1 'i J i i i 1 1 t ! i! 4I I. i i a , Aj .J 11 1 x. a O fc! jfiRAHAM'S MAGAZINE. NEW VOL- - UiLfcb 1354. In announcing bis readiness to reeoive orders for the few Volume, the editor doei Hot know ho has any very brilliant ideas to hold ont in largo capitals to daizle people's eyes '"Graham" will be pretty much what it has been tlo laet volume, with some improvements which experience suggests. No number will contain less than 100 pages of matter, and tko readers of -Gra- tt am" may rely witn great commence upon, tu the volume shall contain " ' , OVER TWELVE HUNDRED PAGES ! Of the very best reading matter that capital can command from original sources, or taste select from tno va?t mass of available material. The aim of the editor will be to produce a pub lication which sholl be valuable in matter, and choice in taste and style: and he flatters himself. from the known talents of his contributors, that he will be ablo to present as many" good original ar tisles to his readers as any publicatjon of the day. shall not, however, hesitate to publish, from time to time, articles from English authors, and translations from the best German and French writers, provided the pieces hare never before ap peared in print in this country. Essays on impor tant Political Subjects will likewise be inserted, and criticisms on the Literature ' of America and the movements of the Age. The Lcview Depart ment, in which a large and liberal spirit of crit icism will always be maintained, will be extended. For tho defeiiCeof American I'iteraturc the editor will always be ready ; the raHinttinance of a cor rect tone in the Magazine,' he will, if possible, be more watchful. EACH XCJtCnU WILL CONTAIX AS EXGISAVING FROM A riNE STEEL PJ.ATK IX AOI!TIOS TO THE CHOICE ' DKSIGXS AUDEXOKAVIXGS OF DEVEUUX, who will supply illustrations for the test in the body of the book. The aim of the editor will not be so much to increase the Dumber of his engrav ings, as to secure for those ho publishes the ut-iiio.-t finish the artist can give them ; for common wood-cuts ere so easily multiplied, that the iost indifferent publication may outrank in dreary dis play the choicest pel iodic j1. The Editor does not f jel, that wiili his own rea ders, he can increase hi? claims to respect by , in sisting on any very great superiority of Graham' over ieverAl similar publications, but thinks he may jafcly eonfidc in their friendship for the .Magazine, and in its past management lor its pre sent list, and such inereafs as naturally grows out of an extended circulation in ' a country where readers are multiplying so rapidly. tao January number the first auition will bo SO. 000 oopks. and the editor trusr his old friends will la s prompt in renewing old clubs, and ex tending the list r:nong new wies, that . the first editioTs'ali ba but hilfos what tho yesr will" ul tiriately eablish.-as the permanent circulation of "draJiao." - ' . . Postage. tth.rihi.Tg In any part of the United States may now receive rhe Magazine, by mail, at tares cents a number or thirty-ix cents a year posrage, payo:e ai tuo jrost-otnee vrncro it is re ceived. Postmasters and Editors all over tho Union, are rcspecfaily reouesicd to act as Agent3 for the New Volume. - - " ''- t3. The Terms of 'Jrahsni' are Three Dollars for single cjscribers, if piil in advance. I'or six dollars in advance, one copy is sect three years. Wc cont-uveuhe fallowing low terms for Cinbs to bs sent in the cLy to one address, and in the country, to one Post-oSce. - copies, per an. one 1 to the rettcr unj-40 S " i.. jj . . -a n 2J The money for clnbs always fhculd be sent in advance. Subscriptions may bo scut at our risk. ccn the ruin is large, a draft should be procured if possible the cost cf which may he deducted from the amount. Any ptrDn desirous of receiving a copy as a e:iruple. can be accommodated by notifying tho Zl'ii: or by letter, (posi-paid.) A idres. alwav3 post-paid. tiEO. H. GRAHAM, Editor. Aug. 23. 10 j Chesnut St., Phibvleh uia. 'HAT CAN BE GOT FOU $3 The un- V V- dersigned have tutored into an arrr.r.genient by which they a;rec to furnish the Knickerbocker 21." vizine. (monthly.) the lioiao -Joarnal, (weekly.) and tho iiajieal World aud Times, (weekly.) to new subscribers, at the very moderate price of five dollars, a year sor the three publications ; ail or ders, enclosing that amount to lyer fc Willis, will Le prompv attended to " - ' - SAMUEL 1IEU.-T0X. PuL'iher of the Knickerbocker, MOIUU.S A WILLIS, Publishers of the Home ionrnal. DYLit A WILLT, Publishers of the Musical World and Times, S7o Droadwav. Xcw York. LND LITEHAH Y AND AUTISTIC COMSI- Afrangcuients have !:-en made to famish the Knickerbocker 3Irg izinc, the Jion-.e Journal, and tho New York iiusioal World c-nd Times, to new saij.ribers. i'jr five dollars a year. This is chua literatare, wi'h a vcnpnnee. The lini -kcrbocker is per aniiBos the Homo Journal. Si; and the Masicai World and Times. S3 ; jaskL-v a year at the usaal rates. Thlt thrco such works can be obtained -fr five dolla-.-s a year, is a fact truly wor thy the Calorir; a;;", which is just now being i-.ah-er--d in. Of tho Knickerbocker Magazine, edited by Lctvis tfaylord Clark, it is unnecessary to epeak. . For twcr.tr yeirs it has been the m'ost genial; huacorous, and spi?y '-monthly" in the world; and the prcsert voiaie will 3 better than any which precccdcd it. - Tho Home Journal, edi ted by (Jeo. P. Morris, and N. P. Willis, is well known as the Jnt family newsr.aper in Amrriea; and the ilnsical World and Times, edited by Kiehard -Storrs Wii-is wiih Lowcil Mason, (ieo. li. Curtis. Thouiis Hastings, 7m. P. Bradbury. Ceo. i lioof, ?ud other musical writers contributing: nnd which gives, among other things, over 525 worh cf inuic and a full course of instruction in harmory r.r.r.anlly, is the very best musical Jour nal ever published. These tliree publications wiil post a family up in regard to nearly evcryihing worih knowing : Art. .civnee, Literature; Music. l juniirg. .vculj ture; Inventions, discoveries; Wit, Humor. Fancy. Scntimei.t' the Xewcst Fashions asd o:h :r stti actions for Ladies ; Choice N vt Ma- i ,r ahbath, the Church, and the Fireside; views ?nd Criticisra of Musical Works, Perfor mers aud rorforinsivjcs ; in short, the very pick nd cretim cf Xovclty, Iceideni. History, iiiogra phy. Art Literal are an 1 Science: including what ever can bo given in period: als to promote Hral'hy Amrie;;iont fcil Solid Instruction iu the r.mi'.y and help to make it Ectter, Wiser, and Happier, may ba row obtained for riVE ihllai:s. Addros KYLR & WILLIS. 75 Pruaiway. Editors publishing the above three times, and Binding the papers containing it to Dyer & Willis, will receive the three works named, for one ycari - Aug. 23, I Sol. XTorscnoLD WORDS. A MONTHLY jLJL v.IAUAZiNE AT 5 J PEi YEAR. Only t'i"se v.ho re-id the serial so promptly issued every week .by lickens, with thoughtful" appreciation, know how to prize it. '-ilousehyid Words"' is a juodcrn journal for the people, devoted to common subjects, uncommonly treaid, excellent in style, is genius, in manner, and wonderfully fertile in F'ibjt'ct. The pieces are the right length; they exhibit wonderful variety and are attuned to a harmonious key and remarkable unity of eflect. For the money, thcro i3 ne t the equal of Iloiise holl Words" for a family journal. Pleasant sto . rics, useful knowledge, graceful anecdotes, charm ing essays, alternate in its pages. It is not al ways convenient to secure a copy of the weekly issue on the arrival of a steamer; in order to enjoy regularly tLis delightful work, we advise our rea ders to posse? i themselves of the handsome months ly reprint of McElrath Jt Eukcr. who bring out Household Words" with cominenduble punctuali ty, at Xew-York. Frederick Parker, 3j Washing ton street is the Eoston agent. Boston Traut cript. ... . Tho nrticles, both in style and thought, aro far superior to the trash that occupies the pages of so many of our popular magazincs. JVeto York Atla-t: - ' The above arc but a few extracts from numerous notices of the press lately received. Those who n ish Household Words will receive it monthly by mail upon remitting tho subscription price. Spe cimen numbers sent on receiptor fiva ed postage tamps. ' MeELRATII A BAKER, Publishers, Aug. 23. 17 Fprnce t., 2?cw York. W ASniXGTGN L. BLADIN,- ArropyEr at Law, No. M, South Sixth et., Knuaaeipni AILY & BROTHEIl. Ho. 212 Chestnut Street. PHIlADKT.PItlA. Have now open a large assortment of the Newest ctyles and colors of Sicb. English Velvet, ''. Tapestry, " Tncrain. "Re- Etyle3 " In, Tain V, ARPPTl TVfi S . OF THEIR OWN-IMPORTATION, JUST . ' . LANDED. - Also. a full assortment of .Super and Medium quality Mriiiiviv r v? t pti "rem Many of which being their- own manufacture, can be recommended as , Good Carpetings for a Low Price. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS & CANTON MATTINGS. of every widih and qualitv. BAILYiBSOIHEil, ntPOnTKRS SIANVFACTrRERS OP CAT.rETIXGS No. 232 Chesaut Street, Philadelphia. Ocj. i, 1354. 6m. PAUL & TAILOR. ITo. 2;"5 Jlarkei Sfceet, PHILADELPfllA, Have always on hand, at their Wholesalo Ware house, a largo assortment of the Newest Style of BOOT. SHOE. AND ST'itAAV GOCPS. BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. All their goods being of their own direc Im portation and Manufacture, they are enabled to offer superior inducements to Merchants laying in ineir siock. WM. W. PAUL, N. G. TAYLOR. Dec. 1. 185-1. Iy. KNOW NOTHING HEAD-QITAUTEUS. Detrick's Blacksmith chon.in CunvctsviUe. nearly- opposite the Post Ofiiee. always oncn. and Jacou. himself alwavs ready to serve his custom ers. All kinds of woik done in the best style, and most durable manner. Horse-shocinjr done on the shortest notice, and on failure to rendender satis faction the money returned. ; All Kinds ct gram taken in exchange for woik and the money not refused- JACOB IETKICK. CurweriSwile, Dec. C, lSj4.-ly. MARTIN, 310RKELL & CO., (Late OLIVER MARTIN .t CO.) Importers and Dealers in HOSIEILY. THIM- ilAWS. COMBS. BRUSHES, FANCY GOODS, ic. Ho. 24 North iouith Street, riiilslolr-hia. M. T. MARTIN. CHAS. D. IIAMRICK. DAM'L J. MORRELL, G. li. PFDbLE. - Dec. 5. L SANL'RSON It. MARTIN. CERTAIN CURE FOR AGUE. FAIR TO ALL! no crits ) tay. Thisprcparation Jia? an established rcputution, and is offered with con fidence asaenre for fever and ague, or intenuiUent fever. It may be taken by the most delicate with perfect safety, being a pnrc vegetable syrup. If t.-ken according to directions without esring. a second bottle will be supplied free of ch srge, or tho iiiOR"v returned. ioir. rrfii'iiiw fittort the si- y.'.-,rp' J. H. PAlLETlIOltP, Jr.. No. North Second Street. Philadelphia. October 11, 154. AS CHEAP AS THE CIIKAl'EST. AND AS GOOI AS THE BEST. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Isaac Johnston would respectfully in form his friends and the public generally that he husjust returned from the East, where he has pur chased the liiist sp'cr.did assort ni cut of Boots ii, Shoes ever Lruught to Clearfield. Every variety of Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps. Ac. Ac. Mens fancy thoes. and gaiters, with an excellent assort nien tof heavy stock, all adapted to the wants of the people of Clearfield. He hopes his fiicnds will give hiin a call at hisbtore in -ha-.vs iiov.-" aud esj::;irte his stock. June 13, TfEMPHILIS HOTEL. Tho .noscriber would inform Li.; friends and tho public cenerallv. that he s;iil remains at the old st:ind. where be i.' at i-M times ready and willing to '-entertain struu-ger-? and travelier."' Jiis bar sioc-ked with the best liqnois. and his table. will alivuys be supplied wiih the luxuries of the market. Thankful for past favors, he solicits A further share of public patronage. WM. J. HEMPHILL. Clearfield, June Ij, 1354-ly. THE MUSICAL WORLD FOU 1255. Terms, (ii;vriably in advance.) S3.0t) Two copies, o,0i) Five copies, 10,00 IXIriTWE.NTS : I The choico of two of the following musical portri!.. engraved on steel, neatiy inailed on a roller, designed as the com M'iit"ni-in to, ' a (i. tilery o f Musical Portraits : to be hung around every family pla-r.o. 1. It ;-;;-i;:IT7 SOXTAG, 0. 2. liEF.TlIoVUX, Ct. SCKI'MASy, .". WF.CEIl, 7. SCIHTKKT, 4. V.NT)i-.I.Sr,OI!X, 8. WALLACE. Of Ihcfo portraits, that of the lamented Madame Son'?g is surpassingly fino a; d particularly to bo con-.menjed. E.uli ;3 subscriber on mailing his sub?i iptioa will please to state what tv.o portiai;s he chooses. To club subscribers, and to :U1 per sons net sending their subscriptions directly to this o.'joe but subscribing through agents, we can only afford (from the gre;.t reduction of terms) to give the choico of but one portrait. II Fhf.su Music four pages every week which can bo detached from the rending matter, is paged separately and can bo bound at the end of the volume, forming a choice miscellaneous col lection of pieces for one, two, three and four voices ; polkas, mazurkas, wa.lt7.es; music for the guitar, Uute, violin, harp ; music for young people; sacred music, tor voice. re.o.ic n and organ This music, alone, costs tue proprietor annually -1.70i. and is worth to t-very subscriber at leat SI 2.00; setting aside t ie id vantage of its variety and its superiority as the very pick of all the new music published. - . III. Issthuctive MrsirAt Reaping : embrac ing a weekly-eoiidensed budget of news from all part3 of the world ; musical stories, biographies, etc; musical essays; criticisms. IV. E.ntei:t.umno G.vkhl Reading: com prising original translations from the French and German ; ."elections from new books and periodi cal.; also interesting original contributions. The Musical World is delivered without extra charge to New York and Brooklyn subscribers. Any persons sending us ac'ub of five subscribers oball reccjvo a copy of the paper for a year and his choice of one of the abova engravings. All new subscriptions wiil bo entered for the first of January, lsio, but the portraits now ready will be sent immediately to those first subscribing Any of our old subscribers whoso year does not expire till after the first of January. ISjj, can al so have their choice of two of these portraits by sending ns heir subscription year in advance of such expiration. RiCHAitn Storks Willis. Editor and proprietor, 257 Broadway. N. Y. J OIlNn.PALETIlOUP, JR., WHOLESALE CHEMIST A DRI GGibT. No. 89 Xorth Sec ond St., Second door below Mount Vernon House, Philadelphia. Dealers in Druge. Chemicals, Per fumery. Paints. Oils, Window Olass, Ac, Ac . Novembers, lS3i.-ly. J7UXST ARRIVAL. FALL AND WINTER 1 GOODS, AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Just received, a large and splendid assortment of goods of almost every description, suitable for the season, and selling off at very low prices. Ladies. Gentlemen, and every person wishing to buy goods at tke very lowest prices arc respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. . . " Produce of all kinds received in exchange for goods. . - WM. F. IfnviN. Clearfield. !So4. " - - NOTICE. All those who have accounts with the late firm of T. II. Fcltox A Co.. aro here by notified to come forward and settTo them imme diately, or the books will be placed in the hands of a propefperson forsettlement. , The books arciu the possession of James Irvin Sc Co., at Bald Hills. Bald Hills, Deeember 27, !Si4.-6t. HliUCIIER SWOOPE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Clearfield, Pa. - Two doors East of Journal office. Up stairs. , Dec. 1.1854. " " CALEB COPE A CO, No. 183. Market St., Phila delphia, Dealers in Linens. White Goods, Ho siery. French. English and German Silk-Goods, La ce."GloTes. Bolting Cloths. ?.- June 15, '54-ly. B -No. t)5 North having leased the above well known House, which has been Renovated and Re-modeled through out, have just opened it for the reception of visitors The furniture is all new, and has been selected with eare from Ilenkles well known establishment in Chesnut Street, and is of the latest and most fashionable style, i her location for Merchants and others cominz to the city is convenient, being in the contre of business. . Their friends in Clearfield are respectfully soli i fed to give them a call,".. D.BLAIR,' ci I. L. BARRETT, Aug. 30. 1S34. v Proprietors. TM"EAV ARRIVAL. M. A. FRANK, has just -L returncit trotn the East with a large assort ment of Cloths. Cassimcrs, Neck Ties, Trimmings, Ready made Clothing, ic, which he will sell cheap for cash, at his store, two doors east of the itournal office. - Fashionable tailoring still done to order, with neatness and disp;.tch. lie invites the public to give him a call and ex amine his stock, Sept 13, lSol. TO ALL WK03I IT 31 AY CONCERN. The subscriber wouid most respectfully so licit all tij';se indebted to Lim, to come forward and settle up, and if they cannot pay give their Notes, and further hopes not to be renuired to use any other means than tnis simple notice, lie can be found at almost any time at Woodbind, prcpar cc to settle. F . P. HURXTHAL. Nov. s. is:4. EIDLEMAN A HAYWARD Wbolns.il o Gro cers. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants, No. 273, Market Street, Philadelphia. D. BEIDELMAN, A.1IAYWAUD, Juno 15.1Sjf-lv. TSSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP ! lho partnership heretofore exising between John Patchin A Sons, was this day dissolved by ijiutui-1 consent, and the books are left in the hands of A. A J. Patchin. Those persons knowing them selves indebted to the firm will cull immediately nd settle up, or they will have tho pleasure of paying costs J.NU. I'AIUHU i SUAiS. Lurnside, v'otober 12, 1M. P. NELSON & CO., would respectfully in form the citizens cf Morris township and ad joining country, that they have just. arrived wiih a large s:ssorlmcnt of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hard ware. Qucensvvare, Eoois and Shoes. Hats and Caps. Ciovks Lookir.g glasses. Confe.-tionarics, Medicines. Oils. Paints. Tinware, and :;'l other articles usual'y kept in a country store, which they are determined to sell low for cash, country prsduce. or Lumber. Morris Township, November 1, 17j4. TOITN .H'PIIERSON: CrnntEit axd Tanner. cJ" sti'l continues at the old stand at the South end of C'.c.irlit ld. and keeps constantly on hand a good jissortmeiit of Leather of all descriptions, including afplcudid lot of Spanish Solcleather. which he will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for lumber and Hides. Nov. 22. 'J-I.-Gt. CAUTION. All persons are cautioned not to buy. trade for or meddle in any way with a Yoke of Oxen, now in the posssession of John Brigs, as the same is mine, and only loaned to s ii 1 Brigs, and arc at my disposal at any time from this date. August -17th. IS34. T. li. DAVIS. Furguson township, Oct. 11, 1S.V1. VE' AND CHEAP STORE. The sul.ri i. 1 bers would announce to the citizens of New 'Washington. ad the upper end of Clearfield Coun ty, that they have jt opene I a new and splendid asoitiiiciitof FALlj AND WINTER G'-M! S. in the Store room formerly occupied by Ikvin A M'L'kwk. Every vai:i;;tv of Goods usually found in a country store, will be sold cheep for cash, lum ber and country produce. They respectfully invite all those desiring to purchase goods, to give them a call. They will u.? every effort to give s.itisfaetion. ELIZA IRYIN A SONS. New Wagkingt.m, November lj, lbj4. ;t. A T T E N T I O N L T 31 Ii E R ?.I E N THE k. MAINE COM P. LANDS ARE NOW FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale the following Tracts of Land, situated on, and ncarthe Clearfield Creek, in Clearfield county, Pa., to wit: A tract, warranted to '-Luke .Morris;" containing 473 acres and 48 ps. A tracr, warantcd to Joseph Holland, containing 433 acres. 153 pa. A tract, warranted to Robert 'irey, containing 433 acres, 153 ps. A tract, warranted to John Bringhurst, containing 4'2'. acres. 153 ps. A tract, warranted to "Sarah Ward." containing; 433 acres. 153 ps. A traef. warranted to -Geo. Eddy.'" containing 433 acres, 153 ps. A irti'-t. warranted to Moor Wharton, con- tain i v. acres. 1; . A part o! a trct. war- ranted to Geo. Ash ton, containing 21J acrca. 'These Lands arc too well known to tho lumber men of Clearfield County, to render a description of them necessary it may be srd'ely said, that it is decidedly the best body of pine lauds in Oca--field County. For terms, ic. ar-.plv to ' EUVV. SHOEMAKER, Eben.burg. Cambria Co. September 2"".. 1S54. "p"TE vV FIRM. A A J. Patchin having token XJ to themselves the Store formerly owned by Jno. Patchin A Sons, take pleasure in informing their friends, and tha public generally, that they have just received from the city a splendid assort ment of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware. Queens ware. Hats and Cars, Boots and Shoes, and every- Lthing else usually kept a Country Store. Persona wishing to buy chep.p aud goods Goods, should not forget that they arc determined not to undersold by any store in the country. We invite one and ail to conic and examine our stock for themselves, as we charge noting for so doing. AARON PATCniN. JACKSON PATCHIN. Eurnsidc, Noveuibci J, lS54.-tf. TEW ARRIVAL OF FALL AND V. IN- 1 1ER GOODS, at the cheap Store of Wm. F. Ir vi.'. Every variety of goods adapted to the season have just been received, and arc offered for sale at the lowest cash prices All kinds of produco taken in exchange for goods. Ladies and gentlemen, and all the rest of man kind arc requested tocall and examine his stock. Clearfield, December 20, 1S54. JUST OPENED. Tho subscriber has just re ceived at his store at Grahamtou. a large, new, and splendid assortment of Pall au.t Winter (roods, adapted to the wants of the whole community, and offered for sale at extremely low priees. Dry Goods, Quccnsware, lots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Bon nets and Shawls, (j roceries and Confectionaries. to gether with every other article usually kept in a country store, may be had at reasonable rates. Ciish, Lumbar, or produce received in payment. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Grnhampton, November 15. 1S54. TVEW RESTAUKA.NT Charles Greaff, x would inform the public that he has just open ed an Eating Saloon in the basement of Hemphill's Hotel, where he serves up to order Fresh Oysters. Sardines. Anchovies. A. Tho best quality of ci gars, and Philadelphia Ale. always on hand. He invites all lovers of '-good living," to give him a eo.IL Nov. 22, '54.-3ino. GREAT MILITARY EXCITEMENT AT GLEN HOPE! The subscriber has just recei ved a new and extensive assortment of the cheap est Goods ever brought into the upper end of the county: consisting of every variety of articles usu ally kept in a country store. He hopes his friends' and the public will give him a call, and feels con fident he will be able to render satisfaction. . ; J. C. PATCHIN. Glen Hope, November 22, 1854. JOHN Y. RTSIITON & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Earthenware, China. Glass, Ac, 245 Market St., opposite Red Lion Hotel. Phil adelphia. - J. Y. RUSHTON, J. C. HOPKINS, Nov. 8, '54.-ly. ROUT. STILSON. LISAlUTII & BROTHER, WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS, No. 105 N. Third 8treet, fiva doors bolow Race, Nv. 20, ?54.-ly. . Philadelphia. MOUNT TERjSTON nousE Second St.. Philadelphia. . Tl TVrEW MILL At the Old Pioneer Mills on the ll Moshannon, in Morris township. Ibo sub scriber has just eompleted a largo new Grist Mill, which is in successful operation. Grain of all kinds bought, stored, and sold on commission. Dec. 27. '54. HENRY GROE. ' ELECTION. The Stockholders of tho Cnr wensville Bridge Company are hereby notifi ed that an election for OCicers and Managccrs will be held in Curwcnsvillo, ' at the ofU v.t of Josiah Evens, Esq.. on Friday the 23th dav of January, BENJAMIN HARTSHORN. Clearfield, Doc. 27, '54. President A GOOD SITUATION FOR A DOCTOR. Doctor's office and Lot at privatosale.situa atcd in Frenehville, east of Lutz's Store, formerly owned by Dr. F. Canfield. For further particu lars inquire of LEVI LUTZ. N. B. Drugs. Ac, will be sold with theoffico. Frenehville, December 27, 1854. ITSSELL& SCIIOTT. IMPORTERS AND 4 Wholesale Dkalei-s in Dn.-srx, Chemicals. jan.i.', jo. i.i'Ufcipnia. pnYRONK CITY HOTEL.--Hi t. iiCS A B IRYIN, would respectfully inform the ruib'ic that they have very greatly improved their ilocse, and aro now abie to uaord the travelling public. the most comfortable accommodations. ' 'Ibcir bar is furnished with the very 'best liquors, and the luxuries of the J'hiluutlpnia market arc to bo found on their table. They respectfully invite their numerous friends in Clearfield to give them a call. . Augnst 0.154. TEW ROOT AND SHOE STORE. The subscriber would respectfully lniorni the pub lic, that he has just opened an entire new stock of boots and shoes, in Graham's Row, one door east of the Journal Office, Clearfield, Pa. Everv variety of Ladies and Gentlemen s gaiters, laced boots.-pumps, congres-s boots, childrcns shoes Ac Ac. cheap tor cati. He hopes To receive a liberal share of atronagc. Boots and shoes made to order. C. S. LLALlv. Aug. 1G, 1S54. ETTLE UP ! All persons knowing them- K3.-elvcs indebted to the subscriber, by bond. note. book sceount. or in any other manner whatever, are hereby notified to come forward and settle before the September Court, as he is determined to have his business entirely settled up by that time. Those unable to pay. are requested to scttlo and time and opportunity will bo extended to them. JAMES li. till All Ail. Grahamtou, Aug. 23d, IS54. Great Ezcitesusx';,. Startlia-T Announcement rgIIAT the largest, cheapest, and best assortment J of Goods ever brought into Clcariield county, have just arrived, and are offered for sale. at . the Nrtv Store of the subscribers, near the Jowifil Ofj.'-c. Clearfield, Pa. Never before has a more brilliant, and at the siac liiac a cheaper lot of Oo'-ds been' offered to this commnriiiy. They have all been selected with a view to the wants aud nc ecs itics of the people of thi3 particular locality, r.f'ter long experience, and intimate acquaintance with their business connections. Dry Goods of every variety, Dress Goods, Cloths. Casimercs, end Clothing: J.roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Bonnets and Share!, together with a large and splendid assortment of Quceusware. Hardware and Groceries. Defying all competition, they solicit their friends and the nublie to give them a call and examine their stock. MOSSOP A POTT Alt Ft. June 12. 1S.".4. ly. J 'ZIOXV. Ell YtlL fi. CLEARFILi-D LS, M )KUIS TOWNSHIP, COUNTY. The .-ubsci iter keeps constantly on hau l, at his mills. lumber of all description, sorts. :r.d .dzes. Phu-icrirg lath and bills ?-iv.-cd on the shortest noth-c. 'lb esc miils can run at any time during the season, having a ncvcrfailing supply of water All kinds cf produce taken in cr.chitngc for lum ber, and the cji.'i never refused. HhNRY' GROE. September 20, lS54.-ly Kylcrtown. T O. iTi-ir i.iim: T-'m-TV.- ( i''iivr LOUT MAN A V. io5-.se. ?i.rs, sei- .itv. X ign and Ornamental l fiia:- is. Chair makers, and Paper Hangers. c".r t'. vices to the citizci.s of Clearfield and Shop next door to tho Jew's Store. They keep constantly on hand, and mak- or der every variety of (.'hairs. Lounges. Sofas. .'. . .t. Chairs, and Sofas made equal in beauty to a::;- :hit can be obtained from the City, and more d::v.:b! in workmanship and material. JOHN TROUTMAN. June 14, "54. ly. ROBERT ROV.'E. fBIIIE GOOD INTENT HOTEL, and Stage Office. jL Cunvonsvillo. Pa. The Sub-criber would in form his friends and the public that he has just re fitted and lo-iurni. hcd his house and is prepared to render every attention to the travelling commu nity. His bar eor'.iins lhjivrs of the first quality, nnd hid table will always oe supplied with lho best in market. lie respectfully solicits hi fricr.ds and others to give h:m a call." WM. R. FLEMMING. June II. "51. C-NOINt; IT ALONE. Tha undersigned hnv T ing taken to himself the .tore formerly o;vn cd by Patchin A Swan, takes pleasure in informing h'.a friends and the public generally, that he has ust received from the city a splendid assortment of Dry Good-, Hardft'aie, Qucensv.are, Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes, and every thing else usual ly kept in a country store. Persons wishing to buy cheap and good Goods should not forget that he is determined not to bo undersold by any store ia In the county. His motto is '-a nimble penny rath er than a slow sixpence." S. C. PATCHIN. Glen Hope, July 5. 1354. NIEL RENNER, Cabinet maker. Shop same es formerly ocenried bv David Sachets. Clearfield. Pa., keeps w .-'.ntly cn hand at his Furi-i ir.ro Wi.r.i n cm:;, r.iul i:.ani..cres to order at Ci.y prices. ai! I; Url I Ca ?;.-ct. ware.IH!cg an1 1 it-r tublcs. Dressing eases. t.pSo.i.ls. Pedsce t-s. Wash Stands. Spring bottomed Oha'', Sofas, Sites, Bureaus, Marble Topped I'sc-ritors. Ac. Ac. Cofiius made, and funerals attended on sne short est notice. - . June 27. 1S54. ly. -lEOHCJK W. COLLADAY. Conveyancer and Land Aarent. No. 3. Goldsmith's Hall, Philadelphia, wiil faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care. June 27, 1854. BS DUNDY" Attorary-st-Law. Clearfield, Po. will attend faithfully to all professional bu siness entrusted to his caro. June 13, '54.-ly. jT B. McENALTA Attorney at Law. Office J nearly opposite Judge Wright's Store. Clear field, Pa., practices in Clearfield anil adjoining counties. June 13, '54.-1 y. CHEAP CLOTHING . A large lot of Cheap Clo thing, Men's and Boys, for sale cheap, by .Tnni i:t. '51 MOSSOl A & ruxiAiiti . B LACKBERRY' BRANDY. A certain euro for the Dysentary, for sale by June 13, '54. MOSSOP A POTTARFF. M. A. FRANK, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Clearficld, Pa., Office in '-Shaw's Row." June, 15, 154. AMES GROWTH ER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Cur-.vc-nsvillc, Pa. Office onnosit? tho "Good Intent Hotel." June, 15. 1S54, JAMES B. GRAHAM Merchant and extensive dealers in lumber. Grakampton, P. 0., Clear field county. Pa. May 2,1, '54-ly. - lfl Ha3 of Coffee, just received and for sale JLUJ at the New Store of A, M- HILLS. June 14, '54. ?t ftftfi EIGHTEEN INCH SHINGLES OliaOUvJ of best quality, for sale at tho Sin of the Red Flag. June 27, 1S54. Price $3.50 per thousand. WE ALL TAKE HOBENSACK. Hobensacka Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, for sale by June 13, '51. MOSSOP A POTTARFF. (f Barrels New Orleans Sugar, at Sixpence per Aj pound, for sale at the Cheap Store of A. M. HILLS.. TALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE V SALE. The subscriber offers for salo on rea sonable and easy terms, his farm iu Lawrence township, containing one hundded acres. and allow t nee. The buildings are, a good log house, frame barn, and other out-houses. There is, a!so. on tho place a promising young orchard of choice fruit trees, in fine bearing order. Also, a never failing spring of water. About sixty Acres cleared Two iai'cs from Clearfield. Ir.quire of F. P. Bctleb, Clearfield, or the sub scriber on the premises. JOSEPH LANICH. . October 4, 154. 3m. jrUSSOLUTIOX OPPAUTKERSIIIP. JL The partnership heretofore existing between C. M. Graham and J. E. Watson, was this day dis solved by mutual consent, having disposed of their interest to Jas. B. Graham. C. 31. GK A HAM, J. E. WATSON Grahamton, October 27. 1354. Tho business wiil hereafter bo continued by Jos. L. Graham, as formerly, who will collect ;ll ac counts iue. and pay all debts contracted by the former firm. JAS. B. GRAHAM.. Grahatptnn November 15, 1654. milE UNION SAFE! THREE CHEERS JL FUR AMERICA! Thf. Cheap Cobxfr Tni fMpp nt ! Wc take this method of informing the public in general, and the citizens of Curwensvi'le sad vieiuity in partu-nlar. that wc have received our usua! Targe and varied selection of Pall and Wtntrr (roods, suited to the wants of every, man. woman a:ud child in the community. And. we have no hesitation in saying, that purchasers will find ft greatly to their advantage to call and exam ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. . Our stock consists, in part, of Ladies' Dress Goods in great variety: such as plain black, fancy silks, Tuik satins, bercge dclains. black and fancy Alpacas, plain and 'jdaid Ginghams. Manchester ami Domestio Ginghams, Calicoes of every style, and quality, at prices ranging from 5 up to 15ets. Black, blue, and brown l'rerieh aud English cloths, plain black doeskin and fancy cassimcres. black, blue, brown and green saitinets. Checks-tickings, flannels, muslins, toweling, ho siery, gloves, shirts, ready-made clothing, Ac. Ac Carpeting find floor oil cloth, window and wall paper and boidering. and oiled Window rhades. Shoes of all descriptions for ladies, mi.-ses and children, togethea with a large assortment . of Mens" and boys" hats, caps, boots and shoes. Hardware, planes, Ac, Glassware, Queerswarc. Cedar and Willow v."re, corn brooms. Ac. Ac Also, a large assortment rf Fresh Groceries, viz : Rio CeGcc. Imperial, Y". Ii. and Mack tens. N-O. sugar, crushed and loaf sugar. New Orleans and ,-rr.p tr, o! i:!aried ;i..l eiuc siierm. laegar. A3, ar ar.d mould iiosin ana 1-ar.ey soap caudles. All of which wil'.bc sold in quantities to suit purchasers, at the cheap Corner Store of PATTON A RIPPLE. Curwensvil'e, November 1, 1S54. rMIIH AMERICAN HOARDING nOUSE. JL '1 he subscriber would inform the public that he has just completed a large new building, on the South ei.d of Second Street, Clearfield, Pa., which he has furnished and fitted up in the most comforta ble manner for the accommodation of travcllcis and permanent boarders. His charges will be moderate, and his house con ducted in a decent, sober and orderly manner, where all quiet and peace loving people, who may visit Clearfield can find a temporary -honro." JOHN S. RADEBACH. July 15, IfOl. T fl( GUNS FOR TYRONE CITY ! SE JLliU BASTOPOL NOT TAKEN! James Ai,rs isntp., has just opened a fplcr.did Saioon in the basement story of the Tyrone City Hotel, where he is prepared to accommodate persons with Oysters. wb.iTosalc and :etail. and all other articles usually .kept in a Confectionary and Grotry Store. N. 15. All orders forOvters bv the Can promptly attended to by . JAMES ALEXANDER. Tvror.c Citv. November 1. lS54.-'ir. IT H'E INSURANCE : SAYK YOl R LI YES. il AND YiLK. MONEY, by having your life j!,.::ia-il in tho Susquehanna Mutual Ir.suraaec Company of Harrisbui !r. Pa. CAPITA I j 5-lti.l.OOO. CnAr.TKirv:n IdAnrn 2"d. 1S3I. Any person can have their own life injured or that of a friend, from one to ninety, years. Per sons of 21 years of age. pay SI -52 per SI0i. year ly. At :; years. S-sM'.O for 1 (l!0.0!. yearly for life. The wliolo prpiniiini for life in ordinance is at the age of 25 years, premium ditto, on S100, is ,25.S-. Dr. K. V. Wilson, of Clearfield, Medical Ex aminer. Any information may be obtained from Dr. A. T. SCHRYYER, Agent. September (5. 1854. PPLENI1P NEW STORE. R. Sn.w A ) Son have jut returned from the city with an entire new stock of Goods, which they offer for sa!c on the vi ry lowest. terss. at the old stand lately occupied by A. M. Hills. West end of the Mansion lior.se. Clearfield. Pa. Their stock of goods has been selected with great care, and a better or cheaper assortment was never brought into Clear field county. They defy ai! competition, and invite the pub lic to carl ar.1 examine their goods. Every arti cle j'j entirely new. :;nd as cheap, if not cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. R. SHAW. A. H. SHAW. Jnne 27, IS54. AMES BIDDLE GORDON Attorney at Law. n lias removed Ins oiucc to tne room aojomiug in the East, the Drug Store of 'Dr. H. Loraiu.and will devote his whole attention to the practice of his profession. He may be consulted iu French and German. June 13, ly. TJANK NOTICE. We the subscribers intend 5 to niEke application to iho uct Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for an Act of Assembly to incorporate a Banking Company, with Banking and discounting privileges, to be o v'Ic l the -Clearfield Bank'' and located at the Dcrough of Clearfield, with a capital of One hun dred thousand dollars. A. K. Wkight. James T. Lr.ONARD, liKii.uto Shaw, James Li. Graham, Jon at;'. v B'iystox, ' Ellis Irwin, J. F. Weave a, J. Yv". Siiim, J. B, MoEnally. June 271S54. Oiu. SSAAC M. ASIITON. Hat Store, No. 172 Market St.. Philadelphia. Hats. Caps. Furs. Ac, of every variety, and the best quality always on hand. Ju:.e 15. Irf5t-ly. RY' BEEF, of the best quality just received and for saie at Wm. F. Ikwin's Cheap Store. June 14, '54. w ANTED IAD1 ELIATELY. Six jour- neyinan c-iioemakcrs. Constant employment "nd liberal wages will be given, Apply next door to the Joiimul office, at the shoe store of C. S. BLACK. September 6, 1354. ' EREGIv .DELAINES. A tupcrior article of Berego-Deiaines in dress patterns, at 25 cents per yard, never sold in this county before for less than 50 cents, at MOSSOP A POTTARFF S. Juno 13. '54 WA. "WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, nf!i?o nearly opr.osito the Court House. Clearfield Pa., will attend faithfully to all business entrusted to his care. June 17, l5i. ly J II. LARTMER Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office with John L. Cuttle, Esq., next door Pa. to Dr. II. Lorrein's Drug Store. Clearfield, May 23, '54-ly CONRAD A W ALTON. Hardware Store, No. 255 Market Street, Philadelphia- Hardware, Iron, Nails. Ac. of every description. June 15, IS34-ly. GEORGE J. WEAYER A CO.. No. 10 North Wa ter Street. Philadelphia, Dealers- in Carpet chain, Y'arn. Manilla and Hemp Ropes, Bed-cords, Clothes-lines, Ac, Ac. June 15, 1854-ly. - f( Sacks Salt, just received at the Cheap JL UU Store of MOSSOP POTTARFF. Jan 14, '54. A . M. ITTT.T. " TVT -o nr, .... "3 , :-. - viic ii-aioii. citl Teeth, from one to a full" aeLm.nn. ted in the most approved modern styla. Filling, Filing, and Cleaning done with oar and neatness. . ' ! - - i-.. Teeth extracted with all tho care and dispatch modern science can furnish. DR. HILLS, can always be found at his office, as he is now devoting hi, "whole attention to hig profession. - June 14, '54. TT ERO S COMMERCIAL HOTEL. No. IS, South sLi Sixth St. Philadelphia. The subscriber has recently enlarged and fitted up his house, and is now enabled to compete successfully, with any ej tMhlishnicnt in the City. His orus are comfort able and weR ventilated, and his table furnished with the beat in the market. He respectfully oli cits the largo circle of his Clearfield friends jo give, him a call when they visit the city. - . JACOB Q. LEBO. Jnne 13, 1854. ly. '- . . j . TVEW FIRM . PATTON A SHOWERS would L lniorui the public that they have just opened a new and splendid assortment of Goods of every variety, at the old stand of II. D. Pattos at Cur wecsviilc. At their store may be found, almost everything adapted to the wants and necessities of the people of this region'. - Dress-goods. Lawns. Laces. Gloves. Cloths, Cassimercs, Clothing, il.it. Caps, Boots. Shoes. Ac. Ac, of the best quality and at the lowest prices. Also a splendid assortment of Hardware, Queens ware and Groceries-.' They invite all persons to give thorn a call, ful ly assured they will be able to render entire satis faction. II. D. PATTON, E. A. HIITEL. " Curwensville, June 15. 1R54-Ir. - OHN R. MORROW, Cabinet Maker, Shop oppo- J site Si. L.. tnurcn, Llearhcld, I'a. keeps con stantly on hand and make to order, rdl k'snds of Furniture, such as Tea Tables, Card Tables. Cen tre Tables. Sofas, Spring Seated Chairs, Beds'eds, Bureaus, Wash Stands. Cupboard. Safes. Ac Ac. Collins made on the shortest nctiee. and .Fucrr als attended. . JOHN R. MORROW. Juno 13, 1S54. ly. . THE RED FLAG VICTORIOUS. The Blood Red Banner floats in triumph on the "Old Cor 7ter Siore.'r where A. M. Hills has just opened the cheapest and most splendid assortment of Goods, ever displayed before this community, and exactly adapted to their many and various neccssisies. Every vnriet3- of Hats, ftps. Bonnets. Boo'ts. Shoes, Clotiis, Cassinicrcs. ar.d all other kinds of dry-goods, that arc unapproachable bv anT other simitar articles, either i;i beauty of style, quality. or prices Also an excellent assortment of Groceries, Ilarl ware. Ktone and Queecsware, with fsncy articles ad infinitum. Ho defies competition, and invites all persons ? give him a call at the "Old Conrcr," which has tru ly become tho -Bazarr' of Clearfield. Every attention will bo shown to cusfcamcrs and visitors, and no pains will bo spared to send all smiling away, loaded wi:h his beautiful and valua ble goods, never surpassed in Clearfield. A. M. HILLS. Clearfield. June 15, 1S54 ly. EW GOODS AT THE CASH STORE. The subscriber has just recti ved a large and well selected stock of GOODS of almost every descrip tion suitable to the season, -nhich he is selling off at extremely low prices. He respectfully invi'es the attention of all who wish to buy good Goods at the lowest prices, to call at the sign of tha '-Cliean-rft Goods."' Country produce of almost every discriplion ta ken at market prices in exchange for goods. Persons wishing to pun.-ha'-e. and receive a fair equivalent for their racney, will da well to givs li i ri a call. Kci;K-ri;cr the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market street, au I call ad be convin-.: 1 that there is tiii'h in the words therein inscribe I. Jnne 1.1. ! 754. WM. F. IRWIN. rpYRONE JL undersigi stork of S. A. CITY DRUG STORE. The cd having purchased the cn'iro Martin, would take this method of Natives," ii'ui the public ganeritllr, iLlormiiig the that Drugs and family medicines of all kinls.nd in fact every thing that is generally kept in a Drug Store.eau be bad at this csta'uiishmezit cheap er than at any other in tho cor.nTry. Thi cstao lishmcct will be under the inau:;gC!ei:t of e::e that has experience, and is wc!! acquainted with medicine, and is also competant to prcoribe for all thoic that may require the advice of a Physi cian. JAMES M. MARTIN. P. S. A private Office attached. JUST ARRIVED the splendid stock c Cassinicrcs. Vestinsrs. i'rimiuir.rs. Ac. cf Cloths, recently purchased by the Subscriber, w hich he wiil s?'.l or make up to order, in (be most fiu-hioubIe and du rable ni.iiiner. at his store ia -Shaw"s Low." Tho material and -fits' warranted No charge for show ing his cheap and beautiful goods. Ho would inform the trade in Clearfield, that ho is che :iuiiiorizcd agent for Devcres London and Paris Fashions. T1I03. SHEA. June 27. 1S54. J OHN B.TJS5ELL & CO. TANNERS A CURRI- Co.. Pa., keep constantly cn hand an excellent as sortment of leather, which they offer for salo at the lowest cash prices. Cash paid for hides. July 15, 1S54. LR. CARTER Dealer in stoves, bar-iron. nails, and castings of all kinds. Also plows, and other agricultural utensils. On Second Street, under the Republican Office. Sane 15, !54-ly. TTJT ARRIS. n.ALE A CO Wholesale DnrcoiSTS. JLjL No. 259, Market Street, North side between sixth and seventh. Philade'phia. Drugs, Medi cines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines. Surgical In struments. Druggist's Glassware, Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes',' Perfumery. Ac, Ac. JOHN HARRIS, M. P. J. SUARSW00D. JOHN M. HALE, E. B. OR BISON. June 15, 1754-ly. TVTEW FIRM. HARTSHORN A McCRACH il EN, have just opened a new and splendid as sortment of goods of every variety, at the old stand of D. W. ROBINS A CO., Lumber city, Clear field co.. Pa. They invite the public to give them a call, and feel assured they will be able to render entire sat isfaction. Lumber. Hides." Rags, Grain, and all other kinds of produce taken in exchange. BENJ. IIARTcIIORN,' August 0, 1S54. THOS. McCRACKEN. OOI) A CO Extensive ury-gooas ueaiers, ro 1 -W-V - T 1S7, Market St., Fhiladclpma. Kcp constant ly on hand a I arse, splendid, ana cneap smck oi the most fashionable and elegant gooJs. They in vite country Merchants to call and examine their splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. . June 15, IS51-ly. - - . -; .-' T"57TLLIAM S. HANSELL A SON, Manafc- turers and Importers of SaddlerV, and Sad dlery Hardware. No. 23 Market Street, Bhiladcl- phia. Saddles. Bridles. Harness. Trunks, Y'hips, Saddle Bags. Bridle Filling, Bits, Stirrups, Buckles, Carpet Bags, ect. June 15. '54-ly. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing, or in any way meddling with a two horso wagon and a - pair of bob. sleds ov in the possession of P.'H. Booz, as the said property bilongs to me and is in his possession loauonly. JOHN BRVbAKER. September 20, 1854. ...-- a: T. LANE A CO. Wholesalo Clothing Store. No 171. M.irlrt Sfroet. Every variety cf ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable striae constantly on hand. June U, a4ty. 100S Barrel Fish, for Ml - the Cheio Btoc June It, '54 TAR.The nr.derstgvpd has just "fve nd will keep for sale, at hf e a enperior article of tar tfEORG2 ORB Clearfield, July 5, l&M " Angrust 9, 18 W. . 1 41 .... rt? r'j