u u rTVTTTp VTATT-T JVTKpAvI D7ilerchants visiting t!w-:iTv4 .UrdMre-ll to call on Mart,, SroaKiojtn ; Hosiery, i rimiuug,' nonius, 'crajm-f- "' fancy ; eoois, 3flW2$ orCutVrfb'; wbertv. they will :be ! cordially .rcrceived ;and J well treated. It is one of the best Hons-. sin the city. -. .. , . -.- . . , ...... ''''TTlic'Kiiow .Soiling', head "quarters," ; in CunvewiUts, are tVdurins the day-to.."Yis-rtts.vMrii'; Jacob praics; the" prorri.?Tp"r;; is always ,re4y , to daeycry variety, of .EUck-smithiu"- in th Ivst style and most durable in;tiintvr. . Jirti.Liiaa caII-...,, .., 7The .general complaint aboot 'hard times' honM induce us to be cautious;'ahd endeavor to purchase cheap substantiaLgords,,A'os,s wvchatits who have tins object in view, when I.iying.in "their .stockwi1I do wtll !oc'airat"PAri & TavlkV "Wholesale Boot. Shoe, and Straw Goo-Ts Tji-irohnuo . Xo. 255.arke"t"t:,Piii,4 "'cyTlic best Toba'o estlihlishniexiti iuPhib? giklplM is that of Fkismlth &. BaoxasH.lUo Third St.. ve doors lielow Race." They keen every variety of tobacco and clears." The best liavanas Regalias Pt'incipes, &'c.', are direct ly iuixrt.?il, by thmrc!,: and can be fconfl dcntly relied tin' as the genuine article. ,.- T7lut fjiolid the Brigade Inspector, at Glen Hope, lias just received a new and spIendiJfts sortniciit vf gyods., Clark jsaclever fellow, and Ave advise all nr friends to give him a call. ' 'tTCnnvonsylllc . enjoys. t!ie ' 'reputaitiod of being the boat business place in the County, and -we observe from the quantity of new goods purchased, they arc! determined to keep it up. Mrs.Er.iz Ih vrv & So?) have just received and open'tiil'a new :.in splendid assortment.' They, are determined not to be beat ibrcheap goods. See advcrrfseVherit in another coltiniiii ; . CThost! who desire to obtain an excellent article of Spanish Sole leather, will do well to cal on our friend Joux MPHEBSoS,-"at his'old and well' known stand al the South end of Clearfield.- : lie keeps a 'gid assortment of all kimls ol leather. ; See ad vcrt-isvment. r-7-All lorers of good oysfers, sardines, &c.,: sTjoul ! eaH'at thtVik'WjR'esriUrant, in thebasc-iu.-rit f IIcin.hiir Hotel.: where our irieud Ciiaci.::y Greaff, ill be, delighted to -accommodate them. Ciiark-y's sound on the '-goose uuestion.'' See Card, in aViother columii. !X7The SherifTs' Sales,?and otT:er .Court af: fairs are worthy t?" altentioi:, this week. Some v.i'maM'- 'ri'rtv will be exposed to sule. : ' CC ill 'and s. ttb-.' Mrs. Eliza luvix is de t ritiitied to s.-tt' -J:p her individual business. Sor XdMcv in'artoThor eolumn. - , . 'Jr Vv t-dl tli attention of oui readers to tltc Kegister nvUeS i'J anotlier column, y f r.'7'lt is fe-.red thtt tlie result of the E!ee iun hi Xf- York has prr-ved uid'avorable, but ivsuli nt" av. exj:ai:i;!tion of .Tas. li. (Jri zam's !;:"-. ;d"'- r.sVt'rfment" '6'f' fall & wilder, g..:ls at his store-in Gralmmpton, will prove highly sal isfacturjY: .Oalfaiu! try it. ".'7i:u-.. the result; of the eleetiyn has secu red the s-.li-ty ot-'-tac eviiutr", uuneitiaens ean tin I t;:a- t devot? their aftentzyaiuorc .iqiy !y lo bui:tes. .To those desiring to pi:r- ?ns- go...ls. Mr. Ki.isa Irvis ?c" Sons, of&r uvir.ille i;jjit-j;ulfu!s at their, 'iiew , store fcj ,ew Washin'-'ttiW.'. - ' T"It ill he seen thai Git ajiam and Wax-sn- hive lisolved partnership.- The business will hereiiilei :be"c?rn -d on by Jaks B. GeA uaji. . . . - : . -'- . -. DT7"V"c presume most oiour citizens rcccol-it-ot an tiniable young-man named Ji B. jJooxe, formerly of this county, lie may how bo found at the large and splendid. Boot and Shoe House of TJokfr. Broth ees Jones, o. I'A .&. lGOMurket St.v Philadelphia, where W will le happy to meet his large circie of Clear- Iltld acquaintances and to accommodate them. u ith a cheap mid elegant stock of city and easr tcrii mad? boots and shoos: Give him a call, he's a clever fellow, and is with a- good firm. CP" "NVirwCre much -pleased, on our recent . isit to Piilladelphi,i Ly. U10 appearance. of .J. H. 1'Ai.KTHORP, Jr's Chemical and Ding estab i:;ent u't Xo. 89 South Second St. Those of iiir Jit.'telLantsj Druggists and Physicians' who les"re to lay in a good and cheap stock, can not .do better than call on ilr. Palethorp. 7jppMre:the Red Lir.n Hotel in Philadel- ;liia, at Zii iLuikvt St., .there is a large and, legnnt f Jueensware establishment, hot surpas sed by any similar House in the City. ' Our iiu rchanfs'caiT always Vfetain a'splctidld stock, :-t the lowest ;prices from Jon N.Y.TitsuTON &' Co.. Importers "and 'dealers in Earthenware, China, Glass, &cV; See advertisement., . . C7" Persons having unsettled accounts with r. P. Hi RXTHAL, ' are. requested to call and Kettle them. See Kotice in anothex column. . rr7"I.et it be published in Clearfield, let : it 5 known in Curweuaville, t be proclalnied tiirughout the county, let it be wafted by the gcntl breeze along the West Branch of the Susquehanna,' 'that - Pattox & Hitple, have yit received; the largest and best ' selected sK:k'orgoods ever brought to Curwensville. S je adyertiscuient another column. . A StaiOl S CAARfiE AGAINST COXGRESSMES. A correspondent of -K. Y. Courier, who evi dently Is of -tho" opinion that British gold had a much ns anything else to do, in makinjr the sr-c.alled Denucracy, adopt, the British Free Jiaie poliey; saysJ,ia'ife,pIv;to theinquiryi who t to Llaiue for our Cmomeiitiry- disasters, "we point you to Congress; and e believe that ma-1 h.ivp Leen inadg Jiuvy with foreign cash, ill the w.iy of bribery, to pre vent the passage of laws wi-.J.-h won.i stop excessive iraportation3,while they woul J fcring ahout a healthy trade by ma i ?our exports, exclusively of speciei bj.1in& - vuresporrs, exclusively oi specie, oa.Linc I'opoi t if :ons exclusively of specie aiso.H . our rT.sfr-Ka un A Stt;?Mz&l'X&'im jn e:t .kitil, i-jmjSj;!?-cai.iM.:lT.a?e t "1; Hl'd 'rittV S7 in ei-i Vf iid.t?'.'.t he. tloeuaeVt.f54.?"s. k y v t' th4 y e.i'i ha.t J&i-tis'jhv, 3 4v v taT.i: t, tt rpa,.,,. A ;ie tivcfj Lpy s. .u -j.aiumjj .a Jutw i.l.e .pf. t'.iis factjii r nV,itt brotUolassean gemess to the Capitol, and sold, readily; core ies of an extra-' containing a President's mes sage, Tvhich ionic '"members' purchased' des patched :to - distant friends,' who" will Wonder at 'tli?' close1' reserablace' it, Lears'to' tlio f3es siige seoit to Congress hut-year J .'; REJIOVEDi PcnviAxcE S Daguorrean Gal- ler.j- to Uraham's Row, two -doors east of the .fourtai- ofSce, upstairs, lie will be happy to see his friends. "nd, farnisn th?m vivid, lit'o-Jike pic tures. ; Give bima-eall.-;; ! ;- Dcaj 13,,'5i." XT BUCHEIl SWOOPE, V ' XJl'.,i ., ; . t: ATXOIiXEY :AT LAW, ''. r ....' . . - ,. : i Clearfikm),. Pa. .n Two. doors East of J0v-rn.1l oCcti. Up stairs..,,, ! - .-.i.'u'ii. . :i . ; . . : xoiv ,'-o'TiTir;c its AD-qr autkiis, l-'Detkick's l)Tat'l"iuiiu.ithop. in CurwcccviiJe, nearly. ,ojposito the ; Poet. Ofiiee, always open, Kd Jacob, himself a3 ways ready to ncrvu" his oustojiit crs. ' AH kinds' 6F Work done in the heat style, and moELdurable manner. Horse-shoeing done on the shortest notice, aud un l'ai'urs to rendendcr jati faction the mcupy returptd.'.' 1 ' ' ,.'"''' " - S : -'.Ail kinds of grain taken in CieL.an'g? forvrprk and the monev not refused-' : "' "''" 'V.;J ' - ' JACOB PETKICK. "' Curwenstille; fee:. C:' IS.il.-ly. . . ;..'."'. MARTIN, XOURELI & CO.; ;'-(I.atc OLIVER "MARTIN k CO. "" Importers aud lealcrs''fi JTOSTEh'Y; TRjT.fr MINGS. C0.Mf5.-s. BUUSHEj?, PACT (JQ0D., NW24 ?Torth 'Fourth Street:, Philadelphia. -M. T. MAltTINT CIIAS. II. IIAMKICK, lAiM!li.M0lHEIJ.r4-. -ISJDtti. s r le3.:5, '.- 8AMkKSO.V K.;MAIlTI AIL.V- BKOTJ I EK , , ....,! : . Ho. SS, Chestnut Street. '..'.-. PHILADELPHIA,. . -Ilavc row open si iargo ftesoitmeat of the Newcet , . tyle-and wkr of : ' , . . . iRich English Velvet, . . ;'. - '-. " . -" n. Tapes-.i-y,.,:, , .' -. -.: .Ingrain,.,,., ..r. Ne-y Styl6a C A ILP FTI :v t; s. OF flltUi OW.V IMPORTATION, JUST LANDED Also. a full a&scr tmont of -aper and Medium quality DAIiP.LTIISl.'Jj, s AMERICAN CAitPU Many of whiv'h, ibi)ir.gi iLeir own. uiiinufasturc, can be reoommended s . 1 . " Alooil Carpetihs for a-Lcw Price. FLOOii OIL CLOTHS SeCATON MATTIXU.S. : of evcrV' wfcith nnd quaiitv.. B AIL Y & BUOTHES, - IMI'OKTKKS - . -M-tSryACTCKERS OF CATIPETINGS Uo. 232 Cheiaut Street; Philaielohia. Ooj. 4. 1854. 6th. -. :-- . - It "0. Liiii 160 3JARKET CTREF.T. PHILADELPHIA, Importers and ManufturU' rersj of Vity and Kaxteru tmuie iiVOTt? and also every varict-rof 1'rcpeh an 1 Ihi'rlisih SLoo Lalin-'?. Patent leath er, Kid aud Calftkins. Shoe Laces, (taUons, Bind ings Ac. ic., suitable for inanufacturerr!-. : Also-Jb'onsign and Ioinestie Straw and Silk Fn uets. Leghorn, Panama nnd Palm I.enf Hats. Ene ltsh. French and Ametiean. Artilicial Flowers. Oil Silk,.Straw Trimmings. &.. &c. Ac. Having" Temoved to our new Store. Xo. 1.VS A lf0 Market Street, below c-th. South Side, up 3tair. we iuvito-your attention to ur largo and varied Stock f Str:nv. tod.s, JJth)ti and Sii:e.-. wliieh we arc prv-parir.g fi r tiie.aT iru;ieJiii l'ail Sales. ,AJi our (Jvscids 'Au ceiu.ively of ourowu di-r'-ct, Inpii ta ion :id Maiiufactare. wc fi vl eouti dent that' cur favilitivs are u-h th.a't we can oiiJi" you iii'iuoenif jits r.s r;-girds variety -iiud pi W-? o!" 1 1 OO la ur r.rp-isa.-d by any housv in the country. LR. Ln'Tlii:i; .V JONKS. S, lS5;.-lv. J' ii i !;. let'. ill iu : ERTAIX CTiKi: roil Atil'E. FA XL T V- ALL! j in: fay. Thisprei'a-!ti-!: I;.-!: an tasi&viisiica rcpitifttior... ini iscRuj i viiu icuC(t.;'saeti: for ;.vc- and agi o, or .-. 1 lever., U y, : t;.;.e:i by t..e. UiO-t tl::3,!rc -.Tii.ii 1'ci fect sutV'y, V'-'Lig a j;ure vegetable yrup. If ttikcu aucjidiu to uirc-ttiou-s v. i:to t i-ai irj'. a s-jond 1. the iuw!it "I.- v i!! b, : .! . lip;.:!-' 1 five clu(j.'.' -.V,. St 'til-, !::.: J, t 1. u. iM.jjnTioi;",.-!- .:. Street. 1 Lti: Joh.hia. o.Jli Octolcr U, 1; . 1 ML i TAVLM't.- .- r,r.r. ": Piill, A2ELPHI A. lilwnv.s r.n hrn I. at their "Wfcoltsalo -"W.-fc-1 ' ' , hcitsc. a Ltrgc v. -vt:i.f r:t"vf ' the Ncv.c?t Stvie of ' " "' : WOT. SIJ'M-:.' AM!) STK W t0(lS. BOTH FOR!-:r;N and noMUsric: ':' ' 'An tiicir "oo. is iicmg o: 1 ortaiion nnd Matufac-ure. tr.'cir liwn .hrcc.!:a theV are enabled t; i.'i. r tupcrior ii their stock . ' lui'.mcts to yU t ihtints laving iu WM. X. C vr. tai'i:, . TAYLOR. ;i)ec. 1.-1S51. 1- EW.AM) CHEAP tSTOlIE The subs ri- Warh-ini:Son. and the upper end of Clearfield Coun ty, that they have just oreiio-l a new an 1 splcn lid asetrticnt of FALL AXL V.'IXTKii G')(IS. inthe Store Vooua formerly occupied by 1 bvin & ii' 'Juiuk. iiIl K1E.Y.. YAiilf'.TV 6F GooDS- USl'.all V fo.'.nd in a country store, will be sold cheap for cash, lum- J ncr auu country pro uice. , They respectfully invite all thoso desiring to purchase goods, to give them a Call, - They iTr'.l use every effort to give siitislaciioiii . i - ELIZA IMVIX .v SOXS. Xcw VfUshiDfrton Xovcuibt-r 15. ISal.-Jt. J. L P. MILSO.N & CO., would rcpectfu!lv in- rm the citizens of Morris tov. r.t'ain and:a,l- joiiiii) country, that they have jusa arri-.ud with a large asoi tiut nfc ot lry Uood34 Groceries,. Hard ware, (tucensvvaro. Loou and Shoos. Hats and Caps. Clocks, Lookiufcfihisses. Confectinnaries. Medicines. ils. I'aiftis, Tinware, and all other articles usually kept in a country jtore, which they arodeteriniiied to sell low for cash; couutry prsduce. or Lumber. -Morris Tow nship, Xovember 1, 1754. - . JOIIMI.rALETIlOlU,,JU.,WH0Li;SAIJ CHEMIST .tlni"GUIST..A". WO North and Ft'.. Second door below Mount Vernon House. Philadelphia. Lealers in Drops. Chemicals, Per fumery, Paint. OilsW Ihdow Glass, Ac, & c. , ? Novembers. Ibi4.-Iv. . -''. T IO ALL W1I03I IT MAY COACEIIN. The subscriber would most respectfully so licit all tqosc indebted to hiui, to come forward and settle up. and if they cannot, pay give their X'otes, and further hopes not to bs refjuired to use nny other nieaus than this simple notice, lie can be found at almost any time at Woodland.' pren ccto settle. , F. P. IILTIXTHAL. -Nov. J. 1854. -- vkiili:man a haywari Wholnalc Gro- i?acrs. Tea Dealers, and Comjiiission Alcrchauts. "Xo; 73. 'Market Street. ?hi!.i.Jclphia. ' '- 1). KEI1VKLM ' '- A. IIAYWAKD. Jnae 15. 13-l-ly:' ' "' D INVOLUTION OF PARTNERSIIIPT" The partnership hcrcto&.ro :xising letX'cn' Jolin.Patchin k Sons, was this day dissolved by mutuwl consent, and the books arc left in the hands of A. fc J. Patchin.' Those person knowing them-, felvcs indebted to the firm will call immediately and 'tcitlo up. -of they will have the- fleasnre of paving costs ' JXO. PATCHIX 4 SUXS. , -Hurnidc. OoU:bcr 12. 1S54. - - ...-' ' t- TRISMUTII & BIIOTIIER A-. 7- V -WIIOLKSALR -r , . :r'r. -' - - TaBJCUO IERS-, ' '" " No! 105 N. Third Street, five doors below Race Nov.' 2'J, "54.-1 v --Philadelphia: lAm.M.in. r p,T 4T)T V - 'AtTiwypv .if ''4 Law. No. 1 Ptii p;vtK- pv-'.i,?rir.?ii f Law. No. J Pntl, f xth- t ThibtdcNhic Augnrt y." l ?.'.ir- ' .-.-. 1 tvtfp!fiT ! We tke'thi iiitlMd eriiaoriniTig the f al tla in:gi,e!.&ati tho oifiefts-f Cnrwef.tilTi m4: Titijiity in ?Arti;rtlaV. i ?U we liarer -Tccefte4 op OfcB!U-large dt!T: varied roti of-i7'-t-t Ifmt4v4d.-suti to the Wsfit f Wery "rfvo n-' woir.irt p.ind cbiW i-ni the-(.TOWtiriify.v. And. '--We havvMW hc;HiU.toi in-payinW. h pTirehaseT.' rlll flnl it greatly to thrrdra.'t Jf .to andtserti ine our stnok -bfirru pnrebasiv else-.vhere. V- " ; Our -9Ut-k c-ciictsta.' ia part, of l.adievi' -Threw Goodwin great Tftriety :-feuc-h as pl:iin htaek. fancy silks. Turk sarin. -ere- rt !r.-:ti. hlflek and fancy Alpsfcas, .pTuinf: ai:t -ifdRldi J-iiTjf!iuinii.- .Manchester tiKii UoinesticiJinghams." Calioo.' of every style., aud quality, at f rkes ra'fliri frOfci 5 up' to 15cVs.' lslai-ki blue, find bown-'-i'reiteh and Eiir!i?h cloths, plain black doeafcjTi mid fancy cn.-simoW, blaek, h'ue. brown nnd green sat'ine;..' - Chackn, ticking. : ftaAnels. raulisis. toweling, ho siery, gloves, shirts, ready-made clothing, -o., Ap. '' Carjttftins nsd floor oil cloth, wii.dow and wall paper and bciitering. and oiled Vindov shades.'- Shoes of ail do?Tif-tiri3 for ladien. m'i.-ses and ehiUlren, together- with a- Irg0 a.ortinent of Mens' and boys' hats, cap?, boots :md ?!uos. -- ; II.'tr'lwai-e."ianes. &c; Glassware. '"ecnew-arej Cedt'.r and VViiiow ware, oorn brooms. to., t e-. . -Als i. a largo a.wortnreitt fit' Fresh Uroeortes. xit t Rio Office, imperial, Y. H. and Hlaek teas, 2M). uari crushed ! and loaf su?ar. Nf w Orlcaus ar.I Syruptittrtttjues. elaiiEod aiid eider-Vitlprar, ic. "liosin and f.cy aoiips; snorra: star and mould candles. ! Alf which will bo'Pold iw'qnautities to uit purchasers, at the cheap Coiner Store of PATTOX A HIPl'LE,., Curwen'viMeTYoveniber 1, lSJi. '' ' ff ' 4 T T i; T I O N L TJ3I Ii Ell M E N.-TI1K j. 31ALXE IIJMK JANHS AUK '.NOW FOJt SATE. The snt'eriber offers for salethc following Tracts of Land sUuftted on. aud nearthe Clearfield Creek, in ClearfiClL.wuuty, Pa., to wit : A tract, warranted to -Liiku-Morri?;" containing -47:'. acres and 4-S ps. A tract, vtiranted to Jouejdi lfelland. containing 4;3 aeresVloS ps. - A tract, warranted to Itobert Grey, containing 4.".;! acres, ps. A tract; warranted to John Briughurst,' containing: 439 acres.' 153 p' - A tract,-- warraittod to --Sarah Ward,': containing -1 .';." acres, 153 ps. A tract, warranted to '-tto. Eddy," -containing 43,'i aeres. 153 ps. A tract, warranted to loor Wharton, con taining 433 acres, 1;3 ps: A p:(vt of a tract: warr l-atifefl to treO. Ash ton. containing 21ft acres. : 1 These-Land are too yell kuown to the' luinber nfeii of Cle;irtield County, to render a description of them necessary it in;iy-bo safely said, that it is decidedly the best body of pine lands in Clca field County. ; For terms, sc.. apply to ! -; ' ' LinV; SIIOKM.MCITil, ' '. "' ' - Ebcr.sburg. Cambria Co.' September 25. 1851. 1 fJ HVSS FOIl 'TV 15 OX 11 CITY ! Sl J UU IIASTUl'OI. XOT TAKLN ! J.amks Alkx A.Mf:n, has' jnst -opened a Fplcudid St loon in the basement story of tho T lymie City Hotel, where he is prepared to accommodate persons tvitii Oys:cr.i, wholesnle and retail, and-all other artietes usniilly kept in a Confeetionary and (rroctry Store. X. 15. All orders forOvters by the Can promptly attended to by JA.MKS ALEX AXDKli. Tyronft City. November I. 15.i4.-fim. - ' '' "VIEW FIK3I. A A J. P.m-ciiin having taken J-1 to themselves the Store formerly owned by Jno. Patch in fc Sons., take, pleasure in informing their friend; aud tha' public, gchcrnlly. that 'hey have just received from the city a splendid assort ment of T ry Goods. iroccries. Hardware, Queens wj're. Hats and Caps, Loots and Shoes, and every thing else usually kept a Country Store. Person? wishing to buy cheap and goods Goods, should not forget that they are determined not to undersold by any store in the country. We iuvite one aud all to conic, and exaininn our stm-k for themselves, as we charge nuthig for so doing. " ' ; " A.VHOX PATC1IIX. t , ' " .i.cksn; patch ix. Burnsidc. yovemher 'I. ldal.'-tf: : ? ."FK.MPIllLL'S H'tTKi.. The surwriber wonld 1 3 Inform his friends and 'the public gcr-.traHv".' i th:i !. sti'.I ren'iins at the old sotnd. where lie is at n i 1 times rt ady and williug to -eiitcrt.'in srran pnrf and travellers."- Jits har stocked with the best liquors, and his ."ole v. i;t tilivnys b" supplied v.-ih the luxuries of Tha m:uket. ' '; Thankful for jiist favcis- he solicits a further share of pirbiie i.atronao. V. .M. J. HKMI'H ILL. O-iif.eM. K-. 1-. 1 IB ST AlVl I V. V L.-:-V I.L VXD WTXTLL o J !"'.?. AT TliK CiTKAP .--'cr;;M- Jusfr r . iarg'V an si- a.s r-r-ixi ion. si- i ll' i:c v-! V l-:.-V;i'-!-.-v.. t.a'ii' '. f .vl! at (.'. cul :cj.i.- i-. : ii;.! i-;..iir.;iH .;-ii!.'C ol all ;"'!-.-011 v.-3.uiig to buy oo.J- : i.-S'-- .T'.'i--- : hani . J :;--' -..-.ds. CIc.- 1,1 S-i 1 -:. ! . i Ai'Tiax.- 1 ,' buy. tr.;dc ! "'vhu of O.VCU, AH i'or?oi.s arc" vautui:cl liot io i'.n : mobile a ant- :-Y with a liow. . ID tac vos: .-1 4 ' 1 1 . 1 X .JOliil ! itfi s, ai ihc same Ls 1111110. ami ;ld V loai.cd Vi S lid 1 Juis. and .arc s. and .arc at lav disv. ii at any time from ii-u;''.j. UL:'-;-l l.ti!. l.-i.ll. J . JJ. VA IS. I'lirtisou tuivi:s';i::. ', 11...V.V1. i Ti REAT'SlILITAKY EXCITEMENT AT 1 LIT GLX 11.2: The. -ub.-.L-1-ibLi- has. just reooi- ved a new and ;;;r:-'i".'. a-.-oriu.-.i t of the cheap :',-.', a-.-oi ii:.-.i't ot tlsc cucap ;ht Into the ui per end of the :' every variety of articles usu ry sn ro. lie h.oj.3 his friends giv e hiai i. cal nnd fools cou- est Goods, u-.-i.-i' brought Into the ui per end of the count v: e-.n.i.-.;iitjr of every variety of articles usu- a ly ken; in a eouut: and tbe puiilic will hdent he will be ab.c i j rcudur i-ai iii action. ' .I.C. 1'ATCIIIX. C. ion ITujie, Xovcnifccr 22, i-i. ' -ffOIIX M'rilEK.SON: Ct't:i-:irn .'.. Taxm:i;. 9 Miil continue-s at the old stand a.t the South end o: tcrrhcld. and kcps cons-tniiily on hand ar.y.L. a--s--rf!Ufr.t of i,caUic'r itf .'1! dcript'ors. inclu.'dn. ii splendid lot of Spanish Sole 'leather, which he will Foil cheap for cah or in exchange for lumber nnd Hides. ' Nov. 22. '.'il.-St. jVTEW REST A I Ii A!T. Cu.vni.i'S -1! rratf.1 J. would ivfoi in tl-.e public that ho has jusiopfn cd ail Katinjr Saloon -in the hn?cincntof Hemphill's Hotel, ' where hi serves up- to order Fresh Oysters. Sardines,. Anchovies. &. The best juality"of ci-pars!-and Philadclphii'Ale. always on hand. He invites all lovers; of ''good living' to give him a call. ' Xo'v. 22, ;jl.-:imo. 1 UST OPENED. The subscriber has justrc- " ccived at his store at (irahamton. a large .new and splendid assortment of Pall aud iiUe Goo-lf. adapted to the wants of 'lhc whole cominunity,aui o lie rod for sale at extremely low prices. Dry Goods. (uocn:-warc, Loots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Bon-, nets and Shawls, Groceries and Confectiouaries, to gether' with "every other article usually kept in a country store, may be had at reasonable rates. Cash, Luinbor, or j.iodue' received in payment., JAMES B. GKAIIAM. GrahampUn, Xoveuiber lj, 1854. WAK IN AMERICA not a-ainst foreign ? nations, but sratr.st high prices and impo sition. ' R. It: WELCH, has just returned from the city with n splendid rcw stock of Ghld and Silver Vf'atches.- open and hunting-eased, gold chains, key., seals, nnd a variety of other articles usually kept by Jeweler?. His assortment has been selected with great care and caution, and will be chccfully submitted to the inspection of all who may give him a call. Tkrms Casu. ;'','. Oct. 4, 1S51.' ' Ff1AR.-The"nnderirned has just received and JL will keep for sale, at his shop on third street. a supanor article of tnr. Clearfield, July 5. 1554. GEORGE OUR.- ' . i' I ; ISAAC M. ASIITON. Hat Store. Xo. 172 Market St.. Philadelphia. Hats, Caps, Eurs, Ac, of every variety, and the. best quality always on hand.. . , June 15, lS54-ly. TOIIN V. ItrsiITON & CO.. TMPORTKR5? U AND HEALERS ia Earthenware, China, Glass J Ac, 245 MxrLct .. opposite Red Lion Hotel. Phil adelphia: " - J. ' Y. RUSITTON, . J. C. HOPKINS. Nov. 8, '51.-ly. R0BT. STILSON. , WTF ALL T A ICE t HOP.ENSACK. Uc.bensac"k's Ti Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, for sale by Juno 13, 'SI: M0SS0P & rOTTAKFF.' MmUFF;s".;$ ALESMirhie rits of ventli;ionf Exponas, issued out of Cc'trW of Common P'.c.is cf Clearf.eld tountv. t iBO -'directed.' wil? 'Wt!rposed to public sale, tS -Court House;' .jn':tte Borough ot Clcarnet'd.'J ate in Tra4ford'toirftvb1p:ciCarfitl,fcountv,borr.a ed by lands of Michael Fink. eo ifoovefanxTolh- ets. ctvataininj? one hundred acres' more or less, ""o i-wo- ftory, tog house erected, thereon, and about nine- ncre clesred. beinfr the same tract of Ia:;i d cfendaut hcught of Lc.ti . Hublcr. ' Seised, tnken in execution, and. to be sold' as the property of A'brahnrri r.onr.shttry '-'' " - ..Ai-All'the right 'title,- Intetejf and ttaim'bf William (t. HutTer, of in nnd fo a certain tract Of land silua'c in Morris-township, Clearfield county, bounded on the1 c:rt by Moshsnncn Creek, on the south by land of M'Minn and said creek, on the west and north by lands of L'lanchard, and land? of Swartt, containing about' 200 acres, more or?Ks: being part of two. large "surveys 'in' the name of Christian Mnsser and Wui.'O. Lutler unimproved or timber land: Seized,", taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William G. Butler. A?,so AH tfee;rjght. title, interort and claim of Daniel M. Dugnn.of in and to "a certain tract of land situate in I'oggs township. Clearfield county. coatajnijaO: actesaUjoiiapg land of Jatns J'or rest on thq west, Wui. James ou tho south, Jno. Mil ler on the east, UBd the Trie Pike on the north, with a small frame dwelling . Louse, a frame carpenter shop, and a small plank stable .hereon erected, with: about 2 acres cleared.. Seized, taken iu exe cution, and to be sold as the property of Daniel M. Dugan. .-, WILLIAM PUWLLl Zhrriff. ,hvriffs Office Ciearficld, oy.jIJ, 135I.-ts.. REGISTER' NOTICE. Xotice. Is hereby riven, that the followiiifl" accounts have been examined and passed ..by lueV and remain filed. of record in this office for the intpectiou of teira, leg atees, creditors, and all others iu auy other wayln-h-rested. and will be presented lo the ncstOrpbans" Court of. Clearfield county, to be held Jit the Court House in the loro' of Clearfield, on Tuesday the lth day of Dec. nest, for confirmation and allowance : 1. Partial account of James Wily, administrator of Joseph' Wily, deceased, for settlement. .2. The final account of D. W. Moore, administra tor, de bonis non of Jonathan R Ames, deceased. 3. The final account of Margaret Xces. adminis tratrix of Miles Hartsock. deceased. 4. The account. Benjamin Spackman, Guardian of Martha. Jane Welch, minor child of James, an J Mary Welch, for scitlcmcnt. , 5. The account of. Margaret Xcoa. Guardian of miuor children of Miles Hart sock, deceased, for ict tlcmcct.. ... ;V WM. rOKTLR. Register's OtTiec, Xov. 22. 'ul. llnrister. BARCATNK! RARC: AINK ! I Mns. Ei.iza Ikvin Si SON'S; Lave just received, and opened for sale, at the obi stand in Curwensville, tho larg est, and most splendid" assortment of Goods ever brought to Clearfield county, consisting, in part, of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Queensware. Tin warc. Saddlery and Harness, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Drugs. Oil. Taints, Glass. o., Ac, They would particularly call the attention of tho Ladies to their large stock of Pancy Goods, of eve ry description, feeling satisfied that it is a Tcetlc tiie best that c;in be found in the Cuunty. L'on nets of all descriptions, and prices. ", " The gentlemen have liot been forgotten, as will be seen on inspecting their very large assortment of ready-made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimcres, Sati nctts, ic, tc. Their Clothing is all of good qual ity, none of your Jew, sopAtvp stuff, but on tho contrary, well made and fashionably cut. and war ranted goo-1 and cheap. Give them a call, as they are determined to sell cheaper than all others.' All kinds of lumber and country produce taken in exchange for goods, and the cash not refused when offered. Call and examine for yonrsclves. CurwonsviHs. November 22. 185 1 .-.it. riTYRONE CITY HOTEL. HUGHES t JL 1KVIX, would respectfully inform the public that they have very greatly improved their House, and are now ablo to afford the travelling public. tLv -uost comfortable accommodations.-'- Their bar is fin nishe;! v. 'th ho very Los: lienor, and the luxuries of the Philadelphia market are to be found o:i thc-ir table.' 'ii.ey respectfully invite their numci-jus fVL-nds in CleariieM to give them a caih .August 9.1854. VEAV ROOT ANJ SO OS STORE. The J- t subscriber would respectfully inform the pub lic, that be has just opened an cntiro new stock of boots and shoes, in Graham's Row, one uoor cast of the Jourtial Office. ITcaj-field, Pa. Every variety of Ladie nnd'GeutlemenVgafters, la:-r-1 boot-', putr.iis. o'nrress boots, childrens shoes .. r!;c;ii f.-r cash..' Jf. licni-s to receive a Loots and .-V.ccs made 0. S. BLACK. LU-r: 'fLa'ie of pntrong: . ii- iETTfil! IT' ! All persons knowing them K?sdvc indebted to the' subfrriber, by bond. note, iior.k isiTflii.t. or 'in any other manner ' whatever, arc h'Teby-riylifii'd to come forward rnd settle l-cfore tli'' 'September Court, as he is d rte-nnined to have. his buyinc? entirely Settled up by thnt time. 'i'hve ur.i'ib: to pay. arc requested to settle and time and ..'."ortui.Pv will be extended to them. JAME.S .15.. GRAHAM. T83J. '.'." '" . ' i rul.am ten. 'Aun'ili Jl-TOUNT VERNON" HOUSE. No. '05 North jjtJl Second St.. j'liiladc'.j-'hia. The undersigned having. leased the above well known House, which bar in-6n Ii i:vdv.at::h ' smj B c-Miini'i.cn Timorr;n Oi t. have ju-t epened it for the reception of visitors. The furniture is all r.cw. and has been selected vi.h care tV.-m Hcnkles well, known establishment in Chesnnt Street, and is p,F' the latest' and '-most fashionable -style:''' - ' ' :' - . ' The location 'for Merchant? and others et.mfpg to the city i.t couv'enleht; being in the contrc of business. . Their friend iv. Clearfield .-.re respectfully soli cilcd to give thLiu a call. J. BLAIR. I. L. BARRETT. An.ar. -'50. 185 Proprietors. f Ti'W..AHUIVAL.-r-Jl. A. PRANK,- has just 1. t returned from tho East with a lartre. tissort lucnt of. Cloihs. Cassimexs. Neck Tics,. Trimmings. Bcady-iuade Clothing, ic, v.hi.ii he will sell cheap for u-h, lit his siore. to lors east of the Journal ciliee. . t . .. ---.'"'::'' : 5 i'asiiionab'e tailoring still done to order, with neatness and dispatch. lie invites the public to give him a call and cx l. mine his stock, Sept 13, 1S54. XfA LUAUhU F A R 31 A T P R I V A T K V SALE. The subscriber offers for sale on rea sonable and easy terms, bis farm in Lawrence township,- coutair.ing uiu htitdu-d ncrrs. aa-l allow ance, 'iiie buildings are, a good log house, frame barn, and other out-liousce. There is. also.-on the place a promising young orchard of choice fruit trees, in lino bearing order. Also. -a never failing spring of water. About sixty Acres cleared Two miles from Clearfield. .. Inquire of F. P. Rctlkb. Clenrficld. or the sub scriber on the premises. JOSEPH LANICH. October 4, 154. Sin. - -DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSIIIP. 3ur The partncrsliiti hwcioibro ciistiii? between C. M". ;raham and J. E. Watsou, wii3 this day dis solved by mutual consent, having disposed of their interest to Jus. B. Graham. C. M. GRAHAM, J. E. "WATSON Graham ton, October 27. 1854.. . The business willhereafu-r be continued by Jan B, Graham, as formerly, who will collect all ac counts due, and pay all debts contracted bv the former firm. JAS. JJ. GRAHAM. Grahamptou, November 15, 1S54. CtALEB C(TE & CO. No. 1??, Market St., I'hihi- delphia., Healers ia Linens, White Goods'. Ho siery. French, English and German Silk Goods. La ces. Gloves. Bolting Cloths, ic. . June 15, '54-ly. mO SHOEMAKERS. A fine lot of Spanish Kips X Men and Women's Morocco pink , trimmings, and Sole Leather, for sale cheap, bv ' Juno 13. ;54. M0SS0P & POTTARFF BROOK. TYSON REIIN Wholesale Dry Good's Store, No. 146, Market Street. Philadcl phio.''- ' ' ' .' ;- ' Juno 15, 1854-Iy. TONE WARE, of every varietv. cheap for cash at the Store of W. F. IRWIN. Jnnel4,.'54 -' .' ?..;-.':' :'(' ' :. ',,.--' Barrels New Orleans Sugar, at Sixponce per mJ pound, for sale at the Chean Storo of .. A. M. HILLS. .nonuay.-'trie-Iih' day of Heccmbcr.TSM. atJU'o cTocJcA. M.'.-th;foHo-wir.s"descrlbed real estate';" All the right, titlmth-est and claim of Abraham Trfiiinsiturv oF i-n'btid in rJeiz-w-iA t.t' ,.nri titr X. Tho Cm.3;ii ?a.ta.ot Caa.oven. r xor iiisTaovkd. Lord acvciixu. in T 1 V tortcai ucteues oi .-taicsnip-n whu flourished m tL nmeor i.eorge irje Jinr.i,.- gives some rcmsiUahJc e'xainplesrshowii.ff the ' great lew ni'stained br Eng land in the history of its statcsnfcn. and of 'itV- b. tional progress, tbronjh rthe itboerfeot sta:to('rkari ii.imeuiary reporting in former, times. I:c opens his life tit" Lprd Ci.Anr.Vit lhu- --There is haivliy any man in modern iiiacs. w!t; ihc exception, per haps, of. Lord Somtrs, who fills so large a space in our history, and of whom we know so little. as Lord Chi' ham; nd yet he is the person tb' whom every fne would at once point, if desired to name the most successful statesmen and most brilliant orator that this couutry ever produced. Of Lord isomers, -in-doed.' wo c:ui scarcely be said to know anything at all. That ho was a person of. unimpeachable integ rity, a judge of great capacity aud learning, a firm friend of liberty, but a cautious and safe counselor iff most difficult emergencies, all are ready to ac knowledge. Bat "the authority which he possessed among liifc cotemporaries. tho influence which his sound and practical wisdom exercised Over their proceedings ,the services which ho was : thus ena bled to render in steeriug the Constitution safe thro' the most trying times, and saving usfiuiu arbitra ry power without paying the. price of our liberties iuiinarchy and blocdsh'ed-nnyxonductingthc whole proceedings of a revolution'with all the delibera tion; and almost in the forms of an ordinary legal proceedings, huve surrounded his name with mild yet imperishable glory. Which, in the contrast of our dark , ignorance respecting all the particulars and details of his life, gives tho figure something alto gether mysterious aud ideal. It is now unfortu nately too late, by supplying this information. tofili up the outline which the meagre- records of his time have left us. : Bnt it is singular how much of Lord Chatham, who flourished within the memory of the present generation, still rcstsupou vajrne tradition. As a statesman indeed, he is known to us by the events w hich history luii recorded to have happen ed under his administration. Yofevenof hissharo ii? bringing these about, liitle 'hits been preserved of detail. So, fragments of his speeches have been handed down to us, but these hear so very small a proportion to the prodigious fame which his elo quence has left behind it. that far more is manifest ly lost than has reached us; while of his written compositions but few letters have hitherto been given to the world. The imperfect state of parlia mentary reporting is the great cause of this blank."' What S.ouicrs and Chatham have lost in fame by the oblivion of all the masterly efforts of thicr minds which, wielding the power of Parliament, conducted the march of Government- dciinjr their connection with it. the history of (ho nation has also lost for want of the vigor and verity, the clear ness,, the freshness and beauty with which its events and their causes might have boon preserv ed in the luminous eloquence of its orators. The great men w ho conducted the Revolutionary struggle in the Continental Congress have left uo history behind them of the views and events which had their birth in their debates, except in ihc mea gre formula of a jonrnal. The fervid feelings of the hour, the impelling circumstances, the argu ment, tho eager controversy which set the subject in ever' variety of light, passed away with the breath that gave thcra utterance; and men who were not surpassed, in the oi-inion of Lord Chatham, by 'the masicrstatesmen of the world.'-have bequeath ed to posterity nothingof the eloqifenee' which gui ded our National Councils but '-the shadow of a name." Recent publications show how graphic history becomes when the . actors in it speak fr themselves, and events as they emerge,, stamp themselves on. its page. Congress has now taken care that this sort of genuine history shall fall from the press, full and perfect, day by day; and thus every public man will make bis own history, and blend it imperishably with thnt of his country-.- - The Congressional Globe and Appendix is so vol uminous that it can only he read by eur busy coun trymen partially during its progress. Some are interested in one measure, some in another.- Dif ferent sections look for the most part to the action of their several representatives the concerns of one frequently possessing no interest for the rest and amidst the mas it is difficult for each section: or individual, to get tt the special matter most in teresting to them. To obviate this." and enable all to .tret at a glance a general viow of the entire pro ceedings of Congress, and to fix their attention en what suits their particular views. I will publish in future in addition to the Daily Globe and the Con-; gressional Globe and Appendix, a Ti'esiays Con gressional Glo:!C. containing a brief of ca-h day's debate on every important subject discussed during the proceeding week, arranging the names of the speaker? pro and eon., and preseting the points dis cussed and leading arguments on each side, some what in the mode in which forensic briefs are pre pared... This paper I will send gratuitously to eve ry subscriber to the Congressional Globe and Ap pendix: and, to those who may consider this sum mary sufficient without them, the subsrriptiou price for this weekly will be two dollars per annum. This brief synoiwis of debates will fill but a small part ef the contents of this large weekly sheet. It will eoutain every important item of foreign and domestic news which can be gleaned from thedaily prints during the week, together with that which may be brought by telegraph at the moment of going to press. Tt wiil contain, besides, the interesting mis cellany which i. giren in the Daily Globe, and tho Washington gossip of tho letter writers, extracted from the different newspapers which employ them, wheneverthey shall beesmcd cfsuch import as to interest the readers of the Globe, and bear such pro bability on their face as to warrant their insertion. As this weekly paper will be sent to all the sub scribers for the'Congr"riionnl Gh,bc;:r,d Appendix, it will certainly have a, more general circulation than any other newspaper in the United States, and will, therefore, invite advertisement from ev ery section of the Union. specially the wholesnle merchants in the greatcities, which will give it ad ditional interest with business men everywhere. The Daily Globe will be printed on a doable roy al sheet, tw ice a day during the session of Congress at 1 1 o'clock, A. m., and 5 o"clo(-k, r. M .; andonre a day, at 5 o'clock r: t.. during the recess-?. at5 a vear for either the morning or evening edition!. The evening edition is the one most suitable for subscribers who live out of this city, as it will con tain, besides the fall proceedings of Congress of the day before published in tho morning edition, a full synopsis of those of the day., together with 'he news by telegraph, "and other sources, up to the hoar that it is nut to press. It will contain, r.'o pH laws hud joint revolutions pacod by Cortgres.:. The Congressional Globe find Appendix will al so bo printed on a double royal sheet.in bot h form, royal quarto izc, each number containing sixiccu pages.. The Congressional Globe will be made up of the proceedings of Congress, aud the running de bates as taken down by the reporters. The Appen dix will contain the Messages of the President of the V. S.. the Beports of the Heads of the Executive Depsrtments, such speeches as have ftc-erc withheld by Members of Congress for revision, and ail-the lawsand joint resolutior.spasscd durinthe session. A complete index will be made soon after Congress adjourns, and sent to all subscribers for the work Should any numbers fail to reach subscribers, tbey will be sent to them, without charge, whenever they adviss me what numbers they have not received.- Subscribers should be careful to file all the numbers received, as the complete work will be found to be very valuable to them, and the expense fcf furnish ing missing numbers very expensive to me. The debates of Congress aie now as fully and as faithfully reported in the Congressional Globe, as those of any other legislative body are in this or any other country, and yet they arc sold to subscri bers for one-sixth of what any other debates arc sold for in this country, and one-eleventh of what the debutes of the British Parliament are sold for in England, whore paper, reporting, type, and type setting are. each and all, much cheaper than is this country. Tho liberal subscription by Congress en ables me to sell the the debates so low.- And Con gress, for the purpose of enabling the people to ob tain them at as low a rate as they can be afforded, passed the following joint resolution, authorizing tnem to go tree Dy maii -.-Joint uesolution provi ding for the distribution of the Law3 of Congress, and the Debutes thereon :VWith u view to the cheap circulation of tho law3 of Congress and the debates contributing to the true interpretation thereof, and to make free the communication between the rep resentatives and constituent bodies. Br it rewired lit the Fetiitf avd House of Krprr tteuttitirtvs oj'thf ITnitid Fi.ite of America in Con gress aisrinKlcil. That from and after-tho present jf cssion of Congresa, the Congressional Globe and Appendix, which contain the laws and the debates thereon; chsll.be published by order of. Congraw : Provided, Tlwit nothing herein shall be construed to author7.e the circulation of the Daily C lobe free of postage. Approved,' August 6, 1S52:'. ' Tuesday's Congref sianal ohe will be pnlished every Tuesday, and contain all that is promised. 1 1 will be commenced on adouble royal sheet, but. if that shall bo found not to be large enough to con tain all the nyiktej &Sn the sh4 wBtbe er.Urged. tkkms: Fcrlrp-VGongi-Loual Qlpbe.l yr,S5.00 When taken fflr'a L-.-s time, the y-riei will be fifty - centra-month: For-tho Con gtcssionalti lobe and AppeadiR during taortjrg,seiott.I-T - S3. CO Where, bank notes under 5-5 are prohibited by law, Tor!aunfct be'xcaday obtained, I will send 2 cop ics for S5..4 Cos 510.: and so on .l fhi't rate. For Tuesday's CunrcH-ional Globe, 1 year, - S2.C0 For six months, '-,'.-'- ".- - - .... 1.00 Subscriptions Tvr.ls thai six months will not bo received. Orders for the Congressional G lobe and Appendix, cr o.r Tuesd.iy'f. Conreioual Globe, should be. hero bv tLc7lh 'of Ecciubcpto secur all the uumbors. Thu Daily Globe 'U tow in tho course, tf, publication ana . will bo scut from tho day a subscription reacLcibbre. . - An ojjdtr for iiny.of the papers .must b twniii. r.anicd by the nioncy.for it, eh-d the jwpcr wii nt besentw .Bank notes current where'a subscriber re sides will be recieved at par ' 1 desire to' employ Agents, who can produce Oud reecoruiuenda! ions, to obtain u.l.rlbcrs. ' A , A Jous I. Rives. Washington City, November ?2,'1S54." THE MUSICAL V70RI.D TOR'! Te rms. (irrmr'aMy in a lvar.ee. ; .f.l.oO 5.tld 1 Oil wo copu-s, - - - - ' - - ive copies. ' - ' - v)'"i:nts : '. -' 1 IM I- The choice of two of the fo'towing musical- portraits, cnravtfd.' on steel, neatly'' mailed on a roller, designed -as the rorrtfnrriitenl of a G.ullery of Afit-'f'-ti Part rati 9. to be hwr.g around "every family plaro.""- " ,i f': - f- ''- r ' ' 1 llEXttl-rTS SONT Cx 5.-l.!ST.-- ' - 2. rK"Ti:o'E", C. srnrji.wx, 3. WF.BER.' : ' '" ' 7. Sl-fU'tKP.T, 4. MEXnKLXSOnT,' ; - S. WAtLAcK. Of these portraits, that of the lamented Madame Sontag is stirpnsirtv- fine nnd particularly to be commended. Each S3 subscriber on .mailing his subscription will please toseTrbat two portraits he chooses. To , club ' subscribers, nnd to all per sons not sendintr their snLerivt'ons directly to this office but snb?erfbinw through Rgcnts, we can only afford "(frbut the great" redn'ction of terms) to give the choice vf but 0-7- portrait. ' II FitEstt . Mrstr four pages every week which can be detached from the reading matter, is paged sep'aratcly and can be bound at the end of the volume, forming a choice miscellaneous col JcclifWoT pieces f.-.r'-hrW,To-.tnrce"Trn!l tout voi -cs; polkas, lnazurkits; - waltzes; music for the guitar. Sute, violin. hrpi uiu.-ic for youug people; sacred music, for voice, melodcon and organ. This music, alone,' costs the proprietor annually 1.70K and is worth io every subscriber at. least. Jl 2.00 ; setting' aside 'the advantage of its variety audits superiority as1 the very pick of all the new wushi published.- ".'- - . .: .-.; ' ; - - III. I n'st!;i 1 7iv k Mr?ii. Rkaiinc; embrac ing a weekly-condensed budget of news from all parts of the world ; musical stories, biographies, ete.-: musical essays; crilicisins. : - . IV. Enti:kt.umm . Gi:xi:al Rkaoing: cora prising oiiinnl tr.irslstior.s from the Trench and (firman ; seleetions from new books nnd periodi cals ; also int'Tcsting original contributions. '. ' The Musical World is delivered 7 without extra charge to New York and Brooklyn subscribers. Any persons sending us a club of five subscribers shall receive a cony of the paper for a year and his choice of ceo et" the above engrn-rings. ' ': All new .siibteriptions .will be entered for tho first of January, lb.'ij. but the portraits now ready will be ?nt immediately to those' first subscribing-. ; Any of -our old .subscribers whose year docs not expire till after the first of January. ISoj. can al so have their choice- of two of these portraits by" sending us their subscription a year in advance of such expiration. - .- ': ! IA 1 RrcniEw Stosbs . WitLt?4 . Editor and proprietor,,257 Rroad way, N. V. .- (f'ouri ?Iffair5. - -: : DECEMBER TERM, 1851. ... TRIAL LIST. ,' ,.r, ' Jane nn'nfer vs T.' A. T Hunter. ' Tohn Patchin vs.Iofiab Lambourn. . - - J.i'ji-s i'liaiitv vs Lurunder i Eriskley:'. - .it-rciu:an .-..ycre vs Jhrni-.$ -..artir,. (rrorg.W. Sl-ffT vr H'-b.t 'I.y.le. - . i " George W-. Sh'.-ff v Lytic it Hem;:. -l John Sibcrts' vs Moses Pearce , Philip Ante.vvs Rigler Kccd. ' - . Samuel Caldwell vs M. Sterenson. - Tuokncr k Heiiher v John Stiles. . , . Oscar F. Moore vs O. P. Wilder. C. F.-Renaud ts John NoITer' ' - - - ' Renjumin Cooilqy -vsViliain M-' Dugan. . -Thomas Craven vs Robert Penningiun. JViiutv Cnrlty vs Janies Cnnshlus. - '- - C. 1" Renaud vs J(.hit-2S'odier fc Itoussa'ot. -t.trgc.Vi Csrter 13 Srydc r A Large. ,.. . , . Conncll l-'fedcriek vs' Henry t'fow.- '" ' ' J. i J. lleynti.TX- AbraSim-Dy r. .''i'i y': Z George Giil vs Thomas Hull. Iic:ia-I Ouiglc vs Ji.o. ti Jaiuce 21. Leonard". J. A .1. M. Lcouard. use of J. j-ouard sM.,t2uigle. Peter DicUerson vs Vogals .t Ero.;h,r"s' John Fryniire vs Peter L'atmn.. ' - 'i--Kellev tDickerson vs H. B. ?liller- '. II. R." Miller vs Kellev & Dickerson. ' ' . . II. B. MiikrVs J. M."Kcl!ey.v- '- '"" 1 : same '? j: vs .-rsatsc..-; ; - j-, - . Irwin A iliioinaa-vf Isaac ?fiec. . Philip Antes vs G. L.'RccJ." ' '".'.'''.' 'J'orbett, Crrino. et. al vs Alexander Cnldwc-IL' SamuehM-.-Koau vs James AI. Dixon. LIST OF GRAND JCnORS.' "' Samuel P. objs, ,n. carpenter. Hoggs'.' "- John S. Brooks, farmer, Jordan. . Charles Sloan, justice of peace, P-oggs. RoheVt .Tohn.-cn. fatracr Jordan L. W Mucson, farmer, Roggs. Richarh Ianver. farmer. 1'enn . Henry Wetzel, farmer. Uell. f Charles Sholl", farmer, Pcuu. . . James H. Tle:ciKg. carpenter Curwensville. John Dressier. Jr ,-fariiicr. I niOn. Hugh Krise. farmer. Union. Klia? Hci.dt.rion.. farrner: Lawrence. " John Moore, gunsmith. :' John Rayhorne, farmer, Morris. Wiili.i:!! h. Mcrrell. farmer, Morris. Samuel ii.-on. firmer. Rradford. James Gunsalus. farmer-. Karthaus.' John Gulich. cubiiictinaker, Clearfield. Asa Young, farmer. Huston. William Feath. carpenter. Purnside. Tolbert Dale, fanner, Rrady. i M. Johnson, farmer. Grady. Schooly Scott.fiii-mer. Woodward. George Ross, farmer. Pike. . LIST OF.TRAVLItSL JURORS. - -John Schofi', fanner Deccaria. : . : Thomas Kyler, farmer, Morris. Robert Swarts. farmer, Morris. ' Joseph Syhowalter, farmer. Morris. Amos Keed. farmer. Pike. John Welch, farmer. Pike. Peter Mays, fanner, Pike. John Miies, farmer. Ferguson. G. W-. Shimmel. fanner, Hoggs. '- Henry Irwin, farmer. Lawrence. - .:. J. B. Larmoy, luuibcrmau, Covington. Joseph Trwin, farmer. Lawrenc e. ' Arthur Pell, farmer, liell. Lhn. J, Read, farmer. Lawrence. Thomas Hcwit. farmer. Huston, (i. D. Goodfollow. lumbcnii an. Lawrence. ; -' Philip Chambers, farmer." Huston. A. S. Leonard, farmer. Goshen. i -Daniel ll.u iiotk, I'aruicj, Rrady. , James Albert, farmer, llecatur. . George. V.T. Long, innkeeper. Rrady. Jacob Ake. merchant Rurnsitlc. ; " , AVilliam Lrisbcn. farmer, Rrady. . Samuel Diss, farmer, Curr.side." John W. Nelson., farmer. Rrady. .' - . . s Anthony 11 He, firmer. Penn. . I'aniel Itishcl, farmer! Brad-. John LabordeJr.,' farmer, T'nion. 'Reuben Caldwell, farmer, Jordan. - -Frederick Holiopeter, farmer. Union. William Antes, farmer, Bradford. . John Hare, farmer, I'nion. - John Peters, farmer. Bradford, r . Peter Labroile. (of John) farmer, I'nion. Witliani K. Wrigley, farmer, Bradford. ' Abrahaiu Byers, farmer, Woodward. Li. JACKSON CRANS Attorney at Law. Of- fice adjoining residence. Clearfield. Pa. ' ' ' : J -.May 2il. '54ly? 100 5S just received' at the Cheap" MOSP '4 POTTARFF. Ptoi-e of June 1 1, "14 In . 1 . . fi- no " : ; It