Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 10, 1855, Image 1

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;.-:.?f :' ,l:.,uT. .: : .. -;- , ' ' ' ': " ' '.j ' : . '. COME AND TAKE ME. Dovivikr. ....... t ,' "J" ; '",.'.'. . . ' - , --' """' f
;7 . ' ; is. ' ,r- ' .- -. : ' ' ' ' ' '. '. '. I " : . .1
NO. 26.
f ," li :.. . ' ! .. r .. .. . . . . . .
i,ra-!::i;: i$sx; Joxes. I'ubtiiher. ,
Per. annum, (payable in adranae.) ! ', $t 53
.. If paid withiu.the year, " ' ' " : r 2 00
"So paper discontinued until all arrearages are
A failtir' id notify tliseonUnuanee at the cxpi-
Tnon or th tcna subscribed for, will oe consiaer
d a nw engagement.' .-- .. .'
"VfliD ni-tTrbI(.Hl n?i ibe nightly plain, -
Tbe ;litterii!ti ho:t beitu?! the iky;
One stf.r a'or.e of e'l the train. .
Cfcuiir sir.no.'.H (ka.U'J?riiig eyo.
; ' F?r.rk!lisrk! to God the cborus brakj,'T
" -'- Ytaai eveiy host;, from Yry gsm ; " -r
') But. one alone, the Savjocr spek, . - : 1
r . It is the atar of Bclh'eheni.
One on Iho racing sons I ro3 :
The ."torm was louJ, the ui.ht w;i ark,
; The ttceaa yawned, and rutl'ity b1.oiei .
. ! ; . The wind that tossed ray fvuaiorB2 bark.
; iWp' fcorrcr then tkj vitals fvoie, '
'I ' I vatb-strnck. I ceswj the tide to siom;
-When snd-ienly a star arse. .1
- i" It w aa iho Star of Lttblcbcni.?
" 'It wa8 my guMo. my light, iry
; It bie my dark f)relx)'!:cg cf:
! - And through the storm and datqer'a thrall,
"i It led me to the port of pes.ee.
" ' JTot safuly moored, my perils oVr,
' " I'll sin. first in night's diadem.
For t-vcr. acd for ever more. '
- ' 'iheitar. the Star of Uc'vLIehcm'.
, : : . - ODE TO TOBACCO.
- ."--'i'TLrico preeions 'wee 1 ! I lovetheo well, -Thy
ni2'e. viitues who ccn toil .? : '
Fo joofT yon taat. o good you siaoii Tobiicco!
. ,.; j-w l)len3iBt 'lid U cLeiv tj; cuJ,"
.To feel all orer qr.et r acS c;ood.
VTith'thccks disLesded by the ocid Tobieco!
Thy brcfta salirA, wl.en it flows
. .- . Fasl from the lips and daubs the toso.
Thy neatest beauty fully shows Tobaoio.!
,( You make the man uppear polil?
Who chews and spits from jnorn till ri.-jht,
Till paricr floors groan with their mi' lit Tobacco !
' ' TLe boy of sixteen oft appear , ,
" Lare as the man of thirty years.'
Thy ftaok dark eurtinjr 'round hi ear Tobacco t
-mt see Lint clad in Sunday clothes.
JI lcoorts his horse, torn up hi-j noso.
And puJj thy fttuits high as he goss 'Tobacco!
- ' Alt ! yes. atsl "when he comes to di.' '
No moth or worm will e'r come nigh : -They'd
snuff the n . and jrrin and cry Tobacco!
:: :';f7en-from the grare,if it be riear,) .
. s -They fly with sad, forebwliog fear. : .
Tnr worms and Fitake can never bear Tobacea?
- "THE . :V
; - - ' - - - ' : :
i. COPIU.Sttl- JKCCSID.'-;.
:' ... : . . . CHAPTER 11..'': f', "
II.'f an hour after this, wo find ,Valens and
Vcrtitia alone in the lialU Valencia is in their
lociin apartment, endeavoring to qniet lit
tle. Vare, who ha-J waked - out of his sleep,
fretting and crying. .. ;" . . : r, ; : .i ' ' - I
' Poor chiid! Iittle did it know hOAT near
were the days of its orphanage, little of Hi
mother's apjrotching cud. Ilajjpy igiioranee!
It had missed, however, that sveet,r soothing
ycicer and that plaintive niglit-song, that joy
ous coaateiicnce that ever beamed so brightly
over it, that warm bosom on ; which it iiad
nestled, and that fond, careful arm which had
erer encircled it in its evening slumbers and
most of the time, since its mother had been
lorn from its side, it had been restless and
fretful. - - - - - .' . ,: .
,- ;The lather and daughter are engaed in an
earnest conversation. The latter, listening
with eager attention,' is looking, up with a
strange, . inquiring .interest in the face of the
forlner ; while he is endeavoring to communi
cate something clearly and intelligibly to her
n.icd. ; J -?r'f 0 .'" :. ' r '.
It is necessary here to ttate, that the sudden
and mysterious disappearance of Fiducia, had
from the first, made a deep impression on her
sister's mind, and seemed likely to result in
her cootl if not,, indeed, in - a permanent
change. Her father had not failed to notice
this, wifU the liveliest interest, and. he had a
vailed himself, as he supposed, of this favdra
L opportunity of conversing wiih her about
th? glory to come, and other kindred subjects.
Then, that list conversation vbich he h?.d
nith Tier, theegh '.unkindly received at the
time, had mad its Jmpressloru-,strange, it i3
true, br;t, '-perhaps, natural ' under ' the cir
cum stances. , " r" l- '
H had told her, as the reader will remem
ir, of an invisible agaii which cculd overcome
th stoutest resistance of the sonl', and win it
over into a hearty and cordial reception of the
cew , faith. This, . ever ; siace, had greatly
.troubled her and gived htr touch' uneasiness.
She had formed to herself many qiieer notions
ccccerning It as to what it was, how'it look
ed, or whence it catcelV She, had been afraid
u go out alone,, lest she; should meet it, or
wen to g j asleep, lest she should "wake tip a
Chri3t?an.:'She was coastautly on the' watch,
partly from fear and partly through; cariosity';
and. Txor Vriitia I . she had
steal, as it we're, a conversation Firom her
father about it -
- Hence, after . ha had described in' th most
simple and touching language the glories of
the. life and' world t6 come, "and upon which,
aid he "your dear juster, to-morrow at ten o-:
clock w ill entei,,. ant having kindly exhorted :
ler to giv up the fitful pleasures of time for '
tne Yer-n-4urins happiness of th skies. ;
VertitiJ,' who had been affected to tears, said,
imploringly : .-. ;
"O do tell me about that invisible agent, it
troubles me so !"
fit's the Holy Spirit, my daughter; and,like
the one God, it is everywhere and invisible. "
."And can't I see it; fuel it?",.
"Only. in' the. heart you may feel it thtn."
"How?" , inquired ,Vertitia, quickh', and
casting an. anxious, searching look in her
father's face.
"By the fruit of its operations, my daughter.
It makes sin bitter, and dcstro3s our relish for
its pleasures; makes it a heavy, galling load
upon the conscience; and hence as I told you',
makes us willing to fly to the cross to the
lear, blessed baviour, whose : Ldood alone
cieauseth from sin."
Vertitia looked amazed at her father, and
sat for a few moments in thoughtful silence at
his side. At length,- raising her eyes, she fix
ed them full upon him, and said :
"O, father, I feel it ; yes I do! I frel that
burden, and I think it's my sin3. Then every
thing seems so changed I think the change's
in myself. O, I feel so sad so miserable !
Things don't look like they did. I cannot eat
nor sleep; I cannot enjoy the flowers nor the
sweet singing of the bkd3. The world every
thing ha3 lost its charms; 'and I sometimes feel
as if I would like to die, I am so nnhnppy. Is
this the spirit? Is it my sinsj father V -
Valens could not reply. His heart was too
full. ' lie leaned his head forward on his hand,
while the tears fell fast from his eves. Thcv
were the tears, however, of an over-joy, for he
aw that his child was seriously impressed, and
that the prayer of years . was about to be
answered. '
, "The Lord bless you, my daughter," at
length said he, raising his hand, and wiping
away the tears; "yon must go to Jesus; he'll
have mercy on you."
"How can I go ? I'd like to go, father."
"Pray to him for pardon for mercy. He'll
hear you anywhere, everywhere, my child.
Give up ail lor hi3 sake -for the world to
con;c,'; said Valens, rising from his seat; and
leaving the hall at the cail of Valencia. i
Vertitia sat for some time alone, thiuking
how strange all these things were, thinking
of her sins thinking how happy her poor, dear j
sister would soon be, and feeling as if she j
would like to go with her to the heavenly
world, if she was only goad enough.
- After "a time, she . rosa and . went to ber
chamber, and falling on her knees at the side
of her couch, for .the flrst time pratjtd
prayed to Jesus. ... , . ..,
Tha moruing .was charming. . Not a cloud
iioatcd in the skies. . The sun rose in unusual
splendor, flinging over the hills a drapery of
gold, and filling the , vallies with oceans of
soft, mellow light.. , , .
The groves, vineyards, pleasure grounds,
every. tree and shrub, were enlivened with the
morning songs of the birds, varied into every
conceivable melody, and rising to the skies
in one great, grand chorus. . In' truth, nature
never seemed more lovely, nor God' praised
more fervently and rapturously in the inferior
works of his hand. " ' '"'
' A sad contrast this, to the doings of man
during the night, to the black, wasted, burnt
city ; greater still, to the sad spectacle which
that glorious sun must witness ere it sets.
How true, alas ! it seemed on that fair and
beautiful morn, as nuturo " paid her early de
votions with such a full, swelling heart how
it seemed, that "only man was vile." But,
no! not all. There were some, very many
indeed, even in Home, whose souls had been
washed in that crimson fountain, and who
were around their alters as early and fervently.
The world, however, beheld them not. They
were immured in dungeous, in secret places,
m the dens and caves of the earth. God was
their witness, and ho was glorified in his smit
ten, alHictcd, an J persecuted ones. . Ah ! yes,
there were those that morning upon wheni the
sun of righteousness had arisen, throwing
around them a halo of glory, to brighten and
expand into the exceeding and incomprehen
sible glory of eternity. : : - . -
A faithful, trusty, and confidential old ser
vant, formerly ia the employ of Valens, was
to be entrusted with little Vare ; and, at the
Appointed hour, carry him to the sad scene of
Lis mother's sufferings and death.
. . The hour was at hand. The dial, in front of
the mansion had been watched with sorrowful
interest, as the shadow seemed to fly over it
with untold rapidity.
At length, it was just half an hour; and lit
tle Vare, full of childish glee, ' and richly
dressed, with chubby cheeks, and his mother's
eyes,' and ringlets of jet black hair curling
naturally around the face was in the arms of
the faithful old servant, on bis way to the
great square. ," -
The old servant, entrusted with the sacred
treasure, was an Egyptian, and had always been
marked for his honesty and fidelity .v He had
served in the family .of Valens when Fiducia
was a child,-and at different times afterwards.
lie, therefore, knew her,- though ignorant of
the cause of her death; or any of the circum
stances connected with it except so iar as had
been necessarily confided to him. 7' '.,
' Be was. fcow : very Id, wrinkled, and bent
forward. : Hia skin was shining black,' and his
hair, white as wool, hung in ; thick, - matted
masses over his forehead sad shoulders.,, His
arms were long, lean, and bony, but trusty,
and never did mortal arms encircle a child
with more care and tenderness; and to have
seen him, bent ( nearly double, and yet with
head erect and eager eye, hurrying along with
the child would have been curious enough. ;
Crowds were moving along the streets in
the same direction, a few thoughtful and sul
len, but the masses as full of mirth and laugh
ter, as if going to witness the sports of the
Campus Martius,
When the servant arrived at the square, he
found the preparations rapidly advancing. A
large stake had been firmly planted in the
earth, and the Emperor's slaves were busily
engaged in piling around it various kinds of
dry combustible material.
Pushing his way through the crowd, he suc
ceeded, with difficulty, in gaining a position
quite convenient, and in full view of the pile.
' At length, he observed the circular door of
the Tower directly opposite suddenly open,
and a guard of soldiers issuing instantly from
it, surrounding a female, veiled, and clad in a
coarse black dress.
Amid the shouts of the immense concourse
of spectators, she was conducted towards the
stake. Though the servant could not see her
face, yet hd could observe that her step was
firm and unhesitating.
Arriving at the pile, she was rudely seized
by two of the soldiers, and lilted up on it,
whik-two others tied her to the stake, ber
hand and arms alone being left free.
Instantly, she threw aside her long flowing
veil, and raised her eyes a few moments to
heaven, her lips moving in prayer. She then
cast them anxiously around her, over the
dense crowd. In a moment they were on the
servant fixed earnestly, . intently . on little
At the same instant almost the childs atten
tion was directed towards its poor mother,
partly through the efforts of the servant, and
in part of its own accord.
At first the child stared ns if affrighted,
then smiled, then immediately began spring
up and down in the servant's arms, and stretch
ed out its little hands towards her. Strange !
it had evidently recognized its mother." ""
The pile is now lighted, but her eyes are
still riveted upon the child, while it continues
holding out its little hands. . ' ...
The smoke is curling up, and she seems in
a state of suffocation. Presently a gust of
air drives it off in another direction, but there
are the same round, dark eyes gazing as fixed
ly as ever, only more wild-looking. :
Xow the flames are bursting out here and
there over the pile. - Now they have reached
the extremities, but still the eyes are unmoved.
Now they are crackling and roaring, and the
entire pile is sending up a red-hot volume of
flame which is whirling and dashing around
its victim, as if anxious to put an cad to all
suffering as speedily as possible. j
A feint, hollow shriek was heard, and all
was silent. In a few minutes, the flames low
ering, exposed a black, frying, burning mass.
The child, all this while, having ceased its
smiling, clung around the neck of the old ser
vant, looking askance at the flaming pile; then,
suddenly turning its head away, began fretting
and crying, while the servant, overcome with
horror, hurried with it from the shocking
scene. , ' ' ; ; .' .
We shall here let the curtain fall over this
part of our story, except to say, that the faith
ful old servant on his return was met at the
door by Valens. The poor creature's eyes
were fixed with a wild stare in his head, and
the mark of his tears were fresh on his lean,
wrinkled cheeks.
"O, mas'r," said he, the moment Valens
met him, "Missis died awful ! clean burnt np!
Did'nt seem to mind it much, jist kept look
in' all the time at me and the child here :
think Missis never did'nt do no harm," ho ad
ded, thinkingly.
- Valens, too full to speak, hastily took the
little orphan in his arms, and, putting "a piece
of coin in the poor old man's hand, closed the
door. ". ! '. . T
To be continued. '-
Infants. Beautiful is an infant whatever
way we picture it to ourselves. Beautiful in
the cradle. Beautiful upon a parent's knee.
Beautiful asleep. Beautiful at play in the cor
ner of the room, or under the shade tree ' be
fore the door.' Beautiful as a lamb in the
Saviour's arms. Beautiful at the font of Lapr
tism. Beautiful beneath the coffin lid! Yes.
beautiful 'even there, in the loveliness of death
with hands folded peacefully, with brow like
moulded wax,' with eyes closed in sleep
"perchance to dream '"with lips so graceful
ly composed, ns if to say, "I murmur - not,"
and with its entire face ; radient wilh a smile,
which is the imprint of its dying vision ! r- '.: '
Stellar Conjunction. The New Orleans
(La.) Delta says : .tVe have : a friend, (don't
say it was us, dear reader,) a six 1 footerj who
was promenading on a public occasion with a
magnificent woman. TVe are the observed f
all observers! said the gentleman ;! '.?t' ("
? "Yes,"; replied the lady, "we are two bril
liant stars.". : ' , '; . ' l'.. -v.''
; "Put the stars together,", responded : the
gentleman "and what 'brilliant run they
would make V'.l-'' I?', . it. '.a.
3&sit Hon mm.
-: - .. - New York, "November 13. )
Srve,itg Hundred and One, JVarrow St. .,
My friend Damphool lately became convinc
Cd that according to the comfortable predic
tion of Mr. Miller, the 'end of the Earth' would
become' speedily visible to the naked eye, as
that amiable gentleman had advertised the
world to burn on the fifteenth. According to
the programme, the entertainment was to com
mence with a trumpet solo by Gabriel, (not the
one of City Hall celebrity,) to be followed by a
general 'gittin' up stairs,' and grand mass meet
ing of the illustrious defunct after which 'the
elect' were to start for Paradise in special
convej'ances provided for their accommoda
tion the whole to conclude with a splendid
displity of fireworks in the evening. Damphool
had done nothing but sing songs for a week.
Bull Doggie, who was alsoaconvert, had pack
ed up his wardrobe in a hat box, and left the
city; saying that he owned forty shares in a
Kentucky coal min?'and was going totakepos
session of his property; and he offered to bet
us the drinks that if he stood on a vein of that
coal, he would be the last man schorched.
Damphool squared .oil' his board bill, and
paid his washerwoman, which left him dead
broke.; sold his watch to a 'blaspheming Jew'
to raise money with which to procure an as
cension robe, iu order to do honor to the occa
sion; he got one made of linen cambric; itjvas
a trifle too long, and cut him malignantly un
der the arms, but be bore it like.a martyr; he
got shaved, took a bath, put on his robe, bid
me farewell, and got ready to go up. I dis
covered the place from which they were going
to start, and went up myself to see the opera
tion in a vacant lot, where there were no trees
to catch their skirts in their anticipated flight;
very large crowd on the gronnd; one maiden
lady in a long white gown, had also dressed
her lap dog in a similar manner; a man with a
family Bible in his hand, had forgotten his
robe, and come in his shirt-sleeves; ancient
wench in a white night-gown, with red shoes
and a yellow handkerchief around her head,
knelt down in a small puddle of rain:water,and
prayed -to take.her up easy, and not hurt her
sore ancle; lady from East Broadway, come in
a robe cut low in the neck, and trimmed with
five flounces; red-haired woman made her ap
pearance with a crying babyi to the consterna
tion of the company who expected to go to.
Heaven, and had no relish for a preliminary
taste of the other place; careful old lady bro't
her overshoes in her work basket, to wear home
in case the performance should be postponed;
little girl had her doll, and her three year old
brother had a hoop, a tin whistle,' and a paint
ed horn; poor washerwoman came, but she had
only a cotton robe and scant pattern at that,
the more aristocractic ladies moved farther
away, and smelt their cologne, while the poor
woman knelt down in the corner, withherface
to the fence; Sixth Avenue lady came in a
white satin robe,' and a boy tobold up her train
and she had her own hands full of. visiting
cards;- an African brunette carried a cushion
for her mistress to kneel upon, and a man fol
lowed behind with her basket containing her
certificate of church membership, a gilt-edged ;
prayer book, two mince pies and some ham
sandwiches; old cripple hobbled up, and as he
was devoutly saying his prayers, a bad boy,
who had not made any preparation for asrialtra
veling,j stole his crutch to make a ball club.
Crowd began to separate into knots, according
to different beliefs; Unitarian, Baptists, Pres
byterians and Methodists, clustering round
their respective ministers. I noticed that one
old lady, evidently believing in the perfect
sanctity of her darling preacher and desiring
to insure her own passage, had tied herself to
his left leg witha fish line. Baptist man preach
ing close communion. , Presbyterian man was
descanting on the accountability of infants, and
asserting that a child throe years old can commit
sin sufficient to doom it to the lowest hell.
Sunrise all knelt down to pray; east wind
blew and it began to rain. I noticed that Dam
phool had found a dry place on the lee side of
a cider barrel, . Methodist man took off his
coat, and , made a stump prayer, while all his
congregation yelled Glory ! , Baptist man in
serted a special clause in his supplication, that
he and his crowd might go up in aseperate boat.
Ministers all prayed at each other, andor no
body. Know Nothing clergyman addressed a
long-winded political prayer to the Almighty,
detailing the. latest election returns, deploring
the choice of the opposite candidate, imploring
his. blessing on the next Governor, (if the world
should stand,) insinuated that he expected the
nomination himself; and concluded by advising
Him to exclude from heaven all foreigners, orl
they would refuse to live up to regulatton3,and
would certainly, kick up another row among the
celestials. . Down-town man on hand, ready to
go up; tried to pray, but from want of practice,
could only utter some disjointed sentences
about 'unenrrent funds,' 'money market,' Erie
down to 36;' (Damphool whispered that if that
man ever got to heaven he , would melt down
the golden harp into .coin, and let it out at two
per cent a mouth,) began to rain harder; wind
decidedly chilly; . their , teeth , chattered with
eold, and they began to wV&. for the conflagra
tion to commence. Naughty boys on the fence
began to throw stones promiscuous prayingi
on every side.' 'Methodist man stopped in the
midst of a long, touching supplication to cuff
the ears of a' little boy who hit with a brick;
hours slipped away; began to think the enter
tainment was 'postponed on account of the
weather.' Noon came; folks not half so sacred
as they were in the morning; ministers had got
too hoarse to talk, and were passing the time
kissing the sisters. ' Damphool looked so chil
ly that I got him a glass of hot whiskey punch;
he looked at me with holy horror, and went on
with his prayer, but before he got to omen,the
punch had disappeared; husband of red-haired
woman came and ordered her to go home and
wash the breakfast dishes and then mend his
Sunday pantaloons. One o'clock; zeal began
to cool off; at two the enthusiasm was below
par; at three rain poured so that I thought an
alteration in the Litany would be necessary ,to
make it read, 'Have mercy on us poor misera
ble swimmers.' Small boy threw a handful of
gravel at a long Methodist man, which hit him
in the face, and made him look like a mulatto
with the small pox.. Long Methodist man punch-
el small boy with a fence rail. Four o'clock;
Gabriel hadn't come yet. Damphool much dis
appointed, muttered something about being
'sold;' people evidently getting hungry; no
loaves or fishes on the ground; woman with two
children said she. was going home to put them
in trundle bed; long man looked round to see
that no one was looking, then tuckel his robe
under his arm, got over the fence, and started
for home on a dog trot. Dark; no signs of fire
works yet; pyrotechnic exhibition not likely to
commence for some time. Crowd impatient.
(I here missed Damphool, and found him an
hour afterwards paying his devotions to an 18
penny oyster stew and a mug of ale.) Staid an
hour longer, when the crowd to disperse, with
their ascension robes so bedraggled that if they
had received a second summons to go, would
have taken an extra quantity of soap suds to
make them presentable among decent angels.
Appointed myself a committee of five to
look into the matter; offered the following
resolution, which I unanimously adopted : .
Resolved, That putting on a c"ean shirt to go to
heaven in, don't always result in getting there;
even though the tails be of cxtraiength'; and
that the creed that teaches such aMn ode of pro
cedure is a farcical theology, fully worthy to
be ranked among the many other excellent
'sells' of that veteran joker of world-wide ce
lebrity Joe Miller. 'Damply yours, " -
: ' : Q. K. PurLANOER Doesticks, P.'B.
A Lover'sStratagem. A marriage was con
summated out West, recently, under very pe
culiar circumstances. The father of the bride
was violently opposed to the marriage; arM on
the day appointed for its celebration posted
"No admittance" on the gateways leading to
his house," and stationed a young man with a
musket to enforce attention to the ordinance
from the expectant bridegroom. ... Finding he
could not accomplish his object without resort
ing to force or stratagem, and remembering
that his lady love had a ring of his in her pos
session, he got out a warrant for her on a
charge of obtaining goods under false preten
ces, had her brought before a magistrate, who,
after the lover had withdrawn his , complaint
and paid the costs, soon united them in the
"holy bands of matrimony."
Temperance. An old Dutchman, who had
recently joined the temperance society, was
taken sick, and sent for the.doctor to prescribe
for him, who ordered him to take an ounce of
brandy per day. The old chap overhauled his
arithmic, and found in the table of apothe
caries' weight that eight drachms make one
ounce. ' . ...
' "Mine Cot," says the Dutchman, "that is
the temperance society for me; I did not take
but six drams before, cow I gets eight,"
The consequence was that his complaint
went off and took him with it.' :
A Hard Stort. The Louisville Courier
tell some tough yarns. It says that a fishing
party in Kentucky got out of 'bait,' and no
worms were to be found. At last a young la
dy suggested the following: 1 '
"That a physician who was present should
despatch a messenger to his office to procurs a
vial of vermifuee, which should be administer
ed to a certain tallow-faced -young man who
had been affecting some attentions to her du
ring tho morning, and if the .worms were not
forthcoming she would pay the expense of tho
medicine!" ,"
D" There is nothing that takes the starch
out of an aristocrat so soon as to nominate
him to soaio office that cerues before the peo
ple. He's as Ikwning as a dog, and as polite
and neighborly as a French dancing master.
Elections, After all, by the people, do more to
take the starch out of the ruffled shirt gentry
than any thing else.' ', ' ; ';'.'-'''" ? ' ": '
' tj.An exchange mentions, hearing an ad
dress frorrt-one of the ."strong-minded.". "She
made some good hits, but. not a very strong
case, and tipped over all her arguments : for
woman's independence . of the other sex,! by
passing a man's hat to taks up the collutionj
. lady in St. Louis has . hooks fixed' on
her garters; and visiting shoe stores, contrives
to carry off a dozen pairs of gaiters without
the disgrace of beinff seen witti a bundle, and
'without the knowledge of their owner. ' V.
SH23IS A2TD 02EE1TS. .
- From a curious article upon the popular so
perstitions brought into England by the Saxons,
many of which we know to be still : alive and
vigorous in our day, we clip the following:- '
Imagine a man believing that all these little
circumstances the falling of a stone, the tick
ing of a death-watch, a tingling in the ear, a
shivering sensation in the back, or any other
similar trivial occurrence greatly betokened
some good or evil fortune.what a strange sort of
life he must lead ! A stork settles on a gable
of his house. Welcome. To kill the bird wotll
be open sacrilege, for the stork is a harbinger
of happiness, ne receives the visit withafeel
ing of delight, and hails it as a promise cf
good luck. - When he goes out, a strange dog
follows; here again is another sign of prosper
ous fortune. A strange dog never follows any
person without good luck speedily coming cn
the favored one. Welcome to the dog. "When
night sets in, the man looks upon the shining
points in the hesvens, the jewels of the Tifght,;
and notices a shooting star. Good luck again.
He forms a wish before the star has disappear
ed, and the wish is certain to be gratified.'
Moreover cur friend Is lucky altogether; le
was born with a caul, and this is certain to ren
der him remarkably fortunate, besides having
tho extraordinary efiect of preserving anybody
who buj-s it from a watery grave. People now-a-days
are short of faith, and prefer life pre-t
servers of another sort such, for instance, as
cork jackets. . But our lucky friend, besides
being born with a caul, having a stork on bis
house, a stiange dog at his heels, and wishing
himself good fortune as a shooting - star flits
over the face of the heavens, has found, una
wares, some four-leaved , clover,-and on this
account, as well as all the rest,: is eu titled
to the best of -luck- all bi life long. Fortu
nately, too,': he haS been ; seated ' inad
vertently,' between a married couple ; at
a dinner table, ' and this ensures a 1
"Home, and in the enp of life" ' '" ""-'
That honey drop, a pleasing wife," . t
and at no distant date within the twelve
month, as sure as the zodiac. ..- i : " ' 'I
We omit, for want of space, the stealing of
a potatoe to cure the rheumatism, the spilling
salt as betokening strife, the tingling in the
ear as a sign of people" talking about you;
after which the enumeration continues.
Our friend has.beeu,relating,a remarkable
story, the visitos have been all listening anxiously-'
"Is it true, is he quite satisfied of its
authenticity V Quite. Up stands our friend.
when his chair falls backward,' and falls on the
ground with a crash. There is an audable tit
ter. Our friend-colors "rudter than the cher
ry." What does it mean? The falling of a
chair is a sure sign that the person who' sat in
it has been guilty of an untrnth. 2 Our friend
is about to present a very choice knife to a fair
acquaintance, but he knows very well that It
may sever their friendship forever- - To; give v
cold steel, scissors or knives, separates friend
ship between even the dearest friends. There
fore, some money, no matter bow small apiece,
must be paid dnly paid and the. affair be re r
garded as a purchase. Salt also must not be
given; it must be bought, else untbought of
calamity is sure to follow. Our friend has
plucked a -water ' lily, that spread' its broad
leaves and white and yellow cups upon the wa
ter. No harm is done by this; but he has un
fortunately: slipped and fallen while he had it
in his hand. What will be the result? Perhaps
a bruise or two; nothing of the sort but he will
now be subject to fits. Moreover, he happens
to have cut his finger rather deeply,: and the
manner which he takes to cure the wound isai
simple as it is remarkable. He ' anoints .the
knife with oil, puts it into a drawer, and allows
ttoremaiu there some dayr. Sympathetically
the cut is cured. Our friend, like wise, enter
tains the notion that if he goes under a lader
he stands the chance of being hanged; that the
consequence of such an imprudent act will, in
all probability, be a long coid and a short
shrift. Then, being once or twice detected
talking to himself like - a modern Prince of
Denmark he is confirmed in the idea, for to
soliloquise is the precursor of a violent death.
And as our friend occasionally feels a cold
shivering sensation in bis back, he begins td
understand that his time ' is near,' and that
somebody is walking over his grave. ' ::"f;:"'--
Such are a few of the odd fancies which our
Saxon forefathers left us as an heir-loom .' Signs
and omens, such as ancient Soman might have
gathered from the flight of birdsand ancient
Britons from the writhings of a sacrificial vic
tim, our Saxon ancestors detected in every tri
fling circumstance of daily life. Snch fancies
are still retained in HolTaod and in -Germany,
and here,' in England, - are not forgotten.- It
seems strange, indeed, that at any time ecch
'.'.,'..'jT.-i n3 MTti8es.nsa ai air, - tli'-o i
should have effected the miiid of man, but
that they have, done, so is beyond all dispute,
and with such! folk lore" forms an' extensive-
chapter in the delusion of the olden time." ;I
. . C7" The St Louis Rtpblicu says that fvsj
days ago, a.- man. and. wife,, jn . that -.city,
were engaged in arrange ing, aaeparatietu-'
The principal difficulty wasrthe baby,- whiob
the woman tearfully begged to be allowed to
keep while the map aagrir refused-. At length,
the wi almost thtaw the child into h. hus
bands arms, and xcJsJxae4U 'iTak ltf I jcrn
soon hsv another t" , r ? , .
" - ' - . .r -. . .-