HI Ml 1 ! popular -long. OLD DOG TIIAY- I ' The morn of life is past, . 1 - ' And wtii)f come at Iwt It brings nae dream of a one happy day, Of merry friends I've seen .:-.':.-; Upon the Village irreeik , Fporticg with my Old Dog Tray. -- - ' CJt9raQ& D05 Tray 'a ever faithful ; '. - ' --- ; 'Grief cannot drive birn away, find -' -lis" gentle, he's kind, I'll never, sove? , A better friend than old Dog Tray. : . The forms I called my own '" ' " Have vanished one by one Tlie loved ones, the dear ones, have all passed away, - Their happy smiles have flown, Their gentle voices gone, I've nothing left bat Old Dog Tray-? . .'' ' When thoughts recall the past ' "'.'". Ilis eyes are on me cast ; . say. X know that he techs what my breaking neart would ...;-.-: -t .. Although ha cannot speak " ' . I'll vainly, vainly seek A better friend than Old Dog Tray. $6it nnb 33nmnr. CATCHING TARTARS. Some two miles distant from Boston, there resides a physician, somewhat noted for his penurious manner of dealing with those who may chance to fall into his J'practice." Let ma cite one of the many Incidents relating to this gentlemen, which has happened during h3 residence here: Some time since, in settling an account with one of Lis neighbors, the following items were rendered in his bill. It should be men tioned that he had a fiold of buckwheat imme diately adjoiaiug his friend's house : "Mr. To Dr. , Dr. "To pasturing Bees on Buckwheat, from Jnne to September $0 G3 - "'To time speat in watching said 'a Bee3, 3 00 S3 C3 .' Such an account was of course rofusjJ pay ment ; but the Doctor carried it up into "the courts," one after another, but, after all, had the pleasure of paying all the costs, besides bearing the odium attached to such small pro ceediags. Now this, which was assured by our corres pondent as true ia a!l respects, is only equaled by a like story of a somewhat similar physi cian, ia a certain town in the region of "do-.vn East," which shall for the present be name less. The story is entirely authentic, and is told in tha dialect of those parts by a simple minded narrator : ' " - "I 'xpect you've hesr'n tell of Dr. A , hain't yon 7" "No. I never have." - 'Well then, Til t;ll you. Tou sso one day I met the Doctor at Simpkin's store, a burin' some groceries. It was awful cold. I felt a little hoirss, and my tongue was dreadfully furred. So s-'ys I to the Doctor : "My heal feels a litlle acheish like ; what do yen think I had better do ?" ""Why friend S -," says the Doctor, says he, "th3 best thing yoa can do is to go straight Lome and soak your feet, and take a Bwcat; 'cause if you don't," says he, "like as not you may have a fever." ' "Says I, "Doctor, I was just athinkia' that a little sweat would do me good, and I guess I'll go home and try it right away." Well, I did ; I went home, and took a bowl- full of tansy-tea, bitter as gall, aud if I didn't sweat like a beaver, 'taint no matter. The next morning my head was as clear as a bell, and I wis s.3 good as ever I was. : Well, a day or two afterward I met the Doc tor ; and after a little talking, says the Doctor, ays he : ' . ' . "Neighbor J , I've got a little bill agin you!", I locked at him ef, and says I, "A bill. Doctor!" " i es," says he, "a bill for advice, you know at Sirupkia'd store the other day." What do you think he had gona and done 7 He'd actually charged me tew dollars for tel ling me to go home and take a sweat, which I was jast going to do myself. ' "Well, Doctor," says I (for I didn't want to appe-r small you know,) "it's all right; I'll bear it in mind." . Well, a few days after, the Doctor was pass ing by my door ia Lis chaise, and somehow or 'nother one of the wheels got a little loose; aosays I, "Doctor, ef you don't drive that linch pin in an inch or so,, that wheel will come, off." . .. . -.. Says he "Thank you," and he took a stun and drir in the pin. , .Well, I went into the house and just made a charge of it ; r.n i when he came along the next time I preseated him the bill. "Hello !" sirs the Doctor, says he : "what on aifth is this for 7" savs he, ; Why, it's for adviee," says I. "AdTice !" says he "what advice 7 1 hain't had noaa o'your advice." - "Why, for driving in your wheel-pin and I've only charged yon two dollars and twenty five cents ; and ef I hadn't given you the ad vice, it might have cost you twenty times as much." . "Well," says the Doctor, "the difference be tween your bill aacLniiac is just twenty-five cents." . t J . . -" " " ' "That's all yoa owe me," says I. ; "Well, I'll Liar it ia mind," says he. -And I'xpect he will ; he's as tight S3 a can dle mould, the Doctor is, and I guess ho is able to bear it in mind ! We confess to a degree of pleasure ,in the pgrusal of these "diamond-cut diamond 'an ecdotes. They indicate that order of "com-i pensatkm in nature," by which meaness bo often Is "overcome of itself-" And, in this 'connection wo will closo with "one more of the same sart," which is related of a Mr. S ,aii honest and highly esteemed grocer, for jaany years a rsident cf one of the larger tow'53 of New Hampshire. - ; . It seems that a man had purchased ' some wool of him, which had been weighed, and paid for, and Jlr. S . ; had gone to thodesk JO t change for aliot which ht-d been han ded to him by his "customers." While stan ding at his desk, he happened to tarn his head, and saw, ia a looking glass which was suspen ded near him, a stout arm reach up and take down from the shelf a heavy "white oak" cheese, and put it in the bag! Instead of appearing suddenly, and rebu king thernan for his theft, as many a less re flecting person would have done, thereby lose ing his custom forever, the crafty old gentle man gave the thief his change, as if nothing had happened, and then, under the pretense of lifting the bag to lay it on his horse forhini he took hold of it, and suddenly exclaimed: "Why, bless me, I mnst have reckoned the weight wrong " "Oh, no," said his customer, "that can't be so, because I counted uith you, you know." "Well, well," said Mr. S -, "we won't dispute about the matter, it is so easily set tled by just putting the bag in the scalesagain," which he proceeded at once to do. "There," said he, "I oW you so. I thought I must be right. I made a mistake of nearly twenty pounds; however, il you don't want the whole, I'll take a part of it out; it don't make any odds to me." "No, no!" said the victim, struggling in the wicked trap which he had set for his neigh bor, and stopping the hands of Mr. S , on the way to the strings of the bag, "I guess I'll take the whole." And this he did, paying for his honesty by receiving "skim-milk" cheese at the high price of wool! THE DE7IL. Start not, most timid reader, at the name of this thine old acquaintance: for why should'st thon be frightened at the name of so familiar a character? Thou hast known him from thy youth up; a good-looking and courteous per sonage, moves in the best society, is rigidly scrupulous of his outward appearance, and prides himself no little on his knowledge of the human heart. Polit'j to a fault, with a voice of the richest tone, and an eye of the brightest glance; bewichingly by his smile, and entranc ing by his eloquence; with a mind laden with knowledge and overflowing with light, he has ever been one of the most popular and influen tial characters of the day. Full often has he taken thee by the hand, andljd thee into green pastures, and by the side of still waters, whilst thou, poor deluded soul, imagined thyself in the society i f one of "Heaven's elect." And yet thou trjmblist at the mention of his name and the very idea of contact with him, blanches thy warm cheek, and fills thee with terror. Mistaken soul ! On the pages of the primer, and on the tablet of the miud, thisgen tl?man!y and accomplished Devil pointed perhaps, as a poor, fleshless body, gaunt and grim, having eyes of fire and feet that are clo ven; with horns growing from his head, and barbed arrows from his mouth; with a long tail of many fold3 behind, and a long arm with many claws before; in short, "a monster of such frightful mien, As to the hated needs butto be seen." I tell the, reader, such a picture is a gross slanderer on the personal appearance of the Dark Prince. He is "black, but comly, O! ye daughters of Jerusalem, S3 the lents of Kedar, or the curtains of Solomon." Herein, thou should'st know, is the secret of his power, the charm of his life. Deformity has no attractions. Men are not drawn into the snare by repulsive and sickening leaders. Tbcy will not, unless barbarians indeed, wor ship at the shrine of any monster. No. He would lead them captive, must array himself in purple and fine linen. So, at least, thinks the personage in question, and he acts accor dingly. 1. He comes in the gilded habiliments of pleasure. With smiling face and lightsome steps, he trips along, followed by a gay and thoughtless host, who sing and dance along the road to ruin, nnconcious of their danger, and careful only of immediate and palatable enjoy ment. Lured on, step by step, from innocent rec reation to unlawful indulgence; from unlawful indulgence to gross licentiousness; from gross licentiousness to hiss of self-respect and utter recklessness; vith besotted mind, and broken heart, and withered body; their polite and fa cinating conduct leaves them at the portals of the grave, where a press of other business obli ges him to bid them a polite and affectionate good-bye, promising the only promise the deceitful wretch keeps to meet them on the other side of the grave ! - 2. He comes in the flowing dishabille of the Idler. . With a jaunty air, a mind at peace with all the world, an enviable indifference to all the storms and cilni3 of life, an unwrinkled brow and spotless hand he allures many sons and daughters of industry from their toil, and soon teaches them to look upon work as a burden, and industry as a disgrace. Cunning and craf ty art thou, indeed, oh Devil, with thy oily tongue and bland address, and thou dost truly erect thy busiest work ia the brain cf the idle man. . 3. The Devil comes, also, in the sohcr black' of hypocrisy. Gentlemanly, indeed, is he in this favorite character. In cowl and gown, with smooth facs and smoother speech, he walks cautiously before the people, and gath ers into his dark fold many a wandering sheep. Sympathizing with all sorrow, subduing nil passion, regular in attendance upon church, londest ia exhortation and longest in prayer, he soon w ins upon the heart of the credulous, and ingratiates him into his black art. The name of his followers is legion. It needs not, oh reader, that we describe them to thee; for thou knowest them too well already. Neither is it necessary that we should show the too fas cinating Devil in any other suit fromhis many colored wardrobe, - In conclusion, sec to it, oh ye people, that ye look not for his Majesty as a horned and bloated monster; but rather as a blooming and accomplished courtezan. Not in rags, not in deformity, but in purple and fine linen, works har about thy paths, and lurks he about , thy bc&rt. ' The Maine Law. It is my opinion that liberty is a more sacred thing than the sup pression of vice. Compulsory virtue leads to no moral progress. I would rather sec all mankind drunk by choice, than one man sober on compulsion. Wm, North. The author of the above sentiment commit ted suicide in New York last week. In a cool, calm moment, he swallowed prussic acid cork ed the bottle and laid himselfdown to die. It is the most deliberate suicide on record. Poor North w as a man of 'splendid literary abilities but with such views of human gov ernment need we wonder that h2 committed suicide 1 OIF" A love-sick swain sent a Christmas gift of a pair of shoes to his sweetheart, accompa nied by the following highly poetic affusion: ' Dear Molly, I do as is my du-ty Honor the shadow of your shoe-tie; And now in the name of all the Muses, Send you a present of a pair ol'shoe-cs! 0C7"A young gentlemau at a bail in whisking about the room, ran his head against a young lady. He began to apologise. "Not a word, sir," cried she "it is not hard enough to hurt anybody-" THE MUSICAL WORLD 03. 1S55. Terms, (invariably in advance.) S3.00 Two copies, " 5.00 Five copies, 10,00 Isrt;cEMET3 : I The choice of two of the following musical- portrait?, engraved on steel roller, designed as the comm. neatly mailed on a ncnnent of a GxHcrv of Jiliis'cal Portraits : to be hnn around every fanjilv piar.o. 1. nEXRIETTE SONTAQ, 0. LISZT, 2. BEETHOVEN", 6. SCHUMANN', 3. WEBEn, 7. SCHl'BERT, 4. MEVDELSSOHY, 8. WALLACE. Of these portmits, that of the lamented Madame Soatajj is surpassingly Cue and particularly to bo eoniraenJed. Each S3 subscriber on mailing his subscription will please to state what two portraits he chooses. To club subscriber.?, and to nil per sons not sending their subscriptions directly to this ofiice but subscribing through agents, we con only afibid (from the great reduction of terms) to give the choice ot" but one portrait. H ''i:i:sn Music four pages every week which can be Uetnched from the reading matter, 13 paged separately and can be bound ut the end cf the volume, forming a choice miscellaneous col lection of piece3 for ono, two. three and four voices; polkas, mazurkas, waltzes; music for the guitar, flute, violin, harp ; music for young jicoiile; s.iered music, for voice, mclodcon and organ. This music, alone, costs the proprietor annually SI. 70 ). :ir.d is worth to every subscriber at least ?1 2.0(1; setting a.-ide the advantage of iis vaiiety an 1 its superiority as the very pick of all the new music published. IIT. Instructive Mrsic.AT. Reaping! embrac ing a weikly-condensed budget of news from all parts of the world; musical ttorics, biographies, etc.: "musical essays; criticisms. IV. Entertainim; (Jexeral Krai : oni prising original translations from the Trench and lifitiifln ; selections from new books and periodi cals ; also intero-'tiiig original contributions. The Musical World is deihorod without extra charge to New lork and Lrooklyn subscribers. .Any persons sending us a club of live subscribers shall receive a copy of the paper for a year and his choice of one of the above engravings. All new subscriptions will be ctjtered for the first of January, lS."5-but the portraits now ready will be sent iiiioiediatciy to those first subscribing Any of our old subscribers whose year does not expire tiil at'ter the first of January. 1Sn. can al so hve their choice of two of these portraits by sending us their subscription a year in advance of such expiration. Richard Smarts YTilms, Editor and proprietor, 237 Rroadway, N. Y. "jVEW FIRM. TllOUTM A X k ROUE. House, i- Sign and Ornamental Painters. tJlaziers. Chair makers, and Paper Hungers, oJer their ser vices to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Shop next door to the Jew"s Store. They keep constantly on hand, and make to or der every variety of Chairs. Lounges, tfofas, Ac. Ac. Chairs, and Sofas made equal in beauty to any that can be obtained from the City, and more durable in workmanship and material. II1IIV TDAfTMIV June 14, '34. ly. ROBERT KOWE. rriHE GOOD INTENT HOTEL, and Stage Office. A Curwensvillc, Pa. The Subscriber would in form his friends and the public that he has just re fitted and re-furnished his house and is prepared to render every attention to the travelling commu nity. lli? bar contains liquors of the first quality, and his table will always bo supplied with the best in market. He rcspectfullv solicits his friends and others to give hiui a call. . AVM. R. FLEMM1XG. June 14. '54. GOI.NG IT ALONE. The undersigned hav ing taken to himself the store formerly own ed by Pat chin & Swan, takes pleasure ir. if'rrain-' his friends and the public generally, that he hw nst received from the city a splendid assortment of Dry Goods. Hardware, Queensware. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, aud every thing else usual ly kept in a country store. Persons wishing to buy cheap and good Goods should not forget that he is determined not to be undersold by any store in in the county. His motto is '-a nimble penny rath er than a slow sixpence." s. c. rATCinxr. Glen nope, July 5. 1351. DAM EL BE.NXEU, Cabinet maker. Shop same as formerly occupied by David Sackcts, Clearfield, Fa., keeps constantly on hand at his Furniture Vare-rooius. and manufactures to order nt City prices,all kinds of Cabinet ware. Dining and Pier tables, Dressing cases. Cupboards. Bedsteads, Wash Stand3. Spring bottomed Chairs, Sofas, Safes, Bureaus, Marble Topped Escritors. Ac. Ac. Colli ns made, and funerals attended on sne short est notice. Juno 27, 1S54. ly. C GEORGE W. COLLADAV, Conveyancer If and Land Agent, No. 3. Goldsmith's Hall. Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care, - June 27, 1354. S DUXDY Attorney-nt-Law. Clearfield, Ta. jJi will attend faithfully to all professional bu siness entrusted to his care. June IU, 'Oi.-ly. B. McENALLY Attorney nt Law. Office nearly onnosite Judirc Writrht'a st.-iro rii.r. field. Pa., practiccg in Clearfield and ' adjoining counties. . June 13, '54.-1 y. CI HEAP CLOTHING. A large lot of Chenj, CIo- thing, Men's and Bovs, for sale cheap, by June U, '51. MOSSOP A POTTARFF. BLACKBERRY BRANDY. A certain cure for tho Dyscntary, for sale by -June 13, '54. MOSSOP & P0TTARFF. MA. FRANK, JUSTICE OF TnE PEACE,- Clearfield, Pa.. Office in ' Shaw's Row." Jnne, 15. 1S54. " yA3IES C'ROWTIIER, JUSTICE OF THE v PEACE, Curwensville, Pa. Office opposite tho 'Good Intent Hotel." June, 15. 1854. JAMES B. GRAHAM Merchant and extensive dealers in lumber. Grahampton, T. O., Clear-- F.M.I i.,iin(T Pa IMir M 't ( I - -. vv.Uvj . - ... I - V , J. , T flO Ba2s f Coffee, just received acd for sale J-VJU at the New Store of A. M. HILLS.-, June 14, '54. . - . . . Cfi fWlfl EIGHTEEN INCH SHINGLES fJtfJJJ of best quality.for eale at the Fia of the Red Flag.; Priee $3.64 pr thousand. , Jnne 27, 1851. -. VALUABLE F A R MAT PRIVATE T SALE. The subscriber offers for sale on rea sonable ar.d easy terms, bis farm in Lawrence township, containing oiiji faai'lderf nw.r.and allow ance. The buildings arc, a good log house, frame barn, and other out-honscg. There is, also, on the place a promising young orchard of choice fruit trees, in fine bearing order. Also, a never failing spring of water. ; About sixty Acres cleared Two miles from Clearfield. Inquire of F. P. Bt'TLEn, Clearfield, or the sub scriber on the premises. JOSEPH LANICU. October 4, l54.-3in. 1SSOLUTIOX OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between C. M. Urchnra and J. E. VTatija. waj tLio day dis solved by mutual consent. having disposed of their interest to Jas. B. Graham. C. M. (ill A1IAM, J. E. AY AT SON Grahamton, October 27. 1S54. The business will hereafter be continued by Jas. B, Graham, as formerly, who will collect all ac counts Uue. and pay nil debts contracted by the former firm. JAS. 15. GRAHAM. Grahampton, November 15, IS54. THE I'MOX SAFE! THREE CHEERS FOR AMERICA '.-t-Tue Cheap Cohneu Tri CMPHANt! W'q take this method of informing the public in general, and the citizeus of Curwensvillc und vicinity in parficnlaf, that we have received our usual large and varied selection of Fall and Winter Good, suited to the wants of ever', man, woman amd child in the community. And. no have no hesitation in saying, that purchasers will find it greatly U their advantage to call aud exam ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Our stcck consists, in part, of Ladies' Dress Goods in gr.'at vaiiety: such ns plain black, fancy silks, Turk satins, bert'gc dclains. black and fancy Alpacas, plain1 hnd plaid G inghams. Manchester and Domestic Ginghams. Calicoes of every style, and quality, at prices ranging from 5 up to 15cts. Black, blue, and brown French and English cloths, plain black doeskin tmd fancy cassiineres, black, blue, brown and green sattincts. Checks, tickings, flannels, muslins, toweling, ho siery, gloves, shirts, ready-made clothing. Ac. Ac. Carpeting nnd floor oil cloth, window and wall paper and boidering. and oiled Window shtides. Shoes of ail descriptions for ladies, misses and children, together with a large assortment of Mens' and boys' hats. caps, boots and shoes. Hardware, pianos. Ac, Glassware. Ouoenswaro, Cedar and Yiliow ware, corn brooms. Ac. Ac. Also, a large assortment of Fresh Groceries, viz : Rio Coffee. Imperial, Y. II. and Black teas'N. O. sugar, crushed pnd loaf sugar. New Orleans und Syrup molasses, clarified and cider Vinegar. Ac. Ro.-in and Fancy soaps; sperm, star and mould candles. All of which will be sol 1 in quantities to suit purchasers, at the cheap Corner S;.-.re of PATTON A H1PPLE. Curwensvillc, November 1, 1554. JHf GI NS FOR TVRONE CITV! SK IUU BASTOPOL NOT TAKEN '. .Iavj -s Alex ander, has just opened a splendid Saloon lu the basement story of the Tyrone City Hotel, where he is prepared to" accommodate, persons with Oysters, wholesale and retail, and all other articles usually kept in a Confectionary and Grocery Stoic N. B. All ordeis forOvtcrs by the Can promr.tly attended to by "JAMES ALEXANDER. Tyrone Citv. N-jvcrnber 1. 13.Vl.-3m. IT II'i: INSURANCE: SAVE YOUR LlVt-S. SLA AND YOUR- MONEY, by having your life insured in the Susquehanna, Mutual Insurance vouipanv of Jiarri.-burg. Pu. CAPITAL 5100.000. C:1A!:t::i:ki Maucii 2Sd. 1G3L Any person can have their own life insured r.r that of a friend, from one t i.inety years. Per sons of 21 years ot a 50. pay SI -52 per -HO ), year ly. At ."i)yeari. 'S'J.t'.o forSlOdu.Oil. yearly for Lie. 'the wholf'preuiiuiu Lr life in ordinance is SX-.i'. at the ago of 2i years, premium uilio, ca Sil-O. is 25. Si. Jr. R. V. Vilso-. of ClearC-M. Medic;-.! Ex aminer. Anv information mnv be obtiincu from Dr. A." T. SCIIUYX Eil, Ager.t. September 1354. Y A DIES AND GENTLEMEN I believe SLA it n good maxim that people should pur-!iao goods wherever they please. Rut they should not buy too hastily, nel'ore they ascertain where they can be best suited. I would most respectfully in vite all (Ladles hi particular! to call at G le.vas's Store and examine his splendid assortment of govds that cannot be e.v-ei'.ed in this section of country for ruEAPNEss. durability or style. They consist of Gentlemen's Boots of all Uescriptior.s and pri ces. Ladies and Geiitleinciis gaiters of the latest style. Boys and Girls boots, shoes und gaiters. Children of all ages can be accommodated. 11. GLEN NAN. Jnne 27. 1954. SPLENIID NEW STORE. R. Shaw A Son ha-e just returned from lliocity with an entire new sto.-k of Goods, which they oiler for sale on the very lowest terms, at the old stand lately occupied by A. M. Hiils. West end of the Mansion House, Clearfield. Pa. Their stool; of goods has been selected with great care, and a better or cheaper assortment was never brought into Clear field county. They defy all competition, and invite the pub lic to call and examine their goods.- Every arti cle ii entirely iiexe, acd as cheap, if not cheaper than can Le purchased elsewhere. R. SHAW. A. H. SHAW. June 27, 1S54. JAMES BIDDER GORDON Attorney p.t Law. has removed his office to the room adjoining in the East, the Drug Store of Dr. H. Loraiu. and will devoto his whole attention to tho practice of his profession. He may be consulted in French and GermuJi. .'. (June 13. '54.-1 y. "ANK NOTICE. We the subscribers intend JL to make application to tho next Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for an Act of Assembly to incorporates Backing Company, with Banking and discounting privileges, to be callc 1 the Clearflcbl Bank"' ami located at tho Borough -of .Clearfield with a, capital of One Luu- drcd thousand dollars A. K. Wttir.KT. Richard Shaw, : Jonathan Bovntox, . . J. F. Weaver, JamksT. Li:osATti, Jam::s B. Graham, Ellis Irwin, J. W. SillTII, J. B. McEsally Juno 27, : 185-1. Griir" D UY BEEF, of the best quality iust received and for sale at Wm.- F. Irwin's Cheap Store. June 14, '54. - 1 , ' RANTED IMMEDIATELY. Six jour neyman Shoemakers. Constant - emidovment pnd liberal wages will be given, Apply next door to the .loin i nl ofSce, ot the shoe store of C. S. BLACK. September C, 1354. BEREGE DELAINES. A superior article of Berego Delaines in dress patterns, at 25 cents per yard, never sold in this countv before for less than 50 cents, at ; : MOSSOP A POTTAUFF'S. June 18. '54 A. WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office nearly opposite the Court House. Clearttcld Pa.will attend faithfully to all business entrusted to his care. June 17, 1854. lv J 11. LARIMER Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. Office with John L. Cuttle, Esq.. next door to Dr. II. Lorrein s Drug Store, Clearfield, Ra- May 25, '54-1 y CONRAD k WALTON. Hardware Store, No. 25.5 Market Street, Philadelphiu. Hardware, Iron. Nails, Ac:, of every description.. June 15, 1354-ly. -iE0RGE J. WEAVER k CO.. No. 10 North Wa VX ter Street. Philadelphia. Dealers in Carpet ehain. Yam. Manilla and Hemp Ropes. Bed-cords, Clothes-lines, Ac. Ac June 15, lS5i-!y. 1 f)i Sac"8 H, just received at the Choan AUU Store of MOSSOP & POTTARFF June 14, '14. Barrels New Orleans Sugar, at Sixpence per pound, for sala at the Cheap Store of - A- M. niLTi?.' ' - r.djoin- vySSS?'i i" his Store, Clearfield. Fa. iearfleld. Pa. Artifi cial Teeth, from one to R full set. moun ted in the most approved modern style. Filling, Filfhg, and Cleaning dose with care ami neatness. - J. . Teeth extracted with all the care and dispatch modern science can furnish. DR. HILLS, can always be found at hia office, as he is now devoti:": his whole attention to his profession:"' JJuno 14. '54. LEBO S COMMERCIAL nOTEL, No. IS, South Sixth St. Philadelphia. The subscriber has recently enlarged and littod up his.house, and is co.v enabled to compete successfully, with any es tabtiabmeut in the City. .His rooms arc comfort, able aud well ventilated, and bistable furnished with the best in the market. He respectfully soli cits the large circle of his Clearfield friends 0 give him a call when they visit the eifv.- JACOB G. LEBO. June 13, 1554. ly. KEW FIRM. PATTON & SHOWERS would inform the public that they have just opened a new aud splendid assortment of Goods of every variety, at the old stand of H. D. Pattox at Cur wensville. At their store, may be found, almost everything adapted to the wants and necessities of the people of this region. Dress-good?. Lawns. La?cs. Gloves. Cloths. Cassi meres. Clothing. Hats. Caps. Boots. Shoes. Ac. Ao.. of the best quality acd at the lowest prices. Also a splendid assarimcnt of Hard war-, Queens ware and Groceries. They invito all persons to give thorn a call, ful ly assured they will bo able to render entire i.itis iaction. H. D. PATTON, E. A. HIPPEL. Curwensville. June 15, 1354-ly. "tTOI!N R. MORROW, Cabinet Maker. Shop oppo- " site M. E. Church, Clearfield. Pa. keeps con stantly on hand and makes to order, all ksnds of Furniture, such as Tea Tables. Card Tables. Cen tre Tables. Sofas, Spring Seated Chaiis. Bedstcds, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Cupboards. Safes, Ac. Ac. Coffins made on the shorsest notice, and Funer als attended. JOHN R. MORROW. June in, 1354. ly. rpilE RED FLAG VICTORIOUS. The Blood A Red Banner floats in triumph on the Oiu Cur tier Store,'-' where A. M. Hills has just opened the cheapest and most splenlid assortment of Goofs, ever displayed before this community, and exactly adapted to their many and various l.eesssi'ics. Every variety 01 Hats, Caps. Bonnet. J'oefi; Shoes, Cloths. Ciissimcrcs. and all oilier kin-is of dry-goods, that are un::pproK-.;hab!c by any other f-ituiTur article!; cither in beauty of ytyic. quality, or price. Also an excellent assortment of Groceries, Hard ware, Stone and Oueeuswarc, with fancy articles ail 1 11 fi'ttt rut . Ho defies competition, acd invites all persons to give L ins a call at the -O'-i Cowr.'' which l.astru !v become the -Bazarr" cf Clearfield. " Every attention will be fhown to ctitcmers a:;d visitors, and no pair.s will bo. spared ta send all Siiiilii:g away, loaded wii.li his beautiful tnJ valua ble "oods, never surpassed u Ctcarueld. 0 . -r t' A. M. HILLS. Clc.irfield, June 15, ISol-ly. TVLW GOOFS AT THE CASH STORE. The subscriber hn just, received a larg a:. 1 well se'ec'ed stock of GOODS of almost every ucs-rrip-tion suitable to the season, which he is g oil at extremely low prices, lie- i .-.-pcslf u'.ly iv, Pes the attention of nil" bo wish to buy gooU Goods at the lowest prises, to c::l c. thesiga of the "Cheap est Cools." Country produce of aimr rl every ascription ta ken at maikct prices in CAohrmge for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair equivalent for thiir money, will do well to give him a call. , Remember the sign of t'a? CHEAPEST GOODS, on Maiket street, an.l e:tll ana bs convinced that there is truth in the word? thersi-n ir.icrihc 1. June 13. 175 J. WM. F. IRWIN. "wJSTORSES AND liKJGIES f'OU ?, S.A HIKE JAMES CiiOWlliEU would inform his friends and tho public fSV generally, that ho keeps for hire horses : buggies, carriagc3..vc, on the mo.-.t reus t.V.c terms, at his Livery Stable iu Curwensville. Inquire at tho Stagi 0:iic5i i'Jcr.nuing's ilotul. JAMES CROWTIiER. June 15ib. lS5i. nnVRONi; CITY BilUG STORIJ. The A undersigned having purchased the entire stook of S. A. Martin, would take this method of informing the "Natives. ''and the public generally, th it Drugs and family medicines of all kir.ds.atid in fact every thing that is generally Jtcpt in a Drug Store. can be had at this cHablishment cheap er than at any other in the country. This estab lishment will be under the management of ono that has experience, and is well acquainted with medicine, and is also competant to precribo for all those that may require the advice of a Phv.si cian. JAMES M., MARTEN. P. S. A Private Office Attached. VEST ARRIVED the splendid stock of Cloths, oJ Cassimercs. Vcstings. Trimmings. Ac. recently purchased by the Subscriber, which he will sell or make up to order, in the most f ishionaole nnu du rable manner, at his store in "Shaw's How." The materia! and -fits warranted No charge for show ing his cheap and beautiful goods. He would inform tho trade in Clearfield, that he is the aut ;i.;ii:cd aeut fjr Devere's London end Paris Fashions. TII03. SHEA. Juno 27, 1S54. T3HT HTJSSELL & CO. TANNERS k CURRT ERS. Pennsville. Grampian Hills, ClearfiolJ Co.. Pa., keep constantly on hand an excellent as sortment of leather, which they ofTer for sale at tho lowest cash prices. Cash paid for hides. July 15, 1S54. R. CARTER Dealer in stoves bar-iron, nails, and castings of all kinds. Also plows. and other agricultural u-ensils. On Second S. reef under the Republisau Olfi-'e. Suns 15, '54 ly. VjjT ARRIS. HALE k CO Wkclesalk Diinsaisrsi AA No. 25'J, Market Street. North side between sixth and seventh. Phil ide'phia. Drug. Medi cines. Chemicals, Patent Medicines. Surgical In struments. Druggist's Glassware, AVindow Glass. Paints. Oils. Dyes. Perfumcrv. Ac. Ac. . . JOHN HARRIS. M. D. , J. SHAHS WOOD, JOHN JI. HALE, E. B. ORBISON. June 15, 1754-ly. "JVEW FIRM. HARTSHORN k McCRACK 1 i EN, have just opened a new and splendid as sortment of goods of everv variety, at tho old stand of I). W. ROSINS k CO., Lumber city, Clear field co.. Pa. They invite the public to give them a call, and feel assured they will beable to render entire sat isfaction Lumber, Hides. Rags, Grain, and all other kinds of produce taken in exchange. BENJ. HARTSHORN, August 9, 1354. TliOS. McCEACKEN. jTJTOOD CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers. No I-A -1S7, Market St., Philadelphia, keep constant ly oa hand a large, splendid, mid cheap s'oek of the most fashionable and elegant goods. They in vite country Merchants to call an.l examine their splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. June 15, 135i-ly; ''VffflLLIAM' S. IIANSELL A SON, 5Iauuf.ts T turers and Importers of Saddlery, und Sad dlery Hardware. No. 1 i .Market Street. L'hilalcl phia. Saddles. Bridles. Harness Trunks. Whips, Saddle Bags. Bridle Filling. Bits. Stirrups. Buckles. Carpet Bags, est. June 16, '54-1 y. CAUTION. All persons are heroby cautioned against purchasing, or in any way meddling with a two horse wagon and a pair of boh sleds now in the possession of P. H. Booz, as the said property bilongs to me and is in his possession as loan only. JOHN BRURAKER. September 23, 1S54. AT. LANE k CO. Wholesale Clothing Storn. No. 171. Market Street. Every varioty of ready rn&ae notamg, in ma ac; fashionable styjai iuxUnTitlr on hmit - TVi ",tl. .rr- A. M. HILLS. D. T). S. OE00 eonatantly on hand GRAIIAM;S BIAOAZINE.-InITX VOL-LM-E. 1854. In ancouticiiig Li readice receive orders for the New Volume, the editor dot not know he has any very brilliant ideas to h0i3 out ia largo capitals to da trie ptopie B -Grahain" will be pretty much what it hki"utn the last volume, with some improvements wiich experience suggests. No number will contain le, ;han 100 pages of matter, and the readers of Gra ham" may rely with great confidence upon this the volume shall contain OVER TWELVE HUNDRED PAGES; Of the very best reading matter that capital caa command from ojiginr.l sources, or taste scleet frota tho vast mass of available material. The aim of the editor will be to produce a fuo. licatioa which sholl be valuable in matter, thi choice in tasta and style; and he. flatters Limstif, from the known talents of his contributors, that h will bo able to present as many good oi iir.al ar ticle to his readers as any publication of the 5y. He shall noU however.-hesitate to publish, froia time to tiuic, articles from English authors, acd translations from the best German and French writers, provided the pieces have r.cvcr before ap peared iu print in thii country. Essays oji impor tant Political Subjects will likewise bo inserted, and criticisms on the Literature ' of America aci the movements of the Age. The Lcvicw Depart ment, in whish a largo and liberal spirit of crit icism will always be maintained, will be extended. For the defence of American Ditcrature tho editor will always be ready ; the mat nt.ii nance of a cor rect tone in ihc Magazine, ho Hill, if possible, ha stiil more watchful. E.Un SCMUKK WILL CONTAIN AN" EXORAVIXO FROM 1 nE SVE El PLATE IX ADDITION TO THK VROICB DESIGNS AMI ENGrtAYiGS OF DEVKISfX, who will supply illustrations for the text in ih bouy of the book. 'J he aim of the editor trill i o; ba so iuu:h to increase tho number of his eczrt- iags, at to secure for those ho publis hs the nt- most finish the artist caa give tr.fiu : tor common wood-cuts are so easily multiplied, that tho most indifferent publication may outrank in dreary dis play the choicest periodical. 'i he Editor does not feel, that with his own rea ders, he can increase his ci-iui3 to respect by in sisting on any very great superiority of 4Griihm' over several similar publications, but t"uii.k be may safely confide in their friendship for th Magaiiue, and in its past management lor ;t pre sent list, and such increase as naturally gtows cut of an extended circulation in a country where rcadis are multiplying so rapidly. Of the Januiry number the first adition will h ."O.i'OO copies, aud the editor-trusts his old friends will bo s, prompt in renewing old clubs, and ex tf ::i!irg the list among new ones, that tha r-; odiiioii sua'l be but half os what tha yenr will ul timate! v establish, as the porraiastit emulation of 'Urah.i'n:." Postage. Subscribers in any part of the United States may now receive the Magazine, by mail, at thrco cents a number or thirty-six cents a year postage, payable at tho Post-office whero it i3 ro ceived. Poslmastois and Editors all over the Union, ere respectfully reucru-d to act cs Agents for ii Ncv Volume. TtitMS. The Terms of Graham"' tre Ttrea Doiiars for single subscribers, if paid in advance. For sis dollars in advance. oLe copy is sent thrc ves-s. Wo continue the followitiir low .terms for s to be sent ia the city to one aiJrcs3; and ia the country, to one I'ost-odice. - copies, 5 " (as 5 ft per an. one 1 to the gott&r up; 10 3 ' ' in ii " " " " " :u ' 1 he money for CluliS always should-be 6er.t ia advance. Subscriptions nisy be ss::i at our risk. When tho s-um i large, a draft should beprosarcl f po'stble the cost of which may be deducted from the amount. Any person desirous of receiving a eery rt a s.tE2pic. caa be accommodated by no'-itviL ts Editor by letter, (post-paid.) j AiditSJ. clwavs post-paid. I " GEO. R. GRAHAM, Editor, j Ang. 23. 105 Chesnut st., Philadelphia- i c. -w nr. c.n'v mrt nr, Th. on. dersigued have eutercd into an iirracgrrr.er.i by whioh ihey egreo to furtish the Krti;-k,:ibrc!irr Magaitce. (monthly.) the Horn Journ il, wenV'.y. aiii the Musical World and TiiscJ, (feek!r. u new subscribers, at the very xcoderate p;i:e cf fir dollars, a year sor the three publics! :.ls ; ail or ders, enclosing that amount to Dyer 4 Willis, will oe promptly attended to - SAMUEL IIEUSTON. Publisher of the Knickerbocker, MOR it IS k WILLIS. Pitblislmrs cf the Homo Journal. DYER k WILLIS. Publishers of the Musical World and Tiiae, 275 Broadwar. New York. GRAND LITERARY AND AldiSlIC COM3! NATION. Arrangements have been made to 'furnish tha Knickerbocker Magazine, the Home Journal, od the New York Musical WorU and Times, to Et subscribers, for five do'lirs a year." This is cheap litcrcturo, with a vc.isroance. The Knickerbocker is 51 per an:um the Horns Journal, the Musical World and Times. S." ; making SQ a yesr at the us. tin I ritts. .Thit three such works enn be obtained for five dollars a year, is a Tact truly wor thy the Caloric age, which is just cow being ush ered in.- Of the IvnickTbockf-r 'Magtiine.' editod by Lewi? Gaylord C-Iaik. it ia . UuBfter-ssary t speak. -For twunty yc-ars it lias been the met genial ; humorous,- and spiy '-rrionthly" in the world; find the present volume will be better than any which proceeded iU The Home Journal, edi ted by Geo. P. Morr:3. and N. P. Willis, is well known as the best fimily newspaper in America; and the Musical World aEd Times, -: edited by Richard Storrs Willis with Lowell Mason, Geo. 11. Curtis. Thomas Hastings. Wni. P. Bradbury. Goo. F. Root, and other musical writ-crs contributing: r.nd whL-h gives, among other things. erer .S-5 vsoiili of music and a full course of instruction in harmony annually, is the very best musical Jonr nal ever published. Tbbso three publications will post a family up in regard to nearly, cverylhiuj worth knowing : A:t. Scivnce, Literature;' Munis. Painting, Sculpture: Inventions. Diseoveries: Wit. Humor. Fancy, fc'cntimei.t; tho Newest Fashiom and oiher atli actions for Ladies ; Choice New Mu sic for the Sa'nl.Rth. the Cbnrch, ar.d the Firenide; Reviews an 1 I'riiieism of Musical Works. Perfor mers ar.d Performances ; in short, the very pick ar.d cream of Novelty, Incident, History.' Biogra phy, Art Literature and Science; including what ever can be given in periodicals to promot Healthy Amusement and Solid Instruction in the family and help to make it Detter, Wiser, and Happier, mav bo now obtained for five dollass. Address DYER k WILLIS. 275 Broadwsy. Editors publishing the above three time, and sending the papers containing it to Dyer k Willi, will receive the three works named, for oce year. Aug. 23, 1354. , , - . OUSEHOLD WOKDS. A ' 5IONTULT MAGAZINE AT S2 PER YEAR. Only those who road the serial so promptly issued every week by Dickens, with thoughtful appreciation, know how to prize it. -Household V, trds'' is a modern journal for the people, devoted to commoa subjects, uncommonly treaieu. excellent in style, in genius, in manner, and wonderfully irrtilo in subject. The pieces arc tb right longth; the? exhibit wonderful variety and are'nttuned to a harmonious key and remarkable, unity of.-cfTcct For the money, there is not the conal of -Hou?e-hold Words'' for a family journal. : Pleasant sto ries, useful knowledge, graceful anecdotes, charm ing essays, alternate in its pages. It ' is not al ways convenient to secure a copy of tho weekly issue on the arrival of a stearaer; in order to enjoy regularly this delightful work, w e advise our rea ders to possess themselves of the handsome month; ly reprint of MoElrath t Baker, who bring -out 'Household Words" with commendable punctuali ty, at New-York, Frederick Parker, -5 Washing ton street is the Boston agent. Dof!o'iTrjtf cript. ' ' . - ",' The articles, both in stylo and tbonghr,' are far superior to the trash thatoeenpies the pages of ao many of our popular magazines. AVi'-lorA Atl,s. - v - ; ,-; - . : ; !-'..; ri .y The above are but a few extracts from numereu notiaes of the press .lately received. Those: wh wish Household Wcrds will receivo it monthly by mall upon remitting the subscription r price. Spe: cimen nsmbers sent on receipt of five red postage stamps. ' MeELRATH t BAKER, Publleher. Aug, 23. :'- 17 Spruce at., New York.-; i00 ftrreU ruh r ia J. 14. 'M. at tha Cheap itc 1 -? 11 ii V i it a? 11 13