iUi 1 - . , , , . - -. ' ... t , L t .... . .; - . . . TJlE-JOUPtNAL t'i , . -,- "c BUSINESS ITEMS. -ft.!? i frFLettfers ef sdmiaisSratioo "have " been VriTitc-dto. Joas CablizV. Esct., on. the estate of : ITotm F.- erKle?. bite of Brady towussiiip . . . r-.- d?Those persons desirous of purchasing aralnaWe property in the vicinity t.f this place, will find an excellent opportunity by TX-tTerring- to the advertiseau-rrt tA JosT.rn .Laxicti in another ?oTum, . 7"OarWrchant.j and others visiting the city, will" do well to call atU.vii-T 4 Rhotheivs, t'yi chesnut St, and examine their splendid assortment of carpeting, floor oil cloths, triat- Vings &c See. - ,-. ; - : ROur friend Robert Welch has just re ceived a new" and splcudcd assortment of jew el ryi-: . We hope our friends will giva Robert a call. , ' . : . 7Tite atteiitionf Lumbermen and others U invited to the sale of a lot of splendid tim ber land on Clearfield Creek. Apply to Kdw SiiOKMAKETtEbeusburg, Cambria Co., Pa. X -- ' ' : i ' ... r7 Although a good 'deal of. business was done -daring Court week, the new,splenclid and cheap -'assortmeist of goods just received by Wm. F. Ir'wix, was bv no means exhausted. He offers for sale, emphatically, the- lest and Vlieapesf goods in the county I Call and sec. E-.n extensive purchase was lately e ffec ted by Geo. D. Morgan & co, of all the 1 inds in Centre and Clearfield counties belonging to IIarpmax Phimps. They are now -offered for on nv terms' in lots, or otherwise to suit purchasers. See advert iapment C7It win be seen that our young friend Jos- Showers has disposed of his interest in the firm of Pattox & Snowier., to K. A. IIir- ple. The business will be hereafter conducted under the style and firm of Pattox & llrt-ri.K. 7 A large assortment of all kinds of lum ber, idasterinz lath. &c may always le found Jit the "Pioneer Mills," of dpt. Henry Groe on the Moshamion. Those- who desire bill: sawed, will fin l.thc Cam. a tnUMt business man, and true to his promises. .' Otitis said that Bone3" is exceedingly tight, but nevertheless M. A; Frank, has just purchased a lanre. new. and pidendid assort - x merit of Gentlemen's dress goods and ready mads clothing. As I rank is a pretty cover . fellow, ho deserves to be patronized. f-Uore two doors East of Jvurual oinee. .: C"The shocmaking business is prospering, aud C. S. Black advertises for sb: journey men. A7ho wants a good berth... ' XyCct yo.nr life insured, and thus in.snrc ti ychi fauiiiy a sufficient competence in the event of your death. The Susquehanna Com pany at ll.irrlsbiirg, offers every inducement. Dr.lt. V: rn.sox of this:.' ing pl.ys'.e:;;" , Br. A . T . -agent fur Clearfield count. co 1 ' t; te r-Vi:r.vER ! the lorse, lnggj. a-.-'d -lan C;? 1C nnvens- bought chc ville. ap of "W..M. IlfcKDi;-. at C IZs" Oar lady reader.? who desire to send to I'Jiiladelphia for Millinery, &c. will iind the cstahlishfiient of J axe rdiuLEa at Xu. 8 South Sixth St., upper side, where all orders will be punctually attended to, .'' , Gf.lt will be seen in another 'column, that Blaik li Barrett have opened the .MOUNT VERXON for the reception, of visiters. We wish them abundant success, and have no doubt "pur. Clearfield friends visiting the City, will ca.ll where, they will always meet a v. aim and welcome reception. ' ;. GIF" f;Scure the shadow, 'ere the substance fades,''' and call at Pirviaxce's Daguei-reaii Gallery on 2nd st., two doors north of Powell li. Co's. Stora. . Cylt is always a good plan formeh inbusi- ncss to settle ur their accounts regularly. James B. Geauasc, adopting this course, calls peremptorily upon those having dealings with him to come forward and settle up, . . ! e ---tK?-Tliose of or farmers who -havo. orchards, should prociire.onc 'cf,.lIickok's portable cider mills, which su-c represented as one of the vury. best articles 'fif the kind ever invented. L. R. Carter, is the agent in this place, ; -. tpP" The C6i-poraP in his pcrirt natWsjiTew .'days since, yhile searching for the 'Know N.oth- iugi,'. observed a crowd pouring into titdrooui next door to the Journal office, f Of course lie "foUowcd.b'ut disebvered the canse of at true-, - tioii to be n splendid and cheap assortment of bot and. shoes, .recently opened tnerc nyt S. TJiACK ' From the excellent quality of his work,.the 'CorporaJ' cpmc tothCj conclusion that CiiABLTtr did'nt beioiig to the Order. ' fJCTf" It will be seen that D. -Wj ItoBtrxs & .JCo., r.t Lumber city, havo. dissolved partner ship. - The Books - and accounts , itre iii the hands of P. W.' R ocbins for settlement . : ;; C5:M. A.".Fbaxk Eso," "inforuis. hid friends and the public, that he has removcl Ju.vLuj.H . ness stand two doors east of the Journal office, in GrAnani'i Row. where he Svill be fi'avm to attend to those who may give him a call- " DC" V call -the "attention" .'of ia"htere,"ahd ttherito iliaact, tliat a .large "and:'c,xcerie1it supply of White :Lcad and cLinseed- O'dj hes just been reccifed at. Mosop & Pottarff's. , a" We Tequest the attention of our.Teauers ! "to tin? ca'rd ef ITrOHEs tc " lavnr ' in another col u m nil UiaVpr oprie t or s of" the Tyrone: City rHotl. -Girethero a eall,ltefrm.i6itT,y- ;rbne,'iC you .-FsK to be- well "treatednd get acqitintfflritlT'a-.couph: f clrvr rl!9wsre . . . C-.ectitloa .'Osr.;-?- s: . ryt:s--i".l "ji- i-'i.Vi ii-.C"!:!; j Tl.-e- eJCt.eatioH of this T-jt el - 1. mart to 'Ji place?.! HellevtiV 'yesterday, t.x the sa-U'iice cf the'law.; The. act f.-f which he s-li.'.-iei Was one of pecnfinr turpitude tliC wnml audi deliberate muruL-r ot Ins u icnu :u. beai-s'aetvr. Wlt matle the ea3 siill' more aggravated was the cironustance ihiU a trieaa- lv act which the victim was perlonumgioriu murderer gave him the opportunity to commit the deed. The tiro were riding together in a wa?cn, the former being Jn a state of pattial intoxication, when the-. latter struck Li ni sevc-r ral blows ou the head with, a hatchet, i ractur iu? his skull every tiiue.. After he was dead his murderer took a horse shoe and, with the aid of the hatchet, made 'a wound on his fore head as if he had been kicked by a horse, and then tumbled him intothe road? and ran tor a doctor. . . "W'hea the doctor arrived , accompanied by several neighbors, the man was. dead. A hasty iii4iiesl. wa&htld, and ;v verdict rendered that '-the deceased came to his d.'uth by being kicked in the head bv a horse." He was then as hastily buried tumbled, into a; rough, box witlhout being dressed in grave clothes, or even the blood anrl dirt with which he was lcdab bled washed from lus.'face and ' head. In. a sliori time some circumstances occurred which excited a suspicion that he did not come to his death accidentally. It was noticed .then that his widow and Orban were in correspondence, and a letter from him to her was intercepted, in which he recommended her to "sell oll'her property as soon as possible, and nu'Ct hiei at a certain place, as. .tilings were oeginniug iw lenk out." '; ..." . : . Upon thisTJrban -.wax." arrested, tlie body; of the murdere'd'iiian"e'xu;;med, and a. post mor tern examination held.: wiien it was. discovered that he had received five blows on the head willi a hatchet two with the hammer part and three with ! the edge. The wound with the horse shoe was known to . have been made af ter death by no blood being .settled around it as in the other wounds, showing that .it the time it was given the circulation hud ceased. On the trial the chain of evidence against the prisoner was so complete that not the shadow f a donht could exist as to his guilt, and the jury had no difficulty in agreeing on a verdict of guiliv. After sentence was pronounced, a bill of exceptions was filed" in the Supreme Court, but they were not sustained, and Exe cutive clemency wrs appealed to in vain, r.s there was not the slightest ground for even mitigation of sentence, much less for pardon. Between, eleven and one o'clock yesterday, the sentence of tfce law was carried into effect in the yard of the county jail, in the presence of very few spectators. A large crowd of persoaa had assembljd ouUidewith the expec tation of witnessing the spectacle, and were fruit e clamorous for the execution taking place outside, but were 'overruled by the proper au thorities. They manifested their disapproba tion by a shower of brickbats, several of which struck members of the military company pres ent to prevent disturbance. Two of the num ber was knocked down and badly hurt. Order was quickly restored, however, and the exe cution proceeded without further interruption. The prisoner was verv much emaciated by his long confinement, and looked exceeding hag gard. After he liad bung about three-hours, he was taken down and delivered to his friends for burial, and thus ended the last scur.e in one of the most dreadful tragedies which has ever been performed in the "West. An execu tion has not taken place in St. Clair county before for '2$ years. Remab K.vnr.x CoixrinExoE. A correspon dent of the Petersburg Express1:, writing lnm Cliatlestown-, Virginia, relates the following series of incidents, which if true, are certain ly very sti.ular: Wasliiiigton was accustomed to wear two seal U his watch, one of gold and the. oilier of silver. Upon both of them .the letters 'G. W." wit- engraved, or rather ' cut. 'These seals he wore as early as 17.-l, and they Were about his person on the terrible day ofBrad dock'.s defeat. Oh that day he lost the. silver seal. T!ie gold one remained with the Gen eral until the day of Ids death, and was then given by him to hi nephew, a gentleman of Virginia, who carefully preserved it " nut ili about seventeen years ago, when in riding over lus fjrni, lie dropped it, and could never re cover it. The other 'day, the gold seal, lost seventeen years ago, was jiloxcci vp, recog nized from" the letters "G. W." on it, and restored to the son of the gentleman to whom Washington had presented it. . At ajmost the same mimeni, i,ie suvor seai, iosi m no just one hundred years ago was plowed up on j the site of the battle iu which Braddockwasj defeated, and in lik manner recognized from the letters -G. W, ;" so that in a very short time the two companions will be again united. I have this statement Jrom the most reliable possible source namely,' from'the gentleman himself, who has thus had restored to him these precious mementoes of .his great ances tors. The aifair is but one more proof of n;i old stated maxim, that truth beggcrs fiction in strangeness. I repeat there is riot the slight est exaggeration or mis-statement in the mat ter, and no room for mistake..- In legal phra seology; -the proof "excludes every other hy pothesis," ' 'GCAceounts . from Major.. 'Emery,- of 5 fiie Mexican Boundary 'Survey,; represent the, ex pedition to have suffered in pronortv by' the late storm in texas, but not to a very gf eat ex tent. Two of the members of tlie expedition hM been attacked With the yellow f'overi ' " ITT'Quite an excitement Was recently occa sioned in Fredericton, N. B. by the marriage of a French girl to au Indian, ; Parental op position was unalile . to subdue their' love tor each other, and the copper colored aboriginal bore off his lady love attired in full costume .of Indian toggery in triumph..- 0"A construction train on the South fiide Railroad, in Virginia,, was thrown: from the track on Archer's Ridge byan obstruction pla ced npon it by some unknown miscreant, The locomotive was thrown intp thecreek t'6r ty feet below, and three men on it were killed. Genekositv. We were told .yesterday by; a nieuiber of the Howard association, of an iu Btflnce of generosity on the iart of our fellow citizens, ("en.' Larimer, which wc cannot help making known. It is only one pf tho piany shnilar charitable actions performed. byjt,be General. : y. -Doing .illel upon by several members of the. Association4-to contribute his mite towaffl-? the relief of the "sjek and indigent lie 'very promptly authorized them to draw upon him for-, any amount they needed, and that he ould alvnys honour their drafts. -i " ; ? The qualify of charity" has been strained" so often in Pittsburg' that it gives us infinite pleasure to record -an act of benevolence like thl."ftf,-Ptf":;,;i-- ' ' -'-' As Irisn boy trying hard to obtain a place , denied that he was Irish. "I don't know what you mean' by not being an Irishman,", said the gentleman who was about tQ .hire him; "hut this-l know, that y9U were ' born ia Itfc iand." "''Och,'your honor, if that's all.'.aicl tlie boy, "small blame that. Suppose your old.cat had kittens in the oven," would thvy.be loafes 6f bread." The h oy'ot the place. Dertmctivs Tire tt Pitti'brrs-. . . v AT-ovf. two "rcrccklfon. the 2- Tnsf.r a "Ere. i-To5.e tKt in the eXten-edi ug wr.rO Iioose ft" IS- A.Faluaestojk Sc co.h th: earner of "Toed and Fjunfc streela, and before tlieilaBiec'oBld be rlietkedi. the wholeof thaf exienaire edifice vras in henpc-f ruias, together wi-th nearfy all of its contents. From the etmtu5.trrre pa ture of the "material, the names spread very rapidly, and not withstanding the quick ap pearance on the ground of the nciglib9r"ng fire companies with theis apparatus, nothing coiild be done to quell the names in the ware house, and the main effort was to protect the adjoining buiMings. ' ' ' Prom the drug store the flames extended to the glass warehouse of F. & J. McKec & Co., on Wood street, which was burned down. -With this building the fire was checked on Wood street. On Front street, the foundry warehouse of Robinson & Minis, a two story building, ad joining the drug store, was crushed in and de stroyed by the falling of the walls of the latter, which extended two or three stories above the roof; but for this misfortune the buildingwould have escaped. ; ;- ; The walls of the drug store were thick and substantial, hut owing to the intense heat theyj gave wav. and fell outward on Front and ood streets, with the exception of a portion inime uiatetv on the corner; fortunately, however, no one was hurt bv the falling of the walls. The building opposite, across Frout and Wood-streets, were in imminent danger, and nothins but the most active exertions on the part of the firemen amf citizens savco iriL-i.i from burning, the heat was so intense. ' ' ." Owing to the confusion which prevailed du ring and after the fire, we were unable to gath er any; thing. Tvery-" definite in regard to the amount of insurance on the property destroyed, but were Informed that the loss of Messrs. B. A. Fahnestock & Co. is probably between S80.000 and $100,X, including building anu stock, which was covered by insurance, in different offices, to the aniorint'of between cr.O.OtiO and 870,000. Of the loss of F. & J." Mnk'M ivo r.n.lersf and nothintr definite; but we understand that they had ai insurance of about $3,000. " '"'.J The loss of Robinson & Minis will lie trifling, less, probably, than $500. Uiu'on Moan IIr.M!U C;r,Kr.r. Baby Fairs or Exhibi- itons are now all the rasre. A treat one is soon to rorne off in Snrinsrfield. Ohio. The inquiry has been made to ascertain the exact points" which will govern the committee in making the awards whether it will be the i..r of he eves, rinsrlets or straight hair, the l,r.-m.loDieal formation ol the head or the i.hvsical development of the body, the number ..,Ti,"l size of the teeth, the color of the com plexion, the tone of the voice or the general timicarance of the cherubs. The editor of the Cincinnifi G(i:tite seems .. b. Tii77lcd to find out the utility of the . ' i - "We cannot, however, see what practical good will result from this baby cxhibiton, in tim future. Is it iiresiuned tliat these shows will be a means of improvingthe breed,-as they do shorthorns. Berkshires and Morgans is the thinsr to l-c done? Arc all the babies hereafter to be fatted and slicked up for rmmtv Fairs in the Autumn, until their !rifiS sliine like varnish, and their leers oro 8a p'urnpthat you cannot seethe knee-joints A re thev all to have double-chins?" ' f)ETEnMrxEi SriciDE. An olrl man namod Fredrick Mathias. committed self-destruction at the AUeffheiiv Citv .Poor House, on Tues day, by cutting his throat with a common ta ble knife. The deceased was an American by birth nn.l ivas something over seventy years ol age. His health was bad for some time previous to his death, and it is supposed that this aiibctod his mind, and led him to the commission of the rash act.' ' The deliberate manner in which the snicida carried out his design A self-destruction is astonishing. He procure I a common tal "e knife, and, procee lin to a "rindstoiic. bo si.ent some time sharpii ni; it. Fearing the edge was yt too bin vi t to . m-f t bis nurr r.se. lie rnouea n re- i.pitf(1h- on his boot, vf'fer which he retired to an old Vhed on the premises, and severed carotid artery. An inquest was hel l on body, when a verdict in accordance with facts, as above stated, was rendered. the the the Yankees is Caxada. Squatters from the United States are settling upon the mineral lands on the "north shore of Lake Superior, tlie j provincial Parllment of sci 'an act grant :ng to all Canada having pas- aliens the right of pur chasing and conveying lands to the extent of four hundred acres each. Large tracts of land in that region haying ' been put into mar ket by tire government at one dollar and one dollar and a quarter per acre, without reser ving the mineral lands, the Yankees have prospected for copper and iron, and having made rich discovries, . squat upon the lands, enter their claims, and jointly or seperately purchase them. - ' ;, ' ' Mrnmvn op Emigraxts ix Kansas by the Pawxf.e Ixiuaxs. The editor of ih'e Demo cratic Platform in bis issue of the 7tb,' says: "While in Kansas List week, we learned that a party often emigrants visited the neigh borhood of the Big Blue, for the. purpose of making claims. The party divided half of them travlmg up that stream, while the other five went down. One of the parties were at tacked by the Pawnee Indians, and the entire body, five in number, killed. Wc could not Viirn their names, but loam .thev -are from Misourj.'?; - .. . . Camphkxe Accident. Another serious ac cident occurred on Thursday evening, to a la dy; named Mbore, who resides in" Wood' 'street below Thirteenth. It appears 'the lady was in the act of striking a nail with a hammer, when she accidentally 'struck a lamp: she heliLLn-her hand, breaking it and causing the fluid to rifn over ht:r person; burning her in a' Shocking manner. A gentleman who assisted in 'extin guishing the. fiaine.VT.had his hand seriously 4urtied. . The former, sufferer remained in, a critical condition during Friday, and the lat ter suffers much pain, the flesh being burned entirely from tlie wrist. Sun. ":i 1 " -A Xovkl Kixn of CiSTEitx.-r-Therc is rjoOi ing like a life in California to brighten tfie n telleet and teach one to turn every thing to account. ! In San Francisco a few weeks since the. hulk of an old vessel was discovered bur ied beneath the surface of one of the princi pal streets arid after some congitation it was decided 1 to convert ' it into a hutre cistern or j reservoir i .tor- the , reception of water , TJic ! thotishtwas uo isooner conceived than execu- i ted,- and the fire department tnrned out in high glee to fill it from thebaw i !I"The ladies of Rochester' including the wives of .fourteen clergymen' 'tweuty phy sicians, and some J-'t0 citi?eBs have addressed a scorching letter to Governor - Seymour on the subject of hsi vote, of Mtfc J'aine Jaw. " The Governor is handled without any .'especial ref erence to theccuteness of his personal feeling3. '- A chap was askd what kind of a "gal" be preferred for a-wit'.''-,;Ie replietl; One that wast' not a jroii-gal, but a .Vti-gal, and. a tru, s.M, and one that suited liis'co-aabtaMe." ! He pos.sessfd tnre"g?J?-lartTy.'; ui 3; t a A Qtku. i urja r malji Row Jo dand.-cuTfs- .Sum. f vrno s.c&. a yeniig ia -yet .of .'Psufideare wdit."ectel at the- 3tiiT bFf -Ikirf, ia- bo8on. (inissed. la woman' clrties- liispfemah? Ttrdrorxs a very Ta"H- be one', vaTscfl at'sctn "iSmirctt f dollars, was taJccn froirt birii ar-f given- iato fhebaT.ds of a Providence Policeman, who was t give it to the Fawyers Wffo- ' She . being away from the place, it was not tlone, and the owner has had the officer arrested for tneft, in keeping flic clothes from hfm. An anmsfng list of this clothing wi?s published ia one f the Provi dence papers, a few. days ago,, which showetl a very extensive female' owtfit.' The case l ex citing muck: interest,., as the gentlemanT be sides being a married. iaan. ia. a clvurch mctn her, scbxo teadier, &e. '' " ' ' Ixfo3Iatiox- Waxteo. Havid M. Brains- maid a marr who has for nianv years lived in' this vicinity, disappeared rather mysfcrionsly some two or thyec months- ago, and, biis not since been heard of. Hu habits were in some respects those .4f a hermit lie resided most of the thaein -a Bhanty about four miles from Ridgwwy. The last tliat was known of hinr, he started from his shanty to corne- to Ridgeway. i e tinaei stand he was formerly from Connec ticut.. -"lie is alout 50 years1 ol age.'.; Any m: format Ton concerning him will be . thankfully received by .his friends here. Editors. .copy ing the above,' wfll. 'confer a favor upon the friends of .dr. Brainsiaaid. xJk Loutuij .I't-VOcafz- . . , . ..... . . PiiOiucinox ix Maine.. The result , of the recent election in Maine lias completely cxtiu- suishod all oinoition to the principle of. pro-: hiriition and reduced it to a contemptible mi nority. Not a single State Senator, and only one Representative in favor of repeal, has been elected; both the. Congressmen were killed riff, who voted airaiust the whiskey reform in the navy, and the Pine Tree State, from, Quaddy Head to Kittery Foint, lias teen-. swept, clear of all the influences of distillers and .liquor sellers-"This i, indeed a triumph to be proud of!-- -' " ' : . ' ' The Gnt.AT Navies of the AVorld. We find in our exchanges a table showing the ex tent of the first five navies; of the world: It purports to come from a pamphlet published by an intelligent naval officer. Here it is: .. " Vessels of War No. of guns. England France Rusia Holland United States "' 170 -102 00 7.i4i 2-,:318 1,SW Fatal RAtT.R0.r Acciukxt. Early on Satr u rdav n.ornin". a laborer on the Cumberland Vallev Railroad was killed on the. railroad, near Carlisle. '.The. unfortunate man was rea ching for a hammer on the . tract, when the cow-catcher struck him under the ear and, throwing him some distance, he then rolled under the train, and was instantly killed. CfSj;?.i Directory of Clearfield County. PRESIDENT JX'lKiE: . I To v". Jake- Brr.xsjnB. - "EeHefontc. ASSOCIATE JUPGE: . ; . -:-' Ifo.V. IltrilAKO Pmav.-. - -Hov. ijiiix Vm IIoyt. - - Clearfield. Lumber City. i E O'i 1 1 0 X A TO R Y : :de. Vi'lI.LIA.U ToilTEn. - - - gHEUIFF.: WlLLIAW PoWKI.T.. - - .: - ClcaifielJ. Clear&e-ld. liEPFTY SHERIFF: ' - Clearfield: JAILOR: Hexrv Stone. Clearfield. ''" COMMISSIONERS: ; RoaEST MF.nAFFKv. - - - - Bower. SAMCEr, KcnoT-F." '" - - V , Glen Hope Puu.ii" ' Hevixeii. - - - "- ' Penufield. - ' COMMTSSIONEU'f; CLERIC: Georoe 1J. (Jooi'I.axpeh. - - Iuthcrsburg. TREASURER : John MrPmsnsox, ... Clearfield. , FR0SECUTIXGr ATlirvXEY: L. Ja kso.v Chans. - - Clearfield. -i COUNTY BL'iiYEYOR: Tiios. Ross, Esq. - - - - - Curwensville. . COUXTY AUDITORS? Geo. W. SrnoFK. - - - "- - Jeffrie?, C Kratzkr. ------ Clearfield. J. II. Sevi.eh. - '- .- - - - Luthcrsburg. PXIILAIJELPIHA. . . . Monday. Oct 0. Flour. . icr bbl. Kyo Flour. " . " Corn Meal. " ,. t AVJieat, per bush. . . .Rye, soa roe at Corn, .. i Oats, scarce " S'J.OO . -45,00. 1.00 . .- ,-S7 .43 to 7,00 4.12 CLEAKFIELD. :.. . , Vebxt:spav ,Oct, 22. Flour... AVheatif Rye, Corn,: : Oata: per bbl. per bush- Si 2.00 i 2.25 1.50 1.12 -02i , :: , .. . : ..'LUMBER, TRAPE. ... POTtTSJIOfTH Solcct Com. and Pannel .inch ..-lo::- ; .. . ' half inch, . .-: . . CullingS. , - i ;,.'t sr., V.; Samples, .. - Shingles, . ;.. . Hemlock. Boards. ... -' ' Hemlock Joist. nd Scantling. Oct. 9. 1S54. S2.VJ00 SilOalT -SI 0,00 "15al7' ..$11,00 -?n,oa 0:; , On Saturday,- the. 7th.-inst., in Lawrence twp- Clarkxck Acgi'Stvs.'. infant aon of Jordan.-and Sarah S. Read, aged 19 months and 22 days. . At New Washington, on the 2fth ult.'.'-REtiECK.v Riddle, wife of Hugh Kiddie, aged about 5$ years.; f UFWARD Lost on the 4th inst a tJJ Pocket Book containing on bunclred atia forty-nine dollars. forty-six dollars m gold, the paper' monev was 'principally all Illinois. : Any person findinsr said' l'oeket Book ami retnrn-' inir the same to this offied.- will receive' the above rew'ard.: ' : ?" .' '- YT: V. HANCOCK.' 4 TTK1TION REGITLARS t Youareorder JTtL' ed te meet for parade on Satorday, - October 2Sth nt 1 Veloek. P. M Encdi member will pro vide himself with ft rounds of -blank cartridge. Tho. CnrntMinT will npnpnT in ivi n ter uniform. There will He adrill on Saturday October 21stTai 5 o clock, P. M. By order of the Captain, . ' GEO. W, RUEEMS, Jr., O S Clearfield, Oct. 11, 1854. ; CERTAIN CTJItE FOR Atl7E. FAIR TO ALL! no cubk o rAY. This preparation has an established reputation, and is offered with con. iidence as a enre for fever and-mrue, or intermittent fever. It may be taken by the most delicate with perfect safety, beicjr a pure vcretuble syrup. If taken accordinz to directions without cueing, a second bottle will be supplied free of charge, or the money returned. JVoitt 'genuine, without the signature ' : J.-1I. PAUUTHAUIP, Jr.; -.Xa. 897orth Second Street, Philadelphia:: - Oetobcr 11, 18"4.-! '' - -o -' " " -r.i eAl'TION.r All persona are.eantioncd not 4 buy, trade- for or meddle in an3' way. - with 4 Yoke-, ef .'Qjen'.-iiow iu. the posssession of John Brigs, as the same is mine, and only loaned tasaid Brigs. -nd - are - at -my- -disposal-fe eRw-tme-froni this date, AugUot'ITUi; loa4- T.: If. U A?s. ; Fifrgaron township, Oct. U, 1S51. ':" 5 yoni kde.4 tUa l-v e. "tt ia-c I lowio, nkkt, Eaa been "REXevirsD- a's Re-msokckd rnrc ctn- iBff tcruitorc isatl acir, aw- n:ts &cirwfii'jt! with caie from RciiVIe? wcU known csmHLshimat in rScstint StrVrt, jrn-r it cf t!ie liHt and rc-nst fashioablo srtyfur-.: ;" j de.4 I - ;f r4 I . v-- Tke location for, dlcruaaBU fi olucrs canig. to (&e city is' convenici.t, -btTnj'in the ctiutte f f Their friends iu Clearfield re- respectfully soli cited to give theiu a. call- T). BLAiR-'" i ij. lSAivur. t i, .. . Ag. S018O4:r.v., T r . Proprietors, , rt ErOVAL i MILLINERY ESTABLISlf K, SIRNTt Jaxk Mii.t.ek, respectful Ty:. iuforras her Erica Js, and-the. Pablic ia general, that she has rrviavcf from her old .tand, having located hidf. at -Bokth itMh tStnef vvprr .siitr-.- Philadelphia, where she will be happy t all times, to suppiy ter customers and friends, with all kinds of Milt.ixk.ry, c. e and hopes by strict nsn- tion td b.ine, tr merii coritinonnctj ef.-a liler- - 1 t 1 . a t ...,1,1 at share, ot cu-siom. .iier umnu aii m- j'u."ii. u invited to call, before purchasing elsewhere.' Very Respectfully," ' -' "' i JANE MILLEllw.:.. II. All oruers puncjuauy aucnaeu 10- , t, Ang- 30, l ."4.-2t ' . rfYllOXI-J CITY Ilt)TKIJ.--.HUC.JJE.S:i JL lllYIX, ttouM respectfully inform fliejiublic that tticy hare Yerygreatly imriroved their ItoMsc.' and nre'now able to'url the- -travelling ;pulfie, tUe niot comfortable acyiuuiodatin3 '1'fce-rr Jur i.4 furnlslicd wftfi the very Itest limivr, -nd the Ittxurics.of the-PhiladelidHa market . aro ta; :W: foiuud.on their table. , They . rcspectf ully invite their m-.iuerous friends ia CleHrftelit to frive t?iem a calf. ' '-'- - "''' ' Ac't'-9,It. -- rANTEl). Six Teachers, competent to nh " part an Ens 1111 education to their:-tpils will find a situation fur four mouths, by applying to JOHN. THOMPSON, President, or 1. J..CATH CART, See:, of the Jordan lisrriet School Direc tors. . A Iib:ralsalarv-will be (riven. : . : . - . 1 15y order of tie Ikmrd. . - ' I. J. CAT1ICART, Fee'y- SetemTicr 2ff. lS;4 tt -: - - ' C'fKAYS. Came t the residence ' of the-snb-"jscriLer ia Lawrence township. :about. the 1th or. ."th of Auguit last, two heifers alvout .one year old,. The owner is requested to come and prove his pro perty and take them away, otherwise they Will be ilisposea ot as tue taw- tureen?- - -; .IA.M-..-MMJlU'.t.'"l. September 20. ' -j tAITlO.- -AIT persons ar bercby cautrone'd airiinst purcaasins, or in any way mcadling with a two borae wagon and a pair, of bob sleds now fn the possession of P. IT. iJooz, as the' saM property bilongs,to me and is in his possession 11s loan only. JOliX L'Rl'RAKER. September 2t. 13.E TVT Ji AV Alt R I V A L . M . .vrtiiA.Mv, lias just i returned from the East with a la rje assort ment of Cloths. Cassinu-r. Xeck Ties. Trimmin.2S. Ready yiaJe. Clotliiu- -'- which be will u!l cheap for cash, at bis store, two doors east of the Journal office. Fashionable tailoring still done to .order, with neatness and dispatch. He invites the public to give him a call and ex amine hi stock, . Sept 13,185. B .VI LY i BIIOTIIEU, - ZTo. 262 Chestnut Street. -PHILADELPHIA, Have now open a large assortment of the Newest. :. ' Styles and colors of ' - Bleb.. English Velvet, ': " . . .." . . Ta-oestry, - -' Ingrala, ' " 1 ' New fctvlea- Irain )"' ?r;. "C A UP K T I . G S, OF THEIR OU'V mi'QRT-lTlOX, JUST 'LANDED., ' , Also.nfull assortment of Super'titid' Medium fiuality ASIIiKICAN CAKPIiTIXGS, Many of wLkh being their ov.11 manufacture, can he recommended as Good CarptHnd; for a Low Price. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. & CANTON MATTING S; of evcrv vridth and quality. . BAIL Y & S P. 0T H E a, rMPOKTKRS ' llASUl.-AtTrr.EtlS OF CAIirETlNOS Td. ":32 Chesaat Street. P'ailaislpaia. , Ocj. 4, lSjf.-Cui, EIICATION Tho Methodist Episcop.il Church at Glen JIupc, will be dedicated to tuc worship of God. on the 22n or OcTour.a next. I he ilev. .1. 1 oisAL, and otJier prominent - min isters will bo prestnt. " . September 27, 1351. . DISSOIA"TIO-V. The partnership heretofore existing between II. U. 1'atton ami J. S. Show ers, was mis uay uissoivcn, uy niunna conscm saivl Showers having disposed of hi. interest to E. A. Hippie. Jl.l. l'Al-JU.x, .T.S. SHOWERS. Curwepsville. Sept. 1st, 1351. " The business will hereafter be conducted by Patton & Hippie, who will pay all debt? contract ed ly the former firm. This arrangement will re quire no new settlements, ino nrui will continue oa with the old books. . H. 1. PATTOX, , K. A. lilt' I'LL, September 1st, lS54.-3t. FIRST ARRIVAL. FALL AND WINTER' 'GOODS. AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Just, received, a large and splendid assortment of gcods of Almost every description, .suitable lor the season, and selling off at very low prices. Ladies,' (lentlcmen, andievcry person wishing to huy goods at the very lowest price, are respectfully invited to' cull and examine tor themselves. Produce of all kinds' received in exchange-for oods. . WM. F. 1RWLN. Clearfield, Sept. 27. 1S54. H - . TO SHOEMAKERS. A fine lot of Spanish bipa Men and Women's Morocco' piuk trimmings, and Sole Leather, for salo cheap by ouno 10. luuoui o. luii.iin' A D3IINIST RATOH.'S NOTICE.- A. ESTATE OF HIRAM E. CAR1.ILE, DEtVD All persons are hereby notified that Letters of Ad- ministration on me i-siaie 01 liiraiu vsiruie, late jof. Brady Township, dee d., have been grant' ed to, tho subscriber, in due form of law.. All per sons "indebted, are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them, properly authenticated, fer settlement. ! JOHX'CARLILK, Administrator. ' October 4Y1S54.-01 IfALUABLE FARM AT PRI-V SALE- Tho bubscriher ofi'ers for sale PRIVATE on rea sonable and1 easy terms, his farm in Lawrence township, containing one himddcil 7Cfv-,ti.nd allow ance. The buildings arc, a good log house, frame barn, and other out-houses. There is. also, on the place a promising "young 'orchard of choice fruit trees, in tinff bearing order. ' Also, a never failing Spring of .water; About sixty Acres cleared' r Two miles from Clearfield.. . . ..... j-. .. '-'Inquire bf ' F. I KfTLKfe', Clearfield.' or the sub scriber on the premises- '" j -JOSEPH "LAN1C1I. October 4, la'L-m, ;, ... .,. .... .. . . r. ... . YrAR;IN AMERICA not against foreign f T nations, huVagainst high prices and impo sition. .R. R. "WELCH, Las just returned from the city with a splendid newf stock of.Obld and Silver Watches, open and; hnntinjt-ejised, c6d chains. keys, seals, and a variety of other articles usually kept by Jewelers. - . - . .... - , ... , ins assortment nas been selected witn great eare iand cautiou, and will be x-heefully submitteiUte the inspection of all who may. give him a call. -Tkrms Cash. ' fOcfc. 4, lSJJ." ' BEIDLKMAX k JIAYVf ARD-WhePaale Gro cers. Tea Dealers, -and Commission JVIereliaais, -rAo. 273, Market Street. Philadelphia.. . . . :: m zz-i.',--?:b a. jlaywakd,v ; t June 1j, lftjl-ly.. .- .- 5 (j.,r j-i -r- - 1 1 r A!-ll lAuTu.v L. i;lalu., attouspv at iff - LaWj No.-SeSouth St.vth t.; PhHadelphia. TSAAC M.' ASIFFON Iftit-'-t-tore'-'Norra Jt Market St--hTfTWfhf Ac , 'of ererv oxrxr f Eis-fo" -Ttns--r-: !rerv'Varietr..ap:d tho iesU feuali'tyklwavst tVa-r.- CIeareL,1 ,., ... .June J-rlS64-ly." i AugnM 2X l-ol a on hand FX&tt&''Att&r&'v XIJK-KXK-:-- early aiityrf t rtr aTiJttrrig f tingHrid ai-er written wrtt- aiccbc eare- -d in an ratertalaing aaiirHtrfraeate mttr wirfc-tE 1 astratieiw tfuiaittUi f - evcoUJ . ta t tSfe vitl aSy illuminate title MjfftnUialsg the Lfc C DASlEt W'EliiTKB.; tiia G vaC A twaiBaw .Rft tea man ; with liniitcoui aijfxlLifc .iiliietrativc.of ki cliwrac-ter, and te follow uig illuV-tratioas" Yotitrgr DaTjirl iti rh-Sa-5r Mi.r..- "'-J--Wcbstcr fishing M- Frylinrjr -t I" Welter declining the Clcrkslii-. AVeL.-fer cvpoanrt-in j tlie Constitution -7ke Banker HH1 ct4eVrai.iB. t Webster at FarcMrl llaH; - ,-" ---C Marsh field the rcsiivucc .0" "Vciicr.. , j The life of Jlenry Clay." tlic; MH! P..y of the Slashes nine illustrations. . . The lLfe Of ITorjamin Frarklm.' hiiflc-f.fitra-tioii;., ,..rr. ,-.. )ct.:-aT:atT The life .wf-Geocral- "Vligtny .iur. (iijjaj! ra tions. . . . -. , , . - j TLc life of Marlon, tune 'illustrations The life of Lnfityettv.-riVc illustrations. The life cf Vnv" Pcnn, rum- iUustra? ions The life erOcncrn? Tsj t.if. riine iifiiWatfiifts The life of Ahflrew 4a-kim. 1ao UITraIiV.. Tho -life of Nafjolcou : V0naiikver.ti.vMj!lvc tra il 0" S ' -a" The Effll of Independence ; or ruRadelplua in 1776. ii''no illn'stration.. - - The Yankee Tea party ar.d otijor tojics cf the Ravolutioir: nine ilfnstrirtion..- ' ""'' 1 " .'.Containiiig in'- allvowr -nnj:hJif.ice'l-;iiittr.-- tions. l"i'. I" '"r- ' ' ? n" fjcLJ . Kach toIumvb is.wclLwritten.. yos-einjf a Inh moral tone, ami can srtft-fy be f.a-ef in the hands of j-wms jietrci 'r HVey' et'tit.iln numerous anec dotes iIU.stralive of Uie early history of our was try, and arc welt adapted fbrTrtmilv-'or' fthoAl li braries, s . - i c".- tT Price per t--U handioaiely booml in. iihitbtr gilt back? and neatly put up iu boxes. '$5,73."- Pricc per volume; neatly hoimd". ehdh p;iit 5(5 ct. Colporteur..- Ajrent Vr "School Libraries will be supplied at n libernl discount. . Copies will be-sent Ky'RVairjtorta'' fecc.,-apon the receipt o.thr priuo "of lUvK f ny - vaijuie. HXUtSAY & ULAKb-ilOX.-PjioUiljf. Au-. . 2" South Ctb t., - Vhiladelphri . T TEM'I(" 1. V M M K RMEN . TII i 1 1. MAINE Cti.MP.. LAXl'S ARK NOW l'OR SALE. Tlie subscriber offers for?aleihfoHowing Tracts of Laud.-situated on. and near the Clearfield Creek, in Clearfield. county, Pa., to wityw-A tract. warranted to "Luke Morris; containing acres. and4Sps. A tract, waranted-tr Joseph llellann. containing 43J acre?, l-",t ps. A tract, warrauted to Robert rcy. . containing l-M acres. 4 j.s jis. A tract, warrantor"-to-John i.ringlitirst. eoiitaimr.s 42.) acres. Ia3 ps.; A triot--warranted "f- Piirah AVarcL1' containing K acres, J53 rs. A tract. warranted to '-Geo. Eddy.' outauung 4. .."5 aere? I.")." ps. A tract, warranted Moor-'H'harton. con taining 4M" aores. 153 ps. -A part of a tract, war ranted t-j !eo. AsUton, coivtarrs'rng 2.1G acres. These Lundsrc too well known t tho'-'lamher- men of Clearfield County, to rt?i!tf a ic-rij-tioii of them necessary it may .boafcly said liial itis decidedly the best l.oly ot puicJiui'U 111 C lea field County. ' ''-'- - i --L l'or terms. &e.applv to Kl'W. SHOEMAKER. .Ebcnuburg.. C;utlbri"Co. September 26, IS" t. - ; I. i i.s tT r l"5TfSElV rZvXIJ FtTR''TSiLK.'Th"sub 1 seribers - havirg pm-ehapcd alt the lands be longing to Hardniaa Philips, situatwl in Clearfield. Cambria and Centre counties, comprising some of the Lest timber lands in UioSocouutiM; ,fi'er- Jheia forsale in IoU to suit purcha-sirs- at r'f aiaaable pri ces ami terms ot rnvmcm. .AJi ouier ljimrnuiiion rc--pec'inr tlicm. -will be fnrmshe-t - hv- V irr: ian- shaw or J'avi.l llongh: at Phttipbnrs.or .Toii!iU Smith. Clearfield. .-GEO. 1). MUGAX CO. Scptembf r 2i, 18.)4.-.;t. IFE IXSUKANCE':-SAYE YOUR LTA ES. AN1 YOUR MONK Y, by 'having voir life insured in tho Sniiehnna- Mutaal- f-nJrancc Company-of Harrishurg. Vu. .-. . t ; . CAPITAL Slf'O.nni). . . Cii .vn t i:n i:dM a ry 'it, j.3d w Any person can have then- own life Insured or that of a frkud, from one to r.inety yearn. Per sons ' lv. The at tiroi "l)'r. It. V. "TiLSrtx. f t Cleaifield, Medical Ex nminer. - - - Any information mav be obtaineil from r. lr. A. T. SCHRYYER. Ageut. September (5. 1S.4. TJIOXEER .MILES, MORRIS TOWNSHIP, A CLEARFIELD COLXTY. The snbfrTibur keeps constantly oa iiandrat his mills, linnhe of all description, sorts, aml.ci7.es.. Plastering lath and bills sawed on the .-hort est notice. 'These mills can run at any time unring the season,-- aavinga ncvcrlailiiig supply of water. - - , AU kmls of produce taxen in cxcliangc; lor lum ber, au'i tue cam never rctnseu. September 20, 1854.-ly . KylcrtoHiy "-.- - JEW ROOT AND SHOE .STORE. The subscriber wonld respectfully inform the'pub- lic, that he has just opened an entire new stock of boots and shoes, in Graham's Row. one. "dor'cast of the Journal Office: Clearfield. Pa, ' Every variety of Ladies aad (icntlemen s gamers, laced boots, pumps, congress boots. cJiildrens lloes tp., tc,, cheap for "cash.'" He hopes "to - receive a llbcra.1 share of patronage. ; linoL -tavl stioca mono to order. LL.vi..K., Aug.'lG. IS54. ' " 1 ".. ISSOEUTIOX OF FARTNERSIUPitv- The partnerhliip lierotofare existing between D. Vv. ROBBINS,' THOMAS McCRACKKX. -and ELI MENDEXHALL. under the firm-of V. M . P.OBBIXS, fc Co., at Lumber city, Clearfield eo.. Ta.. has been dissolved by mutual' consent. "The 'hooks and aoeountl ' of ' the' firmi aro-' lcft;la iho hands- of D. v Robbins for settlement wlu-re those indebted will please call luiuiediatelv. - - T :' : .. J- -UTIOS. McCRACKE, " ' . ELrMEXDKMlAlA,. LumWr City, 10. 1S04. Jt: J -' J HEMPHILI'S HOTELr.---T.hc" ticribur. ou'.d inform his friends, and. the, public generally, that he still remains at the AM stand, where he'is at all times-rc.nl v ar.d w illing to 'entertain stran gers and travellers. 'L His bar stacked wi.th,t"io best Iiauofs, and liTs table will clways be supplied with the lnxnnes of the .market,! -.'?: i.A ill Thankful for.piis fayors-' he -solicits-a ftrrther share of public, patronage. . . . : j-..t. :'. :,i ' . ? WMJ.-JTEMPnitt? Ciearfield, June-15, ISM-ly'.--' '-! CJETTLE IT'! All pcrious k'no.wrng' thtm-"5'selves- indebted to-the swtjserib'er.' by lieiflv wte, beofc act'oonb, or in. any - othej manner , whatever, are hereby notified-, to come forward, aivl. settle before the September effort, a9 he is-determ'rned to have his busi'nets. entirely sttleLup'.by thai time. Tho.e unable to pay, arc requested to. -settle., and time and opportunity wilt be e'xtended""to them. ' JAMES B- tJKAIIAMj Grabamlen, Aug. 23d, 13o4. . . -; . 7 , HOOD A CO Extensive Dry-goods J)eaier, No 1&7, Market St., Philadelphia, keep roastant- 1v on' bnn.l n lar?e- splendid. nnT cheap stock of XhVmost ftishronamcn-nd elegant eed' Tney -in vite coui)try.Merehaht t? caW. led. examiee their splendid a..-orJuieutt before purchasing c-lscwherc. Jane lSi'iSaf-ly.'-' - - r- - v - ;' . jr-.'.fi WANTED I-dlJEDIATELYs-Sisvjour-T peym.'n Shoemakers, Constantl employment nnd liberal Traces will be giTcnfcpply rmrt door to thoIAeWMi offieefat thclshocrtore-vtz'i , . " c; BL.VCJC. September f, 18"4. " ' " ' " : . ' ' fCn .ii CALEB COPE & CO, No. 183, MarketSU-IViila dclpkia, Dealers in Linens. WTii to' 'Go'off, Ho siery. Freneh'EhgMsh atxt CeraiaBSUk (Joods, La ces, "Gloves. Boltin jCloihs, twJJu"!S 1i,',1'- IP URVI ANCE'S DAC.UERREOTrPErAT LE R Y-" Jiuc o"d- STi"2 iUorsnoiuiN'ol a.weii C'leartioJ! r- ...jt j?: of 21 vears vt'.age. pay l ii lwer UH), year- At MO years. .50:0(iTor SI fttiO.tO. yearly for life. whole premium for life in ordinance l.ss, ngc cf 2 year; premium ditta.im "r-100. is . '. . - !' 1 '.' i- ': vJ - 1- ' --t.l ST- fjX. 5 l I. n n