la THE JOURNAL. For Jl; Raflsnisn's Journal. BUSINESS ITEMS. BY TIIE " CORPORAL. After a long, arduous, and faithful watch, I of bombast got up by Tom Jefferson, and oth er old fogies, for buncumb, and thafVmwill egard this oath as sacred, under the penalty v. m . - i i XI. i. . . k ol being Jiorganizea uy navmgjour uirusu cut frnm ear to ear with a pitch fork, and then by jbiing burried alive beneath a dung pileo "lielp you potato." tench member took this blasphemous o:tO, - and then proceeded to sign the constitution, by opening a vein and dipping the pen in his own blood ! . This is all I was able to learn on that occa- rrj any of our friends have legal business, , ,)avc ai length discovered the mysteries and transact in Philadelphia, they cannot place, uemous secrets of that band of Tories' tia better hands, than our friend Wash. L. the "Know Nothings," aud believing that my jws, Esq., whose card may be found in an- y!egiance to tlie Constitution requires me to ,,her column. He is a good lawyer anf a ' . their unholv dointrs. that hit fellow ;kver fellow, and will do full justice to his cli- American citizens, and brother democrats, nts. Office No. GO South Gth St. mnv beware. I have resolved, be the conse- rcaders quences what they may, to publish them to sion, for being very suddenly seized with a the world. I feel that in doing so I cm run- pain under the shirt,! was compelled to ica e nin" a ercat risk, for the bloody bones and Should I be permitted, still to continue my grinning skull of the murdered Morgan, re mind me of the fate I cannot but anticipate. Cut shall an olllcer of the valliunt Chinckleca moose Rangers hesitate or falter at the ap proach of danger ? No never ! Let it come, I am prepared to meet my fate, and die a mai- my country, feeling assured that pos- shall preserve the original -mss., oi mis expo: will erect a monument to my memory, sition in the glass cose, with Franklin's print rfr We request the attention of our Rr Tnvrv in another , r..Ar.;.,iAri rf ilift Tvrone Citv (OIIUI'II, . Htel. Give them a call, when yon visit Ty rone, if yon wish to be well treated, and get tc glinted with a couple of clever fellows. pyVTv sec by a card in another part of our ijiier, lllai our irit;uu. iiAiiiiun.i, . . - , . - , announced sometime since as naming reureu tvr to to private life, has again launched his craft, at tcrity discoveries, I will give them to the rTublic, but I fear I shall be compelled to cnduO the sad fate' of Morgan, by being fed on "Mother Moore's sour-kront.'V If so, Ibid the public a kind adieu, onlv renuestinjr that when I am gone, as a memento of their gratitude, they ThePresson the Greytown Affair. ftIlEUIFFS SALl-Ky nrtue snnrtrj 1-" rri ll , ,J-o : I wrirs oi TCMllluni cjpunaa, jssucu out oi ids i coining rtrouiairuuc r , The press all ove? the country condemns, in Cwtt of Common picM 0f Clearfield county, and the above business, can get a shop and complete - Strong terms, me iaie outrage coimiuueu ai to directed, will be exoosed to public sale, at set of tools, with two hearths. Agoou rirovtown. DV Order Of the United States. t e tk. r.nrt llniica In hn Rnrnntrh nf fTlerfi!l. nn I Klr,. In rir1fnrd township, at the Will ' - - - I (U7 VUl V V . , ... T . v ... .u . - - - . , . have not yei seen or nearri oi one paper rcch.- Monday, the lath day ot September laoi, a. one less enough to defend it, although some such o'clock, P. M., all defendants interest in. Rnd to will doubtless be found.. Extracts from the the following described Ileal Estate, to wit : casern press have been -freely given in our Two tract., of land vi : one tract in the name columni-The following is fonf the Cincin- fol nali Commercial : lows : Beginning at a post, thence north 40 defr. If these transactions are, as they are rep- we3t 220 perches to a post, south 39 d eg., west 203 resented to be, in obedience to the orders of perches to post, south 40 dog., cast 2Sf perches the rresideut oi tne V nited i. talcs, it isrnoi, of the j subscribers, the shop having been in operation for some three Years, doing a large dusiu .. - v. further particulars enquire of ' ' ' . 1 H IIURXTUAL & BRO. T3IPUOVED STOCK OF A! too much to say that they arc infamous. No man of true courage, no mauj of genuine mil itary spirit, would have given such an order, or justified such an act. it is cowardly cal culated to debase the character of our nation al forces, and to degrade the people of the United States in the eyes of the World. We have had example, enough of this kind. ' If, trusting in our strength, we may trample now and then upon the law ot nations with impu nity, there are laws of nature aud of God which should be sacred with and binding upon all governments that profess to bo amenable to the obligations of a common humanity." POULTRY. S1IAXG11AIS. A number of the pure blood, and of the half breed of Shanghai fowls for sale at the Ponkrr Yard of W. M. Keedt. Curwensvillo along line of tract, in the name of John Boyers, to pa. These fowls are very largo- and remarkable post, thence north 3i) deg., east 169 perches to post. for their mild and domestic disposition, their lay thence north 10 deg.. eat 140 perches to the be- ing and nursing qualities, and for their health- Lumber City. H .RTsnoHS- & McCkaken, are i of "sound eggs," as the boys say, and if you want cheap goods just give them a call. P7" Te call attention to the list of SherifFs Sales in another column, by which it will be jeen ui- -ukc n ----- j ? --'-- i. - . vi!! be exposed to sale at the September Court. Speculators will have a first rate opportunity to make profitable investments. whose cloud-capped summit shall tower far above the pigmy columns of "Washington and Bunker ITill ! Then to my work. Through the alleys and by-paths, the streets and lanes, among the pig-pens and dung-hills, in the chicken coops and dog-kennels, in the cellar and garret, in the church and tavern, in the court house and private office, I have watched them aud followed them, noting every manoeuvre, and perfecting ing press, in the upper room of the Patent Office. Speaking Eight Out. : The Lcwistown "Aurora," edited by 17ra F. Shaw, Esq., Democrat, but friend of Pro An Administration paper out west having asserted that the democrats of New York will roll up a "tremendous majority" at the jiext November election, Prentiss, of the Louis ville Journal, says, they will be far more like ly to roll up the white of their eyes. C7The brother of Ex-Peesident Fillmore, hibition, not having the fear of the party lash died of Cholera at St. Pauls, Minnesota, last .- Ha .-cr cif...I.-c rio-lit, nut. in re cram to I weeK. U.1V1 V ttovj,-, - ... .-cj C : its feelings on the Gubernatorial question, thus: 'Some of our brethern of the pres.s, on the Cj"The Clearfield Academy will he opened J myself for the accomplishment of the great Democratic side of the house, are perplexing most unlimited extent to 'ollock, the AVhig candi- ic f h fsinrl in iito fi.rlhft stitution is much needed, and we hope, as the I have been struck with astonishment and Temperance Party. This we take to be the .mff.a have cone to a creat deal of trouble horror bv their peculiar movements, stamping most suicidal policy they could pursue. It VI - O . I - I " . , ... . r on the 4th of Septcirber next, under the di- task; in the performance of which I have thus their brains to a rao; rection of W. A. Campbell, A. B. This in- far progressed. Wherever I have seen them, prove that James Pol . . . ... " ., . . x., ...r... ..i date for Governor, is to secure the services of a good and compe- I them at once with the guilt of high treason, tnt Principal, that it will be well sustained by because they disregarded the right, and privi 0Tr citizens. XT-We call the attention of painters, and others to the fact, that a large and excellent supply of White Lead and Linseed Oil, has just been received at Mossop & Pottarff's. rC7"The new System adopted by Mossop 4 Pottarff of selling goods at city prices, has succeeded admirably, although they purchesed the largest stock ever befor brought to the county, and recruted several times since spring, the demand has still exceeded the supply. They arc again getting on a new and lege guaranteed to every man by our glorious Constitution " to 'Know' as much as the law allows him." Yea, verily, upon one occasion, one of them whispered in my ear, "Corporal, induces the great mass of the friends of Tem perance to look upon him as their standard bearer in the coining campaign. If the strength of the temperance organization in this State can be concentrated upon Jas. Pollock, we shall most heartily do what little we can to produce the result if the Democratic press f.rf- it utidti ns. and will at the same time you're one of us, you don't 'Know' as much rc.turn tnem our sincere thanks ivv "keeping as the law allows you !" it before the people." They might as well try But after a Ions and toilsome watch, at to ascend to one of the planets on a sunbeam . t 1 4, t. v,,. as toconvincc those who consider the temper iaL A cunici ti iiivin ; x o -- i . . -.& of night. The wanning moon looked pale in the heavens,and gave to all around a jaundiced, sicklv hue. I had just closed the lids of Blackstone, and was proceeding home to Draw the drapery of my coueh about mo And he down to pleasant ureams, splended assortment which they will offer for whQ horriMe to rel:lte x beheld two of thesc sle en the same terms C?"By refference to another column it will .e seen that the partnership heretofore exis ting between Geo W. Orb & Joiix Klisger, Las been dissolved. The bnisnesswill still be tarried on as usual by Mr. Orr and the books are iu his hands for collection. 07""There is a tremendous excitement now at Ulmax's, Clothing Store, next door to the -flice of L. J. Crans Esq. Moter is selling off at cost, and the low price of his goods has a hirnied all our tailors, and dealers in ready made clothing. If you want a cheap suit, tall immediately. C7"M.ny of our readers, find it difficult to obtain at all times, certain drugs and medi cines at home, and will therefore be gratified to learn that by sending to Tyrone they can procure them at the .Store of Dr. James M Martin. Se card in another column. "traitors to then God and Country," skulking round the corner of the market house ! Ifere then was a glorious opportunity ; my long and toilsome labors were about to be crowned with success ! I quietly slipped off my boots, and with cautious tread, and quivering flesh, crawled gently up that filthj' alley. Slowly I advanced, when some soft and squashy thing beneath my naked foot caused mc to direct mv attention thitherward, and when I raised ance reform paramount to all other subjects, politically, tliat Wm. Bigler is as good a Tem perance man as either of the candidates. Thev may tell us that Governor Bigler is op posed to the Nebraska Bill ; have we any guar cntee we find the evidence to prove that he is' not ? "Non-committal on all subjects" is his motto. But what care we about Southern slavery while our country is subject to far greater curse slavery to the power ol King Alcohol. Up then, ye friends of temperance, and deal unitedly one blow for the annihila tion of all non-committal candidates, and for the triumph of the temperance cause." Candor. -We like, occasionally, to pick up a Demo cratic paper, that has spirit and manliness enough to admit the false doctrines and false issues of its party. Wo therefore commend to the perusal of our readers, the following my head, they had disappeared. But with my from the jefrerSonian. Go it. Col. you're on usual perseverance, I advanced, determined to thc right track, this fall, and no mistake. . explore all the secret places of this dreadful -phe Clarion Democrat, and Clearf-oTa IPu0- allev. At length I arrived at a carpentershopj lican calls upon us to publish Douglass' cele- and'throuzh the crevices I. the 'Corporal," brated speech, or some other Nebraska speech, Official Directory of Clearfield County. PRESIDENT JUDGE: IIox. James Bcrsside. - - Bellefonte. ASSOCIATE JUDGES: Ilox. Kicn.MtD Shaw. - - - Clearfield. Jlo.v. Johx P. IIovt. - - - Lumber City. PK0TII0NAT0E.Y: Ac. William Torter. - - - - Clearfield. SHERIFF: William Towell. - - . - Clearfield. DEPUTY SHERIFF : K. F. Wari, Clearfield. JAILOR : Henry Stone, Clearfield. COMMISSIONERS: Robert Mehaffey. - - - - Bower. Sami:e. SeiroFF. - - - Glen llopo Philip JIevixer. - - - - Pi-nuiicld. COMMISSIONER'S CLERK: George B. Goodlanher. - - Luthcrsburg. TREASURER: ' JoH' JIcPuersox, Clearfield- " PROSECUTING ATTORNEY: L. Jackson Crans, Esq. - - Clearfield. COUNTY SURYEYOR: Tuos. Ross, Esq. - - - - Curwensvillo. -COUNTY AUDITORS: Geo. W. Sch'off. Jeffrie. C. Kratzer. ----- Clearfield. J. II. Kevlkr. - - - - - -. Luthcrsburg. Arrival and Departure of the Kails at the Clearfield Post-Office. Tyrone Mail: Leaves every day, Sunday ex cepted, at 7 o'clock. A.M. Arrives at (J P. M. Karthouse: Leaves Clearfilcd .Friday at 8 A. M. ginning iu Boggs township, Clearfield county, with erected thereon, one double saw will, 2 dwel ling houses, one stablo and other out houses with three or four acres of cleared land. - ALSO, one other tract warranted in the name of Joseph Buffin, bounded as follows, to wit : Begin- .... f -i a . r ning at a post at tno corner oi nrusuan ien.uigs traet. thence south east 2-50 perches to a Chestnut, thence south 10 deg. west 295 perches to stones, north 80 deg., west 230 perches to a post, thence to the place of beginning 215 perches, containing 400 acres and 10 perches, adjoining the Christian Get ting survey. Seized, taken in execution, and . to be sold as tho property of Wm. Patton, H. 15. Smith, and J. M. Stevens. ' ' ALSO, bv virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas at tho same time and place, will be exposed to sale A certain tract of land of 100 aores, situato in Bccaria township, Clearfield county, beginning at an old maple, thence north S8i deg., west 35 perch es to an old hemlock, Philip Gleseinirer, south 70 perches to a hemlock, thence by residence of Geo. Moore. Jr., survey and John MeCahen, cast 233 perches to hemlock, north 81 perches to a post and white oak, south 81, west by land sold Moses Rob eson, 1S4 perches to hemlock, south 83 deg., west 31 rerches to pine, norm ou. west iu pcrcnes, north 25 deg., east about 20 or 25 pprches to place of beginning, erected thereon, a saw mill, one dwelling house, and about 10 cleared, said 100 acres being out of surveys in names of John Me Cahen, George Moore, Jr. and Phillip. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Caleb Copcnheaven. - ALSO, a certain lot of land situate in the town of Curwensvillo, on the north east sido of Filbert street, with a new frame house erected thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Archibald Henry. ALSO, all the interest of defendant in and to a certain tract of land, situate in Woodward town ship. Clearfield county. Pa., bounded by lands of Patrick Doling, John Chase and others, containing 113 acres, more or les?. being the same purchased by defendant and his brother, Wm: Rowles from James Forrest, with two small dwelling houses and two stables and a blacksmith shop erected thereon, with about 25 acres cleared. Seized, ta- mess. Not one of their young have died or been sick this summer. - . July 15. 1S54. .... Great Excitement. Startling Announcement, THAT the largest, cheapest, and best assortment of Goods ever brought into Clearfield county, have just arrived, and are offered for sale, at the New Store of the subscribers, near the Journal Ufiiee, Clearfield, Pa. Never before has a more brilliant, and at the same time a cheaper lot of Goods been offered to this commnnity. They have all been selected with it view to the wants and ne cessities of the people of this particular locality, after long experience, and intimate acquaintance with their business connections. Dry Goods of every variety, DressGoods, Cloths, Cassimcres, and Clothing; Boots and Shoes, 1UU and Caps, Bonnets and Shawls, together with a large and " splendid assortment of Qucensware, Hardware and Groceries. Defying all competition, they solicitthcir friends and the p'ublic to give them a call and examine their stock. MOSSOP & rOTTARFF. June 12, 1354. ly. S CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, AND AS GOOD AS THE BEST, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Isaac Johnston would respectfully in form his friends and the public generally that ha has just returned from the East, where ho haspnr chascd the most splendid assort ruent of Boots & Shoes ever brought to Clearfield. Every variety of Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps, &o. Ac. Mens fancy shoes, and gaiters, with an excellent assort ment of heavy stock, all adapted to the wants ot the people of Clearfield. He hopes his friends will give him a call at his .. . ., . .. . . store in ' t-naw s now ana examine nis stocs. - June 13, 1654. . TVTFW FIRM. GRAHAM & WATSON, have just X opened a new and splendid assortment of goods, at their Store in Grahamton, consisting of Ladies DressGoods, Cloths, Ca??iineres. Hardware, QaeeESwarc, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Oils, Paints, und I'vcrr nflipr article usuallv kept in a couutrv ken in execution, and to be soli ad the properly of I Store, where they offer for salc -as cheap, if not John Rowles. - cheaper than any other Store in the County. All ALSO, a certain tract of land, situate in Pcnn kinds of produce and lumber taken in exenange township, Lleameia county, i'a., adjoining lanus I for Goods. of Joseph Spencer and John Spencer, with a plank house and plant oarn, tnereon erectea, ana uooui 12 acres cleared thereon. Seized, taken in execu tion, and to bo sold as the property of Jonathan Spiner. ALSO, lot No. 15 in the boroujrh of Curwonsville with a dwelling house, store house.stable and other out houses erected thereon, bounded by lot late the estate of John Scot on the' West, Stephen Graff on tho Ea5t and the Erie Turnpike on the North. Al so 75 acres, more or less, of Timber Land, in Burn- side township, Clearfield county, bounded by lands of Jonathan Snyder. Kitchen and others. Seized and taken in execution and to Le sold as thejjrop crtv of Isaac Smith. ALSO, two certain tracts of land, situate in Mor ris townshin. Clearfield county, containing 71)0 acres bounded by lands of Henry Lorain, Tcter Schwartz, John B. Kcyler, Phillip Shimell and others, as follows : Ono tract beginning at pine inrncr of John Houston and Francis Johnson, Arrives, Saturday at 6 P. M. thence by Stephen Kingston, survey south 2:J8 Smith's Mills. Leaves Clearfield, Friday at perches, thence east lew perches, norm percnes G A. M. Grahamton: Leaves Saturday at 9 A. M. Arrives same day at 4 P. M. Inrkets. lv DiucKsmuu m stu iij i living in tm other column, that a good shop, and complete set of tools.can be had of IIi r.tthall & Bro., at their mills, about six miles from this place. This is one of the best locations in the country. ClT la another column will be found the advertisement of our friend Mr. D. S. Plotser who has opened a Hotel at New Washington. Having had occasion to stop with Mr, Plotner, a few days since, we can most heartily recom mend his house to the trading community. No paius are spared La-rcndcr visiters com fortable, and his table would be a modal for some other hotels we wot of. K7- The excitement at the "Old Corner" where the blood red standard of Gen. A. M. Hills floats on the breeze, has increased ten fold notwithstanding the hot weather, since the Gen.'s return from the City with another lar:re and solendid assortment of goods. Call and look at his magnificent lot of fashionable bonnets, and black, watered, and fancy silk Mantillas. C7 Everything now-a-days must be Amer ce n, and of course we must have an American boarding house. Jons S. Rajebach having cauiht the spirit of the times, has just opened nc on a large and comfortable scale. lie in vites the public to give him a call, and feels confident that he will be able to render satis " faction. : beheld an unco sight '." There were assembled in solemn conclave the "Know Nothings!" At last I had found them, and I knew " mine hour had come," that hour-in which I was to do my country a signal . i .1 service, tnat wouia wreaine my orow wnu never-fading laurels. At one end of the room, on a glue-keg, sat the Grand Magniloquent, or presiding officer, who was supported on either side by two Past Fiddle-de-gigs, with naked, blood-stained swords crossed over their heads, and holding in their hands a "bloody bishop's mitre," sig nificant I suppose of the decapitation of the Catholic clergy. Standing in groups about the room were the members, dressed in a garb, I am sorry to say, resembling the uniform of the Chincklecamoose Hangers! Suddenly the Grand Magniloquent, in a stentorian voice, called the meeting to order, striking five raps with a pondorous malet or gavel, like those commonly used for morticeing locust posts. When the members were all seated, an officer announced seven candidates ready for initia tion, whom he was directed to introduce. They were brought into the room through a trap door, blindfolded, and formed into a circle round the presiding officer, who commenced to mumble forth some singular incantation that sounded like the following : "Nnow-nothing-lbcmosorham-rlreoarcne.hmu 1 Nrxt btrxqk t2ogmx." The lights were extinguished, and soon the room was illuminated with a pale, blueish, sickly flame, and perfumed with an odor very much like brimstone. The Grand Magnilo quent then turned two somersets forward and thirteen backwards, when he appeared in the character of JohnJonston, better known as T7- It is said that leather has recently risen from twenty to fifty per ceut, nevertheless RcssELt. & Co., at Pennsville, continue to furnish it cheap as usual for caslu Xhey have always on hand an excellent supply, and in vite fihoemakers, saddlers, and others, to give them a call. They pay the highest price in cash for hides. C7" There have been a good many com j!aints recently about our Clearfield market, and we are glad to learn, y a notice in anotlv cr column, that our enterprising friends Ratk- t.vrr.H & Morrow, have determined to supply it with at least ne of the in'despensible luxu ries, good fresh beef. The fact that Billy's corporation' has enlarged considerably sinco he' got into the butchering business, is the lest evidence of the quality of the meat. It's cheap, fa, and tender. !a?"Prlnceraul,'of Wertuinburg, is now in thi3 couufry selecfiug botanical and ornithological spe cioins, but we doubt if he has met, in all his tra vcls.with more beautiful, excellent and cheap spe. cimens of furniture, than are to be seen at the TTaw Rooms of Damel Bbnsek in this borough f ll and tak s l- k. for the information of the democracy of Jef ferson, but we must decline their invitation, and state that our county is flooded with cart loads of such documents, franked by mora. lers of Congress and sent in here to prejudice the public mind in favor of the measure. Therefore it is unnecessary to publish it here, as the roverument has saved us that trouble; but if Alex, or Dan'l. will furnish us a speech made in Pennsvlvania by a Democrat in 1851, in favor of the compromise measures, who as serted that those acts were intended to repeal the Missouri compromise, and permit slavery to cross the line of of CO deg. 30 min., we will publish it with pleasure. Gentlemen, you must admit that the Democratic party preach ed false doctrines in 1851 or that the Douglass party are doing it now. Our files show that wo. told the people' then that the Missouri eom- l.vnniisn act was to remain inviolate, and "if we said the horse was seventeen ices nign we will stick to it." Flour, per bid. Rye Flour. " " Corn Meal, " AVheat. per bush. Rye, scarce at Corn, scarce Oats, scarce " PHILADELPHIA. Monday, Aug. 7. 6.50 -" 3.75 ' 1.65 1.12 .75 .57 5.75 4.(10 1.70 Flour. "Wheat, Bye, Corn, Oats: CLEARFIELD. Wednksuav, Aug. 9. per bbl. S10.50 per bush. 2.50 " 1.25 " 1.121 . .62 LUMBER TRADE. Portsmouth, Aug. 7, Select Com. and Tannd inch, Do. half inch, Cullings, Samples, shingles, Hemlock Boards, Hemlock Joist and Scantling. 1S34. 525,00 S30.00 $16al7 SI SI sn,oo S 11,00 and west 16S ncrches. nart ol the Mephen Kings ton survey, containing 2"?5 acres. The other piece of Francis Johnson survey, beginning at same pine, thence along the division lincot the Jouuson and Kingston survey, east 16S perches, thence north 100 perches, thence west ICS perches, thence south 106 perches, containing 105 acres. One other piece beginning at apine, thence north 345 perches by Miller and Moore surveys, thence west ltU perches, thence south 345 perches, thence east 164 perches, containing 353 acres, being out of partsof surveys in tho name? of Stephen Kingston and Francis Johnson, with a few acres of the first mentioned in Centre county, with two frame houses and log barn thereon erected and about 15 acres cleared". Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold ns the property of Thomas ii. Snyder. A10, a certain tract of land, situato in Tike township, Clearfield county, as follows: Beginning at a post, corner of John Rlooiii, Sr., thence north along the line of said John lUoom, 63 8-10 perches to a hemlock, thence west 125 perches to a post, theneo south 60 8-10 perches to a pine, near a dog wood, thence along lands of Levi and Benjamin Bloom, Jr., east 125 perches to the beginning con taining fifty acres and allowance. Seized, taken in execution, aud to be sold as the property of Peter Mavs. WILLIAM POWELL.' August" 9, 1S54. Sheriff. TUST ARRIVED 9 Cassnneres. estinys. lnmmings, o.c the splendid tock of Cloths, recenny The Sunday Law Mayor Conrad, of Philadelphia, thus speaks of the effects of the recent enforcement of the Sunday law in that city: "The results amply rewarded the effort. A quiet, long unknown, fell upon the Sabbaths of our city. I he shouts ot revelry ana not, On the 7th instant, bv Rev. J. M. Mason, Mr. and the clamor ot contending nre compnies no ttvt,t. p lin.sov. of Wilmington. Delaware, to longer disturbed our streets; and not a single Miss Kezia Thompson, of Gordon township, Clear- case of fire, riot or other popular aisturbance, field co., Pa. innn purchased by (he Subscriber, which he will sell or mjEW' i' J 11 make up to order, in the niosl fashionable and du- Jj inft)rm ii no rl0 manner, at his store in -Shaw's Row." The and aarrmgrs. not a case of gross personal violence wss re ported within the city upon any subsequent Sabbath. The following exhibit of watch ca ses for the nights of Saturday and Sunday, heard in this office, wili show the almost ma gical effect of this policy. On tho Mondavs for live weeks preceding the Sunday proclamation, the caccs numbered 4'J, 30, 87, 40, and 35. After the proclamation they diminished to -1, 1, Id, VI, and . lhat day pure, purified the following days, and leaven ed the whole week with a better spirit. Tho general diminution of offences is without par allel; and the present wholesome condition of the city, m regard to the public tranquility makes it my duty to persist in a policy so be neficent until arrested bp the actual mterpo- Wilmington papers please copy. material and 'fits' warranted .No charge for show ing his cheap and beautiful goods. lie would inform the trade in Clearfield, that he is the authorized agent for Devcre s London aud Paris Fashions. TIIOS. shea: June 27, 1354. ' TVFAV CLOTHING STORE. Moter Tl- 11 max, would inform the public that, he has opened a new and splendid assortment ot ciouung. Esq. Clear- Dfotjjs. "Black Johu."and proceeded to administer the oath, which was as follows : (the candidates sition ot unquestionable autnontv named, first placed one hand on Morgan's ex- T L Remedy. Sam- lived on the position of Masonry, and the other to their Banks of the Deleware, and was a mighty hun nose, in the significant manner of the boy when ter. he wishes to say, you can't come it,) v 'plagued with a degenerate son who 1 ou and each of you,do solemnly promise, interesting rursuits. One day Sam's patience affirm, asservatc, swear, promulgate, and pred- gavc out entirely, and he exclaimed in the bit- icate, that you will adopt as j-our creed, the tcrness of his mortification "Cuss me, lorn, sontimpnt. constitution, bv-laws. and forms if you're not gettin' perfectly worthless: you'll neither hunt nor fish; 1 11 be hanged, if I don't sentiments, constitution, by-laws, and forms of this. order, about which you must -always "Know Nothing." That you will never di vulge its forms, secrets, ceremonies, or exis tence, that you will represent it outside as antagonistic to Catholicism, though you "Know Nothing" about it, that you will use send you to school" In Lawrence township, on Monday last, David W. Ogdes, in the 27th year of his age. He leaves a young widow, and a large circle of friends to mourn his untimely loss. Ho was a good citizen, much respected by all who knew him. ri Ml E CLEAlt FIELD ACADEMY Will be X opened on the 4!h day of September next, un- ilnrtbu direction of W. A. CAMPBELL, A. !., as Principal Tho Academy will comprise both a male and a femalo department. It is desired to have the scholars present when the school opens RICHARD SHAW, President of Board of Trustees. . August 9, 1S54. mYROSE CITY HOTEL. HUGHES A JL IR"VIN, would respectfully inform the public that they have very greatly improvea tneir nouse, Bnd are now able to afford the travellins public, tho most comfortable accommodations. Their bar 13 furnished with the very best liquors, and tne luxuries of the Philadelphia market nre to be found on their tabic. They respectfully invite their numerous friends in Clearheld to give tnem a call. August 9, 1854. ot the best quality and lowest prices, at His etore, next door to the office of L. J. Crans, field. Pa. Everv variety of Clothing, Hale, Caps, and fan- cyarticlcs. Ho willsell cheaper than any other store in the county. . lie aeues compcuuon, van auu see his stock. Highest prices paid for Deer Skins. June 27, 1S54. 3mo. ATTENTION, KEiIULAKiS I lou will meet for parade drill on Saturday 12th., of August, 10 o'clock, supplied with 5 rounds ot blank cartridge, and all your equipments in good order. There will be an election neia at tne voun iioufe on Monday 21st day of August, at 3 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing Company Officers. By order ot the captain. D. F. ETZWEILER. O. S. Clearfield, July 25,1 S54. TYKONE CITY DRUG STOKE. The undersigned bavine purchased the entire stook of S. A. Martin, would take this method or informing the "Natives," and tho public generally, that Druirs and family medicines of all kinds, and in fact every thing that is generally Kept in a Drug Storo,can be had at this establishment cheap er than at any other in the country. This estab lishment will be under the management of one that has exnenence, and is well acquainted with medicine, and is also coinpctant to preenbe for all those that may require the advice ot a l'nysi cian. : . J: JAMts Ji. juauiia. P. S. A private Office attached. ,; T - , All of Dr. Jaync's family medicines for sale. U. M. UliAltAM. JAS. E. WATSON.. . Grahamton, June 14, T54. NEW FIRM. TROUTMAN & ROWE. House, Sign and Ornamental Painters, Glaziers, Chair makers, and Paper Hangers, offer their ser vices to tho citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Shop next door to the Jew's Store. They keep constantly on hand, and make to or der every variety of Chairs, Lounges. Sofas, o., "Ac. Chairs, and Sofas made equal in beauty to any that can be obtained from the City, and more durablo in workmanship and material. --- , r JOHN TROUTMAN. : June It, '54. ly. RORERT HOWE. THE GOOD INTENT HOTEL, and Stage Office,: Curwensvillo, Pa. The Subscriber would in form his friends and the public that he has just re fitted and re-furnished his house and is prepared to render every attention to the travelling commu nity. His bar contains liquors of the first quality, and' his table will always oe supplied with the best. in. market. - He resneetfally solicits his friends and1 others to give him a call. WM. 11., FLEMMING. June 14, '54. , . jpmy.n. A. M. HILLS. D. D. S. Office adjoin AbSzlN. ing hia Store, Clearfield, Pa. ' Artifi- U 1 1 t it ciai Teeth, from one to a full set, moun ted in the most approved modern style. . Filling, Filing, and Cleaning done with care and neatness. Teeth extracted with all the eare and dispatch modern science can furnish. DR. HILLS, can always be found at his office, as he is now devoting his whole attention to his profession. June 14, '54. L EDO'S COMMERCIAL HOTEL, No. 18, South Sixth St. Philadelphia. The subscriber has recently enlarged and fitted up his house, and is now enabled to compete successfully, with any es tablishment in the City. His rooms are comfort able and well ventilated, and his table furnished with the best in the market. He respectfully soli-, cits the large circle of his Clearfield friends jo give him a call when they visit the city. JACOB G. LECO. June IS, 1S54. ly. IRM. PATTON A SHOWERS would the public that they have just opened a new and splendid assortment of Goods of every variety, at the old stand of H. D. Pattos atCur wcnsville. At their store may bo found, almost everything adapted to the wants and necessities of the people of this region. : Dress-froods, Lawns, Laces. Gloves. Cioths, Cassimeres. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots. Shoes, Ac, Ac, of the best quality and at tho lowest prices. Also a splendid assortment ol Hardware, yueens- ware and Groceries. They invite all persons to give thani a call, ful ly assured they will be able to render entire satis--fiction. H. D. PATTON. JOSEPH SHOWERS. Curwensvillo, Juno 15, 1854-ly. Rum and Locofocoism. The assertion has been attributed to a democratic member of TEW FIRM. HARTSHORN A McCRACK I EN. have iust opened a new and splendid as nionr tho faithful in Xew Hampshire, Gov. Sf,rtinent of cood3 of every variety, at the old all your exertions to procure the lynching of Baker wants to improve the condition of the stand of D. W. ROBINS A CO., Lumber city, Clear- Stephen Arnold Douglass, by immersing mm .'V. ' a d " .7 X They invito the public toXive them a call, and in a hogshead of molasses, and then setting Citv Counc Is torohibit tl e sale of feel assured they will be able to render entire sat- him forGafly trap, in the rotunda of the Capil tnXl d " t0ithat you will lend your aia iu luurgauie liquor tun, 100 io iuo. any outsider who ahall expose our holy order, adrift, at midnight, in a boat The Albany Journal says the Catholic Church nf Ivoicvilli hni assumed a nosition similar to without oars, at the head of Buttermilk Falls, tJiat wi,icn ie(i to the excommunication by the or feeding him on Mother Moore 'saour-Zcrour, Bishop, ot tno bt. L.ouis tnurcn at miuaio. that vou will ever regard the Constitution "of The St. Louis Church have a minister as in- that j on win ever rtfearu n.c v . depen(lent a3 themselves, and hold services the' United States a piece of moonsiune nie rc;gul;iy 0ne of the memners recently re Joe Smith's bible. that you will consider the marked to a friend that they should look D-laration of Independence, "merely a piece higher than the Bishop for pardon". produ August 9, 1854.- - BENJ. HARTSHORN, TUGS. MoCRACKEN. "TI"7"nTTE LEAD AND LINSEED OIL Just re- epivpd . 1 lartre " suppIt of 'Lead and Oil which we will sell cheaper than ever for eash. MOSSOP A POITARFF. ; August 9, 1S54. XISSOLITTION OF PARTNERSHIP. AJ Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern' that tho partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned is this day dissolved ky mutual consent. The books of the firm are left m the hands of Geargo W. Orr, by whom all the ac counts are to be settled, he having purchased the interest of John Klinger in the outstanding ac counts. G. W.. Orr willeetue all the firm debts. , . ., GEO. W. ORR, : JOHN KLINGER. Clearfield, July 25ylS54. . Business will bo carried on by Geo. W. Orr at the old stand, who invites all his old customers to civo him a call and as many new ones as can make it convenient. GEO. W. ORR. Clearfield, July 23,TS54"" " . nnAR.- Tho undersicned has just received and "7"ASIIINGT0N L- BLAUli. ..ATTOKSEY at win seep ior saie, ai aw euu(i euow, Law. No. 66. South Sixth St., Philadelphia. I a superior article of tar. GEORGE ORR. Aucrun 5.: lso4 Clearfield, Jnly .-1854.- JOIIN R. MORROW, Cabinet Maker, Miop oppo site M. E. Church, Clearfield. Pa. keeps con stantly on hand and makes to order, all Ksnas ot Furniture, such as Tea Tables. Card Tabfes, Cen tre Tables. Sofas, Spring Seated Chairs, lcasteas, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Cupboards. Safes, Ac. Ac. Coffins made on the shorsest notice, and Funer als attended. JOHN R. MORROW. June 13, 1854. ly. . - Bags of Coffee, just received and for sale A.- j1. IHLiIjo. i no LUU at the New Store of June 14, '54 EIGHTEEN INCH SHINGLES at the Sign lousand. . June 27, 1854. OAO. EIGHTEEN INCH SII OvFjvJvAJ of best quality, for sale a of tho Red Flag. Price S3.50 per thousi GEORGE W. COLLADAY, Conveyancer and Land Agent, No. 3. Goldsmith's Hall, Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all Ousincss entrusted to his care,1 -June 27, 1854.'. . . ES DUNDY Attorney-aVLaw. Clearfield, Ta. will attend faithfully to alt professional bu siness .entrusted to his care. ., June 13, '54. ly. J. B. McENALLY Attorney at Law. Office nearly opposite Judro . Wrisht's Store, Clear field, Pa., practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. ' ' Jane 13, '54.-1 y. - CHEAP CLOTHING. A large lot of Cheap Clo thing, Men's and Boys, for sale cheap, by Juno 13, '54. ., ., i-. MOSSOP A POTTARFFV . - TTLACKRERRY BRANDY. A certain cure for JL3 the Dysentary, for sale by ; June 13, '54. MOSSOP A POTTARFF. r TIT A. FRANK. JUSTICE OP TIIE PEACE.- JjJL. Clearfield, Pa., Office in "Shaw's Row,',, . , June, 15, 1S54. ; TAMES CROWTIIER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE,' Curwensville, Pa. Office opposite the -tlvt TnlAnf Hold " -. ' , f.TnPA.'IA LISA T JACKSON CRANS Attorney " at Law. Of Am fie adininin? residence. Clearfield. Pa. . . ! . , . - . play 2i,'54-ly. TAMES B, GRAHAM-Merchant and extensive af dealers in lumber. Grahmpton, P. O., Clear field county. Pa.---. - May 28, '54-ly