Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 30, 1854, Image 2

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1 IU I
Hoa. James Pollock, of Northumberland County
Hon.. George Darsie, of Allegheny County.
Hon. Daniel II. SmyBer, of Adams County
WeIneJay, Auguit 30, 1854.
Interesting Tale.
In our next piper, wc will present to our
reader the first number of an interesting his
torical and religions tale, by a gentleman of
this place, entitled the "Maktyr Family."
We will publish it until the whole is complete,
which will give this volume of the Journal a
new and valuable attraction. "We bespeak for
rt an attentive perusal. The copywright is
secured, and when finished it will be publish
ed in book form.
Clearfield Academy.
The trustees of the Academy, have secured
fiie services of AW A.' Campbell, and Lady,
and the institution will be regularly opened on
Monday next. Air. Campbell comes well re
commended as a teacher of experience and
ability, and his arrangements, which will be
found in another column, have been made in
a manner best calculated to secure the . pros
perity and success of the institution.
The people of our county should regard this in
stitution as entitled to their especial patronage
We have no other High School, within our
limits, and it will allord all those who have
heretofore been compelled to send their children
to a distance to be educated, an opportuuity
to confer upon them the same benefits at home,
with half the expense. It places within the
reach of all, the opportunity of acquiring a
good English or Classical education, who have
heretofore been deprived of it. We hope it
will be well sustained by our citizens.
The Candidate for Aisembly.
In Alex'r. Caldwell, Esq., the people of
Clearfield Count y have a candidate, whom they
can unanimously and consistently support,
without regard to party preferences. During
the late session, he discharged his duties
honestly and faithfully, and perhaps no repre
sentative was ever received by his constitu
ents on his return, with more universal satis
faction and respect than Mr. Caldwell, lie
was one of the very few in the late Legisla
ture who could be dignified with the title of
iin honest man, and who commanded the esteem
f all circles at the Capitol.
Although nominated by the late Democratic
Convention, Mr. Caldwell, should neverthe
less, be considered the people's candidate, and
we" have no doubt he will receive the entire
vote of all parties in Clearfield, lie is a man
of liberal views, and although professing the
principles of pure democracy, be is xcry far
from leing an intolerent and bigoted Locol'o
co. 'Wc know of no man in the ranks of our
political adversaries, we would sooner see
elected than Mr. Caldwell. '
The Know Nothings.
The Pennsylcanian, and other democratic
papers have been publishing a series of articles
purporting to be an exposition of the Know
Nothings," remarkable only for their glaring
inconsistencies. By their exposition it is re
quired not only that the father of the member,
should be a native-born .American, but also
his grand father. Now they charge Judge
Conrad, with being a member of the order,
and at the same time aver that his father is an
Irishman ! Could anything be more absurd !
But they also say that it is made up entirety
of Whigs and Native Americans, and yet in
another . column complain of democrats who
have taken the "blasphemous oath!" They
charge Judge Pollock with having been in
itiated on a certain day, in Philadelphia, and
publish a letter, purporting to be written by
him, dated the same day at Milton. They say
he was taken to the lodge, by Judge Conkad
and Sheriff Allen. The latter denies it most
positively over his own signature, and the
former is the son of an Irishman !
We have repeatedly denied, and by authori
ty that cannot be questioned, that Judge Pol
lock: is connected with any "Know Nothing"
Association, but with such glaring inconsist
encies and deliberate lie staring ns in the face
as the above, that denial is unnecessary. Any
man who mayread their expositions,without pre
udice or partiality, will at once come to the
conclusion that they are writing on a subject
of which they 'Know Nothing."
Precious Metals. For the year ending on
the 1st of July, the total amount of precious
metals sent from this country to Europe, to
pay for the manufactories of other countries,
over and above the-amount of ourrxportations,
M as the trifle of $18,122,503!
Pat of Constables for Attending Elec
tions. By an act approved March 21, 1851,
Constables are allowed one dollar per day for
attending general and township elections to
be pai out of the County Treasury. -
Lancaster Cocnty. The Whigs have nom
inated Hon. Isaac E. Hei'ster for re-election to
Congress ; Jacob G. Shuman for Senator;
and D. W. Witmer,' W. W. Withers,' J. F.
Jierr and Wm. K. Mehafiy for Assembly. '
The News.
Three thousand French troops had made a
landing near Bomersund, in the Baltic. . The
Russians abandoned eight cannons on their
approach. The large shipjs of the combined
fleet remained at Letsund. The bombardment
was expected to commence on the 8th of Au
gnst. Prince Gortschakoff has announced to
th Austrian government that Moldavia and
Wallachia will both be immediately evacuated
by the Russians. The Austrian troops which
were on their way to Gallicia, Bokovina and
Transylvania, have accordingly received or
ders to halt for the present. A formidable ex
pedition against Sebastopol was preparing at
Varna. All shipping available for the trans
port of men or stores was being collected
there. Geu. Yusuf, at the head of the bashi
bazouks, has made a reconnoisance beyond
Rarasou. The Russians retired from Bucha
rest, after having broken up the road between
that city and Kalugereuy. Omar Pacha has
sent a message to Bucharest, requiring lodging
and provision for 12,000 men inside the city,
and rations for 20,000 outside the walls. Be
fore leaving Bucharest Prince Gortschakoff
assembled the Boyards and thanked them for
the manner in which they had treated the
Russian troops during their stay at Bucharest
The General added, that strategetic reasons in
duced him to quit the city, but that it was
not improbable he might return at an early pe
riod. On leaving . Oursitcheni, several Rus
sians corps marched upon Ibraila, for which
point the corps of General Luders were alrea
dy on the inarch .' The artillery and engineer
ing material and baggage, followed the beat
en routes, lhe rest of the army marched
across the steppes. Besides the epidemic,
which severely attacked the men, the horses
were affected with an epizootic disease. Be
tween Oursitcheni and Obileschti twentv-
one villages had been converted into hos
pitals a plot to burn the Russian fleet at Se-
bastopal, was discovered on the 10th inst. A
war council is sitting to investigate the affair.
Several captains of merchant men and of the
navy nave heen imprisoned. A corns of
eighteen thousand Russians had arrived at
Tiflis, the capital of Georgi, after a three
month's march.
The French Government had refused the
armistice asked for by the Czar but has an
nounced that peace may be secured on the
following terms:
1st. The abolition of the Russian protector
ate over Wallachia, Scrvia and Moldavia.
2d. The freedom of the mouths of the Dan
3. A revision of the treaty of 1841, with
reference to the limits of Russia in the Black
4th. No power to have a protectorate over
Turkish subjects.
Judge Smyser.
The following extract from the '-Berks Coun-
v 1'ress " the democratic orsran in "Olt
erks," pays a just tribute to the exalted char-
aracter and legal attainments of the Whig
candidate for the Supreme Bench. It shows
in what estimation he is held by those who
have an opportunity of enjoying his acquain
tance :
"The Hon. Daniel M. Smyser, of Montgom-
ry count', presided over the August term of
our courrt, in the absence of his honor J. P.
Jones. e listened yesterday, with a jrreat
leal of pleasure, to an able chanre delivered
to the jury, on topics usually coming under
their cognizance, lhe Hon. gentleman pos
sesses a nappy mode ot delivery speaks with
perfect case and freedom; and in our humble
judgment, he has in but a briet period here in
our courts, shown that he is an accomblished
cholar alid profound jurist."
The Eailroad.
The following letter from Mr. Montgom
ery, has been handed to us bv the Pres
ident, by which it will be seen that all
we havo heretofore said of the advantascs
f the Route through Amigh's Gap, are cor
rect. His survey places the success of the en
terprise beyond all cavil, if wc only embrace
the opportunities that are afforded :
Tyrone City, Aug. 2Sth, '54.
Hon. Richard Shaw, President Tyrone
and Clearfield R. R. Dear Sir : The cora-
detion of our survey up Trout Run, enables
me to give you further information relative to
the value of our proposed route.
1 find that the maximum gradient required
en the western slope of the mountain, will in
no case exceed 52 8-10 ft. per mile. The total
elevation of the smnimitabovc the Moshannon,
emg but bcU leet. 1 his is certainly an im
portant fact in the construction of our road
and, I trust will serve as an incentive to induce
an immediate prosecution of this great enter
prise. The ground throughout is favorable
nd presents remarkable facilities for the con
struction of a first classaroad.
The corps are now engaged on the eastern
lope, ascertaining the practicability of a
lighter gradient. Uponthe termination of their
surveys, I will acquaint you with the result of j
their examinations.
Renewing my wishes for your success,
I remain my dear sir, in haste,
Very resp'v. and truly, vours,
Civil Engineer.
ami. Nebraska issce uodged. e nave
learned from persons who were present that
Gov. bigler dodged the Nebraska issue in his
speech in McConnelsbarg, on Monday of last
week, lie said it was a purely national mea
sure, was not involved in the present State
contest, and he therefore would not discuss it.
It is evidently Gov. Bigler's ox that is gored
now, instead of Governor Johnston's in the
memorable struggle of '51. Then, it will be
remembered, Gov. Bigler conducted the can
vass mainly on national issues, and crushed
Gov. Johnston only by the aid of many Whiss
n xt . . t v T-V
who were deceived by the pathetic appeals of
tne democracy in lavor or Union and Harmo
ny. But now that confidence has been shame
lessly violated by the national administra
tion, and with the sanction of Gov. Bigler,
and he trembles as he sees the retributive
stroke suspended over his head. Hence he
dodges ! Chambersburg Whig
Illinois. The Springfield State Journal, the
central Whig paper of Illinois, has adopted
for its motto an extract from One" of Henry
Clay's speeches "I never can, and never will,
and no earthly power can make me, vote to
spread slavery over territory where it does not
exist." "-
Bad Indiana money.
Delightful the weather hero.
Good Taper the Pittsburg Gazette.
Come out whig the 'Lowell Xews.'
Dress for a literary lady Book -muslin.
Trying Affair buying a pair of boot?.
To preserve fiowerseeds don't sow them.
Suffering St. Louis from an influx of hogs.
Blown off the man who "stood on trifles."
Short tho Western corn and potato crops, this
recovering ine man who was 'struck with as
T - . i . ...
tonisbment !
Gone to the north Gov. EigJer. on last Thursday,
from Harrisburg.
fusing from its osms Grey town, tho "city of
A rumor that Gen. Scott will be brought ou
for the Presidency.
Some pumpkins the man who Eucd the over
seers of the poor, for 37i !
To he ojfuedthc Academy on the 4th of Sep
Got out again the fellow that got into a de
pute with himself.
'Hard Times' mid-winter when cvery-thing
is frozen '-tight as bricks."
Hunting the Rnoir-Aotuiui? the man that
can see through a mill stone.
Woman's rights a good natured husband,
dozen children, and a happy home.
j.nou ioiut7ig victory at Atlanta, ucorgia.
Their ticket was carried by over 300 majority.
An. old fogy the man who said 'every thiu
hath an end.' He never saw a wedding-ring.
Modest, very We know a young lady who never
'retires' until she j.ackd away all her needles, be
cause she says, they have eyes!
Affectionate "Betsey, I wi.-dj I was a fish, and
you was bait. Lord-cc how I'd bite !" After that
we -kerfluinixcd.'
Camp meeting about two miles from Kyler.. in
Bradford township. It's rather a 'one horse' con
cern. MX tents aim a wajron.
A free fight anionjj the stage men at Philips-
burg, on Friday. We'll bet on Brudin. Who'll
bet on "Bully."
Sad eat-as-trophe that run-off, break-down, and
pilc-up this side of Curwensvillc on Monday. Ba
ther a fast team that.
About Again. Judge Pollcck, has recovered
from his illness. He will speak in New Brighton.
Beaver county, on the 6th Sept.
The latest. A tri-colorcd baby has been born in
Paris. Its feet and legs arc olive, it3 body red.
and its head black ! '
Arrested Commander llollins, at tho instance
of the sufferers by the Greytown affair, lie gave
bail in 20,000.
Decidedly irregular the "gay and incompari-
blc S." What's wrong Col? Wo can better
dispense with any other paper than the Sun.
New Counterfeit Bank of Middlctown 2"s, Re
lief Issue. Letter A. Medallion heads coarsely
done. The scneral appearance of the note good.
1 feat. Wm. B. Francis, swam the Mississippi,
from the Iowa shore to Paelps' Wharf, in Quincy,
in eighteen minutes, distance, a mile ana a
All right again tho 'orchestra.' Something
got broke last week, but its in full play again,
and the "Arkansas traveller" is still -catching jes-
Kather Inquisitive the gentleman that called
yesterday and wanted to know what items would
be in this week. We'll bet on him "two decks and
a jug."
No danger that wo will notice the departure of
a certain individual, who has expressed such fears!
Don't care a dam aged cigar about a million of
Acamlidate our friend Larrimer, for Mjir.
Wc hope ho'll be elected, for he possesses one great
requisite "good pluck" as long as he keeps out
of the Shanghai region.
Jjeft for Brookville the wire-workers of the
Far Downs,' and 'Corkoniana,' in the samo 'boat."
Jchosaphat, Jerusalem crickets, won't thcro be
fun out there ? Look out for 'em Mac !
Good one. Master. What docs h-a-i-r spell ?
Boy. I don't know. Master. What have you
got on your head ? Boy. Guess its a muskecter
bite, it itches like thunder!
Clever man Copcnhavcr, who keeps the Cold
Spring Hotel, at the foot of the mountain, be
tween this and Tyrone. Our wagoners and others
can't stop at a better honsc.
Fine Plum. Mr. L. R. Carter has presented
us with a luscious Bolmar Plum, measuring five
and a half inches in circumference, and weighing
one ounce, and one hundred and forty-four grains.
Rich that fight up town on Monday morning.
If the sore hoofed 'individual' had got tho gun,
he might have wounded a Shanghai, or some
other bird, and then there would have been the
d ickens to pay, and no pitch hot.
Arrested a couple of drovers yesterday, for
driving off a cow belonging to Mr. James Cald
well, which they sold in this place. After refund
ing the money, and paying off all costs and char
ges, they were-permitted to 'cut stick and travel.'
A 'Know Nothing." Blanch's Sunday Press,
an acknowledged ''Know Nothing orran, has the
name of Mott, the Locofoco candidate for Canal
Commissioner, at its mast head. Who will say now,
that tho "Know Nothing" organization is a Whig
gull trap ?
The liailroad. Tho engineer has succeeded
in getting a most excellent and easy route, and is
now engaged preparing hie report. There is no
longer any doubt about having a road, on the com
pletion of which we can breakfast in Clearfield,
and take tea in Philadelphia.
Accident. A party returning from the Camp
meeting near Morrisdalc, on Sunday night, met
with rather a serious accident. Tho horses ran
away, distributing their load promiscuously along
the road, broke the 'stem' out of tho "wchicklc,"
and seriously injured a leg of one of the passen
gers. Jhe'wounacd wo believe iiavo all recov
ered. Tlie Neio York Pick Last week's number of
this laughable and highly interesting sheet is be
fore us, containing a number of comic illustra
tions, and "side shaking" anecdotes. We should
like to sea it a regular visiter to our sanctum.
Published by JosF.ru A. Scoville, at 26 Ann
Street, New York, at the low price of $1 per an
jima in advance.
f . 1 For tho Raftsman's Journal.
I Ma. Editor : There was an act passed du
ring the last session-chartering the Franklin
Canal Company,' on condition that thev sub
scribe 250,000 to the Sunbury and Erie Rail
road, which I have not yet seen; but if this
be the fact it was in effect a I subscription by
the State of that amount, because the com
pany onereu to pay tne state that sum lor a
charter. Thus the rights of the Erie people
were coolly sold to the New York and Ohio
men, to accommodate the Sunbury and Erie
R. R. Company, and the interests of the Com
monwealth, already o heavily taxed, were
wholly disregarded, by the wasting for throw
ing away of $250,000.
lhe mmoermen oi Glearneld nave in vain
prayed for an appropriation to remove the ob
stacles from the bed of the Susquehanna their
natural highway to market, not a dollar could
be obtained for that purpose. But a private
corporation can fill its enpacious pockets from
the State treasury, with the approbation of the
Legislature and the Governor.
What do the Raftsmen of Clearfield owe to
Governor Bigler, for anything he has done
for their interests since he came into office?
It may be said the Governor could not appro
pnate money lor improvements such as -we
desire, that it belongs exclusively- to the
Legislature. No, but he could have refused
his sanction to the bill, giving S 250,000 to the
Sunbury and Erie Road, and he could have
used the influence, which every Governor
ought to possess, to obtain an appropriation
which would not have been beneficial, merely
to a class or county, but to tho State at
I have thus hastily scribbled the above,
and hope it may afford ground for a more
ngthy and ably written article. Should I
iiiiu lime, i mav nave something more to sav
on the subject.
Yours truly,
For the Raftsman's Journal.
Clearfield Academy.
The Principal of Clearfield Academy would
respectfully announce, that he has endeavored
to procure the best and latest system of Class-
books known, and will spare no labor, in so
arranging the classes, as may best suit the con
venience, advancement, and good government
of his pupils.
He is prepared to give instruction in all the
ranches of a Scientific and Classical Educa-
ion; and will fit pupils for any pursuit or oc
cupation they may desire.
It is his design not to rush students rapidly
through volumes, but to make them thorough
in each st ud v.
The mode of discipline will be mild and be
coming yet pupils of advanced years who
persist in disorderly conduct will be dismissed
without ceremony. - -
The united labors of the Princii.il and l.is
ady shall be, to make this Institution in jwint
of learning, second to none in the State; ami
it shall be their constant care, that it meet the
most sanguine expectations of its friends and
Pifrrms Yv niriTjrrr
Rev. John Chambers.
The Free Presbyterian, alluding to the chi-
anery of this priestly politician, says that
tbeworkandtliemr.il furnish an illustration
the '"fitness of things," and that ho "is just
the man to play the demagogue for a, political
esnit like William Uisrler.'' Ihis is not a
cry high character io bestow upon a clergy
man, but we presume it to be just, from all
the circumstances connected with the fraud
which has been traced home to him.
It was stated in our columns, in some article
eferring to this man, that be was a Presbvte-
lan clergyman. Several of our Presbyterian
friends have called ou us to disclaim the ques
able honor of brotherhood. They disavow all
knowledge of him as one of their communion.
Since he is not a Presbyterian, what is he ?
ho lays claim to religious fraternity with
him ? Is there any ecclesiastical body that
will own him and bring liim to judgment for
his misdeeds ? We know who his political
associates are men to whom fraud is a trade
and with whom deception is the highest virtue.
I hese are low enough to do him reverence;
but their reverence is not of that kind which
a Christian Minister in the legitimate exercise
of his calling, is apt to receive. '
while we are in the wav of asking ques
tions we may as well ask, What has become of
Chambers? He dropped down at Bedford
with 'the Governor's private pledge in his
pocket to sign a prohibitory liquor law, para-
and put it in his pocket again. Haviug made
the contents of the letter rather too public,
the affair got into the papers, and since then
we have not heard of the reverenddemagogue.
Has the letter been taken from him and con
fided to other hands? Has Dr. John Patrick's
visits to different parts of the State anything
to do with it ? Was it found unsafe to trust
such a delicate mission in the hands of such a
Marplot us Chambers ? Alas ! that in his zeal
he should permit himself not only to go far
enough to lose the respect of all honorable
men, but too far for the wily purposes of his
political coadjutors. Despised by those whose
esteem is worth possessing, he will be unfor
nate indeed if he earns in addit ion the con
tempt of the conspirators he was willing to
serve ; but those who
"Steal tho livery of Heaven -
To serve tho Devil in,"
and serve him blunderingly, must be content
with such reward as falls to awkward and un
nnprofitable menials. Pittsburg Gazette.
Shocking Railuoad Accident. We learn
from the Cincinnati Gazette of Sat urday morn
ing last, that as the Pittsburg train, Short,
conductor, was leaving Cumminsville, they
ran into a horse attached to a light grocery
wagon, while crossing the Coleraiu pike. Tho
locomotive struck the horse and -wagon about
the same time, and dividing them sent the
horse to the left of the road, and the wagon to
the right, breaking the wagon into a thousand
pieces, and killing the horse instantly. The
two boys who were in the wagon jumped up,
and were in the act of getting out when the
collision occurred, both of whom were killed.
Rki'ort of Chikf of Police. Robert Tay
lor, Chief of the Police and Captain of the
Watch, submitted his report for the month of
July last, showing the whole numler of arrests
during the month to have been 2,759, of which
number 2,173 were males, and 5SC were fe
males. Of the whole uumber arrested 2,308
were foreigners, and 451 were Americans.
Boston Patriot, ,iug. 21. -
Judge Pollock and The "Know Notb.ing.'
The Delaware Republican,- In answer to a
correspondent, who has been reading; the
Pcnnsylcanian's charge of Judge Pollock be
ing a Know Nothing, uses the following lan
The above communication comes to us from
a good Whig. The questions he puts are per
tinent, and worthy of consideration. The
source from which he derives his information
relative to the initiation of Judge Pollock into
the order of Nnow.js othmgs, is not consider
ed good authority by YV higs indeed, any po.
ntical statement emanating from that onarter
is not worth a moment's reflection. As proof
ot this, we mav state, that it cave out that
Judsre Pollock was conducted into tiie Know
Nothing lodge by Mayor Conrad and Sheriff
Allen. The latter gentleman denies this
statement most emphatically over his own
signature. So much for that part of the story
That being false, is it not fair to infer that the
whole charge is a gross deception, got up to
"gammon the .flats The so-called Demo
cratic papers, at the head of which stands the
Pcnnsylvanian, have opened a herce war upon
Know Nothingism, while at the same timo
they would profit bjr any private arrangement
they could make with that order to obtain
votes. It is said, and wc have never seen it
authoritatively denied, that Gov. Bigler sought
admission into the order in- Philadelphia, and
was rejected. Judge Pollock may or may not
le a member. W e have reasons lor believing
that he is not. The Clinton Tribune, a very
respectable Whig paper, speaking as though
bv authority from the Judge himself, denies
the allegation of the Permsylcanian, altogeth
er, t or ourselt, being an outsider, we arc lg
norant of the principles and movements of the
Know Nothings. We take it, that there has
been for a long time, a good deal of corruption
and tampering with the votes of aliens, espe
cially by the Pennsylvanian and its party.
This organization mav have been instituted to
cure that enormous evil, and like all reac
tions, its appearance may be more anomalous
than its reality. It may possibly etlect a cure
ot the evil, and if it is destined to act in that
way, the conntry may yet owe it a Uebt ot
gratitude, and our correspondent may see it in
a different light.
The author of the letter above is a Repabli
can. vt e Know him to ue such, lie snouia
not, therefore, permit the mere say-so of a
newspaper like the Pennsvlvaman, conducted
as it is by an officeholder of the General Gov
ernment, to shake his faith in the good old
doctrines for the success of which ho has
fought shoulder to shoulder with us for many
long years. Has he not read, in times past,
in the same paper which he is now willing to
receive as authority on the subject upon which
he writes, some of the most vile and unfound
ed slanders and falsehoods known to be such
by him at the time upon Whig candidates
for office ? W by then, receive its mere itse
dixit now, as truth?
Wc know Judge Pollock to be Whig to the
back bone honest, trust-worthy and true
opposed to the Nebraska rasealirj" in favor
of the sale of the Public Works in -favor of
an economical administration of the Govern
ment, the development of the resources of our
noble State, and opposed to the institution of
slavery. These are some of the qualifications
he possesses, and they are of themselves suffi
cient tojeommand the vote of every honest
w big in the State. Our friend must not suf
fer himself to be led astray, by statem ents em
enating from the opposition. Know-Nothing-ism
will not injure him or any other individu
al in like circumstances. No sane man sup
poses that our Naturalization laws are to be
repealed or essentially changed by the elec
tion of a State Executive. Let him, therefore,
vote for Judge Pollock, and thereby assist in
eleviiting a .-staunch Republican to the Guber
natorial chair. All the evils that mav appear
in the distance are merely immnginary they
will vanish into thin air, andean in no wise af
fect him.
Things to Remember.
Free Democrats, remember that Governor
Bigler advocated and signed a Bill granting
the use of our Prisons, for the confinement of
fugitive slaves; that be recommended an act
permitting masters to carry their slaves through
Pennsylvania; that he pardoned Albcrti the
notorious kidnapper; that his official Journals
in Phiiadelihia and Harrisburg are strongly
in favor of the Nebraska-Kansas infamy; and
that be has repeatedly said to leading Demo
crats in Harrisburg, that he approves of the
principles of that measure.
Nebraska Democrats, remember, that on the
day of his re-nomination, Speaker Chase
heard Governor Bigler say, "Gentlemen, if
the Democratic convention pass resolutions in
lavor of the JSebraska Bill, it must nominate
another candidate, for I will not endorse and
run upon such a platform."
Regular Democrats, remember, that when a
Senator, Governor Bigler voted against the
candidates nominated by the Democratic cau
cus, for State Treasurer and State Printer ;
and that he appointed James Campbell attor
ney General, alter his rejection by the Democ
racy of Pennsylvania, lie therefore has no
right to Democratic votes.
,'lati-Jesuit Democrats, remember, that Gov
ernor Bigler was the means of placing James
Campbell at the head of the Post Office de
partment; that be has appointed several of the
same faith to important offices; and that he or
his particular friends have selected Catholics
to preside over all the Democratic State Con
ventions, since he was elected Governor.
Prohibitory Democrats, remember, that the
two or three hundred thousand petitioners who
have yearly importuned the Legislature for a
Prohibitory law, have never been noticed in
Governor Bigler's annual messages; that ho
retains tho Lager Beer bill in bis pocket ;
that he will not promise to sign a law the ex
act provisions of which be has not seen ; and
that his letter to the Prohibitory State con
vention was not satisfactory. -
Lager Beer and Liquor Selling Democrats,
remember, that Governor Bigler has written a
letter to the Dr. John Patrick, pledging him
self to sign any constitutional Prohibitory
Law that the Lcgislaiure may pass; and- that
he has already signed three Lager Beer-bills,
for Chester, Clarion, and apart of Tioga coun
ties. Tax-payers, remember, that the expenses of
theComuiouwealth during the second year of
Governor Bigler's administration, nearly
doubled those of the last year of Governor
Johnston's term. Telegraph.
Mi-rdeii of a Playmate ky a Little Boy.
The Galena .Advertiser, of Aug. ;th, notes the
fact that a lad named George Jackson, aged
twelve years, was committed to jail in that city
a day or two sinco, for the murder of a play
mate, called Elias Horn, aged wixteen. Both
boys were residents of Millville. The two
went to Apple river together, and Jackson re
turned alone. In answer to an inquiry for his
companion, he said he was drowned. Search
was made for the lody, and it was found that
the deceased had been shot, the ball entering
his mouth. Jackson now says he shot h in by
snapping the gun at him, without knowing it
to be loaded. His accusers think he killed
him for a dollar and ten cents in his pocket at
the timo of th lr;rodv. v
OB LAND. IVa cnrvnmr
..i. i A ka llkl. i lie lol lowin ft ,.
olutiou, and the preceding speech susiainii
:t which is said to have been delivered in I v,uc
berville, N. II, on the Oth inst., bv Mr. Jotl "
am Pierce, ore decidedly on the point. The
parallel is worthy of Plutarch, although n0
prcsiscly in-his style:
"An egg, fellow-citizens, has been cast ur-
m thnlliif. nf our If Aiionx? P.-,. t-;.l..t ..'
.v..n.,,-,,,- IV Una
base act the valuable Hat of His KxcelWncv
has been seriously damaged, but this insult
has a deeper meaning and wider range the
Government itself is insulted; and by "whom?
I ask, sir, by whom? Will you tell me that
the wretch who threw the egg is the party of
whom rendrvss should be sought? I scorn
the conclusion. How would such proceedings
be regarded by foreign , potentates? What
would the Emperor Nicholas say to it? The
city of Washington, sir, is then responsible
for the insult. Her inhabitants arc guilty ,r
the crime, and shall they escape deserved
punishment? No. Let Washington, likeGrev-
iowii, L-c Diotteu out. Immense applause.!
wic worm Know mat our Government. fr0ii.
lllVKf frk Ihit hlr inuf .4' - r ,
not to be insulted with 'impunity. It niay'te
said that some of the people of Washington
are American citizens and innocent of the
crime. So were they of Greytown. Is thero
anything in the character of the city which
calls for mercy? It was said of Greytown that
most of the inhabitants were peculators, dis
orderly ieioons ar.d niggers. Can that be de
niedof Washington? I ask, why should Grey
town be destroyed and Washington spared?
Is the nose of an obscue chap like Borland
of higher national importance than the Hat of
our honored President? Sir, I offer the fol
lowing resolution:
"Rusolced, In view of . the enormity of the
outrage offered to President Pierce by the
City of Washington, that Secretary Dobbin
should de directed to instruct' Conimonder
llollins to proceed with the sloop-of-warCvane
to that city, and to ojkmi upon it with all his
guns for two hours, without intermission; and
in case anything should then remain standing,
to land a party of marines and burn and de
stroy the residue and remainder, unless the
authorities shall humbly beg pardon "of the
President, and purchase for, him a new hat of
such quality and cost as he shall select and
Smokel Out.
The Rev. John Chambers has lieen smoked
out at last. In his recent speech at Bedford,
the reverend prelate boasted that be had a let
ter in his breeches pocket from Gov. Bigler,
avowing himself favorable to a Prohibitory
Law, while at the same time the evidence was
against him, from the fact, that the Governor's
letter to the Temperance Convention, nroves
him unfriendly to that measure. Since the
notice of that politico-temperance lecture, loud
and earnest calls have been made for the letter,
and the Rev. gentleman has at length broken
silence, and now we have a note from him in
explanation. He recapitulates all be said up
on that occasion, and candidly owns up to hav
ing asserted that Governor Bigler was a firm
friend of tiie temperance movement, and
would aid sueh.a law as the prohibitionists de-
Sire, to the extent of his abilities. lie also
alludes to Bigler's great respect for the will of
the people, which he (Bigler) considers only
secondary to justice and right. Of that con
vincing letter, which he had in his pocket at.
the time the speech was made, he says noth-' '
ing. Its existence then was probably in his
mum s eye, or was one ol the snort-lived tan
sies of a fertile imagination; and it would.
require the aid of a Spirit Rapper, or some
other supernatural agency to cull it forth now
into being.
Instead of treating the public to the viands
which this paper in common with other Whig
papers requested him, this learned political di
vine, with powers of moral locomotion which
enables him to change his place like figures
upon a chess board, treats us to quite a differ--
ent dish a dish to which be has. heretofore .
been an entire stranger, ne delivers a violent
tirade against the "Know Nothings," a socie
ty, the principles of which he is of course ig
norant, except from hearsay. In 1841, he was .
on the other side of the hedge, persecuting
lie Catholics, while their churches were in
flames. Now he preaches constitutional rights
and religious liberty to all, with a zeal which '
is absolutely pathetic. "Truly, time works
A.XOTHER Cleegyman Made Crazy by Spir
itualism Rev. John M. Spear's "New Era,"
Extraordinary Mcchiue of a Lunatia. The New
Era. a spiritual papcr.publishesanarticieabont
what is called the "Electrical Motor," or "New
Saviour. "The Era speaks of its deep sat is fact
hat the world is, bv and by, to bo blessed ion
beyond conception by this physical Saviour, -
through whose instrumentality a permanent .
material basis shall be laid for true spiritual
salvation. . . -
The new "Saviour" is a machine which has
been constructed at Lynn, Mass., by the Spir- ;
tualists, which they claim to be semi-niechan-
ical and semi-human. It has been denominu-;
ted a "New Motive Power" and cost $2,000 to '"
construct it. The New Era remarks that tho :
Electric Motor is an exact cerreSpoudence of-
he human body, at least as far as involuntary
motion is concerned. It was constructed un
der Spirit direction, and chiefly at Spear's ex- '
pense. In the New Era of July 5th, wc fiini .
i vision had bv J. oleott, which aevelope.s .
what is expected to be accomplished by this
machine. It appeared to grow in size, 'and'"
threw olffrom itself small machines after its ;
own pattern" and these "m turn threw off a
multitude of other hUle ones." men ue says ,--
"Next there appeard a movement among
the machines, and the. larger ones, which were'
now fully developed, moved away over the,:
plain into the distance. Iu their path stood o '
great number of churches, of ever siza amtya-...-riety,
from the diminutive Methodist Chapel "
up to the stately Gothic Ministor and ' St."
Paul's Cathedral. But the machines did not' -turn
out of their course at all, running over
and through those temples, completely de-..
molised them to heaps of worthless rubbish."
How two Okgans Differ. The Washing- -
ton Union, the President's central organ, ..
claims for Mr. Pierce all the honor that is. to
redound to the country from the NcbrasK:t'
swindle. The Union says: '-""'"'
"What opposition journal, North or South, jx
has given him (the President) credit for Uio,,
Nebraska' triumph, carried through from first "v
to last as much by Ar ow energrlic cooperation ' '
with its friends in national legislature, as by ;
any other cause?" ':' : ' V " '
But the Albany .9llas, one of the president's.,; .
"provincial" organs does not think there Is
much honor about it, and denounces its author
as a "demagogue." Hear what it says of .tho"'-
swindle: " .- f-"
'We hope and trust that the Democratic.,,,
State Convention, to assemble in Scptemler ,
next, will proclaim their repugnance to the "
whole policy, stigmatize the measure as a- ri
chiccoiis lectional contrivance of Demagogues,, ,
originating in intrigue, proscription, &C-." . H,.
So doctors differ, as to the character of the
measure, but tliey are both riglit as - (6 ' the - ;
fact. The President undoubtedly, procured
its i:is;!!re bv a corrupt use of Executive .pa-.
tronage, and'the Atlas, is uiidoutledh; right in.
denomi.-ir.cr him as a 'demagogue" tor
t he
act. " ' '