Rh ST & 5 "a : ; \ » BMI 0 dink 200m foro Madisen, % dollars 3 which heavas obliged wo qet is [Muautee, and eyary other respeetacie citi « counted, 10 meet his bauk cuniracis, at & fen whom the republicans « delight to hu « lossof from ¥2t0 20 per cent” toes” and entrust with their pnost importa I didnot receive at the Ume ulfuded to!concerns. The people, howevir, were no va much as $2000, aud [ was then and stitliduped by their wicked machinations then. am perfectly satisfied with tlic kind of mo inor will they now. Itis the same party ney I received in payment 3 and further I'with which we have now to contend, and never authorised any person to wake any the same principles which we have to sup- statement in the papers about it. Peter port. The question is, shall we return Schoot informed me that be made about 50 back under the domicion of federalism, or dollars on the money he got. shall we support our present demociatic JACOB SCHOTE. [system in Peunsylvania and the United ‘ Sart 5 AGIT States ; for the eyes of the whole union are Harrisburg, Sept. 5, 1817, on us —Qur adversaries, every where. kuow that the democracy of this state is the principal pillar upon which the demo- cratic administration of the United States is founded and supported ; and therclore they flatter themselves, that if this pillar was undermined, the grand fabric would soon after fall. We are confident; howe- ver, 1n the integrity of our party, notwith standing the defection of some, who onc: professed to act with us. We are per suaded the democrats of this great con mor wealth will turn out in all the fulies: Simon Sryden Yomes Yodo gurscives in ppabie. « Het commit the vo hale (0° jour cuntid nollection, nat doubting that the result will issue in he nappiness and safety of our flowishi ountry ard its unparalicled iostitutions, dic admiradon and envy of the world. le nion and vigilance are oply nceessary wo ensure our tigmph, : . , oH UA ol . ecraey; ana whether a few men of grea: wu hand equal intrigue; are to govern. or whether the government is to be contin ued on the principles of equal rights a- mong all clases of people. In Joseph Heister, you sce 2 man whose political principles, as long ago as the year 1790, were hestile to the equal rights of the people and to the principles ofa republican government. Since 1804 you have seen him openly, avowedly and ac- tively, opposing the democratic party, at every tlection, a man who professes to be a revolutionary character, and who never- ‘¥heless opposed the election of the repub- lican candidate Monroe, who was one of the earliest to take arms in the revolution- ary war, & who was severely woundedat the battle of Trenton: a man who professes to respectjthe German character, and who nevertheless every election opposcd the German republican candidate Simon Snyder. And in William Findlay you see a man “ — Resotved, That the following persnny be requested to éctas committees of vipis lciice, in their respective townships, for the purpose of providing and distributing t'ckets, and usin all proher exertions ip sccure the success of the foregoing ticket, For the borough of Bellgfonte—~Joseph Bader, P. Cambridina. Samuel Haviis, Joe, Micehelly Jeremiah Meno. Spring township—=John Adems, Wiliam Baird, Thomas Waddle, John MiKioney, Wm. A lams, Gilbreath Knox, Wm. Allen David! Mulier. Ferguson—TYrederick Dale, Wnt. Mur. ray, George Colemyer, Wm. M«Cieliand, Potter—Thomus Huston, Wm. Kerr, Am ERICAN Patniew « To speak his thoughts, ly every Freeman’sright.”’ 22, 1817, A ie a. Fin BELLEFONTE, SEPTEMBER Be cn + i eo Delegate Meeting. On Saturday the 6th day of September, "who has always been a faithful a firm and ‘an activé support of the republican caus: and the republican party: a man who has talents, and who has always employed them in the service of his country and his fellow cliizens in every situation iw which he has mst. the democratic citizens of Centre and Clearficld counties, in. pursuance of public ioilce, met at the places in each oi the wilowing townships, | for holding their ownship elections, and appointed ihe fol owing named persons to rect for them of their strength, and defeat the hopes of their adversaries. They flatter themselves that they have divided us, and that by ow division, that party who in the most trouble: seme times tried to sever the union, and E«q. Wm. Keutley; dos. Gilliland, Fredera ick Rinehart. ae Walker— Jacob Candy, Fi ancis ME ven, James Hutchison, 1sane M