Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 09, 1854, Image 2

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Hon. James Pollock, of Northumberland County
Hon. George Darsie, of Allegheny County.
Hon. Daniel M. Smyser, of Adams County
Wednesday, August 9,1854.
ITJUn consequence of not receiving our
daily papers, through mismanagement of the
Post Office, we are compelled to omit this
week, our - usual article on "The News." We
hope it will not occur again.
" Co ii 2T ess.
Congress extended its Session to Mon day last,
when it was to adjourn. The Appropriation
Bills were passed, "and when that's said, all's
said." A prolonged session has been wasted
away m perpetrating a piece of legislative
rascality, without its parallel in the history of
our country, and wasting the peoples money
Every citizen will be gratified to hear of its
We have received the "National Police Ga
zette," which for many reasons, is always a
welcome visitor. We like its independence,
and its manner of saying just whatever itwishes
in its own peculiar way. Published at 103
Nassau St., N. Y., at $2,00 per year.
Wc find on our table the first two numbers
of a large, well printed, and illustrated sheet,
called "The Whole World." It is full of in
teresting matter, and is published monthly at
tne low price of 50 cts. per year, by Prof. J
Woodman Hart, N. Y.
The Jersey Shore "News Letter," has made
its appearance on our table, and certainly de
serves, for its neat and beautiful appearance,
me enconiums lavished upon it by the press
It deserves to be well patronized. .
All Right Again.
After a short absence from home durin"
which our office was plastered, and other ne
cessary arrangements for the regular process
of our business completed, we again find our
selves seated in the chair editorial, and hard
at work. e have now secured the reciui.sife
assistance, and hereafter, our readers can look
for the Journal, regularly every Wednesdav.
During our absence we had the pleasure of
meeting a number of editorial brethren, for
...1. I.
nose Kina wistics, and hospitable attentions
we respectfudy return our thanks,and promise,
Mioniaany ol -them visit the "wild cat dis
triet,"to endeavor to return their compliments
We were giad to find, while staving at Tv
rone,that the City Ilotel.under the" v,r.rifV
ship of those two clever fellows and lmS,.!t.i,i,
landlords IlrcnEs & Irvix, has been prosper-
in-, ana mat tl.ey Ja e made a number of im
provements that add to the health, comfort,
and pleasure of their guests. If you want to
oe well treated, stop at the City Ilotel.
The Railroad.
We were glad to learn that our Railroad h.
attracted no little attention in Philadelphia,
an-i mat tne capitalists of that Metropolis, are
i-isi awakening to a knowledge cf its imnnr.
tance, as the great connecting link between
tne Central Koad, and the creat Lake T7,-
bogin to see the advantages it possesses over
any otner route, and that it will be most em
phatically a Philadelphia Road, a true Penn
sylvania enterprise. On our return home wc
met Mr. Montgomery, with his corps of En
gineers, at Tyrone city. lie succeeded in
getting down the mountain at an easy grade.
in a distance of fourteen miles, which may be
increased or diminished to suit HnnmiMC
He speaks very highly of the route, and is of
me opinion that the road can be constructed
at less expense than any other road now in
operation. lie started, with his corps on
Tuesday morning last, at Curwensville, to run
up this side of the mountain.
" Are have seldom met a gentleman of more
pleasing address, or practical information, than
Mr. Montgomery. He is eminently qualified
to discharge the duties of a Chief Engineer,
and his surveys and estimates can be relied on
as authentic and correct, ftis corps consists
of eight or nine assistants, who are clever fol
lows, and well qualified to discharge their sev
eral duties. We hope To have their company
here for some days. We may say in this con
nection, that circumstances have occurred re
cently, which, perhaps, it may be premature
at this time to mention, that will most cer
tainly, and beyond all doubt, secure the com-
pletion of our Road, if the citizens of Ciear-
tj neia use tne proper enorts to render them effi-j-l
cient. Put, we may rest assured, that unless
' we exert ourselves, and labor to secure the
j success of the enterprise, no matter how favor-
i -able may be the circumstances that surround
Z A ' V f At ' . '
ii, or uu r lun me graac ana cneap the con
struction, we can nevei obtain the road. We
must do the labor, if wc expect others to . fur
nish the means ; and if we work as we should
do, if we present the facts to the public in
an authentic form and demonstrate our own
confidence in the project by. subscribing large
ly to the stock, wc cannot fail at last, to see
our labors crowned with abundant success.
-v " The Destruction f Ran Tn
The destruction of San Juan, or Grey town.
by the American Sloop of War, Cayane, under
the command of Capt. TIoixixs, acting under
the direction of the Administration, has been
the theme of the most universal censure on
the part of the press, but one or two promi
nent papers attempting to offer an excuse.
The facts, as near as we can gather them, from
the official papers furnished by President
Pierce, and other authentic sources, are as
follows :
Grcytown consisted of about eighty houses,
nearly all of them built of wood, and by far the
greatest proportion of them constructed in th
United States and taken there on shipboard.'
One . of these Lyon's Ilotel cost $15,000
Not more than one-fourth of the houses in the
new part of the town, which has been built
since 1850, were occupied, but were deserted
from business considerations some time pre
vious to this aflair.
The population of Grcytown consisted of
about 500 persons altogether ; of which num
bor ten or twelve were from the United States,
about twenty-five were Englishmen, and
twelve Frenchmen and Germans. The re
maindcr of the population were Jamaica ne
groes and natives. The Americans, English,
French, and Dutch, were engaged in hotel
keeping and trade. The houses occupied by
the natives and negroes were principally frame
buildings, with roofs of thatched palm-leaf.
The difficulty which led to its destruction
occurred in May last. Capt. S. S. Smith, an
American in command of a steamer in Nicara
gua, called the Routh, for some cause, shot
down with a riile, a citizen of Grcytown. Mr
Borland, the American Minister to Nicaragua,
was present and saw the affair, and when the
populace of the town attempted to arrest
Smith, for murder, he interfered, by seizing a
musket, placing himself on the guards of the
steamer, and warning the marshal and his
men, who were endeavoring to make the arrest
to do so at their peril. Finding themselves
the weaker party, they desisted, but when Mr
Borland went on shore, they arrested him and
held him in custody all night, permitting him,
however, in the morning to sail for New York.
This, together with a difficulty between the
authorities of the town, and the accessory
Transit Company, which had continued un
settled for a long time, wa3 the immediate
cause of the bombardment and destruction of
this "city of shanties.'' The Transit Compa
ny occupy Punta Arenas, under a lease from
the King of Mosquito, from whom, sanction
ed by the English, the town also derived its
charter and corporate privileges. In the lease
of the company it wasprovidcd,lhat they should
vacate the point whenever the authorities of
the town required it. The latter having occa
sion to use the ground for quarantine purposes,
required the company to fulfill the condition
of the lease, which they refused to do. The
town then proceeded to enforce theii right3 by
a regular process of ejectment, In doing so
they removed two small buildings, of the
value of $250. For this, and a boat load of
merchandize alleged to have been purloined
from them, (which however is pronounced
upon the very best authority to be wholly
false) the company demanded an indemnity
of some $24,000, which the authorities of the
town refused to pay.
Capt. Hollins, was sent by the Administra
tion, to demand an apology, for the iusult to
Minister Borland, and the payment of the ii
demnity demanded by the Transit company.
The terms of Capt. Hollins not being com
plied with, he opened his fire promptly at the
appointed time nearly every shot doing ex
ecution. lie fired about two hundred shots,
but not burning up the town, as lie
desired, he sent ashore a launch with a
Lieutenant and about twenty -five men, who
proceeded to set on fire all that remained of
Greytown. While doing so they are s.nid to
have inspected the interior of the buildings
rather closely, and pillaged as much as they
pleased. Before finishing the work they were
pretty thoroughly intoxicated with wines and
liquors, and were constantly cheering. The
amount of property destroyed by this bom
bardment is stated to be half a million of dol
Such is the faithful and impartial history of
this transaction, (a naval achievement with
out its parallel in the history of any country
on the face of the globe ;) prepared from the
doenments of the Administration, who would
not omit the slightest fact to strengthen their
case, and discredit the town. They contain
no fact that in the least relieves the enormity
of the outrage, or that removes the responsi
bility from their own shoulders, though Secre
tary Marcy, distinctly announced that none of
the blame rested upon him, thus displaying
his disgust and shame, that the arms of the
United States should be disgraced, by making
war on an insignificant village, not as large as
Clearfield, containing only a handful of traders
and miserable negroes.
The conduct of Miuister Borland, who never
had any diplomatic reputation, was exceed
ingly disreputable, and characteristic only of a
professional bully. When an officer sanctions
brutality and crime, he places himself without
the pale of protection instituted by interna
tional law,on the presumption that representa
tives of States are incapable of offences, which,
if committed by other men, would consign
them to the gallows, or the prison.
But even admitting, that in the insult to
Minister Borland, an outrage was perpetrated,
that demanded an apology, thero was nothing
to authorize the administration to go to such
extremities as the bombardment and burning
of the village ; especially as the loss of pro
perty fell heaviest on a portion of our. own
citizens. It was in fact, in the language of
the New York Herald, "the extermination of
the Americans by their own countrymen."
As a naval achievement, the total destruc
tion of a town without the loss of a life on
either sideis rather an anomaly, andour brave
and gallant tars would no doubt feel highly
elated, while battering down a little village,
not only without fortifications, but entirely
deserted of inhabitants ! By "the laws of na
tions and of common sense, the only case in
which it is necessary to destroy defenceless
cities, in time of war, is where they are likely
to become placea of refuge for the enemy.
But, did such an excuse exist in this case?
We leave the friends of the Administration to
answer. In addition to this, they might also
answer whether the total destruction of the
town and all the property, was the best method
of collecting the 24,000 indemnity, claimed
on, behalf of the Transit Company? '
We have bsen compelled from a sense of
duty, thus to comment upon this piece 'of sav
age cruelty, committed under the deliberate
instructions of the United States Government.
upon an isolated little village, without nation
ality, and without a protecting government
In the language of the New York 'Courier and
Enquirer,' "we cannot but shrink from the
judgment of disgrace, which the monstrous
political corruptions of the times has brought
upon us, along with the Administration of
Franklin Pierce."
The Post 0f5.ee Department.
Wc have for a long time been annoved bv
derangements in the Post Office, but have
heretofore refrained from censuring the De
partment, or complaining, lest it should be
thought merely political fuult-fiuding, with a
view towards injuring the standing, &c, of
our adversaries. Forbearance, however, has
at length ceased to be a virtue, and we have at
last been compelled from a sense of duty to
our subscrilers and ourselves, to enumerate a
few of the inconveniences to which we are
put by reason of the shameful mismanagement
of this Department. Wc desire to do so in
the gentlest manner possible, hoxing that it
will only be necessary to bring theso things
to the notice of the proicr officers to have
them corrected in future.
There is a long list, and we will endeavor
to go over it as rapidly as possible, omitting
all the minor annoyances to which we are con
stantly subjected. And, in the first place, our
papers are not received by our subscribers in
Philadelphia, until w;r, and some times Jive
days after they are placed in this office, while
it is well known, they should arrive there the
second day, after they are mailed.
Wc have also received complaints from Ty
rone, and have before us now, a letter from
Mr. S. M. Irrin, enquiring why do we not
receive your paper until a week after it is
printed ?" When it is remembered that there
are only two offices between this place end
Tyrone, we may well ask how they can be de
tained ?
Our Philadelphia exchanges, which we know
to be placed in the Post Office for us, regular
ly every day, we do not reccive,on an average,
more than three times a week. Of the Sun
for instance, we have only seen about three
numbers during the last two weeks, and two
of those came in the Western mail!
We have on one or two occasions packed a
large and a small pack, for Curwensville, and
the papers in the small package, for some rea
sons unknown to us, never were received by
the subscribers, and yet there are 720 offices be
tween this and Curwensville !
Papers have been returned to us marked
"refused," for which wc had not only the sub
scribers names, but their money in our pockets,
and we were compelled to bear the blame of
retaining their money, and neglecting to send
their papers.
Such are a few of the annoyances which we
are daily compelled to boar, cither through
the ignorance or mismanagement of the Post
Office Department, and we sincerely hope,
that having called the attention of the Post
Masters and others interested in the matter, to
them, they will be spared us in future. We do
not desire to speak harshly of any one con
nected with the Depart mont, but should we
be compelled again to allude to such delin
quencit?s, it will be in a different tone and
manner, and will have a different object in
Whig Prospects.
We recently visited Philadelphia and were
most agreeably surprised to find that on the
route, after leaving Clearfield, no other opin
ion was expressed than that Biglor would be
defeated by an overwhelming majority.
Both Whigs and Democrats feel that the
depositing of their votes on the second Tues.
day of October, will be amere matter of form,
and that Judge Pollock,will most assuredly be
the next Governor of Pennsylvania. Every
where we met with members of both parties,
who uttered the same opinion, and we can
scarcely conceive upon what grounds the Lo-
cofoco leaders base their "forlorn hope" of
success. '
But we can form a correct conclusion as to
the result without leaving the limits of our own
county. Who is there in Clearfield that does
not know,' that Col. Bigler's former majority
will be reduced at least three or four hundred
votes? And who docs not know that when
such a feeling exists in a man's own home, his
political fate is sealed ?
But notwithstanding we may" be certain of
success, we must not neglect the means placed
within our control, to secure the victory.' We
must still be up and doing, and guard against
the wily schemes of our adversaries, who are
bending every effort, and making every exer
tion to retain the fat offices now in their pos
session. Let the old Whig guard, rally to a
man around their candidates and their flag,
and come up to the contest in a solid phalanx,
assured that if they do so, the victory will be
theirs. . -
An Axciext Maixe Law. Among the An
cient Germans, some 2000 years ago, there
was atrib e or nation called the Suevians, who
wotild not sutler wine to be brought into their
territory, because, said they, "it enervates the
mind and unfits the body for exerciso or la
The "Know Nothings" Exposed. .
The Pcnnsylvanian a day or two since, cori
taiued a series of articles purporting to be an
exposition of the "Know Nothings," giving
their signs, pass-words, grips,' &c. Now we
have no objection to the editor of the Pennsyl
vanian violating the oaths, which he must have
taken, according to his own story, in order to
become acquainted Avith these secrets, but we
do protest against his low scheming to secure
the Catholic vote for Bigler, by charging Jas
Pollock with 'blasphemy in becoming a mem
ber of the Order, when he knows it to be
totally i without foundation. They have 1 al
ways had the Catholic vote, and they 'may
keep it, wc neither seek for it, or desire- it
Our candidate is the exponent of the princi
pies of that party which we claim to bo the
only American party of the country, and
those principles are antagonistic to all politico
religious oligarchies. Wc say distinctly, and
by authorUy, that Judge Pollock, is not a
member of the "Know Nothings," and that
the story of his joining any such organization,
on the 15th of June, or si any ether time, at
the corner of Ninth and Arch streets in Phila
delphia, is wholly false.
The absurdity of these asscrtionsof the loco
foco papers, was never more apparent,- than
when the Democratic Union said that
" Pollock was initiated into the organization
of Nnow Nothings, on the 10th cf June, in
Philadelphia," and in the very next column
published a letter, purporting to be written by
Judge Pollock, to a number of citizens and
Sullivan county, and dated the 19th of June,
at Milton! Thus out of their own mouths, do
we convict them.
Whether or not,tho Pcnnsylvanian's exposi
tion of the ''Know Nothings," is true, we nei
ther know nor care. We have nothing at all
all to do with such an organization, nor do we
desire to have. But one thing is certain, that
if its disclosures be true, they must have been
obtained through the blackest treachery, per
jury, and crime, of which the editor himself,
if not the principal, is at least pariiccpt crimi-
ni.t. And when such a man attempts to charge
men of untarnished reputation, and of un
blemished character, with " blasphemy and
f reason," the shaft falls harmless, or only re
bounds, to the injury of him who sent it.
A Fair rijht, and no Gouging.
The Locbfoco leaders here, appear to be in
considerable doubt, whether or not Clearfield
shall claim the next Congressman. On the
one hand it is alleged that it would prejudice
Governor Bigler, by. creating dissatisfaction
in the other counties of the District, in conse
quence of Clearfield having three candidates
in the field, which 'they contend' would look
too much like the lion's share.
Qn the other, hand it is said that Clearfield
count' is clearly entitled to the nomination.
That she has ucrcr ye t had a Democratic Con
gresNman, while most of the other counties
have, and that it is asking too much of the
democrats of this portion of the district, to
yield up all their rights and interests to Gov
ernor Bigler. We feel a good deal like the
woman when her husband and the bear were
fighting we "don't care which licks." We
think howcver,it would be exceedingly liberal,
on the part of the Clearfield democracy, to
yield up, what it must be apparent they are
entitled to, in order to subserve fiic purposes
of a few political tricsters.
Brownson and the Catholics.
Tlie following extract from an article in the
Pittsburg Catholic," contains much "food for
reflection," and seems to admit all the glaring
and bigoted opinions in regard to the School
Question which have so lrequently, been
charged upon them. It asserts distinctly that
no good Catholic can favor our Common
Schools. That they ("mixed Schools") have
been condemned by the Pope. That whatev
er his Holiness' says ought to be lav,- for Mr.
Brownson, and of course for all other mem
bers of the Mother Church. That the con
demnation of Common Schools has been regis
tered in the acts of national ecclesiasfical
councils," and that it is "no longer an open
question vhich any Catholic may dincu s.'- But
the article spejtks for itself it is as follows.
"His article in reference to the common
school system, to sav the least, was vorv innn.
Y-oitunc, and did we" not find it in the Review,
we snouia never suspect .Mr. Brownson to
have been the author. The positions taken
therein uro such as no good Catholic could ad
vocate, and, least of all, Mr. Brownson.
Whatever he may say to the contrary, he has
placed himself here in opposition to the course
of the Hierarchy. The Catholic prelates con
sider the common schools lraught with , dan
ger to our childern on account of their mixed
character. The clergy and the laity,'for the
same reason, nave taken the greatest pains to
organize Catholie schools wherever ltractica-
ble. . The conductors of : Catholic colleges,
learning by experience the evil consequence
of allowing Protestants to associate with Cath
olic youth, have ceased to solicit Protestant
patronage. The Sovereign Pontiff, whose au
thority we would think was law for Mr. Brown
son, has condemned mixed colleges in Ireland,
and urged upon the people the establishment
of a Catholic Univesity, a project, thank God,
already ..consumated; and yet Mr. .Brownson
looks upon the mixed character of the common
schools as rather a redeeming trait, andoalcula-
ted to work to our advantage. Is it possible that
Mr. Brownsou has forgotten the condemnation
so unequivocally recorded by the feelinsrs of
Catholics,.both here and in Europe, registered
in tlio acts ot national ecclesiastical concils
and sanctioned by the decrees of sovereign
pontiffs; or does he think it still an open quesr
tion, which any good Catholic is still free to
discuss? If so, notwithstandins his loud
profession of reverence towarck the Holy See,
and his vauuted advocacy of Papal rights, he
falls far short of the filial submission which
every devoted son of the Church owes to her
teaching at a time when Catholics are en
gaged in securing; at great sacrifices, a Cath
olic education for their childern when pre-
ates ana priests are contending, face to face
with those who spare no, expense, in spite of
tne constitution, to reader the common
schools more sectarian, and to strip them : of
my redeeming leature they ruisrht have had
before. Surely Mr-. Beownson, if he had no
sympathy wite us in the struggle, might have
extended to us at least his silence."'
Cvmivsr the Railroad. . '.''
Li lomi the Engineers. r .
' On fire "Huckleberry ' II ill." -
' Sole Karrou-ing pegs in the boots. . '
Expected Bradford, on Court tveck. ' "'
We've grot ,em the '-Know Nothings."'
Li Operation the Prohibitory Law in Connecti
cut. Appointed Mr. Eurt. of South Carolina, Gov
ernor of Nebraska.
"Wanted wives in Minesota. Dont all start at
or.ee," girls. "
Cool Monday. Fires and wollen coats were the
order of the day. . . . .
To be oprned for travel the Williamsport and
Elmira Railroad, on Monday next. . ,,.
Yalliant Bigler's challenge. Bio never made
himself more supremely ridiculous. .
Lom. rt is said the Susquehanna is lower at
Ilarrisburg than it ha3 been since 1783.
' Trrrillc for the authorities of Greytown to in
sult the Hon. Solon Borland, a street fighter from
Elucidated Mrs. Partington, on last Sunday.by
hearing a fino concourse on the parable of the pro
bable son.
Look out for them. Counterfeit ten cent pieces,
are in circulation, said to be the best imitation ever
" Longest in the Worhl The Illinois Central Bail
road. It is seven hundred and thirty ono miles
in length. , '
Going to remain the '-Know Nothing," who
contemplated leaving America because it was dis
covered by a foreigner.
No proof of temperance a man with his hat off
at midnight, explaining to a sign post the political
principles of his party.
Ditto '-black legs and 'Know Nothings' " so
says a democratic friend of ours down street, who
appears to ' know'' all about it.
What a rogue? A fellow that "embraced an op
portunity" is of tho decided opinion that it does
not come up to some of his female friends.
Hard at it tho juvenile leaders of the '-'untcr-rified'
in this place, preparing material for the
primary election on Saturday.
I)eadWzi. C. Tobey, better known as "John of
York," the witty and talented correspondent of the
Spirit of the Times.
Contemptible eves-dropping and watching. Cer
tain individuals might find enough to do by attend
ing to their own business. - ;
llcti'rned our friend Dave, sporting an elegant
white beaver. If he don't keep clear of the 'Cor
poral' he'll be taken for a "Know Nothing.'? j
Donti 071 'em the ''Doctor" on the "Know Noth
ings." They had better provide themselves with
some anti-cholera pills, or they'll get "physiced
most 'orfully."
Found a true Ml The Grand Jury, of Hardin
county, Ky., against four of Mat. Ward's Jurymen,
for perjury. They are bound over each in 51,000
to appear at tho next session.
Aicfttl! It is said that all the preachers in town
belong to the "Know Nothings !" Who'd a tho t it?
If it had been the lawyers and students, we
wonld'nt have been surprised.
Complaining the people who are compelled to
use the turnpike, between Phillipsburg and Cur
wensville. The directors should repair the road.
It is said to be very bad in some places.
Splnflid achievement the destruction of Grey
town by Capfc. Hollins. Sixteen mud hut3. three
pig-pens, four shanties, and one chicken coop, were
gallantly raised to tho ground. Viva la Rvpublitptel
Served him right. A jury of inquest, in Michi
gan, recently returned tho following verdict:
"Died from the visitation of one beef-stake, eight
cold potatoes, twclvo apple dumplings, and a fried
pic." .
Catching-it the Rev. John Chambers, for mak
ing stump speeches for Bigler. He goes Jt on the
principle of the Kane letter, of Polk celebrity,
though, like Eigler with the Lager Beer Bill, he
keeps it in his "breeches pocket."
Hard hit. It is said, alluding to the Greytown
affair, that the Administration has shown more
magnanimity than could have been expected by its
most ardent admirers. It felt obliged to thrash
somebody, and it took one of its size '
Bone it at last Eigler has challenged Tollock
to stump the State. "Wonder what's to become of
bis official business in tho meantime ?" as the Lo
cofocos a.sked of Gov. Johnston, in a former cam
paign. Wo presume, however, thatttotedtsa horse
of a different color.
Discovered at last. Tho gallant 'Corporal' .has
made the astounding discovery that the '-Knows
Nothings" have organized in Clearfield. Tho Cor
poral "Knows Something" more than ho lets out.
o look out for breakers. If these "Know Noth
ings." don't catch thunder, just take our hat,
(which, by the way, the Corporal says is a "wide
awake.") Temperance SLeting cn Monday evening in
the Court House. It was addressed by the Rev.
Mr. Hunter, and others. There aro a few arden
friends of Temperance, here, who deservo the
rcatcst credit for keeping up their monthly meet
ings, and it is to be regretted that they are not bet
ter attended. As regularly s the first Monday
evening of every month rolls round, Fatue'b Gc-
lich is found In his accustomed seat:
.1 Literary Curiosity. We were shown the en
velope of a paper, a day or two since, bearing tho
following endorsement, in the hand writing of a P.
M. not a thousand miles off. "Biting on thocs Pop
pers.- Postage duw 24 cents." Guess the school
master tnnst be' abroad. When it arrived at its
destination, Curwensville, the P. M. at that place,
delivered it without charge, alleging that he
"could'nt understand the hieroglyphics." This
feat is scarcely surpassed by the charge of 5 cts.
postage on a documont franked by a member of
Quarterly meeting Our Methodist friends, havo
been holding, their usual Quarterly Meeting and
conterance, for the past few days. On Sabbath
last, the Rev! Mr." Poisal, Presiding Elder, preach
ed a most excellent' and' able sermon, taking 00.
casion to defend the reading of the Bible by tho
common I eople, and deliverinjr an admirable eu
logy on the Scriptures. In the evening he delir.
erod ono of tho most beautiful and elegant ser
mons we iave ever heard. Hois a highly educated
man, a fluent speaker, with an easy, graceful man
ner, and pleasing address. We hopo his visits to
this portion of his 'vineyajd,Y may be many and
" .'. Thursday, Aug. 3, ISo-t.
Dear Jmirnal, Our city is horribly dull now,
and a great dearth of such news as would in
terest your readers." The weather has become
"like our old song." .
The necessity and importance of a good
Whig Journal in your county has long been
acknowledged, and now since such has been
established, wc hope it will be well supported,
and that its authors will "battle manfully In
the good cause."
We perceive from the papers . throughout
the State that the chances for Pollock for Gov
ernor are daily increasing. The recent victo
ry in this city has"" encouraged our Whig
friends, and they are "ready and eager for the
fray." The course pursued by our "non-com-mital"
Governor on the Nebraska and tho
Temperance questions, together with his taint
with Campbellism has so disgusted many of
his Democratic friends, that they are deter
mined to defeat him. We should not be much
surprised if Pollock's majority in the State
would be over twenty thousand. Tour Clear
field Biglcrites may laugh at the surmiso, but
it will be so, "the fates have so willed it" and
the "Clearfield Haftsman" will havo to navi
gate Salt River. On Tuesday night last the
political campaign for the fall elections com
menced by nominations for the Delegates to
the City Convention, to nominate the State
and County officers. Much harmonyprevailed,
and the 2nd Tuesday of October will tell the
tale that James Pollock of Northumberland
county, will be the next Governor of PcnnsvU
Have you seen "The Pennsylvanian" lately?
They appear to have found "a mare's nest and
aro laughing at the eggs." They publish that
which purports to be an expose of tho "Know
Nothings," and such a mess of nonsense, and
humbuggery never was seen. If they think that
they can gull the community with such trash,
they will sood find their subscription list on
the decline. The fact of the matter is, that tho
Editors are so chagrined at their defeat, that
they seem determined to kill themsdecs with re
venge. "Those whom the gods wuld destroy,
they first make mad."
Our good, order loving ; citizens last week
were thrown into a state of consternation, in
consequence of the decision of the Supreme
"Court, in the case of Commonwealth vs. Barr.
Barr, it appears had been bound over by May
or Conrad in the sum of $HXK) to answer, at
the Quarter Sessions, the charge of keeping a
disorderly and tippling house, he having kept
open house and sold libuor on Sunday in vio
lation of the Act of 1791. The Supreme Court
in a reeent case, Omit's, had decided that sell
ing liquor on Sunday was a violation, and that
a license to sell liquor did not confer that priv
ilege, and that the fine imposed upon Omit
was right and proper. Taking that view' of it
and determining to break up the practice
which existed to an unlimited extent in our
city, Mayor Conrad, contended that such acts
constituted the keeping of a disorderly and
tippling house, and bound over several tavern
keepers, among whom was Barr. Eminent
Council were employed to defend them, and
accordingly Barr was brought before the Su
preme Court on a wit- of Habeas Corpus, and
after an ex-parte hearing, was discharged by
Judge Lewis. The Court took the ground
that he could only be fined $1,00 and costs.
This decidon,seeming to be a contradiction to
their opinion in Omit's case,caused considera
ble surprise and indignation, in as much as tho.
receipts of many tavern keepers Mere from
$50 to $100 on Sunday, and by paying the fine
they could continue their nefarious traffic with
It was thought that upon the next Sunday
all the taverns. would be opened with impuni
ty, but immediately Mayor Conrad issued a
second proclamation requiring all his officers
to return all violations of the law, as though
no decision had been made, and be it said to
the eredit of Barr,and nearly all of the propri
etors of drinking houses, they kept closed,
thereby showing at least some regard to pub
lic opinion. A few kept open, who were the
next day' bound over, as formerly, the Mayor
being determined that the subject should bo
brought up again for a more deliberate adju
dication. It is presumed that this affair wil!
have the c-fi'oct-of defeatiag Judge Black, next
fall, inasmuch as it was thought that though
in the city at the time,he had shirked the sub
jeet by keeping away from the Court. One
thing however is very certain, that it will have
a tendency to cause many persons, who havo
heretofore exhibited an indifference - On the
Temperance question to vote for the Prohiba
tory Liquor Law, and you may rest assured
that it will be carried by an overwhelming ma
jority, and woe betide the Representative who
opposes its passage.
We had another specimen of an old fashion
ed fireman's fight one night last week. The
Fairniount andMoyamensingCompanies got in
to a ''muss" in which pistols were fired, and
many persons were badly injured. Such scenes
are horrible and tend to throw the Fire De
partment iuto such discredit, that all their
"daring and noble deeds" can not efface, and
very properly cause the community to demand
a Paid Fire Department. '
Quite a sensation has been produced hero
lately in consequence of an elopement of a
young lady, the daughter of a janiter of one
of our public places of amusements. She had
been but lately married, and soon grew tired
of "Ilvmen's silken chains." Her paramour
is said" to be ono of the proprietors of a Tem
ple of Thcspis. It appears that she had be
come quite infatuated with the Drama,and de
sired to become an Actress. She possessed
considerable beauty aud was quite a belle on
Chestnut Street. She left home and went to
the house of the Treasurer of the Theatre, .and
from thence went off unnoticed. Sho hai
since returned to the city and is now in charge
of her father, who is almost heart-broken in
consequence of the aflair. She says her. rea
son was because she did not love her husband
and would not live ' with " him. The bril
liant marriage and ' spotless career of Mrs.
Cora Mowatt, aided by her newwork "Lifeof
an Actress, ' has undoubtedly caused quite a
stir among many young ladies,and will tend to
cause them to take to "buskins," hoping
thereny to acquire a similar reputation.
, lhe Cholera still pervades our city inongn
last week 's report shows a decrease. , .. , -.
. . Adieu, .
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