Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 05, 1854, Image 4

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    popular long:
Of aH the mighty nations
In the East er in the West,
0, this glorious Yankee' nation
- Is the greatest and the best. '
We nave room for all creation, -And
our banner it unfurled ;
Here's a general invitation
To the people of the world.
Then come along, come along, make no delay,
Come frgt every nation, come from every way,
Oar lands they're broad enough, don't bolarm
ed, , .
Uncle Sam is rich enough to give us all a farm.
St Lawrence marks our Northern Line,
- As fast her waters flow;
And tho Rio Grande our Southern bound,
'Way down to Mexico.
From the great Atlantic ocean,
Where tho sun 'gins to go down.
Leap across the Kooky mountains,
Far away to Oregon.
Then come along, Ac-
While the South shall raise the Cotton,
And the West the Corn and Pork,
. New England's Manufactories
Shall do the finer work ;
For the deep flowering water falls
That course along our hills,
Are just the thing for washing sheep
And driving Cotton Mills.
Then come along, Ac.
Our fathers gave us liberty,
. But little did they dream,
The grand results that pour along
ihis'mlghty age of Stsam;
For our mountains, lakes and river
Are all a blaze of fire,
And we send our news by lightnfng
On the telegraphic wire.
Then come along, Ac.
Yes ! we're bound to beat the nations,
For our motto's "Go ahead,
And we'll tell the foreign paupers
That our people are well fed ;
For the nation's must remember
That Uncle Sam's no fool,
.For the people. do the voting,
And the children go.t school.
Then come along. Ac
The priests of the Sun were almost innumer
able, and in all the temples of the empire,
both bv dav and nieht. a certain number of
them were obliged to keeD watch, and dis
charge the 'various f auctions prescribed by
their ritual. They enjoyed the highest .esti
mation, but before entering upon their duties
were subjected to the severest tests of capaci
ty, and obliged to undergo the severest penan
ces. Before all of the great festivals of the
-Sun, they had to fast for long periods, and to
iro through many lustrations. "In some parts
of the empire they were bound to constant cel
ibacy; in other parts they were permitted to
marry, but for long periods were cut off from
any communication with their wives. The
high priest, who was always an Inca of the
"royal line, belonged to the brotherhood of the
priests, and was suljected to the same regi-
men. lie resided in Cuzco, where he made
augeries from the flight of birds, and by con-
nltinor thn entrails of animals, concernintr the
destinies of the Incas and of the empire. In
the great festivals, the reigning Inca himself
officiated as high priest, and was therefore ini
tiated into all the mysteries of religion.
The virgins dedicated to the Sun, were con
idered as spouses 01 uod, ana uvea in con
vents, in the greatest seclusion and retirement
The most celebrated of these establishments
was the Acallahuasi, or House of the Elect, in
Cuzco, where only those went who were dis
tinguished for their lineage or beauty," and
- - -
which contained more than a thousand virgins.
None could be admitted here by right, except
girls of the royal blood, who, in their earliest
youth were taken from their parents, and pla
ced under- the care of certain aged matrons,
who had grown grey in the cells of the clois
ter. When sufficiently advanced to' do so
they were obliged to take an oajh of perpetual
seclusion and virginity, to have no relation
with their parent or the world; and so faithful.
lv thev kett their vow. and so rigorously ob-
served their seclusion, that the Emperor him
self could not enter the shadows of their clois
ter a privilege reserved for the Coya or queen
alone. Under direction of the matrons, the
spouses of the Sun learned the sacred duties of
their office. Their occupations wero to spin
and weave the fine cloth for the Royal family,
to make the vestments in which the Inca sacri
ficed to the Sun, and the chiva and little cakes
of maize called zancus for the use dT the court
Their convents were as richly furnished as the
palaces of the Inca, and the Temples of the
Snn, so that nothing should be wanting to in
vest their institutions with dignity ' and influ
The Moon was regarded as sister and spouse
of the Sun, and as such was the objectof great
veneration, although its worship was compar
atively restricted. It was supposed to be the
special protectress of women, and invoked in
all the circumstances connected with materni
ty. Besides the priests of the bun, there were
others of less distinction, who were attached
to the worship of the different classes of deities
which have already been enumerated. Each
huaca had its priest, and throughhim their or
acle was consulted. There were priests throT
whom the proprietors of Comopas consulted
them, and others.who attended at child-births
and at funerals, to drive away evil influences
from the new-born and the dead. There were
others also, wild wanderers, whom the early
Spaniards denounced sweepingly as witches.
One class, called Soeyac, professed to foretell
events, and predicted through the means of
little piles of kernels of maize ; others by
means of the Insects which they fonnd in hou
er, others affected to interpret dreams; in short
in Pert, as everywhere else in the world thou
sands were found designing enough to avail
themselves of the ignorance, and practice on
the superstitions of men. The priests who
i consulted the kuacas, it should be mentioned,
were accustomed ta put themselves in a Btate
of ecstacy by means of a narcotic drink, called
tonca, made of the fruit of a species of stramo
nium, and in this state received their inspira
tions. ' ' '
Oar. Beautiful World.
It has been continually asserted that our
temporary abode is one of sin, trial and tribu
lation, and we "are satisfied it is so, but by
whose fault? By the beings for whose happi
ness the globe was made.
Thre is no doubt that the earth is the most
favored of all the planets, indeed we are rather
nuzzled to reconcile beings similar to our-
r '
selves inhabiting those orbs that lie outside
of Mars or, on the other hand, inside of our
selves, regarding the sun as the centre.
The planet Jupiter for example that is 1,500
times as large as the earth lias its axis perpen
dicular to the plane of its orbit and therefore
there cannot be seasons there as we have them
here, besides it is so far removed from the sun
that (all other things being considered alike)
the. cold must be more than our frames could
bear. ...
Again, taking the planet Mercury, the near
est to the sun. the heat there is equal to that
of iron at a white heat, and therefore totally
unfitted (all other things being alike) to be the
dwelling place of. man as we understand him
Now to think these great orbs were made' for
no purpose but for us to gaze at, is quite ab
surd, as there are many of them undistinguish
able with the naked eye; therefore wc may
naturally conclude they are the habitations of
other intelligences, fitted to their individual
Let us for a moment suppose that we stand
on Uhimborazo Iook at tne mil ana aaie
the plain studded with habitations, the moun
tain streams as they trickle down until they
units and form -large rivers in whoso1 "ample
wave the little naiads love to sport at large
behold the waving forests look at the quiet
herds as they graze over the velvet green
see the flowers in all their luxuriance, that
even Solomou "could not compete with in all
his glory look -at the cold round moon traver
sing the etherial heavens, to give us its reflect.
ed light look at all these things and must we
not at once see that we have been well cared
for by the great architect.
But, alas! how are we humiliated, when in
the same breath we are obliged to acknowl
edge that, all man's unworthy passions, all his
hypocrisy, all his short comings, and all his
crimes, are the ouly blots on the escutcheon of
the fairest, and most beautiful of all the sphe
riods in space. ,
In a Hurry.
Every-body now-a-days is in a hurry. The
watchword everywhere is "hurry "up." Like
the Spartan boy whose sword was too short to
reach the foe, we take an eager step forward
with everv luDge we make in the great Battle
of life. "
'jllurry up." The milk man stanjliug among
his canes like patience on a monument, rub
bing his hands the while to keep them warm,
sings the single strain "hurry up." The
collector waiting at the door, with a fist full of
bills, begs you in softest tones to "hurry up."
Mrs. Gad dressing for an evening party, and
trembling with the thought of captivating the
foreign count, has no other ejaculation for the
tardy maid than "hurry up." If a girl is to
be kissed, or a pig to be shaved, it is "hurry
up" "time is precious, can't wait' ""
The preacher in his desk, the orator in the
forum, the conductor on the railroad, rclormer
in the market-place, are all crying "hurry up."
If en are born in a hurry, are buried in a hur
ry, and forgotten in a deuce of a hurry.
But after all, "hurry up" is not such a bad
motto. There is neecuthat the old togyism 01
our age should "hurry up." Young America
is pressing hard upon the heels of the lug-
gards, and will cut them down one and all, un
less they "hurry up."
"Hurry up." It is an injunction that we
all might hear with advantage in many rela
tions of life. In our search after truth and
righteousness; in our efforts to promote" the
right and obliterate the wrong; in our abnega
tion of vice and error we might all "hurry up"
without any diminution of our renown or self-
respect. We live but a little while at best,'wear
but a few crowns and gathar but a few tro
phies; and if we cannot, as did Cleopatra, dis
solve the pearls in our drinking cups, or like
Alexander, stand up among men a demi-god,
we can at least while we do linger here in our
sphere "hurry up," in the discharge of our
duties and responsibilities, so that when time
shall trample down the summer rushes that
bind us here, and our feet take hold on the
. . . , A ,
upper strands, we may near mat welcome,
"come up higher." Newark Mercury.
DDr. Johnson once dined with a Scottish
lady who had a hotch for dinner. After the
doctor had tasted it, she asked him if it was
'It is good for hogs, ma'am,' said the doc
'Then pray,' said the lady, let me help you
to a little moro.'
K7"An Englishman travelling in Kilkenny,
came to a ford and hired a boat to take him
across. The water being more agitated than
was agreeable to him, he asked the boatman if
any person ever was lost in the passage.
'Never, replied Pat, 'my brother was drown
ed here last week, but we found him again the
next day.' 1
K7""We cannot help thinking how much
easier an editor's life might be made if his gen
erous patrons could only hear his 'better half
scraping the bottom of the flour barrel! A
man that can write editorials with such ma.
sicsounding in his ears, can easily walk the
telegraph wires and turn somersets in the
branches of a thombush."
Moral Suasion on a Sam.
When a friend of ours, whom we call Agri
cola, was a boy, be lived on a farm in Berk
shire county, the owner of which was troubled
by his dog Wolf. The cur killed his sheep,
knowing perhaps, that his master was consci
entiously opposed to capital punishment, and
he'could devise no means to prevent it.
"I can break him of it,'? said Agricola, "if
you will give me leave."
"Thou art permitted." said the honest far
mer; and we will let Agricola telHhe story in
his own words.
"There was a ram on the farm," said Agri
cola, "as notorious for butting as Wolf was
for sheep killing, and who stood in as much
need of moral suasion as the dog. I shut Wolf
up in tho barn with this old fellow, and the
consequence was, that the dog never looked a
sheep in the face again. The ram broke every
bone in his body, literally. Wonderfully up
lifted was the ram aforesaid, ' by his exploit;
his insolence hecame intolerable ; he was sure
to pitch into whomsoever went nigh him. 'I'll
fix him,' said I; and so I did. I rigged air iron
crow-bar out of a hole in the barn; point fore
most, and hung an old hat on the end of it.
You can't always tell, when you see a hat,
whether there is a head in it or not; how then
should a ram? The ram made at it full butt,
and being a good marksman from long prac
tice, the bar broke in between his horns, and
r.mie out under his tail. This little adnioni
tion effectually cured him of butting."
The Mistakes of the Telegraph.
A few days since, a gentleman telegraphed
to one of the western cities, to gain intelligence
of his daughter, who was ill. In return he re-
ceivca a laconic repiy iroiu er pujuunu,
r 1 . I, I A n Wl
which purported that he was a grandfather.
'Heavens!" he exclaimed, throwing down the
missive as if it had been a hot cinder. "My
r1.inirhr.pr a child!" And striding to Ins clo
set, he grabbed his hat and coat and struck
bee-line for the cars, muttering, A pretty
niiisa itulci-fl rhild rnvdausrhter In sucli.a
nredicament. and unmarried, too! Oh, such a
disgrace!" " In a few hours he was at the sick
c ,
room of his daughter. The physician was sur
prised to see him so soon, but politely told
him "that the girl was getting along finely."
"So it is a eirl. hev." easoed the father. "Of
course," said the doctor, "don't you call your
daughter a girl?" "Ah hum yes but, th-
the child!" "Child!" wondered the doctor,
"what child!" "Why, sir, did you. not send
that dispatch?" pettishly inquired our friend,
as he handed the doctor the dispatch he had
hastily picked up from the floor before he left
home. The doctor read it, and a broad smile
was visible ution hia features. "I sent you a
dispatch, but heaven knows, it contained no
such news as this. The one I sent you intima
ted that your daughter was just through having
a chill." It is added that tho relieved papa
offered to treat, if the doctor would say noth
ing about it.
The Boy and the Brick. A Fable.
A hov hearinsr his father say that it was a
poor rule that did not work both ways, said:
iff:iMir smnlies this rule about his work, I
will test in my play."
So s.dtinrr nn a row of bricks, three or four I
inches apart, he tippod over the first, which,
striking the second, caused it to fall on the
third, which overturned the fourth, and so on
fliwtnnrh thP wholft course. Ulltll all rTie WICKS
lay prostrate.
"Well," said the boy "each brick knocked
ed down his neighbor which stood next to him
T oilv tinned one. I will see if raising ono
will raise all the rest."
w - A 1 -
He looked in vain to see them rise.
"Hero father," said the boy ''tis a poor rule
that won't work both ways. They knock eacn
otner uown, out win uvi uiw uui.u .
"My son,"said tho father, "bricks and man
kind are alike made of clay, active in knocking
each other down, but not disposed to help each
other up."
Father. said the bov, 'does the first. brick
represent or resemble the first Adam?'
y -
The father replied m the following
((men men fall, thev love company: but
when they rise they love to stand alone, like
vnnrft'r hricfr. nnd see others prOstratc and
below them." But, my sou, this is contra
ry to that Heavenly charity which we ought
all to possess, and never let it be so with you.'
'Ah, mon dieu! mon dieu! said' Monsieur
Melemots to his friend Jsnimns, -my sweet
heart have give me de mitten.'
'Indeed? how did that happen?'
'Yell. I tought I must'go to.' make her von
visset, before I leave town; so I step in de side
ofde room, and dere I behold her beautifool
pairson stretch out on yon lazy.'
A lounge you mean'
'Ah, yes on von lounge. - And den I say
I vas ver sure she would be rotten, if I did not
come to see her before I.'
'You" paid what!'
'I said she would be roilenL '
tThnt f nouirh. Tou Aflc Dut votir foot in
- 9 .
it. to be sure.' . 1
No sare. I put my foot out of it,for she say
she would call her sacre big brudder, and keek
me out, begar! I had intention to say mortified
but I could not tink ofde vird, and mortify and
rot is all same as von, in my dictionaire.'
CEP"A darkey, having been to California,
thus speaks of his introduction-to San Francis
co: y
'As soon as day landed in de Tiber, dar
moufs watered to be on de land, and as soon as
dey waded to de shore, dey didn't find no
gold, but dey found such a large' supply of
nuffin to eat, dat dar gums cracked like baked
clay in a brick-yard.' -..
K7"A temperance paper, extending Its views
in the region of tobacbo exclaims: "What a
splendid figure the apostle Paul would have
made, had he gone about to proclaim the sub
lime truths of Christianity with a quid of to
bacco and a long nine in his mouth!"
Beautifully Said.
We make the following beautiful extract on
the Homestead Law, from a letter recently
written by Judge Dhxahcxtt, of Tennessee
"Secure to each family whose labor may ac
quire it, a little spot of free earth that it can call
its own that will be an asylum in times of ad
versitv. from which the mother and the chil-
dern, old age and infancy, can stil! draw sus
tenance claim protection, through misfortune
mav rob them of all else, and then feel that
they are still free, still entitled to walk on the
green earth, arid breathe the freaair of heaven,
indefience of the nowerand potency of accu
mulated wealth and the domineering of the
nretendinsr and ambitious. The sacredness of
that consecrated spot will make them warriors
in the time of eternal strife. "Those shocks
of corn," said Xenophon, "inspire those who
rafse them with courage to defend them. The
largest of them in the middle of the field to
crown the conqueror."
"Secure a home to every J?uily whose hon
est labor may obtain" one, against the weakness,
vice and misfortunes of the fat her, and you
will rivet the affections of the child in years
of manhood by a stronger bond than any con
sideration that could exist. Hewill remem
ber where he gamboled in his youth, tho stream
in whose limpid waters he has bathed, and the
family alter where he felt a mother's love, and
the green spot within that little homestead
where sleep the loved and the lost ."
Getting on too Fast. A pious slave had a
W icked master. Thi3 master had much confi
dence, however, in the slave's piety. He be
lieved he was a christian. Sometimes the
inasteMvould be serious and thoughtful about
religion. One day he come to the old slavo
with the New Testament in his hand, and
asked if he would explain a passage to him.
The slave was willing to try and asked what it
was. . -
It is here in Romans,' said the master.
'Have you done all it tells you to do in Mar-
thew, Mark. Lnke, and John ?' inquired th
slave seriously, fixing his eyes upon his mas
ter's. . -
'No, I haven't,' said he
'Then you're getting on too fast, master.
Go back to the beginning of the book. Do
all it tells you, till you get to Romans, and
vou will understand it easy enough then, for
the good book says, 'If any man will do my
will, ho will know the doctrine.' "
If any of our readers ever hear any body ar
guing about a hard text in Romans, or some
where else, and worrying to know what it
means, just tell him the story about 'getting
on too fast.'
E00XS. -
There are many books that require no tho't
from those who read them, and for a very sim
ple reason they made no such demand upon
those who wrote them. Those works, there
fore, arc the most valuable, that set our think
ing faculties in the fullest operation. For as
the solar light calls forth all the latent powers
and chrment principles of vegetation contain
ed in the kernel, but which, without such a
stimulus,-would neither have struck nor borne
fruit upward, so it is with the light that is in
tellectual; it calls forth and awakens into en
ergy those latent principles of thought in the
mind of others, which, without this stimulus,
reflection would not have matured, nor exam
ination improved, nor action embodied. Col-
.3 Great Chimney "I had the peskiest chini-
bly in this 'ere kitchen a year ago that you
ever seed. Tlie fact was that it drord the
u-rong way. Ef you'll bleve me on my solium
oath, there hadn't a flock of wild geese flied
within a mile of our hquse fur ten years but
what was sucked down that 'ere chinibly. But
about a year ago, a new mason moved inter the
village below, an' I hired him ter olter the
chimblyover. An' he did it--au' . now you
may hook ono end of an ox cRain in the mid
dle of the kitchin floor, and the draft is so
good that the chain'll stan' quiveren' up the
chimbly. That's a fact."
7"God intended all women to be beautiful,
just as much as he did morning glories and
roses, and what he intended they should be
come they would, if'they would obey his laws,
and cut indulgence and cor-set strings, and
indulge in freedom and fresh air. For a girl to
expect to be handsome with the actions of her
lungs depending upon the expansive nature of
a cent's worth of tape, is as absurd as to look
for tulips in a snow-bank or a full grown oak
tree in a flower pot. -
D-The distance of a thunder shower and
its consequent danger can easily be estimated.
As light travels at the rate of H'2,000 miles in
a second of time, its effects may be considered
as instantaneous within any moderate distance.
Sound is transmitted at the rate 1,142 feet in
a s econd. By observing, therefore, the -time
which intervenes between the flash of lightning
the thunder which accompanies it, a very 1
, , .. , . ,- . I
calculation may be made of its distance.
near calculation may
A Secret Worth Knowing. Boil three or
four onions with a pint of water ; then, with a
gilding briish, go over your glasses and frames
and rest assured that the flies will not light on
t he article washed.' This may be used without
apprehension, and it will not do the least injiu
ry to the frames. . - ,
"'Billy, my boy, what are breeches
trust?' said a father to his smartest boy.
- '"What a funny question, pa!'
'Can't you answer it, Billy?! :
'Yes pa, but I don't like to.' ,
'What a silly boy; come out with it.'
'Well, pa, your Sunday trowsers are breech
es of trust, 'cos you got 'em on tick.'
(Exit pa, whistling.) ''.
Good Bread. Speaking of the various al
leged improvements in making bread, using
doctor-stuff, &c., a practical man says, "Noth
ing mora is requisite to produce good, whole
some, light bread, than flour made from well
dried, new wheat, pure water, and a little
sweet leven."
PURVIANCE'S Stock is now complete,
From little cases, very neat,
lp to those of Urge dimensions,
Suitable for high pretentions.
Come on, Ladies! come on, Gents!
Come on, every man of sense !
And get impressions of your faces,
To show yourTriends your many graced.
The dress is better to bo dark;
But brown or red is just the mark.
For these the contrast plainly shows
Between the person and the Clothes.
It's well enough the San should shine,
As this will serve to shorten time.
But if it don't, and clouds be rife,
He'll take your picture to the life.
Those little Sinners, y'clept babes,
Should never come 'midst clouds and shades,
But when the monarch of the skies,
His shining robe3 puts on, arise
And bring your little on-es to me
And brightest pictures you shall see.
Another theme the muse suggosto,
To put all gloomy doubts to rest,
Sucn honest men as scruples feel.
Lest wicked craft fresh from tho deel
Should be invoked in place of art,
And made to act a wily part,
Arc told with conscience clear of evil
lVe have uo dcaliiurs tenth the devil.
Gallery, 2nd St., 2nd door north
of Powell & Cos Store.
June 13, 1354. tf.
Great Excitement. Startling: Announcement,
THAT the largest, cheapest, and best assortment
'of Goods ever brought into Clearfield county,
have just arrived, and are offered for sale, at the
New Store of the subscribers, near tho Journal
Office, Clearfield, Pa. Never before has a more
brilliant, and at the same time a cneaper ioi or
Goods been offered to thia community. They have
all been selected with a view to the wants and ne
cessities of the people of this" particular locality,
after long experience, and intimate acquaintance
with their business connections.
T)rv Goods of everr variety. Dress Goods, Cloths,
Cassimeres, and Clothing; Boots and Shoes, Hats
and Caps, Bonnets nnd Shawls, together with a
large and splendid assortment of Quecnsware,
Hardware and Groceries.
Defying all competition, they solicit thoir friends
and the public to give tnem a can ami examiue
their stock. JlUfcUl wri JUib t ,
Juno 12, 1854. ly.
KETAIL. Isaac Johnston would respectfully in
form his friends and the public generally that he
has just returned from tho .bast, wnere ao naspur-
chased the most splendid assort nient of Boots t
Shoes ever brought to Clearfield. Every variety
of Ladies slippers- gaiters, pumps. Ao. Ac. Mens
fancy shoes, and saiters, with an excellent assort
ment of heavy stock, all adapted to the wants of
the people of Clearfield.
He hopes his mends will cive bim a call at nis
store in '-Shaw's Row" and examine his stock.
June 13, 1354. -
opened a new ana splendid assortment of
coods; at their Store in Grabamtom consisting of
Ladies-Dress Goods, Cloths, Uassiuieres. Hardware
Quecnsware, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Oils, Paints,
and every other article usually kept in a country
Store, where they offer for sale as cheap, if not
cheaper than any other Store in tho County. AH
kinds of produce and lumber taken in exenange
for Good.
All of Ir. Javne's family medicines for sale.
Grahamton, June 14, '54.
Sign and Ornamental Painters. Glariers,
Chair makers, and Paper Hangers, offer their ser
vices to tho citizens of Clearfield and vicinity.
shop next door to the Jew's Store.
Ihey kocp constantly on hand, and make to or
der every variety of Chairs, Lounges, Sofas, Ac., Ac.
Chairs, and Sofas made equal in beauty to any that
can be obtained from tho City, and moro durable
in woikmanehip and material.
June 14, '54. ly. ROBERT ROWE.
rpUE GOOD INTENT HOTEL, and Stage Office,
JL Curwensville, Pa. The Subscriber would in
form his friends and the public that he has just re
fitted &nd re-furnished his house and is prepared
to render every attention to tho travelling commu
nity. '
His bar contains liquor3 of the first quality, and
bis table will always be supplied with the best in
He respectfully solicits his friends and others to
give him a call. WM. R. FLEMMING.
Juno 14. c.4.
A. M. HILLS, D. D. S. Office adjoin
ing his Store, Clearfield, Pa. Artifi
cial Teeth, from ono to a full set, moun
ted in the most approved modern? style.
r illinir, tiling, and Cleaning done with care
and neatness.
Teeth extracted with all the care and dispatch
modern science can furnish.
DU. HILLS, can always bo found-at hi3 office.
as he is now devoting his whole attention to his
profession. Juno 14, '54.-
Sixth St. Philadelphia The subscriber has
recently enlarged and fitted up his house, and is
now enabled to compete successfully, with any es
tablishment in the City. His rooms aro comfort
able and well ventilated, and his table furnished
with tho best in the market. He respectfully soli
cits the large circle of bis Clearfield friends jo give
him a cat! when they visit the city.
June 13, 1S54. ly.
JOHN R. MORROW, Cabinet Maker, Shop oppo
site M. E. Church, Clearfield, Pa. keeps con
stantly ou hand and makes to order, all ksnds of
Furniture, such as Tea Tables. Card Tables, Cen
tre fables, Sofas, Spring Seated Chairs, Rodsteds,
Bureaus, Wash Stands, Cupboards, Safes, Ac. Ac.
Coffins made on tho shorsest notice, and I uner-
alAttended. JOHN R. MORROW.
Juno 13, 1854. ly.
has removed his office to the room adjoining in
tho East, the Drug Store of Dr. H. Lorain, and will
dovote his- whole attention to tho practice of his
profession. He may bo consultod in French and
trerman. (Juno 13, '54.-ly.'
ES DUNDY Attorney-at-Law. Clearfield, Pa.
will attend faithfully to all professional bu
siness entrusted to his care. June 13, '54.-1 y.
JB. MoENALLY Attorney at Law. Office
nearly opposite Judeo Wrieht's Store. Clear-
Held, Fa.,.
-practices in Clearfield and adjoining
June 13, '54 -ly.
HEAP CLOTHING. A largo lot of Cheap Clo-
thing, Men's and Boys, for sale cheap, by
Juno iS mosrop a pott 4R fcr
Juno 13, '54. M0SS0P & P0TTARFF,
T.irrp'"V,-iv To vnv 4
X the -uyscntary, for sal by
Juno 13, '54. MOSSOP A rOTTARFF.
GOODS AT CITY PRICES. If you want to get
all kinds of Goods at city prices call at
June 14, '54. . MOSSOP-A POTTARFF'S.
Barrels "White Sugar, for sale at
Juno 14, '54. - .
1 fin Sacks Salt,
JLUU Store of
June 14, '14.
just received at the Cheap
L JACKSON CRANS Attorney at Law. Of-
fico adjoining residence, Clearfield, Pa.
- - - May 26. '54-ly.
JAMES B. GRAHAM Merchant and extensive
dealers in lumber. Grahampton, P. O., Clear
field county, Pa. May 25, '54-ly.
TO SHOEMAKERS. A fine lot of Spanish Kips,
Men and Women's Morocco pink trimmings,
and Sole" Leather, for sale cheap, by
Juno 13, '54. MOSSOP A POTTARFF.
BEREGE DELAINES. A superior artiole of
Berege Delaines in drees patterns, at 25 cents
per yard, never sold in this county before for less
than 50 ceats, at MOSWP A POTTARFF'S.
Juue 13. 'M
Red Banner floats in triumph on the "Old Cor.
tier Store,"-where A. M. Hills has just opened the
cheapest and most splendid assortment of Good,
ever displayed before this community, and exactly
adapted to their many and various necessiti.
Every variety of Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boou,
Shoes, Cloths, Cassimeres, and all other kinds of
dry-goods, that are unapproachable by any other
similar articles, either ia beauty of style, quality,
or price. -
Also an cxoellent assortment of Groceries, ITard.
ware, Stone and Queensware, with faaey articles
ad infinitum.
lie defies competition, and invites all persons to
give him a call at the "Old Cormer which hat tru
ly become the 'Bazarr' of Clearfield.
Every attention will be shown to customers and
visitors, and no pains will be spared to send all
smiling away, loaded with his beautiful and valua
ble goods, never surpassed in Clearfield.
Clearfield, June 15, J854-ly.
subscriber has just received a large and well
selected stock of GOODS of almost every d esc rip
tion suitable to the season, which he is selling off
at extremely low prices, ne respectfully -invitee
the attention of all who wish to buy good Goods at
the lowest prices, to call at the sign of the "Cheap
est Goods.''
Country produce of almost everv di.vrtntfnn to-
ken at market prices in exchange "for goods.
Persons' wishing to purchase, and receive a fair
equivalent for thair money, will do well to giv
him a call.
Remember the sign of the CIIEAPEST GOYJD$,
on Market street, and call and be convinced that
there is truth in the words thereto inscribed.
. June 13, 1754, YTM. F. IRAYIX:
1 1 inform the public that they have iust onent
a new and splendid assortment of Goods of every
variety, at the old stand of II. D. Pattos at Cnr
wensville.. At their store may be fount almost
everything adapted to the vnt, ..
the pcoplo of this region. Dress-goods, Lawns.
luaccs, uiovos, Cloths, Cassimeres, Clothing, Hats,
t.aps, Boots, Shoes, 4o., Ao., of the best quality and
mt )L 1. ...... - - -
mo ivn vofc pi ices.
Also a splendid assortment of Hardware, Queen
warc and Groceries.
They invite all persons to give tham a call, ful
ly assured they will bo able to render entire satis
faction. H. D. PATTON,
Cnrwensville, Jtfhe 15, 1854-ly.
MANSION HOUSE. The subscriber having ta
ken this old established stand, and entirely
refitted and refurnished it in such a manner as to
vie with any house in tho county, respectfully so
licits a liberal share of public patronage. Every
attention will be shown to persons stopping at the
Mansion House,' and no pains will be spared to
make them "feel at home."
Tho bar is well furnished with the best liquors
and segars, and the table will at all times be sup
plied with the best in the market.
lie would respectfully invite the public to gi4
h im a call . JOHN LIVING STOK.
Clearfield, June 15, 1S54.
EMPIIILL'S HOTEL. The subscriber would
inform his friends and the publio generally,
that ho still remains at the old stand, where he 1
at. all times ready and willing to "entertain stran
gers ami travellers." His bar stocked with the
best liquors, and his table will always be supplied
with the luxuries of the market,. .
Thankful for past favors, he solicits a further
share of publio patronage.
Clearfield, June 15, 1854-ly.
RR. WELCH; Silversmith
and Jeweler, next door to
the Post Office. Clearfiold, Pa.
Watches cleaned and repaired
and good watches warranted for the space of one
year. Jewelry, Accordeans and other musical in
strum ents repaired on the shortest notice, and most
reasonable terms. June 15. , 1354. ly.J
FOR fv
would inform his friends and the public
generally, that he keeps for hiro horses4
buggies, carringes.Ac, on the most reasonable
terms, at his Livery Stable in Cnrwensville.
Inquire at the Stage Office' llemmine's Hotel.
June 15th. 1854.
A. FRANK. Fashionable Tailor,
"Shaw's Row." below the Mansion
House, will be happy to render his services
to all those wishing clothes made in tho la
test stylo, and most durable manner.
Clearfield, June lj.
LR. CARTER Dealer in stoves, bar-iron,
e nails, and castings of all kinds. Also plow,
and other agricultural utensils. On Second Street,
under the Republican Office. Sune 15, '54-ly.
HARRIS. HALE A CO Wholesale Drcgcists,
No. 259, Market Street, North side between
sixth and seventh. Philadelphia. Drugs, Medi
cines. Chemicals, Patent Medicines, surgical in
struments. Druggist's Glassware, Window Glaas,
Paints, Oils, Dves, fcrlumery, dro., sjs.
t si . .....nr.-, r
June 15, 1754-ly.
GIIARLES WINGATE, Dealer in Bonnets.
Shoes, Boots, and Palm Leaf naU, No. 18,
North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Second Store
below Commerce btreet. June 15, 1854-1 y.
turers and Importers of Saddlery, and Sad
dlery Hardware. No. 23 Market Street. Bhiladel
phia. Saddles, Bridles. Harness. Trunks. Whips,
Saddle Bags, Bridle Filling, Bits, Stirrups, Buckles,
Carpet Bags, ect. (June 15, '54-ly.
cers. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchant
No. 273, Market Street, Philadelphia.
. June 15, 1854-ly. "
HOOD A CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers, No
187, Market St., Philadelphia, keep constant
ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap stock of
the most fashionable and elegant goods. They in
vite country Merchants to call and examine their
splondid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere.
June 15, 1854-ly. - .
CALEB COPE A CO, No. 1S3, Market St., Phila
delphia, Dealors in Linens, White Goods, flo
siory. French, English and German Silk floods, La
ces, Gloves, Bolting Cloths, Ao. June 15, 54-ly.
AT LANE 4 CO. Wholesale Clothing Store,
e No. 171, Market Street. Every variety of
ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable styles,
constantly on hand. Jane 15, 641y.
TSaaC IV ASFITON. Hat Store, No. 172
A Market St., Philadelphia. Hals, Caps, Furs,
Ao., of every variety, and the best quality always,
on hand. June 15, 185t-ly.
CONRAD A WALTON. Hardware Store, So.
255 Market Street, Philadelphia. Hardwaro.
Iron, Nails, Ae., of every description.
Juno 15, 1851-1 y.
EORGE J. WEAVER A CO., No. 19 North Wa
ter Street, Philadelphia, Dealers in Carpet
chain, Yarn, Manilla and Hemp Ropes, Bed-oords,
Clothes-linos, Ac., Ao. Juae 15, 1854-ly.
ROOK. TYSON A REHN Wholesale Drv
Good's Store, No. 145, Markot Street, Philade'l
phio. June 15,-lS54-ly.
CLARK & IIESSER. No. 18 South 4th Street
Philadelphia, extensive dealers ia Books and
Stationary. June 15, 1854-ly.
DRY BEEF," of the. best quality iust received
and for sale at Ws.. F. Iaww'a Cheap Store,
June 14, '54.
CJTONE WARE, of overy variety, cheap fof ; ab.
at the Store of w IF y.t
100 BaTTels TUh' for sal
Jupe 14, M