COME AND TAKE ME. Duvivier. CLEARFIELD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1854. NO. 20. YOL. 1. RAFTSMAS'S JOURNAL. Bex. Jones. Publishes. Per. tnnnm. (payable in advance.) 1 00 If paid within the year. 1 CO After the expiration of the year. 2 00 Xo paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. A failure to notify a discontinuance at the expi ration of the term subscribed for. will be consider ed anew engagement. IT ISN'T ALL IN BRINGING TP. It isn't all in the ''bringing np," Let folks say what they will, To silver scour a pewter cup It will be pewter still. E'en he of old, wise Solomon, Who 6aid "train'up a child," If I mistake not, had a son Proved rattle-brained and wild. A man of mark, who fain would pass For lord of sea and land, May have the training of a son, And bring him up full grand : May give him 'all the wealth of love, Of college and of school, Yet, after all, may make no more Than just a decent fool. Another, raised by Penury Upon her bitter bread, Vhose road to knowledge is like that The good to Heaven must tread, Has got a spark of Nature's light, He'lITan'it to a' flame, Till its burning letters bright The world may road tao name. If it were all in "bringing up," In counsels and restraint, Some rascals had been honest men I'd been myself a saint. O ! 'tisn't all in '-bringing up," Let folks say what they will: Neglect may dim a silver cup It will be silver still. (Original JHornl lt written ron tiie journal. THE :0: COrYRIOHT SECURED. CHAPTER IX. The man Is yet to be found, who, after a lair trial of life, has gone down to the grave, unscathed by the sorrows of the world. Bright and joyous as were the rays that gildeH his morning sky, yet a little while only, and cloud after cloud has risen, frowning in the heavens, and casting their deep, dark shadows across his path-way. And the enchanting visions of youth have faded away, and he lias found him self upon a journey of peril and disappoint ment. In short, it has been found universally ! true of the race "man that is born of a wo man, is of few days and full of trouble." It is well for man to know that this is his lot, and it is a lesson that should be taught him at the very outset of life. Trials are sel dom so severe, when they have been anticipa ted, expected, looked for. Much of their sharpness is thus warn oil" before they come ; or, at least, when they do cOrae, they are not as some new and strange thing of which we had never before heard. They arc rather like a friend, upon whose Dagurrcotype we have often gazed; and consequently, whose acquain tance we much more easily and readily form. But no anticipation of the trials of life can entirely blunt their edge, or render the blow harmless. All afflictions, at the time, are grievous, and sometimes fall upon the soul with an overwhelming, crushing force. This is peculiarly so with firtl trials. The human mind is inured by exercise. In this respect, it is very much like the bodily mem bers ; and the load, which, at first, may be well nigh insupportable, it may afterwards bear with a strange and wonderful ease. Such are the mysterious laws of man's mental, as well as bodily constitution. "Oh! how I did pity that poor woman, to night ! What a trial ! Husband, children Jill burnt to death! II ow her poor heart bleeds!" "But her strength, I dare say, will be made equal to her day." "I hardly see how she can endure it, at all. I fear, were it my case, my faith would utter ly fail me, and I should'go distracted." "Such would be the case, even with the jclrildrcn of hope, should their faith fail. They -would sink under their trials, as the vessel goes down under the great stormy waves, and if they ever rose again, it would only be to float on the angry billows, a disjointed, bro ken, ruined, melancholy wreck. But they have an advocate with the Father, even Jesus, and their faith fails not." : "I confess, I hardly see how it is can sustain one under such trials." , It is3x:mystery to the world, but not to them tfose hope loks beyond the present, and penetrates the future of man." . "Perhaps I comprehend it; though not cer tainly." , "You see, faith operates on the reasonable soul, in a rational, reasonable way. It is be cause of the great troths, which it compre hends, appropriates, believes. Now this poor i woman, like ourselves, believes in the soul's immortality that death is only the passage to life a life of unending, inconeivable glory. And, although she cannot overcome the com mon feelings of nature, she sees, far beyond the griefs and bitter agonies of the world, those dear, loved ones in that exceeding and eternal glory. And then, she knows their separation is only for a little season, and that, shortly, her own weary spirit, redeemed and sanctified, will join them in their songs and hallelujah's forever." "Truly, a comforting, joyous thought." "Yes; it is the excellency, glory, of our faith thisTc-union of families and friends in heaven ! It comes upon the heart, as we tra vail here in sorrow, with a calm, soothing, wondrous power ; it lights up the darkest and dreariest nights of our pilgrimage ; and as friend after friend depart, it stays the soul, and dries up the sorrows of those left behind." "Oh ! that ve were all prepared for that bright, happy, family home." "Trust in God. Our united, constant pray er shall yet be heard and answered." This conversation took place between, Yal ens and his wife, in a low, suppressed voice, as, wending their way cautiously along the narrow streets, they returned from the Cata combs. The sky was clear, and the bright stars were twinkling and looking down upon the great, broad earth types of those guardian spirits, who, at the bidding of their benevolent Crea tor, come forth form their invisible abodes, to watch over the new-born heirs of glory. Under the protection of such powerful, un numbered hosts, did they feel themselves se cure ; and with a stronger, brighter .faith, and a more than ordinary joyousness, did they re turn that night to their home a home sweet ened and endeared to them by the presence of Christ in their hearts, and the joys of a bet ter and happier home to come. And yet, it was a sad, awful night. The work of death was going on at a horrible rate. "With the number of Martyrs, the mad, furious zeal of the Emperor and his minions had in creased. During the day, great numbers of Christians had been arrested, chained, and thrust into gloomy dungeons. Scores had been condemned without even the formality of a trial. And, to-night, Yalens and his wife could see, as they returned home, the skies, to the South West, reddened with the flames of their consuming bodies; while, now and then, they could distinctly hear the shouts of the maddened rabble, as some fresh victim, perhaps, was hurled into the devouring cle ment. And then, troops of boisterous, drunken, swearing soldiers were dashing along the streets, in all directions, cutting and slashing the air with their swords, and shouting the most horrid imprecations upon the heads of the "cursed soct," while the Emperor's slaves, in disguise, were lurking at the corners of the streets, or concealed in the alleys, watching for their prey. Citizens, of all classes and sexes, were assaulted in the streets; houses were forcibly or clandestinely entered ; and if the smallest circumstances betrayed any one, or gave rise to the least suspicion, they were seized and dragged ofT. Through the protection, however, of a mer ciful providence, Yalens and his wife succeed ed in eluding the eye of these cmisaries of Satan, and reached the front of their residence in safety. They are now ascending hastily the lofty flight of marble steps, and hurriedly opening the door, they have entered. They are now upon their knees, in the small vestibule, re turning thanks to Almighty God for their safe return. Rising from their knees, Yalencia, having thrown aside a loose, outside mantle, proceed ed to the door of the great hall, or setting room. The lamp was burning dimly on the broad, curiously-wrought marble stand, which stood in its centre. A small article of Fiducia's dress was lying, as if carelessly thrown upon it ; and upon it, also, lay an old, musty vol ume, open, and as if some one had just been reading from its pages. No one, however, was present. "Why ! where arc they all ?" said she, stand ing in the door, and casting her eyes around the room . "Are they not here ?" said Valens, as he walked hastily to the door, and entered the hall. . Yalencia, advancing to the stand, had clos ed the old volume and folded up the small ar ticle of dress; while Yalens had seated him self and was looking anxiously around the room. "This is rather strange," said he, after a moments silence. "Likely they're retired, as it's quite late," sain Yalencia ; "I'll sec," and quickly leaving the hall, she proceeded to their private apart ments. . : . , : . Yalens, in the mean time, had walked to a window, and was gazing out on the star-lit skies, in a strange, coufused state of mind. "There's really something very strange in this," said Yalencia, as she re-entered the hall; "Fiducia's child asleep on her couch, and a small lamp burning. at its side;, but I see nothing off herself, nor any . thing of Yal- dinas and Yertitia. ,It's really strauge!" To be continued. D3-It is supposed that the fellow who left the house, was not strong enough to carry it. Bistorirnl. EARLY PENNSYLVANIA. from dixon's life ?f texx. The material growth of his city occupied on ly a part of Pcnn's attention. He took carly and regular steps for the protection of morals and the promotion of arts and scholarship. Before the pines had been cleared from the ground he began to build schools and set up a printing press. These were not the least mar vellous of the novelties introduced into Phila delphia. In other American setlements such luxuries had slowly followed in the wake of great physical prosperity. In December, 1G83, Enoch Flower opened his school in a rude hut, formed of pine and cedar planks, and divided into two apartments by a wooden partition. The Philadelphian of the present age, educa ted in the elaborate courses of Girad's College, may smile at the simplicity of Enoch's charg es and curriculum, though his ancestors tho't even such small matters worthy of place in their minutes of .council: "To learn to read, four shillings a quarter : to write, six shillings: boaring a scholor, viz : diet, lodging, washing and schooling, ten pounds the whole year." Six years afterwards a public shool or col lege was founded, in which the famous George Keith was the first master. The office of teach er was held in the highest estimation. lie was allowed fifty pounds a year, a house for his family, and a set of school-rooms, over and above all the profits made by the scholars ; in addition to which he received a guarantee that his total income should never fall below a hun dred and twenty pounds in any year a very considerable sum in those days in a society so small and primitive in its habits. William Bradford, a native of Leicester, who went out with Penu in the Welcome, was the first print er to set up his art in the colony. It is wor thy of remark that in Massachusetts, where learning and the arts have ever been cultiva ted with success, no book or paper was printed until eighteen vears after its settlement; in New York seventy-three years elapsed ere a press was got to work; in every other colony founded by .England the interval was much greater: the governors of Yirginia and Mary land set their faces against it in pious horror. The first book printed in Philadelphia was an Almanac for 1G87, and must therefore have been printed in the preceding year. The schism of George Keith soon found more exci ting work for Bradford, and from that time forward there was no rest for the printing-press in Pennsylvania. Another institution which he established deserves to be classed with his intellectual legislation. The post-office had been at work in England but a few years ; yet so convinced was Pcnn of its utility that he at once issued his orders to Henry Waldy to run the post and supply travellers with horses. It is interesting to go back a few years and sec how things were managed in the good old times. From the Falls of Trenton to Phila delphia the carriage of a letter was charged three-pence to Chester five-pence to New castle seven-pence to Maryland nine-pence ; from Philadelphia to Chester two-pence to Newcastle four-pence to Maryland six-pence. The post travelled once a week ! A curious trial whieh happened a few months after the arrival of the Welcome, served in its wav to show the settlers that a new era had commenced. A wretched old woman was brought into the court on an accusation of witchcraft a few days after Enoch Flower had opened his school. The poor Sweedes had come out to the new world with the supersti tious terrors of their northern solitudes fresh in their minds aud the woman being a restless and troublesome creature, they took it into their heads that she must be a witch. It is but fair to these poor Sweedes to say that wiser people than themselves believed in witchcraft both then and long afterwards. At that very period, Cotton Mather, after coquetting him self with the evil spirit, began to persue witch es with the fury of one possessed, in the pol ished cities of Boston, Salem, and other pla ces in Massachusetts. Learned Divines both in America and in England printed their belief in "God, a devil and witchcraft ;" even the en lightened Richard Baxtar re-printed in Eng land the rubbish written by Mather in Ameri ca, accompanied by his own confession of faith in the statements put forth. George Fox, as is well known, believed in witches and in his own power to contend with and overcome them; and judges of civilized nations sent old women to the stake for this ofTence fifty years later. No wonder then that a few ignorant Sweedes, in a land of intellectual darkness, should have preferred such a charge against a troublesome old woman, whose conduct was to them equally annoying and unintelligible.' It was fortunate for the prisoner that she was not to bo tried for her life at Chariest own or Boston. Penn presided at the trial, and to provide against any dissatisfaction with the verdict, the jury was composed partly of English and partly of Sweedes. The whole case was gone into; witnesses, sadly ignorant and vindictive for the most part, were examined and re-ex- rmined; the governor summed up and the jury retired to find a verdict against the woman of being guilty of having the common reputation of witchcraft, but not guilty in manner and form as she stood indicted. Her friends were simply required to give securities for her that she would keep the peace. From that day to this, we are assured by Bancroft, no hag has ever ridden through the air on goat oi broom stick in Pcnn's domain, and tiie blackest deal ers in magic have pretended to no power be yond the art of telling fortunes to servant girls, muttering charms over , quack med icines, or finding with the divining rod the lost treausures of the buccaneers. KONSTEB RAFTS. Yictor Hugo, in his "Sketches of the Rhine," gives the following account of what we might call "Dutch Rafting," which will no doubt be interesting to Clearfield lumbermen : Suddenly the river doudles upon itself, and you discover an immense raft from Named', majestically descending. Three hundred sail ors man this monstrous craft ; long oars, fore and aft, simultaneously strike, the water ; a slaughtered ox hangs hooked to the stern, while a living one turns round the post to which he is lashed, lowing to the herd he sees grazing on the shore. The padroon nimbly mounts and descends from his station, the tri colored flag floats above, the smoke circles out of the sailors' huts, in fact, a whole village floats upon this prodigious platform of wood. Yet these immense rafts are, in comparison with the ancient craft of the Rhine, as a three decker to a sloop. The drags or rafts of for mer times, made up, like those of to-day, of ship-building timber, bound together at their extremities by joists called bunds-parren, and secured together with osier twists and iron cramps, carried fifteen or eighteen habita tions, ten or twelve boats laden with oars and rigging, were manned with a thousand rowers, drew eight feet of water, were seventy feet broad, and nine hundred long, viz. the length of ten first-rate pines of the Murg, that are tied end to end. Around the central raft, and moored to it by means of a trunk of a tree, serving at once as a bridge and cable, floated in order to steady her coarse, as well as to diminish the chances of stranding, ten or twelvoj small sized rafts, about eighty feet long, called by some kniee, and by others anhange. On one side of the grcart raft there was a clear way, leading from a spacious tent to the house of the padroon, a kind of wooden palace. The kitchen smoked incessantly, and a vast cauldron bubbled night and day. Morning and evening, the pilot hoisted up a basket suspen ded to a pole, which was a signal for mcals,and the crew, to the number of one thousand, as sembled with their wooden spoons. These drags or rafts consumed, in one voyage, eight tuns of wine, six hundred hogsheads of beer, forty sacks of pulse, twelve thousand pounds of cheese, fifteen hundred pounds of butter, ten thousand of smoked meat, twenty thousand fre"Sh, and fifty thousand pounds of bread. They took with them a flock of sheep and a butcher. Each of these rafts was worth about eighty thousand pounds sterling. It is difficult to imagine how such an island can float from Namedy to Dordrecht, dragging its archipelago of islets through all the rapids, rocks, and gulfs abounding in the Rhine. The wrecks were frequent, and the proverb ran,that the speculator in rafts should have three capi tals : one on the Rhine, the second on shore, and the third in his pocket. The art of pilot ing these monsters was rarely possessed by more than one man in a generation; and at the end of the last century, it was the secret of a master bargeman of Rudesheim, called the old 'Jung.' Jung having departed this life, the se cret seems to have died with its master. ETTherc is a fast boy out in Madison, Wiscon sin, who, if he gets no backsets, will scarcely fail to reach Congress or the Penitentiary one of these days. His school teacher, a young lady, was pros ecuted by his parents for pretty severely welting the young rascals back for his badness. The case went up to Court, and the verdict .of the jury was in effect, "served him right." AVe give one of the items of the boy's testimony, thewitof which aton ed for its rudeness. He asked her to do a sum for him : which was to subtract 9 from 23. One of the counsel asked him if he could uot do it without her assistance. He answered, '-I might, but the arith metic said I couldn't subtract 9 from 8 withoutbor rowing 10, and I did'nt know where the h 11 to bor row it." It is a little questionable whether a boy who does not know where to borrow a ten will ever get to Congress. Natcbaixt Answered. 'My dear,' said an anxious father to a bashful daughter. I don't intend that you should throw yourself away on the wild worthless boys of the present. You must marry a man of sober and mature age one that can charm you with wisdom and good advice, rather than with personal attractions. What do you think of a fine mature husband of fifty?' The timid, meek, blue-eyed little daughter, looking into her father's face, and with the smallest possible touch of interest in her voice, answered : ' "I think two of twen ty-five would be better. Pa." ? ' : - - j K7" An Irishman had been sick for a long time, and while in that state would occasional ly cease breathing, life be apparently extinct for some time, when he would come to. On one of these occasions when he had just awa kened from his sleep, Pat asked him, 'An how '11 we know, Jemmy, when ye're'dead ? ye're afther waking up trcry time-' 'Bring me a glass of grog, and say, 'here's till ye, Jemmy,' and if I don't rise and drink, then bury me.' Evenicg and Death. Death never appears a more welcome visit ant than in the evening when, Jean Paul sweet ly says, the 'day is dying amid blossom clouds, and with its own swan song.' Then even 'the alleys and gardens speak in low tones, like man when deeply moved : and around the leaves fly the gentle winds, and around the blossoms the bees, with a tender whisper,' as if afraid of disturbing the holy stillness. At such a time, only the larks, like man, rise warbling into the sky, and then, like him, drop down again into the furrow : while the great soul and the sea lift themselves unheard and unseen to heaven, and rushing streams, sublime and fruit-giving, and waterfalls, and thunder-showers dash down the valleys. In such an hour, the tone of the tolling bell which tells of the dying, around whom the Last An gel has drawn the shades of night, therein to sever his heart-strings, as they bandage one's eyes in the amputation of a limb, seem un speakably sweet, and rises like a hymn upon the air. It sounds as if Death itself were fly ing down from Heaven, as indeed it is, with a songnpon itslips, and singing on with one con tinuous tone of rapture, hanging poised with open wings above the earth, until the flowers should have sprung up for its evening conch. In the evening, Death comes gently, and on its darkened battle-field no echo of the reced ing earth can enter. Softly and,inthe dim light, the angels fold about the dying one the mantle of eternal Love ; gently they loose the silver chord, and giving Faith the helm of their tiny barque, steer out upon the shadowy waters that beat, in the far distance, against the very gates of Heaven. Death in the evening is beautiful ; there is in it then a poetry and eloquence that speak to the heart like a trumpet, and garland the soul with sunshine. To be cherished'forever, as a precious thing, as the memory of those who die in the lap of the evening. A Cae of Conscience. 'Friend Broadbrind,' said Zephaniah Strait lace to his master, a rich Quaker of the city of Brotherly Love, 'thou canst not cat of that leg of mutton at thy noontide table to-day.' And wherefore not?' asked the good Quaker. 'Because the dog that-appertaineth to that son of Belial, whom the world calleth Lawyer Foxcraft, hath come into thy pantry and sto len it yea, and hath eaten it tip.' 'Beware, friend Zephaniah, of bearing false witness against thy neighbor. Art thou sure it was friend Foxcraft's domestic animal?' 'Yea, verily, I saw it with my eyes, and it was Lawyer Foxcraft's dog; even Pinch'em.' 'Upon what evil times have we fallen ?' sigh ed the harmless secretary, as he wended his wav to his neighbor's office. 'Friend Gripus,' said he, I want so ask thy opinion.' 'I am all attention,' said the scribe, laying down his pen. 'Supposing, friend Foxcraft, that my dog has gone into thy neighbor's pantry, and stol en therefrom a leg of mutton, and I sawhini,and could call him by name, what ought I to do ?' 'Pay for the mutton; nothing can be clearer.' 'Know, then, friend Foxcraft, thy dog, even the beast men denominate Pinch'em, hath sto len from my pantryaleg of mutton, of the just value of four shillings and sixpence, which I paid for it in the market, this morning.' 'Oh ! well, then it is my opinion that I must pay for it ;' and having done so, the worthy friend turned to depart. 'Tarry yet a little, friend Broadbrim,' cried the lawyer. 'Of a verity I have yet farther to say unto thee. Thou owest me niue shillings for advice.' 'Then, verily, I must pay thee; and it is my opinion I have touched pitch and been defiled.' Legal Anecdote. Quite an animated dis cussion once arose in ajiotel in 'merrie' Eng land between John Bull and Brother Jonathan, on a point of law. The point was this 'Can a witness, in a legal sense, positively attest to a noted historical fact a fact well known to ev erybody yet a fact with which he has no per sonal acquaintance or knowledge, without committing perjury V 'I say he can,' quoth Jonathan, 'and his oath will be takenas evidence in all courts of equity. 'And I say he cannot !' exclaimed John Bull. Wal, neow, jest looker here, Mr. John Bull,' began Jonathan, pointing his finger at him, and shaking it impressively and speaking em phatically, 'don't you know there is sich a place as America the United States of America ?' 'I've never crossed - the Atlantic ; conse quently I don't know,' was the reply. Wal,' said Jonathan, 'all I've got tew say is, if you'd lived in the day's of the Revolu tion, and had been "reound," you'd ha' soon feound it out, I guess.' John Bull evaporated, and Jonathan began to whistle Yankee Doodle. s:t : Axger. As preventative of anger, banish all tale-bearers and slanderers from your pres ence and conversation, for it is these that blow the devil's bellows, to rouse up the flames. of rage and fury, by first abusing your ears, and your credulity, and .after that steal away our patience, and all this perhaps for a lie. To pre vent anger, be not too exquisite into the affairs of others, or what people say of yourself, or to the mistakes of your friends, for this is going out to gather sticks to- kindle a fira to burn your ow n home. "Star Spangled Banner. "Little dam Brook." A clergyman, seeing a little boy playing in a small stream by the road side, inquired for his (aber. - - - . - 'He's over to the little dam brook," ex claimed the lad. ' "What!" said the reverend gentleman, shocked at the boy' profanity. ''Can't yon speak without swearing V "Well, he t'j over to the little dam brook, any how," persisted the boy, as ho went spat tering through the water and mud after a but terfly. "He's been over to the little dam brook all day, and if you don't believe it, you can go up to that house aud ask mother." The clergyman sought an fcterview with the mother immediately, and complained' of the profanity of her child. After telling her, however, what the lad iad said, she laughing ly informed him that "little dam brook'"was a title by which the stream was called to distin guish it from "big dam brook," sitated a few miles further to the eastward. Ho now felt that he had wronged the boy, anq therefore owed him an apology. Hurry ing back to the spot he exclaimed, "Boy, I wronged you in accusing you of swearing; but you should have told me that 'little dam brook' was only the name of a stream, and I then would not have scolded yon." "Well, 'tan't no matter," said tho happy youngster, as he held aloft a struggling frog that he had speared with his mother's clothes stick. "There's a big dam on big dam brook, and a little dam on little dam brook, and we would have had a little dam on this brook, on ly I 'spect it's so small it an't vrorth a din." 'Circumstance Alter Cases.' 'Where's your husband, to-night, Mrs. Smith?' 'Massy only knows, Mrs. Brown, every night, regular, as soon as he's milked the cow, and done the chores, he starts off and don't come back till nigh on to twelve o'clock.' 'Just the way with my husband, I'll tell you what, I believe them Know Nothings is at the bottom of it .' 'So do I, I think it's a disgrace, and a shame, that they should entice honest men away from their families in such a way.' The next time the ladies met was the day after election day. 'Well, I declare, Mrs. Smith, if it don't beat all. My husband is elected memk'r of the Gineral Court, by the Know Nothings.' 'And mine is chosen Town Clerk fifty ma jority.' 'After all, Mrs. Smith, the Know Nothings are better.than any of the other parties.' 'That's a fact, Mrs. Brown. I really be lieve they have the good of their country at heart.' Exit both. The -'Cnssed" Indians. A gentleman called at a hut in the Aroos took valley and requested some dinner. Tho lady, her spouse being absent, refused to sup ply his necessities for money or for the love of humanity. "Ycry well, said the hungry traveler, as he turned his footsteps from the inhospitable, abode "you will want nothing to cat to-morrow." "Why not" inquired the woman. "," answered the weary man, "tho Indians are digging a tunnel at Moosehcad Lake, and they are going to turn ' all the wa ters of the Lake into the Aroostook valley, and you and all the rest of the people are to be drowned." Upon this intelligence the old lady hurried off to the priest to inform him that a flood was to overflow the valley, and to ask what was 4o be done in the sad emergency. The priest endeavored to quiet her fears by tclling her that God had promised that he should neversend another flood upon theearth. 'But,' exclaimed the affrighted woman 'it isn't God that's going to do it-it's the cussed Injins!' K7"A colored boy was looking Jhrough a grave yard fence : upon the tomb stone of a villager who in life had been known, as a rath er close-fisted citizen, whose principal care had been "the greatest good of the greatest number." the "greatest number" with him having been "number one." After a pom pous 'inscription, the following passage of scripture was recorded. "He that giveth to the poor, lendeth to the lord." "Dat may be so," soliloquized Sambo, "but w'eri d-al man died, de Lord didn't ovce him a red ceii." ' E7The Waterford Sentinel makes the, fol lowing capital hit: If you want to keep, your town from .thriving, turn a cold shoulder to every young mechanic or, beginner in busi ness, and look upon every new-comer with a jealous- scowl. Discourage all you can;, if that won't do, decry his work, and rather go abroad for wares; than give him your i money. Last, though not least, refuse to patronise the village paper. - D'John, how does the thermometer stand?' 'Against the walldad.' ;: " ' ' n'" 'J mean how is the Trrurcury?' r -: r I guess its pretty well, dad; it hasn't com plained lately.-''.,: .:. :'; t.r v ; You little rascal, is it colder! than yester day?? . ; I ; " ';:-;3Vi I -' I don't know, dM, I'll go utjind i i i 3 B 1 8 ' i. v.; f' if 1 1 51 is "if 4-: i 4v if s II grassy ?M??;yw ii