Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 02, 1855, Image 3

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    U 1
,i -'Tt
jvy Oer citizens aod ' laerc'.iar.t. ,wno "iSc
jjjc to purchase jewelry. ni fii'v-r wire,
Vf.tiTd r.ot fiH to cwfcrace the earliest oppor-
S-vu - . ... i T...-
to visit AriSE7 cieap "WiU.cu Jiajc
:rTe;' opposite theount 7emw K "'
lt.hla. The v will Una nun a
- . . - - ;.
rbilaicJi.au. They will una mm a itm'--la
every' particular, and so Lave their
lower pnee tnan ".
We can cordcai!y rec-
aat ftrpplied at
other establishment.
i-cmend uiru to our readers.
rTT" Wc cali tlie attention o. oa
,1a card of J. B. WD.uEs.i.ir.anotherco.umn,
Xr. Wiag, has had a great deal of experience
in timber land, and is possessed of much re
lisUe inforuialk-ii in regard to our e-vn cocn
tv. Iho3J having lai-leesa in Lis line, can
not entrust it to letter Lands.
--Clearfield cousty is v.ithout a Dreg
Store, or r.iight s well be, tind our country
merchants who v.isli to purchase sacli articles.
re ecmrcEtiJ ca cr send to Philadelphia.
r. - ill t'.. retention of our readers to the ad-
!.-.""- .
rttsnetia another olu-a of Jkr. S-oicrx
Beku?:. who has opened a large and splendid
st-d"ishr.-;-i: bt Tvrone. When you go over
there give L.r
C7" Our reader will, see by a notice in
another column that Hats Mortiow, has pur
chased the entire stock of tools Lc of John R.
Morrow. a"d wiil continue to carry 02 ti e
Cabinet Makias in all Its branches at the eld
fellow and deserves
stand." llys
1 o Le paironh
is aelerer
r-r- Those disirins to eu into the Daguer-
I-- -
reotvee tut:nx;ss, can t.uichase a. erst rate apa-
ratus by applying io D. S. Moore. See card
a-id others who uuditneces
Philipsburg, will sun by ref
d iu another column, that J. G.
Tho till "to establish a triiform paper mea
sure' pending inour JeguUture, provides that
hereafter a ream of paper shall contain twenty
quires of twenty-four sheets each ; that blank
books shall contain twenty sheets to the quire,
and be distinctly marked with the manufactu
rer's name end the number of quires. The
penalty for violating any of these provisions is
fixed at fifty dollars, one-half to the county,
and one-half to the informer. The objeet of
this bill is to guard against the fraud practis
ed by proper mongers, who sell w hat's called
"short count reams" or reams, the quires 01
which coTilaia only eighteen sheets, instead of
twenty-four, which has been the uniform cus
tom in the country. W e thins the bill js a
good one, and much required.
Some of cur people secci not to be aware of
the fact that the recent Act of Assem? ly, re-
ih li'iawe laws, contains the foilow-
"o '
ing proviso :
.Pr-r1.,. f.,rtb(r. TVat SO much of any CCt Of
acts of Asi'.-isblv rt requires a license from a City
fir Oj-tctv Treasurer, to authorise the sale of spn
i!ou?. viLous or malt liquors, be and the saae is
Tho effect of the clause is to unconditionally
repeal all laws authorizing Treusurii's liceLS-
cs. : Ealing and oyster-houses, selling ale and
beer, will be compelled to stup it immediately,
and cannot procure license until October, as is
generally supposed- All licenses taken out,
r.r t, taka effect since the iassaso of this
ne-v law, are null and void.
H7"-A deliberate mwrdor, said to le the t-
sn'it ofjeabuisy, was perpetrated f ew Haven
on Saturday "ni2;ht last- William CLnrk, ft
young erocer, suol Kiciiara nnite inrougu
the head, because lie oaa niarrieu a Mm a-
gart to whom.Clark was very nwica attacaoa
rry Col. Kiskf.t, whose arrest we notice in
another column, was brought before the L bi-
ted States Court on Sat unlay, and held to bait
in ten thousand dollars to answer the charge
of getting up an illegal expedition against a
foreign state. ; . ,.
Bolters is Virginia. The Kichmomi Posf
states that there are thtrtv-two thousand Uem-
oc rats in Vireinia. Who bolt the nomination of
Wise, for Governor. Some of the leading re
cusants are openly stumping for the American
The Hiss IsvestigatiON. The Hiss investi
eatinsr committee has adjourned until Tues
day next , when it is rumored the real Mrs. Pat
terson will be produced as a witness.
rj-Water ui;
nr.- to stop ia
fer:rcc to a cam
Busk, of the rkiUiibTtr;; Exchaitze,'' is pre
. .nt.-n-o,1i, thim. Give mm a can
jja.cvi w -' -J ...
tT7- Those wanting to sell lambtr, or pur
chtss laerehaud'Sii oa good terms, are recom
mended to call at the itore of Hon. A. K.
lVaicur, Secoud street.. See card.
Those of our readers who so frequently
have occasion to visit Tyrone, will End it pro
fitable t i call snd purchase goods from F. M.
C-Iiaftsmcn, who are going down the river
in the Spring, are informed, by a notice in
another column that "White Hall Boarding
IIous-j,', acar FrenchviHe, isproiiareii'or their
reception by ti:e proprietor John W. Rides.
If John' 'soiir k rout' is as well 'masoned' as
Hother Moore's, we have no doubt ho'll get
Ivls of custom.
--Thcsj of our merchant friends who de
sire t riy ia a first rate stock of Drugs and
Cheniica'i, aul 1t:v from a first rata Arm,
tiU call IZS !Iirket St., on their next visit
to thj City, at Kcscll & Schott's.
5X7" It fro-iu.tly happens that when our peo
Iie we returning from the East they find the
StJi'J full, snd are cupelled-to walk or lis
wTer at Tyrone. These tiitCcuUies will now bo
obviited sltice Jakb Crotiier lias opened
Lis a;w Livery SUblc, whore horses and bug-
tic in i be liad at all times on reasonable terms.
Wh it Clearfield merchant is not acquain
tci with iji. PArGiiEKir, aad where will you
ila l a batter follow 1 He miy always be found
at Ui corner of Sd 5: Race, Philadelphia, rea
dy to supi V his friends with a first r-te arti
cle of Tolicco and Cigars.1 . See Card.;'
Jrircl-ants and othors desiring to pur
chase Tin and Sli?et Iron ware, will fiad excel
lent terms a2-rd"d by Lth.vx GlLOERT, At his
Pirr.-.11 otwI Trim.
out to pur-
Scarcity of Graiti ia Kaatucky.
.-.iiie idea of the inconvenience, if no
er.i.,f j eiittV--rir.iT. occasioned bv the scarcity of
JVUlbV . . --0 7 . -
frRin in iortiv7is of KentucKy, maybelurcie
bv a nsrtis.il of the following paragraph,, that
w. fin.-l 5n the Madison Courier of the 17th
Tlx? p.ountv autiioniies o
lib in Kentucky, have sent aeents
ehiiie earn, which is to be sold at cost deliver
ed to person" able to pay for it, and oa a cred
it to those who are unable to pay now. Trim
ble countv has two depots on the river, one at
Garratt's landing, tile tnner at jinion. 1 es
terdsy five hundred bushels, the lirst arrival,
was divided out in lots none to exceed Gtteen
bushels to one person. The scene yesterday
at Milton wis lively ; town crowded with peo
ple. Some dissatisfaction was expressed on
account oi tne security requirea oy me coun
ty ollicers for repayment in November. Many
were unable to give the security, others would
not; both went away without corn. We un
derstand Trimble county has more corn on the
way to her depots.
llo.v. Jaxcs' rrK.NSiDE. - - P.ellcfocle.
IIo.v. Uicnar.n Sn.vw. - - - 'Clearfield.
ilov. Jonx P. Hoyt. lAiwber City.
William Pouter- - - - - Clearfield. .
William TowELt..' - - . - ClearSeli. .
E. T. Ward, CluariielJ..
SrON'C CleaiCeld.
Fcitoyp, - ViS-en IIp.
Koss, - - - - - Curwensviile.
Mf.iiArKEY; - - - - liowcr.
J. Wai.t.m-k, - - Clearfield.
MtPnctisos, Clearfield.
L. Jacksos Cp. Esq. - - Clearfield.
Thos. Ros?. Esq. - - - - Curwf nsvillo.
(!eo. W. Scnorr. ictmcs.
dered to meet for parad at tbe Town Hll,
oa Saturday, May Ilh, t t tst3ck. P. M-, ia ui
raer uniform. Etch member will provide himself
with five rounds of blank cartridge. By order of
tbe Captain. Q. W. RIlfaEM.Jr.,
j May 2 55. -: - - Ordtrly Serstaut.
HAYES MORROW. bees leave to i.vfVta
his friends and the public generally. tiiihe
h.-is nurehased the entire stock, tools. io., of -rfous
li. Moanow. and will carry on the Cabinet Making
lit the old stand opposite tbe Methodist Episcopal
Cbarcu. as fonnarly.
Ho -will keep couslantly on band nil Kiuus ol
furniture, eneh as Tables, bed-steads, Cupboards,
Stands. Sofaa. .
Apr. 23, 'iJ-.i- -U. II AYES TAIOSRO W. ...
AMUEL "BERLIN-, dkaj.kb Drug?Medi-
cincs, Faints, Ui Is. .picea. Window UiasS, Vx-
als, Dye fctuns, iVrtuuitnes, Aleouol, lkirimig
Fluid. latent Medicines. Jtc Ao.,
nvinr just opened an extcmsiro assortment of
tbese articles. Physicians will find it to their ad vau-
taze to give him atsll. aud examine bis Stock ue-
. " 1 . - v . 1 1 . : . : . . 1
trv MerebiUits enn also be aeeomoioJated with all
the I'.senee. iiueuires, raiera ..eiuiues, o.k.,
WllOLhAlAV and UL. 1AJ , Mt lotet-it prices.
t ..-FMIe hopes by stsiet attention to busir.eaiLaua
a desire to please, to merit a t-hare of puMio pat
ronage. JApril 25, 16'jj
.1 Court Sffairs
ML AY TERM, 1355.
Pr.o.l.t .TtiH m of ih Court of Comuiou Picas of
tli-e tyentyfifih Judicial Uiftrfrt, e5flp?c! of the
rinrtJrji r,T ITItinriieUt. venire vn
the HoBcrablo KICliAKD SUAW ana jww.r,
HOYT, As?ociato Judged of Clearfield county, have
issued their preecoi bearicR date the iwU-
TY FIFTH day f Feb. l&st,U me Uirectea,ior iae
holding of a Court of Common rieas. vrpuans
Court, Oortrt of (Jartr Sessions. Court of Oyer aud
Terminer, and Court of lieneral Jail Delivery, at
Clearfield, in and for Clearfield county, on the
THIRD MONDAY f MAY next, being the
21st day of -the month. ' . '
Ta tbe Corouor, Justice of Ac Peace, and Consta
bles, ia and for tho said county of Clcar6eid, to
appear iu their own proper persons with their
Rolls, Records, Iuqukitlons. Examinations, and
other R?mcrolirueefi. to do those things winch to
their offices, and 111 their fcebalt, pertain to io
done, and Jurors and Witnesses are rcqucsteJ to
bo then and there attending, and net to depart
-n-ithmit. ton?- .t llipir ncril. -
GIVEN under my Land, at ClenrCe!.'., this 17th
Anvnf Ur in thf vpb r of our Lordotic thons-
I DASH AG(Ki S.-W. comer 3d and Race. I hd a,
begs leaves U infofta his nusacromi . friend 1 in
Cllaritdd,- that he will always be on
they visit the city, to supply thorn wUi the bo
quality of Leal aud manufactured Tobacco, Oi-
RETAIL. Isaac JonysTON would iespeiuuy in
form bis friends and tho public generally that ha
hasjuid returned from the East, whore he baa pur
ehnsed tho most plendi 1 fssort moot of EoOlS
Shoes ever biought to Clearfield. Every variety
of Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps, Ac. Ac. Men
fanev shoes, and gaiters, with an xef ller.t arscrtr
aicu'tofhuavv stock, all adapted to the wanta of
tlio people of Cleartlcld. He hopes his friends will
give him a call at his storo in -Shaw's Row'' nnd
examine his stock. June 13, '54.
- find
TT Ot'KHAVliA KLAJitSi Ai JJ .ll-.-1j
CY, CLINIOS COUUTi-, TA 'ihe under-
si'T.ed contiuucs to give ha personal attention to
the Duymg una belling of Fine iiinber, iarm aaa
Coal Jjuids. re-furveyiug, examining aud cstinia-
ting tim'jcr, preventing trespass, paying taxes. vc.
Will, it ueireil. pnreliase square umucr ana "osirus.
HaviDg tr llie l:ist seven years spent mucuiime
... i . . . . ; ... 1. ; f 1 !
in examining hjiu iBiiliiann muutr in wuuwui
Centre, Clearfield, Eik ai:d Potter Counties, I foci
prepared to givo sucu lDtermation ana oucr ueu
lauds as will give perfect satisfaction.
Choice lracls, as ayove. lor sale.
Ukfekknces A. . Curtin. Secretary of State,
Bcllefonte, Centre Co. ; 1J. Rush l'etrikan, suticr-
inteudant of Farrtusville Co., Clinton Co.", t. lv.
barre't. Attorney at Ijiw, Clearfield, Clearfiald
Co.; R. C. Wi.-islow, Luinheriaan, l ins!o.s. j.ik
Co.: Andrew Jackson, Register aud Recorder, Fot
ter Co.; John F. Coweu, Philadelphia; John E.
Vouug- Coniuiission Merehaut, Fliilatlelpuia; A.J.
v;t.h T.iimber Dealer. Jersey Citv. N. J.; Samuel
s.nitli. Eso.. So. 3j Vail St.. New York; Mathau-
icl Iiateh. Attorney at Law, Washington. D.. C
and Gen. S. P. Herscy, Dauber. Maine.
Office with Cline O. turst. Attorney at Ijaw.
Apr. 25, '6S.-3ffl.il J. D. WING.
of Apr., in the year of our Lord otic
eight hr.ndred aud fifty-five .and the
cth year of American Independence.
The Vandlubilt Corrkspondexck. The
Trent,n 2'me American vt Thursday morning
publishes a letter from Mr. H. E. Lafetra. one
of the members of the New Jersey Legisla
ture, who signed the Vanderbilt letter, in
which he admits that it was intended as a hoax.
II-j says :
"I would say so far as I am concerned, and
with all respect to Commodore Vanderbilt,
that you have treated it in the light iu which I
wish it to be viewed, and as I fully believe
those whose names are connected therewith
intended it, viz: .-u a hoax not supposing
that it would ever reach the public eye us a
joke by way of offset to the one addressed to
George Law, published some time since.
Respectfully yours, tec,
"il.E. L VFETJCA."
Ksow NoTrti.NC. Withdrawals. The Loco
foco papers iir--: again publishing marvelous ac-cn-nis
of withdrawaL from the Know- Nothing
lodges ia Virginia. Have they forgotten the
'withdrawals before the New Hampsliire,elec
tion 1 Thev tdav anurile game, and deserve
to loose. They will find after the election,
that the Know Nothings of Virginia, like
those of New Hampshire, Lave withdrawn
to go to the polls.
J. II. Sevllii.
Anial and Departure 0 the Mails at tho
Clearfield Fcst-Cfa:e.
Tvnavr. M.uf. Leaves every Uav, bunday ex
cepted. at 7 oelock, A. Jl.
Arrives at r. :a
TvATnAi-s-. Leaves Cleafiruld. Friday atS A.M.
Arrive?. Saturdav at 6 P. M.
SMitn's Milt.8. Leaves Cleaifield. Friday at 6
A. M.
Ghahautos: Leaves Saturday at 0 A. M
Arrives same day at 4- P. M.
tU. Ii. I . AKLE teudors bis professional
services to the iahabitants of (,ruliauuon and
eiirrnnndLiiir countrv he can at nil times be found
. . ..,-" .1.. T I! Ilrokiin'l
store, when not profesiionally engaged. Apr. 25.
flAUTIOA. AH pereonsaro uereuv cauuoneu
J against harboriDii or havicsr anythics to do
with uiy son, Thomas JcrUen, who is a minor, ana
refuses to stay with me aud work as he ought to
do. I will pay no bills of his contracting, or uave
anvthing to do with hnu whatever. I am ueter
lufned to hold those responsible who harbor or
ken him, for anything he may uo to me or my
1 . o , m iti in.' nrv
rroDcrTv. o.i.'iv. i.L j i..t'.., .
April 25, 1355-
Cuiuniirs A Mnbnffey vs Jacob Dilgcr.
David lncr vs Kcbort Pcuv.ingten.
Samutd Caidwell vs Mamug .Sttveisson.
V.'ui. Porrv vs Wia. Iddirg.
Ci?ar F. Moore vs 0. P. WiM?r.
II. Lanvers vs Siimuel Widcmiro.
. ik'Ujaniiu Comely vs-Williaia M- Duyan- .
Francis M'Coy vs AV. Watsou.
James Curley vs James Gunsaulua.
C. F. Renand vs John Xodier et al.
ieor?e V.T. Cniter vs Suyder & Lar;.
Wui. Fu'lcrton vs James Gallaher.
Thomas Taylor, saddler; Peter Asheuf. Dtr
und William Kirk, fanners.
llradfard.iaz. Fearce, Day. MeDowoU,faim-ori.
JieU.-J. MjMannus.tcaoher; J. Newcoui.r;f3i.ucr.
Beccariti. John B. Dillon, farmer.
Clearfuid Borough. Thomas Uobius.carpeu v.r; i
riiriijtf.nhrr Kratier. merchant. !
CurvrensviUe lioro .John Draucker.inrspcr.
Covingtmi Tp. Joab Rider, fancor. ,
Chest " Nelson natch, farmer. .
Deeutur. AndrewKephart, J.Gcarbarf.fumnrs.
' Ftrsunnn. Thomas Owens, farmer.
Girai J. Jacob Shape, farmer.
Hustoi Gold Wilson, farmer. -Jordan.
Win. Dunlap. Jno. McNeal. farmers.
Miirrts. Joa. Poster, John W. Irwin, farmers.
Union. Mosat Daily, farmer.
Woo-icar'.-Yiu. Alexander, Jr., farmer.
I CHEMIST A IiaUGGlST. Vo- S9 AortJi w
ottd St.. Secoud kr below Mount Vernon lloue,
Philade.h)Li. Def.lers in Drue. Chemicals, Per
fumery. 1'aiuls. Oils. Window Glass, Ac, Ac.
November f, lS51.-ly.
to"! RI-TWARD ! On Monday ciKbt. h
tlJAwV? 2nd inrtatit, Aaroo Hotiuian, I.chael
fciuills and Robert Woods, confined in the Jail cf
ClearCc'.J ceuntv. !i ?uocee-led in niakins their
cs-"ai.e. Tho follow ir.g rcwaros v ill be paid r tba
unprchcaaion and return of faid pcrsnta to the jail
of this cooi.tv : For Hoffman, Smith, otf, aud
Woo-- :0- cr a proj ..rlionate amouut of thtawri
rewards will be pain to uny r.cron arresting ana
dcuiidng all or either of thorn, and giving mfor
instiou tu the subscriber.
1 tlK i:t thirty rears c!J, abcu
r-trr. f-r ; tTtx i Il.-.he J ii 12U. of rallilT IliTt
r . , . . 1 . . - , ' , 1 .., ft 1 rn I . n ,-fi :
01 o;ir;-. c.iu; i-a .. -
red pic.id if st, tlask paa-. t-i:- f'1-1
and wosco:.ne.l u a cbar;j of hvrao stcaUu;.
MicLa.l Smi.i, is about tti.ty years old. at out
five fo- t .-.ix ir.ubts la heiRht. henry not, with a full
face, aud a s.-ar on 01 c cucck ; had on a crossbar-
1 coat t.r I town nr.J h'.nu cn'ors black Nnr.kren
pants End ted shirt, n:.d w.-.m iirpriatt-d on a
charge oi" cbtau ine good under false rretenccs.
Rolcrl Woods. i. nbrut r.Snc-.cen years f
ws dn.wd in hl.ck clothes and had ben tried
convicted, tiid tisprhior.uJ fr ihei'v.
Wl 1,1.1 .M P J WELL,
Cb-r.rSeld, Pa., April 4, lA.i5.-CV. ,
ht frme.ani
T i: W R EST A lT ii A N T. Ouai; ia ; " Birr,
would inforiu the pu&uc Uili l-e liys jusiopen-
,.j4U jung i-;iuwou luthc baseiuciit o in n pni.:
Hotel, wbero he nerves up to order Frc-h Grstera,
Anehivios. &. ihc best quality ci ei
ii,;i j.Uli.lii Ale. alw jirs on hand. He
nrr. sr.d
iniilcs ail luvcrs tf
1 1 v 1 n-a
Tv. Johu J. Deans, Gc
Flour. rerbbl. S 10.75
Rye FtouT, 4
Corn Meal. " '
Wheat, per bush.
Rye, scarce at
4. Id
Mar 1.
to 11.37
" 7.60
- 4.40
" S.00
Oats, scarce
Wsdmrsday, May 2.
Hour, per bbl $14.00
Vhcat, per bush. 2.70
Rye, 162
Corn, " 1.20 '1
Oats ' ' -52i
BOROUGH .ORDlJiASCK.-tie tt tnactea
lathe Town Council of the Borough of Clear-
fidd, That all persons laying timber, boards or
shingles on tbe public grounds of the borough-and
those now having tho same laid there, shallpay to
the Treasurer of said borough the sum of live dol
lars for each and every timber raft, and ten cents
for each and every thousand feet of boards, or
thousand shingles, for each year or season which
siid timber, boards or shinirlcs may be laid on
sail public grounds of the borough, aud that here
after ail persons wtsnmg 10 occupy 0.1.111 jimum
for any of the above purposes, shall be reouired to
i,;r, lonvoof the Chief Rureess end J112& v.on-
tablo who shall select and measure on the ground,
and see that a free passage to the Kiver is leit
- WM.. x litw I IN, tinrtrtxs
No.. 1G, :Markct street,
Price lists furnished on
See advertisement.
Wholes Factoi-y.
Harrisbarg, Penn'a.
application, postpaid
HT" It isaid the Nix-W ciscrs" were abont
New 'Washington at. the Ute 'Election. V.'e
don't know how tik it may be, but wc do know
that D. S. Plotxei keeps on 2 ot th2 best Tem
perance Hotels ia the three couuties. Give
him a call. See card in another column.
! The 'best natared, .'cleverest pair of fel
lows 1:1 the "Wild C'tvILstrict,"- Fllm:isg &
roJTER,: hara opened a Livery Stable in Cr.r
wensvillc, and axe. prepared to accommodate
the public with all eorls of Vehicles, &c, on
What is a Ton Weight? The Supreme
Court of this SUta recently decided that, r.c-
cordinz to the laws of the State, a ton weight
consisted ot L"JC0 lbs., and that a greater num
ber of pounds con! 1 not not be legally exact
ed in purchasing 3 tqn of coal, notwithstand
ing the cusloni ..f giving 2,210 in one part of
the State, and 2.208 ia another. The United
States District Court, of Pennsylvania, on
Monday decided in a suit in admirnlty, that
the leg"l weight of a ton of coal is 2,210 lbs.,
and thtit the coal dealers have no more right
to give less than sixteen ounces to the pound.
Fiom at CiN'crxxATi. The Commercicl of
Friday says: "There were no buyers in the
market for Flour yesterday, and altho' . sound
parcels were offered at the reduced rate of S'J,
we did not hear cf a sale. Holders generally,
however, anticipate a falling off in receipts,
and a consequent reaction in prices, and are,
therefore, withdrawing temporally frm the
market. Received during the last twenty-four
hours, 1,740 bbls." The rate of freight per bar
rel from Cincinnati to Pittsburg was So cents.
Da tbe 1 2th of March, by the Rev. C. Diehl, Mr.
Damei. Cn vviipns and Mrs. A B. Clacch, both of
Curwensville, Clearfield Co., Pa.
On t1-.-) Sth ult., by the same. Mr. Joiim TnOCTMA
and Miss Margaret C. Ilinn, both of this place.
On tho 2Uh ult 'by the Rev. S.'M. Cooper, Mr.
Gr.ottGE Alkert to Miss SorniA KvK, both of
Bradford Township. Clarfield county. Pa
On tbe 1st inst.. by the same. Mr. Jonx McCi.cl
lash to Miss Emzaeet:i Owess, both of this Pcro'
The bannv comde have the w.irmsst thanks of
our entire estabUshineutfor their, kind recollectian
of ths nrinter. May they enjoy all the felicity, and
endure none of the sorrows of the stato matrimoni
al, and may their life-voyage be along, a prosper
ous and a happy one. That they may live to look,
with pride ani pleasure on a host of descendents.
crf?n 'down to the third aDd fourth generation,' is
tho sincere wish of . :Tue Devil.
reasonable terms.
:z rf Good Intect.
'' ETTha construction of the Railic-ad to Ty
rone,' would enable our citizens to make their
purchases at th3 "Tyrone City Diiig Store,'
with'vreater facility. 3i:t as this iconanma-
tion so devoutly to La wished has uotyetco:"e
to.pas!, our friend Dr. Miiirtx La3 very prop
erly taken diSicultic? 'of access into'con-is3Vratiu,-'i.Wa
rediieedthe profits on his goods.
It is r.ivr emphatically ;":.tiie best and cheapest
Drug Store ia'the country. .. Call and sec. ;
tr7"By a card in fi'ot!ier. column the ntimcr
ousfriejids of E.' L Babxett.w ill observe that
he has changed h 13 House, and may now be
found at 73 Market street, Phil'a. ..rnoch'is a
clever fellow, has & large number of friends in
Clearfield County,' and oivjht to do y. ell. ' ;'Wc
vish him abundant success, and are glad to
hear he is with a good firm.- Go and see him.
A'3T In passing through Thinpsburg,' some
time ago, w had occasion to stop with, Davim
Johxstch, who keeps the 'Philipsburg Hotel,
find we must say, we never sat down to a bet-,
ter table, er met wjth a more gentlemanly, ac
commodating landlord. We advise all our
fiieiis who are fond of good accommodations
to stop with 'Squire Johnston. See notice.
o rjThe gcneralcomplaintabout'Lardtimes
hould induce us to be cautious, and endeavor"
to pnrchase cheap and substantial goods. Those
merchants who have, this .object ia view, when
Jaying in their stock.wiU do well to 6all at Paci
II Taylor's Wholesal Esot, fehoe and Straw
Ooedi tniarehcmje, No'.255 Xtfket 5t ., Phil'a
Know Notitixo Strengtu. The New Or
leans Creoie, says- r From sources of informa
tion nnon upon whieh we may rely, we are in
duced to believe that the strength of the
American party iu Maine i." above 20,000;' New
Hampshire, 17,000 ;." Massachusetts, 83,000;
Vermont, 15,000: Connecticut, 10,000; Rhode
Iibtnd, 4.000; New York, l'JO.OOti New Jer
sey. 5,000; Delaware, 2,000 ; Pennsylvania,
lSo.000-;- District of Columbia, 3,000; East
Virginia, 53,lh) ; Vest Virginia, 20,000 voters.
Loiter from Col. Kinney.
- Col. Kinnev has published a letter express
ing confidence that the Niciragnan expedition'
cannot Iw -delayed more than a few days by
the legal. proceedings commenced against him.
He disclaims Having conterapiaieu any viota
tioii of the" neutrality laws, and says that no
propositions of a military character have been
made.': He alsa asserts that . he" has strictly
complied. with the instructions' contained -in
SocreUiy Jlarcy'a late letter to mm.
A 'NoDF.",.To Sin:xG. The following sublime
production knocks the "Ode to the Greek Slave,"
into cock't hat: -.; - .
Well Spring yuv enni at last hey you 1 1 lap."
- The poits sci yuv been eottin iu old Winter's
par now aint yon ashamed yourself f
I spose the old fellers bin a bussing.
-I should thir.k ha had from your breth
A bein so cold, but, thata the way them -
Old fellers hev adoin. 1 : :
''.'-'- Now youv cum were ' .
Everybodi's feed, an Korn. on things, .'.
Ilavo r!1 bin led out!. Now luk at . .
Our Kritters will yc? See our Kate! , ,
On the lift, a hevin to be.stidded by , ;iJ
Thur tales wen they gits up a morning! ,.
Luk at our hoses w-Us al rejuccd
To skiietons a weeping over a troft', ; ; '
A hull troft full of knobs! ' '"
A h.ul troft full of bittur rekelekshuns!
But now youv cum ! -
- We fele yuro cherin presens wen We . - .
, . Git round onto the sontb side of the barn
- We here the hens a kak'.in wen theyve
LaidaeggL , '. '" -
Georire W. Jones, son of William and Catharine
Jones, tif this place, after a short illness of 4 days.
ia Carroll to., Uli:o, April lUth, aca ,A years.
The deceased was a Mexican soldier; in the hour
of dair'er, w hen his country called for help, he en
tercd tbe arena of mortal conflict, and amidst the
struggles ami dangers of that eventful period, bat
tled nobly tor ins countrv s rights. After hisuis
charge, he removed to Ohio, where he applied hi
mind to the study of medicine. Tn the . winter of
1S."3, he attended the Electic Medical Collegoat
Cincinnati. A short time since ho commenced
practicing mcdicino at Harlem Springs, in Ohio
lie remained there but a few months, when death
struck the fatal blow, and his- hopes for this life
were blighted.
'Dftath enters, and there's no defenco,
His time there's none can tell.
And when the last stru'slo come, the Cantain
his salvatiou was with him, aud in his last conflict
with the 'common enemy, the King of Kings, am:
Lord of Lords cave him the the victory. He love
Jesus. his end was peaceful, Jfo rests with Christ.
leaving four-nn all children and a large circle of
friends to mourn his 10.3.
, Lok aloft," the spirit's rizen.
Death cannot that soul imprison;
'Tis in Heaven such spirits dwell, . r
Glorious, though invisible. ' "i
Clearfield. ; J. II. J.
Attest Wsr. Porter, Sre.
March, 7. '55.
STOKE. No. 72 North Sncon Street, lorro-
sitK tht Mount Vernon Hon. if,) Pphiladelphia.
lold Lever Watches, full jewelled, is jv. cases.
Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lcpine, do.; Quartier;
Gold Sneetaeles, Silver do.; bilver Table Spoons.
. .... n . t T" M
Silver Desert do. ; tiiver J ca no.; vxoiu 1 en- una
GoM Cases; Gold Pens and bilver do. :' together
with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, txold Curb,
Guard and Fob Chains. AH goods warranted to
bo as represented, w atches and Jewelry, repair
ed in tho best manner.
Also, Masonic Marks, Pin9, &c, maae to oraer.
N. B. All orders sont by mail or otherwise,
will be punctually attended to.
Hi3 motto ii: "uiall l'ronts ana vuicn oaien
Philadelphia, April 25, 1655. . . ; ' ; . '
J V ROR.S. Brady
eoigo .:iit'gcr, or.,
Michael Drooin and Andrew Moore, farmers.
Bradford Patrick Curley. Ja. Stewart, Conrad
Kylar, Jr., John Kline and V. B. Holt, farmers.
Becearia Jas. Ilegarty, Anson Curry, f aimers.
Bcrn'lle. Willkun llutton. William Aehcnson,
Joseph M"Murray and James Gellaher, farmers-
Bell. David Dell, fuller; Jacob Campbell and
Thomas Hoover, farmers.
- Boss- Lindsay Stone, David Adams, Charles
Caldwalladcr and Thomas Ilals:on, farmers. -Curwensville
Boro J. C. Read, carpenter.
Covington. Solomon Maurcr. farmer
Clearfield. Iiecry W, Parks, Co iciimaker; Den-
.;n n.-ibnoiTlc and Alex. I. Souths: t. enrpenter?.
P.rtrumu. Andrew Davis. l.Iackfrmi.b; Martin
Watt.3 lumbcrotan ; Albert Rishup. tV.nucr; S. L
fohlo nhvsi.dan: David Fox. farmer.
r;;,.. Matthew Tato, farmer; f. L. Rishel,
just, peace; Uobt. Bumgardner, farmer.
. Huston. A.i'ooa.iciiiwuKUH
Jordan. -D. S. Cathcart, Ld. Comford, farmers
K0.rtha.1ts, John EisIinan. farmer.
turmr,. Lewis C. Carden, lioiiiamin Spuck
.,r. P.irloird Shaw. Jr.. Abraham teden. farmers;
Josiah W. Baird. Taylor RowIch, carpenters; James
Huff, blacksmith1; W'm Merrcll, gentleman.
Morris -P.Ravhorn.P.Swarti.A.Huntor.farmers.
j'llr. Jolin P. Hale, Josepn A, Cald-rell and
Jonathan llartsaorn. lanncre
IVitm'. Asaph Kirk. Aud row Moors, fannerr, R
Maurer, blacksmith; Srun"' Widemiro, lumberman
lWoi"-Jo8eph Scofield, farmer.
Woodward. John Whiteside, farmer.
Dissolution of partnernhip:
The partnership heretofore xissng oetweon
John Patchiu A Sons. vas thi day dissolved by
utuul consent, a:.d tho bcok? ar icttm uie uucu.
" A. & J- Pateliiu. Tlioie persons k now in? them
selves indebted to the linn Hiil an unraeui-o-i.r
and settle up, or they wilt bis'. tnu p.t.thuro ci
paying costs JNO. PAi..iii- sj.as.
Uurnsiae, uotoncr i. 11. - -
Tho nartnersbin heretofore existing between
ihi Htidersi rned as Protirietors of the Mount Ver
non House (Second St., above Arch, Philadelphia.)
has been dissolved by mutual consent.
The House will still continue to re Kept, as oe
fnn hv r. L. Baruett. who will endeavor to
please and accommodate his numerous patrons.
1 . . J.. ULAIR.' " "
I. L .: BARRETT. '
Philadelphia, Ap.ril 25, 105. "- ' " .. "' .,'"
REGISTER S NOTICE. Notice is hereoy
civen. that the following accounts have been
examined and passed by me, and remain filed or
record in this ofiiee for the inspection of heirs, leg
atees, creditors, and ail others in anyother way in
terested, and will be prcscutcd to the next Orphans'
Ccurt of Clearfield countv, to be held at tho Court
House in the boro' of Clearfield, on Tuesday the 22d
day of May, next.' for confirmation and allowance:
Final account of Anthony Hilc and Henry Hile,
Administrators of Henry Hilc. deceased.
Final account of Oeorgo Groom, Administrator
of John B. Havcrlv, deceased.
Final account of Arthur Bell, Administrator of
Asaph Ellis, deceased. " .
Final account of R. W. McNanl and Mary Mc
Cluro, Administrators of Wilson McClure, dee'd.
Final ac't of J. B Graham, Guardian of James
and AnnaMargarct, minor children of Jno. Irvin,
deceased. WM. PORTER, Register.
Register's Office. Clearfield, Apr. 25, '55.
HERIFFSSALE.-"By virtue of a writ
Jr. LLSUa i woum rcspwunuj .u,
ik,.;,i,.n:nf Morris towhsbin and aa-
joiiiing country, that they have just arrived with-
large assortment of Dry Goods, C.roccTics, Hard
ware. Queensware, Jleots and & hoes, uais ani wpa.
Clocks Looking it lushes, -.oniectionarics. .u.v..u-,
Oils, Paints, Tinv.are, and all other articles usuai.y
kept in a country store, wnien mt-j ajcu-iciu..-
to cll law lor caf-a. CTOmrv -
MorrU Townsbipovcnttbcr lT noi.
- -I'.v! V
flTO ALL WllO.n 11 JIAl v,W-a,j.i...
J. The subscriber would most respectfully so
licit all those indebted to him, to come forward
and settle up. and if tbey cannot pay --ve meir
Notes, and further hopes not to be required to uss
anv other means than this simple notice. He can
bo'found at almost ar.y time at Woodland. Vf"
cc to settle. P. P. HLRXTH AL. .
Nov. 8, 1S54. - .
of l'i
X SALOON.- The subscriber begs leave to in
form the ladies and gentlemen of Clearfield, that
he has taken the commodious house south of
Hemphill's Hotel, where he designs koeping Ice
cream, Lemon a1 e. Cakes, Ccnfectionaries. Ac. ;
He will also keep on hands a supply of Oysters
and all other kinds of refreshments, in the Saloon
he . has formerly occupied, in the basement -of
Hemphill's Hotel. CHARLES GREAFF.
Clearfield, May 2, 1S55. . . - . ; :.!
WANTED-A good Blacksmith, at Lick Run
V , Mills, five miles below Clearfield.'' - A good
Shop, furnishad with two fires, tools, and alb the
other convenieneies, and well situated to obtain
custom, is in readiness, and wanta aa occupant.
.,My 2. '55.. : . . - Clearfield, Fa-
TVTOTICE : All persons are liereby - cautioned L jec
x againsi paying or i;iun; a cerium pruunonvij
Noto. given to James HGailer, calling for the
fayment of thirty-four dollars, and signed W." W.
lemming, or Flemming k Poster. They have re
ceived no consideration for the same, and will not
psr it unless compelled by law. '
CurwensvUle, May 2, -
rri l'ucta.i, ISSUCU out til iuo iri i
Cimmon Pleas of Cleartiell County, aud to me
directed, will bo exposed to public gale, at the Court
House, in the Borough of Clearfield, on Monday,
the 21st day of May, the following property to wit:
- A certain tract of land, situate in Morris Town
ship, Clearfield County. Pa., containing 114 acres,
more or .less, bounded by lands of Jesse Reamcs.
Samuel and Johu Hoover, having thereon erected
two log houses, two log barns, and other small out
houses aud about 25 acres cleared. Seized, taken
in execution, and to be sold as the property of
George Kreamer. WM. POWELL, Sh'Jf..
Sheriff's Office, Clearfield, Apr. 25, 1855. r. . -
X. scriber offers for sale a new and complete, Ap
aratus on reasonable terms. Instructions given in
the art and aparatus fumiehed to any desirous of
"iLEARlT E LD ACADEMY The suaimc
"4 J tnrm of this Institution will commence on
.tilth of Anril.;l!5d.
All persons wuhinff to fit ttemselrei for Tbach
rim r.r nther n.vocatior.s in life, wiil hro receive
evcrv-desired facilily and attention. A thorou
riassieal and Mercantile coursft is here jrivon. on
terms lower than ar.v other similar lr.aUtution in
ili. st-ite. Persons desirous of acquiring a com.
nlnti- k nowlediTo of Pelton's improve.! Outline Mspe.
wilt be afforded that privilege during tho coining
term, at the low rate 2J per quarter.
Should any unconnected with Ihc Academy, de
sire to learn this system f Geography, hey will
be permitted to recite wirh the class at the regular
hours The Maps are the bcsiknown. with all the late
improvements: engraved in beautifnl colors.
Parents at a distance ean.obtain hoarding fpr
their sons or daughter unierThoiujj.iie Gate care
of the Principal, where tbey will rcc.iVc-rars ad
vantages, wiih all the comforts and pleasures of a
home; and their morals will bo cawifully guarded.
The rates of tiuion per quarter arc: Prirnarv
English, S2. 50: High English, S5.00; Classics, SS.00.
Further information can be had by addressing
Apr. 4, '55. Cltarjitld.ra:
Tho subscriber, thackful for past favors,
would respectfully solicit a continuance of the lib
eral patronage bestowed upon hi House by tha
Public Ho is prepared to accommodate water
men, editors, drovers, and all others who may call
with him, in the very best manner. " ' 1
He algo purposes- to run a line of Hacks from
Tyrone to Clearfield, for tho accommodation of the
travelling public. J- RCNK.
Phil psburg,. March 14. 1355 .-tf. ,
l t'TIJI'V ' 411 Tiprsnns'are hereby notified
0 not lift, cash, or meddle with a certain note
for S10, given by me to William Ten Kyck, da
ted the 31st day of March, 1S55, as I have receiv
ed to consideration for tbe same, and will not pay
it unless compelled by law." " viw . I'.'t .w.
Ferguson lowuihip, April 4, i5.-"v i
, The sum
mer term of this Institution will commence on
Mondav. April 23d. The locality 01 tnis -nsii-.u-tion
is" healthful, pleasant, nw treiired. Persona,
male or fumalc,. desiring to pursuo a classical,
mathematical, or Lrregular.courso. will find every
faeilitv for improvement. ""-' ' '' ' " . " .
Further rarticolars wbtained by addressing -.
Rev. JOHN MOORE, Prinripa!.
March 21.'55.-lt Newman's Mills. P -
learning. '
. Pennsvillc, March 21st, 1S55.
D. S. Mooro.
Just received, a large and splendid assortment of
goods of almost every description, suitable for the
Hon-win. and sellinir off at very low priees. Ladies.
Gentlemen, and every person wishing to bwy goods
at the very lowest prices, are respecuuuy iiuhou
pall and examine for themselves.
Produce of all kinds received in exchange for
trooas: . '. . ' ' : WM. F. IRWIN. . "
NEW MILL At theOld Pioneer Mills on the
Moshannon, in Morria township. The sub
snriher has iust eomnleted a larce new Grist Mill.
n-bip.H M in auceessful oneration. . Grain of all
kinds bought, stored,' and sold on commission. '.
. 27. '54. - HENRY UKUK.
T ' " JACKSON CRAN5 Attorney, at Law
JuU fire adjoining residence, Clearfield Pa.
J,May 26,'54-ly. -
a .
Has just opened a large aod splendid assrtmen
Of every deajrintio aud quality,
which he is pel ling. wT at the lowest prices ever
known in this rciiiii of Country, -'
T CITY rnicEs.
n invites his Clearfield Ineiias to citc uim
lumber, 6ningies,
gooass to 00 n'i wssi i 1 uuivi'ui..
Feb. 21, 1S55. ly. ' :
weuld iuform his fiiends 1:1 CRaiiiCld, ana tbe
publiegcueialiy that he has enlarged and relittod
his house, and is now enabled to compete succoss
fulHy with any llosd in the country. No pains
will be spared to render his guests comfortable.
His ta'.le shall always be supplied with the best
the market can afford. "and his charges raoderato.
He rcsoectfaUy iaviie3 his friends and others to
give him a call. ' DAVID JOHNSTON.
Philipsburg Jan. 31,1355. ly. -- .
He invites CIS tic-rucm hk"i. i
a call, and oxchango their rags, lumbci
and every varie'y of produce, for tho
and best good to be had west of Fhilad
X scriber. having removed his Livery Stable
from Curwensville to Tyrone City, begs leave to
his friends and the public, that he is at all tima
prepared to supply them with Horses, carriages,
buggies, and other vehicles on hire, at tbe most
reasonable terms. Inquire at the '-City Hotel "
Tyrone, January 21, 1355.-Siao.
i r.,ir ih lute nut of Coatrrcss. wiil find the
sulscribiJr fully prepared, with blanks, forms, Ac, ;
to assist them in procuring their Warrants.
Oface two doors east 01 journal "race, up -aus,
Mar. 28, '55,J ' H. BL'CHER SWCH)PE.
TVEIV FIRM. A. A J. pATimis having taken
to" "themselves' 'the Store formerly owned by
Jno. Patchin A Sons, tako pleasure, in informing
their friends, r.ud the public generally, that they
have just received from the city a splendid assort
ment of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Queens
ware. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and everything else
usually kept in a country storo. Persons wishing to
buy cheap and good Goods, should not forget that
they aredctermined not to be undersold by any store
in tbe county. We invite one and all to come and
examine our stock for themselves, as wa charge no
thin;; for so doing. , AARON PATCHIN.
Nov.l, 54.-tf. ' ' JACKSON PATCHIN. '
one door soulu of his residence, Clearfield, Pa.
1 Clearfield, March 14, 1S55. '
Wholesale Dealers is Hats. Caps. Fttrs.Are.,
No. 176 Market Street, between 6th and 6th Sta.,
Philadelphia.. -, . Jan. 17, '55 -Cm
rIALEB COPE A CO, No.' 163, Market St., Phita
i. 1 , , - t, i : t AA'KifM fSnm ITn-
sierv, French. English and Grman.SiIk Goods, La- .
ces, Gloves. Boltiug Ulotns, ac. June 19. o -iy. j
Ho. Z2a Chestnut Street.
Have now open a largo assortment of the Newrt
Styles and colors of ' -
Rich EagUsh Velvet,
. " . " . . Tapestry,
I . - IngTain,
-" Hew Btyles ' ' " IngTaiu .
1 TENDED. "- :
Also.a full assortment oi Super and Medium quality
Many of which being thvir own manufastore.
can bo recommended as -'--'" - ' -
' G'ood Curpetins for a Lore Price.
of every width and qualify. '
Ko. 2v2 Chesaut Etract, Philadelphia.
Oe-. 4, 1854 Cm. -
. , . Ko. 255 TIarket Street.
Hare alwavn on hand, at their WhelesaU-Ware-
: house, a large aa-ortmnt.of - . ,
1110 c " i t 1 1C I...
.All their goods beiug.of their wn direc Im
portation and Manufacture, they are enabled to
offer superior inducements to Merchants lajdng ia
their stock. - : r . .,- . - - . . .: .
... .- WM w PAtL,
,.." "-"-". --'S. O. TAYLOR.
Dec.l. 1S54. ly. ' .' . - : t
. 1
ROOK. TY.SON A REHN 5vholesale Dry4
Good's Store, No. 1 W, Market Street, Philadel
phi. June la. 1854-ly.
Importers and Dealers ta JiVcJtt- i . nu.
TStt. 21 Ncrth Tcnrth Street, Philaaalhia.
Mcn aad Women's Morocco pink trimming J M; T. MARTIN. - CUAS II. UAdUlcJv, ,.
"le Leather, for .ale cheap, by - DAM L J. MORRELJ O. R- 22lnr"
f HO SHOEMAKERS- A fin lot of Spanish Kip,
X Mi
and bole L.eatnr, iw -i eueap, oy . i
Jane 13, '54.
-. r r
t I-
ft M 1
i -
V i