J "fi 3 'J TJIE JOURNAL. DSMerchanta visiting the city, will Jo well to call on Martin, Mokrell & co., dealers in Hosiery, Trimmings, Combs, Brushes, and . fancy goods, No. 24 .North Fourth Street, where they will be cordially received and well treated. It is one of the best Houses in the city. KThe Know Nothing head quarters, in Curwensville, arc open during the day to vis iters, and Jacob Detiuck, the proprietor, is always ready to do every variety of Black suiitbinjr in the best style and most durable manner. Give Lima call. HThe general complaint about 'hard times' should induce us to be cautious, and endeavor to purchase cheap and substantial goods. Those merchants who have this object in vievr, when laying in their stock.willdowellto call at Pai l & Taylor's Wholesale Boot, Shoe and Straw Goods Wharcliouse, No. 2553Iarkct St., Phil'a. Cv"The best Tobacco establishment in Phil adelphia is that of Frismcth & Brotuer, 105 Third St., fire doors below Race. They keep very variety of tobacco and cigars. The best Havanas, Regalias, Principes, &c, are directly- imported, by themseves, and c-n be confi dently relied ou as the genuine article. E70ur friend the Brigade I n?pector, at Glen Hope, has just received a new and splendid as sortment of goods. Ciark is a clever fellow, and we advise all our friends to give him a call. Curwensville enjoys the repnt.it ion of being the best business place in the County, and we observe from the quantify of newgoods jurchaseJ, they are determined to keep it up. Mrs. Eliza Irvis & Sons have just received and opened a new and ipien ii-I assortment. Thy are determined not to be hcr.t foreheap goods. Se advertisement in auother column. EFThose who desire to obtain ?n excellent article of Spanish Sole b ather, will do well to n'.l r.n m.r ! Jmiv M'P;!Fi!rtV at eL' and well kuo.wu .stand at the South end cl" Clearfield. He keeps a goo,l assortment of all kinds of leather. See a-Irerti.Jw'mviit. C7"AIi lovers of goo 1 oysters, sardisies. &c, should c:Ii at the new Restaurant, in the base ment of Hemphill's Herd, where our friend Chakiky GaEAFf, vvjil l - delighted to accom modate them. Ciiafley "s sound - the '-goose question." Steward, in another colomn. .rETThe SberifTi S-les, and other Court af fairs are worthy of attention, this week. Some valn.ible property- v.ill be ex;js .:! to sale. nT"CaIl and settle. M:v. Ktiz.v Invrx is de termined to settle up her individual business. See Miotic; in :; !l:.v cdumn. T7 W call the attention of out readers to the Register's notices in another column. r7It is feared that the result of the Elec tion in New York h e pro'-vd r.nf tvorrd le, but the resu'tt of an examination f J as. B. Gra ham's splendid assortment of fail S- winter goods at his store iu Grahampton, will prove highly s ttisfactory. Call and fry it. OySinve the result of the electi r. has secu red the ' stiely of the country, our citizens can find tiinelo devote their attention more enclu .dvtdy L business. To those desiring to pur chase goods, Mrs. Eliza Ir.vix It Son.;, oiler desirable inducements at their new store in .N'ew raihisigion. n"7"It x ill be scon tliat Grahat and Vai sox have disolved partnerslap. Tl:e businesj will hereafter be carried on by James B. Gea- liA jL. lC7V.'e presume most jf our citizens rcccol lect an estimable young man named J. 13. TiooxE, formerly of this county. He may now be fonnd at the large ?nd splendid Boot and Shoe House of Bokxr, Brothers a Joxes,"No. lob & 160 Market St., Philadelphia, where he will be happy to meet his large circle of Clear field acquaintances and to accommodate them with a ch'an and elegant stock of city and eas tern made boots and shoes. Give him a call, he's a clever fellow, and is with a good firm. H7" We were much pleased, on our recent visit to Philadelphia, by the appearance of J. II. PALKTitoRr, Jr's Chemical and Drug estab ment at No. 80 South Second St. Those of our Merchants, Druggists and Physicians who desire to lay in a good and cheap stock, can not do better thaa call on Mr. Palethorp. TT-Opposite the Red Lion Hotel in Philadel phia, at 215 Market St., there is a large and elegant Quccnsware establishment, not surpas sed by any similar House ia the City. Our merchants caa always obtain a splendid stock, at the lowest prices, from Jons Y. Ri-sutox & Co., Importers and dealers in Earthenware, China, Glass, &c. See advertisement. K7 Persons having unsettled accounts with F. P. Hcrxtiial, are requested to call and settle them. Sec Notice in another column. 7-Let it be published in Clearfield, let it be known in Curwensville, let it be proclaimed throughout the county, let it be wafted by the rciitle breeze along the West Branch of the Susquehanna, that P.vrrox & Hipple, have , ;ist reccirei the largest and best selected -?ock of goods ever brought to Curwensville. Seo advertisement in another column. CP If John Mitchell doesn't like the way that Americans rule America, the world is be fore him and he can go elsewhere, if he choos es. While, however, he makes our land an asylum, good taste, and good manners suggest that abusive language toward the majority of our people and the rulers whom they choose, should be very sparingly bestowed. While we criticise each other with great freedom, we are apt to show small favor to interlo perB. lowdl (Mass.) Covritr. Correspondence of the Journal TYB0X3, A3T.D "EE.IE A. S.CA5. Philadelphia, Dec 13. 1354. H. IE Swoon:, Esq., Dear Sir: As you are (he only one of the Editorial fraternity f Clear field with whom I had tho pleasure of becom ing acquainted during my short visit to your enterpising Borough in August last, I have been induced to think that a few remarks from me upon the subject of our projected Railroad, will not be ill-timed or unaceptable. In anticipating the meeting of the friends of this great measure, which is advertised to be held at Tyrone City, ou the 11th day of Janua ry next, I must be permitted to express the hope that it will not only equal, but far sur pass their most sanguine expeetations.and that every true friend of our Railroad will return from this convention, fully convinced of the great importance of the undertaking, and the necessity of uniting every effort towards con summating an enterprise which will undoubt edly bring such an abundance of grist to their respective mills. As an early and constant advocate of the route of our proposed improvement, I cannot but regnrd with pleasure, any and every move ment which has for its object the further expo sition of its merits as a line of communication between Philadelphia and her little sister on the Lakes, and 1 hope that our meeting in Jan uary will prove the dawning hour of its inline diate prosecution and its future prosperity. There are and have been few enterprises of a similar magnitude, which combine so many advantages and which have such strong claims upon the attention and support of our entire business and travelling community identical with the State road for 70 miles, and with the Peunsviv.-inia Railroad for 151 miles, our Rail road should undoubtedly becoma the great lateral feeder conveying iu one unbroken av enue the immense freight of tno Lakes, to one common c ::tre increasing, to a gt .".it extent, the amount r.f revenue to both, and enriching our beautiful city by the concentration .f a trade which is now almost lost to her al though within the limits of our own iron bound Commonwealth. XV.tr as we are to our modeft little City on Ike L ikes, is it not wonderful, or sontewh.tl marvellous that us yet, we are only connected with her by a State relationship The ties of blood are really strong, but. you v.ill agree with r.ie, iu these times. the tis id Pennsylvania are somewhat ttronger and t:s sured'y mi-re lasting. Here we have a route which lies wholly with ;n ot.r Commonwealth; a route which ia point of dtVrc'i,'-'il ,u'-'l be.il advantages, has no su-Tvtrior- i route which net ontv serves as a A ----- j . means of develop;. the v.iit resources which ,:..-:.- .v..vw r.w.r . f r.vi..-soil. V-'it which will pour th.'Ui dVvn in one incessant 'i.rea:i: to our beautiful city :nd give life and animai'U to lie;-c:: !:'::-. i v.ere is nt a p iinf vel Tyrone City and Ridgeway that illiu-tj :-.dd a lhir eqiiivaletit for the l-eneit bestowed ly the construction .f this k :. !.- Rvery acre ! the rout-.f s -eiiis to !e undertaitl with iiiiruitablc vaults of iit.2rinoiis Coal, and course I with forrists c.f boiiuiiful timber, that will long smila at the axe f the v.odmnn. There cm be no estimate tv.rmed of the wealth that must be diffused by tha devolf.pmont of these truly wo-.vd.Tfu! r.-.c..;:nces, and if" the friei-ii ' this Ra.i'ro'td ;:r. tin to the:n:elves and their i.i-tevest-1, '.Ley will not b'-s.g suHer th-; golden uio in ..!. to p;.' s, when by a little el!-rt tl.-'y-;;j re p the rich L !. est '-hleh nature !. -: jtivsi thcia. I -tr- -. -: .r -iv:.T.',E eXtj.l ; ( ;i t:V. ii : J . e! ; U!"- ther, as I in fen b- i. l.wt I am sure it is not now ;;-y, as tie. re are few, either here or in your !ai i?, who do not Ijok upon the con st ruction of this road as of vital importance. I hope we shall have a grand gathering at Tyrone on the 11th January next and at that time decide upon mcarmres c diiccd.ttcd to ad vance the vnterestsf or.r common enter rise. I feel asHured that l'hil.d.dphia, at rhat mat-ting, will Lo will represented, and will speak words cf hope an 1 e-u.st'ort to the lug tried frkt'.ds and advocate : f t!io Ty.-.me, C leir field an 1 ErU- Kail b- -. i. nojiiag to see you ae.d'my many friends ol Cle.iiiiel l on the llt'a proximo, I remain Very Truly, Yours JAM1-:S R. MONTGOMERY, Civil Er.gimer. LcxcFORp, Ireland, Nov. 1 1, "51. Dear i'ir : I have at Ut set down to write you a few lines from this '-isle of the Ocean"' and the land of my birth. I have been ramb ling about so much that I could scarcely find time to write at all. I have been across the country from Dublin to Sligo, on the Western coast, and from thence I went down to Lnis killen near Lough Reei, (which you may see on a m.ip of Ireland) eo that I have seen a sample of it all, a.d likewise experienced a variety of modes of life, from the humble cot tage tare of the peasant, to the luxurious abode of the wealthy, and have found them all, kind and hospitable, and glad to have it iu their power to oblige. Iu fact 1 think Ireland in a general way sen-is out its very worst char acters as specimens I mean that class which frequent our public works and throng our cities fori assure you they are thought as little about here as they are in America, and it is these who bring the very name of Irish men to he considered a stigma and disgrace. The general appearance of the country is not so bare or destitute of timber as I suppos ed, for there is a great deal plant ! I, an 1 the lots ,ara enclosed by hedge3 which give the face of the country quite a woody appearance. Tiic buildings are principally of stone and in the country one storv m heirrht, witn thatched roots, and some of thorn whitewashed or pebbledashed. In tile towns the' are two storis high genoraliy. and slated. The cities on tins side the water do not look near so neat as our Anieric n cities. There is an absence of the cruaiueiit.il, in the dw elling houses, and they have an antiquated look, although there are some line specimens of architecture in the public buildings. The hotels are conduct ed vcrv dilTerentlv from ours no public table; but each one calls forwh.it be wants and pays for what he gets then lucre is an everlasting paying of servants, drivers on coaches, &e., which is an intolerable bore; lor "here they have no other moans of compensation. Another novel feature to us is the Police who are stitioned ill through the country, some of them to collect the revenues and oth ers to preserve order, keep the pigs oft the road, and the Irishmen from killing each eth er but tiicv nave to pav we:i lor the care ta ken of them, in the shape of taxes. The po lice are uniformed ami armed. Their uniform is dark green or black pants, roundabout, and small cap, and they wear a belt always containing a bayonet when on service and of ten carry a musket. 1 icy are in every town and village, and you can nanny taue a waiic without mtctinj them on the road. Tho Tiriii.iiilt T ni:iv sov in fact, the onlv fuel is the peat or tuff, which is cut in the bogs or marshes. There are vast tracts of these boss ; in some places miles in exic-nt, w men are unfit lor anything else, and what is singu lar, they are often on the highest land and sometimes on the tops of the highest mountains. They arc destitute of shrubbery, except a low busn about knee high, which is brow n at tni season the year. There are very few of our forrest trees here, and the birds are nearly all ol a dnTbreut succies. Another peculiarity of Ibis country is the Fairs, which are held monthly, in every town and village, where the people bring their cat tle and stock ot all kinds, to dispose oil, ana which I found a novel siht. The roads are crowded early in the morning with persons of all descriptions, thronging to them; some m side-cars, (a kind oi vehicle on two wheels and seats on each side,) some ri ding donkeys, others driving them in wit a loads, larger than tne animals, slung on eacn side of them, in a kind c large baskets, called Creels; some driving a pig with a hay rope on its leg, and others without a rope or anytliingelse on their own. In fact they present to a stran ger rather a ludicrous appearance. But I have not time, space or ability to por tray all the peculiarities that I witnessed, and you must wait until I return, when I will have a better opportunity, if not ability! We had a very fine passage over here, after we go! started. I did not stop in Liverpool, ana, after spending a couple of weeks in the West and North of Ireland, I returned to this place, near the centre, w here I found a number of rela tiouswho had never expected to see me. The seige of Sevastopol is still progressing, at last accounts, but it is not yet taken though it has stoud the cannonade of 100 cannon over a fortnight. The loss of life on both sides is dreadful". In one town, it is said, the streets are covered with dead bodies lying unburied, and that thev causimr a pestilence. You of course have heard of the battle of Alma, in which tho allied. English and French, armies were succesfnl against the Russians, though it was dcaily bought. I have been looking iu vain for aleftcrfrom America, since I have been here, but is seems you have all forgotten me bowever, I will still forgive, and not forget ' l!o:nc again ! hme nznin. from a foreign shore. Aud ah 'twill lill my heart with joy to meet my frieu'ls or.ee more." Sincerely yottr friend, J. D. Motif Pkoscr iptiox. John M. Gibbony, Esq.. of Dunc-anvi!!., Blair county, Pa., was appointed Pof-t Master of find place by Camp bell, lie was recently elected Surveyor of Blair county by an overwhelming majority. It is presumed that some mysterious power was brought to bear to elect a Democrat in so stiff a Whig county as Blair. Mr. Gibbony was suspected of being a 'Know Nothing. 'f Word reached head-quarrers and immediately he is tunr.-d out of ofriice and a through and lifter Cr.ti.o'ic named Vaughn appointed in his place. So it goes. Fusifnt Caricature. A late number of F-vtsrvrei, the London rival of Punch, has an iikutr.iion representing John Bull comforta bly seated before a fire, in a room tjje walls of C'dei'- -.re ornamented with a map of tho Cri- j John is perusing an account of a "glo- r-V-v's v'ctorv,-' in which 8,000 were killed I wo.-rv-Vd- His glee is suddenly inter rupted ' y the enhance Of a servant who an nounces a most unwelcome visitor in the words, 'If vou please, sir, here's t.'iC tax fe-jth'.Tcr! Twitting i pox Facts The Hartford C-?'lr:i"-in ryri'or.?''" to :lic charjrc "f foefico T'.-iper.. ui'-'.' it !' .ietv- Whig policy !o form alliance with oth er votith- il V-iioi'-g whenever the thing is possible, roll i i;i i! foil o-.ving efectivo manner: L".;ion' forsooth! L"ck at ihaiik Pi"rei"sCab ino. 0-ee .Mrissachusets Coa itVn s: ro Xe-.v V rk .-'oft r.o I'cnrisvlvauia Catholic- or." f-'r"'' 5 ..- .--t: ..viiiiia.v i.iiiioi mau .- Li-ili 7;.:roiina Old bine item .Ier.it. mil pretty ol.l at that ' and one Mi'.sijipi Fire Kater 1 V.'i.s ;l nre ovi r .-u.-ii a specimen of -fusion' in our laud ? When r'.H':.e'iup:re.bor.c-Jt men . Ijo.iM cnil.ine.- OFFICIAL, DIRKCTORT 0? CL2AIiri7,lD DTJ3TTY. PIIESUT.NT JVDGn: IIo.t. .TiMus itNsim:. - - Ileilefoute. ASSOCIATE JUi'ir.i: ibi::. ticiAi'-e. Siiav:. - - - Cleaiib! !. to:--. J lb llovr. - - - Lumber City. Pil' f ii- :N ATOKV: &e. Y:ii.i.iam Pokteij. - - - - CIcarf;e!d. :ii-:itfiT: Willi ui V-rv..i.. - - . - CIcaif.-.l.l. DiifbTY ?in;niri' : L. P. Ward, Clear Seld, JAILOK: IIi-.i;v r-toxn. ClcorSeld. COM Ml 'Nbn.-: Roi'.rnT Mr.iiAKKCV. - - - - i.--.ver. Sash ei SeHorr. - - - - Clcniinpe PhiliI' ItKViMin. .... 1 Vt,)i field. COMM fSIONBK'S CLKPiK: G ej!:c---. Oeo-!, M'Ki . - - Lutht-rsburg. JttiiN McPi'ERS-iN. Cloarflold. I'uOSMC 1 T 1 :r. ATT' lit X F.V: L. Jackson Cra.ns. I's -1: - Clearfield. ObNTY :-i"iiYJCYOK: Tuos. lloss. !.'?'(. ... - Oarwcnsville. COUXTY .M'I)IT0i;S: fi::o. W. ?:.orr. b Tvio?. C. Kkatzkis. ClearliebL J. if. SEVTEtt. ------ Lu-herslu'ig. At brown's Mills. Mifilin Co., Pa., on th 12th inst., jAttr.n Ihvin. in the 39th year of his age. KAIL UOU MPETIi. A meotir.of the friends of IheTyrone and Clear field liailroad. will be h(-l I nt Tvrona Cify. Blair County, on Tl.r?.lay ike 11th of .Tauary. Tlie Uouks will be open to receive sulwripiktns of ?toek. liV OfiPKR OK T!:'i. I'dAHD. iTKW ARRIVAL OP PALL AMI WIX- 11 TKK DOiS. at the cheap Store of Wk. P. I11 vi. 1'very vuilery of g.iods adapted to the season have just l?een received, and arc offered for sale at the lowest cah prices All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Ladies and gentlemen, and all the reft of man kind are rt-riiieted o call and e$atuii;e his stock. Clearfield' December 20, KS.")1. IAUL TAYLtlR., ir.. 255 Hirict Street, FHILA22LP1II A. Have always on Lancl. at their Wholesale Ware house, a Lirji; a.ortiiH-ut of the Newest Siylc f HOOT. ?li(K. ANJ STllAW C.OD?. BOTH FOi:t:';.X AND DOMESTIC. All their aoods belli-' of thair own direci lm- ortatio!i and Manufacture, they are enabled to otior suj.erior luaucuuiciita to jMerchar.t3 laying in their stock. WM. W. PAUL. K. G. TAYL0II. Dec. 1. 154. ly. REMOVAL P,MKF.R. P.ROTHLR? A JONES. No. ins k;o Markf.t SniEK.r. Pnn. adklitua. Importers and Manufacturers of City an I Eastern- rn.-i.le BOO TS and SHOES, also every variety of irci-ch ana r,B:ii?ti Mioc l.astmgs. Patent Leath er, Kid aud Calf :-kins. Shoe Laces, (iallons, Dind ings &c. Ac. suitable for manufacturers. Also. Foreign and Domestic traw and ffilk Ron nets. Leghorn, Panama and Palm Leaf Hats. Eng ltfh. French and Amctican Artificial Flowers. Oil Silk, ftraw Trimmings, A., Ac. Ac. Having removed to our new ?iore. Xo. 15S A 150 Market Street, below 5th, South Side, up stairs, we invite your attention to our lare and varied Stock of Straw floods. Loots and Shoes, which we are preparing for the approachiug Fall Sales. All our (loodi being exclusively of our own di rect Importation and Manufacture, we feel conu dent that our facilities arc such that we can offer you inducements as regards variety and prices of Goods, unsurpassed by any house in the cocutrv. BOKEK, BROTHERS A JONES. 0V. 8. 1851.-ly. Philadelphia. Arriral and Departure of the Xails at the Clearfield Post-C-flico. Tvbose Mail: Leaves every day, Sunday ex cepted, at 7 o clock. A. M. Arrives at 6 P. M, IvAKTHArs: Leaves Cleafireld. Friday at8 A.M Arrives, Saturday at 6 P. M. Psiitu's Mills. Leaves Clearfield, Friday at 6 A. lil. GfiAflAMTOx: Leaves Saturday at 9 A. M " Arrives same day at 4 P. M. 15. PHILADELPHIA. Moxdav Pee. IS Flour. per bbl. llye Flour, " " Corn Meal. " Wheat, per bush. Rye, scarce at Corn. Oats, searce 44 9.00 to S9.23 5.00 ' 7.00 4.00 4.12 1.78 1.00 .87 .13 1.83 CLEARFIELD. Wednesday Dec Flour, per bbl $12.00 Wheat, per bush. 2.50 Eye, 14 ' 1.50 Corn, 44 1.1 2i 0at3: 44 44 .021 20. LUMBER TRADE. Pohtsmoctu Dec. 18, 1S54. .Select Com. and Pannel inch. S25.00 Do. half inchj ftSoioo Cullines, Slal7 Samples, 10.00 hin.!;les1 . S15al7 lleiu lock Hoards. U.)) ilcialoeli Joist and Se.uitlinjr. $11.00 EjIOTUD : IVuviasce's Dastucrrtau Cat it Jtr.v to Onlcai's Row, two doors cr.st of tLe .iDHDia' ouice. up atairs. iio Aviil he hnvpy to S' li's tiieri.is. and turnisli them vivnt. lue-liKe lures. Oive him a call. Dca. 1J, 0 1. H. I5UCIIER SWOOPE, ATTOJiXtSY AT LAV.'. Ci.EAiiKir.LD. Pa. Two doors I.'ait of Journal etSce. bp Etairi. !)e?. 1. V6U. K-VOW SO'VIllSG HE D-QU AETR.'j. 1)kt::i, k's Liuck,-mi:b ."hop. in Curwensville. nearly oijiO.--:tc l':o Pot ISice. al'.v:i 3 cren, and Jaco;;. bimclf id ways ready to serve his custom ers. All kinds of work done in the best style, and ujo.-t durable manner, iinrsj shoeing ilcne on the shortest notice, and on failure to raudendcr Eaiis- t'aclKir. the money returned. .Ml kinds ot crain Nken in exchana for work and the money not refused- JACOU L'LTKICK. Curweii?.dHe, Des. 5. l?oi.-ly. MARTI X, 3!ORREI.L 0., (bate C'LlVLit MARTIN A CO.) Importers and Dealers in HOSIERY, TR1?- MiXtrAw i-s.i::u sm:-, fancy (Uods, ifo. 24 iTorfh xourth ft-coN Philadelpliia. M. T . MAiiTIX. CilA. it. IIAMHICK, DAM'fj J. MOJULLLL, il. K. PEDDLE, Dee. 5. :ot. frAADltSu' It. MAKil.. B VILV & BIIOT1IEU, I,'o. 22 Cheetatit Street. PHILADSLPHIA, Have now open a large assortment of the Newest Styles .trui colors ot JAiix Easlish Velvet, " " Tai.Oitry, liS-v? Htvles " I":,iatn t; A lv 1 ii " M v " Also.afull a--:"rimcr.tf Super nmr . aw nu ; AM Mi: IV AN C AKl'l.i -i --. - Mary .,;' v. hiub U-hv: their own mu'-iita- riire. can be r-co'iiTnended as (xV-o-i Carwtiiiss for a i.:! Price. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS A CANTON MATTINGS, of everv wiltli and qualitv. B A I L Y ti E ?. O I II 3 2, IMPORTHBS k MAM T AC TCK EKS OF C AlSIi:Ti"G3 2"3 Che-.1r.1i Street, Philaiolp'iia. Oej. !. toil-. tinl. TH3 miTSICAL WCBLD JO J, 18"5. Tera.s. (iuvariably iuadvaiiee.) 3.00 Two copies. 5.00 Five copies, 10.00 Ixr ri F.Mi: ;ts : I Th2 ch..;co of two cf the following niusical portndts. engraved on steel, r.cutlj- mailed on a roller, dosi:;!ied as the e-:nn-menvmeut of a O it.'cry of" M i Portraits : to be hur. around every family pif;:o. 1. HKN'r.ir.TTB SOSTAC, 5- LISZT. 1 ?. r.K::rniVE.v, . sckcmasv. .'!. v, i;ni::!, V. scnroEUT, 4. Mr.MiEI.SPOilX, 8. WAI,U''E. Of ihi-s-i portraits, that of the lamented Madame Sontag is Hiirpn.-sir.gly tine and particularly to he commended. Kn.-h "-'5 subscriber on mailing his subscription will please to state what two portraits he chouses. To club subscribers, and to all per sons not tcv.dhtfc their subscriptions directly to this oIVkc hut subs.uihing through agents, wo can only :illurd (from the great reduction of terms) to Ave the el; -ace of bat one portrait. IF ViiKsi! Mr-sif four pages every week which ean be detached from the reading matter, is paged separately and can be bound at the end of the volume, forming a choice miscellaneous col lec.inn cf pieces f r' one, two. three and four voi.-vs ; t i.Ikas. mazurkas, waltzes; music for the guit ir. f.ut?. violin, harp ; muic fur young people; ssicred iuusis. for voice, melodeon and organ. 1 his music iilone, costs the proprietor annually SI. 700. and is worth' to every subscriber at least ? 12.00; setting iisidc the advantage of its variety and lis superiority as the very pick of all the new mush published. III. Instiii-ctivk Mrsir.vr. Kr.-vDiyn: embrac ing a weekly-condensed budget of news from nil parts of the world; musical stories, biographies, etc.; musical essays ; criticisms. IV. Entfktainisi! (k.xerai. Rfa,,isg: com prising original translations from the French and i c-rmun ; selections from new books and periodi cals; also interestinr original contribution.. The Musical World is 'delivered without extra charge to ICew York and Lrooklyu subscribers. Any persons sending us a club of five subscribers fha'.l "receive a copy of tho paper for a year aud his r-hoice of one id the above engravings. All new subscriptions will be entered for the first of January. 1 -"), but the portraits now ready will be sent immediately to thos first subs-Tibing. Any of our old subscribers whose year does not expire i I II after the first of January, can al so have their choice of two of these portraits by sending us their subscription a yoar in advanco of ueh expiration. P.ic.TAnn Storks Wili.ip. Editor and proprietor, 2o7 Broadway, N. Y. NEW A.M CHEAP STOKE. The subscri bers would announce to the citizens of New Washington, or.d the upper end of Clearfield Coun ty, that-"thev have just onene I a new and pplendi.1 assortment of FALL AN1 WINTER CrOIS. in the Store room formerly occupied by Ihvix A M'Uiiidk. EvKitY vaicietv op OtoDs usually found in .1 country store, will be sold cheap for cash, lum ber and country produce. They 1 espec'u'ully invite all those desiring to purchase goods, to give theiaaeall, They will use every effort to give satisfaction. ELIZA IKVIN A SONS. New Washington. November 15, lS54.-iit. CERTAIN CURE FOR AGUE. FATE TO ALL! xo curb no pav. Thispreparation has an established reputation, and is offered with con fidence as a cure for fever and ague, or intermittent fever. It may be taken by the most delicate with perfect safety, being a pure vegetable syrup. If taken according to directions without curing, a second bottle will be supplied free of charge, or the money returned. If one geuuiur. without the signature J. II. PALETHORP, Jr.. No. 89 North Second Street. Philadelphia. October 11, 1S51. L JACKSON CP.ANS Attorney at Law, Of- Ccc adjoining residence, Clearfield, Pa. .May 2V54-Iy. ' rpilE UNION SAFE! THREE CHEERS JL FOR AMERICA! Tce Cheap Coiinkr Tit fMPHAXT ! We take this method of informing the publie in general, and the eitizens of Curwensville and vicinity in particular, that we have received our usual largo and varied selection of Pull und Wintir floorfs. suited to the wants of every, man. woman amd child in the community. And. c have co hesitation in saving, that purchasers will find it greatly to their advantage to call and exam ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Our Ftock consists, in part, -of Ladies' Press Goods in great variety: such as plain black, fancy silks. Turk satins, bcrege detains, black and fancy Alpaeas, plain and plaid Ginghams, Manchester and JL-'omcsUo wmguains, Calicoes ot every style, and quality, at prices ranging from 5 up to l.'icts. Black, blue, and brown French and English cloths, plain black doeskin and fancy cassimeree, black, blue, brown and green sattinets. Checks, tickings, llaunels, muslins, toweling, ho siery, gloves, shirts, ready-made clothing. Ac, Ac Carpeting and Coor oii'eioth, window and wall paper and boideriug. and oiled Window shades. Alices of all descriptions for ladies, misses and children, together with a largo assortment of Mens and boys' hats, caps, boots and shoes. Hardware, planes, Ac. Glassware, Qucer.sware. Cedar and Willow ware, coin brooms. Ac. Ac. Also, a large assortment 01 Fresh Groceries, viz : Bio Ceffec, Imperial, Y. II. and Black teas X. . sugar, crushed and loaf sugar. New Orleans and Syrup molasses, clarified and cider Vinegar, Ac Rosin and Fancy sraps : sperm, star and mould eamiles. All of which will bo sold in quantities to suit purchasers, at the cheap Corner Store of PATTON A mi'PLE. Curwensville, November E l?5t. AT T E N T I O N L U l B E R M E X THE MAINE COM P. LANDS ARE NOW FOR SALE. T ho subscriber offers for sale (ho following Tracts cf Laud, situated 011, and near the Clearfield Creek, in Clearfield county. Pa., to wit: A tract, wan-anted to -Luke Morris:"' containing 473 acres and 4S ps. A tract, wavjiuted to Joiej h Iltllar.d, containing acres. l.."5 ps. A -trao. varrar.ted to Robert Grey, containing -!":t acres, 1 i". ps. A tract, warranted to John Bringhurst, eoiitainins 42.) acres. 16:: ps. A tract, warranted to Sarah Ward," cor.Uiniiig :).' a-'res, K3 ps. A traet, warranted to '-Geo. Eddy." containing -l-l'J acres. lo.'J ps.. A tiuc-t, warranted to Moor Wharton, con taining acres. I Hi ps. A part of a ti u- t, war ranted to Goo. A.-hton. containing 210 acres. T'ht'se Lauds are too well kuuwn to the lumber 111 C-n of Cleariseld County, to j-cr.dcr a dcs.-i iption of tli em necessary it may be safely a!d. that it is decidedly the best body i f pine lands in dia lled J County. For terms, ic. and v to ' EOV. SH'OEMAKE, El-ci.2I.arg. Cacittia Co. September 2, 1-5!.. t( GUNS FOR TVROX E CITY ! SE iOO HASTOPuii NOT TAKEN '. i ..:.::; Alkx am!.i:, has just opened a splend-l S-il -t n iu the basement storv of the Tvrone Citv licit I. where he is iircTiarcd 10 accoinmo ta;e i--ci-.:oiss 'tvsters. holcside and retail, at:. I id I oilier usually !:'.'jit in a Confeeiionary and Greet rv S:ore. X. II. All orders for Oyt-jis bv the Cm promptlv dtende 1 to by JAME.? ALEXAN.OE.t. Tyrone City, November !, li-i.-.;m.- NEW FIRM. A A J. PATrnis Living taken to lliem-j'dves the St jre formerly owned by Jno. Patehin A Sons, take jjieasure in informing thc-ir friends, find tha pubiic general that they have just received from the city a splendid assort ment of li ry Gools. Groceries. Hardware. tuci.-i?- ;.rc Hats and ( ,r 3. 15oots and Snoe. and every thing else usually kejit a Country Store. Pe:sr:;s wishing to buv theap np.d Z'( !- tio.-.ls. should not forgot that t'.t.'V :ire -loteruiine-l s:ot to undersold bv anv stcro in the eoantrv. We invite cv.j und all to come anl cvur, int.' our sloc-k for thcniswlvcs. as v.e charge iiothig fvr so u dng. A A it ON PATCIUN. SfJTEMPlliLL'S HOT LL. . bo su'wenber wov.ia M.JL iul'.rs! hi-friciit!s and the public gfiierii;.'. that he stid remains at the ol 1 st:in 1. v.nerc he lj at all times rca ly nr.d willing to eutcrcam s:ran- crs ad travellers. liM l...-r stoeice-l wita tne uv.-t liquors, and Lis table wi;! always bts suppae i wU'i the luinrics of ihe market. Thankful for past lavors, he to;io.:i .-. lariuer share of public patronag WM. J. HEMPHILL. Clearfield, Jnne 15, lS5j-'y. rIS.ST A K I II V A L . FALL AND V.'INTER L1 GO-JOS. AT THE CTii.'iP CASH STORE. Just received, a large r:id splendid assortment of COPS of almost every dcScritiou. suitabie f.r l'ic season, and selling oil' at very low prices. Ladies Gentlemen, and eerv person wiohing 10 buy goo-is at the very loir fit. price, are respectfully iiivRo.i to cail ami examine ttr tliemseivcs. Produce of all kin-is received in exehr.ne l,: goods. UM. F. IK WIN. Clearfield. Sept. 27. 1S5-L' C1AUTIDN. All j ersuri- are cautioned not to buy. tratla for ;r modiiic iti any way with a Yoke of Oxen, ii.j'.v i:i ihe possc.-sioii of John Erigs. as the j::mc is mine, ami only loaned to Slid Prigs, and are at my di:-possl ar ar,y time from this date. August 17th. li5J. T. 1. DAVIS. Furguson township, Oct. 11, 155-i. GREAT MILITARY EXCTTEMEXTAT GLEN llorE'. 'Ib.- subscriber has ju.U rceci ved a rcw and extensive asioriinent of the cheap est Goods ever brought into ihe upper tixl of the county: consisting of every variety of urtieb's uss-.-ally kept in a t'ouatry store. He hopes his friends and tho public will give him a call, aud feels con fident he will be abl-j to render satisfaelion. J. C. PATC1I1N. Glen Hope, November Z2, LSjL TOIIX 3rPIIEP-SOX: CvKRJKit and Tavm::. 5 stiil continues at tho rdd rlui.d at thtj South end of Clearfield, and keeps constantly on Laud a good assortment of Leather of all descriptions, including a splendid lotof Spanish Sole leather, rthieh he v.iil sell ch cap for cab or in exchange for l-.-.iuber an J Hides. Nov. '-, 4.-3t. JVEW I EST AUK AX T Cii.ii'r.r.s CucKrv, would inl'ttrm the public that ho Las jvsi open ed an Eating Saloon in the basemeat of Hei.iphiH's Hote'. where ho serves up to oruer i rsu uysters. Sardines. Anchoies. A. The best qualiry of ci g.trs, and Pliihidelpbia Ale, always on hand. He invites all lovers of "good living." to give Liiu a call. Nov. 22, "j!.-.'iao, TUST OPi:Xi:i. The subsiriber h?s j.tst re t3 ccived at bi3 :ore at G rah.nnton. a I.: rge. rcw, and splendid a'yortmeii of P,r.'l I ',1'iu!. ,! to. fx. adapted to the wants of the whole commui.y. ogtrc I fo" sale at extremely low prices. Dry Goods, Quccnsware, Roots and Sfcoe, Hats and Caps. Ron nets and Shawls, Groceries and Coiifeelict:-iries. to gether with every other article usually he-.t iu a. country stoic, may be had at reason-tide t;v'. Cash, Lumbar, or produce received in w.v.t. JAMES V. GR. Ml AM. Grahanipton. Novettbor 13, ISi-i. TE1"AK IX AMERICA ii-.-t against foreign 1 nation?, but against high prices and impo sition. R. R. WELCH, has just returned from the eity with a splendid new stock of ib!.l .--.nd Silver Watches, open i'nd litinling-eased. gtitd chairs. keys, seals, and a variety of other articles usually kept by Jewelers. His lis assortment has been selected with creat care and caution, and will bo cheefu'ly subi.iit'ed to the inspection of all who mav giv'e hini a call. TtRMS Cash, ' Oct. 1. ltJ.il. rilAIt. The undersigned has just received and X will keep for sale, at his shop on thir l street, a superior article of tar. - GEORG E ORK. ' Clearfield. July 5, 1S54. FIAAC 31. ASI1TOX. Hat Store. No- 172 Market St., Philadelphia. Hat. Caps. Furs, Ac. of every vuricty. and the best quality always on hand. June 15, liwt-ly. JOIIX V. KTSIITOX & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS in Earthenware, China, Glass, Ac, 245 Market St., opposite Ked Lion Hotel. Phil adelphia. J. Y. RUSHTOX, J. C. HOPKINS. Xor. S, '51.-ly. v ROUT. STILSON. TE ALL TAKE HOBEXSACK. Hobensaek's orm Syrup snd Livr Pill, for tnle by June 13, "5i. MOSSOP A POTTARFF. Court Affair's. DECEMBER TERM, 1851. TRIAL LIST. Jano Hunter vs J. A. T Hunter. John Patehin vs Josiah Lttmbourn. James tlallahcr vs Uurgunder A Kricklej. Jeremiah Mtxrc vs Thomas Martin George W. ShoiT vs Robert Iytl, George VI. ShoiT vs Lytic A JLlouw, John Siberts vs Moses Pearco . Philip Antes vs Biglcr A Roe.d. . - I Samuel Culd well vs M. Stovcnson. Tuckuer A lleishcr vs John Stitcs. . Oscar F. Mooro vs O. P. Wilder. C. F. Renaml vs John Xodier. Retijamin Coiuley vs WiliaTu M. Pugan. Thomas Craven vs Robert Pennington. James Curley vs James Gunsalus. C. F Rcr.aud vs John Xodier A Ropssalot. George. W. Carter as Snyder A Large. Connell Frederick vs Henry Grow. J. A J. lleyr.tz vs Abraham E.ers. George GR! vs '1 hemas Holt. " Michael t.'uigle vs Jno. A James M. Leonard. J. A J. M. Leonard, use cf J. Lconnrd vs M. QuigU. Peter Pickorson vs Vogals A Brothers. John Frvmire vs Peter Lamm. Keller A Dickerson vs 11. li. Miller. H. li.' .Miller vs Kellcv A Dickerson. II. U. Miiler vs J. M. Kelley. same vs siiue. Irwin A Hilctuan vs Isaac Price. Philip Antes vs G. L. Reed. Torbctt. Crane, tt al vs Ak-sandcr Caldwoll. Samuel MeKean vs James M. Dixon. BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! ! Mrs. Eliza Iiivi.s A Sons have just received, and opened for sale, at the old stand ia Curwensville, the larg est and most splendid assortment of Goods ever brought 10 Cioarfit Id ciinty, consist leg, in part, cf Dry Goods. Groeu'ios, lLtfJaarc, Queeusv. are. Tin ware. Saddlery ar.d Harness, Hats and Caps. Foots and Shoes, Di ngs. Oil. Paints, Glass. Ac., Ac They would particularly call tho attention c f iho La-lie to their large stock vf Fancy Goods, c.f eve ry description, feeling saii-ficd that it is a-lertle the best that can be found in the County. Ron nets t;f all descriptions, r.r, I pices. 1 he gcnt'ciuoH have nor been forgotten, as w'il be seen oil inspecting their very L'.rge asortiaert of ready-made Clothing, f'loths. Ca.-imeres. Sati netu. Ac Ac. Their Cloth ing is a!! of good qnr.l-ity-. none of j-ourJow, slop--:'iOp stuff, but im the cor.trary. vrell made and fashionably cut, and war ranted goo ! r.nd elic'ip. Give tLcm a call, nsthey are deUi-uiiued '.o stdl chei'per than all, oihtrs. All Eiiils of ii.i',i.t.r and country reduce taken in ex'-hr.r.ic for gi.ods. aud the cah rot refused when oSertd. Call and examine for yourselves. Curwensviiii November 22. l.-'OL-ilr, T 1YKOXE CITV HOTEL. 11CGHES A iit IN. would respect fully inform the puldi-; ihat :hev ba e verv grc !y improved (heir House, aud are now aide to fiord the travelling public. ;iie most comivrtaole a -c'muio.I::li j:is. ILieir bar is fui nis'u'-l v.ith the very best litiuors. anl tha luxuries f the Philadelphia market are to ba f und 0-1 their table. . Tht y respectfully invito their numerous friends ia Clearfield to give them a call. August y.lf 5i. KL'.V IJOOT AND SIIOF. STORE. TLe subscriber would respectfully inform the pub- iic. that he has iu-it opened tn eniire new stock of 'mots and shoes, in Graham Row, one door east of th'- Journal I'Cice. Clearlleld. Pa. i.very var.eiy of Ladies and Gentu-mei. s gaiter?, e-ed Loots, iiuiiii-i, congress boots, childrct s .-.hots Ac, tic, cheap for cash. il: hopes to receive a libc-1 share- of p.-.irenagc Pools and j-Loes minlo to order. C. S. PLACK. Arg. Li, 1!. ilji 11 ; AU persons knowing thn- - - v f s .IlmL-. i. 1 . I . ft h r r - fn ar. Ti p r ' whafeve.rl" are Lercbj- r..:itie 1 to come forv.r l and scitlo before tho Sepieir.ber Court, as he is d detiuiried to h-;vo his basiness entirely setiled up by that time. Those u uablu in p:ty, are requested to settle end t:me :-.ul oppor:u:,::y v. iii ho exterde l to tncm. .TA.-.iii:? JJ. GJ Grahai-.toii. Aug. 23d. 1834. Mor?rr vrnrox house. No. 05 North Seco.id St.. Pfci'iidelphia. The undersigned having leased the above well known House, which, has been Ru:'ovat!.i and Re-"jo'1-:i.ki MHorei; oi r. have just opened it for the reception of visitors. The furniture, is all new. and has been Selected with car? from ilenkies well k-rown establishment in Ch'-Msut SiKct, a::d is of tho latest and most fashionable style. 1 he location for Merchants aad others coming to the city is eoiivei-ieiiN being in tLe contre of business. Their l'ri:-:n's i:i Cl arSeld are respectfully soli cited to give them a c:UI. I). Rl.AIR. i. L. EAR RETT, Arg. 5 11. I:"..-1. Proprietors. TVTLV.' A II " I V-V L . M . A. FRANK, Las jast i rt-turiied from the East- with a large assert-' iiier.t of Cloths. Cissimer?, NetkTies, Trimnurigs, Ready mcd-3 CTothh-.r. Ac. which be will sell cheap f'.r cash, at his s.ore, t'.vt doors east of tha .;..m i.;'. oCiee. Fashionable t.tiloritig itiii Jone to order, wEIi neatness and dirpsti-h. He invites The public to give him a call and cx amine his atoek-. Sept l'J, Iho 4. JOHN 21. PALETHORP. JR., WHOLESALE CULM 1ST A Ll-U:a:;iST. A. Sli Xortk See Jul ii'.-.-, f' ceo nd uoor below Muunt Vernon House, Phihi-le! hi.i. Dealers in Lrngs, Chemicals, Pei- 1 hi.'.i.iei! 1;i.i. feaicrs ia i-rugs. fun., i v. Paints. Oils. Window Gli Ac, Ac. Novembers. 154 .ly. rno all whom it MAY COXCERX. jL dhe subscii erttf'-al l le.ost respectfully so licit all Upise ir.d oio.I io Lim, to ci-ms forward and settle up. and if they cannot pay ive their Notes, and further hopes not to l2 rc:iuirc..l to use any other means than tnis simple noiicr. He cun be found at almost any time at Woodland, pnpar tc to settle. ' F. P. HL RXT11AL. Nov. h. 1 So-' - - BEIPI.EM VX A HAY WARD Wholesale ro-' ecrs. Tot L'eolers. and Commission Merchants, S,. 273. Market Street. Philadelphia. l. T t-iMl.r REiLELMAX, HAYWARD, A. June 15, lsoi-ly. DISSOLUTION OU PA11TXE11SI5IP ! 'J he partnership heretofore exising between John Patch in A Sons, was this day dissolved by mutual Consent, and the books are left in tha hands of A. A J. Patehin. Those persons knowing them selves inJeoLed to the finn will call ininjtiiatcly and settle up, or thev will have the pleasure of paying e .sts JXO. PATCKIX A SONS. Rurnsidc October 12. Ia54. J V. NELSON S. CO., wuld it-spectfuliy in h i'or;:i the eili.er.s of Mc-rris township una ad-jr-iring country, that they Lave just arrived with a large r-.-urtuier.it of iry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware. Quccnsware, Coots ami Shoes, Hats ami Cups, Clocks Looking glaises. Coi.feetic-r.arres, Medicines, Oil-;. Paints, Tinware, and all other articles usually kept in n country store, which they are determined to s.-R low for ci.-h. country prsJuce. or Lumber. Morris Township. Novciilber 1. 1754. T7UIIS3IUTII L inJOTIIER, M if Jiv'ij.i..-iuii TOB.tCCO DEALERS, X. 105 N. Third Street, five doors below Luce, Nov. v, "51.-1 v. Fun. ADr.LrniA. .rA?HINGTOX L. ULAD1X, Attoknev at La-.v. No. 6'j, South Sixth si., riiiladelphir. A.ugust 121. CALEB COPE A CO. Xo. 153. Maiket St., Phila delphia. Dealers in Linens, -White Goods, llo sicrv. French. Englih and German Silk Goods. L&-c-es,Gloves. Bolting Cktths, Ac June 15, 5!-ly. TO SHOEMAKERS. A fine lot of Spanish Kips Men and Women's Morocco pink trimmings, and Solo Leather, for sale cheap, by ...'.--. June 13. 5L MOSS.OP A PtTTARI-F -. BROOK. TYSOX A RFHX Wholesale Dry. Good's Store Xo. U5. Market Street. Philadel phia June 15. 185-1-ly. STOXf: WARF. pf every vsriet". cb-epp for caea at the Store of F. IRIX June 14, '54 - is
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers