uu - -v- i COME AND TAKE ME. Dcvivier. CLEAEFIELD, WEMESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1855. KO. 31. VOL. 1. m 14 Mi -ft i 4 1:1 f 1 RAFTSMAN'S JOURNAL. Bss. Jokes, Publisher: Petv nnom. (pavuMe in advance.) $1 50 If paii within the year, 2 00 No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. A failure to notify a discontinuance at the expi ration of the terra subscribed for. will be consider - d anew nzj?mcnt. THE J-ABOUINO 31 AX. The uif.n who'kcnrn. Jus bread before he cats it;" who, while proauiiog the means of ample Bubfis- iuee for liim.:c!f and family, is at the came time ilfs pleasure grounds at home, she had imbo benefitticg (hecor.1mur.it7 in which bo lives,, will , soraej i0 hini her heart, told him of her own peruse the flowing, as all readers should do, with i;aj)ny chance, bssousht him to abandon his an acknowledgement of tho well-exj reused troths it contains: "The r.ob;c.--t men Tknow on earth. Are men whose hands are brown with toil; Who, backed by no ancestral proves; Iiew down the woods, and tiil the soil, And win thereby a prouder nanio Than follows kings' or warriors' fume." 'The working men. wbnte'er their task. . Who carve the stone or bear the hod, They bear upon their honest brows The royal stamp and seal of Go J; And worthier aro their drops cf sweat Than diamonds in a coronet. "God bless the noble working men. ."Who rear the cities of the plain; Who dig the mines, who build tho ships, And drive the commerce of the main ; God blosrf them ! fyr their toiling hands Have wrought the glory of all lands." (Original ftiornl a IwriTTtx r!i the jouusal. I - TKK -:0:- COPTKICUT IKCTEEB. CHAPTER Y. Valens and his daughter, having threaded many a crooked, dirty street, and cautiously crept along through piles of black ruins, at length, foend themselves, with grateful hearts, tifc-ly seated arain in their horac Th? danger hid now become most immi nent, and through portion1? of tho city, no one cou renturc to pass, escepi at the peril of Lis lifo. N ot only were they in dagger of be ing trrestcd as Chriiliaits, but ihc streets were everywhere infested by night, with band of prowling n:oDstcr3, whose only o!ject was insult end rubbery. Thousands of citizeus.for the few l.ioT nights, had been knocked down, robbed, and ra.'.l-treated in the most heartless aod bhock'ng manner. In fact, the w hole city was now ia a state of the most wretched anarchy. Distrsss prevailed among all classes. No one felt his life secure though against the poor Christians the wrathful storm was directed. Kcw could it be otherwise ? The Emperor was setting before the people the most hideous j epcetaclea of barbarity. Lirgs portions of the city lay in ashec, while thousands and tens of j thousand? of the lower classes were goaded to desperation by suIcring and want. j Xo wonder, therefore, that Valens and his j caujr.ter instantly leii upon t;ieir Knees, on entering the hal!, and united in their thanks to God, fyr their sife return. Valencia, who had remained at home, in company with one or two neighboring women "of like faith," was also on her knees at their side, with little Tare clasped in her arms. Soon after this, an event occurred in the family, that was the cause of renewed sorrow. Va'dinus, as already stated, had conceived the Idea of a soldier's life, and had thoughts of joining the army. This desire he had ex pressed soon after he had formed the acquain tance of Marcus, and to whose influence over him it was attributed. Valens, from tic first, had prudently oppos ed his son's wishes, and had used every means in his power to dissuade him from it. He was hia only son, and he wished him to remain at home. Then. knowing the wild, reckless turn of his mind, he knew the consequences of such a life would, in all probability, prove utterly ruinous. Besides, the influence of the prin ciples of the gospel ou his mind, had changed his own views in regard to all such things, and he wished his son to seek for honor and glory of another kind. The prudent counsels of the father seemed. enengm, 10 nave prevailed. vaiamus nau L promised to remain at home. He was fre-j queru.y absent, however, greater part of the Eight, no one knowing tckere. . At home, he was sulky and silent ; and although he some times spoke feelingly about his sister's death, yet he evidently cherished a deadly hatred to wards the Christians as a sect, and seemed to think the slanderous reports circulated about them more than half true. On a certain evening, a fresh levy of troop3 was to leavo Rome for one of tho foreign le gions. The next morning Valdinus was mis- ! ting. the following day, towards its close, Va lens learned to his great sorrow, that his son ad enlUted as a common, soldier, and left Rome with the levy in qnction. The shock came upon tho family witha sud den, overwhelming violence, and re-opened &e wociids which the death of Fiducia had indicted, with & sad, painful freshness. None, however, lamented it more than Yer t:t:r, it eeemed to snap assundcr her only rojialaing earthly tie. They had hitherto V:t roost Iov.fn flE( conjenUl spirits', " Crashed in hetrt as brother -and sister. but ia taste and disposition. From their childhood they hid sported together, admired the same beauties and gazed at the same won ders together had walked the streets, strolled along the kanks of the Tiber, visited the Cam pHS 3Iartius, sat together in the theaters and other places of public amusement. " ' Then, from the moment of her conversion, her whole soul had set itself upon him with a triple intensity, with an earnest, settled pur pose never to give over in her prayers till he rejoiced with her ia the hopes of another life, and in a stroll among the vines and flowers in idols, and seek after the eternal life of the gospel. They had just stopped to look at a bunch of flowers, that grew at the side of the walk. Some of the last years stalks were dead, and rotting on the ground. But from their roots, others were springing forth, fresh and green, while a few had grown up, and expanded into a most beautiful flower, scented, and tinted with many bright, luminous colors. "How lovely !" said Vertitia, as she laid her hand gently on one of the largest. "Very ;" said Valdinus, as he rather rude ly snatched up one, and held it out before him. "But look at these dead stalks.. they'll soon be gone," said Vertitia, raising up the re mains of one with her foot. "Yes they're of no more use," 6aid Valdi nus, carelessly. "But see," said Vertitia quickly, "how these green ones are growing out of their roots, to flower and bloom again ; how strange! O ! isn't it, brother ? "Strange enough;" said Valdinus; "but it's the way they do, you know. .Vertitia gazed for a few moments at the large flower, fondling it with her white, deli cate hand. "These things convince we more and more of what the Christians say;" at length, said Vertitia, looking up earnestly at Valdinus. "Christians :" said he, reproachfully; "if it wasn't for father and mother, I wish they were all dead as thcai ta!ks." V ertitla trembled, an I hung fu r hoa'l. '-But they might live again, brother, if they were like them. Dont you see it's only the stalk that's dead the root still lives. Now that's just what the Christians say what our dear father and mother says." "I dont want to hear any thing about w'uit they say fools!" said Valdinus, abruptly. 'But mayn't it be true, dear brother," look ing up with an earnest smile, and speaking very kindly ; may not the body die, and the soul live 1 It isn't any more strange than for this stalk to die and the root to live, is it, brother ?" "The soul may live after the body, for any thing I know or care, fools think so at any rate," said Valdinus, with a short sneer of a laugh. Vertitia felt hurt, and endeavored to con ceal the tears which filled her eyes. ."But, oh ! brother, suppose it should live forever in another world, and be forever happy there ! That's what the Christians think ; isn't it a nice thought, too ?" said Vertitia, her teary eyes sparkling with a sudden emo tion of joy. "What good would that do mc, if I were dead? My soul might live and be happy, but that wouldu't bo said Valdinus, with quite a hearty laugh. "Yes ! yes ! brother, it tvould be you, it surely would. The soul is what feels and thinks in us what joys and sorrows. The body ia nothing but dust and earth without it; hence, wherever the soul lives or goes, it is still us, and we're the very same persons." Valdinus said nothing, but gave one of the old dead stalks a kick with his foot, and dash ed the flower from his hand. "Oh! brother," said Vertitia, imploringly; "there is another life another world, where our souls go at death, and where we will be forever either happy or miserable. Poor, dear sister Fiducia's gone there gone to be happy forever. where they're sent. If I'm sent there, guess I'll go too, only yon and I'll try to get sent to the same place, that's ail; wont we ?" "To where our dear sister Fiducia is, there let us try to go, brother. But we must give up our idols, and the pleasures of the world, and live like she did. "Guess, if I've got to go there, I'll take my idols along with hh?, and my pleasures too. If I'm to be the same person there, I'll need them, yon know," said Valdinus, in a half joke. - "Xo! no! brother; it aint there like it is here," said Vertitia, vexed at his light, incon siderate remarks. "Well, I dont care how it is; and I dont want to hear any more of that Xazareno stu f,'' said Valdinus, angrily, and taking hold of Vertitia'sarm, started off up the walk. They walked along for some time in silence. Vcrtitia's eyes were full of tears, and her heart full of sorrows. She struggled hard, however, against her emotions, while she inly prayed for her poor, dear brother. - "Well," at length, said she, "you love mev f.lamtss, d-r.t yon ? . . " EASTER IN ROME. Easter is one of the three great festivals in the church of Rome. It is true, the calendar is nearly all set apart to the commemoration of saints. We have more saints thau there are days in the year; still Easter having been a sub ject of agitation in the church, and the cause of separation between the Latin and the Greek churches, Rome displays iore luxury and ec clesiastical splendor in its celebration than in any other festival in the calendar. The holy week, which precedes Easter, is worthy to be mentioned. Every amateur of music will know something of the far famed "miesrere," which is performed in the fijclin Chapel during the last three evenings of the Holy week. The chapel is in the Vatican, painted by Miehal 2ngelo, fresh as if his mas ter pencil had touched it only to-day. On the right of the altar a throne is erected for the Pope; on both sides the. Cardinals are arrayed in purple, each of them assisted by their re spective caudalario, and Maestro di eeremouia. The patriarchs, and bishops in their pontifical dress; the generals, and chiefs of every religi ous order in therr monastic array. The lodges erected on both sides of the chapel are crowded with foreign ambassadors, their ladies and oth er distinguished foreigners of both sexes. In the middle of the chapel is a reading desk of a triangular form, upon which thirteen candles are burning, as a symbol of the candelabrum in the temple of Jerusalem ; others, however, say of our Saviour, and his twelve disciples. Every eye is directed towards the fhrouc ; the Pope giving the signal, tic "miserere mei" is commenced, and at once the chapel is render ed vocal by a hundred voics. To describe the effect, and imprassion which it produces upon the senses, is beyond the pov.-er of human lan guage. Ecclesiastical splendor flashing on ev ery side in a thousand form?, military and dip lomatic decorations of all the courts of Europe, the display of the ladies, and other facinafions beggar all description. In addition to this, the paintings cf the most renowned masters of It aly, the best performers of the theatrical art ists, and choristers, and the most unrivalled voices of eu.r.icJis, are too overpowering to be; depicted. After eveiy pshu a candle is ex- only one burning in the whole chapel. We can see the color3 gradually darken, and the figu res of tho paintings by degrees lose their form, a striking symbol of the papal power, which is losing its influence, and gradually fading away like the twilight of the evening. Saturday before Easier, at tw elve o'clock the bells ar heard from every steeple, the cloud-s are rent by their sounds, and the cr.rJh trem bles from the roaring of the cannon from 1'crt SI. Jliigela; ti)e cars are deafened by the mer ry clamors of the children in the streets, and the reports of pistols fired nearly in every house. Saturday evening, at seven o'clock, P. M., every dwelling, where an ini".gr; of a Madonna, or any s.;int. is stationed, for the houses are "il luminated, a!iars are erected, litanies are sung; aud prayers upon bended knees are offered to those saints, all these in the middle of the streets. In the. meantime the multitude of the so called) better class of the inhabitants of Roni aro directed toward St. Peter's, where the grandest and most imposing spectacle is to be seen. But at the same time the most revolt ing to every moral sense and religious feeling. A cross (covered with brass, symmetrically illuminated with thousands of lamps,) is sus pended in the middle of the church. The read ermay form some kind of an idea of the colossal height of that cross, when he is informed that its magnitude does apparently, not diminish, even after being suspended at a tremendous height above the heads of the people. Round that cross you can see, promenading arm in arm, the lover with his dulcinea, as though promenading in a dancing saloon; chatting laughing, aud indulging in most irreverent acts, which would be considered an offence in a respectable hotel; these are committed pub licly in the sanctuary, uner the cross of Christ. As the the church is entirely dark, except the light which the cross reflects in it, there arc sometimes lovers of darkness rather than of light, who often lose their way in the adjacent collonades and chapels, where they perpetrate the most wicked acts, of which every honest man would blush, except the adorers of the cross in the church of St. Fcter's. The specta cle lasts until eleven o'clock in the night; de cency forbids me to say more, and constrains me to relinquish the subject of the adoration of the crosi in St. Peter's at Rome. Easter morning. The roaring ot tho cannon announces the ushering in of the morn; the harmonious sounds from the thousand steeples mitigate the roughness of the first, and invite the slumbering beauty to leave her coueh, and prepare for tho rendezvous given the last night under the illuminated cross. Xine o'clock, A. M. The square of St. Pe ter's presents the most varied and interesting spectacle. State carriages of all descriptions; the cardinals in their full dress, and suit ; the ambassadors of all the foreign courts, with all the particular characteristics of their nations; carriages f the innumerable prelates, bishops, and chiefs ot the monastic orders; two regi ments of soldiers in arms; martial music, the spouting of the gigantic fountains; thousands and tens of thousands of pedestrians of every sex ft.nd -.Io5..t. cro.-?rd in their best t-arrneifs. j tak their post nxder the coioi-wlc,-. rr. other ? spots, as they think the most convenient; this lasts until one o'clock, P.M., so that the whole square is thronged with people. One o'clock is usually the time of the appearance of the Pope on the balcony of the church ; a dead si lence prevails throughout the whole mass of people; every eye is directed to the spot, with watches in the hand? the minutes are counted; in the mean time the balcony is filling with cardinals, bishops, and monks; the attennion becomes so rivited, that a sigh might be heard, at length the Pope appears in an arm chair, carried upon tho shoulders of eight persons be tween two gigantic fans. Then the deafening shouts of the people, the sonorious martial mu sic, the roaring of the cannon rend the clouds. "Padre la saniu benedizi:nc," (father the holy blessing,) bursts from every mouth; the hand kerchiefs are waved by the ladies, and the hats by the men. All prostrate themselves upon the ground, they receive the blessing from the Pope; a prelate then- reads the so called "Bulla Cana Domini," in which the most hor rible curses against the heretics and infidels are pronounced, and a blessing upon all the faith ful. Thus ends the spectacle for this time. In the afternoon all the promenades are vis ited, the wine houses filled, the places of amusement enjoyed until the evening, when all again repaired to the square of St. Petej's to enjoy the illumination of the cupola. The cu pola is illuminated by three hundred persons, who are stationed with lighted torches within the interior, in order that they should not be seen; and as soon as the first stroke of seven o'clock is heard, they rush forward and light the lamps assigned unto each of them, so that in one minute the whole cupola is illuminated; even the cross on the top has three lights. In addition to this, the reflection of these lights in the spouts of the gigantic fountains, where every drop in the air is like a prism, and rep-"" resents thousands of rainbows, is above all de scription. When Joseph II. of Austria, visit ed Rome, the Pope gave as? illumination in honor cf that august stranger; when he ha.d w atched the spouting" fountains for for a short time, he said: "It is enough." But how much greater was his surprise when he was informed that, these were prcpetusUbuntains And.at the first stroke of seven o'clock the Secretary of State asked him for a pinch of snuff, and in the time the emperor of Austria turned togivc his snuff-box, the whole cupola appeared in fire. Joseph was so astonished, that he would not take the snuff-box back, but gave it as a pres ent to the cardinal, Secretary of State. Dox't c.viiRY coals to Newcastle. Many people make the grand mistake of endeavoring to adapt themselves to persons distinguished for particular talents or attainments. The fault is in the efl'ort to get intotheirvein to be wit ty with witty people, to tell stories with good story tellers, to discuss deep subjects with learned men, and, generally, to be sympathet ically sucked into the drift of the nearest cur rent. This is a mistake all round. Xo man's hobby will carry double. The attempt must fail; for, if you are inferior to the man you pitch into, he sets you down for a bote, and is dis gusted ; if you clearly excel him, he feels that you are a bully and he hates you. There are these two good reasons for being easy, natural and yourself with everybody nothing else suits you and nothing else is ask ed of you. There arc tw o more reasons for the same thing persons of good taste dislike any thing else; and you are wanted in your own na tural shape ttr fit your company ball and sock et fashion. Nothing packs society together so well as for some one to be hollow just where somebody elsa bulges. Be receptive, therefore tc the man of science; enjoy the joker without struggle for supremacy, and play conductor for the electrtcity of the wit; then if there is anything in the fellows, you'll get it out of them and contribute best to the enjoyment of the company; and besides, if there is nothing particular in you, (which is barely probable, but still possible) you won't expose yourself and annoy other people. Perixcopics. Is Religion Beaetifcl ? Always in the child the maiden, the wife, the mother; reli gion shines with a holy benignant beauty of its own, which nothing of earth can mar. Religion i3 very beautiful in health or sickness in wealth or poverty. We can nev er enter the sick chamber of the good, but soft music seems to float on the air, and the burden of their songs is 'Lo peace is here. Could we look into thousands of families to day, when discontent fights sullenly with life we should find the chief cause of unhappiness, want of religion in woman. And in felons' cells in places of crime, misery, destitution, ignorance we should be hold, in all its terrible deformities, the fruit of irreligion in woman. Oh, religion, benignant majesty, . high on thy throne thou sittest, glorious and exalted. And there religion points. Art thou weary, it whispers, 'rest up there forever. Art thou sorrowing cjoy.' Art thoujweighed down with unmerited ignoraeny, 'kings and priests in that home.' Art thoupoor, 'tha etreetsbe forc thy mansion shall be of gold.' Art thoa friendless, the angles Ehallbe thy companions, and God thy friend and Father.' , - Is religion beautiful? We answer that all is d?sor.ti",n rrd dforrniy wh?r$ relfricn is not. TEHBIELE SCENE AT A BALL. At Madrid, a lady gave a b ill, and among the guests were a M. R and Mdlle. B It was observed that the young man constant ly kept close to the yourg lady, and followed her when she went from one part of the room to the other. It was al?o rot "ced that she seem ed greatly annoyed by his attentions. The mother of the young lady wished fo in terfere, but the mistress of tho house, anxious to avoid an unpleasant scene, prevented her. At a late hour, a lady of high rank ahd her daughter were anounced, and the whole party rose to receive them. M. R , taking ad vantage of the slight confusion which was cre ated, seized Mdllo. B , by the hand, and whispered in her ear. She turned pale, then blushed, and replied in a low voice. Thereupon the young man, without sayinga word, pulled apoignard from his pocket, and stabbed the youdg lady in the breast, and then stabbed himself near the heart. Both fell bathed in blood. A surgeon was immediately sent for, and on his arrival te found that the wound of the young lady was not mortal, r.s the poignard had struck the sternum, but the young man was quite dead. It is said that M. R had long sought Mdlle. B- iu marriage, but that she refused to accept him, and that meeting her at the ball, he again pressed her to accept his addresses, but that she again peremptorily refu. d. XEwsr-Arcn. Comicautifs. An advertise ment in a country paper, as printed, reads thus: "The scoundrel who took the canary with a pug nose; rod face and light overcoat on, is requested to return it immediately to 2S Wil low street, as thcr bird is a valuable one, from whom no questions will be asked." Another is quite as ludicrous: 'Lost, a brown m'.kh cow-, the propcrt y of a farmer with a white spot on the quarters, long straight horns, aud the tail tipped with white. Any person having seen such an animal without delay, will please re turn it to," &c, &c. Tony Cowan is adver tised as having lost "a pig with a very long tail, and a black spot on the top cf its snout that curls up behind." A cow is described as "very dificult to milk, and of no 'use to any olio tiit TTie " tr.i-ner,-w!.o J:ad one hern much longer than the othe."' John Hawkins U aUu ded to as having "a pair of blue eyes, with lit tie or no whiskers, and a Roman nose that has great difficulty in looking any one iu the face." Betsev Watcrton isaccused of having "abscon ded with a chest full of drawers and a cock and heu, has red hair and a broken tooth none of which are her own." The manager of the Savings' Bank at Dui.ferry, near Geodfuwran, is s2okenol ia these terms: "lie had on, when- last seen, a pair of corduroy trowsers, w ith a tremendous squint rather the worse for wear The Youth tiiat was Ilrxo. The sheriff took out his watch, and said: 'If you hav anything to say, speak now, for you have only five minutes to live.' The voting man burst into tears, and said: 'I have to die; I had only one little brother he had beautiful eyes and flaxen hair, and I loved him; but one day I got drunk, for the first time in my life, and coming home, I found my little brother gath ering strawberries iu the garden, and I became angry at him without cause, and killed him at one blow with a rake. I did not know any thing about it until next morning, when I awoke from sleep, and found myself tied and guarded, and was told that when my little brother was found, his hair was clotted with his blood and brains. It has ruined me; I nev er was drunk but on re. I have but one more word to say, and thc'i I am going to my final Judge. I say it to young people. Never! never !iievcr! touch anything that will intox icate.' As he pronounced these words, he sprang from the box r.:: I launched into an end less eternity. KF"A great and go ! i nn, once speaking of politeness, said: "I ma";e it a point of morali ty never to find fault wjrh another for his man ners; they may be awkward or graceful, blunt or polite, polished or ltistic. I care not what they are, if the man means well and acts from honest intentions, without eccentricity or af fectation. All men have not the advantages of "good society," as it is called, to school them selves in all its fantastic rules and ceremonies, and if t!i ere is any standard of manners, it is only founded in reason and good sense, and not upon artificial regulations. Manners, like conversation, should be extemporaneous and not studied I always suspect a man who meets me with the same perpetual smile upon his face, the same congcering of his body, and the same premeditated shake of the hand. Give me the (it may be rough) grip of the hand, and the careless nod of recognition, and when occasion requires the homely salutation, 'How are you, my old friend V " K7"Now girls ? said onr friend Mrs. Part ington to her neices the other day, 'you must get husbands as soon as possible, or they'll all be murdered!'. 'Why so, aunt V inquired one. -'"Why,.! see by the papers that we've got al most fifteen thousand pcst-ofEccs, and nearly .all. of them dispatches males every day the Lord hare. mercy on us poor widows,' and the old !sdytc$ 3"ick!y to the lookirr to Hew cop. SHAITGHAIS. V There has been "any amount" of sport made, of late months, of Shanghai Fowls. .They seem to be loosing much of their first popularity among us, like many another two-legged for eigner who has paid us a visit of Loner, which ended very differently. The Shang hai is born into the world with an inordinate pair of legs, which thereafter continue to grow into regular drum-sticks of the longest dimen sions. It is asserted, to6, that although good "layers," they are very fond of devouring their own eggs. A Mohawk farmer, who has tried them thoroughly, expressed aby no means favorable opinion of the breed. He says their true name . is Shank-high, and that they are rightly named: "They have no body at all, and when the head is cut off the legs come right apart. I don't sec how they can set on their eggs my jack-knife can set as well as they can. They don't sit on the roost ahsame as other chickens; not a bit of it! WlTb they attempt to sit as other chickens do (they t'rai dle the stick,) they fall off backward! "They sit when the' cat, I know; for I've seen 'em do it; and I've seen em try' to cat standing but. they couldn't 'fetch it;' "for when they peek al a grain of corn, on the ground, they don't more than half reach it but the hcaiTbobs right between their legs, ma-" king them turn a complete somerset. I'd as soon sec a pair of tongs or compasses walking about my yard as -these Shank-highs. They crow, too, a long time before day in the morn- . ing, when it isu' day; probably because their legs are so long that they can see day -light long before the common chicken!" Damxixg a Bird. We find , in ono of cur exchanges a singular instance of "damning a flood" cf song. The writer of the anecdote says: ' : "A friend of ours ha. had fcr a long time a very superior Canary bird, which has been celebrated for its excellency as a songster, an 1 for which he has been offered large sums of money. About three weeks ago, our friend, being aw akened fropj a nap by its voice, rose and hastily exclaimed, 'd n that bird.' The bird, then at the height of its song, suddenly ceased its note, and from that time toths pres ent has never warbled or even chirped, but has maintained unbroken silence. What phil osophy of instinct, or of mutual affection be tween man and his pets can account for this?" AxncnoTE. It is often made a subject of complaint that ministers of the gospel partici pate in political matters. An anecdote of the Rev. Mr. Field, who lived iu Vermont several years ago, contains a good reply. As the rev erend gentleman went, at a time, to deposit his vote, the ohicer who received ity being a friend and pnris'ioner, but of oppojlte politics, remarked : "I am sorry, Mr. Field, to see you here." "Why?" asked Mr. F. "Because," said the officer, "Christ'has said that his king dom was not of this world." "Has no one a right to vote," asked Mr. Field, unless he be longs to the kingdom of Satan?" Quid pro Quo. Smith and Brown running opposite ways round a corner, struck each other, "Oh, dear," said Smith, "how you made my head ring." "That's a sign it is hollow," eays Brown, "Didn't your's ring?" says Smith, "No," says Brown. , "Then that's a sign its "cracked," replied his friend. The Same FavltI Laura was disconsolate. Henry had long flirted, but never put the question. Henry went his way. Laura's aunt, for consolation, brought her a love of a span iel pup. 'My dear,' say3 the aunt, 'the puppy can do everything but speak.' ''v'hy will you agonize me ?' says Laura, 'that's the only fault I found with the other.,r . -u .' HP"A revcrned sportsman was once boasting of his infallible skill in finding a hare . "If," said aquakcr who was present, "I were a hare, I w;ould take my seat in a place where I should be sure of not being disturbed by thae." "Why, where would you go ?" "Into thy study." Bites, The following sell came offa few days since not many miles from where we now sit : Two gentlemen fishing sharp boy appears Boy "Well, sir, g:7 any biles'. Gent (unconcerned) "Lots of 'em." Boy "Y-a-a-a-s under your hat!" . Gj?"A veritable entry, mads by the R. S. of a Division of the sons of Temperance, read thus: "Artergwine through - the yewzel fawms. there was a colleckshin takia np but nothin was paid in." ' - I ' fH-An old lady looking at the curiosities f n. Barnuci's Museum, came to a couple "of larg sea dogs, and after gazing at theni-'Tvilh won der," inquired of a wag who stood near "if they ever barked I" "No madam,"i replied he. "not now their bark is on the tea." . ZjFX celebrated toDer. intending to eo to a masked ball, consulted an acquaintance as to what, character he should disguise himself.' vG-o sober,1, replied lis " friend, ahd'7onr iao.i3itaw.fricj!f W5'J hct know you.