Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 15, 1854, Image 2

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The School Question. jjilar character, and that sortie of the mos;
In our last paper we said that a bill had bceiyDrominent Aholition momWr of Comrross
introduced into the Senate last winter, preparMworc put there by an alliance between the Lo-
Ka in Lie c!lCOl Ucnarlmvnf. e.rit.tin. no- tho .u-.2-U..t4Vt.. . J tt- 0-.1 ti uii
r - ; o - swiuvus uu ncu ounurs. ill., iimi uuiter
tarian feature, which was stricken out on mo-irst pluck the beam from their own eyes, andobstiaste courage that will give the allies full
won oi tnai eloquent and vigilant whig, Col-3then perhaps their lengthy lect ures on "TheRtimc to come to their succor if they have any
We have additional Xews from Europe
the Atlantic. The fight at Silistria still goe
Thev had betterison, the Turks defending 'the fortress with an
tfoux C. KrsKEt; AVe now repeat that asser
,tion,aud refer to the journals of the Senate for
its truth. We did not sav that the hill "was
Slsms," will come with a better grace.
T.nnnfnftft Hfi'hellio'n.
ttgaSft&ijtts truth. AY e did not say that the bill "was2 -p. - . . e T ,
JLJsffl 4D The appointment of Jouj. 31 cv.ec;., bv Pres-
J ' "r,u'Sident Pierce as District attorney of New Yorki
intention to do so. Thus far the Turks havigg
'decidedly' the advantage in the seigo of Silis
tria. Every demonstration by the Russians
. has been repulsed, and with a heavy loss of lift
Monday. July 17. 1854.
gvecn prepared in the school department, it was. . rocloYfid bv the Demorraev witv&including ajiumber of distinguished officers.
& Jreasonable to prestime, it at least, nnilerwentfe ,t t" aJH One account places the killed at ten. thousand
iiis supervision. H,,,:,, ;n Tr.nm.Tv TT;iT! th,ri win,, r.Jkftniwi but an allowance must be made, of cours.
We do not know what Gov. Bigler's opin-, t- " 8 lor the vagneness,as well as the interested char
ions may bo on this subject, for. the very goodg ResoIved, That we deeply deplore the ap-Kac,er of the cbannels of the report. There i!
jreason, that on it, as -on all others, (perhapspointment of John Mckeon to the office of Uni-jsHttle question that the Russian commanders
jv"ery judiciously,) he is delicately non-commit-ted States Attorney of the Southern District i has had enough of the scige, until he can obi
I;-.. t..- t . , .i . . . , .nt wew l orK. neiiftvin? th:it it. pmi:i v nutrnffpsl?-!
itai. jjut we uu Know mat ior me nnrnosc oias . ' : :v -----o-- e
Ithii connections of the democratic Republican!!
tain reinforcements. -He had retired and:
Hon. James Tollock, of Northumberland County
Hon. George Darsie, of Allegheny Goanty.
. Hoa. Daniel U. Smyssr, of Adams County
Died on Saturday evening, loth inst.I at hia resi-j
denee at Bald Hills, Clearfield county, Maj. Tho !
H. Fcltos. aged about 2S years. E
It ia with feelings of the deepest sorrow thaf we!
are compelled to record the death of one of the!
first and warmest friends we have mot in Clearfield..
molifymcra certain class, he ajDomted J:imoslp4 ; ., i..ii..j established his head ouarters at Jasy. Avast
41. 1. m t 111 an no uit iaiu is. ixiiu. is ( it 1 1 11 ii i i"t i 1 1 -
iGampbcll to office, after he had been rojected increase its existing differences, and contrib-S amount of diplomatic manceuvering is appar
bv the people, and it is not unreasonable tosSute seriously to impair the conhde nee hereto-Hf entl v Koinjr on. but what will be its result it it
Msuppose, that with a similar ol ject in Yicw.'heafore rcPoscd in the President and the Admin-grimposil.le to determine with any degree of ac
I i 7 33s 1 strut 1 021 - t
I Jwould not refuse, if in Lis power, to grant the a , . . ,r A, gcuracv-
prayer of the same class, should they ask, asj. . .... A ,.f nin tl, aM On Monday evening a box was sent to the
they have done, a division of the Common s.. " . ., . . . , . . iCcsriirin irosnifal on the corner of Lonwortl
o J , , " -r , fetics of the omce, that he is an abolitionist andfe; 'irin- "O&piui, on mt turner ui "o""'"
School fund. We have no index by which toS. , T. ... Knn.l AWstcm Tf.ow. Cincinnati, and denosited ir
party, that heisin favor of extending to the ne-jtLe room of t5ie stewarJ s- H.Allison. At
-roes of New York the right of suffrage, andSabout tcn o'clock the steward and his wife,
that he has been expelled from the Democrat-kbcinS aloac in tlie roclu' opened the box, when
judge the Future, except by tho past, and we'
ithink in Gov. Biglers course, there is sufficient
jindication of what we may expect, in regard;
to this question, should he be re-elected.
As to the sectarian clause existing alreadyj
Sin our Common School laws, and having been
placed there by the Whigs, it is only necessary?
ic party,, and refused a hearins in Tammanyft51 exploded, mangling the bodies of both hor
iT.iii. Thi. n0 rPT,,nirnt th nrim ir. letr-i t !rtr.ttribly . Mrs Allison had both arms torn off and
orsanatNcw York, iust before hisanpoint-Shcr sku11 fractured. Mr. Allison was dreadful
ment used the followimr lansruae: Hiymangiea. me lurnnure, winuows, ant;
Jjow the river. . '; ,.- ij.-
Here at lust whortleberry season.
Delightful the cool mornings aud evenings.
Cheap potatoes at Galenajllinois. Onlj 15 cts
SJper bushel.
ISTIn Liverpool. 34,000 persons are said to live
in cellars.
l3TThere are 100 lodges, and 20.000 Free Ma-I
sons in the city of New York.
Good fii"t. Congress has agreed to adjourn on
the 4th., of August.
VF The total loss bv the recent are at Louis-
Jvillc, is 825,000.
IS Improved the Orchestra over the way, by thi
f addition of a new sound board !
I Stirriirsr the Natives. They have held a mee-
jfting in Iioggs township.
tt -&tTn, .Tns. Casev haa been nominated for
ICongrcss by the whigs of liiion county.
la 53?.ras..b Olinirer. of Blair County, commitedj
?suieidc, last week, by hanging himself.
i 5TThe number of black slaves in tho world bs
estimated at 3even and a half millions.
A slight shock of an earthquake was felt in
Cincinnati, on baturday evening, July mc 1st.
BS . . , i r 1 r n.m - n 1 1
-f i oarrui Ol sugar aim t vanct . "-f
? the present prices in New Orlcans, aniount to thc
'same. .
S Eoggs Township American Meetin.
According to previous notice, a large num
R bcr of Americans assembled at Clearfield Bridge
fon the evening of the 1st., and organized by
t calling Kdenezer Miller to the chair.
George Albert and Daniel Dugan were elected
Vice Presidents, and John Blair Secretary.
! Xf. A. Fraxk was called upon, and addres
sed the meeting in an eloquent and spirited
manner, presenting some startling truths and
interesting statistics. lie was followed by
Mr. Miller, that aged , veteran who, for not
only "sixteen winters" but for sixty years has
been watching the movements of the party in
an able and eloquent address. After pledging
(heir support to the American ticket, the mee
ting adjourned. ' ' ' '
mourn his untimely loss. A generous and warm J
Vi s Y nA iC tV A v r Tnl o!aaI'1 a!.1ab t nvia wtwvw
"t"- vu. vi viiv yiiuLiuai ziuvauuiucia in uai nauti s-z . tr-T
He has been called away in the very v-riiae v. 'iy, if it !S already there, have a cer- Wo hope it is' not true that the PresidentS,ceiling were shattered to attorns. The indica
useful life, from the mi.st of a. l:4re cirplo ofiiaiu sect ucen clamorously secKing ior it, iorggnas sent in the lion. John Mckeon's name iorations are that the box contained a bomb-sheli
. i - - - ... . , . . k;.-.
frinds and admirers, who will long continue- toStne ldSt eioht years; and what was the objectjgtne omee ot district Attorney, i ortne rres-about six inches in diameter.
nior is wnouv un-pa
sident have beei: i In Oregon political excitement runs high
enough to make such a luistake.f&aud a strong contest was going on, at the last
there are seusible reTresentativcsK''..
ATI A IVhAJU V.I on A in tha .nvtii uJtir A n .1 in 1, ..Zn It J i 1 , . tvr" ! ,.J- I.. O X 1. X ll V-Ll J a
ViiV- r luvvumuium,; in auviaif wouia asscH, wiuu cverv man Knows to ue m-ii5l,-At : - oi.-uaie, who win nut ius rci-u' , ,. fl T, r,rm,f:An r Rfot n-,- !
or and of rtU,-a high minded and noble heartll., ,.i.;..i. . i .,nn so.V-llf a display of his political influence. fe-15Cllt-
lR, . " ' ; : ; , V & f res4tnt 1 erce. t0 l,u a m?Q olfe3 The -Maine Whig State Convention hasnom
srsiiii-ii uii ouuuiiiu u iui; nig suium wjji. luiusjsouim mieirriiv. e ii uvw iimi to oe em meni-Dfr
toQthe last eight years; and what was the objectthe office of District Attorney.
nnSof Dr. M'Clintocks bill last winter? Xo or.e?lidcnt;s .sak'.We,h,?? th" ru,
uvmiwu tu:upanijii. a jjuuvi iniicu, u niiiu &uu, BBJ"ug uiiutiauiu iiiu iJiSLUi J ui uur unfortunate
intcUigent young man, has passed from among us School System, since its establishment in lS35,ve trust that
and regretted by all who knew h
citizens, one ana all, come to tee p
"-JMfn itinr! vliili li.avi :lnnfl nct-nr
ed citizen, he has gone down to the grave rnourncdS3 , . , , , '
'is fclloi
- -.j . . B3-s snrronnn
, ... ... . . .Mfno I (1T1(IT1 i 1 1 1 j . I M-crjim iroi.lt 1 rw ( Ini-...'..,
wmD, etricJten wun sadness, and place a garland of v. ... .v, "glpolitical Kamesters in the world
i'inated Hon. Isaac Read for Governor. Thev
'. TT. . "ftjthcir own showing upon the statute book forSsound integrity. We
i j iv:iv i - ... . - Vv T -. r-. Z l ..ii t l . j , ii . . i r , tuu.vvt iiuu iiaj liau i vju vinvi X , u i 11 v i v, 11 m r, -
Petals of hisncar,y twenty years, yea, wmch are as old as0 1 ' - - - ' ir 'l L'adontl v.soluth.ns in favor of th ttain law.B 7?W. ti.. l.,.Vin. l.nuse of An.ustc Hclle-l The Camden Jersey Blue thus notices the
. , J witvv Olil V lli IIIVOV VAJ" 1 ILV JJJ 7 - tTK. if O 1
;inmirif:i unTnRfprs in thi wnriil Tho f .ithr.r( .nnrl flfminsr fh hr:icTr.i Kill lJT,,w,,f.. .f Vtv a ntlr v:l- nntorcu and robbed on
- i . - . . . . . Fn,ir....... .4- i .. .v-. ,.! ;. .-i -. . r. " . rjK t"
mcnasmp on n.s oior. iftc piacea - wbicb faave . JuuLc1UuMu,aSuua11uuua1si,cC!rarch)toowiihit.vast)do.iad,dec!. The list advices lrom Vexiro st ito that l.Stho 12th int. of $14,000.
i,-. :..!. .i.-. -:-- . -j- . ...., ,..:. tU':,nnn. W m,nnrtnH . f n l.hnrfef revolution, far from being extinguished. is&S t-V At the recent elccUon la Danbury, Connec-
Ma I I. . i. Ul. II. w i A C AVJiOj OJJU OVUU
ries att!
..u i :n i .i. j . . . t wrur i e inrrorinrnoTi mm nmrer .inn Tii:ii'r- niKsnrnMii n1 nifi.wiiiinr i nrnnrrn-n n:iiT nt ttiptf " .- .. ,
... u- Kini.ux.ua uie ouce manijr irni, nowgtroZ over UlO SCllOOl lUIKl. Or anv portion Of lt.t.r . , ... V , . 1 . , T1 , m 1 i
cold and lifeless as itself! Lei us' not forirct thefSir w. nMthAr tim nX Li, u .,.t?e!rie,,t.,lrac.oiyts- And yet we hopeountry. In Yucatan, TehUantepcc, Rio Yerd.l
... - . - . .. ... ..-::l.l lhh i,iici La.!ri.iraLe 01 our -1u111.1v iia:- ... . . . . ...
lesson, that lie who gives, also takes away.
We call attention to the letter of our Phila
pelphia correspondent in another column,
It is well written and full of interest, giving
an account of the celebration of the Fourth
and of the terrible conflagration by which the
.National Theatre, and a large number of other
buildings were destroyed.
The School Journal is before us greatly im
proved, in a new dress, and possessing sever-j
al other new and interesting features, . Edited
fh.f tl.T (",i,:,.f r,,:.(.,. ,.c 1...P
-. . . w t.. wuii u.Unidiiabi. v.. vut v-viii- --. . . a it -r - , , , ... , ... ,,
cessarv, to go back to the first attempt to formiuot allowed such men, with such motives, ttfe4"- CI au ouls tniamia anu -nctia
la i school svstem in 1830, and to trace it m. toE-'Jver rui- nisown gooa sense anu corccr juuge-fiA -l'llc u" ilu-cl''1" .ic-.on oluio yi
F.'m. nr. F
!the present, to show the object cf certain
Trie appointment of Mr. McKeon would be
ROajaca), Tampico, Tua Tamaulipas, TuxpanE
r '. -" r-m . .. . t:
lauscs. of the law. but point if you can to aS?,iti, hL "si; ri7, iato UI v era "ruz')' anu cen m ine siate 01
single school, in this Commonwealth, underg Democratic principles. We have Irishmeifvuex,co 1Ise11' inc wanner 01 revolution na
rh..t law n . it w ... fr .Tr.fd hv n rh ? T.r.i ..t3 md Catholics now in public of2ce, far surpashcen raised, and from the evidences that ma-
wl irhSTins ln nnmber the demands ot justice, amlKnifest themselves on every side, it is evident
' iHtne nest interests 01 our country. inelJcmo
rplifions spft. or rnthor. Toi.t tia tii a si.ifhOhlof this national wronr. The aTi'. ointment o1K,
.- e i:':..: r ci. .-.! 1 f....t3.Mr. McKeon would seem to endorse this acu-tf power. To crown his difficulties, the block
sectarian numoses. Such a clause has neve JSat,on as1a..tt'..and th resalf ruId. bo of Acapulco has been raised by one ofom
- . f.c 1 irt.iit.i;Li i-M.mii.-.i-in Tiif. ii;.rr. in nur hwiic: ,
0. ---- - -1 t . . ... Mown vessels
jture, and approved by a Whig Governor,
11. .1 ii. .. T A A fHll - l
:s unaer the sole and exclusive control of anyriBorat 5c party u accused of being the instrument . , . . , 7 gtaincd by the wheat from the rust.
The anointment OlHL hiii:ii 111 iuc puascasivii 01 uiu auprciue
1 . , . 1 11 . 1 . . 1 i . 1. . - :- . . . .
-w-w -n -r . ... ajltl LtLil tllillUlltU UU tllU 5li;iTJl l.l.T Ii .U( ill Tl T P T!i PTI T PVPfV I It'Tll Orral IP TllllllTriMiilUl.Brn
oy mo, 11. urRBOwEs, Lancaster, ra., at tncsi- .., " a r. ; " . ' .,.....o ...i m.,Kfshicws of war. we are likclv to be immediately
low price of one dollar per year.
party, much less by the Whigs, one of whom ,3 It is all very well to make speeches, and get
To Postmasters.
We hope those Postmasters, whose offices;
iCommon School System in Pennsylvania. Andi
5if thoso spcts who dpsirf. it. wn-t. till if i rnn-!l(
' 4.A. .n.fa .,1. . . . . ; :ii : a : 31 , . . . 1 - . , 1 1 . . . ,
are hevond t.hft r.nnfinM of mir emmfv. ImtW" ,.0 uu, , vi. .t vv.u-aAiueiicaii principle i iriuMipmns u oyei uu
y ' r 1 it t "t. . 1 it . TT-u t .rvtT ntrr I f umT ? f it. rrh .... Tlu tri nn r, .
utiri Kii uimii Liit'iii ijv me luim i, ui u r iv nisrs '"""""j -i i- -- -..
w . , -.,
imav no maae to eiiect ail ponies equauv, 11
who deliver papers to citizens living over the
line, will remember that it is expressly provi
ded by the Department that such papers, sent
....-.. ,.--11 ,..,-. ,-nf-l ll.n T':. ,1 C..-.-. . ,. 1 11 1 1I1.- l TllV.l .111 V. VI i.i.UL 1 1 , II L,
linr.. will romPmWr fb-if. it i . PTTirPlv wnvi.ia"' .a... . . . u (inl1l f;fllI.v, ;,i t,fltral!?
..? . i; i . . - - " .. ,s 1 . . . i...
One of the Democrats. . : ,'ri
A jiiiragraph is now circulating in a number
of locofoco papers, for the purpose of manu
facturing capital for John. W. Forney, the no
torious clerk of the House of Representatives
and the bosom friend of the present adminis
tration. It is an extract from a sprech of Gov.
Reedor,who is indebted to Forney's influence,
in part at least, for his recent territorial appoint
ment. The Harrisburg Union' also a Demo
cratic paper, takes him down; as follows.
We doubt not that a deadly chill would have
fallen upon the heart of the veteran orator.
and frozen the trlowinc words in his month.
g ipA conspiracy to assassinate the Emperor a"g had he known that the subject of his panegyr-fr-olonn
hns been discovered in France; 150 arrestt-s ic the author of the consuello letter the
- - iL. . -- . ,
riiiuuerii .ipicius me- fiingniiiceni; nost, Who
squanders his thousands in entertaining for
Lf'irn mi Bisters. rrav senators nnrl rfJstiticriiiwl.-
Kthe seven million draft, has been paid at the Xcwgj I0ijtitions that the clerk of the house of
EIYork Sub Treasury. . ( representatives, with his princely income, has
fe LIt i estimated that the whiskey drinkers icjan only sister, "who now toils in her press-
S.he rnitod States could build tho Pacific Railroad rvory ar- Lancaster ior
& i two or three dollars a week, out of which she
Ain a couple of years. contributes to the support of his aged mother!
a r-SThcre were 220 deaths in New Orleans du-lf i.Q tempera! O mores!"
Spring the week ending the 2d. inst., one hundred ofga - a , .
FT wh i ih were from sun-stroke. Is Philadelphia's "First Sunday." "
iwerc made.
. . , i f i . -r i TiT-.-,.-.
Santa Anna s preseni irom ma inwi
in their whole ticket.
fIa the neighborhood of Carlise, Pa. harvest
hands are being paid $2,50 to 93.00 for the very
best cradlera : ochert less.
i""Therc will be Baptist preaching, by the P.cv.
Mh. Ulster, in the Lutheran ehurch of this
plate, on Sabbath the 23d inst.
! Harvest is pretty generally over in Dela
ware, snd farmers complain of great injuries sus-
After furnishing him with the
of Mazatlen was about to deal with the lives ol
American emigrants, who were seized in th.
flnlf of California, on their way to Sonora.
ind the ' outrages committed
in "!
5ni r :u ai i .. - ii i. i? - i j i
buri cannot chanre nostae on n.iwrs SPr.tyulwr 3 c.MM.gui.iieu, ana
v ...-,... -r.,;j; . ,. ni KA .:.-. .,!:he last shriek of the American Eagle shall re-1
the 31oshannon. thonrrh his office is in Ccntrell;50anJ over tl,e hil!s and valI-V3 ,,f th Western
county. We hope this will be borne in iaindf lContincnt
1 - L It 1 E9 --.
iiereuiir, aaiiiai we 5B.ni near no more com-.
plaints from our subscribers. I
Tardy Justice.
It is amusing to read the lamentations of the
various Locofoco editors over the 'degeneracy-'
the Whig party "the once respectable
Whig party, that claimed a Clat and a Web-
gJriy ITall and the organ remain firm in their op-g!plactt ou tjic 7tl ;nst Tbc Express train rai
We scarcely pick up a Democratic newspa-a posit ion, or will they attempt to v-hitc-wash0V4;r -a horse, when two of the emigtant cars
pa, m luuui e uy uyi huu asinog w -moon-ine newiy appointed uistnci .Yiiorney an. igvcrc thrown from the track and over twelve
a-s&inc: about the "Whig, Alolition, Know-gbring him out as good as new? 'Nous ver-fe passengers were killed and wounded. The
A othmg, ative American Party," as they are?
1..0 4rwl -v ft? - r,- fkfSc.A .nil - I -v .- r- , -v - - -v -"I -T
with abuses of that party at aU times and cn-5the "five loaves and two fishes." Having re-Si
der all leaders, that even Ctlr was denoun-Mcentlv met with disaster and defeat Jtt thersdignation swallowed, and hear from them that
ced as a libertine and a gambler, and Webster i
as a bestial sot! But such is the nsual justice!
I : - t
longer serves the purptffee.
An article appeared in the first number of
nr paper, taken entire from a paper which we
i ao not now reccoiiect, and credited by it to the
Lebanon Conrier, which is attempted to be
f- construed, by one or two individuals, into anj.
I attack on the 'prvale character of Gov. Bigler
L . I Now, in the first place, we do not belieye the
author of the objectionable paragraph ever
' .'I imagined that his language could be tortured
into an attack on the 'private character' of
. , - , K T . a.. .: 1 . .. .!. . -.. .
Tl,.ir!.,. S..rp -.-. h.. f-Mr r ihittW puonc uocumenis aenounciTig me uee k, Lnumiifu io aiu- nosuuiies agamsi mm.
- " .- .v.. -ra. , : : ii.t ... i . i j a. .. pffT,, . ..... -. r.
;.vni n i HiMiiuii mm, may Liu ircci.i 111 inc in-u-rt? riif tniTni:irv liinnin'r in trnm i ttio I ;rv-.r--.i n .
... . xrV 11 IS H.-IU Willi. Ol t'llilj lyui JI CI 111.111
which supported General riercu'a eloelion, oulyj
eleven remain friendly to his administration.
CISMen. W- 0.. Butler has written a letter toj
on our maitnee3tccutivc, declining the office of governor ofs
Nebraska, to which he had just been appointed.
l-'r The timet btates Senate nas rati&ed a'
...., . n-v n-. . ... . a.l WttVl ftlA W 1 T n f Vl 1 fT fiO C 1 fT wlll-.lii
P?thev fiedo half a million acres of land iu Minesota.l
i'"Edward Mulligan, the local Mail Agent aU
St. Louis, has been arrested, and held to bail inS
51.000. on a chafge of purloiiiing leftcrs from the)
I'ecJeisty Alarmed he man who's afraid oui
paper will be a "Jakev." Whenever we desire to'
s publish a paper of that character, we'll call in hi.-
j :i 1? J I I . -
f lrr- v : 1 v n 1:11 n... TT..i..va...:ii . :,. i,...ci .. i. iT't-: ..
. ., ..... . . . - - . v j 11 1 :i:liii .uiii iht iiiiriiic:ii. iiii iinr iimv . .uii i:xuii trill 11 1 v itj 1 1 1 1: iit:iitiiL ui lilt- 11 nit-
irom tne omce 01 publication, are tree ol post-la c , S3 i r i i i-a iEiinrlf n will
l 94 1 v. .11 1 1 . . 1 , .iil ir.ii iv. fnr cmc tifvor want tn lf ifi--nrinfrIE. -anuK 11, will
n - - I. . V. . . . . . T . 1 nB .--.-...,.. u...... " w "-' J" - . U.J 1, IV,, ,111 I - IM
". A IJ I -..tltl'Hl!i- I 1 1 1 .1 M 1 I III. I I T i 1 I ' 1 - . - '
. nr,;wfv'i
. n... . ...... . mil
ro hp a Krotrsf.iTit rftimfrv. till thf nam i zfr- .ir i. nilr., :.,i
j 7 " ' vi tw; uui, ii iui auvc.u w ! luuiuiuu iiiT,. At. A fx n. , ,.r I
. - . ir- Mivimcr. mi i in1 r fin r liiri nun iiii iwiri in
place our Government in tht
with a party oiposed to our own country. t consistent position of aiding with the one
The Sun commenting on the above says f-h uid and striking with the otbfcr.
'This is a glorious and independent rebuked S
for which the
thanks of cverr American. But will Tamma-
.Vfter a calm, there has come another pcr-
True Democrat deserves t.ie fcct storm of railroad casualties. On the Great
.?? 1 - 7.-?l 1 J 1.-1 Tl 1 . .
esLem j.iiuruiiu a uicauiui acciaeiii 1001.
ions" and we much doubt the sincerity aiHipUS30ngt.rs ;n tjie f-rst ciass cars an cscapel
rirmuess ol eitlier. l hey have spoken tlu-H. without injurs
.v., : --::. i,. ... ...v:i. 1, Wii.ti, . (., ,,....i ,.r l. .r c-K-i
L2jt-lll O.ll I'llllLllll.i)) uuua ttlliv.ll, livnvtui l.lllUtll. UU lll U1CI 11 V11I1JL111UJ VI LUV11 ilVUlld r.T5 f ,. . 1 ,. ClK ! 1 XI , , T1 "1 1.1 1. -
,, , a . ., .wj ...... . is; . .... . fc -i v t1"1 nisi., ii:i ii.iiu i rJiii I iiiiuueiinii-'
qt"i.t? tfiT- if a lo,(.n. o ,y u-h. 1. -tt ,-. tl t r f i t i ... , . ..l. l,,: .1 . . . 1 . 1 . ...... .1 : it' . : .. vi i.,.. ...l..... .1... .,...1 ....:.!. l ., 1 ...i, . . - i
, 1 fll . 4 jJI x. , . . ' 3 , , . . . , , , B to Baltimore, ran off tlie track
n A liim vt a r 4 h rv An -v AMn hatrn r vn -v 1 ff 2l L 1 .L.- iL " : . - l -!- . 1" " . 1 T 1 1
iug vuiuuiuo wi iuc wiu. 11 ua,c cmcu b'jl uur re sptici s, luey so u iiMn i in ou si v um , viz :y -iicwiiipis ciaciit-U ovtT mem, wc snan ex
i i n v y luinr tii c.nn nil ? t r "it-i w ti a, r c-r w i ii ir-r . mr-m
liniuisit-iffll-i. i- -- - an mi- nv-tn,, m-.-o -vi. ,inv.si "-K.'of.r,r ,-;,,rr..1
p'and fireman were killed, and many of the pas-fS
hands of the people, they seek consolation bygjJous McKeon is a model democrat of the Jef
Iaying the flattering unction to their souls that'erson school, and all the more so, from being
cf these organs oCdcmocracyl Xow that bothit was brought about bv an alliance of Nativc-taau Irishman and a Catholic!
have passed away,and can no longer be fofmida-gism, Abolitionism, and all the other "isms'"l?j
ti,it.,...;.i,... T--..-. rr.- ...j.u o c
lll.iiaiIlJJUl JLVUlULiaLlVl 1. HlliljllllU kj. KJ. 6
T-.mnr.rat.ie Cantior.
S mc as mflividuals, their high qualities are ac-?5with the Whig Party, and that this alliance yet
V 1 i J "1 , . I - , , 1 m, EI .. . . . I
"UJ" -vi6v.,i, a ii. i lutu iw iaiucui.u. i iic,.i .uuimues m . lew oi me approacning uuoer-7r,iTl,r a cousin nf the (;nver:ior. ojie of thir
truth can now bespoken, because Ivinz nolanatorial election." AVell. nerhans it mav lio,.
- - J 1 X . - -:;. IV 1 11-.'. Id. Olilll VUUlUIU-il KVJ" uviv-iv.i.v. L ii - a. ..... ..... . ..
r .. . . . . K5enrer cars ai ine neau. oi tne excursion train
true, and if so, what, pray, is there in it of sWl condition of the Locofoco party, and ad-pi'.
which the vvhiss. or anv other nartv. oucrht tfffljnictnr ;te tin-nrt .imict t,. tim n imini. t.,t;,..,fjf5 "
j ' - - c ;iatiioi.V-1 n ii vti- n . wuvu t.v . iitiiiuiotn.t,i v y l t J. Xl Jl
"! . . ,.... , ., sAi crusneu iu''.u;lt, iue rear car passing en-
The enginee
A most horrible and heart rending accident
occurred on the Susquehanna railroad, on the
tvlfh inst.,. by an excursion train com iog in
collision with the regular train to York. The
3, , . .. , ... , ,,, , S. passed by less than ten davs
; head m its usual position, and although neither B
Strain was moving at extra speed, the two pas-i lsr hcster:thc Supcrir
.red but litle resistence, and were complete-
tvF" SomB nf onr voun? men have formed a
string Band which discoursed most 'eloquent mu
sic,' on Friday evening.
pTheSishop of Erie, preached in the Catholic?
Church of this place oa Sabbath, and confirmed
some fifteen or 20 children and adults.
aspect of Camden on Philadelphia's "First
A Day of 'Ease." Sunday last was a qui
et day in Philadelphia. All the hotels and
drinking-houses were closed, in obedience to
the Mayor's proclamation "for the ease of cre
ation," &c. Every thing was quiet in that
citv; the druggists were very careful into
.whose glasses (of mineral water) they put
nvpocras" syrup, ana sola 6egars with fear
and trembling; the milk-men hurried ont of
town, and seven tavern-keepers went to church!
Camden was filled with people lrom over the
river; all "creation" seemed to have come
over here in quest of "ease," and many there
were that found iU But considering the num-
Aycr of people and the vast amount of rum
drank, there were not very many who got re
markably "easy." The streets were crowded,
the gardens jamed, and the bar-rooms cramed,
wilh the lovers of Lager, Brandy and Claret '.
punches, and long before night Camden was
as destitute of the ardent" as Xeal Dow's
There was far more in Philadelphia at night
than there was in the morning: it was carried
over as the Arabs carry water iu "skins."
Tl. . Tt:.i .1 1. r. . . . . 1 -i . , . t
l lie l i.i)iiiii -ii i..i7.ci.ii: hiili uuuinerci.i cam
pi for a ,:Xorthern Convention of all creeds opposed!
I-?-. 11. r -n . 1 - o inlnnilv 11. n ft, t.i.it, .i.....-.,.,..!, .
LA ' I HI. .1 V '.I II. I. II 1 ll.'J l 1 , V 1 LUU 1UAVUV1 t. 11V.1UHV. U .
!jSf-nieiit of slavorv."
- -
ii2rijic.tvt. i ne springueia (.uass.) i-ost until
tnow a hunker Democratic paper, proclaims as iA
Bwatchword hereafter, the uncoiuttitutioiutl repeul
VfaPf tie "Z'tit't slave laic of l$bQ
OutragootB. . . ;
We publish the following by request. A
. more unholy outrage was never perpetrated in
a civilized commuuity, and if the gentleman
who handed ' it to us, was under the impres
; sion that we would decline its publicstion be
causc the scoundrel was a Meholist Pre ichery
the is mistaken. We have no religious or po
litical prejudices to gratify by screening eith
er a Catholic or Protestant who would be guilty
of an outrage so diabolical. EJ.
X I-EVEkexd Rogce. A" scoundrel ; living
near Lebanon, lllinoise, and who claims to be
a. dethod ist preacher, married some'tinH. since,
a respectable widow hidy with a daughter a-
bout fourteen or fifteen years of age, who he
soon afterwords seduced. Post.
The St. Louis Democrat gives the following
version of the transaction:
"He tampered with l)is own step-daughter,
s.duced her and had issue bv her. lielore the
neighborhood was apprised of the matter, the
SI FA couple aged respectively SO and S8 years,lLchil(l from som.c caaso or other dici? aud was
?were married in Wheeling hist wock. Their ae-!
.locomotive on the York train was going a-K1ua;utaucc' eourtshiP nd marriage, were com
-I O O K. . . . . . ,1 1 T ... !.,. 1 .1
gtirely through the foremost one, and both be
ing filled with passengers, the destruction ol
Gov. Bigler, any more than ifto an attack onlf Youn America, Old Fogy Fillibuster lthe viIe Prctences, the base intrigues, the!
., ;,:.. ,Ttn.o-.fo, , Cf.,. f. f4..:i. r cm . Siart and heartless machinations, that have
ll the 'private character' of the State ofPenn
U sylvania, of which he speaks in the succeeding
i ; clause; and in the second place, let the article?
' .i . ... v : i m.- n.. n.,i - :i i. f
f an extract from another paper.
If an editor
oc ashamca ! c always thought it wa3 gooi4.Lt Washington and Harrisburg. The follow
Democratic doctrine, that the majority of theing extract is from an article in ; reply to the
people ruled, and and if it should so happenf Patriot, Bigler's official organ. It contain.-p "f , ,. V 1 vo" , " v
that the mnjorfty consisted of Whigs, Knowf ..more truth than poetry :- hfU aaJ hmbs WM almSt unPrc"dented.
Nothings, A-bolitionists, ci what not, we can'- Conscious that the mask has been removed Thc ccutre of thc foremost car was filled with
not sec the impropriety of their exercisingjgunder which they have but too long iraposeclgjihc dead, dying and wounded, all wedged to-j
their rishts as freemen and votinz for whom!lPon 111(5 demcracy of Pennsylvania hope-g'gether in one mass with the fragments of the
soeverthey see proper. And if they .houM" that it required
Lnitedhi vote airainst the "T.at, Kphmskn Ji.,r i.i.ti.-,Tt;nr. thn ti.P. .or. t,e thnan f&a half hour s time aud the tisc of axes to rescue
Barn-Burner Hunker HardShell SoftShellc5-iave been honest and bold enough to expost thc wounded. A number of females and chil-j
J " , . I . - 1 A A 1 1 T . L " A. 1 kf . V
udren were taken out from among the dead.l
scarcely injured, whilst through the floor ol!
uumue compromise anu r ree oon uemo-ra....... t th dcmot.ratic nartv to the verv brink
... . - , . , w . a- - - . ,
rat ic party," ana again aeieai mem, wny we-gof ruin! In this attempt, prompted by the in
rrin-t tlmt ilb.strinn nnrt v will submit wif hoiitt0 the nomenclature of billingsgate; aud en-
' 1 ' Snch the phrases of ribaldry, but they cannot
x murmur. s3-.nove a sin ra niv of lirht from th truth
: were to be held responsible for every thing pub- If it would not take away the last theme ofjsg which condemns them. We again repeat, that
ti lished in his paper, no matter from whence ittheir "Latrer Beer democratic elomipncp." -t'ti James Campbell and his jackall, Forney, have
injusca into i.ic organization oj ine aemocrauc
perintendent of the Susquc
hanna Railroad, has been arrested in Tin ltf mr-m mJ
fa charge of manslaughter, growing out of the rail
road massacre of tho 4th inst.
Furrendertui ' at Last. Barnum. tho prince ofi
SHumbugs, has relinquished thc attempt of popu
.arizing the New ork "World's Fair, and has
resigned the Presidency of thc Crystal Palace.
Fa-it Travelling. A third daily train of passen
ger cars has been put on the Central Road, called
the -'Telegraph Express Train," which runs thro
from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh in 13 hours.
Gone l'j Ihc time fixed for receiving bids for the1
sale of the Public JVorks. Owing to the onerous
restrictions of tho bill, no bids were received, and'
they must still remain a burdcu to the tax-ridden
secretly buried in some out of the way place by
hi pi. Last week the whole matter came to
light. The citizens gathered, held a hasty
consultation, and proceeding to his house,
seized, pinioned and tarred and feathered him,
advising him then to docamp. A serious pro
position was entertained at first to kill him out
right, and it was only at the earnest pleadings
of the more sober members f the party that
his life was spared. Being released, the miser
able scamp determined ou retaliation, and cau
sed the principal actors , in the lynching to be
arrested. They- were arraigned before some
g magistrate at' Belleville, but the prosecutor
having had time to consiaer tne matter more
dispassionately; and reflecting that ho
was inviting a criminal prosecution,-refused
to appear against them. Our informant
adds that he has a farm somewhere in the vi
cinity of Lebanon, and heretofore had . iu.uii-
"..- i -.. 1. -.1... ....,.... Tl...
laiueu u iair t'lmuii tuaiacici. mc tiiituiio
have given him until after harvest time to
make his preparations for a removal."
!. ! V At 1 . "
tne car couia oe seen ine protruamg limbs olgfCommonwealth.
some who had been instantly struck dead. 11 ' . . ,
hiw' i-im n iiunituui, .uassacuuseiis, grow
mav come, he had better vield at once, for l;.Si.i;(1,t iltcln;
(W . . . , , i" i j . tlx - , ttparty ihc elements of its destruction; wc repeat
would be weighed down by a burden greater.Vativcism or any other ism, but we fear, withgfhat )he unmerited elevation of James Campbell
than the iron gates of Gaza. Every readerfl.othing to practise cn, "their hand would getfflicas an insult to Pennsylvania, which has exci-
rf rv .-- C i 5 Jl 1 3 j .1 . 1lE1 At-f T.tlMr llH.! tTHOfl. .11 H Tlf I MIC IOl T rt fl 1 -lr. 1 fl -KZ? i . .. ...
jut,- anu we vy no means uesre 10 see tnein o ....-., v-.. wonnaea, renacrea it certain tnat manv were
KiiiLtie uruniziiiiuii mat nuw Lure.iciis tne ue-j
cKrvra1rl k-T-r-W fTitf n CmAilfW will nrf nn7r-kfi
i anv thing outside of his editorial columns
c In addition to this, we have
i in a former number .of. our paper
Tlie accident occurred at twenty minutes'
past five o'clock, and it was half past seven o'-j
clock before the last body was taken from the
wreck. Thc dead, thc dying, and the wound-J
ed, were strewn about the grass, some of the
bodies horribly mangled, whilst the broken
limbs and deep gashes in the bodies of the
fing out ot an insult to the American flag. A par-5
ty ot Americans passing through thc street were!
i . . . i . r , . . i.(jll.'iu vi - auixjuiivii luctu iiu it huivuivna bi iv. tA , , ,
ErJceaSd their lnlminations aorainst tnn larn-n nor-.5t . . ... ... .B imnmn nivmn wenvprv
, . . - . ;-.eat ot the aemocrauc party; we repeat, thatgi J -
.n.vij uiu,:iun oi Americans, v,uo see proper 10 (spposeuhe unrelent ncr i.roscrintion in Pennsvlvania.C. The dead bodins wcrw
ea , - - .. . rt 7. . . -fcn
, iu4i nej-i'.neir cogus juemocracy. n tne contrary, wesyoi tne menus oi tne venerable tj ass, who wasatv
j know nothing personally of Gov. Bigler, thatgnray them to continue, as we "know nothing'
believe him to be a arectleman in everv re-S
and that under no circumstances would
l j -BOW I
Vwe beii
'that has been more beneficial to the Whig par-
j we seek to bring the 'private character' of any
But, although it may be true, that thc oppo-
am.!..4A ani-r-V 1 i-vl ifiz.il r i-t Z I i-l 4 Z .!. i .. . f 1 :J,)J T - . -.; i
i Kuiuiuaiv imv jvijvu vvuico w i naub tj:icnis ui tne unu-iueii. xeniocrsiLic purry3art-
i might. As a man, we hope, we shall ever feelmade up of various elements, of what; we may
brought in about one
nlorlr at n i rr n f i wnnfv fnne !n m.inVin. ..... j
Lf: i c-ci L. oinof .r ffimrtrA AAnrnnti An 1 rfi
i-j 1 lO-wr.nr critnn1 rii An -r.1 t fA-it !. l. A t
the Campbell clique, has alienated from tfuW "-,"-""""" vvim i -in. uepoL.
i ... . n
EAcneral administration two-thirds of the democ
Mracy cf the Keystone; State; we repeat, that if
fet hpsn'arr.h intribruora are not retnuliated. both
t .t AVashington and in Pennsylvania, the peo
fsple xculpass sentence vpon them at the next en-
presented a
for Got. Bigler thc saiao. respect and friend-!
f ship due the yest of our fellows, but as an edi-
H" tor, we intend to exercise the high preroga-3
! tive of an American Citzen, and rcYiew .his!
L . . . i . - i - i
puouc acis, pouiicai principles, ana tne mea
sures of his Administration. That is a. duty
we owe to onr Jarty, to the public, and to our
selves, and we shall endeavor to discharge it
faithfully, fearlessly and impartially, but' ever
regarding the 'private character' of a fellow-!
citizen, as sscred a? the secrets' of his family! j
fireside. -
isk does that same united Locofoco party con
ist 1 '' It is true that each of its component??
parts has the same "object in-view, and the
vhole'is therefore bound together, in the lah-
iral election and in proof of the truth of these!
assertions, we appeal to the future!
OSWe have recieypd the first number of a
new paper called the Swatara Gem, published
at. Uriildlfttnwn Pa", bv J. "W. Rtoi:fei. at' onf
uage oi.cainoun, "uy me conesive power oiff , u e . -
nublic rdunder." but what are these Darts? 3 - ' s
Thv rhar tl, Wliiu-s with beinir an amalc-a-la ne f reasons. Tlxo Elk Advocate, gives
.... .... . . .. e . ., f js one of ihe reasons why the Democratic Congres-
inationol Abolitionists, .Natives, &c, but theys I . , . . , ........
- ' i iiano i nnrorcnrin cnnnwi ri nni or i . rni u x, i in in.nr.. - ... .
.oreet-thdt they are composed of Barn Burners 1,1 'r;:;": ,;l;Bom.an rthup and selling him into slavery, i
" - 'I H lll'V ll IK I 1 ll 1. 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 iML'iC 111 11 II nil V 111 11 C I 111 11 11 1- . . . ...
- w. l ti T.r. iiTT-nca or Kfincrnn rv v -i'itt o
t - . 1 " "....., , a.j.i., .,. . JL UV .IV.-!
AVe think tho Democ-I
spectacle of the most horriblep ' , '
iT.'State. soiournin witli n
mi rA , . .. . . HW a '
xne coroner s jury renaerea a verdict cUarg-Bracy of this region have no reason to complain,
" "t-ooiivo..; . st. w . . .
on tho nart nf tho. rf.ndnr.fi.ri TV.n; .r.. C. " a""e"n union 01 tUe 8tH, issued a'
top. ncs,lgen.. onlhopar, ofu,. -ffiKt
.i i mv; v.uiiipaiij' , in iai.iig 10 give
i rules in more explicit language.
j Twenty eight, are now dead. A number of
the wounded are still expected to die
The examination of Alexander Merill and
Joseph Russell, charged with kidnapping Sol-
Priestly Authority Superior to Law.
Our readers will remember that one of the
principal oljects of the recent visit of the no
torious Panal .Nuncio Bedim to this country,
. .. .1 . il... .:"... !.. ... f.inl r... T J Tl fT
iiica upon witn musket3 from tho houses. ISoner-St- -.- j. 0 .- -.. T?.m..
. io uvu.ii, per g ln opposition to the assumptions of the Komant
kiucJ. drcat excitement. S ist bishops, in relation to the tenure of Church
4..-Tho Brass Band Serenaded . "ZrVh
Governor on Thursday night. - They played the,V , . "n.iT Tsed W conrev its
lead march, with a mufled drum,(at least it sound-fV(trv VA.nable nronertv to the Bishop. : B'edi-
ed more like it than an any thin? else,) ns thcvvi that arch butcher and murderer, of patriots.
came down street in anticipation, wc ur.pow, of decided in favor of the Bishop, of course, and
I . . m. i. t . . ).-. m.. . .?. i,i! ah r &
tne uovcrnor's political death and burial ' gf threatened anatnema ana excuiuiuumcnuuu, n
ffthe people did not yield. Tney refused while
iirmcmoered Clearfield in tho distribution oFthov nroffased all submission in spiritual mat-
official patronage. AVe have had during the r,ast3 ters. they refused to obey the impudent die-
week, three clerks from the different dftnarimontlttation in temporal affairs. Matters remained
.. . . r -- yrr ..... . i . V. . rn -.4. ' -.a
eneralUovernmentand tho Govcmn-ri.r.fthus till last weeK, uumci-. u.
, vs
ters, and a li.t of other elements", of a sim-lf isseinbled
i -J I J ' . nuo t,uw va - g
tneiriKtiations are being carried on by tho Administra-fi
tionforthe purchase of the Island of Cuba, andS r,
f:i.i jl ii . Hn
Hunker Hards and Softs, Foreigners Camn-H;-
lellUe.yebpskaitei,Secesa wi5dom of tis immen?o district Reused were discovered from the descriptions)
j'and incidents siven in Xorthup'3 book.
their determination to retain the projerty,
whereupon, John, Bishop ot iJutlalo, excommu
nicated them. We shall try to give the full
proceedings in the case shortly, aud in the
mean time hope to hear that John has' been
ridden on a rajl, or tarred and feathered for his
impertinence. Sun, -
-aai 11 mese are unsuccessful, vjar must be resorted
to. ' -
Distiugnisied Arrival. Gov. Bigler arrived
ILon Friday of last week, on a visit to his family, and
r.Tit fi.in -...1 . t 1 ' r , , .. . i
t-.num. ttuu ueignoors. ne iooks wen, ana ap-:
gpears to bo enjoying good health. He has left
again to resume his official duties. . He will, no
doubt come back to sinj, fter the second Tuesday
of October . ...
omaxist Libels of comuox Schools. -The
Cleavland Ledger asserts that the Catholic ed
itor of the Chicago ra6fe,iri a lecture delivered
at Joliet, 111. gave thiaTibel on our Common
Schools; "The Common Schools of America
garc fountains "bf prostitution and crime, and all
manner ot indecencies ana lmniorraiuie.. are
practised in them; I was educated -the first
twenty years of my life iu them," rSnnr .
There was evidently one bla guard and, scoujv
drel educated in them, at all events, ... - -