Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, September 06, 1854, Image 1

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    Vt-iL-JtC , -dsn-wet in
v 1:9
- :- : ! ' hirf---
! ifw'f Hi 3fc-k::4 ! -V 5,-5 -s
ClA' nri 'U ' i -ri o-'JTJ :?.... ? -!
oJ ro-Jii I vIIiJO ..t-?;I .fiii.-i"I - A .Y. bus
f "Vr-Tr':!: Jt.v.i ;:it ntevb o -ri.'Jl.l
' ..jv.- :.'.--j.jj':it.i.-Ar.-.: v;.: v--;- : ill
. , -
ty;.RAFTSjA'ibf,:',, i j f'iueVsuriiVUc-ri i pear in their 1 r?alJ-liat;wTS'.! i,trtip-H'.ur
L - Bf& Jr-s:'i:t.tUsh-V.;, r, ,'';'-. j ; ind projectuisVoriica'a'. the'spoiv-tUloGks; Erhi?irnVds, oitly'thr&'wii Iflfhi-S-disgtii?. j J
-t ;rf 'irUl.in l1?yi-ar:;- ;' '"f; !: "H-j ndjtliojjoig viijg ;Aard, ..toHJi half What is trac, lvrta;nor
f(-r 11m fxpintioivof't?w!ycnr-'--r j:4 1 t " way down tliechcst', gave -to ' frythci a li.avcl Jiithj-rto eRtertaiiied a suspicion.;' 'bill
So pai
i.iAit iir oinitifj'ri,iJ,iiauiic; at tbe.-rxpi-
, , . KATrs or ADvrjttisi:.vi:'.
Fr lines or Ics... , f ? ' ' '' ' 3
it.OaM4rna lfiMffcK ' J'U V '-75'- 1 !)0
Six linca or less, one year. .2
BOnJar r t. "fr-'t - ? ;
T 1 i . i.r.
t r . . -i .
11211 n. f - - ... . .. r
iusrtion3U'!iir,l "wtT! ! conUnucit ahlil Hirt-L'tr-rL
,-LU rri 131 ill' JI i a "MittT AfuuLyT-le V
"Ho le slopt'fd. anJ rharrvd accordifi to thpscirniis.'
I- ltiiiflTfor Tcry ii-TtiTn' ! i -: '-' j "
fl All3ottsrs tjoujshofil'i bt "aJJra'ji'tk Bmi.p Jbm-s,'
-Raftioan's .Tonrnal,' Clearfield. Pa..(pes1-paiil to-
"ir,rj' I"r'"5TfTw-r-nr -fr r
Mrht Lrtfk':fror&itjc;Tf0oiitnj spinnS' .!
VTlion. tkronsli Ike Treih awaKoiiecTJar.d.
cri,'":.ljPSr?u'? d.?i rMSv-:.;f j J
x.;And thtj wqrlirvr wrfAre,.f in '.j f.f is
!r.Tii jrroao'8 iron ;L:k1 .'J i vi. V'-',
';-Sl'!eirnaii Spring iit roysi.ioifcmnd'.
.ci&-,Idft',w4y,'tlM!jStrrtihjt icvaaifl s'cj,:.-:
Then innrvlinl Ihn Tir'M v fr',.in r'y rt op.
nr u
--'As' if thi rvrtrTO smrn '-
' -'"Grew titticic "with'ucxl's .ci
:&;l's"r'reiiti'ii.4 bVi 2!Ti: '
u l, froni' Vic icis of
"Ros" .r'&:&3 02 lioii-jcaited .ihea.
Th'e W't'o, Wiose bi!j f.rst imi!fd' thrtt dav,
.Aod a;e:i sire a:id aiitron gray,. -.,-,- .
Saw tl.e 1ovhJ w;rir3 Jiajte away,'; . ':
.s.-i?i.LAniJ:itrKtcd it -sin la jrritve-!; ' ;
.v'Irea.r Jsf'J tle si rift ltgwn':., -t" , .,
AJafr tSe sprinjrin r5 liadru-i,
And Hood -la-J flowed ttt Lrxinrtcn, ,
troVks of Ar'rirrxfri.'"4 '' J''
- v l: - - ' 1 "
,f. :..Tht deaih elaiu'ca- tko ver'ualo-war i .i .
-i.'ii Hallo wtii-' freedom ail the phore
' lii f asrt'-at4 Ml "tit y "kc sl.orrrd-r ''
-" The fnofstcp c'l a rejgrt lirI ' ' " ' .'
(.jfaue'.l the syif' i.o lucre.. r.
-.-r-.i ; iu-.: -. -- -1 - -
--T ;-
iEiTTtx run THE jornv.ii-J
-. THE :
f .r
. ;
. v :o: - -
tjl-AP-Tfcfi- 1.-
Many c.eiitttri?!;'!ig.'! ftrofnaividuaLs wL-re
...... i .. I 1 ' ' : v - . . ' :
' T-ngaed In a Iow-'.cfive;rs,tioh,'in. ;i small build
ing, in ' a'n'fuhfrwiiieuted, part-of tho, city of
- liome-t.i Wt! say tLvfritjUfhteit.niit Jbcwauso-it
' had not iis.rowy of houSc', and her-1' ftrid thp e
'lt stately and magnificent edifices i'thborues
fjt human, beings to dwell in them. It is styled
; euch, because it jvas awayfroin the - fashion,
and elegance, and luxury tliat existed in that
6 great metropolis, In these her palmiest days ;
jnd ..WcVUe duWbited, with few exceptions,
j by her more Jmmble, honcsrt, iand indnstrious
-citizens..---,'' : . ....
- - The-biiildingi'n,qfcestion, stood a few yards
' iack f rem the nar'roW street tr alley?. iuvd j was
almost entirely concealed froiu vie wv by? ' the
thick -clustering vines that -grew Hn- front. -and
- v.-hre by VkiHful framing; c roof,
aii'f ttiq p'positft c-iids. -'. - Thus , sequcstered-it
'4:!i3 "not without its mystery, oc- its -'decayed
and somewhat dilapidated walrs, without their
legend. -Sottiiftei r rUatl Vovk inhabited)
Eometirrrcs 1 ribt"; ''and' who 'was' its owTier; or
who ais pyescnt occripied1 itj wa. except t6" a
ewpeRonnivsteTv ., ,,.,u
l tu;it.3 pdshl:ypU litUu? iMjtvrtuoe,
ndr'baa. nothing to 4o Vith-tho' t prti;t .It is
.-enongb tokiionv thai ii nowdiad fts occujjisr.,--;
'"aii -vll mauin0vabseirpet-soh 'and manners
I' r" "t :-.rjr. ilV.: "i''''v.-'
vfjl4;rejVcas a& air.oi -iayaicr-. wuie". .vv.?""!t
ieouki 4iiaJtt.r eomprehe?ndi tzo '''-'f j
,m It'ifiMe'in thVeyi'n'g-a'n' Jwurorore
"mcLyoixU is. Wa'd'uwi .inor$; Jih tlie dark:iiar-
.?ov street ;'only.boTnndbentbo1iera y mea
'returning, Ihowghtfui; io lijaam jly. qhumble
''iodafine. -The. , jzreat city, rrniistress of -llie
world; with he- million Of souls, liasiid lier4
self dj'wn to 'fcpow';; oV .Tather,',niigSiV.i),.not
3 . -- -.- - -'- i - I- ' i - t ' '
cfrimi-f lr lifT .WOll-
.4 bi4brK-kile-.it'Jt.iapartedloAhe. leit'urea a pe
inlii'r ylsrpness,' gave1 to'1' tbc :.cltihtei'a'cJ ; at
" tli e'sam e in ejia. dea lit -1 ike palp &e ss ' .'
Pj.-'JUc-one was an.ro Id raan, dressed in n loose,
.ial-VoTlr:gbw'd,aD, somewhat tooieI vitlj
rm1 a ge'.r z Yl i s' H1e 1 'frame
moreover, was ncryons and trembling; 'and
ia.ktu toUeWch'tras.deepnainlo fiVir.lhera
.was a sliirhf - treTOuldusnes?.'
mil dusnes?.' bat win ch only
it UH.'cniwiiii Mnnt'iHi arrearairc" are i
Froth tncuntfcinrtTr'smft ftrd ' Jol'JiI"nT"-.
rii Tli ?bcT-r nf (fiie vforuiy'leep,r!: i "! i
rj?r. Tho -rales Vlierg-athofC'I.'vvat nV-'PV, ' ' i "'
,2a-Thoii -it Twa's that " two friend s", 5 engaged
cvepatfpnjiat imderlh'e.lra glare pCan
'Tamp that' hung" from , tbj ciUg ? and
rrved to Rive force to Ms rh a:
coii-'ie and
"ubi.t'au(ruit au'4veiMjrabliiai.pQarance. Then
la.liisiarge pijecyes(iiicrs was f oyiciyyi se
reMie as t!e ?kie$ underneath viiicji...,! liad.
lived ;"vhil..Viji Jiid features', though, furrowed
py tiwp? and laarkcd hj;.t.ac cares anjd surfQWS
Incident to life there"was .dc'Cp heartfelt:
beni'Tolenc? of the purest .and jiiosl &tirin
, AiIo,7J'rj.thoiis ? ..Vt.ould any one
suppose, that this venerable, saire.dikc,, Hian. '.
had ouee-boeu st-.'PQd, in all the abyuiinations
.I'fgJtnisin, that he; liiid lng uiinlwoi-ed. H;
licraltcrs; anditaiight in the- fenodl lof ;her
Ph'ilosoviiers ' -It' '' oven .'oiF' ' : 'To '-lit.v
year?', .he had sacrificed to lior. jieitifcs,. aiu:, itt
snictqd the youth of tiup ill the inyeiiciritcs'
.of her shperst it ion arid idolatries, ' yon- ' hor-'
" cvori his is? cno ' of;thVrToVT; di'stUised. Xaza-1
make amends for the errors of the; pa its.--he?, is
deVotinj th remaining yeafvbf lifc.ti
take;.rp-JL;dip tli4Ttirtsl 1fhot.yia.t;hcij
niav hv)!d frMi criniaTiajoiv wit-h: tlwl)'- God A
a nd lha.t; re 16 ."tse dT mi: a fl ot !i e r c'aVe'i . h e ni tV"
devide JiinuiCif. ; aoLfp; vurlj,.)iJ,V'.3ncli
'r'aVe's. ''he'ni -".y
Ins soul. ! iiOv 6;U I ii-.u i.'ir. .t-.rs6-"' t 1
'' The'jitdiv'idnai witli'v lKin h? it eonveiV-iuj,
.belongs rot he'll.y;-Uir nubility v-hbal-'
though. -tlic greater par; .of .;is iijo.. ux& bqen
spent in th? service cf: iijs. cciuitry, io now re
tired, and lives jth hi -j family; in- o.is" ftv.il
afSneht 'circumstances. Valo;ia "wasaV' Inti
mate, friand and ju.tioii; of i'ry beus in by-cone
years : nor is he lols his friend -nw- ;Ou tu-"
contrary, thejf friHit'l.ip, teVted 'IV ihf -vicis-
sit'udes' of li'tlf :'',T c'v n'laryj !Ua"".Tii?. dt:pfen'ed:
1'aitd wkienwdby ahe-ir jawtual faith and kiiowl-'
edge of the one God. For Vtdcns is-"a KVrt'j
ifmif -andhe is'sucti through' rite (-prayers ajid
ctfy i ts of Pry 'f h4us, Aj.d for t lie .purixise , of.
coiur.iruuuatiiig with his. old friond ra: a ctr
tnin matter, he : ha threaded the - d-irk.
narrow streets and lane of the city to his hutn-
bl? and retired. abodi. . . . . .- .
"And lii)v is.:it -with thj" faith, -.Yalta' ??
said Prjtliens, within 'earnest, but benef olent
pliy .f the feitnresl",' :"'.', ... V.
-Ah '.'
via, '-How-can my . faitn
j.ueii Uabspol -ting vision waver: as: iny aoul
now d.-litlits toio'lmeTnpIate.','' ' "' - ''-'"''"i
"Ye'ssr.r l Prytheus, '"'the .'.visions' of the
l:ie to conic are glorious, and amjdy the
ttbiure rv'iuf te trials o our faith -.-and. pa
tience. ''' ......
'You"sp;:'ak' of ,-,,-'.? trials, j' f'iiih y u.y
thev not shortly tail to our. lot .' To tell thee'
reeiyjf li;y fears.,1 .s .iugbt.'tbee out t'o-night,
Prvtheus." . ; ...r - . .
' "AVe . have' uo. right, io.voxpeft exemption
from the.vratu. 'of. the rpemies wf our faith,"
Sii'idPry theus.Vaiting an iniuiring. glance at ;!
his friend. . . - bu,"
"HaSt thou not heard of the citangc in the
conduct of our Emperor ?'.' . .. . E: r -
"I had .not beard of it, most oble .Valgus,
"You know," said Yalons, .'he hat'u lii.iLur-
to.exercised his jKtv ep with, f eiyji - measure of
prudence and moderation. and although guil
ty, of many acts of cruelty'sfid oij.ressi6n, his
rcign'Vas. tui-ublf, ahdtis i-Aipif prosperous.
l3ntlalcly,, he has shown, himself C4pabl.,iof
the most. atrocious deeds. Even 'they. of. his
own household have fallen victims, and iuany
of his most noble Senators.' arc. aijriaeI for
theirafrty," jt,.-;,;: ..:. :.- .ro-.'I ..: ,;
"Tis i;u?t inelancli'.y tidings,' Waid' 'j'r---
tbb'cwin5"bis .pi J' tkpugiit j ally, -at
the dinilyrluyniug -ilamp.. i and fclasping ,:his
hands, at . the same, time,' across hi breast,
froni'Trhfclt proe'ecie'd ; '
vt 11 i ir-j ' . ' ' ii-.;' '.). .. , ,-.
yllaVHig.sthus; for a ;l.c,w.,nipments,, Ks ..if
overcome .with . the. intensity of. bis amotions
.ho qnickH' added, nOr yet am I surprised:be-
yond measure., though r'Iiad,'hype.(i iL'at 'age
aud exp.cj'ier.cQ ...would liaye ; increased -his
.clemency; and corrected manj-.ot bin youthful
indiscretions. . . " 'I: '-'".
' "'"So we all had iiopo'd.'f replied YaTeuarbut
unless, the oue.GfMl. interpose in . Qur.behalf,
the Boman Empire will "groan ieredong under
the scourge of one ol the most execfaliTe' tv-.-i
'i.-'i,.' 'i.:.-. f:-;Pi,-.,. iTirir.m i .0
rants?- x hh,A fA s,ylt:...i ;u ...
VWAnd 'vhere fore thisrchang?" Snui red
Pfth'cn's., '''lias some distaof Province 'Ve
vblfed I Has the Senate conspired , agajsift
hw.lill orJavo tW-cititens vf Koine not aov
od tbenniclves hisTiiost i'aithful and loyal'miK
"It is liard to conjecture, said Vie.V tis
jng.Irom bis seat;: and walkinrr' tborrhj3"allyj
aeroHS tlvem'arble; floor :r"the Kinftire-fa pros-
. . Hi -,.;--,. -.Jr.!,. ::! .
pcrous ;
norJiiislhcre UC-eii any revolt or ton-
:;;Ah !rmo'sl nobfe Vaie:?is;-'.ii,Hlfris.wf.
said, doth not iurprise "iiie-1 It is possible that
cVen EinpefofArisy Oign" 'tli --v!e.;Hind,
Tor'a time.' couoeal fhc natural UTo'city.bf t.lieir
t tempers : but, sooner or latr, tht-y must ap
lopg.niglit of-vleath in whicb it had -slept, sm -W;r,?f:V"y.,'4ilJrVi1l9 m lwi terei- ajnaze,
having voceived -the" lljrlit .n?F '-'R'fi'dwllce oC t-V-L' retunitiii jih'iicis,' sii atud
its'd.jsfniy'l it Jia!s '.'roir. pth ;i.ryff.ij- '44 f&r? sw ,ftf.e,fw .?f ' .
oWer.. 1UW , and,iVfiiri wrldl''.-,lnt,'aTi if f to!.-rchtT-ibr.sww , tSm: tntnjid tos -fpuak
nil the ardor of a renewed teact'nd'aii ni'ni-ble lif.;-orn Ton.i ahd'ubeveri isy'flt'efrr:?'.!, the. tinie . I passed inuu! 1,-iiapH., v
paired iiiteUcct, to pTOgatuiyw -0-' l?f e.j'tvlcs,.tJ Tiie'siilijif pbniliiclt ' tfie i h En)peror ;i.s above the. usita heiitno'
triacs, and'to tl' ctaafortins aiut 'edifying- of had Jrisf been c'onvorsins Joj;eiodcd Vioood ,JiilA'.fl10 ".;1. md,o, ithough a
all Whn'hbTJ'tb- li!C'fait!r-iTMh lfimse'lf.'' ' And and now this .additional' ticii,i;?lijuhi J'ijrctiAX )' VTi'V1 i"' fr X?r ?;outh
forsakW.by mokt:ofiiwfouncvfru4a; Lehas iiorat of .its. cr.u'sior eWent,i4;c.i;,thrn , ,i!V'; 3 ! Xu 7, F ,li5.t';f ,.,'?',lii 7
sTi'oum Ink 'fcsonhri;nt "set' 'azaiu'sf ,oiir Jnqst
coble laitli, martyred. jnulti.tui.es. .V lU 'realise
. cre- long tje vision oV'suncloutitd, glr,". : .
v , J;i.st attthis juoijivut,- tliwir.ixiuyersatjtui vas
interrupted by a youth, v,-ho;; suddenly (L'ru'vv
iopen tlie aHr,'- and "ftxcLiiiiied, ihtcifZs en
Ijirt-P 'Tk'i:$ 's on. -fire !H '.iA r.ii.y oi ;
Prvt!vetti and"Va!ens !wcfe' vstonisl:Vi4-3,i'-
vbnd measure at '"this sudden aiidiTne'xi)L'ctc(f 1
Wnorijcofjiejit',' though' 'tl!eyrd''ot faM' to
observe, at a gtane'e, tiiai' (lie palo , and ti em
bjiug y.puth I; Jonged to a -hnschxdd of like
; fait! .with-iivuiuselvos.; Jl.isiug liuiTiwUxiA'Mn
Jhvif .se;rf.;hsiHxiOii3 !vka Rd :triiablin
stv3, tiuv-'i'uuiid -tljeir-f way tMiutiously" inio
the iiiinoViStrefct r fieii;froknar tip througli
the -pit tit? Mtfrknes j A 4"'kshriil t ! light
of the lurid' f!aincs,; fWrntt'dfozcn 'or more dif-
ll 'Tf ITiVAd ' .TC1,"K
They sit mMioidcis astat Jesf; int. a .-.-stater. 'C4iV ---tc - --- r11 1li V.V.!y-,1-V,
deep-riientar.abfitractiony'ftazh.j; von thcnaf-J.rFy.VIV
isto silence, ,anl turued. the tUoqhw..fHV-h,
xx mWh'it'it'- ;Jt iwa$. cv hJwht,, .ipWrtVAT,
ft hat it had only Alrvod io'ncroast.tiiekJ rfilu
tuaUii.ftrioiisions ; and, under--jfia -cii:i;uiii-
i jsttnitNw, -6!:ilriii(id their Minds H ' fir b" fa
thai Trrtiibldirsf'.f.ni?s ??' at. ham?.- ' ' " ! ' I .
V'-Well.TinAiV'-'at T..;'ntli 'sail Pryrh1
0.': tjod rei:rnvt'" ,u' I'-i.tpfi'i- cj.iir.ol jiarctj
.a hair cf our heads with out Ilis i.ermiH.sion-;
,e,n-I.jf liorsecuiiox. coij4i-tlv.it.
made no replv, but sal with his cj'es
still fixed on the; Bport .tb--JOii.ed. in- houIit.
f Aftei;.ttivlou-v.'frr.ikJrajsiMg: them
uj; ii rri looking Prvthefls fulMiiJlie at,-'-'.l;
sm-M t'fl4iit,'Wliat
lire -IheVth-ii
of-the firofsthti city's--on
flank-5 :!:!' riMii the 'heavens' ' '
',' "Ah ! yes; and'llioy conducted niy thughts
far beyond Ihe rudv rrlare. far' Into Hie d'-nths
of that eternal day, v, h"'.n kin.gd"'.'4-iriiiid .men
shall 'have vanished, . and ...when . thi,3x,!nortal
shall inve -put on iiiiieoviai.ily." ;i. -,,!;.
"Such thoughts,- Piythouii.anay wi it possess
thy breastj and wtdf may tliey 'allay ln'--anxie-ties'i.ii'
the tvonbledisfTu!-. 1 Hnt dirfsfc thou hot
see something portentous in that lurid ' glare,
ds of 'rtniiie battling 5-V i?udly 5tr?fe or luca,
women, and even helpless' infant's.. 'writhing in
torture,' and expiring in '.the' srruggling
llames.: '.'.' -. .- ,'. - " . :
' "Mine' i yes failed to p'ere'eive, most noblo
Yalens; nor could aught, 1 think, but thy fan
oy have j)ictured out from thence such por
tentous tbiu's';' and yet, it. is i.jjst .strange.-
..''Jluct-.'straage, Prytheu-V. !? . Xis,' jessing
Strang.: : , And iny mma is. , somehow most
strangely pressed.' " ::- , ;
. '-Ibit host not many a city of-ld been laid
in- ashesssojno impark uecidentally kindling
into flame, and --sprc;uliH and - widening the
breach, till naught but charred tim Iters, and
blackened walls have marked the site. And
why may not this great city,: that man hath
built, fall a prey to the same devouring ele
ment ; yea, may not her lio'i, Irous sins call
lor such vengeance.
; In' truth,", said Aalens, f'our. righteous
God might well be provoked to such wrath ;
but didsf tliou not. see the light far separated ?
-tljis betokens no accidental spark, but some
purposceL wralb .that would Jay,...our .-city. tin
i.uiiis.."'-,-.! - t. .-.: ,. .
yud.i-- there augItt.d)cyond the, power of:
pur .Omijpot-eut Huler l' said Prytbeus ; "and
could not tho-invisible1 sjdrits ' tfiati do his
pleiwurer, kindle -tlit hidden spark into . flame,
wherever. He willed." V- '.h':u-j5 : "
--'I grant thee, Prytlans but Ifefir some
iiiortnl hand now -ministers' to ' ifsex'c-riilioii.
May1 bej its a'sigiial for "revolt Y for, in ribth,
Ibe nobility' and citizens of Romclfo'ei '"most
keenly the smart of tW' Emperors recent edicts,
and no wonder.lf tht-y should seek to stay the
ariii that sceijis uiised for their destruction..
13ut .iniu'st bid thec'gpbd night, Prythcus ;
my family waits with anxiety iny return,:.'..
Audjnay..tbe .llssing of the .one -God '-at
ie.nd thee, and the fears thou; bast this night
expressed prove unfounded. And, most noble,
friend, see, that Iby taitU -A"lot. . The' way
td tire life to ctimc is. Hill, of i crosses, it' is
tbronghtlre arid word, aiel rft,recnti'oh,v'and
death ; and ottrs'wmy bc"ile hiartyr's crbwn. .
':1 2 Vaio'ris Voftc't Vonv lit seat'an'd had. laid" his
lla'nd on the latcbefpf the door", 'when . starting
iiAck','ihe'.' aid.; ' f'l tark' i' what . means", that
heavy, measured noise m the street ? nearest
it uot,Prvtheus . , !
" F n 11 well I hear it. but canst not tell whence
or vhatlt is.- .:- P.h t"'i .:,: '' - '
-,Vb J.now,: aid YalenH, "may 1 not right-
Jy conjecture s iHiara band; of ruftian ".soldiers
auch asjirf date, nightly 'stroll each street,
and r)arrowavenne;niinibns'of the 'Emperor,
h sek ?o li bje rigT) t : " hot neVd I fear itieir rueetr
--...:"- - . . - . 1 w -
ing m tne way t reacn my none."
7V It Cir.tiT!u.rd.
Sl;4tch of theEinperor Kicolac.
'''The predoiinnaiit expression of his cdun
te:nahee is that oT'k '"VestiesV' sevfci;ily,'AvlH;h
strikes a beholder at tlib llrsi 'gTanee,' and,' ii
Spi'teof t'he Valarit v '' :cr his fe'atur
'that the ;iardnesS'Of the heart injures
beaufS' of the "wUnteiiauee".'' Nevertheless,
this expression hi ' the Kiriperbr' 'jfic'olaV' ap-
le'ars t o be the '1'esult. 'of experience rather
th:inJfie work of ''nature'. vl?y ' hat' long and
cruel ki fibrin irS ninst not a"rhan'Iiare been tor-
.tured, when his countenance excites 1
iiiisianuinx me voiinnarv I'uuimi'iiiv iiui
noble features inspire! ' . ; , ,
' ' "iNeVerthi'l'es. "at tiin'os' some ' jrlcams ' of
'firtWieiniVej the' 'inVperi-oifs' looks of !tjdi
iiionarch ;' and" tlieii',' t n'cxesSioh'' of affiiVuli
' fy' reVeali tlnj liali ve boKnty f ,t 'classic.
fV a fi'iivs" f n ifie''h'ea"rT0(.?;,lbe huibalid'aiid' the:
' fiither,' liu"ma.ii!ty''tnun'.jis"for'a"nM over
''liio i'i.ofiiiJpniiiJe?' fhcn t(iebvereign
T lmijosinx the Vo
i!j)Olt his subjects, he appears, nappy
. '.X. !i lir.' :-. - i.i ; i..
lie aiipears liaopv. J his
combat between the primitive ".dignity "i,.f thet
nlSn 'a!d''th?':hl;cfett ';!ivi'fv'of the 6vecc)KP
the loins to such a iereu as to Mish un th-
sioiiKH'h into , the chest, .which m-out'ees an
unnatural sw:e1liil or ex'tensfon ' about .the
.. ; . , : . '7 .; : i -.
libs th;.t is as ii)jiuiK-..s lo health as it is ,uil
irraeeful in sipnearamx. -, - '
i-T!i,is.yiJ';iiilury. iie;u-uiy u--:t.roy(s all Ho
.lotn of.ji!UYe;n.:tj duipaii; t!i,e, ei-j...i;cc t of
the sli.ipt'y.jand. i:n"p:v.t s j.h ,.f .eon st rai nt to
the whole person
jl'o'v s:iy. tSrat .v.-lieri ,tnc
or lv!J!v9. his
dres, the viscera "d-
fiv.ffivlnir v.'av, are disturbed for a iuointnt
in teirfiuilibriuig, which produces an extra
ordinary j.roration, ol strength, i nc . ijo
. els' may be displaced they esiinot. be got rid
,.f'Tlie Jhniiffor lias a Grecian .profile, the
' forehead high, but rceewling; the "Loae K-ralght
and ierfL.ctJy formed; the jnoutb very finely
cut;, the. face which in , shape is a very jong
oyalj is noble ; the .whole air military -and
rather. German than Sclayo'iic. ; Ilis tcarriage
.and Jijsti.t.'it.'ides arc.natui-filly. imposing, . .He
exj.ects always to ie gazea at, ami never lor
:i moment forgets I fiat "lie " is so. It mav
eveii said that le likes this homage of eves.
"He 'asses the greater part of his existence
in the open air, at reviews, or in rapid journeys.
During sirmmer, the'shade'of his military hat
draws across his forehead an oblique line,
which' in arks' the action of the sun upon the
km.' It produces a siiigulur effect but is not
disagreeable, as the cause is -.it once' perceiv
ed.- ' '" ' ,;' '' ' "- ,": '
In cxarnining attentively the tine person
of this individual, on whose will hangs the.
fate of so many others, I have remarked with:
involuntary pity, that he cannot smile at the
same' trme-uith the : 'eye's and the mouth; a
want of ' harmony which "denotes-perpetual
constraint, and makes one remember, with re
gret, that easy, natural grace, ro conspicuous
in the less regular but more agreeable counte
nance- of his brother, the emperor Alexander.
The latter always pleasing, bad : yet at times,
an assumed manner. "The' Lmperor -Nicolas
is more sincere; but he has an habitual ex
pression of severity, which sometimes gives
the idea of harshness and 'intlexibiljty. lf,-
Tiowevcr, he is less fascinating, he' is. more
firm thanius brother; but then, it must be ad
ded, that he has also a proportionately greater
need' 'of firmness. Graceful courtesy insures
authority by removing the. desire of resistance
This' judicious economy in the. exercise of
poxyer is a secret of which the Emperor 2s ie
olas'i'i ignorant ; he is one who desires to ,le
obeyed where others desire to be loved."
, i JxowrXotaixisM 2vfEVt.ITf.-i-Tlie' edi
tor of the, NcSvark Mcicury "ha U-en taking a
ktftk ntthe''Know-Nothings," and says :-- "'- ,
fTheineetiiig of the State-i Wigwam of the
American (Know-Nothing) Association, which
was hold in this city on Wednesday, was at
tended by some'l-W reiesentatives from vari
ous parts t)C the State' and a finer body of men
hus seldom ever assembled. Their apjear
ariee was that of bien who felt thenVs'elves' en
listed in a gfreat and important' work; and we 4
feel pretty well f;rsriaded, !riow thatSve- luaye
"seen these 0 acknowledged .',Knov-Qtbihgs,
that the: good and -puns have, nothing to. tear 1
irom their organization. The-'corrupt-, and
unpri nc i pal led ," hb we vor - we - sh bujd ; ' j u d ge
have little to "hope from its clemency. ;.' : t'-?i
. , T: .!' -. ..; i - "! I :
'"' QIt is as naturalforbulie: t0f;liow their
ankles, as it is for gentlemen- to to lbokj -at
theni. ;" Ankle ''stndyj 'nowadays, is among
tiic' -bighir lii-aricbes'' of a young man's educa
tion, though it is to.lbe confessed that one
must descend a good deal in thg 'pursuit of
knowledge.'" '" ' '" " ' " ' " -V
''"How the "Body SLKtrs.-M. Cabanalas, - a
French physiologist,-aasertB that , the Juunan
i'dy falls asleep by degreei porllciC pyTtKir-
Hon, and not all at once; nrst,. thoenroi
i sight, then of smelling, he.
;!! I Hi
Veys'tiy .'fi6'lnieaiis 'i"iile'asant"linp;iession.-r-Phy.sibsnomistsprctehd;
witfi' niiiclr 'rWsoii,
"Singular. Optical. relusion.' ' ,'""
The 'Petersburg' rntcVfnci-r,' desc ribing a
recent balloon a'sceiision, by jrr.'EtLioTT, from
t'haf : ciiv.'.'says while." among' the ".clouds' it
seemed to' him as if hejw as in tbe.midst of ;a
large, roiiud glaSs glpbe,'.sb'ie, fwb"br three
bundred feet in diameU; jragainst 'the sfdc of
wliicli . opposite to the sun, the shadow of the.
I lady Isrtbplla rested, some five or six times lar-
ger man ine corporeal one. -vwoui uau - i a
between hjm aud the shadow which seemed as
if resting ton the glass wall, another balloon
was seen of a. size between the shadow and flie
real oye, resting, as if in a yacuu.m which dis
idayed v.ery.color, 1'aitijfully, of ttje originaf ;
Jle, ihen saw another Elliott,, clad-Tand. with'
i'ealurosdike lifajself, and ; setriningly life like,
die then extended Jus , own . fingers, .when.be
was pjmicked bv this image, and whethtf r,he
-extended one. Jinger or. more, or whateyer lie
did, $uj3 Gg.ure duplicate.d exactly. ,.TVhen her
would cause his balloon to. oscillate, this. bal
.loou vpuld moye exactly like. Ids.; ,Anicn, be
threw put uiore- ballast to, eleyate biniself, this
figure satik dou-Vj instead of., raising with, hini;
-and wiien he,, arose, abpye. the' clouds into . tli,e
rays of the nnclquce;, sun,, ho left Ihe jninjick.
a'ronaul below hini. In the rays-. of tUcsun,
above -the clouds.. lip Xoynd it.spif.injjs t-;
.cause' him,-, to per'spire.f recly a.tate.heat
nt-y,er,befo;Hrxiu.,rieijecd at this Jn.-tgbt near
ly t wenty thousand feet, "where, tlua.n'r is very
.rarifiifd and geucraljyj.vyj-- vli.ll v-9 , . e,. iueii. (
opejie'J. tjie.valy( fox 1 ho p.iiij,'Ose of dese.eri-j
ding and. us -soon as be san;wpne .pr'tyo thou
sand feet,,hichhp a.sceftained ..in; .baromet-
ricni iijdiati'nVs 'bf fejvas if lie, bad enteral
ail ice liouse", ami a cold cliill sci.d liis whole
person,, ; Here he again met ni miinick. :er,idl,
.viyliger, v.iiom Le kept in .company for some
ti-r.ej Irbni jihilosophical n.ouves.. . Whenever
be moved' up or . d.ojvn the. duplicate would
move i'jf a directly opposltf , way; and wiien ho
conc'v.ued to descend, the. iiuage moved up
ward until the hi-coibre'd flask wjs out of sight,"
when he could still see the c;u and ' the "i onaiit
still standing in it as if In a basket attaehedjto
nothing. He still kept Iookiug until his head
was Robespierred, and finally peice by pcice,
Tlis body, anl at la-t' the feet "and: basket a-.
; c--n4Mut of bis sUrlit. -Protor 1'ixiott
tjf s thi:t he has been up a' hnudeei and -one
-ttffir, ln:t ncv-ef t:w nvylhing in the -forni of
'an-illusioivlike'this befureYand he '"'asked tlie
)'ihion of the -scientific; and learned as to the
pi olnible cause of this rVmarkable phenome
non, for tlic information of fflie public. - -
,. Who Yictori.v is. People. who wish to"
kuow who A'ictoria is'where she came from,'
Ikc.jkc., vill please glance, over the follow
ing. programme : . . . ;- -j ;
, Victoria is the daughter of the Duke ofKent
who was the son of George the Thirdj'who was
grandson of George the Second; who was the
son of the Princes Sophia; who, was -the cousin
of Anne; who was the sister of William and
"Mary; who was the daugtor and son-in-law of
James the Second: who was the son of Charles
the First; who was the son of James the First;
who was the son of Mary; who was the grand
daughter of Margaret; .wlio was the sister of
nenry the Eighth; who was the son of Henry
the Seventh;, who vas: the son of the Earl of
I.ichmond; who was the son of Catherine, the
widow of Henry the Fit'th;who was the son of
Henry the Fourth; who was the cousin of
"Richard the Second; who was the grandson of
Edward the Third; who was the sou of Edward
the Second; who was the son' of, Henry the
Third; who was the son of. John; who was the
I son of Henry the Second: , who was the daugh
ter or Henry the, First; who was the orotner oi
William Kuf us; who was the son of William the
Conqueror; who was. .the bastard on of the
Duke' of Normandy,. by a tanner's daughter-of
Falaise. r , .. . .... . -- - -
:Waking rp a CosGrtkOATiox. On last Sab
bath morning, while the'newly - installed '' pas- I
for of the: Jane street,-M. E. Cliureb, (Rev. J.
E; Wakely,) was preaching a very eloquent
serniOii on our 'national privileges," he ob
served some of the elder portion of bis: con-.
gregatibii, "napping," and addressed them in j
tones of thunder in the-following manner:
: You may wake up when the grave of A
merican liberty is dug; and her funeral orafibh
has been prononncedr rYou' may wake ' tip
when the Genius of Columbia has takchv her .
flight to some other land ! You may wake up
when the sun of fretidom bas gtme down, and
darkness covers our once briglitr and Jjeautiful
;oimiTy ! Bo careful, or yon' mayv wake up
trheuit is too lateT too late! too late! The
die is cast, the nation is dead every star in
the galaxy of liberty is extingnt shed and the
stars 'ad stripes tha,t we have looked at with
wonder, delight and. joy, no longer .wave, but
lie torn and rent in ipiecesl Such is the fate
of this nation unless people wake up to the
protection of their rights. - The', cluld is list
ening to, my yoico-tp day f who, unless there is
a waking up, will live to sec America wrapped
in her wjoxling sheet and tyrants holding a ju
bilee ever a fallen ,rcpiibic.Vc-t . ? dto .-.o-ui
: ;: : ' . r,-.-; "? :
inrJnstructyour son well,.qr .otler6.wili in
struct him ill. -No child goes altogether ;un
t au gh tt Send' him to the school " of wisdom,
or he will go of himself tQ r'th0 3yi;.acadcra
kept by thftladyywitli the cap and-JjclrbV. Tbcre
is always teaching going on of some loYtr jtist
! as in fields vegetation ia never idle.
: 'Y.JtTJ.A j3ypotlioticariCa8a.iii ;r
Some years ago, an awkward chap in West
ern NewrYork, who. obtained his livelihood, by
forgery, in a blacksmith's shop, hired a horse
one dav fo'carry' a load "of wronglit nails to the
next town,"a few miles distant"' 'Through his
own awkwardness, and that of the horse, and
br HnPuniied exertions of the twoa very pret
tr Cataslrpphe was brpugbt about. . Jwli He d&
scending a fitVeV--hilXjiffVsnitl'i5a''e his ani
mal al few extra cuts,; thinking-to "accelerate
ed the motions -of ''the' whip but the steod
stubibied, floundered into the ditch,1 and kick
ed tbc bucket."- The ' blacksmith; upon turn
Ingthc bbdy -o"er,'; disdorered that 'the ana
tomical harmbnyof "the beast's-neck was de
stroyed," that his spiue was dislocated beyond
the bonesetter'a art,aud that, in fact, the 'boss
wastle&d.; :, With a rnefnl countenance; be repaired-
to". the: ,tvuer of. the" nag,; and
asked, him what was ..to ; be done. Th;;re
plyiwas, "You must pay me for the hor9e.'.'
The blacksmith . demurred, and,; went to con
sult a lawyer' !;, ;-..-'-:;- ' i ':
I . The law.wr liappcncd to. be.away from home,
but hiijvife who was proiie to miscliievous fun,
thought ffbo-saw in tiic:. client Tool for a little
poi-tr and,, inviting him to enter.; the-boupe,
renuu-ke'.tbat she sometimes;, gavv legal v ad
vice in her husband's absence," and; relocated
him to state his ease. -
"Ycrv well"," siid "ith'e5 blacksntith, seatin?
himself leisurely, '-I will suppose a case."
If you please that will' do as well a3 to
state. your own," said the handsome "attorney.
1 1 1W1I! yer sec its jest like this'.' : -Sposin'
ypii was an old boss and I should drive yer
td'mill. And s'posin I shot M cut yer up the
leasicst mite on the flank," and you should fair
up, and "kick uj, and break ' the breechin, and
finally ye j'ftfioiild TaM. i a tor the ditch, and break
yer cussed neck y.-fio'd pay for yer ? Would
?" askbd tlnf excited Vulcan, in a voice of
thunder. 'Oo !. I'd be' hammered into horac
shoe nails', and driven into the dcvil'$ cloven
foot, afore I'd pay the fusf red cent !" '.'","
By ''thw tifnb the volunteer ' counsellor" bad
'retreated' to the door 'of the apartment, and
'after '"informing ber "client with a courtesy
that? his was a very plain case, and he need not.
fear ah action for damages, she disappeared,
resolving never .again to give" advice to her
husband's customers.
Intemperance in Congresn. y
Gerritt Smith in his address to his constitu
ents says that "as the ' friend of temperance
both my lips and example shall ever testify
against any night session of Congress, that is
not called for by the clearest necessity." '
- T was present part of the night session in
which the final vote on the Nebraska bill wa3
taken ; and I was well convinced that Congress
should avoid all unnecessary night sessions un
til Congress loves temperance more, and rum
less. Never did I Witness more gross drunk
enness than I witnessed on that occasion. I
had to remain until 11 o'clock for I hadTto
remain until I could record my vote against
the pro-slavery bill. After that I hurried
awav, full of shame and sorrow.
'It so happened that Lord Elgin, the Gov
ernor of Canada, sat by my side, for an bourorr
more, during that evening of sad recollections.
The drunkenness was perceived by him as well
as by myself. I might rather say, it glared
upon his observation, as well as upon my own.
It was certainly very kind and polite in him to
tell me, as he did, in the course of our con
versation respecting this disgraceful ;scene,
that he bad witnessed shameful disorder in the
British Parliauieiit. Nevertheless his polite
ness and kindness-did not relieve me of my
deep mortification.' '" . -.-vi-i
Slaxg WoRns.-rrWhat a pity slang worda
are so. very expressive. If it were not for this,
they, would not become fashionable. ;When
we are 'told that a- cprtain gentleman is "a
brick,'' we know at pnee that he ia a clever,
go-ahead fellow as much as if a dozen essays
had been written on him. Tell us that Mr.;
Dazzle lias a f 'siunnie" pair of trousers on,
and we are fully satisfied 4hat Mr. Dazzle r is
out. with, the, most , approved drapery. ... We
very frequently hear a young lady , quoted as
"one of 'em." : When we do, we always im
agine that there is ascertain female in the
city -who would derive a' great benefit from
following the commandments. AV F. Monthly .
. An Irishman, coming from the -4th -of
July considerably bewildered, and seeing the
bouses and everything else going round in a
queer manner, concluded that.the easiest way .
to get quiekly home was to stand itlll tilP--;
his I own 'door passed him,' and then iake a-
dive for it.-" ,.:rrr:; -4-
,.. "!'-
(T7"!lt is observed by Dr. Hufcland, that
"the more a man follows nature, and is obe
dient tb hor laws, the longer he will live ; the
farther he deviates from tbese,the shorter will
be his existence' i -:.-; ITA
n .. V ; .,
Some gallant defehder of Lola Montez
recently, wrote. "She 'Is pure J innpeencej.
The wicked types,liowx;ver,printcd il,"r''
is pure in no sense: '"' ' .
i&T Au English "p'apcr "Benu-joMsely says
that roast boef, serenity of mind, a pretty wife,
and cold water baths, will make almost any
man "happy, healthy, wealthy and wise."
it - :
A '