Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 05, 1854, Image 1

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    COME AND TAKE ME. Duvivier. -v ' '
s : . : .
Bex. Joxes, Publisher.
Pr. annum, (payable in advance.) SI 00
If paid within wie year, 1 50
After the expiration of the var. 2 00
No paper discontinued until all arrearages are
A failure to notify a discontinuance at the ex pi
ration of the term subscribe- for, will be consider-
d a neW engagement.
1 ins. 2 ins. 3 ins.
Faur lines or less, $ 25 3 37 .S 50
One square (12 lines.) 50 75 I 00
Three squares, 1 50 3 00 2 50
Six lines or leu, one year, 4 00
Que square " - 50
Three squares " 12 00
Half a column " , X 0
Advertisements act marked with the number of
insertions desired will be continued until directed
to be stopped, and charged according to these terms.
Business notices, in item eolumn, eight eonts per
Ile for every insertion.
All letters Ac, should be addressed, Benj. Jones,
"Raftsman's Journal," Clearfield, Pa., (post-paid to
receive attention.)
In seasons when our funds are low,
"Subscribers are provoking slow,
And new supplies keep up the'flow
Of dimes, departing rapidly.
But we shall sea a sadder sight,
When duns pour in from morn till night,
Commanding every sixpence bright
To be forked over speedily.
Our bonds and due bills are arrayed
Each seal and signature's displayed
The holders vow they must be paid
With threats of "Law and Chancery,"
Then to despair we're almost driven
There's precious little use in livin',
When our last copper's rudely riven
From hands that held it lovingly.
But larger yet these dues shall grow
When interest's added on below,
Length 'ning our chin afoot or soj
While gazing at them hopelessly.
Tis so, that scarce have we begun
"To plead for time upon a dun;
Before there comes some other one
Demanding pay ferociously.
The prospect darkens. On, ye brave,
Who would our very bacon save !
Waive, Patriots! all your pretexts waive !
And pay the Printer cheerfully.
Ah! it would yield cs pleasure sweet,
A few delinquents now to meet,
Asking of us a clear receipt,
For papers taken reg'larly.
A Thrilling Sketch.
I shall never forget the commencement of
the temperance reform. I was a child at the
time, of some ten yeara of age. Our home
had every comfort,- and my parents idolized
me. their child. Wine was often on the table,
and both my father and my mother frequently
gaTe it to me in the bottom of the glasses.
One Sunday at church a startling announce
ment was made to our people. I knew noth
Ing cf Its purport, but there was much whim
pering among the men. The pastor said that
on the next evening there would be a meeting,
and an address on the evils of intemperance
in the use of alcoholic drinks. lie expressed
himself Ignorant of the object of the meeting,
and could not say what course it would be best
to pursue in the matter.
The subject of the meeting came up at our
table after the service, and I questioned my
father about it with all the curious eagerness
of a child. The whisper and words which had
been dropped in my hearing clothed the whole
affair with a great mystery to me, and I was
1I eagerness to learn some strange thing.
My father merely said It was some scheme
to unite Church and State.
The night came, and troops of people gath
ered on the tavern steps, and I heard the jest
and the laugh, and saw drunken men reeling
out of the bar-room. I urged my father to let
me go, but he refused. .Finally, thinking it
would be an innocent gratification of my curi
osity he put on his hat and we passed across
the green to the church. I remember well
bow the people appeared as they came m,
seeming to wonder what kind of an exhibition
was to come off.
In the corner was the tavern keeper, and
around him a number of friends.
For an hour the people of the placo contin-
med to come in, until there was a lair house full
All were curiouslv watching at the door won-
4eriog what would appear next. ' The pastor
stole ia and took a et behind a piller under
the gallery, as if doubtfull of the propriety oi
being in church at all.
Two men finally came in and went to the al
ter, and took their seats. All eyes were fixed
..pontiiem, and a general stillness pervaded
.the house. .
The men were unlike in appearance, one be
ing short and thick-set in build, the other tall
-end well formed. The younger had the man
ner and dress of a clergyman, a full round face,
and quite a good natured look, as he leisurely
looked around the audience.
,But my childish interest was all in the- old
man. His broad, deep chest, and unusual
heizhtb, looked giant-like as ho strode up the
aisle. Ills hair was white, his brow deeply
' Beamed with furrows, and around hia handsome
mouth linea of calm and touching sadness
Ills eye was black and restless, and kindled as
the tavern keeper uttered a low jest aloud
:Hi lips were, comprewed, and a crimson fluth
went and came over his pale cheek. One arm
was off above the elbow, and there was a wide
scar over the right eye.
The younger finally arose and stated the ob
ject of the meeting, and asked if there was a
clergyman present to open with prayer.
Our pastor kept his seat, and the speaker
himself made a short prayer, and then made a
short address, at the conclusion calling upon
any one present to make remarks.
The pastor rose under the gallery and at
tacked the positions of the speaker, using the
argument which I have often heard since, and-
concluded by denouncing those engaged in
the new movement as meddlesome fanatics,
who wish to break up the time-honored usages
of good society, and injure the business of re
spectable men. "At the conclusion of his re
marks, the tavern keeper and his friends got
up a cheer, and the current of feeling was ev
idently against the strangers and their plan.
While the pastor was speaking, the old man
had fixed his dark-eye upon him, and leaned
forward as if to catch every word.
as tne pastor . iook rus sear, tue old man
arose, hi3 tall form "towering in its symmetry,
and hfs chest swelling as he inhaled his breath
through his thin dilated nostrils. Tome, that
time, there was something awe inspiring and
grand in the appearance of the old man as he
stood with his full eye upon the audience, his
teeth shut hard, and a silence like that of
death throughout the church.
He bent his gaze upon tho tavern keeper,
and that peculiar eye lingered and kindled for
half a moment.
The scar grew red typon his forehead, and
beneath the heavy eyebrows his eyes glittered
and glowed like those of a serpent. Tho tav
ere keeper quailed before that searching glance,
and I felt a reliel when the old man withdrew
his gaze. For a moment he seemed lost in
thought, and then with a low aud tremulous
tone commenced. There was a depth in that
voice, a thrilling pathos and sweetness, which
rivited every heart iu the house, before the
first period had . been rounded. My father's
attention had become fixed upon the speaker
with an interest which I had never before seen
LS-W'oV whaTtfierold""man said, though
the scene is as vivid belorc me as any mail
ever witnessed.
My friends! lama stranger in your vil
lage, and I trust I may call you friends a new
star has arisen, and there is hope in the dark
night which hangs like a pall of gloom over
our country.' With a thrilling depth of voice,
the speaker continued: 0 God, thou who
lookest with compassion upon the most erring
of earth's children, I thank, thee that a brazen
serpent has been lifted, upon which the drunk
ard can look and be helped ; that a beacon has
burst out upon the darkness that that surrounds
him which shall guide back to honor and heav
en, the bruised and weary wanderer.'
It is strange what power, there is in some
voices. The speaker was slow and measured,
but a tear trembled in every tone ; and before
I knew why, a tear dropped upon my hand,
followed bv others like raindrops. The old
man brushed one from his own eyes, and con
tinued :
Men and Christians ! You have just heard
that T am a vagrant and fanatic. I am not.
As God knows my own sad heart, I came here
to do good. Hear me, and be just.
I am an old man, standing alone, at the end
of life's journey, there is a deep sorrow in my
heart, and tears in my eyes. I have journeyed
over a dark and beaconless ocean, and all life's
hopes have been wrecked. I am without friends,
home or kindred upon earth, and look with
longing to the rest of the night of earth.
Without friends, kindred or home ! I was not
so once.' -
No one conld withstand the touching pathos
of the old man. I noticed a tear trembling on
the lid of mv father's eve. and I no more felt
ashamed of my own.
No, my friends, it was not so once ! Away
over the dark waves which have wrecked my
hopes, there is the blessed light of happiness
and home. I reach again convulsively for the
shrines of the household idols that once were
now miuc no more.'
The old man seemed looking away through
fancy upon some bright vision, his lips apart
and hia lingers extended. I involuntary turn
t e(j ju e direction 'where
it was pointed
dreading to eco some shadow invoked by it
magic mo'ements.
I once had a mother With her old heart
crushed with sorrows, she went down to her
grave. I once had a wife a fair, angel-hearted
creature as ever smiled in an earthly home.
Her eyes as mild as a summer sky and her
heart as faithful and true as ever guarded and
cherished ahusband's love. Her blue eyes
crew dim as the floods of sorrow washed away
its brightness, and the living heart I wrung un
til every fibre was broken. I once had a noble,
a brave and beautiful boy, but he was driven
out from the ruins of his home, and my old
heart yearns to know if yet he lives. I once
had a babe a sweet, tender blossom, but my
hands destroyed it, and it livcth with one who
loves children.
Do uot bo startled, friends ; I am not a mur
derer, in the common acceptation of the term.
Yet there is a light in my evening sky. A
ti,.rMn;ii nvrr the return of her
bpinv uiui-ii vj"w -
prodigal son. The wife smiles upon him who
again turns back to virtue and honor. The
child-angel visits me at nightfall, and I feel the
hallowing touch of a tiny palm upon my fever
ish check. My brave boy,if he yetvcs, would
forgive the sorrow of an old man for the treat
ment which drove him into the world, and the
blow that maimed him for life. God forgive
me for the ruin I have brought upon me and
He again wiped a tear from his eye. My
father watched him with a strange interest,
and a countenance unusually pale and excited
by some strange emotion.
'I was once a fanatic, and madly followed the
malign light which led me to ruin. I was a
fanatic when I sacrificed my wife, children,
happiness and home, to the accursed demon of
the bowl. I -once adored the gentle being
whom I injured so deeply.
I was a drunkard. From respectability and
affluence, I plunged into degredation and pov
erty. I dragged my family down with me.
For years I 3aw her check pale, and her step
grow weary. I left her alone amid the wreck
of her home idols, and rioted at the tavern.
She never complained, yet she and the chil
dren went hungry for bread. '
One New. Year's night, I returned late to
the hut where charity had given us a roof. She
was yet up, and shivering over the coals. I
demanded food, but she bursted into tears and
told me there was none. I fiercely ordered
ler to get some. She turned her eyes sadly
upon me, the tears falling fast over her pale
cheek. At this moment the child in the cra
dle awoke and sent up a famishing wail, start
ling the despairing mother like a serpent's
We have no food, James I have had none
for several days. I have nothing for the babe
My once kind husband, must we starve?'
That sad, pleading face, and those stream
ing eyes, aud the feble wail of the child, mad
dened me, and I yes, I struck her a fierce
blow in the face, and she fell forward upon the
hearth. The furies of hell boiled in my bosom,
and with deeper intensity as I felt I had com
mitted a wrong. I had never struck Mary be-
on, and I stoopod as well as 1 comq in my
imnken state, and clenched both nanus in ncr
'God of mercy, James!' exclaimed my wife,
as she looked up in my nenaisn countenance,
-;u nr.t -ill n vou will not harm Wil-
lie;' and she sprang to the cradle, and grasped
him in her embrace. I caught her again by
v " J --- J
the hair and dragged her to the door, ana as i
lifted the latch, the wind burst iu with a cloud
oif snow. With the yell of a fiend, I still drag-
ged her on, and hurled her out into the dark-
ness and storm. With a wild na! na! l ciosea
the door and turned the button, her pleading
moans mingling with the wail of the blast, and flgtrce) anj si1G thought she would like tore
sharp cry of her babe. But my work was not ae u Aa her husband bad left considerable
complete. property, she was enabled without dfficulty to
I turned to thc little bed where lay my em-
and snatched 'him from his slumbers;
er son.
and otrainsthis half-awaked struggles, openea
the door thrust him out. I could not wrencn
that frenzied grasp away, and with the coolness
.tviii 99 T was. shut the door upon lus
arm, and with my knife severed it at the vrist.'
The speaker ceased a moment and buried
his face in his hands, as if to shut out some
fearful dream, and his deep chest heaved like
a storm-swept sea. My father had arisen from
his seat, and was leaning forward, his counte
nance bloodless, and the large drops standing
out upon his brow. Chills crept back to my
young heart, and I wished I was at home. The
old man looked up, and I never have since be
held such mortal agony pictured upoh a human
face as there was on his.
It was morning when I awoke, and the
storm bad ceased, but the cold was intense. I
first secured a drink of water, and then looked
in the accustomed place for Mary. As I miss-
cd her, for thc first time, a shadowy sense of
some horrible nightmare began to dawn upon
mv wanderin- mind. I thoucht I had had a
fearful dream, but I Involuntary opened tho
outside door with a shuddering dread. As the
door opened, the snow burst in, followed by
tho fall of something across the threshold,
scattering the snow and striking thc floor with
a sharp, bad sound. My blood shot like red-
hot arrows through my veins, and I rubbed my
eyes to shut out the sight. It was O God,
horrible ! it was my own mjurcct Jtary
. , "vi rv i nn over true
U W had bowed herself over the child, tol
shield it, her own person stark and bare to the
She had placed her hair over the face of the
child and the sleet had frozen it to the white
cheek. The frost was white in its nau-cpenea
eyes and upon its tiny fingers. "I know not
what became of my brave boy.'
Again the old man bowed his head and wept,
and all that were in the house wept with him.
My father sobbed like a child. In tones of
low and heart-broken pathos the old man con
cluded: -
I was arrested, and for long months raved
in delirium. . I awoke, was sentenced to pris
on for ten years, but no tortures cQnldhave
been like those I endured w ithin my. own bo
som. O God, no I am not a fanatic. I wish
to injure no one. But while I live, let me
strive to warn others not to enter the path
which has been so dark and fearful a one to
The old man sat down, but a spell as deep
and strong as that wrought by some wizard's
breath, rested upon the audience. Hearts
could have been heard in their beating, and
tears to fall. The old mau then asked the peo
pie to sign the pledge. My father leaped
from his seat, and snatched at it eagerly. I
had followed him, and as he hesitated a mo
ment with the pen iu the ink, a tear fell from
the old man's eye on the paper.
Sign it, sign it, young man. Angels would
sign it. I would write my name there ten
thousand times in blood if it would bring back
my loved and lost ones.' t
Mj' father wrote Moktiuoue Hcdson.' The
old man looked wiped his tearful eyes, and
looked again, his countenance alternately flush
ed with a red and deathlike paleness.
It is no, it cannot be yet how strange,
muttered the old man. 'Pardon me, sir, but
that was the name of my brave boy.
My father trembled, aud held up the left
arm, from which the hand had been severed.
They looked for a moment in each other's
eyes, both reeled and gaspecL
My own injured son !
My father."
- They fell upon each other's necks and wept,
until it seemed that their souls would grow
and mingle into one. There was weeping in
that church, and sad faces around me.
Let me thank God for this great blessing
which has gladdened my guilt-burdened soul!'
exclaimed the old man; and kneeling down, he
poured out his heart in one of the most melt
ing prayers I ever heard. The spell was then
broken, and all eagerly signed the pledge,
slowly going to their homes, as if loth to leave
the spot.
The old man is dead, but the lesson he taught
his grand-child on the knee, as his evening
sun went down without a cloud, will never be
forgotten. His fanaticism has lost none of its
fire in my manhood's heart.
Amateur Farming.
People generally make a great mistake
bV rfiarTof attention iV tf&'fn&Rl&i -
to secure success, tnat one can piuugo
farming without any previous acquaintance
with it without, perchance, knowing tne
difference between a rake and a wfteeioarrow,
nr ft rlow and a sickle. Such, however, is
frequcutiy the case. Even farmers who
shouW know letter, arc apt to undervalue the
. t of knowledge and skill requisite to a
succcsafui carrying on of their business.
' -r;heu Mr. Hunter, a city merchant, died,
i(jow wa3 seized with a strong desire to
go intQ thc conntry to live. She had read in
the BiWe 0f6-lttng under one's own "vine and
. j desire. She purchased a large
. , 8tockc(1 it through the agency of
others. Of course there was a great prooa-
bilitv of her being cheated. Chancing tor oe
out there a few weeks after she had estabnsneu
herself on the farm, as she was dscoursing in
-ivn-irK trm cf her arrangements, we asked
6""""4 "
if she kept hens?
"Yes," said she, "but I sba'nt much longer.
They're more plague than -profit. I've been
here four weeks, and the lazy creatures hav'nt
laid a sinzlc egg. Besides, the're fighting all
the time." ;
We requested to be shown to the coop. Look
vour hens ?" -
Thro don't vou see them f i nose are an
I have."
"No wonder, then, you don't get any eggs,
madam. Those are all roosters !
"What! and dou't roosters lay egg?"
asked Mrs. nuntcr in surprise, "i inougni
. -r at 1. A.
they di(j or j 8iIOuld'nt have bought them."
j8 Tunter kCpt to agriculture for a year,
, t.nn t,.j th(, w;sdoui to sell off, having
I t ii & 111V.U uu - - -
BUIlk seVeral thousand dollars in "amateur far
Advantage op Paying for a Newspaper in
Advance. One of the facts put in evidence at
tho supreme court, to sustain the will of the
late Wm. Russell, was, that only a lew days be
fore he made his will, he called at tho orhce
of the Democrat and paid for his paper a year
1 in wivanop. increDV suvuik
fact wa3 dwelt upon at length, by counsel- nd
commented upon by the judge ;ii Ins chjge
I as one ot great importance. Verdict ot tne
jury would seem to sustain the position, that
a m? who has mind and memory enoug it 10
. .-.S rr vn
nav for his newspaper in wivauw, - a-
" . V 1 . T" M
tent to make hia will. t ranKitn jjemocrtu.
3The Springfield Post says, if you open an
oyster and retain tho liquor upon tho deep shell,
on examining it with a microscope you will find it
full of little oysters floating about, ono hundred
and thirty of which only cover an inch: you will
.1 terceive in it a variety of animalculse, and
myriads of worms of three distinct species, gam
boling In the fluid.
rGlass bottles were first made in England
bout 1558. The art of making glass bottles and
drinkine (classes was known to the Romans ia the
-oar 79, A.P , they have been found in th rains
of rompeiL
A Leaf from Fanny Fern. '
Dear me, I must go shopping. Shopping is
a great nuisance, clerks are impertinent; fe
minity victimized. Miserable day, too; mud
plastered an inch thick on the side walk.
.WelLifwe drop our skirts, gentlemen cry
"Ugh;" if we lift them from the mud they levei
their eye-glass at our ankles. The true defi
nition of a gentleman (not found in compleate
Webster )is a biped, who, of a muddy day,
is pcfectly oblivious of any thing but the shop
Viva la France! Ingenious Parisans, send us
over your clever invention a chain suspen
ded from the girdle, at the end of which is a
gold hand to clasp up the superfluous length
of our promenading robes, thus releasing our
human digits and leaving them at liberty to
wrestle with rude Boreas for the possession of
thc detestable little sham bonnets, which the
milliners persist in hanging on the backs of
our necks.
Well, here wc are at Call & Ketceum's dry
goods store. Now comes the tug of war; let
Job's mantle fall on my feminine shoulders.
nave you blue silk?
Yardstick, entirely ignorant of colors, after
fifteen minutes snail-like research, (during
which time I stand impatiently on one 1 inib)
hands me down a silk that Is as green as him
self. Oh ! away with these stupid mascul ne clerks,
and give us women, who know by intuition
what we want, to the iruenso saving of our
lungs and leather, patience and prunella!
"Here'sMr. Timathy Tape's establishment"
"Have you any lace collars (point) Mr.
Mr. Tape looks beneficent, and shows me
some rounded collars, I repeat my request in
the most pointed manner for pointed collars.
Nr. Tape, replies with a patronizing grin ,
"Points Is out, ma'am."
So am I."
Dear me, how tired my feet are! Neverthe- i
less, I most have some merino. So I opened
the doorf 3Ir. numbug's dry goods store,
w hich is about a half a mile in length, and in
quired for the desired article. Youg Yiird-
stick directs me to the counter at the extreme
and arrive there just ten minutes wn,itr-M
by my repeater, when I am told that they "are
out of mermoes but wont, joucov
. 1 .. , i.A -w
cloth do as well?" I rush out m a mgu-i-t.
frenzy, and 'taking refuge iu thc next-aoor
neighbour, inquire for some stockings.
Whereupon thc clerks mquire(oi tne wrons
customer) "what price I wish to Py.?" f
course I am so verdant as to be caught in that
tran and. tetotally disgusted with the entire
!..t:i.,;.-.ry ch nnwin iT T dra mv weary umos
lUSLltuuvu vyx -' . "X 1 O
into new saloon to rest.
Bless me, what a display of gilding and girl,
and gingerbread! What a heap of mirorsi
There's more than one Fanny Fern in the
world. I found that out since I came In.
What will you be pleased to have?" J-u-1-i-u-s
C-as-a-r! look at that white-aproned
waiter pulling out his snuff-box and taking a
pinch of snuff right over thatbowi ot wuuo
? a
shucar that will be handed m live minutes
sweeten my tea ! And there's anotner conio
in his hair with a pocket comb over that dish
. i
of oysters
"What will I have!" Starve but I'll have
nothing till I can find a cleaner place than this
to eat in.
Shade of old Pau?v Pry Boston! what do I
ko-i tm rwoll. T declare lam not shure
x. u 7
whether they, are ladies or women.J I don
understand these New York femininities.-
At anv rate, they've got on bonnets, and are
telling the waiters to bring them "a bottle of
Maraschine de Zara, some sponge cake, and
some brandy." See them sip tho cordial in
their glasses with the gusto of an old toper.
See theii eyes sparkle and their cheeks flush,
and just hear their emancipated little tongues
go ! wonder if their husbands know that tney
Kt rr.nrA tlipv don't. However . it is six
of one and half a dozen of the other. They
are probably turning down sherry-cobblers
and eating oysters at Florence's and their poor
hungry childern while their parents are dain
tvizing are coming home hungry from school
ta eat a fragment of dinner picked up at homo
by a lazy set of servants.
Heigho! ladies sipping vine in a puDiic sa
loon? Pilgrim, rock! hie yourself under
ground. J Well "13 very shocking the number
of m.ed women who pass their time ruining
iiooith in these saloons, devouring Pari
sian confectionary and tainting their childern's
blood with an appetite for strong drink.
Oh, what a mockery of home must theirs be!
Heaven pity thc childern reared there, left to
the chance training of vicious hirelings!
DFI ain't going to bo called a printer's
dAvil anv lonsrer no I ain't, exclaimed our
Flibstee the other day, iu a terrible pucker
W 17 '
Well what shall we call you hey?' 'Why,
call me a typographical spirit of evil, if you
please; that's all.'
m- rtAiir&nt in Brooklyn, has the fol
lowing soul stirring couplet displayed in char
ters of living light on its door post:
This is the- spot,
, Where good oyster, ia got.'
Who are your Aristocrat- T
Twenty years ago, this one made candle.,
that one sold cheese and butter, another butch
ered, a fourth caried on a distillery, another
was a contractor on canals, others were mer
chants and mechanics. They arc acquainted
with boath ends or sociely' as their childrca
will be after them though it will not do to
say so out loud ! For often you shall find that
these toiling worms hatch butterflies and
they live about a year. Death brings a divi
sion of property, and it brings new tlnancicrs;
thc old gent is discharged, the young gent
takes lus revenues, and "begins to travel to
wards poverty, which he reaches before death
or his childern do, if he does not. So that, in
fact, though there is a sort of ruonicd rank, it
is not hereditary , it is accessible to all; three
good seasons of cotton will send a generation
of men up a score of years will bring them all
down, and send their children to labor. The
father grubs, and grows rich Ins children
strut and use the mony." Their childen ia
turn, inherit the pride, and go to shiftless por- '
erty ; ne-t, their children, reinvigorated by
fresh plebeian blol, and . by the smell of th
clod, come up again.
Thus society, like a tree, draws its sap from
the earth, changes it into leaves and blossoms,
spreads them abroad in great glory,sheds them
oft' to fall back to thc earth, again to mingle
with soil, and at length to re-appear in new
trees and fresh garniture.- Hunt's Merchant'
Taken at Hia Word.
Cromwell was thinking of marrying hia
daughter to a wealthy gentleman of Glouces-
tershire, when he was led to believe, by do
mestic gossop, that one of his own chaplins
Mr. Jeromy White, a young man of pleasing
manners, and "a top wit at court," was secret
ly paying his addresses to Lady. Frances, who
was far from discourageing his attention.
Entering his daughter's room suddenly ono
day, the protectoj caught White on his knees,
kissing the lady'3 ha id. "What is the mean
ing of this?" he demanded.. "May it please
your- highness," replied White, 'withjrreal
lid who happened : t- be in thc room, "I
maids, wno uff ... ,. -pntlewo-
biy "praying eTldysmpwiiE-& .
How, now, hussy!" said Cromwell, to tho
young woman, "why do you rcfuso the. honor.
Mr, White would do you I Ho la my menu,.,
and I expect you to treat him aa such-! "If;
Mr. White intends me that honor," answered:
the woman, with a very low courtesy, "I shaU;
not be against "him." '.'bay'st thou so my .
lass?" said Cromwell, "call Goodwin! thi
business shall be done presently, before I go
out of the room." Goodwin, the chaplin-, ar
rived ; White had gone to far to recede, and" ha .
was married on the spot to thc young woman. ,
Fanny Fern.
The following portrait of the celebrated au
thoress may be interesting to many of our rea
ders. "Not two years since, she was living in...
poverty; herself and children subsisting on .
bread and milk ; with none to aid, or counsel, .
or sympathise with her; nursing her sick little
infant day and night, and wearily writing at in- .
tervals whilo it slept and now, she is wealthy,:.,
her name has become a household word in.
thousands of families in both hemispheres,
where she is known by her works,and admired.
and loved for her brilliant genius, her woman
ly tenderness and her unmistakable goodnesa .
and purity of heart. I sometimes meet this .
lady in Broadway, and it may please your read
ers to hear what manner of woman she is like..
Well, she is a little above the medium height,
her figure is perfectly synietrical, and her bust -and
shoulders, and the setting aud lift of her
head, would excite the envy of Venus herself
she has a delicate, beautiful, florid complex
ion, glossy golden hair, an honest, handsome
face; a keen dauntless, loving blue eye. and a
hand and foot of the most juvenile dimensions.
Her carriage is graceful; her step firm and elas
tic ; her mein commanding and indomitable,
yet winning; injhort, she looks just like Fan
ny Fern. She dresses in perfect taste, gener
ally wearing black, and sweeps along Broad--way
with a grace-, abandon and self forgetful-,
ness characteristic of the accomplished ladr
I of society and nature's gentlewopian two-.
1.1 - . A 1 4v flTriA
characters wnicn are seiuom -
person. . ' "-'"
r7"Said once a purse-proud, rich man just
- . . ;
getting into his carriage . witn nis newa
daughters flaunting in velvet and . furs, to a
poor laborer, who was shovelling coal into his
vault: - : - : ;
Joe, if you had not drunk rum, you might
now have been riding in my carriage, for noth
ing else could have prevented a man of your
education and opiort unities from making
money." -
True enough,' was the reply, 'and if you
had not sold rum and tempted me .to - drink
and become a drunkard, you might now havo.
been my driver, for rumselling was the only
business by which you ever made a dollar in
your life." ... . ,
t)-Mrs. Partington asks, rery indignantly,
if the bills before -Congress are not counter
feited, why there should b such a difliculty
ia passing them? -
n n