Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, October 04, 1854, Image 4

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AlB BWi WHTrWoW.? ? - -l'
.-,?..- t..r.-'. L;.vii-t ,;..ir.'..-f:iY J.at'.AU
Of all the many mighty things in this here Quaker
City,' -.V; V--- ; : J ' "
Of dark, and brown," and. blue-eyed girls,., with
cheeks so plump and pretty ;
Of all the wonders of the' day that's horrible or
shocking, . J '' '
The greatest question of. them all is, who are the
Know Nothings? '
' "Chorus I don't know,
Nor you don't know,
Then don't yon ask me anything,
' . For I don't know.
These men wear -white hats all turned up, and at
yon boldly stare, sir,', " -They
only speak with nods and winks, and never
-""'-. comb their hair, sir,
They beat both Whigs and Democrats, wherever
they may go, sir, . -
And if yon ask them any thing they'll answer, I
don't know,' sir.
. I don't know. Ac -
The ladies, too, God bless their heart?, I, cannot
help but love them, .
For who with all their nods and winks, can ever be
" above them,
No,' they know their tricks, their signs: their grips,
. . from head to heel and toe, sir,
And should you ask a girl her name, she'll answer
I don't know, sir. . ..-'-
I don't know, Ac.
You dare not tell your wife be still, or say she's
always squeeling. -
Or you'll find a great big three-legged stool
around your head coino reeling,
And the other day I asked my' wife,only to mend
. my stockings, ,--: ;.:
Now not another word, she cried. I'm a feminine
Know Nothing. " ' '
I don't know. Ac, .
The other day I came from work, with heat al
most smothered,
SayI nnto my youngest son, Ho. Sam ! where is
your mother? , . . ..
Then he turned his fingers on his nose, and with a
voice half mocking,
Why, dad, says he, don't you know that I'm a
young Know Nothing?
I don't know, Ac. .
We took this same smart son of ours one day to a '
publie dinner,- - ' '" "
And into corn, and pork, and beans; he pitched in
like a sinner, . .;. .
Says .the lady, Now of all these men, yotir father to
: me show, Sam. ; - - :
Then be looked me right straight'iu the face, and
answered, I don't know, ma'am.
. - I don't know, Ac. -
Young men, now marry from this -lot f pretty
' " girls around you, ; '' '-.'.'
And when your settled down in life, and family
cares surround you, r- - ---'- "" '
Take the advice of one poor man. who suffered
deepest wo sir.
Don't teach your little ones to say. Why, really, I
don't know, sir.
, -. , .,- -1 don't know, Ac . li.-.a . .
Now, ladies,! dou'E'yoa think 'tis hard, and don't
you think it's shocking.
That we in free America, should all of us know
"'. nothing. .
And don't you say with ail your heart. I do be
lieve it's bo, sir,
Or can yon say, like all the rest, Why, really, I
don't know, sir.
I don't know, Ac.
The Citizen and Politics.
Every citizen in this country should study
politics. It should be taught in our schools,
begianing with the history of the settlement of
this .country and coming down to the Atneri
. can Revolution, and the system of govemnient
adopted by our fathers, and since amended
' from time to time. - Liberty of speech, liberty
""'of conscience, and liberty f the press, stand
out in hold relief upon the CIIARTER of onr
Jilierties. To secure these, as well as personal
liberty, personal . safety, and the security of
private property, is the great design of gov
ernment; and, in the history of the world, uo
system has ever been devised by the .wisdom
of man, or accorded to him by the blessings of
Heaven, equal to our system of government.
It is deserving of study, and it must be studied
to be properly understood. In it are unfolded
the rights of the citizen, and the duty and
powers of the magistrate. Annually the citi
zen is called upon to vote for officers consti
tuting a portion of government; biennially he
votes for another set of officers; triennially for
yet another set; and every fourth year he votes
for the Chief Magistrate of the Union so that
his interest in the government is constantly
kept alive, and the Same of his patriotism is
always kept burning. This is as it shold be;
and this also, shows how necessary it is th5t
every citizen should be acquainted with the
theory as well as the practice of our govern
ment. . -
Its theory is truly admirable. We have thirty-one
distinct sovereignties, composing and
forming one grand sovereignty, or Union, of
all, under one bound, the Constitution of the
United States. Every one of the sovereign
ties or States has its Constitution, differing in
form, but agreeing in substance, ! and protec
ting and preserving the life, liberty and prop
erty of the citizen. In each constitution, pro
vision is made for the election of officers of
the General Government, members of Con
gress, both the house of Representatives and
the Senate of the United States; we have the
powers delegated by the people to the national
government, with some restrictions upon the
State Powers,, and a general reservatibn. to the
people pf all powers not expressly, or by ne
cessary implication, granted hy '. them, to the
Government of the United States so that, as
in the natural, so as - in the political world, we
have the prinerplesof attraction and repulsion
at workf" Each Stat eV.may .be said to. revolve
around the Union tonmwn center; attrac
ted thereto, like the planets to the sun in the
solar system, and repelled therefrom, lest they
approach too near -and thereby destroy the
eqnilibriunvpf the system. JJ. V. ,' .'".''f,
The" State Government sbmetime.s encroach
es upon the province - of the ' General Govern
ment, as when; the United States Marshal is
bt ought before the State courts for an alleged
breach of official duty, or oppressive exercisa
of power. The United States courts will pro
tect and have protected : their officers. : So,
also, when any of the States have passed a"
Bankrupt Law, whilst a niUionalBankrr.pt Law
was in force. This being "prohibited by the
Constitution of the United Statesj in order to
prevent the conflict of jurisdiction on ques
tions arising under the hi ws. it is necessary,
for the peace of the community and the admir
ation of justice, that the act of Congress should
be. enforced, and the State law declared to be
unconstitutional. This has been done in sev
eral instances--not only-in relation to Bank
rupt laws, but to other laws on our Statute
Books. Consistently, therefore, with the an
alogy adverted to, and to preserve the harmo
ny of the system, the' national government
should repel any such encroachments upon its
province, as the State legislature would repel
and' clear encroachment upon Us exchisire
powers. -
There is one feature in our system of gov
ernment which has caused a good deal of
trouble and which has, time and again, illustra
ted the remark about attraction and repulsion:
it is, that of Slavery, and the Fugitive Slave
Law. Some of the States are disposed to carry
that law into effect, whilst other States are
differently disposed. Here is practical attrac
tion and repulsion. The existence of slavery
amongst us is undoubtedly an exception to the
general rule that: is, -liberty; and when the
different States of the Old Thirteen, began to
liberate their slaves, and thus become free
States, the rest of the States, known as slave
States, became alarmed, lest the balance of
power would be lost to them, . and "Virginia
would cease to be the "Old Dominion," as
she was called, from the fact of her furnishing
so many Presidents. The multiplication of
free Staaes has, therefore, always been a source
of political irritation and disturbance in the
South, because, in the Senate of the United
States, every State, whether large or small,
is equal in power and in the number of its
representatives, each State having two Sena.-i
tors. . ('.- '
"When in 1820, the Territory of Missouri
knocked at the doors of Congress, and asked
admission into the family of States, as one of
their number, the great and agitating ques
tion arose as to the tcrnrti of her admission:
whether she should be admitted as a free State
or a slave Stato We all know how that ques
tion was settled, and that it was called the
Missouri Compromise, allowing slavery within
what was the North-Western territory, up to
the line of SG deg. 30 min. North latitude, and
prohibiting it North of that line. This com
promise was the result of wise and patriotic
counsels; the peace and integrity of the Union
were preserved by it and it continued unbro
ken for a period of thirty-three years! Re
cently, however, that compromise has been
broken, by an act of Congress, passed at the
session, familiary known as the Nebraska and
Kansas Bill, which allows slavery to be intro
duced within either of those territories, if the
citizens thereof shall decide in favor of it by
their votes. It must be observed, by the way,
that almost all of the two territories lies North
of 36 deg. 30. min., and but for this late act of
Congress, slavery would have been forever
shut out from their limits!
The advocates of that law concealed their
designs under the cover of popular sovereign
ty, and the doctrine that all governments
should be founded on the will of the majority
alleging at the same time, their belief that it
was impossible for slavery ever to get there,
whilst they were getting ready to remove tith
er with their slaves and occupy the territories!
They forgot the favorite saying of the lamen
ted Calhoun, "masterly inactivity," and the
consequence is. that emigration societies have
been formed for the purpose of settling both
territories with a free population, from home
and abroad; they are fast filling up with this
kind of a population, to the great annoyance
of Douglass and others, slaveholders, whose
designs are thus likely to be frustrated.
On this question millions of dollars of the
national treasury have been wasted, and a
very great excitement was produced and kept
up for months in Congress. The course taken
by the members of Congress from the North,
who voted for the bill, has been generally re
pudiated by their constituents, whilst that of
those who voted against it has been approved.
Such is part of the practical working of our
system. Tho ambition and avarico of the
great demagogue and his friends has disturbed
the harmony of the community from that time
to this; and the passage of that bill has" so
exasperated the people of the extreme North
and West, that they will most probably keep
np the agitation in Congress for years, and
strive hard to get the fugitive slave law re
pealed, which was one of the compromics of
ISoO another exciting period iu our history,
when California was admitted as a free State.
Itis lamentable that in this country, with a
Constitution designed to establish a more per
fect union and ensure domestic tranquility it.
is lamentable, we say, that domestic tranquil
ity is of so little account with ambicious po
litical tricksters; that it is disturbed by them
every three or four years by this miserable
question of slavery, raised by them to sell their
negroes, or to become Presidents .f tha United
States! We have always believed, and still do
believe, that there 3s no remedy for this evil
but the removal of the colored people out of
the country, and colonizing them "either on
the shores of Africa, or elsewhere. ' Hence
we must oppose the existence of slavery in this
country. Berks Covvfy Prcs.
UME. 1854.' In announcing his readiness to
recoive orders for the New Volume, the editor doe
not know he has -any; very brilliant ideas' to hold
out in large.. capitals to dazzle' people's eyes
'Graham" will be pretty much what it has been
the last volume, with some improvements which
experience suggests. No number will contain less
than 100 pages of matter, and the readers of '-Graham"
may rely' with great confidence, upon this
the volume shall contain '-
Of the very best "reading matter that capital can
command from ojiginal sources, or taste select from
the vast mass of available material.
The .iui of the editor will be to produco a pub
lication which sholl be valuable in matter, ami
choice in taste and style; and he flatters, himself,
from the known talents of his contributors, that-he
will be able to present as many good original ar
ticles to his readers as any publication of the day.
He shall not however, hesitate to publish, 'from
time to time, articles from English authors, and
translations- from tho best German and; French
writers, provided the pieces have ucver before ap
pcarcdiu print ia thia .country ..-.-liy-on-in!por-tant
Political Subjects will likewise be inserted,
and criticisms on the Literature "of America and
the movements of the Ago-: The I.eview Depart
ment, in which a large and liberal spirit of crit
icism will always be maintained, will be extended.
For the defence of American Diterature the editor
will always.be ready ; the ruaintainancc of a cor
rect tone, in the Magazine, he will, if possible, be
still, more watchful. -
who will supply illustrations for the text in . the
body of the book. The aim of the editor will not
be so much to increase the number of bis engrav
ings, as to secure for those he ; publishes the ut
most finish' the nrtis can give them ; for common
wood-cute aro so easily multiplied, that the most
indifferent publication may outrank in dreary dis
play the choicest periodical. .
The Editor does not feel, that with his own rea
ders, he can increase his claims to respect by in
sisting on any very .great superiority of 'Graham'
over several similar publications. but thinks he
may safely confide in their friendship for the
Magazine, and in its past management for its pre
sent list, and such increase as naturally prows out
of an extended circulation in a country where
renders are multiplying so rabidly. ".
Of the January number the fir.-t odition will be
30.000 copies, and the editor trusts his old friends
will be so prompt in renewing old clubs, and ex
tending the list among new ones, that the first
odition shall be but half os what the year will ul
timately establish, as the permanent circulation of
Postage. Subscribers in any part of the United
States may now receive the Magazine, by mail,
at three cunts a number or thirty-six cents a year
postage, payable at the Post-office where it is re
ceived. Postmasters and Editors all over the Union, are
respectfully requested to act as Agents for the New
Teems. The Terms of -Graham" are Three
Dollars for single subscribers, if paid in advance.
For six dollars in advance, one copy is sent three
years. We continue tho following low terms for
Clubs to be sent in the city to one address, and in
the country, to one Post-office.
2 copies, SO per an.
5 " . (and one 1 to tho getter up) 10 '
8 ' . '. ' ...' ' 10 "
11 " ' '. 20 "
The money for clubs always should be sent in
advance. Subscriptions may be sent at our risk.
AVhcn the sum is large, a draft should beproeured
if possible the cost of which may bo deducted
from the amount. - '
1 Any person desirous of receiving a copj' os a
sample, can be , accommodated by notifying the
Editor by letter, (post-paid.) '
Address, always post-paid.
GEO. It. GRAHAM, Editor,
Aug. 23. lOii Chesnut el., Philadelphia.
V v dersigned have entered into au arrangement
by which they agree to furnish the Knickerbocker
Magazine, (monthly.) the Home Journal, (weekly.)
and the Musical World and Times, (weekly.) to
new subscribers, at the very moderate price of five
dollars, a year sor the three publications ; all or
ders, enclosing that amount to Dyer & Willis, will
be promptly attended to '
Publisher of the Knickerbocker,; .
: -- MORRIS fc WILLIS. 4
Publishers of the Home Journal.
Publishers of the Musical World and Times,
r7i Broad wav. New York.
NATION. Arrangements have been made to furnish the
Knickerbocker Magazine, the Home Journal, and
tho New Y'ork Musical World and Times, to new
subscribers, for five dollars a year. This is cheap
literature, with a vengeance. The Knickerbocker
is S3 per annum the Home Journal, 2: and ' the
Musical World and Times. ?-1 ; mnkinj S a year
at the usual rates. Thlt three such works can be
obtained for five dollars a year, is a fact truly wor
thy the Caloric age. which is just now being ush
ered in. Of the. Knickerbocker Magazine, edited
by Lewis Gaylord Clark, it is unnecessary to
speak. For twenty years it has been the most
genial; humorous, and spicy monthly" in the
world; and tLc present volume will be better than
any which proceeded it. Tiie Home Journal, edi
ted by Geo. P. Morris, and N. P. Willis, is well
known as the best family- newspaper in America;
and the Musical World and Times, edited by
Richard Storrs Willis with Lowell Mason. Geo. II.
Curtis, Thomas Hastings. Wni. P. Bradbury. Geo.
F. Root, and other musical writers eoutribtitinj;
and which gives, among other things, over
worth of music and a full eourse of instruction in
harmony annually, is the very best musical Jour
nal ever published. These three publications will
post a family up iu regard to nearly everything
worth knowing : Art, Scivnce, Literature; Music,
Painting. Sculpture; Inventions, Discoveries; Wit,
Humor, Fancy, Scntimet.t; the Newest Fashions
and other attractions for Ladies ; Choice New Mu
sic for the Sabbath, the Church, and tho Fireside;
Reviews and Criticism of Musical Works, Perfor
mers and Performances ; in short, the very pick
and cream of Novelty, Incident, History, Biogra
phy, Art Literature and Science; including what
ever can be given in periodicals to promote
Healthy Amusement and Solid Instruction iu tho
family and help to make it Better, Wiser, and
Happier, in ay be now obtained for five dollars.
Addre.3 DYER & WILLIS. 275 Broadway.
Editors publishing the above three times, and
sending the papers containing it to Dyer fc Willis,
will receive the three works named, for one year.
Aug. 23, 1854. ,
those who read the serial so promptly issued every
week by Dickens, with thoughtful appreciation,
know how to prize it, "Household lords'' is a
modern journal for the people, devoted to common
subjects, uncommonly treated, excellent in style,
in genius, in manner, and wonderfully fertile in
subject. The pieces are the right length; they
exhibit wonderful variety and are attuned to a
harmonious key and remarkable unity . of effect.
For the money, there is not the caual of "'House
hold Words" for a family journal. Pleasant sto
ries, useful knowledge, graceful anecdotes, charm
ing essays, alternate in its pages. It is not al
ways convenient to secure a copy of the weekly
issue on the arrival of a steamer; in order to enjoy
regularly this delightful work, we advise our rea
ders to possess themselves of the handsome month
ly reprint of Mc El rath fc Baker, who bring out
"Household Words" with commendable punctuali
ty, at New-ork. Frederick Parker. 555 Washing
ton street is tho Boston agent. Boston Transcript-
' '
The articles, both in stylo and thought, are far
superior to the trash that occupies the pages of so
many of our popular magazines. New York
The above are but a few extracts from numerous
notices of the press lately received. Those who
wish Household Words will receive it monthly . by
mail upon remitting the subscription price. Spe
cimen numbers sent on receipt of five red postago
stamps. ' v
McELRATII & BAKER, Publishers,
Aug. 23. 17 Spruce sr., New Y'ork.
100 Bf rrels Fiph' for saI
June 14, '51. '
at the Cheap Store
i Great Excitement. Startling . Announcement,
fTVIIAT the largest, cheapest, and best assortment
JL Of Goods ever brought into Clearfield county,
have just arrived, and are offered for . sale, at the
New Store of the subscribers,- near the ; Joii-rital
Office, Clearfield, Pa. - Never ' before has a more
brilliant, and at the same time a cheaper lot of
Goods been offered lo this community. They have
u-11 been selected with a view to. the wants and ne
cessities of the people of this particular' locality,
after long experience, and intimate : acquaintance
with their business connections." . ' '
Dry Goods of every variety, DresaGoods. Cloths,
Cassimeres, and Clothing: Boots and Shoca. "-Ifats
and' Caps, Bonnets' and: Shawls, together with a
largo aud - splendid ' assortment -of Quecnswarc,
Hardware and. Groceries.. , . -. - .
Defying all com pet it ion, they solicit their friends
' and the public to'givc them a call jind examine
: their stock. - " ' ' ' ' MOSSOP & POTf ARFtV .
; ; June i2.-i854.-ry: '' V;.r '-. '.';' ' '
RETAIL. Isaac Johnston . would respectfully in
form his friends and the public generally that he
has just returned from the East,"hcre ha haspur
chascd the most-splendid ' assort wont of Boots &
Shoes ever brought tJ Clearfield. '-"Every variety
of Indies elippers, gaiters,' pump. Ac. Ac. Mens
fancy shoe?, and gaiujs-.'with' an, excellent assort
ment of heavy stock, iill adapted . t the wants ot
the people of C'leai-c!J..: . - . , '
He hopes his friends will givo him a call at his
ttorc in '-Shaw's Row"' and examine his stock. . .
June-13, 1!J51.: .',;;.' " " -
coming recommended ns a good workman in
the above business, can get . a shop and. complete,
set of tools, with two hearths. A good locatiou,
being in' Bradford township, at tho Mill -of the.
subscribers', the shop haying been in iiperation for
iue three years, doing a. large business. , For.
further particulars enquire of -
A number of; the pure blood,
aud of the half breed of Shanghai fowls for sale i
the Poultry Yard of W. M. Reedv, Curwensvillc
Pa. These fowls are very large, and remarkable
for their mild and domestic disposition,' their lav
ing and nursing qualities.- and for- their health-'
iliCSS. ;:-:;r .-.. ..! ''
Not one of their young havo died or been sick
this summer. . i - .. :
July 15. 1S54. .. . : ., : -.' -
11 opened a new and " splendid 'assortment of
goods, at their Store in Gfahamfon, consisting of
Ladies Dress Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres. Hardware.
Qaeenswaro. Groceries, Boots, Shoes. Oils, Paints,
and every other article usually kept in a country
Store, where; they offer for sale as cheap, if not
cheaper tha.n-a.ny other Store in the County. All
kinds of produce and lumber takcu in exenange
for Goods. ' . '
All of Dr. Jayne's family medicines for sale.
Grahamton, June It. '54. ' .
JL Sign and Ornamental Painters, Glaziers,
Chair makers, and Paper llanecs. offer. their ser
vices to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity.
Shop nextdoor to the Jew's Store. ' ' ''
They keep constantly on hand, and make to or
der every variety of Chairs, Lounges, Sofas. Ac.. Ac
Chair?, and Sofas made equal in beauty to any that
can be obtained . from tho City, and more durable
in workmanship and material.
June 14, "51. ly. ROBERT ROWE. ,
rp HE WOOL INTENT' HOTEL; 'and Stage- Off.ee,
A Curwensvillc, Pa. The Subscriber would in
form his friends and the public that, he has just re
fitted and re-furnished his house and is- prepared
to render every attention to the travelling commu
nity. r.
His bar contains liquors of the first quality, and
his table will always be supplied with the best in
He respectfully solicits his friends and others to
give him a call. WM. R. F LEMMING.
June 11, '54.. . -
A. M. HILLS, D. D. S. Office adjoin
MssSJ ing Lis Store, Cloaificld. : Pa. Artiti
U T-T-S-r cial Teeth, from one to a full set, moun
ted in the most approved modern style.
Filling, Fi'.irg, and Cleaning done with care
and neatness.
Teetii extracted with all tho care and dispatch
modern science can furnish.
DR. II ILLS.-can always be found at hia office,
as he is now devoting his whole attention to his
profession. - June 14, '54.
Sixth St. Philadelphia. Th-e subscriber has
recently enlarged and fitted : up his house, and is
how enabled to compete successfully, with any es
tablishment in the City. His rooms are comfort
able and well ventilated, and his table furnished
with the best in the market. He respectfully soli
cits the large circle of his Clearfield friends 40 give
him a call when they visit thecitv.
; ; ; -, JACOB G.'LEBO. i
Juno 13, ISi-l. ly.- 1 .!
inform the public that they have just opened
a new and splendid assortment of Goods of every
variety, at the oi l stand of II. D. Pattov at Cur
wensvillc. . At their store may be found, almost
everything adapted to the wants and necessities of
the peoplo of this region. Dress-goods, Lawns,
J.accs, Gloves. Cloths. Cassimeres. Clothing. Hats.
Caps, Boots, Shoes. Ac, Ac, f the best quality and
at the lowest prices. ' . " .
Alo a splendid assortment of HardwarCj Queens
ware and Groceries. .
They invito all persons Co give thom a call, ful
ly assured they will be able to render entire satis
faction. II. D. PATTON, .
Curwensvillc, June 15, lS54-ly.
: : - , : . . !
OIIN R. MORROW, Cabinet Maker, Shop oppo
site M. E. Church, Clearfield. Pa. keeps con
stantly on hand and makes to order, all ksnds of
Furniture, such as Tea Tables. Card Tables. Cen
tre Tables. Sofas, Spring Seated. Chairs, Bedsteds,'
Bureaus, Wash Stands, Cupboards. Safes, Ac. -Ac.
Coffins in ado on the shorsest notice, and Funer
als attended. JOHN R.. MORROW.
June 13, 1S54. ly. - . c
"I ff Ba3 of Coffee, just received and for sale
1UU at the New Store of A. M. HILLS.
Juno 14, '54. -
tvAJvJl." of best quality, for sale at the Sign
of tho Red Flag.
Price ?3.50 per thousand.
Juno 27, 1854
GEORGE W. COLLADA Y, Conveyauoer
and Land Agent, " No.. 3. Goldsmith's Hall,
Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business
entrusted to his carc,. . .. . ,
June 27, 1354. . , .. , ,'
11 S DUNDY Attornoy-at-Law. Clearfield, Ta.
i will attend faithfully to all professional bu
siness enirusiea xo ms care - I.June lv.
JB. McENALLY Attorney at Law. Office
nearly opposite Judge W right's Store, Clear
field, Pa., practices in C'ieariield and adjoining
counties. -- . ,r . ; June 13, 'u4.-ly.
HEAP CLOTHING, A large lot of Cheap Clo
thing, Men's aud Bovs. for sale cheap, by
June 13, '54. . MOSSOP A PoTTARFF.
LACK BERRY BRANDY. A certain cure for
the Dyscntary, for sale bv .
June 13, '54. MOSSOP A POTTARFF.
1TJL. Clearfield, Pa., Offioe in -Shaw's Row."
June, 15, 1654. - !
PEACE, Curwensville, Pa. Offico opposite tho
"Good Intent Hotel." - June, 15. 1854. .
JACKSON CR AN S Attorney at Law. Of-
fice adjoining residence, Clearfield, Pa.
. May 26, '54-1 y.
JAMES B. GRAHAM. Merchant and extensive
dealers in lumber .; Orahampton, P. 0., Clear
field county, Pa. lay 26. '54-lv.
GOING IT ALONE. The undersigned hav
ing taken to, himself the store formerly own
ed by Patchin A Swan, takes pleasure in informing
his friends and the publio generally, that he has
just received from tiuj city a splendid assortment
of Dry Goods. Hardware, Qucenswarc, Hats and
Caps.' 'Boots and Shoes, and every thing else usual
ly keptin a country store. t Persons wishing to buy
cheap and good Goods should not forget that he
is determined notto be undersold by "any store in
in the county.: His motto is '-a nimble penny rath
er, than a slow sixpence." - . ,. ,
-. : ' ' S. CTATCIIIN.
Glen Hope, July 5. 1854. .. . .
A The subscriber would ini'orm'-the public that
he has just completed a large pon building, ou tli6
South ei.d of Second Street, Clearfield, L'a., whicli
he Iras fnrir.ished and fitted up in the most comforta
ble' maiuicnfor the ttu-onimodation rtf travellers and
permanent boarders., -k ; ... , . , , , ..-,
' His charges will be" 'moderatearid bis house con:
ducted in a -decent," sbber ajid orderly manner;
where all quictand peace loving peppier who way
visit Clearfield can' find a' temporary "home."
r:Jv.y 15, 1S54. ;; '
9 ERS. - Pennsville. "Grampian Hills, ' Clearfield
Co;,;Pa keep constantly unhand au excellent as
sortment of leather, which they, offer for sale at the
lowest cash prices.' Cash paid for hides. " ' '
: July la,liiit.C.i - , ! "--.:
wav. wonld inform tho" public that he has
opened a new and splendid assortment of Clothing,
of the best quality and lowest-prices, at bia Store,,
next door to the of5cc of L. J. Crai.s. Esq. Clear
field. Pa, ' ' '-' "" " ": -
E;ery variety of Clothing, Hats. Caps, and fan
cy articles. 31c willscll cheaper than any other store
it: Ihc-county. ' Ifc defies competition.' Call and
sec liis sU'QE-. i ' : '
Highest prices paid for Deer Skins. .. .
"'June 27, 1S54. 3iuo.
ROW, would inform the public, that they
will have fresh b?ef. for Bile, every luesd ay
aud Saturday morning t 5 o'clock at the Market
House. Clearfield, Pa. ; -" :' July 15, 1854:
The partnership heretofore existing between
S. C. Patcuis & Jons Sw.vs, under the style and
firm of Patchin A Swan, was this. day dissolved by
mutual consent, and the books are left for collec
tion in the Lands of S. C. Patchin. Those persons
knowing themselves indebted to the firm will call
immediately and settle up, or they will have the
pleasure of paving costs. - ' " '' '
' - - S. C. PATCHIN,
"". - JOHN SWAN.
Glen Hope, July 5,1.S54.
DANIEL UENNEIt, Cabinet maker. Shop
same ns formerly occupied by David Sackcts,
Clearfield. Pa., keeps constantly on hand at his
Furniture Ware-rooms, and manufactures to order
at City prices. all kinds oi CaLiuet ware. Dining and
Pier tables, Dressing cases, Cupboards. Bedsteads,
Wash Stands. Spring bottomed Chairs, Sofas, Safes,
Bureaus, Marble Topped Escritors, Ac. Ac. . .
Coffins made, and funerals attended on sno short-1
est notice. - '
June 21, 1854. ly. ... . : . . , -
3 Sox havo just returned from the city with an
eutiro new stock of Goods, which they offer for' sale
on the very lowest terms, at the old stand lately
occurded by'A.'-M. Hills. West end of the Mansion
House, Clearfield P. Their stock of goods has
been selected with great care, and a better or.
cheaper assortment was never brco'ght into Clear
ficld. county. ' I - ' :
They defy all competition," aiid invite tho pub
lic to call and examine their goods. Every arti
cle is entirely now,- and as cheap, if not cheaper
than eaa. be purchased elsewhere. .
I - .. ' A.' II. SHAW.
- June 27, 1354. . ....
BANX NOTICE. We the subscribers intend
to make application to tho. next . Legislature
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for an Act
of Assembly to incorporate a Banking Company,
with Banking and dis-iounting privileges, to be
c illei tha "Clearfield Bank" and located at the
Borough of Clearfield, with a capital of One hun
dred thousand dollars. .
A. K. Wkiuiit,
James T,. Leonard,
James B. Graham,
. Fli.is Ikwis,
J. Y". Sjiitii,
Richard Sn a w,-
J. E. Weaver. .
J. B.
June 27, 1S5 4. Cm.
it a good maxim that people should purchase
goods wherever they please. But they should not
buy too hastily, before they ascertain where they
can be best suited, I wonld most respectfully in
vite all (Ladies in particular) to call atR.GLEXAs's
Store and examine his splendid assortment of goods
that cannot be excelled in this seetion of country
for cheapness, durability or style. They consist
'cf Gentlemen's Pools of all descriptions . and pri
ces. Ladies and Gentlemen gaiters of the latest
style. Boys and Girls boots, shoes and gaiters. .
Children of all ages cau be accommodated. . .
" R. G LEX NAN. '
June 27, 1S54.
has removed his office to the room adjoining in
the Eat. the Drug Store of Dr. H. Lorain, and will
devote his whole attention U the practice of Lis
profession. Ho may bo consulted ia FrenrOi aud
Gtr:ii.'in. .'' - . June iS. '54.-ly.
EREGE DELAINES. A superior article of
Bcrcge Delaines in dress patterns, at 25 cents
per yard, never sold in this county' before for less
than 50 cents, at .. MOSSOP A "POTTARFF'S.
June 13. '54 .
V office nearly opposite the Court House,
Clearfield Pa., will attend faithfully to ail business
entrusted to his caro.
June 17. 1854. ly.
J II. LARIMER Attorney and Counsellor at
Law. Office with John L. Cuttle, Esq., next
ddor to- Dr. II. Lorreiu's Drug Store, Clearfield,
Pa. ...'.... iMay 23, '54-ly .
CONRAD A WALTON. Hardware Store; No.
255 Market Street, Philadelphia. Hardware
Iron, Nails, Ac, of every description. " .
June 15; 1854-1 y. - ; ' .: ' ;
GEORGE J. WEAVER A CO., No. 19 North Wa
ter Street.. Philadelphia, Dealers in Carpet
fchuin. Yarn. Manilla aud Hemp Ropes, Bed-cords,
Clothes-lines, Ac.,' Ac. ' - June 15, 1854-ly.
, -
TBIAIl. The undersigned has just teceived and
JL will keep for sale, at his shop on third street,
a superior article of tar. ... . GEORGE ORR.' .'
Clearfield. July 5. 1851.
HBUCHER SWOOPE Attorney at Law. For
merly of the firm of Scott A 'Swoope. Hun
tingdon. Pa. Office next door to. and over Esquire
Wrigley's, Clearfield, Pa. . May 23, '1-ly..
Barrels New Orleans Sugar, at Sixpence per
pound, for sale at the Cheap Store of ''
.: .. A,M. JIILLS.
Worm Syrup and Eiver Pills, for sale by
June 13, '54. - MOSSOP & POTTARFF. ,
"I ff Sacks Salt, just 'received at the Cheap
June 14, '14, n .' s . ; '. : ;
BROOK. ; TYSON A , REnX Wholesale Dry
Good's Store, No. 146, Market Street, Philadcl
phio. June 15, lS54-ly.
CLARK A IIESSER, No. 13 South 4th Street
Philadelphia, oxtensivo dealers in Books and
stationary. '" ' " June ia, ioji-ij
t . , 1 - t . '
,ItY BEEF, of tho best quality just received
' - i ot W F Tiiwis's Cheaw Store.
June 14.'54. . . .!- .. . -': : i i
TONE WARE, of ev'erv variety," cheap for cash
at tne store or . i, mi.-.
Jane It. 'M.
rI!E RED FLAQ r YIOTORIOr?.i--The lllood
X Re.d Banner floats in'triamph pij QioOU Cor
ner Stored where A. M. Hills has just opened the
cheapest and most splendid assortment of Goods,
ever displayed before? tbi qomraujiily, and exactly
adapted to their many and various necessities.
Every variety of .Hats', X?apa, Bonnets,,Baots
Shoes, Cloths, ' Cassimeres, and all other kinds of
dry-goods; that are.ainapproachable.by niiyatfier
similar articles, either in beauty of sylej quality,
or price. ' " ' " "
Also an excellent assortment of Groceries, Hard
ware, Stone and Queensware, with fancy articles
ad infinitum. .
Uo defies competitfon." and" invites all persons to
give him a call nlthe.'Od C?rT-,"wbich h& tru
ly become the.-Bazprr. of Clearfield.. ; ... 7 .....
Ev?ry attention will be shoWn to customers aiid
visitors, and no-pains : will . be spared to send oil
smiling away, loaded with his beautiful and valua
ble goods, never surpassed in Clearfield.'
; " ,A. M. HILLS.
Clearfield June 15," ls54-ly.--'- 1 " -
X subscriber has jus! received large and well
selected Ktock of GO01S of almost very descrip
tion suitable to the : season, which be : is selling off
at extremely low prices. He respectfully 'invites
the attention of all who wish to buy good Goods at
the lowest prices; to call at the sign of the Cheap
est Goods. . .
Country produce of almost every' description ta
ken at market prices in exchange for goods. .i.
Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair
equivalent for thoir monev will do well to give
him a call.
- Remember tho : sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS,
on Market street, and call and be convinced that
there is truth in the words thereon inscribed. .
June 13, 1754-. - - WM. F. IRWIN.
1TB It.' WELCH: Silversmith
tue i-ostumcc, Ulearfield: l'a.
and good watches warranted for the space of one
. . , u . viuii uuauii i Li
st rumen fs repaired on the shortest notice, and most
reasonable terms.. : iM-luno 15. , 154. ly.J
would inform his friends and the- public
generally, . that lie keeps for hire horses'
buggies, carriages.Ac, ou the most rcasonabla
terms, at bis Livery Stable in Curwensvillc. '
Inquire at tho Stage Office' i lemming's Hotel. '
June 15th. 1354.
JL. undersigned ,
having purchased': tho -entire
ctook'of S. ' A. Martin, would take this method ot
informing the 'Natives'and the public gencrally,
tbat Drugs and family medicines of, all kinds,aud
in fact .every thing that is generally kept in a
umg store.can be bad at this establishment cheap
er than at any other in the country; .-il'his estab
lishment will be under. the management of one
that has experience, and is well acquainted with
medicine, and is also competant to prccribe for
all those that may-require tho advice of a Physi
cian. - ; .. . , JAMES M. MARTIN.
P. S. A private Office attached. .., . .
is hereby givca to -all whom it may
concern' that the partnership heretofore existing
between the undersigned is this day dissolved bv
mutual consent. The books of the firm are left in
the hands of Gearge W, -Orr, by whom all the-ae-i
counts are to bo settled, he having purchased the .
interest of John Klifiger in the outstanding' ac-
coasts.; G.. W. Orr will settle all the firm debts.
i GEO. W. ORR, . .
' - :- ; ' JOHN KLINGER'
Clearfield, July 25, 1354. '- -"- -
Business will be carried on bv Geo. W. Orr at
the old stand, who invites all his old customers to
give him a call and as many new ones a can make
it convenient.. .. ,;, , GEO..-W.. ORR. I t
Clearfield, July 25, 1851 . ,.
UST ARRIVED the splendid stock of Cloths,
Cassimeres. Ye.-tin 3, Trimmings, &t. rcceatly
purchased hy the Subscriber, which he will sell or
make up to order, in the most fashionable and du
rable manner, at his store in '-Shaw's Kow.f- Tho -
material aud 'fits warranted ISq charge for show- .
ing his cheap and beautiful goods. ' ' '
lie would inform the trade in Clearfield, tbat he '
is the authorized agent for Devere's London and
Paris Fashions. " - - . .
- Tnos. shea:
June 2", 1S54. .
LR. CARTER Dealer in stoves, bar-iron.
nails, and castings of all kinds. Also plows,
and other agricultural utensils. On Second Street, "
under the Republican Office. . Sun? 15, '54 ly.
HARRIS. HALE A CO Wholes alk Drfccists,
No. 259. Market Street, North side between
sixth and seventh. Philadelphia. ..Drugs, Medi
cines, Chemicals, l atent jlcdicine.s. surgical In
struments, .-Druggist's Glassware, Window Glass,
Paints, Oils, lvcs. Perfumery, Ac, Ac. -
June 15, 1751-ly. ... .- . . - v
"j TANSION HOUSE. The subscriber having ta
J.TJL ken this old established stand, aud entirely
refitted and refurnished it in such a manner as to
via with any house in the county.Tespeetfully so
licits a liberal share of public patronage. Every
attention will bo shown to persons stopping at tho
Mansion House, and no pains will bo spared to
make them'"fccl at heme."
" The bar is well furnished 'with the best liquors
and segars, and the table will at all times be sup
plied with the best in the market.
He would respectfully invite the public to give
him a call. JOHN LIVINGSTON.
Clearfield, June 15, 1854. - "" ..
J. 1 EN, have just opened a new and splendid ' "
sorrtnent of goods of every variety, at the old I
stand of D. W. ROBINS A CO., Lumber city, Clear
field co Pa.
They invite the public to give them a call, and
feel assured they will be able to render entire- sat
isfaction. Lumber, Hides. Rags, Grain, and all ?
other kinds of produce taken in exchange,
i August 9 1354. THOS. McCRACKEN;-' - '
GHAKLES WINGATE, Dealer in Bonnets
Shoes, Boots, and Palm Leaf Hats, No. -IS,
North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Second Btor .
below Commerce Street.: June 15. 1854-ly. .
turers and Importers of Saddlery, and Sad- -dlery
Hardware, No. 23 Market Stroet, Bhtladel- v
phia. Saddles. Bridles. Harness. Trunks. Whips,..,
Saddle Hags, Bridle Filling, Bits, Stirrups, Buckles,"'
Carpet Bags, ect. ' , . I June l..'o4-ly.r
OU. SALE -Three LoUoCG round, No.' 21 '
25 and 26. in the Mossop plan, in the boroura
of Clearfield, all enclosed. For terms, apply to ...
- Curwcrsville, June 2V, IS54. f
TTOTlCE. All persons are hereby notified that
1 1 I will pay uo bills contracted by my wife Ma- .
ria or my daughter Susan, and that those who may
trust them will do so at their own risk. ."'
. Frcnchvillo, Aug. 30, lS54.r v ,, - .,-
ALEB COPE A CO, NoL 1S3, Market St:; Phila- -
delnhia. Dealers in Linens, White- Goods, Ho-
siery. French. English and German Silk Goods, L-'
ces, Gloves. Bolting Cloths, Ac. " June 15, '54-ly.' ' 1
AT. LANE A CO. Wholesale Clothing Store.
No. 171, Market Street. Every variety of
ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable styles,,
constantly on hand. . - fjune 15. '54 ly. '
ISAAC "M. ASHTON Hat Store,' No. 172
Market St., Philadelphia.' HaU, Caps. Furs, : J
Ac., of every variety, and tho best quality always
on hand. . f June 15, 1854-ly.-
and Sole
' Juno
Law, No. 65. Su Sixtb St., Fiilaielrti'"
Au':t 9, I35t
SHOEMAKERS A fine lot of Spanish Kips' . ;
n and Women's Morocco pink trimmings'
Leather, for sale cheap, by ' ' v -
13, '54. : MOSSOP A FOTTAKr F .
t -1:?
ill . . , f lM