poplar long " JORDAN. NO. 2. Ob I cum to de city on a- pleasant artcrnoon, In de year, Fifty-three, I am sartin, '-- ? ' ' An whatever I did turn all de people sung a tune, An dey call it "On de odder side p' Jordan." CHORtrs : Wid a'pull off your ceal, an roll op your sleeve, Jordan's a lard road to travel, Pnll off jour coat, an roll np your sleeve, For to travel on de odder side o' Jordan. Just about a year ago, dere was a tunder gust ; When hung'ry old Cowshoot enm roarin, An he paid us a wisset for to raise a leetlo dust, An now spends it on tlo odder eide o' Jordan. Ah de gift-concerta dey am do greatest tings oblate, x speci oo aem you an naa neard on, Ti A X f T uiu you wauiyourgni, x m aieerdyou got to wait, vnaerauroaa, an steam boat, will take you mighty -v -. . --juunuunoerrymceransaDoardon, cheap, Then" SS' , - " ' Poor Mrs. Beacher Stow, she thinks herself so brave, Snfi Iff f hftr nwn tfAnnfw oiVArilin r.sl'ivna She went on too England Tor to seo dere White i.-v, For to write about on todder side o' Jordan An now all my friends. I'mgw wine to shut my mouth Hut you'll hear ob me again in, take my word on An ifyou wantasong.justyoucuin to Ninth 4 South Whar you're bound to git de odder iideo' Jordan. TIIE TURKS' CELLAR. I enter the old town of Vienna from Leo polstadt by the Ferdiman Bridge ; and, walk ing for a few minutes parallel with the river, come into a hollow called the Tiefer Grund ; aau area wnicn useu ; . auu'us 1 ,c faUiy ' uua on wv.,UUMIllic,TOUu,M mcu must oe " , .,SFav;o o, a iriangmariorm waned m by lotty houses, tuivu .ie x reiung, tne deliverance. In it a uxu .ue-nouse, me iurKs' ueuar, nu mere oetongs to tms spot one of the le- genus oi Vienna. x iuu.u oi me year sixteen hundred i-tui.cu, nen me city was so close- ed troops of Spain's and Tartars appeared he ly invested by the Turks, that the people were fore the walls of Bortholdlorf, but were bear half famished, there stood in the place now ea back by our armed citizens. These attacks vu-rreiung or uiere-aoouts, the mihta- .y oakery ior taw portion ot the garrison which had its quarters m the neighbourhood, ine oakery Had to supply not only the sol- dicrs; but bread was made in it to be doled "UMU wiuie wuiaus oy mo municipal au- thonties: and. as the number of tbf. dpstihito was -reat the bakers thPr n was great, tne batcra there employed had lit- .neresi, vnce in me dead 01 the night while some of the annrentiees wiim' rAt!nv I ri ivn i - -- - o j iuv Villi 111 V 1 lllll" I lit I III I I I V I were alarmed by a hollow ghostly sound as of spirits .knocking m the earth. The blows were regular and quite distinct, and without cessation until .cockcrow. The next night these awful sound were again heard, and seemed to become louder and more urgent as the day drew near; but, with tho first scent of morning air, they suddenly ceased. The ap- prentice gave information to the town author- ities; a military watch was set, and the cause of the strange noises in the earth was very soon discovered. The enemy was under ground ; the Turks, from their camp on the Leopoldsberg, were carrying a mine under the city;and, not knowing the levels, had ap- proached so nearly to the surface that there was but a mere crust between them and the bakehouse floor What was to bo done ? The aai.ger was im- wment-the remedy must be prompt and de- cisive. A narrow arm of the Danube ran within a hundred yards of the place; pick and .. eic. orousiy pneu, and m a short time a canal. was cut between the river - I and the bakery. Little knew the Turks of the cold water that could then ct any time be thrown upon their undertaking. All was still. The Viennese say that the hostile troops al- ready filled the mine, armed to the teeth, and uwauingoniy a concerted signal to tell them could make up our minds, that a proposed midnight attack on the walls "Then, when we were all willing to surrcn had diverted the attention of the citizens. der, our enemies demanded, in the first place, Then they were to rush up out of the earth that two of our men should march out of the' and surprise thewn. But the besieged, fortress as hostages, and that two Turks should forewarned and forearmed, suddenly threw take their places with us ; and that a maiden the floor-gates open' and broke a way for the with loose streaming heir, aud a wreath upon water through the new canal under the bake- her forhead, should bring forth the key of the house floor ; down it went bubbling, hissing, town, seeing that this place had never till" then and gurgling into the dark cavern, where it been taken by au enemy. Further, they de swept the Mussulmans before it, and destroy- manded six thousand florins ransom from us ed themtoaman. which, however, we bated to four thousand! This was the origin of the Turks' Cellar handing to them two thousand florins at once and although the title is perhaps unjustly ap- upon three dishes, with the request that the propnated by the wmchouse I have mention- remainder should be allowed to stand over till wf,thvrV D dUbt that the ta,e i9 trae the forthcoming day of John the Baptist. s and that the house at any rate is near the spot soon as this money had been paid over to from which its name is taken. . Grave citizens them, the Pacha called such of our faithful even believe that the ' underground passage garrison as were in the church to come andar- still exists, walled and roofed over with stone, range themselves in the square, that he might and that it leads directly to the Turks' camp, see how many safe conducts were required: ru T opoidsberg. They even know the size of it, namely, that it is of such dimensions as to admit the marching through Jt of six men abreast. Of this I know nothing; OUt I Enow from thn togtimnur .e , , mi V J craoie uiey would need no weapons, seeing that to that Jn V3n0t ? ,deSt Vienna- thosho sought for mercy the passes would that the baker s apprentices were formerly al- be sufficient protection. And thus were our lowed special privileges ia consideration of .arms carried away from us the service once rendered by some of their As soon as the whole garrison, thus uiterl v body to the state. Indeed, the procession of defenceless, w ere collected in the public the bakers, on every returning anniversary of square, there sprung fifty Turks from their the swamping of the Turks, when they march- horses, and with great rudeness began search ed horse and foot from the Freiung, with ban- ing every one of them for money or other vai ner emblems, and music,, through the heart uables; and the citizens began already to see of the city to the grass-grown camp outside that they were betrayed into a surrender, and the city walls, was one of the spectacles that some of them tried to make ' their cscane ruie!he-drStMifuPref iOB n m Cha"r Sn-Strcninger.thetownljW , olul Jluuou,. lt.jS noted now, not for its bread or its canal-water, but for its white wine, its baked veal, and its savoury chickens. descend into its depths for it is truly a cellar and nothing else) late in the evening, when citizens have time and money at their disposal, and you find it full f jolly company. - As well as the tobacco-smoke will permit you to see what the Iacc rest-lu lies, you would say that it is like nothing so ranch as the after cabin of aGravesendsteani er on a summer Sunday afternoon. There just such a row of, tables on each side ; just such a low roof; jast such a thick palpable air, uncertrin light, and noisy, steamy crowd of occupants. The place is intolerable in itself, but fall-to upon the steaming block of baked veal which is set before you ; clear your throat ot the tobacco-smoke by mighty draughts of the pale yellow wine which is its proper ac companiment : finally, fill a deep-bowled nicer- schaum with Three Kings tobacco, creating for yourself your own private and exclusive atmosphere, and you begin to feel the situa- tion. The temperature of mine host's cellar aids imagination greatly in recalling the idea I of the old bakehouse, and there comes over you, after a while, a sense of stifling that I jjixes with the nightmare, usually constitu- ting in this place an after-supper nap. In the I - . waking lethargy that succeeds, you feel as if jostied in dark vaults by a mob of frantic Turks to get breath, and I sucking in foul water for air. tholdsdorfers, but the concealment of the two : possiUv wbon fnllv W!,l-nnn,i w.w.kl,n -r fArf.,n,t . ..,,. I ? 0 nrtT,c;,T lw 41, a..-T-f n.n... x . , Z 18 1101 ine most neaii mm place ot recreation to be in; and I cleaving tile dense smoke, you ascend into I sum,3"t- erbaps you stroll to some place niiumue ains ocuer, iut wnich may still have a story quite as exciting as the catastro- phe of the imperial bakehouse; perhaps to i.ertholdsdorf; a pretty little market town with a tall-steepled church, and a half ruined battlement, situated on the hill slope about six miles to the south of V ienna. It forms a i nrettv snmmor d,v, rflmM tL ls tho worthy Marktrichter, or Ton-jnstice, Jacob Trinksgeld ; and his unvarnished storv, freely translated, runs thus: vnen the Turkish army, two hundred thousand strong without their allies, raised the siege of Eaab, the retreating host of rob- eJ3 and Tartars were sent to overrun tho whole of Austria below the Enns on this side of the Danube, and to waste it with fire and sword This was done. On the ninth of July, detach- were repeated on the tenth and twelfth, and also repulsed ; but as at this time the encmv 11V I met with a determined resistance from th nf. ty of Vienna, which they had invested, they gathered in increased force about our devoted town, and on the fifteenth of Julv attacked us j- - . . .. 3 ' 1 SeC,nS U was no longer possible to hold out against them, partlv from their great nnmW anA e .tt. . - I paiuy uom our iauing oi powuer; aud more v;i,ocviiig wui ua-v naa aireauy set Era to t.Xrw nnAifllnAA... 1 t . s I the town in several i.laces. wo ff,r, ,nmrM0,i to seek shelter with our gbods and chatties i;i the church and fortress, neither of which were as yet touched by the flames, "On the sixteenth, the town itself being then in ashes, there came a soldier dressed in tit; Turkish costume, save that he wore the leather jerkin of a German horseman, into the high-street, and waving a white cloth, he called out in the Hungarian language, to those t'f us who were in the fortress, that if we would ask for grace, both we and ours should be protected, and a safe conduct (salva quar- tia) given to us that should be our future dc- fence. Thereupon we held honest counsil to- gether, citizens and neighbors then present, and in the meantime gave replv, translated al- so into Hungarian, that if w; should agree thereto, we would set up a white Hag upon the tower as a sign of our submission. Earlv on the morning of the nineteenth of Julv, there came a Pacha from the camp at Vienna at the head r.f a rr.:if. armr nn.l -7ti, l ----- o J J " . "ll.il X hiiu the same Tnrk who had on the previous day mad the proposal to us. And the Pacha sat him self down upon a red carpet spread on the tare ground, close by the house of Ilerr Strcninjrer. till we should ncrrpo in hi forme It was five o'clock in the morning before we but, as each armed man came to the door, his musket was torn out of his hand, and such as resisted were dragged by the hair of the head into the square by the Turks, and told that no was the first man murdered. Upon this the Pacha stood up, and began to call out with a loud, clear voice to his troops, and as thev heard his words, they fell upon the unarmed men in the market-place, and hewed them down with their scimetara without pity or re morse sparing none in their eagerness for the butchery,- and which, in spite of their hast-?, was not ended till between one and two o'clock D f in the afternoon. Of all onr citizens, only tw - J escaped the slaughter, and they contrived t is I hide themselves in tho tower, but those who j fled out of the town were captured by the Tar j tars, and instantly despatched. Then, haviD J committed this cruel barbarism, they seized I the women and children who had been left for j safety in the church, and carried them away j into slavery,taking care to burn and utterly de I stroy the fortress ero they departed. And - J when Vienna was relieved, and the good peo j pie there came among the ruins of Bertholds dorf, they gathered together the headless and mangled remains of our murdered citizens to the number of three thousand five hundred J and buried them all in oue grave." , I In "eternal remembrance" of this catastro phe, the worthy town-justice, Trinkeseld in seventeen hundred ordered a naintinn- n h I 1 - O - executed, representine the fearful see ,1 scribed. It occupies the whole of one shin of I " - I - - - the Town-hall, and in its quaint minuteness of detail, and defiance of perspective-depicting not merely the slaughter of the betrayed Ber- 1 " V 1 1 x, U1C apparent oeninu some loose timber would bo luaicrous, were it not for the sacred gravity of the subject i As it is, we ttuit tue little romantic town with slSll an(I turning our laces towards Vienna, wonder what the Young Turk s of eighteen hun- dred and fifty-four may possibly think of the Old Turks of one hundred and thirty years ago. GOING IT ALONE. The undersigned hav ing taken to himst-!f the stove formerly own ed by l'atchin cfc Swan, takes pleasure in informing an lriends ami the public generally, that ho h:id uft received from the citv u splendid assortment ot Dry lioo.ls. Hardware. Qneeiisware. llat.i ami Caps, Hoots and Shoes, and evervthincr else usual ly kept in a country store. Persons wishimr to bur cneap ami gooa doo'ls should not forget that he n uetermined not to bo undersold bv flnv store in in the county. His motto is '-a nimble penny rath-i er than a iIow V' C. PATCIirX. G Ion Hope, July 5. 1S54, rjMIE A3IERICAX HOARDING HOUSE. A The subscriber would inform the miblic Hint he has just complotcl a largo new building, on the Foulh end of Second Street, Clearfield, Pa., which be has furnished and fitted up in the most comforta ble manner for the .-iceoinmodation of travellers and permanent boarders. His charsres will be moderate, and his h uucted in a decent, sober and orderlv manner. TrKnrA oil nniut .w I,,..:. I . .t. . visit Clearfield can find a temporary -home." JOHN S. itAUEBACII. July 15. IS5J. OHI KUSSELL & CO. TAXXEliS fc CURRI iK, Pcnnsville. Uramrian Hill- ClcartielJ C" ' la ' kee instantly on hand an excellent as- U - rtment of leather, -which they offer for sale at the Mwest cash prices. Cash paul for hides Juiy id, iso4. 1. 1 W t 1 Okll sium,. jiovkk i i,- 1 T would inform tho public that ho has opened a r.ew and splendid assortment of Clotbinr- of tuo best quality ami lowest prices, at hid Store, next door tu tho office of L. J. Crans. Ksn. rifnr- field. Pa. 1 Every variety of Clothir.x. Hals. Cans, and fan- cyartieles. He willscllcheuper than an v other store in the county, lie defied competition Call and ee his stock. Highest prices paid for Deer Skins. June 27. 18."4. 3mo. RESII REEF ilAl'EIJAI'GlI & MR. KUW, would inform the public, that they have fresh beef, for sale, every Tuesday will and Saturday mornimr at it o'clock at tho Mail-ci House, Clearfield, Pa. f July l-- lJ-J. ISSOLUTION OF PAKTNEKSTI IP f The partnership heretofore existing between C. Patchi.v it Joux Swan, nndcr tho stvle and firm ot Pntc-hin & Swan, was this lav dissolved hv mutnal consent, and tho books arc left for collec tion in the h.snclsof S. V. l'atchin. Those persons knowing them.fcdv indebted to tho firm will call immediately awl settle up. or they will have the pleasure of paying cosh. s. c. patch rx. JU1 IN SWAN. : Ien Hope, July 5. 185 1 . DANIEL BENNER, Cabinet maker. Shop same as formerly occupied by David Saekets. Clearfield, Pa., keeps constantly on hand at his Furniture Ware-rooms, and manufactures to order fit City pricos.all kinds of Cabinet warcDinin"? and Pier tables. Dressing eases, Cupboards. Bedsteads. Wash Stands. Sp ring bottomed Chairs, Sofas. Safes) Lureaus. Marble Topped Escritors. Ac. Ac. ' Coffins made, and funerals attended on snc short est notice. June 27, 185-1. ly. NK NOTICE. We the subscribers intend to make application to the next Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for an Act or Assembly to incorporate a JSanking Companv wrtn banking and discounting privileges, to bo callct the 'Clearfield Rank" and located at tho Dorough of Clearfield, wiili a capital of One hun- urcu inousaud dollars. A. K. Weight, James T. Lkonaho. IlicnARD Shaw, Jamks P. Graham. Jonathan Rovntox, Elt.is 1 uwin, J, F. Weaver.' J. Wr. Smith, ' J. T. McEs.VLt.v. , June 27, 1S54. fm. a -Mrim. -v.u' iHi.wiin.un.! oclieve A-i it a good maxim that, people should purchase goods wherever they please. Dut tbey should not uujr ioo nastily, ociore tncy ascertain whero they can be best suited. I would most respectfully in vite all (Ladies in particular) to call at R. Ulknas's More and examine his splendid assortment of goods that eannot be excelled in this section of country for iiKAiw'Ess. durability or style. They consist oi uenticmen s loots of all descriptions and pri ces. Ladies and Gentleniens gaiters of the latest styie. uoys and turls boots, shoes and gaiters. Children of all ages can be accommodated. T - ,o R. GLEN NAN. Juno 27, 1854. SPLE Son 1 ENBI1) NEW STORE. R. S If 1 B- JP- have just returned from the eiiv entire new stock of Goods, whioh they offer for sale on wio very lowest terms, nt the old stand lately occupied by A. M. Hills. West end of the Mansion Jionse, Hcartield. Ta. Theirstoek of goods has been selected with great care, and a better or cuenper assortment was never brought into Clear- neiu county They defy all competition, ami invite the pub ic to call and cxamino their goods. Every arti cle i entirely new. and as cheap, if DoU-lieap than can be purchased elsewhere. ill. SHAW. A. H. SHAW. " . :- , ' . : June 27, 1S54. TAMES RIDDLE GORDON Attornov at Law. has removed his office to tho room adjoiniu" in the East, the Drug Store of Dr. H. Lorain, and will devote his whole attention to the practice of his profession. He may be consulted in Freneh and German.. June 13. ?54.-ly. CLARK A HESSER, No. 13 South 4th Street Philadelphia, extensive dealers in Rooks and Stationary. Juno 15, lS54-ly. , 3R DLLi, of the best quality just received and for sale at Wm. F. Irwin's Cheap Store June 14, '54. SIOXE WARE, of every varictv, cheap for at the Store of "w. IRWI June 14, "51 cash N. , ISIPORTANT REDUCTION IN POST ' AGE. We congratulate omr subscribers and tho reading public generally,- on tho cheapness with which they can now receive our reprints by mail. " The postago hitherto though gradually reduced since 1844 has always operated as a dis couragement to their circulation in places inac cessible by expresses or other modes' of regular private conveyance. Hence, &a yet they have ob. taincd but a comparative meagre mail circulation ,VTe hope now that the postage is merely nominal a new impetus will bo given to these valuable works, and that no Post Office within the United States w-TTI remain unvisited by at least one .copy of the four Keviewa and Blackwoods Magazine. Tho Postage on Blackwood and the four Keviews is now but I'l cents a year, and the subscription price is but 3, and when taken with any of the four Reviews but S2, a year! Present subscription prices to the TjOihIoh "Edinbnrg Wtstminxtmr. and North British Qtiar terly Jiei-ieuv, and Blacku-oods Magazine. " - PEH. A.XN. For any of the four Reviews, S3 00 For any two of tho four Reviews. 6 00 For any threo of the four Reviews, ' 7 00 For nil four of the Reviews, -- 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine, 3 00 For Ulackwood and three Reviews, . 9 00 For Llackwood and four Reviews, 10 00 Payment to he m-a.le in all case- in advance. 55? Remittances and communications should be alwaj-s addressed, post paid To the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO.. 79 Fulton Street, Entranoe on tlold Street, Aug. 2X New York. milE RED FLAU VICTORIOUS. The Blood JL lied Kanner floats in triumph on the "Oil Cvr tier Store,'' where A. M. Hills h;is just opened the cheapest and most splendid assortment of Jood.J, ever displayed before this community, mid exactly adapted to their many and various necessities. Every variety oi Hats, Caps, Bor.uet-s, Toots. Shoes, Cloths, Ctipidinercs. and ail other kinds of dry-goods, that arc unapproachable by any other nul,;iriartieles, either n; bcaufy pf style, quality. or price. Also an excellent assortment of tlroceries, iiarl- wnre. Stne ana l"uecn?-.Tarc. witii laney articles ad itijiitit n m . llo denes competition, and invites all persons to give him a call at ih? "UW Corner,"1 which has tru ly become the Ulaxarr' of Clearfield. Every attention will bo fhown to customer." and visitors, and no pains will be spared to send all smiling awnv. loaded with his beautiful and valua ble good?, never surpassed in Clearfield. . . r A. M. HILLS. Clearfield, .Tnnclr. lS51-ly. . - TVFAV 1 sub GOODS, AT THE CASH STORE. Tho ubscriber has just received a larsc and well selected stock of iO( 'D.S of almost everv descrip tion suitable to the sew-on, which he is selling off at extremely low- prices.. 'lie respectfully invites the attention of all who wish to buy good Goods at the lowest prices, to call at the sign of the "Cheap- t ttooas. - - . . Country produce of almost every discriptioa ta ken nt market prices in exchange for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair equivalent for thoir money, will dj well to give ii in a can.- Remember the si?n of the CHEAPEST GOODS. on Market street, and call and be convinced that there is truth in the words thereon inscribed. June 13, 1754. WM: F. IRWIN. orses and iirc;;n:s FORs III H E 1 AMES CROWTHER iS would inform his friends and the public OvV generally, that h - keeps for hire horses"" buggies, carriages.ic. ou the most -reasonable terms, at his Li very Staid in Cnrwensville. Inquire at tho Stags Oilier- l-'ldtnming's Hotel. . JAMES CR0THEIl. June 15th. . rp VUONE CITV DRUG STORE. The JL undersigned having purchased the entire took ot S. A. Martin, wwui.l take tins method ct ntorming the "Natives, '"and the pnbli-j orenerilly. hat Drugs and family medicines oi" ail kind. and n fact every thing that is generally kept in a Mug Store.can oc ha'l at this establishment chean- r than at any other in the country. This cstao- htiieist will be under tue management ot one that has experience, and is well acquainted with medicine, and is also coiupet int to prcvrilm fur II tuose taat may require toe advue ot a Physi- ian. .i.UlLS M. MARTIN. P. S. A private n,;C attached. ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given to ail whom it mav oiiccrii- that the partnership heretofore existing ctween the undersigned is this dav dissolved hv iiutual consent. The books of the firm are lefi in the hands of Geir:r- W. Orr. !.v whom all tho :w ounts arc to be seiiiod. ho having rurciiased the ntere.-t oi .jolui Klinger in ihu uiLs'.iKi;r.g a.c- couats. t.. W . hv 'Till svltlc all ;ho n. .'.ebts. GEO. W. ORR. .-'!X kl.i:;GEiI. Clearfield. Julv I ST. 1 . Easiness will be carried rn by Geo W. Orr at the old stnnd, who invites all his oh! eustorvMS to givo him a call and as many new ore.? as can l.-mkc it convenient. GEt. W . OiiR. ' Clear;i"ld. July 25. IS." I JUST ARRIVED the splendid stbek of Cloihs. Cassimerts. A'estings. Trinitnings, Ac. recently purchased l.y tho Subscriber, whiou be will sell or make up to order, in the most fashionable and du rable manner, at hit store in -Shaw's Row.'' The material and "fits' warranted No charge for show ing his cheap and beautiful goods. Jle would inform the trade in Clearfield, that be is tho authorized agent for Deverc's London and Paris Fashion. TIIOS. SHEA. June 27. 1S54. L1L CARTER Dealer in stoves, bar-iron. nails, and castings of all kinds. Also plows, and other agricultural utensils. On Second Street, under the Republican Office. Suno 15, '54-ly. HARRIS. HALE A CO Wholbsale Dkcogists, No. 259, Market Street. North sido between sixth and seventhPhiladelphia. Drugs, Medi cines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Surgical In struments, Druggist's Glassware. Window Glass, Paints, Oils. Dyes. Perfumery. Ac.', 'Ac. t JOHN HARRIS, M. D. - J. SHARSAVOOD. . ,: "" JOHN M. HALE, , E. E. -OR BISON. June 1j, 1, a4-Ij-. -JVEW riRI,.--IIAllTSIU)RN A7 McCRACK j. 1 EN, have just opened a new and splendid as sortment of goods of everv variety, at the old stand ofD. W. ROBINS A. CO., Lumber city, Clear field co.. Pa. , They invito the publio to give them a call, and feel assured they will bo able to render entire sat isfaction. Lumber, Hides, Rags, Grain, and all other kinds of produce taken in exchange JJENJ. HARTSHORN, August 9, 1854.,. THOS. MeCRACKEN HOOD A CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers, No 167, Market St., Philadelphia, keep constant ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap stock of tho most fashionablo and elegant goods. , Thcv in vite tountry Merchants to call and examine their splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere June 15, lS54-ly. '.,:. .... CHARLES WINGATErDealerYnDbnnets" Shoes,- L0ots and Palm Leaf Hatd, No. IS, Xorth Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Second Store below Commerce Street.. . (June 15. 1S54-1 v YT7"ILLIAM S, HANSELL & SON, Manufac f f turers and Tmnorters of Saddloro l dlery Hardware: No. 2S Market Street. Bhiladel phia. Saddles,' Bridles. Harness. Trunks, Whins Saddle Rags, Bridle Filling, Bits. Stirrups, Buckles, Carpet Bags, cct. ; , Juno 15. '54-ly. IOlt .SALE Th reo Lots of Ground, No. 21 25.. and 2(. in the Mossoiv nlan. in tIiolrf.rr.ncri, of Clearfield, all enclosed. For terms, annlv tr . ' WM. M. REEDY. Curwensnlle, June 27, 1854. , , , WASHINGTON L. RLADIN, Attoeney at Law, No. 6i5, South Sixth t.. Phil'.i.ioini,;. August 9, 1854. - e ' A T LANE A. CO. Wholesale Clothing Store. No. 171. Market Street. : Everv ready made Clothing, in the mt fashionable stvlo constantly on baud. June 15, '51 fr. Anaocncement THAT tho largest, cheapest, and best asorttnont of Goods ever brought into Clearfield county, nt nave just arrived, and are offered for sale, Rt the New Store of the subscribers, near the Jonrnoi Office, Clearfield, Ta. Never before has a more brilliant, and at the same time a cheaper lot of uoods been ouered to this comraunit3'. They have all been selected with a view to tho wants and ne cessities of tho people of this particular locality, after long experience, and intimate acquaintance with their business connections. Dry Goods of every variety, Dre3sGoods, Cloths, Cassimores, and Clothing ; Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, . Bonnets and Shawls, together with a large and splendid assortment of Quecnsware. Hardware and Groceries. Defying all competition, they solicit their friends and the public to give thein a call and cxamino their stock. MOSSOP A POTTAUFF. June 12, 1S54. ly. AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, AND AS GOOD AS THE EEST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Isaac Johnston would respectfully in form his friends and tho public generally that he has just returned from the East, where he haspur chased tho most splendid assort ment of Roots t Shoes ever brought to Clearfield. Every variety of Ladies flippers, gaiters, pumps, tc. Ac. Mens fancy shoes, and' gaiters, with an excellent assort ment of heavy siock, all adapted to the wants oi tho people of Clearfield. He hopes his friends will give him a call at hie store in --Shaw's Row'" and examine his stock. June 13, 1354. LAt'KSMITII WANTED. Any person coming recommended as a crood workman in the above business, can get a shop and complete set of tool, with two hearths. A good locationv being in Bradford township, at the Mill of tho subscribers, the ghop having been in operation for some three yenrs, doing a larc business. For further particulars enquire of f.. HVRXTUAL & ERO. y.MPROVED STOCK OF POULTRY. JL SHANGHAI?. A number of the pure blood, and of tiie half breed of Shanghai fowls for sale at tho Poultry Yard of V. M. Rekdy. Cr.rwensvill, j Pa. These fowls are very large, an. I remarkable i for their mild and domestic disposition, their lav ing and nursing qualities, and for their health iness. Not one of their young Lave died or been sick this summer. July 15. 1S3-I. VFW FIRM. GRAHAM WATSON, have just 1 1 opened a now and splendid, apartment, of goods, at their Store in Grahamtoa, consisting of Lad ies Dress Goods, Cloths, Cssimeres, Hardware. Qucenswaie, Groceries, Roots, Shoes, Oils, Paints, r.nd every other article usually kept in a country Store, where they offer for sale as che.ip, if not cheaper than any other irtorc in tho County. All kinds of produce and lumber taken in exenango for Goods. All of Dr. Jaync'a family medicine? for sale. C. M. GRAHAM. , JAS. E. WAT.-ON. Grahamton, June 14. '51. mi IT KM. TROUTMAN A ROWE. House, gn'nnd Ornamental Icmters, Glaziers. Chair makers, and Paper Hangers, offer their ser vices to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Shop next door to the Jew's Store. They keep constantly on hand, and mstko to or der every variety of Chairs, Lounges, Sofas, Ac. Ac Chairs, and Sofas made equal in beauty to any that can bo obtained from the City, and more durable in workmanship and material. J')HN TROl'TMAX. June 11, '54. Iv. IiORERT ROWE. rjnilE GOOD INTENT HOTEL, aud Stage O, JL Curwcnsville. Pa. " The Subscriber would ifj :c. 1 in form his friends and the puoiie that he has just- re fitted and re-furnished his house and is prepared to render ever attention to ths travelling commu nity. liis bar contains liquors of the first qualif-. am hi; tabic will always nc supplie'l with the be.-t ii 1 n mantei. He respectfully solicits his friends and other to give him a call. WM. R. FLEMMING. June 1 1. 'o4. A. M. HILLS, D. D. S. nthee adj T-vSSir,. ing his Store, ClearfieLl. Pu. Artifi- ui im n- -L1-r cial Teeth, from one to a full set. moun ted in the most approved modern style. l iiiitig, tiling, and C!can:n; dune with an I neatness. care Iceth extracted with all tho care and ip.odero siienco can furnish. dispatch DR. HILLS, can always he found at his office, as he is nmv devoting kis whole attention to his profession. June 1 1, '54. r ero s commercial hotel. No. 17 south JLJ Sixth St. Philadelphia. The subscriber has recently enlarged mid fitted up his house, and is now enabled to compete successfully, with any es tablishment in the City. His room's arc comfort able and well ventilated, and his table furnished wiih the best in the market. Ho respectfully soli cits the larg circle of bis Clearfield friends ;o give him a call when they visit the citv. JACOB G. LEB0. dune 1.'!, 1S5 I. ly. IVEW 1TH.YI PATTON A SilOWERS would I 1 inform the publio that they have just opened a new and splendid assortment of Goods of every variety, at the old stand of 11. D. Patto.v at Cnr wensville. At their store may be found, almost everything adapted to the wants and necessities of the people of this region. Dress-goods, Lawns, Laces. Glove. Cloths, Cassimeres. Clothing. Hats, Caps. Coots. Shoos, Ac, Ac, of the best quality and at the lowest prices. Also a splendid assortment of Hardware. Queens ware and Groceries. They invite nil persons to givo thorn a call, ful ly assured they will bo able to render entire Katis- nmuon. H. D. PATTON, E. A. I1IPPEL. Cnrwensville. Juno 15, lS51-ly. . TTOIIN R. MORROW, Cabinet Maker, Shop oppo J site M. E. Church. Clearfield, Pa. keeps con stantly on hand and makes to order, all ksnds of turnituro. such as loa lables, Card Tables. Cen tre Tables. Sofas, Spring Seated Chairs. Bcdstcds, Bureaus. Wash Stands, Cupboards. Safes, Ac. Ac. Coffins in ado on the shorsest notice, and Funer als attended. JOHN R. MORROW June 13, 185-1. ly. - I I If! 1 uuee. just, receiveu ana ior s d j . r i-i . . - . . sale --VH..J ut tiie ;sew St ?tore of A. M. HILLS. Juno 14, "5? f0 (IfiO '"TEEN INCH SHINGLES JJ9fJir of best quality, for sale at the Si"n of the Red Flag. Price 53.50 per thousand. Juno 27, 1651. , , C:EORGE "V. O L L A DAY Conveyancer and hilti(l K?nt. No. 3. Goldsmith's HalL 1 hiladclphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care, Juno 27, 1S51. ES DUNDY Attorney-st-Law. Clearfield. Pa. will attend faithfully to all professional bu siness entrusted to his care. Juno 13, '54.-1 y. T .B. McENALLY Attorney at Law. Offico nearly opposito Judgo Wright's Store. Clear field, Pa., practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Juno 13, 54.-ly. CH EA P. CLOTHING. A large b.t of ChMpcTo thing, Men's and Bows, for sale cheap, hy Juncia'ol. MOSSOP A POTTAREF. BLACKBERRY BRANDY. A certain euro for the Dysentary, for sale by June 13, '54. MOSSOP A PO'ITARFF. "Uf. A. FRANK, J USTICEOP THE PEACE.-i-'X Clearfield, Pa., Offico in ' Shaw's Row." Juno, 15, 1S54. JAMES CROWTHER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Curwensville, Pa. Office opposito tho ''Good Intent Hotel." June, 15. 1854. : T JACKSON CRANS Attorney at Law. Of- JLJ fico adjoining residence. Clearfield. Pa. " May 2o, '54-ly. TAMES B. GRAHAM Merchant and extensive dealers in lumber. Grahampton, P. C, Clear- Great Sxcitecaent. Startlin field county. Ta. May 25, '54-ly. GRAIIAJrs aiAGAZINE.-NEW 0L l:ME. 1S54. In announcing his re&uincattv receive Orders for the New Volume, the editor does not know he has any very brilliant ideas to hold ou. la large capitals to daztlo people's Tee -Graham" will be pretty much what it Las "been tho last volume, with some improvements which experience suggests. No number will contain lew than 100 pages of matter, and the readers of -Gr-haiu" may rely with great confidence upon thit-I the volumo shall contain OVER TWELVE HUNDRED PAGES ! Of the very best reading matter that capital cn command from ojiginal sources, or taste eelect from the vast mass of available material. Tho aim of the editor will be to produce a pub lication which fholl be valuable in matter, aud choice in taste and style; and he flatters himself from the known talents of his contributors, that hi will bo able to present as many good original ar ticles to his readers as any publication of the day. He shall not, however, hesitato to publish, from time to time, articles from English author, and translations from the best Gertaan and French writers, provided the pieces have never before ap peared in print in this country. Essays on impor tant Political Subjects will likewise be inserted, and criticisms on the Literature of America and the movements of the Age. The Leview Depart ment, in which a large and liberal spirit of crit icism will always be maintained, will be extended. For the defence of American Diterature the editor will always be ready ; tho maint.ain.incc of a cor rect tone in the Magazine, he will, if possible, bo still more watchful. EACH SCMEKU WILL CONTAIN A EXORAVISG FROM A FINB STKEL TLATE IX ADPITIO.V TO THE CHOICE DESIGNS ADENGKAVING5 OF DEVEItUX, who will supply illustrations for the text in the body of the book. Tho aim of the editor will nn be so much to increase the number of his enirrav- liigs, as to secure for those be publishes the ut most finish tho artist can give them ; for common wood-cuts arc so easily multiplied, that the mon indifferent publication may outrank in dreary dis play the choicest periodical. Ihe Editor does not feel, that with his own rea ders, he can increase his claims to respect bv in sisting on any very great superiority of 'Graham' over several similar publications, but thinks Le may safely confide in their friendship for the Magazine, and in its pa.st management for its pre sent list, and such inereaso as naturally grows out of an extended circulation in a country where readers are multiplying so rapidly. Of tho January number tho first edition will i. ."11,000 copies, and the editor trusts his old friends will be so prompt in renewing old clubs, and ex tending the list among new ones, that tho first edition shall be but half os what the year will ul timatcly establish, as the permanent circulation of "Graham." Postage. Subscribers in any part of thoUnited States may now receive the Magazine, by mail, at three cents a number or thirty-six cents a year postage, payable at the Post-office where it is re ceived. Postmasters and Editors all over the I'nion. are respectfully requested to act as Agents for the New Volume. Terms. The Terms of -'Graham'' are Three Dollars fir singla subscriber?, if pai 1 in advance. For six dollars in advance, one copy is sent three years. We continue the following low terms for Clubs to be sent in the city to ouo address, and in the country, to oue Post-office. 2 copies. s c pcr n. (and one 1 to the getter up) 10 S " ' ' jo t 11 - . 20 ' Tho money for clubs always should be sent in advance. Subscriptions may be sent at our risk. When the sum is large, a draft fhould be procured if possible the cost of which may be deducted from the amount. Any person desirous of receiving a copy a a sample, can be accommodated by notifving tb Editor by letter, (post-paid.) . Address, always post-paid, GEO. R. GRAHAM, Editor. Aug. 22. 105 Chtsnut st., Philadelphia. -S7TIAT CAN RE GOT FOR 3 The n- ? ? dersigncd have entered into an arrangement by which they agree to furnish tho Knickerbocker Magazine, (monthly.) the Home Journal, (weeklr.) and the Musical World ami Times, (weekly.) "to new subscribers, at the very mxierate price of five dollars. year sor the three publications ; all or ders, enclosing thnt cmour.t to Dyer A Willi, will He promptly attended to SAMUEL HKUSTON. Publisher of the Knickerbocker. MORRIS A WILLIS. Publishers of the Home Journal. DYER A WILLIS. Publishers of the Musical World and Times. 37 Broadway. Now York. GRAND LITERARY AND ARTISTIC COMBI NATION. Arrangements have been made to furniaU tho Knickerbocker Magazine, the Home Journal, ami the New York Musical World and Times, to new subscribers, for five dollars a year. This is clnap literature, with a vengeance. The Knickerbocker is 53 per annum the Home Journal. 52; and the Musical World and Times. S3 ; making S3 a year at the usual rates. Thlt three such works can be obtained for five dollars a year, is a fact truly wor thy tho Caloric age, which is just now being ush ered in. Of the Knickerbocker Magazine, edited by Lewis Gaylord Clark, it is unnecessary to speak. For twenty years it has been the most genial; huuiorous, and spicy monthly" in tho world; and the present voinme will be better than any which preceded it. The Home Journal, edi ts. 1 by Geo. P. Morris, and N. P. Willis, is well known as th; best family newspaper in America; nnd the Musical World and Times, edited by Richard Storrs Willis with Lowell Mason, Geo. if. Curtis. Thorna Hastings, Wm. P. Bradbury. Geo. F. Root, and other musical writers contributing; and which gives, among other things, over SJ5 worth of music and a full course of instruction in harmony annuall-, is the very best musical Jour nal ever published. These three publications will post a family up in regard to nearly everything worth knowing : Art, Scivncc. Literature; Music, Painting. Sculpture; Inventions, Discoveries; Wit, Humor. Fancy, Sentimei.t; the Newest Fashions and oi her attractions for Ladies ; Choice New Ma fic for the Sabbath, tho Church, and the Fireside; Reviews and Criticism of Musical Works, Perfor mers and Performances ; in short, the very pick and cream of Novelty, Incident, History, Biogra phy, Art Literature and Science; including what ever can bo given in periodicals to promote Healthy Amusement and Solid Instruction in the family and help to make it Better, Wiser, and Happier, may bo now obtained for five dollars. Address DYER A WILLIS, 275 Broadway. Editors publishing the above three times, and sending the papers containing it to Dyer A Willis, will receive the three works named, tor one year. Aug. 2:1, 1S54. Ol'SEnOLD WORDS. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE AT 52 PER YEAR. Only thoso who read the serial so promptly issued every week by Dickens, with thoughtful appreciation, know how to prize it. '-Household Words" is a modern journal for the people, devoted to common subjects, uncommonly treated, excellent in stylo, in genius, in manner, and wonderfully fertile in subject. The pieces arc tho right length; they exhibit wonderful variety and are attunfcd to ii harmonious key and remarkable unity of effect. For the money, there is not tho eoual of '-Household Words" 'for a family journal. Pleasant sto ries, useful knowledge, graceful anecdotes, charm ing essavs, alternate iu its pages. It is not al ways convenient to secure a copy of the weekly issue on the arrival of a steamer; in order to enjoy regularly this delightful work, wo advise our rea ders to possess themselves of the handsome month ly reprint of McElrath A Baker, who bring out -Household Words" with commendablo punctuali ty, at New-York. Frederick Parker. 25 Washing ton stroet is the Boston agent. Boston Trans cript. The articles, both in style and thought, are far superior to the trash that occupies tho pages of so many of our popular magazines. Aff Yori Atlas.. The above aro but a few extracts from numerous notices of the press lately received. . Thoso who wish Household Words will rcceivo it monthly by mail upon romitting the subscription price. Spe cimen numbers sent on receipt of five red postage stamps. McELRATH A BAKER, Publishers, Aug. 23. 17 Sprnoe et., New York. 1 AA Barrels Fish, for eale at the Cheap Stor 1UU of W. F. 1K.WIN. June 14, '54 I- ii 5; f Hi Shj. 3. - i i" I ! ' -5 1 m 5'- ' 1