1 IHETOTJMAI. TT- rstriNESS '-ITEMS. sT Any of our readers about to visit ,he city Trill da well to o ill at C ale cJpe & Co.' splendid Sew S'ora, No. 173, Market St., rbila. Per Laps, the mo3t maguiaicnt store in Aoier'aa, and their- a-uottnient of Goods, cm brae its the most eplen li I silkj and so. ins of every rarity, is at onae the lariat an 1 cheapest in he market. rTPKKkinzs j7 "Rattan nV Journal, it may not be am' to inform oar re iders that they ca preeuro tha cheapen Hemp and Manilla Ropes, of tho very first aIity. at George J- iV saver A Ca.'g.N. 19, North v''ater Streot- rhiI:i- The arc aLo dealers in carpet chain, bedaords, clothes iiae3 Ac See card in another column. "Roaks and Stationary are corstantly la da-B-.anl. and we know of no better place of supplying them than at Clarx & Hesber's extensive estab lishment No. 17 South 4th Street, Phila. . lW It is sai 1 there are few more splendid s'ores In Philadelphia, than Broox, Tvson A RnE's,No. -140 Market St. They keep at all times a large and extensive stoek of the best qualify of Pry-Goods, exacilyadaptedtothe wants of their country friends. tlSLong has the palm been awarded by all dealer in haM. caps and fur3 to Isaac M. Asnrov. atl72Mrkit St., Philalelphi v. where .l.e still re mains to supply his friends and the publia with all sorts of -head gear," at the lowest prioes. 5j5" Wo take great pleasure in calling the atten tion of onr friends to the carl of Coxiad A Wal Te. Hardware Merchants. No. 255. Maiket Streafc. Phila.. in another column. A pleasant fallow is tha' same Jim Corrad.ard ready stall tines to take eff yctr leg at tic tree ;e int."' 'if We woald reeommend all dealers in ready rna-le clohir.g to call at th e plerdi 1 esta lishnient of A. T. Lase A Co.. No. 171, Maiket St.. Phila. J""? Those wishing to purchase at wholesale, an excellent article of Saddlery Hardware, such as bits, buckles, brid!e filling, Ac. should cat! on Wv. P. Uassell & Sons, No. 28, Market at, Phil adelphia. Cur Merchants. Druggis's, Physieian.- Paint ers, Ac. will find-it worth their while, whin visit ing the city, to oall on Harris, IIile A fo..No. ;'9. Market St.. Philadelphia, wholesale dealers, ia drags, medicines, paints, oils, glass, pcrfiinary, Ac., Ac. I'v" In a large and crowded -city, "it is no easy 't-adc to find out where the best goods are soil at the lowest priees. That onr readers may avoid a long saarih. and sore feet, we refer those wishing :o pur chase Eonnets, Palm-Leaf Hata, Boo 'a and -"hoes, to C.TircLps Wigatf, No. 18, North Fonrth Street? Fiila., where they will And an extensive 'lssort rscnt, abpricca that cannot fail to please. If It is said that a, large quantity of the tf a and erfT je csci in our country, contains a porton of Presses acid, a deadly prison. The ealeciioa of 4he.se articles, -therefore, requires great can and cauuon. W- nfop thtwe desiring to parch ad o a pure article to BsiDEtvA Hat ward. 273, Mirket Street Pbila. wholesale grocer and oomatasion ctrcbaaia. " - 13? In addition to the Foreign, intelligence re ceived by tha Paciaa, we have afej the inelli .geneo"' in another colamn. that Hoss A.Co,.JTo. 133, Market SL, Philadelphia, have a bant a tr!eadid -ito-jk of Dry-'rools of the latest and no it fwliionable styles. . Te re-oiamcnl ur reai-ra. about to viait tte city to call. 55 Altiocgb th price of Tron hae raised, ail everything else is high. 1. R. Carter. srill contLa tses to soil eas-ings, bar-iron, nails, Ac. See cail ia acotler cclsuin. 'Onr friend Ttioxas Shea is now ia the cVm pnrchasiig a splendid-assortment of c'othing trim ui:cgs, Ac. Hlsshop is still open in Shaw's Row. t a Ten minutes conversation with A. M. Hills'. or one look at his beautiful goods, with a knowledge of the price, will produce aa overhaaling of tho pocket-book, and an "exahange,'" initznter. If yoa are '-dubious," jast c'.ll in'at the sign of the -ReJ Flagf fcad convince yourselves. Zsf' 5Iaa cannot stay tfco tile cf hanittn pro-rress. nor ean any person concieve the" pleasure and com fort of stopping at a hotel likHEX fuill's, where jtbey may bark under the bland Tnile of a landlord, without a jarale'U'ih t"'lhe"wiri;-eat;reg'ioa." s "Or It is said that tbosa who do not relish muJ"i5, .have no sou's. "We don't know bow that maybe, but those wao don't re'Jih Bt adit's dinners, cer tainly Lue u ''gizzards." Great place that ThilliFsbnrj. ' tWe don't know whe'her the '-Know Noth ings" have organized in Clearfield, yet, but we have wnlar evidence that the "Natives," are anoa ns atiil, as may be seen ly 51. A. Frank"'s card, ia an other column. -FtiLhicr.able tailoring done ca the shortest notice." ' . : y7oung married perssns, and othcr3, about to furnish their boasja. will find it to their advan tage to c-ill at Jo hs P- Merkow's establishment, (notice it ia another eDlumn.) waero they can so le it good and as cheap f ami tare, a3 3an bs fouaa in the country. . , C-Tbough there is a strong probability of a trnpinre with Spain, about Cuba, yet as R. R. yftuca, has no iaUntioa of enluting, he may still fjacd at bis Jewelry Store, next door to the !jst OfSie, where he ij reaiy at all times, on the oriestnotbc, to repair Va';hes, Clajkj, Jewelry, Ijflfyouwauttosjsthe elephaat.1"'aal par i itxnao new, fashionable, and elegnt gaal?, on the lowest terms, just call at tha tar3 of Puros & Showers, ai '.arwinavilla. tyit is said that a G.lost has appears d along o canal bstwen Freeport and Pittaburj, anl has htened the people considerably. But no ghost any other spirit, caa frighten the crowds that tinually pour into Mjssop A PorrAJtr's New re, where thev buv the cheanest and best goods the County. ty iVhocver t!so may be acasjl of bs'oagiag tha-Kaow Xothingi," certainly our friaad 3lc" will esjapo. bsiauss he not oaly kiowi so -riving, lut, a gcod deal tl-ct cikiig the ;o3t and oheapest Cootj aal Shoes. Call and try tea. " V " rwA FreacVAuthor, we be'.ieve. was tho first V, observe- that 'r yic id the M in." If, there- tre, you wish to po-aj-tislea of the very latest vie. just call and purchi-. Jsof Virsos, at their New -knton. there can be founa in i -viia - . rts-ockintueeoaniy. r t .Vs" It ia not ofien we saai-ted in findicl? a Cen "isi who can extract teeth.-without- cansing a great d5.".l of nnccccssary pain and suffjrin?. bat Pr. A. II. Hills, whose card iaiy le f.und in another part of onr paper, is. pclyT S, n! of the mo? 6 ex rort operators in hi3 profs-ian IF? also mkis b-fuifal aad elsgant ArtiSci.al Teoth. If -you h.vc a troublesome tooth, call ita-1 ?nbmit it to the Dr's, ir.ne?ion, and our word for ii, it will r.ot trouble yea lvi&g. 53FTt i? a'wp.vs a plcasnr to stop at a hotel whore tho pr ?rrier i? a gentleman, and we know of no one who more d(??rve3 thatappellaion. than V,th. R. F.vrwxrivi. of tl.e "flool Intent IIous-?"' at Curwcnsvil'n nis ionss is kept in the very bp'f manner, and will vi with any country Hotel in the Stnttv Lon j nay he wave, and raay tbo"Good Tntont"' flourish like a '"roen Ba.y Tree." ITiTn f.Tio'her column will ba fTrnl th vlver iseraent of the "roprio.r of the 'Mansion Hiuse." in this pJai?. We would reommnd it to tho at tention of our roaders. Cail and try ii. r-r? the fine ar's pa'ronize 1 in Clearfield? Tf no, it is time our citizens shon' 1 nay somo at-' tention to the mater. and we wonld call their at tention to the cr 1 of TnorT-rAX t Rowr in anoth er eolumn. who. although they mak9 no preten tion to -' talent, ar? yat eT'sellent noue. Sign, and mampntal Painters. If yon have any thing to do in their line yoa cannot do better than give them a call. fi?"Ve prc?ine our readers will not fill to read he elfirsnt effusion in nro'hc; co'umn.on the sub ject of T)a-n"rrcotyring 'Wi'hiut siying anything about the vo'trtr, we can crtainlv recommend Mi. "PrPviAvcF.'s pic'nrr's. We ndvi.e our readers to oaM. and ;seeure the shadow era tho substance fadee." ""''he Lnuisvil'e Fxnmiper tells a story of a Church Member wiio"had always been" more re markable for opening his lnon'h to say amen, than oppniii his pnrse. We rresnmc it 13 the latter artiile that Tsavc Johnston des-rcs his friends to oien when thy call at his shop in "Shaw's Row" and vi?w his bc.au'.iful and cheap assortment of Coots and Shoes. Oiva lira a cal'. 7JiU "U Hom-n't'e?. In pursuance of the directions of the lata Whig State Convention, I have selected the following gentlemen to compose the State Central Committee for the present year. Col. A. G. Curtin. of C?rtre Co. Chairman. Oen. VTm. Larimer, Allegheny, Col. C. O. Lonmis, " Fred 'ric't Lennig, Phila lelphii. r! Jos. B- Mvers, " lion. VTm. J2. Reed, " Stephen Miller. Dauphin. John.Covode. Westmoreland. r Thos. E. Franklin. Lancaster, lion. TI. M. Fuller Lrzeme. II. D. Maxwell. Northampton. . L. A. Mackey, Clinton. David Taggart. Northumberland. WM. F. JOHNSTON - Chm. WiiE-tate Conc:iufion. . litarj Elactfoa. An elestion fur Briade - Officers was held in Clearfield on the 5th irst., and the following per sons unanimously chosen: - Bsra-Iier GnrafCo A. M. HlLLS. B-itral Inspector Col. Clark Patcdiv. Coo' Capt. Jonx L. Cuttle. Lrt Co7 Capt. James Dowler. Mijor Capt. Tnos. II. FrLTOV. We .have no doubt tho above gentlemen will make excellent offijer. anl ca:a '-fill the measure orb.13 country's glory." T9-m-a-ta r.leatla.T. The Clearfield Conaty WasingJoni?a Society held its monthly meeting in Clearfield Borough, oa oth .Tune. 13j4, for the purpose of electing delegates to the State Corvontion holdea ia Karrislmr; on 7th iaat A7 i. Iavirf . of Curvvcaavillo was elected a Scaatorial delegate, and Rev. Jas. II.i-iiLTOX of the same 'pla.se a Repr-entativo delegate, with power and privilege to appoint substitutes as occa sion -might require. f. E. M'Esallt delivered an impressivo address on the expediency of the people voting directly for a Prohibitory "Liquor Law. Wir. H. Rodertsox spoke at soma length oa tho amc subject. . Wm . C. Rote, also, in his usual witty and pleas ing manner, but rather nnus tiHy eloquent, enter Uined the meeting -in besoming style, and did the Ciuac much, but himself intra honor. E. S. DtTN-DV. Szc y. GoV. B;.:1o- fa."id Ea-iLs. Tt prtx.l rity of our fJovjrnor i3 not alone confine I to tais sttj. The Cincinnati Com mercial says: Gov. .Biglr, of Pennsylvani i, 1 ist veeX vetoed four bank bills. Us boats Gjv. ?0'.vjI1, of Kentucky, and in reg iri t binks.appsirs to be tr.'idiaS in th j footst-ps, oflontt oil Simon Snyd-jr.1' Puir.slratuun. The .ivve-puii' will'du to la itiUfacturj po ulirity lir (Jov. Bigler abroul; but Ljr, whja'j thj i jopl i arj i'tmiili ir vvlt.i thjj history of his a I c.nistrtion, and bis iacJtisist.'.ncy in rjgrrl to b:nks. itwillbj rjgirJjl as sim ply reJicalona It is a fct, un.i ni-jd an I un djaiiblj, th.it Vine; iiiglr's gubjr.i itoriil de Lu: down to th-J tiros .-nt time, his cours.' on the B ink question hts.bjaa hipocritic d an.1 dis bonjst. Ia his naugur.il address, an 1 ia all his su:iquent anad nussigos, hi took ultra anti-B inx ground, cnd.'mning the Bmkiug system and an iner3 of panjr currency :us rainoustotlu interii's of the country. Anl yet during the first s-ssion of tae L3gisliirj aft ar his induction inHictiou into ollicj, this Bank-iiiting iirty,s tienls "run through" scores of B ink cb irters yd Hiirier signed th-iiu ! Signed them whilj the ik was not yet dry npon tha pirchmant thatontainel his with.r iDg djnunci iting of the woIj paper currency system! What bis-2 hyicrisy, and what a frxuI upon the people! Tt; smie gimj wis pi lyed, during tha winter oljS aal ,51. The PtniuylvniiTH anouDCJ.s wi a flourish of trumpets thtt Gov. Bigi.-r Vtoid ourBtnk bill" passed by the lite LcgiSature"; but it is vary c ireful to suppress theiaclthat Gcv. Big ler signed bills for other locilitjs which con taint I exi:tly ike s im i provisions those re 'at V. It is dishonest and contemptible vor the Ioco foca presses to attempt to minuf.vture popu larity for Bigler upon so sm ill a c Vital as the veto of four Bihk bills," when K is known th it daring his administration th e dL,ocofoco pirty, u-iik tht Exe.uUve aroZia'io,Vive cre ated anl re-cr a ad scores of Banks in cvry section of ibi state, ani lioJji the tmntry with an in-;reise of the wortliless curr3.cy so strongly depreeited by G.v. Bigler inji an- nuumessige. on una on sue a inconsisiacy aal hypocrisy. Pcani. Telegraph- PritKJa Paul, of Wurtemburg, 13 now in f;s country collecting botanic iLand ornithologicj sTcimafls. for the public ition of a work, whey hi returns to Europe. This is a very crelita-l bla oceapation for a prince, aad it would be mora to the honor of them all, if they engaged in soaie such useful and instructive profes- V - CTav9-ltivy?. . Rtttlvvp, Vt.. June 8. The Whig Convention of this State yssterday norair.atd. Stephen Boy;e for Govcrror: Osesir Shaf er for Lieu. Governor, and Hetery M. Bates for Sa'e Tra3srsrv.The Conven tion wa9 lar?-1 ?nd harmo:-iong. P.oT."n. Ma?r",,Tnn' V "'a'a Coirention. of DomocrVs kno-yn 5? ' MoTrill Men.'' met y?'er- the r"-1 rtf li M:Si-.iri "AT-Ti:n anl in fa- r-ir of b ar-;n L-w. firrT T. ?rfTri"l " r'-ir'.1-Taed fir 1irTBr. Th aw?- 1 Tni va fi"l. "nd. tn iro?!edrTs (in5' "n 'h':'' as' Mr. ?"or ri!1. in nwn'inT t'-e ti"-ona'.vaa. nil'' an c!o (t"t Tre?h f''." i,ab-i'- th" 'oa,;'r;''. . t, VT ,rr.re 9. f-nT-nntjoa of do'qrVra frin "lir''; .,.l",'vrh"N1',.i A?'T?a""',s "f ft n Fnt'ed 5'e' an l Panal : 'i ",,''r'n h"- n-. Trfnra y1j".-,r( I ffsrri "loon rTn ff'.l. Wr!isr. "5. T.viU Pi':'r-r. Nt f!r- lrn-; no nn o'.h' t1t?''. fl- W. TTo't oTVotv rT-lrT wa e'e-?fo I Tree:tdT. Tho obip rfl-n roven'ion is to s-ma or-rarir" mp'hol for nroTiVng Christianity throughout the Amri?aa eonincnt- TI"'ri,-'"5 .Tnne 7. "T"hca,, tewponn" rnn rnion. adpnmed wihoit making a nomination, having rs'vel to rnb'ih the letters received from tho different Candi lates Tho followin-r wero the intcrrota'orips fnt. and the arswers of 'Iht. . TJirlf.r. and T"de Pom.ock-- 1. Do yon believo a law; prohibiting the mann fa?tnre nrd silf of in oxidating liquors excent for sicramental. medical, mochnni.ial or ar'istijal rir notc3. to be constitutional ? and wouM i's consMfu tiona'i'v. in your orir.?on. be nlfetcd by a .ubn:i. sion of is r?real to a vote of the people, provided a mnjori y voted in favor of the law? 2. In tho event of your ejection, should the Lc gi3laure canal sa;b a law, will it receive your ex ecutive sanction ? GOVERNOR EIGLHR.S LETTER. - IlARTa-rpi. Try G- 1354. G"itTem'a: I have been honored by the receipt of your communiaation f the ISth iil'imo. pro poandine to mo certain qaesMons touching the sub ject of a Prohibatory Liquor Law. To your first inquiry. I reply, that the Supreme Court" of th". State have reea'cdlvKeld. and I con cur in the doctrine, that the Legislature can oxer oise all law-making power not expressly forbidden by the S;.ate or Federal Cois'iut:on. Under thii construetion. I believe the Legislature have; author ity to control the matiuf.ic'nre and sile of ppirit ous liquors; but in the nse of th it power, it puMt. be obvious that a law miht be pts-;od. which, in its details, would be a nunifort v:olation of tt;e Constitution, and henca th imposdbiiity ofar swering your question dUtinc'ly, without see:nj the exact terms of the proposed law. As to the- second point in the inquiry, it must be very cleir that a law. constitutional in itself, would not be ren lered otherwise by allowing the people to decide by vote whether the Legislature should repeal it or not, no matter what that vote might be. To your second inquiry I answer that T sincere ly deplore tho evils of intemporanoe. and urn no" willing, as I hsfvo alwsys been, to sanction any measure to miiigate. an 1, if possible, entirely re laove the vi-;e. but I car not pladf mypeif to sana tion a law, the details of which I have not sen. The terms of th Consi:ut:on aiid oath of ola -e would scc-m to forbid this course on the prt of an Executive. He should be free to judga of the cor stitntiona'ity and wisdom of a propose I law after having fully examined andconsi lersd i:s provision. Very respeetfiiliy, your obdient. WM.Pl-JbKR. To Stephen MiUer. Jas. Pl.ack. Jas Piper, John Jones, Geo. W. tftaaton. Esq?., Committee. jcnai: pollock's Lr.TTnR. ' . Miltox. Mav noih, Iw4. Gentlemen Your commuuia-ition in ref-rence to a proLibaiory law bus been leccived. and in re ply, i say that tha corft5tu'i,.r.a'ity of a prohibi tory law, similar in it3 essential features to tho one referred to in your itterrogatorii.-a. having received a judicial determination by the highest Courts of several of our ?i.?9 iia.te. nsd the pr-ncipl htng bet-n reaonized by tho Supreme Court of tho Kni tod States. I am relieved from the responsibility of a first decision. These Courts, having affirmed tho constitutionality of a prohibatoiy law, and be ing of th highest aulboiity. I believe, upon prin ciple and authority, suah a law to 1 e constitutional: anl it constitutionality, in my opinion, would not bo aifceted by a submission of is rcp-aal to a vote of the people. Every measure of moral crpo'itieal reform, sanc tioned by the representatives of the people, within tho limi!s of tho Constitution, should receive my official sanction. The expediency anil pronrie'y of such laws are for the people, through their repre sentatives ; aad their will, constitutionally declar ed, should be raspactad by tho Executive. If the people demand, and their representatives enact suah a law: their will should not be resisted by the ox -riso of the veto power a power purely conser va'.ive and only to bo exaraised in c ascsolearly un constitutional, or exh'Hi Jng indubitable evidence of hasty, injuriou.i and ir perfect legislation. Such being my views of ofli;ial duty in the premises, should the Leslatura, the cons itutional exponents of popular will, eri ict such a law. it would, in .the event of my election, receive the Exoautive sana tion. Yours, very respectfully, - - Jave3 Pollock. The business committee in ths af .craooa report; ed a series of resolutions, approving of tho letters of the Whig and Native candi lates far (Jovernor, rnd dcclariijg it inexpedient to Uf-iainate a candi date. ' They deem the letter of Jov. Uiglcr ui.sat iofietory. The rciolu-ior.s were, o'er a long disavts'don, cdoptel. anl the conventioa: at 11 P. M., adjourn ed slut ate. T.i ASar'a'c rtioa ail C-ba. There is an evi.laat determiaatica on the part of the Administration do plunge us into a wtrwita Spain. Tha "iVasliin ton ' Unia of Wodaes liy coutiias another vi. lent article on Cabi, .witiia vie'.v of prepari ;g the public mini lor tha belligerent mess ige which it hP ie j;i letat'mined to s :nl in, aa soon as t.ie N e'jriSrii bill is dispus; of- We are to turn buectaeers forth it is the proper term, ail, wita seircaly the shadow of an excuse, take possession ol Cubi, simjdy bectuse we desire it, and will ill another si ivo State to the con fjlercy. The Washington correspondent of the Journil vf Conimpr-4?, alw sys reli ible when foreshadowing the action of the Administra tion, siys, "there is reason to suppose that the President will send to Congress after a week or two, a Message about our relations with Spain proposing aostile measure. The tone of the President's Black Warrior Message of the 11th of March has been constantly main tained in the Union, and,' therefore, it is be lieved th it the Union represents the President's views and purposes when it promises to urge thi immediate blockade of the Cuban .Ports, upon tha refusal ol' the Spanish to afford ra paration for the .alleged "piratical outrage" upon the Black Warrior. That the demands ol" Mr. Socle are rej ;cted, there can be no doubt. Hence, it is suppose! that we sha.1! have a sequel to tbe Messige of the 14th of March, and in a more definite manner. The Messige of the. 11th of March proposed that provisional poweis be given to the President. The House Committee on foreign Affairs have declined noticing this proposition, or the mes sage itself in any way. The President will next make his position, it is thought, - defi nite and specific." A Free Soil State Coxvestiox, which met at Pittsburg a few days ago, has nominated for Governor, David Potts, Jr., of Chester; for Ca- vu Commissioner, George K. Kiddle, or Alle tieny; for Supreme Judge, William 21. Ste P-cnson, of Mercer. - : -'-tijrie xc:;T ti'-e Aha Im , . We do not by tho above hailing thatUiiv., "Bigler has bosa kP.lel oatrig'at; that portion of b:s r 'story will ba written oa tha sjeonl TucHy'cf natober nxt. by an ia ligaant nn 1 outraged people. T?ct wa do a'.le ; that s:naa the Marsh conventtonj beha.sbe?a missing en every important q-sestioa that irtcre9l3 the Conakry or aitatc3 the coa: nsnti-. y; aadlnp-to tai? txma no D-taoara'ia paper that bne copie to ournotiaa. ha t'.kan sufuaieat interest ia Lis welfare to noMas the fearful lo?. Now wo ,tikathis3 very Unkind. ia the editor? of tho?a joims'i. If they are aarmainted w'uh hi3 ic 'rf ?7o"f. riy ro' rrllero tht suspensa and apnre herVon of h'.s fricrd? If they aro ijr.orir.t of his rrsC'lon. why rotoCT-r a suitable ramanrra;;oa f?r tha di'aoriry ard 'ife re'urn of tha fugitive? The trn-h ia.'hat the WHI prss must have speeiily nd definite information a? to hi3 loaa'ity. as they Lave.sevcral importHnt account? wi'h him that re-, mjia unso-tlal: and if oar Dcmoara'.ia friend' do not produce the truant within a week or two, we s'lall cither offer a reward for him-on our "own book,T? or publish him as a defaulter. But per haps our neighbors of the TJn'O'i or the Pi'unsy'--r?v;7, or sr-me other Demoeratia paper, can en lighten us: if so will they bo so kind as to answer the followir r questions : , Is Oov. Bigler in favor of or opposed to the Doug las Nebraska bill? Is he for or agains the sileof all the improve ments be'onging to the Commonwealth ? Why did he veto the charter of saveral Savings Banks during the last session and sign other3 of pre cisely the simc character? Why did he during the same session veto an a niendment to the charter of the Cash Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Harrisburg. and sanation ssvcral charters of other Insurance Companies con taining the s? me provisions ? But we will r.ot lengthen out the lesson fur the present; if we receive definite answers to the alKve interogatorias, they shall soon hear from ns again. Pollock,s principles are ' known and read of all men.'' He is opposed to the iafimous Nebraska scheme, and against the extension of slavery. He is ia favor of a judi.ions and immediate sile of Tublia Work3t He is against the indiscriminatg interference by tho Exeeutive with thcaationof the peoples Iloprescntatives, and is only in f ivor of using the veto power whea suah aations boars apoa it.? face a violation of tho constitution, or indubi table evidence of has'y, injuiitious and defeative legislation. We and the people of Pennsylvania demand of Gov. liijler and his friends an open a vowel of Li3 position on theEe important questions. Shall we have it? JIj,rrishiir Telegraph. Arise or the Frankivg PnviLrfiE. Tho Cleveland' Pliindeal?r thanks the Hon. Ed. Wade, M. C. from Ohio, for a public document under his frank, eleven inches wide, fourteen inches long, and four and one-fourth inches tbick, weighing twelve p.)unls avoirdupois! It is a cory of the census report, unabridged, printed, bortid, creased in a wooden 1-ox, and trmsported there from Washington, all at the expepse cf the government.- -The original cost of this Look, as it cime from tae l r;n:or s nanas was ' C-ast of enveloping and boding, Transportation, &.C., 27 01 50 2 50 7ot?l, . ' . , ?S0 00 The editor cf the Pliipdenler, who is also Post-master at Clevel md. and may be supposed to knr-w the fact, st.'fes thai cart-Ionds of these huge volumes are traversing the country in every direction, free, to say nothing of the lesser -stu;T sailing under the franking privilege of members of Coitgresa. And still, in spite of the reiuonslrpnces and even threats of the people, these members of Congress are con triving schemes to raise the rites of postage beciuse the present system does pot pay ex penses, but never tfcinking'of the propriety cf cutting down or ubo'ishing their cnlious and unjust franking privilege. We'l rail and True. . The Lebanon Courier very pointedly and truly siys "At the adjournment of the Legislature, Bigler stock was d.eidedly Indow par. "The most intelligent Dimorrats admitted that, so far as svi opinion could be formed at present. Pollock, s chance for an election nre decidedly in the ascend int. The fiet is. Bigler's own party is disgusted with him, and thousands of them, from present indie ttions. will not sup port him. It is only the .t.Wfr portion of them that can jswallow him without an uneasy retch ing. We trust that the day for such men to rule the State of Pennsylvania has passed for ever, an i that here titer mn of character and ability will be selecte I for that important duty. The"inler?ss of the people a-id tl.e character of the state positively" demar. l a change." Tns Loans-; oi,"TanD IIclsz." The New York Ev?-pi$ Pi-i' siys 'There is a tiurl llor.se at the seat cf Gov c nmeut who soil legislation by the .wholesale c-retail. 01 these people you m iv buy laws by the piece or tlie s inure yard, by the gross o.- single dozen. If yoa are da airou to have a statue enacted for yvur p,.n:cul.jr benefit., they are re .id to get it passed lr you, on con d !ion f being v,d! piil. A good sur.i of money i' hand, and an assurince of receiving a i.an Isorae propcTtion of vh it you make by ti e liw, will l ire you an active company of srtipers and miners, before whoia the easy vir- i tii'i f such a Congress as we have at present can hardly be expected to stand long, lhe more you give at once, and the larger. propor tion of your future gains you promise, the su rer'you are of s access; the more -ample will be the means or cajoling and 'corrupting the mem bers." The Bauxbcrxers moving. The Barnburn ers of New York arc m iking preparations for the njxt Gubernatorial election. They are to meet in Albany ia a few days to lay down their programme. It is supposed that the sudden disappearance of Prince John Van Buren, and his long concealment, have been with a view of preparing lor a graud Barnburner demonstra tion in a -short time. Having nothing more to expect from Washington, they -are turning their attention to home affairs. Lively times are expected. . ,,. . A Hit. Mr. Wentworth, of Illinois, has psisted the following' extract from the platform of the late Baltimore Democratic National Convention upon hi desk in Congress, as de fining his position ujwn the Nebraska ques tion: "Resolved, That the Democratic party will assist all attempts at renewing in Congress, or out of it, the agitation of the slavery question under whatever shape or color the attempt uaav be made." The CnivESE Emigration to California this soa son has already been quite largo, over 4ft00 emi grants having arrived at San Francisco.' At the last dates from Shanghae there wercfiOOO more rea 'dy to leave as soon as shipping could be supplied. Tbe publication of a newspaper in the Chinese language hne been commenced in California. v v CTatr. ti'e Caaifo ! The-D.ti7w-.VaA3-i: thm somqi few . divg,!-. fore tbe. election, Mr. McClay. who keeps a linns' rit the-corner cl Twentv-SL-conX 'nrl ft irf.rw-bill str'?:;ti raised a verv"bandsi;rr,t? fi.ig.with lettering tt melted to it--;-Hon. Ho'o ert T. Conr4l for Mayor? &c. On Wednesday night, a mrc-:: of disappointed LocoFocpp. by. firing ball t the blocks and rope by which it was suspetjidj succeeded" in cutting d awn the. dag, while Mr. MeCi iy and his iantily were asfap, anuria the morning the lettered canvas.! with shreds cf the fiig, w is found, ia the yard ct Mr. McC, where it bid been thrown by thi villeins who had desecrated it. t!i.e material pirt-t'f it having b??n carried CiZ Th t men shoiu-l be ills ;j pcir.ted. when de feated, is quite natural, but th tt they sbou!, turn to be thieve3 and br.:tes therefor, 13 rath er too rniiea for a respectable ei-mriunity.'We understand that Mr. McClay will offer a reward for the vill -dnous 'authors of this outrage, anl we hope they m-ty be speedily detected and dealt with as thev should be. - The Ccmot. Commander Plana, the distinguished astron omer at Turin, in speaking of the new comet which was visible there lately, mentions a cu rious cirenmstance in connection with the popular superstition about the influence of comets over worllly affairs. lie states that when a large comet appeared in 141(5. just af ter the Turks had overthrown the Greek Em pire. Pope Calixtus ordered public prayers to exercise both the comet and the Turks. A Cariors Dining Ei1!. We learn from a London paper, that Frofes sor Owen was recently entertained at dinner in the garden of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, in the modle of an Ignanadon. The animal in whose mold the dinner was jriven was one of the former inhabitants of Sussex, England, several of his bones having been found near Horsham. His dimensions have been kept strictly within tbe limits tf an anatomical knowledge. . The length from the snout to the end of the tail was 80 feet; be was 12 feet high : the circumference of his body was '1') feet; and the girth of bis fore leg G feet 0 inches. Twenty one g-entlemen dined comfortably within'the interior of the creature, and Pro fosse r Owen sat in his head as a substitute for brains. CSe-ial D-r-ftotr-y or"ci4rll Cotiy. PRESIDENT JCDCtE: ITox JaarES r-rRxsms. - - - Lcl!eor.fe. ; ASSOCIATE JL EG F.S: IIov. Richard Sniw. - - - Clearfield. Hon". Joaat T. Hovt. - - .- Lumber City.. ' riOTflONATOIlY: Ac. . Witliam roT.TEr:. - - - - Clcariield. SIISP.IFP: William Powell. - - . - Clcariield. - COMMISSIONErvS: RoEnv-Mehaffey. - - '- - Eowcr. Svi'jE-. S:hoff. -- - - .Tcffrics. Philip Heviver. - - - - Tcnnneld. ' COMMISSIONER'S CLERK: ",1 Georcs B. Gooplavder. - - Lathersbarg, PROSECUTING ATT0RNEY: L. Jacks ox Cras. Esq. - - Clearfield.. . COUNTY SURVEYOR: ThosRoss, Fsq. .... Curwcrsville. -. CDUNTY AUDITORS: G r.o. W. Scnorr. ,-, - - - - Jeffries. C. Krotzer'. ' - ' - - - - Clearfield. J. II. Sevler. - . - - - - Lutkeraburg. Ariial anl Deptrtnro o t.e STfc-Is at the - Clctrieid Pcst-CG.o. . TvrosE Mail: Leaves every day, Sunday ex cepted, at 7 o'clock. A. M. Arrives at 6 P.. if.. - r KAPTacrsE: Leaves ClearClcd,Friday at 8 A.M. Arrives. Saturday at 6 1. M. Smith's Mills. Leaves Clearfield, Friday at 6 A. M. . Or ihamto-J: Leaves Saturday at 9 A. M. Arrives same day at P. M. tiarkrt PHILADELPHIA. TiEsnw June 13. 5 J. 50 5.75 4.00 2.10 Fhur, per bbl. Rye Flour, " " Com Meal, ' 41 Wheat, per bush. Rjc. scarce at Corn, scarce " Oats, scarce " S9.121 to T7i " 2.20 " 1.15 .501 CLEARFIELD. TcEPAa. June Jlour. per bbl. S10.fi2i Wheat, per bush. 2.25 - Rye, " " 1.25 13. Corn, . "' . - l.IZi Oats 2i LUMPER TRATE. Lumber is selling at Port Deposit, at from 10 to 14c. Slow sales. . . s rRATri CONVENTION Those in favor of he better observance of the Chris'ian Sabbath are requested to meet in Convention -in tbe Prc-s-byteriia Cbur:h at Curwnsvi'le, "n Saturday, the fir.-t day of .laiy next, at 1 1 o'cloi-k. We carnes ly hope that every township in the Conn y win he Inrge'y rcpresentes!. Perjamin Spcktnf n. lobn B Iliscv. J'-pry .A ughiaauh. J. B. Caldwell. A. .T. L ciiia. : ; H. P. Thompson. W. Tl. Robertson. t. 11. Flcning. V. M. P.eedr. C. W. Rhear.j. Rcv. C. DicLl. Lev. S. I June, 15. 133 1. W. A. Bloom. " ,7. II. Flora inr. G. R. V.'olf. I. S. Fleming W. A, Keed. M. Wooda L oss Red. ! '-v. .1 H.-rr,:,on R v. 'Iau-iLia'e r. Coooci-. M. A. FRANK.-JUSTICE O" THE PEACE. Clearfield. Pa., Ofliec ia '-Shaw's Row." June. 15, 1851. It "ir ames cnowrniiR, JUSTICE OF THE a." PEACE, Cui weiif-ville, Pa. Cfiice opposite the Good Intent Hotel. June, 15. 1354. 20 Barrets New Orleans Sugar. at-Sixpcnce per pound, for sale at the Cheap Store of " A. M. HILLS. rTlUOMAS II. FULTON & CO. Merchants, and A extensive dealers and manufacturers in lum ber, Laldhills' Post, Office. iMay -2 '54-ly. 5Y EUCIIER SWO0PE Attorney at Law. For-H- merly of the firm of Scott & Swoope. Hun tingdon. Pa. Offiao next door to. and over Esqu:re Wrigley'g, Clearfield. Pa. May 1 , '54-ly. TIL LARIMER Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Offiae- with John L. Cuttle, Esq . nest door to Dr. II. Lorrein s irug Store, Clearfield, Pa-. --. May 20, '5 My . ALL TAKE II ) dEN SACK . Uob e ns.aek's -TV ; Worm Syrup and Liver Pills for sa'e by June 13, '54. ' - M ).-S0P & PJTTARFF. BiUttlK DELAINES. A superior article of Eercgc Delaines in dress patterns, at 25 cents per yard, never sold in this county befora for leas than 50 ccLts. at M'J.SSOP A PJTTARFF'S. June 13, '54 "I f)i Bags of Coffee, just received ai for sale .1 VJU at the New Store of . A. L HILLS. June 14, '54. - , .- ' . friricwt- Ihicon for eale at the sign of the XUU CHEAPEST GOODS. WM. F. IRWIN. June 14, '54. ' . - . - 'URVTANCE'S Stock is. now complete. FrcHi liMJe orses. -varry neat. "T'yvte Th3S(! of ffej''-taaeTr!rionai - Suitable for Ligh pi-3pndorjs. ' C ore on. Lain-' ccCie on. Rents'.. Ccn:ecr. cvary m u orsccse.I , - M:a get ;ra-ricrs ofyoaufsc. ?c sLow.ywr feki ds venr many grace. The drcs3 h better to be a;k; i - - Put brawn cr fed ia just the mrk. , Tor tbce tbe contrast plainly show ' Itweer. the t ard the C'j'i't. It's wa enoiisi ti c ?un should Fhino," J:ut ;f i don't, arid clouds be rifv -- We'll t d:c yonr" pi.-tura to tfce"!ifo.': V- " " ?V.t u'd never '-coa:e itiJst clouds anl shades, Prt Trbe.i the mVipn-i th orthrkies, . Pis brightest vales rns on. sri.se i;d bring y.bur'?'-f"e o'ls to me -And i-rij-'Lt-et picrures voh shall sec. Aro'ter'thcmc tbe bw sugges'.", , . To put all g'owihg doubts to rest, ' Suah here inen as soiatnlt-s feel, I est wicked oral frsh fiom the deed Should be invoke I in place of art, . And wade to tiet a wi'y part, '..--" . Are told wiih cor.;ienoo clear of evil !" h.ive n 'tf'.'imrs vr'tk tht devil. . Gallery. 2nd.Sr.. 2nd door noTth of Powell k Co's Store. June 13. .154 . tf. ft eit JSiciteaear- .-. urtuieg AaaDun.a.ea,-t THAT the largest, cheapest, ard best iPforimeiit of Cioeds ever brought into Chsrfield county. ' have jn?i arrived, and are offered for aalc, nt tLe New tc-rc of the subscribeia, r.err the Joint! 'Jfiiae. Cieaifield. Pa.- Nevrr before la? a more brilliant, acd at the same :ime a cbe&per iot of Goods Wen offered to this eoc-mut.it; . 'iheyiav all Icon selected with a vie w to the wapt and re-cessi;ie-e.f the pop'e e.r this pertietJar locality, after long experience, and ici innate aeqiraint.anix w ith their I usinesa connectious. -, Dry Gotds of ex-cry variety, i'rcssflools. Cloths. Cassimeres. and ClorhiLg: l oots and Shoes, JLaia . and Caps. I otmefs aud Shawls, together with a largo aiid splendid assortment cf Queersware, Hardware and Grocer;?. Defying all competition, tley sclicittleir friends and the publia to give them a ca?l and examine their stock. MJ5S0P & PuTTAhFt. Jane 1, 1354. ly. , ' TREMENDOUS APPLAUSE FP.CM7IiE riT! NEW ARRIVAL. Isaic Jou.to would respectfully inform Lis lrie-nela and bt public gE eraiiy that Le has jast relumed fveaa tbe I u;t, where he has purchased tte most t-plei-di 1 B.rort ment cf Roots thoe-s ever brougar to CloarlioH. rery variety of Ladies shippers,. gi;e-ra, 'j-in.ps. Ac. Ac Mens fancy eboes. and gite.-s, ruh j:i exaellert r.?s.u-'meiji oi" iieavy s:o-k. all adapted, to the wants ef ti e pe-Dj ic of Cieaaeil. T He hopes his fiienas v, ill give bliii a calT-t L"a store in -Shaa 's iow" uLd txauiii.c his sraok.' June 13, 1651. - . a, dE GOOD IMTENT HOi'EL, c: d Str.g-s Haa, Cprwcr.svillo. Pa. Tho Subsarib-.-r wo'a'd ir faim Lis fiitnls and thapublic iha-; l e Las j'St re fitted and rc-furais'ned his house atd ia-pr:p-iral to render every a:tcrtion to the travelling ctttiaa nity. , - bar contains Iiqucr9 of ho Ct qr.i;ty. his tabic wi.l alays oa sjpn'.iei wi;h tea bast in ma.kct. He rc-pea'fury solicits h:s friends ar. 1 obe-t to give him a call. . - WM. 11. FLEMillX J. . June-14, '54. . . - y-i, A.J. HILL, D. r,S. " OfSa f-dki-r t.r . I 1 C , nA a . i T 1 cat -. , ted in tne noit ai'proved mciarn style. ' " ' Filling, filing, anl Cleaning done with, care and nc-at-ness. . , Teeth extracted with all tin cire and 'di?pateb. modern science can fi raiih. .' - . Drt. UILLS. can always be found -a bis clScc, as he is now devoting his whole "attention to Lis -proiss:op. '"'' Jane 14. .'54. . TVTFW FIRM. GU AH AM WAT SON; have just xTI opened a new and snlendi I asnrmtni of goods, at their Store in .Grab.amt-oa, consisting of Ladies Press Goods. Cloths. Cawiiaeres. J'ar-Iware, Queti:swaie. Grfc eiie. Roots. Shoes. Oils. Pt.iuts, ar d every o:hr ar-.i-le usually kept in a conntry : to;-e. where they oJTcr fur sa'e - as cheap, if not cheaper than any oihcr Stor? in the County. "All kinds of produce and lumber t:.kcn in exenange for Goods. C. M. GRAHAM- r ' JAS. E. WATSON. " Grahamton, June 14: ?5l! " - KEW FILM. TlvOCl MAN A R0WE. House, Sign aad Ornemental Painters. Glajiers, Chair mak'eia, 8Ed Paj.er llapgi rs. effer their ser- . viac3 to the citizens of CleiirCcld and icii.ity. hop next door to "tbe Jew's Store. They keep constantly on band, and make to 'or der every variety ef Chain. Lounges, Lofas, divans Ac. Ac. Cane and Spring bottom chairs, and eofas ia ad a eq-aal in beauty to any that caa hf obtained from tbe City, and more durable in woTLmanship and material. JOHN TLOUTMAN. June 14, '54. ly. ROBERT ROWE. EHO'S COMMERCIAL HOTEL, No. 18, Son:h Sixth St. Philadelphia, lhe subscriber has recently enlarged tiid lilted up his house, and - is now enable 1 to compete successfully, with any es U;b!iscoient in the City. Hit rooms are comYort able and wrdl ventilated, and his table furnished uuh the best ia the maiket. He respectfully soli cits the lar;re circle of hi CJearCeld frieLds ,o give uim a call when they visit the ciy. - JAC03 G..LE20. June 13. 1S54. tv. . . lOlIX ii. M0utfJUr, site M. E. Church, siantly on hand and m Furniture, su-ah as Tea Cabinet Maker, fcnopoppo-. Clearfield. Pa. keeps com akes to order, all kjnds of Tables. Card Tables. Cen- trc a ablcs bofas, j-pn Rureaus, Wash htamls. CofBris mnde on the als attended. June 13. 1354. It. iiS Seated Chairs, Fed steds. Cupboards. Safes. Ac. Ac. shcisest roiiee. and Fcner . JOHN R. MORROW. YAMES iliDDLE GtkKDON Attorney at Law, q has re-moved Lis olliee to the room adjoining in the Lut. the Drug Sxro of Dr. II. Lorain, and will devote his whole attention to the practiaa of bis profession; He may be consulted ia I'rcnch &z.d Gari&jin. ' June 13, 'jl.-ly. "37" S Ll NDY AttorLcy-at-Liiw. Clearfold, Pa. will attend faithfully to all t refes; ionai- bu KiiiOjS entrus:'i to his care. J.nnd l-J, '.4. ty. , "ST B. -MaEN ALLY Attorney at I-aw. Ofu3 a tearly opposite Ju jgo Wright s Store. Clear iie'.d. Pa., pra'Uia-,s in . Cleariield and adjoining e-oanti. Jace 13, '54.-iy. 'i'lEAP C-uOI Ul.VG. A largo lot of Cheap Clo- thinr. Men's and Rots, for ale cbean, by Juno l i, 'jl. MOSSiJP & IVlTARl-F. : B LACKEEKltY BRANDY. A certain cure for the Dj'sentary, for sale by judo 13, v4. JlOSSoP A POtTARFF. - OODS AT CITY PRICES. If you wan to get all kinds of Goods at city pri-at-s call at -june 14, 'j4. MJaS'JP & P'J'l'TARFF'S. " it Ii ilaircls WLie Sugar, fjr SJ.le at -JJ - M lsyj A Pdi i 'ARFF'S. June 1 1. 'it. f f( Sacks Salt, just received at tho Cheap J-Jt Store of MOoSOP A POTTARFF. Juue 14. '14. . . . "JT JACaSOX CRAXi Attorney" at Law. Of- - uujuiiuuj itciaiai-v, vieuiLi-i'i, ra. May 2o, '54-ly. - TAMES B. GRAHAM Merchant and extensive a. dealers in lumber, tirahamptcn. P. ., Clear field county, Pa. May 2i. 'j-S-ly. TBI i SII'JfcMAKL'KS. A fine lot of .-pan;sa Kips, A Men and Wouieu's Morocao pitk tiiaiinings, and Solo Leather, for sale cheap, by June 13, '54. ' MVriSOP A PJTTARrF. DIY BEEF, of the best qaalily fr:st received and for sale at Wa. F. iuwi.a's Cheap Store June 14. '54. STONE WARE, of every varicrv cheap for oath at the Store of ,AV. F. IRWIN, June 14, '54. . - . . - 1 OH B,rreIs Fish, for sale at the Uheap Store .lUUof ; ".AV.F.IKWIN. JunoJ4t'54. ---: : . w z r. j V -1 ' ' -a : DM - . V " n n - II