Ml THE JOURIAL; - s BUSINESS ITEMS. rIT7"X-ot It'ba publisheJ.ln Clearfield, I -t . It le known in Curwensville, let it lw proel limetl throughout the county, let it be wafted by the gentle beze along; the TTcst 'Branch of the Susquehanna, that Pattox & -Hiri'iK,-- liave just received the largest and best selected stock of goods ever brought to Curwensville. See advertisement in another column. , " E7"By reference to our advertising columns it will be sen that James 'A'lexaxdue, of Ty rone City, is prepaired to supply persons wish ing Oysters by the Can, at the most reasonable rates. 7A. & J. Patchin. have taken the store1 formerly owned hy John -Patch in & sons. They have just received a large stock of new Kds.' Sec advertisement in another column. ZPJ. P. Nelson & Co. take pleasure in in forming their old customers that they have just received a large stock; of Dry Goods Gro ceries &C..&C. , '' : 's COur merchants and others visiting the city will do well to call at Bayly a Brother's, -32 chesnut St. and examine their ' splendid assortment of carpeting, floor oil cloths, mat tings &c &c. r- "Although a good "deal of business was done during Court week, the new, splendid and cheap assortment of goods just received by Wm. F. Irwix, was by no means exhausted. lie offers far saleemphatically, the best and cheapest goods in the county. Call aud see. CAu extensive purchase was lately effec ted by Geo. D. Morgan & co, of all the lands in Centre and Clearfield counties belonging to IIardmax PuiLirs. They arc now ofi'ered for sale on easy terms, in lots, or otherwise to suit purchasers. See advertisement CSIt will be seen that our young frk-ii-.l Jos. .Showkks has disposed of his interest in the firm of Pattox fc Showers, to E. A. llrr iLE. The business will be hereafter conducted under the. st vie and firm of Pattox & IIipple. C?"A large assortment of all kinds of lum ber, plastering lath, &c may always le found at the "Pioneer Mills,", of Capt. llenry Groe, on the Moshaunon. Those who desire bills sawed, will find. the Capt. a prompt business man, and true to his promises. It is said' that money is exceedingly tight, but nevertheless M. A. Fp.axk, has just purchased a large, new, and splendid assort ment of Gentlemen's dress goods and ready made clothing. As Frank is a pretty clever fellow, lie deserves to be patronized. Store two doors Hast of Journal ofiice. dA" The shoemaking business is prospering, s'.vl C. S. Black advertises for six journey men. Who wants a good berth ? Z17"Gvt your life insured, and thus hi-nre tu youi family a sufficient competence in the event of your death. The Susquehanna Com pany at llarrislmrg, oilers every inducement. Dr. II. V. Wiksox of this place is the examin ing physician, and Dr. A. T. Schryvfr, is the agent for Clearfield county. 017 Our lady readers who desire to send to Philadelphia for Millinery, &c. &c, will find !!;: establishment of Jam: Millet, at Xo. S South Sixth St., upper side, where all orders will be punctually, attended to. ZDlt will he seen in another column, that Blahl. & Barrett have opened the MOUNT VLIiXOX for the reception of visiters. We wish them abundant success, and have no doubt our Clearfield friends visiting the City, will rail where they will always meet a warm and welcome reception. "Secure the shadow, 'ere the substauce lies," and call at Pcbviasce's Dagucrrcan Gallery on 2nd sf ., two doors north of Powell & Co'Store. G7" It is always a good plan for men in busi ness to settle up their accounts regularly. James B. Graham, adopting this course, calls Ieremptorily upon those having dealings with him' to come forward and settle up. ZCT'Those ,f tur farmers who have orchards, should procure one of Ilickok's portable cider mil's, which arc represented as one of the very Iks! articles f the kind ever invented. L. R. Caster, is tho agent in this place. ZZF" The 'Corporal' in his perigrinatiusa few lys since, while searching for the 'Know Noth ing,' observed a crowd pouring into the room next door to the Journal office. Of course he fallowed, but discovered the cause of attrac tion to be a splendid and cheap assortment of toots and shoes, recently opened there by C. S. Black. From the excellent quality of his work, the 'Corporal' come to the conclusion lhat Cuakley did'nt belong to the Order.. ." It will be seen that P. W. Rodbixs & Co., at Lumber city, have dissolved partner ship. The Books and accounts are in the hands of D. W. ltonmxs for 'settlement; ' CM. A. Fask Esq, informs his friends and the public, that he has removed hi busi ness stand two doors cast of the Journal office, in Graham's Bow, where he will be happy to attend to those who may give him a call. We call the attention of painter';, and others to the fact, that a Targe and excellent supply of White Lead and Linseed Oil, has j'l-'t been received at Mrfssop & Potta tiff's. Gr" We request the attention of our readers ' the card of IlrciiEs & Irvix in another tohnnn, the proprietors of the Tyrone City Hotel. Give them .a call, when you visit Ty r":ie, if you wish to be well treated, and get ;1'-'juiiited with a couple of clever fellows. ;., "'. IB ..?. Lettet'lii Zy.:. ' -. .From, tlic Montreal Jltrald. Wf.:2Ist.j Y'e are indebted to Sir Geoif-e Simpson, Govenor of the 1 ludspn's R.iy Territory. for the privilege of first -publishing to the civilized world the at length 'ifscer't a !ned fate of- the' no ble but ill-starred Sir John Fra:ik!irt i''A his gallant company. Alas! that tlie fate should have been -so sail, and that the probh-ni, which has so long occupied the thoughts and engaged the energies of the great navigator's countless friends aiid admirers in Europe and America, should be solved by so painful, so distressing a narrative as is contained iu the following letter which only reached Sir George Simpson yes terday afternoon,: it liaving bee'u forwarded from York Factory via lied livvr. Our -own hopes of Sir John Franklin's restoration to the world, had, "we confess, long ceased: but who could have been prepared for the fearful reali ty?, a miserable and fearful death- from literal starvation possibly, as Dr. IJae conjectues, worse than starvation on the frozen and des olate shores of the Arctic Ocean. - ;But, we sliall not detain the reader by any reflection of. ours from the perusal of Lr i .ae s intensely interesting narrative we- shall merely. men tion that Vork Factory, is situate at the mouth of Hayes River, in Hudson's Bay, in about 50 degrees X. L., and 93 degrees W. L." FonV Factory, August 4,1854 My Dear-Sir George -Your several letters, public and pri vate, of dates loth June and 1st December 18 ), aud ...1 3th and loth of June, 1854, were handed me on the 28th ultimo, on my reach ing Churchill, and. I rejoiced to.. learn' that your health had been .benefitted' so much, by your visit to the north. - ; ; . --- Let me now allude to the expedition affairs. I arrived here on the olst-ult.,r with my -small parly in exellent health, but I am sorry to sny, without having '."effected, our object. . At.tho same time information has been obtained, and articles purchased from the natives which pla ces the fate of a portion, if not all, of the then survivors of Sir John Franklin's miserablepar fy beyond a doubt a fnte most deplorable dbath from starvation, offer having had recourse to car.ibnlism as a means of prolonging life. I reached my old quarters at Bepulse Bay, on the loth of August, and preparations were immediately commenced for the winter. Oil the 1st September I explained to the men our position, the stock of provisions we. had on hand, (not more than three months' rations,") and the prospects we had of getting more,&c, &c, pointing out all the danger and difficulty of onr position. All readily volunteered to remain, and our exertions, to collect food and fuel went o:i with unabated energy. By the end of September, Hi'.) deer, 1 musk ox. 01 braco of Prarmignn, and 1 seal had been shot, and tho nets produced 1W salmon. The migra tion of the deer terminated abont themiddleof October, and i-3 more were added to our stock. Oa the 2e'th of October, the snow being suf ficiently hard fo!" building, ivc were happy to exchange our cold tents for the more comfort ably shelter of the snowhouse. The winter was very severe, but the temperature in our snow huts was never so low as in my winter quarters of 1840-7. I 'p to the ' 12th January, we had nets set under the ice in the lakes, tlic nets were taken up ou that date as they pro duced nothing. On the SI st of March, . my spring jonrney commenced, but in consequnce of gales of wind, deep, soft snow and foggy weather, we made very little progress. We did not enter PcIIy Bay until the 17th... At this place we met with Esquimaux, one-of .Whom, ou being asked if he ever saw white people, replied in the negative, but said that r large party, (at least 4) persons,) had perished from want of food some 10 or 12 days' journey to the west ward. The substance of the information ob tained at variotis times and from various sr.v.r ces, was as follows: In the spring four winters past, (spring, l-0,) a party of white ' men, amounting to about forty, were seen tra elling southward by some Esquimaux, who were kill ing seals on the north shore of King William's Land, which is a large island named ive:-ik-tak by the Esquimaux. Xhic of the party could speak the native language intelligibly," but by signs the natives were made to undei stand that their ships or ship had been crushed by ice, and that the 'whites' were going to where th y expected to find deer to shoot. From the appearance of the men, ail of whom,exceptone oliicvr, (chief) looked thia, they were then sup posed to 1h; getting short of provisions and they purchased a small seal from the natives. At a later date the same season, but previous to the disruption of the iee,the bodies of about 30 white persons were discovered ou the con tinent, and -j on an island near it, about a long day's journey, (say Z't or 40 miles,) to the northwest ol p. large streem, which can be. no other than Beck's Great Fish liiver, named by the Esquimaux Out koo-hica-lik, and its de scription, and that of the low shore in the neighborhood of Point Ogle and Montreal Isl and agree exactly with that of Sir George Back. Some of the bodies had been buried ; probably those of the first victims of famine; some were in a tent or tents, others under a boat that h id lecn turned over to form a shelter ; and sever al Jay scattered about in different directions. Of those found on the island, one was suppos ed to have been an officer, as he had a tele scope strapped over his shoulder, and his double barrelled gun lay underneath him. From the mutilated state of many of the corpses, and the contents of the kettles, it is evident that our miserable countrymen had been driven to the last resource cannibalism as a means of prolonging life. There appears to have been an abundant stock of ammunition, as the powder was emp tied in a heap upon the ground by the natives, out of the kegs or cases containing it, and a quantity of ball and shot was found below high water mark, having been left on the ice close to the beach. There must have been auumber of watches, telescopes, compasses, guns, &c., all of which appear to have been broken up, as 1 saw pieces of the diifeient articles with the Esquimaux, and together with silver spoons and forks, purchased as man3" as I could ob tain. A list of thu most important of these I enclose, with a rough pen-and-ink-sketch of the crests and initials on the forks and spoons. The articles themselves shall b handed over to .the Secretary of the Hon. IT. B. Co., on my arrival in London. . : Xone of the Esquimaux with whom I con versed had seen the 'whites,' nor had they ev er 'been r.t the place where the dead were found, but had their information from those who had been there, and those who had 6Crt the party when alive. From the head of Polly Bay which isabay, spite of Sir II. Beaufort's opinion to the con trary I crossed CO miles of land in a westerly direction, traced the west shore from Castor and Pullux river to Cape Porter of Sir. James Ross, 'and I could have got with CO or 40 miles ofBeloitStraitjbutl tho't it useless proceeding further, as I could not complete the whole. Xever in my former Arctic journeys had I met with such an accumulation of obstacles. Fogs, storms, rough ice and deep snow we had to light against. On one occasion wo were four and a half days unable to get a glimpse of the sun, or even to make, out his position in the heavens. This, on a level coast, where the compass was of little or no use, waS 2cr plexing in the extreme. - ' ' The weather was much finer on our return journey than when outward bound, and our loads being lighter,our days' marches were nearly double the distance, and wc arriYvd, at -i.epmse Jay on tne Loth .Slav, without acti ueiit, except in 'one instances, in which one of the party .lost a toe fr.yni a Irost b;te. The commencement of spring was very iic but June and J uly were colder. Wc were unable to get out of the bay until the 6th of August; " Our progress along the coast, as far as Cape 1 uhorton, was much impeded bv ice ; but on getting to' the Southward of the- cape we had' clear weather, and saw .no ice afterwards',' The .conduct, of the men, was, generally speaking, good ; and we had net a single case ot sickness miring-tiie time ot our absence. Being anxious to send this to Bed River bv the first boat, I write in haste and hi shall have the pleasure of sending a more' de tailed ace-ount by some future opportnnitv ith the utmost res-poet, I have the honor to be, your very ouedicnt servant, John Rea. . Xist Enclosed ia Er. Eea's Letter. Crest Xo. 1 Head of apparently a walrus or sea-Horse, with dragon s wings Xo. Xo. Xo. 2 A griffin, with wings and forked . tongue, and a tail. . . ' : ' 3 A griffin's head, with wings. 4 A uqyo with an olive branch .in its bill, surroilnded by a scroll, ; . . with the motto Snero mcliora " Xo. 5 A fiish's head with apparently . coral branches on eitnor snle List of articles purchased fioin the Esquimaux, said to have been found fo tne 11 . or rather i. IF. of Buck's Riccr, iU the place where tlic var- I'll of men starved to death in Spring, 18-30 : $ i d silver table fork, - - - Crest iNo do do do - - - . . do do spoon . - - (c . -do 'do do ' luolto'Spero meliora, do " do fork,'' " ' do' do dessert, do -' '"" " ' -' do do' spoon " (C do.- tea do-.;,. - j ,j do table fork, with initials JI. D. S-. G.' do .do do do "A. M. J." do tlo ; do do - 'G. A. M." ' do do ' d. do "J. F." do dessert spoon do "J.F. orS.B." small silver plate, rengraved.T "Sir John Franklin, K. C 1! A star with, ii2cc.lfpcra Tcr'feul," ou one side, - ii and on the reverse, CG. R., MBCCCAV Also a number ol oilier tilings ol minor im portance, as they have no particular marks by which ; they could be recognized, but which, along with the above named, shall be handed over to tne secretary oi tne Jion. Hudson's Bay Company. Johx Rae, C. I Repulse Bay, July, lSol. A Jist Vkjimct. The Poughkeepsid Her ald says, that in the September Circuit Court of that district, a teacher was arrested on'a charge of cruelty, to a pupil. It was shown that for some net of disobedience he had flog ged a girl by the name of Frances Gershom, seventeen years of,' with a whip,'s sever ly, that black and bine marks Were left upon her person for weeks afterwards. The Judge charged the Jury that the teacher stood in tha, place-.of a parent, and had a right to correct a pupil, but in so doing, must exhibit a parent's feeling; and, if he exceeded -what was neces sary to preserve ordor he was liable for assault and battery. He further charged that the means used to preserve order should be adapt ed to the sex, age and habits of the pupil, "and left it to the Jury to say whether any passible circumstances would v.'awraut. a man, whether a teacher or not, in laying his iiands in violence or auger on a grown up girl.'? The Jury found a verdict against the teacher for the sum of three hundred and sixty-live dol lars. " The Less cf Ocean Steamers. The Boston Journal, in referring to the loss of the steamer Arctic, enumerates six ocRan steamers, running from the United States, that have been lost the present year. They nre the Sin Francisco, from Xew York for California; City of Glasgow, from Liverpool to Xew York ; City of Philadelphia, from Liv erpool to Philadelphia ; and the Arctic, from Liverpool for Xew York.. The present year has wiinessed more appalling calamities upon the Atlantic than Was ever before known in the same space of time since steam was ap plied to ocean navigation. It is sad to think of the frightful loss of life and the destruc tion of property as have resulted from marif time disastcis within so short a period. Official Directory of Clearfield County. PRESIDENT JUDGE: Ib.. James BenxsirtK. - - Belief onto. ASSOCIATE JUDGES: TIox. Kicu vi'.D Sii.uv. - - - Clearfield. Jb.N. Joux 1. Hoyt. - - - Lumber City. ritOTIIOXATORY: &c. Wiu.t.w PoirrEr.. - - - - Clearfield. .SHERIFF: Wif.i.i.VM rowF.r.i.. .... Clearfield. DEPUTY SHERIFF: R. F. Waud. Clearfield. JAILOR: Hesuv Stone. Clearfield. COMMISSIONERS: Kor.KRT MEn.vrKKV. - - - - Bower. Srr.t SrnoFF. - --- Glen Hope Piuiac Hkvinkk. .... Pennficld. COMMISSIONER S CLERK: GEur.cs B. (iiWPi.ATDKii. - - Luthersbur ' TREASURER: Joux M.TuEnsoN. Clearfield. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY: L. Jacksox Cran. Esi. - - Clearfield COUNTY SURVEYOR: Tnos. Ross. E?o. - - - - Curwcnsville. COUNTY AUDITORS: G fo. V.r. SrnoFF. - - - - - Jeffries. O.Kkatzkr. - - - - Clearfield. J. 11. Sevleij. - Luthcrsburff. Arrival and Departure of the Mails at the ,';:' ; Clearfield Post-OfSce. , ' TvnoxB Mail: Leaves every day, Sunday ex cepted., at 7 o'clock. A: M- Arrivcs at 5 P. M, ?;'....... y Karthai s: Leaves CIcaSrcld. Friday at S A. M. Arrives. Saturday at 0 P. M. ' Smith s Mills. Leaves Clearfield. Friday at 6 A. M. . . . .,.,.-'.' GnAn.iMTO: Leave? Satnrdny at 9 A. M. l'- ' Arrives samo day at 4 P. M. " ' ' PIIILADliLPIIIA.; " ' - -. - ' . Monday Oct 30. flour. .: per bbb- .. u..0l' to. SO. 23 Rye Hour.. f,.oo k. -7.00 Corn Menl. . . 4.00 " 412 Wheat, per bush. .- " ' ' T.7S l.g live, scarce at - . : . 3.00 - Corn. i- . p- ; . -. Oat", scarce .4:3 .... CLEAR FI K LD. -- YVedxesp Y Flour, per bbl. ?12.00 Wheat, per Lush. : ' 2.23 Rye, ; "' '' 1.50 - Corn. " " 1.12$ Oats:., - ; T-r, . . . .62 Ncr 1. . LUMBER TRADE. ' r Portsmouth Oct. 30. 1S54. Select Com. and Pannel inch, - - P25.00 lo- half inch, S-WO Cullings, ; SICal" Samples. SI0.0O hinglcs, SI5al7 Hemlock Boards. . . SI 1.00 Jlnilocls -Joist and Seaatling. 511,t0 3tinrnmir5. ' In this place, on Tuesday, the 23th ult.,' by the Rev. S. -M. Cooper, Mr. AYir.Lt.AMM. Shaw ana juss Martha Iitvix, all of Lawrence town ship. ...... - : t- -' i . . . ... L ' u" the above notice, wc received a fine large and delicious 5jke, for Which the happy young couplc-. have - out best wishes. " Mav their lives be spcj;t i.n happiness and prospcri- ij , una may tneir iiopcs be brightened with the cheering prospects of a little cherub at the end of every nine months. . On the same day-,' by thv'pnme, Mr. A. If ";VV' ot ',lls borough, to Miss MaU'v Iavix oi ivurwensviue..-. . . : LOST A box of :Goods between Tyrone nccl Clearfield, w'cighir jibotit -ol)Ibfi marked J. 1 . aelson &, Co.. l'aleFi'.ne.- Any 'person 'finding or Riving niformr.tion of sai l box. will be rewarded lor nis trcuMc- ' .--J." I NELSON & CO. Morris twp., Nov. 1. I35L ; ;r - rjlIIG I'MON KAFli !- X-,FuR AMKRIOA! Thk -THRER CIlKliR I'lIKAP CliiiVFtt Tim. 1- jini.ANT . i e take tujf inethod-of iuforwing the public in Knerul, and the citizens of 'i.ruiiivill,. and vicinity in Darlicnl ar. flint-. v rAi-oivn.l our ii?iial larze and Varied spiff linn .r! ,r,r u i.ii,-r (oo.?s, suited to the wants of every, man ' i-iiuci 111 ino community, nct. wc hnve no hesitation iii Siivihrr". thht purchasers will c. ,T i. . 1 . . , - . V - . . A hum ir -'ruiiiiT'io uieiraav(iiu''c to can ana exam ine rtur stoek hefre purchasing elsewhere. yiwf nock co!WM."-in l.nrt.of L;idifs' -Trwi '"W 'n reat Vftrrety : smch ns plain black, fancy biiRs. HM-K .iiiih, oerejce aelain.s, black and Fancy Alpaca: -plmrt -and plaid Giije-hsnis, Manchester una I'onu-.-tia 'iinhams. Calicoes of everv stvlp urn jh a-.rcy. nt jTn es raiigma; trom a up to l.jc-ts iiuck. tti'c. and brown 1 rench and KinrliA cloths, plain black doeskin and fa'ney casimeres, iiacK, oitic. orown ami green eattineti.- - - hecks, tiekiiv's. flannels.'inusliiiji. towclihT. ho- mpry. giovet--. .shirts, readv-made ck.thin. An.: &o. Cajpetinsj and flour oil cloth, window nid wall jip.per and lxndi'Ting. and oiled w indow shade.. - hoed of all de.-icrii.tu.ns for ladies, misses and children. ! toef her with a Inrsre (irtment of .dfns and boys hats. caps, boots and shoe.' Hardware, liianes, Ac., Glassware, yuconsware. Cedar and Willow wnrc, corn brooms. Ac.. &c. Also, a Iir.e assortment of Fresh (Sroceries. vi-: Rio Coffee. lnl!eral. Y. ll.-and Rlaek teas X. G iiar, crushed ami loaf sugar. New Orleans and yrnp hilae.."cIfci-iiod and ci Icr ATlncp;ar, &o. Rosin and I-'ancv soan.s : fiifrni. siar and mould candles. All of whkdi will be sold in ouantitics to suit iinrcliaser.-, at the cheap Cirncr Store of r.ATroN .c HIl'i'LK. Curwensvillei ;NoTembcr-;l .' 1 bj t. lf( (SPA'S FOR TVROXi: CITY'! SE .llU RASTMI'OLNUT TAKEN! Jamks Ai.ex- VMiP.n, has ii5."-t ortened a Mdcndid snlcon in the assmcnt story of the T vronc City Hoiol. where he js prepnre l f n'.-conimuate persons with Oysters. wholesale and. retail, and ail other articles usually kept in a Confectionary and Grocery terc. J. J.- All orders for Ovters by the Can promptly attended to bv -JAMJ-iK ALEXANDER. . Tvrono Cifv. November 1. Idoi.-'jm. MTl'lir l'l l 1. T 1. 1 : JL i :to themsol ve the otoro formerly owned by J no. Pate bin & Cons, -takt pleasure iu informing thoir friends, anil -Gist public generally. Giat they have just received from the cii.v a splendid assort ment o lry troots, liroceries. Hardware, Queens- ware. JI&m and I. ape. Uoots and &ns. and every- thinir else usually ker.t a Country Store. Persons wishing to buy cheap and good.- Goods, should not forget that they are. determined not to undersold by any ftore in the country. . Wc invite one and ill to conic and examine our stock for themselves, as we charge no thig for so do'tn. - . -.'-AARON PATCIIIN. : ' .. ' 'JACKSON PATCIIIN. Rurnside, November 1, lS51.-tf. ' D lSSOLUTIOX OF PAIIT.XKRSHIP ! John Patcbin & Sons.: was- this day dissolved by mutucl consent, end the books arc left in the hands of A. & J. I'atchiu. Those ners'.'ns knowintr them selves indebted to the firnt will call immediately and settle up, or they will have the ideasurc of laying costs J NO. PATCIIIN & SONS. Jlnrnsidc. otobcr 12. 1S5I. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing benccn F. P. llnrxthal and C. R. Ilurxthal has: this day. by nuitiu.l consent, been dissolved The books are in the hands of F. P. Ilurxthal for collection and settlement. Persons knowing themselves indebt ed to said firm, will please cai land settle, and those havinig claims will present them. " . . P. IIFRXTHAL, 0. B. TIURXT1IAL." Woodland, Septtcrabcr 1, 1S04. ' J P. NELSON & CO.,' would respectfully iu- form the citizens of Morris township, and ad joining country, that they have just arrived wiih a large assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware. Queensware, Roots and Shoes, Hats end Caps. Clocks , Looking glasses, Confectionaries, Medicines, Oils, .Faints, Tinware, and aR other articles usually kept iu a country store, which they are determined to sell low for cash, country prsducc, or Lumber. Morris Township, November 1, 1751. STRAY'. Came to the subscriber, living in Dloomington, Clearfield Co., Pa., a stray llog, in July, 186 1. The owner is requested to come for ward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or otherwise, he will bo-dealt with accord ing to law. M. M. REX. lilooniington, October 25, 1S54. 171 LECTION. An Election will be held at the Id House of -John Dunlnp. at 1 o'clock, p. sr., on Wednesday the' 1 5th of November. to elect three Managers-, and other officers of thc'Little Clearfield Creek Navigation Company. ' By OilREU OV THK R0ARt. October SO.'ISM.-St. - - ' - 4 UDITOK'S NOTICE. The undersigned,., an Auditor appointed to distribute moueys in the hands of Wru. Powell. Sheriff, arising from tho sale of real estate (in the case of Patton,. assignee of Ellis" Administrators) will attend nt his office, being the same occupied by .John L. Cuttle, Em., on Monday the 6th of November, at 1 o'clock. P. M, of said day. JAMES 11. LARRIMER, Auditor. October IS, 1S53- it. ; . , r ANTED. EIG IIT SCHOOL TEACHERS. ? T Persons wishing to. apply, .for Schools in tho District .composed of tho township of Pike, Clearfield co.. will please r to . meet the Board of Directors in Cnrwensville, at tho house of Isaac Bloom Esq., on Monday the 0th of November next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at which time the county Su perintendent will be present to examine applicants and give certificates, and make the neeeuiary ar rangements for conducting the Schools. ; By order of the Board. . . JOHN NORRIS, Sec. : October 13, 1854. - . 4 I) 31 1 N I S T R AT O It 'S NO T I CF. IX ESTATE OF 1I1RAM E. CARLILE, DEC'D. A1I persons arc hereby notified thatLctters of Ad mimsiration on the Estate of Hiram E. Carlile,; late of -Brady Township, deo'd., have been grant ed to the subscriber, in due form of law. All per sons indebted, are required to make- immediate payment, -and those 'having claims will present them, properly authenticated, for settlement. . JOHN CARLILE, Administrator, October 4. ISal.-Sf ' ATTENTION REGULARS ! Yon aro order ed to meet for parade on Saturday; October 2tb,- at 1-o'cliK'k, P, M Each -member will pro vide himself with 5 rounds of blank cartridge. Tho Company will appear in winter uniform. There will be a drill on Saturday October 21st, at 5 o'clock, P. M. By order of the Captain, GEO. W, RIIEEMS, Jr., 0. S. Clearfield, Oct. 11, 1S54. EIDLEMAN t HAYWARDWholnsale Gro ccrs. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants. No. 273. Market Street. Philadelphia. ' -:..- D. BL1D ELM J T . ". A. ir"" : 1 June 15, lS5i-Iy .4vARI- BAILY' & BROTHER, No. 252 Chestnut Street. rniLADEiriiiA, llave now open a large assortment of tho Newest :--': . . , Styles and colors of ... ... Rich English Velvet, " '"' Tapestry, " : " Irtrain, ' New tyl . " - Ingrain - - c a r p e t i n ; s. of their or'.v importation, just , isded. .- Also.afiill ftssoriiiienf of Sup-r and 5Icdium quality , AMERICAN CARIVETINGS, Mary cf which being their own manufacture, can be recommended as . . Good Carpel iugs fur aLotr Price. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS i CANTON MATTINGS, of everv width ami quality. BAILY & BROTHER, IMPORTERS . ft : -MANVFACTrSERSi OF , CARPETIXGS No. 252 Cheiaut Street. Philadelphia. Ocj. 4. ISjI. Cm.' ' - ' VALUABLE PARM AT PRIVATE T- SALE. The subscriber offers for sale on rea sonable and easy terms, his farm in Lawrence township, containing one huiul-dc.-t acres, and allow ance. The buildings are, a good log house, frame barn, and other cut-houses.- There is. also, on the plaee a promising young orchard of choice fruit trees, in fine beariu;r order. Also, a never failing spring of water. About sixty Acres cleared Two in iies from Clearfield.- - - - ; - Inquire of P., Clearfield, or the sub scriber on the premises. JOSEPH LANICH October 4, 154.-r.m. AK IN AMERICA not against forci-n V nations, but against high prices and impo ition. It. R. WELCH, has iust returned fr om tbc cay with aijcadid new stock ofGbld and Silver vi awii.-P. open nnu hunting-oased,- gold chains, keys, seals, and a variety of other articles usually kept by Jewelers. His assortment has been selected with great care and caution, and -will be cheefnlly rabmitted to the inspection of itll'who may give- him n:ill. AK.j:a,VAS.) , - - Oct. 4. la j I. C!Jtf-'llI'W"Ar1- o" the 4th inst.r A HfVJ l'pckefc Rook containing one hundred ar.d forty-iiinc 'dollars. forty-si.x dollars in gold, Die paper money was principally alt Illinois. Any person finding said Pocket Rook and return ing the same to this ofiice. will receive the above reward. W. F. HANCOCK. Tr rvriiix l. it m iipi! i- v thv .A.-MAINE COMP. LANDS ARE N- FOR A LE. The s-ul.-scri ber ofieisyr i.-dc the follow ing Tracts of Land, situated on. and nci'.r the Clearfield Creek, in Clearfield county, 'Pa., to wit: A tract. warrr.nUMl to -Luke Morris;" containing 473 acres and -ISps., A tract, waranted to Joseph llelland, containing -IXj acres. 153 ps. A tract, warranted t-v Robert (Irey-. containing 433 acres. ps. A tract. rwaiTMiitod to John iJringhurst. containii;!! 42'J acres.' 153 vs. A tr.'.ct. warrante-l ta "Sarah Ward," containing 433 acres. 153 rs. A tra-rt. warranted to -(ieo.. Eddy." containing 133 acres. 3 53 ps. A tract, warranted to Moor Wharton, con taining; J-53 acres. j. ps. A part of a tract.-warranted to Geo. Ashtnn, contninin-r 210 acres. These I nnds are too well known to tho lumber men of Clearfield County, to. render a description of them necessary it may be 'safely said, that it is decidedly the best body of pine lands ia Oca field County. .- For terms, io.. apply to LOW. SHOEMAKER, i Ebensburg. Cambria Co. September 2!, 1S5 1. - rHMRER LASD FOR SALE The sub- . JL scribers having purchased all the lands be longing to llardmau I'hilips, situated in Clearfield. Cambria and Centre counties, comprising some of the best timber lands in those counties, offer them forsale in lots to suit purchasers, at reasonable pri ces and terms of payment.' All other information respecting them, will bo furnished by Win. Rasr- shaw or David Hough, at Philipsburg.or Josiah W. Mnitli, Clearhclil. UiJ). 1. WiRuAN & CO. - September 27, 1854.-3t. LIFE INSURANCE : SAVE YOUR LIVES, AND YOUR MONEY, by having your life insured in the Susquehanna Mutual Insurance company ot llarristmrg. 1'a. CAPITAL SIOO.lMKl. CllARTKBF.n MAHH-a3dv l31. Any person can have their own life insured ur that of a friend, from one to ninety years. " Per sons of 21 years of age. pay SI -52 per f 100. year ly. At .ill years, iu.oo tor 5U1H0,00. yearly.for life. The whole premium for life in ordinance is S2S0. at the age of 25 years, premium ditto, on d00. is 2.5.S8. ... JJr. It. . V. ilso:,-. of Clearfield, Medical Ex aminer. Any information may be 6btnincd from Dr. A. T. SCIIRYVER, Agent. September 6. 1S54. PIONEER MILLS, MORRIS TOWNSHIP, CLEARFIELD t'Ol'XTY. The subscriber keeps constantly on' handrht his mill.-, lumber of ill description, sorts, and sizes. Plastering lata and bills sawed on the shortest notice. These mills can run at any time during the season, having a nevortaillng supply of w:tter. ' All kinds of produce taicen in exchange for lum ber, and the cnslt. never refused. HENRY GROE, -September 20, lr54.-ly Kylertown, P. 0. Ir.VXTED. Six Teachers, competent to im- - . part an Engln-h education to Gieir pupils, will find a situation for four months, by applying to JOHN THOMPSON, President, or D. J. CATH CART. Sec, of the Jordan District School Direc tors. A liberal salary will be given. Ry order of the Hoard.' 1.. J. CATUCART, Sec y. September 20, 1S54. It 1 tv. r. unmo to tno resilience ol too suo 3 scriber in Lawrence township, nbout the 4th or 5th of August last, two heifers about one year old. The owner is requested to come and prove his pro perty and taKC tnem away, otherwise they will be disposed of as the law directs. JAMES FORREST. September 20, 1854 3t C ACTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing, or in any way meddling with two horso wagon and a pair of. bob sleds now in the possession of P. II. Rooz, as the said property bilongs to mo an J is in his possession as loan only. JUHN UK I RAKER. September 20, 1S34. TVEWARRIVAL. M. A. FRANK, has just X 1 returned from the East with a large assort ment of Cloths. Cassimers, Neck Ties, Trimmings, Ready made Clothing. Ac, which ho will sell cheap for cash, at his store, two doors east of the Journal office. Fashionable tailoring still done to order, with neatness and -dispatch. He invites tne public to give him a call and ex amine his stock, Sept 13,1351. EDICATION. Tho Methodist Episcopal Church at Glen Hope, .will be dedicated to tho worship of God. on the 22o of Oct oeku next. The Rev. J. Poir Vl, and other prominent min isters will be present. . . . . .-: . .: sept-ember 27, 1Hj4. DISSOLUTION. ThA'jr.artncrship heretofore pvislinff liftwpcn II. 1) Patlnn anA A Si Kah.. ers, was this day dissolved, by mutual consent sski r-nowers naving uisposou ot nis interest to 12 A. Hippie. ' . . II-D. PATTON, .. . .... SHOWERS. Curwcnsville, Sept. 1st, ISjI. . " Tho business III hereafter bo conducted bv Patton A Hippie who will nay all debts contract ed by the former firm. This arrangement will re quire no new settlements. The firm will continue on with tho old books. II. D. PATTON, - - - - E. A-r IIIPPLE. September 1st 1854.3t. CERTAIN CURE FOR AGUE. FAIR TO ALL! no curb no pav. Thisprejwiration has a-n established reputation, and is offered with con fidence as a euro for fever a'i aue, or intermittent fever. It Eia j e ta'kon by themost delicate with rer-Cct safety, being a pure vegetable syrup. If taken according to directions without curing, a second bottle will be supplied free of charge, or tho money returned. Joie ge-nt'inf'irithout the 1 II Plt.VTIIIlRP .!. M-R9 Iforlh Se:on(i street, Philadelphia. October 11, l!51 - rOUXO AMERICAN'S LIBRARY. A A useful, and attractive series of Looks for young people ; embracing events connected with tho curly history of tho oountry, and lives of li-. tinguished men, written with much care and in an entertaining and instructive manner, with il lustrations of important events, and beautifully illuminated title pages. - Containing the life of DANIEL WELSTER, the Great American States msn ; with numerous anecdote illustrat'iye of his character, and the following illustrations : Young Dflniel in tho 'aw Mill. Webster fishing at Frysburg. .:- . , ,: ,." ' - Webster declining the Clerkship. Webster expounding the Constitution. ' The Hunker Hi!! celebration. Webster at Faneail Hall. - Marsh field tho residence of, Webster. AVebster on his farm. The life of Henry Clay, the Mill Roy of th Slashes nine illustrations. The life of Denjamin Franklin, nine illustra tions. ' The life of General Washington, nine illustra tions. The life of Marion, nine illustrations. The life of Lnfayctte, nine illustrations'. The life of Wm. Penn, nine illustrations. The life of -General, Taylor, nine i! lustration. The life of Andrew Jackson, nine illustration. The life of Napoleon Bonaparte, nine illustra tions. The Rell of Independence ; or Philadelphia ia 177fi, nine illustrations. The Yankee Tea party and other stories of the Revolution, nine illustrations. Containing in all over one hundred illustra Each volume is well written, possessing a hih moral tone, and can safely be placed in tho hand ? of young people; they contain . numerous anec dotes illustrative of the early history of our coun try, and aro well adapted for family or school li braries, c - Price per set.. handsomely bound in cloth, gilt backs and neatly put up iu boxes. $5. 7(3, Price per .volume, neatly bound, cloth gilt 50 ct. Colporteurs. Agents or School Libraries will bo suppl iccl a liberal discount. -' ; .,- Copies will be sent by mail, postage free, npon the receipt of tho price of thy soL or snv volume. LINDSAY & RLAMI.-T0N. Publishers. Aug. 2i. 25 South 6th st., Philadelphia. OUXT VERNON HOUSE. No. 95 North Second St., Philadelphia. Tho undersigned having leased the above well known House, which has been Ruxovatei-) and Re-koi'I-lkd Tiinorun-ot-T. have just opened it for the reception of visitors. The furniture is all nw. and has been selected -with care from Ilenkles well known establishment in Chesnut Street, and is cf the latest and. most fashionable style. The loL-riion for Merchant? and others coming to the city is convenient, being in the contra of business. Their friends iu Clearfield arc respeetfuJIv soli cited to give theiu a call. D. LLAIR. I. L. BARRETT, Aug. 30. 1351. Proprietor. 15 EMOV A L .MILLINERY ESTARLISH SLs MENU Ja.nb Mii.t.rr. respectfully informs, her Friends, and the Public in general, that idle has remove: from her old stand, having located herself, at Aro. 8 ioictt firtU Street, upper sisfr, Phihulclphia, where she will he happy nt all times, to supply her customers and friends, with nil kinds of Mii.i.iXEnv, Ac. Ac. and hopes by strict asten tion to business, to lucrii a continuance cf a liber al share of custom, lier friends and the public is invited to call, before purchasing-elsewhere. Very Respectfully, : JANE MILLER. N. R. All orders punctually attended to. Aug. 30 IS54.-2t. rpVRONE CITY HOTELHUGHES A X IRVIN, would respectfully inform the public that they have very greatly improved their House, and are now able to afford the travelling public, the most comfortable accommodation. Their bar is furnished with the very best liquors, and the luxuries of the Philadelphia market are to be fouud on their table. They respectfully invito their numerous friends in Clearfield to give them a call. August 0,1854. YVV BOOT AND .SHOE STORE Tho suhcriber would respectfully inform the pub lic, that he has just opened an entire new stock of boots and shoes, in Graham's Row, one door east of the Journal Ofiice, Clearfield, Ta. Every variety of Ladies and Gentlemen's gaiters, laced boots, pumps, congress boots, childrens shoes Ac, Ac, cheap lor cash. He hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage Roots and shoes made to order. C. S. BLACK. Aug. 15, 1854. CtTTbK TTI ! 411 TW.I-SOT1S L-nAn-inrr tliAm. 3s elves iudebted to the subscriber, by boud. note, book account.-or in nnv of Ii nmnrpr trK9..t-n. are hereby notified to come forward and settlo before the Ser.fttTnher Omirt n a h io flAtAn:nA.i . have his business entirely settled up by that time. x noFo Tinaoie 10 pay. are requested to settle and time and opportunity will be extended to them. . Grab am ton. Aug. 23d, 1654. :: ANTED IMMEDIATELY. Six' jour neyman Shoemakers. Constant employment and liberal wages will be given, Apply next door to the Jottmnl ofiice, at tho shoe store of C. S. BLACK. September 6. 1&54. IJURVIANCE'S DAGUERREOTYPE AL LERY, SECcxn St.. 2 d.ors north f Powell A Co s Store, Clearfield, Pa 'August 2.1, 1854 -1 - ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- 'I he partnership heretofore existing between D. W. RORiHNS, TROAIAS McCRACKEN. and ELI MENDEN11ALL, under the firm of I). W. RORBINS, & Co., at Lumber city. Clearfield co.. Pa., has been dissolfed by mutual consent. The books and accounts of the firm are left in th'o hands of D. W. Robbins for settlement, where those indebted will please call immediately, -: D. W. ROBBINS. TilOS. McCRACKEN, ELI MENDENHALL. Lumber City, 15, 1S54. St. HEMPHILL'S HOTEL. The subscriber would inform bis friends and tho tmiI.Hi.. o-.-i.r.rill v that he still remains at the old Kt;in,l rI.c at all times ready and willing to -'entertain Gran gers ana travellers, Jits bar stocked with tho best liquors, and his table will always be supplied with the luxnries of the market. Thankful for nat favors, he solicit ifnril.. share of public patronage. WM. J. HEMPHILL. Clearfield, June 15, lS54-ly. FIRST ARRIVAL. FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AT THE CHEAP- CASH STOKE Just received, a largo and splendid assortment of gcods ot almost every description, suitable for the season, and gelling off at very low prices. . La-lies, Gentleman, and every person wishing to buv e 00.U at tht very lovrxt price; are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. ' ' Produce of all : kinds received iu exchange for gOKls. WM.. P. IRWIN. Clearfield, Sept. 27. 1S54. CAUTION. All persons aro cautioned not to buy, trade for or meddle- in anv wv with a Toko of Oxen, 'now . in the nosssession of John PriSias the same is mine, and only loaned to said iirigs, ana arc at my disposal at any time Trom this date, August 17th, ISM. - T. 11.' DAVIS. Furguson township, Get.. LI, !Sj4. . rlALEB COPE A CO, No. 183. Market St., Phila- l T . Vv 1 . in T.ivr.ris V ; i ' 1 . II. ... ,u km jj ....... , . 2 W Ji UUU JJ U sicrv. French. English and (Jermnn S;ilr Onnj T.u- ces, Gloves. Bolting Cloth?, Ac. June 15, 'W-iy. TO SHOEMAKERS. A fine lot of Spanish Kips Men' and Women's Morocco pink trimmin- and Solo Leather, for salo cheap, by wane ki, 4. ... MVzaur A WTTARFF ISAAC- 31. ASI1TON Hat-Store, No. 172 Market St., Philadelphia.. Rats. Cans. Furs. Acfof every variety, and the best quality always on hand. f June 15. 1854-ly.". "jV"OTICE. All persons are hereby notified that i 1 I will pay no bills contracted by my wifeJMa ria, or my daughter Susan, and that those who may trust them will do so at their own ri.-k. JOHN W. RIDER.. Frcnchville, Aug.. 50, 1S51 ... ' t i' I 4