ciisiiiiiisimi '3 I ,j H US mi Jli Iff ii 1 V II mi ill.. i r J mm i i i -. -THE OTHEir-SIDE JORDOX, T l-tW - -'-2.. a J C. ; , -ii! tJj ---- '-.- -t" i - . -i cvrrlfeY JOttS L. 2XSBX3L , . ," ... Oh, X roekV to da East, nd I look to de T7el, in I seed a might j big chariot a oomin, "' Wid forty gray horses a crack in oa do lead, For to take tts to de oder side ob Jordon. So I pulled off rny coat, and rolled up my -. v. sleeve, . Jordon am a hard road to trabel, So-1 pulled off my coat, and roiled" up lny i :.:.. : sleeve, Dere'a mercy on the other aide of Jordon I " ' believe. Den I lookee to dc Norf, and I lookee to de Scnf, An I spied a purty mighty flower garden. An old Fader Miller a blowin de clarionet, To i&rit-s us to the other side of Jordon. So I pulled. 4o. Joe Smith and Fader Miller dey got into a fight, An dere wa3 no one near for to part 'cut, nose. Fader Miller kicked Smith an he tumbled on hi An be akected to d udder side of Jordon. " So I palled, Ac. David and Goliah dey went out to hunt, David sent Goliah for to fetch 'em, shin, When he up id a bar of soap an hit him on de An he landed on de odder side of Jordon. So I pulled. Ac. One day Dan Tucker went to bake a hoe cake, -An he put "bout forty pounds o' lard on, ' . hands. .But it got so very greasy dat it slipped from his An moseyed on de odder aide ob Jordon. .'. ... So I pulled, Ao. Toor Uncle Torn had a berry hard time, , Tho' he asked Mrs. Beecber's toes pardon, t did, lint she never will diskiver what a wicked thins Till she tries to reach de odder side of Jordon. r So I pulled, Ac. Tncle Sam's Black Slave hab got it mighty hard,' But de White Slave ob England a more hard one," An I radder do believe Uncle Sam comes out de best, An he needn't fear de oder side ob Jordon. So I pulled. Ac. Den hero's to Columbia, de country ob de free, Tho I ax ail de odder nation's pardon. fight. Lot demtake my advice, an for freedom let dem Or dey'll nebber see de odder side ob Jordon. ; ! ; ' ' Sol pulled. Ao. From the Yaniee Privateer. Bunum's Fiht. ' ". :"' BT NED ALBEO. 'They fit and fit, and gouged and bit, And struggled in the mud, - "' T And all the ground for miles around, i .- Was kivered with their biood . And piles of noses, ears, and eyes, In hills and mountains reached the skies.' - Arc that a fact, Billy V It are: and the war I won tho female were this: I for her like Washing did for lib erty, and I dj say naturally bled ! '-' - . Tell ua a!out it,' said Tom Soop. I will,' said Billy; - 'Look out for a screamer,- gentleman,' put in Thc colonel from that necio' timber,' for lat story tellin' Bill BufTuni can beat the world.' Siloncts in xv.z ?3u:t,' yelled Silly, risfn vr yon'I! put nie out.' - Anl then Liking a chew of tobackdr he comrneace!: ' ' , - 0 X"oit see. Sally Birch hankered alter me as tontshln' until aforcijn feller arriv in onr set tlement, t ringed out in 'store closj and fjney flx-nps, and then she commenced to lean! Creation .' ses I to myself, ami felt as though 1 had the bumfujjins and swore! XowT that ".gil were the most b?antiful gizari ticklin, she female that cvtr got outer bed to scratc'i and turn over. She was as graceful as ahollihock her eyes twinkled like 1 initios, and her breath was as sweet as prairie flower. Hueh ! when ever I'd sec her . propel' in a dance it would make me yearn for matrimony hypercuttewam- pussly, and one day ses I, "Bill BnfFum, you -mast . either many that gal rite strate or bestyer biler!' Well: ; ; ..Shortly afterwards this ere foreign feller come to towii to knock my happiness all in , to flinders, and introduce foreign fashions on republican soil. , He was a hairy look in' cir cumstance a barber with whiskers over his lip, who trawled around the country establish ing 'mnstucliers,-' -and peddlin' rose water. It was as I expected. Wash me under a hogs haad of pork if Sally didn't take a notion to the varmint rite ofr, jest ' lecause she allowed he was from the Emporium of Fashion, and eavortedy amongst metropolitan society. (That want the word he used,' I reckon it means the same thing.) Well, gentleman, I tell you I relt quite hostill and warm at Jhisitate of afluirs, and for fear I'd m.-lt and run away into oil, I went 'down to the creek, to 'shed flannel' and cool off". While I laid there, like Mos-s in the Bull rushes, .aiaongst,- weeds snd water-snaix, and yeller flies a buzzin, I happened to hear a nois and looked up. Would yon believe me .t nope J. . ia;iy never taste weddin cake, jf tlierci vant Sally trippin' down the wagin-t rack barelegged, with her stock ins and shoes in one. hand, and a bar of soap in.the other, a pintin rite for the Creek where I was, and for . that same particular purpose, too ! Now,bing mighty modest I turned, my eyes and riz, ami 'flopped behind some hushes, and got my 'duds' on uncommon sudden ! When I - come out ' Rally seed me, and blushed like- a' oiled lobster,. and commenced to scratch the ground with her toze. I swar, "gentlemen, she never look S4 su-enticin' before.- i'iiJ -i" ' i i - j:SI walked opto JieranJ tuck her hand, e and ses I to her ses 1 'Sally,' 'and just theii I happened, to look down towards the enrth, and I hope to be shot if there "want--11 jonjsa lem L fa ow skared I were ! " As I was sayin' ses I to SaHVj sea I Yeu know I dream of you powerful! You have -run Into niy affecshuns jest like . a steamboat -... j , , ... - - . i iui aa.ia-oanK ana can t pe got loose !Kaw, it hnW say Te8. w?JH positivelv I iliW ,i ".'3 j . ... - ' , - I trot OTe? t0 lbe rs Aflit SttT4ay ana mica xo-.rrs sr.-l fx at abcutihe r.trrst palf la-eaiioh. -Sally shet her eyes at thia announcemenJand" gio '3L stgh " aa sweet es a mockin'-bird's whistle, and trembled f I dis kivercd my language were takin'. eflectv so I ccntinned to pile on the Jgony quite eoloran- cboliciam.- - Trfy. angel,' aes I, 'you ara aa.ptirt5 as a robbin.bird, and beautiful as a morning glory, and I feel as if yon was made for me sure 1 But if you elope with that ara limber jinted old hay-hookin' turkey-buzzard what have; been proposin' to you lately, I shall knock hirn down, kill him and then kill myself. Why, Sally, in a week he'll turn you off like a billy-goat would poetry, and most likely you'd fetch up like the last of huckleberry time. : Do you think so ?' said Sally. . ' ; . "i .; i: In course I'do,' ses I. ' Me, too, ses she, for last nlte -the mean thing 'suited me jest as true as I stind here and said, because I was bow-legged,be reck oned I could ride on two hosses eatyi' Gentleman, when I heerd that are, my jack et riz on my back like a tent-cloth, and I jist took oath, an awful oath, I'd ruinate that ber andc hot ! So I kissed Sally twice, and sed ole Reservoir' to her, which means in French, good by,' and lumbered. 'Jest as I wheeled around Sally's daddy's house fominst old Mammy McKee's there wasthedurnel g.inJer-legged scoundrel, put tin' in puite smarte for the village, like a monkey on a race-course 1 Ile'd come up to see Sally, I imagined, but on diskivering me had turned on his heel to luff! . I lgll-ved him up, however,' io the Swamp, where the cane drifted, when I told him to h ilt, for I was de termined he should either fight or iuhI . Ses he Approach me and with that he pulled out a big hosspistol,and allowed he'd blow out my gizzardl "I 'didn't wait to see if he' would or not, but let him have che-tcang ! alongside bf lbs smellin-organs, and then lit on him! Biff! biff! he it to me in the ribs; slam! bang ! I gave it ' to him in the eye and the way his head buzzel and I fljw around were a caution to buffaloes ! 'Now, the barber had on a bobtaildd mon key jacket, which he esteemed amazin,' and said it was fashion's finishin' touch; so we had it I holt of his bob-tail, aud he hold of my hair, tryin' to jerk me out of my trowaers. Then followed a bittin off of smellers, nip pin piAes outer ; one another and lettin' of 'em drap ! Eves, ears, and noses laid around in big heaps, and the universe was kivered with blood ! Fact, true as thunder ! Well, we fit around and about, until I run the varmint's head in the mud, when I obser ved a hole in the seat of his pantaloons, what had wore through. So I jest sot mj 'dental arrangements! work, and took .hold of a good mouthful, when the feller jerked, his head ont f the mudj' hollered, 'Enough,' and said he'd covftsi stealiii' Mammy McKee j spoons ! -' 'Well, I hope I may never be elected to Congress, if this good-for-nothin' cuss hadn-'t ; been over to the old w man's a speakin of her daughter Mary Ann, and stole all her silver spoons and sugar-tongs for I found 'em ,di recklv after hid away iu his boots! So I jest tottt Mr. Barber down to Squire Smith's, and s:rs enoug-i a j recently escaed from prison up terond Bamboi zle Village for cow stealin. . - v. - I 'That's the way I won Silly Birch.. Now 1 who's my friend I wantVehetfrif tobaeker.' L7A newly-niarritrd young lady, -t'ro the City, who, in assuming her new relations, be- came the mistress of a farm, took a walk into the barn one afternoon, just at milking time; and ' after viewing the animals, said to her maid: '4By the way, Betty, which is the cow that gives the buttermilk, and which the skim milk " E7"A nun down east has invented a ina- chine to renovate "old bachelors. Out of a good sized, fat, greasy old bachelor, lie can make iuite a decent young mm ; have enough ! left to make two umall puppie, a pair ol leath er breeches, andamall kettle of soft soup! Surely this is an age of improvement.- ; - Pretty Fall -The New York Aurora says that Mike Wralsh should now change the name of his paper to the "Mike crow scope." Does the Aurora mean to insinuate that Mike's paper has been a Tell-lie-sicpe Mer cury. "- '-- 1 ' j j j, (Jr a Kill-lady-3cope 7 '"t, ' : ' f. - IF'iscene at: Camp Meeting 'Sister, are yon happy ' ' . l'es deacon, I feci" as though I was in Bel iebub's bosom !' ' !.: .,; ;; ; , f., r ' Not Belzelmbs!' ! - ' f -. , Vfil, .some one of the patriarchs, I doht know which. -f - - . : .., .: ''"Devotion. Some sentimental village loaf er thus cJrtili.-s to the. iu tensity of hia devo tion to his true love : sl!i ' ; ' : ; - Ising her praise in poetry,-' ' ii.; , . --' ' For her at morn and eve, I: ;- 5- j I cries whole piius of bitter tears ' , . j' " And tcjies lifm ujf" wit. slirve.'l ...... - GC7"Gok1 reader tlnl you ever drive a pig to pasture and if so, didh t you arwVys "lind It necessary todnve himmanoipositudirection YVvlLjut so it is with a olibtinate wbtuaii. 11 you w ant to have her do a certain thing,t Jli her not to do it, and y'iu 11 be sure to get it done. , .SFTTp maiic moiiov i de'utr aiid "fiekn': Ills been the , study of statesmen lor the List ten centuries ; and yet when a counterfeiter steps in and shows them how it's dotu, he is bun dled on" to a State prison, for a doieb year or mre.; ..What an uiigxJJiu.1 wjrij -j K - tv L. n " j . I "",,'' Stick so Bills.' A waggLsh lioarderat one of our principtnvitls, wherj they are in the habit rof puttiuj every . m.m's bill under the c door weekly, has nailed a tin sign at the foot of Lis door, on the outside, with the noted inncrsption 'Stick -m bills er .' . '.' l '.. " . . , " RAUABl'S MAGAZINE. niW, VOL.- VJdfe. 1864- In aELeur.oicfr hia rcadixcfsU I rooei rooeive orders for the Kew o'lme, the editor doer not know he haa any very brilliant ideaa to' hold out in large capitals to dazzle ptople'a eyea "Uraham" will b pretty xaneh what it bag teer the last ToVame, wiin; aomo irnvrovementa which experience suggests. "No number will contain less t than 100 pages of matter, and the readers f -i3ra-h&mJ? may rely with great confidence upon this the volume shall contain . : OVER TWELVE HUNDRED PAGES ! " Of the very best reading matter that capital can command from original sources, or taste select from the vast mass of available material. " The aim of The editor will be to produce a rub- iicuuuu vruicu 3uiui . ue vaiuaoie tn matter, - ami choice in tasto and stvle; and he flatters himself, fr om the known talents of his contributors, that h will be able to present astnaoy good original ar ticles to his readers as any publieatjon of the day. lie shall not, however, hesitate to publish, from time to time, articlos from English authors, and translations from the best tJcinian and French writer?, provided th piece's have never before ap peared in print in this country. Essays on impor tant Political Subjects will likewise "be inserted, and criticisms on the Literature of America and the movements of the Age. The'Lcview licpart nient,1 in which a large and liberal spirit of crit icism will always be maintained, will bo extended. For the defenceof American liiteratnre the editor will always be ready.; the maintainance of a cor rect tone in the Magazine, he wil!. if poysible be still more watchful. """" ": ' FACH NUMBER WILT. COSTAT.V AN ESGRAVIKO FROM A FINE STEEL PLATE IN ADDITION TO TflE CX'OICK DESIO.VS A-NOENORAVISO? OP DEVERVX, who will supply illustrations for the' text' in the body of the book. The aim of the editor will not be so much to increase the number of his engrav ings," as to secure for those he publishes the ut most fini.oh the artist can give them ; for common wood-cuts are so.easily multiplied, that the most indifferent publication mav outrank in drearv dis play the choices;, periodical. " ihe fcditor does not feci, that with K id Awn r5i- dcrs. he can increase his claims to respect by in sisting on any very great superioritv of -Oraham' over several similar publications, but thir.ks he may gaMy coi.fide in their friendship for the Magazine, aud in its past management for its pre sent list, and such increase as naturally grows out cfanexteoded circulation in a countrv where readers, are multiplying so rapidly. '. .n tne January number the hrst adition will be 0,000 copies, aud the editor trusts his old friends will be feo prompt in renewing old oubs, and ex- tend-.nsr the anions new ones, that the firs'. odiiivn shall be but half os what the year will ul timately establish, as tbo permanent circulation of . ranam. --'-' - - ' - .. Postage. Subscribers in anv part of the United States may now' receive - the Maeazine.-by mail. at three cents a number or thirty-eix cents a year postage, payable at tho Post-office where it is re ceived.' - - - - - . i . Postmasters and Editors all over tho Union, are respectfully requested to act as Ageuts for the New oiumft. -- . . i i : ;.,., j Teums. The Terms of Urahnm'" are TKrpo Dollars for single subscribers, if paid in advance. For six dollars in advance, one copy is sent three years. We continue the following low terms for Clubs to be sent in the citv to one a 1 Jrca. an I in the country, to one Post-office. copies. . SO per an. 5-,; . , : . (and one 1 to the gutter up) 10 8 .. io 11 l - 41 4 14 'f The money for clubs always should ' be sont in advance. Subscriptions mav be sent at our i-isfc y-'hen the rem is large, a drnft should beprocurei u possioie tne cost-oi wnicn may be deducted fiom the amount. ;. : . ' Any person desirous of rcceivinz a coot as a sample, can Le accommodated by notifying the Editor by letter, post-paid.) Addrcs. alw.ivs po3t-paid. tiKO. It. GRAHAM. Editor, , Aug. 23... v " lOo Chcsnut St., Philadelphia. 7HAT CAN BE COT FOK $5 THe un- T dersigncd have entered into an arrangement by whioh they ajrrce to furniih the Kniekerboeker Magazine, jmontlily.) the Home Journal, (weekly.) and the Musical World and Time, (weekly.) "to new subscribers, at the very moderate price of Gvt uouars, a year or lbe three publications ; all or ders, enclosing that amount to lycr & V illi. will be promptly at'.enJed t saml;i;l heeston. Publisher of the Knickerbocker, Publishers j the Home Journal. PYEK A TTfLLIs. : Publishers of tho .Musical World and Times, 75 XTroad wa tj Jse vr York. GRAND LITERARY AM) AldiSUC COMCI- V - AAUO.N, Arrangements have been made t furnish ths Kniokerboeker Magazine, the Home Journul, and the y:v? Yoik Musical World and Times, to lct 1 .-' . f . C . . t . ' ' .. ! I . , lZT KL.l?, is 5.. per annum the Home Journal. SI: and the Musieal World and Tiroes, S."5; making S 5 a year at the mual ratts. Thit Uirce such works cm be obtained tor five dollars a year, is a fact truly wor thy tho Caloric age, which is just now being ush ered in. Of the kniekerbockcr Migazine. edited by Lewis tiaylord Claik. it is ' nnneeessarv to" speak. For twenty years it ha? been the most genial r hnmorotir-and -5piey--nrrn5thly'' in the world; and the present volume will be better than any which preseeied it. The Home Journal, edi ted by jeo. P. Morris, and X. P. Wiilis, is well known as the bc-H family newspaper in America': and the Musical WorJd and 'Jiines, edited by Uichard Storrs Willis wirh Lowell Alison, Geo. It. ""V31 nomas Hastings, S m. P. Bradbury. Geo. i . iwu.. auu viiiir musical writers contributing; anu w&icn givts, among other things, over worth of music and a full courso of iiistrnptioin haimony annually, is the ey best musi-'il Jonr- Jial ever published. These three publications wilT j,o. u I.1U1HV up in reara to nearly everything worth knowing : Art. Scivncc. Literature: "Music. Painting. Sculpture; Inventions. Discoveries: Wit. Humor. Fancy. Scutimej t the Xewest Fashions and o;her attractions forlidies ; Choice Xcw Mu sic for the Sabbatn, the Church, and the Fireside; Reviews and Criticism of Musical Woiks, Perfor mers ar.d Performance ; in short.thc very pick and cream of Novelty, Incident. History, ,L'io 'ra phy', Art Literature and Science; including what ever can be given in periodicals to promote Healthy Amusement and Solid Instruction in.Oao fimily and help to make it Ketter. Wiser, and Happier, mav be now obtained for fin: nomas Address A W'J LLIS. 275 Broadway. ' Ftlitors publishing the above three times, and sending the papers containing it to Dyer k Willis, will receive the three works named, for one year HOTSEIIOLD WORDS.-A MONTHLY MAGAZINE AT ?2 PER ''YEAK.'-MJnly those who real the serial so promptly issued every week by Dickens, with thoughtful appreciation. now iu injo u.. "uousenoid orus is a modern journal for the people, devoted to compion ouwjvita. uriwiiimwHiy ircatea, excellent in style, in genius, in manner, ind wwnjerfully fertile ,in subject. The pieci-s ' are tho right' length;' tbev exhibit wonilerful variety and are . attuned to a harmonious key and remarkable unity of effect. For the money, there is not the equal of House hold Words'T- for a family journal. Tleasant slor ries. useful knowledge, graceful anccdotce. charm ing essays, alternate in its. pages. lt. is. "not al ways convenient to s3?uro a oopy of, the weekly issue on the arrival of a atcamur; in order to enjoy regularly this delightful work, we advise our ri ders to posses themselves of the handsome month ly reprint of McKlralh ." & .BakerV who bring our .-Household Words'1 with eotnmendtble punotiML'i 4y. at New-York.- ( Frederick Parker. 3 Wa.liin.' ton Street is the Boston agent. Voxto. Trurr- The articles, both in style mid thought, are i t superior to the Irtish that occupies he -'f so many of our' popular' magazines. A' York Attn. i rThe above arc but a few extracts from numerous notices of the press lately restive f.Thoss he wish Household Words will receive it mouth'! y by nmil upon remitting the subscription price.' Spe- lmen numoers sent on receipt ot Uve rod posta"0 tamns. ' - ' . 1 stamp McELRATII A BAKER. Publishers! r ''.,' 17 Spruce st.; New York. ' Aug: 23. 1 OA rels Fwh, for oale' at the 1 Cheap Store 3: eaA Excitaaioa. tuitiinr Anouii.ejioa" THAT tha largest, cheapeatacd best assortment of.'tloodQ cvor brought into taearUeld county, hayo just, arrivd and are- off red for , s-ile, at "the New;tore of- the, subscribers, i:ear . tht .J'o"rnu! Office, Clearfield, a,' iver ;bcfoic has 't" in ore brilliant, and at the same 'time a cheaper lot . of Goods been offered to this commcnify.- Iheybave all been selected with a view to thownhta and ne cessities of the people of this particular locality, after long experience, and intimate acquaintance with their basiness connections. Iry Goods of every- aricty.dJress Goods. ClothsJ CasimercSi and Clothing:. Coots aud Shoes, Hals and Caps. Eonnets and Shawls." together with 'a large and splendid assortment - bf Queenswarc. Hardware and 1 rocerie. ' '" : -:. defying all competition, they solicit their friends and the public to give them a call" and examine their stock. . , . ... MaiiOP A PoiTAKFf. : June Z, 1S54- ly,a : .4 S CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, AND AS 1. GOOD AS THE LEcT, WHOLESALE AND iLTAIL. Isaac Johnston would respectfully in form kin fiiends and the " public generally that he has juft returned from the East', where he hapur-cha-ed the most splendid assort 'tnent of Eoois A Shoes-ever brought to Clearfield. Kery variety of Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps. Ac. Ac. . .Mens fancy shoes, aud Kilters, wkh an excellent asorti ment of heavy stock, all adapted, .to the wants ol the people ot Clearfield,.. He hopes his ffiemts will give him a call at his store in "bhaw s now and examine his stock. June 13,1804. ; . ' ' ' ' BLACKSMITH WANTED. Any person ecininir recommended as a rood workman iii vue above busiuigs, can cet a shop and complete set ot tools, with (wo hcurthi. . A good location. betns in L'radfor 1 town.-hip, at the Mill of the subscribers, the shop having been in operation for some three years, uoine a larirc business. For further particulars enquire of - . . - m KXiiiAL & PRO, IMPROVED STOCK OF POULTRY SHANGHAIS. A number of the pure blood', and of the half breed of hkaghai fowls lb.- sale at the Poubry Yard of W. M. Kti:oi", Curwcnsvillc Pa. - '4 hese fowls are very large, and .remarkable for their mild and domestic disposition, their lay ing and pursing qualities, and for their, health iness. 1 Xot cne of their young have died or been sick this summer.' " ' '-' . .. . 1 July 1 j. 1S54. - V-FW FIRM .-GRAHAM & WATSON, have just i opened, a new and .splendid nsj-or'ment of goods at their Store in tirabain'on,. eoujij:ing of li.idics Uresj iool-i Oioths. Ciisimcres. Hardware. Qucenswaie, Groociies, Jioots. ch.oea. Oils, I'aints, and every o;her ar icle usually k-pt in a country "tore, where they offer for sa'c as cheap, if tot cheaper than any o-.her Storo in the Counfy. : All kinds of produce -and lumber taken in exenange fortlools. .- . - . . All uf f'r. Jaj-nea familv n for Fftle. C. M. OUAilAM. JAS. E. WATSOX. " Grrthara'cn. June 1-1. 'ii. VtW FIRM. TKOll MAX & HOWE. House'. 1 Sign and - Ornamenial Fainte s. (ilazieis. Chair m ikirs. and l'aper Hangers, effer their ser vices to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, .rhop next door to tho Jew's Store. 1 hey keep constantly on hand, and make to or der every variety ef Chairs, 1 ounges. Sofas. Ac. Ac. Chairs, and Sofas made equal io. beauty lo any thai can be obtained from iho Cily. and more durable in workmanship and matciial. ' JOHN' TROUT MAX. June !1. '04. 1y. UOLERT HOWE. r1JE GO )l) IXTKXf HOTEL, and Stag Offi?e A Curwensville. Pa. The Subscriber would ii foim Lis fiicnis and the publio that Le has just to fitted an 1 rc-aii niched Lis house aud is prepared to render every attention to the travelhc:; commu nity. - ' . - His bar contains liquor3 of the first 'quality, an'l his table wiil always oa supplioJ with tho best it maiket. He respectfully so'.iciU hi friecds and others to give him a call. WM. K. k LLMMIXG. . June It, "ot. ' A. M. IITLIjS. I. l. P. , OS- adioin- RwiS lnS I'Mtore, . leai CelJ. V. Arlifi- cial J e;ih. Lorn oca to afull set, moun ted in the most approved modern e:y I. r tlhri",. r ptA C!anii" dr,n Tri,v and neatness. 'IVeth vfrEctc.i wi h all the care and d;spa::L modern Wirnce en furnish. Dit. JilLLri. can a!w:ijsl fo-.inl at hi cE.v s he is, now uev-ting his whole attention to his prole.;!!. : r : r : ,; J.Jun It. b-i. LI-BO'S OftMMF.ItCIAL !ICniI..'N..'lS,7o7iii Sixth St. Philadelphia." -,Tho sabtcriber has recently enhtrged and fitted np bis house, and is now enabled to compete successfully, with unv es tablishment in the Ci!y. His rooms are comfort able and well .ventilated, and his table furnished with ihe best in the maikot. Ho respectfully soli cits the large circle of. Lis Clearfield friet:ds"io give him a call when thev visit the citv. - '. . JACOB G. LEBO. June 1.1, YHH"'F1UI. P.J 1 V inform rhe public A I lO.s A .-i.i nin.s wouid publtc that thev h ive iut ri,T.-,l anew and splendid assnrtmcnt of Goo in of rverv variety, at. the old stand of II. 1). Patto at Cur-wei.sville- At their store may bo found, almost every b ng ad ip'ed to the w.ints an I n -.s.-i-ies of j the peoplo of this region. Jlres-.-oo is. Lawns i.uces. iovc.4 Vl )in. Casstmere.? Clo hing. Hats Caps. Boots.-Shoes. Ac. Ac, of the bes: qua i vanJ at the lowest prices. ' Also a splendid assortment of liar J waro, Quocns w.ire and Groceries. - .. They invite all person" to give thorn a call, ful ly assured they wiil be able to render entire sati lactroa. ..... ; .- ; Jf. j,. PATTO.V, , " . ' ". .- E. A. HIPPEL, ! ,; Curwensvillo. June 15, LS51-!y. . . yOHN Bi'JPR ROW, Cabinet Maker. ?hob oppo . site M. E. Church. Clciirficld, Pa. kefps con stantly -on hand and makes to order, all ksn Is -of furniture, such as Tea Tables.. Card Tables. Cen tre Tables, fofas, Spring Seated Chairs. Ecdstcds, Bureaus, Wash Stands. Cupboards. Safos, Ac. Ac. Coffins made on tho shors-st notice and Funer als attended. - JOHN R. MORROW June LI, lS." . ' 1 OO ,njrCt,ffce, just received and for sale I" at the New Store of A.-M. HILLS (X(l EIOIITEEX INCH SHINGLES ySlJJJ of best qu ility, for s rl at the i 'n ot tbc .ed i'lag: Prijo SS.oij per thousand. ?. . June 27,; lHy4 CJEO'RG'E W. COLEAIaV, Couvcyaor M and laud Agent, . No. 3. Goldiuibh's Hall Pnrladclphia. will f itthfully attend to all business er.trus.ed to his care, .' '' " June 27, L6il.- ' ; ;' ' .-j ' 'ijiA ESDUNDy--Attorney-at-Law: Clearfield. Pa. will attend faithfully t.. all professional bu siness cutrusted to his care. ; Judo 4 , '4.-iy. .. T K" MjEN ALLY Attorney at. Taw'.' "'-'office nearly opposite Judge W,iht's Store. Clear held, 1 a.'. practices in Clearfield' and adjoining counties.: . ! :u . ' puno 13, '54 y p -HEAP CLOTHING. A large lot of Cheap Clo thing. Men 4 tow.4W sal cheap, bv dUUC I.), . M oS0I A PJlTAUiT. B .ACKL-EK KY lilt ANDY.-A certain cure for the Dyscntary, for s-ilc by ' , une l.v,--ri)4.- " MOSssOP A POTTARFF. ! IT 4. FRA.Mv. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE XX "Clearlieid, Pa., Ofiiio in "Shaw's Row.".-; ' nue. 15, 8 )4 To,?1,1 ROWTIIER.-JUSTICE OF THE . LACE.- Curwensville, Pa. Office opposite the V tood Intent Hotel. " i ; .,, tJnno, V. , 354 L'C.CRANS Attorney .at Law. . 0f- fije adjoining residence, Clearfield. Pa. ' ' '" . - jMay.21. 54-ty. TAMES- B, GUAIIAil-ilerehant and exten.ive mj dealers iu lumber. Grabajneton. P n twa nnsw, r-a. My 3A, '64-Ij-. r T a . ' Vt - - v.. fXVB.F1- GU4IM IT A-LONE.Thownderaijued hav m$ taken to himself the store formerly own y Patch in A S?wn, t.iTica ploasurO io iiifcrmin bis tric&Ja and the publio geuerily .: that ho tint, just lecfcived from theitry a tBpienJid assor;mei t oi jrj -joijus. nuraftau, ,iieei.Hnre. JIats nud Caps. Coutii and hoes, ai.d every ibing else usual ly keptiu Mountry stete. . lj eous wish il lb buv cheap and good Goods sbould not forget, that Le is determined not to le undersold bv- anv store in in the county. : His motto is -a nimble peony rath er mag a siow sixpence. - . -. v . ., -1 - u-: --.i.:is,W;jiU. -;.! .. : S. C. PATCHIX. i -j Glen Hope. July 6, 13o. ,b -:--.u J HE A3LERICA BOARDING HOUSE; The subscriber would inform the public that he ha? just completed a large new building, on the touth end of Second Street, Clearfield, Pa., which heha furnished an J fitted up in the most comforta ble manner for the accommodation of travellers and permanent boarders. . . llis charges .will be moderate, and his house con ducted in a decent, sober and orderly manner, where all quiet and peace loving people, who may visit Cleariicld can find a temporary "home." -JOHN S. itAUEBACII. July 15. 18H. '' TORT ETT-S-EI.t; & CO TAKNEllS &. CCRRT ERS. Pennsviile. (trampian Hills, Clearfield Oo:v'Pa keep, constantly on hand an excellent as sortment of leather, whieb they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Cash paid for hides. , July 15, TEW CLOTI1IXC STORE. Mover Ul J, 1 mav, would inform the public that . he has Opened a new and splendid assortment of Cloihitr'. of the best quality and lowest prices, at his Store, next door to the office of L. J. Crai.s, Es". Clear field. Pa.' - : ; 1 Every variety of Clcthing, Hats. Caps..-and fan cy articles. He willsell cheaper than any other store in the county. . lie defies competition. Call and ceo uis aiueii.. Highest prices paid for Deer Skins. June 27, 1854. Mmo. i : I - . . . TKESII BEEF PADEKAUiH A MOR- J. HOW. would Inform the publio, that they will have frc.-h . b :ef, for sile every Tiien.lny and Saturday morning at 5 o'clock at th Market House, Clearfield. Pa. July 15. 1854. DlSSOJLl'TION OF FAKTNERSinp.. 'the partnership heretofore existing between n.-C. Patvhis A Jons Swan, under the style and firm of Patcliin A Swan, was this day dissolved by mutual consent, and the. books are U for coiico iion in the hands of S. C. Pa'.chin. Tho3y persons knowicg themselves indebted to the firm will cull in.mediateiy aud seitle up, or they" will hare the pleaiiuro of paving costs. " ' . i . S. C. PATCIIIN,. l - i: : JOHN SWAN. Glen Eope, July 5,1851. DANIEL BEN NEK, Cabinet maker. Shop 8 uie as formerly occupied by David Sackcts. -learlicld. Pa., keeps constantly on hatd, at his Furt.ituTC Ware-T wins, acd manufacture to order :it City prices.ail kinds o! Cabinet ware. Inning and Tier tables. Dressing c.scs. CupboaHs. Bedsteads. Wash Stands. Spring bottomed Chalric, Sfefas, Safes, .ivreiios. Marble Topped l.scritors, Ac. Ac. Coiuls zsaie, and funerals attended on sne short est notice. . .. . June i7. IS54. 3y. ' " .- ?l.V.Mv XO'I'IC :. We the subseiibtrs intend A3 to make application to the next Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennvlvnn"i!t for an Act of Assembly to -incorporate a L'auking Company, wirh JJai.krng and diionnting privileges, to be nilol the -OioariioU liank ' and located at the !!orough of Clearlieid. with a capital of Ooa bn licJ tnouaand dollars. , A. K. Wiug:it, " Javes T. Leoxatu?, UciiAP.n Shaw, : James 11. Urahai, rOATHA I BOYXTOX, ' 1.LMS iRWIf, ."- 1. F: Weaver, '. " J; AV. Smith, . June 27. 1S54. dm. . . - ;; J" ADIE.S AND C;ENTEE3IEN I believe i-i it a goJ maxim tha people s!:eM purchase oods wherever they please, tiut thoy should not buy too h.-.rtily, elor they acertain "where they ?an be Ws: imited.-- I would most respectfully- in", rite all (Ladies in particularity call atit.GLEva.v s -toreaind examine his at'lcndid nsiortmeut of goods 'hat cancel be excelled in this section of country f r c:iEAr'CSS. dmabilitv rtr i!.vl. "Thev I vf :nleruor:s l?oot cf a'l! r!e3jr1pt!,-sns an' j --TPS. Ladies and Gentlemens gaiters cf tho d pn- a la: Af style. Boys snd Girls boots, shoes and mitres ChilJrpn of all ages can bo accommodated. GLENNAy. Jcha 27, t S54. ' yAMES RIDDLE GOKpiNAttrnev st Law. ha'3 removod his office to the room adjoicino- iu ibe East, the Lrug Store of Dr. 11. Lorain, and will levote his whole attention to the practice of his fTOfes-ion. He may be consulted in Freu.-k and Tt-rmi.'. June 1.1. '54.-1 v. BLLLtiE IiiJ.AiNES. A superior article of B'-rcgo Delaines in dress patterns, at 25 cents per yard, never sold in this county before for less than nil crmts. at MOSSOP A Ii"TTUFF ' June i:t. '54 WT A. WALLACE, ATTORNEY' AT LAW. t ofiv-e nearly opposite the Court House. Clearlieid Fa., will attend faithfully to all business entrusted to his care. June 17, 154. ly T II. LARIMER Attorney and ' Counsellor at I'm Low. OG:e with John L. Cuttla. Fn.. nest door to Dr. I. Lcrrefn'S'lTrug Store. Clearfield, - i iMay 2a, ol-Iv SrtESJD NEW STORE. K. Shaw A .v have just re turned frr-m the city with an enure new stojk cf .Goods, which they orfdr for sale onihc very lowest terms, at the old stand lately occupied by A. M Hills. West end of the Mansion House. Clearfield. Pa. . Their slock of goods has been sclccled with great care, and a better or .c-heHpcr assortment.wai .never brought into Clear held county. l i'-.j; r ri . i They defy all competition, and invite the pub lic to call and examine, their good. Evcrv arti cle is entirely tew, ajid aschcap, if not cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. " ' r. SHAW -A. II. SIIAVT. ; June 27, 1S54.. ... , ... . CONRAD AW ALTON Hardware Ftore. No.' S-yMarket Street, Phibvdelphi." Hard ware, Iron, Nails, Ac., of every description. ' ', June 1, la.'4-ly. . ' . . . G'wiUiK 'F. WEAVER A CO:. No. 19 North Wa tcr Street. Philelphia. 'Dealers in Carpet clinin. Yarn." Manilla ami Hemp Ropes. Rod-cords. Clothes-line. Ao:, Ac, June 15, IS04-Iv. j I . , ' - -R----Th6 undersigneV has just received and eep jor s iio at bis snop on third street it supen r article of tar., (iEOKGK uliR " ' Q:lc trfield. -luly 5. KM:' - ' ': la'CU'tll. SWOOPt-. Attorney at Law. For m.Mm merly of the firm of Scotl A Swoopv Hun tingdon. Fa. Office next door to. and over Esouire ngley s, Vlearfleld, Pa." - May 2o, '54-ly. arrc'.s Ncw Orleacs Sugar, at Sixpence per ' pound, for axle at the'Cheap Store of ; - ", . ..' " ' .' , V ,' A-M..HILLS- XTH ALL TAKE II illRNSACK. Hobensack's J T : Worm Syrup and Liver Pills for sale by 1 June U. 'a4. : ' M JSSOP A POTTARFF. '!"' '-t- ; -r- , ....... r-"- . T (( Sacks Salf,, just received, at the . Cheap JL V JT S tore of M0SS0P A rOTTARFF. , June 1 L I4. BROOK. TYSON A -EEHN Wholesale Pry Good's Store. No. 14tJ, MaikctStroet. Philadel phio. ::-. : - : .' . ;- June 15. 1354 ly. C'.ARK" A nFSSERr "Nor IS "South 4th Street Philadelphia, extensive .dealers in Rooks and Stationary.' ' June 13, 18i4 iyiri ; . . - .. 1. , . -1 -u , DHY BEEF, of the best quality just revived and foreale at Vjj. F. Irwin's Cheap Store. Juno 14, '54. " " ' I; SrONE WARE, of every variety, cheap for cash at the Store of. : . - ". W. F. LRWIV. .Tnt IJU '64 B TTT1I' r-T-TI iv AGE. Wo .-oooirrikftibviuTn. , with-whtco ihcy can now w-v4. sr rw tT reduced ISlTbM alwTyi" . di oourHgeisicct to tfceir-trvHMWu iu pla-c il ccMibi by expre sata .ri0thtr . ait?rn private conveyance, lience. y,t thy ha.J Mined but a oompsrdtive meagre mail cireulatlo We hope now that the i ptig i. merely nominal anew. imtct,will be given to these . vala .kj. works, and that no PostCffice wiibla the" Unha States will remain unvieired by at least one of the for Reviews and Black woods Jigaaina. The Postage oo tlackwood and the fotw Rcvi. is now but i cents a year, and the subscription price is but S3. ud when-taken wi:h snv of h four Reviews but S?, a yesr- Present subscrin'tlon r.ricf In tKi ' r.i. Edhtlrff ttmiuvtr. aud A'orti. BrtttjJt Qmr. t'rltf EevUti's, aud B.'icixcvous Mtigatin.. For any of the four Reviews, - : S3 00 r or any two ot tae tour lleviaws. For any three of the four Reviews, For all four of the Keviers. . & 0 7 00 8 00 : . " 3 W 9 oo ' r oiacswooa 8 MajKiDe For Blackwood and three Ucviews, For Llaekwood snd four Reviews. J- - 1 .. .. " . . w I'mittancca and communications hnnli always addressed, post paid to tho Publishers LEWNA KI SOTT A ft).. 79 Fulton Street, Entrance on Gold Street Aug. 2L , - New Ywk.' rriUE RED FLAG VICTORIOUS. The Blood X Red Banner floats in triumuh on tho-Oii uer Stor" where A. M. Hills has just opened lh ?iien;iti assorrment or uoodi ever displayed before this community, and cimUt aaaptca to tneir many and various necessities. tvery-vartety of Hals, tans. Bonnets.. Y.rut. Shoes, Cioths. C.imcrcs. aud alt other kTndscf dry-good, that are unapproachable by any other similar aruciea, eiiner iu beauty of style, ooaliT or price. Also an excellent assortment of Groceries, Hard ware. Stone and Qae!iiiware, with, fancy article at itJfiitrm. Mb defies competition, and invites nil persons to give him a call at the '-OY L'rr," which has tru ly become the Batsrr' of Clearfield. Every attention will be shown ta customers and visitors, and no pains will be spared to send J1 smiling away, loaded with his beautiful and valua ble goods, never surpassed in Clearfield - : . , -, , ,, A. -M. FIILLS Clearfield, June 15. 1551-Tv.' ' - TLW (JOODS Al IliE CASH STORE. Th X.v ' eubscriber haa iu received . large aod wU selected stock of GO JDS of almost every descrip tion suitable to the season;' which h is sellfcf off at extremely low prices. lie respectfully ini;i the atteniiou of all who wish to buy good Goods it the lowest prices, to call at thssin of the "Chctv est Goods Country produce cf almost every diseripiion U ken at market prices in exchange for gooas. .Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fir eijoivalcnt for thsdr money, will do well gjT him a call.; " '..,- Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST G00D5. or. Market s reot, an 1 cai aal be coavin;el"tht there i truth in the word thereon Inscribed. June 13, 1754. . WM. F. I It WIS. -BLOUSES AND Dl'GGIES FOR v i-A HIKE. JAMES CK'iWIilLbr ?- would inform hie friends ant the publie CTi genora'.iy. that he keeps for bir horses "n"L buggies, carriages. Ac. on the most re3fnti: terms, at his Livery stable ra Curweusriile. . inquire at the ougi 0yv 1'icmming's Hot;. JAMES CAOWTIIEK. June Kth. 1854. TYRONE CITV DRUG STORE.--T1 undersignod havirg purchased the eetir -scosk of S. A. Martin, wouid take this method ef inlorniiDg the "Natives, "acd the public generally, that t'rugs and family medicines of all kiridatQ in fact every thing that is generally kpt in Drug St-ore.can be had t this etabii.-hment cheap er taan at o-oy Other in the ooui-try. This sut-i'j-bment will be under the management of oct that haa experience, and i well acquainted witb mediooe, and is also coiupetant to procrib for a'l these that ccav require tho aUrico cf a Pbji cian. JAMES X- MAKT1. 1. 5. A private Office attscoed. . ...:: DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby gNen io all whomitniav ey:ieorii' ;hat the pr;aesh:p hfrctcforc csic.itig between the ucdersigav i is th i day di.soirl by " mutual con.-ent. Tho !-o.ks of the firm ar Icfi ia the hands of Goarg W. rt. by' whom all the e count?are to be settled, he having purobscd Wh rrtert-s; rf John KliDger. in the outstanding -coucts. G. W. Orr w:ii -tt all the ft vis aot- Of.0. W. OUR. JOHN KHSG8P. ClearelJ, Juiy 2i, 15i- - . : Bn?iDess will be carried en by 00 W. Orr at tLe oil stand, who iuvites all his old customer U give him a call and as nur.y new ones as can rusk it convenient. GEO. W.t0R.R. Clearfield. July 25.154 ': VL'J'l Aititl Eu tne splendid " Casiniercs. Vestinrs. Trimmin mock of Cloth?, ninmings. so. recently purohused hy the Subscriber,' which he will sell or make up io order, in the most fashionable cd du rable manner, at bis store in -'Shaw's Row." Tic material and -fi'V warranted 'No charge for shew ing his cheap and beautiful goods. ii would inform the trade in Clearfield, that h Is the authorized ageut for UeTere'a London atd Paiia Fashions. ' - ' - t . . ' THOS. 8HBA. . June 27, 154. r . ., f R. CARTER Dealer in Stoves, bar-iron. JLJ nails, and c-astings'of all kinds. Also plows, and other agricultural nn.ils. Oa Seeoad Street, under the Republican 03. ,',: San 15, '54-Jy,: j l ARRIS. HALF. A C" Wholesale DkcotfiiTd. JtJa. No-. 209. Market Stret. North, sida between sixth and seventh. Phil ide'phia. - Drugs, -Medicines. Chcmieals, Patent Medicines. Surgical In struments. Druggist's Glassware,. Window Gla. Paint, Oils, Dves. Perfumery. Ac, Ac. " JOHN HARRIS. M. JX ., . , J- SUA US WOOD, ' ' ' "JOHN M. HALE, . .. E. B. ORBISOJL : " " June 15, 1754-Iy.. .... ... jkl .:, ; . -iT.: . j JYEW, FIRM. ILVRTSHORN A MeCRACK l.v EN, have just .opened a now and splendid as sortment of goods ef everr ' variety, at the old stand of D. W. KOxJINs A Ci., Lumber city; Clear field co.. Pa.. They tuvitethe public to give them a call,' and feel assured they will bo able to render entire sat isfaction Lumber, Hides.. Rags, Grain, and all other kinds of produce taken iu exchange." ' -J" ' . " v UJJNJ.'HAKTIIORN,' i August 0, 1854.. , . THOS. McCRACKEN.v CHARLES' WLVOATE, Dealer in ;Bonet, thoes; ISoots. and l'alm Loaf. Hats, ;;No,' IB. orth Fourth Street,. ThUadelphU, Second Store below Commerce Srroet. I Junel j. Jba4 Vy. 11 TILLI AM S. HANSELL A SON.T Manufce- V 1 turersand Importers of Saddlevr; and esd dlcrv' Hardware. No. 2i Market Street'Bhilalel pliia. Sallies. Dri Hes. If arness'' Trunk. Wkips. SMle Rags. Rridle Filling. Bits, Stirrups. Buckles, Carpet Bags. e:t. ! , .-.i . tJane.T5j'54-fy IvOR SALE. Three Lots of Ground. N. - 44 'Zb, and.2i, iu the Mo$sop plan, in tho-boroug h of Clearfield, all enclosed. For teiras. a'pplv to - - - WM. M RfciDT. CcrwereriUe, June 27, l54w ..... Izuil ASHINGTON Lr"BLADIN, Aworxxx At Law, No. 65,' South Sixth st : rhl.'adelrfcir- Augest 9. IS54. : i j: .i:.-- -.."' ! it RAFTSMAN'S JOURNAL." L Bex. Jo9. Publisher. Per.-annum, ipaystl in advacce,)t r,,' $1 M t If paid within the year. , -. -. 1 50. ' After the expiration of the yeari ' ' 2 W No paper disoontioued until all an ear aces are A failure to notify eusoonttnuaiioe kt tne ecpi ration cf the tcra sabseribed for, ill b esaldt d it gfcyraHst. . - n--rk . . Pi. ,1 Hi M 1 1 '! Lei 1 r - -3 f '- El f 1 M r. 4f ir ,V-r- ';-' n