iai nil 1111 isainia THE JOUETfAL, - BUSINESS ITEMS. CAfc presume most of our citizens reccol Icct an estimable young man named J. B. Booxe, formerly of this county. He may now lie found at the large and splendid Boot and Shoe House of Boker, Brotuebs Jokes, No. 153 & 160 Market St., Philadelphia, where he will be happy to meet Lis large circle of Clear field acquaintances and to accommodate them with a cheap and elegant stock oj city and eas tern made boots and shoes. : Give him a call, he's a clever fellow, and is with a good firm. We were much pleased, on our recent visit to Philadelphia, by the appearance of J. H. Paiethorp, Jr's Chemical and Drug estab ment at No- 80 South Second St. Those of our Merchants, Druggists and Physicians who desire to lay in a good and cheap stock, can not do better than call on ilr. Palethorp. E7"Orposite the Red Lion notel in Philadel phia, at 245 Market St., there is a large and elegant Quecnsware establishment, not surpas sed by any similar House in the City. Our merchants can always obtain a splendid stock, at the lowest prices, from Joun Y. Rcsuton & Co., Importers and dealers in Earthenware, China, Glass, &c. See advertisement. , K7-There will be a Public Sale, on Saturday the 18th inst., at the former residence of F. P. Hcrxthal, in this borough. See Notice. rr-p" Persons having unsettled accounts with F. P. IIi-rxthai., are requested to call and settle them. See Notice in another column. rrr if iv mihlished in Clearfield, let it T- - v I ' ' le known in Cunvensville, let it be proclaimed throughout the county, let it be wafted by the gentle breeze along the West Branch of "the Susquehanna, that Pattc-n & Him-lb, have just received the largest and best selected stock of goods ever brought to Cunvensville. See advertisement in another column. K7"By reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that James Alexander, of Ty rone City, is prepared to supply persons wish in" Ovsters bv the Can, at the most reasonable rates. E?-A. & J. Patchin have taken the store formerly owned by John Patchin Seasons. They have just received a large stock of new goods. See advertisement in another column. ttTM. P. Nelson & Co. take pleasure in in forming their old customers that they have just received a large stock of Dry Goods Gro ceries &c. &c. r7"Our merchants and others visiting the city will do well to call at Bailt i Brother's, t!o chesnut St.'and examine their splendid assortment of carpeting, floor oil cloths, mat tings &c &.c. D?" Although a good deal of business was done during Court week, the new, splendid and cheap assortment of goods just received by "Wm. F. Inwix, was by no means exhausted. lie offers for sale, emphatically, the best and cheapest goods in the county. Call and see. CT-An extensive purchase was lately effec ted by Geo. D. Moeo as & co, of all thu lands in Centre and Clearfield counties belonging to Hardm vx Philips. They are now offered for sale on easy terms, in lots, or otherwise to suit purchasers. See advertisement 7-It will be seen that our young friend Jos. Showers has disposed of his interest in the firm of Pattox & Siiowers, to E. A. Hrr tle. The business will be hereafter conducted under the style and firm f Pattox & Hitple. I7"A large assortment of all kinds of lum ber, plastering lith, &c may always be found at the "Pioneer Mills," of Capt. Henry Groe, .vn MnmTinnn. Those who desire bills sawed, will find.the Capt. a prompt business man, and true to his promises. n-ltis s:iid that money is exceedingly tight, but nevertheless X. A. Fraxk, has just purchased a large, new, and splendid assort ment of Gentlemen's dress goods and ready made clothing. As Frank is a pretty clever to le Datronized. Store two doors East of Journal office. Zs The shoemaking business is prospering, and C. S. Black advertises for six journey men. Who wants a good berth ? ?T7" It will be seen in another column, that Blair & Barrett have opened the MOUNT VERNON for the reception of visiters. We wish them abundant success, and have no doubt our Clearfield friends visiting the City, will -.n -i.ap thev will always meet a warm and welcome reception. ' re '-Secure the shadow, 'ere the substance fades," and call at Pirviaxce's Daguerrean r.n i vt.. two floors north ot 1 oweii & Co's. Store, rr?" It is alwavs a good plan for men inbusi ness to settle up their accounts regularly. James B. Graham, Adopting this course, calls peremptorily upon those having dealings with him to come forward and settle up. rrT-Thoseof our farmers who have orchards, should procure one of Ilickok's portable cider mills, which are represented as one of tho very best articles of the kind ever invented. L. R Carter, is the agent in this place. PT" The 'Corporal' in his perigrinatiusa few days since, while searching for the 'Know Noth inei.' observed a crowd pouring into the room next door to the Journal office. Of course he foUowed. but discovered the cause of attrac tion to be a splendid and cheap assortment of boots and shoes, recently opened there by S. Black. From the excellent quality cf his work, the 'Corporal' come to the conclusion that Charley did'nt belong to tue Order. TheProhijitory Liquor Law. """A ".i'ti'n'fiiir rf tha Ti'limiTiiTie.f" E JOM-iitivp L .1 . - x Committee, in Philadelphia, on Thursday eve- rung last, tne jouowtng irreamme auu resolu tions were adopted : . Whereas, It has been ascertained that a small majority of the votes cast at the recent election in the State are in opposition to a Prohibitory Liquor Law, and Whereas, Tne mends ot J eraperance ac cented the issue of a popular vote, under a protest, and accepted it for the sole reason that the Legislature relusea, as tney are earnesuy importuned to enact a Prohibitory Law, and afford the people an opportunity of voting on its repeal, therefore . Resolved, That we are niortmeu ana pamea that the expression of the popular will should have failed to stamp the promiscuous sale of ardent spirits with the reprobation which it deserves. Resolved, That the vote cast is a clear indi cation of abhorrence of the people of the rum traffic, and the meagre majority against Prohi bition would have been overcome twice told, had it not been for diversity of views among the friends of this measure as to the expedien cy and utility of meeting, as they deemed the popular vote an abstract issue on the principle of Prohibition. Resolved, If in portions of the State the peo ple choose that "rum and ruin" shall continue to be rampant, we have a right, from the vote here cast in favor of the prohibition, to de mand of the Legislature protection from the blighting effects of the rum traffic throughout our entire Consolidated City. The Tribune's Press Room. The foreman of the Tribune gives a statement of what was done in the press room of that establishment on Thursday and part of Friday, the 2Gth and 27th ult. They commenced at 4 o'clock A. M., on Thursday, and in thirfy hours had prin ted aud mailed one hundred and eighty two thousand four hundred copies of the Tribune, or three hundred and sixty four thousand eight hundred impressions. By far the larger por tion of the blank paper was received during Thursday forenoon, and of course had to be wet and turned. Had this paper been all in one pile it would have reached the height of seventy feet; its weight, when mailed, would he about twenty-two thousand eight hundred pounds; in cubical measurement, about seven hundred and five feet and a half; its superfi cial measurement, if all spread out, would be about forty and a quarter acres; the lineal measurement would reach about one hundred and twentv-six and two-third miles. X l TI 1T Jliri IA1 iS -1 1 17 11 A uv a..v. ing the District Court commenced the trial of a cause, and the jurors sworn heard the evi dence during tho whole day, and were nd irmrnp1 until Wfidm-sdav morninir. In the morning all the jurors answered their names at roll call, and twelve jurors enterea tne oox and answered to the. twelve names called over by the Clerk. Just as counsel were resuming the argument of the cause, one of the jurors whispered to the clerk that he thought there was a stray man in the box- "When asked what he meant, he answered, that tho man who sat beside him yesterday h:id black hair, fh clmn Kitting there now was red headed. The clerk then asked the gentleman if he was Mr. Jones: he answered yes, but not John Jones, and very innocently aaueu, ".ny brother's very sick this morning, and he jist sent me in to fiinish this case." Of course the clerk didn't laugh. nils Union. How the 'Fait" Reporter was Treated. Tt. is rumored that the reporter of a certain evening paper in this city a "fast" chap, by the wav learnin? that the Know-Nothing Convention was to be held in Trcmont Temple on Wednesday, secreted himself in the bap tismal tank to take secret notes of the secret T.rnpdinfs- An "examiniiiff committee" as , ---- - a certaming this fact, lei on the u-ater, giving tne iiriinr-L-v iviv-drnTiTifr a more complete intro duction to aqua pura than he had enjoyed for roars t?i f At tlio :im Convention, another curious individual was found snugly ensconsed in one of the organ's pipes. hether or no tli mnsif wna '1it on' to srivo the crentleman a ... - - - - - - o t 'Mow out,' we have not oeen aoie loasceriam Oh ! David ! ! Boslbn hnoic-Jothing. t m m m m Tup Vitvf T.w tv Caxap v. The Maine Law has passed the Legislative Assembly of Cana da bv a vote of 8-Vto -5, and it will doubtless pass the Council, and immediately become a law. I bus Canada precedes the maioru oi the States in the enactment of this great dem ocratic measure for the prevention of crime and pauperism. However they will all follow the example. Tt w nrnlv.iPif n! we are ftssnrcd DV our cor respondent at Quebec, that the importation of Honors and wines will nnaiiv oe promuueu in . - - the Canada.?, as well as their sale. J. riouue. Ponriivw nv tup 4i?PTrivP iTV. Rpcent. flections show, that the progress of the Amer ican party cannot be arrested; and that it must finally place in the Presidential chair, and in th two lionsps of Confrrpss. those who will throw aside their old party attachments, and devote themselves to the true American prin rinle s and policy now proclaimed bv the Amer- i 1 . . . ican Associations. Corrupt politicians may resist to their utmost, and attempt to stay tne tirl whipti ii now ovprwhplnunc them and their corruptions, but they M ill be swept down . i 11. A f tne mighty current and lost iorever. RBiinvc TTp nr titk Srxnw Lroron Traf vtr Tli T'mTifr:inf rioorile of Jersev Citv having eutercd earnestly upon the attempt to lirpnk nn tho. lirmor traffic, have nrocurod the j- 1 7 . - entering of eleven hundred complaints against various persons, and a number have been al- . i Ken person was seen in tue streets- ana it saia a any person snoiuu dc caugni coming out oi i vA i 1 r- - , arrested and locked up as a witness. There are but two places licensed to sell liquor, anu those are hotels. sun. Not a Woman or Child Saved. In his statement in regard to the loss of the Arctic, Cant. Luce places the engineers, the crew and the firemen of the Arctic in the most odious light. They behaved like cowards and wretches rather than men and the tact that thus far we have not heard of the rescue of a woman or child, is perhaps the bitterest and the most withering commentary that could be offered upon thnir atrocious conduct ! TnrPrursnrTHE AnrTir; Exr-Enrriox. The English book of heraldry descibes the crest of Sir John r rank 1 in as precisely iiKe tnat ae scribed by Dr. Kae, in No. 5 and No.4, as the crest and motto exactly oi jyieui. r airuouuu f thi pxnedition. The initials on one of the fm-Vs TT. T. S. G. are evidently those of As- sist:int. Snrcfon. II. D. S. Goodside, and that nf . Mr.T).. those of Surscon A. McDonald. Explosion at Earle's Hotel. New York, rw ou rrre.it exnlosion took place at Earle's Hotel, about 2 o'clock this afternoon, .mil tun Tif-rsons are said to be killed. The hotel was pretty full of People, -hen th j , - - plosion took place, and, of course, the alarm w s jsceoni door below Mount Vernon House, was frightful. A passenger's trunk with a Philadelphia. Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Pcr- considcrable amount of powder ignited, and fUmcry, Paints. Oils, Window Glass, Ac., Ac. was the cause of the explosion. Novembers, lS54.-ly. Effect op theMaike Law. The prohiba- tory law of Conneticut went Into operation on the 1st of Aucust. Now look at the effect in the City of New Haven. In that city the com mitments for drunkenness and offences resul ting therefrom, during the month of July, were : To the County Jail, 50 To the City Watch-House, 73 Total, 123 Commitments for like offences during the month of August: To the Countv Jail, 16 To the Citv Watch-House. 15 Total, 31 The difference between the last month of licenses and the first of prohibition is just ninety-two. EF"On Tuesday evening, that being the ap pointed time for the ending of all sublunary things according to the Millerite belief, some forty of the believers in that doctrine assem bled at South Boston, arrayed in white robes, and anxiously awaited the moment when they snouia mase tneir grana ascension. Aunt Kosy was dividing a mince pie among . T - 1 1 " . II 1 1 ... . 1 tne Doys; wnen jirn, w no nau lCKeuiy puucu tho at.'s tail, nskpd for his share, the dame replied, "No, Jim, you are a wicked boy, and the uible says there is no piece ior tne wick- ed." Pith. ArmiT. f!ntT F. Stoker was 1f:itfn to death bv some Irish laborers, in Poca hontas, Somerset county, Pa., on Saturday evening last. The outrage was unprovoked on the part ol Mr. otoxer. r7""The amount of the wealth of Sevasto pol is computed to be $20,000,000. The for tifications have cost not less than $7,000,000, and the military and naval stores are of pro- i aigious vaiue. Official Directory of Clearfield County. PRESIDENT JUDGE: Hon. James. Burssidk. - - Bellefonte. ASSOCIATE JUDGES: Hon llox Kichakd FnAW. - - -John P. IIovt. - - - Clearfield. Lumber City. PR0TII0NAT0RY William Pouter. - - - -SHERIFF: :Ac. Clearfield. Wir.t.inf Pnwuu. - - - Clearfield. DEPUTY SHERIFF : It. F. Ward, Clearfield. JAILOR : Henry Stoxe. Clearfield. COMMISSIONERS: Robert Mefiaffey. - - - - Dower. Samuel Schoff. .... Glen Hope Philip Hbvisf.r. ... - Pennfield. COMMISSIONER'S CLERK: Gf.orge B. Goodlasder. - - Luthersburg TREASURER : Joiim McPnF.RSON, Clearfield. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY: L. Jackson Crank. Esq. - - Clearfield COUNTY SURVEYOR: Thos. Ross. Esq. .... Cnrwensvillo. COUNTY AUDITORS: Ge.o YC. SrnnFP. ----- Jeffries. C. Kratzer. ------ Clearfield. J. II. Sevler. Luthersburg. Arrival and Departure of the Mails at the Clearfield Post-Office. Tyuoxe Mail: Leaves everv dav. Sunday ex- Arrives at b if. AL. Karthaus: Leaves Clenfireld, Friday at 8 A.M. Arrives, -aturilay at b V. M. Smith's Mills. Leaves Clearfield, Friday at 6 A.M. G raiiamtos: Leaves Satnrdat at 9 A. M. Arrives same day at 4 P. M. 3arkfte. PITH. ADELPIIIA. Monday Nov 6. Flour. r.cr bbl. &3.00 to $9.2o Rye Flour, " " 5,00 " 7.00 Cm Meal. " ' 4.00 " 4.12 Wheat, Derbush. 1.7S " 1.S3 Rye. scarce at 1.00 Cora. " .p' Oats, scarce " -43 CLEARFIELD. Wepnesoay Ncv. 8. Flour, per bbl. 512.00 AVheat, per bush 2.f.0 1.50 1.12i .62i live. Corn, " " Oats: " " LUMBER TRADE. Portsmouth Nov. 6 and Tannel inch, half inch, 1854. Select Com S25.00 Do. $30.00 Cullings, Samples. SI 0.00 Hiinsles. Sl5al7 TfAmloclc Boards. sii,no Hemlock Joist and Scantling, S1L00 larriagts. fin d,o')iU, ult Vnr 'Win TilftAm Van Mi- .TlMlc Leech and Mrs. Sophia Hoover, all Pike twp. d tnct 1 1 XT tViA finwio AT r TlJYTXfTV "Rrtn-TQ formerly of Tioga county, Pa., and Miss Elinor uathcakt, oi i;iearneia county, A'a. REMOVAL ROKER, BROTHERS A JONES, No. 158 k 160 Market Street, Philadelphia, , . r i . f T. . t a. a i r.. t c-.. importers aim .uauuiminB n tiy ;.t A? J r- -n , French and Ensheh Shoe Lastms, Patent Leath French and English Shoe Lastings, Patent Leath er, Kid aud Calf fckins. Shoe Laces, Gallons. Bind ings. c. e., suitable ior manuiacturers. Also, Foreign and Domestic Straw and Silk Bon nets. Leghorn, Panama and Palm Leaf Hats, Eng lish, French and Ametican Artificial Flowers, Oil Silk, Straw Trimmings, &., Ac., Ac. Having removed to our new Store, No. 158 fe 160 Ari-lr Sit rofifr luilnv Mil nuth iia lin Rfjlira wn invite your attention to our large and varied Stock , T , , , r, , . .... or straw uooas, uoots ana cnoes, wnicn we are preparing for the approaching Fall Sales. All our Goods bcinz exclusively of our own di- rct Importation and Manufacture, we feel confi i dent that our facilities are such that we can offer you inducements as regards variety and prices of tioods, unsurpassed by any house in me conniry. BOKER, BROTHERS & JONES, .Nov. 8, lb54.-ly. rmiaaelplita. TOIIX V. RIJSHTON & CO., IMPORTERS 3 A.Ni) DEALtKS in Earthenware, China, Ulass, Ac.. 245 Market St., opposite Red Lion Hotel. Phil adelphia. J- Y. RUSHTON, J. v. uuriiifls, Nov. 8 '54.-1 y. ROBT. STILSON. "OUBLIC SALE. Mr. F. P. IlmxTnAL, will X sell at Public Sale on Saturday the 18th inst., nt hist former residence, a larire lot of Household and Kitchen furniture, consisting of Dishes, Tables, Beds, Books, China, 4c., Ae. cicarheid, iNov. a, too-i. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Ll inAst msnectfnllv so- licit all tqose indebted to him, to come forward and eettle up, and if they cannot pay five their nt. and furthnr hnnna nnt in ha reOUired to USO any other means than this simpla notice, ne can be found at almost any time at Woodland, prepar- ec to eeiue. - r. jr. uuftAi"-T Nov. 8. 1854. BAILY & BROTHER, No. 292 Chestnut Street. PHILADELPHIA. ; Have now open a large assortment of the Newest styles ana colors ot Rich English Velvet, " " Tapestry, Ingrain. Kew Styles " Ingrain CARPETIN GS. OF THEIR OWN IMPORTATION, JUST Also.afull assortment of Super and Medium quality AMERICAN CARPETINGS, Many of which being their own manufacture, , can DC rfuuiunieauuu Ha FLOOR OIL CLOTHS & CANTON MATTINGS, BAILY & BB0THEB, IMPORTERS ft MA3SCFACTURERS OF CARPETISGS No. 252 Chesnut Street. Philadelphia. Ocg. 4, 1854. 6m. THE ll.MOX SAFE! TIIKEE CIlEEFvS FOR AMERICA! The Cheap Corser Tri- umphast I We take this method of informing the public in general, and the citiiena of Curwensyille and vicinity in particular, that we have received our u?uai targe ana vanea selection oi rtm. ana. Winter Goods, suited to the wants of every,; man. woman amd child in the community. And, we have no hesitation in saying, that purchasers will find it greatly to their advantage to call and exam ine our stocK Deiore purcnasing eisewnere. On. cfrtly jiAr.t-ijfa in Tiirt tiF T.nlii' Tlrp.sa i Goods in great variety: such as plain black, fancy SllKs, iurK aiin, uerrgu ucimus, uiutu uuu laujr Alpacas, plain and plaid Ginghams, Manchester and Domestic Ginghams, Calicoes of every style, i i . . . : c fL .. , f ana quality, ai prices ranging iruui up iv i.io. Kl- nr. A l.nn.n l,Vnli and Knfrlish J1 11, K UV, 11 UHT " 11 . 1 v. 1. O cloths, plain black doeskin and fancy cassimeres, i black, blue, brown aud green sattinets. dccks, ucKings, nanneis, IIlusllIs, kiiuj, siery, gloves, shirts, ready-made clothing, Ac, &e. Carpeting and floor oil cloth, window and wall paper and boidering, and oiled Window shades. Shoes ot all descriptions ior tauics, unsaca u children, together with a large assortment of Mens' and boys' hats, caps, boots and shoes. jiarawaro. pianes, se., Miasswsrc, vuccuonani, Cedar and Willow ware, corn brooms, Ac, Ac. Alan a 1,r..o o tmm-tmun t (if Vrcsh (irfH-PrilS. VIZ '. Rio Cefice, Imperial, Y. II. and Black teas. N. O. ; i. ni .t sugar, crushed and loai sugar, ntwuneummi Syrup molasses, clanhea ana ciuer inegar, ac. I?roin tin1 Vnrww DAOna' BTOT"TTl fitnr nnd mould candles. All of which will be sold in quantities to suit purchasers, at the cheap Corner Store of 1'All'M CL llil I lit. Cnrwensville, November 1, 1S54. 1 HA UNS FOR TYRONE C1T I bl I I tl I nisTiiuiii. nT TAKKN ! James Alex- I avder, has iuct opened a splendid baloon in the basement story ot tne lyrono viiy iiuici, nuio u is prepared to accommodate persons with Oysters, 1 nil other articles usually i . ('Anfantirtnrir n n il Orocerv Store. i. ... , .11 I. .Un f .i n nwtmntl V r. is. All orders ioruyicrs vy iuc yiwrj attended to by JAMES ALEXANDER. Tyrone City, xsovemoer i, ioj.-iu.- rOST A box of Goods between Tyrone and a r-Lioflni.) nr;rliiTiir nVimit. SOlbs.. marked J. P. Nelson A Co., Palesttne. Any person finding or sivinz lntormation oi saia uoa. iu uvi-i for his trouble- i. ssiuiJVJ Morris twp., Nov. 1, lbo4. NEW FIRM. A A J. Patchin having taKen to themselves the Store formerly owned by Jno. Patchin A Sons, take pleasure in informing their friends, and tna puouc generally, mm inojr have just roceivea irom ine city u tuicuum ment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens i ware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and every iv: i . u.,nii knt a. Priuntrv Store. Persons wishing to buy cheap ana goou uouuj, euuuiu forget that they are determined not to undersold I by any store in tho country. We invito one and all to come and examine our stock for themsulves, as we charge nothig tor so doing. JACKSON PATCHIN. Bumsidc. November 1,-185 t.-tf. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERS!!!! I The partnership heretofore exising between John Patchin A Sons, was this day dissolved by mututil consent, and the books are lett in the hanas of A. A J. Patchin. Those persons knowing them selves indebted to the firm wilt call immediately and settle up, or they will have the pleasure of paying costs JNO. PATCHIN A SONS. Isuruside, Uotober it, iso. -.it.fniiTTiAV tW PinTVFuSTTTP.-. UliUAjt1 VJJi Tho partnership heretofore existing beneen 1 . . . . . , . T r . 1 i u.. . u : rl i . r. llurxthal anu U. 1. iiursinni iiiw, mis uj, by mutual consent, been dissolved The booksare in the hands of t . r. llurxtnai ior coueouon uu settlement. Persons knowing themselves indebt ed to said firm, will please eallandsettle,and those havinig claims will present mem. 6 1 V P ITTTRVTTTAT,. c! E. HURXTHAL. AVoodland, Septtember 1, 1854. TP. NELSON & CO., would respcctiuuy m . fn.n, i.ltwuna nf Murria townshin and ad ioininz country, that they have just arrived with a large assortment oi ury uooua, urutcuco, n..nSt.,ro liwita Htnl Shoos. Hats and Caps, Clocks Looking glasses. Confectionanes, Medicines, Oils, PainU, Tinware, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which they are determined to sell low for casn, country prsuuco, w iumuti. Morris township, rovemoer v. ii. STRAY. Came to the subscriber, living in BloominKton. Clearfield Co., Pa., a stray Hog, in July, 1854. The owner is requested to come tor- I ward, prove property, pay cuarges, ; away, or otherwise, he will be dealt with accord- ' ins to law. M. M. REX. Bloomington, October 2o, lo4. ELECTION. An Election will be held at the House of John Dunlap, at 1 o'clock, p. m., on v,o istii nf November, to elect tnrce Managers, and other ofiiocrsof the Little Clearfield Creek Navigation Company. UT UK it ur n.r AjyjsxMw, October 25. 1854.-3t. VUDITOR'S N OTICE. I he unaersignea,. an Auditor appointed to distribute moneys in the hands of Wm. Powell, Sheriff, arising from the salo of real estate (in tho case of Patton, assignee of Ellis' Administrators) will attend at his office, being the same occupied by John L. Cuttle, Esq., on Monday the 6th of November, at 1 o'olock. P. M, of said day. JAMES 11. LARRIMEll, Auditor. Uctobcr 18, i&o.-. WANTED. EIGHT SCHOOL TEAUlibna. Persons wishing to apply for Schools m ri t.C tli ft townshin of l ike. Clearfield Co.. will please to meet the Board of Directors in Curwensville, at the house ot Isaac Bloom Esq.,on Monday the btn oi iovemoer neii, at 10 o'clock', A. M., at which time the county bu perintendentfiwill be present to examine applicants 1 . . n . 1 1-. K n TT O rii 11 u r V H.T- and give eertincaies, -u i- " j rangements for conducting the Schools. v oroer oi w 7 JOHN NORRIS, Sec. October 18, 1S54 I n m rW W a DMIMSTRA 1 UK'S flunvi. A ESTATE OF HIRAM E. CARLILE, DEC'D -All persons are hereby notified that Letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of Hirain h. Carlile, late of Brady Township, dec d., have been grant ed to the subscriber, in due form of law. AH per- . , t . . j .....;..t.1 tnmnkn immMiate sons indemea, . payment, and those having claims will present them, properly authenticated, fer settlement. JOHN CARLILE, Adnunntrator. October 4. lS54.-6t ' EIDLEMAN A HAYWARD "Wholnsale Gro cers, Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants, No 273, Market Street. Philadelphia. ' . D.BEIDELMAN, A. HAYWARD, June 15, lS54-ly. a TTRVTIOV LUMBERMEN. THE J MAINE COMP. LANDS ARE NOW FOR . - .. -i .r ii. SAUci. The SUDSCrioer oucrs lui mi luuvn iiiij Tracts of Land, situated on, and near the Clearfield Creek, in Clearheia county, io wiij a vrac j i.T Mnrria-" i-nn tainiiiir 473 acres ttltrrauicu w ... , '3 --- - i and 4S ps. A tract, waranted to Joseph 1: ell and. 1 . ... F 100 ..... 1(1 trajt. n.rrntd containing too ucicc, o. i - to Robert Grey, containing 433 acres, lo-i ps, A .. nnto.i in Jntin TSrinffhurst. containing UOUt. T, IW i n v 1- r- 429 acres. 153 ps. A tract, warranted to "barah Ward," containing 433 acres, 153 ps. A tract, -.4, A a l :aa t-.ftil V ' r (I II LUI II 1 II !c 1t oviva, 153 ps. A tract, warranted to Moor Wharton, con taining 433 acres, 153 ps. A pari oi a iraci, ww- laiucu w vv. .v ? o - t Aa vil known to the lULQoer- men of Clearfield County, to render a description of them necessary it may d smeiy " decidedly the best body of pine lands in Clea- field County. . For terms, ic, apply to tiW SHOEMAKER.. Ebcnsburg, Cambria Co. September 26, 1854. ..mi it. i? lixn FOR SALE The mib- V lA.mxJu. .Ji--i" - ..... 1 1 , I -i i :. mirhnspd a.11 the lands be i ihiiina. situated in Clearfield, Cambria and Centre counties, comprising some ot the best timber lands in those counues, r.ci. :n n. ci,,"t mim-hosors. at reasonable pri- 1V1 itllU . 1, VJ WJ .V I'm. i J - . ces and terms of payment. All other information shaw or David Hough, at Philipsburg.or Josian , c:.i. ru.fil.l nVfl 11 M(l!iIAXACO. September 27, i854.-3t. TT I VV T VSITH A Vf'F !SAVE YOUR LIVES, JLi AND YOUR MONEY, by having your life insured in the isusquenanna mutual insurance Company ot iiarneourg, xra.. CAPITAL S100.000. rniDTrnrn Minrn 23d. 1834. Any person can have their own life insured or i,ot nf a friond frnm one to ninety vears. Per sons of 21 years of age, pay SI -52 per 100, year- ly. At 30 years, ca.ou ior qfiuow,"", "" n u. ...I, rtu Ti..in;mi fnr i;f in nnl i n ftno.Q is S289, at the age of 25 years, premium ditto, on 5100, is Dr. R. V. "Wilson, of Clearfield, Medical Ex aminer. . Ann SnFnrniatinTl tnnT Tl nbt.linea frOU! Dr. A. T. SCHRYVER, Agent. September 6. 1j4. TTnvPl?R MIT.T.S. MORRIS TOWNSHIP, I 1 ri v HiFTV.T.li COUNTY. The subscriber lr no no nnjtqnHv on hand, at hlS mills, lUmnCr OI all description, sorts, and sizes. Plastering lath and the shortest notice. Ihese mills n,n ot nir timp. iliinn" the season. naiDZ navnTfiilinff BimnlT flf Water. All kinds nf nroduce taken in exchance for Ium . . r r 1 her, ana tne casn never ruiusvu. n r i i iiiwei. SgMemiwr M lft.SA -W Kvlcrtown, T. 0. Tt'TVll s;;t- Tnni-hcrs. eomnetent to im nn Fno-iiah education to their pupils. trill find ii situation for four months, by applying IAHV TIin!PflV PrnsiHont. (If D. J. CAIJ1' CART, Sec., of the Jordan instnet cnsnooi ircu- tors. A liberal salary will oe given. T . . v. 1 . . v ,.C li lli . !i r 1 D. J. vAlilVAlvx, cec y. September 20, 1S54. It iTTinv ah noranna nrA hereby cautioned v i A.vninar nnponncmf err in u n v nai juvvahhi. with a two horse wagon and a pair of bob sleds ii,. .in nr i IT itnoz. as the said property bilongs to me and is in his possession as i 1 i iniiv T?T? ITU AL RK. loan onlv. September 20, 1854. TVTEW ARRIVAL. M. A. FRANTv, has just 11 returned from the Ea?t with a large assort ment of Cloths, Cassimers, Neck Ties, i nmmings, i i j r-iti, ;n x-r- irhijih his will sell cheap for cash, at his store, two doors eai?t ot the Journal omce. . . T."ool,;nnaKln tfiilnrincr still flonO to OrUCT, Wlin . j;.n.tii lie invites the public to give him a call and ex- aUllllO AA AO DIW J - 17ALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE V SALE. The subscriber offers for sale on rea sonable and easy terms, his farm in Lawrence township, containing ove hunddcd- acres.&rii allow ance. The buildings are, a good log house, frame barn, and other out-houses. There is, also, on the place a promising young orchard of choice fruit trees, in hue bearing oruer. aiso, a spring of water. About sixty Acres cleared Two miles from Clearfield. Iuauire of F. P. Butler, Clearfield, or the sub scriber on the premises. JOSEPH LANICH- Uctober, isa4.--m. JLJ existing between ii. i- ration ana j.o. cou' . . . t. ii i r i' in ... n-.. K ; j 1 1 1 t. hv mutual consent Cf 3, TT HO 111IO H'iJ 11"--' , J said Showers having disposed oi ins mtcrcM iu x. . 1 1 11 1 1 TTl IV A. Hippie. ji.ii. rnnw.i, , . J. LHU if Curwcnsvillc, Sept. 1st, 1854. The business will hereafter be conducted by Tatton & Hippie, who will pay all debts contract A Vi tVs a f rrn r firm This arrangement will re- nnir no new settlement. The firm will continue on with the old books. 1 1. D- rATT0 ; , E. A. 1111'ri.b, September 1st, 1354.-3t. CERTAIN CURE FOR AGUE. FAIR TO ALL! no cure no pay. This preparation has . ntKi;v.oi roniitntion. and is onereu witn con fidence as a cure for fever and ague, or intermittent fever. It may be taKen Dy tne moi "im perfect safety, being a pure vegetable syrup. t p ii ... 1 ; -,-i ii i -ii..ri j without curing. At lilheu auuuiuiu iw Unl-L i' a second bottle will be supplied free of charge, or ., i .J A:. , v.titi.'ii. 91.4 lit nut t It li ma money reiuriieu. jn.r i,-rf..... ' .T H PALETHORP. Jr.. 91 I UAL " I C ' No. 89 North Second Street, Philadelphia. October 11, 1sj4. WAR IN AMERICA not against foreign nations, but against high prices and impo sition. R. R. WELCH, has just returned from the city with a splendid new stock of Gbld and Silver w-..t... anil huntincr-rsuied. fold chains. keys, seals, and a variety of other articles usually kept by Jewelers. ... ilia Qon.rtmfnt has been selected with great care a or.il nriil h eheofnllv submitted to the inspection of all who may give him a call. r frtnt 1 IH.11 Terms uash. HEMPHILL'S HOTEL. The Eubscnoer wouia inform his friends and the public generally, thnt ho, still remains at the old stand, where he is . i . ,i . ...j. iriiiiniT tn "entertain stran- . ..i trnvniinn " His bar stocked with the K,jl3 Ii im .iv. , . , best liquors, ana nis taoio "rr i.v . u 1 -In. ..r tVirt tit a rlrPt WIH1 U1C 1UAIU1T.O Thankful for past favors, he solicit a further share of panne patrona nEMpmLL. Clearfield, June 15, 1354-ly. TIEST ARRIVAL. FALL AND AVINTER H .ns at TUB CHEAP CASH STORE just received, a large and splendid assortment of ucods of almost every description, suitable for the season, and selling on ai very low prices. .i .i . r.ri avsn nprann wish in i? to buv eoods at the very lovyest prices, are respectfully invited to Vail auu - - - . Produce of all kinds received in exchange for ii ...i n.nmina inr inKiDKCitca. ia ' WM. i. lliWiJN. Uiearneiu, oepi. -i, m it TftW All tuinuim oanfinnml Tint hi m 11.1 X 1U-1 1- i .v. n w t"...-" J buy, trade for or meddle in any way with a XOKQ Oi VfJkCU, uun i.iivi uDoaT.f7c.v v. TT : . V. it it n ttt a ia mind n tt il nnlv 1 nn Tl P ll t H<l lil 1 a lUW nt. iuv . u mill"- ut v.m.j . Bries, and are at my disposal at any time from .v:5j.- a l'tl, !-, t R T1AVIS. L111S UaiG. AUKUSV XI LU. . . --- Furguson township, Oct. 11, 1854. -iTva rnpu a- rv TC l3 Marlcpl Pt.. Fhila- l"del,hia, Dealers in Linens, White Goods, Ho- aiery. French, fcngliBtt ana uerman cniw Yr, , r T:-.-. PLi.rio a f.Innft 15 04 IV.. TO SHOEMAKERS. A fine lot of Spanish Kips Men'and Women's Morocco pink trimmings, TSAAC M. ASIITOA. nat fctorc. .o. in f.v.. f iMiiifirlfilnliia. Hats. Cans. Furs, i dtcfof every variety, and the best quality always i on hand. i"""" " rOUNCi AMERICAN'S Wk7 I A useful, and attractive series of Books for young reople ; embracing events conn?cte.,r,7l the A Urj jJfjTn Unguished men, written . T;7k si an entertaining and instructive ' lustrations of Important events, and "V- illuminated title pages. Containing . the life or DANIEL WEBSTER, the Great Amcncau T.9n -ritli mimprmis BneC(tOtC8 lliusif character, and the following illustrations : . lonng Daniel in me aw wm. Webster fishing at Frysbnrg. ' Webster declining the Clerkship Webster expounding the ConstitotUn. The liunxcr urn ceiforuoi Webster at Fancuil Hall. Marshficld the residence of Webster. Webster on his farm. . Th life of Henrv Clay, the Mill Boy of tho Slashes nine illustrations. . The life of Benjamin i-ranaun, nine iiiusvrar . tions. . . . The life of General AVashington, nine iu.- tions. The life of Marion, nine illustrations. The life of Lafayette, nine illustrations. TU lifA f AVm.'Penn. nine illustrations. The life of General Taylor, nine illustrations. The life of Andrew Jackson, nine lllartration?.- The life of apoleon uonaparte, nine uiur tUThe Bell of Independence ; or Philadelphia in 1776. nine illustrations. ' . The Yankee Tea party and other stone of the Revolution, nine illustrations. ..,,.. Containing in all over one hundred illustra tions. - . . v:i. moral tone, and can safely be placed iu the hands . .-n-Ano aniw. of young people ; tney conmm dotes illustrative of the early history of our coun try, and are well adapted for family er school li braries. ,:.t. m Price per set handsomely bound m ciotii, gu backs and neatly put up in boxes, 66,76. Price per volume, neauy douiiu, vium s" Colporteurs, Agents or School Libraries will be supplied at a liberal discount. . Copies will be sent by mail, postage free, upon the receipt of the price of the set, or any volume.- An- 93 25 South 6th St.. Philadelphia. MOUNT VERNON IIOUSK. No. a xsortn Second St., Philadelphia. The undersigned havinc leased the above well known House, wnicn has been RENOVATisn a.nd Re-modtlf.d throtsh- oct. have just opened it for the reception oi visitors- The furniture is an new, anu u vim veil known establishment in Chesnut Street, and is of the latest and most fashionable stylo, ... The location for Merchants and others coming to the city is convenient, being in the contre f business. Their friends in Clearfield are rcspecuuiiy soli cited to give them a call. D. bla5ihttt Aug. 30, 1S54. Proprietors. RE MOVAL . MILLlKliY i.MjiiWfn MENT! Jase Miller, respectfully informs her Friends, and the l'ublic in general, inai uo has removed from her old stand, having located herself, at No. 6 South Sixth Street, upper ttde, - V Ml I 1 . nil WW AO Philadelphia, where sue wm ne . " to supply her customers aim of Millinery, 4c. Ac. and hopes by strict inten tion to business, to mcrii a continuance of a liber al share of custom, iter menus ana uii'u'; invited to call, before PS17 AtespecUuliy, o.t li. All orders puuciuanj Ang. M, lso.ii. TYRONE CITY nOTEL.. & IR VIN, would respectfully inform the public that they have very greatly improvea tneir aiuC) T i IT 1 . 1 l-n.-nll inrp Till h 1 1T and are now ame to auoru iuo n.vi.iS , the most comfortable aocommodations. Their bar is furnished with the very best liquors, anu iuu luxuries of the Philadelphia market are to ix found on their table. They respecttuiiy myuo their numerous friends in Ulearheid to gie iucm a call. AuguBw TVTEW BOOT AND SHOE siunL.-iae 11 subscriber would respectfully inform the pub- r- v. v.. koo ;ct nni i.pil fin entire new stock of w-. --v w-m fT1 11C uiai i j "I 'm - boots and shoes, in Graham s Hew, ene door east of the Journal Office, Clearfield, Pa. Every variety of Ladies and Gentlemen s gaiters, laced boots, pumps, congress boots, childrens shoes 4c &e , cheap for cash. He hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage. Hoots and shoes made to order. C- b- "LACK. Aug. !?, 1S54. - - CJETTLE Ur ! All persons Knowing mcm ..i . toil tnthe snbscriber. hr bond. note. r- m i i-i ju'ii.1. " - book account, or in any other manner whatever. are hereby notifio'i w come iurarn ui kw before the Septcmbt r Court, as he is determined to have his business entjrelr settled up by that time. Those unable to ps.y, a.- requested to settle and: time and opportunity Grahamton, Aug. 23d, lS5i - DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between . il-Ti.i.r a 1 H-mUPLTV J D W. liTLIiIliN&, 1UIW1AO .ucvni.v-i.i, anu. ELI MENDENHALL, under the firm of D. W. TriTTV.- Jr. C.n . At Lumber citv. Clearfield CO.. Pa., has been dissolved by mutual consent. The- - books and accounts oi tne nrm are ieii, m ujo hands of D. W. Robbins for settlement, where- those indebted will please call immediately, J 1. . 1VDD1i.t,(,, THOS. McCRACKEN, -ELI MENDENHALL. Lumber City, 15, 1854. 3t. lirAXTED 131 JI EDI AXEL. six jour- nnvman Shoemakers. Constant employment nnd liberal wages will be given, Apply next doer to the Journal otnee, at tne 5noc e; V. 1 - JDUAivOX. September 6, 1854. - PURVIANCE'S DAGCERKEOTl bAL LERY, Seccxd St.. 2 doors north of Powell -& Co's Store, Clearfield, Pa August 23, 1N4 BEREGE DELAINES. A superior article o Berego Delaines in dress patterns, at 25 cents ner yard, never sold in this county oeiore ior less f. -i. ' t . MficriP t PflTTAR.FR'S- tnan ov cents, ai mvuuvi - June 13, 'at W A. WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT liw, . ofiice nearly opposite the Court House, Clearfield Pa., will attend faithfully to all businesa -entrusted to bis care. Jnnel7,lS54. ly. JH. LARIMER Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Ofiice with John L. Cuttle, Esq., next - door to Dr. U. Lorrein g Drug More, uiearaeia, ; Pa. May 26, '54-1 y CONRAD A WALTON. Hardware fctore, jno. -255 Market Street, Philadelphia. Hardware, Iron, Nails, Ac., of every description. June la, l34-iy. ' 1 EORGE J. WEAVER & CO., No. 13 Norm w a- ; I -m - a. .?..... Tv.;io.llnhi.-. Doalers in Camct i ivr cucci, uiiivir..j - chain. Yarn. Manilla and Hemp Ropes, Bed-cords, - Clothes-lines, o., o. I'""' '. Z ? TAR. The undersigned has just received ana will keep for sale, at his shop on third street, , a superior article of tar. utui.ui. vn. Clearheid, Jniy o. iw. . ' . . . . -r HBUCHER SWOOPE Attorney at WW. r or merly of the firm of Scott A Swoope, Hun- tintrdon, Pa. Ofiice next door to, and over Esqmre Wrigley'e, Clearfield, Pa. May 26, '54-ly. : 20 Barrels New Orleans Sugar, at Sixpence per pound, for sale at the Cheap Store of A. M. HILLo. WE ALL TAKE HOBEMsACK. Hobensac- a i Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, for sale by June 13, '54. iuusr & roua-ir- 1 ff Sacks Salt, just received at t!e theap lUU Store of MOSSOP A POTTABFF- June UU. . BROOK. TYSON A REHN Wholesale vry Good i Store, So.. 146, Market Scroet, Philailel phio. . lJuae u, iaa-y- .