- -V- d i i . - - THETOTJMAL. : SrsINESS ITEMS. . JAny of our readers about to visit the city, will well to o ill at C VLS3 Cj'rE A Co.S splendid New 3'oro,So. 173, .'Market St., Tbila. Hi per haps, the mo3t magnifi .sent store ia America. ar.d .their- a-uortnient of Goods, embracing the most eplen li 1 silks and sains of every rarie;y, u at once the Iafjsst an I cheapest in he market. ' nPIi.LIn- as we do7a "Raftar'anV Journal, it may not be ami, te- inform oar refers that they can procure the ehcapesi Uomp and Manilla Ropes, Of tho very first quality, GboUOE J- WEAVER A Ca.'g.No. 13. Norih Water Street. Tbila. They are aLo dealers in carpet chain, bedeords, clothes 2iae3 te. See card in another column. EBocls and Stationary are constantly la de mand, and wc know of no better place of supplying them than at Claks & Hessek's extensive estab lishment, No. 17 Soth 4tb Street, PUila. ZW It is sail there are few more splendid s'oree in Philadelphia, than Brook, Tvson A Rhes,No. -140 Market St. They keep atall times a large and extensive stock of the best quality of Pry-Goods, exactly adapted to the wautsof theircountry friends. f5Long has the palm been awarded by all dealer in ha's. caps and furs to Isaac M. Astit!v. atl72Market St. Phila lelphi . where .be still re mains to supply bis. frien Is and the publie with all sorts of "head gear," at the lowest prices. 13?' Wo take great pleasure in exiling the atten tion of onr friends to the earl of Co-sun A Wal Tf . Ilardware Merchants. No. 255. Unlet Street, Phila.. in another column. A pleasnrt fellow is tha' same Jhn Oorrad.ar.d ready j tall tines to4 take eff ycur leg at He kree joint."' 3?-We would recommend all dealers in rcaly made clo'bir.g to call at tl pplerdi 1 establishment of A. T. Lake k Co., No. 171, Maiket St.. Pbila. HT Those wishing to purchase at whciesile. an excellent article of Saddlery Hardware snch as bits, buekles. brid!e filling. t:c. shoulu ca'l on Wv. S. Hassell t Sons, No. 2S, Market St., Phil cdelphia. ; lrCur Merchants, Pruggis's, Physicians. Paint ers, Ac. will find it worth their while, when visit ing the city, to call on Harms, Half. A Co.. No. ;';9. Market St.. Philadelphia, wholesale dealers, in drug?, medicines, paints, oils, glass, pcrfiraary, Ac, Ac. - tl?" In a large and crowded -city.'it isno easy "tii:k to find ont where the best goods are sod at the lowest prices. That oar readers may avoid a long si?rch. and sore feet, we refer those wishing pur chase Eonnets. Palm-Leaf Hats, Boo's and --hoes, to CTirr.-S WiGATr, No. 18, North Fonrth street: Pi iT3., where they will And aa extensive issort--scat, at.prices thai cannot foil to please. Y f Tt is said that large quantity of the ia and scf je used in onr country, contains a porton of Trails aeid, a deadly pcisop. The selccfion of these article, therefore, requires great can and eanJon. W of thOMleiriag to pnrohada spare article to Bsuv&cma 4k; IIatwapd, 273, Mirkot ttrett PLila. wboIea5e grocer and oomniision Eirchaats. , 13? fn addition to the Foreign aotelligenes-received by the PaciSc, we have alesr the ' inelli ence'' in aaother cola-nn. that Hooa A.C0..N0. 13?, Marks'; St., Philadolnhia, iave on hacli a so'endid to-ik of Dry-ools of the latest and roi'. f-ishionable styles. Wo rojotacaen J ur reai rs. eboot to Tiait the city to call. ". I J" Alitor gh th friee of Tron hne raised, ai l everything else is hirh. L. P.. Cabtef. s'ill contia b?s to soil cas ings, bar-iron, nails, 0. See ca:l in another column. t if Our friend Tnox as Shea, is now in the ci-7 rurLhasitg a splendid-assortment of clothing trim m5Eg3, Ae. His shop is still open in Shaw's Row. " Ten naicntes conversation with A. M. Ilitts. or one look at his beautiful goods, with a knowledge cf the price, will produce aa ovciLanling of tho pocket-book, and an "exehar.ge,"" intxHter. If you are '-dubious," jast cr.ll in at the sign of the 'Red Flag-f tad convince yourselves. CaMan cannot str.y tho tide cf human progress, ror ean any person conciere the' pleasure and com fort of stopping at a hotel hkV'ilE-'tpiiiMs, where jtbey may back under the bland einile of a landlord, without a jiaralc'H h ",Ihewiri-eat-regon." x It is scid that those who do not relish muni 5, have no sou's. We don't know bow that may bo, but those who don't re'Jih Btvoiv's dinners, cer tainly have eo ; "giziards." Great place that Thillirsbnrg. ' - ?T"e don't know whether the -Know Noth ings" have orsanized in Clearfield, yet. but we have ooular evidenoo that the "Natives," are among us stiil, as may be seen ly M. A. Frass's card, in an other colcmn. Feshicr able taHoiirgdone on the shortest notice." - ' ' '. J - fjgroung married pcrssns, and others, about to famish their houses, will find it to their advan- tigetociUaiJoa P- Mjanow's . establishment, (notice it in another eDlumn.) where they cm so" Icct as good and as cheap farnitnre, aa can bafuuad , in the country. . IT?"Tbough there is a strong probability of a "fupture with Spain, about Cuba, yet as R. R- Felch, has no intuntion of enlwting, he may stili ( I JUnH ai HIS jewciry ciuic, uu jst OS jo, where he U ready at all times, on the k or test no the, to repair Waiiiea, CI;kj, Jewelry, Ac. ;, .":'. rpIfyouwanttoscathe ,;clephant,'"and pur chase new, fAsbionable, and elegint goo 1 J, on the 'lowest terms, just call at tho sora of P-wrox A &X0WESS, at Corwiosrilld. j o canal btwen Freoport and Pittsburg, and has ." Ighteced the poople considerably. But no ghost . 4any other xpirit, can frighten the crowds that tinual!y pour into Mossop A Pottakf's New Ire, where they buy the cheapest and best goods , Jthe County. ' Ajt?' Whoever else may be accusal of belonging tnv.aow'otJJlng,,, certainly our friaal Jtav will essapo. because he not oaly kiows so . tug, It, a good deal tlt nikhg the boat and ohepest Cootj aa J Sheas. Call an d try tea- V r5?"A FrencVAoJior w. Iva vac iit first b observo that ,jic is the M in." If, there- re, you wish to poss. articles of the very latest Tie. jnst call and Parfpar sp j3 oi- lM Vaisos. at their New Jtf - -iamton, Z xit ii not often we ss3??el in Endicg a Een- is who can extract teethwtthont causing a great dM.l of unnecessary pain and suffering, but Pr. A. il. IIills. whose card miy l-e f.und in another part of onr paper, is. pcihots, one of the most ex rert operatova in hi3 profasian Ul nlco mfik j3 bautfal and olagtnt ArtiS'ial Teeth. If -yon have a troublesome tooth, ctll r.r. 1 ?nbmit it to the Dr's, ir.Tecion, and our word for it, it will not trouble yen long. 13 Ji'wfvv! a pleasnr to ' ston a, v. hotel wh.?re tho prorrie'or i? a gentleman, and we know of no one who more desirves thatP-ppellaMon. than V,tm. U. F.V5WVIVO. of the 'Tlo-)! Intent liouso" at Curwensvil'c ITis bona? is kept in the very hrt manner, and will vie wi th any cocntry Hotel in tho Ptitp. Long may he wire. nr. I may tho "Good In tent" flourish like a 'roen By Tree." i"rn ro'h?re!)laina will ba furnl the i-lver-isement cf tho "ronrie'or of the 'Mansion TTouse." in this pla-;". We would recommend it to tho at tention of our roadcrs. Call and try it. rAretbefine ars paronizel in Cletrfield? Tf no, it is time our citixim shou1 1 to.v porno at tention to the master, and we would call their at tention to the cr 1 of Troi'Tt av A Rowf. in anoth er column, who. although they make no preten tion to fi-t:t'c talent. r3 yat excellent House, "igii. and rmmentJil Painters. If yon have any thing to do in their line you cannot do better than give them a call. tlWe pro?v.ine our readers will not f til to read he elTsnt efTusion in nro'her.co'umn.on the snb jp'ct of Ta-i;n"rrcotyping Without saying anything shout the vo'fm. we can cM-tair-Tv recommend M. TrPviAvrc's pic'urs. We advise onr reader? to eaU. and "secure the shadow era tho substance fades." Vhn "Louisvil'e F.xnminer tells a story of n Church Member whoTiad always been more re markable for opening bis mou'h to sny amen, than opining his pure. We rrcsmne it is tho latter article that Is A vc .To;insto"J des'res his frionds to men when they call at his shop in "Shaw's Row" s.nd view bis bcau'iful and cheap assortment of Eoots and Shoes. Give 1 im a eal'. In pursaanc2 of the directions of the lata AVhig Stata Convention, I h.tvo sclecteil the following gentlemen to compose the State Central Committee for the present year. Col. A. G. Curtin. of Certre Co. Chairman. fJen. Win. Larimer, Allegheny, Col. C. O. Loomis, " Frederick Lennig, Phil.iJqlpb.il. 4 Jos. B. Mvers, Hon. Wm. 1?. Reed, " Stephen Miller. Dauphin. Tohn-Covode, Westmoreland. Thos. E. Fnmklin. Lancaster, lion. TL M. Fuller Lrzerne. II. D. M.txwell. Northampton. , L. A. Mackey. Clinton. David Taggart. Northunil-erl ind. wsr. r. JOHNSTON ' - Chm. Whig-fttate Concziuion. An election for Ej-igade Officers was held in Clearfield on the 5th irst., and the following per sons unanimously chosen: - B'isra'Iier G-ifrtJ Col A. M. IIll-LS. Bridal Inxprcior Tot. Clafk Patchin. Co'oi' Capt. Jor L. Chttle. L'rt Co1 Capt. James Dowleb. Mtjyr Capt. Tnos. II. rrxtov. We l:avc no doubt tho above gentlemen will make excellent oK;ers. and each ' fill the measure oj Ii3 couctry'3 glory." Tmiw-a-is ?.e3trln.g. The CTea'Celd Comty Wasing'onian Society held its monthly meeting ia Clearfield Borough, oa ath .Tune. 13j4, for the purpose of electing delegates to the Sta'e Correction holden ia Harrisburg on 7th last W-r. Iavis. of CurwcaaviUo wis elected a Senatorial delegate, and Rev. Jas. IIaviltox of the same plae a Representative delegate, with power and privilege to appoint substitutes as occa sion .might require. J. B. M'EsALLV delivered an impressive address i on the expediency of the peoplo voting directly for a Prohibitory "Liquor Law. Wir. II. Robertson spoke at some leng;h on the amc subject. Wm. C. Rote, also, in his usual witty and pleas ing manner, but rather units d'y eloquent, enter UineJ the meeting in becoming style, and did the tiuso much, bat himself imn honir. K. S. Drtov. Ssc'y. OoV. Bljlo.- i-id Eu iLs. tk irity .of our Governor 'u net alone confine I to tais stite. Thd Cincinnati Com mercial says: "Gov. ,Bigler, of Pennsylvjini i, 1 ist veeic vetoeJ four b ink bills. He beats Gjv. Powell, of Kentucky, and in regirit j b inks', appetrs to be treidiag in the footsteps, of h neit old Simon Snyder.'' Ptnns'jlvanUn. The avve puif will do to in iiiuf.tcturc po ulirity Ivr 5ov. Bigler abroad; but here, where the yeople are fnii!litr wlt.i the history of his al-u.nistr-.tioa, and his inconsistency in regxrl to Iv.nks. it will be reg tried as sim ply reJicaloKS ft is a ftct, un denied an I un icni ible, th it Hilnce iiigler s gub.-r.i itori il de L:i. down to thdjinesent time, his course on the B in!c question his been hipocritic il and dis honest. In bis inaugural address, and in all his subsequent aniiiui m-ss tges, he took ultr.i anii-3 mi ground., condemning the Bulking system and an inereiu of paper currency is ruinous to the interii3 of the country. An I yet during the first s-ssion of the Legisl rture ufter bis iuduction inluctiou into ollice, this Bink-luting pirty,s f.iends "run through" scores of B ink ch irters Aj.l Bigler signed them ! Signed them while the ik was not j'et dry npon the pirchment thatuntiine J his wither ing denunciitiug of the wole piper currency system! Whit bise hyjcrisy, and what a friU'i upon the peoplo ! Th eiuie gmie w is pi lyed, cluriDg tbd winter of3 an J ,-5L The Pennsyleauim anounces wiu a flourish of trumpets th it " Gov. Bigier VtoJ 1 fourBxn'.i. bill" passed by the lite Leg'Uature"; but ;t is very c ireful to suppress theiacttb.it Gov. Big ler signed bills for other locilits which, coa taine I exicllij ike s um provisions i, those tt'at l! It is dishonest and contemptible vor the loco foao presses to attempt to m inufvture popu larity for Bigler upon so tm ill a coital as the veto of four B ilik bills," when is known that daring his administration tin Locofoco pirty, wiihlhe Exu.utive approb'ioa, ive cre ate J an 1 re -cr a ed sores of Binks jnevry section of the otate, an i dnJ;J the t,Untry with n inreise of th e worthless curra cy so strongly deprccited by Gov. Bigler inji an nuil messige. Shime on aua'a inconsist-acy aal hypocrisy. Pi nnn. Telegraph- Princa Paul, of Wurtemburg, is now in is country collecting botanic il, and omithologicj sr ecimens. for the public ition of a work, whei he return3 to Europe. This is a very creiitaJ bla occupation for a prince, and it would be more to tne nonor oi inera aii, ii mey eufeajjeu in some such useful and instructive profes- . C-aT9"itin?. ...... Rtttlast?, Vt.; June 8. The Whig Convention of this State yesterday nominated Stephen Boy?e for Gorerror: Osc?r Shaf er fir. Lieu'. GovcrnDr. and Fecery M. Bates for Sate Tr-sasnrcrvThe Coeven f ion wn3 larg rnd harmo: ions. P.Tr,P. Mnlre. ,Tnn- "'a' Ccirertion cf Democn's knrv" j? ''arrUl'Mea.' met yjer day. wh-i s'r'vnT ""'Vn'tnT tts T-osl 7'r! the roe"1 of hy y:s'nri r'--n-,-'n5'''. nl i"! f'- vr.r of b M-vn l.w. rs-r "P. ?Vrr"l r"ir" raed f-r Cor-o-nr. Th a"? 1 :n'', fu'l. "n?. b iroe!pi'P7S w on? "nb':i'a3';e. Tr. r'!'. in ,?"i,in t'"e nhi'ln. mil'' an or-To- o-"' Tve?h f-'.'lT u 1 -!- ? th" i'i"i'!t . i-. T n .Trre J. rTn-ntiin of dc,,4"ir f,. tl,., v. ',(.'i Ch";i:n As't'la i-"s "f tbo rpl'ed Qae, nr. ! ?-n-'Jl- !r '"n?m b to At, Po'o'-i'njTrnfc nr,!,r? 1 '"'i l'm 'ir'nt PeM. WonVs'er. T,- v Pi'U'i i-g. st r- wn e'ec 1 Tre"id'?r. Tb- oV1? ofbe "ivTiMor) is fa om9 pm? ortar.??"'? m'bol f-r nranVng Christianity throughout the .American eanfinent- IItt",'t,i Tune 7. ,T'hc!:;ta', tempernn'! rvn rntion. adinmed wi'bont making a nomination, having rs'vel to puVish the letters received from tho different Candilites Tho fo'lowin-r wero the interroTaories ont. and the arswers of Inv. Bior.Kn. ard Tndo Pnr.t.orK-- 1. f0 you believe a lw prohibiting the manu facture and s of intoxicating liquors except for sicramental. medical, mod' ani.nl or arMtical rnr toscs. to be constitutional? and would i's cors'i'u tion'a'itv. in your opin'on. be affected by a sr.bmic sion of ifs repeal to a vote of the people, provided mnjori'y voted in favor of the law? 2. In the event of your ejection, should the Le gislature caRct fu;h a law, will it receive your ex ecutive sanction ? GOVEItXGP. EIGinR.S LKTTES. ILinrisTPO. Trv. C. 1354. . G" a ilevi'n: I have been honored by tbercccipt of your commuiiicaf ion of the ISth ul'imo. pro poandinz to mo certain questions touching the sub ject of a Prohibator.y Liquor Law. To your first inquiry. I reply, that the Supreme Court of the -tate have renea'edlvh'eld. and I con cur in the doctrirc, that the Legi?'aiire ean ":.'er cise nil law-making power not expressly forbidden by the S!ate or Federal Cons'i'ution. I'hder thi construction. I believe the Legislature have author ity to control the manufacture and site of spirit oua liquors; but in the use of th it pawer. it must be obvious that a. law might be passed, which, in its details, would be a m"nilVst v:olition of the Constitu'ion. and hence th impossibility ofr swering your question distinc'ly, without seeing the esact terms of the proposed law. As to the second point in the iDouirv. it must be very cletr that a law. cbns'ifu'ional in itst-lf. -J would not be ren lered otherwise by allowing the , people to decide by vote whether the Legislature should repeal i: or not, no matter what that vot3 might be. To your second inqniry I answer that T sincere ly deplore tho evils of intempiTar.ee. and urn nov willia.,?, as I have alwsys been, to sanction any measure to miiigate. and, if posible. entirely re move the vioe. but I c irnot plale mypelf to sanc tion a law, the details of which I h ive not .ecn. The terms of the Consi:ut:on and oath of ofli e would seem to forbid this course on the part of an Executive. lie should be free to judge of tho cor stitntiona'ity and wisdom of a propose 1 law fifter having fully examined andor.si lere'l i .s provision. Very respecifuliy, your obdient. W"J.T!'JliKB. To Stephen Miller. Jas. Plack. Jas Pi'.er, John Joucs, tico. AV. Stanton. Esqs., Committee. JCD3E POLLOCK'S LF.TTrP. Miltov. May rtnth, ISot. tjentlemen Your communicttion in refjr':nce to a proLibaioiy law has been lect-ived. antl in re ply, i s iy that ttc cor.st5nri.r..a-ity of a prohibi tory law. similar in its essential features to the one referred to in your itterrog itori s. having received a judicial dbterraiur.tiun by the highest Courts of several of our siss States, and the principl having bet-n recognized by the Supreme Court of tho Uni ted St.it.es. 1 ain relievesl from the respor.sioility of s first decision, a'hese Cour'shaving afEiincd tho constitutionality of a prohibatoiy law, and be ing of the highest authority. I believe, upon prin ciple and auhority, such a law to te eorstitutional: an I ils constitutionality, in my opinion, would not be affected by a submission of its repeal to a vote of tho people. Everv measure cf moral or po'iticnl reform, sanc tioned by the representatives of the people, within the limiis of the Constitution, should receive my official sanction. The expediency and pror,riey of such laws are for the people, through their repre sentatives ; and their will, constitutionally declar ed, should be respected by tho Executive. If the people demand, and their representatives enact such a law: their will should not be resisted by the ox rjiso of the veto power a power purely conser vative, and only to bo exercised in caseseleurly un constitutional, or exh'bLing indubitable evidence of hasty, injurious ar.d irperfect legislation. Such being my views of offleial duty in the premises, should the Lcgv-slaturc, the cons itutional exponents of popular will, eaict such a law. it would, in .the event of my election, receive the Exoeutive sanc tion. Yours, very respectfully, 4 Jawe3 Pollock. The business committee in the af -orjoon report; ed a scries of resolutions, approving of tho letters of the Whig and Xative c.indi lates far (governor. rnd declaring ii inexpedient to nominate a candi date. They, deem the letter of Gov. Uig'er uls;U iofwtory. Tho ros-jiu'ions were, aTer a long disenssioc, adopted, an I the convention, at 11 P. 21., adjourn ed s.'it Jie. Th Ada' a c ivtioa ai i C -ha. There is an evident determination on the pirt of the Administration ,lo plunge us into a w tr with Spain. The Washington ' Union of Wodaesliy contiias another vi lent article on Cuoi, v.itn a vie-.v of prepiri.ig the p-blic mind for tiie b?l!igerent mess ige-which it b iien Jetei-mined to send in, aa soon as the 2.'eTisk-i bill is dispose of- We are to turn buec i.ieers for that is the proper term, and, with se ireely the shadow of an excuse, take possession ol Cuba, sinydy becmse we desire it, and will ill another slave State to the con f e iercy. The Washington correspondent of tha Journal of Cammr-:, always reli ible when foreshadowing the action of the Administra tion, siys, "there is reason to suppose that the President will send to Congress after a week or two, a Message about our relations with Spain firoposiJig uostile measure. The tone of the President's Black Warrior Message of the 11th of March baa been constantly main tained in the Union, and,' therefore, it is be lieved that, the Union represents the President's views and purposes when it promises to urge ths immediate blockade of the Cuban Ports, upon the refusal of the Spanish to afford ra paration for the alleged "piratical outrage" upon the Black Warrior. Thai the demands of Mr. Socle are rej ected, there, can be no doubt. Hence, it is suppose! that we shal! have a sequel to the Messige of the ldth of March, and in a mora definite manner. The Messige of the. 1 1th of March proposed that provisional powcia be given to the President. The nouse Committee on foreign Affairs have declined noticing this proposition, or the mes sage itself in any way. The President will next make his poposition, it is thought, defi nite and specific." A Free Soil State Conve.ntios, which met ( at Pittsburg a few days ago, has nominated for Governor, David Potts, Jr., of Chester; for Ca- lal Commissioner, George R. Riddle, of Alle- Isaeny; for Supreme Judge, William 31. Ste phenson, of Mercer. -' 3oie-aor ".-e-' 5'irci-. TeaeraMe " -'-":' cctise ittr-- . We do not mean by the above healing thatJejv.. T!igTerha3 been kP.lel outright; that portion of h' l-:stDry'will bo Trit'en np on the sjeont Tnejliy'ef October next, by an ia lignant in 1 oanged pccrle. T?ttt wc do a'.!e that s:ncc the Marih conventton he has be?D m:35"nr on every irafortatet q-.estlo.i that irtcr3'3 the country or agitatc3 the cone acati fy; and'up-to t'lia time no D-naocwis papcrth.it Vs come to our n-it,iee. ha t-ken sufiieient interest, in Liswelfire to notice 'he fearful loj. Now we ikctblsE3 very nnkind -in the editor? of tho?o jr-irna'j. If they arc acqnainted wi;h h'13 tc't'rr ftTo"tx. vry ro rslievi .tfc suspense and apnre her"!:on of h'j f.-icrls? If tbey are i jnorer.t of his rrs:'ion. why rot off -r a suit ible remuneration fcr tl"? discovery ar.d Tfere"urn of the fugitive? The tr.i'h is'that the Wilt pros? must have spec lily and definite information a? to his locali'y. as they bnve.several important accounts wi'h him that re nu'u unsc'tlsl t and if oar Pcinoeratie friend? do not produce the truant within a week or two, we p'mll either offer a reward for him- on our "own hook," or publish him as a defaulter. But per haps our neighbors of the Un:o'i or the Pi'irmy' rjv'w, or some other Dcmocratie paper, can en lighten us: if so will they bo so" kind as to answer the followrr r questions : , " Is ov. Bigler in favor of 'or opposed to the Doug las Nebraska bill ? Is he for or against the sale of all the improve ments be'onging to the Commonwealth ? Why did be veto t'-ie charter of several Savings Banks during the last session and sign others of pre cisely the ssme character? Why did he during the sitae ses3ion veto an a mendmcjit to the charter of the Cash Mutual Firo Insurance Company of Harrisbnrg. and sanction several charters of other Insurance Companies con taining the s:sme provisions ? But we will rot lengthen out tho lesson for the present; if wa receive definite answers to the aTovo interogatorics, they shall soon hear from us again. Pollock,s principles are ' known and read of all men.'' lie is opposed to the infimous Nebraska scheme, and against the extension of slavery. He is in favor of a judicious and immediate sile of Public Work3t lie is against the indiscriininatg interference by tho Exeeutive with the action of the peoples Representatives, and is only in f ivor of using tho veto power when such actions bears upon it3 face a violation of the constitution, or indubi table evidence of hns'y, injulitious and defective legislation. We and the people of Pennsylvania demand of Gov. lii gler and his friends an open a vowel of Lis position on these important questions. Shall wo have it? llj.rriahurg Telegraph. Abuse of tub Fr.vnkixo TriviLrnE. Thte Cleveland Pleindealer thanks the Hon. Ed. Wade, M. C. Iroin Ohio, for a public document under his frank, eleven inches wide, fourteen inches long, and four and one-fourth inches thick, weighing twelve poinds avoirdupois! It is a copy of the census report, unabridged, printed, bound, creased in a wooden box, and trtnsported there Irene Washington, all at the expepse cf the government. -The original cost of this bo ok, as it came from the Printer's hands wr.s 00 50 53 Cest of enveloping and boding, Transportation, &.c, Tni?l, S30 00 The editor cf the PI iindenler, who is also Post-.nasttr at Clevel ind. and may be supposed to know the fact, steles that ccrt-'otds of these huge volumes are traversing the country .in ever- direction, free,' to say nothing of the lesser stu Tsailing under the franking privilege of members of Co.igress. And still, in spite of the reinonstr?nces and even threats of the people, these members of Cot'.gress are con triving schemes to rais the rites of postage beciuse the present system dots pot pay ex penses, but never thinking'of the propriety of cutting down or tibo'isliitrg their odious and unjust franking privilege. We1! rati and True. The Lebanon Courier very pointedly and truly siys "At the adjournment of the Legislature, Bigler stock was d.cidedly lielow par. "The most intelligent Democrats admitted that, so far as jmi opinion could be formed at present. Pollock, s chance for an election tre decidedly in the aseend int. The f ict is. Bigter's own party is disgusted with him, and thousands of them, from present indications, will not sup port liiiii. It is only the portion of them that c:n jswallow him without an uneasy retch ing. We trust that the day for such men to rule the State of Pennsylvania has passed for ever, an 1 that here liter m n of ci ancter and ability will be sclecte I for that important duty. Tha'interes's of tho people n"d the character of the state positively demand a change." The Lou.nr; os,"TnriiD Ilct sz." The Xew York Ev-'niai? Pa' stys. ''There is a third llot.se at the seat cf Gov c Tiiv.'etit who .sell legislation by the wholesale c-retail. Of these people you ra iy buy l-ws Ly the piece or the s iuure yard, by the gross o.' single dozttn. 'If you are dcairous to have a otutue enacted for yi.ur particular benefit; they are read to get it pissed i'ur you, on con d 'ion rf being v. l! piid. A good sura of money i i hau l, end ;m assurmce of receiring a hanlsonie proportion. of vh it you make by tLe liw, will l ire you an . active company of snppers and miners, before whor.i the easy vir-tu-i i such a Congress as we have at present can hardly bft expected to stand long. The more you give at once, and the larger. propor tion of your future gains you promise, the su rer'you are of s access; the more ample will be the means of c:ijoling and 'corrupting the mem bers." The Barnburners moving. The Barnburn ers of Xew York arc miking preparations for the nextGubern ttori.il election. They are to meet in Albany ia a few days to lay down their programme. It is supposed that the sudden disappearance of Prince John Van Buren, and his long concealment, have been with a view of preparing lor a graud Barnburner demonstra tion in a-short time. Having nothing more to expect from Washington, they -are turning their attention to home affairs. . Lively times are expected. . r . . ' A Hit. Mr. Wentworth. of Illinois, has pitted the following' extrict from the pi it form of thi late Baltimore Democratic National Convention upon his desk in Congress, as de fining bis position upon the Nebraska ques tion: "Resolved, That the Democratic party will assist all attempts at renewing in Congress, or out of it, the agitation of the slavery question under whatever shape or color the attempt may be made." The CniVESE Emigf.atiov to California this soa son has already been quite large, over 4000 emi grants having arrived at San Francisco. At tbe last dates from Shangbae there werefiOOO more rea dy to leave as soon as shipping could be supplied. The publication of a newspaper in the Chinese language has been commenoed in California. V . .V"n'naL.i;i7..e inni"?; : i -T-'ue Daily. Xsns. say. tbel sarno; few.d?vs be fore the. eleetkn, Mr. McClay, who keep-saT WartJ house at thc earner ot Twenty-seconji and C '.newbi!! streets r.'.isod a very handst rr.e flig.with lettering ittitched to it--lTon. Hob ert T. CourAlior Mayor,'? &c 0a Wednesday night, a'Tara?l of disappointed Loco Foeos, ty firing ball t tbe blocks and rope by which it was suspestodj ; sr.ee ceded" in cutting d .wathe Am. while Mr. McCiay .and bis ljrrdly wete! asle-ep, uad-i-a the morning the lettered canvas.! with shred cf the fiig, was found ia the yard ol Mr. McC, where it nil been thrown by the villeins who bod desecrated it. the material p irt-tf it having been c trrie J C(Z Th t men shouLl be dis ;t prtir.ted wjien de feated, is quite natural, but th.t they bbouli. turn to le thieves ar.d brutes therefor, is rath er too rtuica for a renec'able c ramumty.' We understand that Mr. McC lay will ofl'er a reward for the vil! 'ir.ous authors of this outriige, an 1 we hope they maybe speedily detected and dealt with as tliev should be. The Ccmpt. Commander Plana, the distinguished astron omer at Turin, in speaking of the new comet which was visible there lately, mentions a cu rious circumstance in connection with the popular superstPion about the influence of comets over worl l'y atiairs. He states that when a Itrge comet appeared in 1416 just af ter the Turks bad overthrown the Greek Em pire. Pope Calixtus ordered public prayers to exercise both the comet and the Tcrks. A Cariots Dining EiJ!. We learn from a London paper that Profes sor Owen was recently entertained at dinner in the garden of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, in the modle of an Ignanadoa. The animal in whose mold the dinner was given was one of the former inhabitants of Sussex, England, several of bis bone3 having been found near Horsham. His dimensions have been kept strictly within tbe limits cf an anatomical knowledge. . The length from the -snout to the cad of tbe tail was Go feet: be was 12fcet high: the circumference of bis body was 2 "i feet ; and the girth of bis fore leg fi feet 0 inches. Twenty one gentlemen -dined comforttbly wit'uin the interior of the creature, and Pro fessor Owen sat in bis bead as a substitute for brains. Cfiiia! D-rflotr-y' ol ClrielJ Coty. PRESIDENT JCDSE: IIox. James rjcnxsroE. -' - - Rel'c'ontc. ASSOCIATE JLEGF.S: llov. Ricnro Sn tw. ... ClearSeld. IIox. Joax P. Hon. - .- - Lumber City., ' PROTHONATORY: Ac. Witliam roRTEn. - - - - Clearfield.' SILSRIFP: William PoweitJ - - . - ClearEcId. COMMISSIONERS: Ro"EiT- Meuaffey. - - - - T-owcr. SvtcE'. SeaoFP. - - - - Jeffries. PiULiP IIeviveu. - - - - PcnnfiolJ. COMMISSIONER'S CLERK: '"; Geougs B. Gooplander. - - - Lnthersbarg. PRO-4ECUTIN3 ATTOltNEY: L. Jackson" CRars. Esq. - - Clearfield. . COUNTY SURVEYOR: ThosvRoss, Fsq. - - - - Curwccsville. . COUNTY AUDITORS: fi ro. W. Scnorr. .-- - - - - Jeffrie?.. C. KnofZEH'. - ' - - - - Clearfield. J. II. Setler. - - - - - Luthersburg. Arii.-&1 ar.1 Serarttiro o t.e eTalls at the ; - ClctriiOid Pcst-Cfd-o. . Tvroxr. Mail: Tjenves every day, Sunday ex cepted, at 7 o'clock. A. M. Arrives at 6 P. M. K APTaorsi:: Leaves ClearClcd,Friday at 8 A. M. Arrives. Saturday at, 6 P. M. Smith's Mills. Leaves Clearfield, Fridav at 6 A. M. , . . Gb iamtox: Leaves Saturday at 9 A. M. Arrives same day ati P. M. tuirkrfe PIIILADliLPniA. TlESPAV June 13. Frour, per bbl. Rye Flour, " " Corn Meal, 44 Wheat, per bush. Rye. sesree at Corn. scarce 44 Oats, scarce 44 $9.12 to $4.o0 5.75 4.00 2.10 2.20 1.15 CLEARFIELD. Tceppay, June 13. Flour, per bbl. S10.2i Wheat, per bush. 2.25 - Rye, 44 44 1 .25 Corn, 44 4'' 1.121 Oats. 44 44 .C2i LEMlSERTRArE. Lumber m selling at Port Deposit, at from 10 to I4c. Slow safes. . . SVBBATH CONVENTION. Those in favor of he better observance of the Chris'ian Sabbath are requested to meet in Convention -in tbe Pres byterian Chur;h at Curwt!svi'!e. "n Saturday," tbe fir.-t day of Joiy next at 1 1 o'clock. We carr.es ly hope that every township in the Cciin y wiii be I.irge'y rcpresenfe-.l. Jierj.-fmin i-psckmf-n. Feiiry A uvhinbaush. ,T." ??. Caldwell. A. .T. L-rich. I'. P. Thompson.: AV. H. Robertson. T. If. FleninS. W. M. P.ccdy. C. W. Rhe.sr.iK. Rev. C. I'ieLI. Lev. S. M. June, 15. 133 1. John I? Ilisev. W. A. Bloom. J. H. Flerairr. ;. k. Woir. P. S. Fleming W. A. Reed. M. Woods . B.OS3 Reed. Hot. .1 Ilnrr;'4on R v. lleuitia e r-. Coopti'. MA. FRANK, JUSTICE ov THE PEACE,- Clearfield. Pa.,. Office in '-Shaw's Row." June. 15, 1834. , ; TTAMES (.'KOWTII El?, a? PEACE, Curwemville, Pa. -Gool Intent Hotel." JUSTICE OF THE Cfiiee opposite the IJuKe, 15. 13M. G)f Rarrels New Orleans Sugar. at-Siipencc per 4v pound, for sale at tho Cheap Store of A. M. IIILLS. ryiUOMAS II. FULTON & CO. Merchants, and JL extensive dealers and manufacturers in lum ber, Laid hills' Post Office. I May i'"), '54-1 y. II RUCUER SWOOPE Attorney at Law. For M. Mm merly of the firm of Scott & Swoope, Hun tingdon. Pa. Cffico next door to. and over Esquere Wrigley's, Clearfield, Pa. "May 2 '54-ly. TIL LARIMER Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office-with John L. Cutt!. Van door to Pa. Dr. 11. Lorrein s Drujr Store, CJearfic-ld, - May 25, '5f-ly . T7E ALL TAKE II LjENSACX. Ilobensack's - : Woim Syrup and Liver Pills for sa'e by June 1.1, '54. ' - M ).SI)P A P'JTTAltFF. ilULGK DELAINES. A superior article'of Rcrege Delaines in dress patterns, at 25 cents per yard, never sold in this countv befora for b-ss than 50 ccuts, at MO.-5SOP t POTTARFF'S. June 13, '54 1 fl Lags of Coffee, just received atj l for sale J.JV at the New Store of A. M. HILLS. June 14, '4. "Oflcwt- Bacon for sale at the sign of the JLUL7 CHEAPEST GOODS. WM. F. ffiWIN. June 14, '54. ' FTOVIANCE'S Stock ia.oow complete, From liM-'e opses-.vf ry neat .. Trt ToTTira Of-tTTgitmewrionev- - Stitoblo fer high pi-a'fn.iocs. C ane on, I.aiies ctme on. Nentsi; - Ccie cr evsry ni.u or socaeA - . MA get Imrrejricrs of jaui fae-??. To show .your fi ioi-ds your many gracc. -The dress is better to be t;k: 1 - ?ut brewn cr fed ia just the rark. Tor these tbe contrast plainly show? " Jn'weeT: the t ard the C'9$t. It s w 1 e'nor.ah tl e Suii shonld faine,' . Put ?f i don't, aiid clou Je .be rifv. We'll t die yonr pi.-tur i to the life." ' 'Those TiKle S'k... Vt'cpt.jVi, -: ?b u'.d never-come,. "tiiidst clouds end shades. Put xrhv.i the'nio'pcxsh 6rt&rks, Pis brightest vale-3 cfs on. srise And bring y.bur l're d'fs to me Ar.d br'jd-tcH pb'tur yon shall sec. Arotter'theme tbe tasv. sugjgests, To put all g'oW'ihg' doubts to rest. Such lore inep as somnli-s feeL I est wicked craft fresh fioia the deel Should be invoke 1 in rlaee of art, . And made to r.ot a i'y part, - Are told with cor.scienco clear of evil ITc JtJve no rf'-.t'imr. vith the dkvjl. . . Gallery, 2nd, St.. 2nd deer rorth of Powell L Co's Store. June 13..1S54. tf. ft: aiicite.aea ; t.rtiie.f AnaDunweo-ea, THAT the largest, cheapest, ar J best sisort?ieiit cf Goods ever brought into Cleai ficld conoty. hhve jart arrived, and are ofTere-I for nale. at the New rtere of tbe subscribeia. nerr the Journal 'iffiee. Cleai field. Pa.- N.ver Ufore la? a more brilliant, and at the tame time a 'cheaper lot of Goods bef n offered to ibis con muidty. 'i beybave ull Lee-n selectvd wish a vie w to the watts and l e-cessi.ie-cf tbe people of this particclar locality, after long experience, and iLtimate aeqtfairdanco wilb tboir I usiness conneetioi:3. l)ry Goods of every variety, Dresi ffools. Cloths, Caamere-3. at.d Clo:hiLg: l oots and Sh Of S. Ilais and Caps. I onnets -and Shawls, together with a large 8i;d splendid assortment cf Queersware, Hardware and GrceriPs. - - -.- ' ' Defying all competition, they sc'icit their fiier.ds ar.d the public to give them call end er.amtiie their stock. MOSSQP i PulTilKFF. June 11, 1354. ly. '. dF.MENDOUS APPLAUSE FP.0JI TItE ni l Nl.W ARKIVAL. Isaac JonST0t would respectfully inform Lis frienila and iLt public gen era! !y tbet bo fca3 just rt;tv.tr.t-d f.-cra tie 1 u.'t, where he has pnri.bocd the most t.j.lei.c'i 1 assort ment cf Boots i Shoes ever brouguc Jo ClearlivH. i-very variety oi Ladies s'.ippera, . gci'.era, 1 3 ic. Ac Mens fancy shoes, and g-.ite.-s. wi.h a:i excellent ussrtmc-nt oi heavy s-.o".k, all edapttd to the wants cf iLc ptopie of Cie.iiiei 1. . He hopes fcia fiiends will gtve blii a ci""t L:8 store in "Shaw's r.o-.v" ui.d tsamii.c h3 scil:k. Juno 13, itiM. - - v '...,;. -1. . TilE GOOD IMTENr HOTEL, t: d 3cr.gc Crrwcr.svillo. Pa. Tho Subscriber wuti'd :'r foim Lis fiitnls and the public tba-, l.e tas jest re fitted and re-famished his honse p.ti 5 a prep-.rel to render every attention to the travclliag crtn:inu nity. liis bar contains liquors of he C'-st qr."..;r, pad his table wi.l always oc supplied wi;h tho bcrt in ni&ikct. He respec'ful'y solicits h's fi iends ar. 1 obe- to givehimacalL WM. R-FLEMitZXS.- . June-14, '54. , - ' . A.' -VI. iliLt., JJ. II. r4. UEJO iA -.irr Sj cial Teeth. Lorn one to a full set, t.our.- ted in tne irost appoved meiern ty!. - ' - 4 Fillicg, filing, aud Cltanicg done, with care and iM-arness. ...... Teeth extracted with all tk-3 care and 'di?patch modern science can fi raish. ' . '. v DH. UILLS. can alway3 bo found -a his tCce. rs ho ii? now devoting Lis nhale atthtif.n to Lis . profession. "(dnae 14. .'54. TVTFW FIRM. GI. AH AM 4 WA1S0N, have just i'5 opened a new and splendid aWirtment of goods, at iheir Store in .Grahama-oa, consisting of i.adios Dress Gool3. CJoths Cas.siiaeres. I'ar lnare, Queti.swaie. iJr.-eiie. Roo. -Skees. Oil3. Pf-iuts, atd every other ar-.i It ui-uaUy. kept in a eonBtry -.tore, where they ofi't-r for sa'e . as cheap, if not cheaper than sny oihcr Stor? in tho County. AH kinds of produce and lumber t:,kcn in exenange far Goods. "" C. M. GRAHAM. - - yjAS. E.WATSON. Grahaniton.'June 14." ?51. " '- - TVfLW FILM. TROUT MAN A "ROWF.. House, X tl Sign and Ornameniat.1 Pairittrs. Glnaiers, Chair mukcis, and Pajer Hanger, tffer their ser- . vices to tl.e citizens of ClearCtld ar.d viciuity. Shop next door tvtlie Jew's Store. They keep constantly on baud, and make to 'or der every variety of Cnr.ir. Lounges, Lofas, divans -Ac. Ac. Cane ai:d Spring bottom chairs, and pofas mad a equal in beauty to any that caa h obtained from the City, and more durable in woTLmonship ar.d material. JOHN TI CUTMAN. June 14, '54. Iy. R0LERT R0WE. EHO'S COMMERCIAL HOTEL. No. 18, South Sixth St. Philadelphia. Ihe subsctiber has recently enlarged iid fitted up bis house, aud - Is now eriblel to compete successfully, with any es tablishment in tuo City. Ilia rooms are comfort able and wll ventilated, and his table furnished uiih the best ia the maiket. He respectfully soli cits the lar,;e circle of hi3 Clearfield frici-ds ;o give him a call when they visit the ciy. JAC03 G. LED0. Juno 13. 154 ty. .; , VOHN ii. MOittiOvV, Cabinet Maker, fcftop-oppo-. site M. E. Church, Clearfield, Pa. keeps con stantly on band and makes to order, all kduds of Furniture, such as Tea Tables. Card Tables. Cen tre Tables Sofa.". Spriiig Seated CLairf, Fedsteds, IJureaus. Wash Stands. Cupboards. Safes, wtc.-.tc. Coffins made on the shorwst oiiee. acd Funer als attended. . . . JOHN R. MORROW. June 13, 13:4. It. - ' ", "B'AMES RIDDLE GtKD-.ei Attorney at Law, eJ ha3 removed Lis office to the room adjoining in the Lust, the Drug Store of Dr. II. Lorsin. and will devote his whole attention to the practice of bis profession: He tncy be consulted 1.1 Prou-Ji atd Gsnnnt. ' l-June 13, 'il.-ly.' 1 !7 S DLXDY AiiorLi-v-at-Law. ClcarCeld. Pa. will attend faithful! to all ricfctiioiial- bu uir.ejd entrusred to his cari?. 'nno li, '4. ty. "tf" R. McENALLY Attorney at 1-a-w CSo nearly opposite Jirlge Wright s Store. Clear tic'.d. Pa., practict-S in . Olearacld and adjoiting count?.?. Jane 13, '54.-ly. C'1LAP O,0 T i 1 1 N G A largo lot tf Cheap Clo l thing, Men's and Rovs, for sale e.beap. by Juno i.i, 'j1. MOSSOP &, PtjTTARtF. . B LAClIEEKltY BRANDY. A certain cure for the Dvsentaxv. for sole bv uno 13, 4. MUSSOP i POtTARFF. - GX1US AT CITY PRICES. If you want to get all kinds of Goods at city prict-s call at june 14, "a4. M0S3OP A POTTARFF'S. 6,( t iiatrcis Lij Sugar, for slo at - " June 1 L 54. T f( Sacks Salt, just received at the Cheap A lit Store of M0SS0P A POTTARFF. June 14. M4. . . . k ' TJ JACASON CRANS Attorney at Law. Of- - .ceiueacc, vieaite-il. fa. . ' ' May 2rt, '54-1 y. - JAMES B. GRAHAM Merchant ocd'extemiv dealers in lumber, (irabninp ten. P. O., dear field county, Pa. - I May 21. '5-!-!y. TBI 0 SHOt MAKERS. A fine lot of f par.:sa Kips, JL Men and Women's Morocco i.itk trimmings, and Sole Leather, for sale cheap, by June 13, '54. 'M0SS0P4 POTTARIT. D1Y BEEF, of the best quality h:st received and for sJe at W. F. Iuwis s C-Leap Store. June 14, '54. - STONE WARE, of every varietv. cheap for eaeh at the Store of - . , V. F 1 1WIN. June 14, '54. - , . - - . - 100 Barrels Fish, for sale at the Uheap Store of -- - s W.F. IK WIN. June 14, '54. !1 h 1 - i -I 4 V Ml . --".' . . n n II