Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 05, 1854, Image 3

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", THE; JOURNAL, :r-
, - tv BUSINESS ITEMS. - -
, --. . .- t . ' - . ' '- -i "
JX7 Gen. 'A- MHu-Lsirts left for lite OH,
t o purchase a pcy supply? of goods Vhich lie
will open foe sale on hU ruvn, at the "sign.'uf
the '-'.red. flag." - , ; ;.- - "l ;
X?- We call the attention of those '.desiring
to purchase valuable real estate,- to -the adver
ts Aient of a .Sheriff's Sale, in another col
u:au, -. One of .th& best business stands in Cur
weiisville will be sold. ; ' ; ' ". ! : '."i" '
The late firm of Patchis & Swax have
dissolved partnership," arid call pereintorily np
ju TTlrsoiis indebted to tlienif to call and
jttle up. The books are iu the hands of S.
C. Patchix.' "We also invite the attention . of
our .readers to : the. advertisement' of S. C.
PATcni5,whohas just received a splendid stock
of Xew Goods which he willl sell cheap. "Give
hiiu'call. - '- . . "
TT7"0ur friend ,T6m. Shea, has opened his
splendid assortment of cloths, cassiiners, and
other dress goods. . They are all,' and ruore
i'l in Tom said about them before their arrival
-and that not a little. As he is renow ned !
forgiving his 'customers' "fits,"'. have no
dt tibt his store will be filled, to overflowing,
with anxious afcplLcints. for f-isaionahle coats,
i u-kets,4thd :trouserlooiLS. . ; '
t3-"It not unfrcqueutly happens that oar citi
zens hare conveyancing, and land business in
Philadelphia. If so, we would recommend them
to call on 0'.TV.CotAD.ri' 'Conveyancer, and Land
Agent, 2, Goldsmith Hall. . .;.
ZT those desiring to purchase the most excel
lent city Tarniture, at the lowest prices, will do well
to call at the splendid Ware Rooms of IT. C. Schse
ti.v, JTT 'orth Second St.; Philadelphia.: i
Jp'Prince Paul, of Wertumburg. is now in this
oonntry selecting botanical and ornithological .epc
ciaiens. but we doubt u Le Lad met, in all his tra-
vol?, with ni.fi-c beautiful, excellent and cheap spc-1
lisiier.s of furniture, than are to be seen at the i
Wan P.oonis of Daxikl Bexxek" ia this borough.
1 ':i!l ui d take a look.,; . . -, . ., -.
r?Althongh the price of leather and shoe3 has
rison alarmingly, within a: few -months, yet
country dealers will he agreeably surprised to di?-
(o-r how low they can purchase every variety of
IIkspry C'-H.ta t Co., Xor.VTest Corner of 2d and
Arch. Phila. ' '
- t
'""It is said that some of our Clearfield Mer
chants f.rc selling Grdccrivs, lower than they can
:.e purchased in the cities. They will find it very
!iSi itu.lt. however, to sell as low as Fn axklix, Pi.att
i Co. at 43, "Nor. Water St. Philadelphia. They
have constantly on haml a splendid stock of. tiro
ct i icsl Yirv-ntrpai-icd in quality and price, by any
i. 'her etock in niarkct.
;'tAll lovrrs of the beautiful, as well as those
dcairhvs to purchase. China or Glass-ware of any
i---iiption.shouI 1 call at Bor i & Strocd's, ?plen
ol I tiiiccn warctoj-e,'o. 25, JXor. Fourth St. I'liib
a Idphia. . !
y?pVe' nre not Fuaicic-ntly acquainted with li
iuors. nor da we desire to be. to speak of their good
or l-.i l qualities i buta AVKiLi.En, Kline & Elms,
cij.y the reputation of ktt'iang the largest and
b'--t liquor store in rhilai.lclphia. Xo. li3, North
Thrrd St. 'lhosc desiring a goo.1 article for medi
i:!af," cnlin-ny, or sacramcntp.l purposes, will do
" c-It to try them., r :
'"v'It if frequently difficult -to obtain Account
Howl's such o.s we desire, and for Justices o obtain
J)-.SiH to suit theui. They are made to order at
liic AVholesale Btw.k and Paper Store of J. IIor.1.o'
in:T: No.. 23. North 1 ront St,,' Philadelphia.
nrur Phurismitl, Merchant', and others, dc
r ; . :i;g to porch ae Pigs: Bar, and otltcT-Irons.- or
whUing "to obtaiu AVater Pipes, can do so
at Cnvs. R. Campbell '& Co's. No."100,N"orth Water
.r. and 5 1 North Wharves, Philadelphia. -
I"? 'The Tin peror Nicholas is sail to have er
presccd considerable' spprchensions of an attack
on St. Petersburg, by the allies, and Movers Uluas
fccli that the crowds continually -rushing to his
New ' and Cheap Clothing Store, will take 'it by
storm. His goods are t the -cheapest in ' the
c unty -tt least he says so. Go and try them.
is'-an old niaxim that "Competition is the
life of trade." ' 'If so, , Mradel'in Clearfleld has
coiiriderable itiility! just -; now,' and It. Shaw A
S'n have just received, the most cscellent and ele
gant Stock of Good, brought into the county,
v, hk-h they sell cheap for Cash, at their New Store
in the West end of the Mansion House. 1 :
15 The -rTO?peets of Clearfield were 'never
brighter than at present. In view of ih growing
prMperity of our borough, no opportunity to secure
property should be perm ittcd to escape, and it will
be sten, by reference it) another column that Mr.
W?j. RcEiivhas three lots for sale. , " -
LOur friend Gt.orce W. Ona. whose health is
f.iiling. and who fenrs he will be compelled to re
lir.qiiLsh entfrely bis preeect business of Bbujk
str.i'hirig. calls upon those indebted to him to-come
f.rwnrd.Ppd settle tip : ' '.' .
'i-A-shew firms arc the -order of- the lay,. it
will be teen Ua,t Obu & .Kli.n6ek have entered in
to co-partnership in the Blacksmitbing business.
They are good mechanics, and clever follows.- For
every pound of iron, may they gej,in ,two. pound
fo iho white and yellow boys.'1 T : . ' :--' ''-
Fatal Acciueat to ivs I.na extor. An inven
tor, who considered himself on .the point of
final si:crcss,-has-just' fallen a victim toy. his
own machiheln France... This was a steam -vo
hide running upon the ordi nary post roadiof
France.. M. Leror was travelling in it towards
the Bnglf.ik Cluinnel,wbere be was to ship it to
London for exhibition. decending the
hill, the fngiiio struck an obstacle, tipped over,
and poured the contents of the boiler on U M.
Leroy, who v.'as too badly; scalded to hope for
recovery.- lie liad Fpent ten years, and all his
monty in perfecting his invention. The en
gine was of eight-horse power, and was paten
ted in Prance. Tnelnventor had received flat
tering H'srinion'ia.Is frOTu various crowned heado
of Ilurope.'-" ' f
A vor.fFB Corirr. A 'brlght'tclescopic comet was
observed in the' north ; WAit on Saturday ereuin-r
2lth. at liino o'clock, by Mr. U- A'aS Ausbale.- of
Newark.- : It ha bright nucleus, surrounded by
vbalosit, and a tail .about a degree in length.
in the eonstHation Bvnr. and 13 moving rau
j .Us.
V)"j.- hive tajie-n. every, occasion so deprecate
the funiuitiou- of Iri-h, German, or other i'or-
eign military companies anioiig': us.- ' In the
last number of the Citizen the aper. edited by
by Joiix MiT';iiET.i,the Irish 'refugee from Van
Limian Land, ivho t;o'longi tti'i-r a Southern
plantation witli'pknty of guod Tat slaves, we
hud the following call; : " ..-..' ..
AvEXGtuts, A rriiNTtftN I '. The - Avenger's Guard
will meet for drill on Tuesday and Friday even
ings, each week, tit S- o'clock.. . All Irishmen anxi
ous to put into practice, cur motto, Vengeance,"
are invited to join at once.. ; ; Captain.
Now, we do not for , one moment believe that
these Avengers are Raising their warvvhoop of
Yengeaue-e among- u, except as directed
agaiissf the British 'government ; buf wherein
is the difference" between arhinig against Eng
land or again! Cuba. The 'President issues
his proclamation against the latter, but all our
authorities jutelly7l;rmit the former to go on,
and the companies are furnished with muskets
from the armories of the various States in
which they are organised. Tsthis right 1 The
questions and replies of the New York Mirror
touching this subject, are to the xo"uit, and ex
press our sentiments exactly. It "asks "for
what purpose arc thr.se nin banded together ?
Why no they meet and drill, and 'parade the
streets," llauuting their foreign banners hi Hie
face Of -our .-.tripes and -stars ?" ; They come
here for bread and work, and a home for their:
children manv of "them to be' supported by
hthe private charity and public alms of our cit-
: ''T-.' : .. ' 1.,. .1 .J' .t.ii-T-.it tnn OTirl
oppression for the land of freedom and plenty.
IaC11. J.11 ..! iv l uji ua ituiu pi.ii iiuu'n wu'
are tluy not. willing to leava tlieir impotent
Saints and their lranidcd ensigns belunu tliemf
Let them leave their helpless Saint Patricks
and down-tro WetV sham rocks in the barren
bogs of their priosf-sconrg-Jd country, arl in
this free land of their addoptkm embrace the
American flag the luoniout they touch Ameri
can soil. . If the Iribh, -or any other people,
choose to form Icncvcleut associations for tlui
relief and succor of their fellow countrymen,
there is no cause of complaint - against such
organizations ; but' rather of approbation.
And to keej warm the. home feeling, to vivify
the r'eraeml4ice.of the tuisery from, which
they have .lied, let them wear, as mokuicholiy
mementoes, the inottoos and the badges of
their wretched nat i ve land. But when it comes
to milUnry associations to the'arming of bod
ies of foreiun boni men, for the purpose of
fiahtimr acHtust the citi.cas and' the institu-f-
tions of the land of their adoption, we thinlrit
,. ti:m for
the State to interfere. In a
country of equal-rights and equal laws,' the
lives, the. property, alid the religions of all
classes are alike respected and protected
There is not an American citizen, worthy of
the name, who would not arm himself to do
fend the rights, the churches, 'aud the persens
of iMiy portion yf the community, without. re
gard to sect' or origin. The strong-arm of. the
Kepublic will protect all classes of her citizens.
The stars and stripes float broadiy and proudly i
over all. n.e want no clannish banners, nor
foreign clnpies to disturb the unity of Ameri
can feeling -to clash with American arms.
The foreign element must either melt into and
amalgamate with the native element, or battle
lines will be drawn in all our future contests,
political, if not military. Sun.
'.'.'.. The Pacific Sailroad. : . r
We cherish.an ardent, and unwavering fi-.ith
-in the feaibility as well as importance of a
Direct Railroad to the Pacific a faith not on
ly that it will be built sometime,' and prove a
blessing to mankind, but that it ought to be
built forthwith,. and would "prove a profitable
investment from the start. In other words
we believe the property that would be created
by the construction of this road the- value
that would be given .by it to lands, mines, tim
ber, and other natural resources which in its
absence have little or no value, would more
than balance its cost; so that the' work itsalf
would he bo much clear gain. Awpwhile wc
would not like to see so vast a work undertaken
or managed by. any. GovenncTmient," we deci
dedly favor the granting of elective aid by our
Federal Government to any respoiitiblo and
canabie, associai ton whi-jn win undertake the
work. In our judgment the Gtvernmctit ought
to advance Thirti Millions in Oadi to any
Company thot would agree to connect the
Mississippi with the Pacific by railroad with
in five years, an 1 t spend One Million of its
own paid-up capital as preliiuir.ary toreqttir
ing a Million of the Government, and so on to
the t-nd. Tiien we think the Government
should reserve from sale all the Pacific Land.-J
within ten miles'of its route, have them' fairly
ajvpraisod and opened to entry by settlers niy
in quarter-sections or less, and give, or rather
pay the J'ailroad Company all the value which
it !uk1 conferred on these lands, counting their
original value nothing, and leaving all the lands
outside of this narrow belt subject to entry
-jn quarter-sections without" price. Then it
fchonld stipulate to pay the Koad' fairly, as.
other Railroads arc paid for 'first-class Mail
service, for conveying a daily mail each way
from the Mississippi to the Pacific. By such
profiers, we believe our solid capitalists could
'bo induced tr undertake the work, and that
men of moderate means would invest their
hundreds and thousands as stockhoMers;coitfi
dent of a fair return for their money. With en
ergy and liberality, the work may be pushed
through in a few years, and will 'contribute
more to to the growth and greatness of our
country, to. her industrial deveb pement en'.M
commercial asceudencj", than the acquisition
of the. whole Continent from Greenland to
Patagonia. A'. Y. Tribune.
I)ESTarcTiA-E Flood in Tio:;a Coi ntv. A de
structive flood ocenTred on Wednesday last in the
streams that pass through Well-Jjoro Very seri
ous duniagc h:i.s been done to gardens nrtd mead
ow lands . well as to the roads- and bridges in the
vicinity.- Several fine gardens have been almost
entirely destroyed. The ruin commenced falling
on Wednesday r.f'temonn. and continued to descend
in torrent.? tiH Thursday mcrning. when the creek
rose to an unprecedented height carrying away
fences', oversowing the edj.icent ground? and gar
dens and marking its course with general devas
tation. Several lots hnvo been go torn .up by the
water and overspread with stone and gravel as to
render them nearly worthless for till.ibio purposes;.
Several bridges were swept off and considerable
damage wnsdone to the i!ltik road. The property
known as the "marsh farm, !V Was almost wholly
submersed by the water, doing immense injurry to
the growing crop ; ' - .-
"? The ".Veto Powua The speech of Senator
Clayton Upon the vetoed ln.au' Bill was a
convincing argument lor. its constitutionality,
and showed conclusively to our mind that the'
Executive has no right to veto a hill. .because
he thinks it inexpedient.-- There is an analogy
between ;. lie Courts of law and the great Court
of Congress. President.) ami Judges mav de
cide the constitutionality and legality of an act
but Congress and juries" -alone possess the
right to pass on expediency attd evidence.
Sun. - -".'" . ,
v- ., .; ;-'.' :
" iroairfLr., rA man - named" Taylor,' Bear West
Chcftf.'r.Tn'liana. bss a son qn)y Jour yrirs t,who
is-a coiuuton AriniLy.-r-l i So .-ays one of our exchan
ges. hi t!ie ISth nit., hi father who had been li-.li.-'
ing. gnvo the child a bottle of whiskey to carryyhc-drsa-k
t'jb mu'Or.antl watukcn.very sick, then with
a twitching in one :u iii and side, which was soon fol-
(owed bv tie rleliriimi tremens that ia!cd for twelve
'hours'. It was a horrible Uiing to Bee tho little iel-
)r screaming at and jumping froia the snakes that
e though't hesa w, - - - i
"Cur GuoeruatariaV.Canlidate.
In all-our political experience wc have never
known a Whig Gubernatorial -nomination to.
give sufeh' general satisfaction to all parties as
that of Jatnes Pollock. - His private and ..pub
lic life has been so entirely; unexceptionable
J nat even his most bitter, political .opponents
can find nothing' to say against him their lips
are hermetically sealed; Indeed we challenge
them to point to a: single- act, vote or. speech
of Judge Pollock's which the X'eople cannot
heartily endorse. . From his first election to
Congress up to" the present time, his genius
has' adorned every station which he has been
called upon to till.; Asa representative in
Congress, although one of the youngest if hot
Ihc youngest "member," he won for himself a'
proud position among-the" highest intellects
and ablest debators in that body, by the zeal,'
ability and eloquence with which he advocated
and defended the interests of las native State.
Subsequently i when elected to the Bench , he
won additional laurels to those which already
encircled his: brow.- On all questions of pun-'
lie policy Mr. Pollock does not hesitate to
make an open, honest and candid avowal of his
sentiments, and he is generally found to le on
the right side of every question. In this "re
spect lie differs ."materially from Gov. Bigler,
who is timid, hesitating, and so exceedingly
non-committal as to render his position on all
questions doubtful.'' Mr. Tollock, instead. .of
being a mere tool in the hands of a few design
ing demagogues, -would .be governor himself
and by his maidy independence, firmness, find
decision of character, command the confidence
of his friends and the respect of his enemies.
In short he would make just such a Cheif Mag
istrate as the people of the old Keystone could
look up to and honor .-without compromising
their dignity as freemen; and from present in
dicatiens he "will be elected by an overwhel
ming majority." The honest masses are disgus
ted with Bigler's imbecility, and base subser
viency to - the South,' and long to see a full
grown man in the Gubernatoriar chair of the
old Keystone a man of sufficient intellectual
capacity to manage the affairs of State credita
bly and 'successfully, sud with firmness and
independence enough to carry out' what he
honestly believes to1 be right. Such a man is
James Pollock and lie will be the next Gover
nor of Pennsylvania. TWr-gr aph.
DC7"Levis Cass, jr., our charge at Home was
married on the 21fi of Mav to Miss Marv Lud-
lum, daughter of
richolas : Ludluru of Now-
York. " .
Official Directory of Clearfield Coonty.
Hox. James IjL'rxshm. - Belief onte.
llox. rticuAitn Shaw. - - . Clearfield. .
Hon. Joirx P. IIoyt. - - Lumber City. .
rttOTIIONATOllYcAe. -William
Pohteh. - .-"- - Clearfield. "
i Vv'iiLiA.M Powell. - - . - Clearfield.
R. F". Ward, ' ' Clearfield. .
IIem:v Stone,. Clearfield.
Robkut Mkiiaffy. - - - - Cower.
Samuki, Schukk. , - - Jeffries.
Philip I1i:vtm:i!. - - - - Pennficld.
Gkoiioi: 1!. GoiLANt)ER. - - Luthersbitrg.
John MePHjinsox, Clearfield.
L. Jackson Chans, Esq. -'- Clearfield. .
Taos. Ross. Esq. ... - Curwcnsville.
Geo. W. Sriiorr. - - - - - Jcffrie5.
C. Kuatzer. '-' - - - - C!e:rfi(d !.
J. Jf. Seylek. - - . - - - Luthersburg.-
Arrival ar.d Departure cf. the Ha:l3 at the
' . ' ' Clearfield Post-OflRce. ' -
: 'iyroxk Mail: leaves cv"ry iiay, tanaay ex
cepted, at 7 o'clock. A. M.
, Arrives at. 6 P. M.' '
K ARrnorsK: Leave? Clea rfi ltd .Prida v at S A. M;
Arrives. Saturday at G P. M.
Smith's 'Mills. Leaves Clearfield, Friday at
o A. jSl.
Gii.uiAii ,-on : Leaves Saturdoy at i) A. 31.
Arrives same day at 4 V. M. .
Tut nsPAv, Julv fi.
Floar. per bbl. -Rye
Flour, '
Corn M'eal,- " ,;
"Wheat, per hush.
Rye, "Sea fee at
C',rn. scarce "
Oats, scarce ."
, SS.Oj . to y.2.3
. . 5.50 " 5.70
'8.73 ' 4.0i)
':- : 1.05 ' 2.10
J. 12 - ,
FatnAv, July 7.
' ?12..ru
- 2.50
- .1.121
-f'-'i - '
Rye, ;
per bbl.
per bush.
'Luinher is selling at Port Deposit, at from 10 to
- Slow sales.
The most of it small bill stuff. Put little of anv
ulna in me mariiei.
Oh Thursday, the 2'Jth.,nlr., hvthe-Kev. S
M. Gooper, Mr. Thos. Reed to 3fissJ.K Iaviy
all of Clearfield Countj'. . . .- - -
. Accomiiaiiying the ahove came a, delicious
slice of cake, for which the happy couple have
our thanks aud best .wishes. May no storm-
cloud or shadow ever darken the landscape of
j- their lives, hut happiness and prosperity crown
all their . days, and every year. add. a cherub
link to the chain of their domestic aflection.
. In Pike township', on the 27th ult., Mr. Garler
Ibv.in, aged ubout 2S years. . f .- . ...
. - In the vicinity of Curwensville, on Sunday, eve
ning, the 2nd. inst., Mr. James L. Esglaxd,'- aged
aoour a verii.
711 All. ---The uiidersigiied has ju.st received and
"A will keep for sale, at his shop on third street,
a superior article of tar. ... GEORGE ORR.
. Clearfield, July 5,1 0i. . '
(" OIN G IT.ALONE The undersigned hav
M ing taken'to himself the store formerly own
ed .-by Patchin & Swan, takes pleasure in inform in
I his friends and the -public -generally, that -he has
lust received Irom tlie'city a. splendid assortment
'f Dry floods. Hardware, Queensware, Hats and
Gaps, Roots and Shoes; and everything else u-aial-ly
kept in a oonntry store. -Persons wishing to buy.
cheap nd good Goods should .not. forget that he
is dotc-nninei not to lie undersold by any store in
iifthe county. . Ilis motto is uimble penny jath
er than a slow 'sixpence.'' . ' . - .
"- " 'S. .C. rATCllfV
Glen Hope. July 5, last'
JJ.1 it ir iN
The partnership heretofore existing between
. C fATcins 4 Jous Swan, nndcr thestvloand
firm of Patchin Jfc Swan; was this day dissolved by
mutual consent, and the books are left for collec
tion in the hands of S. C." Patchin. Those persons
knowing themselves indebted to the rm will call
immediately and settle up, or they will have the
pleasure of paying costs. ' " '
-. 5j-- r. u. 1'Aiv.au,
JOHN SWAN.. . - ' -
Glen IIopetJuly 5,1S51, -
SIllUlIFF'S SALE, Ry virtue of sundry
writ3 of Ficra Faci.i.4 i.snednnt r f tbi Court of
Common Pleas of Clearfield county.-and to me di
rected, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court
House in Clearfield Borough.'on Saturday the 221
day of July 1S.V1, at 2 o'clock P. M., the following
de.ri bed ileal Estate, to wit:
L.ei .o. lo in tne borough of Curwensville with
a dwelling house, store house, stable and other out
houses erected thereon, bounded by lot late the es
tate of John Scot on tho West, Stephen Graff on
the East and the Erie Turnpike on the North. Al
so 7 o acres, more or less, of Timber Land, in Eurn-
Fide township, Clearfield county, bounded by lands
of Jonathan Snyder, Kitchen and other?. Seized
and taken in execution and to be sold as the prop
erty of Isaac Smith. WILLIA'M POWELL. - :
JuJyo, l8o-l. . . : .. Sheriff.-, ,
DANIEL IIENNER, Cabinet maker. Shop
same as formerly occupied bv David Saeket.
Clearfield,- Pa., keeps constantly on hand nt bi
Furuitnre AVure-rooms, nrd mannf-ietures to order
at City pricer.all kinds ot Cabinet ware.Pining and
Pie? tables, Dressing cases. Cupboards. Eedsteads,
lVaA Stands. Spring bottomed Chairs. Sofas, Safes'
Coffms madcj and funerals attended on sne Ehort
cst notice. . ...
June 27, 1S54. ly. : ' ' .:
LACKSMrrillNG. -The subscribers would in-,
form thoir friends and the public, that thev
have entered into co-partnershin. ami Lri tend car
rying on the business of Rlacksinithinc. in all it3
various branches.-nt thotild stand of Oeokge Ona.
on I bird St. Clearfield. 'J'hey hope: by strict at
tention to bnsiness. and being constantly fiiruhhcd
with a good assortmeot of Iron, to be ublq to ren
der satisfaction to all who may patronize them.
Every efi'ort will be made to have their work done
according to promise, and in asubstantialiaanner
Country produce of all kinds taken m .exchange
for work and cash never refused. ' :
Their shop will be open from daylight on Mon
day morning until 4 o clock P. M. ou Saturday, of
; -' CEORtJE OFxlt.
June 27, 1S5-I. t ..
on hve just returned from the citv vritli .in
entire new stock of Goods, which they offer for sale
on tho very lowest terms, at the old stand lately
fccnpied by A. M. Hills. West end of the Marion
House. Clearfield, Pa. Their stock of rroods has
been selected with great care. . and a better 'or
cncRptr assortment was never brought into Clear-
held connfv. .
They defy all competition, and invito-tbc pub
lie to .tsall and examine their goods. Every arti
cle is entirely new. suid as cheap, if not cheaper
, 1 . I . 1 T . 1
iuuu can o's purcnascu ciscwnere.
- 11. SUAAV.
A. 11. SHAW.
June 27, 1351.
AAK NOTICE.. We the subscribers intend
-9 to make application to the next Lptnslnf nri
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for an Act
of Assembly to incorporate a Ranking Company,
nim j.win.in- mm u iscuuni liijj privileges, 10 oe
called the ''Clearfield Uank"' and lo;$. ted at the
Porough of Clearfield, with a capital of One hun-
ireu tiiousana uoiiars. -A.
K. Wkpjht, James T. Leos.vbd. '
RiCHAitn Shaw, James U. Ghabam,
Jonathan Lovsw.v, - Ellis Irwis, ,
J. F. Wi-Avtn, J. W. Smitu, '
" June 27, 1S54. -Cm. - .
T ADIE.S AX1 tiENTLE.MEN I believe
'- it a good maxim tliat peoile.should purchase
aoods wlwrever thnv i,lt-- V.nt tl,rw cLnuLl ml
buy too hastily, before they ascertain where they
can 00 Dest suitcu. 1 would most rcspectluliy in
vito all (Ladiesin particular) to call at JJ.Glkxan's
Store and examine hU spleudid assortment of good3
that crtnnot be cxec'llvd iu this section of country
for cue vi'Sess, durability or style. ' They consist
of Gentlemen's Loots of all descriptions arid pri
ce?. .Ladies and Gcntleiuens gaiter? of the latest
style. Hoys and Girls boots, shoes aud gaiters.
; Children of all ages can be accommodated.
June 27, ',
TIM AH1UVED the splendid stock, of Cloths.
Cassimcres. Vestinrs. TrimmiiT's. e. recently
purchased by the 'Subscriber, which he will sell or
make up to order, in the most fashionable and du
rablc manner, at bis store in '-Shaw's Row." The
material and 'fi's warranted No charge for show
ing his cheap mid beautiful goods.'
Lie would 11, form the trad iu .Clearfield, that he
is the nuthiite 1 agent for Devere's Loudon and
1 aris lash iocs.
' - f TJ.I03. SHEA.
June 27,
-T-TT.1"- -T 'm-T r--. . ........... . .
J-" "lAti lUilL.J10YE
X 1 M.V.V, wr
ould .inform tho public that hn h.-ia
opencrl a new and splendid ssortment of Clothing
of the best quality and lowest prices, at his Store
next doer to the office of L. J. Craus, Esq. Clear
field, Pa. .
Every variety of Clothing. Hats, Caps, and fan
eyarticle.?. Ho willscll cheaper than auy other store
in me county, lie aclies competition. Call and
sec ins stock. -
Highest prices pail for Deer Skins.
Juno .27. 1651. "mo. ,
fubsoril.er earnestly requsti all persons who
have nns.rttled accounts with him to come forwnnf
immediately arid make settlement, as his health
n 111 not permit turn to continue the Rlacksmithin:
business, and he is desirous of closing all bis ac
counts. i.egsi proceedings will be instituted
against all wuo neglect this notice. '
"- - - . - GEORGE W. ORR
, Jure 27, It5l.' "
71tIl SALE Three Tj.tsof
25. and 2ii, in the Mosson nlun in tho lrr,..K
01 vieaiucia, nu enciosoa. 1 or terms, apply to
'. ' . WM.M.aiEEDY:
Curwcrsville. Juno 27, 1S5L ,
---ll 1,,1 ,. . . 1 ' .v-..-..
rH J.SrcULLOITCJIT.AT'muvwv att aw
Clenrfiehl, Ia., may be found at the office of
J ""nt.11, i.sq. adjoining the Store of Wm
a. -Moore, neons aou otlicr legal instruments exe
cuted wkh promptness aud accuracy.
- Jane 27. IS51. ly. '
-A be a t?ermon proachcif in the, f!ntb.ii r,.i,
of Clearfield on the 0th of July, 1S54, by the Pi.shop
of Erie. - - . .. -.
All persons "are welcome. . ' . .,
office nearly opposite the Court House
Clearfield Pa., will atteiKi faithfully to all business
entrusted to his care. .,,-''
. . June 17, 1351. ly '. ;"' . ".T
H. LAKIMEltr Attorney and Counsellor at
Law. Office with John L- (kittle. V
Pa. :
to Dr. II. Lorrein's Drug Store. Clearfield,
; ' " " ' .May 20, '5t-y.
1 HO Lags of Coffee
just received and for- sale
J-VLF at tho.New1?tore of
June ItVol.
KC iWifX FioiiTEEX men shingles
JXjAFyfX f 0f best quality, for sale at tho Siirn
of the Red Plag.
Price ?3.50 per thousand. .
June 27,; 1S54
and Land Agent ;No. 3. Goldsmith's Hall,
Philadelphia, will faithfully attehd to all business
entrusted 10 his caVe, v j
Juno 27, 1 Sol. ".1." '.. . ,.. . ,
' Cleaifield. Ta., Ofiice in -Shaw's Row.", , ;
June, 15, 18&4:.-' . - --.-' "'
J PEACE,. Cutwensvillo,- Pa
Ofiice"op'iosit tho
, .vGood Intent Hotel."
June, l3i.
rilUE. RED, PLAG VICTORIOUS. Th lilntnl,
JL Red Par.ncr floats in triumrh on the Olrl Cor-
iiAr Storr" where A; -M Hills has just opened the
cheapest apd most splendid assortment of.Goods,
11 - - j
ever uisi-iayeu oeiore 1111s community, ana exactly,
adapted to their many and various ncesities. J
Every variety of llats Caps, Bonnets," Kqots.
Sh.oes, Cloths, Cassimcres, ami all othci; kis.is of
drv-sroods. that arc unapproachable bv anv other
similar articles, cither ia beauty of style, quality.
orpnee. ., , -. . -. . . - ,
Also an excellent assortment of Groceries, naol-
ware. Stone and Qneensware, "with" fancy articles
ad iiijittitiim. ' ? :
11a defies competition-ana invites ail persons to
jrive him a call at tho 'Old Corner." which has tru
ly become the- 'BaZarr' q CUar"eld.
JKvery attention will tc s nown 10 customers anu
visitors,, and .no pains will bo spared to send alt
smiling away, loaded with his beautiful aud valua
ble goods, never surpassed in Clearfield.
-'--? " A. .u. HILL-.
Clearfield, June 15, 1854-ly. .. t
J.1 subscriber has just received a largo and well
selected stock of GOODS of almost every descrip
tion' suitable to the season, which he is felling off
at extremely low prices. He respectfully invites
the attention of all who wish to buy good Goods at
the lowest prices, to call at the sign of tne L noap-
cst Goods.1' ' -' '
Country produce of almost everv diseription ta
ken at market prices in exchange for goods.
i'ersons' wishing to purchase, and reccivo a fair
equivalent for thoir money, will do' we'l to give 1
111 111 a can.
Remember the sisn of the CHEAPEST GOODS.
on Market street, and call and be convinced that
there is trath in the word thereon inscribed.
dune l-i, itol. M. I. lllWI.
J. 1 inform the public that they have just opened
a new and snlenatd assortment of Goods of every
variety, "ut the old stand of II.". D.- Pattox ot.Cur
Tvcn'svillo. " At their ,--toro'may be foundl almost
everything "adapted to the want and neeessitie? of
the people of tins region- Drass-go'xts. iawns,
Laces, Gloves. Cloths, Cassimerti, Clothing. Hats.
Caps. Roots. Shoe.: 5rc.'; Ac.; of the best qualify and
atino lowest prices. ,. . - -' J -
Also a sTleu'liu assortment of Hardware, 'Juccas-
wnrc and Groceries. -
Theyinvito all persons- to eivc thonl a call, ful
ly assured they will be able to render entire satis
faction. 11. D. rATlUN,
Curwensville, June L", lS5t-ly. : '.
MANSION HOUSE. The subscriber kaving ta
ken th.i-1 old estahliiihed stand, and eutirely
reJitted and refurnished it ia such a manner a-3 to
vie with any house in the county, reVpectfully so
licits; a liberal hare of pullia patronage. - Every
attention will ha shown to persons stpdng at the
Mansion House, and no pains' will
d to
make themTfeel Jit home."
- The bar is well furnished with the best liquor.-?
and sugars, and the table will at all times be sup
plied with tho best in the market."
He would respectfully invito the public to give
him a call. . . - JOHN LIVINGSTON.
Clearfield, Juno 15, lSoi.
HEMPHILL'S HOTEL. The subscriber would
inform his friends and the public generally,
that he still remains at tho old stand, where ho is
at all tuufcs ready and willing to "entertain stran
gers and travellers.". His bar stocked with the
best liquors, and his table will always be supplied
with the luxnTies of the market.
Thankful for past favors, he solicits a further
share of public patronage. '
Clearfield. June 15, 1351 ly.
11. WELCH; Silversmith
and Jeweler, next door to A''V'
the Tost Office, Clearfield, Pa. t- VVb
U atches cleaned and repaired
and good watche warranted for the Fpase of one
year. Jewelry, Accerdeaus and other musical in
struments repaired oa the shortest notice, aud most
reasonable terms. Junel5. , 1S51. ly.
would inform his friends and tho public
generally, that he keeps for hire horses
buggies, carriages.Ac. on the most reasonable
terms, at his Livery Stabio ia Curwensville.
Inquire at the Stags Office- Fleimuing's Hotel.
June 15th. 185T.
A. FRANK. Fashionable Tailor,
Shaw's Row,7' below tho Mansion
House, will bo happy to render his services
to all those wishing clothes made in the' la-"
test style, and most durable manner.
' Clearfield, June 15.
L R. CARTER Dealer in stoves, bar-iron.
nails, and castings of all kinds. Also plows!
and other ngrienltural ufonsils. On Second Street;
under the Republican Othec. . Sun 15, '51-ly. -
HARRIS. JIAI.E A CO WoolesmTk P-i-oo:rts,
No. 2VJ, ilarket Street, North sido between
sixth and seventh. Philadelphia. Drugs, Medi
cines, 'Chemicals, Patent McdhMnes. Surgical - In
struments. Druggist's .'Glassware,- Window Glass.
Paints. Oils, Dyes. Perfumery, ic. &c.
" .E. R. ORLUSON.' '
June 15. 175-t-ly.'
("illARLES WINOATE, Dealer in Ronuets.
J Shoes, Loots, ami Palm Leaf Hals, No. 13.
North Fouith Street, Philadelphia, Second Store
below tommcrco Street. Junolo, lSoi-ly.
turers anu Importers of Saddlery, and Sad
dlery Hardware. No. 23 Market Street. Philadel
phia. Saddles, Rridies. Harness. Trunks, . "Whips,
Saddle Jiags. Ladle tilling, Lus, Stirrups, Eacklcs
Carpet Bags.'cct. ' ' ( June .15, '51-ly.
cers. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants
No: 273, Market Street, Philadelphia.
June 15, lS5t-ly. . - .'
X)D k CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers. No
Ibi. JMarket St., Philadelphia, keen constant
ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap, stock of
the most fashionablo nnd elegant goods. They in
vite country Merchants to call and examine their
splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere.
June 15. ISot-ly.
GALER COPE & -CO, No. lSoTMarket St.". Phi?a
delphia. Dealers iu Linens, White. Goods, Ho
siery. French. English and German Silk Goods. La-
ces, Gloves. Dolling Cloths, fec. June 15, '5!-ly.
4 T. LANE & CO. Wholesalo Clothing Store.
-jL'No. 171, Market Street. Every-variety of
ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable styles,
constantly on hand. " ' June 15 !5ily.
ISAAC 31 ASI1TON. Hat Store." No. 172
Market St., Philadolphia. Hats, Caps. Furs,
Ac, of every variety, and the best quality always
on hand. " June -15, 1 854-1 y.
ONRAD A WALTON. Hardware Store. So.
255 Market Street, Philadelphiu. Hardware,
Iron, Nails. Ac, of every description.
Juno 15., lS54-ly. ' - - . -
GEORGE J. WEAVER ACO., No. 19 North Wa-'
iter Street.. ; Philadelphia Dealers in Cariet
chain, Yarn; Manilla and lienip Ropes Red-cords.
Clothes-lines, Ac', Ac Juno 15, lS5i-ly.
TSHOMAS 11. PCLTON A CO.--Merchants, and
X extensive dealer! and manufacturers in lum
ber, EaldhilJs' Post Office; .: May 25, '54-ly.
HBUCI1ER SWOOPE Attorney at Law. For
nierly pf the. firm of Seott A- Swoope. Huntingdon-,
Pa. Office next door to. and over Esquirb
Wrigley's, Clearfield, Pa. . May 20, :51-ly. .
)f Parrels New Orleans Sugar, at Sixpence per
hmfSj pound, for sale at the Cheap Store of -
',.- - - A; M. HILLS.
r f Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, for sale by
June 13, "54. MOSSOP A POTTARFF.
I rM Cwt- Paeon for sale, at tho sign of tho
- June 14. '51. .
IURVIANCE S Stock is now complete,
. From Httlo ciies, veryjieat -
Up to thoJ ol large diuicnsiona,.
SuiUible Tor high pretentious.
- Come oh Ladies! come on. Gentsl
Come on, every roasjof sense T"
And et impressions of your faces.
To show your friends your mauy g.r.ices
Tho dress 13 better to be dark; . ,
But browa or red 33 just the uiark..'. "
For these the eor.trast plainly show?
rsetween tha pSi-soU and the Ci'otltm
It's well enough the Sun should shiuiv
As this vriU eerveto shorten time.. .
Rut if it don't, and clouds be rffo, "
He'll take your picture to tho- lite." ' -Those
little iiitHira. y"clept-6.', .
Should never come "midst clouds and ch;
Rut when the monarch of the shicSj ,v
"His shining robe1 puts-"-.:, arii2' -"
And bring your Utile 'oues to ma
And brightest pictures you shall sec.
Another theme the muse s-uggests, . . ,
To put alt gloomy doubts to rest. - '"
Such honsst men as scruples feel,
Lest wicked craft fresh from the deed
Should bo invoked in place of rt, -'
, And made to act a wily part,
Are told with conscience clear of. evil
TFIe have no dealings viih the. pf.vil.
Gallery, 2nd St., 2nd door nort
h i
of Towell & Co s Si
June 13, 1S54. tf. - . :
Great Ezciteineat. Startling AnT:x:ncezcut,
THAT the largest cheapest. nnl bcft assortment
of Goods ever brought ir.o Clearfield county,
have just arrived, and are:offcrcd for rale.' sit the
New Store of the subscribers', near tho 'Jourual
Office. Clearfield Pa. Never before.. ha a more
brilliant, and at the same ' time .:i c-h cap er lot of
Goods been offered to this comrr.nr.iry. ' They have
til been selected with a view to tho wRj-tsi-and ne
cessities ofnhc perple of this pa-rtkulaiv locality,
after lorg experience, and intimate ajuajntaneo
with their bui'tness connection.?.
Dry Goods of every variety, Dress :f.1. Cloth,
Cassimervs, and Clothing: Loots and Shoes, Ran
nnd Caps', l'onnets and lhaw!.- together wit'i a
large and splendid assortment of i'UUevasware.
Hardware and (ireceri".''. - . ; , .. -
lcfying all competition, they salieit their fic:id-$
,. tho publis to give them a call ttv. i exftinino
their stock. ...'.. MOSSOP A PuTTAit F F .
June 12, 135L ly.
RETAIL. Isaac Jdunstii.; would rcFp-ft!!ly in-
fc-rm his .friends and tha . puhila gencraily tiii't he
hps juist r-cturr.ci from tha East, where he haspur-
citased the ciost splendid i-ssort. merit of R-it3 a.
Shoes ever broitght rc'CIearfie'.l. 1'vcry ".variety
of Ladica slippers, gr.itcrs; pv.mpr. Ac." Ae'j Mens
fancy shoes, .a-nd gaiti-rs. wiuh an excellent assort
ment of heavy stock, all. adapted to tha wants of
the people of Clearfield. '".'",
' He hopes liM friends .will gi ye hhn a eH :;t Li.
5torc in -Shaw's Row'.' and examine- Lijtti'k.
June 13, 1S3L . - .' ..j - 7.
Xl opened a new and ' splendid assortment of
goods, nt their Store in Grahimiton, consisting of.
Ladies Dress ll oods. -Cloths, Cassimeres. Hardware,
Queer.sware. (5 roecries. Loots. ' Slioes. Oils. - Paints,
and every other article usually kept in a country
Store, where they offer for !iite as cheap, if i't
cheaper than any other Store in the County. All
kinds of produce' and lumber taken" in exchange
for Goods. -. . - ... ,.: .
; All of Dr. Jayr.c's family medic'nes for sale."'
'-"" .-"-'' 'C. M.GRAHAM. '
. . -t -. JA-; E. Vf'ATS'JN.
, raha"in!on, June 11. "ok.
Sign and. C-inamettal - raiutcrs,. Glitaier. ?
Chair makers, find Paper ILirgcrs. offer their ser
vices to the citizen of Clearfield and vicinity.-''
Shop next door to the Jew's Store. : . . . -
They keep constantly on hand, an'l make to or
der every variety of Chairs, Lounges. Sofas. Ac. Ac. '
Chaiis, nnd Sofas mado equal iu beauty to any that ' -can
be obtained lit-m tho City, aud more u'urabip -in
workmanship and material. "
- ." : - " -JOHN TrtOUTMAN". -
June lt,.;5L ly. ROPERT: IIQUE. :V-
milE GO'D INTENT HOTEL, and Stage Office, : r
JL Curwensville. Pa. The Subscriber wouhi in- r -
form his frieuils .and the public that he has just rc- .
fitted and re-furnihed Lis bouse aud is prepared '
to render every atUniioa to the travelling commu- ;
nity. - , - .
His bar contain; liquors of the fir-t quality, ar. l ' 1
his table wili always. 00 supplied with, the licet in :;:
mivket. . : . -
. He respectfallr solicits his friends and ettic-rs to
give him a call."-. : ,-' VOL R- FLEMMING; - -:
, June 14, '51. .;, . . . ; . f.
A. M. HILLS,' D. D. S: ' Office adjoin- ""'
VS?'" in" his Store, Cloarfiel l. : Pa. ' Artili- -" -C
uIlYY,,i cial Tvcih,. from one to a full set, laoun- : 1
ted in the most approved modern style. .
"Fining, Filing," and Clearing dono wilh: care
and neatness. . . - -; . -;
-' Teeth extracted -with all the care and"'dL;i'atch.
modern ;enee ecu furnish;' ' - -IR.
J1ILLS. can clwnys be foiiRd at his office. .
a? he is now devo.tLi his whole attention to Lis
profeJsieu. '. '' ' r.JuiK 14. "54. "
; ; . ' - ' i
Sixth St. Philadelphia, 'i he 'Subscriber lifts V"
rceenUj enlarged end litoi ' up hii hou.-i, kiad in
now enabled to coinpcts suc:os.ifi:IIy, with any es
tablishmcnt ia.thc City. .His.roojiii. arc -co'nrfort-","
ahlo and well ventilsttd, and- hi? tid-da "furniihed - T
with thd best in the naikci: ? He re spcaifully eoli- . -cits
the large cireUof .hi Clearfield .friecd3 0 gh a 1
him a call when ihc,v visit the cH v. ' -''-'
-'-.-' .': -' V JACOB G.LE20.: :.
' ' June 13.1 ly, - .... "... .7 . ...
JOHN R ; MORROW. Cabinet Maker, Shop oppo' ":
ito M. E. Church, Clearfield, Pa!- keeps eon- "?
staUTly en hand and raakes to order, all ksnds of-
Purniture. such as Te i Tables. Ca id Tables. Cen- "
tre Tables. Sofas, Spring Seaied Chairs, Rtdsieds, ' .
Rureaus, Wash Stands-; l"uplx:j-ds. Safes. Ac. Ac. - 5
Collins made on the shoiscst notice, and Funer
als attended. jiMiNR. morrow. :
Jane 13, 1.S54, 1 y .. ' : ; . .-. , . '.; --;- -. - -
JAMES RIDDLE GORDON Attorney at Law, " ' -has
removed Lis ofEqe to the noii Cijiiuing in :
the East, the Drng Stora of Dr. II, Lorain, and v.iU
devote his whole attention to the ' practice of his "
j'l-ofession. He may hi coE.saltcl in; 'FreUrh and 2:z
German. . .June 13, '54.,-1-y.. r.
BEREO E XiELAINH?. A iuporior sutielc -of '
Rerege Delaines iu ttrcss pattern,; at 25. cents .j ,
per yard, never sold in this count v before for lesij "
than 50 cents, at TIOSSOP A "POTTARFF?; "-
. Jnno l3, '5t ' .
171 S' DUNDY Attornr-v-ai-Law, ClearSel 1, Pa:";",
i will attend faithfully to all prefesF.fbnal bu-' . ,
inness entrusted to his care. June 13, "54:-ly. ,....-
J"" ' JJ. . McENALLY Attenrey at I,aw, ,Oft'co '
' nearly opposite Judge,' Wright's Store, Cfcar-.. '
field. Pai prActioes in Clearfield and 1 adjoining-- 15
counties. - Jane 13, 'o-L-iji.'; .-:'
CHEAP CLOTHING. A large lot of Cheap CI- v Ts
thing. Men's and Bovs. for ?le cheap, br : " '-
Jung 15, '54. , . , MOSSOP A PoTTARi'p. . I
BLACKBERRY BRANDY. A certain cure f.r .- 1
thc- Djsentary. for sale by
June 13, "54.. .'; MOSSOP & POTTARFF. '' -2
OODS-ATCITY PRICES. If yoii want tJ get4'!'3 "
alfkinds of Goods at city prices cult at-- ' id
- . Juiiff '54.- . . m MOSSOP A POTTARFP'.S: ,'.. :
iyiii Parrels White Sugar, for sale t : -: : r . -.
jyj MUsSul' A PoTTARFF'S
: June 14, '54: ' 'i . 1 ' ' '' "" : ''"' '
1 r( Sacks Salt, just received, at the Cheap
nj Store of MOSSOP & P')TTARFP;
June 14. '14. - '. -. .; ) r "r J
L JACKSON. CR ANS-Attorney at Law..- Of-
' fice adjoining residence, Clearfield. Pa., z
' ; '" jMay 2'V. '54-ly." '
TAME B. GRAHAM Merchant and extensive
dealers in lumber. Grahampton, P. 0.. Clear
"field county-, Pa. . " . May 2.-64r-ly. .- i
fpO SHOEMAKER'S. -A fine lot of Spanish Kip.
X.. Men and Women'e -Mijrbo. Teik'-trhaiiilng.-f
and Sole Leather, for sale cheap, by . ' .
- Juno 13; '5-1. - MOSSOP A P0TTAKFP
h 4
It I
, I?
t '
i: -.-sic.
i 0
n n