hiiw i i i Tfrync a - t ; r MASSA'S IN TIIE COLD GROUND. I' Rocnd de mead ws am a ringing, ; ,. .. D darkies' mournful song. While da mocking-bird am singing, " " . Happy as de day am long ; . . ' Whar de ivy am a creeping, j J, ' O'er de grassy mound, "rar old mass am a sleeping, Sleeping in de cold, col J ground, r Chob.es Down inde cornfield, ' ' , , . . . Hear dat mournful sound, ,j All de darkies am a weeping,'" : " , Massa-'s in de cold,cold ground. , When de autumn leaves were falling, 1 When de days are cold, Twos hard to hear old massa calling, 'Case he was so weak and old ; 2tow de orange-tree am blooming ; On de sandy shore, - Now de summer days am coming, Massa neber calls no more. Down in de cornfield, Ac. Massa make de darkies love him, 'Case he was so kind. JJow dey sadly weep above him. Mourning as he leaves dem behind; I cannot work before to-morrow, . Bo many tear-drops flow, I try to drive away my sorrow, Picket ' on do old banjo. - . . Down in de cornfield, Ac - ' 333it anb IStmtor. THE mSFOBTTJxTES OP DENHIS O'QBALL, Owln j to Having a Pig in the Family. Sorry's the day I iver left odd Ireland,' exclaimed Dennis O'Graal, to his new was ter, Peter Cornelias. "Why, Dennis! what reason can you possi bly have for disliking this glorious Republic, where every individuaHs on an equal footing?' Aqual futtin, is it I Ohi blather tarrin your prisence I'd argufy the matther. Divil a sthroke of luck kern akrass me since I put my fut on Amerikin sile. Omadhaun ! what a country it is for misforthin ! Av ye'll plase listen, I'll tell ye all about a inisforthunit evint that ruinated meself and the ould woman, that's been waked this day twelvemonth." . Peter Cornelius signified bis willingness to hear Dennis's story, which he immediately commenced, seemingly delighted at having an auditor. Well, thin, forninst all, ye must know Mtein out to this counthry in a laky ould ship, that for eight mortial weeks did nothin butpitchin, an tossin,' an crackin, an twistin itself; which same disordhered my bowels dhridfully. I was a long time sthriven to ate pitaties, but the divil a pitaty would stay in my stomach. And the puld woman tuk the fever. So you see, I was compelled to do double juty, and feed the two childher broth wid a spoon. And that's the way it was I kern to Ameriky. Me fusht misfortin comminced in XI York. I was sittin wid Mary an' the two childher, on my property, wondherin if there was iver a way at all to Injeanny, where I was towld, I'd get a purty farm for the axin, when a big counthi y man axed me 'Are ye from County Kerry !' "How d'ye know that at all ?' ez I, Falx,' sez be, I kem from the same place meself.' Are ye long in America V sez I. Two years. Your name is Dennis O'Grall,' sez he ; (the tafe spied it on the chist.) Who the divil,' sez I, 'towld you that ' Oh, botheration!' sez he, 'wasn't I a frind av yer father, before ye, and be the same to ken I'd be happy to sarve the son.' Ye was V sez I, 'the divil a betlher irind ye niver had, thin. What's yer name V Terrcnce Doyle,' sez he, and an honesther name than that same, niver twirled a shillaleh.' Well, thin,' sez I, 'Misther Doyle, I'll not waste me breath dispotin' that samo wid you. Ye'd plase me mightily by insthrnctin me in the chapest road to Injeanny.' Bedad,' sez he, I'm the boy can do that. In the first place tell rae how much money ye've got wid yees 7' Forty pounds,' sez I. 'Thin,' eezTerrence, 'give me twinty pound, and I'll fetch the tickets that'll take yees all the way to Injeanny by stame !' So I tuk twinty pound in goold, an gev it to Tenence, an ho gave me back a weeny bit of psptr, wid a stameboat on it, an that tuk me to Albany, an the divil a fat further could I go wid it. I tho't to meself Terrence was a great rascal.but that didn't mend the matlher at all.' Wid good luck and bad luck, I got out to Injeanny, and tuk a cabin in a little town wid a quare name, that I disremember now. So I bought a pig to slape wid the childher; 'thwas as purty a pig as ye'd see from this to Cork, but the divil was in it, for it was the ruination av me family. The first night it slept wid the childher it ate little Pat's aire clane ofT ; and thin, afthcr it got accostaoined to the family, it tuk sick an died. The poor childher made sicft a hullabaloo about it, that I tuk it off in the night an berried it in a box. I was very sorry to be a tossin the sod on poor pig, for the childher had named it afther little Tommy that was dead; and the thinkin, that made me wapeliko a gestoon. The next mornin, who should con front me vishion, but a bluddy ould thafe of a polace officer, axin me very porlitely that I was his pris'nur. Oh, go long wid yer foolin!' sez I, 'and don't be botherin a dacent citizen.' With that the divil whispered, You was dis covered, last night convayin a mighty suspish us box into the woods and berrien it; so come along aUy.' In about tin minnts I was board in and lodgin atthe expinse of tho corpora- hnn, and divil a hair I knew what 'twas all about; but that doesn't matther. Purty soon, in kem anuther thafeketchor, an axed would I givo me teshtimony on the rowner's inquest? An widout waitin for yes or no, he whispered me out in the coortyard. AbJ b9 me sowl, there was a purty Bight? Ma ould woman consomin wid grafe, the big tears rollla out aT her blue eyes, an the two childher disthressia thimselves wid the wake they war makio over pig Tommy; 'for some ould canebual bad unberried the pig, an ivery- ody was axin wat was in the box? an little j Pat sez,. Mybfirthir 'Ttrnmyj in' thin the Crowner aaka 1 . .. V. r V. Jeremiah Puffer heTel' ' .. 'Yis, see Jeremiah. ..' . ' ; . Misthur Paffer, says the Crowncr, give ns all tho informaBhun you have, relatin to this matther.' . . . .-. ' . ;; 'Well, thin, you must know, last night me wife bein flick.. I wint for the docthor, an was paHsin by Dinnis O'Graal'a shanty, 1 whin I spied the felly carryin a box an a lanthern. As it was a snsplshus time o'nighl, I follied him to the woods, an there I seed him dig a hole an deposit the mistayreous box. All the time he war a whisperin if I'd only kilt Tom my before this it would a bin savin tin dollars for me pocket; an thin I thought to meself, here's bin a bluddy murther. So this mornin I axed little Pat that's cryin there, what it was his father tuk off last night in d box. Oh, that, sez he, was my brother Tommy; wid that he ran into the house. So, yc srj, I thought it war me juty to make a clean brasht of the dishcovery: an that's the way it was; the ma gistrate thought it would b betther to se cure Misthur Dinnis before he could lave the counthry; an that's all I. know about tho mat ther. . 'Open the box, says the Crow ner. 'Wid that they pulled little P.tt off, Rn open ed the box; an there laid poor pig Tommy, al! mortyfyin wid blue shpots. s Why, that's nothin but a pig! sayB the Corwner. So it is!' sayes Puffer. An thin iverybody laughed as if a fairy war ticklin em; and ould Puffer ahnaked off, the divil knows where; an the Crowner sez 'Dinnis, go about your business.' So I tnk rae ould woman off the could, damp ground, where she was sittin and that same gev her the laver-a-nagur and we wint home togither. 'The next mornin she was shnkin wid the faver, which lashted for two weeks, an that tuk her to death. . . So, ye prccave, that unforthenit evint ru inated me entirly. The two childher are a boordin now, and I'm a sthrivin to airn an honest pinny for em, so I am. Poor Dennis having concluded the recital of his misfortunes, wiped his eyes, which had filled with tears, and then proceeded to the performance of li is duties. Tue Yankee is Hell. Burton tells a capi tal story of "The Yankee in the Infernal Re gions." His description of some of the char acters he found "down below," is laughable in the extreme. Nebuchadnezzar, the King of the Jews, he describes as good at -all lours," and particularly expert in the preperation of "salad." The introduction of the Yankee to his infernal majesty is peculiar. "How d'ye do folks, said the 6tranger, puf fing away at a long segar is the boss devil at hum?" His majesty looked sulphur and saltpetre at the intruder. Keptile!' he exclaimed in a voice of thun der, that rumbled and reverberated in the depths of a pit without a bottom who are you that dare intrude upon our sacred privacy?" Whew' said the stranger, 'don't tear your shirt! why what on earth is the use of going off half cocked in that way ! Why do you jump afore you're spirred, their an't such an al mighty occasion for you to get your dander so awful riz, jist as if you was going to burst your biler, Seein' that your climate's rather of the warmest, it would only be doin' the civil thing if you jist said, 'Mister toe the mark, and take your bitters." "Worm hence to your appointed place in theyawninggulf! there in the hottest flame ." Well, I guess not!' drawled out the man, with inipurturable calmness. "I'v got my ticKet, Mister, from the agent, and I don't choose a berth so nigh the injine!" GCF"An Irishman going to market met a far mer with an owl. "Say, misther, wha'll you take fcr your big eyed turkey?" "It is an owl, ye baist," replied the aston ished farmer. "Devil a bit do I care whether it's ould or young, price the bird, ye spalpeen." A Cacsk foe Gkief. First Juvenile. 'Say Billy, where did you get that cigar?" Second Juvenile. 'Why, you see, dad came home to dinner a little swipeseu, and I stole it out of his hat." First Juvenile. (Admiringly.) 'Oh, ain't you one of 'cm! I wish my dad would come home so too; but, (sorrowfully) then "he don't smoke, and I have to pick up old sogers." 0Cr'Twins, by the pojvers !" cried the hor ror struck Irishman, as the nurse approached, bearing a new pledge of affection from his faithful helpmate. Twins, h'iny,' cried the nurse; 'faith, Mur dock, and its the blessed whiskey that makes you see double this morning !" D'Col. W. is a fine looking man, aint he?' said a friend of ours the other day. Yes,' replied another, 'I was taken for him once.' 'You! why you are as ugly as sin!' 'I dpn't pare for that; I was taken for him I endorsed his note and was taken for him by the Sheriff!' 'Julius, why didn't you oblong your stay aide spring?' Kase, Mr. Snow, dey charge too much.' How am dat, Julius V 'Why de landlord charge dis colored indi vidual with stealin' de spoons.' 05?" A person pointing out a man who had a profusion of rings on his fingers, to a cooper. Ah,' said . the artizan, 'It's a sure sign of weakness when so many hoops are used.' C-True glory consists in doing what de serves to be written; in writing what deserves to be read, and so living as to make the world happier and better for our liviDg in it. - A Frontier War. -: . , -' We learn that an expedition is to be organi zed during the ensuing winter, to wago a war of extermination against the Sioux Indians and other hostile tribes who have been engag ed in the late outrages on the plains. This force is to bo assembled at Jefferson Barracks early in the spring, so that the operations may commence as soon as the weather will permit:; The force will consist of the Second regiment Of infantry, three companies of the Second dragoons, and one section of light bat terry, now stationed at'Baton Rogue the whole un der command of Col. Sumner. This force will also be joined by all the men who can be spared from the garrisons of the forts which are scattered througb the region, and there .is a probability that at least two complies of mounted volunteers, composed of . frontier men, will be added to the command. After they Jiavo accomplished their duties in that region, 'they will turn their attention to the Caraanchcs, and will act in co-operation with the forces now Stationed upon the frontiers of Texas. :' ; :i ' ' R atueii Extensive. Mati imuny agrees very well with some people-., Thurlow Weed, , the editor of the Albany Evening Journal, in the midst of all the dirty turmoil of politics has ; found leisure to enter largely into tho cultiva tion of babies. He is now the father of eigh-; teen chii Iren his valuable helpmate having presented him with one every eleven months since their marriage. We should say that that Weed was rather a luxriant kind of vegilution, anv how. C"A Tennessee paper talks of a chap at Holly Springs, who was so astonished at see ing a lady bringing music from her piano, that, after listning for a minute or two, he withdrew his head and hallooed after his companion, "I say, Jim! just come back here; darnation seize me, if here aint a woman pulling music out of a chest!" DOue of our smart city urchins hearing his fathea read an article in the paper in rela tion to a new invention of bricks of glass, ex claimed 'Glass bricks? I know what them is.' 'What are they?' inquired one of the. family. 'Tumblers of licker' shouted the juvenile. Zyit is an excelleat rule to be observed in ail disputes, that men should give soft words and hard arguments; that they should not strive so much to vex as to convince each other. IP"A fireman's toast! "The Ladies Their eyes kindle the only tianies which we cannot extinguish, and against which Ihcre is no in surance. LADIES ASD GEMLEME. I believe it a good maxim that, people should purchase goods wherever they pleaae. But they should not buy too hastily, before they ascertain where they can be test suited. I would most respectfully in vite all (Ladies in particular) to call at A. Glf.na.v'r Store and examine his splendid assortment of goods that cannot be excelled in this section of country for cheapness, durability or style. They consist of Gentlemen's Boots of all descriptions and pri ceB. Ladies and Gentlemens gaiters of the latest style. Boys and Girls boots, shoes and gaiters. Children of all ages can be accommodated. K. GLEXNAX. Juno 27, 1S54. PLE.NEII) NEW STORE. It. Shaw & K? Son have just returned from the eity with an entire new stock of Goods, which they ofler for sale on the very lowest terms, at the old stand lately occupied by A. t. Hills. West nd cf the Mansion House, Clearfield, Pa. Their stock of tools has been selected with great care. unJ a Letter or cheaper assortment vas never brought into Clear field county. They defy all competition, and invite the pub lic to call and examine their goods. Everv arti cle is entirely new, and as cheap, if not cheaper man can oe purenasei eiscwnerc. It. PIIAW. A. H. SHAW. June 1854. JAMES EIDDLE GORDON Attorney at Law, has removed his office to tho room adjoining in the East, tho Drug tore of Dr. 11. Loraju. and will devote his whole attention to tho practice of his profession, lie may bo consulted in 1'ienrh and G-erman. Juno 13. 'o4.-ly. AN'K NOTICE. We the subscribers intend of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for an Act ot jssimbiy to incorporate a JianKint; Uompany, with Banking and discounting privileges, to be called the 'Clearfield Hank7' and located at the l?orough of Clearfield, with a capital of Ono hun dred thousand dollar. A. K. WiiiGur, James T. Leosarp, KirnABD Shaw, ' James. B. Graham, Jonathan Boyxtox, . Elms Iawix, J. F. Weaver, J. VY. Smith, J. B. MeEsALLY. Juno 27, 1S54. 6m- DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between S. C. Patchin A John wax, under the stylo and firm of Patchin A Swan, was this day dissolved by mutual consent, and the books are left for collec tion in the hand sot" S. G. Patchin. Those persons knowing themselves indebted to tho firm will call immediately and sot tie up, or they will have the pleasure of paying costs. 8. C. PATCHIN, JOHN SWAN. Glen Hopo, July 5, 1S51. D UY BEEF, of the best quality just received and tor sale at m. Jr . Iewis'S Cheap Store. June 14, '54. S TONE AVARE, of every variety, cheap for cash at the More or V. a . IKWIft. June 14, '54 ' WANTED IMMEDIATELY Six jour neyman Shoemakers. Constant employment nnd liberal wages will be given, Apply next door to the Jotimut office, at tho ghoe store of .C S. BLACK. .September 6, 1854. BEREGE DELAINES. A superior artiolo of Berege Delaines in dress patterns, at 25 cents per yard, never sold in this countv before for lc63 than 50 cents, at MOSSOP & POTTARFF'S. Juno 13, '54 WA. WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office nearly opposite the Court House, Clearfield Pa., will attend faithfully to all business entrusted to his caro. June 17, 1S54. ly. JH. LARIMER Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Offieo with John L. Cuttle, Esq., next door to Dr. H. Lorrein's Drug Store, Cloarfiold, Pa. May 28, '54-1 y ONRAD & WALTON. Hardware Store, No. 255 Market Street, Philadelphia. Hardware, Iron, Nails, Ac, of every description. Juno 15, 1854-1 y. GEORGE J. WEAVER &. CO., No. 19 North Wa ter Street, Philadelphia, Dealers in Carpet chain, Yarn, Manilla and Hemp Ropes, Bed-oords, Clothes-lines, Ac. Ao. June 15, 165t-ly. IMPORTANT REDUCTION Hi TOST AGE. rWe aongratulate our eubacribera -and the reading public generally, ou the cheapness with which they can now receive our reprints by mail. The pottage hitherto though gradually reduced since 1&44 has always operated as a dis couragement to their circulation in places inac cessible by expreeaea or other modes of regular private conveyance. Hence, a yet they have ob tained bat a comparative meagre mail circulation We hope now that the postage is merely fieininat anew impetus will be given to these valuable works; and that no Post Office within , the United States will remain onvisited by at least one -copy of -the four Reviews and .Blaekwoods Mugazine,. r Tho Postage on Ulajkwood and; tho four Reviews i now but 73 cenU.it yoar.-and the EubseripUon prjee is but S3, and when, taken with any ot' the four Reviews- bat S2, a pear! -.. ;t s ,.,'. - - J" i'" Present subscription prices to the -Lorulon Ediitbursr Westminster, and North British! Quar ttrly Sevitws, Blackwoads Iilag&zine. j. ; ; ; -- .-: - : . -! . ; . : ?ER. ANN. For any of tho four Reviews, - - . , : $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews,.- i ; . 5 0d For any throe of the four Reviews, 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, : . . .. i i; a 8 00 For Blackwood's Magaziue, 3 00 For Elaekwood and three Reviews, r--.' .: 0 03 For Black wood and four Reviews, ' -. 10 00 Pavmrnu to be mide in all cases tn advanc. .".Remittances and eomia,nnisatioas should be alw.ivs addressedpost paid to the Publishers, . LEONARD SCOTT A CO..' - - 79 Fulton Street. Entrance on Gold Street, Aug. 23. New York. milE REI FLa'g-VICTORIOUS. The Blood A Red Banner floats in triumph on the "OW Cor ner Store,' where A. M. Hu.ls has just opened tho cheapest and most splendid assortment of Goods, ever displayed before this community, and exactly adapted to their many and various necessities. Every variety of Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes, Cloths, Oassiaiercs. and all other kinds of dry-goods, that are unapproachable by any other similar articles, cither in beauty of style, quality, or prico. Also an excellent assortment of Groceries, Hard ware, Stono and Queenswarc, with fancy articles ad infinitum. ' Ha defies competition, and invites all persons to give him a call at the "Old Corners' which has tru ly become the 'Bazarr' of Clearfield. Every attention will bo shown to customers and visitors, and no pains will be spared to send all smiling away, loaded with his beautiful and valua ble goods, never surpassed in Clearfield. A. M. HILLS. Clearfield, June 15. lS54-ly. "jVEW GCDS AT THE CASH STORE. The xl subscriber has just received a largo and well selected stock of GOODS of almost every descrip tion suitable to the season, which he is selling off at extrouiely low prices. He respectfully invites the attention of all who wish to buy good Goods at the lowest prices, to call at the sign of the "Cheap est Goods." Country produce of almost every discription ta ken at market prices in exchange for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair equivalent for tboir money, will do well to give him a call. Remember the sign of tho CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market street, and call and bo convinced that there ir, truth in tho word3 thereon inscribed. June 13, 1754. VvM. F. IRWIN. TTTORSES AM) BUGGIES FOR H III Ki: JAMES CKOVYTI1ER would inform his friends and tho public Cr "VY generally, that he keeps for hire horses' buggies, carriages.Ac, on the most reasonable terms, at his Livery StaMe in Curwensville. Inouirc at the Stage Office Fleraming's Hotel. JAMES CKOWT1IER. June loth. 1S54. T U'KO.VE-CITY DRUG STORE. The undersijrned bavin purchased tho entire Ktook of S. A. Martin, would take this method of informing the "Natives, '"and the public K';lt,ra'iy, that Drugs and family medicines of all kinds. .".nd in fact every thiag that is generally kept in a Drug Store,can bo had at this establishment cheap er than at any other in the country. This estab lishment will be under tho management of ore that has experience, and is well acquainted wiili medicine, and is also, coinpetant to prrcribe for all those that may require the advice .'f .1 Phva: ci.m. JAMES M. MARTIN. P. S. A private Office attached. ... JUST ARRIVED the splendid stock of Cloths. Cassirnercs, Vestings, Trimmings, Ac. recently purchased by the Subscriber, whic'ti he will sell or make up to order, in the most faahionib!o and ui-rf-.ble manner, ii. his store in "jihaw's i'ow." The material and -fits' warranted No cltarge forsl.ow ir g his cheap and beautiful goods. He woilld inform the trade iu Clearfield, that he is the authorized agent for Dcvere's Loudon and Pari3 Fashions. TIIO.5. SHEA. June 27. 1354. rgMlE AMERICAN JJOARDING HOUSE. JL The subscriber would inform the public that ho has just completed a large new building, oq the South end of Second Street, Clearfield, Pa., which ho has furnished and fitted up in the most comforta ble manner for the accommodation of travellers and permanent boarders. His charges will be moderate, and Lis house con ducted in a decent, sober and orderly manner, where all quiet and peaoo loving people, who may visit CleariTeld can find a tempor.trv home.'" JOHN S. RADEBACII. July 15, 1S54. J0K KTJS0EI1L & CO. TANNERS & CURRI EltS, Penusville. Grampian Hills, Clearfield Co., Pa., keep constantly on hand an excellent as sortment of leather, which they ofler for sale at the lowest ca.h prices. Cash paid for hides. July 15, 1S54. LR. CARTER Dealer in stoves, bar-iron. nails, and eastings of all kinds. Also plows, and other agricultural utensils. On Second Street, under the Republican Office. Sana 15, '4r-ly. 7T ARRIS, HALE !fc CO Wholesale Dkl-csists, J.X No. 259, Market Street, North side between sixth and seventh. Philadelphia. Drugs, Medl. eines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Surgical In struments, Druggist's Glassware, Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, Ac, fec. JOHN HARRIS, M. D. J. SIIARSWOOD, JOHN M. HALE, E. B. ORBISON. Juno 15, 1754-Iy. : . NEW FIRM.. HARTSHORN & MoCRACK EN, have just opened a new and splendid as sortment of goods of everv variety, at the old stand of D. W. ROBINS i. CO., Lumber city, Clear field co., Pa. They invite the public to give them a call, and feel assured they will be able to render entire sat isfaction. Lumber, Hides. Rags, Grain, and all other kinds of produce taken in exchange. BENJ. HARTSHORN, August 9, 1354. T1IOS. McCRACKEN. HOOD t CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers, No 1S7, Market St., Philadelphia, keep constant ly on hand a large, splondid, and cheap stock of the most fashionable and elegant goods. They in vito country Merchants to call and examino their splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. June 15, 1S54 ly. ILLIAM S. IIANSELL SON, Manufac turers and Importers of Saddlery, anl Sad dlery Hardware. No. 23 Market Street. Bhiladel phia. Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks. Whips, Saddle Bags, Bridlo Filling. Bits. Stirrups, Buckles, Carpet Bags, eet.- June 15, '541 y. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing, or in any way meddling with a two horse wagon and a pair of bob sleds now inthepossossionofP.il. Booz, as the said property bilongs to me and is in his possesion as loan only. JOHN BRUBAKER September 20, 1854. 7" ASHING TON L. BLADIN, Attorsev at Law, :o. bo. South brxtb at.. Philadelphia August , 1351. AT. LANE A CO. Wholesale Clothing Store No. 171, Market Street. Every variety of ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable stylas constantly on hand. June. 15, '541y. Great: -Sxjiisaeii.s-itarlltBs .Aauoaaoeareta, THAT the largest, cheapest, and best assortment of Goods over brought into Clearfield county, have just arrived, and are offered for ale, at - the New Store of the subscribers, near the Journal Office, Clearfield, Pa. Never before has a mora brilliant, and at the same time a cheaper lot of Goods been offered to this community. !' They have all been selected with a view to thewanta and ne cessities of the people of this particular locality, after long cxperience-;-;nnd intimate- acquaintance with their business connections. ' - "y .Dry Goods of every variety. Dress Goods, Cloths, Cassimerc?, and Clothing: Boots and Shoes," Hats and Ops. l'onnets : and Shawls,, together with a large and epleadid assortment of ; Queenswaro. Hardware and Groceries." ; .' - Defying all competition, they solicit their friends and the publis to give them a call and examine their stock. : --JIOSSOP k POTTARr F. - June 12, 1S54. ly,r ,- " " AS CHEAP AS THK CHEAPEST;, AND -AS GOOD AS THE BEST, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Isaac Johnston' would respectfully in form hi3 friends and the public generally that he has just returned from tho East, where ho haspur c based the most splendid assort ment of Boots &. Shoes ever brought to Clearfield.. Every variety of Ladies slippeia, gaiters, pumps. Ac. ic. Mens fancy shoes, and gaiters, with n.n excellent assort ment of heavy - stock, , all adapted to the wants of the people ot Clearfield. . He hopes bis friends will give him a call at his store in ''Shaw's Row'" and examine his Etock, June 13, 1S54. IJIONEER MILLS, MORRIS TOWNSHIP, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. The subscriber keeps, constantly on' hand, at his mills, lumber of all description, sorts, and sizes. Plastering lath r.nd bills sawed on tho shortest notice. These mills can run at any time during tho season, having a neverfitiling supply of water- All kinds of produoe taken in exchange for lum ber, and the cash never refused. , . HENRY GR0E, September 20, 1354.-ly Kylertown, P. O. GOING IT ALONE. The undersigned hav ing taken to himself the store formerly own ed by Patchin & Swan, takes pleasure in informing hi3 friends and tho public generally, that he has ust received from the city a splendid assortment of Dry Goods. Hardware, Queenswarc, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and every thing elso usual ly kept in a country store. Persons wishing to buy cheap and good Goods should not forget that he is determined not to lo undersold- by any store in in the county. His motto is -a nimble penny rath er than a alow sixpence." ... w S. C. PATCHIN. Glon Hope, July 5. 1354. DANIEL BENNER, Cabinet maker. Shop same as formerly occupied by David Sackets, Clearfield. Pa., keeps constantly on hand at his Furnituro Ware-rooms, and manufactures to order at City prices. all kinds of Cabinet ware.Dining and Pier tables, Dressing cases, Cnpboards. Bed.'teads, Wash Stands, Spring bottomed Chairs, Sofas, Safes, Bureaus, Marble Topped Escritors. c. Ac. Coffins mie, and funerals attended on sue short est notice. June 27, 1854. ly. 1V"EW FIRM TROUTMAN & ROWE. House, J.1 ign and Ornamental Painters, Glaziers. Chair makers, and Paper Hangers, offer their ser vices to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Shop next door to the Jew's Store. They keep constantly on hand, and make to or der every variety of Chairs. Lounges, Sofas, tc. Ac. Chairs, and Sofas made equ'il in heaitty to any that ean be obtained from the City, and moro durable in workmanship and material. JOHN TROUTMAN. June 1 4, '5 1 . 1 y. R0 BERT ROWE. mi!E GOAD INTENT HOTEL, and Stage Office, X Curwensvil'e, Pa. Tho Subscriber would in form his friends and ke public that he bas just re fitted aid re-furnished his hou?e and is prepared to render every attention to the travelling couiicti r.ity. His bar contains liquor. of th first quality, and his table Hi:l always i suppilj-1 with the host In tnnrkct. ...... lie rc.pec:fuUv solicit Lis friends aud other. to give hint a call. . VVM. R. FLEMMINtf. June 14. '54. uum Li , aav. : rj. Teeth extracted wirh all the enre and disnatch moaern s-.'ieneo can itiruisu. DR. HILLS, can always be f mud at his effi ss ho is now devoting Lis whole attention to nnnr.ip.iAii ' T , . " C I e. his proressioi June 14, :54. LEBO'S COMMERCIAL HOTEL, No. IS. f-'outh .SUth St. Philadelphia. The yubsaribcr ha. recently enlarged ami titled up his house, and ia now enabled to compete successfully, with any es tablishment in the City. His room3 are comfort able and well ventilated, and bis table furnished with tho best in the market. IIo respectfully soli cits the large circle of his Clearfield friends jo give Liin a cs.ll when thev visit the city. JACOB G.LEB0. Juno 13, 1354. ly. TEV FIR3I. PATTON A- SHOWERS would I inform the public that thoy have jnst opened a new and splendid assortment of Goods of every variety, at the old stand of H. D. Pattok fit Cuf wensville. At their store msy bo found, almost everything adapted to the want's and necessities of the people of this region. Dress-goods. Lawns, Laces, Gloves. Cloths, Cassimeres, Clothing, liats. Caps, Coots, Shoes, Ac, 4c, of the best quality and at the lowest prices. ' Alio a splendid assortment of Hardware, Queens ware and Groceries. They invite all persons to give tliam a call, ful ly assured they will bo able to render entire satU lacuon. H. 1). l'AYTON, E. A. IILPPEL. Cnrwensvillo, Juno 15, lS54-iy. JOHN R. M0RR.0W, Cabinet Maker, Shop oppo site M. E. Church, Clearfield, Pa. keeps con stantly on nana ana makes to order, nil ksnds of Furniture, such as Tea Tables, Card Tables, Cen tre Tables, Sofas, Spring Seated Chairs, Bedsteds, Bureaus. Wash Stands, Cupboards. Safes, ic. Ac. Coffins mado on the . shorscst notice, and Funer als attended. JOHN R. MORROW. June 13, 1851. ly. 1 Of Bags of Coffee, just received and for salo JL UU at the New Store of A, M. HILLS. June 14, '54. flTIO EIGHTEEN INCH SHINGLES t-rJfJXfJ of best quality, for sale at the Sign of the Red Flag. Trice 3.50 per thousand. June 27, 1854. GEORGE W. COLLADAY, Conveyancer and Land Agent, No. 3. Goldsmith's Hall, Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care, Juno 27, 1S54. - ES DUNDY Attorncy-at-Law, Clearfield, Pa. will attend faithfully to all professional bu siness entrusted to his caro. Juno 13, '54.-ly. JB McENALLY Attorney at Law. Office nearly opposite Judge Wright's Store. Clear field, Pa., practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. - - June 13, '54.-ly. CHEAP CLOTHING. A largo lot of Cheap Clo thing, Men's and Bovs. for sale cheap.-by June 13, '54. MOSSOP A PUTTARFF. T3LACKBERRY BRANDY. A certain cure for JJ the Dysontary, for sale by June IJ, '04. MOSSOP A POTTARFF. MA. FRANK, JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE.- Clearfield, Pa., Ofiice in "Shaw's Row." June, 15, 1S54. JAMES CRO WTTI EK, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Curwensviiie, Pa. Oitioe opposite the "Good Intent Hotel." Jun,15. 1854. JAMES B. GRAHAM Merchant and extensive dealers in lumber. Grahampton, P. O., Clear field county. Pa. - May 26, '54-1 y. M- " fLLS, D. D. S. Office adjoin- j 'P? hU Stor. ClearSelJ. Pa. ArtiS- I --t-UL2X-r cial Teeth, from ono to a full set, moun- I ted is the approved notiorn style-. j Fiiliiiir. Filing, and Clcanimr done with ears ! Guam a jrs : magazineXkewvul . Li MK .1 o j 4 .I n a.c nou ne 5 ng h ii rrtiiiti to receive orders for the New Volume, the editor 4oe hot know he has any "very brilliant ideas to hold out-in lrga capitals to daztle people's tj-m -Graham" will be pretty much what it La been the last volume,- with some improvement witick experience suggests. ' No number will eo&tast IH than 100 pag" of matter, and the readers of Gra ham1' may rely with great confidence pon thi' the volume shall contain ... OVER TWELVE HUNDRED PAG EE V " Of the very best reading matter Chat caaiui a command from jiginai sou roes, or taste select from the vast inas.s of available material. . . The aim of the editor will be to produce a pub lication which shoi! be' valuable in tuturr. and choice in taste and style; and he flatters hiuiMlf, from the known Udonia of his contributors, that L will be able to present as many good original ar ticles to Li? readers as any publicatjon of the t. He shall not, however, hesitate to publiih, from time to time, articles from English authors, and translations from the best German and French writers, provided the pieces have never before ap peared in print in thi country.. Essays on impor tant Folitical Subjects will likewise "be inserted, and criticisms on the Literature of America and the movements cf the Age. The Leview Depart ment, in wLkh a large aai liberal spirit, of crit Ickia wi!l always be maintained, will be extended. For the defence cf American Diteratnre the editor will alwty; be ready ; the mainUinance of a cor rect tone in the Magazine, he will, if possible. It still more watchful. - . SiCU XCJIEF.Il WILL COSTA!. AM EN GRAVING FRO A FIXE STEEL PLATE IS ADMTIO TO THE CHOICE f f UESiaXS ADESGRAVIX03 OT DEVERUX, . , who will supply illustration for the text in the body of the book. The aim of the editor will not be so much to increase the number cf bis engrav ings, as to tecure for those he publishes the at mot finish the artist can give them ; for common wood-cuta are so easily multiplied, that the most indifferent publication may outrank in dreary dis play the choicest periodical. - - - Tho Editor does not feel, that with his own rea ders, he can increase his claims to respect by in sisting on any very great superiority of 'Graham' over several similar publications, but thicka he may safely confide in their friendship for the Magazine, and in its past management for iu pre sent list, and such increase as naturally grows out of an extended circulation in a country where readers are multiplying so rapidly. Of the January number the first edition will b 30,000 copies, and the editor trusts his old friends will be so prompt in renewing old clubs, and ex tending the list among new vnet, that the first adition shall be but half os what the year will ul timately establish, as the permanent circulation of "Graham." Postaoe. Subscribers in any part of the Unittd t-tates may now receive the Magazine, by mail, at three cents a number or thirty-six cents a vear postage, payable at the Post-omee where it is' re ceived. Postmasters and Editors all over the Union, are respectfully requested to act as Agents for the New Volume. Terms. The Terms of "Graham" are Thre Dollars for siugle subscribers,- if paid in advance. For six dollars in advance, one copy is sent three years. Wc continue the following low terms for Clubs to be sent in the city to one" address, and ia the country, to one Fost-o"uico. 2 copies, $ 6 per an. 5 . ' (and one 1 to the getter up) 1Q ' Sj " " 10 " XI ' ' 20 ' The money Cot clubs always should be sent in advance. Subscriptions may be sent at our risk. When the eum is large, a draft should be procured if possible the cost of which msy bo deducted from the amount. Any person desirous of receiving a copy sample, can be accommodated by notifying the Editor by letter, (post-paid.) Address, alreavs post-paid. GEO. R. GRAHAM, Editor. Aug. 21. IOC Chesnut St.. Philadelphia. TSTHAT CAN HE GOT FOR $5 The ou- v dtrsigned have entered i,to an arrangement by whi;h they agree to furnirrh the Kuickerboeker Magazine, (monthly.) the Home Journal, (weekly,) and the Musical World and Htnt-u, (weekly.) "to new subscribers, at the very moderate price of fire dollars, a your sor the three publications ; all vr. drs, nc!r.?iug that amount to Dyer i Willis, will be promptly attended to SAMUEL HEUSTON. Publisher t,f the Knickerbocker, MORRIS WILLIS, Publishers of the Home Journal. DYER & WILLIS. Fuldiahrrs of the Musical World and Tiniuo, 375 Proadwav, New York. GRAND LITERARY AND ARTISTIC COMBI NATION. Arrangements hav been made to furnUh the Knick-.rl ooker Marmne, tho Hom Journal, and the New York Musical YVorlJ aud Times, to uw cubwrii'TJ, fr five doilats a year. This ia ch-i.tp litorature, with a vengeance. Th Knickerbocker i.-t S:j per annum th- Homo Journal,- and th Mu.sical World ?.nd Tirae., S3 ; making $S a yfar at the n?i:a.l r..tes. TL It tbroj s:ich workj ean bn obtained for five dollars a year, ia a fact t; uly wor thy the Ca'oric aire, which i j:i.t now bring ush ered iu. Of tho Knickerbocker Magazine, edited by Lewis Gaylord Clark, it is unnecessary to speifX. Fur twenty years it has boon the most genial; humorous, and spicy monthly" ia the worid; aud the present volume will be better thsa any which preeec.lfd it. Tho Home Journal, edi ted by Geo. P. Morris, and N. P. Willis, is well known as the best funily nuwtnaper in. America: and the Musical World and Times,, edited by Richard Storrs V.'iliis with Lowell Mason, Geo. if. Curtis. Thomas Hastings, Wia. P. Bradbury. Geo. F. Root, and o'Jier musical writers contributing; and wbijh gives, aS:ong other thin 3, over J5 worth cf music and a full course f instruction in harmony annually, is the very best musical Jour nal ever published. These three publications will post a family up in regard to nearly everything worth knowing : Art. Scivnce, Literature; Music. Painting, Sculpture; Inventions, Discoveries; Wit, Humor, Fancy, Sentimei.t: the Newest Fashions s.nd ether attractions for Ladis ; Choi? New Mu sic for tii'i Sabriain, the Church, and the Fireside; Reviews and Criticism of Musical Works, Perfor mers acd Performances ; in short, the very pick and cream of Novelty, Incident, History, Biogra phy, Art Literature and Science; including what ever can be given in periodicals to prornot Healthy Amusement and Solid Instruction in the family and help to make it Better, Wiser, and Happier, mav be now obtained for rive dollars. Address DYER A WILLIS, 275 Broadwsy. Editors publis.hing the above three times, an sending the papers containing it to Dyer A Willis, will receive the three works named, for one year, Aug. 23, 1854. ' OUSEIIOLD WORDS. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE AT S3 PER YEAR. Only those who read the serial so promptly issued every week by Dickens, with thoughtful appreciation, know how to prize ii. '-Household Words" is a modern journal for tho people, devoted to common subjects, uncommonly treated, excellent in style, in genius, in manner, and wonderfully fertile in subject. The pioees are the right length; they exhibit wonderful variety and are attuned to a harmonious key and remarkable unity of effect For the money, there is not the equal of "House hold Words" for a family journal. Pleasant etoj rios, useful knowledge, graceful anecdotes, charm- ing essays, alternate in its pages. It is not al ways convenient to secure a copy of the weekly issue on tho arrival of a steamer; in order to enjoy reeularly this delightful work, we advise our rea ders to possess themselves of the handsome month ly reprint of McElrath A Baker, who bring out 'Household Words" with commendable punctuali ty, at New-York. Frederick Parker, 35 Washing ton street is tho Bcmton agent. Boston Trans crijtt. The articles, both in style and thought, are far superior to the trash that occupies the Pgs f so many of our popular magaxines. iVVte York Atlas. - . -. Tho above are but a few extracts from numerous notices of the press lately received. Those who wish Household Words will receive it monthly by mail upon remitting the subscription price. Spe cimen numbers sent on receipt of five red postage stamps. MoELRATU A BAKKR. Publiebra. Aug. 23. 17 Spruce st.. New York. 100 Barrels Fish, for sale at the Chead Stor of W r IRIN f