-r v-. W Cta. w Li IxJf 3? ..... . . , . VOL: 1. CLEAR FIE LI), i WEDNESDAY,, DECEMBER: C. 11854 m. 22. ttiv rr-n ...i. .. 7Hl . : : , H Jri -k--- ' 'V- ,;.'"VrV -'I -7 i ' : 7 " 5 ' !,J ' -: COME AXD TAKE ME.-DCTiYtKR. - ; ;-:.: :L . ; -V;: - '" ' ' i S-!; 7 J Vv. ' ;rr"x-" . r .RAFTSMAN'S JOURNAL. Bkn. Jokes. Publisher. . "Per. KuntLta, fprab!c in adrance,) ; , $1 50 If paid within th year, - 2 00 ' No paper dijaontinued until all arrearages arc paid. A failure to notify a diKor.tinnance at the. xpi- ratien of the term subscribed for, will be consider- od anew engagement. . . : I;' WAR. .. - . Thoa blood-eclipse of nations, darkHng o'er 1 Hopes that were lit by Heaven! Why comest thou j . When we are winning to the wan earth's brow The primal lmtre which its Eden wore? 'Tit not, that, wolf-like, thou wilt lap in blood; For man is Death's: but, from thy gory hand. ' Leashed Crime and Madness, 'gainst a shrieking Are loosod unto their revel. Not for good, laud, For virtue, nor for honor, does thy cry track . Ring through the shuddering valleys, where thy " Will leave heart, hearth-stone silent, cold and '. ". : black. Why should earth's last, fond, fairest hope thus die? Net for what now we are, but what may be, . Leave us to peace and hope, God and our destiny ! EVENING AT SEA. The a hath raged the livelong day, . With pain and fury's throes; Now to their couch the wave3 retiro, . And slumber in repose. . And o'er them the evening's trembling winds So gently, gently sweep, It is the holy breath of God That hovers o'er tho deep. 'Tis thus the Lord greets with a kids ' - The sleeping Ocean mild, And with a murmured blessing spe ''Sleep tranquilly, sweet child." (Original Jtlornl 5nlr. WRITTEN FOR TUB JOURNAL.) THE corniGnT IBCVRII. CHAPTER X. On the ' orth side of an irregular square, at the base of the Capatoline Hill, stood an old massive building, of vast dimensions. There was aoraethinjr, however, rather gloomy in its appearance, though evincing surprising archi tectural taste, considering the barbarous age in which it was designed. ; Its form was obloug ; and its walls were of jjreat thickness, and composed of large, square Mocks f stone, cemented together by a mix ture of clay and bitumen. Its walls, more over, were perforated tr s juare holes fur the admission of light ; whilo the single door or entrance opened directly on the great square. Along its entire front, as well as sides, extend ed a magnificent portico, supported by' lofty arches, adding much to the external grandeur J ax tho edence, but bearing evidence ot being a supplement from an age more modern and refined in its ti'.st;:. The whole exterior aepect of the building tvas grand, but inspired the mind with feelings aS awo rather than admiration, and conducted tb thoughts back to a very remote antiquity. Its interior, which waB large and capacious, 4?as encenipaBscd with rows ot seats, commen cing some distance from tho walls, and rising iback, one above another, sufficient to accom modate several thousand persons. Several tows, moreover, of fluted marble columns supported the roof or awning with which it wa covered, giving to it the appear ance of strength and security, as well as inter nal grandeur. In its ceutre, stood a sort of throne or ros trum. This consisted of several oblong plat forms of marble, each three or four feet short er in length as well as breadth, forming as jnaay steps till the top-most, on which stood a curiously wrought chair, of the fiinest and purest marble though very antiquated in ap pearance. This was the Roman Forum, or court of jus tice, built by Romulus, though indebted for most of its external grandeur to Tarquinius Priacus. ,. . For several days past, however, it has been converted into a sort of mock eclesiastical jcourt; and it was here that the poor, persecu ted Christians were driven, like sheep to the slaughter; and it was upon the fires kept con tinually burning in the great square outside, ,that they were piled as so much ready made fuel. ' The buildings adjacent, and lacing the re naining aides of the square, at this period, -.were remarkable for nothing except their Ir jregularity, and low, dingy, gloomy aspect. Some of them were used as prisonb or dun geons, while most of them were occupied by soldiers of the lowest grade. But we have refercd to the building in ques tion, to introduce the reader to his majesty tbe Emperor ; and especially to sketch a scene going on within its massive walls. It is an hour or more after dark. The heav ens are again overcast with black, frowning .clouds. There is an occasional flash of vivid, iheeted lightening, illuminating the whole hemisphere, followed by low, rumbling thun der ,in the distance. - The streets, however, are little more quiet than usual. The sbonts and ravings of the Emperor's soldiers and elavei are, perhap,s j neither so loud nor frequent only because they have become more sly and cunning, and more expert in ferreting out . the homes and hiding places of their prey. ' ' But they had been busy during the day; and to-night, thus far, they had been quite suc cessful ; and several of tho adjoining prisons were crowded with the "cursed sect," men, women, and even : little, children, awaiting their turn to stand before the mock-tribunal.' The Emperor, himself, moreover, has. been equally busy in presiding at their trials, in which he took a special delight ; and which, if history does him no wrong, he continued to do even whole-days and nights together. At length, however, he had grown somewhat wea ry and exhausted, and has retired to his Pal ace to obtain some refreshment. But his ro turn is every moment expected. . In the mean time, the lighted hall has been rapidly filling up with anxious and excited spectators, while thousands arc assembling outside, filling up the great square wiih a dense mass of furious, boisterous citzens, of all ages, sexes, and classes. Some, impatient of delay, are calling for victims, while others are busy piling the crackling fires with fresh, dry fuel, or stirring up the glowing embers with the points of their long spears. It requires, however, but a glance at the fa ces of the crowds filling up the seats in the in terior, to see that various emotions are agita ting their breasts that all, at least, had not been drawn to witness a spectacle of revolting, barbarous injustice, through curiosity, or for the purpose of satiating the feelings of de praved aud revengeful hearts. Ah ! no. While the masses are talking," jeering, and in dulging in fits of boisterous laughter, as though assembled to witness some mirthful show or obscene drama; others are sitting, silent and pensive, white the evidences of a deep, anx ious sorrow are plainly visible in their pale, haggard features. Yes there are, here and there in the crowd, yearning, anxious, bleed ing hearts. Fathers and mothers, perhaps, in disguise, are there, to catch, if possible, tho last look of a fondly loved child; or chil dren, the pitying eye of their parents, rudely torne away from their embrace. But immediately in front of the pyrmid:il throne, is the most pitiable sight of all. There," seated in rows, upon blocks of m-irplj, is a score or more poor Christians, men and wo men, under a guard of soldiers. Some, with pale and haggard features, are gazing intently at the marble floor, thinking, it may be, of children and friends ; while others, with eyes closed, and calm, brightening faces up-turned to heaven, are thinking of a home afar in ; the azura depths and whither thrt spirits are expecting soon to wing their Cight. Then, directly before them, or. tho first step of the platform, are placed tha images of sev eral heathen. Deities, as if to mock and tantalize these poor sufferers for the sake of Christ. Hush! hush f The Emperor! lLo Emperor! In a momcct,' every eye ia turned towards the door or entrance. All is silent save the involuntary sighs, or half suppressed ejacula tions proceeding from the group ia front of the throne. ' There he is I the Emperor sure enough, surrounded by his life-guard, fierce, savage looking monsters. He is advancing - slowly along the great broad aisle, paved with inlays of marble, and lined on either side by rows of gigantic, tow ering columns. Four of tho guard are a few paces in advance, tho same number support his right and left, while the remainder follow close behind, with slow, measured step. He has now seated himself in tho elevated marble chair, his numerous guard occupying the successive steps, facing on all sides of the vast interior. Their right hands are grasping firmly tho hilt of their swords, while their long, glittering spears are resting on the in side of their left shoulders. Now, if you please, take a look at the Em peror himself. There he is directly before you and you may read the man at your leia. ure. No exception can be taken to his dress. It is certainly princely. His robe is long, ample, and flowing, glittering with the rarest gems, and reflecting from its folds every variety of the richest oriental hues. Nor can any fault be found with the crown that sits snugly and gracefully on the head. It is the same which had graced the brow of the C a-ears through a long and illustrious suc cession. Perhaps, however, some exception might be taken totbe Emperor's person and visage, which, to say the least, impress the mind with no very exalted ideas of either intellectual or moral worth. His person is slender and lean, his limbs crooked and meanly formed,even to his finger ends, the joints of which aro enlarged, while the nails are crimped and yellow. His head, in a general way, is illy shaped, as if to correspond, as far as possible, with the rest of him. The forehead is low, falling ab ruptly away an inch or two only above the brows, which are covered with long, shaggy hair, hanging down over a pair of small, grey, Meery eyes, Burrounded by red, scalded-looking lashos. - In fact, the whole face, such as it is, deems to have pushed the contents of the cranium into a huge projection behind, and which is covered only with a few long, scatter ed, grey hairs, in common with the rest of the head. ' ' : ' ' Tho ears, moreover, aro alarmingly long and broad, and stick out from the bare, lumpy, bony sides of the head as if designed, in his case, for a pair of wings ; and looking at the long, slender, shrivelled neck, there is a feel ing of uneasinosSjlcst the head- should actual ly fly off from the body. - v : ' And then, when he speaks, which is always in a low, soft, fr menine voice,, there Is a curl of the lips and fiendish sort of grin in the fea tures, discovering, at tho same time, a sett of long, yellow teeth. This, reader, is not altogether a carricature. however much the finer feelings of delicacy may revolt at the picture. . Iviugsand Emper ors are not always great in proportions, as they are great in name and lineage; nor dignified in appearance and rrauly in bearing, accord ing to their rank and elevation in; tho world. The mere circumstances of birth and royalty have, in all ages, 'filled most of the thrones of nations; and it has been their misfortune to fill them, too often, with persons as deficient in body as they have been in capacity. This was mournfully the fact about this period in Rome. The immediate successors of Augus tus were mere carricatures living only for their appetites.jand reliuquishing their thrones for a premature death, brought on by their own or the vices of their ancestors. Nor is this all of our Emperor. Ho must also be viewed in liia private, domestic rela tions. And here, instead of finding the grateful son, the affectionate father, and the fond, lov ing husband, spreading joy and happiness around him, his character is blackened with every odious, unnatural crime. Childish pet ulance, and a low, mean jealosy, have, as al ready intimated, put his wife and mother to death ; las fits of furious anger has driven his children from him ; while his nearest relatives and most confidential friends approach Lim with tremblings. Then, this private dsrolopemcnt of charac ter has taken a wider sweep, and philosophers and statesmen h'tve alike fallen IiJTore it. , A .Seneca has been put to death,, and Hcores of Senators, as. well as many of the Roman no bility ! ave shared a like fate. This is tho bloody Nero this poor, diminu tive creature wh;se inglorious reign so pre cipita'cd tho declining glories of tho Empire; and of whom it has been Justly chronicled, that "every act of his life was an outrageous, horrid crime;" and who. n.q all history con cedes, burnt two-thirds of Rome, and .then blamed it upon the Christians, only that he might have an opportunity of witnessing fresh deeds of cruelty, torture, and death; But who ar j Ihe-se ChiitHins ? this little group of joyous mourners, n-cw seated'in the presence of this Moody tyrant, as stated ? who have unfortunately fallen under his dis pleasure ; yea whom kings and Emperors, in later times, have combined to crush. They were the disciples and followers of one Jesus of Nazareth. ' f And who is this? , Such a question, volumes would scarce cuffice to an swer. It must do, however, to say, that he was born in Judea, lived a poor man, and died a martyr's dath. Ae was a great teacher, however ; and, among many other marvelous things which he said and done, he taught a strange and wonderous doctrine. ' He told of another life and world, beyond the gloomy vale of death, where there ware no aching heads nor bleeding hearts ; where there was no sickness, nor sorrow whose fields were perpetually green, whose flowers never faded, and whose sun never set iu dark ness, and where decrepit age was renewed in to all the unchanging loveliness of youth. Then, he told of what must be done here, in order to get there how men must repent and believe, do good, love mercy, and walk hum bly with God ; and, if needs be, rejoice ia trib ulation, suffer the loss of all things, and bravo death in any, or all of its horrors! : These things, great multitudes in Rome had rejoiced to know and believoj and had set them selves earnestly about the doing of those things which were required, in order that, at death, they might go to this strange, happy world. And they called them Christians, or by way of reproach Nazarenes. To be continued. An Incident. A lady entered a dry goods store in street, and expressed a desire to see some wool De Laincs. Tho polite clerk, with elegant address showed hot a variety of pieces of fine texture and choice coloring. After tossing and examining to her "heart's content,' Bhe observed, y the goods are part cotton, sir." "My dear madam," returned the shopman, "these goods are as free from cotton as your breast is " (the lady 6tarcs) "free from guile," he added. ' . C?"A young lady says: "When I go to a theatre I am very careless of my dress, as the audianco are too attentive to the play to ob serve my wardrobe. But when I go to church I am very particular in my outward appear ance, as most people go there to see how their neigbors dress and deport themselves!" A pretty home-thrust wonder how many that cap fits? From the Albany Register. A "Sight-Eandar" Badly Invested. "' ,; -Thank you, I don't care if I do," said a fast young man, with a large pressed brick in his hat, as he surged up to the Indian thatstands in front of Van Cott's tobacco store, in Broad way, with a bunch of cast-iron cigars, in his hand. 'Til take one, I smoke sometimes,' and he reached out to take the proffered weed, but tho Indian wouldn't give it up; he hung on to the cigars like grim Death. - 'Look here, old copperhead,' said the fast young man, 'none of that; no tricks on travelers, or else there'll be a muss, you and I'll fall out; somebody'll get a punch in tho head.' Tho Indian said ne ver a word, but held on to the cast-iron cigars. He was calm, dignified, unmoved, as an Indian should be, looking his assailant straight in the face, and no musclo moving a single hair. Yes! yes! look at me, old feathcrhead ! I'm one of 'eui;rniaround,I'm full veight,potato measure, heaped,' and he placed himself in a position, threw back his coat, and squared for a fight. All the time tho Indian said never a word, looked without the least alarm, unwinkingly straight into the face of' the fast yonng man, still holding out the cigars in a might friendly sort of a way. The young man was plucky, and just in a condition to resent any sort of in sult or no sort of insult at all. He was ready to 'go in,' but the calmness and imperturabili ty of tho Indian rather cowed him, and he was disposed to reason the matter. 'I'll take one,' said he, 'certainly. I said so before. , I freeze to a good cigar; I'm one of the smokers. "My father was one of the smokers, Ac was ; one of the old sort, and I'm edition number two, re vised and corrected with notes, author's hand writing otrthetitle-page,and copyright secured. Yes, I'll take one. All right, old redskin.I '11 take one.' But the Indian said not a word, all the time looking straight in the face of the fast young man, -and holding on to the cigars. 'Look here," old gimlet-eye, I'm getting riled, my back's coming up, and you and I'll have a turn; smell of that, old copperhead ;' and he thrust hid fist under tho nose of the cast-iron Indian, who said not a word, moved not amus cU?, but kept right on looking straight into the face of the fast young man, as if not caring a fig for his threats or taking in at all the oder of his fiat. . 'Very well,' said the fast young man, 'I'm agreeablc I'm around; look to your ugly mug, old pumpkin head;' aud he let go a right-hander square ' against the nose' of the cast-iron Indian, who never moved an inch nor stirred a muscle locking with calm unchang ed dignity, as before, in the face of his enemy. 'Hallo,' cried the fast young man, in utter bewilderment, as he reeled back half-way across the sidewalk, with the blood dripping from his skinned knuckles; 'Hallo! here's a go here's an eye-opener here's a thjng to hunt for round a corner. ..I'm satisfied old irou-face, am. Enough said between gen tleman.' Just then he caught a sight of the tomahawk and scalping knife in the belt of the savage, and his hair began to rise. The Indian seemed to be making up his mind to use them. 'Hold on!' cried the fast young man, as he dodged round tho awning-post; 'Hold on none of that I apologize I squat I knock under. Hold on, I say,' he contin ued, as the Indian seemed to scowl with pe culiar fierceness, 'Hold on! "Very well; I'm off I've business down the street people are hum waiting for me can't stay !' and he bol ted like a quarter horse down Broadway, and his cry of 'Hold on !' died away as he vanish ed beyond the lamp-lights up Columbia street. The Childhood of a Distinguished Han. Captain Hollins, was celebrated in the fam ily circle for his pugnacious propensities,when still quite a youngster. Cups, saucers and plates disappeared before him like mists before a mor ning sun, or any other simile you please. His greatest pleasure was to build a town of cards, or little blocks, and then throwing up a cup or bowl with the true parabolic curve, let it fall smash into the place of attack and shiver it into ruins. On such occasions he would cry out: 'That's the way to shell 'cm!' thus evincing, as did the great Napoleon at the same age, his predilection for warlike deeds. When at school, his greatest pleasure was in placing a chip on his hat and asking any boy to "Knock it off if you dare !" If the boy dared, he would instantly demand an indemnity in the shape of a tart or apple, failing which, he would immediately proceed to "give him Greytown," if we may be allow ed the expression. We need not say that his career since has justified the early anticipations of his friends, founded upon such demonstra tion of the warriors talent A. Y. Picayune. Knowledge. It was this that raised Frank lin from the bumble station of a printer's boy to the first honors of his country: that took Sherman from the shoe-maker's bench, gave him a seat in Cougress, and there" made his voice to be heared among the first of mathe maticians, and Herschel, from being a poor fifer's boy, in the army, to a station among the first astronomers. It is the jtrue Philoso pher's stone the true alchemy that turns ev ery thing it touches into gold. It is the scep tre that gives dominion over nature: the key that unlocks the store-house of creation, and open? the treasures of the Universe. - f Bleak winter has.aga.in stretched abroad his snowy mantle, and pinned it with an Icicle. The trees upon which the Autumn Queen so lately st her gorgeous seal, are now' sere and leafless, bowing "their rifted heads before the cold bleak blasts that whistle fitfully through their naked branches, moaning a requiem for their departed granduer. The snow king, from his lofty throne in the cloudy canopy, scatters "abroad his fleecy messengers," to be bcrne on the swift pinions of the gale until the tr jcs and shrubs, the hills and the meadows shall be cov ered with an ice-gemued robe of silvery white ness. But there ia still life in Nature, though the coLi dark storms and snowy shroud of win ter 1 have . made her . desolateand apparently dead. The gentle Spring will revive her ver dure and deck her with the beauty of buds and flowers, while the breath of heaven will blow with paternal softness over the infant year, and the heart of man will be blessed and strength ened in the joy fulness of awakened nature. But the season of clouds and storms, though all things seem cold and desolate", is not with out its enjoyments. It is then that tho social feelings receive a new impulse,' for the very cold that makes one shiver, gives a kindly thaw to the finer feelings and susceptibilities of the heart. There is no other season of the year when the family circle is so closely united and so happy. Well might Cowper exclaim ' "I crown the king of intimate delights. . ... Fire-side enjoyments,- homo-born happireis, , . r And all the copjforU that tho lowly roof Of undistirbed retirement, and the hours Of long uninterrupted evening, Ihjow." But to many it is also a season of sorrow, sadness and distress. 'Tis then that the poverty stricken children of t&il,experience the want of many of the comforts and necessaries of life. If,at this seasonfwe visit the haunts of poverty, we may behold with the gifted Miss Laxdox, the scanty moal With small pe faces round ; '' No fire upon the coli damp earth ' When snow is on the ground." i It is the duty of those, who have been gifted with a "goodly share of this world's goods,'' to alleviate the wants of the poor sons of mis fortune, and to distribute liberally of their store to the stricken children of poverty shiv ering for want of clothes to cover their na kedness, in cold, .bleak winds of winter. It is one of the peculiar blessings of. this sea son of the year, that it affords such excellent opportunities to those blessed with wealth and prosperity, to relieve the wants of the suffering poor. Remember that 'charity ever finds in tha act its reward,' and let it be said of yours, that . "For Lis bounty, " There was uo winter In't ; an autumn 'twas That grew tho more by reaping." . Ladies. Faehion. Consumption. It is a melancholy fact that nearly one-fifth of the deaths annually reported in our bills of mortality, are ascribed to diseases of the lungs, and these we arc told are owing to the vicissi tudes of our climate, and are beyond remedy. Now, instead of ascribing these deaths to the unjustly censured climate of America, we have no hesitation iu asserting that two thirds cf them are attributable to "tht 'fashion " Do not start reader, but stop to examine the subject and you will undoubtedly come to the same conclusion. As long as young ladies will walk abroad in mid wintei, their feet clad only in thin-soled slippers, and their delicate throats exposed to the cold inclement atmosphere, so long will they continue exposed to the horrors of 'vio lent colds' 'short coughs' bronchitis con sumption and death! Females are too deli cately reared. They aro treated like tender exotics, housed up in summer from the beams of the sun lest it should temporarily mar their complexions, and in winter from the cold fresh air, lest their cheeks should bloom with the vulgar rose of health! But, it may be asked, why do so many young men also die from dis eases of the lungs? We answer, simply be cause they inherit a predisposition to con sumptive complaints from the feeble constitu tion of their mothers! A constrained pos ture, garments unsuited to the season, and tight lacing, together with numerous other eqeally injudicious practices, have ruined the constitutions of their mothers,, and as a neces sary consequence, the penalty, or at least a por tion of it, must be visited upon their children. ' Winter is again here, and we hope that our fair readers will show by their conduct that they prefer health to fashion and disease, and wear shoes that will effectually protect the feet from the damp and cold. "Lady wrap thy cloak around, Palo consumtion's in the sky." , " ' KF"Here is a very beautiful thought of that strange compouud of Scotch shrewdness strong common sense, and German mysticism, or un common sense Thomas Carlyie. "When I gaze in the stars, they look down upon me with pity from their serene and silent space, like eyes glistning with tears over the little lot of man. Thousands of generations, all as noisy as our own have beeen swallowed up by time, and there remains no record of them any more, yet Arcturus and Orion, Sirius, and the Pleides are still shining in their courseB, clear and young, as when the shepherd first noted them from the plain of Shinar! "What shad ows we are, and what shadows we pursue !" - lX7"The Liberty Society is now in full blast. Onpstion for discussion: If a man buildaacorn crib, does that give him a right to crib-corn? WIHTEE. ' '. ?An Infernal Heiort. " "nlTsnVal! t6wn TrTotieorthe i lOurvtte of O hiq, a stranger rode'np to the dooTOf a tavern, and having dismounted, ordered a stall and "Oats for'his his horse.' A" crowd or loaiers--that class of independent citizens who are nevr er equal to the decent men except on. election day swarmed about tho bar-room door and steps, waiting to be invited to the counter. Among this "crowd the stranger's business was at once a subject of impertinent specula tion.' One fellow, more impudent than the rest, made free to enquire of the traveller what Occupation he followed; to which the lat ter replied . that his business was a secret for the present,, but that he would probably make it known before leaving the town. -' . Having spent a day or two looking round, visiting the places where whisky was sold, and making various enquiries as to the amount re tailed, the number of , habitual drunkards in the place; the number of dogs kept by men, whose children never went to school or had enough to eat after, in short, making a com pdcte moral inventory- of the town, he conclu dod to leave, and having mounted his horaa was about to be off, when, his inquisitive friend urged on by his associates, stepped up and said : "See here. Captain, you" promised to tell us your business befor you left, and we'd like to hear from you on that point." ' 'Well,' said the stranger, 'I'm &n Agent for the Devil-I'm hunting a location for h-ll,and am. glald I've fohnd a place where it will not tfe necessary to remove the present inhabitants? Vermont -A Model State.- - : Firstly, there is not a public, legalized tip pling house in the State. Instead of licens ing men to sell poison to. their fellOwmen, the saje of rum is made by law what it always is in fact a crime. . Secondly, there are neither cities nor sold iers, nor a fort, in the State, though the citi zens when called upon, are the. best soldiers iu the world. Who has not heard of Molly Stark's men of the Revolution; or the Green mountain boys 6 later date. There is not a theatre, circus, epera house, public museum or any other great show shop in the State, and whoever heard of a Vermont mob 1 Without fighting-rum, how could they have mobs ? There is no record of a Vermont murder these ten years; and her penetentiary is a small one. - . .. - There are no slaves in the State, nor any, except a few dough-faces who fellowsihp slave owners. There ! are ' railroads, but no Wall streets, and no great railroad defaulters. There are no seaports, no arrivals of emigrant except the few scattering from Canada, and hence no monstrous corruptions at the ballot box. There are no banks that do not pay what they promise, and no millions spent at the State Treasury to support an army of idle loafers. There is in Vermont a nation pf hardy moun taineers; athletic men and handsome women; a great community of honest Industrious farm ers cultivating a fruitful soil, and enjoi ing the rewards of a peaceful industry. Tribune. Where do Plauta Come From. -. Two hundred pounds of earth yere dried in an oven, . and afterwards put into a large car then : vessel; the vessel was then moistened with soft water, and a willow tree, weighing five pounds, was placed therin. . Duriug the space of five years, the earth was carefully watered with rain-water ' or pure water. Tho willow grew and flourished; and to prevent the earth being mixed with fresh earth, or. dust blown intothe pot.twas covered with a metal plate, perforated with a great number of holes suitable for free admission of pure air only. After growing in the earth for five years, tb willow tree was removed, and found to weigh one hundred and sixty-nine pounds and about three ounces. The leaves, which fell from the tree every autumn were not included in this weight. The earth was then removed from the vessel, again dried in the oven, and after ward weighed. It was discovered to have lost only two ounces of its original weight. Thus one hundred and sixty-four pounds of ligin or woody fibre, bark, etc., were certainly produced from the air. . The Body of Madame Eontag. A little while ago, the Countess Rossi stood' before the world for their admiration and ap pjause. and now her decomposed body lies in a neglected coffin, with none so poor to do it re verance. After her death, it was resolved it should be carried to Europe; but poor ila dame's husb&nd came away and left it to be sent by any chance conveyance; the woman was no longer of any use to him. A letter froin Vera Cruz states that the body was lately brought to that city from Mexico, by one of the common carriers of the country, being val ued on bis iuvtice $200, like any common package. At Vera Cruz it was at first placed in the church of St. Augustine; but it was soon found offensive, and was then taken to a deser ted church outside the town, to await thero till some ship captain could be found who would consent to take it into his vessel for passage across. But as yet no such roan has been found. And so the remains oi one so followed and flattered, still lie ia the old deserted phurch. If any of her childrea had.' been with her in this country, such a itoryas this ould not be-toldto-day. " ' ... S3 i hi if 4" s 'I " i M U4 It if- it 15 i ".! M i !i s r it til r. : t n n