ian I5 K iU. At ,- tji ? w k mi A , ; -i' f - it -uMh m III EiFTSM'S 30HSHAL. CLEAIU'I): l l), r A., "Weliiealu,7, December 27, 18'4. , . C7"IIon. C. B. Girth and Dr. Jxo. McCcl T.ocn, Members of Congress, have our thanks for public documents. . ... TO OUR -READERS. Owing to the necessary absence of thecdi tor, a quantity of job work, and the fact that our hands -were compelled to work on Christ mas, there will be no paper issued from this ofSce next week. The loss will be our own. We will be along again the next week, all right, as usual. We must put our grouser down occasionally, to take on provisions. There's nothing like having plenty of r sour Urout on board, even if it should belike Mo,tk . er Moore's, seasoned with hen ahem ! 333T FCECJZT THE EAIISOAD The friends of the Railroad should not ne glect to attend the Meeting at Tyrone, on the 11th of January. It will soon be herb, and thos3 whe desire to go should make prepara tions in time. Clearfield should be largely represented. We are the most deeply inter ested '.in. the-. enterprise, and if we expect to gtt thereto assist us, we must set an cxani ample, andAsIrow our confidence in the project. Let ail thos3 who desire to advance the inter ests cf Clearfield county, bo there. VACANCY I THE SENATE. - Levi Foulkrcud, Esq., Democratic Senator from Philadelphia, died in Frankfort! oa Tkurs dayjast. He had two years to serve. The vacancy in the Senate occasioned by hii death, which cannot by sny possibility be filled bo . fore the. meeting of the Legislature, loaves that body a tie, and will no doubt secure to the opposition of the present Administration til the offices to be bestowed for the session, as there is but littb probability of Senator Buckalew's return from South. America by that lime. t ' A NEW MILL. Wc learn that our friend Capt. Henry Gjiok, has just completed a large new Grist Mill, in Morri townsUp, on the Moshanncn. It is with a trum'p all who hare examined it, as the d n. but k'- convenient, sr.d best finished mm i'ifwjJUu,u,j, ijjttr-air wurmance or wa ter to run the whole year, and gearing' such as was neyer 'vb3for-j seen in the interior of Pennsylvania. It is nor in full and success operation, and. surpasses the expectations of the mechanics by whom it was constructed. It was built tmdsr the directions of Mr. Jon.v Told, an experienced Mill-wright. THE CLOSING YEAR. Before ibojirnzl again visits your abode, an other act in Time's re.U drama will have closed 'another year will have been numbered with 'thoss beyond the Cool.. At such a season some reflections, regrets, cr retnorss for the past; some hones, fears, or resolutions for the fu ture, cannot fail to force themselves on the most trifling and worldly mind. A7c feci that it is the end of an old, and the beginning of a new eraj-nor can we avoid maif'esting some 'tmxiefy for the development of the scenes wrapped up in the misty mantle of eighteen nunare:! and nftv-l.ro. We are at the close of a year fruitful in great over.ts, cr.i one which will long stand pre-eminent on the page of history for its disasters, ' both' on sea- and land. The war in the Old World; the failure of crops, the durklinzoes tilence, and the casualties bv fire and bv storm In the New, have sealed its dark scroll in fclood, and clothed the euardian snirH. to 1 3 whose keeping it has been committed, with the dread panoply of the charnel. , It is the part cf wisdom so to read the past, aia ant:cipattt - the future, as to improve, the present; a;:d tlois may we all enter upon the du ties of the comiug year, remembering in our dreams of happiness that peace and prosperity are lasepcrabie from a good conscience. Then, whatever may be its events, none will be so gloomy ju to discourage, none so terrible asto '-"aJY icr to tne pure and faithful, "all -taings shall work together for gopd." - 'EznrriTics'cf'tho cleaefield acadeiy. The Grst exhibitioa of the -Pupi Is of the Gleariiel i Academy,.. under the charge of .Mr. ad 31 rs Campbell, came off in the Townllall -on -Friday eveu:g la3t.' The audience was the largest,- perhaps,' ever assembled in the building, and numbers were compelled to leave, nnabls to procure admittance. The pu- fila perforaied their respective parts in aroaa jer, not only highly creditable to themselves, but to their accomplished teachers, who have liad them so short a tjme under their charged ; ;.' The exercises, without ' exception," were inrell. selected, and admirably arranged,' evin cing, oa. the part of all concerned, no small degree of patience, perseverance, and determ ined effort. The young ladies generally, ac quitted themselves well, but had they spoken la a little 'higher' tone of voice, they would have deserved a 'higher' meed, of praise. We "arfc glad to learn that the Institution is in a roost prosperous condition,. atd promises to surpass the expectations of its most sangujne friends. The Principal and hia lady deserve great cred it for what they, liave accomplished in the fhort, ticio- they have been here; and we com- bleed them to the patronage cf all enr citieens vYtO hsv children fo edacAtf-, TIIE "GRAND PRIZE CONCERT." We have to make an apology to our readev' for Laving permitted ourself to be so far hoo winked as to notice favorablv the "Gran.. Prize Concert' that came off in the Town Hall on Monday night. "- We can only say that we were most grossly deceived, or instead of recommending it, we would have warned our patrons to beware of such a contemptible im position. "We were told that it was designed to raise money lor a sick friend, M hosc chil dren were in want, and that the articles to be distributed as prizes, would be purchased pro miscuously from all our merchants and me chanics, and thus prevent any individual from deriving exclusive benefit from the transac tion. In addition to this, a letter was written to Curwensville appealing to the Whigs there to purchase tickets, as the "object of charity," leas strong Pollock viau .. Now, since they have thus dragged politics into it, we have only to say,that it was a loco foco concern throughout, and as dishoiierable a scheme as ever a set of locofocos were en gaged in. The "object of charity," if there was one, was a certain locofoco druggist, whose old cast away stock, consisting of un saleable toys, and about a hundred weight of rancid hog's lard, put up under the euphoni ous names of "Ro3e hair oil," "Maccassar," "ox marrow," &c., was disposed of, at a hand some profit. All their trash, (for it was nothing else) except three or four articles, came out of his establishment, and he alone, excepting the managers, (brother locofocos) derived any benefit from the concern. We would not be understood as being so bigoted as to be dissatisfied because a member of another party derived advantag-j from any transaction, be it what it might. We are not in the habit of carrying 2olitics into the daily avocations of life. But when the members of an opposite party say, virtually "here, we are democrat?, getting up an enterprise to keep a tctiig from suffering, buy our tickets," and then, contemptible as such conduct would be at best, put" the proceeds in their own, and their brother lr-cofoco?.s pockets, w deem it but right and proper to-expo.-:e their duplicity and outrageous conduct. We supposed that the design of its originators was to do an act of kindness, without regard to the politics of the recipient of their favor. But we were mistaken they had no such design. They intended to make mew f'aad by deceiving the public, they have succeeded. Dut apart from all theae things, bad as they are, the scene itself, 23. enacted on Monday night, was a disgrace to a christian communi- Ity. On a stage erected for the purpose, be hind a screen of three cent calico, sat what was called a band, but the noise they made was a libel on the name' of music. On the front part of the stage stood the lottery wheel, and around it was assembled the gaping crowd, consisting of professors of religion, ladies (!) and others, eagerly watching their iotcj tsrpt j ircrie wony tog,- or axotfle of "ox marrow," and then run home, like a child with a stick of sugar candy, gloating over their prize. Our Court at the late term, took especial pains to inquire into the where abouts of gambling houses, yer the officers cf the law could stand quietly by and counte nance a swindling operation, ten fold wcrsa than any gambling est'tbliyhnr in t!.c co-.n- ls conclusion, we desire to say tint the terX sen whose name was used as "the object -of Chf.rity," was not only ignorant of the fact, but did not desire assistance from any quarter. A member of a beneficiary associa tion, he could, at any time, apply to his broth ers when in v.ini. and he would scorn' taking a single cent procured by such means. When he recovers, and learns th? manner in which hi3 name has been used,' the managers of the "Grand Prize Concert," had better '"make themselves scarce," as he 'is not one of the kind to suffer himself to be used in connection- with any such disreputable swindling operation. PUBLIC ATT3"f OF COTJST PROCEEDINGS. ; We understand some objections have been made' to the publication of the cases tried in our Quarter Sessions, and that some of the parties have made threats to injure us, if we published their names. We have done so, and if they desire to carry their threats into execu tion, wc have no objection. We are not to be intimidated by 'theats' or 'blows, in the dis charge of what we believe to be our duty as an editor, and whenever such characters under take it, they will be most likely to get the worst of a bad bargain. .. If men see proper to commit ofTenceSsgainst the laws, and the peace of the commnnily.and thus get into the Quarter Sessions, they must sutler the penalty, and the whole penal!. It is but just 'and right that the public should know who commit crimes, that respectable and border-loving citizens may be on their giiard,and it is the duty of an editor to expose' all breach es' .of the peace, and ; all offences' against the taws, as well as the penalty which the Court Visits upon the perpetrators. In addition to this, it will have a tendency to prevent the nu merous' violations of the laws, and thus not only preserve the peace, and order of the com munity, but by decreasing the busiues of the criminal Courts, lesson the onerous taxes lev ied upon our citizens to sustain them. Repeal of the Caxal Board. One of the first duties of the new Legislature will be the repeal of the Canal Board, and the pi icing of the works into -honest and competent hands, until they shall be disposed of. . The people demand this reform, as the late election shows. Lft it not be neglected. From Quebes. Lord Elgin left here for England, via New York. I He delivered two farewell addresses, and was escorted out of the city by a guard of honor. . Sir E. Head, the; sew Governor-General, held his first levee at the GoTTnment nonse jfcgtrdaf. TIIE NEWS. Sf The "War. ?The news, although devoid of anything ex I citing from the seat of war, is of the utmost importance, inasmuch as it is announced that the most important ncgof iatians were in pro gress, and Austria had signed a treaty of alli ance with France and England. There is no news whatever of importance from the seat of war. Frequent sorties are recorded, and the Russians were generally re pulsed without much damage on either side. The . allies 'were continually receiving rein forcements, and were mainly engaged in strengthening their positions. .. .. .. .- , The main interest of the news is centered in the negotiations, which had become complica ted, and of vast importance. A treaty of alliance between Austria, France and England, was sigucd at Vienna on the 2d inst binding, it is supposed Austria to de clare war against Russia within one month, and England and France fo guarantee Austria against invasion or insurrection. Austria calls on the Germanic Satcs to support her with federal troops ; but Ilussian influence is at work in opposition to this. Commercial letters assert that Austria entered into this treaty unwillingly, but consented to it in pre ference to breaking entirely with the West ern Powers. . : Nesselrode has published a letter defining the four terms on whi;h Russia will acce pt peace, namely : A joint protectorate of the five Powers over the Christians in Turkey; a like protectorate over the Principalities, sub ject to existing Russian treaties ; the revision of the treaty of 1841, to which Russia will as sent if the Sultan will; and the free naviga tion of the Danube. Prussia and all the Ger man States were hastily putting all their ar mies on a war footing. It is said that Omer Pasha, with 40.000 troops, is about to embark for the Crimea. Admiral Ilaraelin had re signed the command of the French squadron :.. il. Til . .1. i 1 1 , m ' in me iiaci. ,7ea, anu roiurneu to x ranee, ine remainder of the French troops in Greece have been ordered to the Crimea. A prepo sition for the augmentation of the British ar my to the extent of Co,0C0 men is to be sub mitted to Parliament. Prcci Sraia. The Spanish Chambers have decided to sup port the present dynasty. The ministry re signed upon some trifling unancial defeat, but consented to resume oflice. The latest intel ligence however, is to the etiect that the crisis continued, and that Etpartcro had advised the Queen to send for Madoz and Oleazo to form a cabinet. . '. , Trora Eoaton. A fire broke out at No. 1:2 Sclool street, known as the Newspaper Exchange, and oc cupied by George J. Bemis, Moore, Riddle & Co., J-fem Wilson & Ron, and other printers. The newspaper offices burned out or damaged. 2r (sTlw Xew F.nglufKl Jr'arroer,-" -"THo Mas sachusetts Ploughman," "Christian Register," "True Flag," "Puritan and Recorder," and "Youths' Companion." The fire was confined to the upper portion of the building, the stores underneath escaping damage except from wa ter. The loss amount? to about 10,000. PROCEEDINGS OF CO CRT. Cov.rt was called on Monday afternoon. Judges STt vw and IIovt on th Bench. . The ?)ops;ablos made their returns, and in conso pincneo of the comcndable strictness with Miiic.i men- iiunws inierrogaiea mem, a num ber of Tippling and disorderly houses were discovered, and the guilty parties indicted. The determination of the Court to preserve the morals of the community, and to use all their authority in suppressing gambling and tippling houses,' will meet with hearty approbation from all order loving and good citizens. After the Grand Jury was cmpanel 'd, and some other preliminary business attended to, Court adjourned until Tuesday morning, when Judge BraxsiuE took his seat, proceeded to business. In the Quarter Sessions the' follow ing cases were disposed of : Commonwealth vs. William and Margaret! P!;anix, Surety" of the Peace. Geo. Gill, prosecutor, sentenced to pay the costs. Comih. vs. Joseph Pearce. "Verdict "guilty." Sentenced to pay a fine of one dollar, &c. Comth- vs. Isaac Bloom Assault and Battery. Deft, plead guilty, and in mittigation of sen tence, showed the assault to have been com mitted in self defence. Sentenced to pay a fine Of five dollars and costs. Any man in his position, would have done likewise, if he pos sessed the courage of a louse. 'Ccmih. vs. Wm. .Iddleman. Assault and Battery. Deft: sentenced on hearing to pay a fine of five dollars, and costs. Comih. 'vs.' Wm. IF. Wilson. Verdict guil ..:v r :. v. .. ir. - i ji , ty' Sentenced to pay fine of S20 and costs. Comth. vs. Henry Waplc. Deft, pleads guil ty.' Sentenced to pay $20 and costs. Comth. vsi Robert Pennington el al. Indict. 'Riot.' Verdict 'guilty.' Sentenced to pay costsj and be confined in jail, each, two days. Robert, Jr., sentenced for thirty days. Comth. vs. Jacob -'Youngi Indict. Perjury Deft, acquitted, and Isaac Simpson, pros, or dered to pay the costs. ; ' ' ": In the Common Picas: two' cases were dis posed of, as follows : ' ' ': 'Jane Hunter vs. Joseph Hunteri Libel for Divorce. Verdict for Plff. Set "aside by the Court. New Trial. G. W. Schoff vs. Robert Lytle. Verdict for Plaintiff. . ' The remainder of the civil list was continu ed by the court, until February terra, and on Thursday morning, adjourned. ' We believe,1 that sickness in his family, was the cause of Judge Burtiside thus putting an end to our coirrt in two days. It produced no little dis satisfaction among parties and their witnesses, who were in attendance, prepared to go to trial. It was certainly a serious inconveni ence to ail too parties concerned, but if any of the Judge's family were dangerously ill, it should be an ample excuse. Whether this wm no or not, we ncable to my. Quit jingling the sleigh bells. .-To one and all a happy Xew Year! A swindle the ' Grand Trito Concert." ' ' . "Do Nothings" the members of Congress. Going the sleighing, and our pilo of paper. Owned the Sunbury and Eric Kail lload to WiUiasr.sport. Tight the money market, and some of the b'hoys on Christmas. . Ahi'iys an han.l fresh Oysters at Charley GreafFe. Call and try them. . ' '- Appointed M. W. Izzard, Governor of Nebras ka, by President Tierce Sour Irotit the connecting link between dam aged cabbnge aud pickled manure. Connct-'d Vi'. II. Martin, clerk in tbo Balti more Tost Office, of robbing the Mai!.. The inauguration on Tuesday the lGth of Jan uary. How many arc going from Clearfield? Bring it on that gobler for New Year. Should we get more than one, we can eat them they wont bo lost. Disgraceful the conduct of some personsat the Exhibition on Friday evening. They manifested little cither of sense or propriety. Ptjht. An effort is being made to procure mon ey to purchase instruments, and organize a Citizens' Band. 'Ve Lope it will be successful. A It out. xomtwlte-re. Mr. Throckmorton denies, most distinctly, ever having mado an affidavit that bis wife wa3 not assaulted by iJr. lieale. fnrpressiou pa-pcr for sale by Thos. Itobbins. at tho store of M. A. Frank, in Graham's Row.. Aldo a lnrge stock of valuable books. Call and see. JT'im'niggit l ourself, and a goo 1 miny others on Monday night. The next 'lottery'' that getfra notice in our p;iper, will have to bo wide aivakc. Spier our I'cvil's New Year's Address over the 'left you know, liut still, don't forget to buy it, when he calls on you on Monday morning. Almost a fire. The Court House caught fire, Inst week, in tho Grand Jury room; but the liamef were speedily extinguished, without doing any materi al injury.-. Have a clear conscience those friends who call ed in during Court and paid their subscription. V.'e are sorry there were not more to follow their example. Convicted Arrison, of '-iuferual nj.icbiBc' no toriety, at Cineinnatti. The jury was out three hours, when they returned a verdict of murder In the first degree. Grand shooting-match at Pol Bander's, or. Mon day next, ("New Year's Day.) Sol is a clever fel low. ud is making cstecsivo preparaiio53 Don't fail to attend. Conjirmed the appointment of Col. Stuptoe, ns Governor cf Utah, by the Senate. brigham Young i4wont give up the ship,1' and 'we may aaticipata some fun. Bid practice souo people have of carrying off cur exchanges. Wc would thank tbc-m not to han dle t'..cm at all, and then when we want them, we'll know where to Cud them. Faciuatiiig to fee a young lady walk as though a Oca was biting her on'each Lip. She is ju.-t the match for the dandy who steps like au open witg td turkey traveling over a bed of hot ashes. On our t i'dr. "Household Words ' for Jr.nu.iry, one the very best numbers yet i.iued. 53 per year, or 3 ') for it and the Journal. Pub'.ibhcd by J. A. Pis. So. 10. l'aik Place, New York. Soon Le here New Year's Day. "Wba would be a turkey ben, Fed and fattened in a pen, Tc be cat by hungry mea !" A good example that fet by tha chri'M.Trs. Church tldcrs. ny.tl others.-woo c;i.?iatt"l so larre ly in the lvlirrT on .Mcrday nis;lit. V beautii'ul r tneir fa- viour's birth ! A.'t areomod-itingagcnf Jarccs II. Gailcr. ?!;;cc Agent on the line from Tyrone to L'rookviiie. lie's a clave r fellow, a::d deserves a puff for get'.ini; tfiint package the other liight. If you want ;i fd. vor, call oa Jim. Tiiicreuing. Tfc--r":; n lor st.ir. ling over the way dressed in u?y).J t-iticrs .VI tut a pair of new bootj. c': whijfs !;- '.ri; i.:; th-j u:u J with bis coat sleeve ! - ilow cf:.n $.- v. c s.-.a tho same principle iii a liiou.ttU v.bs-r forms? In toi-n Co!. A!?.r:s-.!or. tf tl-3 -Clarion Pem ocrnt,' la.-t week, l.-.-.sklni? 'Lough, tho 'hinsey moon' was i;ot yet "vtr. M.y it Isxi forever. Col . and may you soon be surrounded by a happy, in telligent, and numerous ofiVpj'ng! To le rrpei'.fd. There is s,mc ta'k of having the Exhibition of the pupils of tho Academy repeated, as a large r.u.jibir of per.-"iLs were unable to hear the exercises. V livjus it wi'J 'undone, aud that au admittance fee will be chrgf-d. and applied to s nie benevolent objeet. Slvd. ing au all.'inj t some ptrsaiu in town to ,ret up, ft reading room, rtiiJ.ii Conine of lecture?. We should like to sco it su-;-e'--ri;l. It would be far better for some of those who arc in the habit of leafing about our oifice. to spend ihcir timo at such a place, both for them and for us. Vire. The barn of Xrr. J&tncs Gunsaulus. in Jvartbrsus towiiFhip. v;as uestroyel by fire, on Thursday :d,'ht. tho 1 ltliir.fi. A. largo quantity of hay. grain, r.ud a imniVir of slic-p were entire ly destroyed. Lops .about Ij;J0. Thought to bo the work of an incendiary. " Deserve Wi7-Mr. E. S. Duudcy. and Geo. AV. Itheem,for tbc-ir cxceilent musia at tbo Exhibition on Friday evening List. If the '-band" had play ed there might have been a good deal of noise, but the only tune they can approach, is tuo oco '-the old cow died on." Is now iii Washington Edmund Lafayette, the grandson of Gen. Lafayette, and tho only lincaldc sendant of tbo illustriousdoceaesed. t'n Wednes day ho visited the two houses of Congrcsss.ar.d was introducedto members and others.' After making the tour of the South, ho will return to France. Our compliments to the friends who invited us to dinner on Christmas. As we-couM not visit all. wo compromised the matter by remaining at home, And regaling on a haunch ot venison, than which ' finer or fitter. Xever rp.gn'd in a forrest or smok'd on p'attcr.' Religions! revival. Wc learn that the PrCsbvte- liau Congregation at Fruit Hill, under the pasto- ! ral charge ot tne ivev. .). J. Hamilton. Iia3 lately received an addition of t wohty-five or thirty mem bers. They had tuito an interesting meeting, and a large number ot persons were converted.- . Important announcement. Ourdevila beg leave, respectfully, to inform our patrons in Clearfield and Curwensville. that they will give them a call on Aew i ear s morning, when they hopo to.fin I them with their ' packets full of rocks," ready to buy their '-Carrier's Address." Christmas. The day passed off merrily, and all the young folks were in their element. " The Old Fogies stayed at home and rocked the eradlc. whiio Yonng America, tookasleigh ride. The children, laden with candies and toys, were in their glo ry, aad'every body seemed careless and happy. What a pity Christmas don't last all the year!" Paid mj a visit Col. Brady of the Jfff'rsonion, last week. , Says he has suspended operations un til ho can procure paper. - Thinks he has some froze up somewhere in a koel-boat-don t know where the d 1 it is. . AVe hope the Col. will soon find it, and that the 'Meffersonian" will resume its visits to our sanctum. J - .. The- last notice AVe have given scvercl not ve ry delicate hints to thoso who are in the habit of loafing about tbo printing offico, that their room wculd be more desirable than their company, but they seem to bo without effect. We now say to all who make a practice of running here, be they whom they may, unless on business, that we cannot, and will not put op with it any longer. If they havo not good sense enough to stay . away, when they know they arc not wanted, they will havo to take the consequences, which they will be vcryttkely to find far from agreeable. s AVe wish it to be dis tinctly understood, that wo make no e.rc'pfons whatever. AVe want wo ojp. cither man or boy, friend or foe. to'sit or stand about the office, and disturb th expositors. Thoso who havo business c-an oomo and travsact it, and then go away. Wo have put up with this oontemptiblo loaferism m m - iiitod to, and it mcit new of. Sc'iree news. Short our Court. . :.-;'- - - ITE.I A AT. . . -' ' i- ; " ', ; -StlfTintlie jints skeetersandbed-bjrjs. AYidbws, like wedding cake, are well frosted just now. s. .; . :'' ' The judge who suspended hisopinion,-"' is in favor of capital punishment. Bonnets are no longcrjwom on the head, but attached to the back hair with long pins! It is not the false teeth which should be objected to, but the false tongue behind them. There are 185 Sunday Schools in New York under the supervision of the American Sunday School Union. ' A Lead Mine lias been opened in the heart of the city of Galena, just beneath the new Baptist church, into the hill close by. We are now in the midst of the winter solstice, and in a few weeks more we may look for a slight elongation of the days. Five years in the life" of every sober and industrious man, who reaches the age of forty five, go to support drunkards, and the criminals that diunkeness makes. Twenty thousand tons of lead are pro duced annually in the United States. About the same amount is imported from foreign countries, chiefly England and Spain. AAr alter Scott's son-in-law, Lockhart, recently deceased, leaves no children, and the family of the great novelist, in direct descent, is extinct. Diogenes informs the British public .. . ., . that railway companies are like laundresses. because "they have ironed all England, end sometimes do a little mangling." . ' ' , . v,... iHl 4.Cii.u:&.w v.-u .u iwrilW.- of a boy who caught a hungry dog a;:d t ied him by the tail, then coosed hir.i out of bis l-5n svUU n Ti nf lit-.v - A man has been .irrested in New York on the charge of selling severed mail bags, knowing them to be the property of the Uni ted States. In five years the number of believers in spiritual rappings has increased in this coun try to over two hundred thousand, and they now support eleven r.cwsTopers. Joseph Ritner, a grandson of ex-Governor Ritner, was recently crushed to death by the accidental falling of a load of boards from a cart, near Crescent City, California. A paper manufacturer in Manchester. X. has lately purchased eighty tons of the back numbers of" G.loasoa's Pictorial, as waste paper. . The jail in Windham county, Conneti- cut, is to be let for a boarding-house. The operation of the new anti liquor law, it is said, has brought about this result. 'Now, then, Thomas, what arc you burn ing off my writing table V said an author, to bis ocrvcRt. "Only the paper that's written all over; I haven't touched the clean," was the reply. Many of the new houses in New York are so high and narrow "four houses on three lots" that an arrangement similar to dumb waiters has been introduced, for hoisting peo ple to the upper stories! Daidy, said a young hopefui, iefs go J up to th( ninepinaily and roll.' F.oll ! boy. what do you know about rolling.' 'Mi know j about it. Whv I can roll vour darned old eves out in loss than ten minutes.' The Panama Railroad will probably be completed from the Atlantic fo the Pacific the present momn, wnen irac.ers win oni require six hours for transfer from steamer to steamer. - ' : Friendship has a noble effect upon all states and conditions. It relieves our cares, raises our hones, and abates our tears. A friend who relates his success, talks himself into a new pleasure: and by opening his mis fortunes leaves part of them behind him. "I that clean butter ?' asked a grocer of a boy who had brought a quantity to mar ket. "I should think it ought to be," replied the boy, - "for marm and sal were more than two hours picking the hairs and motes out of it last night." " The man who can preserve his equa nimity In a neighborhood where there are "young beginners" on the drum, claronet, trombone, violin and asthmatic fifes, will do to teach a "Young Ladies" School," read newspaper correspondence, or listen to the "talk" of old calico. Move into that region and "experience" a few. ' Every tradesman who has daughters growing up, should let them acquire a knowl edge of book-keeping, since, in the changes of fortune, they may have to get their own bread. Many a young lady who is a proficient on the piano, can scarcely earn her boardj such are the multitudes of music teachers; but to an accountant, situations are always open." "' . .' There is a petition before , the Legisla ture, of Canada asking for the charter of a Northern Pacific Railroad Company. The plan is to start the road at Montreal, and pro cseded by way of Bytown and the vally of the Ottowa to the western boundary of Canada, thence along the rout, surveyed by Gov. Ste vens, of A7ashington Territory. . The Putnam (Ind) Banner wants to know what there is in a name, when George Washington Fleetwood Thos. Jefll-rson Fleet, wood, Andrew Jackson Fleetwood, and Xa poleon Bonaparte Fleetwood, were all whipped in Monroe county, ashorttime since, for bouse burning, counterfeiting,- sheep stealing, etc. j . "Perseverance," said a lady, very earnT cstly, to a servant, "is the only way to accom plish great things," One day eight dumplings were sent down stairs, and they all disappeared. 'Sally, where are all those dnmplings?" "I manage to get through them ma'am." "Why how on earth did you contrive to eat " so many dumpliugnt" "By pcreeveraaoe, ma'am," said J Sully. i -'-; COST OF CAliroSIA GOLD. For the inforamtion of those person j;0 believe that the United States thns far have been benefitted by the discovery of gld ja CaUfomia, we propose to submit a few remarks and calculations. Alter the close of the Mexican wcr and the cession by treaty to us of Upper California the world was astonished by thu announce nient; towards the close cf 1BI8 or the begin ning of 1S49, that immense deposites of gold had been discovered in that country. As soon as the truth of this report was ettabSishcd, vast numbers of persons, young and old, flock ed to that country. There was a perfect stampede of people from every State in the union, l ropcrty was sacrificed to raisj icon on- ey with winch to reach this Eldorado, vber fortunes for all wore supposed to be awaitin o e use mere etlort to gather them. The first in jurious eCect on the country was the sudden withdrawal of so much labor from the chan nels of production ; it was mainly, to?, tbat description most needed "here that is, agri cultural I.ibor. We arc not in possession cf the statistics requisite to determine with exactness the num ber cf persons who have been taken lrom tho old Statc-s and have gone to California.' Th- population of that State now exceeds two hundred thousand. But as there is a constant stream of people always in ira?:suu, either go ing to or leaving that country, the number of people withdrawn from the "business of pro ductive labor largely exceeds the population of that State. It is net our purr ose to over estimate the amount of labor that has beon withdriwn from the old States, but wc fVc! satisfied that it will be under rather than over the mark to say that from 1819 to 1851, each year inclusive, there has been an averaga of loUjUUU persons who have been during t'n,t Ijerso.:!, cr one year tor i.vj,yuo person vr,.. .,..t- .' 1 , j this labor at $25 perunonth each, or $200 per Jear-- r '-:1V- (u,t;w,ULiU) two hundred and I s -'verty railiions of dollars as the value of the . Ul.or t;,korj frfm (he easter si.3.. of th2 Rock Mountains and placed on its western side. In j addition to this, it cost on an average $290 '- "a l':c vipenscs oi me res; v:u irom j one c-'tintry to the other. This makes f$180,- t'U-.MfW one hundron and eighty millions of dollars as the cost of removal. The sums to gether make the sura total of ($i50,0X,000) four hundred and fifty millions cf dollars drained from the eastern side of the United States. To ascertain the amount of the goli obtained from that country w propose to take the gold coinage of the mint. This coinage was in 184D, 1350, 1351, 1S52, 1853, 1S51, estimated, S3. 007,701 S1.9S1.7SS 52.014,462 5 .1S7 45.S23.M5 42,000,000 Total coinage, $247,319,123 As these figures make the sum ''.il of ell the gold coined at the Mint, e;d a portion of it is known to have been obtained .Vora othvr sources tlian California, the crelit will rather be in excess than too small ; but still we pr pose to add to this amount twenty million more, as an allowance for unir.inted gold sold to workers in jewelry and plate, and which h is been consumed in the arts. The ttatemect will then stand thus : California, Dr. To labor and outfits, $430,Q0C,CC Credit by product cf gold coin and natur?, 25 21 j 223 Dr. br.lar.ee, I.?0.C50,c77 This shows that there is a b-.lr.rre :ti i:-s i:j lost labor and cariMl of over una hundred -iii eighty millions of dollar?. So faras California is concerned, it i pro bable that this deficiency is replaced tl ere ly the value of property, r?rd and personal, which h produceJ thcre. The injurious effect rf ti i vi emigration has ben felt in the undue stimulus it Ins giv?n 1 . 1 . 1 r;cos ci p.c:a:cc, inaurea i,y .uiato- ished production and interest ;d d-rnand. Another bad cfTect of this gM crop ha been tho influence it has rex;rt.d i;i stinm bi ting excejive importations of foreign goods. In the last six years the imports will excetd , lhe csports s303.OOO.OCO. Ccrcmencin-r in 1849 with an import trade of 7,Cp0,0f 0 cf 1 nominal balance against this country, it r?p- idly increased, until, in each of the nasttwo j, Vears, it has exceeded $60,X'(h(-C0. I.'onitTilU Jew mctl.- Arrival or Twiztvi: Coxvicts asd Oxs IIc.vdhed asd Fifty Pacpeks j-kom J'elgilm Jlrrcsl ttf the Pormrr and Lheir Dt'e-nlion at ! the Tombs. Yesterday, afternoon, Sergeant ;'. ,t: . . ., ; r..' 1 ' . r- , btackpole,' was coming up the bay. loadjd with 100 paupers and 12 convicts, which had b;;en sent here by tho Belgian Government, being shipped at Antwerp for ti e port of New York, lie immediately,- vvjth great alacrity, despatched bis squad of men on board the ves sel, iKjforc she bad leached the wharf, and bad the twelve convicts anvsi-cd. Tfccy were ta ken before Jndge Beebe, who was sitting in his chambers, who ordered them to be locked up in the Tombs until some provision is mada for their conveyance back to Belgium. These convicts pave their names as Jacques Gillis, J. Babbite Mace, Jos. Werr, Guilliame Bolongcr, 1-Joseph Poisons, Felix Buger, John AVager- man, John De Hague, Charles Van Huck, Lambert Joureenier, F. W. Schmidt and Pier re Mack. For some time past, many Euro pean governments have been in the habit cf sending their convicts to this country": as n matter of economy and safety to themselves. It has been found very convenient on the oth er side of' the Atlantic' to make a penal set tlement of the United States, and, according ly v large numbers of their convicted thieves, forgers, and other villains of the worst descrip tion, arc continually arriving in this city, from the -principal seaport towns in the north of Europe. This great evil should -be m some way" alleviated, if not abolished, for the, great increase of crime in the metroro'.is is. really beginning to become alarming.. We hope that the strictest measures will be used to avoid a repetition -of such another embarka tion as that of yesterday ; and we also hope that the authorities will lose nq lime in send ing back those couvicts that they have at pre sent under safe lock and key in'jhe city pris on. JVV Y. list aid, Dec. 2. r - , ' ' The Russian spies at Sebastopol seem to f be. much too sharp lor John Bull- A British sentinal at Balkalava, being astonished to per- ceive a horse with a s.ick of corn' on his back, t delibertly walking past him in the moon-light, attempted to seize him, when the sack of corn speedily became metamorphosed into a Cos sack trooper, who put spurs to his steed, and vanished before the sentinal recovered bis speech." - At another part of Balaklava, cn tho 3d, a Russian spy, attired as a French officer, boldly entered the British lines, sauntered about, chatted with the officers, learned from them where their position was weakest, and actually got ofFsafe, when "bo-saw that ore of the Englishmen had zrowa" suspicions, and bad sent off to the general to ny that ho sufpodoA ttre wm KaMfnn ep asnr3f tflftCT. time either in California or on their wav goinj or returning. The time is six vcars for 150 - 3. iiV'""--7''-'