Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 06, 1854, Image 3

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. - '-I' - V ' : W - , ' t '..,. , .:. .A
. . i- . i i - ' m ' , ii :- j --...... tv : , -'.... i. ' I t j. t ' . - . .
,'5r3j3rcl)antg visiting ths city wilt Jo. well
to call on Maetix, Mosp-kll & co., dualets in
ndsl'TrfniiftiBg,. !CJmbs, Trashes and
fancy goods, i'o 21. ixorth' Toiirtli', Street,
where4'they will be OTdial!r received and
Well treated. It is one f the best Hoascs in
the city." - .
27?The; Know Xothing head quarters, in
CarweiiariUcj are Open during the day to vis
iters, ja.nl Jacob Derates, tha proprietor, is
lwar -. rsady- to do every variety ol" Black
mithtig in the best style and most durable
manner. -Give hiiti a call. ...
c The general complaint about hard times'
shoul4 ic-tuce us to be cautious, and endeavor
to purchase cheap and substantial goods. Thosj
merchants who have this object in view, when
laying in their sto'ck.tcill do well to cull at Pacl
& T.tl6r"s Whole? ale-Boot, Shoe and Straw
Goods "Thar ihoasj, Xc. 2 " Market St., Phii'a.
- rX7"The best Tobacco establishment in Phil
adelphia is that of FEisMrra & Brothee, 10-3
Third Si-, five doors below Race. They keep
every variety of tobacco and cigars. The best
Ilavanas, Regalias, Principes, &c, are direct
ly imported, by theraseve?, atid can be confi
dently relied ou as the genuine article.
' nr7Our friend the Brigade Inspector, at Glen
Tlope, has just received new end spler.didas
sortment of goods. Clark is acleverfelluw, and
we advise ail our friends to give him a call.
T' C- Curwcnsvillxs enjoys the reputation of
being the best business place in the County,
and we observe from the quantity cf newgoods
purchased, they are determined to keep it up.
Mrs. Eliza Iavix & Soss have just received and
opened a new and splendid assortment. They
are determined not to be beat for cheap goods.
See advertisement in another column. '
C3?Those who desire to obtain an excellent
article of Spanish Sole leather, will do well to
call ca our frieud Jonx M'Fhehsox, at his old
-and wc-11 known stand at ihe South end of
Cleardld. lie keeps a good assortment of all
kinds of leather. See advertisement.
K7"A11 lovers of good oysters, sardines, &c,
should call at the new Restaurant, in the base
ment f Hemphill's Hotel, where ur friend
CnARtET GaEArr, will be delighted to accom
modate them. Charley's sound on the "goose
-question." See Card, in another column.
CTThe Sheriff's Sales, and other Court af
fairs are worthy of attention, this week. Some
valuaMe property will be eposL-d to sala.
t fi7"Call and settle. Mrs. Eliza Irvis is de
termined to settle up her individual business.
See Notice in another column.
CV We call the attention of out readers to
thu Uegister'a notices in another column.
rSho has lost a cow? S:-e advertisement
of an t-stray by Airs. Eliza Irvin.
fH7"It is feared that the r3sr.lt of the Elec
tion in New York has proved unfavorable, but
the result of w elimination of J as. B. Gsa
mav.'s splendid assortment of fall Si winter
gods at his store ia Grabampton, will pn,ve
highly- s tiisfactory. Call and try it.
lysine Ihe result t",f the eh-c'irr l:a? rs-tu-rci
f... swety of Ihe cc:.r:lry, our citizens can
i:s i to dorois their attention more exclu
sively to htuiness. To thrS2 desiring to pur-ciia.'?-goods,
Mr. .Euz.v Ikvis St Sons, oCer
d isirable i'lduevtnents at their new store in
New TVashiagton. .
C.7It wi!lle seen that Gn An am and TTat-
jx have disolved partnership. The business
will hereafter be carried on by James B. Gra
uau. CyVe presume most of our citizens reccol
lcc an estimable young man named J. B.
Boom:, formerly of this county. He may now
be fonnd at the large and splendid Boot and
Sho House of Bokxk, BrxOTHEns 4 Joxes,No.
158 fc 160 Market St., Philadelphia, where he
will be happy to m3et his laree circle of Clear
field acquaintances and to accommodate tbern
with a cheap and elegant stock of city and eas
tern made boots and shoes. Give him a call,
he's a clever fellow, and is with a good firm.
C7" ITo were much plsased, on our recent
isit to Philadelphia, by the appearance of J.
II. PAiEiHoap, Jr's Chemical and Dn:g estab
nient at No. 89 South Second St. Thos- of
our Merchants, Druggists and Physicians who
desire to lay in a good and cheap stock, can
not do better than call on Mr. Palethorp.
Zy Opposite the Red Lien Hotel in Philadel
phia, at '45 Market St., there is a large and
elegant Qucensware establishment, not surpas
sed by any similar IIouss in the City. Our
merchants caa always obtain a splendid stock,
at the lowest prices, from Sons Y. Rushio.v &
Co., Importers and dealers in Earthenware,
China, Glass, &c. See advertisement.
CTThere will be a Public Sale, on Saturday
the 18th inst., at the former residence of F. P.
TIcrxtcal, in this borough. See Notice.
, DT7 Persons having unsettled accounts with
T. P. Hcrxthai, are requested to call and
settle tbcaL. See Notice ia another column.
'SSTLet t he published in Clearfield, let it
be known in Curwensville, let it be proclaimed
throughout the county, Iwt it be wafted by the
gentle breeze along the "West Branch of the
Susquehanna, that Patios & Hiitle, have
just received , the largest and best selected
stock of goods ever brought to Curwensville.
Sie advertisement in another column.
C7By reference to our advertising columns
it will be seen that James Alexaxdeu, of Ty
rone City, is prepared to supply persons wish
ing Oysters by the Can, at tho moat reasonable
Dstrick's Ii!a.kiniitL "hop in Curvrer.sviile
nearly ' opposite tLs Poit OlTiee. alwavs open, and
JaroB. -kioiseif always ready to ierve". his custom
ei.:- All kinds of woik done is the best ctyle. and
most durable wanner; Horse-shoeing doae on he
shortest notice, and on failnre to rei.Jenuer satis
faction the money returned, ".i . -i .. . -.,.r
All kinds of grain taken in exchange for woik
and the money not, refused-, .-- ,
" t v , . JACOB DETRICK..V
Curwensville. Dec. G, lSS4.-ly.
lmi.orters and Dealers in HOSIERY. TRIM
sio. 24 :r?.h 5ourth Mree Phi?fcdelpha.
So. 2t2 Chestnut Street.
Have now open a large assortment of the Newest
Styles and colors of
Rich En fiisa Velvet,
" 7a-es'ry,
C A 11 P E T I X C S
Also, a full a?sorfraent of ?ocer and Medir.ra quality
Mnny of which being their own manufacture,
can be recommended as
Good Carpc ings fcr a Low Prict.
cf everv width and nualitv.
'' BAItidBSOvHSa,
Ifo. 2 2 Cheiva; Stroai, Philadelphia.
Ocj. 4, 1S5J. 5m.
No. 153 a 163 M vrket Street. Philadelphia.
Importers and Manufacturers of City an I Tlatrrn
mate BOOTS awl SHOES, also every variety of
French and English Shoe l.aatings. Patent Leath
er, Kid aad Calfskins. Shoe Laces, Gallons. Bind
ings. Ac. ic. suitable for manufacturers.
Also, Foreign and Doicc-stia Straw find Silk Bon
nets. Leghorn. Panama and Palrn Leaf Hats. Eng
lth. French and Ametiean Artificial Flowers. Oil
Silk. Straw Trimmings. &.. Ac- Ae.
Having removed to our new Store, No. 153 A 100
Market Street, below oth. South tide, up stairs, we
invite your attention to onr larjje andraried Stock
cf Straw Goods. I'(.ots and Shoes, wbich we are
preparing for the approi?hin Fall Sales.
All our Uiiods bcin exclusively cf our own di
rect Imperta.i n nnd Manufacture, we fuel conli
dent that our facilities are ?uch that we can offer
you inducements ns regards variety and prices of
Goo J 3. unsurpassed by any house in the conntry.
Nov. S, 165.-'y. Phila i'lphia.
DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore
existing between H. I), ration and -I. S. Show
ers, was this day dissolved, by mutual consent
s.iM Showers having disposed of hi:, interest to E
A. Hippie. H. D. PATTON,
Curwer-sville, Sept. 1st, ISol.
TLe bujir.ess will hereafter be conducted by
Patton & Hippie, who will pay all debts contrast
ed by the former firm. This arrancj3ui ;n; will re
quire no new asttlements. The firm v.i'l continue
OA with the old books. 11. D. PATTON,
September 1st. lSj4.-"jt.
ALL! no clre no pav. This preparation has
an established reputation, and is offered with con
fideneensaeure for fever and ngue. or intermittent
fever. It may be taken by the roost delicate uith
perfect safety. bting a pure vegetable syrup.
If tken according to diree'ins wi.iiout curing,
a second bottle will be supplied freo of charj. cr
the money returned. Nan z"i"" w't'tout the
sipuatnre J. II. PALETHORP. Jr..
No. SO North Second Street. Philadelphia.
October 11. 1351.
2-5 rarVe St.eat.
Have always on hand, at their Who! Male Ware
housp. a larjo asforttnent of
the Newest Style of
BOOT. SHi. AND sVllAV.' r.'iorj -.
All thir guilds boina gf lucir own irsr, l.n-
porttr ?Z M:-.r-ifj;;tr. ty f ro n!!J tt.
"r:;r iu luccuccp i-j Merchants Hying in
tUeir stock.
w:.i. vr. paul.
N. ii. TAYLOK.
T-ei. 1. liVt. ty.
TViiW AAJ CVH-IAl S l'OKE.-jk suJmci-i-
bcrs wuld announce to the ciiizens of New
Washington, and the upper end of Clearfield Coun
ty, that thev have jiiac opened a new and sulcus ii. I
assortment of FALL AND WTNTL'U tiOOjs.iaihe
ctorc room formerly occupied by Ibvix i M'BniitK.
hvaav VAWErr or OoovH usa:d!y found in
a country store, will be sld ehcap for cash, lum
ber and country produce.
They respectfully invite all those desiring to
purchase goods, to give them a ca'.l, They will
use every effort to givo satisfaction.
" New Washington. November 15. Ia54.-0t.
T P. NKISON CO., would rofpei-tful!y-iu-form
the citizens of .Morris township and ad
joining country, that they have just arrived with a
large assortment of Lry Goods. Groceries. Hard
ware. Qutcnsarc, Coots and Shoes. Hats and Caps.
Clocks Looking glasses Confeetionaries, Medidi.es.
Oils. Paints, Tiuware, and ailother arties usually
kept in a country store, which they arc determine!
to sell low for cash, country prsduce. or Lumber.
Monii Township, November 1. 17i4.
STRAY. Curae to the subscriber, living in
Uloomington. Clearfield Co.. Pa., a slray Hog.
ia July. i$o4. The owner is requeued to come for
ward proro rrcr.erty, pi charges, and taha him
away, or otherwise, ho wiii be dealt with accord
ing to law. M. M. 11EX.
Elooiningtoa, October 25, 1854.
. CHLMIsT A TKtGGlT. No. 89 North S
oi I St.. Second door below Mount Ycrr.on House.
Philadelphia. Dealers in Diugs. Chemicals, Per
fumery. Paints. Oi!g. Wiudow Glass, Ac, Ac.
Novembers, lS54.-5y.
JL 'ihe subscriber would nii.st respectfully so
licit all tqose indebted to Lim, to come forward
and settle up. and if they cannot pay give their
Notes, and further hopes not to ba required to use
any other moans than this simple notice. He can
be found at almost aoy time at Woodland, prepar
co to settle. F. r. ULKXTIIAL.
Nov. 8. 1S54. -
cers, Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants,
No. 273, Market Street, Philadelphia.
June 15,lS5l-!y.
1 he nartnership heretofore exising between
John Patch in L Sons, was this day dissolved by
mutiisl consent, and the books arc left in the hands
cf A. A J. Patehin. Those persons knowing them
selves indebted to the firm will rail immediately
and settlo up, or they will have the pleasure of
paying costs JN". PATCH IN A SJNS.
iJurnside. Ootober 12. 1354.
. 10.ri 3f. Third Street, five floors below Ttace,
Nov. 29, "5-t.-ly.l . Pmt.vnK .rHiA.
AND 1EALEHS in Earthenware. China. Glass.
Ac 215 Mtr'I-nt St., oppobito Ked Lion Hotel. Phil
adelphia. J. Y. Rl"S!lTON,
Nov. 8, '51. -I y. . ROitT. STILSON.
Worm Svrun and I.ivr Pill, for bT
June 13, it. MOS30P & POTTARFE.
FOR AMERICA! Tr.E Cheap Cci?r.n Tn:-
rarnAST ! Uo tc5;j this method of infoi'tning the
public in general, and the citizens of Curwens i:le
and vicinity in particular, that we have received
onr usual lurse nd varied -wltctiot'of ,2W an-i
- VTitr Goodt. suited to the wants of every, man;
wmnnud entld In- Hie comroumty.; And.ie
have no hesitation in raying; that purchasers will
find it greatly to their advantage to call and exam
ine oar stock before pr.rchnsinj elsewhere. ' " '
Our stock consists, in part, of Ladies' Dress
Goods in irreat variety: such as plain black, fancy
silks, Turk satins, berege detains, black and fancy
Alpacaj. plain and plaid Ginghams. Manchester
and Domestic Ginghams. Calisoes of every style,
and quatity. at prices ranging from 5 up to 15cts.
Black, blue, and brown French and English
cloths, plain black doeskin and fancy cassimercs.
Kblack. blue, brown and green sattinets.
thecKs. tickings, nannels, muslins, toweling, ho
siery, gloves, shirts, ready-made clothing. Ac. &e.
Carpeting fed floor oil cloth, window and wall
paper rtd boidering. and oiled Window shades.
t-hoef of all descriptions for ladies, misses and
ehildrm, together with a large assortment of
Mens" tnd boys' hats, caps, boots and shoes.
Hardware, planes. Ac. Glassware, Oucensware,
Cedar and Willow ware, corn brooms, Ac Ac.
Also, a Jare assortment of r'resh Orojeries. via :
F.io Coffee, Imperial. Y. II. and Black tecs N. O.
sugar, crushed and loaf sugar. New Orleans and
Syrup njoIsse3, clarified and cider inegsr, Ac
Kosin and Fancy soaps: sperm, star and mould
candles. All of whirh will be"old in quantities
to suit purchasers, at the cheap Corner Store of
CurwcriSvillc, November 1, 1554.
SALE. 1 he subscriber offers for 3.le the following
Tracts of Land, situated on, and nearibe Clearfield
Creek, in Clearfield county. Pa., to wit: A tract,
warranted to "Luke Morris;" containing 473 acres
and 4i ps. A tract, waranteu to Joseph Helland.
containing 4J3 acres, 153 ps. A tract, warranted
to l.obert Grey, containing 433 acres. 153 ps. A
tract, warrante'd to John Lringhurst, fontaitiiiiz
429 acres. 103 ps. A tract, warranted to "Sarah
Ward," containing 433 acres, 153 ps. A tract,
warranted to ieo. Eddy." containing 433 acres.
153 ps. A tract, warranted to Moor Wharton, con
taining 433 acres. 153 ps. A part of a tract, war
ranted to Geo. Ashton. containing 210 acres.
These Lands are t-jo well known to the lumber
men of Clearfield County, to render a description
of them necessary it may be aifely said, that it is
decidedly tho best body of pine lands in Clea
field County. - -
For terms, ic. apply to
Ebensburj. Cambria Co.
.September 21. 1854.
X scribcr? Laving purchese J all the lauds be
longing to Hardmau Philips. s.tuatoJ in Clearfield.
Cambria as.d Centre counties, comprising some of
the best timber lands in thO'tc couuties. oll'cr then
fors-i'e in lots to suit purchasers, at reasonable pri
ces and terms of payment. All o uer information
respecting them, will be furnished by Wm. ltag
shaw or 1avid llough, at 1'hilipsburg.or .losia'i W.
Smith. Clearfield. GEO. b. M itj AN A CO.
September lSol.-;:.
.tl'U iiASTOPOL NOT TAKEN : James Al-ea-j.a(;it,
has just opened a splendid Siloon in the
biisemcnt story of the Tyrone City Hotel, where he
is prepared to accommodate persona with Oysters,
wbolesjle nnd retail, and all o:her articles usually
kept in a Confectionary and Grocery Store.
N. 1!. All orders forOvters bv the Can promptly
attended to by JAMES ALLXANDEi;.
Tyrone City. No'ember I. lsol.-liu.
TEV FIRM. A A J. Patccin having tsken
i to theuafcives the Store formerly owned by
.jno. Patehin & .un3. take p'.e.va irc iu icfvrming
their friends, and tha jiub'.ic generally, that they
have just received from the city a splendid assort
ment of 1'ry Goo Is. Groceries, ilardivaro. Queens
ware. Hats and Caps, too'.s mid .ho;s. ami every
thing elso nsually kept a Couatry Store. Persons
wishing to buy cheap and goods Goo is. should not
forget that they arc determined not to undcisild
by aey store in the country. We invite one and
ail to cuiiie and ex-itninu our s:o.-fc fjr themsalvcs.
as we charge noting for a doing.
Pnrnside. November 1. Is51.-tf.
HLMPliiLt.'S H )'i IA . ihe uisciibi-r would
inform his friends and the public generally,
that hr -itiil rt-inaiiiH At old st aid. where he is
at all tiniL-s re.tdy an..', willing to "entertain s:r.in
gcrs and travi liars '' liis b ir s o.ked with the
bst liij'io.. y.'.d Li. t.-Jic wi:! a! way? be supp'.iel
iriih the luxmics of ;5ie s-isrk-vt.
'i kfui for past favors. 3m s!icirs a farther
snare of publio pitronag.-.
ClcarSt-ld. Jttrc 15. lS'.J-ly.
Just received, a large and splendid assortment of
GCons of almost every description, suitable for the
season, and soiling otf at very low prices; Ladies.
Gentlemen, and every person wiuhiyg to buy goods
rt thfvrii towti pribe. are lespcetfully invited to
call and examine for themselves.
Produce of all kinds rcccired in exchange for
goo is. WM. F. IRWIN.
Clearfield. Sept. 27. lSol.
CvVUTIO.V. All persons are CHUlioned not to
1 buy. trade for or meddle in any way with a
oko of Oxen, now in the possession of John
Bugs, as the same is mine, and only loaned to s id
Brigs, and are at inv disposal at any time from
this date. August 17th. 1S51. T. B. DAVIS.
rurguson township. Oct. 11, 1?54.
GLEN HOPE! 'I he yulscriber has just recei
ved a new and extensive assortment of the cheap
est Goods ever brought into the upper end of the
county: consisting of every variety of nrticles usu
ally kept in a country store. Ho hopes his fjiends
and the public will givo h:Li a call, ai.d feels con
fident fca will be able to render satisfaction.
Glen Hope. November 22, IS54.
OHN M'PIIERSON: Cliiribr ami TavnrrT
" still continues at the old stand atthe South end
of Clearfield, and keeps coustantly on band a good
assortment of Leather of all descriptions, including
aplendid lot of Spanish Sole leather, which he will
sell cheap for ctsh or in exchange for lumber and
Hides. Nov. il. '51.-it.
jVEW KLSTAl'RANT. Cit.MtLt.s Grkvif,
1 would inform ihe public that he has just open
ed au Eating Saloon in tho basement of Hemphill's
Hotel, where he serves up to order Fresh Oysters.
Sardines. Anchovies. A. The best quality'of ci
gars, and Philadelphia Ale, always on band. He
invites nil lovers of --good living." to give him a
call- Nov. 22. 'o4.-3mo.
J UST OPENED The subscriber has just rc
ceived at his store -at Grahnmton. a large, new,
and splendid assortment of FM an I Winter Goo I,
adapted to the wants of the whole community. and
offered fo. sale at extremely low prices. Dry Goods,
Queenaware, Boots and Shoes. Hats nnd Caps. Bon
nets and Shawls, Groceries and Confeetionaries. to
gether with every other articlo usually kept in a
country store, may be bad at reasonable rates.
Cash, Lumbor, or produce received in payment.
Grahampton. November 15. 1351.
WAK IN AMERICA not against foreign
yf nations, but ag-iinst high prices and impo
sition. K. 11. WELCH, has just returned from tho
city with a splendid new s:ok of Gbld and Silver
Watches, open and hunting-cased, gold chains,
keys, seals, and a variety of other articles usually
kept by Jewelers.
His assortment has hecn selected with great care
and caution, and will b? cheefully submitted to
the inspection of all who may give him a call.
Terms Cash. Oct. 4, 1S51.
riAR.---The undersigned has just received and
X will keep for silt, at his shop on third street,
a superior article of ttr. GEOXtGE ORR.
Clearfield. July 5. 1854.
TSAAC M. ASHTON. Hat Store, No. 172
Market St.. Philadelphia. Hats, Caps. Fnrs,
Acof every variety, and the best quality always
enhand. June 15, 185-1-1 y.
T- 7 . ; I
SHERIFF'S SALES. Ey "virtue of enndry
writs of venditioni exponas. isued out of the
Court of Common Plena f Clearfie'd county, and
to 'me. directcd.-will be exposed to public sl, at
the Court House, in the Borough ot Clearfield", cn
Monday, the isndyr lecemijf r. IS54. st lQo'i
clock AiM., the following deasribed real cstat.:y;
Ail the right, title. Interest and claim of Abraham
Lounsbury of in and to a Certain traet Of land situ
ate in Bradford township. Clearfield county, bound
ed by lands of Michael Fink, Geo. Hoover and oth
ers, containing one hundred acres more or le?.
having a two story fog house erected thereon, and
about nine acres cleared, being the same tract of
land defendant bought of Levi llubler. Seized,
taken in execution, and to be sold as the property
of Abrah-.m Lounsbury. ..-,..
Also All the right, title, interest and claim of
William G. Butler, of in and to a eertain tract of
land situate in Morris township, Clearfield county,
bounded on the east by Moshannon Creek, on the
south by lands of M Minn and said creek, on the
west and north by lands of Blanchard. and lands of
Swartx. containing about 200 acres, more or less,
being part of two large surveys in the name of
Christian Musser and Wm. G. L'utler unimproved
or timber land. Seited, taken in execution, and
to be sold as the property of William G. Butler.
Ai.so All the right, title, interest and cjaim of
Daniel M. Dugan. of in and to a certain tract of
land situate in Boggs township. Clearfield county,
containing 10 acres, adjoining lands of James For
rest on the west, Wm. James on the south, Jno. Mil
ler on the east, at,d the Erie Pike on the north, with
a small frame dwelling house, a frame carpenter
shop, and a small plank stable thereon erected,
with about 2 acres cleared. Seized, taken in exe
cution, and to be sold as the property of Daniel M.
Dugan. WiLLlAM POWELL. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Offi?e. Clearfield. Nov. 15, lS54.-ts.
EGISTER' NOTICE. Notice is hereby
givpn. that the following- accounts have been
examined and passed by me. and remain filed cf
record in this oflice for the inspection of heirs, leg
atees, creditors, and all others in any other w.iy in
terested, and will be presented to the next Orphans
Court of Clearfield county, to be held at the Court
House in the boro' of Clearfield, ou Tuesday the 1 9th
day of Dec. next, for confirmation and allowance:
1. Partial account of James Wily, administrator
of Joseph Wily, deceased, for settlement.
2. Tho final account of D. W. Moore, administra
tor, de bonis non of Jonathan It Ann's, deceased.
3. The final account of Margaret Nccs. adminis
tratrix ot Miles HarLsoak, deceased.
4. The ac.-ount Benjamin Spackmnn. Guardian
af Martha Jane Welch, minor child of James snd
Mary Welch, for settlement.
5. The account of tlarAret Nees. Ou.irdian of
minor children of Mils Hartso?k. deceased, forsfet
tlPiner.t. WM. P011TEK. ,
Begister'a OCioo, Nov. 22. Register.
Invix A Sons have just received, nnd opened
for sale, at the old stand in Curwensville. the larg
est and .most spltndid a'ortmcnt of Goods ever
brought to Clearfield county, consisting, in part, of
Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Queensw.ne. Tin
ware. Saddlery and Hariiors. Hats and Caps. Boots
and Shoes. Drug", "il. Paints. Glass. Ac Ac.
They would particn!fcrly call the attention of the
Ladies tn their large stor-k of Fancy Goods, of eve
ry description, feeling satisfied thut it is a -lertle'
the best tbnt can be found in the County. Bon
ne's of all 'descriptions, and prices.
The gentlemen have not bton forgotten, as will
be seen on inspecting their very l:rge assortment
of ready-made Clothing. Cloths. Cnssimcres. Sati
netts. Ae.Ac. Their Clo-bing is all of good iual
ity. none of your Jew. x'on-sUop stuff, but on the
contrary, well made and fashionably cut. and war
ranted good an 1 cheap. Give thorn a call, as they
are determined to sell cheaper than ALL others.
All kinds of lumber and country produce tkcn
in exchange for goods, and the c:i.!i not refused
when offered. Call nnd examine for yourselves.
Cnrwrnvi!s. November 21. 15'. -A.t.
JL IllVIN. would respectfully inform the public
that they have very greatly improved their House,
and are now isbln to afford' the travelling public,
tho most comfortable a-j-coimnodations. Their bai
13" furnished wish the very best Honors, and the
luxuries of the Philadelphia market are" to be
found on their ttble. They respectfully invite
their numerous friends in Clearfield to give them
a call. August 9.1SA4.
1 ."ubseribtr would respectfully inform the pub
lic. that he has just opened an entire new stock of
boots and ihoes, in Graham's Bow, one oi Kir east
of the .Journal Oflice. Clearfield. Pa.
Every variety of Ladies and Gentlemen's gaiters,
laced boots, pomps, congress boots, cbi Id reus shoes
Ac, Ac. cheap for cash. He hopes o receive a
liberal share of patronage. Boots and thocs made
to or!cr. C. S. BLACK.
Aug. lfi. 1S54.
-All persons knowing tliem-
book account, r in any other manner whatever,
arc hereby r.olified to come forward nnd settle
before the September Court, as he is determined to
have his business eutirt-lv settled up by that time.
V'fhosa unable to pay, arc requested to settle sud
tune and opportunity will no extended to fncm.
Grahamfon. Aug. 2-d, 1S54.
Of NT VERSO N HOUSE. No. 95 North
Second St.. Philadelphia. '1 he undersigned
having leased the above well known House, which
has been Kknov atro and itr-MolF.i.En THitorcn
ovt. have just opened it for the reception of visitors.
The furniture is all new. and has been selected
with care from Ilenkles well known establishment
in Chcsnnt Street, and is of the latest and most
fashionable style.
The location for Merchants and others coming
to the city is convenient, being in the contre of
Their friends in Clearfield are respectfully soli
cited to give them a call. 1). BLAIR,
Aug. 3.1. IS54. Proprietors.
jVLW ARRIVAL. M. A. FRANK, has just
11 returned from the East with a largo assort
ment of Cloths. Ctmers. Neck Tics, Trimmings.
Ready made Cloibing. Ac, which he will sell
cheap for cash, at his store, two doors east of the
Journal otnec.
Fashionable tailoring still done to order, with
neatness and dispatch.
He invites the public to give him a call and ex
amine his stock. Sept 13,1354.
f SALE. The subscriber offers for sale on rea
sonable and easy terms, his farm in Lawrence
township, containing one hunld-J arm. and allow
ance, 'the buildings are. a good log house, frame
barn, and other out-houses. There is. also, ou the
place a promising young orchard of choice fruit
trees, in fine bearing order. Also, a never failing
spring of water. About sixty Acres cleared Two
miles from Clearfield.
Inquire of F. P. Bctlek, Clearfield, or the sub
scriber on the premises. JOSEPH LANICH.
October 4, la5t.-jm.
The partnership heretofore existing between
C. M. Graham and J. E. Watson, was this day dis
solved by mutual consent. having disposed of their
interest to Jas. B. Graham. C. M. GRAHAM,
Grabamton, October 27. 1S54.
The business will hereafter be continued by Jas.
B. Graham, ne formerly, who will collect all ac
counts ue. and pay all debts contracted by the
furmer firm. JAS. B. GRAHAM.
Grahampton, November 15, 1S54.
ALEB COPE A 0 No. 183. Market St.. Phila
delphia. Dealers in Linens. White Goods, Ho
siery. French, English and German Silk Goods. La
ces.'Gloves. Bolting Cloths, Ac. June 15. '54-ly.
rT) SHOEMAKERS. A line lot of Spanish KipB
X Men and Women's Morocco pink trimmings,
and Sole Leather, for sale cheap, by
ROOK. TYSON A REHN Wholesale Dry
Good's Store, No. 146, Market Street, Philade'l
phio. June 15, lS34-ly.
JACKSON CRANS Attorney at Law. Of
fice adjoining residence, Clearfield, Pa.
May 2V54-ly.
1 fid Sacks. gsltf,
J-Uli Store cf
Juno 14, '14.
just received at the
FRosrECTcs-issi-'ssTifs r,T.cri: -ihe
Ifflj: hi Pa-jr ot Confess, tad 'jecwrpa-
j fr or e Pe J.e Lou a Bnoi; i i utk in hie U ; .
torical Sketches ofSiatcsm'en wt.o flourished in t!,
I timcof George the Third." gives some remtrktble
examples, showing the great toss sustained by Eng
land in the history of its Ftatc5Ri.cn. and of i: n
tior al progress, through the imperfect state pf par.
liamentary reporting; in fracntii$.:.Hc opera
his life of Lord. Chatham .tLuatr t;Thcr i hardly
any man in modern times, with" the exception. per
haps, of Lord Somers. who fills so large a space in
our history, and of whom wo know so little. as Lord
Chatham : and yet he is the person to whcn'i every
one wonld at onee point, if desired to name the most
successful statesmen and most brilliant orator that
this country ever produced. Of Lord Somers, in
deed, we can scarcely lie said to know anything st
all. .That he was & person of unimi-eachnble integ
rity, a jude of great capacity and learning, a firm
friend of liberty, but a cautious and safe conrselor
in most difficult emergencies, all are ready to ac
knowledge. But the authority which he possessed
among his cotemporaries.. the influence which bis
sound and practical wisdom exercised over their
proceedings, the eervices whish he wag thus ena
bled to render in stecringtheConstitutionsafthro"
the most trying times, and saving ns frutn Arbitra
ry power without paying the price of our liberties
in anarchy and bloodshed-aay.ondnctingihe whole
proceedings of a revolution with ail the delibera
tion, and almost in the forms of an ordinary legal
proceedings, have surrounded I is name with 9 mild
yet imperishable glory, which, in the contrast of our
dark ignorance respecting all tho particnlars and
details of his life, gives the figure something alto
gether mysterious and ideal. It is now unfortu
nately too late, by supplying this information. to fill
up the outline which the meagre recordsof his times
have left ns. But it is singular how much of Lord
Chatham, who flourished within the memory of the
present generation, n: ill rests upon vane tradition.
As a s'atestnan indeed, he is krown to us by the
events whi.h hisfory has recorded to have happen
ed tinder bis administration..' Vet even of his share
in bringing these about, little hns been preserved
of detail. So. fragments of his speeches have been
handed down to lis. but these bear so very small a
proportion to the prodigious fume which his elo
quence has left behind it. that far more is manifest
ly lost than has reached ns; while of his written
compositions but few letters have hitherto been
given to the world. The imperfect state of parlia
mentary reporting is the great cause of this blank."
What Somers and Chatham have l-.st in fame by
the oblivion of all tho masterly efforts d" thier
minds which, wielding the power of Parliament,
conducted the march of Government during their
eonncciion with it. the history of ihn nation has
also lost lor want of the vigor and vevity. the clear
ness, tho trcshncss and beauty w th which its
events and their causes might have been preserv
ed in the luminous eloquence of its orators.
The great men who conducted the Revolutionary
s!rufKlo in the Continental Congress have left-110
history behind them of the views and evest.-j which
had their birth in their debates. ex:rnt in the mea
gre formula of a journal The fervid feelings of
the hour, the impelling circunistir.es 'he argu
ment, the eager Controversy whi di set tbe subject
in every variety of light. p:?e 1 away wi'li the
breath that gave them u'teranee: and mn who wore
not surpassed, in the otiumoii o; lord Cnalnani. by
-the masterstatesmcn of the world." have benne.it!!
cd to posterity nothing of the eloquence which gui
ded our National Conmd's but the shadow of
name.1' Recent pub'.ij-xtions show how graphic
history Incomes when the actors in it speak fr
themselves, and events as they emerge. Mauip
themselves on its page. Crigre-s hes now taken
care that this sort of genuine his'r ry shall fall from
the press, full and perfect, day by day: and thus
every public man will inske his own history, and
blend it iniperishably wiih that of his country.
The Congressional Globe and Appendix is so vol
uminous that it can only be read by eur busy coun
trymen partially during its progress. Some arc
interested in one measure, soma in another. Dif
ferent sections look for the most part to the action
of their several representatives the ciincercs of
one frequently possessing no interest for tha rest
and amidst the mass "t is difficult for each section,
or individual, to get at tho special matter most in
teresting to them. To obviate this, and enable all
to get at a tr.ce a g.rcral view of tbc entire pro
ceedings of Congress, rrd to fix tb--ir a'lention on
what suits their particular vitws. I w ill publish in
future in addition to the Daily Globe and the Con
gressional tllr.be and Appendix, a Trr.siAv's Cox
;nRsstox.L Glo'-k. cor.tainin-r a brief of each day's
debate on every iniPortsntsubjcct disoussedduring
the proceeding week, arranging the names of the
speakers pro and eon., and prcseting the roiulsdis
cussed and lead i 11 r arguments on each side, some
what in the mode in w hich forensic briefs are pre
pared. Thispaper I will send gratuitously to eve
ry subscriber to the Congressional Globe and Ap
pendix; and to those who may consider this sum
mary sufficient without them, the subscription price
for this weekly will be two dollars per annum.
. This brief synopsis of debates will till but asaial!
part of the contents of this Jane weekly sheet. It
will contain every important item of foreign and
domestic news which cm be gleaned from the daliy
prints during the week, together with that which
may be brought by telegraph at th e moment of going
topress. It will contain, besides, the interesting mis
cellany which is given iu the Daily Globe, and the
Washington gossip of the letter wri'crs. extracted
from the different newspapers which employ them,
whenever they shall be esteemed of such import as to
interest the readers of the Globe, and beir saoh pro
bability on their f ice as to w irrant their insertion.
As this wetkty paper will be sent to all the sub
scribers for the Congressional Globeand Appendix,
it will certainly have a more general circulation
than any other newspaper in the United States,
and will. -therefore, invite advertisements from ev
ery section of the Union, especially the wholesale
merchants in the gratt cities, which will give itad
ditional interest with business men everywhere.
The Daily Globe will be printed on a double roy
al sheet. twic a day during the session of Congress
at 11 o'clock. A. .v.. nnd 5 o"cl'-ck. r. m.; snd once
a day. at 5 o'clock r. w.. during the reccssct. at So
a year for either the morning or evening edition.
The evening edition is the one ino-t suitable for
subscribers who live out of this city, as it will eon
tain, besides the full proceedings of Congress of t.ho
day before published in the morning edition, a full
synopsis of those of the day. together with the r.cr.s
by telegraph, and other si-uioes, up to the hour
that it is put to press. It will contain, a'so, nil
laws and joint re?o'utions passed by Congre.t?.
The Congressional GL.be and Appendix will al
so be printed on a double royal sheet. in book fjrm,
royal quarto size, each number containing sixteen
pages. The Congressional Globe will be trade up
of the proceedings of Congress, and the runnic-de-bates
as Uken down by tho reporters. The Appen
dix will contain the Messages of the President of
the LT. S.. the Report? of the Headsof iheExecutive
Departments, such speeches as have been withheld
by Members of Congress fur revision, nnd all the
lawsand joint rcsolntionspassed durinthe session.
A complete index will be made soon after Congress
adjourns, and sent to aJI subscribers for the work
Should any numbers fail to reach subscribers, they
will be sent to them, without charge, whenever they
advise mo what numbers they have not received.
Subscribers should be careful to file all the numbers
received, as the complete work will be found to be
very valuable to tbem. and the expense of furnish
ing missinrr numbers very expensive to me.
The debates of Congress are now as fully and as
faithfully reported in the Congressional G'lobe. rs
those of any other legislative body are in this or
any other country, and yet they are sold tosubs3ri
bers for one-sixth of what any other debates are
sold for ia this country, and one-eleventh of what
the debases of the British Parliament are sold for
in England, where paper, reporting, type, and type
setting are. each and all. much cheaper than is this
country. The liberal subscripttion by Congress en
ables me to sell the the debates so low. And Con
gress, for the purpose of enabling the people to ob
tain them at as low a rate as they can be afforded,
passed the following joint resolution, authorizing
them to go free by mnil: Joint Resolution provi
ding for the distribution of the Laws of Congress,
and the Debates thereon -Wi'h a view to the cheap
circulation of the laws of Congress and tho debates
contributing to the trite interpretation thereof, and
to make free the communication between tho rep
resentatives and constituent bodies.
ZJ? resolved bv the. Senate and Horse of R'nre-seu-tativet
of the United Stilt of Am'rirt in Cong-rest
axxemhled. That from and after the present
session of Congress, the Congressional Globe and
Appendix, which contain the laws and the debates
thereon, shall be published by order of Congress-:
provided. That nothing herein shall be construed
to authorse the circulation of the Daily Globe free
of postago. Approved. August 6. 1352.
Tuesday's Congressional Globe will be pulished
every Tuesday, and contain all that is promised.
It will be commenced onadouble roval shoet. but if
i that shall bo found riot to be large enough to con
tain all the matter then the sheet w:U he enlarged.
TKtrsrForl copycf Congressional Globe.! yr,$i.C0
When taken for a IcfS timo. the prioe will be fifty
cents a month- , Vor thaCo'nflrciiianelGlobe and
Appendix during the coraiag aosyoii. - - S3.C0
Where bank ttofes ondorSi arc prohibited bylaw.
. or canrct be readily obtained..! will end2eop
ies for. Sii (or J tja ; and so ort at Urat rate-v
For Tuesday's Congressional Globe", 1 year," $2.03
For six months,."- " - " -; - ' ; ; T Sl-00
Subscriptions' foj less' than, six rnirnths will cot bo
received. Orders for the Cocrcssicnal Globe- and
Apper.flix. or for Tuesday's CongteMioBal Globe,"
should bo here by theTtb of Dcoetuber to secure all
the numbers. .The 'Daily Globe is now in tb
course cf publication, and will be sent from the
day a subscription reashes here. Js- ,
An ordtr for any of the papers'rtinst be a-jcotn-panicd
by (hv money for it. cUfl the paper wil not
bescnt. Bank notes current where a subscriber re
sides will be recicved at par -" 1 desire to employ
Agents, who can produce good reccommendations,
to obtain subscribers. " Jons II. Frvts.
Washington City, November 22, 1854.- .
Tcrma. (invariably in advance.) 1 S3-00
Two copies, --i. " 5.00
Five copies, ' - . "1C,C0
Ispcceme:ts r" :
I 'Ihe choice of two of the following musical
portraits, crgraved on steel, neatly mailed on a
roller, designed as the com meue'tnr.t of a Gjflery
of M'tirM Portraits: 10 be. Lung around' every
family piaro. ' : ' " -' -.
2. hbethove.", fi. SCHCSASS,
3. weber, 7. scnrBEitT,:
Of theso portraits, thatof the lamented Madame
Sontag is surpassingly fine aud particularly. Jo bc
commended. Each 3 subscriber on mailing his
subscription will pie arc to 6tate what two portrai s
he chooses. --To: club subscribers, and to all per
sons not sending their subscriptions directly to
this ofiice but subscribing through agents, we can
only afford (from the great reduction of terms); to
give the choice of bnto pnrtr9'1-' - '-
II Fresu Mrsic four pages every wetk
which can be dotached from the reading matter,
is paged separately and can be hound at the end
of the volume, forming a choice miscellaneous col
lection of pieces for one. two. three- and font
voices ; poikas. mazurkas, walties; tuns'ie for . the
guitar, iiutc, violin, harp; musi-j for young people;
sacred music, for voiite, mclodcon ar.d organ. This
music, alone, costs the prop-ietor annually ?t,?!Hf.
and is worth to every subscriber at least Sl-.Oii;
setting aside the a jini.ge of its variety aud its
superiority as the very pick of all the new music
published- . :. ----- -
IU. I.xsTnccTjVE M:si-al B-aung: riii brac
ing a weekly-condensed budget of news from all
parts of the" wor'd ; musical Etorics, - biographica.
etc.: musical essays ; criticisms.
IV. E.xrr.nTAi.xtNo Gevehai. Br. .-ivo: com
prising origins! translations from the French and
German ; selections front new books and periodi
cals; also interesting original contributions.
The Musical Wcrld is 'delivered "niihrt extra
charge to New Yo:k and Brooklyn Rub;ri'eri".
Any persons sending us a club, cf five subscribers
shall receive a ccpy of the paper for a year tnd
his choice of one of ih above engravinzs.
All new sabszrif-lions will be entered for the
first cf January. 1.55. but the portrait new ready
wil?e sent immeliately to thosa first subscribing.
Any of our old subscribers whose rear docs rot
expire till after the fii st of January? 1S55, cm al
so have their choice of two of these portraits by
sending ns their subscription a year in advance of
such expiration. "
BtcnAnn Pi-onus Wilms,
Editor and proprietor, 257 Broadway,. N Y.
(Court 'SnnirH.
Jane Hunter vs J. A. T Hunter.
John Tatchin vs Josiah Larabonrn. '
Jaincs Ga laher vs Curjjunder A L'rickley". ',
Jeremiah Moore vs Thomas Martin, r
Geortjc W. Sholf vs Kobcrt Lytic. '
George W. Shoff vs Lytic X Hontt.
John Siberts vs Mosis Pcarco ;
Phiitp Antes vs Bigler L lieed. . . ,
Samuel Caldwell vs M. Stevenson. -
Tuckner & Heirdier vs John Stiles.'"
Osi.ir F. Moore vs 0. P. Wilder. -
C. F. Kenaud vs John Nodier.
Pcnj.imiit Comley vs Wiliam M. Lugan . -
Thomas Craven vs Kobcrt Pennington.
Jamej Curk-y vs James Gnr.sains.
C. V Kenaud vs John Ncdicr t ilon?a!of
George. W. Carter vs Snyder ,i L:;rje.
Connell Frederick vs Henry Gr-.v,'
J. J. Ilcyr.tz vs Abrshats By era.' '
Gaorgu Giit vs 'Jbcm?. Holt. "
Michael Ocigle vs Jno. A Jmcs M. Lc--K?r:
J. A J. M. Lconr.rd.u.-e of J. Leonard vsM. Qu
Peter Dickerson vs Vogala A Brother.-
John Frymirc vs Peter Lamm. . .
Kclley .t Dickcrson vs II. B. Miller.
H. B.'Millcr vs Keller A Diikcrscn -
II. B. Miller vs J. M. licllcy. ,
same .vs sau-.e. , '
Trw fn A Hiteman vs Isaa: Pric?. "' '
Philip Antes vs G. L. Lted.' .
Torbett, Crane, et a! vs Alexscder Cr.ldwi!
Samuel MsKc-n vs James M. Dixon. ' - : "
Ssraucd Bo'oison. carpenter, Bogga.
John S. Brcjks. fiuntr. .Tcrjii.
Charles Sloan, justice cf peace. L'oggs.
liobert Jobi.sou. faimcr. Jcrdan.
L. W. Mucson. farmer, Foggs.
Iticharh Danver. ftrmer. Penn.
lienry Wetzel, farmer. Bell.
Charles Shoff, fanner, Penn.
James H. Flemiscg. cyrpenter t"'nrw!nsri;!e. '
John Dressier. Jr , fiirmtr, Union.
Ilugh Krisc. fa. mer, Union.
Elius Henderson, firmer. Lawrence.
Jobs Moore. gunsmiLh. . ,
John Bar borne, faimer, Morris. '
William L. M rrell. farmer, Morris.-'
Samuel Wilscn. farmer. Bradford.
James Guusalus. farmer. Karthaus. -John
Gulich. cabinetmaker, Clearfield.
A s.i Young, fanner, Huston.
V illiam Feath. earpenter. Burnside. . - -Tolbert
Dale, farmer, Bi ady.
G M. Johnson, farmer. Brady. :
Fehooly Scott, fanner. Woodward. -
George Boss, farmer. Tike. ,
John SchofT. farmer Beceiria. . . s
ThomaB Kyler, larmer, Morris..
P.obcrt Swirie. farmer, Morris. " ;
Joseph Showalter. fanner, Morris.
Amos Reed, farmer, Pike. .
John Welch, farmer. Pike. . -.
Peter Mays, farmer, Pike.
John Miles, farmer, Ferguson. ' -
G. W. Shiinmel. farmer, Boggs.
Henry Irwin, farmer, Lawrence. y
J. B. Barmoy, lumberman, Covington. -.
Joseph Irwin, farmer. Lawrence.
Arthur Bell, farmer. Bell.
- John J. Bead, farmer, Lawrence; - ' ' "
. Thomas Uewit. farmer. Huston.
. G. D. Goodfellew, lumberman. Lawrence.
Philip Chambers, f inner, ilcstcn. ' -A.
S. Leonard, farmer. Goshen. -!'.- .
Daniel Uartsock. fariaej. Brady.
Jsincs Albert, farmer. Decatur. ' ' -George.
W. Long, innkeeper, Erady. '
, Jacob Ake. merchant Burnside. " . ,
Wiliiam Brbben. farmer. Braxly.
Samuel Biss, farmer, Burnside.
" John W. Nelson fiimer. Brady- -
Anthony Hile, farmer-renn. , . '
Daniel i;ishcl, farmer, Bradv. '
John Labordel Jr., farmer. U"ni!D
Itcuben Caldwell, larmer,' Jordan.
Frederick Hollopcter. farmer. Union "
W iliiam Antes, farmer. Bradford.
John llare. f-iruier, Union.
. John Peters farmer. Bradford - i.
Peter Labroxle. (of John) farmer, Union, "
Witham K. 1r:gley. fanner. 'Bradford.- .
Abraham Byers. fu mer. Woodward, "
CALL AND SETTLE All persons Laving
unsettled acconnU with the undersigned, are
requested to call and settTo the same, as tie wishes
to close up her individual business. Attention to
this will save costs - ELr?A IRVIV
. November 22, lj54.-3t. ' ". - : "
t H
n n