Hi 11111 I 4 I' SI "I 1. 4 a; ; I! - -I' s ? If 15oiia!ar long. . POP GOES THE WEASEL. When d night walks in as black aa a sheep, And de hen and her eggs am fast asleep, Pen iato her nest with a sarpcnt's creep, "Pop goes the weasel." CHORUS, Ben form two lines as straight as a string, Dance in an out, and three in a ring. Dire tinder like de dnck, an sing. Pop goes the weasel." Oh all de dance dat eber was planned, . ; To gaWeniie de heel an hand, Dar's none dat mores so gay an grand, As "Pop goes the weasel." Jen form, etc. De Polka now pokes quite obsolete, Ie Waltx no more our time can beat; De Schottische am shot by defeat, (de fe-t,) Dea "Pop goes the weasel." Den form, etc.. "De wotld and all do rest ob mankind," .. Am in dis "progress" step combined, v, Kings, qweens, and comets all are jined In "Pop goes the weasel," Den form, etc. D loTer when he panU through fear, To pop de question to his dear, Be Joins dis dance, and in her car, "Pop goes the weasel." Den form, etc. Napoleon, dat sly French coon, JIas built his nest high as de moon, Pot he may catch de danco Tore soon. Ob "Pop goes the weasel." " Den form, etc. Old Santa Ann's beginnin to show Bis cloTen foot in Mexico, . Bat well gib him de dance ho once did know, Ob "Pop goes do weasel." Den form. etc. John Bull tells in de old cow's hum. How Uncle Sam tised Uncle Tom, While he makes some white slaves at home, By "Fop'goes the weasel. Den form, etc. lie talks about a friendly trip To Cuba in a steam war ship, ' Put Uncle Sam may make him skip. Py "Pop goes the weasel." Den frrm, etc. He's sendln forth his iron hounds, To hark ns off de fishing grounds, Jle'd best beware ob Freedom's sounds. Ob -'Pop goe the weasel." : Den form, etc. The Temperance folks from Souf to Maine. Against all liquor shout and strain, Fat when dey feels an ugly pain, Den "Pop goes the weasel." Den form, etc. AU New York in a rush now whirls, Whar do World's fair it3 flag unfurls. Bat de best world's fair am when onr girls Dance "Pop goes the weosei." Den form, etc. From the Yankee Privcteer. nip and cnrcK; OK. The way Sally Oliphant 'Tnrn4 latk.' BY SES AIBB.O. Give me tht-ni ere kecrds, Jim, sui-isn ." 'What for?' 'Why, gall darn it ! Lore comes Sally Oli phant up the cow-path, and if she sees 'em, she'll travel for camp-meetin quicker'n geese goose, and tell mammy how "at we're a-gam-blin. Whar'a the stakt's?' I got 'em.' '"vYel!, give 'em to me corac now I had xsntbin but trumps when we quit, and could 'cr leet you dead as a hosa-fiy. Besides, Sal ly i3 right ou top of us, I tell you, and if you go to kicken up an cruciion, I shall lose her . entire, and her daddy's rocks into the bargain. That's right 'leven dollars lackin' seventy fire cents yon can keep the change! .Now git in the kibdard quickrr (look out for the nweetmeats) and I'll tell 'my intended' I've been practisin' ledgerdoniain, like that French feller, Ilerr Alexander, consequently I'll be Her Jack Robinson.' As Jack said this, he seated himself on a milk-piggin, and commenced shuffling the keerds, ' whon. a bouncing girl sixteen and plump as a partridge entered the door, clad in a homespun frock and forked lightning apron her fairy feet in red morocco shoes, and her cheeks painted with Pokeberry juice. It was Sally Oliphant, Ah, Jack, said she, slightly pouting, you do keep teazin' me so to marry you,' when you know you don't love me a mite nor a grain.' I tell you I couldn't set and hear sich lan. guage as that are and riz the keerds a drap pin' all over the floor. Don't love you! Why, Sally aes I, takin her hand, and my legs trembled astonishing 4 1 love yon more'n any other gal in the settle, sient sure. , Now, there's Sal Soda I never . seen her in my life bat mammy ses she aint wuta her weight in soap ; Suse Griffin's head - Jooks like a big bundle of deer-skins, and as for Betsy McCloud she don't know, enough to scratch herself when she's bit by a giZ-e-nip. per. 'Is them your sentiments?' ses Sally. ' They jest ra,' ses I, (and I were goin' to speak of marriago, but I was afeered I'd 'size " her pile, and didn't.) Well after I'd gether- ed op the keerds what I'd drapped, Sally and I both, set down on a couple of chairs, and I proposed a game. What shall it be?' ses I."' I don't know, ses Sally, 'anything.' Dan you play Nip and Chuck,' ses I. '2fip and. uhai V ses she. Chuck s' -. . . 'Chuck? ' fTes sea I, U'a a rery intereetin' game' 'Show mc how ? ees Sally. 'Host certainly,' ses I. - - . , So I took the keerds and shuffled 'em up like' it was a very difficult job, and he cut 'em .sad linked mitey pleased. Now Sally,' aa I, after I'd got every thing r;ady. shfct your eyes and open your mouth, and you'll soon diskiver the greatest trick ever heard of or did I' The dear gal done as I told her, and I must say, I never seed sich a beautiful sight in my life afore 'taint likely ever will again ! Her mouth jest stood open, and her white teeth glistened like a sullar full of candles. I gazed at nerazacty one minit, thirteen secants, and four licks I when I riz put? my arms around her body, and glued mv lips to hers a caution to woodpeckers ! Creation and the deluge ! how she flopped and floundered jest like a young alligator and immejitly after wards a rumpus ensued 'Consarn you, Jack Robinson,' sod she, her eyes snappin' fire, I'll larn you to bite,' and with that she broke loose, took off her shoe, and the way she did lather me over the head and shoulders and ears, wasn't very refreshin to say the least of it. But I want a goin' to holler 'enough, I tell yon ; so I closed in with her got the under holt and at it we went so good a gal, so good s boy ! Now, Sally had the advantage of me kaze I had on my Sunday suit her homespun 'flx-nps' want wuth shucks and every time I'd attempt to give her a bear hug, she'd grab mv cote- tails, and try to rip 'em ofT. Keristopher! how spunky she were. Well, we fit and fit around that are room like all possessed, for about four minits tip pin' over the chairs and buckwheat cakes, and nighly squashin' of the cat when I made a pass at her head -gear, and broke a pair of new Sunday side-combs and three strings of cut glass beeds, which went to caperin' and dan cin, and runninV races over the floor. That nytde Sally more spunky agin, and the way she did slap me over the mouth, and smeller with the 'Babes in the Woods,' were a caution to weasels ! Rip rip went my sattinet trowsers; whiz whiz went her striped btiiii bazine, and the next thing I knew I didn't Know Xolhin I 5 By easin' up occasionally, when I'd hear my cote-tails rip, she had flopped mc over the milk-piggin, and were silently rcachin' for a short-handled, fryin'-pau, to give me 'Hail Co lumby,' when Jim (whom I hadn't tho't of durin' the engagement) stuck his head out of tho kihbard his mouth all daubed over with preserves and yelled ; f Hollo, here what's trumps ?' Sally jumped like litenin,' drapped the fry-in'-pan quicker'n a cow can flop her tail. ' What's trumps V ses she. Why, Jack is trumps, the varmint, I've j sl turned him vji .' But here comes tho darlin' now all rigged out in silk and if you won't say anything about Xip and Chuck,' I'll introduce you. Conjugation ard Agreement. In a lesson in parsing, the sentence, Man courting in capacity of bliss," &c, the word "courting" comes to a pert young miss of fourteen to parse. She commenced hesita tingly, but got along well enough until she was to tell what it agreed with. Here she stopped short. But as the teacher said, "Very well, what doe conrtinj ?.rre' with 7" J;ikr: blushed and held down her head. iiien, uou i you Know wnat that agrees with ?" "Ye ye yes, sir!" "Well, Ellen, why dont you parse that word? What does it agree with ?" Blushing still more and stammering, Ellen says "It a agrees with all tke girls, sir !" African- Candor. 'Did you attend church today, as I charged you?' inquired an old planter to one of his slaves, as he returned to Lis dwelling. . Sartin, massa,' replied Cudjo: 'an' what twas mighty big stories that preacher did tell.' Hush, Cudjo! you musn't talk that way wht stories arethey?' Why, ho tell de people no niau can sarve two masses: now, dis is do fuss story: 'case you see old Ciuljo sarves you, my ole masaa, and also young massa John. Den de preacher says, ho will lub de one, and hate de odder' while, de Lord Knows, hate you boff.' tUWe have all heard of the smiles of Prov idence. I was much pleased with undo Jim's idea on the subject. Good morning, uncle Jim." "Good morning." "Well, you have got your daughter married ofl", have you !" "Yes." 'Really; Providence has smiled upon you.' "Smiled 1 no, bless you, she snickered right out t" Question i.v Navigation. Suppose a canal boat heads west-north-west for the horse's tail, and ha3 the wind abeam, with : a flav coming p in the south, Mould the captain according to maratime law, be justified in taking a reef in the stovo-pipc without asking the cook ? SroiLixG a Dish of Sentiment. The maid en wept, and I said, "why weepest thou, mai den?" She answered not, neither did she speak, but sobbed exceedingly ; and I again asked, '-why weepest thou ?" when she said, "HliaC that to you mini your own business." C7"A captain of a vessel loading coal, went into a merchant's counting room, and reques ted the lone of a rake. The merchant looking toward his clerks, replied I have a number of them, but none, I believe, wish to be haul ed over the coals." Oy There is so much opposition among the religious societies in a certain village in Ver mont, that the weather-vanes on churches wont point in one direction at the same time. This is what we call the Juight of prejudice. 27A geetlenjan writing from the west, says that he is altered so since he left home that bis oldest creditors not know him. T7""Lot us drop the subject," as the, body snatchers said when they were purs-nM. sORAHAM'8 MAGAZINE. NEW VOL- JK UME. 1S54. In announcing his readiness to reoeive orders for the New Volume, the editor does not know he has any very brilliant ideas to hold out in large capitals to aazzie people's eves "Graham" will Le pretty much what it has been the last volume, with some improvements which experience 3xa.cste. No number will contain less than 100 pages of matter, and the readers of "fira haw" may rely with great confidence upon this the volume shall contain OVER TWELVE HUNDRED PAGES ! Of the very beet reading matter that capital can command Jroiu ojigmtil sources, or taste select from the vast mass ot available material. The aim of the editor will be to prod ace a pub- iicauoH nuicu suuu vmuaoio in matter, and choice in taste and style: and he Matters himself from the known talents of his contributors, that he win oe aoie to present as many sood original ar ticl3 to his reader? as any publicatjon of the day. xiv Bua.il uut, uvwevcr, nsuuic to puuun, lrom time to time, articles from English authors, and translations from the best German and French writers, provided tho pieces have never beforo up. pearedin print in this country. Essays on impor tant Political Subjects will likewise be inserted, and criticisms on the Literature of America and the movements of tho Age. The Leview Depart ment, in which a large and liberal spirit of crit icism will always be maintained, will be extended. For the defence of American Diterature the editor will always be ready ; the maintenance of a cor rect tone in the Magazine, he will, if possible, be still more watchful. EACH NUMBER WILL CONTAIN AX EXGIl AVING FRO A FIXE STEEL PLATE IN ADDITION TO THE CHOICE DESIGNS ANDE.VGRAVI.VG3 OK DEVEIIEX, who will supply illustrations for the text in the body of the book. The aim of the editor will not be so much to increase the number of his engrav ings, as to secure for those he publishes the ut most finish the artist can give them ; for common wood-cuts are so easily multiplied, that the most indifferent publication mav outrauk in drcarv dis play the choicest periodical. The. Editor doea not feel, that with his own rea ders, ho can increase his claims to respect by in sisting on any very great superiority ot -Uraham over several similar publications, but thinks he may safely confido in their friendship for the Magazine, and in its past management for it3 pre sent list, and such increase as naturally grows out of an extended circulation in a country where readers are multiplying so rapidly. Of the January number the' first ad it ion will be 30,000 copies, and the editor trusts his old friends will bo so prompt in renewing old clubs, and ex tending the list amonir r.cw ones, that tho first oditton shall be but half 03 what the year will ul timately estaouca, as mc permanent circulation of uraham. ' Postage. Subscribers in anv part of the United States may now receive the Magazine, by mail, at three cents a number or thirty-six cents a year postage, payable at the Post-eSco whore it ii re ceived. Postmasters and Editors all over the Union, are respectfully requested to act as Agents for the New Vofurac. Terms. The Terms of "Graham" are Three Dollars for single subscribers, if paid in advance. For six dollars in advance, ono copy is sent three years. Wo continue the following low terms for Clubs to be sent in tho city to ouo address, and in tuo country, to one rost-omce. Z copiea, 5 6 per an. 5 " (and ono 1 to the getter up) 10 " 3 " " " " 10 " 11 4 20 The money for clubs alwav.i should be snt. in advance. Subscriptions may be sent at our risk. When the sum is large, a draft should be procured it possible the cost of which mav bo deducted from tho amount. Any person desirous of receiving a copy- as a sample, can be socomruodated bv notifying the fcditcr by letter, (post-paid.) aaaress, always post-paid. GEO. 11. GRAHAM. Editor, Aug. 23. 100 Chesnut St., Philadelphia. rilAT CAN UK GOT FOR $5 Tho un dersigned Lave entered into an arrangement by which they agree to furnish the Knickerbocker Magazine, (monthly,) the Home Journal, rwerklv.) and the Musical World and Times, fwceklv.) "to new subscribers, at the very moderate Drico of five dollars, a vcar eor the three publications ; all or der;;, enclosing tnat amount to Dver t Willis, will be promptly attended to A.Mi;i;i, JIELSTON. P-.ibli.-her of the Knickerbocker. MORRIS WILLIS. Publishers of the Homo Journal. DYER & WILLIS, Publishers of the Musical World and Times, S75 ISroadwav. New York. GRAND LITERARY AND ARTISTIC COMBI NATION. Arrangements have been mado to furnish tho Knickerbocker Magazine, the Home Journnl. and the New York Musical World and Times, to new subscribers, for five dollars a year. This is cheap literature, with a vengeance. The Knickerbocker is S3 per annum the Home Journal. S2; and tie Musical World and Times, : ; making S3 a year at the usual rates. Thlt throe such works can be obtained for five dollars a year, is a fact truly wor thy tho Caloric age. which" is just now being ush ered in. Of the Knickerbocker Magazine, edited by Lewis Gaylord Clark, it is unnecessary to speak. For twenty years it has been the most genial; humorous, and spicy monthly" in the world; and the present volume will be better than any which preecedod it. The Home Journal, edi ted by Geo. P. Morris, and N. P. Willis, is well known as the best family newspaper in America; and the Musical World and Times, edited by Richard .Storrs Willis with Lowell Mason, Geo. 11. Curtis, Thomas Hastings, Win. P. Bradbury. (Jeo. F. Hoot, and other musical writers contributing; aad which gives, among other things, over $20 worth of music and a full course of instruction in harmony annually, is the very best musical Jour nal ever published. These three publications will post a lamuy up in regard to nearly evervtnni worth knowing : Art, Scivncc, Literature; Music, Painting. Sculpture; Inventions, Discoveries; Wit, Humor, Fancy, Scatimej.t; tho Newest Fashions and other attractions fur Ladies ; Choice New Mu sic for the Sabbath, the Church, and the Fireside; Reviews and Criticism of Musical Work?, Perfor mers and Performances ; in short, tho verv pick and orean of Novelty, Incident, History, biogra phy, Art Literature and Science; including what-' ever can be given in periodicals to promote Healthy Amusement and Solid Instruction in the family and help to mke it Better, Wiser, and Happier, may bo now obtained for five dollars Address DYER A WILLIS. 275 Broadway. ' Editors publishing the above three times, and sending the papers containing it to Dyer & Willis, will receive the three works named, for ono year Aug.;2.1, 154. : HOUSEHOLD) WOKDSA MONTHLY MAGAZINE AT S2 PER YEAR. Only thoso who read the erial so promptly issued every week by Diokeu.s, with thoughtful appreciation, know how to prize it. 'Household Words" is a modern journal for the people, devoted to common subjects, uncommonly treated, excellent in style, in genius, in manner, and wonderfully fertile in subject. The pieces are the right length; they exhibit wonderful variety and are attuned to "a harmonious key and remarkable unity of effect. Fur the money, there is not the equal of ''House hold Words" for a family journal. Pleasant sto ries, useful knowledge, graceful anecdotes, charm ing essays, alternate in its pages. It in not al ways convenient to seeurc a copy of the weekly issue on tho arrival of a steamer; in order to enjoy regularly this delightful work, we advise our rea ders to po&esi themselves of the handsome month ly reprint of McEIrath A Baker, who brintr out, 'Household Words" with commendable punctuali ty, at ew-iork. Frederick Parker, So Washing ton street is the Boston agent. Boston Trans, crifit. The articles, both in style and thought, are far superior to the trash that occupies the pages of to many of our popular magazines. Ncio 1'arJt Atlas. The above ar but a few extracts from numerous notices of the press lately received. Those who wish Household Words will receive it monthly by mail upon remitting the subscription price. Spe cimen numbers tent on receipt of five red postage stamps. . . i McELRATH A BAKER. Publiebers, Ang. 23. 17 Epruce at.. New York. 100 Barrels r:si' f-r ,al Jin 1 , "St at the Cbean Store W. F. IRWIV. Great Escitomeat. Star tl 1115 Announcement THAT the largest, cheapest, and best assortment of Good3 ever brought into Clearfield county, have just arrived, and are offered for sale, at the New Store of the subscribers, near the Journal vmce, ciearneia, i . xvever ociore nas a more brilliant, and at the same time a cheaper lot of Goods been offered to this community. They have all been seiccteu witn a view to the wants and ne. cessities of the people of this particular locality att-er long experience, and intimate acquaintance with their business connections. Dry Goods of every variety, DrcssGoods, Cloths, Cassimercs, and Clothing: Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Bonnets and Shawls, together with a largo and splendid assortment ot yueensware Hardware and Groceries. Defying all competition, they solicit their friends and the public to give them a call and examine their stock. MOSSOP A POTTARFF. Juno 12, 1351. ly. A S CHEAP AS TDK CHEAPEST. AND AS JSL GOOD AS THE BEST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Isaac Johnston would respectfully in form his friends and the public generally that he has just returned from the East, whero he haspur chascd the most splendid assort ment of Boots A Shoes ever brought to Clearfield. Every variety of Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps. Ac. Ac. Mens fancy shoes, and gaiters, with an excellent assort ment of heavy stock, all adapted to the wants ct the people of Clearfield. Ho hopes his friends will give him a call at his store in '-Shaw's Row" and examine his stock. June 13, 1S54. LACKS.M1TII WANTED. Any person coming recommended as a irood workman in the above business, can get a shop and complete set of tools, with two hearth'. A good location, bcinir in Bradford township, at the Mill of tho subscribers, the shop having been in operation for some three year3, doing a largo business. For further particulars enquire of II l'K A 1 HAL A BKO. IMPKOVED STOCK OF POULTRY. SHANGHAIS. A number of the pure blood, and of the half breed of Shanghai fowls for sale at the Poultry Yard of W. M. Reedy, Curwcnsvillc Pa. Thcso fowls are very large, and remarkable for their mild and domestic disposition, their lay ing and nursing qualities, and for their health iness. Not one of their young have died or been sick this summer. July 15. 1801. J1W FIRM. GRAHAM A AVATi ON, have just assortment of opened a new aad splendid assortment goods, at their Store in Grahamton. consisting of Ladies Uress Goo Is, Cloths, Cassimeres. Hardware. Queensware. Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Oils, Paint-", and every other arlicle usually kept in a country Store, where they oiter for salo as cheap, if not cheaper than any other Store in the County. All kinds of produce and lumber taken in exenance for Good's. All of Dr. Jayne's fenii 'y medicines for sale. C. M. GRAHAM. JAS. E. WATSON. Grahamton. Juno 14. '54. EW FIRM. TROUTMAN A ROWE, House, Sign and Ornamental Painters, Glaciers. Chair makers, and Paper Hangers, offer their ser vices 10 tuo cuizona 01 ,iearnelj and vicimtv. Shop next door to tho Jew's Store Ihey keen constantly on hand, ami make to or der every variety of Chairs, Lounge?, Sofas, Ac, Ac. Chairs, and Sofis made equal in beauty to any that can be obtained from the Citv. and more dura.LI.i in workmanship and material. JOHN TROUTMAN. June li, '54 ly. ROBERT ROWE. rflllE GOOD INTENT HOTEL, ad Starre Ofice. Jl Curwensville, Pa. The Subscriber would in form his friends and the public that he has just i t fitted and re-furnished his house a:ul is prepared to render every attention to tho travelling oeanau nity. His bar contains liauors of tho first quality, and hia table will always bo supplied with ih-j best in market. He respectfully solicit Lis friends and others to give him a call. WM. R. FLEMMING. . June I I. '54. . M, HILLS, D. D. S, Offi -.o adjoin- ,'TtTS bis Store, CIearStl.1, Pa. Artifi- 1 1 .1 ' cial Teeth, from one to a full set, moun ted in tbo most approved modorn style. Filling, Filing, and Cleaning done with care ar.d neatness. Teeth extracted with all tho care aud difpatch modern science can furnish. 1R. HILLS, ens always be found at his office, as he is now devoting his whole attention to Lis profession. .June II. '54. X EBO S COMMERCIAL IKTEL. No. !:. South Sixth ht. Philadelphia. The suLseriWr lias recently enlarged aud htted up his house, and is now enabled to compete successfully, with any es tablishment in the City. His rooms are comfort able and well ventilated, aud his table furnished with the best in the market. He respectfully soli cits the large circle of his Clearfield friends jo give him a call when they visit the city. JACOB G. LEBO. Juno 13, 1854. ly. TVKW JA inf. iT It yi . PATTON A SHOWERS would Mill the tillblil th:)t tlinr Jn-f -.v.,.,.irl a new and splendid assortment of Goods of every variety, at the old stand of II. D. Patton at Cur wensville. At their storo may be found, almost everything adapted to the wants and necessities of the people of this region. Dress-goods, Lawns, Luces, Gloves. Cloths, Cassimeres. Clothing. Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes. Ac, Ac, of the best quality anci at the lowest prices. Also a splendid assortment of Hardware, Queens waro aud Groceries. They invite all persons to give thorn a call, ful ly assured they will be able to render entire satis faction. H. J). PATTON, E. A. IIIPPEL. . ' Curwensville, June 15, 1854-ly. JOHN R. MORROW, Cabinet Maker, Shop oppo site M. E. Church, Clearfield, Pa. keeps con stantly on hand and makes to order, all ksnds of Furniture, suoh as Tea Tables, Card Tables, Cen tre Tables, Sofas, Spring Seated Chairs, Bedsteda, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Cupboards, Safes, Ac. Ac. Coifins mado on the sborsest Dotice, and Funer als attended. - JOHN R. MORROW. June 13, 1S54. ly. 1 ffefl Bas of Coffc. just received and for salo J AVr at the New Storo of A. M. HILLS. June 14, '54. fU f EIGHTEEN INCH SHINGLES JV,VAJ of best quality, for sale at the Sign of the Kcd Flag. Price 53.50 per thousand. June 27, 1854. ' GEORGE Y. COLLADAY, Conveyancer and Land Agent. No. 3. Goldsmith's Hall, Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to ail business entrusted to his care, Juno 27, 1S54. X. 1 J I ... , V .IS. 17 S DLNDY Attorney-at-Law, Clearfield, Pa. J will attend faithfully to all professional bu siness entrusted to his care. LJnne 13, '5i.-ly. TB. McENALLY Attorney at Law. Offico nearly oppoaito Judge Wright's Store. Clear field, Pa., practice in Clearfield ; aud adjoining counties. . , Juiio 13, '54.-1 CHEAP CLOTHING. A large lot of Cheap Clo thing, Men's and Bovs, for salo cheap, bv June 13, '54. MOSSOP A POTTAUFF. LACKBERRY BRANDY. A certain cure for the Dysentury, for sale bv June 13, '54. MOSSOP A POTTARFF. A. FRANK, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE,- Clearfield. Pa., Oflice in "Shaw's Row " June, 15, 1S54. r . TIES CROWTIIKK,JUSTICE OF THE af FLACE, Curwensville, Pa. Office opposite the "Good Intent Hotel." June, 15. 1854. JACKSON CRANS-Attorncy at Law. Of- fice adjoining, residence, Clearfield, Pa - May 26, '54-1 y JAMES B. GRAHAM Merchant and e-xtonsiTe dealers in lumber CrrehampioE, T. O., Ciear fiwH unt-y. Pa. fMey i'fi. 'M-lv OING IT AI.ONE.-The undesigned hav ed by Patchiu A Swan, takes pleasure in informing; hia friends and the public generally, that ho has just received from the city a splendid assortment of Dry Goods. Hardware, Quetnsware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and every thing else usual ly kept in a country store. Persons wishicg to buy cheap and good Goods should not forget that he 13 determined not to t'O undersold by any storo in in the county. His motto is '-a nimble penny rath er than a slow sixpence" S. C. TATCHIN. Glen Hope, July 5. 1S51. HE AMERICAN HOARDING HOUSE. The subscriber would inform the public that be has just completed a largo new building, on the South end of Second Street, Clearfield, Pa , which he has furnished and fitted up in the most comforta ble ui aimer for the accommodation of travellers and permanent boarders. His charges will be moderate, and his house con ducted in a decent, sober and orderly manner, w hero all quiet and peace loving people,- who may visit ClearUeld can find a temporary -home." JOHN S. KADEBACH. July 15, 1851. TOHN RUSSELL & COTANNERS A CfHRT. " ERS, Pennsville. Grampian Hills. Clearfield Co., Pa., keep constantly on hand an excellent as sortment of leather, w hich they offer for sale at tbo lowest cash prices. Cash paid for hides. July 15, 1S51. VEW CLOTHING STORE. Moter Ul- 1" MAN, would inform the Dublie that he hax opeued a new nndsnlendid assortment of Clotbinr. of the best quality and lowest prices, at his Store, uexiuoor to tne oaieo ot l. j. crans, Jtsq. Clear field. Pa. Every variety of Clothing, Hats. Caps, and fan- cyarticles. Ho willstll cheaper than any other store I m tne couaty. lie dchea competition. Call and i sec his stock. j Highest prices paid for Deer Skins. Juno 27, 1854. 3mo. TH1KESI1 UEEE. RADEBAIGI1 A MOR- JL LOW , would inform the public, that thoy will have fresh b-.ef, for salo every Tuesday and Saturday rooming at 5 House, Clearfield. Pa. " o'clock at the Market July 15, 1854. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between C. Patoui.v A Jfji!' Swan, uuuer the style and firm of Patch in A Swan, was this davdi.-solved bv mutual consent, and the books arc left for collec tion in the handset'. S. C. PatcLin. Thoso persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm will call immediately and settle up, cr they will Lave tho pleasure of paying costs. S. C. PATCHIN. JOHN SWAN. Glen Hope, July 5, 1S54. DNIEL BENNER, Cabinet maker. Shop same as formerly occupied by David Sackcts, Clearfield, Pa., keeps constantly od hand ot his Furniture Ware-rooms, and manufactures to order tit City priccs.all kinds of Cabinet ware. Dining and 1 ler tables, Dressing cases. Cupboards. Bedsteads, Warh Stands. String bottomed Chairs, Sofas, Safes, Bureaus, Marble Topped Escritors, Ac. Ac Counts made, and luncrals attended on sue short est notice. June 27, 1S54. ly. CJPLENIID NE1V STOKE R. Shaw A CJ Son have just returned from the city with an entire new stock of Goods, which thev offer for sri!o on the very lowest tern;?, at tho old stand lately occupied by A. M. Hilis. West end of tho Mansion House. Clearfield, Pa. ThcirE'.'jck of aroods has been selected with great care, and a better or cheaper assortment was never broucht into Clear field county. They defy all competition, aud isviie tie pub lic to call cud examine their iroods. Every arti cle is entirely new. and as chear. if notc'heaDrr an can Imj purchased elsewhere. Tv. SIIAW. A.II.SIiAW. June 27. 1854. ITS ANK NOTICE. We the subscribers intend 9 to make application to the next r.cirislatiir of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for an Act of Assembly to incorporate a Bankinjr Company, with BackiDg and dis-ottuting priviiegos, to be called th.? '-Clearfield Bunk" kvl located at the Borough of C'earfield, with a capital cfOue hun dred thousand dollars. A. K. Wright, James T. Leonard, Richard Shaw, James B. Gkaha.v, Jonathan Boynton, Elms Irwiv, J. F. Weaver, J. W. Smith, J, B. McEnally. Juno 27, 1854. Oru. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I believe it a good maxim that people should purchase goods wherever they please. But they should not buy too hastily, ticforo they ascertain where thev can be best suited. I would most respectfully in vito all (Ladies in particular) to call at It. G lenax's Store andoxamine his splendid assortmentof iroods that cannot be excelled in this section of country for cheapness, durability or style. They consist of Gentlemen's Boots of all descriptions and pri ces. Ladies and Gentlemens gaiter? of the latest tyle. Boys aiid Girts boots, shoes and gaiters. Children of all ages can bo aocommodatod R. GLEN NAN. June 27, 1304. JAMES RIDDLE GORDON Attorney at Law, has removed hid office to the room adjoining in the East, the Drug Storo of Dr. U. Lorain, and will devot his whole attention to tho practice of his profession. He may be consulted in Frturh and (Jcrnunt. June 13. 'ii.-rly. BEREGE DELAINES. A superior article of Bcrogo Delaines in dress patterns, at 25 cents per yard, never sold in this county before for less than 50 cents, at MOSSOP A POTTARFF'S June 13. '54 A. WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office nearly opposite the Court House, Clearfield Pa., will attend faithfully to all business entrusted to his care. June.17, 1S54. ly JII. LARIMER Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office with John L. Cuttle. Eso n door Pa. to Dr. 11, Lorrein'a Drug Store, Clearfield. May 20, '51-ly CONRAD A WALTON Hardware Store, No. 255 Market Street, Philadt lphin. Hardware, Iron, Nails, Ac., of every description. June 15, lS54-ly. GEORGE J. WEAVER A CO.. No. 19 North Wa ter Street, Philadelphia, Dealers in Carpet chain, Yarn, Manilla and Hemp Ropes, Bed-cordd, Clothes-lines, 40. . . June 15, 185l-ly. rTlAR. The undersigned has just received and JL will keep for sale, at his shop on third street. Bfupi-nw nicic oi tar. Clearfield. July 5. 1854. GEORGE ORR. HBUCHER SWOOPK Attornevfct Law. For merly of the firm of Scott A Swoope. Hun tingdon. Pa. Office next door to, and over Esquire Nngley's, Clearfield, Pa. May 2C, '54-ly. 20 Barrels New Orleans Sugar, at Sixpence per pound, for sale at the Cheap Store of A. M. HILLS. TE ALL TAKE HOBENSACK. Hobcnsack's . ? l onu Svrun and Liver Pills, for 5tn 1a IiV Juno 13, '54. MOSSOP A POTTAUFF. "I ATI Sacks Salt, just received at the Cheap XlJVf Store of MOSSOP A POTTARFF. June 14, '14. BROOK, TYSON A REHN Wholesale Dry Good's Store. No. 145. Market Street. Thiladel- phio. June 15, l&54-ly. CLARK A HKSSER. No. IS South 4th Street Philadelphia, extensive dealers in Books and Stationary. Juno 15, lS54-ly. DRY BEEF, of the best quality just received and for salo at Wm. P. Irwix's Cheap Store. June 14, '51. TONE WARE, of e-s at the otore of -Jure H. 'l i T7 ari9ty, chetrj fer cash IMPORTANT REDUCTION IX POST AGE. Wo congratulate our subscribers and the reading public generally, en the cheapnu with which they can now receive our reprints by mail. The postage hitherto though gradually reduced since ISil haa alwaya operated a a dis couragement te their circulation in places inac cessible by expresses or other modes of regular private conveyance. Hence, as yet they have ob tained but a comparative meagre mail circulation We hope now that the postage it merely nominal, a new impetus will be given to these vatuabU works, and that no Post OiEco within tho United States will remain unvisitcd by at least one copy of the four Reviews and Black wood 3 Magazine. The Postage on Blackwood and the four Reviews i.i now but 72 ccnta a year, and the subscription price is but S3, and when tuken w ith any of the four Reviews but S2, a year! 'X Present subscription prices to the London Eiiinhnrp H'tsttninsttr, and .VorfA British Quar terly Rcvieurs, and Iilaeluools M-zpuxin. " FEB. ANN. I or any of the four Reviews, S3 0 For any two of the four Reviews, 5 n For any three of the four Reviews, 7 0O For all four of the Reviews, S0C For Blackwood's Magazine, 3 o For Blackwood and three Reviews. o nrv For Blackwood and four Reviews, - 10 00 1 aviru.its to te m,zfe m all euies m aJcznee. ry Remittances and communications shout J ) always addressed, post paid to tbo Publishers, 79 Fulton Street, Entrance on Gold Street. Aug. 23. j,-ew York. 'I MUu RED FLAG VICTORIOUS. The Blood lied wanner floats in triumph on the "Old Cor- iir.r more, wnero.. si. iJiLts has just opened the .V. ... . .l . . , , - , . .ui.ivii u.uu uiuai rjjienuia assortment of Good ever displayed fccfore this community, and exactly adapted to their many and various neceesitie Lvcry variety of Hats. Cans. Honi. iw,.. Shoes, Cloths,. Cassimercs. and all other kinds of dry-goods, that are unapproachable by any other aiiuiim aiutit., vnuti m ocauty oi stylo, quality or price. Also an excellent assortment of Groceries, Hard ware, Stone sud Queensware, with fancy articles arl infinitum. Ha defies competition, and invites all persons to give him a call at the l-Old Corner," which has tru ly become the 'Bazarr' of Clearfield. Every attention will be shown to customers and visitors, and no pains will be spared to send all smiling away, loaded with his beautiful and valua ble goods, never surpassed in Clearfield. A. M." HILLS. Clearfield, June 15, l$5t-Iy. GOODS AT THE CASH STOKE. Th. il sul ubscriber has iust received a. larirn m i i selected stock of GOODS of almoet every descrip tion suitable to the season, which he is selling off at extremely low prices. Ho respectfully invites the attention of all who wish to buy good Goods at the lowest prices, to call at the sign of the "ChcsD est Goods. Country produce of almost every discription ta ken at market prices in exchange "for goods. Persons wishing to purehac. and receive a fair equivalent for thjir money, will do well to giro him a call. Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market street, and call and be convinced that there is truth in the words thereon inscribed June 13, 1754. WM. F. IRWIN. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR HIRE. JAMES CRUWXUER would inform his frier is and the public generally, that be keens for hir horses" Lnggies, earriaKce.Ac. on tho most r-ir,fi.' j terms, at Li3 Livery Stable in Curwensville. inquire at the ;ti;e Office' Flemming's Hotel JAMES CKOWTUER Jiac 15th. 1S54. njtYRONE CITV DRUG STORE. The X undersigned having purchased the entiro stook of fc. A. Martin, would take th informing the "Natives, "and the public generally, that Drugs and family medicines of all kinds.and in fact every thing that is generally kept in a Drug Store, can be had at this establishment cheap er than at aay other in the country. This, estab lishment will be under the management 'of one that has experience, aud is well acquainted with medicine, and is also coinpetaut to preeribe for all those that may require the advioe of a Physi cian. JAMES M. MARTIN. P. S. A private Office attached. DISSOl Not;.- SKOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. e is hereby civen to all whom it mav concern' that the partnership heretofore existing between the uudersigucd is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. The hooks of the firm are left in the bands of Gearge W. Orr. by whom all the av. eountd are to be settled, Le having purchased th interest of John Klinzer in the outtandin,; ac counts. G. W. Orr will eottlc all the firm debts. GEO. W. ORR, JOHN KLINGKft. Clearfield, July 25, 1351. Business will bo carried on by Geo. W. Orr at the old stand, who invites all hia old customers to give him a call and as many nqw ones as can make it convenient. GEO. 'W. ORR Clearfield. July 25, 154 TUST A I! RIVED the intend id stock of Cloths, es. AC'. recntlv 9 Cassimercs. Vdstinss. Trimmimrs. Ae. purchased by tho Subscriber, which be w ill nell or make up to order, in the most fashiouable and du rablo manner, at his store iu "Shaw's Row." Thw material and -fits' warranted No charge for show ing his cheap and beautiful goods. Ho would inform the trad in Clearfield, that he is the authorized agent for Devere's Lou-ion and Paris Fashions. THOS. SHEA. June 27, 1554. LK. CARTER Icalcr in stoves, bar-iron. nails, aud castings of all kinds. Also plows, and other agricultural utensil. On Second Street, under the Republican Oflice. Suno 15, '54-lv. . II ALE A CO Wholesale Drcggists. 59, Market Street, North side between sixth and seventh, Philadelphia. Drugs, Medi cines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Surgical In struments. Druggists (jlasswarc. Window G law. Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, Ac., Ac. JOHN HARRIS. M. LV J. SHAUSWOOD, JOHN M. HALE, E. B. ORB1SON. June 15, 1754-ly. 1VTEW FIRM. HARTSUOUN A McCRACK 11 EN, have just opened a new and splendid as sortment of goods of every variety, at the old stand of D. W. ROBINS A CO., Lumber city, Clear field co.. Pa. They invite the public to give them a call, and feel assured they will be able to render entire sat isfaction. Lumber, Hides. Rags, Grain, and all other kinds of produce taken in exchange. BENJ. HARTSHORN, August 9, 1854. THOS. McCRACKEN. c IIARLES WINGATE, Dealer in Bonnee, Shoes, Boots, and Palm Leaf Hats, No. 18. North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Second Store below Commerce Street. Jane la. 1854-ly. "IXTULLIAM S. 'HANSELL A SON, Manufae w f turers aud Importers of Saddlery, and Sad dlery Hardware. No. 23 Market Street Bhiladel phia. Saddles, Bridies, Harness. Trunks. Whips, addlc Bags. Bridle Filling. Bits, Stirrups, Buckles, Carpet Bags, ect. June 15, '5 4-1 y. FOR SALE Three Lots of Ground, No. 21 25. and 20. in the Mossop plan, in the borough of Clearfield, all enclosed. For terms, apply to WM.M. REEDY. Curwcrsville, June 27, 1851. - ' V"OTICE. All persons are hereby notified that L I will pay no bills contracted by my wife Ma ria, or my daughter Susan, and that those who may trust them willdo to at their own risk. " , JOHN W. RIDER. Frenchville, Ang. 20, 1851. A.l LANE A CO. Wholesale Clothing Store. o.-171. Market Street, tverr variety t ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable style, constantly on hand. (Jnne 15, '611y. TSAAC M. ASnTON'.Hat Store. . 172 PHlsdrlrkii- Hfctav Caw. Pars. JL Market 9 As. cf erry variety, aad the heel qwallty always 5C kind rJuo5,l54-ly.