-1 tf i 1 X I S 4 J ! i 1 , i i , 4 ,3 .1 1 1 X i 4i i - A 7. I i papular long. THE OLD CORN .UILL. Dehome of my childhood, dat dearly loved epot, Wunr de yller corn am growing round my fader's cot, Dar many hap pydaysl spent, I yet remember well, Wid my kind old mudder down by de old Corn Mill. choucs. Den hnrry me home tode old Corn Mill. To my fader's old cot on de top oh de hill. For I am getting weary and rot afraid to die, Oh lay me side my mudder, iu d ground whar Katy lie. Full well I remember, how wish boyish delight. We met roan de pine-knot at de night, I lnb to ee de ole corn mill, and watch de wheel go round. I lnb my good old mudder in de cold cold gronnd. Den hurry me home, Ac. Oh for dat old corn-mill to memory doar, I would eat do bright corn cake with merry good cheer. But de old corn mill am passing away. And de crazy old wheel am gone to decay. Den hurry me home, Ac. And Katy I loved, her grave am so cold, De old folks am dead an do young ones am sold, Dem happy daysarn ober. free from sorrow and til, When we all lived at home by de old corn mill. Den hurry me home, Ac. 30E5TICX3 LOOKS TOE A BOARDING HOUSE. Having become to a certain extent a fixture in tbia high old town, it became necesary to eearch out a fit habitation, wherein I might eat, sleep, change my shirt, (Damphool blush es,) and attend to the other comforts of the external home and the inner individual. My friend Bull Dogge having deserted his latter place of residence, (on account of the ' perpetual reign of salt mackerel at the break . fast table,) wc started together on a voyage of discovery. To describe all the dilapidated gentlewomen whbse apartments were inspect ed all the many inducements which were used to persuade us to take up our quarters in all sorts of musty smelling rooms, and to re count how many promises were made to "call again," would take too much time. Suffice to Bay, that at six o'clock in the cvening,wearied out and desperate, we cast anchor in the dom cil of an Irish lady with one eye. Sheissured us that her hoarders were all "rispi'ctable and found their own tibaccy, and that there was divil a bug in the place." We took adjojping rooms, and resignedly weut down to tea. I noticed that my cup had evidently sustain ed a compound, communited fracture, and been patched up with putty, (which came off In my tea,) that the bread was scant the but ter powerful the tea, "on the contrary, quite the reverse," however, although matters looked somewhat discouraging -hoping ngaints hope," I retired to my virtuous sheets : horror of horrors ! O, most horrible ! ! For two hours I maintained a sanguinary combat with an oderiferous hand cannibal in sectsarmed only with a fire-shovel, I gallant ly kept unequal conflict but the treacherous implement broke at tue critical moment; 1 thought I should be compelled to yield de spair filled my senses my heart tailed me my brain grew dizzy with horror hurried thoughts of enemies unpardoned of duties neglected and of some errors committed, rushed across my mind last thought of cher ished home and absent friend was in my . heart, and with a hasty prayer for mercy and forgiveness, I was at the point of yielding, when my frantic eyes caught sight of my cast iron boot jack with an exclamation of pious gratiimle to heaven, (Ba!i JV;ge sas it .lid iit iouad to iiiJU,) I seized it. and with the desperate strength of a dying mau I renewed the battle, and eventually came of victorious nvA tr:un;j 'Yeary with slaughter, I fell exhausted on the bed and slept tiil morning; Bull Dogge, who had been engaged in the same delightful occupation, Appeared at the break fast table with one eye black, and his lace spotted like a tiger. VTe held a council of war, resolved instantly to quit the premises of the Emerald IsLiuderwho had agreed to lodge ar.de.it ns, (the she-Cyclops!) and who had so nearly fulfilled the latter clause by proxy. Another search and another home. litre for a wee.i things went on tolerably well; the steak vas capable of mastication, the coflee wasn't .always weak, nor the butter always strong; but -one day there appeared at breakfast a dish of beef, (Bull Bogge asserts that was the fossil remains of an omnibus horse) it was not mo lested; at dinper it made its appearanne again, still it was net disturbed; at tea fragments of it were visibL:,but yet it remained untouched; in the morning a tempting looking stew made its appearance, but, alas! it was only a weak invention of the enemy to conceal the ubiqui tious beef; at dinner a meat pie enshrined a portion of the aforesaid beef; it went away un harmed. For a week, every day, at every meal, in every subtle form, in some ingenious dis guise, still was forced upon our notice this omnipresent beef; it weut through more chang es than Harlequine in the pantominc, and like that individual, came out always uninjured. At the end of the second day Bull Dogge grumbled to himself; the third he spoke "out ia meeting;" the fourth he d mned audibly ; the fifth he had an hour's swear to himself, in his own room ; the sixth, seventh and eighth he-preserved a dignified , silence; but his si lence was omnious on the ninth we both left. ft Our next landlady had a gigantic mouth, but her nose was a magnificent failure. We staid with her a week, and left because she seemed to be possessed of an idea that one sausage was enough for two men. For a month longer we run the guantlet of all the model boarding . houses. We were entrapped by all kinds of alluring promises, and perpetually swindled without any regard to decency; we had a taste of Yankee, French, Dutch, and I mentioned it before, (j Gods!) Irish; and we lived four days in an establishment presided over by a red-eyed darkey, with a wife the color of a new saddle. At last one day, in an agony of despair, I exclaimed, "Where, O, where can humbugged humanity find a decent place to feed!" Echo answered, "In the eating hous-' es." We resolved to try it, and the result is glorious. We have achieved a victory, an he roic. uuexpcfd victory. And now farewell, all scrawling landladies, ye snuffy beldames, 1 with your wooden smiles; farewell yon rivapa- J rous bedsteads, ye emaciated feather beds,and ye attenuated bolsters; a long adieu to scant blankets and mattresses stuffed with shavings; farewell to hiresute butter, and to ancient bread; good-bye, (I say it with a: tear,) ye im mortal, everlasting beef; farewell to sloppy cof fee, and to azure mik,(Damphool says not yet;) farewell ye antidiluvian pies, and yon, Lilipu tian puddings; farewell you two-inch napkins, and ye holy table cloths; farewell ye empty grates and rusty coal scuttles; adieu ye crack ed mirrors, which make a man look like a drunken Satyr;" farewell ye respectable chairs with dislocated limbs; adieu ye fractured tea cups, ye broken forks, and knives with hand saw edges; farewell, in fact, all ye lodging houses, where ye can't have a latch key, and where you can tell whec they get a new hired girl by the color of the hair in the biscuit. (1 noticed this last remarkable fact a long time since.) Give us joy, for we have found a place where things are done up right, where we can choose our own viands, where the beef is pos itively tender, where there are no little red ants in th sugar, where the potatoes are not waxy, and where, if anything goes wrong, we can inflate the water. In fact we are suited; if anything runs short, "John gets particular fifs," and "nothing shorter;" where we can eat u-hen we please, and call for what we please; where charges are moderate, and permittejl to d mn the waiter for. nothing, and here in this Elysiau spot, have Bull Dogge and I taken our daily bread, (beans and butter included,) foi the past month, "without fear and without re proach." As a poetical friend has remarked, 'Joy, joy, our task is done, Our trials are past, and our Restaurant is some." Q. K. Phylaxder Doesticks, P. B. P. S. Damphool says my concluding quota tion is not strictly correct, but what does he know about it? Q. K. P. D., P. B. BAI1.Y & It ROTH ER, No. 22 Chestnut Street. PHILADELPHIA, flave now open a large assortment of the Newest Styles and colors of Eich English Velvet, 44 Tapestry, 44 ' Ingrain, New Styles " Ingrain C R P E T I Ci S OF THEIR OU'X IMPORTATION, JUST LANDED. Also.a full assortment of Super and Medium quality AMERICAN CARPETINGS, Many of which being their own manufacture, can be recommended as Gooff Carpeting for a Low Price. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS A CANTON MATTINGS, of everv width and quality. BAILY & SEOTHEX, IMPORTERS i MASVFACTL'RF.RS OP CARPETINGS No. 2"2 Cheanut Street, Philadelphia. Oej. 4. 1354. 5m. I "NOW NOTHING HEAD-QUARTERS. SL Detkick'.s Blacksmith .hop. in Curwcnsville. nearly opiosite the Po?t Office, always open, and J.vron, himself always ready to serve his custom ers. All kinds of work done in the best style, anl most durable manner. Horse shoeing done on the shortest notice, and on failure to rendender satis faction the money returned. All kinds of grain taken in exchange for work and the money not refused- JACOB DETRICK. Curwcnsville, Dec ti. ls.'d.-ly. M ART1N, .MORRKLL & CO., lLatc Oi.IVJilt MARTIN &. CO.) Importers and Dealers in lluvli.u i , iuisi AVG.S'. COMBS. BRUcHKS. FANCY VOOPS. Ac.. No. 24 Ncrth fourth tUeet, Phiia-Icl?hia. M. T. JI A It TIN, CIIAS. II. IIAMUICK, JiAMXJ. MORRELL, U. R. PEDDLE. Dec. il l SAXDKSON R. MARTIN. f "iLKTAIN tfiii; I'Olt AGUE. FA III TO 'Kj ALL! xorruE No pay. Thispieparationhas an established reputation, and is offered with con fidence as a cure for fever ami ague, or intermittent fever. It mty He tpken y tbv inrt delicate with perfect safety, bei;j a pure vegetable syrup. If taken according to directions without curing, a second bottle will be supplied free of charge, or the inouev returned. j'onr quinine, without the xignotitrc' J. II. PALKTIIURP, Jr.. No. 0 North Second Street" Philadelphia. October 11, 185 1. AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, AND AS ilLGOOD AS THE REST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Isaac Johnston would respectfully in form his friends and the public generally that he hag just returned from the East, where he has pur c; used the most splendid assort merit of Boots .V Shoes ever brought to Clearncld. Every variety of Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps. Ac. Ac. Mens fancy shoes, and gaiters, with an excellent nssort men tof heavy stock, all adapted to the wants ot the people of Clearfield. He hopes his friends will give him a call at his store in '-.thaw's Bow'' and examine his stock. " June 13, '54. HEMPHILL'S HOTEL. The subscriber would inform his friends and the public generally, that he still remains at the old stand, where he is at all times ready and willing to -entertain stran gers and travellers."' His bar stocked, with the best liquors, and his table wiil always be supplied with the luxnrics of the market. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a further share of public patronage. VM. J. HEMPHILL. Clearfield, June li, ISo-I-ly. FIRST ARRIVAL. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Just received, a large and splendid assortment of ucoos of almost every description, suitable for the season, and selling off at very low prices. Ladies. Gentlemen, and every person wishing to buy goods at the vrry lovrxt jiricex, are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. Produce of all kinds received in exchange for goods. WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield. 1S54. TEW ARRIVAL OF FALL AND W1N- 11 TEIl GOODS, at the cheap Store of Wm. F. Ir vix. Every variety of goods adapted to the season have just been received, and are offered for sale at the lowest cash prices All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Ladies and gentlemen, and all the rest of man kind are requested to call and examine his stock. Clearfield, December 20, 1854. JUST OPENED. The subscriber has just re ceived at his store at Grahamton. a large, new, and splendid assortment of Faflaiul Winter Good, adapted to the wants of the whole community, and offered for sale at extremely low prices. Dry Goods, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Bon nets and Shawls, Groceries and Confectionaries, to gether with every other article usually kept in a country store, may be had at reasonable rates. Cash, Lumbar, or produce received in pavment. JAMES B. tillAHAM. Grahampton, November 15, 1854. NOTICE. All those who have accounts with the late firm cf T. II. Fcltom A Co., are here by notified to come forward and settle them imme diately, or the books will be placed in the hands of a proper person forecttleroent. The bowks arein the possession of James Irvix & Co., at Bald Hills. Bald Hills. December 27. 1854t. H UUCHER RWOOPE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - - Clearfield, Pa. Two doors East of Journal office. Up stairs. - Dbc. 1. 1851. - ' nrtNT VERVON nOUSE. No. 95 North IJ. Second St. Philadelphia. Th undersigned having leased the above well Known u euse, wnicn h honn Rkn-OVATER AID ItE-MODKLED THROUGO- out. have just opened it for the reception of visitors. The furniture is all new, ana nas ocen seicc-icu with care from Henkles well known establishment in Chesnut Street, and is of the latest and most .fashionable style, The location for Mercnanis ana omers coming to the city is convenient, being in the contre of business. Their friends in Clearfield are respectfully soli cited to ijive them a call. D. BLAIB. I. L. BARRETT, Aug. 30, 1854. Proprietors. TVTEW ARRIVAL. M. A. FRANK, has just returned from the East wilh a large assort ment of Cloths. Casslmers, Neck Ties, Trimmings. Ready made Clothing. Ac., which he will sell cheap for cash, at his store, two doors east of the Journal office. Fashionable tailoring still done to order, with neatness and dispatch. He invites the public to give him a call and ex amine his stock. Sept 13,1854. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The subscriber would most respectfully so licit all tqose indebted to hini, to come forward and settle up, and if they cannot pay give their Notes, and further hopes not to be required to use any other means than this simple notice. He can be found at almost any time at Woodland, prepar ec to settle. F. P. HURXTHAL. Nov. 8, 1S54. B EIDLEMAN A HAYWARD Wholnsale Gro wers. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants, No. 273. Market Street. Philadelphia. D. BEIDELMAN, A. HAYWARD, June 15, l$54-iy. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP ! The partnership heretofore exising between John Patchin A Sons, was this day dissolved by mutual consent, and the books are left in the hands of A. A J. Patchin. Those persons knowing them selves indebted to the firm will call immediately and settle up. or thev will have the pleasure of paying costs - J NO. PATCHIN A -SONS. Burnside, Ootober 12, 1S54. J P. NELSON & CO., would respectfully in- form the citizens of Morris township and ad joining country, that they have just arrived with a large assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hard ware. Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clocks Looking glasses. Confectionaries. Medicines, Oils, Paints, Tinware, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which fliey are determined to sell low for cash, country prsduce. or Lumber. Morris Township, November I, 1751. TOIIN M'PIIERSON: Ci nnmt an d Taxner. still continues at the old stand at the South end of Clearfield, and keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of Leather of all descriptions, including a splendid lot of Spanish Sole leather, which he will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for lumber and Hides. Nov. 22. '54.-Ct. CAUTION. AH persons are cautioned not to buy, trade for or meddlo in any way with a Yoke of Oxen, now in the posssessiou of John Brigs, as the same is mine, and only loaned to said Brigs, and are at niy disposal at any time from this date, August 17th. 1S54. T. B. DAVIS. Furgason township, Oct. 11, 151. JEW AND CHEAP STORE. The subscri bers would announce to the citizens of New Washington, and the upper end of Clearfield Coun ty, that they have just opened a new and splendid assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS.iu the Store room formerly occupied by Irvin A M'Bridk. Every variety of Goons usually fjuad in a country store, will be sold cheap for cash, lum ber and country produce. They respectfully invite all those desiring to purchase goods, to give them a call, They will use evcrv effort to give satisfaction. ELIZA IP. YIN & SONS. New Washington, November 15, is.Vl.-'Jt. A IV MAINE COM P. LANDS ARE NOW FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale the following Tracts of Land, si.uatc 1 on. and near the Clearfield Creek, in Clearfield county, Pa., to wit: A tract, warranted to -Luke Morris;" containing 41'i acres and 48 ps. A tract, warantcd to Joseph llellaud. containing 433 acres. 153 pe. A tract, warranted lo JRobcrt Grev, containing 133 acres, 153 ps. A tract, warranted to John Brihurst. containing 42'J acres. 153 ps. A tract, warranted to -'Sarah Ward," containing 433 acres. 153 ps. A tract, warranted to "Geo. Eddy," containing 433 acres. 153 ps. A tract, warranted to Moor Wharton, con taining 433 acres, 153 ps. A part of a tract, war ranted to Geo. Ashton, containing 21G acres. These Lauds are too well kuown to the lumber men of Clearfield County, to rcr.;lcr a description of them necessary it may be safely said, that it is decidedly the best body of pine lands in Clea field County. For terms. Ac., nuply to EDW. SHOEMAKER, Ebensburg, Cambria Co. September 2S, 1851. "JVEW FIRM A A J. Patchin having taken 1 1 to themselves the Store formerly owned by Jno. Pati-hin A Sons, take pleasure in informing their friends, and tha public generally, that th?y have just received from the city a splendid assort ment of Dry (roods, Groceries, Hardware, (jueens ware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and every thing else usually kept a Country Store. Persons wishing to buy cheap and goods Goods, should not forget that they arc determined .not to undersold by any store in the country. We invite one and all to come and examine our stock for themselves, as we charge noting for so doing. AAHON PATCHIN. JACKSON PATCHIN. Burr.side, November 1, 1854.-tf. TVEW RESTAURANT. Charles Greaff, would inform the public that he has just open ed an Eating Saloon in the basement of Hemphill's Hotel, where he serves up to order Fresh Oysters, Sardines. Anchovies. A. The best Quality of ci gars, and Philadelphia Ate. always on hand. He invites all lovers of call. food living, to give him a Nov. 22. '54.-3mo. Gi R EAT MILITARY EXCITEMENT AT T GLEN HOPE ! The subscriber has just recei ved a new and extensive assortment of the cheap est Goods ever brought into the upper end of the county : consisting of every variety of articles usu ally kept inn country store. He hopes his friends and the public will give him a call, and feels con fident he will be able to render satisfaction. J. C. PATCHIN. Glen Hope, November 22, 1S54. JOHN V. RUSI1TON & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Earthenware, China, Glass, Ac., 245 Muriel f., opposite Red Lion Hotel. Phil adelphia. J. Y. RUSHTON, J. C. HOPKINS. Nov. 8, '54.-ly. HOBT. STILSON. IjMUSMUTII 6 BROTHER, 1 WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS, No. 105 N. Third Street, five doors below Race, " Nov. 21), '54.-ly. Philadelphia. ASHINGTON L. BLADIN, Attorney at Law, No. 65, South Sixth St., Philadelphia August 9, 1854. CALEB COPE A CO, No. 183, Market St., Phila delphia. Dealers in Linens, White Goods, Ho siery. French, English and German Silk Goods. La ces, Gloves. Bolting Cloths, Ac. Jane 15. '54-1 y. rilO SHOEMAKERS. A fine lot of Spanish Kip, X Men and Women's Morocco pink trimmings and Sole Leather, for sale cheap, by June 13. '54. MOSSOP k POTTARFF. BROOK. TYSON It REIIN Wholesale Dry Good's Store, No. 146, Market Street Philadel phio. June 15, 1854-ly. ; s TONE WARE, of every variety, cheap for caoh at the Store of W, F. IRWIN. June 14, '54 JACKSON CRANS Attorney at Law. - Of. fioe adjoin ig residence. Clearfield, Pa. . My , 'M-ly. M NEW MILL At the Old Pioneer Mill 8 on the Moshannon, in Morris township. The sub scriber has just completed a large now Grist Mill, which is in successful operation. Grain of all kinds bought, storca, ana soia on commission. n'. o-W HENRY' G ROE. ASW. 44. ELECTION. The Stockholders of the Cur wensville Bridge Company are hereby notifi ed that an election for Officers and Mnnageer3 will be-held in Curwensville. at the office of Josiah Evens. Esq., on Friday the 23th day of January. ? H BENJAMIN HARTSHORN. Clearfield, Pec. 27. '54. Prexidevt. A GOOD SITUATION FOR A DOCTOR. Doctor's ofiice and Lot at private snle, situ ated in Frenchville, cost of Lutz's Store, formerly owned by Dr. F. Canfield. For further particu lars inquire of LEVI LU1Z. U Drugs. Ac, will be sold with the office. Frenchviile, December 27, 185 1. RUSSELL & SCTIOTT, IMPORTERS AND Wholesale Dealers is Drugs, Chemicals, iVr No s. 138 Market, 5 Merchant Street. Jan. 17. '55. Philadelphia. rilVRONE CITY HOTEL. HUGHES A i IR IN, would respectfully inform the public that thev have very greatly improved their House, and are'now able to afford the travelling public, the most comfortable accommodations. 'i'Lcir bar is furnished with the very best liquors, and the luxuries of the Philadelphia maiket are to be found on their table. They respectfully invite their numerous frieuds in Clearfield to give them a call. . August 0.1 8o4. TV EW ROOT AND SHOiJ STORE. The 1 1 subscriber would respectfully inform the pub lic, that he has just opened an entire new stock of boots ami shoes, in Graham's Row, one tloor east of the Journal Office, Clearfield, l'a. Every variety of Ladies and Gentlemen's gaiters, laced boots, pumps, congress boots, children shoes A?., Ac cheap for cash. He Lopes to receive a liberal share of patronage. Boots and shoes made to order. C. S. BLACK. Aug. 10, 1854. ETTLE UP! All persons knowing 'hem Joselvcs indebted to the subscriber, by bond, note, book account, or in any other manner whatever, are hereby notified to come forward and settle before the" September Court, as he is determined to have his business entirely settled up by that time. Those unable to pay, are requested to settle and time and opportunity will be extended to them. JAMES B. GRAHAM. Grahamton. Aug. 23d, 1S54. Great Excitement. Startling Announcement FIT HAT the largest, cheapest, and best assortment A of Goods ever brought into Clearfield county, have just arrived, and are offered for sale, at the New Store of the subscribers, near the Journal Office. Clearfield, Fa. Never before has a more brilliant, and at the same time a cheaper lot of Goods been offered to this community. They have all been selected with a view to the wants and ne cessities of the people of this particular locality, after long experience, and intimate acquaintance with their business connections. Trv Goods of every variety. Dress Goods. Cloths, Cassimeres, and Clothing : Boots and Shoes, Hats u nil r!iTt3 Bonnets and Shawls, together with a large and splendid assortment cf Queensware, Hardware and Groceries. Defying all competition, they solkitiheir friends nii-1 trie i.ublie to irivc them a call and ftxnmine their stork. MOSSOP A POTTARFF. June 12. 1854. 1y. iilONEER MILLS, MORRIS TOWNSHIP, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. The subscriber keens constantly on hau l, at his niTls. lumber of ill descriptionsorts, ad i.fg. Plnstei ing lath and bills sawed on the ahorte.-t notice. Tk: so mills can run at any time during lhe season, having a ncvetfiiiliiig supply ol water All kinds of produce taken in exchange for lum ber, nud the never refused. HENRY GROE, September 20. 1354.-1 y Kyleriown. P. O. "jVEW FIRM. TKOl'TMAN A ROWE. House, ll Si-rii and Ornamental Painters. Glaziers. Chnir makers, and Paper Hangers, offer their ser vices to the citizens of Cleurhrld arid vicinity ;:hon next door to the Jew's Store. Thev keep constantly on hand, and make to or der every variety of Chairs. Lounges. Sofas. Ac. Ac. Chairs, and Sofas made equal in beauty to any that can be obtained from the City, atd more di rible iu workmanship and material. JOHN TKOl'TMAN. June 11, "54. 1y. ROBERT ROWE. rVIHE GOOD INTENT HOTEL, and Stage Office A CcrnC nsvilSe, Pa. The Subscriber would in form his friends and the public that he has jast re fitted and re-furnished his house and is prspSfed to render every attention to the travelling commu nity. His bar contains liquors of the first quality, and his table will always be supplied with the best in market. He respectfully solicits his friends and others to give him a call. WM. R. FLEMMING. June 1 1. 'o4. GOING IT ALONE. The undersigned hav ing taken to himself the store formerly own- rt i liv l'nti!tin X' Sivjin t?ri, t1'i!iuiirA in i .fVit'n ? it rr h's friends and the public generally, that he has ust received trom the city n splendid assortment of Dry Goods. Hardwaro, Queensware, Hats r.nd Caps, Boots and Shoes, and every thing else usual ly kept in a country store. Persons wishing to buy che:)p and good Goods should not forget that he is determined not to be undersold by any stora in iu the county. His motto is "a nimble penny rath er than a slow sixpence." S. C. PATCHIN. Glen Hope, July 5. 13"4. DANIEL II EN NEK, Cabinet mukcr. Shop same as formerly occupied by David SaCkets. Clearfield. Pa., keeps constantly on hand nt his Furniture Ware-moms, and manufacture s to order at City prices. all kinds ot Cabinet warc.Dining and Pier tables. Dressing cases. Clipboards. Bedsteads, Wash Stands. Sj ring bottomed Chairs. Sofas, Safes, Bureaus, Marble Topped Escritors, Ac. Ac. Coffins made, and funerals attended on sne short est notice. June 27. 1S54. ly. GEORGE W. COLLAOAV, Conveyancer and Land Agent, No. 3. Goldsmith's Hall. Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his caro, June 27, 1354. - ES DUNDY Attorney-at Law, Clearfield, Pa. will attend faithfully to :U professional bu siness entrusted to his care, .func 13, '54.-ly. JB. MeENALLY Atlorney at Law. Ofiice nearly opposite Judge V right s Store, Clear field, Pa., practices iu Clear fit Id an I adjoining counties. . j.I-.nie 13, '54.-ly. CHEAP CLOTHING. A lar'e lol of Cheap Clo thing, Men's and Boys, for sal's cheap, by June 13, '54. MOSSOP A POTTARFF. B LACKBERRY BRANDY. A certain cure for the Dyst-utary, for sale by June 13, '51. MOSSOP A POTTAEFF. M 4. FRANK. .TIFSTTPK OF TMK PEirv. Clearfield. Pa.. Ofiice in '-Shaw" Row." June. 15, 1S54. JAMES CROWTHER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Curwensville, Pa. Office opposite the 'Good Intent Hotel." June, 15. 1854. TAMES B. GRAHAM Merchant and extensive J dealers in lumber. Grahampton, P. O.. Clear field county. Pa. May 23, '54-1 y. 1 ff Bags of Coffee, just received and for sale 1 UU at the New Store of A. M. HILLS. Juno 14, '54. rrrw nOfl EIGHTEEN INCH SHINGLES OvFjVvJvJ of best quality, for sale at the Sign of the Red Flag. Price $3.50 per thousand. June 27, 1S54. E ALL TAKE HOBENSACK. llobcnsacks Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, for sale by June 13, '54. MOSSOP A POTTAHFF. SyC Barrels New Orleans Sugar, at Sixpence per fS3 pound, for gala a the Chesp Store of A. M. HILLS VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers for sale n rea sonable and c3y tcims. Lis farm in Lawrence township, containing on h uiulde:! arrrs.and allow ance. lhe buildings are, a good log house, frame barn, and other out-houses. 'I litre is. also, on the place a promising young orchard of choice fruit trees, in line bearing order. Also, a never failicg spring of water. About sixty Acres cleared Two miles from Clearfield. Inquire of F. P. Bctler, Onrficid. or the eub ssriber on the promises. JOSEPH LANICU. October 4, lis54.-3m.. 1SSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between C. M. Graham and J. E. Watson, was this day dis solved by mutual consent. having disposed of their interest to Jas. B. Graham. C M. GB All AM, J. E. WATSON Grahamton, October 27. 1S54. The business will hereafter be continued by Jas. , GinLnm, as formerly, Mho will collect all ac counts -aic. and pay ail debts contracted by the former firm. JAS. B. GRAHAM. Grahampton, November 15, 1851. rrUIE UNION SAFE! THREE CHEEKS JL FOR AMERICA! The Cheap Corner Tin umpuant! We take this method of informing the public in general, and the citizens of Curwensville and Mcunty in particular.- that we have received our usual large and varied selection ot ruu aiirl Winter Goods, suited to the wants of every, man. woman amJ child in the community. And. we have no hesitation in saying, that purchasers will find it greatly to their advantage to call and exam ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists, in part, of Ladies' Dress Goods in great variety: such as plain black, fancy silks, Turk matins, berege detains. I lack and fancy Alpacas, plain and plaid Ginghams. Manchester and Domestic Ginghams. Calicoes of every style, and quality, at prices ranging from 5 up to 15ets. Black, blue, and brown French and English cloths, plain black doeskin and fancy cassimeres. black, blue, brown and green sattinets. Checks, tickings, flannels. muslin3. toweling, ho siery, gloves, shirts, ready-made clothirg. Ac. Ac. Carpeting and floor oil cloth, window and wall paper and boidering. and oiled Window shades. Shoes of all descriptions for ladies, misses and children, together with a large assortment of Mens' and boys' hats, caps, boots and shoes. Hardwareplanes. Ac, Glassware, (Queensware, Cednr and Willow ware, corn brooms. Ac. Ac. Also, a large assortment of Fresh Groceries, viz : Rio Ceffee, Imperial, Y. II. ami Black teas N. O. sugar, crushed and loaf sugar. New Orleans and Syrup molasses, clarified and cider Vinegar, Ac. Rosin and Fancy soaps; sperm, star and mould candles. All of which will be sedd in quantities to suit purchasers, at the cheap Corner Store of PATTON A HIPPLE. Curwensville, November 1, 1854. rTHIE AMERICAN BOARDING HOUSE. X The subscriber would inform the public that he has just completed a large new building, on the South end of Second Street, Clearfield. Pa., which he has furnished and fitted up in the most comforta ble manner for the accommodation of travellers and permanent boarders. Ilii cbaigcs will be moderate, and his house con ducted in a decent, sober and orderly manner, where all quiet and peace loving peopto. who may visit Clearncld can find a temporary -home." . JOHN S. RADEBACH. July 15, 1S51. 100 GUNS FOR TYRONE CITY! SE B STOPOL NT TAKEN ! James Alex- s per, hus just opened a splendid Saloon iu the asemcnt sorv of the Tyrone City Hotel, where he is prepared to" accommodate persons with Oysters, wholesale find retail, and all other articles usually kept in a Coiife-ti..narv and Grocery Store. N. B. AH orders fur Ovters by tho Can promptly attended to by JAMES ALEXANDER. Tyrone Cit5"- November 1, lS54.-Gm. T i PR INSUR ANCE : SAVE YOUR LIVES, SJ AND YOUR MONEY, by having your life insured in the Susquehanna Mutual Insurance Com pun vol Harii.-burg. Pa. CAi-iTAL ? 100.000. Cn ikti;uk! March 2od, 3S34. Any person can have their own life insured or that of a friend, from one to ninety years. Per sons of 21 years of age. pay SI -52 per SUM. year ly. At 30 years, StUiu fvr ? ! 0i0.00. yearly for life, 't'he whole premium for life in ordinance is S2?9. at the age of 25 years, premium ditto, on $J0d. is -.25. SS. " Dr. R. V. Wilson, of Clearfield, Medical Ex aminer. Anv information m.iv be obtained from IT. A. T. SCHRYVER. Agent. September 6. 1554. rU'LENilD NEW STORE. R. Shaw A JVson have just returned from th" city with an entire new stock of Goods, whicli they offer toi" 510 on the verv lowest terms, at the old stand lately I occupied by A. M. Hilis. West end of the Mansion House, Clearfield. Pa. Their stock 'of goods has been selected with great care, and a better or cheaper assortment was never brought into Clear field county. They defy all competition, and liiTite the pub lie to call and examine their goods. Every arti cle is entirely new, and as cheap, if not cheaper thau can be purchased elsewhere. IX. SHAW. A. H. SHAW. June 27, 1S54. JAMES BIDDLE GORDON Attorney at Law. b:is removed his office to the room adjoining iu the Eit. the Drugstore of Dr. H. Lorain, and w ill devote his whole attention to the practice of his profession. He may be consulted in Frturh as:d German. June 13, '54.-ly. BANK NOTIC3. We the subscribers intend to niiikc application to the next Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for an Act of Assembly to incorporate a Banking Company, with Banking and discounting privileges, to bo ciUcl t'ae -Clearfield Bank ' and located at the Borough of Clearfield, with a capital of Oue hun dred thousand dollars. A. K. Wright, James T. Li.osarp, Richard Shaw, James B. Graham, Jonathan Bov-ntox, Ellis Irwis, J. F. Weaver, J. W. Smith, J. B. McE.nallv. June 27, 1S54. f.m. 1 S.VAC .M. ASHTON Hat Store, No. 172 Market St., Philadelphia. Hats, Caps, Furs, Ac, of every variety, and the best quality always on hand. J.Jur.c 15, 1854-ly. D RY BEEF, of the best quality just received and for sale at Wm. F. Irwix s Cheap Store. June 14, '54. w RANTED IMMEDIATELY. Fix jour ' neyman Shoemakers. Constant cmplovment nd liberal wages will be given, Apply next door to the J'jurnitl office, at the shoe store of C. S. BLACK. September 6, 1854. BEREGE DELAINES. A tuperior article of Bercgo Delaines in dress patterns, at 25 cents per yard, never sold in this county before for less than 50 cent, at MOSSOP A POTTARFF'S. June 13. '54 - - T A. WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office nearly opposite the Court House, Clearfield Pa., will attend faithfully to all business entrusted to his care. June 17, 1854. ly JH. LARIMER Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office with John L. Cuttle, Esq., next door to Dr. H. Lorrein's Drug Store, Clearfield, Pa. tMy 2C '5-y CONRAD A AVALTON. Hardware 255 Market Street, Philadelphia Iron, Nails, Ac, of every description. Store, No. Hardware, June la, ISo4-ly. . GEORGE J. WEAVER A CO.. No. 19 North Wa ter Street, Philadelphia, Dealers in C irpet chain, Yarn. Manilla and Ilemp Ropes. Bod-cords, Clothes-lines, Ao., Ac. June 15, 1854-ly. 1 ff Sacks Salt, just received at the Cheu 1 UU Store of MOSSOP A POTTARFF. June 14. '64 A. M. IIILLS, D. P. S." Office adjoin ing his Store, Cloarficld. Pa. Artifi cial Teeth, from one to a full set, moun arms ted in the nrost appioved modern style. Filling, Filing, and Cleaning donewith cui and neatness. Teeth extracted with all the care and dispatok modern science can furnish. DR. HILLS, can always bo fomv.l at !.is ofnoe, as he is now devoting his whole attention to hit profession. June 11, '54. LEBO'S COMMEF.CIAL HOTEL, No. IS, South Sixth St. Philadelphia. The subscriber has recently enlarged and fitted up his house, and is now enabled to compete successfully, with any es tablishment in the Oity. His rooms are comfort able and well ventilated, and his table furnished wilh the best in the maiket. He respectfully soli cits the large circle of his Clearfield friends jo give him a call when they visit theeitv. JACOB G. LEBO. June 13, 1S5L ly. lT E W FIRM PATTON A SHOWERS would inform the public that they have just opened a new and splendid asor'.ment of Goods of every, variety, at the old stand of H. D. r.vrTux at Cur wensviilc. At their store may be found, almost everyihing adapted to the wants and necessities of the people of ibis region. Dress-goods, Lawns, Laces. Gloves. Cloths. Cassimcrvs. Clothing. Hats, Caps. Boots. Shoes. Ac. Ac, of the best qualiiy and at the lowest prices. Also a splendid assortment of Hardware, Quocns Wiirc and Groceries. They invite all persons to give thorn a call, ful ly assured they will be able to render entire satis faction. H. D. PATTON, K. A. IIIPPEL. Curwrr.svillc, June 15, 1851-ly. JOHN-Jt. MORROW, Cabinet Maker. Shop oppo site M. E. Church. Clearfield. Pa. keeps con stantly on hand aud makes to order, all ksnds of Furniture, such us Tea Tables, Card Tables. Cen tre Tables. Sofas, Spring Seated Chairs, Bedsted, Bureaus. Wash Stands, Cupboards. Safes. Ac. Ac. Coffins made on the shorsest notice, and Funer als attended. JOHN R. MORROW. June 13, 1S51. ly. fllUE RED FLAG VICTORIOUS. The Blood A Red Banner floats in triumph on lhe ' Old Cor ner tStorr," where A. M. Hills has just opened the cheapest aud most splendid assortment of Goods, ever displayed before this community, and exactly adapted tn their many and various necessities. Every variety of llats. Caps. Bonnets. Boots, Shoes, Cloths. Cassimcrcs. and all other kind of dry-goods, that are unapproachable by any other similar articles, either in beauty of style, quality, or price. Also an excellent assortment of Groceries, Hard ware. Stone and Queensware, with fancy articles ad infinitum. Ho defies competition, and invites all persons to give him a call at the "Old Corner.'' which has tru ly become the -Bazarr of Clearfield. Every attention wilt be shown to customers and visitors, and no pnius w ill be spared to send all smiling away, loaded with his beautiful and valua ble sroods. never surpassed in Clearfield. A, M. IIILLS, Clearfirld. JunelS, lS54-ly. jT1 JEW GOODS AT THE CASH STORE. Th subscriber has just received a large and well selected stock of GOODS of almost every descrip tion suitable to the season, which he is selling off at extremely low pi ices. He respectfully invites the attention of all who wish to buy good Goods at the lowest prices, to call at the sign of the -Cheapest Goods. Country produce of almost every discription ta ken nt market prices in exchange for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair equivalent for thair money, will do well to give him a call: Bcmeia'jtr the sign of the CHEAPEST C.00D3, on Maiket street, and call and bo convinced thai there is truth in the words thereon inscribed. June 13. 1751. WM. F. IRWIN. T TYRONE CITY" DRUG STORE.--Th undersigned' hai.:g purchased the entirn stook of S. A. Martin, would take this method of informing the -Natives, '"and the public generally, that Drugs and family medicines of all kinds. and in fact every thing that is generally kept in a Drug Store.eau be had at this establishment cheap er than at any other in the cour.try. This estab lishment will be under the management of one that has experience, and is well acquainted wi'h medicine, and is also competant to pre.-ribo for all those that mar require the advice T h Physi cian. ' JAMES M. MARTIN. 1. S. A private Office attached. "BUST e." fas !tlil D the splendid stock cf Cloths. ("as.-orucres. estiPi?.', Irimminss. Ao. recently purchased by the Subscriber, which he will soil or make up lo order, in the most fashionable fled du--ab!- ni'oucr. at his sfore in -Shaw's Bow." Tho material aud u:i' warranted No chargo for show ing his cheap and beautiful goods. lie would inform the trade in Clearfield, that he is the authorized agent for Dcvere's Lop4oo Pans I amnions. THO?. SnEA. 27. 1S51. TOTI? SoCSELT. & COTANNERS A CI RRI I EES, renr.sville. Grampian Hills. Clearfield Co.. Pa., keep constantly ou hand an excellent as sor'aunt of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest cash nriccs. C::h paid for bide". Ju!y 15. 1S51. LB. CAKTEr. Pcahr in stoves, b.ir-iron. nails, and castings of "all kind. Also plors aud other agricultural u ensils. On Second Street, under the Republican OrS ;e. inc 55, '54-1 y. ARRIS. HALE A CO Wholesale Drtgoists. No. 2.VJ, Market Street. North side betw-sn sixth nd seventh. Philadelphia. Drug", Medi cines. Cheuiicals, Patent. Medicines. Surgical In struments. Druggists Glassware. mdow Glass, Paints. Oils. I'vcs. Perfumery. Ac. Ac. JOHN HARRIS. M. J. S1IARSWOOD, JOHN M. HALE, e. b: orbison. Junel5, 1754-1y. TVEW FIRM. HARTSHORN A McCRACK, X 1 EN, have just opened a new and splendid as sortment of goods of every variety, at the idd stand of D. W. ROBINS A CO., Lumber city, Cloar fitl lco.. Pa. 1 hey invite tho public to give them a call, and feel assured they will beable to render cntiro stT isf;ction Lumber, Hides. Rags, Grain, and all other kinds of produoe taken in exchange. BEN J. HARTSHORN, Aur.st9, 1S54. THOS. McCKACKEN. TTOOD A CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers, No JlJ 1o7, Maiket St- Philadelphia, keep constant ly eu hand a large, splendid, aud cheap stock of the most fashionable and elegant goods. They in vite country Merchants to call and examine their splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. June !5, 154-ly. -mni'IJAM II AN SELL A SON, Manufac- f turcrs and Importers of Saddlery, and Sad dlery Hardware. No. 2i Market Street. Bhiladel phia. Saddles. Bridles, Harness. Trunks. Whips, Saddle Bags, Bridle Filling. Bits, Stirrups, Buckles, Carpet Bags. cct. (June 15, '54-1 y. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing, or ia any way meddling with a two horse wagon aud a pair of bob 6leds now in the possession of P. II. Boot, as the said property bilones to me and is in bis possession M loan only. " JOHN BRUBAKER. September 20, 1S54. ', AT. LANE A CO. Wholesale Clothing Stof, No. 171, Market Street. Every variety of ready made Clothing, in the roost fashionable sty 1m constantly on hand. Jane 15, iilj. 100 ?f rru Fi,h for ",e ArwSm ' June 14, '54 " "m TAR.The undersigned has just received a4 will keep for sale, at hi. shop on third stxee a superior article of tar. GEORGE ORB ClrfUid,3ly 5, 1S4 r. r J n ii