore. -under the -stylo and
firm of T. J. and D. Moore, was this day. May Tib.
dissolved by. mutual consent, "and the hook are
left in the hands of David Mooro for settlement.
'May9.-3t.' DAVID M00KE.
ItlBLES, BIBLES. Tho Clearfield county
i Bible Society has constantly a supply of Bi
bles and Testaments of different sizes, for s-tlc-Tit
the Proihonotory'e offlee, Clearfield, Pa. During
Court week when Mr Porter cannot at all timc-s
attend to Dersoas ihey will tmd any of the officer
ready t-j do S3. 11. L'Jl'-AIN, Pres.
S. M. Cori:fe, V. Tres.
C. Difhl, 1
G. I'. Gulich. j
DAVID S. PLOTNEK Respectfully informs
his old friends and the public, that ho has
obtained the services of a good Cutter and work
man us a foreman ia the tailoring business., and
he is now prepared to atteud to- any orders in his
Lineof workon the most accommodating terms.and
short notice, and will have clothing on hand at all
times, such iws drcs coats, frock coats, vests, and
pantaloons of their own manufacture, and good
material at the lowest prices. With a wish to ac
commodate, he solicits a shaic of patronage.
New Washington, May 0. lo5.
J 1 SALOON. The subscriber begs leave to in
form the ladies end gentlemen of Clearfield, that
he has taken the commodious Louse south of
Hemphill's Hotel, where he designs keeping Ice
cream, Lemonade. Cakes. Cenfectiouaries. Ac.
He will also keep on hands a supply of Oysters
and ail other kiuds of refreshment, in the Saloon
he has formerly occupied, in the basement of
Hemphill's Eo el. CHARLES GREAFF.
Clearfield. May 2. 1S55.
I7AMED-A good Blacksmith, at Liek Run
TT Mills, live miles below Clearfield. A good
Shop, furiii.shji with two fires, tools, and all the
other convcuicncies, and well situated to obtain
custom, is in readiness, and want an occupant.
May 2. '53. CienrfieU. Ta.
SAMUEL BERLIN, df.allr is Drugs.Medi
cihcs, Paints, Oils. Spices. Window Glass, i
als, Dye Stuffs. Perfumeries. Alcohol, Burning
Fluid, Patent Mcdieiues. Ac. ic,
JUNIATA ti'., Ax'IvjelE CITY, FA.
Having just opened au extensive assortment of
these ariieies.l'hyi-ioians will find it to their advan
tage to give hini a call, and examine his Stoek be
fore orde ring from the I.asteren Ciie; and Coun
try Merchants e:'.n also be accommodated with all
the Essences. Tinctures. Patent Medicines, Ac-,
WHO AL'.4 L U a.U RETAIL, at lowst price.
$."IIe Lopes by strict attention to business. and
a desire to plc-tgy. to lucrit a share of public pat
ronage. Apjil 25, 1S55
DR. B. F. AKLEY tenders his professional
serviees to the iahabitants of Grabamton and
Burrnunding country he can at all times bo found
at his Office, directly opposite Mr. J. B. Graham's
store, when not professionally engaged. Apr. 25.
il STORE", No. "2 North Skco.no Street,
stir, the MtiiHt email JJoni,) fpLnauulphia.
Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled. IS K. cases.
Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepiue, Quartier;
Gold Spectacles, -Silver do.;. Silver 'iable Soor.s,
Silver Desert do. ' Sifv'er Tea do.'; Go!d Pens and
Gold Cases; Gold Pons-and silver -..: together
with ayaticty of fiuc Gold Jewelry, -ol Curb,
Guard and Vol) Chains. AU goods v. .irranted to
be as represented. Watches and Jew,iiy, repair
ed in tbe best manner. -.
. Also. Masonic Marks. Pit s, Ac., tnaeo t order.
N. U. All orders sent by mail a t :n?rwis-t;
wiil be punctually attended to.
His motto is: "Small Profits and Qui.;: Salct "
Philadelphia, Apiil 25, IS35. '
Wholesale Dkalersiv Hits. Cups. Fnrs.6rr.,
No. 17o Market Street, between 5th and 6th Sts.,
Philadelphia. fn. 17, '55. m.
delphia. Dealers iu Linens. White Goo Is. Ho
siery, r reucn. cngusn ana ucrmin sim uooas. l.a
ecs, Gloves. Bolting Cloths, Ac. (Juno 15. '5 4-ly.
T) SHOEM AKERS. A fine lot of Spanish Kip.
Men and Women's Morocco pink trimmings
and Sole Lcatlmr, for aale cheap, by ' -
Jnne 13, '54. il-JSSOf 4 POTTARFF ;
B.IOOK. TYSON A It Ell N Wholesale irv
Good's Store, No. 115, Maiket Street. Philade'l
phio. June 15, lS54-ly.
Barrels New Orleans ?ugar. at Sixpence
pound, for sale at the Cheap Store of
- A. M. 1HLLS
rONE AVARE. of everv variety- cheap for rash
at the Storo of ' V P. IRAVIN.
June 14, '54 ,
JQQ Barrels Fish, for sale
June 14. '54 ' -
at the Chear Stor
w. f. irav::l.
Bags of Coffee, just received and for sale
at the New Store of A. M. HILLS. -14,
'51. ' -
UJfJJJ o: b.s.z qu:uny. tor sale at the Mgn ;
qu:ility. for sale at tho
Price 3.50 per thousand.
o: :ae x.ea c lag
Juno 27, lSe4
. T AVorra byrup and Liver Pills, for sale by
torn of this-Institution will commence 0
the 30lh of April, 1S65,' .- - .
I All peronawuhing to fit themsolvcafsr TatAca
rs, or othera.yooaiiona in lir. will here receiye -
very desired1 facility aud atteution.. A jhoroagh
k Claasical and Mercantile course is here given, oat
terms lower loan any wacruauiar aniutouoa in
tbe State. Persona desirous of aoquiriog a com
plote know ledge of Pelton'a ixnprored OutliuoMapa,
wtil be afforded that privilege during the cumiig
term, t the low rate S2i per quarter.
Should any unconnected with the Academy, de
sire to learu this system of Geography, they w.iH
be permitted to recito with tbe oiuss at the rogolar
hours. The Maps are the beat knows, with alltbel&to
improvement: engraved in beautiful colors.
Parent at a distance, an obtain bosrding for
their sous or daughters'undcr the ioimediatc care
of the Principal, where thay will receive rare ad
vantages, wiih all the comforts and pleasures of a
home; and thoir morals will be carefully guarded,
Tho rates of tuition per quarter arc -.-Primary
English. S2 50; High English, S3.00; Classics. Ss.OO.
Further information c.mi le had by addressing
Apr. 4, '55 CierfieU,r. '
17 X V 1 1 A NO E II OT EL. Tl 1 1 LI PS K V KG.
IA Tho subscriber, thankful for past favors,
would respectfully solicit a continuance of the li'-i-eiul
patronage bestowed upon his House by tht
Public He is prepared to acaomiiiodate wte
men, editors, drovem. and ail otbcr3 who Lily call
with him. in the very best manner.
He alio purposes to run a line of Ilaeks from
Tyrone to Clearfield, for th accommodation of the
travelling public. J. U. EUNK. -
Philpsturg. March 14. 1555.-tr.
CAl'TION ! All persons are hereby sotifiert
not lift. ca.h. or mcddlo with wcertain cote
for S 10. given by in to William Ten Eyok. ell
ted tue ;;ist day of March, 16:5. as I have rcceiv
ed no consideration for the same, find will not pay
it ucb; Ce'in polled hy law. G. W. Y0CNG.
Fergtisoa '1 owr.-hip, April 4. 13J5.-St J
Under tho late act cf Congress, will find the
subi:riber fully prepared, with blanks, forms, Ac ,
to assist th cm in procuring their Warrants.
OScc two doors or.sl of Journal Oface. up stairs,
M.r. 2, '55.J H. Bl.'CHER SWoOPE.
TEYV FIRM. A. A J. Pat cms Laving taken
1 1 to themselves the Store formerly ow-nod by
J no. Patch in A Sons, take pleasure in informing
thrir friends, and the publi- generally, that they
have just received from Ihc city a spleudid aasort
meul.oX'X'ry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Queens-.,
wm e, Hat. Caps, Pools. Shoes, nnd cvcrythingois
usually ke4.t in a country storo. Persons wihii g to
buy cheap and goo! 'Jood.-v should not forget tail
they ire dtermind not to be undersold by auy store -in
the county. We invite one and all to come and
examine our stock for themselves, as wa clir.r'i no- .
tiling tor so doing.
No. 1. -a4 -tl.
DASH A Co., S. V. conicrSd aud Race. Phil',
begs leave? to inform his numerous friend ia
Clearfield, that he will aHrvya boon bands when
they visit the city, to supply the-ra with tbe boat
quality of Loaf and manufactured Tobacco, Ci
gars, Ac. bJau. 31,"52.-ly.
RETAIL. Isaac Joux.stoN would respectfully in
form his friends and the public generally that h
hasjust returned from tho East, w here he has pur
ci aacd the most Fplenuid assort u:i:t of Boots &
Shoes ever brought to Clearlieid. Every variety -of
Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps. Ac. Ac. M.t -fancy
shots, and gaiters, wiih au excellent tiibGrt
men tof heavy stock, all adapted to tbe wants ot
the people of Clearfield. He Le-pes his fiie-Lcts will
give him a cr.M at bis store iu thaw's Row" aii :
vxamiue his stock. Jur.e 13, "54.
CIIEMlsT A DKl-tiGIsT. A"o. h'i North Seo-
o tl .SV., Second door below Mount Verr.on Iioue,
Philadelphia. Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Per
fumery. Paints. Oils. Window Glass, Ac, Ac.
November S, 1554.-ly.
CY, CLI'UON CObAXY, I A Tbe under
signed continues to give bis person d attention to
the Buyiug end Selling of Pine Timber, Farm and
Coal Lands, re-surveying, cxan-.iuing and estima-.
ting timber, preventing irespass. paying taxes. Ae.
Wiil, if desired, purchase square timber and boards.
Having for the last seven years spent much time .
in examining and estimating timber iu Clinton,
Centre. Clearfield. Elk and Potter Counties. I feol
prepared to give eikIi infemiaiion and offer saeh
sund-i as will give perfect satisfaction.
Choico Tracts, as above for sale.
References A. G. Curtin. Secretary of Stkte,
BcRefonte. Centre Co. ; B. Rush Petrikan. Supcjt
inteudart of Farrersvillo Jo t'lihtrn Co.; G. R.
Barrett, Attorney at Law, Clearfield. Clearfield -Co.;
R. C. Wioslow, 1 .umbei -man. Winslows Elk
Co.: Andrew Jacktoii. Register mid Recorder, rot
ter Co; John F Cowen. Philadelphia; John E.
Young. Com mission Merchant- PliiiaJelphin; A.J
Fitch. Luuiber Dealer. Jersey City, N. ..!.; Sa:i;uel
Smith. Esq.. No. 35 Wall St.". No.w Yoik; Nathan
iel Hatch. Attorney at Law. Washington, V. C. ;
and Gen. . P. Her.ie-y. Bai. ;or. Maine.
Office with Ciine G. Furs;, Attorney at Law.
Apr. 25, :55.-.1m.1j J. B. WING.
The partnership heretofore existing bctweea
the undersigned ns Proprietors ol the Mourt Ver
non House (Second St.. aboveArch. I'hiladolphia.)
has been dissolved If inntaarconscnt.
The House will still continue to be kept, as be
fore, by I. L. Barrett, who will endeavor t
pleise and accommodate LU numerous patroaa.
Philadelphia, April 25, 1855.
P. NELSON & CO.. would respectfully is- "
form the citizens ef Morris township and ad
joining country, th.-.t tbey have just arrived with a.
large assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard
ware. Qnecnswarc. Boots and Shoes. Hats and Ccpa,
Clocks. Looking glasses. Coiifectionarics. Medic-ice,
Oils. Paints. Tinware, and all other articles usually
kept iu a country stole, which they aredeteiruiaed:
to sell low for cash, country prsduce. or Lumber.
Morris Township. November 1. 1754.
X 1 he subscriber would most respectfully o
licit all those indebted to hiio. to come forward
aud settle up. and if they cannot pay give their
Notes, aud further hopes not to be required to ua
any other means than this simple notice. U can
bo found at almost any time at Woodland, prepar
ec to settle. F. P. HL'RXTHAL.
Nov. 8. 1S51.
No. 105 V. Third Street, five doetrs below Ree,
NOV. 2"), "54.-1 T., IILADELPOIA.
seriber offers for sale a sew and complete Ap .
aratua on reasonable terms. Instructions given in
the art and aparatus furnished to any desirous of
learning. . D- S. Moore.
Pcnnsville. March 21t, 1S55.
TVTOTICE : AM person! are hereby cautioned
1 Al against paying or lifting a certain promissory .
Note, given to Jumos H. Gailer. calling for the
payment of thirty-four dollar, and signed W. AV.
Flemming. or Fleaimiug A Foster.. They Lave re
ceived no coosideratiou for the same, anil will not
pay it unless compelled bv law.
Curwensville. May 2, 1S55. -. . - .
jS Moihannon,
-At theOld Pioneer MilKefi'-tb
in Morrw townshiTa. 1b. tb '
scriber has jufe completed a large new Grist Mill,
which is in successful operation'. Crain of all
kinds bought, ttorvl, and sold in comaiision.
JVc,.27.'3,4. : ; : l, . .. , .HENRY-GROE.. j
4 K. WKllinr, MERC RANT; AXii EXTE-i-jV..
l-ono door south ot his residence. CleaftTel T. F- .
aearfield, March 1 1, 1355.
JACKSyN CK,VNS Attorney ut
fs adjiiicing rtidertoe, Clearfic'f
' - - - IMay-
i ' "
4 '
i I
- j-
j '
f -
i j
i . '
i :