American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, September 22, 1817, Image 4

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EN YEREAS: it a0
’ Kieivnt Ase FEA
‘within this Comnionweaith T1tas enjoined
on tiie Sheriffs of the differt counties to
give public notice of such Elections to bef
“held, and to cnumerate. in such notice!
what officers are to ba elected : T al
: ihr WiiLiax ALEXANDER, Sheriff
e/ county do hereby make kaown
cand give public notice to the Electors of
“the. counties of Centre and Cleartield; tha
za Ut cheral ‘Eicction will be held in said
couiities, on the Second Tuesday of Octo.
ber next, being the T4th day of the month.
‘at'th several ‘election districts of sai
counties, at which time the qualified: Ecc
tors of said countics will elect in conjunc
_ tion with each other,
‘person for Governor, for the Com}
monwealtir ot Pennsylvania.
_ Oue person for member of the house of
iprostiaiives, of the commonwealth af
Lv Apdthe qualified ‘electors of Conve and
K Clearfield counties, will elect separately
~ for cach county one Commissioner and one
Badin | ior cach of “said counties,
The Eleciors in the county of Centref
will take notice, that the election’ will Le
Beldat the totlowing places, vig,
For the district composed of the township}
of Hains, in the town of Aaronsburg, a’
the house of Christian Meare,
The district composed of the township |
“of Miles, at the house of Zachariah Lesh, ;
"in the town of Re bersburg.
The district composed of Potter towa-1
shim at the house of John Benner (Oid}
ith distri ict composed oF Fora usion town,
“ship, at the Louse of John Waggoner.
‘7 The district composed of Half moon and
Patton cownshup, and all that part of Rush)
township. lyiug east of the Allegheby, aff
the house of Abraham Elder
The district composed of Spring town-
j Sha and. the borough of Bellefonte, at
the Courthouse in said borouvh. aN
The district composed of Boggs town
sb ip, at the school louse wn the town of
* Milesburg. Bi: i
The district composed of walker town: |
ship, at the House of William Smith,
“The district composed of Howard town-|
i ship at the house of Fredetick Shank.
AG the distriet composed of BaldEagle
y Tu at the house of Samuel Morrison |!
Do ‘Elec tors of Clearfield county
requested to take notices that by an ac!
af the General Assembly of 1816 the
dott will. ba heid at the following
" Bacavia towiship, and that part of
i Big tord township. lying south ot an cas:
The, begining at the mouth of Wheat jad:
Run ard runing to the Mushannon creck,
“be a seperate election district, apd that
the electors thievcok shall buld (heir general
ech on at the house now occupied by
John Cree i Bacaria township.
«That part of Rusii township, in the coun-
ty of Ueutre, lying west of the Allegheny
moti, and all that part of Bradford
township in the county of Clea ficld, lying
Simobth of a line begining at the mouth of
-wheatland: run and runing to the Mushan:
mon creck in the county of Clearfield, be
‘a seperate election cistrict, and that the
electors thereof shall hold their General
election at the house ‘of Gorge Smell, in
Brad ford township.
And the district composed of that pact of
Tawra ce townshipin Clearfield county)
lying on the waters'of the Simnamal ong}
ji Begining at the north east corner of Clear |
© Beld county; thence west to the district
“line berveen John Cannon and Hunters
district; thence south by said line unto a
~ beach corner of two surveys in the name
of George Mead, No. 6294and No. 5295;
thence north along: said line to the place |.
of begining, at the house of Hugh Coleman
dort, at the forks of Sinamennving, | in said
: “And that the electors of old Chinclicia:
meose township in the county of Cicar-
field shall hold their 6G jeneral election ai
the house now occupied by. Williarn
‘Bloom jus in said Connty. :
+ And in and by an act of the: Caer As-|
‘sembly of this state. passed the 17th day of s
~ Maveh, 1806it is directed that the Tospec-
tors of the said General Elections, shal”
be chosen by ballot, on Friday next prece- |
© ding the: firs Tuesday in October, 4 the
“ing the 3d. of October inst,) at the se
eral election districts ; and the elgction o
at such inspector shall he held by the re:
spective const ables, (who: are required 10
i give at least ‘one week’s notice Lot such
* election) assisted by two Qual: fied citizens
\ ehaSER by such citigens quallified vole!
as shall be then present Ard the In-
speciors | chosen are requested to bo at
‘the places of their! districts, on the day
of the General election, ‘aforesaid, at 9 o’
Clock in the marping, ie do and perform
He dunes Begairs ed of they me
hree Jonrneymen | Shoemnker
need apply,
mbigel Pennsylvania, enti 4 i
% An act to regulate the General ei Seti
18th day ol Sp iu Be y ap |
Lord, onc thousand eight §
‘and seveuteen cud ‘the 424 year
the {nde phidence cof (he Ji ited
AW illiam Alex ander,
THE subscriber offers for sale a valoa
fle Ore Bauk; well opens dy obdy ab Hl
1500 loads have yet been ta} Rei ote "Tht
are 18 of an. excollent quality, an a is sup
aosed fo be almost inex haustabic. “From
tone to ten ates of land will be gold with if
as may besp suit the prrchaser. For terns
of sale apply | to died A SCH oer ri ag net
THe P soperty.
¥ ii
Patton township, Ang] £25, A817.
ain 3
: Caution. foi
THE Public. Bre tdi ed aginst pur
haswg from Josiah Lamborn, the Ore
Janie and land advetiised Ly himfor gn?
n'the American’ Patriot of \his dayyas hs)
ile tothe jand in question will! be con:
: ested by
Betton ” sor. 5 31817 17
The. Shibsaiber: wishes to Eu 00
1s, “Lov - nl
generous wages and constant cmpity
will be given,” None Lut gor d world
§ Bellefonte, Aug. 18, 1817.
Special Court, |
AGREEABLY to he provisions. ofign
act of assembly, passed the i5 i ayo
March, 1816, a special | LCourt of Com-
mon Pleas to. Centre connty, tor ite dvi
of all causes in which the kon. Jhd » zc ‘Wal.
ker has been concerned as counsel; or 18
personally interested; as ordered aul ap-
commune and be holden at 3 siletonte, on
Mo: day the 20h day of October next, of]
vhich all persons: concerned wil please to
‘ake notice, Vig :
LV LO WREY, erty i
Bellefonte, Aug 2
Pursuant to the
ment of William Bro
ship of New Garden,
ter, deceased, witl be sofd at oats sale. on
the premises, the Ist! lay 0 September
next, at 12 o’cluck, ‘sex tracts.
situate in Halhuosh
ot Tor
Containing 240 acres, more. L “less, Bound
2d others.
NO ah Rd?
Containing 227 acres, more or fos
ded by lands of Thomas, Moore, J
Haggerty and otliers
Containing 161 adres, more or ods,
ded, by fangs of Jobn Spencer and of
Containing 65 acres. mote or less, bounded
by lands of John Spencer and others: i
Due attendance will be given by
Jesse. Sharp,
vec ul or. .
Halfmo er towns ship
| 1817. %
counties, of the jaws passed av the last sos
-{sion of the Lepishature of Peinsylvania.
came to hand this da ys, tO be delivered
the different officers, entitied. to copies
thereot ; all: of whom will please to appl
personaliy, : 25 reeeipts are to be taken or
their Sstivery: :
'Y; G. Lowrey,
a ro htitars
7d # : Ei 35
Prothonotary’s office,
os Reloate, Yur 14,1817,
; »
it - i ¥
{quality timestore land,
pointed by the hon. Judge Gapman tof.
5 Birmingham, Huntingdon
{Mr hry Cadwallader ; where th
re tend, by the Ist of Janniary next, to “com-
ot Ci less 1h his
\ of pid of p
gs Css Sui]
ed by lands of Hengy Toren, Losec Moors ;
jthatthe tion price will be given for the
same. “hig
{been this day dissolved.
aon gt NFORM their friends and the: pubiic
HE quota for Centre and; Clearfield i
to tho in
nasnity ‘exeita “hens to ingu
ab ree where they midy obtain & peec ag
or the malady, in the most SaiS) cp i asl
Slice? upd way 3
~ Docor Grige: os
a tha this remedy i is superint
‘41 others that have ever been in paatiiec
oe tblic, that he has succeeded tig Becwnally
uring near one: hundred persons in {bh is
tify, of the most dveadful of ail maladies,
ny of whom had despared of ever bbininiug
m the Alms House and Hospital of his
ia Without SUCCESS and now. wel
ect tall ly cured’ §
iy the affticted’s Hun ble servant
Daiel Gre ges.
N. B. Ref reice can be had of some
hundreds ofthe most YeSpectable citizens
ol Philadelphia.
g7> All editors of papers in his Stn te
will please insert the above once a week
ion three months, and send their agcounts
op payment as above.
~All Editors i in. the United gd will
subserye the cause of humanity by giving
the above afew Insertions in thew SE
ive papers.
September 5yi 1816,
‘Vor Sule
BC ovr 200 ACTS, | more o
less, called Baver’s Delight,’ situate in
_ {Ferguson township. Centre county, adjoin
Hine fands of Jacob Heuser, “Benpmiy
about: Ki ;
Whitehill and George Coble ;
ny wiles from Bellefonte. |
“The aforesaid iract of land is ofthe. first
“Its Improve wients
are, about fuarteen acres of the hrsu vate}
mieadow——an crchard of 70 bearing apple
TEC 5—0ne hi dred hewed logs, from 10
{to 14 dnches ace, 60 feet long; aud about
8000 shingles—all on the spot, and incom
iplete preparation for buildingga bark barn
'Tocre are inthe whole about eighty acres
of cleaved land, undermost excellent feu ce
{erms of sale wild he wade known. to an
person disposed to purchase. by
Ferguson township April 7, 1817.
4 A Foblic in general, that
e Pa apet-Making
4 in all 1ts various
: the experience th
business, and by payi Yevler attention
0 the same | and making good paper, they]
8 10 merit and receive a Liberal share
: who have been cristotiErs to th
of Tho Mill, will be iurnished with Paper
id usual | maoner; and those merchants
others v ho have been in the hab: tol
vg a Rigs are vespecitully infor co
Dec +26, 1816
The partnership ‘of John Rows and}
Son, Blacksmiths, has by mutual consent
“Those indebted
0 said firm are requested to siti thi
“John Rowls.
Richard Rol % ?
Raukin & Steel,
Bat ther machines aje in complote Oper
tion, for carding wool into rolls, at the ol:
stand in Be iefon er The price for caida
will be 8 cents per 1b. Those w ho ins
a distance may, by Wallin take thie
amae inroils. The ¢ i ougli a be Ww
wasted; ant plekee d cle n of sticks and ai
rd subsiances. ne pound of Be ad tw
<n ibs wool. Eo
Rankin and Sol: tender their sincer:
tinuks to al those who have herefo! ure kK
vered theme wilds their. custom, and op
Jf STIoE atientiog to business to merit
share of pusiié pa tronage, +
hinks it Ris duty to make it known to the}
the CANCER, within the last 2 yeas a ik
some of whom had been atteiulc d §
: {guital ar
feist Tolls 55 ‘siw mills; el vir
; eS Xe
i they ave ori hg i wee is
) hei Laurel Spring Paper & 4
3 9)
0 377 North Se coud Streut Philade Iphin 2
TUE Ss bgriber. rsp cy hid
is friends andthe publi: i general thay
{he Ladi nh ste house,
op 458 7 pus SHE os the Funiauta
ricer at Livi ERI Pipet Mill, on the
great aud SHEER vont Joon! Fittsbure
through, Bh king’ Valleys and Long’
Valleys past Crawl: Es and Jobrson’s
taverns 10 Beiefonte s Geant Ustad, Penn's
Valley. Nuititvmuber} and and the adjacent
county £ iy
“as a so pple. Mat BYEPY BPCessapyy
+ for the accormprodat oi of tiavels
lors du dothers'; and WH pry ster atten.
tion to © {use who may Bvic 11s house,
doh Stratton:
Ais by rns
mi i uh
wo m———
alo Volumes.
she re bh aye th eas 4! tisin
AST ers, 43 ull
public shied ud
Sy is BO CONT wn
in New Y.
#1 be supplivd with a
the: present somianct and
ant Kentucky belore the
' THE , pub;
1s Fain i
eodition ol t!
patiol Lag of COL
ih the ¢
(81 EE
close. $03
Wii ih ihe
Gratis pot iel ia
{ist Are pers
the delivery, they shall experience {rom
the gentlonen pespe lively, whose names
honor ‘the su beeript oily every facility which
iL may bed in theirgo wer to adord.
Besrone Tune y ! BIZ.
cuon of
ty Si Hise he »e
» LA d.
ie aid 5 5i¢ t
tia WW
steoe and
Wie Cun sidered
ated, that,
great cxpen
tlie pub-
1381 ipl ein Hr
Crs an cf
CPt :
dred and six!
ted Os thd No
creck; kar
BOYES, al ad ji] HCE, an
vii BWV Cots Bid at 8 bide ~Cagi
Mb ii: idk Cs VE SETI L
J i
3 Hes
The boit
oy; tit A
rn ills:
>t igises kin 1
i :
uiial : {the
consid rable
Ir tigtcied;
a aely of fruit
) Ronsest, ad-
Gs Te 1s g ‘ahle
. oi into. the Ww (st Bia dh
de scriptio n is o CIed Jung.
Cessary, os ho person will purchase with:
wr the BEcmiscs.
above property w: li Ae Sol very
reasonable. cdbe terms wiil be mude
known hy “ppl ing | to Jo 4 ger near Lie
one otlier tract ” opimproved | lime stone
fatid, containing FOUR HUNDRYD
cres, | ing to the South 1 Fast obi A alam
tide eis, Wm [alimoon: tow hip, sixtecn
6 om Bellefonte: “Fhis tract is o
ERE oh m quality, ics hand Sogn ely, and in
a grood sottiemdit; adjoining Abraham File
et und othevs, Rabért Elders who re-
des near the ; Jai, will show it to any per-
son who v nay app iy tole to view it
The above property will be sold chen
‘or Cash, and ah id sputablesiite given
hy the subscriber; living in Bald Eagle,
near Milthalt; {gitic county.
1d Joa Ws 24
LAT, $0 y ra Dik
o 4G
20 Dollars Reward.”
£ BR! CE at of th : eS Ta i of
vi on Monday the 18thol
af Hie A585 of
entre cons
$i = St 4 8
¥ DENN ;
| Bouts eet biol, stout made, has a full face
tk en iF ple , ii Cons ien-
ee, black | wid eyes, and laps lack h
Lf olskers. on when he broke jul
black fur nearly. news yitnw wait
E0at, 1 P a Oh pan ‘aloo, cons! £e ab y
seh ed Ary rson apprehendiig suid
may ands Siting bin wy atly Sait
: at i Cr £ by 2
{oY reve
prid if bios b id
oa. A
: oki Hy
{1 d
Ertan 8% all
L again
Ci and, at Ie eaton: at
¢ ehars AL
oo, X ANDi ER, she brig
gu¥g 3d, 8i7,
Rilie Be. hug i,