Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 16, 1854, Image 1

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COME AXD TAKE M. Dctivieh.
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, . j . . . BT ErGEXE ST. CLAIR.
I had A golden dream of heaven last night !
The star-gemmed canopy was rolled away,
Cleft at its zenith, like two mighty scrolls,
Rich with emblazonry, and beforo mo
Lay the dazzling mysteries of heaven
The unknown land ! I saw Jehovah on
"The great white throne," his brow encircled by
A glorious crown of light before whoso
Brilliancy the constellated gems of
Earthly diadems would pale like moonlight
Inthc morn ; and high above, the radiant
Dow of Emerald was hung! I saw the :
Angelic hosts of paradise, their golden
Tresses sporting on the perfumed winds that
Ftir the leaves of Eden ; the bright stream of
Crystal waters floating on beneath the
Fpice-trces landing green, where the redeemed, in
Footless garments,, walk forevcrmore t
Angels of light, upon their glancing wings,
Eiiklenof God, swept onward meteor ;
Like upon their mission ; and t saw in
My sweet vision, that their countenances
Were brighter than the diamond's liquid
Elaze, or the firstbeaming of the Morning Star !
And there were birds of gorgeous plumage perched
On every bough, or winging o'er the
Elysian fields their trackless way, and
Flowers of gold and crimson, and the bluo
AVhich paints the cloudless skies on summer nights.
When starry eyes are keeping faithful watch 1
O, beautific dream ! This was not all!
Music- aroixs. and on the bosom of .
A breeze from heaven, was wafted from
The orchestra of God, down to my rapt,
Intoxicated ear ! I heard the crash
Of choral harps, swept by the master hands
Of angel bards; I beard the glorious
Song of cherubim and seraphim tho
Koblo anthem of Eternity rise
Exultant, like inccac rich, around tho
Throne, until it died away amid the
Vast and echoing arcades of heaven !
O, dream celestial ! wi't thou come again ?
Touch, O gentle goddess of tho dream land,
With thy magic finger my closed eyelids,
And let mo dream my last night's dream once more!
From tho Star Spangled Banner.
Hocking, the trapper, or Cleve Hocking, as
he was called by the neighboring hunters and
trappers I say neighboring, for so he termed
them, although the nearest was more than
twenty miles distant was pursuing his way
through one of those wild forests of the now
flourishing state of Ohio, a largo portion of
whose trees hare contributed their room for
cities and their substance to build them.
He was a Virginian by birth, his father being
one of the early settlers of Jamestown. At an
early age lie had been apprenticed to a black,
fcinith, where his great strength and ingenuity
oon made him an useful artisan.
After becoming free from his employer, he
pursued the trade upon his own account for
several years. Suddenly his friends were sur
prised with the intelligence, that he had sold
his shop, and had gone, his former neighbors
knew not whither; some whispered that it was
on affair of the heart, but the world is apt to
speak ill-naturedly of the absent.
At the time to which we refer he was about
fifty years of age, and had lived in the forest
for at least twenty-five years, w;hcre his prodi
gious strength, his skill in wood-craft, and his
triumphant exploits with the Indians and wild
lcasts, Lad won for him a name whieh the
oldest hunter might have envied.
. His appearance was by no means remarka
ble, nor did his drcja, which was composed of
lhe ekis 6f the deer, differ widely from that
Worn by the professed hunters of his time.
In stature ho was rather short, With an im
mense chest, broad shoulders, atid limbs ex
ceedingly compact and sinewy, especially his
rras,' which were long almost to deformity,
jui when viewed physically, might be termed
perfect pyramids of musclo and sinew. His
features, though plaia, were by no ' means re
pnlsive, and their expression was one of those
cnSrad "ally gains our liking by acquaint
ance. . - . ..
He had been unusually successful that morn
Ing with his traps, and was bearing his spoils
to his cabin in excellent humor. Although in
ihe vicinity of Indians, many of whom had
plainly evinced a spirit of hostility, he did
not seek to disguise his trail, nor would his
appearance indicate that he was fearful of dan
ger. 1 , .
In his powerful dogs which accompanied!
him, he had two valuable friends, who had
often shared the dangers, sports, and fatigue of
hunting, with their master. These were pro
ceeding as quietly as himself, when suddenly
they stopped, snuffed the air a moment, and
with their noses fairly plowing the loose
leaves, dashed forward and were soon out of
Hocking'had called them back, and was
beginning to examine the grounds, when a
report of fire-arms made faint by distance,
was just audible, and shortly after another
was heard.
''Something's going on in that quarter, for
sartin," said the trapper, for the want of a
companion speaking to himself. "I will jnst
look arter these skins a bit, and then see what
it means."
A few miles distant-from the cabin, a scene
of altogether a different character was occur
ring. A young man was defending himself
against a small party of Indians, slowly re
treating all the while in the direction marked
out by the open trail, w hich he managed to
keep in sight of, although he did not walk in
it, for in many places it was so open that it
would have left him exposed to the arrows of
the savages.
J Ie had never trod upon that trail, but his
knowledge of hunting satisfied him from its
appearance, that it led to the lodge of some
white man. Bounding from tree to tree, be
hind which he sought momentary shelter, he
managed for a long time to keep in advance of
his foes, some of whom had been trying hard
to get in his rear, by which means he would
at once be at their mercy. Fully aware of
their intentions, he exerted himself to the ut
most to maintain his slight advantage.
During his movements he managed to load
his rifle from time to time, and if a limb or
the slightest part of the body of one of his wily
foes were exposed, an unerring ball was sure
to mark it. In this manner he had already
killed, or fatally wounded three, while several
others had received flesh wounds which made
them cautious of exposing themselves after
ward. Nor had he wholly escaped their shafts, for
his dress was stained by blood in several pla
ces, where the arrows of his focfl had also
made their mark. For several hours had he
been thus engaged, and he felt his strength
gradually giving way to over-exertion and in
creasing fatigue. Still he continued his de
fensive and retreating movement, straining
ever muscle to the utmost.
Feeling that his life was at stake, or what
was worse than simple death, a lingering tor
ture, such as only a savage could invent,
would be his portion if taken, he. was deter
mined to defend himself to the last moment,
and if taken, it should only be when they de
prived him of life.
At length, completely exhausted, and find
ing that he could proceed no further without
some rest, he hastily chose a spot which afford
ed the best available protection, and resolved,
whatever might be the result, to pause for a
few moments. Leaning against the trunk of
an immense tree, and still upon the lookout,
he was surprised to see the forms of six sava
ges suddenly spring from their lurking places
with a yell of dismay.
In a moment his rifle was to his shoulder
and his foes numbered one the less. Scarce
ly waiting to observe the. effect of his shot, he
hastily loaded his piece without leaving his
cover. This accomplished, and he now saw
the reason of the unexpected movement on
the part of the Indians. A single form of
grotcsqtic appearance was opposed to the
whole force and stood alone defying them.
His limbs were enveloped with thick coverings
of raw hide, while his head and features were
completely masked with a tight fitting envel
ope of deer skin, and and a sleeveless shirt of
the same material hung loosely about his
"What most astonished the 3'onng man, was,
to observe that the arrows which were directed
towards him, w hen they struck, seemed to
bound back without giving the slightest
wound, or disturbing him in the least. A
rilie was slung upon his shoulder, but his fa
vorite weapon appeared to be a huge bar of
iron, which he handled like a plaything, ma
king the .air whistle as ho flourished it above
his head.
The observation of the young man occupied
only a moment, and with new courage and re
vived strength, he rushed to the assistance of
his ally. But the moment he appeared a pow
erful voice shouted
"Back to your cover, young man, you have
had hot work this morning ; I will take care
of these chaps."
The young hunter hesitated, when the other
exclaimed impatiently
"To your cover, I say, as you value the
friendship of Cleve Hocking. Back, or I wash
my hands of you."
Just then an arrow whizzed close to tho
head of the young man,
"There, your imprudence will spoil all,"
again shouted nocking. "I tell yon I will
manage the critters, and its agin my princi
ples to fight less than for, for I don't like to
take an onhandsome advantage, even of a red
skin. Just keep a sharp lookout, , and if any
of 'em turn deer, bore 'em, that'B all."
The young hunter did as tho trapper request
ed, while the latter was now engaged with
the remaining Indians, who, hoping to over
come his giant force, had, in a mass, closed
with him. . It was only the work of a minute.
At each blow from the terrible club of of iron,
there was one foe the less to contend with.
No tomahock could arrest that instrument of
death in its descent.
Four savages had felt its weight, and lay
writhing amid the leaves ; the fifth attempted
flight, but the crack of a rifle in the hand of
the young man soon compelled him, also, to
taste the leaves. The work was now accom
plished, and the young man felt that his deliv
erance had been ordered by an all-wise Provi
dence, who had made his strange ally the in
strument of his present safety.
"That job's well finished, at all events,"
said the trapper, cooly wiping his bloody in
strument with some fresh leaves.
"And I have to thank you for my life," said
the young stranger.
" Rather thank that Being that looks arter
us all, that's the advice of an old trapper.
But I see blood on your shirt; are you hurt ?"
"But slightly. Only the marks of two of
their arrows, that's all."
. "I will examine them presently ; but how
came you on this trail ?"
" A small party of us were- hunting along
the margin of the lake, when, arriving at the
mouth of this stream and observing its wild
beauty, we resolved to follow its course, oc
casionally striking into the depths of the for
est in search of game. In one of these ex
cursions, I lost my companions, and in search
of them got confused by several trails, and
finally lost my own. I have now been wander
ing alone for more than a week, and have
been skirmishing with Indians since day
''You are a good shot have a fine rifle and
a stout heart of your own ; but a little hot
blooded and rash ; well, well, these are the
faults of youth, which time '11 cure. Young
man, I rather like 3-ou, and if so be that you
can put up witn a trapper's home, you're wel
come to a bit of venisen and a skin to sleep
The young hunter accepted his offer with
t bunks, and the two proceeded on their way to
the cabin. Before they arrived there, Foster
Level, the name of the youngman, became ac
quainted with the reason for the indifference
of Hocking regarding the arrows of the sav
ages. The fact was, the head covering was a
steel helmet, visor, &c, while under tho shirt
a polished breast-plate of the same material,
relics of chivalry which Hocking had procur
ed in the colonies and made practical in his
forest home.
Near the door of the cabin, Lovel was sur
prised to see a beautiful girl, seated upon the
trunk of a fallen tree, playfully caressing two
large dogs which from time to time gamboled
around her. He thought he never saw an ob
ject more beautiful in nil her simplicity of
manner and dress, and he could not avoid an
exclamation of surprise and delight as he gaz
ed upon her.
Hocking noticed this, and a cloud passed
over his features. lie clutched liis iron club
so firmly that had it been of any softer mate
rial than metal, his fingers must have indented
its surface as he said
"Tho mau that should intend harm to that
girl, I'd no more mind braining him, than I
would a merciless red skin."
Lovel met the searching gaze of the trapper
with a look equally as firm, as he answered
"You do not know me, sir, or you Would
have known that such a remark was unneces
sary in my presence."
There was so much dignity in the young
man's manner, and such a noble scorn ex
pressed in his word, that the trapper was at
once convinced, and seizing his hand with a
grasp that almost dislocated tho joints, he
"Forgive me stranger, if I have wronged
you even in thought ; but I am as kcarful
of that child as though she was my own
"Not your daughter, did you say?"
"No," said the trapper, with a sigh ; "once
the time was, when-1 had friends and happy
prospects ; but that has gone by these many
years. I'm alone in the world, with nobody
to kear for me except Forest and tho two dogs.
"Well, well but I am keeping you out here,
when I dare say your wounds ought to be
looked arter."
"Is her name Forest ?"
"I call her Forest for short, but hernamo is
Forestina Chace. She is a brave-hearted lass
as one could wish to see, and gentle in her
temper as a young fawn." :
Lovel's wounds, if not of a serious charac
ter, were more extensive than he had imagin
ed, and the trapper haying dressed thani skill
fully, prescribed quiet for a few days. Dur
ing this time ho had a good opportunity of
making the acquaintance of Forestina, the
purity of whose mind charmed him more than
the graceful beauty of her person.
He heard the story of her life from her own
lips, the substance of which was as follows :
Of her mother she could remember but lit
tle, having died when Forest was only seven
years of age. Reverses of fortune soon fol
lowed after her death, and her father, who
T 't
was a trwjf, dispirited by his losses, and
mourning the decease of his wife, left the col
onies and plunged into the forests with his
only "child.
Her mother was of gentle birth, her father
being a baronet and holding a colonel's com
mission in the army." The marriage had taken
place in opposition to his wishes, and he at
once disowned her. Soon after, the young
couple left their native land for the continent
of America. . .
In their forest home, Mr. Chace had endeav
ored, to the best of his ability, to educate his
daughter. Here he also made the acquaint
ance of nocking, to whom in his last mo
ments, he confided the care of his child, and
well had the worthy trapper fulfilled the pro
mise he then made. Her father had" also de
sired that the relatives of his wife should not
be made acquainted of the existence or where
abouts of his daughter, unless they first made
Inquiries for her.
One afternoon, as Hocking was cleaning his
rifle, seated on the doorsteps, and Forestina
and Lovel were walking at a little distance
engaged in conversation, the dogs, Who had
been crouching lazily at the feet of their mas
ter, suddenly started up with bristling hides
and sul.cn growls.
""What is it you see that disturbs you so,
my good pups ?" said their master.
At th.it moment a piercing cry was heard at
some little distance, and Lovel and Forestina
hastily joined the trapper.
"If I mistake not; that was the tho cry of
a panther, was it not ?" asked Lovel.
"There is no mistaking tho cry of a rascal
ly panther, any more than the yell of a redskin,
and one is just about as pleasant as t'other,"
replied Hocking, at the same time securing
the dogs, who were growing more and more
"We must shoot him, of course," said tho
young man, directing a look of anxiety to the
fair girl, "his vicinity is unpleasantly near.
Don't you think so, Miss Chace ?"
"I have so often heard these cries," she an
swered, "that I regard them but slightly, es
pecially when I have brave friends to protect
"If you will go into the woods with me,"
aid Hocking to Lovel, "I will show you
a bit of sport that perhaps you never witness
ed." "But Miss Chace shall wo leavo her
alone ?"
"Oh, she won't mind it; besides, she has the
dogs to protect her."
In a few minutes Hocking appeared from
the cabin, thoronghly rigged, as ho expressed
it. ne was clothed in a complete suit of ar
mor, and no knight in the days of chivalry
could have been more completely encased in
steel thah ho was. Bidding the young man
take his rifle for fear of accident, he started
in the direction from whence the cry had pro
ceeded. "You have forgotten your arms," cried
"No, I have not ; I always carry thcra on
my shoulders, but as for a weapon, I do not
need one in this affair. It ain't every man
that could move in this armor, though I say
it; but ifa panther can stick his ekiws through
it, why, he is welcome; but it's my opinion he
will have to choko first."
A panther is a fearful animal to look upon
in his wild state of unchecked ferocity. His
glaring eyes, extended fangs, and dashing tail,
are not pleasant to regard, even when one has
a sure rifle in his hand ; but for a man to cope
single-handed with a monster of this kind,
even though protected in a measure by armor
Lovel thought was more than he would will
ingly undertake.
They were not long in finding their object,
whose growling increased as they approached.
Gaining a good position, with his back braced
firmly against a tree, Hocking waited for the
panther to attack him, while Lovel was sta
tioned at a little distance on one side. "Wheth
er the animal was afraid of the armor or not,
they could not tell ; but it was certain that
he showed no disposition to spring upon his
intruder, until the latter, growing impatient,
caught up a large stick and threw at him.
This was too much for brute nature to bear,
and, leaping almost an incredible distance, he
alighted at the feet of the trapper, who at
once closed with him. Never had Lovel seen
such a terrific struggle on the part of tho
beast, or such strength and coolness displayed
by any man before.
. At the first onset, nocking encircled the
panther with a hug that might have done cre
dit to a pplar bear. The animal, unused to
such receptions,-was maddened to the highest
degree, and in his struggles actualiy left the
marks of his claws on the surface of the finely
tempered steel armor. The trapper now firm
ly grasped his throat with his left hand, while
his right descended like a sledge-hammer
upon his back and side with a force sufficient
to actnally break some of his ribs.
, The animal now seemed disposed to give
up the contest, whilo Hocking, with an im
mense effort, threw him to the ground, and
planting his knee firmly on the shoulders, held
him down, whilo his hands compressing his
throat like a"garrote,'.' he caused his strangu
lation. There is an attractiveness in an object of
power, whether of a mental, physical or me
chanical character, which we all have felt and
which at some time, has commanded our ad
miration. For the sapie reason we cannot
avoid feeling an interest in a man of strength,
though the blHntncss of his nature, may not
have been smoothed by education nor softened
by intercourse with the social world. " '
. So thought Lovel, as he beheld the trapper
moving towards his cabin with his trophy of
victory upon his shoulder, breathing a little j
harder perhaps than usual, but calm, ami- un
excited, as though he had finished an ordinary j
work. ' ' , n
The young hunter spent several Weeks with
Hocking, occasionally hunting With him and
often plying the canoe upon the beautiful
Cuyahoga, accompanied with Forestina. The
young people had become very fond of each
other too fond for simple friends, and in a
short time their affections were no longer at
their disposal.
The trapper was not blind to the state of
affairs, and though he could not endure the
thought of a separation from his adopted child,
yet an alliance with a family so influential and
respectable as the Lbvcls was not to be slight
ed. Besides, as his acquaintance "ripened
with the young man, so did his esteem.
Lovel now felt it necessary to return, but
he left Forestina, his plighted bride. After a
tedious journey he arrived at one of the colo
nies, where he found an agent of her grand
father's, who had been from settlement to set
tlement endeovoring to gain some information
of his daughter's child, who, with her aged
relative, were the last representatives of a
proud and ancient family. 1 ' '
One year afterwards, Lovel crossed the
ocean with his beautiful bride. A few months
were spent in England, and then they made
America their home. Near the mouth of the
Cuyahoga they chose a romantic site for a
settlement, not far from the place where the
beautiful city of Cleveland is now located.
The visits of the old trapper were frequent,
but nothing could induce him to permanently
leave his cabin in the wilderness. His hercu
lean strength and courage were so much ad
mired by the red men of the forest" that they
gradually became his friends, and his .influeuce
was so great among them, that he was enabled
to protect many a defenceless settler of Ohio,
who would otherwise have been the victims of
the merciless savage.
Grievous Loss.
A plethoric, round-visaged individual was
yesterday seated on the steps of the Custom
house bathed in tears, and sobbing violently,
having in his hand a copy of the Jlbend Zuiling
and the sight of tears flowing in Wall street,
being so unusual a circumstance, soon attract
ed a group of people, curious to know what
calamity had befallen the mourner.
"Is your father dead 7" asked one.
"No, oh no ; mine fader is not dead ; worse
dan dat."
"Is your wife dead ?" queried another.
"No, mine wife is not dead, too ; she shoost
sits and smokes a pipe all day long."
"Has your wife eloped with some other fel
ler ?" asked a news-boy, with dilapidated cor
duroys and a badly kept pair of feet.
"YoutinkI'd cry for dat?" was the in
dignant rejoinder. "No, indeed ; no such
"Howld aisy," suggested an appic-woman,
with a sympathetic countenance, through
which tho perspiration exuded profusely,
"howld aisy ; may be his wife is dead in the
ould counthry, or the childher sick, or may be
some of dem was lost in the Say."
"Die Schoene Katrina was lost in the Zuyder
Zee, and dat ish what I cries for ;" replied the
mourner, unablo to say more, in the poignancy
of his grief.
" Was she a good ship ?" inquired a sailor
who had elbowed his way among the crowd.
"Yaw, it hold three hnndred passengers." '
"And all gone to Davy's Locker?" .
"Yaw, all gone ; but dat ish notting," and
tho tears flowed a-fresh.
"What is tho matter, my friend ?" asked a
good looking broker, with a splendid pair of
jetty whiskers ; "What are you fretting a
bout?" "Dio Schoene Katrina was sinked, (sob)
lost in the Zuyder Zee, mit " (sob). - -
"Anything of yours on board?"
"No' notting of mine."
"Well, what's the matter then ?" .
"I tells you, what," was the reply, as ho
WTung the water from his handkerchief, pre
paratory to a fresh outburst, "she had more as
twenty barrels of sour krout on board !"
AT. Y. Jour, of Com. 12ft.
ECp-Arrah, be me faith said Pat, as he .es
sayed to open the door of his shanty, in order
that he might get into it, It's regularly lock
ed in I am.' ' ' ' '
In,' said a listener, who thought to detect
the son of the Emeiald Isle in a bull, in
where?' - ' ' . :V
MV hy in the street to be sure!' Tho
dropper marvelled." : ':
- C At a colored ball given the other even
ing the following note was posted on the door
post: . . ; - - ' :
. 'Tickets fifty cents. No gentlemen admit
ted unless he comes h jflself.' ,
The Triumph of a Traveling Mesmerist in a
. -Lxncuity. , .
The author of "Sam Slick," observes in tho
course of a work he has just published, that
tho trialsto which travelling mesmerists" are
put in America, are, at times, humilialing anf
painful enough, albiet they afford infinite sport
to the unbelievers. One poor fellow on arri
ving at a town near Detroit to lecture, was"
surrounded bv several citizens who told him
there was a rheumatic patient up stairs, who
must be cured, or he himself would be escort
ed out of town, astride a rail, with theaceom
panying ceremonies. We had better give the
rest of the story as it was related by the disci
ple of Mesmer himself :
Up stairs I went with 'cm, mad as thunder,
I telfyon; first at being thought a humbug,"
and next that my individual share of tho
American Eagle should be compelled into a
measure, by thunder ! I'd gin them a fight,
ef it hadn't been for the science, which would
a suffered anyhow, so I jest said to m3self, let
'em bring on their rheumatiz ! I felt as if I
could a mesmerized a horse, and I determined
whatever the case might be I'd make it squeal,
by thunder !
'Here he is,' said they, and in we all bundled
into a room, gathering round a bed, with mo
shut in among 'em, and the cussed big onen
lightened heathen that did the' talking, draw
ing out an almighty bowie knife at the same
time. 'That's your man,' said he. "Well,
there lay amiserable looking critter, with
his eyes sot and his mouth open, and his jaws
got wider and wider as he saw the crowd and
the bowie knife, I tell you! 'That's the idea!
said old Big Ingin. .
'Rise up in that bed!' said I, and I tell yon
wfiai,I must a looked at him dreadful, for up
he jumped on eend, as if he'd jest got a streak
of galvanic. ,-
'Git out on this floor,' said I with a wuss
look, and I wish I may be shot if out he didn't
come, looking wild, I tell you !
'Now, cut dirt, drot you ! screamed I, and
Jehn Gineral Jacksox ! if he didn't make a
straight shirt-tail for the door, may I never
make another pass. After him I went, and
after me they cam, rchaps there wasn't tho
orfullcst stampede down three pair of stairs
that ever occurred in Michigan J Down cut
old rheumatiz through the bar-room out I cut
after him over went the stove in the rush af
ter both on us. I chased him round two
squares in the snow at that then headed
him off, and chased him back to the hotel agin,
where he landed in a fine sweat, begged for
his life, and said he'd give up the property !
"Well4 I wish I may be shot if he wasn't a fel
low that they were offering a reward for in
Buffalo! I made him dress himself cured of
his rheumatiz run it right out of him ; deliv
ered him up, pocketed the reward, and estab
lished the science, by thunder! ;
"What Can be Done by Strong Hinting.
Mrs. Hogan and her husband were neither of
them over fond of work. They were perfectly
willing to live upon the generosity of their
neighbors, which they were by no means back
ward in soliciting.
One day Mrs. Hogan dropped into Mrs.
Farnhani's, her next door neighbor, just as tho
family were sitting down to supperl
Of course she was invited to sit down.
"Your tea's very good," said she ; "I wish
Mr. Hogan wn$ here. lie's very fond of tea,
but we're very poor and can't afford to get it
it's so expensive."
This hint was considered rather a strong
one, so Mrs. Farnham handed Mrs. nogan, just
as she was going, a pound parcel.
- "Thank you," said Mrs. Hogan, "I'm glad
to get the tea, but 'taint of much use without
the milk." - : . - :
A quart of milk was consigned to her charge.'
""Well," says she, "now if we had some sugar
we should be provided." ." :;.'i
Mrs. Farnham procured a pound and gave it
to her. .
"Now," said Mrs. nogan, "we shall stand
a chance to have a good cup of tea. . "There's
nothing relishes with tea like apple-pie, as Mr.
Hogan often says.
This hint was strong enough to draw out the
article desired.
"After all," said Mrs. Hogan, as she took
the pie into her hands, "pie 'aint pie unless a
body has cheese to cat with it. If there's any
thing I love, it's cheese," .
It was impossible to resist such an appeal
as this. An ample slice having been placed in
her possession, she paused for" a moment as if
considering whether there was not something
else she might call for. Failing to think of
anything, she was about to move off, when a
thought strnck her.
"These things are rather heavy, and I ain't
so strong as I used to be. I . don't know as I
shall be able to get home." " ;
Mrs. Farnharo volunteered to . send her son
John, to carry a part -of the articles, an offer
which Mrs. Hogari accepted without the least
hesitation; W-hen John" had landed his load,
Mrs. Hogan ' hinted - that, she ' had got some
wood she should like to have sjdit, but John
didn't believe in hints', and left without taking
it.- . r t . ; . '
COf Our 'devil'. (foolish boy !) Js. elated with
the hope that the time is coming when 'female
devils' will be as thick as 'toads, after a showi.
er. In view pf that happy7 period, he,sayf
he ain't sorry he learned th trad.' , '
, 1