Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, February 21, 1855, Image 2

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"sr- is? ij .r.
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Weiaesiay, Fehziiary 21, 1655.
"'At the Court House in this place, on Thurs
day evening, the 22nd of February. A Lec
, ture will be delivered on "Aslehica and Amer
- icaxism." Able speakers from a distance will
be in attendance. "
R. R. Welsh, D. G. Nivliug, W. M. Du
. gan, J. W. Haslet, Jos. Peters, W. L. Antes,
R. LowheaJ, B. W. Merrill, M. A. Frank.
" J. Shunkwilcr, Thos.1 Shea, Win. Radebaugh,
- 1 O xl 1 1 . i
; On Monday, F. P. Ectler, Esq., was ad
mitted to practice law in the several Courts of
' Clearfield county. We learn that Frank pass
ed a creditable examination and have no doubt
he will make a good lawyer. We wish Lira
6uccess whereverdie may locate.'
COL. A.' G." CFRT1X.
Byjt-)iference to the proceedings of the
American Caucus, published in another col
umn, it will be seen that Col.- Ccrtin, had one
of a majority over Simon" Cameron, on the
sixth ballot. If those who 'bolted' had re
mained in Caucus, there is but. little doubt
that Mr. Curtin would have been nominated
on the next ballot. It is plainly evident that
" Le is the strong ?st man, and that if the voice
of the American party was obeyed he would
be the United States Sen2.tor.
The editors of Cia democratic paper," are
, exceedingly 'rampant-1 because some body has
. charged theui with belonging to the Catholic
church. " .They pronounce it a '-b.is2 slander'
and a "libel," and . speak cf the poor soul
- that made the , charge in tcrws of the most
-withering denunciation.
To "slar.aUr" a man, you must charge him
with having committed a crime, and it's a de
velopment which will be new to most of-our
readers, that it is "criminal"' to belong to the
Catholic Church! We believe the most stren
uous Natives dont go this far.
We do not doubt the assertion of the editors
that they are not members of the Catholic
Church, but, if they desire to leave the im
pression that their paper has not advocated
' the cause of Romanism, then we can only
point for the reply, to its ctlanans every week
since the first agitation of the Native Acaeri-
can questioa in Clearfield county. It has
' uniformly opposed and denounced those Na
tive born citizens who thonght proper to ex-
" press their sense of the danger to be appre
hended from Popery and foreign influence,
while it has advocated the casse of foreigners
and Catholicism. It endorsed the sernion of
- Bishop Young, delivered in the ' Catholic
Church of this place, in which he argued for
an hour against the reading of the Scriptures,
without the permission of bishops and priests,
and took occasion to denounce Protestants in
'language indecent, outrageous, and utterly
unworthy of the sanctnary. Yet "a democral
.ic paper" pronounced it an "aie" sermon, &c,
as will bo seen by referring to their issue of
the 12th July 1851. '
In their paper "of Sept. Cth, will be found a
"long and laborious defence of Catholicism, in
: which they pronounce the charge that the
Pope exercises a temporal as well as a spirit
ual power "mere gammon," and say "that it
is ridiculous to talk about Catholocism being
inconsistent with republican liberty." In an
other paper they denounce a number of citi
zens of our county, who saw proper to assem
ble in public meeting, and pas resolations
against Catholocism, as '-hypocrites" ' liars,"
knaves," &c. But it is unnecessary to nml
ti?ly quotations. Their whole course for
months back has been in defence of the for
eigner and the Catholic, in opposition to the
Protestant and native citizen, and we challenge
them to prove the contrary. With such evi
dence before us, what other opinion can we
form but that it is a '-'popish organ ?"
Harbor Master at Philadelphia George R.
Graham, Philadelphia.
'. Sealer of Weights and Measures, late city of
Philadelphia Abraham Myers, Philadelphia.
Scale cf Weights and Measures, lute coun
ty of Philadelphia Samuel I). Abbott, Phil
adelphia. Bark Inspector, Philadelphia William D.
Baker, Philadelphia.
Laxzaretto Physician Dr. Henry Pleas
ants, Philadelphia.
Port Physician Dr. Howard Taylor, Ches
tcrcounty. Quarantine Master Jacob Pepper, Dela
ware county.
Health Officer J. W. T. M'AHister, Phila
delphia. - ... -
' - Master Warden Joseph E. -Hearned, Phil
adelphia. Keeper of Powder Magazine Andrew M'
Lean, Philadelphia
- Flour Inspector Stephen Miller, Dauphin
' Whiskey Inspector John W. Cowell, Bucks
Whiskey Inspector JolffiU. Seltzer, Berks
county. . - '
r. Grain Measurer Thomas E. Pollock, Phil
adelphia. .
"' Butter and Lard Inspector George Metz
gar, Philadelphia.
, - Lumber Inspector John J. Autin, North
umberland county.
Salted Beef and Pork Inspector William
A. Ott, Philadelphia.
Marble Measurer Isaac B. Garrigues, Phil
adelphia, i
We will notice these appointments more at j
length hereafter. Among the numberare three
democrats and one old line Native American. I
. . -- The constant abuse and denunciation poured
out upon the American party by the organ of
locofocoism and. popery, in this place, has
caused those who have identified themselves
with the American movemc'my to stand on the
defensive, and Whence in our little township
and borough elections"party lines are drawn,
and they are contested with all the bitter ani
mosity that characterizes a gubernatorial or
presidential campaign. This is exceedingly
unfortunate, and serves to embitter friends
and neighbors, and oftentimes, . perhaps, to
prevent the community from obtaining the
services of their best and most worthy citiz&ns.
Township and borongh elections should be
held for the purpose cf selecting the best men,
and the most responsible citizens, to transact
the business of the community, without re
gard to party triumph, and political predilec
tions. - '
This abuse of the American party, and cau
cusing for candidates, led them to draw the
party lines on Frid-iy last, and to make a de
termined resistance to those who were running
on the Democratic ticket. The result has
been the defeat of James Whiclet, Esq., for
Justice, who is admitted on all hands to have
been one of the best, most prompt and tSIcient
officers our town has ever had. , We believe
Mr. DrxiEr, the successful candidate, to Le
fully capable of discharging the duties of the
office, and have no doubt he will make a good
justice, but, apart from political motives,
there was co reason whatever for Mr. Wfigluy's
removal. An honest and upright cit'raeD, an
impartial aud competent officer, ho possessed
the confidence and good opinion of the whole
Community, and we are exceedingly sorry to
see him stricken down on account of the inju
dicious conduct of those who claim him as
a member of their political party.
It is not sunrisin that th Amorimn narfv
should have acted as thev did. It was not the !
dof..it. nf Kiif-h m.n .nt TVrJaW
desired, but to rebuke those who call them-
sclvcs democrats, and who are weekly
insr unon Americans and Protestants whnl
columns of abuse, thus exciting bad feeling i lai e Biajoiity. In Burnside ditto. Ic Eec
and Litter animosity among their fellow citi- ! caiT?'1 tl rcsult ,VJS thlJ same, and in fact in
zeni. If we desire to live harmoniously to
gether, and to procure the services of our Lest
and most experienced citizens, we must btu-y
all party feelings, so far as our little borough
aud to An ship elections are concerned.
meeting of the commissioners and
of the Tyrone, Clearfield aid Eri
RaHroid which was held, recently, r.t Tyrone,
adjourned to meet in Clearfield on Tues l
evening last, when the Hon. R. SHAW was
called to the chair, and Hon. Pzieu Lami,
iTon. J. T. Davi3 and Jons JI. Chase, s.,
were elected Vice Presidents ; Clark Wilson
and II. B. Swoope, Secretavios. The object
of the meeting was stated by II. B. Svroo:
Esq. The President annouaccd that the dif
ferent committees appointed to procure stock
had not yet reported, but that in Clearfield,
Curwcnsvilla and Philipsburg, the amount of
stock subscribed up to this tim was about
The meeting was successivel- addressed by
the Hen. J. T. nale, J. B. McEnually, n. B.
Swoopj, and G. R. Barrett, Esqs.
It was an interesting and spirited nueting,
and will no doubt exercise a favourable inOu
ence on the enterprise. We; think, however
the time Las come for acting, and that meet
ings are of but little cfibct. We hope the cit
izens of ClearfisH County who are all so deep
ly interested in the success of the project,
will at once subscribe liberally to the stock.
When we set a good example at home, we can
thon go abroad and ask for assistance, and not
before. . . ,
A 'democratic paper' has been most awfully
slandered by some '-base libeler," of whom it
speaks as follows "A character so contempti
ble that we would not pollute our columns
with his name, so utterly degrading as to con
taminate all with whom ho might approach
(that's gramaticabain't it ?) has managed by
some means to have himself placed in the
editerlal -chair, a position which he dishonors,
and stiil continues to give publicity to this .
accusation,"(that the editors of "A Democrat- '
ic paper" are Catholics.) He must be a
mighty poor devil, if Lis 'nams would poluio
t!;o columns of such a high toned, virtuous
sheet! We pity his case. But are net the edi
tors mistaken ? Is there really an individual
residing in tms community, whose "name" holds out against quacks and quackery, in
would pollute the columns of a paper weekly every shape they may present themselves. In
containing, two or three obscene and valvar a 1;lto number, we find a notice, which-he com
advertisements, that would cause the cheek of' Tto. attention of our editorial brcth
, t , , , , , A . , I ren whose love lor the "dollars and dimes,"
any but a hardened wretca to tingle with , icads them to assist charlatans to rob the com
shame ? We certainly did not think there i munity, by advertising their worthless, and
was an individual in the community so utterly : in most cases, poisonous trash. The Jwinial
contempt ib!?. We thin!; the name would be
polluted by going "into their columns, and
therefore, seeing that our own is there, we de
sire that it shall immediately be taken out, and
the bill sent to this office, where it will be
cashed. If our own name had not been in
their paper, we might have supposed, however
bad the shoe fit, that they were driving at U3,
as we are the only editor besTde themselves in
this community. But as they would not "pol
lute their columns" with the name of the poor
creature, Uie missle could not have been di
rected this way. We will take our name- out,
however, and hereafter give them a fair
chance. . . .
CT''' Neither of the editors or publishers of"
a Democratic paper "are members of the Cath
olic or any other church." :
. 'Well, really,' as the old woman said, we
think they might have saved themselves the
trouble of giving this important piece of in
formation, lor nobody would ever have thought
of accusing them with anything that approach
ed Christianity. Their abuse and denuncia
tion of church members and ministers cf the
Gospel, has long since prevented those who
know thern from making any such charge.
V T f Vil
At our borough election on Friday last the
whole American ticket was triumphantly elect
ed, notwithstanding the most strenuous and
undivided opposition. "Sam" was about, and
as usual, took the whole thing under his espe
cial protection. The following odcers were
elected for the ensuing year :
' Justice of ihe Peace E. S. Dcxdey.
ConslcllcR. F. Ward. -
Burgess Wm. 'F. Irwin.
' Judge Wxr. jS'-'Ijadli.t. '
School Directors -I. A. Frark, Jos. Bore-
tou and T1103. Mile?.
Town Council II. B. Smith, C. Pcttabff,
Ww. M. Dcgax, Geo. W. Kheem, Sr., and
A. M. Hills. '
Wm. Radebacgh.
.fi.'. Assessors Jas. B. GaAiiAM and D. G.
Ins-yscfors Joux Gilich and H. W. Pahes
Overseers tf ihe Veer Moudicai Shirk and
Wm. Robisox. ;
High ConsluhU n. Hays Morrow.
In Lawrence township, the American candi
date for Justice, Mr. Joux Larimer was also
i elected by a l.'.rge majority. In CurwansviUe
' the Americans elected their entire ticket. In
I Ss towns.iip m r. joux Uiaib and ilr.
' aa American and a Whi
In Penn town
ship, the whole American ticket was elected
in the face cf a strong opposition. In Chest,
I in -entire American ticket was elected by a
every township we have yet heard from, ex-
cept Brady, that land of "midnight darkness,"
the American ticket has been triumphantly
February 10th, 18 05.
II. B. Swoope, Esq. : The XU-iueisers ap
pear to Le springiug up in all directions. At
the recent election in Goshen township fur the
l 1 . . 1 J 1 . .
j el.-cting every tliirig from Justice of'lho Peaca
i'1'.viisi.. e.iieer.s taey maue a cie-ia swi-pn.
to Township CK-rk, by a vote of three to or
Verily, Goshen Is sound on the guose rjues
tion. Respectfully Yours,
Ax Americas.
Geo. W. Bowman threatens to demand a
Court Martial to try the legality of his remo
val from the clace of. Adjutant General, and
the appointment of Gen. Thos. Poweb in
hi3 stead, by Gov. Tollock." lie alledges that
he wa3 appointed for three years, and that the
period has not yet' expired. While at Ilarris
burg recently, wa took occasion to cxamiue
the records in the State Department and we
find that Gon. Bowman was appointed to fill
the unexpired term of Gen. James Keexax,
that consequently his term of office ended on
the third of August last, and that there has
really been a vacancy from that time until the
appointment of Gen. Power. ' Goo. Bow-man
is the only man ia the Statu who is mean
enough to want to hold office under an Ad
ministration which ho opposes.
Congress has passed a resolution authoriz
ing the President to confer the brevet title of
Lieut. General, upon Maj. Gen. Wixfield
Scots, for his distinguished services. This
will give Gen. Scott about SC0.000 back pay,
and will also increase his yearly sallery. The
honor must be peculiarly gratifying to the
'old hero from the fact that it is conferred by
a Congress the majority of which holds contra
ry political opinions.
In the "Delaware County Republican," one
of the neatest and most ably edited papers in
the State, we find the following endorsement
of our course in refusing to publish
medicine, and lottery advertisements :
The R fisma.i's Journal, a paper published
away up in the wild-cat region of North west
ern Pennsylvania by the way, one of the
says :
"We have received a sort of lottery gift
circular, with a request to give it twelve in
sertions. .We don't publish gambling adver
tisements or patent medicines at any price.
We'll have to be harder up for money than
we are now, before we will thus prostitute the
columns of our paper to the injury of our
readers, and the disgrace of the community."
If men in general understood the nature of
the human organism, if they were await; of
the complicated nature of each and every
part, if the could see .the nice adjustments
of which the body is composed, and if they
knew the nature and comprehended the influ
ence exerted on them by various articlescmploy
ed as remedies for disease, they would shrink
with horror from their use, and look upen the
ignorant quack who could thus sport with hu
man life, in the" true' light cf a murkerer. !
and those who give publicity, to bis presump
tions pretentions, as accessary io the crime.
' Hexry G. Pratt, American, was elected
State Senator, in the Second District, on Tues
day last, over J. Murray Rush, D., to fill the
vacancy occasioned by the death of Levi
Foulkrod. nis majority 2,342 in a poll of
28,C81 votes.
Ilhrong rCourt. , trti (-.
About nioccason tracks. v -I "
Scarce money and honest lawyers. " - ;
AJjourncd-the Legislature, till next Monday.
- On a lust eomof the b'hoy3 on Saturday night
In a melting mood the' snow to-day. Wo fear
the sleighing is about done.
Gone the '-ingins," and a big "pile of rocks."
out of our County.
Bofncl to hr. hnllt our Railroad. ' It must and
shall be made."
r Jjfft the man "with the puuipkia head and
trunk feet. lie's goinj; to Tyrone. -J
For sale an elegant Map of the United States.
Inquire at tLia office. -
Hemmed David, the Jew, for keeping a tip
pling house. We think it was about time.
Increasing our subscription list, and the pi!e
of dans on our table. Queer, isn't it ?
Can't do it sen 1 our paper to subscribers out of
the county who don't pay in adTanee. It wont
pay, no how.
Great Kccilemeit that produced by the 'icins'
ou Monday evening. They're fast riders, aad not
bad humbugs. - . . ..
Arrive I the man that swallowed tha jatk ass,
and left the tail hanging out of hia mouth. lie
expect to leave iu the morning.
One sided tho Spring elections.' Looks as if
'fain" was a favorite in our County. He's some
puniX'kins, and eo mistake.
Numerous the imlictinor.ts for tippling hou;
before tho Grand Jury thi3. week. .There id t
qusin;ny ot tuem.
Finished. The bridge above Lewbtown. which
wa3 destroyed by fire a few weeks ao. has been ra-
aceJ: and tho cars are now running aa usual.
One of 'em ike sohooimiifer thnt sot tizht ani
went to sleep in school. Wonder if he's any rela
tion to '-ihe Corporal T'
Llemrmler to attend the American meeting on
Thursday evening, ibe anniversary of Washington's
b'rth-day. -'Sain V bound to celebrate it.
Tall, very some of the valentines received ty
oar devil. He stands about two inches higher in
his boots, th-in he did th'13 timo last week.
Soint'l on the froof. qwxtion tho man that
wouldn'tswaarin Court on Monday, till they took
the cross off the bible. He's h.t.i an iutroJuction
to '-Hain." -
Got its quiitns. Pine County, we fear. Ins ot
into a predicament in the Legislature, which will
prevent Mi success. It ca i t coaie up now without
a two-third vols of the ilouso.
Excited tho 'Democratic editor.' Somebo
dy's been calling them Catholics. We' think they
II, . . . ..... . .
wuuia nave nil me laasK u Uiey Had called
tLcm blackguards.
I.t town the man that woirs the four gold
chains, two breast-pin?, a gro3 of finger 'rioj;.?,
aaJ about a liaif a- toi of other li.vins. lie's
warranted lull jeweled."
r'n.i :s to ttiose of our friends who called this
week and paid for advertising and en Script ionn.
If there are any mo'e who desire to -'follow suit,"
we 11 ou giaa to see tuein. urao ir..
Our .-V.v . to AIe. Caldwell. Tsq., cf tho I.c-gi.-d.nuT,
for favors. I'.t. CuHlweli is the most at
tentive member ,f our nctuaiatanvc. aad we be-
l;vo vj K.iO'.v 111; u"-'1: 01 tJtr'ui.
Hive, a crood cjnxei-e.i?-. those oT our natrons
who embraced the opportunity a-Toriled them by
their visit to Court, to jay tho -printer. -There's
nothing like it. if you doubt it, jast give it a .trial.
RvmovaT. Troatmau k Howe, have moved into
their new bhop, near the IWount rieas'vUt Foundry,
where they are rea Jy to furnish the publie with
chairs, sofas, and house, aud ornaucntal paiutinj.
urniiiii,i e,n i'p . '.wimsr. V-l icer rvlason, p.s
'the lrst- act of his a Imitustraiioi". returned ab'.nt
033 half Oi 1 jnvcos1 iUh. as rNvniwr n:il tir- Jjnr'
i vases : Coinpi tnientary to the culzeu?, wcen't it'?
Lout ".bo llarrisbur.T Tlem. "What's wrong. friend
Crap? Has the 'gooso' kicked up behiid and threw
you overboard, or have yoa cut our acquaintance?
We'd bo sorry to Iodsj you: but if It r.uist he.
we cau't help it.
Tempi-ran c mr;iv iu the Court ITor.se on Mon
day evening last It wns well attended notwith
standing the '-iiigin" perforiuaiice in tho Town
Hall. Samuel I.iuii. V.s., and Judge Ua!e deliv
ered eloquent addresses.
Stid them ovr. Will Hughes & Irwin please
send over those ' boots.'' and sec that they are not
lost liko the c.in of Oysters they sent a fow davs
aero. Wo want tbfm "to kick loafers out of the
ofiieo Tith. tend them along.
Court. Judgo Eiirnide arrived on Monday ev
ening, and vn on th bench early on Tuesday
morning, natively at work disposing of the unu.anal
quantity of criminal business. The probabilities
are that no eivit c.-.ses can be tried this week.
An erpolocy, JMwcen cur business in Court, an 1
our editorial dut'es, we have about as much to do
this week as one man can conveniently get along
with. We hope our readers will excuse, therefore,
all dSscrcpene;e3 ia this number of the Jonrnil.
" The Mirtyr Family.'1'' We have been inform
ed that wo arc receiving the credit among a lare
portion f our subscribers with being the author of
the story on our first pago. This is a mistake. It
is written by a 1. .Icgyman, wliose name we are hot
authorized to giva.
Not herr the band of professional black-legs
that attend our courts, for the purpose of fleecing
tho grecrdiorns that may happen to be in .ittcnd-
nnce. We presume the deteri!iinat;on manifested
by tho Court and its officers to break up this infa
mous praciiee; ha3 frightened them off.
Mitlnieii report tint wo intend to leave Clear-
Cold in the h'niing. We have located heroforlifo.
and h;tve no intention whatever to leave tho coun
ty, or the Jt 'tiit' l eiiher. until we cr.n find some
body to take cba-'ge of it; who can make it a
better paper than we can.
Fturrn the e!ect"on ?n Bell township on Fridav
last. The people thought there was but one tick
et in tbe field, until the polls were closed, when to
their uter astonishment, they found a set of men
elected to all tho offices, who were not evon sus
pected of being candidates! ;Guess '-Sam" must
he ia '-them diggings."
Pel? and fur hitwc'ir the visits of tho PhilJel-
phia Sun to our sanctum. Come. Col., shod a few
of yonr bright beams away back in the woods of
Clearfield, and when the hunting season commen
ces wo'll send you a haunch of venwon. than which
finer or fatter.
2Tever ranged in a forest or smoked on a platter."
Slopped his vajvr a protestant Irishman, be
cause we held the doctrine that ''Americans should
rule .America." Ho told us that "Americans might
patronise our paper -' Very fortunately for us
they do, as it would be a mighty poor look out if
we had nothing to depend upon but 'foreign influ
enco.' lie's iu a bad humor becausa he cant seo
The steamship Asia has arrived, bringing
news from Europe one week later. The res
ignation of Lord John Russell has been fol
lowed by that of the entire British Ministry,
but, up to tho latest advices, no new Cabinet
had been constructed. Lord Derby had been
invited -to form one, but failed. Afl'iirs in
the Crimea remain as before, 'except the sup
plies for the allies had arrived, and the condi
tion of the British troops was much . impro
ved. In the German Diet the proposition of
Prussia against the mobilization of the Ger
manic army had been carried, notwithstanding
the opposition of Austria. The Prussian army
is to bo placed on a war footing, but Prussia
refuses to permit a French army to march
through her territory. Engjandhas agreed to
loan Lardinia 1,000,000. The French force,
to guard tho Austrian frontier, is 80,000 men.
The Greek difficulty has been arranged. Mr.
Soule is reported seriously ill.
Circulate no slander. : - '
i Pare to do- good, thdttgh the world
laugh at you." i y- M;
17 Jhe tobacco, chewer issaid to be like a
goose in a Dutch oven always on the spit. .
The Florida -.Legislature has passed a
bill abolishing the" Supreme Court in that
The very last curiosity we have seen
spoken of, is a wheel that came off a dog's
'tail when it was a waggin'.
"We may live without a brother, but
not w ithout a friend. In order to deserve a
good friend we must become one."
They have got a fast operator in Ar
kansas, lie euts up clover hay, and sells it lir
black tea. He'll do to travel.
Free Banking is now defined to bo ma
king particularly free with the' funds 'of de
positors. Little opportunities of doing good are
neglected by, many who are waiting for an oc
casion to. perform great acts of charity.
Harsh words are like hailstones ia sum
mer, which, if melted, would fertilize the ten
der plants they baiter down.
A man being commiserated with, on
account of his wife running away, said:
"Don't pity me till she comes back again."
Refusing to pay your printer's bills
and robbing a hen roost are tho same thing in
Dutch, only a little differently expressed.
alariied men are less troubled with
rheumatism than any other. Dr. Francise ex
plains the reason they sleep warmer.
Each of the ten inch shell thrown by
the allies in the seige of Sebasfopcl, costs, it
is said, JCC5 about SloO.
Slanderers are like flies; they leap all
over a man's good parts to light upon his
There is a Russian printing-office in
London, ia which Democratic w orks are prin
ted for secret distribution in Russia.
Never discover your faults to a man
who appears desirous of discovering them.
You might as well carry a flag of truce into a
nest of wildcats. '". '
Mayor Wood is-dowrt" upon the for
tune tellers in New York. H e has instructed
the police to hunt ihem out and report then
to bira.
Snooks says that the best sewing machine
ia the world is one about seventeen years old,
with a short sleeve dressd, pretty little feet
with gaiter boots on. .0! don't.
TH-e heart of a young girl is like a nest
where the little swallow chirps, shows its head,
tries its wings, and watches the favorite mo
ment to fly.
A case of absence of mind occured the
last vainy night' when Mr. P. caniu home. He
nut his umbrella in bed with bis wife, and
stood himself up in the corner of the room.
Napcleo-i is said to have remarked of
physicians, whom he found to be materi .lists:
"They uo not believe that man has a soul, be
cause they cannot find it with their dissecting
knife." -.'.'
Muggins observed on the door of a
house the name of a physician and surgeon,
and remarked ttat it put bim in mind of a
double barreled gun, for if one missed the oth
er was sure to kill.
If our Maker thought it wrong for Ad
am to live single when there was not a woman
on earth, how criminally guilty are old bach
elors, with the world full cf pretty girls. Let
young men think of this.
It is' affirmed " by scientific gentlemen
that'the pressure of the times, if it could "be
Used as a propelli".ig power, would force a
vessel across the Atlantic in twenty-four
hours. ;
We once heard of a young lady, who
was requested by a bachelor somewhat advan
ced in years, to take a seat upon bis knee,
while in a crowded sleigh. "No, thank you,"
said she, "I am afraid such an old seat would
break down with me."'
As those who cat most are not always
the f.itest, so those who read most have not al
ways the most knowledge; they sink under a
multitude of ideas, and resemble the ancient
Gauls, who, being too heavily armed became
useless in battle. ,
"Father, what do you moan by raising
things iu hot houses ?" "Why, my dear b;-y,
j-ou are being raised in a house too hot to hold
me, sometimes." The mother raised the
broomstick, and the man disappeared in a
A lady of experience contends that a
kiss on the forehead denotes reverence for the
intellect; a kiss on the cheek, that the donor
is impressed w ith the beauty of the kissed one;
but that a kiss imprinted on the lips, shows
A gentleman with a glass eye, was
about to exercise the right of sutlerage, when
he was accosted by a political opponent with,
"I say, Mister, what are you doing here?
You cairt vote, your not natural cyes'd."
Exit joker with a kick a la hinder-end and a
blow ou the sconce.
Blessed is the memory of these who
have kept themselves unspotted from the
world ! vet more blessed and mor dear the
memory of those who have kep't themselves
unspotted in the world ! So says Mrs. Jameson.
Well, we should like to see a sample of either.
Guess they are faw and fer between.
Judge Porter, the man who was going
to play perdition with the Know-Nothings,
prosecuted an editor of Easton for libel. The
trial took place aud Ibe jury, after mature
consideration, fined the editor fifteen dollars!
adjudging that to be the value of the Judge's
To morrow, (Thursday) is the 22nd of Feb
ruary, the anniversary of that day that gave to
America Geokqe Washixgtox, who was "first
in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of
bis Countrymen." In recalling to mind his
glorious achievements, and the sound maxims
of policy which he has transmitted to posteri
ty, it will not be amiss, perhaps, to give his
views of the principles held by the much per
secuted and much slandered American party
of the present day. democratic paper,"
and similar popish organs, may pour out their
slang and denunciations on those who have
avowed American sentiments, but .they dare
not touch with their calumny the fair fame,
and liberal principles of George Wasiiixgton.
In the fourth volume of Sparks' Washington
papers, page 410, will be found the following
White Plains, July 24, 1778.
To Gov. Morris, Esq. Dear Sir: The de
sign of this is to touch cursorily upon a sub
ject of very great importance to the well be
ing 01 these states; much more so than will
appear at first view. I mean the appointment
of so many foreigners to office of high rauk
and trust in our service.
The lavish maimer iu which rank has hith
erto be'ju bestowed on these gentlemen, w 'Ai
certainly be productive of one or the other ot
two evils either to make U3 despicable in the
eyc-s of Europe, or become a means of pour
ing them iu upon us like a torrent and audio"
to our present burden. 0
But it is neither the expense or trouble of
them I most dread; there is an evil more ex
tensive in its nature and latal in its conse
quences to be apprehended, and that is the
driving of all our ouicers out of tho strvice
and throwing not only our own army, but our
military councils, entirely into the haa.U of
The oiiieers, my dear sir. on whom you must
depend for the defence of this cause, distin
guished by length of service and military mer
it, will not submit much, if any longer, to the
unnatirral promotion of men over them, who
have nothing more than a little plausibility,
unbounded pride and ambition, and a perse
verance in the application to support their
pretentions, not to be resisted but by uncom
mon firmness; ittcTi v'ho, lit the Jirst iusiunc
tell you they wish for nothing y.rore than the hon
or of serving iu so glorious a cause as volunteers,
the next day solicd rank tcihout pay; ihe !ij
following went money advanced to them, anl iu,
the course cf a tceck want farther prot-xiior..
The expediency and policy of the measure re
quires to be considered, and whether it iscon
sistcnt with justice or prudence :o promote
thesa military fortune hunters at the hazard
of our army.
13aro:i St uben, I now find is wanting to quit
bis inspectorship for a command in the lin?.
This will bo productive of much discontent.
In a word, although I think the Baron an ex
cellent ofheer, do most devotedly udsh thnt i, e
had not a single foreigner e.nong us, except tho
Marquis de Lafayette, who acts upon very dif
ferent principles from those which govern the
rest. Adieu
I am, most sincorely yours,
G. WAsnisGiox.
Philadelphia, Nov. 17,1794.
To John Jldams, Vice President of the U. S.
Dear Sir: My opinion with respect to
immigration is, that except of usc-ril ni'?-chi-.u-vs.
aui soma .-iiaiticniar description !'
men avid professions,, there is iv use of en
couragement. I am, etc.,
G. Washington.
The following Bill ia regard to log driving
in the Susquehanna, has beeu introduced ia
the Legislature, aud will ia all probabi'iiy
AX ACT regulating tha floating of iocsa i.7
loga in the West .rin;h of the Susquehanna
atiil csrtain of its trioutaries.
Section 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and
House cf Representatives of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, in General 2$sembiy me', and
it is htrcby enacted by tha uuihonty cf the sine,
That any person desirous of floating saw logs
ia the Susquehanna river ami such of its trib
utaries as have been, or may hereafter be de
clared public highways as lov down as the
boundary line of Clearfield and Clinton coun
ties and Bennett's branch of tbe Siu::ara.i'.io:i
ing creek ia Cleartield county, shall first obtain
a license for the same from the court of com
mon pleas of the county in which said logs
shall be cut, which license s iid court are au
thorized and. required to grant on the appli
cant giving bond with good security resident
in said county ,iu such reasonable sum as said
court shall in their judgement require, which
said bond shall be conditioned to save harm
less every person or persons who may be in
jured by the floating of said loose saw logs
cither to their real or personal property, Pro-l-ided
That where an injury is done by floating
said loose saw logs, the bonds of all persons
having logs iu said float shall be jointly ani
severaly liable for the damage sustained, to be
assessed in proportion to the amount of their
several boads without inquiring whose partic
ular logs did the damage. Provided furlherThzt
a suit may be brought for any damage sus
tained jointly asainfat all the obligors in the
several bonds, but on the verdict of the jury
holding for the plaiiititT,the court before enter
ing judgment shall apportion the amount aud
otter judgement as aforesaid against the re
pp., ctivi parties.
Section 2 That any person applying as afore
said for license, shall "in their petition set forth
the number of logsthey wish to fioat,and there
upon a licease shall be granted for that num
bcr,and any person exceeding the privileges so
granted shall be deemed liable to all the pen
alties of the third section of this bill. Provided
That under the provisions of this act no saw
logs exceeding sixteen feet in length shall be
floated.nor shall any be put in the said streams
untill there is sufficient water to float them.
Section 3 That any person or persons who
shall after the first day of June next throw ia
to,run,or float any loose saw logs, timber,tree,
or treesjin said streams,or any of them, with
out first obtaining a license and giving bonds
as herein before provided, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and the parties em
ployed in the same thall be indictable in the
court of quarter sessions of the county ia
which said logs were cut, and upon conviction
thereof shall be sentenced to pay a finek-r the
use of the proper county ,of not less than one
tmndrni dnllnrn. nnr mnri than one thousand,
and to undergo an imprisonment in the; county
jail of not less than three, nor more than six
months,at tho discretion of the court. Procet
That the foregoing section shall not interisre
with the civil remedy for damage by any per
son aggrieved by a breach of any of the pro
visions of this act. . ,
New Minister to Spain. In consequence
of the continued illness of his wife. Mr. Jireci
enbridge has resigned his mission to Spain
The President lias, therefore, appointed uou
Augustus C. Dodge, Senator from Iowa,
tl-.e Senate has confirmed the nomination. r.
Dodge's Sensorial term expires on the -it"
March next.
n n