Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 15, 1854, Image 3

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-y la another column will be found the
ortisement of ourinena air. u. a. I'lotxer
obis opened a Ilotel it New Washington.
t 1 ...... T . ... Xf- Plrtlnor
.vins nau ,-WMUU " i ""'v-'-
cw days since, we can most heartily recom-
i ..-, tinier in lliA fnvil!ni MmmiinitY.
. ti -- """"v .-- " a
Spain's arc spared to render visiters com-
... ... ... v a r
nJ.lie, and Ins tabic would be a moaai ioi
ryThe excitement at the "Old Corner
yre the blood red standard 01 uen. A. m..
lis floats on the breeze, has increased ten
,!d notwithstanding the hot weather, since
:c Gcn.'s return from the City with anothe
-ge and splendid assortment of goods. Callled wUh thJ ban
r(II.AItLilII A. Jlllv lid-l.
Zar Journal ."Whew, hove hot it is ?" i.-S' , f.
.. .. ildclphia V
the excl-U-oation lrom every one we meet tint
morninz and in truth the weather outsine mas:
f be quite rearm when in my office on tha east
ty'ciit rf th rn-.ni. whi.. '.:t 'itJ ilii.a it la eli'i
dy, the thermometer stands ut 'JO deg. How
the laboring classes stand it working out in the
sun during such spells is a mystery to us, as it
is as much as we can do to keep cool in the
shade indulging in ice creams, sherry cobbler.
and occasionally one of Roussels sparkling
gwas precipitated to the ground. lie was bad-fj
11 v hurt. The ahove is but one instance of the
Common. Schooli.
County Superintendents must examine all
darinsr and heroic -bearim of a Phila-!
Jclphia Volunteer Fireman. Let no one tallcK- -Z;'
. n m . i -jv.-it..:.. i: .vt J . -- - -
oi a i aiu jLvp;uuut;iiL juicr imu wfuiuuj iiuajy quai,fied. The examination should in all
behavour last night. ... peases be a through one. Proficiency in the
T swk to-davs tdrrranhie retiort that J'V'A-ibranches required, to be taught in common
- -Sl.. -.1. rt si t. ta jf ftnitrsA T.ni.m,.-i - n.nll .. . .........
W ashiuston died on monua jj . , ,, i, j , , ,
lie was xne oiuesi r.uuor iu wo u uituu
applicant, and particular regard should beS
spaid to the general knowledge of teaching!
.if other hotels we wot of
nectars, varied every two or three hours with
a shower bath.
Yesterday was the glorious Fourth and a
right spirited time our good folks had of it.
cr uitcnie
iStates. a visrorous and spirited writer.an hon-
....(n,l..r.ri,rl,t mon Ilia nrHV 1:111 f IViK iispiuuiuvu. i"i uvuvu vi u 'miv,uui.
1 a .V TH C!li-isl Hsii.cin 7 4YA 1 . . 4 . .
tii"" ' . : i . " i 0v
i ours &c., Kficationa, and then to let the construction oil
Shebovoax. them to a competent, responsible person, at a.
'tfclow a rate as they can obtain Or is oSercd to be!
gino recent iiorrxiue umon i xiiu. . . th buildinz of a house to incomnG I
arrest of the mcrderer, a"d ucRM.NG iiim t t r irresponsible contractor. Whoarecom-
gpetent and responsible, is a . proper question
outlets, and black, watered, and fancy silh
-J - -
C7" Everything now-a-dajs must be Amer
mi OI cuuric we uuat jiaic au .uiieii.hu
oirding house. Jonjr S. Badebacu having
I, aught the spirit of the times, has just opened
on a large and comfortable scale. He
iPrnm 9 l-itn lirmi- fvn fini1iv ovTiinr nntils?! rorrpsnondent of the Athens Post, under &-(V.r tlirt decision of the directors. For suv
. i .. -...t.. - " t a &(Utt nf Jnnn 20. furnishes the followinff Dar-rrr.s abuse of their nowe-rs in this reeard thvl JoHJi McPhersox,
twelve lusi nizai, our ears ncro iuuiost, uciou-ijj." v i i , i . . , ,mnT.nrr
, t , . , , . . , A, . . feticnlars of the recent horrible murder at Dund-rhnav be removed fromofEce in the mannerpre-gh PPwOsECU
e eo. wilii me uau"iii. oi uuus, uislois. tuu uui ai-Kr j : tit 'r..i n.-.cu. -ir,,i .ii :w i.,.i i,,, ri, . -t, , i, i i tew
-. . ... m 1 . . C : v. . ' r.' ' HM'I' l t'Jll-l A.Jll I.UUU11. X UU U4 V n SIT 1 lt-?l - UV lllU .'111 .L.LiWIl 111 nit; ALllUUl 1 . 1 VI . .1. .
d look at hl magOlllCCnt lot Ot jasWOnaWt-K. f rr,(,i-cr, the fizz5n!r of sauibbs. and all?.,. ' v.; ,f ,l, .Sa - v.-rbal resignation of a Director. r.fm.m.i.B
:li't Nuie ancM iiiiw u iijug .i .--v o-..v. v i.,v. "i-i-.,, . V. " ,V - .
lithe various kinds of fire-works
that man's in-pfjere
t'W -ii . 1 a i i - . li- e- ii . iaLT.
Kincatea to me uu;u-u uy iiiuiscii, is as iuiiy anaagc Thos Ross Ea
. . ... pti u : l i-it i I ili.i i.ii hi 111111 ' t in" .11.':
en enacted m this vi-'""',. tUn S3
orriblo than has ever "f...
w, i . . i-i i ,1 . i,,i:;.-k . iiuvivio-ii. vyuiir.ivn. iiiii. o iv I'iun? ) ri t- .
.- ,.i. .....n : ...... -,..i.B?;ieiore occurrt-a in uiiy -.viui iiu. i..ij. . ,,i i.,. .,.... : i ,i..,n .i:. n. jvb-i.ik.
w,.a.. ,-ii.o. " ""VMooroand his wife-had lived toi?cthr somej.. l- " V1 ula"K J. U. Sbvleb. Lutfa.r,burg.
one's neck to ride through our streets. Kpii.t vears on a farm on French Broad lliverM: & . . .
-i- iL ia uit initiiur-L laLuuii'jj ui uic iiuoi iii Arrival uuo. jup tvr l uro ci tuo luaiiv evi ine
genuity eould invenj, notwithstanding MayorSj cc tragedy has just be
Conrad's Proclamation to the contrary; indeed S'cinUy more awful and If
rites the public to give him a call, and feel:
confident that he will be able to render satis
gs" It is said that leather has recently risen
from twenty to fifty per cent, neverthclcssj
Si'ssell & Co., at Pennsville, continue to
furnish it cheap as usual for cash. They have
always on hand an excellent supply, and in
rite shoemakers, addlers, and others, to give
them a call. They pay the highest price in
cash for hides.
l.ltj Wi .... l. A e ,M ... IV.
About cichto'cloek the Military under thovifa were clever and respectable people. Ilefi u iXl , Vl''
ii l. . i . : . t . l . 1 : r . . : ..
XT' There have been a good many com
plaints recently about our Clearfield market.
and we are glad to learn, by a notice in anoth
er column, that our enterprising friends Race
iiut.u & Morrow, have determined to supply
it with at least one of the indespensible luxu
ries, good fresh beef. The fact that Billy's
corporation' has enlarged considerably since
te got into the butchering business, is the
l-est evidence of the quality of the meat. f
It's cheap, fat, and tender.
Z7 Shanghais were recently in great de
mand, and are yet obtained with considerable
difficulty. W. M. Reedy at his Poultry Yard
in Curwensville, can furnish those wishing to
k -purchase, strong, healthy, full blooded Shang
hais. They are especially valuable for theiri
"good dispositions and nursing qualities.'
Who wants a gentleman chicken of the true
ZT The late firm of Patch ix & Swax have'
dissolved partnership, and call peremtorily up
en all persons indebted to them, to call and
St.-tl3e.up. The books are in the hands of S.
C tPtiieuix. "V"e also invite the attention of
our .readers to the advertisement of . S. C
Pictix,who hxs just received a splendid stock
of r6w Goods which he willl sellcheap. Give
Lim fc-call.
CyOur friend Tom. Shea, lias opened his
plendid assortment of cloths, cassimcrs, and
other dress goods. They arc all, and more
Shan Tom said about them before their arrival
and that was not a little. As be is renowned!
fur .giving his customers "fits," we have no!
doubt his store will be filled to overflowing,
with uixious applicants for fashionable coats.,
jackets, and trouserloons.
TcIt not nofrcquently happens that our citi-
wE3 have conveyancing, acd land business inl
Philadelphia. If so, we would recommend themt
o call on G. W. Coladat, Conveyancer and Land
Agent, Xo 3, Goldiiuith'B Hall.
I"Those desiring to purchaso the most excel
lent city furniture, at the lowest prices, will do well
to call at the splendid Ware Rooms of II. C. Schxe
ar, 177 .North Second SL Philadelphia.
ISPrince Paul, of Wertumburg. is now in this
country selecting botanical and ornithological spe
cimens, but we doubt if he has met, in all his tra
tels, with more beautiful, excellent and cheap spe
cimeas of furniture, than are to be seen at the
Ware Rooms of Daxiel BcxsrR in tiis borough
('all and take a look .
'IT'AIthoui'h the price f leather and shoes ha
risen alarmiclv. within a- few" months, yctf
conn try dealers will bo agreeably surprised to dis-
vet how low they can purchase every variety off
Hendry Cooper & Co., .Sor.West Corner of 2d and
Arch. Pbila.
TITlt ia said that some of our ClearCcld Mer
chants are selling Groceries, lower than they can
b purchased in the cities. They will find it very
difficult, however, to sell as low as FaASKUX,Pi-ATr
Co, at 43, Noc Water St. Philadelphia. They
have constantly on hand a splendid stock of Gro
ceries, unsurpassed in quality and price, by any
other stock in market.
I3TA11 lovers of the beautiful, as well as those
fcrir.uigte purchase China or Glass-waro of any
4jonlption, should call at Boyd t Stroud's, splen
ii Quoenswarc Store, No. 26, Nor. Fourth St. Phil-
JSTWe are not sufficiently acquainted with li
quors, nor do wo desi re to bo, to epcak of their good
fir bad qualities ; but WEitLEE, Klixe & Ellis.
enjoy the reputation of keeping the largest and.
best liquor store in Philadelphia. Xo. 103, North
Third St. Those desiring a good article for medi
final, culinarv. or sacramental purposes, will doi
"ell to try them. .
OTIt is frequently ditScult to obUin - Accoant
fxks such as we desire, and for Justices to obtain
Dets to suit them. They are made to order ,at
the Wholesale Book and Paper Store of J. Hollow -
Biir, No. 23, North Front St., Philadelphia.
MOur Blacksmiths, Merchants, and others, do-l
" 'i.ng to purch ase Pigs, Bar, and other Irons, or
vhoo wishing to obtain Water Pipes, tin do soj
it Chas. R. Campbell A Co'a, Vo. 199, North Water!
St. and W North Wharves, Philadelphia.
GTOor friend Georoe W. Obs, whoso health LA
failing,' and who fears he will be compelled to re
linquish entirely his present business of. Black-
MBithing, eallsnpon those indebted tohira to eoipej
forward and settle up !"
.The ceremonies of the day commenced withjjt nc-ar the. mouth of Chuck'
.Miss J.otspcecn
by 1
aimiable, prudent and modest.
inifithe firing of the usual national salute in rennjehildrcn. Miss I,otspc
.eiJBSqaarc, and the chiming of old Christ ChnrcLy as i5''?.!!
I J p ladvmuch esteemed bj
aiiubs i eters ucusr r
Official Directory o? Clearfield County.
llox. Jamks Bcrxsiijb.- - - Bellcfonte.
IIox. RichAbjj .Shaw. - - - Clearfield. .
llox. Jonx P.. Jlon. - - - Lumber City.
William Poster. - - Clearfield. ,
AVilliam Powell. ... - Clearfield.
R. F. Warp, Clearfield.
IIexuy Stone. Clearfield.
Robert Mehaffey. - - - - Bower. "
Samuel Schoff. - - . - Glen Hope
Pniup IIevixer. .... Pennfield.
George B. Goohlaxder. - - Luthcrsburg.'
L. Jackson Craxs, Esq. - - Clearfield.
- - - Curwensville.
Geo. W. Schoff. ----- Jeffries.
- - - Clearfield.
J r . vn nV-W nV) .1.1 i !. fofni rT .rr ait.i K
, the sister of Mrs..-1" fe1,v- :' . " J""' "--Eg
icr acoaintances Sshsk scuooiinS m each year, ll the Uirec-
Moore and his '
rvnr.v.lii T T r
gcommand of Major Gcnl. PAxrEiisox marchedfeowned a negro man named T Ion , a nt -2 m ton cnd in DOok.el!
i -i i rv.'i m tnu laiuuv .1.: . 11-11
I.JLJP The partnership heretofore existing between
S. C Patcwis Johx Swan, unaer me siyie ana
Grm of Patchin x Swan, was this day aissotvea uy
and the books aro left for collec-
Itirwn ... ii,. K..nf n Pihin Those persons
knowing themselves indebted to the firm will call
immcdiittely and settle up, or they will have the
pleasure of paying costs.
Glen Hope, July 5, 1S54.
SHERIFF'S SALE, By virtue of sundry
3 writs of Ficra Facias issued out of the Court ot"
Common Pleas of Clearfield county, and to me di
f reeled, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court
IHouso in Clearfield Borough, on Saturday the 22d
Si n-r . . . a am W . j. . 1
aay oi juiy ij4, at 2 o cioct tr. me loiiowtng
described Real Estate, to wit t
Lot No. 15 in the borough of Curweusvillc with
a dwelling house, store house, stablo and other out
houses erected thereon, bounded by lot late the es-
. K v. W-iU . V.- VU UiC UOb) . Vl.S-VtI V & . 4 V
Ethe East and the Erie Turnpike on the North. Al-
ggso 75 acres, more or less, of Timber Land, in Burn- "
lsiilt towtishin. Clearfield cms nt v. bounded bv lands -
5 of Jonathan Snyder, Kitchen and others. Seited
and taken in execution and to be sold as the prop-
Jertv of Isaac Smith. WILLIAM liLL.
I J uly 5, 1854. Sheriff.
ggTVVXIEL BEXNER, Cabinet maker. Shop
Ej mJ same as formerly occupied by David Backets,
Clearfield, Pa., keeps constantly on hand at hu
Furniture Ware-rooms, and manufactures to order
Flat City prices.all kinds of Cabinet ware.Diningand
If Pier tables. Dressing eases, Cupboards. Bedsteads,
Wa5h Stands, Spring bottomed Chairs, Sofas, Safes,
r Bureaus, aiarldc topped ".fc.scritors. tc. &c.
Coffins nin.-It. siul fiinerJ.4i attended onsne 5-Lort-
?est notice.
1 June 27, 1354. lv. . ..
'I -
v ".-j " j as i 1 1. ,-..1 pjiTi"n o i;..i.i --...,.,.,: ,1 t c
6 ai&A A.mntnA tn manv fa mi ar ties and liber-uu ":-" ur .1uaBt.,Uu4lw -a--
n . , m. imvi w-m - - w - - - 1 :m,1ne'r.nnf imilii- t-,r ryyri-i i' 4-Yi4
OonsiaeringKtics such as are too often aUowcd to slaves byU: IC. 'Z t -B.AH
. tLe Phila-tefhn who own but few. This slave and twoK"1" "uvv"""' " A"iv
w on a visitll'small free negro boys; hired by Moore, work-80""01.. . . a, . .. . 1.
&Gth and Walnut, under review
the absence of our crack company
'.-lf-lT-liia. flrovs. fl.tnt. Friedlv. no'
to T.-inonstRr. and the extreme heat of thc4ca on 1Anl1' trfhonK- .Iocs not render him iiudis-nlilrt to tbu of-&5
L,)i,M - nnv,r ,nw onr v-dnnteers look U-.tM The slave Tom had been insolent to the fam:jff of COUnty superintendent; but ii lie assumes
If , ' , . n-, - K,ily. and especially to Miss L.otspeech, and1tI duties of the office he cannot thereafter
Htcr, or parade stronger. Their fine appearanceolht to hav been arrested, but Moore wlle the salo" of his book without ren-l
A recent exciting election for Major General.gpartieular time, and was, perhaps, somewhat. thc oth section of the school law, as fullySf
naano UOUOl a verj, ueueiici.u iuuuvucc "Jgi . MTM, " :n llin sm;iv
amton: Leaves Saturday at 9 A. II.
es same day at 4 P. M.
jT3bACICSMITHIXa. The subscribers would in-
' "' fhon-rh he was oniratred ia sellin
.-J . Rl'H lilt; IlKjr.u lu Hi niu muuij. wii 1,li5l.M.l,niil i ww.IcQ
?;)..,. fhnm nt,t f ) i-.r Pt-Trn Ppit? lm. , , ... .,. . .1 ni . T i&CllOOl UOOKS.
l W " vaneiwiay .evening wi 8uc iu. a The onlv limitation upon the amount of t
Cadwallader declining. Our citizen soldie-ftdistaht,' and in the night entered the house ile
1 , , - - ii . n,,. where Moore and his wife were in one bed, Vth.
ry prerenal an active; capable and orthy of-g.and M5gg Lotspeech -m anothcr bed inan oppoVj.
jtlie Directors may assa.sa are, that it shall aotg-j;
i than is authorized to be assessed on-v-i
the same objects for fctate and county purpos-J
Clearfield Post-Offioe.
xYROXft .Mail: leaves every uav. fcundav ex-:
ceptcd. at 7 o'clock. A. M.
Arrives at b 1 . Jl.
g AAHTnousE: r,caTei,iearnii,tndR.vat-bA. form their friends and the public, that they
rJ nni.v.,u, es nave entered into eo-nartnershin. and intend car-
H-Si 111 ren-1 ylt-ma M.rie Tjtnvoa l71oa i-fi.1.1 ' TT.M..-. Q. n n tha l.nci,.!f -. 1l.lrct-itl. ..i.. i- ull ij
E various branches, at the old stand or ueorge urr,
Eon Third St. Clearfield. They hope, by strict at-
& tcntion to business, and being constantly furnished
Swith a good assortment of Iron, to be able to ren
der satisfaction to ail who may patronize them.
fjEvery effort will be made to have their work dono
f according to premise, and in a substantial manner.
K Country produce of all kinds taken , in exchange
Sjifor work and cash never refused.
S Their shop will be open froni daylight on Mon
Mday morning until 1 o'clock P. M. on Saturday, of
iEcath week.
June 27, 1S5-1.
Tucbsdav, July I..
per bbl. 88.00 to ?S.2.r
Pye Flour, " " 5.50
Corn Meal, " "
Wheat, ... per bush. 1.65
Rye, scarce at 1.12
Corn,searee " .75
Oats, eeareo " .57
hcer, who had -done his country some service,sUe corner of the same room, lie entered thcrnns of the district, to kec'p tl)c necessary
to one was a "fair day soldier-' and all "fussroom with a lamp and axe. He struck Moore Aschoolsoftho district in operation ten months.
and feathers." Ka blow on the head with the edge of the axexclilsive of the building tax. The amount
A report had been circulated a few days agoJcf s5n 11 f 'Vr h rtJZ 'authorized to be assessed for State and county
.-. . - , . , fe?whon first discovered, appear to have moed.r1 thirteen mills tier dollar tn
that the iVaire did not. intend to icrmit thc&oTO., rJ.nv n-iv with- -r..nt i?PnIP?.StS. 1S t,1.irlctn millf I,cl m
i teachers are not" oiaeiaiiy conncc-ri
FHinAt. July 11.
Flour, per bbl. . 510.50
Wheat, per bush. 2.50
Kye, " " 1.25
Corn, ' 1.12
Oats: " " .02$
th of ADriirf I'o. half inch,
9 , , . - . ,...jr,v'" """-i'rirx.' .Ij?, noo
Sinsn ana uermm voiuuieers io mm out, uuiaiurcewimincaxc, vcru luullu uPu:l uuu uuuul' 'ted with emploress of those who are. They are
fortunately ,and nuch to their good scnse,thertO."i3 "?aJ- -,irs- -ioorc a oKe, sprang iromthcrofore not su -ect to tho provisious oftheSj
J . 1 . 1,.l 1 MA-. nMl.l ,Mtn t rt r , nrrvn . i tiny' .
... fr-v ..... .l C L!L-a UJ1U. V;UlllV.-ilvii;i-l nnu iu. III uv.-.-..nn( , .tho cnliAn I.jm.- tf
was no trutn in ine rumor, iiiai portion o'fS- . v. . tu .., ..i .. ft-,Jl'1 3 " v
, . . . & fence of her husbahd. The negro inflicted se-.n a ct r,f Asemblv of th
the Brigade turned out strong.and barring tliivnr.,i wmmds imonMrs. M. similar to those un-S .;? ' ,1(V. t.
"rich Irish broirue and the illiscnt German ac-S on her husband, and liftin.tr her from the floor, ui. .ti fi,,..-,.,..!,-.,..1 Samples
cent" in giving orders, passed pretty goodhrcw her upon the bed. where she died in a of the rrovi.sions of the several acts of AsMm-"& rrl.
'muster. fcfV . . . . . Kjoiy reiaimg io common scuoois una mu.,.i..gw1iemlock joist ana ScanUin
4- r..i;i.,.m..;.,nc, ,u...l
Select Com. and Pannel inch,
Portsmouth, July 13, 1S54.
; 25. 0)1
& Si)N have jn?t returned from the city with an
f entire new stock "of Goods, which thev offer for sale
g on the very lowest terms, at tho old stand lately
ii. occupied by A. M. Hills. West end of the Mansion
gjllouse, Clearfield, Pa. Theirstock of goods has
been selected with great care, and a better or
cheaper assortment was never brought into Clear
field county.
They defy all competition, and invite the pub-
lie to call and examine their goods. Everv arti
cle is entirely new, and as cheap, if not cheaper
R-than can be purchased elsewhere.
K. fHAW.
June 27, 1S54.
11 tl 3 "Whilst the brief contest was pending with Tlannual appropriations to school districts npon
. gs'Mrs. Moore, her sister, Miss Lotspeech, start-conditions prescribed in said laws, till al'ter'fe
Pul:iC0ed to her relief. The negro struck her upon tho 1st day of June, A. I). 1S-j1, but haveJ j)
'Sauta Juna Guards73 amusca our pop
nn.-.M..Mn ta;tK tKn.K ..I.n.vi ,-. n . n m t .1 tli 1. .m o vt ortl T.Tlrf if- Tie tlnn tflfMV flPr lin.in 5Jn:,. il.., llmo am.!;J tr.tl all fl.n r.ri-.rici.inuk
-i.. t j j. ...i.;i, i..ithc Led and violated nerwitn many acrs oi uar-a,if th art above referred to. shall, in additions
1 . . hnritv n.nl inhuman. tv not to be reoeatetl. h lfi tn tho annual niinniTiriufinns made under rx-i?,
! - .-, ,T.-,. In -..-. TrtvlA . . . " .. . SS"-" -.I" 1 " S;
wuS smw uuuv '"'6 "-'-"'1 VJ' v"l"WTres sfed and fousr it to t he last. Iter screams T;itiT.o-l:,w. h nnt t .! to adednrt on of twen-
alarmcd the negro so, that he killed her by ajjty-five per centum of all mouies paid iiito the
blow u;;on the back of her head, and thencoiintr treasury bv such districts for State
. .-. . .T . - 1 T . r.c-n-rn Ti f TiCrt rt:lV t Vt wll oh n . C fn-.. n mrt --i o 5 . r- e.lih-k1 bi
neighborhood assembled, and all who wcrci-hidi money so deducted shall be. paid to thc I f'.1' ,u P .V t, T
; i . . 1 , . . . i . I ; . , ,, i . ... . i - . - ...... r . . . . . . . . . . ii 1. 1 1 1 i .ii . v. i -.( i j ui'uvi.
t Ti, fiVo nrn1i.nti.n t i-i tnn nprt T.-airiclfttiii-.
tioi me common vreaua 01 -fcnnsvivania ior an !ci
n? of Assembly to incorjiorate a. Ranking Company,
Rifwith Tin Til. i n- flntl disrtnnntinr nri vilpfTpa. to hn
o i - o
tn.llil tliA .-lllp.irtifit.-t R.-JTilf" un.J lmiatfil t. tliA
KT?A-..i. ,r ei..si.i .. i .rA.. v .. ..
drod thousaud dollars.
s.nd omi.?tiT5-se.i 3
The lire company "Live Oak," of Xcw
York, were the guests of the Moya, who, with
others of the b'hoys were "giving them a turn
round town to see the Elephant.
The most amusing incident of the day wat-
thc Loco Foco mass meeting in Independence;-
On the Cth inst., bv Rev. James J. Hamilton, Mr
'.Conrad Baker to Miss Adeline C. IlrxTEn, both
:of Jordan township, Clearfield county, Pa.
DjA. K. Wkigbt,
Richard Shaw,
there say that the sight of the murdered dcad.trea&urer of the board of school directors
was the most awful they had ever S2en. Thersucu school districts and sh;
a dHi-.jppropriated to the erection of school houses
11 1U1.1 V .lm .ha i Pnhlfil it ICT1'1G I fl C C-lTl.O nmi'l. mi:? Ia. fKl.ll. Inil.l n 1 . ft tttn . tl . rl JTinc 'lfn t ! .. 1 r ,n
VUV - ... - -' - ; - 7 . -nj: : J 1 OllllVUl Ulll ltl Ulllll L J'l . 1 ..J.Wl. I 111 11 1.1 . . 1. 1 . ' . V. . 1 1 V. I 1 t ...-lll.,llj 1 ' . J
he was arrested ; not, however, until he liad;fis evtaiided to all districts which shall orira- ing and nursing qualities, and for their health
whole neighborhood turned out upon
rent search for the murderer, and on Sun
, 3 and of the half breed of Shanghai fowls for sulo at
the Poultry Yard of W, M. Iieedy. Curwensville
1? (ad f hiir mil,! nrf rl otniuf t iluriAcl'inn f hul It
vcu u stuit iiu. iwuiui Hum u. nut umi.i; d 2e anu comply wun ine i
lade, a full, though not voluntary confes-i-Vhool laws referred to, prk
which is confirmed by other evidence. ,'?uf June. A. D. 1855. To 7:
Pulsations of the Popular Heart.
i i. . i t- v.ii.: '- ..... , ' C
ur.iii-i. auu auuh uluiii-ishi, were iiiu soie
subjects of
'bust of bottl
fand eloquence
z .1 .1 1 :
eiuemij ouser mS mai -ins suit aa oamiHf.,.- , ,f . ,lH,t ..vpU,,:,'
rj Lt. IJ1. VMl. V. vi-i " ' - ' 1 ' ' ' O -.. -.
wane. A respectable audience was preseni -Fkaskhs Pierce
and among them we observed a large number&leader of a powerfi
of Whiirs. Xatives and others who bad heei tSVom California to Maine gave him a suppo:
tempted by the cool shade of the trees and the
Sdiiare. The usual urovrramme of th oe.ea.-t25 . ,. ,.i i :i .i,n kn
i - Kireceivea u severe uush uuuu irum n iiuc ua.ii. iiTny.o
sion was posted throughout the t :ty in nam-gilJe mad
ing letters that the Hon. Lewis Cass, Hon. S.jsion
A. Douglass and a host of the Loc
axy would be present to enlighten th
nficd." But when the meeting opened, Lew-tgprobation
is C iss was not there. Douglass was. and thrttRro was chained
James T. Leonard,
James B. Graham,
Jonathan Boyxtox, Ellis Irwin,
J. F. Weaver, J. W. Smith,
pa June 27, 1S5L fm. 1
TUST ARRIVED the splendid stock of Cloths,
eJ Cassimercs. Vestings. Trimmings, Ac. recently
purchased hy the Subscriber, which he will sell or
fnnlrn nn to nrilp.r in thn mnst fihii-TiniTc a nrl 1-
rablo manner, at his store in "Shaw's Kow." The
material and -fits' warranted No charge for show
ing nis cheap and beautitul goout.
anu coiiipiy im ie i-l""'v' "i . . . ... , . , a He would inform the trade in Clearfield, that ho
nor io incnrst aayip.. .r": J " f Sis tha authorized a?ent for Dewe's London and
rocure inciorego-ttj -r. , - r ,or . RParis Fashions.
Juno 27, 1354.
. ,. ' , ., .ti'" -,.-., ..vv. pjF jtius-, l-cnnsviiie. urainpian juiiis, v,icarnei:
ol every inaniaiiai preseiu, uie n-.-nd has complied with the provisions 01 saidgCo., Pa., keep constantly on hand an excellent a-s-ained
to a stake and burned to death, ;3.ict; and it then becomes the duty of that ofli-g sortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the
-i . i .i , , i ..in.. . . . f xi.- . l i .. v : l r T. : l . .
places of the great luminaries were filled witi.aanu l" as"- 9ccr lo ac 1 1 c per ceniage u vm me S"" . .' ! i" j 1
1 S1 i-r"-,.,;,! 1... ciii.li ,l;.-(rii.t Cf-ii. .itntrt ,iii-n-..no nr.!.-"! JlllV 10. lOO-l.
the small fry of alb house politicians. Ne-fc , ir Snav over the same to the school district trea- :
ltunr u-lmsn mcpint thfTpffir will lw rPCpiviiimTiAVlD S. FLOTIS ER would inform theg
M.r t
f32 mi l ..f4l-.n..Mi;on . -, mar Sc. .1 An
consideration except an occasionaloma, 1 There 'is almost a perfect fusion of:fxs a proper voucher on settlemen
iih Il,. ,..,-.i..1 tl.nr1.-..jlS : i..mr.to Vrtrimion ,,.-f -!,.?? JCO u II t Willi liic ovale ireasurei.
. Douglass labored very hard.P m nf ; , . " UJ" 'V"'4 " L"' a .4katioTvfor attending the triennial
; iv.i ..vs. trr liiu iii.iiuo ui iiimuui. ,... o in. ..unjiTi ui
iiiireciors. 11 wouia iro u vhmuoh
Ewent into office the chosen" fortheui to vote themselves compensation
rful party. The "Democracy," J01 the dis.net treasury j
oMaine gavehim a support as J To expend any portion of the fuuds ofa
..i.,1 ihnt Wndf.red to anv man since. the-Snooi aisinci ior purposes not auiuorizeu
'..itinn nfr.MHnil Jackson. A "hanm-rei" wouM be a misdemeanor in olhce, fo:
n..!, .,.. v.V4... . -v. .v.. b& a p ,-,.ii;-,. r,; , nt lii. h,. ..,..l o TV..,.
Iifruiicu iioii, iu -ovw . aiiiiiiuii, vicaruum 11? in the COUlltv
"x' - . 'ill .1 a - 1 . 11 "J
A l " ' . y"1- "w a " tftSt-'tT IXiS SIOCK
to UUill I 'v. ii-l tirf n h 1 1 whrnnnlro hw hnuco Ihotr tnmnftrnrv hi rn ft
convention ot'fe Gocd stablinff, and every other convenienc foil
f Al --.11 1 : . l. r T..t it lCI r
ui lilt; ai'auuj .tvui-piiiir uurstrs. iuuiv i.ovt
E.o ,.vodiPtod , to ho followed bv a lorn? sue.-v,"eh the directors couia any time do re-j
AAivimAn e.irM!TT mt ii? r-l lit' nr Vrrncf T".m W'G OiffcnCC-
J.V1 VV111I1VI1 iJ.VaviiJ uivivvt -J .'-'iiol j
moved from ofiicc. It would also bean indict-E
TV ... . . i JT T .1 .4 r X .
. . . i , i - . . r. --a i iiroi'rnrv nrr nor. nun nrrp i ui : i iiriiririr 'u
t r.on tt'All ri-lTTi TT 1 7ffl in T II Ak I II 11 1T1 ATI T viivvvi ..iv ..w ..-v. vv "11' - r- --r
tliese glowing prophecies. The whig party n-ua ."vn ui iwu...j -uwi.
betraved. severed and beaten, presented r,o2excepi i.iose csiaiuisneu anu mainiaiiieu unuerg
music, which added much to their comfort!
and ratification.
Our American fever still keeps up, spite of j
the warm weather. Applications are beinl
made daily for the organizations of American!
sr.f.i!itir.Ti fhrnno-hnnf f ho atito w-hi.h ..ISYr.rmi.lnV.l. frnnt. in t.h Vntiooal fnntcst. TSTortho Common School Lrw
understand, are being responded to as fast a.awas the f,uture more promising than the past. J The Common School Law. '
-v, Rf It seemed presumptuous to anticipate even "7 ' . ,
Iiossiblc. flremotc triumph over the disciplined and com J TIie following letter from the School De-
Much interest is felt in regard to ClcarfioldRfpactcd hosts of Loco Focoism. Fnt the folly apartment, will be found of interest to nyxny ot
the home of Rirl-r. asx,.rti.m-i h..vin . li.Jwiof those in power has done lor the imposition ?t)Ur readers. Tt w
0 , . 0 i. ii , . .
made by many of your Democrats that-ieS:,"l"X Second Ward, Pittsburgh
-- .. "- -: . . -i ti -, . .
is ii i vestige of disaffection in their ranks, and secu-
s addressed to the School T.,. 10-,
?i ROW, would inform the public, that they
will have fresh beef, for sale, every lucsuay
: and Saturday morninz at 5 o'clock at the Market
House, Clearfield, 1'a. July la, io4.
L The subscriber would inform the public that
ho has just completed a large now building, on the
South end of Second Street, Clearfield, Pa., which
he has furnished and fitted up in the most comforta
ble manner for the accommodation ol travellers and
permanent boarders.
ilis charges will be moderate, and his house con
ducted in a decent, sober and orderly manner.
where all ouiet and peace lovins people, who may
vL-it Clearfield can find a temporary -home."
JU11.N S. KAUbUACil.
MAS, would inform the public that te has
opened a new and splendid assortment of Clothing,
of the best quality and lowest prices, at hid Store,
next door to the othce ot ii..J. trans, t.sn. Clear
field, l'a.
Every variety of Clothinir, Hats. Caps, and fan
cy articles. He willsell cheaper than any other storo
nc uc-aus compcution, t ail ana
Highest prices paid for Deer Skies.
June 27, 185-1. .nin. ;
would have hard work, to carry it. How
On Monday 3rd inst., the various minor Cor-B red to them the sympathies of masses of elec-
n.nirvirvn nu Pintvnv Rrimm H. rrAIc. The undersisned has just received and
j7wTfcte,V1851. C A will keep for sale, at his shop on third street S
m9 , i a. j.i j c r.iL . a -x- o . i l Tr t nr .
norations under the Consolidated Citv or"an-K.lors wno nave lons 5lonu lrom ol" OI uestlehen : l our ocuooi juueciuia caii-. Clearfield, July a, 1So4
1 . " lendin"' political orcranizations ot the counfcrv. -Snot nroceed at .all. under the old law. since itsr. If?
ized and elected their ofheers, amongst whomUj the u aad measurcs which have thus'iepeal, and they can only proceed as authori-S? OIN'G IT ALONE.
I observe the election of our young friendtseemcnted the Opposition have distracted and ;2zed bv the new law. If they undertake to col-S vf inc taken to himself the store formerly own
!k!5 subscriber earnestly requests all persons who
have unsettled accounts with him to come forward
immediately and make settlement, as his health
;wi!l not permit him to continue the Blacksmithing
.Dusinens, and ne is desirous of closing all his ac
counts. Lcsal proceedings will be instituted
against all who neglect this notice-.
June 27, 1S54.
ITIOIl SALE Thrs Lots of Ground, No. 24,
25. and 28, in the Mcssop plan, in the borough
of Clearfield, all enclosed. For terms, apply to
Curwensville, June 27, 1Sj4.
t9 has removed his office to the room adjoining in
the .hast, me lru;j fctoro ol Dr. 11. .Lorain, and will
(jgdevotc his whole attention to the practice of his
proicssion. iic may oe consultca in 1'renrJi and
German. June 13. 'a-i.-lv.
imcmeu ine .fiiJUiiiii-ni nave uiauiiciuu ;i!iu .n.
Wash. L. Blvdex, Esq., as Secretary of the s 'demoralized the Democratic party. Frankliv Meet duplicates they have no authority to issue..
BEREGE DELAINES. A superior article ot
Uerege Ielaines in dress patterns, at 25 cents
rver vard. never sold in this count v before for less
The undersigned bav-i18n jo cents, at M0SSCT & POTTAltFF'S.
June 13, 'ot
cd by Patchin fc Swan, takes pleasure in lTiformin!''
his friends and tho public generally, that hcha.SXTr7- A. WALLACE. ATTORNEY AT LAW.
just received from tho city a splendid assortment? f t office nearly opposite the Court House,
t - . i. a ti., t,.i-. ...... : 1 . i v... i ,i i... vi.. :-,c
Board of Health. This is a merited, thouS'Mlt:Ri:t' 13 ? v'uaV"ul- "ati"- u-r, u iu ....
unsolicited compliment he having been ab-fe nSiow that 1 law for th J LD?.
sent from the city and '-Knew nothing" abouiExecutive of ourown State, he will go out with school year 18o-j, arc in the hands ol Treasu-gj .eptin acountl.yStorei Persons wishing to buyS June 17, 1S54. ly
: 1:1 ..,. r..... i.,...-,. ir. fi.JJovun orrfntfr nTi.inimifv than he came in. "roriiivrc or -"Villr-torc. thi'v should at once bo with-lif-i -,i J 3-...ii c-Vi-,flil t, fn-rot tViot li.f?5 . -
lb U..1111 111 lVLlli U Ifc UUU U V. 1 IUU. Llil ljSl Jl - .......... j , , L . - v. w - - J . ' - f UilUllJJ -lll VJUU UVU-. .1.1 w M 1 mwm .v.qi.h " l "H" IT T AIJ TfPT? A it 1 f 11
K.W1H ine iemocraiic pariy, wuen mrowu lniojsiirawn. ana sucn as are auiiiui iseu u me ua-g. is aeterminoa notio oe unaersoia Dy any store iiiar z . "7 v.u..,.i.vi
opeaKing 01 "lioara 01 ncaitn" reminas meusfh,f. fh.v wpr CP(i thor i,v theadvoeaev of
tlin nnnsiial boalthv state of OllP eitv E1 KT,i--f,r.T,t nr-ini.iril- Thpv will cum; vii-.h'3li.c.a umir r Jo nr(rint7iil no rfniiinil l.v sec.-K' C.
i" J' Pi.
fein the county. His motto is ' a nimble penny rath-R-V A.aw- vmcc wun jonn u. c-utue, t.sq., next
ds m.l'Rthat they were placedthcre by thcadvocacy of Your Directors should bear... mind that un- er than aelow sixpence." gor ia i,r- 11 ' "'S ore, ClcwfioW,
ity.g'a beneflcent principle. They will carry with $J.ess your city is organized as required by scc-Ej k.. C. TATCHIN. C : iuay n, o4-iy
Whilst New York, Bostoir and Baltimore havcthem the odium of vialuted faith a conscious-J3uon 2d of the School Law of the itu ol JULaySH ""1J " " . M 1 1 l ) -nags o: toncc, just receivea and for sato
' , : i,t- i t v3i ... :i ...:n t... :., -. r. Ci,.i.in(-ul.ll KXVt at the N ew Storo of A M TTTT.T.S
had several cases ot malignant cholera, wcKa , , .,?....,, .i f.t...s..i! il . o.. i Stt aiiips An fiT.TT.F.MF..T hriifvfi?i June 14. 54.
v. piea upon lav lunuameuiai piiiiciies ui a. ive-.ijt.'ni io pay nieir siiaii; ui mc owiu aivjia-i u . ; ; , , , " k: :
two, and those arose fronib; T,nM,v.an i-jovrnment in order to extend tbcllfinn. as the wards are no lontrer districts. and! good maxim that people should purchaseg-r gr m cm TKKN i vnir smvfjf.rs
excessive gluttony and imprudence in eatingfe borders of an Institution with which the Al-Sharo no authority to receive the money. Ve-K fZ wfw of best 1uaity, for sale at the Sign
. ' . . . ...... 1 1 . i r . , i .1.1, o .1 .w.- . , j ja
i ?n? ..t ii ' mmhtvh.fi nn DTrrihTiiA in 4mn:iT iiv. - ir.i- 'j-.it v-n.iifirit i ii i v vnnrs a-p - , . 1 t u i. i.. . i
pretzels" ana swiiiing "imager. p ..j .rv..w ..j . j ' T
0. , ., 0 R dy the work of condemnation is begun. Thosera Hr. L. Diffekbach,
Since commencing the above the StaUjgf " r mav ,iko those in Serintnre. com-fl .- V - Dtnutu S.nrn.
, ... , , , .. , - , .... , i . ' i ' . fc??i - j -
tiouse ecu nas "toiieu ou- vioieuuy , u iaruj-rpiain- that they are "tormented before theirsJ
v. A ... TKo TsTafirn:il Thntw waB disovipfCi.timo-' Vint, thi'ir action has crated so harshlv:i3
; fl.,m.c Tho nnrform.anr.es were, nfn-r Eupon the human sympathies of the people, thatilpressed considerable apprehensions of an attack ofyentlem en 8j5oooau
1U --c.--v--i. - " " X " 0 o -2V.,- , . . ill .!. ,.1.11J , . .. .. ... ... V. R .1'.. UOUItll BU UCUUClllclia KUICU VI IIIO lilLe-UE-S. T M
iuc--r nccu. iiui; iu. u linn.; J """"Won St. 1'CtCrSDUrff, Dy mC aillCS.ana ..UOIEK UMU,(vi. nn.l n;rla hnot.. shoes anfl cairnrs. M """""I10"'
Jiury to any one. The heat was intense, caus&ew Ilampahire ; and, with
t . J . - ' ' - fVphiisis, in local contests in o
ling in a few minutes the burning . of the cor-asfc tl;r Votc3 for the pres.
m nt .1 J a. a xl .t
nrhan finA m rnft fin.firs riisntui arouini ii iiR-a. -. . ,. , j ... i t
r.r .,, ---;, roe UKer,y cast ,oul- lue,vulr1 c,JI7cmuri3rceis that tho crowds
ironi uours jjc-iujf i"'1-'": "sto.tion, oesun in aiame nas ieen lunoweu up nij.T.. - A r,. cf. ;n t.i. ;f j,..'.
. , i .. . . 1 .. 1 ... ; K , . i .. Wllii. iilnf.m .i 1 iiiiiin.t iz-nr 1 . ' 1 . ii 1 1 1 I .linn 11 , ill K-Q r i ;
aiarminenouse hmstou sicjiuu niiuviu. iii-t...uro jib vi wmuvv.u., .. . , SS.t.rtn TH. .j3 rhrnnpRt in
ourl ivitll n mfist. Pflll:l Ptn-W-""-
w-i n. j 41
thcr States whichtnuniy a. .easi nc eajr-sso. uro auu wjr iu.m.
T.pi-fTit. monmlM-Tit nf"-..
. . A V.0 V IIV . . . 1 V ... V. ,'. ..'. ... . w ....... ... - ' - . ,
. ,, - . , TT - ...1.S-.U .A. nlfllAlll-.1.. 1. -. : . . , .1 , . .1
i . . t f ni. .ii.ni.fi i i tiiiNK. iiiiii.il ii i niuiuaf-thn f -iii.il. rT riTH c Tin rnfivp nri imr. Tno
u. . . " 3 " -ni,i., "i:.,oaife of trade." If so, "trade" in Clearfield ha
ot narn nni'in cirr if ilia lur inv vi tui uvuidm uumivno vujiin - , v -ww...-
was extxn
1Q a Dlaze'Swhich the action of the administration is heldllgant Stock of Good
kind before 12 o'clock the whole block lrom 'JUigLby the Freemen of the North. The brazen vi.rJwhich' they sell cheap for Cash, at their New StorcSj
i. Th flimP unread rarnd &oon to follow in Iowa, Indiana, &c, will beMconsidcrable 'vitality' just now, and R. Shaw ApLARK A HESS
guished. Ihe names sprcaa pm q. detestation in?isov have iust received the most excellent and ele-V Philadelphia, e
. - i T ? ,, wc. in a Ma 113 - . fS . . m . . . ttfC A n . w t
iy s00u IDC OUluesc juust-uiu w
- i - . 1 iuA:. v. i v
r a e . -i-.;nv kn sTn rt rnoiMn i. v - - j ,
nre. . a uremau w waganst freedom, will be taught a lesson whichH
....-,;ni. Kii;iii;nri lvlipn fi n ndioiaincr 1 lell unuf.J...:!! . , . ii ...v.. ,.v,..n si
UUl 11 1 11 V4ililf-l j-- O
in the West end of the Mansion House.'
to Rth and Chcsnut to Georiro Streeis, was bittoa.tQTa of solemn compacts who have leagued
... ' !.... - nr. ,.- fS.itlWl'
eu "ojtwin not be ioat upon those who shall come af-ji,ri2htcr than at present.. .In v
knocked him down, injuring mm severe . i-fticr uiem.xeiegrap. S prosperity of our borough, no opportunity to secure
Another whHc climbing his ladder
that cannot be excelled
E3FTho Emperor Nicholas is said to have cx-for cheapness, durabili
nr , .. i .i i?i
. can bo best suited. I would most respectfully in-55 Tnn(, 97 lu-.f
;'vite all (Ladiesin particular) to call atR. Glesak'sEI ,ttpe't' laj-
. Starc nnil prnmine his SDlcndid assortment ot troodsPtl
Price 53.60 per thousand.
am 1 iilllV ll IV. I lll.l. All 4 V l-iinrnv-niiiiii
inthiasecUon of countryMfX .ml y , rr 9 .?,Zi,?Ci-'Vr.,,
ty or stylo. They consisiEf pTf, J s. : ,',aV.a
-. . t . wo. i 1 111 im. will r:t.ii r. 1 11 1 1 u t zt ru rr o nnm hacj
, ,,. -,' tt l&ces. Jhadies and ucntiemens gaiters 1
by the allies, and Mover Ulm as gtyle Boy3 and G irl3 bootS) 8noeg aild
rds continually rushing to hisSl Children of all ages can be accommo
June 27, 1854
!...... -J l:
T.mliea nnrl ContlpmniK ffnitora nf tha Into; ,Ktutl u-tcu ,10 UlS CiJV,.
o - - w uv
1- pfcTR00K. TYSON & REUN Wholesale Dry
lit M m r i' ui -nt 119 n , . . . .. . J
r-rt i il .1 .v! thnt ''Comi.etit.ion ii. thi'"T """" iio aiaxKec-orswt, rmiadel
j. . .w .. - r CTTIlllO. JniiA i lSSJl- If
brought into the county Stationary.
SER, No. 18 South 4th Street
extensive dealers in Books and
fJuneJ5, 1854-ly.
U"A Clearfield, Pa., Office in "Shaw's Row."
June, 15, 1854. - .
cf PEACE, Curwensville, Pa
Ijff Tho prospects of. Clearfield wer never
.m-iiir fn hia f.A toot the; nine and continu-5S . , , , . ii.. wrvd.filv cli n 11 T.l K. narmit. itu irt mv-nriA nnil i 1 will 1
.....0 . , m- mt F.a - .. 1 aa.'Vi'w, ".v. ,,i ... ........j-, -.X-W TJ 1.1?:, .1. - r 1- .1.- PI d-
ed his work as tho' nothing had happened. D-Tiic Wheat crop in Delaware, it is saidssbe S0CIlj by refCrence to aooth-r column that Mrjg.llMI of : . - - w irWik
' - 1 .rt . -t- C J . . wjt - '
r, slipped andawas never more abunaant.iiifi .tu.s. : law s . UEttr. has ttorco lots tot sale.
aTRY BEEF, of the best quality'' mst received
arJLr and for sala at Wa. F. Irwin's Cheap Store
13 In-- 1 4 tA
fc-i V MUX. . . J - . .
T -I 1 ttl
-JU1.113 14, J-t.
iew of the c rowings? WAttis, pt every variety, cheap lor cast
. n 1 h n lw.n. n
' L . lu, U1UI 1. f 14
June 11, 'it.
'Goo1 Intent Ilotel."
Office epposito tho
pgune, io. ism.
L JACKSON CRANS Attorney at Law. hOf-,
ficc adjoining residence, Clearfield, Pa.
May 23, '541 y.?'
JAMES B. GRATIAM Merchant and extensive
dealers in lumber. G rah anpton, P. 0., Clear-
held county, Pa. -. . iUy 25, '54-1 y. v
TO SHOEMAKERS. A fine lot of Spanish Kips,
Men and Women's Morocco pink trimmings,
and Sole Leather, for sale cheap, by
dune ia, 1 ' MOtSt3Ut" -rXJTTAKFt . ' -
1 nf Sacks
XUVF Store of
June 14, '14.
just " received at the Cheap
- -
1 v