Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 27, 1854, Image 1

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    COME AND TAKE ME. Duvitieh.
VOL 1.
A'O. 25.
. Ben. Joses, Puldisher.
- 1'er. Mincm. ('payable in aI trance.) , Sl -0
,Tf paid within the year, 2 00
"" No papfcr discontinued until all arrearages arc
paid. --
- -A failure to notify a dJaoontinuancff nt the cxpi--rii
of the term eukicribcd for, will be confdder-
d anew engagement. "
Some ftiy that 'gainit the time that season cornea
Wherein onr Saviour.-1 birth is celebrated
"The bird of dawning Hingctb all nis;ht long.
And then they say no sprite Hires siir abroad.
The nights are wholcsonic then no planets strike.
No fairy takefi or witvb hath power to charm,
!?o hallowed aud so gracious is tuc time. JIaitlet.
Hushed be tbe video of mirthfulnesi,
And stilled be the plaintive tones of care,
That from too many a heart recess -
(Jo forth to float on the widuight air; . .
., 'It ia no time for the wil l excess. . ...
No time fur the loose unbridled reign
That passion gives to her votaries
When they sever away the golden chain.
Stilled on the ears of the seraph choir
Let the lingering hymns of the season go
As they sweep their hands o'er the goldsa wire
To the anthem of love and peace below ;
. And let us keep in a holy mood
. ' - The coming hours of taut saercJ time
When the word went forth for ihc husk of blood
. And the pas-sing kuell for the soul of crime !
When the host3 of the upper region stirred
- t ' That another star came forth to shine.
j And the rush of an r.ngel's wing was heard
' ... O'er the luoop'it plains of Palestine,
-And a sofier li,jut o'tr the earth was flung
And tuc pal: stars waxed no longer dim,
' Atd forth 'cu a thousand inrp-s outrung
The ri.-ring notes of the angels" hymn.
The ssnio bright stars that llien looked doTn
WUh- a guardian w itch o'er hill and plain,
ULfuuLng geiiis in the starry crown
Gliiteri.s;; on in the blue remain, ;;' !
And the ;emn awe that crept them round
As they watehed. their jloski tbut holy time.
An eeli ib-us to-r.ight has found
In the new-born light of anolLer clime.
It has been fc".t :!i:a many a yeaf,
- The sacred spell of the ?eason"s death,
i . And brighter clow of the starry sphere
As it cf!S2o tiiat tims with the angel" breath,
IV-r brigliter yet the stjrs gleam out
As the noisome vapor shrinks away
From the open bi.dj iii it it Lung about
' J'ark'cd uu'i u'-:U:p thri many a day.
. L'.il how iLc ;.:rjt-liri .'tiii.-.g3 iome
l'p-n oar csrs trois: she voiec subliina
Of r. ha wLo rub; i in spirits"; home.
Wbo wjiitti and si:ig for the end of time!
Hark, how he tells hUm the titue .i near, .
The bird m the mm u sings all night long - ,
A. :sd the fairy ljrior,s disappear
V. iio'i he comes abrf..:
iih Lis nta'in s-
No ?,.- !. forth, nor the raL: compound
Thar g'.ows v. ith the witches' midnight t"ii, ,
N dst J s of the f"r"f t-cioe rS0Bi;J
With i! -e wirard shriek find tbe cauldron boii
No j-l:-?;v-:s ctiil the warm hearts blood : , -Vtiih
iio moi-kvry of a detcoa fire,
. .No vai ois veii wi.ii a sie.kly shroud
. The i!'-"vgi'j-ri! top of the old church spire,
For i.. .-.i.o j'.j'j.i in that dreadful watch '
On thy ray lanp.irt of Ebimore
Told how i't-y eensv J from their reve! eu!.;Ii
A i: I t'i.-ir reign atthe Ch ri.uias lime waso'er;
We (ttl it now. as he ftdt it then,
. Tht liie air is full of holincso,
And ne need not forms from the earrh cgaia
f the starry bo-t? to guard und bless.
Then tii!ed ( n iKc" c;.rs.of the seraph choir
Let iiin Iiiiering hymsj of the season go,
As thty sweep their hand3 o"cr the golden wire
To the antfceni of love ?.nd peace below;
. And let us keep in a fcoty mood
. TLe passing hours of that sacred time
When tb word went forth for the hush of blood
And the passing knell for the soul of crime
cDriginnl 3iinrnt 'CnIt
.: THE .
S e o r r K D .
. As the Emperor left the . Fornm Fidacia;
throwing tar veil hastily over-her lace, had
:sat down on the marble block. She had beard
her sentence without the least apparent trepi
dationT and sat motionless as the block under
neath her. : . ; , - . -,; .,; ; '
And yet vraa ever a helpless and unprotect
ed female seen occupying. a -situation more
truly affecting, or more trying to all the feel
ings of nature i TThat elso than the arm of
omnipotence could possibly have sustainod
her in it ? '" ' ' ,
. And then as the sutdiers -led . her from the
hall of the court, the crowd if spectators fol-
lwed rudely after. Titer conducted tlxem-
selves, how ever, " with as inuch decorum as
; could possibly have been expected. , Only one
of them, thrusting himself fonvard, caught
' lior veil and partly tore it froni her face, but
t for which he paid dearly by receiving a severe
cut in the hand from a dexterously wielded
sword. Indeed there 6eemed a disposition on
tho part cf the crowd, for some causo or oth
er, to protect rather than insult this victim of
- merciless tyranny. ; ' ; '.
Valcns, at first, threw.hiniself carelessly in
to the midstof-the crowd,- and made himself
us ronch as possible 'one of thcra.l lie even
seemed to take a mirthful part in the scene,
'or, at least, to be in. nowise moved or affected
by it. . . . t i - .
" ' As soon as they had passed out of the door,
, however, and entered the great ' square, the
soldiers as well ai rabble became more ruirth
ful and noisy, and less attentive to the person
in charge. Several of the loldiert separated
from her, and mingled with the crowd, leaving
act aa choos to occupy their' places.
Thit was ralens' opportunity. Pressing ior
wsrd; with an anxious, bleeding heart, he suc--ccded
in getting a place quite at her aide.
At length, stooping forward,- he said, in a low
whisper : - ' ;
"My daughter." 1
'Pather !" said she; in a low, melting voice,
as she cast her eyes up in his lace from nnder
her veil. . . ' '
'God bless you, my child!" said he, in a
stifled voice. . .
'I rejoice ! I'm happy, only one request. '
"Speak quickly.:'. . .
'That my child bo. brought on to-morrow,
that I may see its sweet, dear face once iactc;
see it from the fiames !" said she. ...
"Thou shalt see it. God bless thee, my
daughter farewell we'll meet again."
This conversation, no one had either heard
or noticed, and, in a moment, Valcns was lost
in the crowd.
On the opposite side of the sqnaro, thera
was a low, black building, built of roughun
hewen stone, and destitute of all architectural
taste or ornament. It had no windows in
front, and but a single door or entrance, of a
low circular shape, and which opened into a
dark, narrow, vaulted passago.
As the soldiets ' approached, the circular
door was suddenly thrown open from within,
and a fierce, s:ivcge looking monster, with a
pala blue light in his hand, stood in the vault
ed passage. . Seizing Fiducia- roughly by the
hand, he dragged her hastily along it, the sol
diers following closely after. -
Tiie passage abruptly . terminated in a flight
of black, damp stone steps, leading into an
un Jer-gronnsl apartment, consisting of rows
of cells or dungeons, dismal and filthy beyond
Into oso of. thess Fiducia was . thrown, and
secured around the body by a "fastning in tho
wall, there to await, Oh! v. t o can tell with
what emotions, the fitted hotrr.
Who, however, will say that a radif.nf glory
did not fill the doomed one's cell, that the
weary head of the poor captive did not that
night rest on the soft, warm lwsom cf son.o
angl visitant; or that, hid some midnight car
bent at th? barred, massive door, -the sweot
praises oi Lroa naa not teen nesr.i sung in
glad, joyful sir.-.ins!
Valens had remained Hrtgfriti vntsuh? till
the soldi Jra rturpc r.n l fw the" cijois4-r
door secure ry'fasteiiid, and the crowd dispers
ed. Then, with a quick step and a sad, sor
rowful heart, he turned in the direction of his
home. .
It is hardly necessary to say, that his fami
ly had bt.-en waiting his return .with the ut
most anxiety. Since he left, Valencia, ,had
been in her private apartment, while Va'.dir.u.
and Verlitia were in tho hall, in the greatest
possible distress.
Of course, he. had periled his life, and ten
chances to one would fall into the hands of his
etieniies. Hence his ivt urn was awaited with
an intense,- breathless Interest, especially by
his poor, dear wife, who, as we have said, wAs
all the while in her chamber, now on her
knees in prayer, and now 'pacing the floor in a
state of mind almost bordering on distraction.
But if be succeeded in the object of his peril
ous adventure, and could only bring back with
him any tidings of th'"lost one," good or
evil, it would be some consolation. So thought
the distracted mother so thought the sorrow
ing brother and sister.
There ! there !'.' exclaimed Vertitia, sjiring
ing from her seat ; "there's father," as the
sound of footsteps was heard at the door,
Instantly it opened, and Valens entered,
with a strange palor spread over his manly
features, and an evident struggle to conceal
his emotions. .
Valencia, hearing the door . open, had rup'u
cd from her chamber, and, almost frantic,
threw her arms around his neck, while Valdi
nus and Vertitia, standing before, him, gazed
into his face with inquiring, sorrowful looks.
, "Fiducial. Fiducia !" exclaimed Valencia,
wildly, and scarce knowing what she said.
-. ''Heaven, is merciful," said Valeria, bursting
into tears.- . . ( . . ......
, "Quickly J O, tell me, quickly !" again ex
claimed the impatient, jdmost demented moth
er. - r . . . ' . - . !
"God be praised! saw her talked with her"
but his choaking grief would allow him to
say no more. .
She yet lives then ?'' said Valencia, more
"'To-morrow at ten o'clock she will cease
from all her earthly sorrows, and rest in Jesus'
arms," said Valens, with a brightened counte
nance, r
"Oh! my daughter ! my dearst Fiducia!"
sobbed Valencia, her head reclining on: the
shoulder of her husband. .
"In the Forum did mine eyes seo her, saw
her receive her sentence without a murmur or
a tear. . God be praised for such a child,", said
he with a look of resignation.- ; .
-"TVhere, to-night ?" said Vertitia, whoso
eyes all the while had been fixed on her father,
with a strange wildness. . ,-. .
. "In the old Tower.,. Oh, God have mercy!"
said. Valens, again bursting into tears. ,
. , "Then ! shall see my poor, dear sister no
more !" said she, turning away in an agony of
grief. .;' . . '
;; f 'She desires one mors sight f of . her child,
and heaven xvill grant adying mother's prayer,"
sail Valens s he walked towards the door of
the hall. ' ' , '
' To be continued. ' " I t
Being satiated with the ordinary common
place things of every day . life, and having
heard a great deal about the mysterious com
munications telegraphed to this our ignorant
sphere by wise and benignant spirits of bliss,
through the dignified medium of old chairs,
wasbstatids and cardtables, we three (who met
again) determined to put ' ourselves in com
municatiou with tire next world, to find out, if
possible, our chances of ;V favorable reception
when business or pleasure calls us in that di
rection. Up Broadway till we came to an il
luminary three cornered transparency, (which
made Bull Dogge smack his lips and 'say "oy
sters,") which informed us that within, a large
assortment of spirits were constantly in atten
dance, ready to answer inquiries, or to run on
erands in the spirit world and bring the ghost
of -anybody's defunct relations that classic
spot for . controversal purposes, all-for the
moderate charge of twenty -five cents. (Dam
phool, who had been thre before," said that
those "delicate Ariels" were the spirits of de
parted newsboys who had been throwi out of
their legitimate business, and strive to get an
honest living by doing these eighteen-penny
johs.) Entered the room with incoming gravi
ty and crercoming awe. Two old foozles in
white neck cloths, and no collars, a returned
California in an Indian blanket, two peaked-
nosed old maids, a good looking widow, with a
little boy, our own trio, and the "medium,--
compose 1 the whole of the. assembled multi
tude. The "medium," aforsaid was a vinegar
coiiiplexioned woman, very ruby nose,-mouth
the ex. icl shape of the sound hole to a violin,
wlio v. ore green spectacles and p-ettieoat of
equivocal purity.
The furniture consisted of several chairs,
no carpet, a small -stand a large dining table,
and. it. otie corner of (he "room a bedstead,
wash st.;?;d, and a bookcase, with writing desk
on top. After some remarks by the medium,
v.e formed the magic circle by silting close
together and putting our hand on tho table.
Bull Dogge took a big drink before he laid
his ponderous lists by the' side cf the ciftvrs."
After a short length of time the table began
to snake its rickety legs, to Hap iis leaves af
ter the manner of wings; iind to utter omnious
squeaks from its crazy old joints. Pretty
seon, "knock," under Damphool's hand; he
trembled and turned pale-but on the whole,
stood his ground like a man. Knock, knock
im immediate vicinity looked under the
table, but oould'nt see anybody knock J.-;irW,',
'knock, KXOCK direeMy under Bull Dogge's
elbow, lie frightened, jumped from his seat,
and prepared to run. but sensible to the last,
he took a drink, felt better took ofT his hat
and said "d n it' and resumed his se.if .
Knocking became general medium said the
spirits were ready to answer questions asked
if nny spirit would talk to me yes. Come
along, I remarked noisy spirit announced its
advent by a series of knocks, which would
have done honor to d dozen penny postmen
"rolled into one." Asked who it was trhost
of my uncle (never had an uncle) inquired
if he was happy tolerably. What are you
about? principal occupations are, hunting
wild-bees catching ca'Qsh, chopping pine lum
ber, and making hickory whip stocks. How's
you wife ? sober, just at present. Do you
have good liquor, up there ? y es, (very em
phatically.) "tYLat is your comparative situ
ation !r-am in the second sphere ; hope soon
to get promoted to the third, where they only
work six hours a day, and have - apple pump
lins every day for .dinner 'good bye wife
wants me to come and spank the baby. One
of the old foozcls now wanted to talk spirit;
was gratified by the remains, of his maternal
grandmother, who hammered out in a serif's
of forcible raps the gratifying intelligence
that she was very well -contented, and spent
most of her time drinking green tea, and sing
ing Yankee Doodle. ' ;
i. Damphool now took courage, and sung out
for his father to come and talk to him (when
the old gentleman was alive he was one of
-'cm)-on demand, the father came interest
ing conversation old man in trouble lost all
his money bcttingj on a horse race, and had
just pawned his coat and a spare shirt, to set
liim up in business again, as a pop-corn mer
chant -(Damphool sat down exausted, and
borrowed the brandy -bottle.) Disconsolate
widow gets a communication from her husband
that he is a great deal happier now'-than form
erly; don't' want : to come back to her no
thank you would rather. not. Old maid in
quires if husbands aro plenty to her great
joy is informed the prospect is good. ' Little
boy asks if when he gets into the other world
he can have a long tailed coat mother, tells
him to shut up small boy whispers, and says
that he has always wore a short jacket, and he
expects when he get3 to Heaven he'll be a
bobtailed Angel. .' ' . . ' . '.
Damphool's attention to the bottle has reas
sured his spirits, (be is easily effected by bran
dy one glass made him want to treat all bis
friends when he has two bumpers in him he
owns adeiilof real estate and glassjfo, 3 makes
him rich enough to buy the Cnstom-iJIouse,)
and he now ventures another inquiry of his
relative, wljo (.huts hira up, by tellinghim 'i as
scon as ho gets sober enough to tell Maiden
Lane from a light-house, to go homo and go
to bed.
Went at it myself; inquired, all sorts of
things from all kinds, "black spirits and white,
red spirits and grey." Results as follows: By
means of thumps, raps, and spiritual kicks, I
'earned that Sampson and llerculus have gone
into partnership in the millinery business.
Julius Catsar is podling apples and molasses
candy. Tom Paine and Jack Shcpparcl keep
a billiard table. ' Xoah is running a canal boat.
Xerxes and Othello are driving oposition sta
ges George Sd set up a caravan, and is waiting
patiently for 'Kossuth and Barnum to come
and go halves. Dow, Junior, is1 boss of a
Methodist camp meeting. Xapolean spends
most of his timc'-playing penny "ante" with
the three graces. Benedict Arnold has open
ed aliger beer s iloon, and left a vacnacy for
S. A. Douglas, (white inan.) John Bunyan is
clown in a circus. John Calvin, Dr. Johnson
Sykesy, Plutarch, Bob Roy, Diivy Jones, Gen
eral Jackson, and -Damphool's' Grandfather,
arc about cstsblisliing a travling theatre,' hav
ing borrowed the capital, (two per cent a
month;) they open with "How to pay retit."
Dr. Johnson in a fancy dance; to conclude
with the "Widow's Victim," the principal
part by Mr. Pickwick. Jo. Smith has bought
out the Devil, anil is going to convert Tophet
iuto a Mormon Paradise. Shakespear has
progressed in his new play as far as the fourth
act, where he has got the hero seven miles
and a half up in a balloon, while the disconso
late heroiue is hanging by her hair to a limb
over a precipice; question is how the heroic
lover shall get down and rescue his lady-love
before her hair breaks, or her hea 1 pulls off. -
Spirits now began to come without invita
tion like Paddies to awake. Soul of an al
derman called for a dish of clam soup and
bread and butter. Ghost of a newsboy sung
out for an Evening post. - All that was left of
a Bowery fireman wanted to knw if Forty had
got her but fixed, and a new inch and a half
mizzle. ...
Ghost -of Marmion wanted a dish of soft
crabs and called out after the old fashion; to
charge it to Stanly. Medium bad by this time
r"st nil control over her ghostly compr.ny.
Spirits or-w.trcrs,-sKtic- s, tasfors; Ftmii'tio-ol
trembled.) babies, saloon keep.-rs, dancers,
actors, widows, circus riders, in fact all vari
eties of obstreperous spirits, began to pltty the
devil with things generally; the dining tabic
jumped up, turned two somersctts, end landed
with one leg in the widow's bp, one in Dam--phool's
mouth, n.nd the other two on the sanc
timonious looking individuals who sat oppo
site; the washstand exhibited sti-ong symptoms
to dance the Jenti- Lind Polka on BulKDor
ge's head; the bookcase kept time with ex
traordinary vigor, and made faces at the com
pany generally; our walking canes and um
brellas prominaded round tiie room in couples,
without the slightest regard to corns and oth
er pedal vegitables while the bedsteads in
the corner were extemporising a comic song,
with a vigorous accompaniment on the soup
dish, the washbowl and other bed-room crock
ery. ..-'
Bull Bogge here made a rush for the door,
and dashed wildly down Broadway, pursued,
as he avers to this day, by the spirit of an
Irishman, with a pick axo, a handsaw and a
ghostly wheelbarrow. Concluding I had seen
enough, I had seen enough, I took Damphool,
and B. D.'s bottle, (empty or he never would
have left it,) and went home, satisfied that
"there are more things in heaven and earth
than arc dreamed . of," except by lying "jne-diums-';'
jso called; - who are too lazy to work,
and too cowardly to get an honorable living,
adopt this method to sponge their bread and
butter out of those, whom God, in his myste
rious wisdom,, had seen fit to send on earth,
week enough to believe their idiotic ravings.
Disgusted but still yours, '
Secrets or ITArrixnss,. A susceptibility to
delicate attentions, a fine sense; of the name
less and exquisite tenderness of manncr.and
thought, constitute in the minds of its posses
sors, the deepest undercurrent of life; the felt
and treausred, but unseen . and inexpressible
richness of affection. It is rarely found in the
characters of men, but outweighs, when it is,
all grosser qualities. , There are many who
Waste and lose affections by careless and often
unconscious neglect. It is not a plant to grow
untended; the breath of indifference, or a rude
touch, may destroy forever its delicate texture.
There is a daily attention to . the slightest
courtesies.of life, which can alone preserve
the first freshness of jas ion. The easy sur
prises of pleasure, earnest cheerfulness of as
sent telhe slight -wishes, habitual respect to
opinions, unwavering attention to the comfort
of others abroad and at home, and above all,
the careful preservation of .those . proprieties
of conversation which are sacred . when before
the world, are some of the secrets of that hap
piness which age and habit fail to impair.
U ..xit'W uiauT luuj iiiaiiv; a l ill iuiik i arriv
.IT , I 1- A C 1 . 1 . 1.
ed a father of his son a fast urchin, ns he
came hbmo froni school. ""Well, I 'don't
kuowj hoss," was the reply of the young hope
ful, "but I guess you'd- think ono rod made
an acfter, if- you got "siicn a tanning as I did
frotwbld viegar faco fhisiflornoon." K
Massachusetts, was happily represented by
by the celeration of the New York Historical
Society. Hon. Robert C. TTi.vTiiortp made a
noble speech, from which wc make the follow
ing truly eloquent extract: -
"Let me not draw these remarks to a close
without adding a word more serious; without
sayiug that we ought, none of us, to be froget
ful that, after all, sir, there is another work
a work going; on in this day and generation
besides that of writing the history of our fath
ers, and that is, the acting of our own parts in
life. Great applause. : We cannot live upon
the glories of the past. . Historic memories are
precious and iuspiiing. Let us sustain our in
stitutions, let us preserve our liberty, for there
is another history to be written, to which
every State, and every citizen at this hour,
and every hour, is the contributing materials.
In the generous rivalry of sister States, each
may furninsh the most brilliant records cf the
past, but tills should not render us regardless
of that nobler rivalry, in which it becomes all
more ardently and ambitiously to. engage.
. "I know no nobler spectacle in the history
of the world than that of the multiplied Stales
cf this Union, joining with fraternal competi
tion which should add the brightest page to
the history of the future, the nubiest example
of well-directed liberty, fm n;o;,t complete il
lustration of the success, of that repttblican ex
periment, of which our j'jil has been prt viia
tially selected as the scene. If these thirty
one Commonwealtiis, ranged under a common
banner from oee in to ocean, coul-.i i-e seen en
gaged in such a contention as this, instead , of
a struggle forsome-utisrablc political mastery,
or selfish ascendency; instead of cherishing a
spirit of mutual jealousy and hate by striving
to aggrandi3 themselves either territorially or
commercially. at each other's expense, should
they be seen laboring side by side to improve
each ous its ok a character to reform each one
its own abuses to abolish each one its oscu
wrongs to show- the best efforts of which civ
ization, Christianity, and freedom are capable,
what a history . would, there be to the world
hereafter! "Who would not euvy the writer
the privilege of penning such a record! Me
thinks he would catch some inspiration from
the psalmist of .old his pen would be that of
At roi.lj- nrJlc.' uti aJ11 l;i;artl:?.sS skep-
tic could portray such a progress; no Gibbon
could doliniate the glowing picture. He might
be tiusted with the task which told the decline
a:id fail of empire, but a theme like that would
inspire new faith in hlia who wrote faith in
the capacity of man for self-government, and
in tho ultimate prevalence of the gospel of
Christ, which, after all, .is the oiily sure and;
effectual instrument by which, either social or
political lost in enthusiastic applasej that
history is to be written; and when written, is to
exercise an influence on the worldfor good or
for evil, such as no other uninspired history
has ever yet exerted. It is not too .much to
say that American history the history of
these United States, and of the several States
is to be the fountain to mankind of such a
hope, or of such despair, as they have never
yet conceived of. Great applause. You have
all heard how the accomplished Lieut. Maury
has been engaged in gathering the old log
books of your sailors, out of them to make
wind and current charts to render voyages
across the ocean more safe and speedy. So it
would be with the log-books ofour. great Re
public and those lesser Republics which sail
under a common flag. From those is to be
made up the groat sailing chart of freedom.
Applause. . God grant that on no corner of it
shall be found the sad record that here, upon
some hidden rock,' or there among the break
ers, or, there in. a, fatal fog, by desertion of
some cowardly crow, sensation and applause,
or by thcrecklessness of some rash helmsman,
a. 'New Era' struck, foundered, and went to pie
ces, to the exultation of depots and the deep
grief of all friends of. freeedom.-.-- Great app
plause. May it rather give encouragement to
all who range upon the same sea, that there is
a prosperous voyage before them, and. a safe
haven within their reach!" - Applause..- .
' CcEors Steatagem or Tenier. The' great
printer, perceiving that the works of painters
sold much better after the death of their auth
ors, wisely determined to anticipate the recer
sionary profits of talent;' and to effect this,
thought he could not adopt a better expedient
than to cease to live to the public. In order
to execute this singular stratagem, he' absent
ed himself from the town of Anvers, and his
wife and children" counterfeited affliction by
putting on' black. Th6 trick succeeded, and
in a very short time all the pieces of the pre
tended deceased were bought up at very high
prices, ' which, besides relieving bis present
wants, enp-Lled him to realize a handsome sum
for the future, Jlnecdoie of jlrtists.
KF"Mother," said a Spartan boy going to
battle, "my sword is too short." "Add a step
to it,' was the reply of the heroic woman.
So should It be with all our duties -of life.
When we cannot reach the height we aim at,
add a step, and keep'on adding until we reach
it; - , ' -- - . . -. , , ,.t .' -. . ;
DIf -there is anything that will swell a
man's eyes about as large as a row of pump
kins, it is to see a girl's heels half way out
of her stockings. Such '.sort of delaine is
invariably bad put together-' . -.uir! 1,1 J I
Days Without Nights. Dr. Baird. iu his
lecturesdelivered recently at Cincinnatti, s-td:
"There is nothing that strikes a stranger
more forcibly j if he visits Sweden at the sea
son of the year when the days are the longest,
than the absence of night. He arrived at Stock
holm from Gottenbutg, """Tmiles distant, in
the moi-niilg,"tirid in the afternoon went to see
Some' friends had not taken note of time
and returned about midnight; it was light as
it is here half an hour befere sundown. You
could see distinctly. . But all was-quiet in lhb
street; it seemed as if the inhabitants had rdl
gone away or were dead. No signs of life
Stores closed.
" "The sun goes down at Stockholm at a lit
tle before 10 o'clock. There is a great illumi
nation all night; as the sun passes round, the
earth towards the north pole ' the-refraction of
its rays arc such that you can see to read - at
midnight. Dr. Baird read a letter in a forest
near Stockholm'at midnight, without artificial
light. There is a mountainin Bothnia, where,
on the 21st of June, the sun does not go down
at all. Travellers go there to see it. A steam
boat goes up from Stockholm for the purpose,
of carrying thosi.who are curious to witness
the phenomena. It occurs only oae" night.--The
sun goes down to the horizon, you can see
the whole face of it, and iu fiveminutes the
sun began to rise. .
"Bird sjini. animals t -ike their accustomed
rest at the usual hours. The Leas t ike to tho
trees' nt 7 o'clock, P. M., and stay there --till
iato in th,m-rniing, and -the peopl; get into
the habit of rising late too. ' 1
Asecuotj-:. Louis theEleventh, whose mul
Irede triVxtquc was tiie Abbe Dcbaigne, dispos
ed one day to be pleasant", told the Abbe that
he should, above all things, like to hear a con
cert of hogs, not, ut the same time, believing
that the relation of such a" treat was possible.
The Abbe, however, determined to ' ho as fa
cetious as his Majesty, collected a great num
ber of the swine species of various 'agtS, 'itid
confining them in a large box-like enclosure,
-with holes ot communication, on one sfde, he,
on that side, placed a table, furnished with -a
certain number of keys,-simi!ar to those of a -.
harpsichord, but firmed, at' theSi trJf ,;" .
went through the holes, with Ion ., . . ,-4 ' .
f , , -ve first quality, and
"r" 'a-f'- ti a-lu-a. hajir!s.i wn.'iw' --
kft-haudueys, the eld Logs grunted, and when
he. touched those -on the right, the young pigs
squealed, . and by the --charming mixture, of
their high and low notes, produced a coaeord
of sweet sounds. Bonchet, who narrates this -story,
adds, that when the King was invited
to hear the Abbe's newiy-iuer,ted instrument,
he was highly dh'exU!dr lauded heartily, and
gave him. much credit furJiu contrivance.
' A Short .CorrtTsnrr. Unaccountable and"
unexpected mirriages and elopements and re
markable short courtships are getting to be
quite common of late.' One of the latter sort
occurred in Sarcpta, Miss., on the 21th ult.
A young lady came to the village on the eve
ning previous and stopped at the house of a
friend. The next morning about 10, o 'clock
a young gentleman residing in the village cal
led at the house where the young lady was
stopping, and was introduced to her. - Tbey
had never seen each' other before. In a few
hours leic-u-Ictt the-'fair enchantress so- fas
cinated the amorous swain that ha at once
popped the question. The lady, with some
confusion and much blushing, of course, ac
cepted the proposition, at 4 o'clock' the same
afternoon they were married! "Was'nt that
'hurrying up. the Stakes?' ... . f ., . ,.?
J cvenile Amer KA-.In President Allen's
lecture lieforc the Mcrchsntile Association, In
Boston, on londay evening he alluded to
Young America in the-following Etyle: "Our
children show extraordinary " precocity. ' The
Miss drops the bib in the evening, and dons
the bonice in the morning, and the belle-makes
but a single jump friom the cradle to-tbe cotil
lion, from pa to the polka. 'The boy," but we
have no boys now young gentleman 13 "the
word. foels irisnlte'd if he is mfc ?nifw if.ni
" Skttl, ,
and not called "Mister." ne goes' from W,";,
oaoy cap to the beaver, and in a twinkling
from peanuts To poiitlcs." ."He finishes -Lis ed-'
ncation at 14, goes into business at IS, mar
ries at 20, and is bankrupt at 21." , 1 '
.tlGirls who have been, accustomed to de
vour a multitude of .frivolous books, will eon--"
verse and write with a far greater appearance
of skill, as to the style arid sentiment, at 12 or
14 years .old, than those cfa more advanced
age who are under the dictplinc of severe stud
ies; but the former, having early attained to
that low standard which had been held oufto vFrs,
them, become stationary while thedatter arc "
quickly progressing to a higher strain of mind;
and, those - who early: begirt with, talking and
writing like woman, commonly end with think
ing and acting like children. Ladie Paper.
, D?" In Cuba, "(he coffin is not buried witli .
the body so tkaV.fhc same cofliu may answer
lornunureas or lunerals.. ,Jn rural village
there is a public coffin, ,es we have in our pil
lages a public hearse. ' ' "
1 , ... , i--:--
' fXr?"Many persons are how anxiously. -cxm'-ining
th maps to find tbe seat of war. V Tobies
siys be found it last summer without a niapu.
The discovery was made by sitting Aavrx trpoo
ayenowjragTi'8 nest in tay field;';-;:
; -
- "j !
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rl r-.tr?J? v.
1 '