Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 15, 1854, Image 9

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" BT 'Z.ADT Sr-EKCEB. " -"-
-'- - - i f "
It is not as it used to be,
TV lien yon and I were young,
.'.TV hen round each elm and maple tree
The honeysuckles clung ;
But still I lore the cottage where
I passed my early yearn,
Though not a single face is there
That memory endears.
It Is not as it used to be!
The moss is on the roof,
And from their nests beneath the cavc3
The swallows keep aloof.
The robins how they used to eiag
"When yon and I were young ;
And how did flit the wild Leo's wing
The opening flowers among '.'
It is not as it used to be !
The voice's loved of yore,
. And the forma that wo were wont to oe.
- Wo'sco and hear no more.
No more! Alas, wo look in vain,
For chose to whom wo clung,
And love as wo can love but once,
When yon and I were youn-.
& Story Froia a Geraan Ballad.
'Twas night, the star-gemmed and glittering,
when a bereaved mother lay tossinf? on br w
. in all the feverish restlessness of nnsanrt ir,
sorrow. Sleep had fled far from her wearv eve-
lids; and her grief-burdened heart refused to
send up from its troubled fountains the refresh-
ing stream or prayer.
The deep stillness that rested on the hushed
.earth was broken by those saddestof all soun.l,
the bitter wailings of a mother wonr.; fr.r w
children, and "refusing to bo comforted be
- O
cause they are not."
"Oh, woo, woo is me !" was the piteous cry
of that breaking heart, and the piercing sound
went up to the still heavens ; but they looked
xaimiy down in their starry beauty and seemed
to near it not
And thus slowly passed the long, weary hours
of tho night, and naught was heard save the
solemn chiming of tho clock, telling, with iron
tongue, that man was drawing hourly nearer
to tbe quiet grate.
A T uz in nn m rt- 1.-,w 1 C i ; i rr
i" J iisrcuuig HI l imC'S
slow, measured strokes, memory was busy with
ino images of the loved and lost. Again they
were before her in all their youthful beautv
sl1?-haId th;i?; gleeful voices and felt their
fond caresses. The night wind swept coolinz
'if into the casement, and, as it touched her
throbbing brow, it seemed like the soft kisses
of her loving children.
: Poor mourner! Could earth furnish no ma
gic mirror in which thou conldest always thus
see the dead living 1 Oh, no! for as melts the
fleecy dtoud into tho" bine depths of heaven,
so passed away tho blessed vision; and seeing
bnt the eolfl nd the shroud, again arose on
ho silent air those tones of despairing an
cuish: TTe ia me! mv sons are de.nl "
Then eftly and sweetly sounded forth the I
matin chimes, blending their holy music with I
tbe anguished cries of the bereaved mother. I
In the midst of her sorrow, she heard the bell's j
jjweet harmony, and, leaving her sleepless J
couch, walked forth into the refreshing air. I
Morning was breaking cold and gray over the
earth, and the stars were growing pale at the
approaching step of the monarch of the day. I
lowly walks the mourner through the yet I
leeping woods, whose flowers arc folded in I
filence, and whose birds give forth no carols.
She reaches the antique church and enters the
sacred door. A mysterious light light that I
la almost Ehade is brooding over the holy I
aisles, clothing in shadowy garments the pale 1
images of departed so.mts; wrapping in a mantle I
of dimness the carved sepulehres; throwin- I
strange gleams over tho tall whilo columns;
- W I
and embracing, with pale arms, cross and pic-
ture, and antique shrine. In the midst of this
mysterious light kneel a silent company; each
head is bowed on tho clasped bauds, and no J
sound is heard save a deep, far distant mur- I
muring, like the voice of tho mighty wind
when it passes through the leaves of the dark, j
cM piucs, dwelling in some dim. solemn woods, j
Suddeuly every head is lifted, and the mourn- I
cr sees in that vast company friends who had
been sleeping long ages in the "silent tonib.-
All were there again ; the friends of her cloud
less childhood, who went down to death's cold
chambers in all their stainless lcauty, sinking
into the grave as pure as tho snow-flake that
fal!3 to the earth. And there was tho sister of
her home and heart, tho tried friend of so-
row shaded hours, who, in dying, left a mighty
void that time could never fill. And there
were the "mighty dead," they whose footsteps,
when living, tracked tho world with light
light that now shed a halo over their" graves,
And there wcro tho meek, patient ones of earth,!
pale martyrs to sorrow who struggled hopeful-
l through the dim vapors that surround tho
world, and met as a reward the ineffable bright- J
nessol heaven. They were all here, all who J
had passed from earth amidst a fond tribute of J
tears and regret. " - ' I
All were here save two, those two the most I
dearly loved among Iho precious company of
the dead; and wildly scanning the pale group,
the mother called aloud as she missed her chil
dren : "Oh, my sons 1 my sons ! would that I
could see them but once again 1"
Then arose a loud voice, aud it said : "Look
to the eat;" and the weeping mother looked.
Oh! dreadful sight! there, by the sacred al
tar, rested a block and a fearful wheel. Stretch
ed on these dreadful instruments of doom, in
the coarse garb of the prison, wrestling fierce
ly with death in its most awful form, wero two
poor youths ; and in their wan countenances,
where crime and grief had traced their fearful
march, tho mother recognized her lost sons.
Dismayed, heart-sick, despairing, she rno
tionlesa stands; and the doep silence is again
broken by a voice speaking these words:
-"Mourner, whose every tone is a murmur at
Heaven's will, .vhose every expression , is a
doubt of God's love, let this teach thee a
mishtvtnifh Son .t i ., .
thev miffr: ; 7 1 OI cnme
Kwnr,; iil"T7 T7- f mai g&t nave
, Tji.auu.iiuK w--iupcsi over tnv Heart:
lu vtuu, in a ourstoi iervent praise,
that he took them in rm5ullied.vyouth from
world of sin to a place of safe refuge."
uu uarmiess leu lice a
pall on the marble floor; but through the arch
ed windows came streaming the pale moon
rht. and lwnoifh a v.t. i n
, a vlJ iaJO, moiuer
Knen, ana prayed.
There fell on her heart a blessed calm, as a
.v1W;,UISFa'ioiDc troubled waves of eor-
row, "peace, be still."
iu uugei oi ueam stoio soilly in, and
eeaiea ncr pale lips forever, whilst repentance
and resignation were breathing from them in
the music of prayer,
Oh, weeping mother! who art hanging gar
lands of sorrow ever fresh over thy children's
tomb, take to thy bereaved heart, and ponder
well, this "Mother's Lesson!"
Generally speaking,' began the youth, 'stor
ies have "what is called a moral to them y and if
yon don't know what that means I shall not
stop to,tell you
It matters very little who or what I em,' con
tinued he. I have lain in silk and purple, and
grew up as one born to command. I went to
collcS and err kely you think I was a wild,
barum-scarwii devil of a fellow boasting, uri-
Ving' huntinS culvating wine, cards, and so
n" 7 JOU tLink so' you are mistaken,
1 " uu"-l oluuiuus uuug man, 1 mignt aaa
" ' u 0 Lecn PerIoctJ7 re.
I ovea dooks, stuay, and peace, was a good
scUolar llked the arts, and was a quiet infant
I T.. T -A-tt .
uui 1 tun uau a nery ucth in mc.
I fell 111 love with a little doll of a girl alwut
my own age, and for whom I would have taken
my heart out of my bosom. I could have put
her in my breast to shelter her as one would a
little bird; and she loved me with such strength
of faith, that had I been Don Juan himself,
there was such lavish trust, that I would have
been converted from a debauchee into an lion
est man.
RTio ia f . -11 1
-" omx nun us a iruieu nil sicepins
like the streams of winter she will noverwakc
again I
'Yes, she was a lovely little trusting flowcj,
the daughter of a worthy tradesman, who loved
her as the apple of his eye ! but she was worthy
of a tlironc, and I would have given her one if
I could. She is poor now. and so am I
'Our dream of. love was delicious, but vcrv
brief She cloPed wlth mc she became my
My parents heafd that I had eloped with the
child of a tradesman, and threatened the iKor
old fellow with ruin and annihilation. It
would not have taken much' to have broken his
heart, for it was half gone- already ; but what
was done could not lc undone ; and I thought
my father and mother loved me too well to
thwart me, and that I had only to bring her
,lorue to ive i,er another father and mother,
w" "'d lTc her like her own.
raeant to have put her back into hia bosom,
and said, 'embrace your daughter, but also em-
race m7 wife, and you can love her still!' but
tnat day nevc" came. I believed, however,
Tery Crmlv in tj and I was happy, living in a
"ttleLdcn of my own, far from the turmoil of
1,fe a11'1 expecting then my little baby honrly.
'-uy parents prevented this. Yes, they hin-
dereJ a11- V'5 lived in Wales at the period,
am when my baby was born, and she put it in
m? hosom, and laid her orn sweet little head
hesidc it, I I prayed for her, for both, and lov-
edthem more and more. Then I made up my
n)inu to return to my father s home.
'One dayl went to my little home, after walk-
in? an-1 found her gone, both gone ! Then
the sleeping devil within me woke up. I learn-
e( rom tne people of the house, that a. stern
man, and a proud, pale woman, richly dressed,
drove up in a splendid chariot, drawn by four
horses, and carried off robbed me of my w ife
and child. This man this woman, were my
parents. I travelled night and day, and arriv-
fcl their home in town.
I demanded my wife ; they called her a dc-
6igning, cunning girl; and they said something
worse of her than I could bear, and 'I silenced
tbem, and made them turn pale and tremble.
T .1 . . I I I'll r i , .
x iitTuiunucu my cnua. l ney aeniea any
knowledge of either. I cursed both, and left
the house never to return to it again.
I , , , , . i
need not tell by what means I traced my
. . . . . J
Alice through stages of wretchedness and pen
ury, till I found both mother and child dying
on a mean pallet in a parish work-house.
'I eonjd have called curses from heaven and
and fires from hell to avenge this unpardonable
wrong for what had this pale and tender dove
done to win such an injury 1 But, when I saw
her pale, thin cheeks, and heard her moanin"-,
and saw her wasted babo on the half starved
breast of the woman I adored, I stilled my soul;
I shed no tears ; I heard her utter a cry of joy
and pain, and then the thin helpless hand wand
ercd over my head, as I laid it kneeling by her
side in that horrible hole, unon her breast 1k-
side my child
To lose a ircnt, to lose a mother one loves
to loso a friend one is devoted to to lose a
,1a- thof ,oa K0 -t-T- ,
, ..g
j cs, ia an paiuiui ; w nai waa it io mis f as
it for this I had sought her ? Was it thus my
parents had shown their lovo ? Was it to see
her die that I had moved tho heavens and the
earth to discover her ?
Takemy head in your "arms, my dear George,'
Rbfl Raid faint rv. Tak rr.v rhil.l in r--r
- , . ... j
too. iv i ss mo kiss ine naoy. lou love us,
do you not ? God bless you ! God protect you!
Do not separate ns. Do not forget us. I have
Lorn much but I loved you so dearly ; and I
forgive every one, as I hope to be forgiven.'
The rough soldiers turned away, and ono or
two wiped their eyes. -
'Little Alice,' I said, arc you going without
me . I
I am only going before you,' she said : and I j
leitthat she was speaking the truth. 'I am
! ! :
U01DS before you; clasp rac closer; let me feel
famine !-and she died. And for an honraf-
ter T hri.l i. tk ; v,.- :f. T w ...
cold. : It was dad t
There was a long, deep, impressive pause
and again he went on
'They made my heart desolate, wretched and
void ; and I I, in turn, desolated their house
hold, and wrecked their peace forever, as they
I J . ... . . l4V 1M1 tlVI.OJ
I x . '
i uau wo passions to leea and foster the most
boundless love for me, their only child, and a
pride which God forgive them, they had also
given to me, and the Litter the greater they
sacrificed me to that pride. Well, I trampled
on tneir pride. They knelt to me in the dust
and ashes of humility, and I scorned them.
'They offered me a bride, the fairest in the
laud, and I only laughed at them. They could
not give me little Alice, and I had nothing
else for which to ask. I had a grand funeral
from that workhouse for my wife- and chil l
and I put my name on her colDn lid, and after
that day I forgot that I had a name or parents,
and I felt that I- had avenged Alice, for their
nouse is a house of mourniug, and the world i
to them aa to nf a sepulchre.
'Ana this is the reason that I don't care for
anything that co'nu-s or gocR, that happens or
does not happen. I want to be dead. I want
to sleep, and never wake np
The Territory 0 Kansaa
A correspondent of the I'resbrtorian riv
that the proposed Territory of Kansas lies
west of Missouri. It extends wes t three or
uuuurea miies, ana consists principallv of
ana lertne jraries. The timber, i
ffitly confined to the 1111.1-1..1
- o v j nv.Ai k'i ater
courses. There is more rnvi i. .-
' - - - - V. i J HI
jvaiisas man m xsenraska, which lies west nf
I T' 11 . - w -
Jowa5 and more in the eastern than in the v.esl-
crn portion of the territory, where those tree
Iess l,lains commence that stretch to the moun
t31ns- -The scarcity of timber is the onl v draw
back, and this must prevent parts of it from
Decoming thickly settled for a Ion? time It
would seem, that Providenco designs these
immense prairies, stretching eastward from tho
Rocky Mountains for a thousand miles, to lo
I the ffrpnt rrminrr m.4 r
I a ..",5 vi oTux America
Just as ho Uoe8 the Mississipjji valley for irrain
the Gulf SLitM fr. j .
. vi vutiuu, VIIU LIIO Alhintm
oiaies lor manufacturing. Upon the large
prairies of Illinois and Missouri, however,
mugeii i-nu sumc icnces are coming extensive
ly into use, and the same inodo of, fencing M ill
dc aaoptea in Kansas. Coal is known to exist
in amercnt sections of th iu
111 ProlabJy be found in BuiDcieut quantities
- j
for fuel.
. sou s WC,J adapted to grass and grain,
ni i -
. Poruons ot it, especially near the Kan-
DM lucro ,s an excellent hemp land.
""t purposes, tnat portion through
which the Kansas r7ins -ivWVi .to
7 "" no uuuivrous
small tributaries, is esteemed the most desira
ble. The soil is surpassed by none in the
West, and at no very distant day the valley of
the Kansas is destined to become one of the
most attractive iu our country. It is situated
as near the centre of our country, aljo, as
need bo ; Fort Rily on tho Kansas, one hun
dred and sixty miles west of the Missouri line,
being the central point of the United Slates.
as near as can be ascertained. Along tlie val-
J$y of the Kansas, also, must some day ss the
great thoroughfare between the Atlantic and
Tacific, whether the first Pacific railroad take
this route or not. Copper ore has been found
also in this region.
Sinows of Iron.
TTc wandered into a machine shor. voRtnUv
Every where, up stairs and downstairs, intelli
gent machines were doing the work, once done
by thinking and toiling men. In one place a
chuckle-headed afiair, looking like an elephant's
frontispiece, was quietly biting bars of cold
iron in two, as if they had been so many oiUen
straws. "
In another place, a fierce little thin?, with
a spindle shaped weapon a sort of "Devil's
darning Needle," was boring square holes
through the solid wooden wheels three inches
or more in thickness.
Away there in the corner of a device, about
a large ana noisy as a humming bird, was amu
i .
sing itself cutting out pieces of steel from sol-
id plates, a3 easily as children puncture paper
palerns with a pin.
All by itself,in another place, was a machine
TChiQflnl lltrn - 1 .
..vv iim, i umuiwaiu. anu rou,rn
i-,i0 e ,x , , , , i-0"
boards came forth Dlaned and crroved. fini!.o.7
re.i ior a place in something, somewhere, for
1 o J
Every where these queer machines were bu
sy doing all sorts of thiugs in all sorts of ways:
boring and planing, groving and morticing,
turning and sharpening and sawing
Down stairs in a room by itself, as it would
be alone, we found the grand mover of all
those machines.
In a corner, some distance from the genius
we write of, a fire was burning, perhaps to keep
it "just comfortable," and perhaps, not
It was very busy the thing was rooviug an
arm of polished steol, backward and forward
over a frame equally polished aftl glittcrin--
as one in thought sitting by a table, passes his
(in(Tirslrt mid frn nli-nim fti t.TO.n). r - ..
'" v.u auuuwoi
of the mahogany.
We say it was busy, and so it teas ; busy do
ing nothing. It went nowhere it hammered
nothing, ground nothing, but just passed its
ponderous arm backward and forward. It nei
ther ate nor spoke, but there, "from early morn
in rlowv p.Yf if t'mnA l,r ;i :-.
- ' - cvery-
wl)Cc -or!llJ ftnd ab0TC iL
There were indeed, a few men made of flesh,
sixty or so, hero and there about the estabh'sh
ment,urnu(ig' rather than doing the work.
That tiling with the Iron arm works the won
ders. It will work more. iS". F. Trihuno.
E"?" A sailor once had a high dispute with
his wife who wished him to the devil. "Plague
u me,reg,"said he,if I don't think I should
fare preity well with the old fellow, as I ruar-
rica into his family."
A Kemsant of Anciejjt Scpehstition. A
German, known as Dutch Charlie wa3 recent
ly murdered in Colorado county, Texas. As
the body was surrounded by people, an Irish
man proposed that those present should suc
cessively place their hands upon the body of
the deceased believing that, whenever the
murderer touched it, the wounds would com
mence bleeding anew. The suggestion was
acted upon, and, sayes a correspondent of the
Kichrnond (Texas) Inquirer, as soon as a man
named Hiltebrant applied his hand, the blood
began to flow. Hiltebrant was arrested, and
shortly afterwards committed suicide by hang
ing himself. "
"Lead us hot into Temptation."
The pathway of the inebriate is lined with
rum shops, and dangers beset him at every cor
ner. Said a weeping drunkard, not long since,
" I cannot now go to meeting or to mill, for
my appetito controls me, and I cannot resist
temptation. But pass the Maine Law and I
could die a sober man, and, I think, go to Hea
ven. Without it I must die a drunkard."
There is a tear in every word. And yet men
who know not the strength of the devil which
bjrids the drunkard, will deliberately place
temptations in his path endangering his ruin
in two worlds.
Out axd Ix. A Frenchman, who was trav
eling in a canal boat, was in the cabin at the
time the boot was about passing under a bridge.
The captain shouted "Look out!" to the pas
sengers at the top of his voice. The French
man understood him littcrally, and poked his
head up out of the cabin, lie received a se
vere bump upon the forehead which knocked
him sprawling upon the floor. He jumped up
iu a great rage, scratched his head and addres
sed the captain in the most indignant style.
"Sare! what you say 'Look out' for. Why
you not say Look in!'"
Walking toe Plank, Xapoleon tho Great
calledthcthrone"a plank covered with velvet."
JNapoieontiic little is at present busy "walk ing
this plank," and though he has kept himself up
hitherto with wonderful good luck, still it would
bo too much for any one to sav whether be will
le able to maintain his equilibrium with the
same steadiness until he gains his end. And
when ho does, who can tell whether, at that
very point, he may not suddenly fall over and
disappear in the "sea of difficulties," that, for
some time, has been raging underneath him.
iLr iV raltsman who bad drank a little too
freely, fell from tho raft and was drowning,
when his brother seized him by the hair, but
the current was strong, and the brother's
strength leing nearly exhausted, he was about
relinquishing his hold, when despairing, the
drowning one raised his head above tho water,
and said
"Hang on, Sam, hang on I'll treat I swear
His words were stimulating, and the other
at length saved him.
A Mistake Somewhere. A lady a t Colum
bus, in Ohio, recently inquired of the spirit-
rappers how many children she had.
'Four,'rapped the spirit.
The ousband started at the reply, stepped tip
and asked;
How many chldren hare 11
Two promptly answered the medium.
Tho husband and wife looked at each other
with an odd smile on their featnresdor a mo
ment and then remained non-bolievers. There
had been a mistake made somewhere.
CTTWe remcml)er being at a conference
meeting once in Yankee Land, when ono of the
deacons came around asking tho people if they
wanted salvation. JNcar mc sat a butcher's
boy of nineteen years old, about as amenable
to salvation, as a lamb in his hand would have
wen iu jacrcy. :
"Do you want salvation ?" said the deaeon,
looking into his brutal face.
"o, aarn yon I wnnt Sal Skinner, find the
sexton won't let mc take her out till meeting's
Then was the tune we roared.
CL ' What are you doing there, Jarc ?"
"Why, pa, I'm going to dye my doll's pina
fore red."
"But what hayo you to dye it with ?"
"Beer, pa."
"Beer? who on earth told you that beer would
dye red ?"
"Why, ma said yesterday that it was beer
that made your nose so red, and I thought
"Ilcrc Susan, take this child to bed."
LrOOD. "is ow children," said a schoolmas
ter, "remember what I have told you. All the
misery which afflicts the world, arose from the
fact that Eve stole an apple and divided it with
"Uosh! ' said a tow-headed urchin, "what a I
pity it hadn't been our Sal. She's such a stin- I
gy critter that whenever she steals an apple,
sue eats tne wliolo on't herself."
A BEArTTiFCL Conceit Some author, were- I
memoer not who, informs us how we became
indebted for the red rose. They were all of a
pure and spotless white when iu Eden they first
nernber not who, informs us how we became
spread out their leaves to the morning sunlight
of creation. Eve, as she gazed upon the tint-
less gem, could not suppress her admiration of
its beauty, but stooped down and imprinted a
warm kiss on its snowy bosom. The rose stole
the scarlet tinge from her velvet lip, and yet
wears it.
Weil AsswEnEii. A young wife remon
strated with her husband, a dissipated spend-
uirur, on ins conduct. ' "My love," said he,
"I am only like the prodigal son; I shall re
form by aud by." "And I will lc like the rrod-
igal son, too,'" she replied, "for I will arise and
go to my father,'! and oiF she went.
tTT'Thc IIavc Kothings' is the name of
- Miiuigiou; composed
doubiedly, of disappointed office-seekers
Starching Lixex. To those who dsire to impart
to shirt bosoms, cellars, Teed other fabrics that fine
and beautiful gloss observablo on new linens, tho
following recipe for making gum arabic starch will
be most acceptable, and should have a place in the
domestic temp-book of every woman who prides
herself upon her capacity as a honse-wtfo and the
neatness cf her owd, her husband's, and family's
dross; and, if she does not take pride in these things.
her husband is an unfortunate man
41 Take tvro ounces of fine white gum arabic pow
der, put it into a pitcher, and pour qh it a pint or
more of boiliDg water, according to the degree f
strength you desiro, and then, having covered it,
let it setall niht. In tho morning, nur it care
fully from tho dregs into a clean bottle, cork it;
and keep it for use. A tablespoonful of guui-wa-
ter stirred into a pint of starch that has bocn made
in the usual rosnncr will giro the lawns (cither
white, black, or printed) a look of newness, when
nothing else can restore them after washing. It is
also gool, inuch diluted, for thin white muslin and
To PnonccE Cherries without Ftokks. "In
the spring, before the circulation of the enp, a
youftg seedling cherry-tree is split from the upper
extremity down to tho frk of ita roots; then, by
moans of a piece of wood in the form of a ppatnla,
mc ina is carauuy removed iroia the tree, in such
a manner as to avoi.l any excoriations or other in
jury ; a knifo is used only fur commencing tho split.
Afterwards the twocctions are brought together
and lied wilh woolen, care being taken to close her
metically with clay tho wholo length f tho cluft,
Tho sap soon reunites the separated portions of the
tree, and, two years afterwards, cherries are produ
ced ot tho usual appearance, but, instead of stones,
there will only be small soft pellicles."'
Hints to Lovkrs of fiowp-RS. A most beauti
ful and easily-attained show of evergreens may bo
La 1 by a very simple plan, which has been found
to answer remarkaoiy well on a small scale. If
geranium branches taken from luxuriant and heal
thv trees, rust before tho winter sots in. l.n ,,t
for elirs, and immersed in soap-water, thev will af-
ter drooping for a few days, shed their leaves nut
forth fresh one?, and continue in the finest vigor all
tno winter. By placing a number of bottles thus
fille(1 in a flower-basket, with moss to conceal tho
hms a ehow f evergreens is easily insured for
th , SeaSU- TL? reluife no frfcsh r.
I Opodeldoc This lotion being a vala&blc appli-
caton for sprains, Inmbago, weakness ot joints, Ac.,
and it being difficult to procure cither pure or fresh
ly made, we give a receipt for its proparntion :
Dissolvo an ounce of camphor in a pint of rectified
spirits of wine, then dissolve four ounces of hard
white Spanish soap, scraped thin, in four ounces of
oil of rosemary, and mix them together.
A vert pretty and economical finish for sheets
pillow-cases, Ac, may be made from the cut
tings of blenched muslin : Cut one and a half inch
squares, and fold them bias, from corner to corner,
then fold again, so as to form a point, scam on to the
straight side on raw edge and face on a strip to cov
er the seam. ' x'
Mildew Stai.ks aro very difficult to remove from
I Hncn. The most effectual way is to rub soap on the
spots, then chalk, and bleach the garment in the hot
To takk Isk out op Mahogaxv. Mix, in a tea:
spoonful of cold water, a few drops of oil of vitriolt
U'ucli the spot with a feather dipped in the liquid.
C7" Well, Sanibo, is your master a good
farmer ?" - .- . .--
"Oh, yes, massa, ho very good farmer, he
make two crops in one year."
"How is that Sambo ?"
"Why he sell his hay in do fall, and make
money once, den in the sqring he sell de hides
ob de cattle dat die : for want ob dc hay, and
nfake money twice."
C?" Within the last six years, it is said, $1,
500,000 have been subscribed towards tho en
dowmcnt, of Baptist colleges and seminaries
in this country. The whole number of instru
tors connected with them is 1-31, students over
z,!)W. - Thev Lave craduatca over 4.0UO st.
dents in all, and their libraries contain more
than 120,000 volumes.
"Of the four hundred and twenty-four in
mates of the Insane Asylum at Utica durine
the past year, ninety wcro intemperate one
hundred were addicted to the use of tolaeco
twenty-eight had no education one hrndred
and eighty-seven were not connected xf.th any
religious denomination.
"illustrated, wits cuts, " sail a young
urchin as he drew his pocket kni'e across the
leaves of his grammcr. "Illustrated with cut3,"
reiterated the schoolmaster, as be drew his cano
across the back of tho young uchin.
Love one human bcing.iurely and warm
ly, and you will love all! The heart in this
heaven, like the wanderir sun, sees nothing
from the dew-drop to th ocean, but a mirror
which it warms and fills.
CC7""I at mit bo tje reason dat Shoseph
wouldn't shleep mit Btifar's wife?" inquired
an honest Dutchmanif his boy.
"Sphosehe wasn'teepy,'? replied thoyoung-
C7Some one eaking of the venerable ap-
Pcaraice of a stuip orator, says, he stood up
lkc cnc of 'cnij
with his bald head and hands
in his brccche.ockets.
rC"An Irisrf gentleman lately fought a duel
with his intimite friend because he i
, . j
sorted that f- was born without a shirt to his
back. -
i . , ,
rr7S. Mm! -A Scotch gentleman puts
t he post&o stamps the wrong way upon his let-
isrs, arf calls it, with a tender fec-lin", Turn-
. '
lg aj-iHiy ! ,i .
f - --T 1 .
Cj'The way to bo hapnv aro without vour
brefast and dinner, and see iryou dont feel
hapy when it is supper time.
e7'17c have met the enemy aud they are
ures,' as the old woman said after slio haI
slain about a peck of bed-bus.
CTPA young man who has recently cot
married, sys he did not find it half so hard ir N"iladelpj.
get married a- to get the furniture. - UU9tTj.
T",F iRvD FLnAa. yicTt,RIOUS.-Th- Bloo,!
Ucd I.anncr float n triumph on the ' Old Cvr.
rr .Stir, where A. M. Hills has just opened tho
cheapest ud most splendid assortment of Good
ever dfctplayed before this community, and exaotlr
adapted to their many and various necessities
,EvCriVtriC Hats' Bonnets. Boot,
Shoes, Cloths, Caasimeres. and all other kinds of
dry-goods, that are unapproachable by any ot her
similar articles, either iu beauty of stylo uualitv
or price. ' J;
Also an excellent assortment of Groceries Hard
ware, Sitone and Queensware, with fancy article
ai iffimtnin. ,
Ha defies competition, and invites all p-rsoni t
give him aeall at the Vld Corner." whi.'h has tru
ly become tho 'Uazarr' of Clearfield. -
Kvery attention will be shown to customers and
Victors., and r.6 pains will be spared to send all
uiling away, loaded with his beautiful and valua
ble goods, never surpassed in Clearfield.
Clearfield. Jane 15, 1854-ly. M' UILLiJ
V .Tf1 r'f l"gc and well
selected stock of GOODS of a .-
uon maoie to tho season, which he is sellina- off
at extremely low prices. JI0 respectfully invites
the attention of all who wish t., bur sood VJSITt
w. ...m.w, w C!m ai tnesiira of the '
est Goods."
Country produce of almost ev.ry disruption ta
ken at market prices in exchange for eoods
I ersons wishing to purchase, and receive a
equivalent for thoir money, will do well to
him a call.
Kememhor the sign of tho CHEAPEST GOODS
on Market street, and call and be convinced that
there is troth in tho words thereon inscribed
June 13, 17o4. WM. F. IRWIN."
11 inform the public that they have just opened
a new and splendid assortment of Goods of evcrr
variety at the old stand of U. J. Pattox at Cur
wensv.llc. At their store may bo found, .ilmost
everything adapted to tho want and neWtties of
the people of this region. Dress-poods, lioxai,
Laces il..ve C !oths, Cneres, CIothin-TlIaT;
Caps, Loots SJioes, Ac., Ac, of the- best qoaUty and
at the lowest pneos. i jm
Also a splendid assortment of Hardware, Queens
ware and Groceries. .
They invito all ncroon tn -!t-o i. i-...
ly assured they will be able to render entire sW-
Cll"n-! II. D. PATTOX.
Cnrwensvillc, Juno 15, 1854-ly
MANSION llOUSE.-The subscriber Laving ta
att k,en tJ1,sf0,J established stand, and entirely
rentteu and rcturnisaed it in snrh
vie with any houso in the county, respectfully so
licits a liberal share of public i.atrouairo. Kr
attention will be showujp persons stopping at tho
Mansion lfouse. and no rmins win .i
makelhem "feel at home."
Thd bar is well famished with thn Knrf
and segars, and the table will at all times besn p
plied,vith the best in the market.
IXeTOuld respectfully invite the puMic to civS
viearueia, jane 13, ii4. . .
HEMTHILL'S HOTEL. The subscriber would
faform his friends and the public generally
that he still remains at the old stand, where he is
at all times ready and willing to "entertain Gran
gers and travellers." His bar stocked with tho
best liquors, and his table will always bo supplied
with the luxnrics of the market.
Thankful for nast favors. h ml iita fnT...
share of public patronage.
Clearfield, June 15, lS54-ly.
R. WFLCH; Silversmith
and Jeweler, next dour to
the Tost Office, Clearfield, Pa.
Watches cleaned and renaired
and'good watches warranted for the space of one
yea. Jewelry, Aeeordcans and other musical in
struments repaired on the shortest
reasonable terms. UunelS. . 1S54. It 1
variety of B00U and Shoes the eheanest
ant largest assortment in the Countv. which T- nr.
tem for sale on tbe lowest terms for cash or produce
would inform hia friends and the public TtSw
fnerally that he keeps foT hire hordes 1 '
baggies, carriages,Ao on the most rounnihi
terms, at his Livery Stable in Curwensville.
inquire at tuo itao Office' Flemming's Hotel
June 15th. 1854.
MA. FRANK, Fashionable Tailor,
"Shaw's Row." below the Mansion
House, will be happy to render his services
to all those wishing clothes made in the la
test style, and most durable manner.
Clearfield, June 15.
Lit. CARTER Dealers in tovea, bar-iron,
rails, and caetings of all kinds. Also plows,
and other agricultural utensils. On Second Street,
under the Republican Office. Sune 1 5, '54-ly.
THOMAS SHEA Fashionable Tailor, in Shaw'a
Row, on Market Street, below the Mansion
House, Clearfield, Pa. Junel5,'W-ly.
HARRIS, HALE fc CO Wholes als DHrooism,
No. 259, Markot Street, North side between
sixth and seventh, Philadelphia. Drugs, Medi
cines. Chcciieala.Ptni Medicines. Surgical In
strument. Druggist's Glassware, Window Glasx,
Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, Ac, Ac.
- - B. D. ORBIiON.
June 15, 1754-Iy. . - .
CHARLES WINGATE, Dealer in Bonnet?,
Shoes, Roots, Dried Palm Leaf Hats. X. is.
North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Seoond Stora
Deiow Vommerco fctreet. - June 15, l&54-ly.
turcrs and Importers of Saddlerv. and Sad
dlery Hardware. No. 23 Market Street, ilhiladol
phia. Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Whip,
Saddle Bags, Bridle Filling, Bits, Stirrups, Buckles,
Carpet Bags, ect. June 15, '54-ly.
cers, Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants.
No. 273, Market Street, Philadelphia.
"- " A. HAYWARD.
June 15, lS54-1y. ' . . -
HOOD A CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealer, No.
187, Market St., Philadelphia, keep constant-" ?
ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap stock of '
the most fashionable and elegant goods. Thev in-
vito country Merchants to call and examine tbeii -splendid
assortment, before purchasing elsewhere! r
June la, la4-ly. . . ,J j
1ALEB COPE A CO, Xo. 183, Market St., Phif
V deiphu, xieaiers iu linens, tmte Uoods. I
: . . i i i : v - j n....:ii.i..j. 1
ccs, Gloves, Bolting Cloths, Ae. June 15, '54-1
A T. LANE A CO. Wholesale Clothing Stol
j jl o. ii, -cancel ciree. : ivcry vanetv I
ready made Clothing, in the most fashion able stylt
constantly on hand. Jane, 15, '511y.
ISAAC M. ASHTOX. Hat Stom, No. 17
Market St., Philadelphia. Hats, Caps, Eurs,
Ac, of every variety, and the best aualitv !
on hand. IJune 15. 1851-l-r
CONRAD A WALTON. Hardware Store, No
.255 Market Street, Philadelrhi. Hardware
ron, Nails, Ac, of every description.
June 15, 1854-ly..
ter Street, Philadelnr,;. rwfers in
chain, Yarn, Manilla and Hemp Rop8" IW-eorda.
Clothes-lines, Ac., Ac; . ' June 15, 1854-1 y.
BROOK. TYSON A RETrr Wholesale prv :
Good's Store, No. 14. 'Slrtei pbnaArJr
phio. , lJnB 15 lfel-1 V
3 South 4th Stee. '
dealer. t- frwt;
extensive dealers
TJICnAKI GLEIfMW, Boot and -ff,
XlShoe Manufacturer, Shaw's Rew Clear- il
ficla. Pa. , keeps eonstantly on band everr f V V