Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 13, 1854, Image 2
f'.i-S -- 4 ,4 tt 5 J Til H A F T S M A BlSWMA L, -HjiSL. v ' fr r"ity "o are CQnstantiy meddling in -TSvferlfe '.otlreople'albusinessand ieglectbigihtir . f jgjf-r-ar J. ftS" 'OWfP Some ofjtheni tre lately taken under jKi""? ibelr special care tho?nciffls f""Ottr e'siab- ' whe,ver else fcey get together, in discussing 33 "'-- 2 " jf our affairs., calculating our expenses, estima- ----XT -1 ' . .ri .4. "WedTie!&-y, De?era)6-13. 18547 RAIL ROAD MEETIiN'G. ,:; icO A mi!ting of the friends of the Tyrone and Clear- retook.; i, 7 ,; ., rI :-w vORD 'TO 'OUR' FRIE'DS.!X ' '-exi wcclc fi (boifrf'ach wll afford an 6p- pbr 1 7t ar compcjkd to piircJ)ac".injwV"e hope ,there forc, that tUe.(;wiU call nait';v.eak, and render ua what assistance ,is, in their ;po;.ver. ,;This is not dHH-ffS: have, nothing to dun. for but a .simple re4iUSt,-wiich ye . boe ,vill ..be. com plied .vi;lijH.ri-' vi, T ,l'').':- i v: - DEPTTY SECRETARY' OF STATE. ; Est.; of Butler county Deputv Sectetarj" of the ".Ton M.- SttllivaJi has1 Itcen' appoirtted Deputy Secretary Oom?MinweaUlu') 'Mr. SallivaR served Tor some time as Clerk of the "Senatei 'during -which he acqufril'a great deal of legislative experien ce,' and win the respect .and good will of all the members, without regard to party.: It is itndbubtedly ;the most popular ' appointment that could hrrve been Wade. ' f , ' LITERARY NOTICES. r!"'. "tyYi: have ' deceived from the ' publishers, Messrs. Iixisat & Px-ackisto 2-3 South Ct St., Philail.-lphia, 4-The Young' American's Li brary, consisting oftwelve neatly bound' and handsbmelv "illustrated" volumes, embracing the lives of TTasbington Penri, Fr'anklin, L;i Favettc. CI w', tTubWtcf; Marion, Jackson, TayT t , . , , ... lor, and" Napoleon, with "The Yankee Tei Party," and the "Old; Bell of T7G." Each volunie is well and chastly wriitencontaining I .. ....!.! f ..... l,;r,r '!Y"wru:5 . , . V ' - f ' ia admirably adapted to the youthful mind.- ican family. . . XteW itilf4i-.uU4.v Jiuiitiyrone., City, Blair Kfied'a founty. 6n.Tharslay taclith of Jauary, 13"5 I i , :; V The 'lous he 0' n' to receive SHbscrintions of percent Ifinity'ty -'those' of 6ur subscribers 1 wlib ."v.", max, nowever anx,iousiy ttiey .uesire lKvc'not rt:p'il their subscriptions to do so. " thsmrnal will nofgo down," and that is unnecessary for us to" say anything about ieir exceedingly 'wise predictions will never fhV high price' of '-'printing materials, and scar'- be verified., .That the paper will '-still live" city of money ; and all our friends" are aware to -hiythem but cold and 'comfortably in the that tb -cujiis reEired;iXor.feYeV' tMng'we- tiext.Presideutir.l canvass, as itdid during; the ' The "Young Americau, and Testern Herald "FAW.NLS'C FOR PLACE." i , of Freedom is on our table. ..It presents a We published, iu our last paper, a co?mnu ncat appearance, and deserves success. PuW nication under .tho above caption, reflecting lishdbvD-A.Brower,atXew Brighton, Pa. GRAND PRIZE CONCERT. The . "Clearfield Brass . Band" will give a concert in the Town Hal!, on Christmas night; aflvr which ire Wrerf wiU;.be . distnbu- ted among th,e audience, consisting of Gold and silver watches, rings, clocks,-boots, shawls, book casQS, and a variety of other valuable ar- tides t. 'fp. numerous to mention. Tickets way'be.Lad of the Treasurer, Geo. W. Sack ktts, or t the store of A.I, Hills, or C. I). Wtso.v, fur One dollar y.. ,.. . . ... . Kaiowiug the. object to v"Mch the proceeds are to be; Applied, wc can confidently recom mend this Concert to the public;' .We can al- so assure those at a distance (,wh? desire, to purchase tickets, that it may be .done wiUi t perfect safty, asid tiiat the distribution of prizes will be houe&tly, fairly, and, impartially epitdutted. ,Tiie .oljeot is a good one, and we J Wlih it RtlCihS. ... , ... ...... - ;- j.. .j :- . CONGRESS. -Tho Sciute was organized on the 4tli by cal - lingllon.-Lrwis Cass to preside over that body ..for the day'. Subsequently Jesse !P. Bright of Indiirro-1 wr.s elected President pro tempore in the ' room if Mr; Atchison, resigned. ! Up to tm present time-; they have don0 nothing- bnt make preliminary arrangements, receive (v. j.Hinston.- This is not true.- Col. Cur the message and reports, -and give' notice -of tm is stnj a candidate and wjll remain so.' We . ' - "lr'r. . " : cannot understand why 'the '-Mil Ionian' sK'onld' i tie uousLact oaUiie.same day, ly.mem- bers answering to their. names. . i ho standing cwiuT-iittees have been anounced, ami ,a nura- of bills introduced, none. ofiWhich as yet have been acted upon, . In both the ; Senate and House, notice has been .given of a bill to repeal or alter the naturalization laws. In the House, Mr. Seilars. has introduced a resolution, which has given rise to considiirable. debate, calling for infarmation as to the object of the .confer- euce of American Ministers at Ostend- v --..-. pUF.SIDENT'S 51ESSAG11.' - 'On or.ri(?irth page :w Hi be found a synop sis of the Prt-bideht's message- To have pub lished the entire document ; would have occn pld more 'than half our ' psper, and would have excluded other more interesting matter.' As a State paper, th"e" .message is prosy in style, nieagre in its 'develdpemeuts, hesitating in its opinions, and imbecile in its arguments. It I'laihly evinces the1 utter imbecility of the Ad iriinistration; and so far from giving a fair in dex "of the' events of tbe past year? it - attmprs to cover and conceal them. -' " ' ' ' ,: -' ' '' The greater part of the stupid docrthVent is cccupied with details " which ;would -find' a more appropriate place ' in" the report 'of the departments rom which, they. are drawn, while it passes! oyer,, with but a slight , notice,, the importanjt questions arising from the -present couipli.cated ; state of our foreign relatious. About tbej only xecomendatipn. which it con tains, (of . Anjf imporUuce) is the anti Ameri can And unpatriotic one, of a ftill - greater re-ductiOBoC.dntica.-pi:. iniports.. Some two or three columns are occupied with a defence of the GreytoT7B atfakf tkAtirilliaoachievement of ttite illustrious Hollins, in'which two nigger shanties, a chicken-coop ,; and pig-sty, were ut terly 'de'molisiied, and a'"trhoIe flock of terriS- J ei geeso put flight f " " ' ' " ''"" ting our receipts, and making themselves gen- I erallv ofEcious. jLtlieadflifatioKx individuals will -take the trouble of calling upon us, we will endeavor I to furnish them with the correct datii,j.o6i which to base their calculations, when., they, win icarn inai ice cx juaiccry nave someiumg less to do with theJoirrrinl establishment than th'ev imagined Any claiihs which such" cen- I Hlcniin'may have against, the office, will be nd cashed on presentation at liven'y five over' their par value.' Nbvr, . ye bra'g- gers, bring on 'jrour. "judgmenis," land "drafts &c:" " """ . - ' ' ' ' :" : ' ' ' These ' officious gentlemen rnav ' further late campaign, and that all their efforts can af fect no more than the butting of a ram against a locomotive.. "" ' ' If these" meddlesome gentry Mould attend more to. their own business and less Jo other pCople's,perhaps some Of theni could pay their debts. The two who borrowed money from us tfill their flour barreljs, and promised ( return. H "in a.feW d8'" :m..W.a,.00 d to od chance of having the favor repeated." VTc like their gratitude, and will hereafterj en deavor to reward it. ' . In conclusion, we beg learc to say that those who are so anxious aboutour private-affairs, can have the privilege at anytime. of looking pver the books of the office, as we de sire to releive them from an amount of busiT ness which requires then? to neglect their own to, such an extent, that iheir wives ere compelled to stand cu in the snovor and.l cut fire uood, while they are taking so deep an interest in our.acr.nrs beside a - liar-room stove ! If it is necessary to speak plainer to. correct this dis gusting practice, we will do it, as we are de termined. to expose all meddlers , and o3Ieious persons, .untirthese corner and. bar-room cau cuses on other peoples business shall be bro- . m Xobody but blasruards and whiskev . J suckers attend them, and no ono who has anv preteI1tions to decencv would be caught 5n somewhat upon the recent course of. the liar' risburg. Telegraph and its editor.. We sajd at the time that we by no means -endorsed .the sentiments of the artjcle,Tior did we suppose it. would have given offence, even to the odi- tor of that ortlloJ'ox paper himself. We iavc a verJ hih regar(1. both for the Telegraph, and fyr ir. Milder, and. we. would be sorry to say anytItine of a brother editor, and co-lahnrpr in the same great causey that we would uot de sire to have said of:ourself. , We hope there fore, that he wjli iiot.Tegard us.as desiriug or intending to impugn liis motives, -or to mis represent his conduct. lie did noble service in the late contest and we have no doibt his liiotivrt in hoistincr the' name of Gov. Pollock fyr th(J ji the sincere aud h op e st desire to. proniote success, of ; the: great J principU for wjiich he, and all of tf s, to no bly, battled.- Wi give bin . credit ,w.ith too much good sense, to get displeased t and -have; no doubt after he inuil.cd the note, lue .-,; nt .us, that he regretted ha had; takeo .an - notice of the , matter whaieAcr. . Ili 1,-tter, .howevor,' proves his title to ageutlomaii. ,. ,.. , ,, .,. .'..-, :--:'" -COL. -CURTIX. ' . . The MilivniMi asserts that Col. Cchtis has withdravn from the contest for Unitod States Senator, and has expressed himself in fhvorof seek to bamboozle its readers on- this' ques- tion; ' This is not the first time. "Tj-? . : are also authoristod to. say that "th& ZM- tmian is -not, as has been assorted; the home" organ' of Gov. Pollock. Its sentiments are tliose of-the iditor alone, and Judge Pollock has nothi ng (whatever to do with it. ', The rii-' i,or that Gov. Johirtton; though well worthy ho distinguished pesfcion,fs to be the Admiii- i strati on candidate, is uttcrlv without founda- titxi. ' The (rovernor elect has too much good sense to interfere"! :i that nvhich does not be long to him. 'lit is a pity we cant say as much for tbe editor of the MUlonian. - ; ' , , ;! BIiOKEN BANKS. We were asked a day or two agowby we did not publish a list of the .broken . banks, that our readers rnigbiJ;Bow.. what money to refuse V. Ilearen deliver ns; and our readers from any suclv infliction ! .! . We would sooner publish the President's Message. We would have to wind our paper up with "To le contin ued," for the next three -weeks- If our. read ers desire to pursue the safe course, . they must refuse all but' Pennsylvania: currency,' and when that gets bad we rwitl ' endeavor to n6tify them. ; -' '''':-.,. :..), .... - A Wise SxATtsiiAM. A Washington corres pondent says the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Guthrie, believes the acme of statesman ship to be the. locking up. of all the specie in the country in the, vaults of the Sub-Treasury, and to this glorious end alibis energies are di rected.By taking out of circulation some 40,000, 000 of gold equal to a capital of at least 100, pjillion the prosperity of the country is to be demonstsated. "- And certainly the argument is unanswerable, for a country which can sur- rive sachua government a . we now fcav,, isH strong enough to defy all dargers. . n i?.;?: I&v.-J -c? AfcditotfasWwas going lytfurtiog'T fl"' C ,'V U- ,V " I -. i rt- I.-' ... ' . & t. " i -art . f r CJU T l M. Jrt. it . - " Court-z-Tieit&pek. SnU'good fh sleighing. :: t-iVyl nuisance that drum under our office. 3 o'W-r:the man that "cracks the whip.'' Scarce pencil notes, and printing fjipr. ,5ifeBn'e'ather, and our new scjqfj.- 3 Hard the tildes, andthose ;grcy bob-tails.' Dull our ton, as usual the week before Court "Empi-ff our coal box, past eupV&nd pocket book Exhausted our appla box.' WbolP filUit to On r Mimas? - - - - N-w arrivdr-rsA the ot.' Jhe Cheape, oods5MCalUn4s..UJ i; $ V XEike trfiblie womahvs heart. t r6quircs" 1,,,, t IjeitirthnudswoetiMsz, lung drawn, on girl seven feet tall." ' - -- etty ' 'III Got-. Bigler. AVe learn, that tie- is fa.it re L'COV.eriBg. . .- : fcuong pui' t!l0 i resident s xucssage over Expftifi'ce that Ffircs, for tho man who gotliis coat split up tho bacK. ReJiabe reartpt.-To make a man forgetful of his prqiaises put.kim in olSce. Hard M-rth.o ''Jefferson .Star.'.' ' It shines dim this wVck. on brown wrapping paper. '' .. S'tc'rfr -that venison dinner we "eat last Sun .day. Wei'H call again. .. .: ... .., r ., , Uuigyi"iUiam D.arry, in Buffalo Count.v. N. Y. on the. 1st.', in'st.. for tho murder of his Wife. ' "jwfjr David's Miie sleigh and Tigzituf. Won- -dcrwhatEarnuin would give for hiedancing horse? Prf"T-rra article that slovenly, aquirU" mage use oi msicau oi soap ana water. ;. Fire in Bai tninrr on Saturday evening. Tour story buildings were entirely destroyed, with .their contents. . : ... : ij . Don t rarm the. Philadelphia Srn.. .. Wliat's wrong Col. ? ' Can t do without the Sun. Hope you naven i out u : ' ' jilore 7inow jVofhitig. They are organizing Jfejrro ; -Orders in New;. York. ..They ought . to make good ones. Ihey can ' keep dark." ' Good opportunity next week for tlioso of our sui)criber8 who desire to save half a dollar, to pay uicir subscriptions. ; . .;. . v iMcv rprinters in these bank-breaking . times. They have no notes on the 'busted' banks, nor-oil any other! Promiar to le imposing the military display at the inauguration of Gov. Pr.t,orK. Couldn't the Clearfield guards tako a trip to Iiarrisburg? ' -' Thir list 'cutest' for jeaoreryK lady has dis charged her lover because, in relating his voyaga he ;-huggod the shore.'!, : : , .- Jn to'Di the man that thinks he's a sharperbc- eatise he's a Yankee, and wears a white hat. t-abbage and invisible green: .'. .- Gone tn Ttrool viile a number of the 'fane v' from Curwensville. Wonder if buttons' arc plentyout , . V. , u . Vllljiil ' nil! UO 111 UVIUHMU. ' ' ' Arreitrjl Ellen Kcenan, a yonnsf Irish, girl, in Wuiurton. Mass., for scttinsr on fire a C'ntholie church. It 'is said she Lad some difficulty with the Pricat. JW new'.' There has boon no news, during the pasVweck tf any importance from Sevastopol. Things appear to remain in statu quo. , Piolifc. A lady in Columbia, presented her hnhsnd with three children at a birth. Columbia will soon be populated if they go on at that rate. fin old fool. An old inkeeporin Stark Co.,Ohio. recently took strychnine on his wedding day, be cause his children were opposed to his marriage. ' Iitrrr.vt ing- a unmber of the' c&es to be tried, next, week in. the Quarter Sessions. . Wc havo no doubt they will produce considerable excitement Co mmg tho Jlollidays Those that want nice presents should furnish, us with ten or nior sub scribers, when we "will gVe them some bewtfful volumes of books,. , . , Will male a goad wife-rrthe young lady who does not apologise when you find her at work In 4bff kitchen, bst continue! at her task until it is finished. . .. More virtories. The Whig and Main Law ticket has succeeded f n New Haven. Conn., the Whig3 in Ilartford, and also in St: Aagustin, Florida all municipal elections. ;, . .. . . : Still inrs'dur the gay Item,. What's wrong now. friend Crap? If you're -hard np' we'll send you a bundle of paper, rather, than dispense with yonr visils to our sanctum. , 'Delightful the sleighing' on 'Paturday. We arc indebted to1 car friends of '-National" and 'tiood IcUmt' in Curwengviile for the opportunity of trying it. j" Accepts. Henry A. Wi5e-a'eecpts the' Locofoeo nomination for Governor of Virginia. He says he does not fear to be deafeated. lle'd be a ;'-Know Nothing" not to expecit.- iiorriijie: a arur.Ken niorner was !oun;i lying on the ffide walk in Washington, on Tuesday night last, with, an empty bottle on one side, and herlu faijt child on.tho other! What a sermon ? .' Plenty horse driver's ' f rain Uiinxatawiiey. (or some" wheret-I.e jn Satan's dominiojas.) for the nast few days. ; Jas-dificijU to tell v.-hiph .was the diardestjjpk:" fhe'aiselves or thjpir horac'?r , Lost' hi" centre "of'grisUu the man with the pumpkin heaU ant fcig-stamach in- the Serim iiiiigo TUieejorifLr-n baturdayrulBg. After gainikg hJfcwcTtidsition, Solomon the r-fesident of the rlerce club) absquatulated for home. .In a fuii-lufi our dovil, whether or n'otto issue a New Year's Address. IIo's very much ijfruid it ' wont pay." He. intends, this week, consulting his friends, and. hopes to. be able to announce his determination in our next. j 'Cu'mtig Christinas. 'Xb sign' o'f that Turkey yet. '; Who intends to give us something for our Christinas dinner;, i'oU-h it piong.. .AV'o're sonie on the gooje, turkey, chicken cr any other fowl nc'icn. ' ' 1 ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' -- '.';: fHriv$frt hwititig'.-r John S.. Eadebangh, weut'.out one day laut wovk, and shot three find deer.. U11 the next day he went but to bring tbc.ni home; and succei'ded in killing a large and beau tiful doe. Lots of yen Lion fur Court week at the 'American'." . Call and try it. . r 'Jl'moved Mr. Purvianoe's Paguerroah Gallery lleis ndw on th same floor with U3, and we havo frequent opportunities of oxauiing his picturos. Tlioy are vivid, distinctand lif-likc copies of the human form divine. Those who desire to obtain "good liki;ueei''.caiuitt,do,buUtix-lhaa call on Idr. Purviance. . . , .. ' ISfUnTcal this sectlon'.of town. There is a thing over the -way that grus like a hog. a bass drum under ur office, a tenor drum bndo it, a liddle on thir cas-t. and a. pig-s!y .in the neighborhood. If we haven't an cdr for music, it is not on r fault, but such an infernHl bedlam of "awnet sounds"(!) we never before got into. Ole Bull dwindles into ut ter insignificance, and the ?pirit of Pagannini re- il8 in astonishment ! -:. . h .i. . . ... - .... ... -Prom The' Fandrcich Islands. The treaty of an nexation, had been signed by . King Kamthameha and the principal nobility, but his Majesty had made a formal promise to Prince Alexander that h would wait his return from a neighboring island be fore the treaty should bo .definitely settled. .The officers of the Susquehanna are of the opinion .that annexation is raphes popular than ' otherwise among the natives, j . ; . . ' .Lifs under a mistakc-the man who circulated in the upper end of tho County that we had quit th practice of law.r and devoted our entire atten tion the Journal. , We have no such inteutions.and will bo pleased to see our friends u usual at our office, two doors ea3t of the Journal office, up stairs. Chcbs We are are glad to learn that some of our. friends are-engaged in getting. us clubs, to commence with the .'ew Year. Wo hope we may book a large number of subscribers on Court week.' Good wish s :"We were depending ou the mills, but if we had therfoZarjorthe cents wo would make our own paper, and perhaps might spare a bundle or two to our brother, the jolly raftsman. Item. We sincerely Tegrct thatyou have not tho 'rocks,' but if good wishes are of any advantage, yon have those of our whole establishment,, from editor to oril innliiair-A Out ttnva tliTlr tlia 4 Tr.-.' pumpkins." and we heartily coincide in the opin- ! ion. We hope you mav n"rt nlv have t.ieniv of i dollars' and cents,' but JoHhlc-rrg'shv the bushel. ' ii nVcuX. uik'.j-i-.. riafflyffeuiif.tSfent want to flager theo: thee the Bank of MhlStto. O ulgray ors an d :od )ta e r cyja r e Tfk e :Wti tn alf-vniln'casceiids f.he two buc nher decends. -' -'f theJiible was a weekly journal, how many communications would it receivesigned 'A'coastaht reader V 'To love even a bird or' flower, is no il Kg a inf. idlvro afirtuo'ui rota'an isthpf ghVof earthly happiness:-5 "' "''' i '' To love even small . hei; , . "r -ye BeilihTbieTfreurid goes for Botts for Vice President onthe Pollock ticket, and the Star for Bell;, a-. ii' i If you don't wish to get angry, never argue with a blockhead.1 Itemember, that tho duller the 'razor; the- m-ore you cut yourself and -sft'e'ar.- "-' ' '''' ""'" '"" c , At the UnltM States' 'Ordinance; Yard at South Boston, there is a gun, tfic lorc of which is one foot; it weighs 23j510 pounds, arid was made in 1848, af'Aiger's Soutli Bos ton. 'The Baltimore Sun put tli'J President's Me5sTge in type in thirty five minutes, and is sued it long before its reading had been fin ished in cither House of .Congress. . "Sni was last seen la .yorfolk, where the charter election resulted largely in favor of.the Kuow sot.hings. . "Sam" moves .in a mysterious way his wonders to perform ! .,. A - iew daj s ,tinco the editor - of the Columbia (Texas) Democrat found ; a . snake1, ' four feet., in length,; coiled up among the es.- changes on his table. Ugh J .; .; An Irishman in recommending tsow sai l she would give milk year after yef,' with out having calve" "E'caiise'' said he, 'fit rur:S in the bradei fof she came of a cow - that niver had a calf!" ; r ' " ' !' ' ' The' Empress of Frvince'is said to be iii an "interesting-situation." The Queen, of E ngi.ind dittQ' The great event with the Iat !r, it is thought, will take place about Cluis't'- ter mas. . - The man. who is too poor to take a pa per has bought a slab-sided dog, an old shot uu and a twenty shilling gold , watch. . He educates his children in the street, and boards l.is shanghais on his neighbors. ; , The people of Peru, Hlionois, "seen SamV on Monday of.last week. . At the , char ter election held on that day, the Know Noth ings carried the city by over four hundred majority, . , : ' - To undertake to reason a girl out of love is as absnrd as it would be to attempt to extinguish Vesuvius with a two ounce syringe. The only thing that will break a . love fit is hard work and boiled pork. !" It is stated that Dr. Ives, late Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church, of Xorth Carlina, hasTbeen appointed! Professor in the Roman Catholic College,' at Tordliam, near New York city. .will uu intake ill c gM.tiuu,lsaid. a. Quaker one day, 'but I will let this billet of wood fall on thee, and at that precise moment the 'bad man' was floored by the weight of a walking stick that tho Quaker had been known o .carry. '." " " " '"'"'" . Tho Iiarrisburg nnd Lancaster Ratl- oad Co., are about to build three new bridges on its main line. One of these bridges is at Middletown, and the work is now heini con-. raeted for. The others are across the Big and Little "Chi'ines" creeks, near Mount Joy. "Hunting tho tig?r, gentleman," ob- serveda British ofUcer relating l.is Erst Indian experience to a, frfendly circle at a London club, "is cajdtal siort notl unc better ex: cept whan the tiger, takes it into his head to bunt yow: then it is apt to become rather too exciting." . Wc thought that we had heard , of a goo 1 many green people iu our time, but there is a young lady in Schenectady, that beats our lime, considerably.; - She got married the oth er night, and the next day .appeared .before a magistrate, to euter a complaint against , her husband for "taking liberties 'with her-" Our hat is at' the disposal of thaJirst person that calls. ' . .-...;, . .-, The gay Item says the President's mes sage has duly come' to hand, and we have' made several attempt's to '.'read it through," but invariably failed. We' are therforc una ble to give even an extract bf its contents. The best joke we have had for some time in reference to the document, is that our friend Xememiali "should term it "a spurious mes sage perpetuated on the press by gome wag at Washington." He don't believe that Pierce ever wrote it. - - - ..... .. . Who Killed Cock Kobin ? Who killed Cock Itobin? I. said the sparrow, Witk my bow and arrow ; I, killed Cock Kobin ! The question is asked, who has disorganized the "Democratic party f -and, they, - who have done the deed, are endeavoring to shift Hie re sponsibility from their shoulders, and to fasten it upon others. They are not willing to confess ' their sins, nor to mourn in sack-cloth and ash caj 4iud yct-they are casting abont for. some political scape-goat upon which to saddle their sins, and to send him .''into the wilderness !"" The know that they must soon retire to prK vato life, and merited obscurity; and they feel assured that Frank Pierce must go with them; tor it was, "he who killed Cock Bobin !" They have dug bis grave; but the bowels of their com passion have been moved for their fallen chief, and they are too sorry 'for to bury him.? It was not his fault, they say, . but his misfortune that his term of office has been selected for the cr cruption of the isms, which are likely to over whelm him ait them in one common ruin. They stretchcie bow and sped thearrow,but they were not k.-? sparrow that killed cock rob in! Oh, no! It was not they who did the dread ful deed. It was some w icked Know Nothing. or sometl'ng clso they pretend not to know 'Ali:U I,or wno W:,s tuflt t it : only, it was tnp.v 'bo did it, and it was not Frank Pierre neither who did it .-Berk Coicnty 1'ress. M xceel- Lybung andl might be" ?poiled-r)ut X.would is ;eeurageiuV' seinee 0119; puoasiieaii let te r bop i-thc TgpKij&& t,he e.095 1 t lje to1bae"th;Jre9sibifi(rf apearrii to approve my logic. Well, that is right. May be I judged too hard, but I am so sick at heart, of all men (if we can calt them ' raerr) when their ambition arises to the Presidency, succumbing to the ; slave power." Thee "Snow's Jve friends have always opposed slavery. So I would, if I could, check this hateful evil, but suppose nobody w Htr minti Tagtronclir so 'thee must not fudg&md too, hard, 71 lovo.thee, and the Telegraph, i and .the. i Independent Press j bub when the re- burns I must speak a TUt-ie, but I want to do it ja.; love.-.i And :uow, does tliee judge judge the old broad brim, shad-bol-Iicd farmer wants to leave the bleatings cf his lambs, , and the -cackling: of ; chickens to. be blackguarded as an office seeker? notl indeed.; But ..I must drop this. I ' yj ; . 1 wish to say a word, Uuu.s:h your columns, to my Friend Barrett of the Independent Press, t published at .Williaiusport. '.The. profane call him the Iiev. J. W. Barrett. Holy and II ev erend is ho Who Jniale, .us ali, atui preserves. US, and none other is reverend. Ilott I ; bate1 the Roinish titles ; -Ilevorend, .Bight Reverend, Most Reverend, Lord, Bialmpv and so on, as. applied to. sinful man. Indeed, 1 am sorry that there is so little tu be, rc.vcrod about some of them, and so little in theni-of reverence to the great Benefactorof.juan... I want to say to my friend Barrett, (I suppose I ought to j say Brother Barrett, a? I ;under?tar.d he' lis a 31inister in the Methodist rsocitfy, and, they call one another brother and sister) wcjljj want to say to .Brother .Barrett, I have sdme what against his $pirtt as an Editor,' ; Let me talk tt iny friend directly, and I rutty-, bo-able to dp it better..; . Wjjl. friend, thee has taken upon thee to preach:; Jesus-.Christ, otir must holy Saviour, and thee says thee wa.s xadlei ia this work; and thee is publishing a political paper. Well dont : object to that,: Jesus Christ taught us the best politics the world has ever known, and I think those who teach Christ's doctrine, ought to teali. politics ahd must, if they preach the reaching 4that; be bdis them. I have no doubt but; that Batair, aud iiis party, who want to have every thing their own u ay, object to thee,.a minister, hav-i ing any thing to do with "the dirty waters of politics.'' ; If the waters, of politics are "dirtyx ought they not to be purified, and ought not the teachers of Christ's latf to try and do it- And thou art working an a .good cause too, L like the cause, thee advocates : ;I , aiu with thee, and now I hope thee will hear me. ,r am more afraid that thee, will defim "the"wa- ters of politics' with thy ficsby spiri,than I am of thj' meddling with the dirtj . wafers. -1 want thee to remember thy calling, ami. to re member what Jesus says thee must be, when thee writes for thy paper. , 1 fear thee does not do this. Thee manifests a bad spirit to wards thy neighbor of the Gazette, and calls him hard names and speaks very -contemptuously of liiui. This thee did. not learn from thy Master. Will thee look at some of thy remarks, in thy editorials about "Theo. Wright & Co." Remember, friend", the wrath of man worketh not the-praise of God. Paul says, "A bishop must bo llandczs, sober, good behaviour, apt to' teach, no striker, hut pa- I tient, r.ol a brairler. 1 Tim. 3 : 2. o, :;r.d again, "The serrx-fiicf the' L-r.l mast .c strive, buf be gentle iii-i aJLwcr., rrpt tc tench, paiea!, in ineeknciiS instructing those 1U.tt oppose them-s- Ives, if God, peradventure will give theni repentance to the acknowledging of the truth '--2 Tim. 2': 24, 2".- Again, "A bishop must be blameless, as the Stewart-, of God.,- not self willed, nor soo7i ungry-r-no striker" Tit. 1 : 7. Of the Great Teacher, it was sail, "lie shall not strive, nor civ, neither shall any man her.r his voice in tho streets." Now frijiid, I have given thee the highest authority (thee, knows we protvjstaiits appeal tu too Bible-as the only, rule) for condemning thylieshly spirit. Would . Theo. Wrignt & Co., re eivc the gosmi from thee, after thee-has called tiiemsuch hard na,iiics Thets says thee, is-.a, minister of the. gospel, called of God to preach it. . .If. thee was the only one, it there was no' o'tlser to preicli the gospel to Theoii: Wright' Ik Co.; would thee not be the' means,'1 indirectly, of their damnation? '-. .? . ; . Aud does thee not set a very lrad . cxaiaple to all thy readers also? ' Will they" hot tiiii-.k the way to 'treat an enemy, is to say the bit terest things against them that they can, just as thee doei,? , Is thy example for good :Ar tliy bitter words excited because thy Hunter, or- thee has been spoken against; (.-an ttiee not lenvc it to thy Master to avenge the hard words spoken against thyself I Receive my 'council, I am one of thy number, and love th.ee ..es pecially what i see good in thee. . I approve thy general cause, and the object thee aims at, but 1 would have thce-tnond thy manner and do, what thee does do, in love. I have no sympathy with those who say that "ministers", have no right to meddle with politics. (Thee knows I approve not altogether of a paid min istry, and if any man will agree to preach to a people for so much, and, to avoid giving of fence to them, arid to fulfill tho'- duties of his contract, will lay otl' his own individual re sponsibilities, and obligations . to the law of God, as he would his coat, when he goes to chop wood, and will cease to think, and speak and act for himself in politics, and on ruin, and slavery, aud Rome, as God may give him light and conscience, I despise him above all creatures upon Gods earth, and he is the most abhorable thing God ever made; but if lie is a whole man, full four quarters of a man, free to think, speak and.Taet, : independent. of all restraint but ( kls law, refusing to be bound by any other rule than God's' revealed will, I li'onor thaf man- as God's " noblest workman ship. Though men mav give him thousands for preaching, he; dont preach for pay, but out of tne fullness of his own heart and con science.) God ha but one la'.v for" ministers anb people (they are all people, I take it) ahd they are as much bound to lie patriotic as oth ers and to seek the good of all men by secur ing "righteous laws, as in giving . alins, and ministering to their wants. ' " ' But I cannot run oiit these ideas now." ' Do thy duty, thy vcliolc duty, and then thee will do it in the right manner, and with the right spirit also. Let me refer thee to the Journal and Republican of our county. ' They are as hostile in xolitics as thee and the Gazette are. The editors are not ministers, they dont eveu pretend lobe religions, yet they are gentleman ly and courteous, and do not tight as tbee.does. I am thy friend, Zi-nrKiui. ''" ' LVimvill' Hec 8, HT1, -' - TferE AuSRidlSisu Tho sort of An.-ri-cairfcle scribed Below, by the Jlajfjl, .", . morrj'Myie-U Mitlfot unqualified dppr,.ba tioarfv'jt'is an Americanism which will most truly-and edb'ct'uajly fre'e us from foreign in fluence, and advance th true glory and pres- periiy,of the5 country;. v'.9iune cojua oe more opportune for the maturity of an Anjcricaa' Party, in tha sense in which we understand tie designation, than is the present. The country is writhing and sr.S'efing under a weight of debt to foreigners. Our merchants fail, and mechanics lose em ployment., our banks contract, rnonied institu tions bankrupt," "public improvements suspen ded, wages diminish, because of the vjfct le.bt that Europeans have loaded upoa usrvai:d' the 'yly ancl exhausting drain they make of our precioiis'metals to'pay Ih'em wit h"."Tire eco nomical palicy 6rth0. Americaa ' Gaternment, has long been siiapad for the benelit- of for ti tiers across :the Ocean,-and of foreigners croiirhed about the Custom Houses in our im pDrting'citiesupon the seaboard. ' flow glori ous a Ihiug it would be, if this f Aiaericau', Par- 1 1)!,. would ; establish vna . American Revenue policy and crush that foreign muuence which wjfji uok-it?-riM Wowt of-theeonntry.'lf they would go for American Industry go fur American broadcloth instead of British and French go lor 'American," Cotton Goods in stead of foreign go for Americau Iron instead of British go, for Amoriean Copper, Steel, Glass, Hardware-, Wooleus, and Linens, and shut out measurably' all. the foreign and alien at tiel.j3 -if they-wauld go for fuH employmeiit for, and high wngej ; to American mechanics, instead rif foreign," and go for a pome Market for American, producers, ' instead' of the too long fostersd European 'Clarke t for cur swin dled citizen, there' ; .would be an uprii-ing of the people to sustaiti iind perpetuate this new p'olit teal party, which would ruaire it tli stron gest and most endariri' that our Ptditics have ever seen. .Jfothin'g could resist it, if it were thus niade comprehensively' and 'truly. Amer ican.' It'! would be the, interest of .all-iuen hero to joii-it,"savc the' class of importers, brokers, . dcalei-a iu exchange, and tliat "mis chievous setof Lcoiioiiiists,- who are bent on keeping us trib.titafy.to Europe, and-" enslaving this great People forever to foreign I nflueuce. If it shall be the-destiny of this new" Party, to emancipate tL.Freigu Policy -of our country as well as its domestic politics,' that at firs,t despised, ?iYfd'after.'dreaded Order of Know Xothings,ilt in its maturity .co'me into the enjoyment,of iu iumortal rOputatiot., as the only thoroughly and truly VMERIC-VX Party that has as vet existed." Romish SiterstitiosS'. The foreign corres pondent of th N. Y ' Observer who writes un der the signature of 'G. de F." in a late letter says of Belgium that in, regard to the gospel, the majority of th; people are grossly super stitious. Nowhere, exeept perhaps in Spain and the' iitors' retired districts1 of;' Italy, have the priests taught, unorp extravagant, fables. He gives the following examples : "There is, near Brussels, a place: much renowned for its pilgrimages. At certain appointed seasons, thousands of people go-thither from ail the provinces of Belgium. They walk upon their knees around the altar, and so numerously that the marble pavement is worn hollow. What has .been placed in this much frequented chapel f.uter, and yon see upon tho alt a ran iron colbn. And what is" in this coflin? A distaff with a few bits ff thread wound around it. Well! this distatf and thread belonged, according to the declaration of the priests, to the Virgin Mary! Ihe V lrgin spun with this- distaff, while the infant Jesus slept in her amis j These s icred relics therefore Work wonderful miracles! What imposture and profanation ! "In the city of .Leigc ther is a black Vir gin, who also works astonishing miracles. This black Virfin, who seeiss to belong to the African ' race rather than-to-a Europe-it-- e ple, in her tarn djaws innumerable pilgrims. The priests telatc; that this Virgin miraculous ly protected the city of Liege during a bloody siege, and that she received all the enemie's bombs" info her apron!" There is aiso a saint wno curs au horse ms eascs. Sick horses by hundreds -and thousand are annually led thither frod aj! j.ar. of. B';!--gium. A solemn mass is first celebrated; then the relics of the saints are1 successively placed upon the head of etch horr, and their cure i effected. The only trut'i in' this shameful l ire is that the popish ecclesiastics receive n.irch money. Nothing iu tho world is more lucrative than popular superstitions to thosj who' posse?'-; the art of tafcinx advantage of th'-m. A Pos-;r for British Free Traders. Suppose our imports for three years, says a" correspondent ot the N. V. Courier, to be two hundred: millions of dollars per annum, and' our exports one hundred and lilty millions, du. we not have on? hundred and fifty millions of imports more than export in those three years.' It' figures tell the troth, the -answer inust be yea And then -follows the question with-what, lire we to pay this mighty balaucc of one hunx tired aud'fifty millions of dtdlars agaList lis in' thiv'e years?" TlH? answer i-?,' with spec?fe ex tracted from" the bas'w of wt banking' capital, uittil the banks are compelled to stop, discount-,-ing or lvtting their bills go out to fa',l.iiitd the... hands of those who ''immediately' present them with demands for specie to go to Europe -j But, s.iys the Journal of Commerce and its. co-uperuters, ;is it not easy to usj; .bills-of ex chuuge ?. And wlut but specie can ba seit out to meet exch.inges. The balance can le jmt off occasionally ty bills of exchange," but the final liquidation must bo in specie.-. Wliat dif ference, .does it make whether our debt is for fifty millions worth of railroad iron, each year,, or bills of exchange sent forward to pay for the" iron ? It is but changing a bill for rail" road iron into a bill of another sort which must bo. paid, and in specie.; : ''Oil but," says the Jour mil, "it will fluw back again," and how on earth cm it flow' Iwck," while Kit rope keeps a ; balance of fifty millions per annum against us, for our excessive imports-f Daily frews. - The Goldea Keaa BeUveon Extremes.' One hundred years ago, delegates from all the then American Colonies, met in a conven tion to make a treaty with the Six Indian Na tions, and to adopt mean for mutual defence .-.gainst the French. Dr. Franklin moved tho project of an union, which was rejected by tiro Home Government as too democratic', and by nil the coloniesas not liberal enough. TJwjphi-. losopher always thought that his plau wasaju dicioiis one, because it was a goldea "mean be tween the two extremes. ; So wc1 regard the present attitude of' the Know Nothings itho' Washington Union abuses them, as Abolition ists, .aud the N. Y, Tribune denounces them, as secret allies of ultra Pro Slavery men. The determination of the American party to have nothing todo with Slavery agitation, but to leave the subject entirely to the States, arous es.the:aager of ;ultraists and radicals. ., What the prion and the Tribune attack with equal malignity, must be something very near that which is needed to meet th wishes of the great conservative masses, who are anxious to "presetve the Union" not ouly from those w.ho spit upon tbe Constitution and the Decia-, ration of Independence, but from those who. believe Slavery to I -the corner- stone cf all republican doctrine. Philadelphia " luetic! tbe report of the Secretary cf the Ka vv. He writes as th6gh his pen "wh? dipped in raintvm. n i wreatbeJ-with siailes." . nr 7' 'IC